#player gabo
swfichs · 6 days
gabw, +18. entro mais no período noturno no começo da semana, finais de semana tendo a ser ausente por conta do meu trabalho.
NICOLE WALLACE? não! é apenas LILIAN FERNÁNDEZ, ela é filha de HADES do chalé 13 e tem 22 ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL II por estar no acampamento há QUATRO ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, LILY é bastante SAGAZ mas também dizem que ela é DESCONFIADA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
BIOGRAFIA: Para quem observou de longe a criação de Lilian, não surpreenderia se ela acabasse em um reformatório. Era uma visão equivocada e preconceituosa, entretanto, descredibilizando a educação que seus pais poderiam dá-la. Como dois adolescentes — uma vista como delinquente e o outro um fracassado com a família disfuncional — poderiam criar uma garotinha que encontraram sozinha na rua? A resposta era simples: da melhor maneira que podiam. Os dois tinham tudo sob controle. A vida era difícil, mas eles sabiam se virar. E mais ainda, esforçavam-se para obter renda e mudar o que sabia que podiam uma vez que existia amor toda vez que olhavam um para o outro e, é claro, para a filha que estavam criando. Decerto seus amigos eram sujeitos vistos como delinquentes e fracassados, alguns até temidos onde moravam, mas novamente, um grande equívoco dos que pensavam que dali não sairia nada. Um vínculo imenso e compartilhado de sofrimento, amizades e bastante empenho de um para com os outros.
Como nem tudo são rosas, a vida de sua mãe foi perdida precocemente, em um acidente de moto, quando a mulher tinha seus vinte e poucos anos. E toda a sua criação, a partir de então, fora exclusiva de seu pai e seus amigos. A perda foi notada, afetando o comportamento da pequena, mas nada que o carinho de seu pai e tios, que seguiram na sua vida, não resolvessem. Tinha um gênio forte, aprendendo desde cedo a se defender e, portanto, seu lema de vida era defender os mais fracos — embora sempre tivesse sido uma garota pequena —, Lily se via no lugar de alguém que podia se sobressair usando de sua sagacidade e habilidades físicas que fora ensinada ao decorrer da vida. Arranhões deixaram de fazê-la chorar copiosamente quando sabia que podia se levantar e se recuperar com facilidade.
Cresceu em um bairro considerado perigoso, mas o medo não a pertencia quando era vista do lado ruim das causas. E não tinha problema com isso, afinal aprendeu a lutar pelos seus ideais, reivindicando melhorias sociais, por parte de protestos que, na maioria das vezes, não eram tão pacíficos assim. A escolaridade estava em segundo plano quando a sobrevivência falava mais alto e não tinha grandes oportunidades por conta do seu histórico, nem tempo ou vontade. Sua ida para o acampamento era outro grande equívoco de sua vida, um que poderia ter sido evitado se tivesse se não tivesse um extremo pavor e ódio. E seu pensamento não fosse tão intenso e conflitante entre atacar e fugir. Aconteceu que em um de seus protestos, exigindo mudanças e melhoras, um de seus amigos incendiou um ônibus vazio e, embora não houvesse ninguém dentro, pegaram seu melhor amigo para “dar uma lição” e acabar com os arruaceiros que vinham vandalizando a cidade. Lilian se colocou na frente, exasperada com o abuso de poder dos policiais enquanto todos os outros fugiram. Então algo aconteceu e todos foram sugados para um lugar desconhecido. E ela foi bem vinda ao acampamento, sem grandes problemas físicos, muito confusa e sem saber o paradeiro de seu amigo ferido.
Não demorou muito para ser reivindicada por Hades, mas não fazia muita questão em reconhecê-lo, eram problemas, estresse e muita pressão. E ela não precisava de um parente olimpiano, ainda não precisa de qualquer parente ou atenção especial.
PODERES: Manipulação de portais/Menalocinese. Liy é capaz de produzir, modelar e manipular portais dimensionais. Não possui controle total do seu poder, já tendo sido surpreendida por seres inesperados saindo de um portal qualquer ou mandando acidentalmente algo para um portal que ela não conseguia identificar depois de qual se tratava. 
HABILIDADES: Previsão e velocidade sobre-humana.
ARMA: Possui uma espada de ferro estígio dada por seu pai, Hades. A lâmina é longa e decorada com pequenas caveiras em seu cabo. 
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writerdreamxs · 5 months
WELCOME TO MY BLOG ! fearless era.
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in which you know a little about me and make requests for short stories to me and I turn your dreams into realities. after all, I am a writer of dreams. 💐
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first, introductions: my name is clarice, but you can call me clary.
I'm brazilian, so obviously english is not my first language, so there may be some errors in the imagines.
I love taylor swift (my favorite album is fearless, but I think you get the idea :) and one direction, as well as lana del rey, artic monkeys, among many other artists.
I love romcoms, whether films or books, clichés, sun, spring, roses, dogs and I am a person who really likes to talk.
my mbti is enfp, - at least that's what i think, at the moment! - and I have a sanguine temperament.
and I DON'T write smut.
below I will put a list of the characters and fandoms that I mainly write about, but if you want to request something different, feel free.
masterlist. 🌤️
colin bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, anthony bridgerton, gregory bridgerton, simon basset.
all of the grid, but mainly, lando norris, oscar piastri, george russell and max verstappen.
richarlison, rodrygo goes, jude bellingham, vini jr, pedri, gavi, and all of the real madrid team.
HARRY POTTER (golden era)🪄
harry potter, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, fred and george weasley, ron weasley, oliver wood, charlie weasley.
HARRY POTTER (marauders era) 🕰️
remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, peter pettigrew, regulus black, severus snape.
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, caspian.
timothée chalamet, josh hutcherson, louis partridge, andrew garfield, william moseley, tom holland, ben barnes, archie renaux, cameron boyce ✝.
trodrick heffley, peter parker 1 and 3, matteo balsano, simon alavrez, ramiro ponce, gaston perida, gabo moretti, lorenzo guevara, dede duarte, willy wonka, chad denforth (hsm), will turner (potc) legolas greenleaf (lor), laurie laurence, supa strikas, luke ross (jessie), carmen sandiego characters, zach mitchell (jw), jurassic world: camp cretaceous caracthers, carlos de vil, jay ja'far, harry hook, ray beech, charlie delgado, aurek, jim hawkins, jack frost, ever after high characters, scooby doo characters, hiccup, the greatest showman, dick grayson and wally west (young justice) .
🦋 well, that's it my sweeties and I hope you liked me and send your requests. 💗
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katykaty · 2 years
Favorite characters from favorite series: O11CE
Another favourite TV series of mine is O11CE about a football-loving teenager called Gabo and his life in a sports academy in Buenos Aires. He is my favourite character because of the moral values he represents.
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Before moving to Buenos Aires he lived with his grandmother Amelia in a small town called Álamo Seco in Argentina and was the part of the local football team. His talent is noticed by a prestigious Sports Academic Institute (IAD) and he is offered a scholarship. He accepted it and moved to Buenos Aires to begin his new life and improve is football knowledge with the new team called the Golden Falcons. However, many disturbing events occur during his journey to fulfil his dream. Besides the usual problems of the teenagers (getting used to the unknown life situation, making new friends, discovering love), he has to face with the fact that the team is about to falling apart because lots of players left and the current captain called Lorenzo is also unable to reunite them. Also, Gabo has the chance to discover the secrets of his family and find out who is his father since he had never met with him.
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Gabo is a very kind-hearted person, he always tells the truth and gives support to those who are in a need of it. He tends to be credulous since sometimes he is not aware of danger and walks into traps with no suspicion, but the reason behind it is he always presumes every single person with no malicious intent. He is not a person with difficult thoughts or highly improved academic skills, yet he is the most lovable character since he pays a lot true attention, care, time and efforts to his friends. His personality is a collection of features I consider everyone should adapt especially the last one because it is essential for expressing respect and importance to our loved ones.
Info source:
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gabereader · 6 years
21 Questions
Tagged by @rockmarina, I think (thanks, deary!)
Nickname: My name's Gabriel. Nicknames depend on who I'm talking with. For some people I'm Gabe, for others I'm Gabo (and for one of them I'm Babe)
Height: 178 cm
Last movie I saw: La la Land (for the trillionth time), yesterday night.
Last thing I Googled: Buddy Valastro (No comments)
Favourite musician: Ed Sheeran
Song stuck in my head: Vas a Quedarte, by Aitana Ocaña
Other blogs: I don't have other blogs.
Do I get asks?: I've only got prompts for Drarry drabbles so far. Do I like getting them? Yes, please! Keep them coming!
Following: I dunno, I follow a lot of people. Most of them are Drarry fans, photography portfolios and model agencies.
Amount of sleep: today? Less than 7 hours. It's 6:43 am rn and I fell asleep around 1:40 am. I'm sleepy and would like to sleep some more but I simply can not!
Lucky number: Isn't it a lottery players thing to have lucky numbers? I don't play lottery so I don't have one.
What I'm wearing: since I just woke up, I am only wearing my same ol' comfy pyjamas jogging pants.
Dream job: Author and/or book translator for some super big editorial such as Penguin Random House or Planeta.
Dream Trip: Visiting Disney and Harry Potter amusement parks.
Favourite food: Pasta, pasta and...oh, yeah...pasta!
Play any instruments? No, but I like singing and would like to learn guitar and piano someday.
Languages: I am native Spanish and fluent English speaker. I know some french, too (but my French is too weak for my liking).
Favourite songs: Vas a quedarte (Aitana), Cuando nadie ve (Morat), Besos en guerra (Morat), La venda (Miki Nunyez), La llorona (Alba Reche Cover for Operación Triunfo 2018) and Je Veux (Zaz).
Random fact: Even though I'm Venezuelan, I tend to include some words from Spain such as 'joder!' while talking or chatting.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: A dimly lit desk with a little crystal jar with pencils and color pencils inside. A crystal ball showing stormy weather on top of colorful woolen comfy blanket.
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pepperstrawberry · 6 years
A dumb but amusing thought...
Okay, before I go into this, I must reiterate: I am a casual. I don’t keep up on every deck or every protour. I don’t play magic near as I would like... Still, there are things I notice...
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Okay, so here is the silly theory: Goblin Chainwhirler, currently a frustration, might just be one of the cards that, if you can find a space in your deck (yes yes, shocks help, but it’s still best in a mono deck and frankly, I kinda doubt a straight rdw is going to be around after rotation... again, could be totally wrong) might actually be a help rather then a hinderence (that is not a busted card, but rather something needed, not to win, but survive)
First, consider all the saproling generators we already got in Dominaria (in Golgari colors no less), and then add in the new Emmara (with convoke being a super easy way to get her tapped and keep her out of direct combat) and Legion Warboss (giving haste and having Mentor)... I think these are signs that Ravinca might have a larger token strategy then normal.
Possibly much larger then we’ve seen in a while.
Sure, Chain fren up there can wipe the board. But unless you take out Emmara, she is going to keep churning out more tokens. Remember, Chain is an ETB, so unlike the dread of Ferocidon, it doesn’t keep going. After Chain settles in, it’s just a 3/3 with first strike. Nothing to sneeze at, but if your opponent is able to get back what you took out the next turn, it’s not going to matter that much.
Maybe I’m totally of base. Maybe I’m reading the winds wrong... But at the same time, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was actually in preparation for giving potential tools to deal with the coming wave. XD 
(and possibly the RRR was to keep Gabo up there from getting into too many decks too easily. Imagine if Ferocidon was not banned. Every token pinging the token players. Gobo clears one field of whatever 1/1s are around, but the other would just basically stop the token player from even trying till they used up some removal. so rather then tokens having a chance, it would be a total shut down and you’d see that card in every deck that even looked at red)
Again, maybe I’m wrong. I’m just saying, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the intention in the first place.
(forgive any spelling or word flow errors... i’ve been up all night and I’ don’t know why... now to watch more rider or sleep?)
{edit... one last time} The amulet’s very existance is why I came on these theory. I have heard literally -no one- happy with, talk about using, or even bothing with the Amulet. it feels like a stricktly worse Orbs of Warding from Origins... but with a slight addition (the token debuff) and I was like ‘wait... what if?’ XD
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daniiiigmtz · 3 years
love in times of anger—
A book written in 1985
Love in the Times of Cholera is a novel by the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, published in 1985. It is a novel dedicated to true love that endures and overcomes adversity for a lifetime. It is a tribute to love, adventures, time, old age and death.
Gabriel García Márquez Writer ^^
Gabriel José García Márquez was a Colombian writer and journalist. Recognized primarily for his novels and short stories, he also wrote non-fiction narrative, speeches, reports, film reviews, and memoirs. He was known as Gabo, and familiarly and by his friends as Gabito.
The plot begins when Dr. Juvenal Urbino attends to the suicide of a Haitian refugee named Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, who has poisoned himself with a gold cyanide incense. Jeremiah, a child photographer by trade, was the chess player who accompanied Dr. Urbino on his escapades.
Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza fall passionately in love, but Fermina eventually decides to marry a rich doctor from a very good family. Florentino is speechless, but he is a romantic.The plot begins when Dr. Juvenal Urbino attends to the suicide of a Haitian refugee named Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, who has poisoned himself with a gold cyanide incense. Jeremiah, a child photographer by trade, was the chess player who accompanied Dr. Urbino on his escapades.
The story takes place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, at a time when hardship reigns and several civil wars ravage the country. The cholera epidemic reaches the coastal cities and the "symptoms of love are confused with those of this disease."
The love story between Fermina Daza and Florentino Ariza, on the stage of a small port town in the Caribbean and over the course of more than sixty years, could seem like a melodrama of disgruntled lovers who in the end win due to the grace of time and the strength of their own feelings, since García Márquez is pleased to use the most classic resources of traditional serials. But this time -for once successive, and not circular-, this setting and these characters are like a tropical mixture of plants and clays that the master's hand models and fantasizes at his pleasure, to eventually flow into the territories of the myth and legend. The juices, smells and flavors of the tropics feed a hallucinatory prose that this time reaches the swinging port of the happy ending.
It doesn't matter that the book is bulky. It does not matter that the title already reveals the subject that is going to play. It doesn't matter that you know how it's going to end. It is not one of those books that is read only because the
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3kWrYwc #
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From the very start of The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies, it was clear that the season 37 veteran alliance had changed the game forever, but after crashing and burning in the latest episode, several new teams were formed. It was a monumental episode that marks a shift in the season.
This week’s daily challenge had players suspended 35 feet above water and Devin Walker and several veterans tried to rig the game. However, their plan went awry when Kyle Christie “unintentionally” threw Devin under the bus, and it led to Fessy Shafaat and Esther Agunbiade winning yet again.
Related: The Challenge: Rookies That Have The Best Shot At Winning Season 37
All-rookie team Corey Lay and Michele Fitzgerald knew they would be the house vote and asked Fessy to send in players they thought they could beat—Hughie Maughan and Bettina Buchanan. At elimination, Fessy and Esther sent in Hughie, but shocked everyone by sending in Challenge veteran Amber Borzotra. Unfortunately for Messy Fessy, Amber and Hughie smoked Corey L. and Michele and after winning decided to choose new partners.
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After his surprising move during the daily challenge, Kyle’s friendship with Devin is in serious jeopardy, and Kyle may have put a target on his back.
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After her elimination win, Amber chose to partner up with Devin at the suggestion of her previous partner Josh Martinez. Fessy’s decision to throw Amber into elimination will likely come back to haunt him, as Amber is now furious at her former Big Brother ally.
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Aneesa and Logan kept a low profile this episode, though Aneesa was very surprised by Fessy’s decision.
Related: The Challenge: 10 Fun Facts About Host T.J. Lavin
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After elimination, Ashley and Josh were put together by default. Challenge veteran Josh entered season 37 as friends with Fessy, but after Fessy’s decision this week, it’s doubtful they’ll leave as friends.
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Though Big T was on the chopping block last episode, this week she and partner Jeremiah flew under the radar.
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Bettina’s name was thrown around as a rookie to potentially send into elimination, but she dodged a bullet this time.
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CT and Berna didn’t make much of a splash this episode, which could be exactly what CT wants.
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In this episode, Messy Fessy tore the veteran alliance to shreds. Fessy was concerned that Amber was gunning for him after last season and sent her into elimination. If Amber wasn’t after him before, she definitely is now, and Fessy is earning his “worst Challenge competitor” title.
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After the post-elimination partner switch-up, these two were teamed up by default, and as the only all-rookie team, Gabo and Emy will likely be sent into elimination next week unless they win the daily challenge.
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These two are strong competitors, but Emanuel had been getting cozy with Michele, and now that she’s gone, his game could suffer.
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After his shocking elimination win, Hughie selected veteran Nany to be his partner, and given her years of experience and strong political game, Nany was a good choice.
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Nelson’s veteran status has kept him safe, but Priscilla’s name was mentioned as a rookie who needs to prove herself, and she should step up her game.
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On The Challenge season 37 episode 3, Tori had a chance to destroy the veteran alliance, but she ultimately decided to keep it intact. Unfortunately, logic didn’t prevail for Fessy the way it did with Tori.
The veteran alliance on The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies was fun while it lasted, but Fessy’s decision to send Amber into elimination was a major upset, and many veterans—including Amber and Josh—are now going to be gunning for him. The game is about to change in a big way, and a feeding frenzy among the veterans could be ahead.
Next: The Challenge: Tacha Akide Explains Blasting Tori After Elimination
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Ableton Non-vst Plugin
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We're currently conducting systematic tests with the release version of macOS 11 (Big Sur) in order to offer full compatibility of our products as soon as possible. You can find our latest compatibility status - here
Please note that although announced at the same time as macOS Big Sur, Apple Silicon processors are an independent release with separate compatibility concerns for NI products. Compatibility with macOS Big Sur will not yet ensure compatibility with Apple Silicon processors. At the moment, Native Instruments products are not supported on computers with Apple Silicon processors. Read more - here
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Here are my top 5 essential VST audio plugins for 2019. Download my Top 30 Essential EDM mixing tips here FREE. UPDATE: Top 10 V. Ableton / Cubase / Reaper / FL Studio / Reason / Sonar / Logic Pro Tools & Such DAW. A RTAS to VST Converter Is Required For Non-VST DAWs Product Details 20 808'S 19 Ambient Sounds 16 Bass 23 Bells 5 Choirs 20 Keys 13 Misc 11 Organs 19 Pads 13 Plucks 11 Reversed 20 Strings 20 Synth Leads 10 Textures 10 Woodwinds. My remark about VST buggy instrument rack was wrong because i didn't activate VST scanning in Ableton. I use AU plugins since ever. So my add of VST Komplete instrument rack was empty without the VST instance of Komplete, logical due to non VST activation in Ableton. Then i was trying to add the AU plugin to VST instrument rack. Ableton/ Cubase / Reaper / FL Studio / Reason / Sonar / Logic; Will Also Work With Pro Tools & Such DAW. A RTAS to VST Converter Is Required For Non VST DAWs; Zipped File Size: -7 GB Unzipped File Size: +17 GB. Sounds like thats also a no-no for non vst straight hardware synths then. In Sonar you can record any sort of midi automation.cc, rpn, nrpn. So the Nova works just fine thanks! I wont even bother looking at live. Sonar seems streets ahead.
Discussion in 'MASCHINE Area' started by bodhilight, Feb 15, 2012.
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Agreed. My workaround is to copy the vote page URL to the clipboard before logging in, then paste it back afterwards.
Garry Knight Studio One 3 Professional Melodyne Editor 4, NI Komplete 11 Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 audio interface Windows 10 Professional 64-bit, 16 GB RAM, Core i5 Microsoft Surface Pro 3, Core i7, 8GB RAM, 128 GB SSD Nektar Impact LX49+, Samson Graphite 25, and Korg microKey 25 MIDI controllers Novation ZeRO SL MkII mixing control surface Korg nanoKontrol 2 mixing control surface Reaper, Logic Pro X, GarageBand https://soundcloud.com/garryknight
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garybowling wroteI don't understand why when I click to vote on one of these, then click the thumbs up, it says I need to log in to vote. But according to the page, in the upper right, I am logged in. Then if I click the log in and re-enter my details, I lose the vote page.. Arrgh, it's the little things that get frustrating! gabo
Same thing happens to me.
Shane Intel i7 6700k | Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3P | Kingston 16GB 2133 | 2 x Samsung 250GB EVO SSD's | Vantec UGT-FW210 FW Card | Win 10 Pro | S1 Pro 3.5.4 x64 | Firestudio Mobile | Yamaha HS-80's | ART Pro VLA II Vactrol Tube Compressor | ART Pro MPA II Reference Series Tube Mic Pre | Blue Bluebird Mic
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wonder6oy wrote...and by 'Bad Edits', I mean tracks that have been rendered and sent to you without proper crossfading, resulting in loud 'pop's and 'click's. In Pro Tools, it's just a matter of pulling up the pencil tool and drawing them out - literally a 5-second process. And when that fails, I use Izotope RX to do the job. But neither of those are an option in S1, and I need a solution going forward because I have to deal with these ALL the time. Any help appreciated!
I cut and fade the edge of the clip. I do this a lot for taking the fret click out of bass at the beginning of notes. Hit 3 on the keyboard to bring up the 'Cut' tool, then leave my hand there and hit 1 to bring up the normal tool and grab the edge of the clip. I've used the draw tool in other DAWs and this way is much fast to me.
Shane Intel i7 6700k | Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3P | Kingston 16GB 2133 | 2 x Samsung 250GB EVO SSD's | Vantec UGT-FW210 FW Card | Win 10 Pro | S1 Pro 3.5.4 x64 | Firestudio Mobile | Yamaha HS-80's | ART Pro VLA II Vactrol Tube Compressor | ART Pro MPA II Reference Series Tube Mic Pre | Blue Bluebird Mic
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I wouldn't want them wasting time developing audio editing and embedding it, but partnering with someone to have a light version that does the basics through ARA and give you the option to upgrade if you need more advanced tools would be really nice. I mean, that was the whole purpose of ARA from the git go, wasn't it?
Shane Intel i7 6700k | Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3P | Kingston 16GB 2133 | 2 x Samsung 250GB EVO SSD's | Vantec UGT-FW210 FW Card | Win 10 Pro | S1 Pro 3.5.4 x64 | Firestudio Mobile | Yamaha HS-80's | ART Pro VLA II Vactrol Tube Compressor | ART Pro MPA II Reference Series Tube Mic Pre | Blue Bluebird Mic
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Bub wroteI wouldn't want them wasting time developing audio editing and embedding it
Exactly. If the devs do not want to do this right (or at all) - they should at least allow clean passage of audio to a designated editor and leave it at that. I too use RX but the fact that RX Connect simply does not work in S1 makes it is disappointing waste of time when apps like Nuendo/Cubase can use this like a dream. Time for Presonus to get off it's 'closed' sandbox approach and offer the ability to pass audio back and forth between some standard editors out there. (please consider RX and/or Wavelab as starters ) VP
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Skaperverket wroteI've created a macro called 'Bounce to Finder' with Bounce Selection [Snap ('0')] Select in Pool Show in Explorer/Finder but for some reason S1 won't focus on the Browser window and the Pool when 'Select in Pool' is applied and the Pool is opened, so I have to do the Show in Finder command separately.
I ran in to that same issue when creating a drag location macro for non VST-XML sample players. What I did was adding the following before executing Show in Explorer/Finder: View | Browser [State '1'] Navigation | Up Navigation | Down
Export to Explorer.studioonemacro
(586 Bytes) Downloaded 80 times
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This thread is a little old and may have been lost but it also goes into this and shows how I do editing anyway: viewtopic.php?f=151&t=18309 I use an editing program on a mother machine networked to my main machine running Studio One. This works rather well in fact. You can open files that are even active in a Studio One session. Edit them and resave them with a slight title change and they can be easily dragged into the session. I find editors like Cool Edit Pro (Audition) are very fast and slick at editing audio. Might be good to have a range of built in basic edit operations though.
Please add your specs to your SIGNATURE. Search the STUDIO ONE 4 ONLINE MANUAL. Access your MY.PRESONUS account. OVERVIEW of how to get your issue fixed or the steps to create a SUPPORT TICKET. Needs to include: 1) One Sentence Description 2) Expected Results 3) Actual Results 4) Steps to Reproduce. Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz-8 Gb RAM-Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME HDSP9632 - Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 2/8 - Atom Pad- iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - High Sierra 10.13.6 - Focusrite Clarett 2 Pre & Scarlett 18i20. Studio One V5.1 (Mac), Notion 6.7, Ableton Live 10 Suite, LaunchPad Pro
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niles wrote
Skaperverket wroteI've created a macro called 'Bounce to Finder' with Bounce Selection [Snap ('0')] Select in Pool Show in Explorer/Finder but for some reason S1 won't focus on the Browser window and the Pool when 'Select in Pool' is applied and the Pool is opened, so I have to do the Show in Finder command separately.
I ran in to that same issue when creating a drag location macro for non VST-XML sample players. What I did was adding the following before executing Show in Explorer/Finder: View | Browser [State '1'] Navigation | Up Navigation | Down
Thanks, niles. Loving it. And daw.one is back! I have a long train ride tomorrow, so it'll be a perfect opportunity to read up on your great site. Looking forward to it. Keep up the great work, mate.
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garybowling wroteI don't understand why when I click to vote on one of these, then click the thumbs up, it says I need to log in to vote. But according to the page, in the upper right, I am logged in. Then if I click the log in and re-enter my details, I lose the vote page.. Arrgh, it's the little things that get frustrating! gabo
Click 'Log In' right on the red banner telling you that you have to be logged in. You do then get sent to another page, but you can just use the back button on your browser to return to the subject.
Atari 5200, 64K RAM S1PRO Radio Shack Cassette Recorder w/internal Mic, and too many plugins.
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Hi all, went ahead and got RX6 during a recent upgrade promo but have run foul of the convoluted working method mentioned above! I know that Studio One is not supported by RX6 (anyone know why?) but had assumed that the workflow shown in the videos relating to RX4 and previous version/s of S1 (links posted by Skapervet) would suffice, however, even those clunky workflows are not working with my setup utilising Windows 10 pro/S1v3.5..../RX6. I can get the Connect & Monitor plugs to work, after a fashion, but even the Izotope suggested work-around for non-supported DAWs does not work and the combination of RX6 standalone with S1 is tenuous at best. Having said that, RX6 does offer a good set of restoration repair tools just don't expect the software to play nicely with S1..... Yet!!!! Perhaps this is why there is a conspicuos lack of tutorials (or any updatee videos from S1 Expert) relating to this. If you know different, please inform. Regards....
Windows 10 Pro/i7 6800k @3.4Ghz/16Gb ram. Studio One Pro, Melodyne Editor 4, Vocalign Project, Superior Drummer 3, Izotope N2-O8 and various other plugins. Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Faderport, Focal Alpha 50's, Korg Pa3x, Korg Pad Kontrol, numerous guitars, basses & other antiquated outboard gear. Maybe one day I'll actually finish a project!
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trilotechcorp · 4 years
New Post has been published on PBA-Live
New Post has been published on https://pba-live.com/sean-anthony-gets-gesture-as-defensive-player-of-the-year/
Sean Anthony gets gesture as Defensive Player of the Year
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SEAN Anthony added another significant honor to his outstanding 2019 season assortment subsequent to being named as the Defensive Player of the Year by the PBA Press Corps.
Anthony got approval of the PBA copyists after a season where he likewise earned places in the Mythical First group and the All-Defensive Team.
The NorthPort veteran should get the honor on March 16 at the Novotel Araneta Center during the PBA Press Corps grants yet the occasion was deferred due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The occasion, to be publicized on Cignal TV will be hung on a later date.
Anthony joined any semblance of Chris Ross, June Mar Fajardo, Marc Pingris, Chris Jackson, Freddie Abuda, Gabe Norwood, and Poy Erram, who won the honor in 2018.
Anthony was a stone on guard in the wake of averaging 7.6 bounce back and 2.4 takes, both group highs, and his endeavors helped NorthPort accomplish maybe its best season in the class subsequent to arriving at the elimination rounds in the Governors’ Cup.
The Defensive Player of the Year is one of the 11 honors to be given during the 26th year of the honor.
Victors that have just been reported were Terrence Romeo of San Miguel (Quality Minutes), CJ Perez of Columbian (Scoring Champion), Fajardo (Order of Merit), and NorthPort and NLEX (Game of the Season).
Perez, Robert Bolick of NorthPort, Javee Mocon of Rain or Shine, Bobby Ray Parks of TNT, and Abu Tratter of Alaska were named to the All-Rookie Team, while Kiefer Ravena of NLEX, Christian Standhardinger of NorthPort, Beau Belga of Rain or Shine, Vic Manuel of Alaska, Arwind Santos of San Miguel and NLEX mentor Yeng Guiao were remembered for the All-Interview Team.
Thirdy Ravena and Hesed Gabo were named PBA D-League Finals MVPs.
The champs of the President’s Award, the Danny Floro Executive of the Year, and the Virgilio ‘Infant’ Dalupan Coach of the Year will likewise be named in the coming days.
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8bitsupervillain · 7 years
Dragon Quest Heroes -thoughts and so on.
Recently I've been playing Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below. It's a pretty decent game, it's a Musou game so if you've played any of the Warriors games (Dynasty, Samurai, Gundam, or its Berserk variants) you'll have some notion of what to expect in terms of gameplay. It is a very solid game, and I did quite enjoy my time with it, I would go so far as to say that this might be one of the best spin-off DQ games out there, but I find it lacking.
It's not terribly complex, almost all the levels and missions are a variation on "kill all the things." Which is fine, simplicity isn't a bad thing, but the game really doesn't do anything to shake it up. Kill all the monsters and progress to the end of the map. Kill all the monsters by killing the big ones that are the mini-boss "mawkeepers." Defend the Yggdrasil root... by killing all the monsters. There are a small number of side-quests that involve you having to kill a certain boss monster in a certain way, but they're the minority, ninety-nine percent of the rest of the game is slaughter all the monsters.
The action itself is pretty good, I like the Musou games and I found this one to be really pleasing to play through. That might be because I'm a big fan of the Dragon Quest games, but I don't think the game gets a free pass because it's wearing the skin of my beloved. If you were to do only the critical path of the game you're looking at a fairly solid thirty hours or so depending on how good you mash those buttons. There are a few missions toward the end of the campaign that grate on my nerves, and they are all invariably the missions where you have to keep the monsters from destroying a stationary target while running around the map. Normally this won't be a problem, but in the end game it becomes frustrating because of the high-level unique enemies the game starts spawning in addition to the Mawkeepers that open portals that summon more and more monsters as time passes.
Storywise the game is somewhat lacking; during a festival of some sort a man in a dark robe uses magic to turn the normally docile and peaceful monsters of the world into ferocious monsters that attack humans on sight. Surprisingly the game never makes a big deal over the fact that you are having to engage in the wholesale extermination of creatures the main characters and numerous others claim to be friends with. You play as the (either female, or male) captain of the royal guard for the kingdom of Arba; there's not much of a difference between the two captains other than Aurora gets ice-magic, and Luceus gets fire-magic. You're joined by a healslime named Healix who is somehow unaffected by the sudden change in monsterkind, and as the story advances you're joined by characters from previous Dragon Quest games. The story is fine, I suppose, it's not exactly the deepest thing written especially by the rather lax standards held by Dragon Quest as a whole. There's a small, mild attempt at a twist about roughly the half-way mark but it just comes off as so rote and predictable it's not really worth mentioning other than as a "oh yeah" moment.
The story isn't told particularly interestingly, maybe if this had been a proper Dragon Quest it might have been told differently but the story is just kind of poor. Each chapter always seems to breakdown the same way: "We need to go to this part of the kingdom to see how they fare against the monster attacks. Oh no, the town/city/castle/whatever is besieged by monsters. Let's save whoever's in charge. Look it's *insert character from other Dragon Quest here* 'Let me help you against these monsters.' I'm from a different dimension, but I'll help you in this time of need." Repeat five or six times until you unlock every character from Dragon Quest IV-VIII, except Psaro, he's his own sidequest.
For the most part I like the characters they included from the other Dragon Quest games. It makes perfect sense that they didn't include the player characters because they're all more or less blank slates. I can understand the reasoning behind why some characters were chosen but honestly Nera is a waste of a character. She's just so weak and uninteresting that almost anyone would have been a better choice. If you really needed a spellcaster that badly why not Maribel from Dragon Quest VII? (Please note that I am aware that Gabo and Maribel actually made the cut for DQ Heroes 2.) Hell do something really unexpected put in the first recruitable character from Dragon Quest II, that would've been a surprise.
I love the fact that Psaro the Manslayer is quite obviously a DLC character added after the game was done, because he does not contribute to the story one bit. The boss fights in this game are honestly kind of weak, there's a couple that are interesting I liked the fight against the Dragon of Light and Darkling that happens after. The final boss fight was cool, even if it wasn't particularly tough. The one thing I really dislike about this game is the sidequests that are inevitably about collecting a certain amount of whatever alchemy ingredient the quest calls for. The drop rates for these items is pathetically small and you'll often be running a circuit from one end of the map to the other trying to force monsters to spawn just for a very small chance of them dropping the item required. Granted you could also use the mini medals you acquire through the game to buy whatever quest item you need. Even then though you'll find yourself repeating the process, only now for mini medals. I liked Gragworts quests, because that lizard guy is just a delight to interact with, but his quests almost always just boil down to "kill the creatures in X amount of time" but they are pretty easy, and usually worth the effort.
There's not a whole terribly lot to do after you finish the story mode. Each of the characters usually has a small handful of quests you can perform for them to unlock special items that are usually just some equipment that always results in unlocking an alternate costume for that character. Which is nice, even if the costume is just a recolor of their standard outfit. There's only three costumes that do anything significant; if you do Alena's colisseum quest you unlock her DQIV outfit; and if you beat the super-boss Zoma (the final boss of DQIII) you unlock the heroes costume from Dragon Quest III for Luceus and Aurora. It's not much of a reward if I'm being honest, but the Zoma fight is hands down the best fight in the entire game.
I'm actually kind of surprised there weren't more bosses from the other Dragon Quests in this game. Maybe they added in some of the bosses in DQH 2 (I know they added the Dragonlord), but I thought it would've been really neat if you could test your mettle against bosses like Malroth, or Nimzo. They could've made a packaged deal, and after beating Psaro you unlock a fight against Aamon, that would've been really neat!
Overall I quite liked this game, the story is admittedly super weak, and the side quest stuff is quite repetitive after awhile. But I'm glad I played it, hell I sunk 78 hours into hundred percenting the game so I guess it did something right.
I hope that Dragon Quest Heroes 2 fixes some of the issues I had with the original.
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dianalu826-blog · 5 years
My boys julian the drummer and gabo the movie star piano player 😘
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maffoblog · 7 years
This is like part.2 of my other post “the SAKUstar experience” so if you don’t know what am I talking about go to read that and enjoy.
THE MEDIAPOLIS EXPERIENCE, what a wonderful meme! This joke was born here in Mediapolis and we use it when we do or find something funny, crazy or just nonsensical in the wall of our school building or in internet. From this humoristic actions we created this band (for the only porpoise to go play to SAKUstar) called THE MEDIAPOLIS EXPERIENCE.
My story in this band started a month ago, when Gabo (school mate #420) asked me if I wanted to join this band and of course I said “yeah”! After one week me, Gabo and Elliot went to practice/jamming in a very small and claustrophobic basement under a pub (there was a lot of this small rooms where other bands where blasting heavy stuff), and we just jammed for the entire evening and “created” a cool funky song about nothing! In the band I was the singer, flute and harmonica player,  Elliot was the guitarist (almost like Jimi Hendrix) and Gabo at the drum (the first time he didn’t have the bass pedal, so it sounded kinda of strange but he is an amazing drummer so its ok). The second time it was just chill and jammed for fun and we had difficulties to practice the song because we continued to jam randomly, but in the end did what we have to do!
The evening before our exhibition in Kuopio ( in the SAKUstar event) we were practicing/jamming in the corridor of the dormitory and we had Jesse with us playing the bongos (that I brought for practicing) and we decided to have him with us in the band the day after (he accepted of course). That jamming session was very fun, we had other students from other school jamming with us and we had a lot of fun (at least until security came to stop us for the noise).
The exhibition day was cool, we have being told that we have to be on place at 15.20, so we took it easy and at 13.00 we went to a “chilling/tranquility room” where you just lay in big pillows and listen to calm music and stuff, but then I check my messages and I see Elliots chat just spamming with messages like “WHERE ARE YOU? COME HERE ! GOD DAMMIT! IS OUR TURN!” and me and Gabo just took everything and ran to the other side of the building faster than a train, and right when we come there we had like 5 minutes to take breath and the to the stage. As you see, the exhibition time was moved ahead for like an hour and no one told us that...
We did a very cool show, it was almost 100% improvised and I didn’t actually know what to sing (because that was improvised too)... In the end we came out third and that was coooooool, we had an EXPERIENCE and i’m happy about that!
So this is THE MEDIAPOLIS EXPERIENCE 2017 and I hope that next year we do the same thing, because it was a hell out of fun!
Maybe next year I could play the bagpipe...
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vrheadsets · 7 years
VR Documentary ZIKR: A Sufi Revival Acquired by Dogwoof at Sundance Film Festival
Last week the popular Sundance Film Festival took place, showcasing some of the best films from around the world. One of those in attendance was ZIKR: A Sufi Revival which VRFocus reported on just as the event took place. Now it has been revealed that documentary producer, sales agent and theatrical distributor, Dogwoof has purchased the immersive documentary.
Directed by Gabo Arora (Ground Beneath Her), produced by Jennifer Tiexiera, and created by Sensorium, Superbright, and Tomorrow Never Knows, ZIKR: A Sufi Revival premiered 19th January in the New Frontier section of the festival. The film takes four participants on an interactive, virtual reality (VR) journey into a world of ecstatic ritual and music in order to explore the nature of faith alongside followers of this mystical Islamic tradition. By opening up an experience to Sufism, dancing and singing alongside members of the Tunisian group Association de la Renaissance du Maalouf et du Chant Soufi de Sidi Bou Saïd, it aims to shed light on the religion, revealing an Islamic practice of inclusion, acceptance, art, joy and understanding.
The deal was brokered on the last day of the Festival by Dogwoof’s Andy Whittaker and Tomorrow Never Knows’ Nathan Brown. The agreement secures funding to support additional development, including an online version of the VR experience to bring multiple players into the experience from around the world.
Dogwoof will also look to global distribution with location based installations at high profile international cultural centers, cinemas and museums. This is the first public project for Tomorrow Never Knows, a newly formed VR/AR/AI startup founded by industry veterans Arora, Brown, Saschka Unseld and Tom Lofthouse.
“There is real demand and a growing market for distinctive storytelling in VR/AR,” said Brown, CEO of Tomorrow Never Knows. “To partner with Andy and Dogwoof, one of the world’s most acclaimed producers and distributors of non-fiction stories, is more than a signal, it’s a lightning bolt for the entire industry.”
“Andy and his team at Dogwoof, have proven themselves over and over with their work in traditional documentary. And, with their first VR acquisition with ZIKR, they will bring their same tenacious spirit to making sure more and more people can experience a story very pertinent to what’s happening in the world now,” said Arora. “I couldn’t dream of a better home for ZIKR or a better team than Dogwoof for global distribution. I am honoured to be joining their award winning catalog.”
For the latest news on VR and 360-degree filmmaking, keep reading VRFocus.
from VRFocus http://ift.tt/2DTotnr
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anitakumarigrewal · 4 years
Wide Transformation in Worldwide Fttx Pipes Market Outlook: Ken Research
The FTTx, or also well-known as fiber to the x, is effectively utilized for the high speed data communications. The x here is any end-use location might that be home, enterprise, building, desktop, router, office, and several more. The fiber cables completed are prone to impairment. Plastic pipes of certain potentials are being broadly utilized to curb the direct mutilation to the cable. The pipes utilized for FTTX cables are made from thermoplastic polymers as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. In addition, the fiber cables are now being rested through ducts, pathways, and several more. These ducts and pathways safeguard the cables form damage, ensure protection, and are temperature & chemical resistant.
According to the report analysis, ‘FTTx Pipes Market by Material Type (HDPE, MDPE, and PVC), Product Type (Standard Ducts, Micro Ducts, Pathways, and Others), Industry Vertical (Telecom, Power, Transport, Building & Infrastructure, and Others), and Application Area (Backbone, Metropolitan, and Mobile Backhaul): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2019-2026’ states that in the FTTx pipes market there are several companies which operating more progressively for leading the fastest market growth and registering the greatest value of market share around the globe throughout the short span of time while increasing the applications of the FTTx pipes, delivering the better consumer satisfaction, spreading the awareness related to the applications and benefits of FTTx pipes, studying and analyzing the strategies of the competitors, applying the favorable policies of the government, and employing the young work force includes Apollo Pipes, Afripipes, Craley Group Limited., Evopipes., Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Gabo Systemtechnik GmbH, GM Plast, Himachal Futuristic Communications Limited, KNET Co., Ltd., Orbia and several others.
In addition, the FTTx pipes market growth is influenced by the significant growth in requirement from the telecom industry. The applications of such pipes ensure protection and safety from damage creating them ideal choice. In addition, requirement from emerging economies, due to the intense competition in the telecom industry also propels the FTTx pipes market growth. However, a changeable crude oil price restricts the FTTx pipes market growth. Meanwhile, the incorporation of FTTx pipes in energy infrastructure delivers the lucrative opportunities for the FTTx pipes industry.
Although, dependent on application area, the principal market share holder is mobile backhaul sector, due to wide usage of FTTx pipes for connection between cell tower and sites to deliver the higher data speed to mobile users. The backbone sector is projected to grow at a greatest CAGR as high speed data communication through backbone is greatly reliable for long distance transmission. Furthermore, it is predicted that the Asia-Pacific is the principal shareholder in terms of revenue, due to the existence of key players in developing regions and increment in the consumer base in sectors such as telecommunication, power, and many others. However, North America is projected to increase at a higher CAGR owing, to augment in investment by the government and key players functioning in the telecom industry. Therefore, in the coming years, it is anticipated that the market of FTTx pipes will increase around the globe over the forthcoming duration.
For More Information, click on the link below:-
Global FTTx Pipes Market Research Report
Contact Us:-
Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications
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phgq · 5 years
John Wilson becomes MPBL's first 1,000-point man
#PHnews: John Wilson becomes MPBL's first 1,000-point man
MANILA -- John Wilson became the first player in the Maharlika Pilipinas Basketball League to score 1,000 points in total, and San Juan scored a huge home win against Pasig, 109-99, at the FilOil Flying V Centre in San Juan City on Saturday night.
Wilson entered the game only needing four points to breach the 1,000-point mark, and he did that just five and a half minutes into the game, scoring a mid-range jumper and a wide open triple to do so.
“Siyempre nakita naman namin na talagang masipag yung bata. Talagang tinrabaho niya yung nakuha niya ngayon. He deserves yung pagkakakuha niya sa achievement na ‘yon (We saw he was really hardworking. He really worked hard for what he got right now. He deserves these achievements),” the Knights' (22-3) head coach, Randy Alcantara, said of Wilson, who finished with 24 points to tow them to the win over the Realtors that put them a full game ahead of the Manila Stars for the top spot in the Northern Division.
Wilson also had five rebounds, four assists, and two steals.
Jeric Teng fired 31 points, nine rebounds, six assists, and one steal for Pasig, which slipped to a tie with Caloocan for the seventh and the eighth spots in the North at 14-11.
Leo Najorda added 21 markers, two boards, and one dime.
Meanwhile, Bacoor City bolstered its own bid for a better playoff seeding with a 98-67 rout of also ran Muntinlupa in the first game.
The Strikers raced to a 27-14 lead in the first quarter over the Cagers and never looked back from there.
“We just need to stay steady, stay humble and hungry, just keep putting the work and trusting the work. The result will show,” Bacoor City head coach Chris Gavina said.
Gab Banal finished with a triple-double of 13 points, 12 rebounds, and 10 assists for the Strikers, who moved up to 21-5 in the standings, a half-game behind the Davao Occidental Tigers for first place in the Southern Division.
Oping Sumalinog and RJ Ramirez also had 13 points each, with both drilling three triples each as well.
Jamil Ortouste paced the Cagers, who fell to 7-20, with 21 points on 9-of-20 shooting.
In the other game, Bacolod kept its playoff hopes alive with a 96-89 stunner over Basilan.
Bacolod came back from a rough first quarter and outscored Basilan, 78-61, in the final three quarters to complete the rally.
Pao Javelona led Bacolod, which moved up to solo 11th place in the South at 9-16, four games behind Bicol for the eighth seed, with 21 points, five rebounds, five assists, and two steals.
Coach Vic Ycasiano, however, reiterated he and the team are not yet in playoff mode.
"We're not thinking of our chances. What we're doing right now is to play and enjoy also to win as much as we can," said Ycasiano.
Yankee Haruna chipped in 14 points, 12 rebounds, and one block, while Jerick Cañada also had 14 markers with three caroms, eight dimes, and two swipes off the bench.
Ben Adamos put 11 points, 11 rebounds, three assists, and one block.
Allyn Bulanadi's career-high 33 points with five rebounds, two assists, and one steal went down the drain as Basilan failed to virtually tie GenSan for the third seed in the South and instead let Zamboanga get a share of the fourth spot at 16-10.
The Scores:
First Game Bacoor City (98) – Banal 13, Sumalinog 13, Ramirez 13, Canete 11, Montuano 10, Melencio 7, Acidre 6, Mabulac 6, Aquino 6, Acuna 4, Miranda 4, Ochea 3, Andaya 2, Malabag 0 Muntinlupa-Angelis Resort (67) – Ortouste 21, Moralde 10, Ylagan 9, Enguio 7, Mag-isa 7, Rebugio 7, Salaveria 2, Pamulaklakin 2, Po 2, Reyes 0, Buenaflor 0, Gonzales 0 Quarterscores: 27-14, 52-29, 77-52, 98-67
Second Game Bacolod-Master Sardines (96) -- Javelona 21, Villahermosa 15, Cañada 14, Haruna 14, Adamos 11, Camacho 8, Custodio 6, Gayosa 4, Tansingco 3, Charcos 0 Basilan-Jumbo Plastic (89) -- Bulanadi 33, Collado 15, Dagangon 9, Lunor 6, Bautista 6, Palencia 4, Gabo 3, Alanes 3, Sorela 3, Dumapig 3, Hallare 2, Balucanag 2, Manalang 0 Quarter scores: 18-28, 48-53, 72-67, 96-89
Third Game San Juan-Go for Gold (109) – Wilson 24, Ayonayon 18, Aquino 12, Clarito 12, Wamar 12, Rodriguez 7, Tajonera 6, Ubalde 4, Victoria 3, Subido 3, Bonifacio 2, Reyes 2, Isit 2, Estrella 2, Bunag 0 Pasig-Sta. Lucia (99) – Teng 31, Najorda 21, Nimes 17, Gotladera 13, Manalang 8, Mendoza 7, Velchez 2, Medina 0, Chavenia 0 Quarter scores: 25-23, 56-45, 80-69, 109-99 (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "John Wilson becomes MPBL's first 1,000-point man." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1090648 (accessed January 12, 2020 at 07:56PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "John Wilson becomes MPBL's first 1,000-point man." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1090648 (archived).
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trilotechcorp · 5 years
New Post has been published on PBA-Live
New Post has been published on https://pba-live.com/mpbl-champions-black-ayonayon-bulanadi-tolentino-join-pba-draft/
MPBL champions Black, Ayonayon, Bulanadi, Tolentino join PBA draft
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NCAA’S top scorer is prepared to burn the nets, this time in the PBA.
Allyn Bulanadi has pronounced for the 2019 PBA Draft after an outstanding run with San Sebastian that saw him acquire his place in the Mythical Team this NCAA Season 95.
The 6-foot-2 Bulanadi drove the group in scoring with his 20.0 point-normal on a 35-percent shooting from threes, alongside 5.1 bounce back, 2.3 helps, and 1.3 takes to convey the Golden Stags back in the Final Four.
The Davaoeno heavy weapons specialist is effectively perhaps the best shooter in the current year’s class, as found in his run in Recto, just as in the PBA D-League, where he fit up for Che’Lu Bar and Grill and Valencia City Bukidnon-San Sebastian.
He has additionally taken his demonstration to Basilan Steel in the Maharlika Pilipinas Basketball League (MPBL) before applying for the draft.
The 22-year-old is anticipated to be picked in the first round, and could even go as high as the Top Five.
Beside Bulanadi, various MPBL champions will likewise test their karma in the yearly new kid on the block procedures, set on Dec. 8 at Robinson’s Ermita.
That incorporates his Basilan colleague and previous Mapua Cardinal Hesed Gabo, a 5-foot-9 gatekeeper who is averaging 8.4 focuses on a 33-percent shooting from profound, alongside 8.1 helps and 3.4 bounce back this Lakan Cup.
Gabo additionally had a major part in BRT Sumisip Basilan-St. Clare’s title victory in the 2019 PBA D-League Foundation Cup, where he got 7.1 focuses on a 35-percent cut from threes, over 4.1 helps and 1.7 bounce back.
San Juan scorer Mike Ayonayon is likewise making the hop subsequent to helping the Knights win the Datu Cup, where he was named as the Finals MVP.
Averaging 11.9 focuses on a 42-percent shooting, just as 4.7 bounce back, 3.8 helps, and 1.5 takes this MPBL season, the 6-foot watch out of Philippine Christian University is one of the most persistent scorers outside of the PBA today.
Manila’s 1-2 punch of Chris Bitoon and Aris Dionisio, both of whom were named to the All-MPBL First Team this past Lakan Cup, have additionally presented their draft applications.
The 5-foot-8 Bitoon is one of the most balanced watches in the MPBL as the MLQU item is presently averaging 13.7 focuses, 5.1 helps, 4.4 bounce back, and 1.9 takes
Dionisio, who remains at 6-foot-4, is one of the draft class’ most captivating possibilities as the middle out of St. Clare is a demonstrated resource in the paint.
He was the Defensive Player of the Year back in the Datu Cup and has posted midpoints of 12.8 focuses, 7.8 sheets, 2.7 dismissals, and 2.2 helps for the Stars.
Additionally announcing for the draft is Aaron Black.
The child of Meralco Bolts lead trainer Norman Black is looking to become well known in the wake of foregoing his last season in Ateneo.The 22-year old dazzled in his stretches with Quezon City and Zamboanga, piling on 11.6 focuses, 7.2 bounce back, and 5.1 aids the Lakan Cup.
He additionally stunned with AMA Online Education in the 2019 PBA D-League Foundation Cup, posting 25.2 focuses on a 44-percent shooting from the field, over 12.3 bounce back, 10.3 helps, and 1.5 takes and racked three triple-duplicates.
Previous Far Eastern University forward Arvin Tolentino has likewise joined the pool in the wake of posting midpoints of 6.2 focuses, 5.0 sheets, and 1.0 aid his stops with Batangas and Nueva Ecija.
Individual Tamaraw Richard Escoto is additionally in, relying upon his midpoints of 15.1 focuses, 7.9 bounce back, 2.1 dimes, and 1.2 takes in Iloilo as he would like to follow in the strides of his sibling Russel of NorthPort.
Cebu’s 6-foot-5 bruiser Will McAloney will likewise enter the draft subsequent to mesh 18.1 focuses on a hyper-effective 54-percent shooting from the field, just as pulling down 10.7 bounce back in the ongoing competition.
It’s a serious turnout regardless of the MPBL prior discharging a reminder to part groups not to enable its players to be discharged to the PBA while the Lakan Cup is ongoing.
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