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Sailor Moon Series - 1994 - Change of Genres 
(No Footage Just Front Cover) 1994 would see the Sailor Moon series make its first appearance on the Sega Pico also known as the Kids Computer Pico with Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon S, as you would imagine a game on something called a Kids Computer Pico this title is an educational collection of mini games and would mark the first time the Sailor Moon licence would move away from the Beat em 'up genre.
In what was a busy year with 7 games released using the Sailor Moon licence, 1994 would see the series move into another genre with the release of Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon S Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo!!. With this title falling into the Falling block puzzle and Tile matching puzzle genre.
Another change of system for the next release in 1994 and another change in genre with Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon being a visual novel this release was exclusive to the TurboGrafx CD as well as being exclusive to Japan.
(No Footage Just Front Cover) Another change in system for another 1994 release in the Sailor Moon series, this time moving to the Playdia a fifth generation console that was exclusive to Japan.
Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon S Quiz Taiketsu! Sailor Power Kesshū!! is a quiz/trivia game featuring Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter with the game separated into five sections of 20 multiple choice questions.
For other Gaming Shorts check out this playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJOZYl1h1CF5oVPNNxPlLJPambfM5BIj
(1994年、セーラームーンシリーズは「美少女戦士セーラームーンS」でキッズコンピューターピコとして知られるセガピコに初登場する。キッズコンピューターピコと呼ばれるものでゲームを想像するように、このタイトルはミニゲームの教育的なコレクションであり、セーラームーンライセンスが初めてBeat em 'upジャンルから離れることになる。
セーラームーンのライセンスを使用したゲームが7本発売された忙しい年だったが、1994年には『美少女戦士セーラームーンS こんどうはパズルでおしおきよ!!』が発売され、シリーズが別のジャンルに進出することになる。本作は落ち物パズルや牌合わせパズルのジャンルに入る。
1994年に発売された『美少女戦士セーラームーン 近藤はパズルでおしおきよ!!』は、TurboGrafx CD専用ソフトとして発売された。
美少女戦士セーラームーンS クイズたいけつ!セーラームーン、セーラーマーキュリー、セーラーヴィーナス、セーラーマーズ、セーラージュピターが登場するクイズ・トリビアゲーム。
他のGaming Shortsはこちらのプレイリストをチェック https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFJOZYl1h1CF5oVPNNxPlLJPambfM5BIj
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treepan0 · 6 months ago
these credit sprites from Dragon ball:plan to eradicate the Saiyans guide OVA
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the OVA may not be that good, due to its connection to being a videogame tutorial. but hey it's still interesting, and some cool sprite work. also being written by the same person who wrote classic Broly, ain't helping. it's a nothing burger but still interesting.
if anyone is curious about Hatchiyack still, either emulate one of the games, watch a let's play or watch the raging blast remake, since it has better story structure.
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yellowjestertfs · 3 months ago
Altered State: Part Two
This is the next part of the saga. Part One is available to read here. Part Three should be posted in a week. I love reading the comments so feel free to post any feedback or predictions.
Leon felt as if his flesh was melting. Furiously he scrolled through his notifications trying to determine the source of the intense pain wracking his body. 
There was the normal notification about stats that Leon expected at this point.
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“You have reached level five. You receive attribute points based on your class: +3 Strength, +1 Charisma, +0.3 Intelligence.” 
Leon imagined if he wasn’t in so much pain he would feel the typical shifts in his body as his strength increased. 
There was another notification, a new one although not one that explained the pain either. 
“Juggernaut is an embodied class, as such at level five you gain a class ability.”
“Inner strength: At will, once every 115 seconds you can tap into your inner strength to gain a brief burst of, power, reflex, and athletic ability. Note: the cooldown of the ability equals 120 minus class level. Note: the potency of this ability scales with strength.”
The ability seemed amazing though Leon hardly had the mental facilities to think about the potential, or what exactly a embodied class was. Finally, the last notification explained the source of the all-consuming ache in his body.
“You have gained a class perk.”
“Metabolizer: your metabolisms is heightened to superhuman levels. Calories will no longer be stored as fat but instead burned for super-kinetic energy.” 
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Tentatively Leon lifted his shirt. His mouth dropped open as he physically saw the flab on his stomach move and shift, slowly shrinking to reveal his abs. His body was eating its own fat stores like a yeast colony to sugar. His arms, his neck, his butt, he felt every part of his body acutely as the fat he had carried for so long was stripped away.
He pulled up his stats screen and watched his weight number slowly fall, past the 200-pound mark, past 190, then 180, then 170 until Leon’s weight came to rest at a puny 160 pounds, all in a matter of minutes.
Leon sat there dazed not sure what to feel about the rapid reformation of his body. Once the pain was gone he tentatively left the stall and approached the mirror above the sink. He had to do a double-take to make sure it was really him. He looked different, gaunt, like a bean pole. Veins were visible on his forearms, and the small abs and pecs he had built from his five levels of strength stood in stark relief on his fat-free torso. He flexed his arm and watched the bicep rise. He looked sort of like Cal, like he could be a runner or a skinny swimmer. The only indications that he had never been fat were the stretch marks and loose skin that dangled from various parts of his body. 
Leon brought his face close to the mirror to examine it fully. It was amazing how much fat obscured his features. Without it his face seemed solid, almost handsome, his jaw had a somewhat square cast to it, and his cheekbones were arched and pronounced. He wondered if the four points added to his charisma could have anything to do with the altered appearance of his face as well.
Leon let himself smile and admired the deep dimples that formed. Let Hunter try to call him a fatty now that his body fat percentage was probably lower than that frat douchbag’s. 
For a moment Leon looked around for the notification on his display, and then he realized the sound had come from a text on his phone. 
“DID YOU TOUCH MY FUCKING PLAYDIA?” Avlis texted Edward and Leon in their roommate text threat.
“Get a life looser” Leon texted back. He imagined Alvis’ face when he saw the hunk Leon was becoming. That red-faced creep was going to explode. 
A second later Edward texted back “No need to get upset. We can discuss it tonight.” Leon found the response strangely diplomatic for his famously awkward friend. He wondered how Edward was doing if he was undergoing as rapid changes as Leon was. Thinking of his friend made him think of their contest and how little he wanted to lose. He turned his mind back to the new quests that had appeared with the next level, feeling fresh and energized thanks to his high metabolism and animal endurance.
“Run a mile.”
The task proved easier than he thought. As a fat kid, the mile had been hell on earth for Leon, he regularly finished last with times in the late teen early twenty-minute mark. Without the fat and with his added strength, however, Leon felt like he was running on air. Without pushing himself he ran the mile on the attached track in 7:00 minutes and hardly even felt winded in the end. On his last lap, Leon tried activating his new ability “inner strength”. All he had to do was think about it and suddenly the ability activated. All at once his body was flushed with strength. His steps became powerful bounds and he flew through the air at outrageous speeds for a moment before the ability ended and Leon not so gracefully stumbled back to his regular pace. A timer of 115 seconds appeared in the corner of his vision, counting down the seconds until he could use the ability again. 
The completion of the quest got Leon a little over a fourth of the way to level six. 
“Play a sport with others” 
Was the next quest he selected to do. Leon wondered around his school's massive gymnasium looking for a pick-up basketball game he could join or a tennis player looking for a doubles partner. Instead, as he looked out the window at the grassy field below he saw a different sort of athletic endeavor. 
Students wielding foam swords, shields, axes, and even bows charged at each other. As Leon left the health center and approached he could hear war cries and calls of who was out from various participants. It ended within a minute as a girl with short hair blocked a sword thrust from her opponent with her shield and then slashed at his legs with her own foam weapon. A winner was declared and the participants helped each other to their feet from where they had “died” and rearmed themselves to go again.
The girl who had won saw Leon watching and approached. “Want to join” she asked somewhat skeptically. While his height and build made him look like a jock his Superman shirt seemed to communicate that Leon was one of them. In truth, Leon would normally scoff at the idea of role-playing, especially in such a public area, but his new penchant for athletics plus his need to complete the quest made him amicable to her offer.
The girl who introduced herself as Ruth and the sport as Dagorhir. She showed him the various foam weapons that he could choose from, though Leon ended up sticking with the same foam sword and shield she used. She told him because he was new he would be on her team and that he should stick with her and just try to stay alive. 
He did what she said at first, staying back and only blocking with his shield when a stray attacker came at him. He was amazed by how quickly he could move, how fast his reflexes were becoming. He blocked another thrust then retaliated with his sword down onto the guy's back, reveling in the way his perfect form perk allowed him to effortlessly perform the precise motions. Behind him, Ruth went down to a foam-tipped arrow shot by an archer who Leon sprinted over to and tagged with a thrust, killing him. Leon was surprised to find he was the only one left from his team facing down two attackers, one wielding two swords with the other a ball of spiky foam tied to a rope he swung about to attack.
Leon knew he had only one chance to win. Activating his inner strength ability he flew through the air, feet clearing the low sweep of his opponent's flail. As he came back down, he brought his sword down hard onto the other opponent who blocked with both his swords. They cracked like twigs under the force of his slam. 
Even Leon was surprised by his own strength. He felt instantly grateful the guy had blocked his attack, or else it may have been his arms instead of his swords that broke like glass. While both his opponents were stunned by Leon's maneuver Leon swept low with his sword taking both out and winning the game. His team rushed around him all shouting his praise. 
“How the fuck did you do that,” Ruth asked amazed! The feeling of admiration, of victory on the basis of his athletic ability was so foreign to Leon that he wasn’t sure what to do, especially when they started chanting his name. Leon glanced to see his progress bar was almost full thanks to the physical exertion of the activity and the completion of the quest.
“Play again,” Ruth asked.
“Maybe later, I really have to go, but I had fun,” Leon said smiling. He wasn’t lying, despite his misgivings about the lameness of the sport he really had enjoyed it. He gave her his number and she promised to update him on when the club met. 
Leon felt on top of the world especially because his next quest to “consume an exercise supplement” would be a piece of cake. He jogged back to the athletic center, using his inner strength ability whenever it came off cooldown to increase his pace and to try to get used to the burst of supernatural athleticism it gave him. He really needed to understand the limits of his ability before someone got hurt.
As soon as Leon entered the gym he felt a wave of comfort wash over him, a sense of belonging. He walked confidently into the small store attached to the gym and perused the various protein supplements, pre-workout powders, and energy drinks.
“Need help finding anything” The young athlete behind the counter asked.
“Just something for the gains” Leon joked, though with his new body the joke was lost on the cashier who thought he was serious. Leon supposed he sort of was. The cashier pointed out a few pre and post-workout supplements to Leon and feeling reckless Leon bought them all along with a water bottle.
Leon realized he hadn’t drank water or eaten anything in hours yet he didn't feel hungry or thirsty. He wasn’t sure if that was a perk of his Animal Endurance or had something to do with the “super kinetic energy” he now supposedly burned his fat into. Either way, he supposed it would still would be good for him to get some protein and liquids into his system. He scooped the proper amount of each supplement into the bottle before shaking it well.
Leon reached level six right as he finished the bottle. He let out a sigh and felt his body expand.
“You have reached level six. You receive attribute points based on your class: +3 Strength, +1 Charisma +0.3 Intelligence.”
Leon felt the familiar telltale signs of the boost to his strength, his muscles swelled, his pecs became more pronounced, thighs beefed up. The network of veins on his skinny forearms became even more pronounced and the loose skin from his rapid weight gain refilled now with muscle instead of fat, becoming less noticeable as Leon’s body became more buff. 
This level-up felt different from the others though. Leon felt himself continue to grow, his shoulders widening even more, and his arms bulging. He wondered at the reason until he saw his latest perk. 
“You have gained a class perk.”
“Rapid Returns: The effects of any workout or body-enhancing substance are applied immediately, and to the fullest.”
This had to be one of the best perks yet. No more would he have to wait weeks to see gains, instead he would experience them instantly. The added growth he reasoned was the retroactive payments of the exercise he had already completed that day plus the supplements he had just drank. 
Leon wasn’t one for patience so he was more than glad for the instant gratification, plus with his perfect form perk, he could be sure that any exercise he did would be rewarded fully and instantly.
Three more quests appeared.
Leon's smile disappeared, replaced by a scoff when he saw what they were. These had to be jokes, no way in hell was he going to be caught dead doing something like that. Who the fuck did this game think he was? 
Edward let out a cry of pain as he stumbled back, face and body on fire. Thankfully the golden lines that had materialized around quickly faded but his yelp still caught the attention of a few groups of students who all looked in his direction with concern. “Hey, you ok” a guy asked getting up from the grass to walk towards him. 
Edward put both hands over his face, which felt as if it was being ripped apart, and backed away from the approaching student. 
“I’m fine” he managed through the pain. He brushed past the guy, body hunched forward unable to stand straight. The students looked at each other confused but let him pass. Edward stumbled blindly into an ally between two buildings that were normally filled with smoking students but was thankfully empty. 
Edward sunk down to the ground wrapping his arms around his knees tightly as the pain continued. It felt as if his bones were made of clay that some invisible, and not too gentle, hand was sculpting. After a minute the pain began to lessen and Edward could think again. He couldn’t tell exactly what had happened but he suspected the answer lay somewhere in the notifications he had just received.
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“You have reached level five. You receive attribute points based on your class: +3 Charisma, +1 Intelligence, +0.3 Strength.”
“You have gained a class perk.”
“Golden Ratio: You are a dream of any Renaissance artist. Along with being perfectly symmetrical your face and body ascribe exactly to the golden ratio. You are now 1.618 down to your DNA.”
The Golden Ratio perk explained the pain. Edward recognized the phrase from the art history class he had taken freshman year. It had something to do with proportions and beauty. He got out his phone to look it up but stopped when he saw his reflection on the darkened screen. He sat there staring at his reflection, startled every time that it blinked when he did. 
Beauty wasn’t an objective thing, Edward knew that. But he had been ugly, the type of ugly only a mother could love, and even she is on the fence about. It wasn’t just his bad skin, or thin hair, or beady eyes, or misshapen nose, though none of those helped, it was in the fundamental construction of his features. Unsymmetrical ill-proportioned, and downright unpleasant to look at. Now that had all changed. 
Edward wouldn’t call his reflection sexy or hot, rather he was more striking. His face was masculine but not overly so. His features all looked as if they were pieces in part of the same puzzle, each perfectly proportioned and symmetrical, fitting on his face as if they were sculpted by the hand of an angle or the brain of an artistic AI. His eyes were flawlessly spaced, in exact harmony with his forehead. His lips sat perfectly under his nose which had been resized and reshaped to the exact dimensions to flatter his face. His entire head had taken on a different shape, elongating and narrowing and contouring. He was in a word beautiful. 
Under his sweater, Edward could see his body had shifted as well. He hadn’t gained or lost mass but rather his proportions had changed, shoulder broadening, waste slimming, hands and feet growing bigger. Edward couldn’t check in public but he also had felt some pain in his groin. He was pretty sure his dick and balls had been growing a bit with every level but he suspected the latest perk had done made some big shifts to the region. In someone as insecure and unattractive as Edward having a small penis had only been the cherry on top of his ugly sundae. Edward had assumed no one would ever see under his pants and he had spent much more time wishing for a pretty face or clear skin then a big dick. Now however it seemed plausible almost even likely Edward would get laid eventually and he was glad he was gaining a proper dick to do it with. It all felt so exhilarating and made Edward not a small bit horny.
Edward finally composed himself enough to do some rudimentary research on the golden ratio he was now supposedly modeled off. As the perk suggested the golden ratio was all about 1.618. It seemed this was a number that appeared in nearly all beautiful things in nature and was used by artists in their work, especially in the Renaissance, to replicate the scale of that natural beauty that is so pleasing to the human eye. According to the articles Edward quickly skimmed those faces deemed most attractive were in proportion with this ratio. There was a complex set of formulas involved, face height should be 1.618 times longer than width, brows should be 1.618 longer then the distance between the eyes, etc. Edward didn't have a ruler but he bet if he measured if face it would be in line with that down to the millimeter. 
Despite the radical change his features were still his own, only shifted and resized. The pig-like upward slant of his nose had been somewhat corrected by the previous bumps to charisma but it was still noticeable, same with his chin which still had a ways to go before it became anything resembling desirable. Still, the changes were radical, to the point that Edward had a hard time recognizing himself. He wondered if Leon would recognize him, and how in the hell he was going to explain this to his family.
Edward was so distracted by the latest perk that he didn’t even fully read the other notifications that had come with level five.
“The Snake Charmer class is a conduit class. As such at level five you gain access to energy points. These can be used in various techniques. Your pool of energy points is equal to your intelligence. The rate of regeneration is tied primarily to your charisma but also scales to a lesser degree on intelligence.”
“At level five the Snake Charmer class gains a technique” 
“Silver Tongue: Your innate charm allows you to channel energy into your words, imbuing them with power that can bend all who hear them to your will. Note: This ability costs five energy per word. Note: the maximum number of words that can be imbued increases by one every ten points of charisma: current max 2. Note: This technique may be less effective or wholly resisted by targets with higher charisma. Note: This ability is considered a charm and therefor can be resisted or negated by items, consumables, aura, technique or abilities with anti-charm properties. Note: The duration of this technique may differ based on the degree of differences in the charisma score of the caster and the target. Note: This technique is 92.22% more effective on people with a penis.” 
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Edward blinked at the wall of text before him. Edward wasn’t dumb, he had an intelligence of 13 and a 4.0 GPA but he was really struggling to deciphering the massive amount of information the game had just given him. He decided to take it part by part.
First, there were the energy points. Those he was able to deduce were like mana points in an RPG game, the resource he used to cast spells, or in Altered State’s case techniques. Edward focused on the note about the regeneration and a formula popped up going into more detail. 
“Regeneration per hour = # EP (Energy points) * (Charisma * 0.01)”
His current energy point pool, now indicated by a new full yellow bar on the right side of his vision, was 13. His charisma also coincidentally was also 13 at level five although with the gains he got each level he knew it would quickly out-scale his intelligence. At his current level his rate of regeneration was 1.69 energy points per hour, pretty abysmal. That meant it would take him more than seven hours to regain all his energy. 
Edward flipped to the calculator app on his phone. He felt like Alvis doing math for a video game but he also knew it was important to understand this new system. At level 10 when his intelligence would be 18 and his charisma 28 his rate of regeneration would be 5.04 per hour and when he reached level 20 and had a pool of 28 energy points his rate of regeneration would be 16.24 energy points per hour which felt much more reasonable. By level 34 he would be capable of regretting all his energy at that level within an hour. 
Edward started to understand what exactly the game had in store for him. Intelligence-focused classes were meant to be mages, the type with a large energy pool but slow regeneration. He would be the opposite, lacking a large resource bank but able to recover his expended energy much faster and get back to doing. It matched exactly the way Edward liked to play video games which was somewhat concerning. 
As for the technique Edward had unlocked, he was unsure exactly what to make of it. Silver Tongue seemed extremely powerful, almost overly so. There were however that list of notes at the end providing a caveat to the power. First off it seemed that the ability wouldn’t be very useful on those with higher charisma then his own and that there were additionally a host of other game provided way to protect one’s self from charm techniques. Edward didn't really think he would have to worry about that though, as far as he knew he and Leon were the only ones with access to the game and he had no intention of using his ability against his best friend. Still he thought having checks to an technique like his was ultimately a good thing. Edward could think of far too many ways “bending someone to your will” could be used for ill. It also had that stipulation of being much more effective on men like most of Edwards other rewards which he found perplexing.
Edward decided he wouldn’t use this new power unless it was really necessary, which his two new quests seemed unlikely.
“Get new clothes” and “Get a haircut” seemed like some not-so-subtle hints that Altered State thought it was time for him to have a makeover. Edward’s appearance had already changed so much, he was trepidatious about changing himself further. Still, the latest batch of rewards he received for leveling up were the best ones yet. Edward would be lying if the intoxication of power wasn’t driving him forward, that and the bet he still had with Leon. 
Normally Edward would just go to the budget haircut place in town, no need to spend a lot of money when his appearance was already unsalvageable. Now though Edward didn't feel so lackadaisical about his looks. There was a real nice barber shop he knew only a few blocks from campus which he decided to go to.
Edward left the ally and walked across the green out of campus. As he went Edward was amazed by all the looks he got. Not the looks of pity or disgust he was used to. Instead, people smiled and waved at him as if they knew him. It was bizarre in the extreme. A group of girls walking by whispered something to each other and giggled as they passed, and a tall handsome guy gave him a wink. At first, the attention bothered Edward but as he walked he gained confidence. He stood straight, puffed out his still slim chest, and smiled back at the people he passed. Both the more confident walk and the friendly expression on his face felt right on the new construction of his body. 
“One haircut please,” Edward said as he entered the barber shop. It was an awkward line but his high charisma, People Person perk, and Social Sync perk all saved him from being turned away. 
The barber, a tallish middle-aged guy with a slight Italian accent and a short beard greeted him like an old friend. “What can I get ya today.” He asked as he sprayed Edward's curls down with water. 
Somewhere along the way, Edward’s stringy dirty blond hair had become a thick golden mane with a slight wave in it, a far cry from the straight thin straw his hair had been before. 
“I don’t know Alexi, what do you think would look good?” Edward asked reading the man's name off his name tag. Through his Sage perk he could feel that the barbers had a genuine love for his craft and that his goal was to make Edward look as good as possible.
The barber clucked his tongue examining Edward's face and running a comb through his damp hair which instantly sprung back into place. “You have such beautiful hair, it feels like such a shame to cut it off. How about I just shape it up so you can show off that handsome face of yours.”
Edward blushed but gave his approval. He watched memorized as Alexi slowly removed the hair from around his newly sized down ears and forehead. Staring in the mirror Edward couldn’t believe the adonis staring back was himself. 
He was snapped out of his revelry by the ding. For a second he thought he had leveled up again but it turned out to just be his phone. 
“DID YOU TOUCH MY FUCKING PLAYDIA?” Avlis had texted him and Leon in their roommate group chat in obnoxious all caps. 
A few seconds later Leon responded with his typical brashness: “Get a life looser”. 
Edward sighed and typed out a diplomatic response, “No need to get upset. We can discuss it tonight” he sent. He would try to calm Alvis down in person but if their creepy roommate got really upset Edward could always use him as the first test subject for his new technique. 
Edward and Alexi made small talk as he the haircut, Edward was amazed at how easily the conversation flowed, and how at ease he felt talking to a stranger. When it came time to pay he suspected Alexi gave him a substantial discount. Edward reviled his first experience of pretty privilege. At the same time, he felt kind of bad, like he had scammed the guy just by nature of being charming. Edward left a large tip and thanked him profusely promising to recommend all his friends, as if he had any other than Leon.
With the first of two quests completed and the progress bar to level six halfway full Edward made his way to the mall a few blocks away, his new haircut only intensified the stares he got. 
Normally Edward wasn’t confident enough to wear anything other than the most basic of clothes, neutral colors, and a size too big. Now however Edward felt empowered. He walked into the most trendy shop in the mall and was instantly beset by an eager saleswoman. Within minutes she had picked out for Edward more clothes than he could carry before escorting him to a dressing room. His sage perk, which was significantly weaker on her than on Alexi, let him know she worked on commission and that she suspected he was a rich pretty boy willing to spend. 
Edward locked the door and tried on the first item of clothing, a red and brown sweater vest that was a bit too big. As soon as Edward put the vest on he heard a ding and reached level six. It really was strange how lenient the game was with some quests and how strict it was with others. 
To Edward’s relief, none of the level six features caused excruciating pain this time, although he did feel a slight discomfort as the usual three points of charisma altered his face further, skin smoothing, features adjusting, Adam’s apple bulging slightly as his voice grew a bit deeper and smoother. His newly cut hair on his head along with the little body hair he had grew even more silky and soft and golden blond. Plus Edward was sure he could feel his penis grow as well, only about a sixth of an inch but still noticeable and exhilarating. 
“You have reached level six. You receive attribute points based on your class: +3 Charisma, +1 Intelligence, +0.3 Strength.”
“You have gained a class perk.”
“Gold Star Killer: Your charm is strong enough to go ignore biological and social boundaries. Anyone with a penis will now be equally likely to find you attractive no matter their usual sexual orientation.”
Edward gasped slightly when he saw the perk. He knew it was a dream of a lot of gay guys to have sex with straight guys, and he would be lying if he said the fantasy wasn’t there for him as well, but he found the idea of bending sexualities concerning. He currently wouldn’t want to be made attracted to a woman. Plus he hoped there was some sort of exemption he could make for his friends and family. He laughed to himself at the idea of boob-loving Leon suddenly having eyes for his dick. 
Edward sifted through the rest of the clothes. Most were either too expensive or too gaudy to be considered, but in the pile, Edward found a fair number of shirts and pants he might actually wear. With his now 16 charisma every piece of clothing just seemed to fit right on him, like he could wear a garbage bag and still walk the red carpet, he really just was that damn pretty. 
Edward had just tried on a thick wool-striped short-sleeved shirt when he heard a noise from outside. “What's the point in wearing that if I can’t see your tits,” a loud obnoxious male voice said. Out of curiosity Edward stuck his head out of the changing room and saw two people arguing in front of the mirror a few feet down the hallway.
“You sound like a douchebag when you say things like that Hunter,” a blond woman said as she adjusted a floral long-sleeve blouse on her athletic frame. 
The man who Edward presumed to be Hunter scoffed. “Cassy you look like a lesbo librarian. Can’t we go to Victoria's Secret or something?” 
“You're being a jerk. Is this just because you think I was flirting with that guy at the gym? How many times do I have to tell you he's just in one of my classes.”
“I don’t give a shit about that fattie,” Hunter said in a way that made it obvious he very much did, “I just don’t want people thinking your even more of a skank than they already do.” 
The blond woman reeled back. Despite the distance and not having a penis Cassy strong emotion triggered Edward’s Sage skill and he instantly knew that her foremost desire at that moment was to hit the Hunter in the face. She opened her mouth to tell him off but Edward beat her to it. Stepping out of the dressing room he instinctively activated his Silver Tongue ability. “Hey man be nice,” he said, the last two words coming out in a much louder and deeper voice that echoed through the hallway, as if a proclamation from god.
Hunter froze in place for a moment then his face contorted into an unnaturally friendly expression and in a forced cheery voice he said “I’m sorry for saying that Cassie. No one thinks that you are a skank. You are a very beautiful intelligent women who I am often intimidated by, and who I take out my insecurities on.” 
Cassie looked around as if looking for the hidden cameras to emerge and tell her this was a prank. Hunter turned towards Edward. “I must say you are very attractive. I would normally never admit this but I really want to have sex with you.” Even through the compulsion of Edward's technique, it was obvious that Hunter was horrified by what he was saying, although with his Gold Star Killer perk it was also likely true. 
Hunter turned back to Cassie “Let me buy you these clothes to make up for my rude comments, then I want to finally hear about that book you have been reading.” He proceeded to gather all of Cassie’s clothing in his arms and walk to the checkout counter, his girlfriend wordlessly following behind him, too shocked to speak. 
Edward looked around to see if anyone else had witnessed the effect of his ability but the dressing room was empty. Awkwardly he made his way back to his room to try on the rest of the clothes, still amazed by the power of his new technique. He wondered how long the effect would last on that jerk. It would probably be too much to wish it would be permanent, but he hoped for Cassie’s sake it was long enough for him to buy her clothes. He also noticed Cassie seemed not to be affected by his words. He wasn’t sure if that was because she didn't have a penis or if it was because he intended his words only for Hunter. 
Edward glanced at his energy bar. The yellow bar was a little less then a third of the way full, Edward just having spent 10 energy, 5 on each word. It would be a few hours till he could regenerate all the expended points again, though Edward didn't regret it. Especially when he noticed the level progress bar which was right under the energy bar was already halfway to level seven. Edward realized that he had inadvertently just completed one of his new quests without realizing it, “resolve an altercation with only your words” was now marked as complete. His other assigned quest “post on social media” seemed like it could be equally as easy to complete. 
Edward put on his favorite of the newest clothes, a white sweater and a pair of blue jeans, and pulled up the latest trending song. Then he set up his phone on the fitting room bench and started filming. Edward didn't do much, he moved his hips slightly, ran his fingers through his hair, and even bit his lip at one point. Watching it back Edward looked like a total fuck boy, but damn was he pretty. He posted the video publicly, and though he didn’t have any followers except for Leon and his mom he was pretty confident the video would get some views. 
Sure enough, Edward heard two simultaneous dings as he both leveled up and received his first like on the video. 
“You have reached level seven. You receive attribute points based on your class: +3 Charisma, +1 Intelligence, +0.3 Strength.”
“You have gained a class perk.”
“Social gravity: Your charisma is like a magnet. You emit an aura that makes attracting attention to yourself effortless and becoming the center of attention nearly inevitable. Note: This effect is 92.22% more effective on people with a penis. Note: This is an aura effect. Individuals can only be effected by one charisma based aura at a time. Your aura may overcome other charisma-based aura in its range if your charisma is higher, or be suppressed by another aura if the less charismatic of the two. Note: you will receive upgrades to this aura ability at levels 14, 21, 29, etc.”
Edward had mixed feelings about this latest perk. As someone ignored and shunned all his life Edward felt the draw to the spotlight, to finally being seen by his peers. Still, there was something nice about anonymity, about being an invisible face in the crowd. If he was reading this perk right his days of nameless NPC were over, main character only from here on out. Plus there was that thing about blocking other auras. This was the second indication that he might be encountering other people with classes and abilities like his own. Edward supposed there could be others out there, Leon had been rather vague about who had given him the game and upon reflection is seemed rather obvious that “buff guy” must have also had a class. Edward thought about that disk still sitting in Alvis’ machine. Once he reached level ten he and Leon would have to lock up that disk in a safe, or maybe destroy it, anything to keep the likes of Hunter from getting their hands on that type of power. 
Edward left the changing room, still wearing the favorite of his new clothes, and paid for the half dozen items clothing items he had decided on. These were unfortunately not discounted like his haircut though Edward had some money from his birthday saved up. 
Edward’s next quest seemed deceptively easy. “Attend a party” was the only item listed in his quest menu. The rave Trent and Tag were going to tonight might count but that wasn’t for another few hours and Edward wanted to give the two some space. Even though classes were out for the day Edward knew it was likely too early for any parties to be happening in the dorms or in any of the houses on fratrow. 
Edward decided to wonder around the mall. If he had gotten stared before it was nothing compared to now. His social gravity perk and the last two levels of charisma made him an undeniably attention-grabbing figure. He passed a kid's birthday party happening in an arcade but decided against crashing that to complete his quest. 
Edward wandered out of the mall and down the street to one of the nicer parts of town, to a row of expensive restaurants and luxury apartment buildings. Edward's ears pricked up as he heard the sounds of chatting voices and light laughter. 
He quickly found the source of the chatter. Middle-aged men and women in formal attire holding glasses of wine milled about an art gallery pointing at the black and white works on the wall and chatting in groups of twos and threes. The name of the gallery on the glass read “l’art” in big cursive letters. 
Edward supposed this would count as a party. With a confidence Edward would never once have possessed, he walked into the gallery. Immediately every head inside turned to face him. On his display, the quest “attend a party” didn’t mark as complete as he had expected. Instead, it expanded like a scroll being unfurled. The words “event quest” appeared with a progress bar, along with a new open-ended task list. The quest renamed itself and Edward internally groaned. “The party don’t start till you walk in” the quest now read. A timer began to count down. 
“Do a shirtless workout” 
“Flex in a public place” 
“Get three complements on your body” 
These couldn’t be serious. For the first time, Leon considered what exactly the Juggernaut class was. So far the quests had driven him to become a paragon of athleticism, but these quests seemed to want him to be some preening peacock. Leon briefly thought about those viral internet challenges that went around when he was in middle school, the ones that supposedly started simply and ended with you jumping off the roof or something. He was pretty sure those were actually moral panics. Still he couldn’t help wondering if this might be the same, if the game was lulling him in with simple quests before making him perform this strange humiliation ritual. 
Leon weighed his options. He could ignore the quests, and try to get to level seven by only using the experience he gained from working out, though judging by the increased amount of experence each level was requiring that could take days if not weeks. No, the quests were too valuable to ignore. He would have to suck up his pride and become what he had once scorned. 
Tentatively Leon made his way to the massive workout area of the gym. By now it was late afternoon and the post-class rush had filled the gym to almost its capacity. There were a few other guys without shirts on, walking with their chests puffed out like monkeys and leaving sweaty imprints behind on their stations.
Leon let out an audible sigh and looked down at his XL Superman tee. It still hung loose on his frame thanks to his rapid metabolism but he suspected his arms and pecs were only a few levels of strength away from filling it to bursting once again. Slowly he stripped it off, the shirt slightly damp from the sweat he had accumulated over the hours of exercise. Leon still couldn’t believe the body underneath was his. He was now undeniably big, fit, and muscled. He looked like he could be a personal trainer or a fitness model. He had a six-pack, not even the skinny kind, but the strong ones in which each abs were visible. His pecs pushed out visibly. He tried to bounce them and found with his perfect form perk he was able to make them dance precisely. His tan skin from his half-French, half-Mexican heritage didn't hang as loose around his muscles as before.
Now shirtless Leon did a few bicep curls. “Nice guns,” a guy walking past said and Leon gave him a polite smile. The “get a complement on your body” quest marked itself as 1/3. After a few more curls and an overhead press with the dumbbells his “do a shirtless workout” also completed and Leon was thrust 1/3 of the way to level seven. Leon decided to stay shirtless for a few more exercises in hopes of getting two more compliments on his body, and because some small quiet part of him secretly loved the feeling of showing off his gains. 
He continued to the next exercise doing squats, then lateral raises, then shoulder presses. Though totally imperceptible Leon convinced himself he could feel each exercise permanently pump up each of his muscles slightly larger as their effects were instantly expressed by his “Rapid Rewards” perk. Leon kept forgetting his torso was bare until he would spot an occasional annoyed or lustful look from a fellow gymgoer. He wasn’t sure if it was his utmost confidence he had in the space from the Gym Rat perk or if it was a newly discovered exhibitionist streak but he found himself not minding the attention. He tried to catch a few women's eyes but all of them seemed to avoid him purposefully which he couldn’t much blame them for. 
Leon did a set of 20 pull-ups without much effort then wandered over to a wall of mirrors by the weights. Leon still couldn’t believe the tan muscular figure was him. Tentatively he flexed a bicep, overjoyed with the feeling of the substantial muscle bunching up. He flexed the other arm, snapping exactly into position for a textbook double bicep flex thanks to his Perfect Form perk. He looked around to see if anyone was watching him then flexed his abs, contorting them into different positions easily as if choosing from a preset in a video game. Leon flexed his legs, then popped his pecs before turning around and flaring out his lats in a pose that he assumed made his back look great. The quest “flex in a public place” was marked as completed and Leon was boosted 2/3 of the way to level seven. He just needed two more complements to complete his last quest, and judging by the lackluster reaction to his flexing he wasn’t going to get it here. 
Leon wondered what his next perk would be. He hoped it would be something to stop him from sweating like a pig. By now he was fully drenched, his hair stuck unflatteringly to his forehead and a distinct oder surrounded him. Leon concluded that if he was going to get two more complements he needed to look a bit more presentable.
Though he had never been to the gym before Leon was able to navigate to the far end where the public men's locker room was located. Inside college guys and a few professors of various class years and body types milled around, changing into sports uniforms or back into streetwear after having done a late afternoon session after their class.
As Leon stepped through the door he felt his confidence leave him all in a rush. Suddenly he realized the “gym rat” perk that made him so able to strut around like a meathead jock didn't apply to the locker room. The air now felt cold against his exposed nipples and Leon crossed his beefy arms over them and sucked in, lifelong habits built from being a fat kid suddenly returning.   He felt like an imposter with a body he hadn’t earned. He suddenly wished Edward were here. Edward never let him get too down on himself when it came to his appearance. He knew his friend would have given him the last two complements without him even having to ask.
Leon saw a few guys with towels wrapped around their waists head further into the locker room. He reasoned that must be the direction of the shower and followed them, grabbing a towel from the stack at the door. Thankfully his school was modern enough that the showers were not communal kind but instead with small individual stalls.
Leon claimed a shower stall then got naked in it putting his shorts, shirt, underwear, and socks in a bin outside the stall so he could change back into them when he was done. Leon wasn’t happy about changing back into his sweaty clothes but he didn't have another set of clothes with him and he didn't intend to go home until he was at least level ten and had won the bet with Edward.
The hot water felt great on Leon’s skin. He wasn’t sore, that wasn’t possible with his “Animal Endurance" perk and his “Rapid Rewards” perks but his body still felt tense from hours of continual activity. He took his time scrubbing away the sweat from his body, admiring the new crevices the removal of his fat and the growth of his muscles had created. He had been so busy with the events set off by “Altered State” that he hadn’t really had time to feel horny, but as he played with his dick that was undeniably bigger, if only by half an inch or so, he felt his hormones rush in. It took all his self-control not to jerk off right there in the shower stall. He wanted to save his first orgasm in this new body for a hot babe who could maybe give him the last two complements he needed. There were quite a few attractive women he had seen in the gym he would have never dreamed of scoring before who now seemed in his league if he could only keep himself from saying something stupid.
Leon shut the water off and reached a hand out to grab the towel he had stashed outside. His hand only met empty air. He flailed at the empty hook before peaking his head out to check what was going on. His heart dropped when he saw his towel and all his clothes were gone. His face went red and his blood cold. From the changing area, he could hear a group of men snickering with one another. Leon was tired of this shit. When he was fat he took it because there was no other option but now he was going to stand up for himself. Leon walked out of the shower, not caring if he was soaking wet or that his penis swung openly between his legs. “Nice dick” a guy yelled to him as he passed, Leon ignored him but his quest updated its progress to 2/3. 
He shouldn’t have been surprised to see Hunter standing there holding his clothes. He was dressed in a different outfit from when Leon had seen him last. The frat guy didn't immediately see him as he chatted animatedly with his friends. “It was humiliating bro, all of a sudden I’m complementing Cassy and saying all this gay shit to that blond freak. I swear bro I’m going to beat his ass next time I see him, I swear it.”
He turned to see a naked Leon coming towards him and seemed momentarily confused. “I think those are mine,” Leon said pointing to the clothes in Hunter's hand. Hunter looked up and down at Leon's tall naked buff body and his angry face. 
“Sorry bro, I thought these belonged to someone else.” He said obviously not recognizing Leon. It was funny how much more respect this guy gave him now that he had muscles and wasn’t fat.
“Oh did you think they belonged to that fatty from earlier?” Leon asked using Hunter's words from before. Hunter and his four fellow frat bros laughed awkwardly thinking Leon was making a fat joke, though Leon kept a serious face, “Cause you're right that's me.”
Hunter’s face took on a look of confusion. “Bro that's not possible, your buff and stuff.” 
Leon heard a ding as he received the last compliment and was boosted to level seven. He’d take the compliment where he could get it. 
“You have reached level seven. You receive attribute points based on your class: +3 Strength, +1 Charisma, +0.3 Intelligence.”
“You have gained a class perk.”
“Naked Confidence: you and others feel completely comfortable with your body, be it in a tuxedo or in your birthday suit. 
He didn't have time to think much about the notifications as he rapidly dismissed them. Still, Leon couldn’t help but feel his body grow wider and taller as new strength pumped up all his muscles. His body was going from athletic into the territory of seriously fit. 
What's more, Leon felt a wave of confidence overcome him, his nipples suddenly felt less exposed and he no longer felt any care at all about having his dick out so publicly. In fact, it felt almost natural. Around him, he saw people shift their gaze away from his bare crotch and to the confrontation occurring as if his nakedness was no longer of interest. 
“You really don’t miss much do you,” Leon said taking a step forward.
Hunter's face hardened. He may not understand exactly what was going on but he knew enough to know he had just been insulted. For a second Leon glanced at the two new quests that had popped up with the new level and a plan started to take shape. 
Leon took another step forward so that he was in Hunter's face, the two men now even in height thanks to the latest boost from level seven. “If you wanted to see me naked so bad all you had to do was ask. I’m happy to show you what a real man looks like.”
Hunter's face became a mask of rage, exactly as Leon intended. “Your fucking dead you F—“ he said and swung an up arm towards Leon's face in a brutal swing. Leon activated his inner strength ability and felt the world slow for a moment. With the second of strength the ability lent him he deflected the punch with one hand and shoved the other into Hunter's chest with the other. The frat bro’s eyes went wide as he sailed ten feet across the room, landing on the floor and sliding until his back came to rest against a row of lockers with a loud metal jingle. The cheering crowd of Hunter's cronies and regular gym attendees let out a shriek of surprise. For a moment Leon worried he might have overdone it, then Hunter slowly got to his feet, muscular chest moving up and down as he let out deep rageful breaths.
“Race ya looser” Leon called out and ran for the door. Hunters bellow behind him and the sound of multiple pairs of running feet indicated the frat guys had taken the bait. 
Leon seriously hoped this mad chase would count as fulfilling one of the two quests he had just been assigned, “win a contest of speed” Otherwise he was risking his life for nothing. He supposed there might have been easier ways to fulfill the quest but he would have to take shortcuts to level ten if he hoped to beat Edward.
Without his inner strength power, Leon was quickly realizing he lacked an edge. These guys knew this building far better than Leon did, plus had had their powerful long legs and athletic bodies for their whole lives as opposed to Leon’s few hours, meaning they knew much better how to control them. The sounds of footfalls and angry threats of what Hunter was going to do to him once he caught up with him got louder behind him and Leon rounded a corner then hurried up a set of stairs. 
Five sets of footsteps thundered after him up the stairs, only a few paces away. Leon saw an exit and bolted to it with all his might. His inner strength ability, the only edge he had over Hunter, still had more than a minute left on its cooldown. 
Leon slammed the door open and ran out of the gymnasium, into the cold sunny fall day. He saw the same group of LARPers still performing mock battles on the grass and made a beelined straight for them. He imagined he made a strange sight, naked with his penis flailing every which way, sprinting full speed forward with five very angry frat guys chasing after him, gaining on him with every step. 
Hunter saw Leon was headed to the group of students with foam weapons and ran faster than before until he was only a step behind Leon. He tried to grab Leon but Leon was able to duck out of the way. The two were only ten feet from the group. Hunter tried again to stop Leon this time with a full-body tackle. Just before Hunter brought Leon down two things happened, the quest demanding he “win a contest of speed” was completed and Ruth, the girl who had shown him how to play before, threw him a shield like a frisbee which Leon caught and used to block a series of blows which Hunter rained down onto him as the two tumbled in the grass. 
The two struggled in the grass, Leon’s shield protecting his torso and head but not preventing Hunter from savaging his arms and legs with painful punches. Leon wrapped his naked legs around Hunter and with effort flipped the heavier man over so that he was on top. His inner strength power still had fifteen seconds left on its cooldown. 
Without it, Hunter was able to flip Leon back over and pin his arms and legs to the grass. The latest level of strength had made Leon nearly Hunters equal in size but the large man still had the advantage. Leon struggled violently against the frat guy to little effect. Hunter loomed over him, breath coming in heavy gasps and eyes filled with murder. “I’m going to drag your asshole out your mouth.”
Using one hand to subdue both of Leon’s hands Hunter placed a hand around Leon’s neck and started to choke him, hard. Leon’s inner strength ability still had ten seconds left on cooldown. Without it, Leon didn't have the strength to break Hunter's grip. 
Above him, he saw Ruth mercilessly bring her foam sword down onto Hunter's back. The man didn't flinch but one of his friends grabbed Ruth from behind. 
Leon's vision started to blur as his windpipe was constricted. He gasped helplessly and tried to roll his naked body out from Hunter's pin, but the frat guy's body was too heavy and his grip too strong. Leon found his thoughts going to Edward, his best friend. He wondered how his friend's “Altered State” journey was going, it couldn’t possibly be any worse than his. 
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frankenfran · 9 months ago
there is no more embarrassing lifeform on earth than the middle aged retro game youtuber my god. saw a video earlier where this guy was talking about vimm being hit and how nintendo hates emulation, how it's bad for preservation and ease of access. that kind of stuff. objectively right on that front but then out of nowhere he starts blaming kids on tiktok emulating pokemon on their phones and making videos about it for the loss of vimm like come the fuck on. you literally JUST said the cause was nintendo being greedy why do zoomers have to catch a stray for the SAME EXACT THING YOU'RE DOING YOU BALD HYPOCRITE! are you out of your mind??? do you really think nintendo wasn't aware until kids on tiktok started playing pokemon??
on top of that you are constantly making videos about emulation to a massive audience. is it just different because you spent more money on your bandai playdia and frame meister? are you more entitled to retro games because you had a prostate cancer screening? you are a grown ass man. you own a home. you cannot be beefing with 14 year olds who got excited to play a game that goes for insane prices secondhand. they did not cause nintendo to do what they do best and threaten legal action. your effort to remain in a perpetual one sided generation war is what limits you. i hope your PVM falls on your chest.
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duhragonball · 3 months ago
Future DB Liveblog Plans
I just finished watching Team Four Star's latest video covering the final arc of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes anime. That's the one where they switched to machinima and the good guys fought Majin Ozotto. There's an editors note at the end that announces TFS will resume their commentary series with the three live action movies, which ought to be fun.
This got me thinking about my own 2023 DB Apocrypha Liveblog (which you can check out here and here). My original goal with that was to try to cover a lot of loose ends that I purposely avoided in 2019 when I liveblogged Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. There was enough "apocrypha" that it kind of needed its own year to cover, and I thought 2023 would be a good time to do it, since I could close out with the Super Hero movie.
The problem was that the franchise just kept on going,and there were a few things left that I couldn't get access to. And now Daima has started up, and I wouldn't be surprised if some other project gets under way by the end of Daima's run.
So it's probably worth keeping a list of things so I can keep track.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes web anime Episode 51-56(?)
Dragon Ball Super manga chapters 101-103
Dragon Ball Daima 1-??
Super Dragon Ball Heroes manga (74 chapters)
The Dragon Ball GT stage play
Neko Majin (8 chapters)
True Plan to Eradicate Saiyans (Playdia, 1994)
Toyble's Dragon Ball AF fan manga.
Some notes under the cut.
I assume the SDBH web series and manga are finished, since I heard the game itself is winding down. Still, I can't rule out that they make some more content for it.
I already covered Plan to Eradicate Saiyans as it originally appeared in 1993, and the 2010 remake that was released with Raging Blast 2, but there was a third version that came out in 1994. I found it on YouTube once, but there were no subtitles, so I couldn't do much with it.
The GT Stage Play was recorded by someone, and it's still floating around out there, but I couldn't find a version with subtitles.
As for all this manga, it's probably more accessible than I realized. I just never got comfortable using these scanlation websites.
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pokelele · 5 months ago
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プレイディア (1994) Playdia
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mateushonrado · 7 months ago
Sailor Moon mediography
Status Post #11298: Mediography as in the franchise itself.
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Codename: Sailor V (1991-97)
Sailor Moon (1991-97)
TV series
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Sailor Moon (1992-97)
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (2003-04)
Sailor Moon Crystal (2014-23)
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Sailor Moon R: The Movie (1993)
Sailor Moon S: The Movie (1994)
Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie (1995)
Sailor Moon Eternal (2021)
Sailor Moon Cosmos (2023)
Others (musicals, video games)
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Sailor Moon (1992-2011, Nintendo video games)
Sailor Moon (1993-00, arcade and other video games)
Sera Myu (1993-2005, Bandai musicals)
Sailor Moon (1994-96, Sega video games)
Sailor Moon (1994-95, Playdia video games)
Sailor Moon (1996-2001, PlayStation video games)
Sera Myu (2013-present, Nelke Planning musicals)
Sailor Moon (2014-19, mobile games)
"Firetruck" by SG5 (2023, single by the J-pop girl group now known as F5ve)
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franglewomper · 10 months ago
sonny playdia
0 notes
sailorcat123 · 1 year ago
Sailor Moon Franchise Timeline
August 1991 Sailor V Manga (Kurzgeschichte)
Dezember 1991 Sailor Moon Manga startet im Nakayoshi-Magazin
März 1992 Erste Animeserie startet
März 1992 Sailor V wird als Mangaserie fortgeführt
Juli 1992 Taschenbuchversion des Mangas startet
Dezember 1992 Sailor Moon (Erstes Videospiel, Game Boy)
Dezember 1992 Erster Popularitätswettbwerb der Charaktere, 150.000 Leute nehmen teil, Sailor Moon gewinnt
März 1993 Sailor Moon R
März 1993Anime auf VHS & Laser Disc
März 1993 Kessen Dark Kingdom (Sharp X68000 Game)
Juni 1993 Naoko gewinnt Kodansha Manga Award
August 1993 Musical: Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen
August 1993 Sailor Moon (SNES Game)
Dezember 1993 R Movie
Dezember 1993Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen (Kaiteiban)
Dezember 1993 Dreaming Moon (Live Event, das auch auf VHS rauskam)
Dezember 1993 Sailor Moon R (SNES Game)
Anfang 1993 Animate Cassette Collection startet (Hörspiel)
1993 Toon Makers' Sailor Moon ist in Planung
1993 Ausstrahlung u.a. in Spanien und Frankreich als einige der ersten westlichen Länder
März 1994 Sailor Moon S
März 1994Musical: Super Spring Festival
April 1994 Sailor Moon R (Game Boy)
Juli 1994 Musical: Usagi – Ai no Senshi he no Michi
Juli 1994 Kondo wa Puzzle des Oshiokiyo! (SNES Game)
Juli 1994 Sailor Moon (Sega Genesis Game)
August 1994 Ausstellung mit Skizzen
September 1994 Kotate Moon Call! / Quiz Taiketsu! Sailor Power Ketsushuu (Playdia / Terebikko Games)
November 1994 Sailor Moon (Visual Novel für PC Engine)
November 1994 Sailor Moon Collection (PC Engine Game)
Dezember 1994 S Movie
Dezember 1994 Sailor Moon S no Karei na Sekai (TV Special)
Dezember 1994 Henshin – Super Senshi he no Michi
Dezember 1994 Jougai Rantou!? Shuyaku Soudatsusen (SNES Game)
Dezember 1994 Riesige Sailor Moon Weihnachtsparty
1994 Sailor Moon S (Sega Pico Game)
1994 Sailor V (Sharp X68000 Game)
Januar 1995 Sailor Moon S (Game Gear)
Februar 1995 Kurukkurin (SNES Game)
März 1995 Sailor Moon SuperS
März 1995 Musical: Henshin – Super Senshi he no Michi (Kaiteiban)
März 1995 Sailor Moon S (3DO Game)
März 1995 Sailor Moon (Arcade Game)
April 1995 SuperS Special
Juni 1995 Auflage von 10 Mio. Exemplaren wird mit Band 10 überschritten
Juli 1995 Musical: Yume Senshi – Ai – Eien ni...
Juli 1995 Sailor Moon to Hiragana Lesson! (Playdia Game)
August 1995 Youkoso! Sailor Youchien (Playdia Game)
August 1995 Sailor Moon to Hajimete no Eigo (Playdia Game)
August 1995 Auktion in der Serie „Hammer Price“, bei der ein Manuskript von Naoko 2 Mio. Yen einbringt
September 1995 Another Story (SNES Game)
September 1995 Anime startet in den USA
Oktober 1995 Anime startet in Deutschland
Dezember 1995 SuperS Movie
Dezember 1995 Fuwa Fuwa Panic (SNES Game)
1995 Sailor Moon SuperS (Sega Pico Game)
März 1996 Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
März 1996 Yume Senshi - Ai - Eien ni... Saturn Fukkatsu Hen (Kaiteiban)
März 1996 Zenin Sanka! Shuyaku Soudatsusen (SNES Game)
März 1996 Shin Shuyaku Soudatsusen (Playstation Game)
April 1996 SuperS Special Musical Show
August 1996 Musical: Sailor Stars
September 1996 Fuwa Fuwa Panic 2 (SNES Game)
November 1996 Various Emotion (Sega Saturn Game)
Dezember 1996 Musical: Sailor Stars (Kaiteiban)
1996 Sailor Stars (Sega Pico Game)
Februar 1997 Letzte Animefolge
April 1997 Letzter Band erscheint (März: Ende bei Nakayoshi?)
Juli 1997 Das Geheimnis um Hammer Price Hall (Kurzgeschichte)
Juli 1997 Musical: Eien Densetsu
November 1997 Sailor V endet
1997 Chiryoku Tairyoku Toki no Un (Arcade Game)
1997 The 3D Adventures of Sailor Moon (PC Game, USA)
Februar 1998 Eien Densetsu – The Final First Stage (Kaiteiban)
Juli 1998 Musical: Shin Densetsu Kourin
August 1998 Erstes Memorial (Zusammenfassungs-Film)
1998 Neo Moon (erste Anime Convention Deutschlands)
1998 VHS / Hörspiele Release Deutschland
1998 Manga Release Deutschland
Januar 1999 Naoko heiratet Yoshihiro Togashi
März 1999 Musical: Kaguya Shima Densetsu
August 1999 Kaguya Shima Densetsu - Natsuyasumi! Houseki Tankentai (Kaiteiban)
September 1999 Materials Collection erscheint (& damit „Parallel Sailor Moon“ Kurzgeschichte)
Januar 2000 Musical: Shin / Henshin - Super Senshi he no Michi – Last Dracul Jokyoku
März 2000 Horoskop & Games (PC Game, Deutschland)
August 2000 Musical: Kessen / Transylvania no Mori ~ Shin Toujou! Chibi Moon wo Mamoru Senshi-tachi
Januar 2001 Kessen / Transylvania no Mori - Saikyou no Kataki Dark Cain no Nazo (Kaiteiban)
März 2001 Musical: Last Dracul Saishuu Shou - Chou Wakusei Death Vulcan no Fuuin
Juli 2001 Musical: Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady
November 2001 Sailor Moon World - Chibiusa to Tanoshii Mainichi (Playstation Game)
Dezember 2001 Offizielle Website geht online
Januar 2002 Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady - Wakusei Nemesis no Nazo (Kaiteiban)
März 2002 Musical: 10th Anniversary Festival – Ai no Sanctuary
Juli 2002 Musical: Mugen Gakuen – Mistress Labyrinth
Januar 2003 Mugen Gakuen – Mistress Labyrinth (Kaiteiban)
Juli 2003 Musical: Starlights – Ryuusei Densetsu
September 2003 Manga Neuauflage
Oktober 2003 PGSM startet
Januar 2004 Musical: Kakyuu Ouhi Kourin – The Second Stage Final
Juli 2004: PGSM: Super Dance Lesson
Juli 2004 Musical: Shin Kaguya Shima Densetsu
August 2004 PGSM: Kirari Super Live
Oktober 2004 PGSM: Special Act
Januar 2005 Shin Kaguya Densetsu – MarinaMoon Final (Kaiteiban)
März 2005 PGSM: Act Zero
2010 Comeback des Franchises in Italien (um es zu testen)
März 2011 La Luna Splende (DS Game, Italien)
Oktober 2011 Manga Neuauflage Deutschland
2011 Sailor Moon Comeback in verschiedenen Ländern
2012 Ausstrahlung auf Animax (Deutschland, Pay-TV)
September 2013 Musical: La Reconquista
November 2013 Eternal Edition des Mangas
2013 DVD Release Deutschland
Februar 2014 Ausstrahlung auf VIVA (Deutschland)
Juli 2014 Sailor Moon Crystal
August 2014 Musical: Petite Étrangère
Novemver 2014 Silver Crystal for Sailor V (Mobile Game)
Februar 2015 Sailor Moon Crystal Staffel 2
September 2015 Musical: Un Nouveau Voyage
Januar 2016 Sailor Moon Crystal auf deutsch
April 2016 Sailor Moon Drops
April 2016 Roppongi Hills Ausstellung
Oktober 2016 Musical: Amour Eternal
November 2016 Sailor Moon Crystal Staffel 3
2016 Sailor Moon Crystal DVD / Blu-Ray Release Deutschland
August 2017 25th Anniversary Classic Concert
September 2017 Musical: Le Mouvement Final
März 2018 The Miracle 4-D (Kurzfilm in Universal Studios)
Juni 2018 Musical: Nogizaka46 Version
August 2018 The Super Live
August 2018 Classic Concert
2018 Naoko Takeuchi Collection des Mangas
August 2019 Shining Moon Tokyo (Restaurant mit Show)
Oktober 2019 Musical: Nogizaka46 Version 2019
November 2019 Sailor Moon x Akiko Kosaka 45th Anniversary Music History Konzert
Dezember 2019 Manga Eternal Edition Release Deutschland
2019 The Miracle 4-D ~ Moon Palace Edition (Kurzfilm)
Juni 2020 Manga All Color Complete Edition
2020 Blu-Ray Release Deutschland
Januar-Februar 2021 Sailor Moon Eternal
Juni 2021 Sailor Moon Eternal internationaler Release
November 2021 Illumination Eternal (Lichterpark)
September 2021 Musical: Kaguya Hime no Koibito
Januar 2022 VR Dream Flight (VR Video)
März 2022 The Miracle 4-D ~ Moon Palace Edition Deluxe (Kurzfilm)
Juli 2022 Sailor Moon Museum eröffnet
August 2022 Toon Makers Pilotfolge wird gefunden
November 2022 Musical: 30th Anniversary Musical Festival – Chronicle
Dezember 2022 NHK World Special (Doku)
April 2023 The Super Live kehrt zurück, diesmal in Taipei
Juni 2023 Sailor Moon Cosmos
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fuzzyghost · 5 years ago
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yodaprod · 4 years ago
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The Playdia / プレイディア (Bandai - 1994), initially advertised as the BA-X.
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ohno3do · 7 years ago
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adoru-chaos · 7 years ago
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Fiesta or #Playdia ? #retrogaming #Bandai #QTE #videocd #videogames #anime
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battlegeekplus · 6 years ago
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The 2nd DBZ Playdia game came in the mail today and waiting on the first one and the playdia console itself. Got some projects I’m going to be making with these! #dragonballz #dragonballsuper #playdia #bandai https://www.instagram.com/p/BthfER1lmxQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aufe2oe3ujdm
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grinbrothers · 4 years ago
5th Gen Console Discussion! - Tea Time
Tea Time with Souldin. Souldin discusses his fascination with the 5th generation of video game consoles; the gaming systems, their features and the history surrounding them.
Nanka Art by Mgcoco: https://mgcoco.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Nanka-725553565 Adam Koralik's 5th Gen Console video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgHQAjlblbw Tea Sampled: Spiced Orange with Clove and Peel Tea.
Date Made: 21/12/2019 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXCFgLZmjBeMCt-QbSoDhVA Tumblr: http://grinbrothers.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrinBrothers
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duhragonball · 2 years ago
Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans (2010)
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Now that I’ve covered the original Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans OAV from 1993, I want to turn our attention to the remake Toei produced in 2010.
I went over this before, but in case you’re just joining us, there was an RPG video game in 1993 called “Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans”.  Along with that, there was also an “official visual guide” to the game, which was a direct-to-video release of an original DBZ animation.  The first VHS tape showed Goku and his friends investigating a mysterious plot to poison the Earth with Destron Gas, and the second tape showed the Z-Fighters confronting the evil Dr. Lychee in his space fortress.  Lychee turns out to be a dead Tuffle whose last act was to create a superweapon, Hatchiyack, who is literally fueled by hatred.  He wants to avenge the Tuffles’ extinction by... well, eradicating the Saiyans, and his plan to do that is to have Hatchiyack kick all their asses.
The OAV is somewhat legendary in the fandom because of its obscurity, and because it builds on the Tuffle lore first glimpsed in Dragon Ball Z Episode 20.  Hatchiyack and Dr. Lychee were almost certainly prototypes for the Baby in Dragon Ball GT, so there’s some historical significance here.  Unfortunately, the OAV isn’t very good.  The art is pretty good, but the animation is very minimalist, and a lot of scenes are just a pan across a still image.  And the plot is pretty weak, feeling like a warmed over retread of the revenge plots seen in DBZ movies 5, 6, 7, and 8.  It was a video game, after all, and there wasn’t much interest in breaking new ground.
Still, I’m guessing the original ‘93 game and OAV must have been successful, because they re-used the OAV footage for another game, known as “True Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans”.  This was released on the Playdia console in 1994.  I’d like to cover Plan ‘94 in greater detail someday, but so far the only playthroughs I’ve been able to find are without subtitles.  It appears to use the footage from Plan ‘93 as the basis for an interactive story, with the player choosing from different options to affect the course of the plot.  There’s some new scenes, including one of Gohan looking stuff up on a computer, and Goku hanging around with a fairy, but I have no idea what it’s all about. 
Anyway, we’re here to talk about the next remake of Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, which was the version Toei made in 2010 for another video game, Raging Blast 2. RB2 needed some new characters on the roster, so they decided to throw in Hatchiyack.  And to sweeten the pot, Toei produced a whole new version of the Plan OAV, with higher quality visuals and audio.   I don’t know if this was done to boost sales on the game, or if they were worried that fans in 2010 might not know who Hatchiyack was, since the original Plan OAV never got a North American release. 
At the time, I just assumed that they took the original footage and gave it the Kai treatment, re-drawing the animation cels to “remaster” it for modern HD screens.  But when I saw the finished work, I realized they cut a lot of stuff out of the original.  The land mine bit was gone, for example.  So I thought it would be worth watching both versions side-by-side and seeing just what got changed.  Turns out, it’s quite a bit, and it’s all for the better.
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So this version starts out with the Saiyan-Tuffle War.  Dr. Lychee is busy putting the final touches on his Hatchiyack weapon, but the Saiyans break in and attack him.  Fortunately for him, he manages to push the big red button right before he falls off the ladder and dies.
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As Hatchiyack activates, we see purple smoke billowing up from the corpses of the Tuffle soldiers, and from Lychee as well. 
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The spaceship containing Hatchiyack launches into space.  The Saiyans try to shoot it down, but they miss.  I’m curious if they had any idea what was on board.  They may have just thought it was a bunch of Tuffles trying to flee the planet.
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Flash forward to the present, and Lychee looks like this now, and he’s ready to begin his revenge plot. Okay, so right off the bat, this is a huge improvement over the original, which wasted a lot of time explaining who Lychee was and what he wanted revenge for.   There were at least three scenes in the original that went over this, and the 2010 version cuts the crap by putting it all in the prologue.
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And right after the title screen, we see the Dark Planet appearing in Earth orbit, spewing purple fumes into the atmosphere.  Again, this is a huge help to the story, because in the ‘93 version, the Dark Planet was “at the edge of the universe” or whatever, so Goku had to schlep all the way out there to fight the final battle.  In Plan ‘10, the Dark Planet comes to Goku, so it’s a much quicker process.
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Here’s a cool callback to that lady with the baby carriage in Dragon Ball Episode 43.
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I think her kid should be a lot older than the one we see here, but maybe Sunglasses Lady had more than one baby, and this is the youngest one.
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But the flowers they’re watering start to wilt, and then soon the whole city is afflicted by toxic fumes.  And this is a big, big W for Toei.  My major gripe with the ‘93 version was that they kept talking about the Destron Gas like it’s a major threat to all life on earth, but no one ever got sick from it.  We just saw a bunch of dead trees and Goku couldn’t shoot hand energy, and that was it.  I’m pleased to see Toei took the time to look at the original and address mistakes.  It would have been much easier to just slap a fresh coat of paint on the original, but I’m grateful they went the extra mile.
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Then Goku teleports into Bulma’s house with Gohan, where Piccolo, Trunks, and Vegeta are already there.  They know something’s wrong, but they don’t know what, so Bulma turns on the TV and shows them a news report about toxic gas being pumped out of devices sent from a “mysterious dark planet”.  One of the devices is in West City, but there’s several more around the world too. 
And Bulma explains that the toxic fumes are “Destron Gas”, so she already knows what it is and how deadly it can be.  She notes that Goku and Piccolo have some resistance to its effects, and presumably that goes for the other Saiyans as well.   Apparently, you’re safe if you stay indoors, but she projects that all life on Earth will end in 70 days if something isn’t done about it. 
And this is perfect!  The ‘93 version wasted a lot of time dispensing this same information, and it used multiple characters to do it.  Mr. Popo knew one thing, and Dende knew another thing, and King Kai had some more details, and Bulma didn’t seem to know much of anything about it, but they put her in the story anyway.  This time, Bulma has all the information at her fingertips, and all of the characters are there to hear it the first time, instead of showing up later and explaining how they knew what’s going on.  Also, Dr. Brief isn’t zoning out over at the desk, so Bulma gets to use the desk this time!
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The good guys wonder who could be responsible for this, and Vegeta speaks up to say that this is the sort of weapon the Tuffles were known for using.  This is my one critique of the 2010 version, because Vegeta really skips over the Tuffle lore laid down by the ‘93 version.  He doesn’t bother to justify he Saiyan’s extermination of the Tuffles, nor does he give the other details King Kai offers in the ‘93 version.  But it’s enough to keep this story moving, and that’s what counts.
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So we’re just trucking right along.  The gang heads out to the Destron generator that’s in West City, and Vegeta tries to destroy it, but to know avail.  Then Frieza, Turles, Lord Slug, and Cooler show up, just like they did in the ‘93 version, and they fight.  The important difference is that we skipped the part where Goku’s team destroyed those other four generators in different parts of the world.  It doesn’t matter, since they can’t destroy this one.
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Here’s the modernized shot of Trunks killing Frieza, which looks pretty sweet.
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One touch I liked is how the dead villains look like they’re turning into the same Destron Gas being pumped out of the machine.  In the original, they turned into colorful wisps of foam, but this is much more consistent.  The implication is that they’re made out of Destron Gas, or they’re at least being generated by the machines somehow.  Each time a good guy kills a bad guy in this fight, there’s a quick cut to the machine pumping out gas, and then back to a bad guy reassembling himself.  It gives some much-needed context as to how these Ghost Warriors work and what it takes to defeat them.
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Also, we get new footage of the Z-Figthers succumbing to the effects of the Destron Gas. As in the original, their powers weaken, but in this version it makes a lot more sense, because they don’t get weaker until after they’ve been fighting in close range to the Destron generator. So they’re taking in a bigger dose of the bad stuff, which means Frieza and the others were just rope-a-doping them the whole time.
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The bad guys go for the kill, when suddenly Bulma swoops in and carpet bombs the area with Hoi Poi Capsules full of a neutralizing agent she invented to counter the effects of the Destron Gas.  Cool!
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She even manages to get some capsules to fall into the generator, which disables the damn thing.   How did she penetrate the force field when Vegeta couldn’t?  Because she’s Bulma, that’s how.
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Then she’s like “Go kick Frieza’s ass!” and they do.  See this is awesome, because in  the original version, this whole battle made no sense.  Bulma didn’t show up with an antidote.  They just kept fighting until King Kai told Goku that the bad guys were ghosts, and then they just started winning for no reason.  But this way is much better, because there’s a legitimate reason why the bad guys had the upper hand (they were powered by the machine, which the good guys couldn’t destroy) and then there was a legitimate reason why the good guys could overcome the problem (Bulma disabled the machine that was making he good guys weak and the bad guys strong). 
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Then Goku checks in with King Kai, who suggests that the mastermind of the plot must be hiding somewhere.  West City is safe for the moment, but until Goku defeats that guy, the world is still in danger.
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On the Dark Planet, Lychee watches the spirits of Frieza, Turles, Slug, and Cooler return to these weird egg things he has all over the place, and he says that they’ve nearly absorbed enough hatred to complete the birth of his “ultimate warrior”.
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Then immediately Goku and the others arrive at his doorstep, which is great, since it saves us the hassle of watching them make the trip.  They already know where the Dark Planet is, and it’s not far, so why waste time?  Lychee explains that he’s the top Tuffle scientist, who lives on as a ghost through the power of his “Grudge Amplification Device, Hatchiyack.”
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Things pretty much play out as they did in the ‘93 version, but a little quicker.  Lychee doesn’t care if his plot destroys the Earth as long as he can kill as the Saiyans, and while he was hoping the Destron Gas would finish them off, he’s happy to destroy them personally. 
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As the good guys try to get through his force field, a bunch of stuff happens with Hatchiyack in the background, but I don’t know what.
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Goku takes down the force field, and Vegeta takes out Lychee, just like in ‘93, but then we get this horrible off-model shot of the good guys.  Just wretched.
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And then Hatchiyack absorbs Lychee’s Grudge Energy and transforms into a big red monster.    He starts whoopin’ ass and things mostly play out like they did in the ‘93 version of the fight.  There are a few changes, though.
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First, Piccolo gets hurt early on, but he’s not so badly hurt that he’s taken out of the fight like he was in the original.  Also, the whole bit where he hands out senzu beans to the others is cut.  It didn’t add anything to the story anyway.
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Second, there’s more emphasis on Goku discovering Hatchiyack’s weakness, which I think helped me understand it better.  Maybe it’s just because I’ve watched this fight three times, but it helps to have some of the clutter edited out.  Big H uses his finisher, called the “Revenge Cannon”, on Vegeta, then he tries to use it on Gohan, but Piccolo intercepts it.  Hatchiyack takes down Piccolo and tries to use the Revenge Cannon on Gohan again, but Trunks blindsides him with a kick at the last moment. 
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That’s when Goku puts it together, because Trunks’ kick does more than distract Hatchiyack.  It actually draws blood, and Goku senses that Big H’s ki dropped to almost nothing in that critical moment.  And Goku deduces that this is because of the power Hatchiyack needed to charge of the Revenge Cannon. 
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So Goku goes one-on-one with Hatchiyack, and just goes with the flow, waiting for Hatchiyack to go for the Revenge Cannon.  Once he does, Goku times how long it takes him to fire the thing, and then dodges it. 
And that makes it a weakness he can exploit at will.  From the way Hatchiyack fights, I think it’s almost like he has to use the Revenge Cannon at regular intervals, but maybe he just likes spamming it because it works so well.  But it takes him 15 seconds to deploy it.  If you attack him during those 15 seconds, he has to start over, and if you attack him right before he fires, he’ll be defenseless.
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Third, Goku fills in the others on his plan and then keeps fighting Hatchiyack to give them time to prepare a combined attack.  Gohan doesn’t like watching his dad get beaten up, but Piccolo and Trunks tell him to stay put, or he’ll risk wasting this opportunity Goku is giving them.  In the ‘93 version, I think it plays out in kind of the same way, except everyone’s getting senzu beans while Goku fights, so it’s less clear that it’s part of a plan. 
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Finally, Hatchiyack goes for his Revenge Cannon, and all five Z-Fighters count to fifteen together, which is important because it shows that they’ve figured things out for themselves, as opposed to just blindly following Goku’s lead. 
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The one thing I don’t get is why they all fired from the same direction.  Wouldn’t it have been more effective to flank Hatchiyack and hit him from multiple angles?  Then again, maybe if they had tried that, he wouldn’t have played into their hands.  The advantage here is that he’s already fired his Revenge Cannon, so he’s committed.  His body is defenseless now, so he can’t cancel the attack or dodge.  He has to see this through and hope his Revenge Cannon can out-power the Z-Fighters’ combined finishers.
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And it doesn’t work.  So long, Hatchiyack, you big dead bastard.
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Around the world, the Destron Gas Generators are destroyed, and the Dark Planet explodes.  The world is safe again.
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Goku teleports everyone back to Earth, and Bulma and King Kai congratulate them on a job well done.
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Meanwhile, Chi-Chi wants to know why Goku and Gohan got their clothes all banged up.  Uh-oh.  Wait, was that stream always in front of their house?  And where’s Grandpa Gohan’s house?  It’s supposed to be right next to theirs.  Oh well.
So this version clocks in at about 26 minutes, I think, which is less than half the run time of the 1993 version.  It’s a much smoother viewing experience, thanks to a lot of sensible changes that made the story flow better.  The only catch is that you really wouldn’t appreciate these improvements unless you had just watched the ‘93 version like I just did.  As a standalone special, Plan ‘10 is just sort of this minor curiosity.  Hey, it’s Hatchiyack, and now he’s dead.  I think he got like four lines in the whole thing.
And that’s that.  Join me next time for.... oh shit.  We’re doing GT next.  Aw, dammit.
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