#playboyy ep2
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whatever-letmebe · 1 year ago
Here's what we learn about Nant in episodes 1 & 2 of Playyboyy
Are you somebody who already dropped Playboyy or would love to drop it but you also need to know what happened to Nant? Don't worry, I've got you! I'll summarize the Nant plot for you so you can spend your precious free time watching another show that you actually enjoy (may I suggest Last Twilight?) [I'm still figuring out how best to present this information and what to include, so bear with me.] Episode 1
Zouey has been texting Nant ever since he went missing but his messages were left unread up until the day of his birthday.
The police are investigating Nant's disappearance or at least have investigated it in the past but it seems that they don't have any leads.
Nant's mother was a member of parliament and recently died. (We learn that from a newspaper headline.) Nant also has a brother (obviously) and a father.
Zouey blames his friends for Nant's disappearance because his friends pressured Nant into having sex.
Two more things Zouey says: "Nant had many things going on" and "You are always so nosy, Captain. You drove Nant away because of this. Haven't you learned your lesson?"
Nont makes his entry and it's such a cool scene!
Nont records video logs about his investigation. In those videos, he talks to his dad, which implies that they are working together. Episode 2
We are introduced to Prom, manager of the Playboyy Lounge and thus the former boss of Teena, Soong and Jump. Teena says, presumably about Prom "The boss has gone too far. I think this job isn't horrible if we had signed up for it." Aob replies: "The boss never forces anyone to work here" Jump responds: "Really? You should know better than we do." Does this have anything to do with Nant? We don't know yet.
His friends describe Nant as introverted and spoiled / dependent like a child.
Captain believes that Nant had a boyfriend.
Captain pressured Nant into having sex "with someone from the website". After that, Nant's behaviour changed. He became more reclusive.
Nant would sometimes be gone for days without answering texts or calls and without telling his friends where he was, which is why his friends are not sure when exactly Nant disappeared.
Nant asked his friends for money but his friends didn't lend him any.
Nant's mother was sick before she died.
We see Nont in his room, talking to a shadow about Nant's disappearance. Does that mean somebody else is involved in the investigation? Or is the shadow just a visual element, not an actua shadow of a real person?
Nont finds Nant's phone hidden in the toilet tank (I hope that's the correct English word).
Nant's phone wallpaper is a picture of him and Nont
Nont goes through Nant's phone. It's hard for me to know what he learns because I can't read Thai but I think the main points are: 1) Nant was broke and 2) Nant received regular payments from Prom.
It turns out that Prom is Porsche's older brother. Porsche wants Prom to stop working at the Playboyy Lounge and instead help him with their father's businesses. In that conversation, Porsche says the following: "Hand in your resignation. Nant is back. Why are you happy? Don't meet up with him or we are all screwed!" From the editing it's not clear to me if Nont overheard that conversation or not.
Nont visits Prom at the Playboyy Lounge. Prom asks Nont where he has been and says he was worried about him.
Nont learns from Prom that Nant had debt and was in trouble because of it. We already know that Prom gave Nant money. Now Nont suspects that Prom paid him for sex.
Nont and Prom hook up. It's clear that they had some sort of relationship but we don't know exactly what type.
Nont manages to restore text messages between Nant and Captain. It turns out that Nant sold Captain clips of him (Nant) having sex. We see a message from Nant reading "If I go harder, are you willing to pay more?" Nant also thanks Captain for helping him discover his sexual preferences.
I think that's all. I hope I didn't miss anything major.
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scarefox · 5 months ago
me: uh oh who are these horny boys?
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Of course it gotta be them!
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some things never change 😏
edit 😭💀
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but hey finally subtitles to this song 😅
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^ representing half the Playboyy fandom at the end of each episode I guess (not me tho) lol
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slonekaru · 1 year ago
The duality of Captain.
Says something good and defends First who's getting into BDSM.
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Then follows up with this. The selfish clip requests.
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lukaherehelp · 1 year ago
Playboyy EP2 - Getting What You Want?
(feels ominous now)
Instead of commenting as the episode progresses, I'm going to go straight to analyzing everything that has caught my attention. Fasten your seatbelts, this is gonna be a long one with no brakes!
Let's get out of the way the horniness first because it has me distracted. Yes, more shirtless Teena, yes to Aob's melons are out first two minutes buT I NEED TO GO UNHINGED ABOUT THIS MAN FOR A SECOND:
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he fuckin pulls in wearing converse, leather pants and jacket, a white tee and while still wearing those fuckin nerd glasses while smoking a cigarrette and y'all want me to skip it?! And then we procced to learn that he was in this sugar daddy/sugar baby with master/slave dynamics with Nant (where idk if there were actual feelings or not) AND Y'ALL WANT ME TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT?!
I'm taking Nant's place! I'm running across the globe to be his barbie doll, all the feminism in me has left, the traditional woman protocol is activated. Sir, how do you want your eggs in the morning? I get Fiat now when he said he would let Leo tie and lock him up, this man has awaken that in me.
... okey, moving on to my actual notes. Let's begin again:
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two bad bitches in one single frame, they are blood related.
This two are so fuckin sus that at this point I actually think they are yet another red herring (at least Prom). But I'm not talking about their involvement in Nant's disappearence right now, I'm talking information and dynamics:
Prom works in Playboyy, Porche is in charge of Miracle Car Wash.
Prom is the older brother, Porche is the younger one. Yet, Porche is out here ordering around Prom like he is taking care of a child. Either he is truly the baddest bitch on this show or growing up Prom was not the most severe brother against Porche taking in account how family dynamics in Thailand tend to go... Porsche has some balls.
Now, Porche doesn't want Prom to work on Playboyy anymore. He even states that he must hand his resignation due to Nant be back, which makes Prom smile:
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Prom is obviously happy about Nant's comeback but also about his job, he ain't bending down to his little brother's wishes.
Is Playboyy also one of their father's business? Would makes sense that you put your eldest in charge.
Porche is coming out to be quite the ambitious boy, managing Playboyy would be a much more profitable and exciting job that a fuckin carwash, but Prom gets more from his job in Playboyy than just being the maître and a possible host.
Porche comments about how meeting up with Nant again can screw them over... Why? Because of their relationship or because of the clips Nant was sending to Captain? Was one of them with Prom? Is Porche looking into protecting the family name?
To continue with Prom for a little: as happy as he seem to the news of Nant being back, he doesn't seem that thrill when meeting Nont.
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clever of you to go see him in Nant's white, Nont, but I do think Prom knows his baby better than you do.
Still don't know what the fucking dynamic is apart from what has being obviously stated before but here is when I slowly slide in to talk about
First of all, Nont has run out of info and is already slipping, I was fully expecting for him to come clean to First and Zouey during the breakfast:
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a bunch of babies
... yet he didn't but found out important info:
the relationship (money wise) Prom and Nant had.
the clips Nant was selling to Captain.
that he's into kinky sex lmao
Seriously now, in what type of trouble was Nant in that all the money (which is not little) Prom was transfering him, combined with what Captain payed him for the clips, wasn't enough? And that's if the money is the problem.
Nont seems to think that Nant is death (so do I) and he could have fallen victim of a rough session gone wrong. Is a possible. It could be accidental.
But if it wasn't, if someone is behind it... Let's go with our only clear suspect right now: Porche.
what is the motive? could be from jealousy or pride. Is not strange for younger siblings to think their older siblings are out of bounds to their friends and Porche is a possesive bitch. If he didn't like Nant to begin with, him fuckin Porche AND getting paid by him would probably send him to the fuckin edge. It could also be a matter of family pride as well. Maybe he knew about the clips, or maybe knew about the relationship by other means and that could tint their father's reputation, therefore also his. Specially if the problem is the clips... that shit would spread like wildefire.
quick to scream at
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anygay, he's currently distracted with Puen and Keen and I can tell he's already planning how to get in Keen's pants to join the team...
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I don't have much comment (for now) on Teena and Zouey since they seem to be in their own bubble and not involved in the mystery at all, but I'm going to address the elephant in the room:
My mind tells me two things: "well, this fuckin sucks" and "is a red herring".
We had them going at it with their fuckin shenanigans (never better said) for almost the whole episode. But we keep being reminded about how materialistic Soong seems to be:
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First adores this man to the same level Zouey adores Teena, but his eyes are set somewhere else: profit.
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Now, we can go to Denial, the river in Egipt, for a while and say that he's being thruthful about how he doesn't want people to think he's with First for the money... But he is. First is a giant bhath sign for him. Even when he goes to leave First home after their little "cosplay" adventure (ominous that they were dress as knock off versions of Ghostface), he just have eyes for the fuckin watch First has eventually given him:
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so much so that he gets caught by First's dad
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which makes me go into two theories:
either Soong is really dumb and for real has being playing First + he's straigh up a psycho
as many are wishing for, after the massive argument First and his father had, and the knowledge we have that First cannot move out due to his father's controling nature, him and Soong are teamming up to con First's dad... which I also think is a dumb idea, but how cares for now.
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or at least that's it for now... I'll probably write more and go in depth as we wait for EP3, but that's my investigation work for now.
Remember, my ask box and my dms are open if anybody wants to scream my way,
Luka out!
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singto-prachaya · 1 year ago
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Playboyy EP2 gifs
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outofthemouthsof · 5 months ago
15 Day BL Challenge the Sequel - Day 16
I’ve been wanting to participate in @slonekaru ‘s part 2 of the 15-day BL challenge (a sequel to an earlier one started by @negrowhat ) but I think the main reason I haven’t started is I couldn’t narrow down my answer to the first question. So to get past that I’ll just put as many shows as I damn well please into this answer!
Day 16: What show has taken you by surprise this year?
Like, I felt surprised a lot this year! BL had so many twists and turns and it was a fun ride. So here are my top however many, in no particular order.
Pit Babe! I only learned about ABO because of reading about this show beforehand, and I was not pleased to learn about it. So I went into this series only to gawk at how twisted it would be. The first episode seemed toxic and cold and that’s how I assumed it would stay. And then! This wild, weird show ended up being super well done and having tons of heart and earned a top rating from me. Unbelievable.
Cherry Magic Thailand! I figured this would be good—I liked the original and love TayNew. I did not expect the sheer butterflies-inducing heaven it delivered week after week. I honestly think this is the most perfect show in the history of BL. And bonus, it’s vanilla enough that I could watch it with my kid who loved it too.
Playboyy! Okay this show was a joke half the time and a slog the other half. But there was something about watching it and then going to the comments section of MDL, which have never been more hilarious and darling than they were for this show, that made me nostalgic for when my friends and I would love/hate watch Melrose Place together in college. (Yes I’m dating myself…) Also, the actors were just so fearless—what they lacked in experience/acting ability they made up for with spirit.
Deep Night! This show disappointed in some ways, especially the plot and lack of shock value (and how they stopped showing aerial performances after like ep2), BUT it had the most beautiful poly plot line I’ve ever seen in any show let alone a BL. I really wish they’d done a special episode just about the threesome! I blame this show for helping to get my hopes up with The Rebound tho…
Wandee Goodday! I didn’t go into this expecting to hate it like Pit Babe but I definitely didn’t expect from its first silly episode how profoundly it would capture my heart. Adding in unexpected ace rep and the first mention of the Thai marriage equality bill… this show just blew me away.
Century of Love! Daou &.Offroad’s chemistry at all times was enough to draw me to this show, but I wasn’t sure their acting would be up to telling a story like this, based on what I’d seen in Love in Translation. They shut me up, damn! Daou embodied that grandpa so convincingly, and Offroad’s performance was a slow burn—his character hid a lot behind his cheery exterior but he delivered as the cracks began to show. (And that sinister kitsune scene, OMG…so creepy yet sexy).
Meet You at the Blossom! I knew something of the history of Chinese censorship so this show seemed impossible—right up until the characters clearly had sex, in episode 1 or 2; that’s when it suddenly became very real—and delivered at a higher level than i could’ve imagined. I don’t know if it’s the start of a new era or a one off, but either way it’s made history.
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blmpff · 1 year ago
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @lurkingshan, and also @colourme-feral and @troubled-mind as I was working on it, thank you ❣️
My two main ~things~ are uploading actors' photos, and doing my own favorite X posts from shows I'm watching, and considering I've uploaded 5593 posts in 2023, in this essay I'll focus on my own.
disclaimer 1: I started posting my edits in March, so the first two months of the year will be just actors' pics to not skip them disclaimer 2: as for favorites the answer is always my favorite shots posts because each and every single one of them is my precious baby disclaimer 3: I added SHOWS to each month for my compilation posts for them
- most popular: First Kanaphan from their trip to Japan I think - favorite: ArmyJoe stills from gmmtv twt
- most popular: Fluke and Thor TWE bts - favorite: this MosBank
- most popular: Our Dining Table promo picture - favorite: Midnight Museum ep5, The Eighth Sense ep2, first Shared Location
- most popular: P'Jojo explaining the use of thai soap opera cliches in Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go - favorite: T8S x train ride, Jaewon calling Jihyun his boyfriend, shadow kisses, Midnight Museum moon shots 4/4, the post where I save links to all the shows/movies I make posts about - shows: Our Dating Sim, The Eighth Sense, Destiny Seeker, Midnight Museum, Blueming, Bed Friend
- most popular: P'Jojo posting about Only Friends getting the green light - favorite: Man's hands, this Between Us scene, this ONHCT scene, OS2 x Win's Adventures - shows: OS2: The Eclipse, OS2: NLMG, Happy Merry Ending, ABAAB, Love Mate, ONHCT, Dear Ex, Please Tell Me So, A First Love Story 1, A First Love Story 2, Step For You
- most popular: Cooheart in a bridal dress at Bangkok Pride - favorite: Fluke's hair poll, IQ subber in House of Stars, ODT Tane - shows: Star Struck, Our Dining Table, Love Tractor
- most popular: NeoMark Only Friends Q photo - favorite: these two Tokyo In April Is parallels, this Semantic Error scene - shows: Step by Step, La Pluie, House of Stars, My Ride
- most popular: P'Jojo talking about sex scenes in Only Friends - favorite: ML Shin being Shin, this scene in SMC - shows: Tokyo In April Is, Sing My Crush, Egoist, Low Frequency, Stay Still, Sonnet 18
- most popular: the epic journey that was Red Peafowl cast announcement - favorite: Leehyun repeatedly calling An his boyfriend, Joohyuk x Sungmin, hyung, EarthBank - shows: Laws of Attraction, Love Class 2, Marry Go Round, Minato's Laundromat 2, Hidden Agenda, Bon Appetit
- most popular: P'Jojo roasting Boston - favorite: IFYLITA dream dancing, bloody Papang, bloody GG kiss&murder - shows: My Personal Weatherman, Only Friends, Grand Guignol, Semantic Error: The Movie
- most popular: new YinWar show Jack&Joker pilot - favorite: this Mermaid's Jade scene, this The Devil Judge scene, these Playboyy posters - shows: I Feel You Linger In The Air, Mermaid's Jade, Kiseki: Dear To Me, Pure Vanilla, One Room Angel
- most popular: Babe causing Billy to malfunction - favorite: JellyfishBolster compilation, this AobPuen, DFF I've been impaled - shows: Sweet Home 2, Shadow, To My Star s1, Absolute Zero, Bake Me Please, Moonlight Chicken
Tagging everyone who wants to do it and haven't already, this site helps!
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queersouthasian · 1 year ago
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Playboyy the series, ep2
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plantsarepeopletoo · 1 year ago
Ep2 PlayBoyy Music and Spreadsheet
Quick question: Should I make a new playlist for each? Put in every instance the song happens (Like No Turning Back played multiple times in ep2) Make a new spreadsheet for each episode? idk.
I *do* need to make a playlist of just the interesting songs.
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aresluna · 1 year ago
My beloved Prom, I really want to trust you, but I can't, not after this episode.
What the hell are you hiding under that appearance and those glasses?????? the creepy smile at First and Nont... you're enjoying this too much.
Why do I feel like he is a mastermind who hides things and is taking advantage of the situation by playing chess with Nont?
It's funny that Prom send Nont after Jump, Soong and Teena, when they are the ones who left Playboyy because "the boss has gone too far" (EP2 02:50) and (at least that's how I see it) they leave to read between the lines that underpayment is not the only reason to leave Playboyy. Besides, he didn't want Nont to get involved with them.
Coincidence???? I feel like I have to start the series again. All this has so many details that it is worth analyzing them.
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mygwenchan · 3 years ago
Playboyy the Series - Meta
All thoughts on EP1
EP1: A great start!
EP1: An interesting casting choice
EP1: In defense of the Playboyys
EP1: A small gesture can tell you a lot
EP1: Famous artworks in Playboyy the Series - Part 1
All thoughts on EP2
EP2: Possible explanations for First's kidnapping
EP2: Famous artworks in Playboyy the Series - Part 2
EP1 & EP2: Translation of Japanese Parts
All thoughts on EP3
EP3: Why older adults are strangely absent in the series
All thoughts on EP4
All thoughts on EP5
EP5: Parallels between FirstSoong & NuthPhop
EP5: Why is Jump so interested in the name of Porche's dad?
All thoughts on EP6
EP7: Famous artworks in Playboyy the Series - Part 3
All thoughts on EP7
All thoughts on EP8
All thoughts on EP9
All thoughts on EP10
All thoughts on EP11
All thoughts on EP12
EP12: Is Nuth the author of Playboyy?
All thoughts on EP13
All thoughts in EP14
Kinktest results & compatibility of the Playboyy characters
Dream versus reality - The depiction of sex in Playboyy the Series
Characters relationship chart
Playboyy - A collage of queer life experiences
Pit Babe the Series - Meta
EP1: Typical Omegaverse tropes that were shown in ep1 for those unfamiliar with the genre
My Dear Gangster Oppa - Meta
EP4: Why I don't hate Wal
Miseinen / Our Youth - Meta
EP5: All the parents suck
EP8: The real tragedy
Futtara Doshaburi / When it rains it pours - Meta
EP4: Kazuaki F is a bit strange
EP5: Ah, the cinematography!
Works by author Yeonim (Unforgotten Night & Love Syndrome Universe)
Novels in chronological order
Character relationship charts (in progress)
My current watchlist
My current reading list
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scarefox · 10 months ago
Not Jack using these as birthday post for Chat 😂
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scarefox · 1 year ago
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scarefox · 1 year ago
R.I.P Prom. These were Nonts first thoughts when he met him 😭
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scarefox · 1 year ago
Imagine the plot twist if there was actually no other twin and he just got amnesia and an identity disorder or something.
Based on that weird mirror self talk.
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scarefox · 1 year ago
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Do you think Aob taught them the same way how he teaches Puen? 🤔
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