#player talk
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witchwildvargrave · 12 days ago
I've just finished the Minding Your Own Business quest and good god, Officer Singer absolutely takes the cake for the most absolutely useless adult in this entire game. I've pointed out how ridiculous it is that Sirona's cheerfully sending off a 15-year-old student to go meddle with murderous goblins with nary a concern, and how Professor Fig essentially leaves the 15-year-old protagonist to deal with things on their own for the most part, but there are a few instances in the game where the main character's identity as an underage student is acknowledged in the form of the NPCs not wanting them to endanger themself by getting involved in whatever troubles the NPCs have found themselves in. Some NPCs will tell you their woes but insist that you stay away because it's too dangerous for a student (Alexandra Ricketts in Troll Control and Edgar Adley in Absconder Encounter), or give in after you convince them you can handle yourself (Crispin Dunne in Tangled Web). I really like it when NPCs acknowledge the fact that the main character is a student, because it rather adds to the immersion.
It's why Officer Singer pisses me off so much. I can't fault her for letting two teenagers deal with the troll during the Hogsmeade attack because the first troll was very clearly intended as a diversion to distract the sole law enforcement officer in Hogsmeade, leaving the second free to wreak havoc—it was pure luck that the main character and their companion were available to deal with it whle Officer Singer was occupied with the first troll.
But then we get to Natty's questline, and she tells us Officer Singer says there's no evidence that Rookwood and Harlow are up to no good, and when Natty goes and gets that evidence she turns around and writes to Professor Onai berating her for not keeping a closer eye on Natty instead! What the hell! I get that as a responsible adult Officer Singer wanted to make sure these kids are staying safe, but the only reason Natty got herself involved was because she wasn't doing much in the first place, and she had no right to be reprimanding Professor Onai on how she's managing her own child! Report Natty, sure, let her mother know that she's being reckless and getting involved in dangerous things, and probably there's no harm in gently suggesting Professor Onai to keep a closer eye on Natty, but Professor Onai specifically used the word "berated", implying it's more than just a gentle rebuke, and that's just not on.
Then Minding Your Own Business happens and Officer Singer goes "You bought Cassandra Mason's shop?" all disbelieving-like, and it aggravated me so much I immediately selected the second response where the main character scathingly goes "I am perfectly capable of owning a shop, did you not hear the bit about the haunted dungeon trying to drive me insane???" Priorities, Officer Singer! Get them straight! I understand the scrutiny but she has this annoying habit of being dismissive just because Natty and the main character are students which wouldn't really be an issue if she wasn't relying on these students to do her goddamn job.
"But wait," I hear you say. "She's acknowledging them as students and treating them accordingly! Isn't that a good thing?" Yes! It is! I'm not bitching about that! I'm bitching about how she's being dismissive in one moment, and in the next she's imploring the 15-year-old student she was being dismissive of to deal with a rogue witch who has no qualms about killing said 15-year-old. And that was after being taken down by a single Stupefy! The main character's dealt with worse and got back on their feet mere moments later! How is this certified officer of the law so damned weak!
By no means am I saying that Officer Singer is a badly-written character on a meta level, mind you. I think it's good to have a mix of nuances when it comes to characters and their personalities and their behaviours, and Officer Singer is a good example of that with her dismissive and condescending attitude even towards adults (see: her berating Professor Onai), combined with her reliance on the same students she dismisses to do her goddamned job. You can't have all the NPCs sing the main character's praises, after all.
I can appreciate Officer Singer on a meta level, but as a player actually role-playing the main character? She's aggravating. So useless, ugh.
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hawkeye221b · 2 years ago
My DM called me ‘terrifyingly prepared’ and ‘a slight sociopath’ in response to typing out my 5 different contingency plans to either subdue, talk down or straight up murder a fellow player’s character now that one of their eyes got fucking Other Mother’d.
Yes, their eye is missing now. No, i don’t like and and yes, i’ve analyzed their character and class to make a battle plan (player in question is a Warlock... finally got a damn good insight that said this is Big Bad News.)
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heaven-helpus · 7 months ago
i don't think my blog is big enough for this but wtvr I'm curious
add what generation u r in the tags if u want 👍
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akanemnon · 6 months ago
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Shouldn't there be a minotaur in the labyrinth? Who put this goat here? This is not accurate to the mythology! /j
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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shithowdy · 6 months ago
if your "original story/rpg" idea is rooted in the premise of "what if [existing franchise] was good?" then just start over. i am not kidding. your ego is like insulation spray foam being inserted into the cracks of the premise-- sure it fills the gaps, but it's beyond ugly and everyone can see it.
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laurenluvss · 2 months ago
i need her so bad 🙏😩
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baeshijima · 3 months ago
being married to duke!blade is a feat inconceivable to many.
overseeing the northern region where monster outbreaks are high and temperatures are low, he is feared by many for not only his undeniable battle prowess, but also his cold and dismissive demeanour. from all the stories and rumours passed down from those who battled alongside the duke, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say his mere presence alone is sufficient enough to take on an entire army.
but despite his infamous personality, the young duke had made rounds within high society when he first showed his face. he was handsome, having that rugged appearance expected of a blood-soaked warrior residing on the battlefied, yet beautiful with a haunting allure — those crimson-marigold eyes of his can simultaneously bewitch an unassuming victim and bring the most prideful of monarchs down to their knees.
and, as expected of someone with such descriptors, many of the nobility found themselves drawn to him in spite of the rumours which clung to his very being. noble ladies wished to be the first he ever danced with, while many families seeked to gain even a morsel of his power through arranged marriages. relentless as they were, none succeeded in swaying the stone-cold duke.
and stone-cold he was upon your first meeting, albeit in… less than fortunate circumstances.
having meandered around the foresty northern borders not too far from where your family estate is, you certainly were not expecting to stumble across a rotting corpse smack-dab in the middle of your path! okay, well, rotting may not be the most suitable term, but the slumped body, battered and bruised and bloodied, you accidentally kicked was very much a corpse.
you had contemplated leaving the body there but, upon seeing a bloodied insignia of an all-too familiar ducal household, you decided you wanted to live a little longer. of course, this led to you lugging a slumped, muscle-packed warrior of a man all the way to where your estate was, heaving and huffing with your body trembling under the weight.
(to say you were just about ready to collapse when the family knights spotted your emerging figure was no understatement!)
whisked away into a guest room near your own, your parents called for the family doctor immediately. when the blood was cleaned and his wounds were wrapped, the sight of his injuries mending themselves was sure to be a sight you would never be able to rid your mind of. it was a strange but intriguing phenomenon to see his skin stitched anew, that horrid sight of him collapsed in the forestry almost like that of a dream.
your father immediately sent word to the duke’s estate to notify them of the circumstances. in the meanwhile, the man of the hour was unconscious for three days. seeing as how you were the one to find him, you took it upon yourself to help look after his well-being. changing his bandages, regularly wiping the accumulating sweat with a freshly damp cloth, ensuring the room is well-ventilated — you did the lot!
(sometimes you would stare at his resting face, wondering just how much more handsome he would be with his eyes open; only to retract that sentiment when recalling the tales about how his eyes could burn a man alive. exaggerated or not, he is still a dangerous individual you would rather not further entangle yourself with.)
with his people having retrieved their master from your care, promises of hefty compensation for taking care of their lord ringing in your ears, you were ready to sweep the whole ordeal under the rug and never get yourself involved with a man like him again! after all, he is the fearful duke responsible for your region, while you’re just another noble within his domain.
so, naturally, when you first heard of your soon-to-be marriage, you thought your parents did something to offend him and were sending you as a sacrifice meant to appease his wrath.
because, well, why else would the very same duke infamous for having zero interest in romantic and political marriages be sending a letter for your hand in marriage of his own accord? being unconscious the entirety of the time made him unable to see you, let alone know your family, so of course that meant his staff had filled him in on what happened. but why would he initiate this proposal without even knowing who you are first???
(did you get a say in this? no. would you have refused? yes. did your parents care about you and your well-being? aside from their apologetic gazes at your slack-jawed reaction and somewhat rational reasoning of “his grace may have an infamous reputation, but he is not a cruel ruler nor man,” you would like to deny the parental affection they have given you thus far in favour of objecting the claim.)
well, no matter. there was little time to prepare for his arrival to your estate, as the letter stated he would be arriving to escort you himself.
after much fuss over your clothing and luggage, the day arrived; you were going to see him again, except this time, he would see you as well.
a regal carriage entered the estate’s gates. the door swung open. a black gloved hand was the first to appear, followed by a ducked head of long navy hair, a familiar figure donning a freshly pressed suit and black overcoat, and finally — finally — a pair of burning crimson-marigold met your own gaze.
you weren’t sure if it was the adrenaline of your fight or flight response kicking in or the butterflies which ruptured within you that caused your heart rate to increase, but you found yourself unable to tear your gaze away from him.
he stopped in front of you, the features you once saw up close felt more complete than ever with the addition of his eyes open.
and thus, with your palm settled atop his outstretched gloved one, your fate was sealed.
(man. was this the compensation the staff were saying to you as they left…?)
that was two years ago.
savage. cold-blooded. inhumane. brute. monster. these were some of the ways in which duke blade was described. the man who currently sits on the edge of the bed watching you dress his wounds, however, is much different than the public opinion.
ever since exchanging vows at the altar and slipping sacred rings of matrimony onto each other’s fingers, you have come to know many sides of blade you never thought possible.
and while he rarely spoke in the beginning, his actions spoke louder than any voice could ever hope to measure up to. and, eventually, he became more vocal in regards to his feelings for you, just as you have with yours upon witnessing firsthand his true character.
from his battle-haggard, near manic state when on the verge of succumbing to the curse before falling into your healing embrace, to his tender fleeting touches and ever-adoring affection repressed within his gaze when in the presence of others, you have seen it all.
the process of getting to know and understand the intricacies of his life is almost like unravelling layers upon layers of thin bandage wrapped tightly around a gaping wound, hoping to block out the vulnerabilities which could be exposed. it was rocky at first, you being in an unfamiliar environment while he had his own inner battles to deal with first and foremost, but time carved its path for the two of you to partake in talks lasting late into the night, a subtle fondness growing more pronounced as familiarity grew alongside it.
and, of course, the time he returned from a subjugation battle-worn and mind having been overriden with mania. it was the first you’d seen him in such a loss of control. knights were rushing to subdue him while the servants desperately tried to usher your bewildered form some place safe, as though this had been a common occurrence well before you came into the picture. that hadn’t gone as planned, however, as the moment blade’s heaving figure locked eyes with you, a state of chaos ensued the moment he broke through the wall of knights with ease and appeared in front of you. no time was wasted when he lunged, a panic chorus of cries following suit as you remained rooted in place.
while you would never forget the blown-out, near-animalistic look in his eyes as he drew closer at an impossible speed, the gentle — almost reverent — manner in which he embraced you then, rigid body instantly relaxing against you, would forever be the turning point of your relationship, as well as a long-cherished memory of his first true feelings.
a dull sensation poking the space between your brows snaps you out of your thoughts. “stop frowning. i’ll be fine like always.”
your hands pause in their ministrations, hovering over his bare torso where you finished tying up a bandage. a blink and a sigh, another swab of disinfectant is in your hands working at the wound on his bicep.
“but that doesn’t mean i like seeing you return to me wounded,” you mutter bitterly, blatantly ignoring his stare. “i know you can take care of yourself, what with that regenerative ability of yours, but i still worry over you. you can still feel the pain, after all, and not to mention that curse—”
a swift tug forward abruptly cuts you off, your words fizzling on the tip of your tongue as a familiar warmth encases you in its entirety. instinctively, your hands grip onto his shoulders, the coarse material of bandages not unfamiliar to your touch, while blade’s hands are splayed across the expanse of your back as he holds you against his seated form.
his nose nudges along the slope of your neck, the shape of your jaw, the contours of your face, a trail of soft kisses leaving searing imprints in its wake.
a deep breath, a ticklish sensation, a thrumming heartbeat.
and when he rests his forehead against your own, crimson-marigold eyes dyed with devotion and seeping ardour, you think the world will be okay.
(even if it were to burst into flames and be reduced to ash, if it means you would be by this man’s side for a little longer, you think it will be okay.)
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cosmopretty · 3 months ago
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Paige Bueckers X Fem
synopsis: After a bad game Paige comes home and needs a way to get her anger out and it always helps by fucking you
warnings: smut, nsfw
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Tonight was a big night for Paige she had home game, sadly you couldn't make it because you were helping one of your friends go through her breakup. Paige said she understood I mean you went to almost every one of her games she called you "Her good luck charm" because she felt like you were one of the reasons she could win. It wasn't real, it was her talent and hard work that helped UConn win, but regardless she gave you credit.
Instead of watching the game on the TV like you said you would, your friend wanted to watch The Titanic, rolling your eyes you agreed. By the time Paige comes home your friend was long gone, back to her dorm.
Laying down on the bed you flinch hearing the dorm slam shut, getting up you walk over to Paige only to see her with her hand in her hands on the counter. Confused you walk up to her slowly "Paige? Honey are you okay?" you ask her quietly not wanting to upset her further.
She pushes her self off the counter and stands to her full height, her six foot tall frame towering over you "I lost the fucking game, missed the last shot. It was all my fault" she says almost yelling at you.
"Oh Paige- you know-" Before you can finish your sentence she interrupted you "You wanna help me feel better?" she asks you walking closer to you, her hand coming down to hold your hip.
She squeezes the flesh "Of course Paige" you answer her almost immediately.
The tall girl smirks "Then go lay down on our bed naked and wait for me" she says leaning down to kiss the side of your neck before abruptly letting go of you.
Walking away from your you start to take you shirt off as you walk away, your back to her.
Once you get back into your room you strip of the the rest of your clothes. This wasn't the first time Paige came home angry just to fuck the shit out of you.
Before you can even sit down Paige storms in pushing you down on the bed and climbing on top of you. She flips you both over so she’s straddling your waist.
Immediately your body submits to her even if you didn't want to. She knew how to push your buttons and make you hers. After all you were her girl.
"You're my good luck charm and you weren't there, maybe if you were we could have won" She says her hand moving down to your core, rubbing her fingers through your folds.
Before you can even think to reply to her words she shoves two of her long veiny fingers inside of you. Without giving you time to adjust she starts pumping them in and out of you roughly.
Your legs try and squeeze shut but her hand stays between them fucking you. Staring up at Paige as you whine "Fuck P-Paige" you whimper.
The feeling of her fingers abusing your walls so roughly made your stomach tighten, you knew you weren't going to last long. Her voice snaps you out of your thoughts "Come on and cum for me baby" she encourages you her thumb coming to rub your clit.
The sensations of her attack on your clit and fingers pumping into you caused your stomach to tighten so hard you came crashing down on her fingers "FUCK PAIGE" you moan loudly your cum coating her fingers, dripping down.
She smirks sliding her fingers out of your hole before pushing them between her lips, sucking your juices off. Her eyes lock on yours as you watch her suck your cum off of her fingers "Your so hot Paige" you admit accidentally out loud.
The blonde smirks pulting her fingers out of her mouth "I know" she says getting off of the bed and stripping of her clothes. Once she's fully naked she stares at you while she starts harnessing the strap to her hips. You knew you were in for it, she wasn't stopping until she was done, it didn't matter how many times you came.
Paige climbs back on top of your rubbing the strap though your folds collecting your slick
"How bout you ride me baby? Show me you're a good girl and maybe I'll be nice" she tells you flipping you both over so you're straddling her waist. Her back leans against the headboard as her hands hold your waist squeezing the flesh "Go on baby give me a show" she commands pushing you up to hover over her strap.
You slowly push yourself down the strap before falling all the way down, your jaw falling slack as the long strap pushes through your hole into your gummy walls.
She smirks moving your hips with her big hands pushing you up and down on her strap “Such a pretty girl” she whispers her head dipping down into your neck.
Her mouth leaves warm open mouthed kisses down your neck as her strap pushes through your gummy walls. You moan your head dipping back “God P- Paige fuck-“ you whine as she starts sucking on your sweet spot.
“You gonna cum baby” She asks you kissing behind your ear as her hands help speed you up.
Your hands squeeze her shoulders as you nod feeling your stomach tighten “Yes please let me cum P” you beg her. Your hips grind down harder on her strap as it hits your G spot.
Her blue eyes bore into yours “Okay princess go on cum for me” she demands her hands squeezing the soft skin of your hips. Her hips jerk up thrust the strap deeper inside you as she helps you cum.
“F-fuck fuck” You moan pulling Paige into a kiss as you feel your stomach snap and let go, cumming all over her strap.
Paiges lips muffle your moans as she helps you ride out your high. She pulls away from the kiss and embarrassing string of saliva between you both.
You stare at her out of breath the strap still inside you “Your so pretty, all fucked out for me” Paige whispers one of her hands moving up your body to push some hair behind your ear.
“Too bad I’m gonna ruin you” She mumbles flipping you over onto your back faster than you can even think.
You stare at her confused about to say something before she interrupts you “Don’t look at me like that baby, ready for round two?” She asks smirking.
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emerald-grove · 2 years ago
Just a heads up, I will be tagging spoilers with both the #spoilers and the #bg3 spoilers tags, and I will also be on an internet pause for two weeks while I play the game!
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luposlipaphobya · 6 months ago
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Falling in love with an outer god
(Just wanted to imagine what it’d look like if Mel took a draconic form in front of Lazuli. I guess it’d be more voidy and nightmarish in game cause of the Fallen Aasimar of the Awful Deep thing, but let’s just say that Mel could also be related to a golden dragon who was also Pelor’s favorite so… 👀 I wanted to try a fairytale/medieval vibe here, kinda happy with how it turned out! Melisande belongs to @the-nothing-maker ❤️)
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wow guys, i cant believe the player character from hit mascot horror game Poppy Playtime actually saved all monsters, killed the Prototype and left with their newfound family! cant wait to see how the authorities will react to this weird family that just formed!
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witchwildvargrave · 2 months ago
Still cackling a little at Garreth's Honeydukes quest where one of the conversation options has your MC going "you're asking me STEAL???" as if they hadn't gone through houses and looted chests and sacks of galleons right in front of the house occupants!
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anzekopistar · 10 days ago
Kinda crazy how a handful of players refused to wear pride jerseys and were called homophobic online and that hurt their feelings :( so the NHL fully banned all themed jerseys so the big tough hockey players wouldn't get their feelings hurt, and now in an NHL run event Team USA is publicly talking about how Trump called them and said he wanted to annex Canada and how this was inspirational to them. We can't wear rainbow jerseys but we can have players from one country that this league operates in openly talking about how they support essentially invading the other country this league operates in
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piratespencil · 22 days ago
FRIDA saying “you made me” and Chet saying “that’s so strange, I swore I would never make anything out of metal” was INCREDIBLE.
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wotchernewt · 11 months ago
seriously though nothing can stop me from interpreting Real Life as canon just for how it progresses the canary curse situation. i'm obsessed with it. the curse gets broken in secret life and then in the very next "series", as much of a joke as it is, you get a situation like THAT. jimmy enters a mineshaft and everyone but him dies. not just his team, though obviously it's more significant because they were all red, but ren/martyn/skizz all get a mineshaft-death apiece. that canary's not doing his job anymore. he escaped his cage and made a break for the surface and everyone else is paying the price for it, and i for one could not be more proud of that little bird.
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