#playchoice : Ride or Die
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the-unconquered-queen · 2 months ago
Just remembering how the Girlies were Going Through It™ when Ride or Die was releasing. Scandalized by Logan using MC for intel and jumping ship for Colt only for him to get revealed as a kidnapper and would-be-murderer within like one chapter.
Ride or Die, you crazy bitch, no one was doing it like you ❤️
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farizrz · 1 year ago
Ride or die 2 plot by andrew
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lilyoffandoms · 25 days ago
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Ashtyn Stark
Event Tags: @choicesmcappreciationweek (Day One: Straight A+ Students)
My Art Ish Thing Tag (Choices Edition): @storyofmychoices @aallotarenunelma @twinkleallnight @dutifullynuttywitch @loreofyore @peonierose @trappedinfanfiction
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pomegranatemermaid · 7 months ago
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missameliep · 4 months ago
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Link to the MASTERLIST (My fics are also on AO3)
Books I write for: Blades of Light and Shadow, Desire and Decorum, Perfect Match, Ride or Die, The Royal Romance and Wake the Dead.
Meet my MCs
2025 Reading challenge updates
Latest Fics:
Twenty Seconds or Twenty Years (Wake the Dead)
Bonds of Sea and Fire - Parts 2 3 4 (Blades of Light and Shadow)
In a Little Book Shop - Part 1 (Desire and Decorum AU for @rosesnink)
Once Upon a Summer - Parts 1 - 2 (Desire and Decorum AU)
Second Chances - Chapter Twenty Five: It starts with a kiss (Desire and Decorum AU)
The One Who Got Away (Ride or Die) - Read on AO3
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Writing Summary - 2021
Writing Summary - 2022
Writing Summary - 2024
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Currently Writing (My WIPs are listed HERE):
Bonds of Sea and Fire (Blades of Light and Shadow/Book1);
Once upon a summer (Desire & Decorum AU - kids/high-school);
Wake the Dead unnamed fic;
Second Chances (Desire & Decorum AU);
The One Who Got Away (Ride or Die).
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where-the-wind-travels · 20 days ago
The Group™️ on a night out ✦ edit by me
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@cadybear420 <3 here they are!
it was so very hard to get 6 people to match but also very worth it......... i've only edited this group once and i already love them <3
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choicesficwriterscreations · 4 months ago
CFWC F/AtoW: Oct 13 - 19, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱 = Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA+
Of Leaves and Laughter ✒️ | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @storyofmychoices
Once Upon a Summer - Part 2 ✒️ | Prince Hamid x F!MC - @missameliep
Dirty Little Secrets cover but with Aiden and Evie 🎨🏳‍🌈 | Aiden Zhou x F!MC - @cadybear420
Vengeance ✒️ | Multiple Characters - @korgbelmont
Complete Open Heart F/AtoW List: Oct 13 - 19, 2024
The One Who Got Away (Series) ✒️ | Colt Kaneko x F!MC - @missameliep Chapter 1
Chance of a Lifetime ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @tessa-liam
High School Story / Princess Swap
The Prince Swap (Series) ✒️ | M!MC & M!MC - @lover-also-fighter-also, @cadybear420 Chapter 1 - Part 3: The Unexpected Guest
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sapphoschoices · 2 months ago
Joining in on this with Maia and Mona!
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Link to the picrew!!
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nefertiti-fooling-fellow · 1 year ago
LISTEN LISTEN, I know we’re all sad and disappointed at Mal’s reunion. BUT we need to talk about how this man did whatever he could to keep the memory of MC close to him when they were gone.
Lord Wesley of RIVERBEND????? Mal claiming to be from MC’s hometown?? People died, I am people.
Him telling stories about MC to his kids????????
Building the orphanage when MC disappeared because he needed a purpose?? And the one he picks is the one he wanted to achieve, WITH MC. (for my fellow Mal-romancers out there)
I know we were all expected a big, dramatic reunion, but I honestly think this one was pretty good too. I think the emotions we were hoping for was THERE, it was just subtler.
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thefirstcourtesan · 1 year ago
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This is very detailed (there are more screenshota to come) and I stand by my theory that Luke leaving the leadwriter role was why RoD2 got scrapped because there is a lot of detail in this.
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the-unconquered-queen · 2 months ago
Anyway since I guess I'm in a Ride or Die mood today, I can't believe I'm not gonna get a second book in which I get to see Colt and my MC's relationship develop after she told him he doesn't really love her. Like wdym I don't get to see them fall in love proper 😠
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roseythorne · 1 year ago
i love you, colt kaneko <3
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year ago
PB is so funny </3 because what do you mean you have the angstiest most deliciously intense plot for RoD 2, and you just...didn't pursue it? Huh? It's not like Platinum (RIP bestie you deserve so much more) where they had to make the music so what's stopping them 😭 we were robbed
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sharpstake · 1 year ago
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the intricacies of rod polycule to ME <- insane
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playchoicesconfessions · 2 years ago
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Sent by anonymous
‘There are some older books that would probs be single LI books if they were released now. The ones I immediately thought of were ROD with a GOC Logan, TRR/H/F with a GOC Liam, and OH with a GOC Ethan.’
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missameliep · 5 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @lorirwritesfanfic 😊🩷
I haven't participated in a WIP Wednesday in soooo long!
I actually have some snippets to share; I'm going through my drafts and planing to post all of those fics that are near ready.
Under the cut are snippets for: Bonds of Sea and Fire - Part 4 (Blades of Light and Shadow); Once Upon a Summer (Desire & Decorum AU); Second Chances - Chapter 25 (Desire & Decorum AU) and The one who got away (Ride or Die).
Bonds of Sea and Fire - Part 4 (Blades of Light and Shadow)
“You cannot...” he paused, searching for the proper word, “...charm your way out of a confrontation.”  “Do you want to bet?”  Tyril scowled at the suggestion.   “I'm in!” Mal joined the conversation, jumping from the wooden crate and landing with a loud thump on the deck. “5 golden coins you can’t!”  “Do you even have that kind of money?”  “Won’t you like to find out?” He wriggled his eyebrows and smiled at her.  With a shake of their hands, the challenge was accepted. 
2. Once upon a summer - Part 1 (Desire and Decorum AU)
Amusing some of his teammates and the group of girls, Hamid was in the middle of telling a story, when someone knocked over a heavy object near the entrance. Hamid’s eyes flicked to where the noise came from and to the influx of another group of students coming inside to fill the stands, amongst them a very beautiful girl he’s never seen in school and instantly caught his eye.   Turquoise backpack hanging on one shoulder, she moved slowly, and her long curly hair bounced around her face. It was a chocolate brown hair with golden shades that seemed like the sun itself had kissed, or maybe had just been following her for the dramatic purpose of stealing teenage boy’s breaths away. Whatever it was, her beauty was so enthralling he couldn’t look away, appreciating the long hair and shapely lips and bright eyes. If this was one of the rom-coms his sisters love, there would be a bubbly pop song playing in the background while the girl glided in slow motion, and when the camera turned in his direction to do a closeup, he would be looking dazzled with mouth slightly parted while trying to catch his breath. Nevertheless, no camera could ever capture the way his heart skipped a beat at the sight of her.  “So, what happened then? Did his father notice you two were gone?” Theresa Sutton’s questions ringed after what seemed like a dramatic pause in the narrative but turned into a play’s intermission.  Stunned, Hamid blinked a few times and failed to remember what he was telling them. Offering a wide grin, he clapped his hands, “Well, this will have to wait. Now I have someplace else to go and a record to beat!”  “That’s cruel, Hamid,” Donna Bowman protested with a pout, but it didn’t deter him.   Bending, he picked up the ball at his feet, and sprinted to where Yusuf Konevi, his dearest and oldest friend in England, was doing warm-ups with some of their teammates, without tearing his gaze from the beautiful girl, who was glancing everywhere from the benches at the side of the court to the stands, possibly searching for someone, and not once looked his way. Thank goodness, he was confident enough to not let this hurt his pride, and persistent enough to change that game.  Throwing an arm over Yusuf’s shoulder, he threw himself at him in a playful way.   “Hey!”  “Glad to see our star is finally joining us!”  “We’re all stars here,” Hamid said, flashing a grin, “we shine brighter together.”  The other laughed. “Smooth. I bet they’ll make you team captain soon.”   Looking over his shoulder Hamid located his target, standing alone by the stands, and asked in a conspiratorial tone, “Who’s that girl? I haven’t seen her before...”   “Which one?” the other asked before discreetly peeking at the direction he tilted his head.   “The one who looks like an angel recently fallen from heaven…” 
3. Second Chances - Chapter 25 (Desire & Decorum AU)
While her body reluctantly woke up and her brain regained consciousness, she was confronted by confusion and immense discomfort all at once, reminders of the insane amount of alcohol she ingested last night.   Her head ached as if samba percussionists were beating repeatedly their instruments out of cadence to punish her. The parchedness in her mouth seemed like she had wandered the desert for days. Trying to alleviate it, her lips parted, but her mouth had dried out and it was difficult to swallow and get rid of the disgusting taste sitting on her tongue.   The buzzing sound echoed again, attacking her ears, and she realized it was probably the mobile vibrating with incoming messages over the nightstand. Even though she wondered what time it was, the identity of the caller or texter and their reasons to be trying to reach her in what she assumed was the middle of the night didn’t pique her interest at all, if anything it riled her up for disturbing her rest. Mustering the strength to reach the nightstand to turn off the phone, she tried to roll over, but something blocked her path and restrained her motion. Not something, but someone.  In the dark she couldn’t rely on her sight, but her other senses worked perfectly, collecting information of quiet sounds of breathing behind her, the light pressure of a body against her back, and the arm she finally noticed dangling over her waist underneath the covers. And lastly, the fragrance that reached her nostrils was unmistakable. 
4. The one who got away (Ride or Die)
Once upon a time in what seems like another life, no one would spare a second glance at the shy teenager with untamed curly hair and oversized sweatshirts walking down the fancy prep school’s hallways with the nose stuck in a book. Back then she was just Ellie, the sheltered daughter of an LAPD detective with a single goal in life: get into Langston.  But then a bad boy – that was not so bad after all – waltzed into her life and introduced her to a forbidden world of illegal races, crime and betrayal. A world she was not supposed to know about, let alone desire to take part in...   Then love was added to the equation.   She fell in love, but not with this bad boy.  The thrill made her heart race faster than all those tuned cars. Every discovery about her abilities fueled the fire within and added to her confidence.   The process of unveiling these parts of herself drew her closer and closer to another bad boy – one dangerous enough to doom her entire existence. One she’d loved wholeheartedly and would’ve followed to the ends of the world if given the choice…  
Tagging a few of you who might want to share your WIPs with us: @princess-geek @rosesnink @lilyoffandoms @aallotarenunelma @jerzwriter @peonierose
Also tagging @choicesficwriterscreations
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