#please bear with me i cannot draw feathered wings this was also me trying to practice as well.
dirusflor · 12 hours
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Suddenly felt for doodling Ichor as a random bird creature design that I pulled out of nowhere after listening to some cryptid speculative biology videos
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
if you're in the mood for requests i would absolutely LOVE something from the hidebehind au? (maybe including blindfold sex??)
Here you go! I decided to do this for monster march. We’ll figure this counts as prompt 18: claws.
All things considered, Duck is lucky. He’s employed which, given when the newspapers are calling the great depression raging across the country, is a blessing. His days are spent among the mighty trees of the Pacific Coast, he has a small cabin all to himself, and a cat to keep the mice away. 
He just wishes he wasn’t working for a fucking logging company hundreds of miles away from anyone he’s ever known. 
Winthrop Logging needed someone with an arborist or botanists training to make sure the woods stayed healthy before they were chopped down. So they pay Duck a fine sum to make sure diseases or pests don’t send their prospects toppling like dominos. As he traverses his usual route between the trees, he wonders if there will ever be a way to convince them to preserve some of the land rather than profit from it. 
He stops, studying a pine. There it is again, the feeling that someone, or something, is behind him. Watching. Waiting. 
It started three weeks ago, when he was deeper in the woods than usual, humming to himself and occasionally talking to the trees. The skin on his neck prickled, all his senses forcing him from his thoughts and into the present moment; something was there, tracking him as he moved. Not a bear, our a cougar, as the birds still called and the insects chorused. Whatever it was stood directly behind him, yet when he turned to look, there was nothing but the path. 
For the first few days he tried to spot it, never got more than a flicker in the corner of his eye. He came home exhausted, the day spent on high alert as the primal part of his mind demanded he remain on guard for the moment his hunter decided to strike. 
The moment hasn’t come, and Duck is growing used to the gaze crawling up his spine. He decided to ignore it, pretend it was just his imagination and some days that worked. 
Today, there’s no getting around the fact that something is peering over his shoulder. Twice now he’s felt fingers millimeters from his neck. When he feels them again, he reaches his arm back, eyes firmly on his notes, and grabs hold of his stalker.
Humans are not known for their speed. Indrid’s foresight showed this one as no exception, so when the man is fast enough to grab his leg, he chirps in surprise. 
“Fuckin knew it, there is someone back there.” Warm fingers smooth across the short down of his leg.
Indrid appreciates being called a someone instead of a thing, but not the position of Duck’s hand. 
“Please let go. That is my thigh you are grabbing. My upper thigh.”
The hand stays put, “Anyone ever tell you it’s mighty rude to stand right behind a fella when he’s tryin to work?”
“I cannot stand anywhere else, though the proximity is due to-”
“Uh huh, sure, just like you can’t help but play and hide and seek whenever I try to figure out what’s goin on. Lemme guess, you’re one of the other fellas from the loggin camp playin tricks on the new guy?”
“I am nothing of the kind.” Indrid contemplates moving the hand himself, but it feels so very nice.
“One of the locals then? I keep tellin you, I’m a country boy, I’m not gonna get scared by campfire tales or weird noises in the woods. Try that government fella instead.”
“What about the part of me you are touching suggests I am human?”
“Probably a left-over monkey suit or somethin’ from Halloween.”
“I am not a costume, I am a Hidebehind.”
The human pauses, then shakes his head, “No such thing.”
“You are literally touching one.” Indrid stamps his foot, frustrated by the turn this is taking and the fact that futures do not show the human believing him any time soon. 
“Don’t believe I am.” The human turns his head. Indrid’s body whips sideways, keeping him from view. The human holds on, tries again from the opposite direction, only for Indrid to be wrenched back the way he came. 
“Stop movin!”
“Stop trying to look at me!” He’s twisted to the side once more, wrenching the humans arm in the process. 
“Ow!” The grip on him tightens, “quit this fuckin game right now. You don’t lemme see you, I’ll drag you right back to camp with me.”
“I can’t!” Indrid chirps, panicked, the noise continuing into a wail of alarm at what might happen if he’s surrounded with nowhere to hide. 
His fear must register as genuine, as the human releases him with a sigh. After a moment he removes his hat, running his fingers through his hair but not turning around. 
“You still there?” 
“Why are you even followin me in the first place?”
A peek at the futures says the truth will be most effective, though almost all timelines end with the human telling him to “get gone.”
“I find you intriguing. You do not chop or hack at my home, you study it. You speak to the trees when you think you are alone. You look soft to touch, especially the fur on your head. I like looking at you and being near you. That was why I stood so close.”
“...You been followin me because you’re sweet on me?” The drawl, as soothing as movement of water through plant limbs, seems confused. 
“I do not find you sweet. I could only do that if I ate you. Which I do not want to do.
A chuckle, “Not quite what I meant. You been hangin around me because you think I’m swell and wanna get to know me. Guess I can’t fault you for that, I'm a decent fella to know if I do say so myself.  You got a name?”
“Indrid.” This is an unexpected turn of the timelines. 
“Nice to meet you, Indrid. I’m-”
“-Duck” Indrid says along with him, “apologies, I can see the future and am thus a bit ahead in conversations.”
“Huh. Well, I gotta head back to town. If you wanna talk again, I won’t mind. Just tell me you want to instead of lurkin, you hear?”
Indrid grins, “Yes. I hear you perfectly.”
“Fuck” Duck picks himself up from the dirt where he fell, brushing pine needles from his coat. He’d been angling for a better look at a set of roots and tripped over a different set in the process. 
“Are you alright?” A now familiar voice asks from behind a tree to his left. 
“Depends. You see me make a fool of myself by fallin on my face?”
“Then my body is fine but my dignity is real wounded.”
A laugh like spring breeze through new leaves, “I suspect it will recover. You do have quite a deal of leaves in your hair. May I help you with them?”
Duck nods. Slender fingers pluck at his hair.
“Ohhh, it is just as soft as I thought it would be.” Indrid murmurs, “does it feel nice?”
“Don’t feel like much--oh, uh, fuck, that does though. Feels damn good.” Duck groans as claws scritch his scalp. The first time he felt them on his shoulder when Indrid was talking, he tensed; The hidebehind isn’t small, and the claws suggest he could shred Duck to bits and scatter him across the woods. But after weeks of keeping him company, Duck knows the worst Indrid might do to him is steal too much of his lunch. 
The hidebehind, endlessly fascinated by Duck’s job, will sit out of sight as he works. Duck asked him if he only watched Duck the entire time. It turns out the creature draws as well, and Duck now recognizes the sound of a pencil under the rustle of leaves and calls of wildlife. Indrid also spares Duck dangerous climbs into the trees, offering to look at marks or discoloration and describe them if they’re too high for the human to see. 
Turns out he also gives a mean rubdown, his claws moving from Duck’s head to his neck, banishing the knot that’s been bothering him all morning. 
“I like touching you.” Indrid chirps. Duck hasn’t forgotten their first meeting; if a man had come to him with such flattering shyness in his voice and an interest in Ducks body, he’d have been in Duck’s bed by the end of the night. 
He’s not ready to take a hidebehind home, but he’s ready to tease one.
“Seems mighty unfair that you get to touch and I don’t.”
“You would have to close your eyes to so much as shake my hand. My form does not care how little of me you would see, it will pull me into hiding regardless.”
“Then I’ll close my eyes.” Duck does just that, tips his head back so Indrid can see it’s safe. One hand continues massaging his head, while a spindly arm reaches around his chest.
“Bring your arms up, towards you a bit more, yes, there we are.” 
Duck runs his hands over the limb; it reminds him of Manzanita bark he saw in the Sierra Nevadas, smooth but unmistakably of the woods. Towards the elbow the texture changes to soft, short feathers, like the ones on Indrids leg. 
The hidebehind tightens his hold, pulling Duck to his torso. More feathers prickle the back of his neck and the creature shudders. 
“You alright back there?”
“I...it has been so very long since anyone or anything touched me. I foresaw my body being sensitive to it but the intensity is, is-” he lets go so suddenly Duck stumbles, “I am sorry, it was too much and yet I wanted, wanted more.”
Images of Indrid surrounding him, chirping and purring as Duck touches him all over, flood his mind. The embarrassment in his voice keeps the arborist from acting on them. 
“You, uh, gonna show me that Saw-Whet Owl nest?”
“Of course, sweet human. Take the right fork of that deer trail just ahead, and we shall go from there.”
“I have something for you. Close your eyes.” 
Duck, still perching on the stump he was using as a lunch chair, does as instructed. Indrid sets a piece of paper in his right hand. 
“You may now look.”
An illustration fills the entire page. It shows a being with stick-like arms and legs leading to a narrow body covered in short, leaf shaped feathers in mottled browns and greens. The face is angular, shaded to suggest it’s dusted with fuzz, and leads to several stick-shaped horns. The eyes are wide and black, the claws long, and there are short, triangular shapes behind its shoulders. 
“Holy fuck, you’ve got wings?”
“Indeed. I do not use them much. I believe they help my kind migrate when our habitats dwindle.”
Duck traces the face on the paper, “How long did it take you to make this?”
“Two days, as the lakes I use to study my reflection tend to attract townspeople and loggers looking to take a break from their toil.”
“You did all this just ‘cause I said I wished I knew what you looked like.”
“Not solely. I...I wanted to show you it as well. So you might know the face of the one who, ah, whose days you brighten.”
Carefully, Duck folds the portrait and tucks it into the inside pocket of his coat, “Find I like my work even better with your company too, ‘Drid. Would you, uh, be okay if I tried to match what you showed me to what I can feel?”
An intrigued chirr floats through the air as Duck shuts his eyes and waves to the ground in front of him. A scuff and rustle of dirt and leaves, and then he feels Indrid in front of him. Cool hands guide his own onto the multicolored feathers.
“Correct.” Indrid moves their joined hands upwards, stopping on velvet-dusted cheeks, “oh, oh goodness, I have always wanted to be held like this.”
“Yeah?” Duck’s heartbeat is in his fingertips, “what else have you always wanted?”
“To, to be touched, to be known, toMMMphohh” a rough tongue laps at his lips as he pulls Indrid into an awkward, bowed kiss. 
“How’s that, darlin?” Duck kisses along what he thinks is Indrids’ jaw, “that the kind of knowin’ you in the mood for?”
“Yes, oh my sweet human you spoil me, oh” claws grab his shoulders, “I, do you really wish this, with me? This was in so few timelines I assumedAH” he squirms adorably as Duck gropes the feathers of his chest.
“You better believe it, sugar. It’s the weirdest goddamn thing I ever wanted and I want it, want you, more than I’ve wanted anything in a long fuckin time.” Curious and eager to fill every one of his senses with Indrid, he buries his face against his upper chest, finds skin beneath all the camouflage and bites down. The hidebehind keens, pulling Duck from his seat into his lap. Duck laughs, bites down once more and gets a nose full of fluff. 
“AhCHOO!” His eyes pop open on reflex after he sneezes, sending the hidebehind out of view and Duck flat on the ground. 
“Blasted physiology” Indrid chirrs, frustrated. 
Duck sits up, Indrid’s cries of pleasure ringing in his ears and giving him all kinds of reckless ideas. 
“Don’t worry, darlin. If my hidebehind wants to romancin’, that’s what I’m gonna do.”
He takes to wearing a kerchief around his neck at work. The loggers and company pencil pushers assume it’s an affectation, not a tool for covering his eyes for some uninterrupted kisses while deep in the woods.  Today, he’s not sure kisses will be enough. 
Duck woke up hard, dream of Indrid looming above him in bed fading into the morning sun. His hidebehind has yet to show himself, so the humans mind has nothing but his fantasies to distract him on his trek through the woods. 
He’s ahead on his tasks for the day. He’s five miles deep in the woods. And he’s got an idea. 
After rinsing his hands with water from his canteen, he leans back against a tree and undoes his suspenders, followed by his fly. Closing his eyes, he slips his fingers into his underwear, teasing himself and sending soft moans into the air. It doesn’t take long before he’s wet enough to push two up into himself with ease.
“‘Drid” he gasps, letting his head loll back, “‘Drid, fuck, that feels so fuckin good.”
A single leaf crunches in front of him, and his kerchief slowly slides up his face to shield his eyes. 
“It is about to feel much better, dear one.” Indrid kisses the top of his head, “Shall I take this shameless display as evidence that you wish for me to, ah, fuck you?”
“That it does. And I’ll have you know I got plenty of shaAAmeWHoah.” Duck flails as his pants fall down and his body flies up in one smooth motion. Indrids claws prick his thighs as he spreads them open, holding him against the trunk with ease. 
“So very polite of my sweet one to prepare himself for me. It makes this all the easier.” A round, bumpy cock teases his folds, pressing in with a stretch that makes Duck twist in his lovers hold. 
“Fuck, fuck, that’s so fucking good but holy fuck, are you packin a fuckin pine tree down thereOH, ohfuckdarlin, that’s, that’s as far as it’s gonna go.”
“Half of it? My, who knew my human could take so much? Wait, it is not too much, correct?”
“N-nope, just the right amount” the bumps rub every inch inside him, one on the shaft catching his cock as Indrid thrusts and wiggles his hips. 
“Wonderful” Indrid purrs, “I have dreamed of this all dayAHnnncareful” he chides after Duck bites the part of his arm he’s able to reach, “or I shall take you so roughly your back will wear imprints of bark for days.”
Duck whimpers excitedly, very aware of thick pre-cum dripping into him, “Yeah lets do that.”
He can hear the grin.
“If you insist.”
“FUCKohfuckohfuck” his hands scrabble at the tree and at Indrid’s arms, “that’s it darlin, that’s it, fuck, gonna give you the best goddamn rub-down after this, touch you until your body forgets what it’s like to be without my fuckin hands on it.” Leaves scatter in his hair and down the back of his shirt as Indrids fucking turns frantic. 
“I, I shall hold you to that AHhnn, sweet one, you are so tight, so deliciously slick and inviting, I, I am not going to last long, you are too perfect, just touching you makes me burn like wildfire” His thrusts sharpen, never pushing too deep but making Duck feel like a log split beneath an axe of ecstasy, “Duck, sweetheart, yes, yesyesyes” Indrid spills into him, cum running out of Ducks body and back down his shaft. 
For a minute, Duck is nothing more than a pinned specimen, spread eagle on the tree as Indrid shudders, purrs, and drags fuzzy kisses along his throat. Then his shirt rides up as he slips down the tree, but Indrid doesn’t put him down. Instead, a rough tongue glides up one thigh and then the other. The human gasps, gripping Indrid’s horns for balance as Indrid buries his face between his legs.
“Ohhhhhh, oh I do so love tasting how we mingle together.” Indrid’s breath is ragged and hot against his dick, “I am going to do this every day.”
“Please” Duck squeezes his horns, his orgasm painfully close, “please ‘Drid, wanna cum on your tongue, want you holdin me up while I, I-ohfuck.” His legs kick weakly as Indrid sucks him off, tongue lavishing his cock with so much friction he goes hoarse from moaning. The fact he cannot see makes it all the better, makes his world nothing more than Indrids mouth, his claws, his desire that wraps around Duck like vines. 
He cums, arching his hips into the “thank yous” Indrid presses to his legs. 
When his boots touch the ground, deft claws begin pulling his clothes into order, Indrid kissing and caressing him as he does. 
“Y’know, I can get my own britches up.” Duck ruffles a nearby patch of feathers. 
“I know, but I wish to take care of you. Hidebehinds are attentive to our mates, and while I cannot build you a nest, and I can least clean you up after you let me do something so wonderful with you.”
Duck wraps his arms around the cryptid, resting his cheek against him, “Would you wanna do this, uh, wonderful somethin again?”
“Of course.”
The human smiles, reaches his hand up to stroke Indrids cheek. This means he feels the hidebehind smile when Duck says, “Glad to hear it. But I’ll have you know, one of these days I’m gonna expect a nest.”
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awoken-artist · 7 years
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Artwork and Character Astral Eclipse and character design is rightfully © by me, Awoken Artist & AnimeEmm. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is © by Hasbro and Lauren Faust. DO NOT Post this Artwork of mine on any other sites without my permission. I will NOT allow Art Theft. Please DO NOT trace, steal, and copy this artwork. This is MY Artwork, My Character I rightfully own. Thank You for your understanding. Since The Eclipse Happened I decided to draw an Eclipse-Like Character. There was also a contest going on, on Equestria Amino involving it so decided to give it a shot and Holy hell I love this character already. I also thought it be interesting that this kind of Alicorn does indeed exist but would be considered as some "Fairy Tale" or "Legend" or whatever any pony would consider when talking about it to the other ponies even fillies and colts the story of the Prince of the Eclipse. So far as I got for him was this for story wise. [may come a time i'll do some updates]: Astral Eclipse was born into royalty when he was younger in a place outside of Equestria. In the stories they say he lived in an ancient lands where powerful Ponies would reside. Some would call it the Land of the Gods or Goddess's or Lands of the Celestial Beings. Many would try to go to the lands but none would ever return from the land they cannot find. Some say the land is hidden from all creatures and pony kind to prevent unwanted visitors into their homes. To prevent any fights, conflicts and also to prevent the greedy needs. Astral was born into the Celestial like Culture where many would bear many markings/tattoos onto their bodies, Signifying as they are Celestial beings, however even beings such as they will always have flaws of their own. Many outsiders would assume they are the perfect beings when they are not. Astral was named to be the prince of the Eclipse because of his appearance. His Black/Grey coat, his golden amber mane and tail with stars in them. The golden markings on his face and hooves. The Golden feathers in his wings. Astral had his struggles to prove he is the Prince of the Eclipse and many times he would fail to bring forth an Eclipse that was set in motion for him to bring. Though, he was indeed young. Still learning how to use magic even for a young Alicorn since young Alicorns with high magic can be uncontrollable and be hard to control and contain at such a young age. Astral did had his moments he questioned why he was considered a Celestial being because he wasnt that powerful. He couldnt do what he needed to in his homeland. He would be curious to leave his land to see the other ponies even though he was warned that many ponies or most even unicorns and creatures that can do magic can be greedy towards wanting his powers. He would try to practice his use of his magic and eventually got better at it even though theres times he couldnt do it completely. Okay So far thats all I got for Astral I want him to come off as a character that may come off as a "celestial being" even when looking the part but he has flaws into his life and he never is perfect plus he never considered himself a "perfect being" that many ponies and creatures would assume and think about him and his kind on the lands that was told in stories and such. Even in Myths. hoping that his story would at least make sense or be at least a little interesting. I did try and plus, like I said, I may end up updating it. Artwork, and Character Astral Eclipse, and character Design is © by: AnimeEmm | @emmy-seinoskei | Awoken Artist My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is © by: Hasbro | Lauren Faust MLP Unicorn Horn Magic Aura owned by: misteraibo
Programs Used: Paint Tool SAI
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