#platonic tighnari
Platonic!Yandere!Tighnari x Child!Fem!Reader
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While Tighnari was working and writing an article for the academy, you were at the other end of the room in a corner going to sleep. You grouped up and pressed your tail to yourself for more warmth, while you heard a disappointed sigh from the forest ranger.
"Y/n, how many times should I tell you that you can't sleep there. You can catch a cold and get sick, and as a result, you will still be in the same bed that you don't want to sleep in right now."
You continue not to listen to him and, just in case, cover the part of the neck by which he can grab you. One of your ears is lowered and relaxed, and with the other you listen to what he is doing. For a long time you hear the rustle of paper and the chirp of a pen, and because of this you lose your vigilance. However, immediately after you hear the creaking of the floor, you tense up again.
Tighnari, yawning, gets up from his desk and glances at how you are curled up in the corner. The first thing he does is approach you and immediately notices your half-lowered ear. Your hair immediately stands on end when you feel him stroking you.
"That's it, Y/n, stop pretending. I know you're not sleeping."
Forest ranger frowns when he sees you cover your face more with your tail and completely ignore him. Tighnari remains silent for a while, his hand is still on your head when he finally removes it and moves away, judging by the sounds, towards the bed.
To be honest, it was much more comfortable to sleep on the bed, but this had one huge drawback that you realized during the escape.
That day you were the closest to your goal and almost reached the border, but at the very last moment, you panicked. However, this panic was not the result of a chase or any other logical reason. No. It was all the fault of the smell of Tighnari, which you stopped feeling. This caused you a severe stupor, which you never managed to overcome that day.
That's when you realized that when he holds your hand, carries you by the scruff of the neck or sleeps near you, he leaves a smell on you, which does not allow you to leave your "parent".
Tighnari returns with a sheet, pillows and blankets, having spread something like a bed on the floor, he carries you to it and covers you, and then lies down next to you. So you lie down for at most two minutes, because after Tighnari snuggles up to you again. He presses your head to his chest, and his tail covers your legs, which you stuck out from under the blanket.
You, resting your hands on his chest, tried to save your own position and increase the distance between you and at least make sure that he didn't touch you with his hands, legs, or tail. Otherwise, you were afraid to think what would happen if you continued to pick up his scent.
"Y/n, stop tossing and turning."
"Only if you stop snuggling up to me."
"The Avidya Forest may have a warm climate, but it is still a forest and the nights are quite cool here."
"I don't want to sleep next to you anyway."
Tighnari lets you go and sits down next to you, he looks disappointed and upset. After your escape, you stopped running away from him, but at the same time you stopped letting him near you and this could not but upset him.
"You're such a hard kid..."
That night he slept on the bed, apart from you.
And while you were rejoicing at your victory, he was thinking about herbs that could help him reduce your stress and maybe even give you a little sleepiness for the first months of your adaptation.
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Platonic!Yandere!Tighnari x Child!Fem!Reader
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For the first time in a long time, Tighnari felt so bad, he was literally in despair, which could not be said about you. After all, you finally got some control over the situation and your position. Yes, what you did was painful and unpleasant, but the goal itself was achieved. For this reason, you quite enjoyed watching Tignari restlessly running around the house.
"Why did you do it at all?! Do you even realize how unsafe this is! How... How can you even be so calm! You should be rolling on the floor in agony right now!"
The Forest Watcher once again gave you a fleeting worried look, but he again met your uninterested expression. Despite the riskiness of the situation, you seemed to be even calmer than usual. It wasn't normal. Especially when you consider that you used a strong warming agent on yourself and now the back of your neck was burned at best. Tighnari couldn't say for sure for the reason that you also put a patch on yourself. At first, he didn't attach any importance to this, because he knew that you are always trying in every possible way to protect yourself from being taken by the scruff. It was exactly until he touched that patch and realized that it was very hot. Of course, Tighnari immediately tried to take it off, but then a clear liquid of lymph and blood poured out of it, he stopped.
"Just tell me what you put under the patch so I can take it off less painfully and help you."
Yes, the Forest Watcher regained his composure, now he himself began to think about it. You couldn't take something not from his house, the drug itself had a warming property and was taken externally. Only two things fit this description.
"Was it a black powder or a clear sticky ointment?"
He saw how your ears twitched a little at the mention of these medicines, and you habitually covered part of your face with your tail.
"Don't tell me you've connected two these medicines at once...Of course, the more, the better..."
He sighs heavily and stealthily glances in your direction. Why were you so calm? If you really combined two these preparations and spent almost the whole day with them, then... Could your nerve endings have been affected? Tighnari was afraid even to think about it.
Having taken out all the items that might be useful to him, he wanted to approach you, but in time he heard that you were eating something. Turning his head in your direction, he saw you quietly eating herbs that he sometimes gave you to make you more calm, they dulled physical pain and emotions. Tignari felt ashamed, did you know about them all this time? No, he's doing it for your own safety and there's nothing wrong with that. In addition, more importantly, now you are under a very strong painkiller and the most painful moments should pass normally, he doesn't even have to wait for these very herbs to take effect. However, just in case, he prepared several other stronger painkillers, and also lit a couple of incense burners just to put you to sleep a little.
Tighnari approached you as carefully as possible when he saw how your ears were almost lowered. He gently lifted you up, trying not to touch your neck and the patch.
You barely remember the rest. You didn't even remember how unconsciously you spoke under the influence of all the herbs and smokers, but you clearly remember how Tighnari stroked your head, calming you. In the end, you fell asleep anyway.
"So you're saying that she used two warming agents in large doses and got a 3rd degree burn, just because she didn't like how you took her by the scruff of the neck, and thereby she also wanted to piss you off?"
"That's right, Cyno, to be honest, I don't think that this very burn was part of her plan, but even so, what upsets me the most is something completely different..."
The Forest Waycher sighs heavily as he watches Collei hug your unconscious figure. You were both asleep and, because of this, you looked so calm and peaceful, although, in fact, everything was far from that.
"She also mentioned that everything will work out anyway, since this is one of the rules of birthdays, that everything planned must come true or something like that..."
"Don't worry about it so much, we can still spend her birthday. Besides, I already know what gift to give her if she wants to annoy you next time."
"What is it?"
"A self-written collection of jokes."
"Oh, God... Fine, but only if it help her to get better. Anyway, Cyno, could you keep an eye on them until I finish work? Collei's Eleazar has deteriorated and Y/n..."
"Sure. Don't worry."
Tighnari nods and, taking everything he needs, quickly left the house, after taking another look around the room. Cyno also stood in the middle of the room for some time, after which, leisurely approaching you and Collei, he straightened your blanket and sat down on a chair next to the bed.
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byorkewkew · 1 month
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training in combat
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zhongrin · 2 years
a hybrid’s instincts
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, gorou, tighnari, (bonus) platonic!diona
◇ tags ◇ pregnancy, afab!reader, dragon!zhongli
◇ a/n ◇ what's that? will i ever stop pushing the dragon!zhongli agenda? hahahahahahahhahahhaha hhahaha ha ha- no.
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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oh? what's this? it seems like your pregnancy triggered something in these men. their more… "animal side", perhaps?
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ever since baizhu’s confirmation - actually, even weeks before that - zhongli has been very reluctant to let you wander out of the house. or even out of his sight, in general (which is quite strange since with his enhanced dragon senses you know he’s able to locate you within the house with no problems at all).
at night, you sometimes wake up to him in his dragon form. sometimes it’s his compact form nuzzling and he's purring near your stomach, sometimes it’s his half-dragon form where he’ll place his head beside your stomach with his tail curling around you protectively. it doesn’t matter whether you’re already showing or not; your heartbeat and the little hatchling’s brings him a sense of comfort that he needs, lest he becomes restless.
his nesting behavior is out of control. he’ll bring you all the pillows and blankets, surround you with the nicest smelling flowers, make you always wear his shirt, and he’ll bring anything you want to the bed so you don’t have to leave the nest. the further you are into your pregnancy, the more reluctant he is to leave you alone. he ends up taking that paternal leave hu tao has been telling him to get. bless her.
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gorou is just as excited as he’s alerted. kokomi will have to force her best general to take a temporary leave from the army throughout your pregnancy because he’s so jumpy and sensitive to literally everything and his behavior is making all of the soldiers anxious.
gorou insists that you take a walk with him every day; just something light around the block to keep you from feeling lethargic. he’s also developed a habit to sniff everything that will touch your hand. yes, that includes your supposedly harmless change of clothes. it’s not ridiculous in his opinion! it’s a necessary precaution!!
will snarl when a stranger approaches you and tries to touch you in any way, even if it’s just a friendly gesture. he would be so embarrassed and apologetic about it afterward, but only once you’re at the safe haven of your house.
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are you a forest ranger? an adventurer? does your profession require you to venture into the wilderness? welp, say goodbye to your job for the time being, because there is no way in any cycles of samsara tighnari would let you go into the dangers outside while you’re carrying his pups.
walking arm-in-arm whenever you're out and about is a must these days. whenever a villager congratulates you, you can sense his hold tightening despite the polite smile on his lips. if it was up to his instinct, he wouldn’t have let you get out of the house, but rationally he knows you need to move around and breathe in the fresh air.
though you still won’t be exempt from your beloved’s sassiness (”you want me to get you coffee…? do you think i’m an idiot?”) as long as what you ask for doesn’t harm you, he’s at your every beck and calls now, no question asked. you’re craving for collei’s specialized pita pockets? he’ll learn the damn recipe from collei herself and serve it on your favorite plate the next day. you want to be carried everywhere? good thing he’s got the physique fitting for the head of the forest rangers. you want ten kisses a day? say no more; he’ll give you thirty.
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[bonus - platonic]
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at first, diona seems super indifferent about it, only reacting with a ‘hmph… congrats, i guess’, but her actions speak louder than words. you know how cats tend to hover around pregnant women and even lay themselves near their bulging bellies? that's right.
no, you will not be having alcohol. no, your spouse will not be having alcohol. no, all the people within five hundred meters radius from you will not be having any single drop of alcohol. she won't allow those boozehounds to get close to you.
she’s so amazed at how your stomach keeps growing bigger every time you visit her. when you give her your permission, she’ll curiously poke and stare at your bump. her hand will gently pat your tummy as she unconsciously smiles. she starts to seek you out more often after that, telling you that she’s just there in case you need help, but you know she’s just worried about you. she would be such a good big sister to your baby!
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @clovcly | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades
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arisewanekosuki · 10 months
Traveler's little helper -Extra-: Curiosity - Nahida (feat Sumeru Boys x Fem!Reader)
This is something I wanted to post before... I went to the small hiatus, now I finished this short thing but sorry for mistakes, it's 1 Am now and I'm tired... [ Teyvat , Mondstadt , Liyue ] ------
Nahida found it interesting, how can you still not be able to  see those boys holding affections towards you. At first she wondered “Are you really blind for their courting? Or maybe you don’t want to see it?” You’re very friendly, no matter if it’s a guy or girl, if you want to take someone somewhere you won’t hesitate to hold their hand, if someone is sad you always offering a hug. But she did notice that when it comes to guys, there are sometimes a moments when you do realize that you got ‘too close’ and start to feel a bit shy, apologizing to them. But then how could you not notice how they pout for not feeling warmth of your hand anymore?  The easiest way is to ask you and she did. -“Those boys really like spending time with you…but I can’t help and wonder…which one do you like the most?” you looked at her with confusion -“Which one? Hmm.. I like them all, after all they are my good friends!” You smiled so brightly to her. “Ah so you’re just that oblivious.” She thought back then. Nahida always liked to observe people and because of this she noticed the difference in behavior for some of the guys. Wanderer was the first one she noticed the changes in him. That’s not a secret that Wanderer enjoys watching people expressions, especially the negative ones. Making others angry is his little fun in everyday live. And at first it was the same with you, being rude or ignoring you to just see your angry face but this changed. To Nahida’s surprise she noticed how lately he have been only teasing you just to see your embarrassed face and not only that. It seems Wanderer started to like seeing your smile. When at first he would complain when you asked him to help with commissions, now he ‘offers’ help himself to do them. The next one was Kaveh. Always stressed and troubled by many things. But after you invited him to the Teapot he seems more relaxed and happy, of course you couldn’t take away his debt but you helped him a bit whenever you could. She noticed that Kaveh is more calm when discussing things with the clients about his projects. Before he would get angry quickly because of the stress and not wanting to be scammed again but now it  looks like he’s more clearheaded to find common ground on both sides. There is less arguments between him and Alhaitham those days as well, but in exchange now most of the time they clash with each other when it comes to you. The General Mahamatra have two modes, the work on and the work off, but at some point Nahida noticed that there one more “(Y/n) is here mode on”. You don’t mind his jokes, you would smile or even let a small laugh when he tell ones and when you do that, Nahida can see Cyno smiling too. Everyone knows how serious Cyno is when it comes to TCG, he won’t even show mercy when playing against you. But if someone paying close attention to Cyno they would notice how sometimes he gets deconcentrated by watching you choosing next cards. You’re good player but sometimes he lose because he got lost in his thoughts about you. Tighnari was better at hiding his affections towards you, at least when there were more people around. Nahida was watching you two as a little bird, you would listen to Tighnari talking about flowers but sometimes he would decorate your hair with some or giving you bouquets but you never knew the meaning behind them, this is only fact that Tighnari hid from you. You’re the only person who have permission to brush his tail or touch his ears, Nahida can’t count of her fingers now how many times Tighnari was so close to kiss you in moments like this. The little Dendro Archon can always see how Tighnari is protective over you, especially if you get hurt. No matter if the wound is small, Tighnari will always take care of it and softly scold you.
The hardest one to see their affections towards you is Alhaitham. Nahida is sure many other people didn’t even realized that he too takes part in the race of winning your heart. Alhaitham is very subtle with his affections, many may even mistook them for just him being kind to you. But if they know him better they can notice how he would enjoy to have conversations with you, after work he would invite you from time to time for some coffee or tea whichever you prefer. To Nahida, and even your surprise he do offer to read some books for you, when he sees that Paimon is busy and you are curious of the new book you found in your adventures with Aether.
The little Dendro Archon can’t help but be curious how this will go. Will one of them manage to win your heart? Or maybe someone else from another Nation will charm you? But there is something that has been bothering Nahida for a while now, whenever you spend time with the boys and they leave for moment or don’t look at you, she can see your eyes fill with sadness. The Dendro Archon started to wonder “Maybe you’re not that oblivious like everyone thinks?”
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cynyari · 8 months
Tighnari is Kavetham's no.1 hater because he sees how much Kaveh holds Alhaitham's opinion to a high regard even if he won't admit it and that Alhaitham isn't good at communication and he'll eventually say something and Kaveh will jump to some conclusion and spiral and then Tighnari will have to be the one to help his friend out of it afterwards
Cyno is Kavetham's no.2 hater cause he thinks alhitham is a dickhead and doesn't like his ass
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kuamiru · 2 years
The Golden Child Part IV
SAGAU & Impostor AU where the reader is the child of the actual creator.
Warnings: Blood, crying blood, mention of abduction and terrorism.
If you haven't read part 3 yet, you can find it here.
Please understand that I won't add new people to the taglist as it has become way too large now. I'm sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
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The acting Grand Sage was having a very, very busy week.
With his resignation coming soon, he wanted to finish every document that needed his immediate attention; somehow, his shift was never enough to finish everything on time.
Piles of documents that never seemed to end. Countless people needed his help that went from the most mundane things to twisted crimes that needed the immediate intervention from the Matra. In any case, once he started his working hours, there was no time to waste.
So, that was why the presence of the man in front of him managed to irk him greatly. There was enough time to be a nuisance at home, why did Kaveh feel the need to come bother him at work?
"But I'm telling you!" The blonde exclaimed. "There's definitely something weird about it!"
He sighed. "Well then, did it look like that child was being held against their will?"
"Well, no, but—"
"Then there's nothing I can do. The most I can offer is to send a Matra to investigate and/or interrogate that Lord. For all you know, they could simply be an Eremite's child."
Kaveh wanted to tell him that no, that wasn't the case, but in reality he didn't know that. There was just a feeling, a strange sensation that made him think that there must be something more about them. Kidnapped, an Eremite's child, the illegitimate Lord's child... No option sat well with him.
If Alhaitham saw that child, would he share Kaveh's thoughts?
Fuck it. If Alhaitham didn't want to help him, then he would investigate this matter himself.
Just as he was about to curse his roommate and storm away, the grand doors opened with a loud bang. Before seeing who intruded like that, they first heard the loud gasps and whispers of the scholars outside his office.
"Alhaitham!" The voice of a particular forest watcher resonated around the room. Both him and Kaveh were taken aback at the sight of the newcomers. They were bloody, beaten up, with bandages loosely covering certain areas of their bodies as if they only did it to stop the bleeding and not for properly treating the wounds. Collei was supporting both her weight and Tighnari's, as she was helping him stand and walk. "We need your help!"
The fact that Tighnari didn't refer to him as 'acting Grand Sage' denoted alarming urgency. He quickly rose from his seat and called for immediate medical help. Kaveh ran to his friend's side, gently removing him from Collei and letting him use his own body as support, earning a thankful glance from the girl. The wounds in his body started to bleed again, soaking the bandages and some of Kaveh's clothes in the process.
"What happened to you?!" The blonde asked in a panic.
Collei was still taking deep breaths, exhausted for having to carry her mentor all the way to Sumeru City. "The Ville! We were attacked!"
Alhaitham opened his eyes all the way thanks to his surprise. How come the Gandharva Ville had been attacked and he was only finding out now? By the look of the injuries, he guessed it must've happened yesterday.
"Wow, calm down! Breathe first." Kaveh said. "Explain what happened."
As the medic of the Akademiya arrived and started to treat Tighnari, Collei composed herself and started to explain everything from the beginning.
She told them about the child in the forest that was attacked by Eremites, with their family presumably dead by the Eremite's hands. How Tighnari heard them and immediately appeared to help the kid, safely escorting them to the Gandharva Ville so they could decide what to do next. She also explained how those mercenaries came back for revenge, attacking their Ville and abducting the child once every fighter was down.
Her words shocked the blonde. He looked at his roommate, half in disbelief that his own suspicions turned out to be true.
"You say they took them? Grabbed them and disappeared into the forest?"
"Yes, yes... I was knocked out and they managed to get to them...!" Collei cried. "You have to do something! Those Eremites killed their family and now have kidnapped them!"
The grand doors opened once again, and Tighnari and Kaveh both breathed a sigh of relief at the figure standing in the doorway.
The general Mahamatra had arrived.
"I heard there was a commotion here." Cyno spoke. Tighnari greeted him by saying his name, which made the newcomer turn his attention to him. When he laid his eyes upon the wounded fox hybrid and saw how beaten up he was, his blood boiled with deep rage. "What happened?"
Sensing danger from the short man, Alhaitham quickly composed himself and started to explain the situation. This didn't seem to help Cyno calm down. In fact, every word he spoke only served to fuel his anger.
"We must do something then. That child must be in danger." The general said. "We must rescue them. I'll also arrange for the other matras to track down and hunt those Eremites that raided the Ville."
Tighnari nodded. "Let's go."
"YOU won't go. The 'we' I was talking about is composed of Alhaitham, the Matra and I."
"What?!" Kaveh, Tighnari and Collei cried in unison.
"Regarding the seriousness of the situation, it's only natural that this matter is solved within members of the Matra and Akademiya." Alhaitham explained. "It could be extended to inhabitants of the Gandharva Ville, but the only thing they need now is a good doctor and a lot of rest."
"No way!" Tighnari shouted. "I have to get them back! I have to, I have to..."
His voice faded into intelligible mumbles, repeating again and again the same words. This was the first time Cyno had seen his best friend like this. What could have happened to make him act this way? Those damned Eremites... He would make sure they paid for what they've done.
Alhaitham and the grand general were quick to exit the office and start gathering people to accompany them to Alcazarzaray.
This matter had to be settled right now.
One of the people present also made his way to the exit, only that she did in the complete opposite way.
You were feeling very, very warm.
It was as if a giant marshmallow was enveloping you, gently offering a comfortable space to rest while you dozed off with a sense of security.
Suddenly, hand rested on your head, carefully caressing your hair in a loving manner. You opened your eyes, only to find a silhouette cradling you and watching you with hearts on their eyes.
"Keep sleeping, stardust." A soothing voice came out of their lips. "Once you wake, I won't get to hold you like this again."
The sadness in their tone made your heart ache. You gently raised your hand and rested it on their cheek, smiling when they wore a surprised expression.
"Tata..." You whispered. "Papa said they took you..."
You tried to keep smiling, you were seeing your parent again! But the thought of everything that happened only fueled the pain in your chest, making you let a sob out before starting to fully crying.
Your parent stopped the caressing to instead hug you tightly. Whispered sweet words in your ear. "You're too young for everything's that happening. How I wish I could still be hugging you in reality, and not just in this dream."
So this was a dream. Well, it didn't matter. This was the place your parent was, where you could touch them once again.
"Why did they do it...?" You could only ask between sobs.
You could hear your tata let a sigh. Both them and your father had tried to explain everything to you, at least the best they could to a little child. But maybe all you needed right now was the truth.
"I'm the one who created this world." They spoke. With a wave of their hand, something akin to stardust was born from it. It made you giggle a little. "And as such, I also wanted to live here as a mortal like everyone. Like your father, like you."
You looked into their eyes and saw all the love they had for you.
"I descended in a new body, with no powers and no memory. But the mortals and gods... Over time, they became obsessed with the idea of me. Of a being of pure love, power, and divinity. Being in a mortal body, I possessed none of that, so it was only natural that they thought I was an impostor trying to deceive them."
With each word, their tone became more and more solemn. "They... killed my body, so I now return to be a deity unapproachable by any of them. Any, except for you."
They kissed your nose gently.
"You are my child, my flesh and blood, and though I had a mortal body when you were conceived, my divinity still flows in you."
Their fingers brushed the cut in your arm, the one you got when you protected your father back in the Chasm. You averted your eyes from it. It only served to remind you what you lost that day.
"I want nothing more than destroy this world and the people in it for everything they've done to their own creator. But..."
Strangely enough, those words filled with hatred did not worry you in the slightest. Was it because it was your parent who said them? "But...?" You trailed on.
"But you and him still live here. And I do not wish for you both to feel anything remotely close to what I've experienced."
The hug enveloping you became a little tighter, as if your tata was trying to heal all their pain by embracing you.
It was a silent promise. One that said that as long as you both were alive, then the world would remain untouched.
"I miss you." You whispered, hiding your face in their chest.
"I miss you too, stardust. I hope you both live your life to the fullest before finally being reunited again. I love you."
You felt a warm and gentle kiss on your forehead and raised your head to see your parent one last time only to find a pillow resting above you, right where your tata had been. You let a sad sigh at the sight of an unknown bedroom and strange bed.
So, it really was just a dream. But it felt so real... you could still feel the tenderness of their touch and the tingle their lips left on your skin. How you missed your family...
Looking at the window in front of the bed, you noticed that the sun was already starting to set. It seemed that you fell asleep crying in your aunt's arms, how embarrassing. But to sleep all day? It really showed how your situation was exhausting your little body.
There was a small table at your right side with a plate of food on it. There was a note attached to it, with your name written on the upside. You took it and tried to read it, but the handwriting was very different from your parent's. You recognized some letters, but the words were pretty confusing.
Still, even if you couldn't read it, it left a warm feeling in your chest knowing that Dori cared enough to leave you some food and a little note for the moment you woke up.
With the piece of paper in your hand, you rushed to your backpack and took the stuffed animal from the inside, putting both items on the bed. They were your treasures now.
If only you had something from your father as well...
Opting to occupy your mind to not get sad, you tried to approach the table with the snack before a loud bang resonated around the entire palace. It seemed that someone was knocking on the front door, really hard.
As you tried to peek outside the room to see what was going on, you were surprised when Dori quickly came in and pushed you inside, closing the door behind her.
"Auntie? What's happening?" You asked with a slight tremble on your voice. Had trouble come again? Could those people from Liyue have finally found you?
"Ah, that? It's nothing. Probably the Matra trying to arrest me again for 'alleged' scams." She laugh, clearly unbothered by the whole situation. "What do you have there?"
You looked where she was pointing, right at your stuffed animal. "Oh! That's my favorite plush. Tata made it for me for my last birthday."
She smiled and picked it up in her hands. "Look at this cute thing! Handmade goods tend to sell pretty well."
Dori put the plush back where it was and turned to face you.
"Well, I see that you still haven't eaten. What do you say we have dinner together? The chef prepares the best dishes in all Teyvat!"
You giggled. "Okay!"
"Sweet! Then we—"
She stopped in the middle of the sentence as the sound of the main doors opening filled the mansion. This set her right on edge, as the butler had strict orders to not open the door to anybody, not even for the Matra or Grand Sage himself. She pressed herself to the door of the room to hear what was happening in the main hall.
"Aunt Dori?" You were confused by the sudden change of demeanor. You grabbed the stuffed animal and held it to your chest, trying to get some sense of comfort.
"Shh." She motioned for you to remain silent, so you did. Voices could be heard, and even the distressed wails of the butler resonated around the halls. Whatever was happening, it was undoubtedly bad.
Dori looked at you, which made you startle a little. "Did something happen back with the Eremites?" She asked.
"Um, well..." You trailed off, nervous. "Back in the forest, a boy from a place called Gandharva Ville found me first. He brought me back with him, and those mercenaries had to attack the city because of that misunderstanding."
She pushed her head back as the voices got louder, undoubtedly investigating the mansion in the search of something. Someone.
"Fuck, those idiots didn't even bother to tell me anything. No wonder even the Grand Sage is here." The woman mumbled under her breath. She sighed and looked back at you. "Change of plans. We have to hide, or else I'll be imprisoned for terrorism and kidnapping. Those are things I don't plan to add to my record. "
Oh no, was this your fault? Was now your aunt in trouble because you didn't go with the Eremites right away? First, the nice people in the Ville were attacked, and now Dori was going to be blamed for it.
"Quick! Let's go through the secret passage!"
She locked the door behind her and rushed to the bed, pushing it to separate the furniture from the wall. You quickly gathered the plush and the letter and put them in the backpack before helping Dori move the bed. There was a different color right where the headboard rested, and the merchant wasted no time in tearing the wallpaper to reveal a small door beneath.
The Matra was getting closer, so Dori was in a hurry to get you both out of the house. She motioned for you to go first, so you crossed the small passage while she stayed behind temporarily to move back the bed to where it was.
You found yourself back at the gardens, just at the back of the manor away from the people that were surrounding the perimeter. Nobody seemed to have spotted you yet, so you waited for Dori to crawl from the secret passage before running away.
"Stay low. These guys are the real deal here." She whispered before taking your hand in hers and guiding you through the less visible parts of the lot.
You were almost at the entrance of the forest when a member of the Matra spotted you two and quickly gave the signal to his associates.
"There! They're trying to escape using the southern exit!"
It wasn't long before the rest of the Matra started to mobilize in your direction. Dori opted to stop hiding and run as fast as you could, as a last attempt to lose the officials.
You almost managed to reach the edge of the forest when the ground rose in front of you, forming a pillar made of dirt and stones that blocked the path ahead.
"Stop! Lord Sangemah Bay, you are under arrest!"
Turning around, a member of the Matra with a Geo vision was the culprit of your dead end. He was concentrating on maintaining the pillar as the General Mahamatra made his way towards you. Dori put you behind her, which didn't really help to cover you as your heights were not so far away.
"Lord Sangemah Bay." Greeted Cyno, though his voice was filled with nothing but disdain. "I knew you were a scammer, but I'd have never thought of you a terrorist. Have anything to say about this?"
She furrowed her brows but otherwise remained silent. So, he instead looked at you.
"So this is the kid that made you even attack Gandharva Ville to capture. Who is this? Why are you keeping them?"
You wanted to answer him, but the hold Dori had on your hand suddenly felt tighter as if she was silently telling you to keep quiet. Cyno sighed, knowing that he would not get anything out of the pair.
"I see how it is. You both will have to come with the Matra then."
The breeze picked up strongly.
A powerful burst of wind almost knocked Cyno off his feet; he even had to summon his polearm and nail it to the ground to remain in his place. Dirt and leaves started floating from everywhere, and you had to cover your eyes to avoid hurting them.
Only when everything calmed down you ventured to open them once again. You were now facing the back of a small man, with black and green hair and light green tattoos in the visible skin in his arms.
You had a very, very bad feeling about this guy; for the clothing he bore told everyone present that he was foreign to their nation.
"I'm afraid I can't allow to take this child with you."
The stranged summoned his own weapon; a jade colored polearm materialized in his hand as he took a more defensive stance.
"I know you." Cyno spoke. He regained his balance and also held his spear in his hands. "Liyue seems to be pretty far away from here, don't you think?"
This man was here to take you back. Because you were your parent's child, wasn't it? They wanted the child born from the divinity they were obsessed with.
Oh no, no, no, no...
You took one step backward but instantly froze when the boy turned his head to look at you the moment your foot touched the ground. His golden eyes bore right into yours, as if he was nothing more than a predator waiting for the best chance to strike.
However, he promptly returned his attention to the general when he saw that you were no longer moving.
"Heed my words, for this is the only warning I'll offer, mortal. Forget everything about this child, for they are now under the eternal custody of Liyue and the Geo Archon."
Cyno frowned. He still didn't understand the situation that well, but something about you was so special that even the Rex Lapis himself was sending his own acolytes to fetch them. Now, the attack on the Ville made more sense.
He didn't know who you could possibly be, but from the looks of it, you were terrified at the sight of the adeptus. Was this another kidnapping? For a god to step so low...
If anything, he only knew that you didn't want to go with him. So, you should stay here. Right where the Matra could protect you.
He took one step in the adeptus' direction, but the same strong wind from before returned and threatened to send him flying. He could only discern a green stream quickly making his way to where you were standing before vanishing, with the wind closely behind.
When he was able to get the dirt out of his eyes, only the sight of his fellow matra remained. Xiao was gone; you were too. He didn't see the Lord either, but he stopped paying them attention early on. Maybe they took this chance to escape the Matra and avoid any questioning.
His coworkers were quick to offer a hand; two of them helped him stand while the rest immediately started a search party for both Dori and the missing child.
Liyue, huh?
He had to report this to the acting Grand Sage.
There is no justice in letting a handful of people have his way with a kid. He would rescue them, even if he had to cross the whole land to get there.
"Isn't the weather beautiful today?"
The Fatui soldier didn't voice her answer, only nodded to maintain her silence. She had her head hanging low, for she was paying respect to the man in front of her.
You had to be always careful when in the presence of Dottore, after all.
"A little bird told me something funny today." His deep tone made chills run down her spine. His silhouette in front of the window gave an ominous feeling, the weather displaying a colorful battle of blue, purple, and yellow thanks to the storm outside. "It appears that the Creator themself descended a few years ago!"
"H-huh?!" She could not help the gasp of surprise that left her mouth but quickly returned to her position of submission when the mad man turned to see her.
Instead of getting angry, he smiled creepily. "Just as you hear. Our Divine Grace finally returned to this world, only that they did in a mortal body. That impostor that every soul on Teyvat made their goal to catch? It turned out to be the real and mighty Overlord!"
The Fatui raised her head in disbelief, watching him as he laughed like a maniac.
"But Liyue was the lucky winner; they managed to grab them and display their headless body for every habitant to see!" He took one step closer to the glass, smiling every time lightning illuminated the scenery. "It's just now that the other nations are finding this out... Inazuma might've been the first, as the only thing covering the skies are the mournful thunder and lightning from the lady that holds their power. Ah, she truly must feel like her heart is being ripped out at these news!"
As if agreeing with him, the sky roared a few times.
"She can grieve all she wants. Morax could've been the executioner, but the rest of them also raised their weapons and didn't hesitate to hurt the Divine One even when they claimed innocence asked for mercy."
She didn't know what to say. Was this true? Their almighty god, their benevolent and loving one... Had already descended and was killed because people simply didn't believe it?
"This is going to be fun." Dottore hummed. "I almost can't wait for when the other archons discover what transpired. Will they unleash their fury and sorrow upon Liyue? Hehe, I sure hope this storm marks the beginning of the end."
He turned around and started to exit the room, but not before giving the soldier under him his last command.
"Wait for the next ship to Snezhnaya to deliver a letter. Inform the Tsaritsa that even though her efforts to reach our Divine One to aid them were hindered by the other archons, this time we can all protect the most precious gift they've left for us."
She looked at him quizzically but made no comment to refuse him.
"That's right." He laughed. "We'll take care of them while the rest of the world crumbles and destroys itself..."
Hello! This is a taglist. Should you wish for me to remove you, you can ask for it.
I can only tag up to 50 people in each post, so the rest will be tagged in the reblog!
Due to the overwhelming support you've given me, I fear I might have forgotten some people who kindly asked to be tagged. If you do not find yourself here, please do tell me. I've saved every username but there's a possibility that I've missed yours when I made the list.
However, I don't know why I can't tag some blogs. I hope this reaches you well.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
general friendship headcanons (sumeru).
summary. what is it like being friends with some of sumeru's citizens?
trigger & content warnings. brief & hypothetical mentions of people being creepy towards you.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. alhaitham & reader, collei & reader, cyno & reader, kaveh & reader, nahida & reader, nilou & reader, wanderer & reader, tighnari & reader. 0.9k words. no pronouns for reader.
author's notes. just a lil filler post while i continue working on requests <3 should i make this into a series? i think i will HSKDHDLD sometimes i need things to post in between requests, especially when i get a wave of longer requests.
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alhaitham is the kind of friend you can just... sit in the silence with. it's not uncomfortable silence whatsoever—it's, on the contrary, rather comforting and calming. he'll let you sit right up against him if you so please as he reads a book of his. you want to take a nap on him? go for it, he doesn't mind. i like to think that alhaitham finds the weight and pressure to be soothing (neurodivergent alhaitham my beloved...). you want to read your own book? that's fine. maybe you're doing something else—crocheting, knitting, drawing, writing... he really doesn't mind. whatever it is you choose to do, you're welcome to curl up against his side while you do it.
collei is another one you can sit in comforting silence with. she finds it nice just to spend time with her friend! if either of you aren't really interested in doing anything in particular, or if one or both of you aren't feeling great mentally or physically, she's totally cool with sitting in the calm quiet and cloud-gazing together. if you do want to do something, however, she's up for that too! she would also take you on patrol with her, i think, even if you need special accommodations. she'll figure it out. if you want to go with her, she'll find a way c: she's also the kind of friend that would enjoy trading easy & convenient recipes with you.
cyno is definitely the card game friend. you will learn to play tcg. you have no choice. it is your fate. /lh but i also like to think he's a considerably protective friend! he's the one to ask all the questions if you let him know you're planning on going out. he wants to know all the details. are you going with someone? yes? who is it? where are you planning on going? he literally just wants you to be safe, so sometimes it might come off as overbearing or infantilizing, but he really doesn't mean it that way! he genuinely just wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to you that he could have prevented.
kaveh is the kind of friend you could stay up until atrocious hours of the night talking to. also 100% the gossip friend. he'll sit there doing your hair, makeup, nails, or skincare routine—regardless of your gender, whatever you're comfortable with! kaveh genuinely doesn't care as long as you're happy and content—and tell you all of the terrible awful drama he overhears. he's also somewhat protective, but not to cyno's level. he'll inquire about your plans and will then tell you to be safe and have fun! he would feel really bad if something happened, though. really bad. will definitely, 100%, without a doubt tell off any creeps bothering you. he can pretend to be your brother or your boyfriend, whatever you need. he'll do it.
nahida is the therapist friend, in a way. she doesn't completely understand human emotions and thought processes, but she is totally happy to listen to whatever you need to get off your chest! it helps her understand you and other people better, and it (hopefully) helps you feel better. her advice is a little difficult to understand, admittedly... she tries her best though! if you don't understand, feel free to tell her. she'll try to be clearer. it may or may not work, and she has a chance of making her point even more confusing, but she really does try.
nilou is the kind of friend who's happy to do activities with you. she's happy to do anything as long as it's with her friend! she'll take you out to the shopping (only for you two to inevitably return with a ridiculous amount of free gifts for nilou, namely from the grand bazaar vendors...) if you'd like, or she can get you guys tickets to some of her favorite performances! she'd also love to teach you her style of dance if you'd be willing to and are able to learn. if you're not able, though, that's okay! she really doesn't mind. i like to think she'd also be super supportive of you and all your pursuits.
the wanderer is, quite simply, the begrudging friend. he will NOT admit that he cares about you and will claim the exact opposite. he'll say that he absolutely does not care whatsoever (but will then, in the same sentence, berate someone for so much as glancing at you in a way he deems to be wrong). he's a bit emotionally inarticulate—and rightfully so—but he really does care. his ways of showing it are just a little odd and unconventional. he acts like every display of affection ever is such a terrible burden that should not have been put on his shoulders, but secretly really loves holding your hand or giving you a hug. also really likes being held. like. he would die before admitting that but he... he just needs to be held, you know?
tighnari is the kind of friend who tells you all sorts of things—he shares his knowledge so freely with you, it's sort of like a love language. he'll tell you all about the local flora, explaining what plants you could eat in the case of an emergency and what ones you should never even touch. also as his friend you are allowed to touch his ears and tail. imagine habitually fidgeting with them while tighnari doesn't even flinch because, as long as you're always careful and gentle, he trusts you enough for that kind of thing. i bet he is very soft. anyway, i can't explain it, but i just know his hugs are warm and comforting and protective. he definitely gives really good hugs.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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watatsumiis · 10 months
Being A Part of the Sumeru Squad!
I've been thinking a lot recently about being a part of the ‘in’ group in Sumeru - the ones shown to be good friends on screen already (Tighnari, Cyno, Al Haitham and Kaveh!) I feel like there's lots of ways one could slot themselves into the dynamic and it's just very pleasant and fun to think about. 
(Rambles below the cut. Platonic stuff, reader is referred to as ‘you’ and is entirely gender neutral) 
Though the squad is almost constantly making playful little jabs at one another, bickering back and forth and whatnot, they're overall a pretty supportive and kind group and accept you into their midst without too much fuss. 
You soon find yourself invited to a myriad of small, casual get-togethers where the group catches up with one another. It's kind of weirdly formal at first, with so many of them holding such high and important statuses. 
Luckily, Kaveh also ends up feeling pretty left out during these discussions, so you'll have someone to chat with or ask questions when you've lost track of the topic at hand. Plus, he's often got some very funny (and surprisingly astute) commentary to add on, even when the subject is painfully dull. 
Once all the politics are out of the way, the conversation tends to ease right up for a little while. Regardless of whether you're at some restaurant or cafe, or just hanging out at someone's house, there's usually snacks available and things will remain super lighthearted for a bit, all jokes and talks of recently released books or occasional infodumps about hyperfixations and special interests. 
On that subject, whenever the stars align and two or more group members have the same special interest or hyperfixation, hoo boy, you can expect them to monopolise the conversation and somehow always drag it back to whatever niche fascinations that they may have accrued lately. 
If you have something you want to talk about, you can rest assured that at least one person in the room will be able to engage. Everybody has their own collection of equally specific and obscure knowledge - with the occasional kind of hilarious overlap. Kaveh and Cyno’s shared fascination with Fontanian machinery, or Tighnari and Al-Haitham’s in-depth discussions of insectoid languages and their potential overlap with human ones are some of the first to come to mind. 
Of course, disagreements do break out every now and then - but everyone is fairly civil for the most part, if a little bit overdramatic and occasionally loud. It's interesting to see how everyone the group tends to take sides almost as soon as a hint of a possible disagreement rears its head. Al-Haitham once questioned Cyno's sense of humour, querying whether it could really be considered comedy if nobody was laughing, and pretty soon, Tighnari and Kaveh were arguing along as passionately as if they'd been personally insulted. 
You tend to be the tiebreaker more often than not - with such an evenly split group, there often tends to be an even balance between whatever arguments. It doesn't help that Al-Haitham likes to break it all down and give pros and cons for both sides (while still keeping his own stance firm), which may make it impossible for you to decide. 
Luckily, it's easy enough for you to guide the group's attention elsewhere. Just offer to make them some hot drinks or ask if someone wants to play a round of Genius Invocation, and it's like the argument never happened at all. 
It's easy to wind up feeling a little out of place in a group of such highly ranking people, but it's like your friends develop a sixth sense for when you're starting to get a little confused or feeling out of your depth. Instead of poking fun at you (like they do for Kaveh), they'll find a way to rope you into the conversation that doesn't put too much pressure on you. Cyno and Tighnari, especially, seem to have a way of relating things to subjects that are in your area of expertise to help you parse them better so you can find your footing and be debating back and forth with the rest of them. 
Game nights tend to get really intense. It's not a case of if someone will flip their lid, it's simply a case of when. Alliances and subsequent betrayals are all too common, and you'll often find yourself being bribed to help someone one-up another person. 
They even have a ‘trophy’ for winning each week's game night. It's a tiny crown, carved out of wood and painted gold. Collei made it and donated it to the group. Whoever possesses the crown also possesses the ultimate bragging rights until the next gaming night (or until they accidentally sit on it and squash it with their big clumsy butt. Kaveh ). 
Though the group is chaotic, noisy, and constantly teasing one another, they're all so supportive of one another and will stick together through thick and thin. As the conversations slow down, sometimes some pretty serious subjects get brought up, heavy venting and other such similar things. 
Though, they're all very understanding if someone isn't in the correct headspace for that sort of talk, and will happily postpone it or talk about it elsewhere if needed. They're also very used to multiple conversations happening at once, so it's easy enough for someone to dodge around the heavy topics if they need to. 
The squad can be almost violently supportive at times. Sometimes you worry that Cyno may be one hundred percent genuine about abusing his status as the General Mahamatra to threaten somebody who mildly inconvenienced you one time in the market last week. 
Overall, the vibes of the friend group are super fun (if a little intense at times). They may not say it directly, but everyone is super glad to have you around, hanging out with them and getting in on all the goofs they make and shaking up their dynamic a little bit.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing! I do not consent for my works to be translated and posted elsewhere, or copy - pasted into bot or AI technology.
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swannieluv · 6 months
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Help with studies
pairing: Platonic!Tighnari x GN!Reader – wc: 900 – tw: peeling the skin off your lips, academic pressure – a/n: This is more of a personal thing I wrote. But I hope it can comfort someone who goes through the same thing <3. Sorry for any grammar mistakes </3– likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated!!
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Studying is hard, and it gets even harder when you don't know how to study in the first place. Being a good student throughout your whole life was somewhat… easy? You thought it was just the fruits of you paying attention to classes, but it wasn't exactly like that. Sometimes you would write, read the contents before the lecture even started, doodle on the desk, or think of whatever scenarios appeared in your mind.
With the textbook, full of images and descriptions written in a bold black font, open in front of you, desperation started growing. Why wasn't your brain just understanding the texts previously highlighted during class? You were sure you had understood everything when learning, yet it was like knowledge had disappeared from your mind.
You just kept staring absentmindedly at the page, as if nothing around you was happening. It was just a few minutes later that your state was interrupted by a voice calling for you: the familiar voice of Tighnari, one of the few you can call friend — though you're both often mistaken for siblings, for being often seen together.
“[Name]?��� He was holding a pot with a small plant. That's right, you had asked him for a decoration for your desk, perhaps a change of air would help.
There were not so rare occasions in which you had to ask for his help. Tighnari’s way of explaining stuff was direct and left no space left for doubts, plus he always added extra information you missed during study sessions.
He left the plant next to a pile of notebooks before opening your curtains. “Look. I'm not a specialist, but I can't help but notice your troubled expression these days.”
You lost track of how many hours had been spent doing absolutely nothing. But the sunset was enough to remind you of the fact that nothing productive had been done and you were doomed.
“I don't know anymore, everything feels so… strange. I'm intelligent, right?” Tears gathered in your eyes before you looked up at him. “Please tell me I am or else I don't know what to do?”
Intelligence had been associated with you ever since childhood. It started by wanting to show off, talking about complicated things such as atoms, stars, and every other information you could reach. Then, getting medals and certificates for getting good grades.
Everyone talked about how good of a child you were, about how far you would go in the future. It felt wonderful looking at your twisted reflection on the back of the medals, as your parents patted the top of your head and praised your achievements, hanging it on the wall to show.
But as you grew up, the compliments stopped. Your success was predicted and there wasn't anything new in the golden painted medals of cold iron, now forgotten in the back of the drawer. Before you knew it, the habit of peeling the skin off your lips and the twist of your stomach had become your companions during tests.
As you joined the Akademiya, things suddenly changed. It was during the first year when you got the first bad grade ever, nothing too low, but not enough to be the best. Then, you cheated on a test for the first time and felt terrible.
It was during that time that you met Tighnari. He was paying the Akademiya a small visit when his ears caught on the sound of muffled crying, leading him to your hiding spot.
That was how you met Tighnari, being comforted by him as you cried in front of someone else for the first time. And for some reason, the two of you started bumping into each other too often.
“I know you want to be the best. But remember, you're a human being and just like everyone, you're prone to making mistakes every now and then.” He had a gentle smile on his face, before asking for permission to pat your head, which you gave.
“It's just… it's not only because of what the others will think, but also because I don't want to disappoint myself.” Your answer made your eyes tear up a little, alongside the beginning of a running nose that made you try to suppress those feelings back.
Tighnari took your hand, preventing you from wiping away those tears. “It's not healthy to keep it to yourself so… cry if you feel like doing so. I don't see anyone here who would judge you.”
And so, you cried. There was no other way to show your feelings, as the words you wanted to say never made their way out of your chest. But Tighnari didn't care if you told him everything or not, just wanting to comfort someone he can relate to.
Perhaps Tighnari didn't get along with you only out of sympathy, but because he did see his younger, overachiever, self in you. He didn't want you to go through the many frustations reserved on your way alone. And he knew that it was difficult to open up for anyone when being smart was one of the best qualities someone could have. But everything had a downside.
“Tell me what you need to understand, and I'll help you.” He kneeled and picked up a book on the ground, opening its pages to take a look before handing it to you. “It may not be exactly my field of knowledge but—”
“Tighnari,” you interrupted him with a tired, yet grateful, grin on your face. “Thank you.”
A sigh escaped from his lips before he reciprocated your smile. Things were difficult, but Tighnari would help you to at least get a decent grade; and what if you didn't? After all, a number can't define who you are or your potential.
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genshin-silliness · 3 months
Cyno coming to Tighnari whenever he's injured because he sees Tighnari as a safespace for him to be vulnerable. A place where he can let down his General demeanor and allow himself to be weak. With Tighnari he just feels so at ease with himself, like he has nothing to be afraid or self-conscious about. Because it's Tighnari.
Them. Just them.
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Platonic!Yandere!Tighnari x Child!Fem!Reader
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Tighnari was collecting medicinal herbs nearby when he heard footsteps and talking in the distance, then he decided to check. And for good reason. In front of his eyes was a group of treasure hoarders consisting of five people and... A little kid of his kind?! Tighnari was shocked. Of course he knew he wasn't the only one, but he'd never met anyone like himself. And his heart sank. You're a little fox with someone like treasure hoarders... It shouldn't be like this. It's just wrong.
"Hey, look! We have a guest here!"
You looked at him in surprise.
"Is there are any problems?"
"Treasure hoarders don't belong in the Avidya Forest, so I'm going to ask you to leave."
"How harsh... But okay, we'll cross the border tomorrow and go to Liyue, there's no need to be so angry."
Tignari was to some extent pleased with the pliability of treasure hoarders, although he understood that most likely they were leaving so easily because they had already made a fool of themselves and had already completed all their dishonest deeds. But there was still something else.
"I would also like you to leave this child here."
"That kid with the fox ears. I'm willing to bet it's not yours."
"And that's where you're wrong, she's a full-fledged member of our team. She has a nose for treasures! Am I right, Y/n?"
You proudly declared, approaching the leader. Tighnari looked at you and his instinct with the desire to protect and nurture you only became stronger. Especially it provoked the fact that you communicate with the real bandits. Joined a bad company, but it's okay now. He can fix it...
At night, when everyone in your camp was already asleep, you felt a delicious and unfamiliar smell that drove away your drowsiness completely. Immediately jumping up, you went to the smell. On the ground you saw the source of the smell. It was dried meat, you've heard of it, but you've never tasted it. And... God, it was just unforgettable for you, any doubts faded into the background before greed and the desire to eat more.
Continuing to follow the trail, you put another piece in your mouth when you noticed a village nearby and only then did you realize how far you had gone. The smell continued deep into the village, but you didn't want to go there anymore. Turning around, you wanted to leave, but found the forest ranger you saw in the morning. He wouldn't let you pass.
"Was it delicious?"
You silently try to get around him, but he stops it.
"Treasure hoarders aren't the best company."
You, keeping calm, try to run around him, but he is faster.
"I forbid you to communicate with them."
"Sir, could you please step back?"
You see how he crosses his arms and shakes his head negatively. Actually, Tignari is glad that you decided to talk to him, but it's hard to understand from his appearance.
"No. I know that you will go to those scoundrels again, even though I forbid you to communicate with them. But I'll give you more dried meat if you come with me to the village, Y/n."
Tighnari sighs heavily, and then abruptly grabs and lifts you up. You start to panic and break out, of course forest ranger doesn't like it and at first he honestly tries to calm you down, but after that he just grabs you by the scruff of the neck and you instantly stop moving, your body goes numb, and your ears are pressed to your head. You're paralyzed.
"And why you should be so stubborn... Shh... Don't cry, I understand, you just got involved with a bad company. But don't worry, I'll take care of everything and be sure to take care of you."
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byorkewkew · 8 months
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little sumeru boys with kavi being the oldest
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tenjikyu · 4 months
They’re found family goals, your honour ‼️
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arisewanekosuki · 3 months
hello I have an ask for traveler’s little helper what if LH has a food allergy and forgot to mention it and some of the boys (Subaru bois + Ather & Paimon )were witness to a severe allergic reaction.
Hello! Sorry that it took so long T_T I hope you'll still enjoy this! >.< Tbh I don't have allergy to anything so sorry if something is not correct m(_ _)m ---- You didn’t know how this happened. It started as a normal day, doing commissions in Sumeru with Aether and this time Cyno was the one who had time to help you both. When you finished and Aether approached Katheryne to get payment, Cyno invited you for dinner. Of course you didn’t get it that Cyno wanted to eat dinner with ONLY YOU, you thought he wanted to spend more time with your whole group. And surprise, surprise. The rest of Sumeru boys invited themselves to this dinner. Cyno is not even sure how they knew about it, he was paying attention to his surroundings, making sure nobody else will hear about his plans and yet, here they are. You didn’t complain, as you said “the more the merrier!” Meanwhile Tighnari gave his friend the look that said ‘Nice try’, Kaveh was the one who was asking how your day went, Alhaitham sat in silence, waiting for food and listening to your conversation with Kaveh. Wanderer sat in silence too, from time to time bickering with Paimon, Aether looked tired, for sure he just wanted to relax with you in Teapot. You couldn’t see it from Cyno’s face but he was disappointed that again, he couldn’t spend some alone time with you.
After a while many dishes were brought to your group table. Paimon and you were excited to try some of them that you didn’t eat before. But after taking some bites you started to feel unwell. Not only you didn’t realize the dish had something you have an allergy to, you never mentioned it to even Aether and Paimon. The reason is that you thought that in this world your allergies won’t act up at all and not only that, to this day it seems you luckily avoided anything that you’re allergic to.
You started to have trouble with breathing and feel dizzy. Tighnari was the one who reacted first. For a moment he wondered if there was poison in food but looking more at you he understood it was a severe allergic reaction. He laid you down on the floor and searched in his little bag if he had anything right now that can help you. Paimon was panicking, asking “What happened to her?! Will she be alright?!” Aether was panicking too, crouching by your side and looked scared, not understanding what’s going on. Alhaitham and Cyno asked Tighnari what’s going on. While Kaveh asked what they should do to help you.  Tighnari asked them to make space for you and explained that you have an allergic reaction. He tsked when realizing he doesn’t have anything to help you. -“ We need to inject her with adrenaline! We shouldn’t move her in this state, so someone has to go to hospital-“ before he could finish sentence, Wanderer already left the restaurant and went to hospital. Tighnari was monitoring your condition while Kaveh was trying to calm down both Paimon and Aether (and himself), Alhaitham and Cyno keep people from coming to see what’s going on while the whole group waited for Wanderer.
They didn’t wait too long for Wanderer to come back. Tighnari applicated the adrenaline to you while others waited, some more nervous than others. When you could breathe normally and felt better, the boys would give you only one minute before they started scolding you for not saying something important like this earlier. -”How could you forget to tell us about your allergy?!” said Tighnari flicking your forehead. -”Yeah! We traveled for so long together and you didn’t say a thing about it?!” shouted Paimon. -”What if Tighnari wasn’t here?! We wouldn’t be able to help you!” said Aether, very angry at you. -”(Y/n), you shouldn’t hide things like this from us.” said Cyno, even if he sounded calm you could see disappointment in his eyes. -”But-” you were interrupted. -”They are right!! Do you think we want to see you suffer like this?!” Kaveh raised his voice a bit. -”But I-”  you were interrupted again. -”Hmpf, it seems you can’t take care of yourself, so tell us what you're allergic to, now.” said Wanderer with crossed arms. -”Even if nothing happens to you in the end, I assume it’s still not a pleasant experience for you. It’s better to know in the future what to avoid to order, than making fuss in restaurants.” said Alhaitham. Food got cold, but Paimon didn’t mind. After you told them what you are allergic to, they ordered new dishes. You hoped that you could just enjoy food now but not really. From time to time you could hear complaints about how careless you are. You got a bit annoyed but you nodded to them and promised that you will be more careful in future. After all, you know they just worried about your well-being. From this day the boys started to pay even more attention to you and your health.
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strxnged · 6 months
4ggravate, platonic (found family), comfort. 500w.
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“Do you want us to walk you home?”
At the end of the night, bidding your friends goodbye was always hard. Tonight was even worse.
You hadn’t told any of them how stressed you’d been lately, but from the way Tighnari asked, you knew they could tell. Alhaitham and Kaveh were exchanging looks.
You shook your head, willing your sudden onset of tears back into your eyes. 
“What’s this about?” Cyno asked you, an electric glint in his eyes. “Did something happen?”
You shook your head again. You closed your eyes, wishing they’d all stop looking at you like this. 
Kaveh protested, “Y/N, don’t try to keep anything from us! You know we’re just going to bother you until you explain what's up.”
“Kaveh’s going to bother you,” Alhaitham clarified. “You don’t have to explain if you’re not up to it. But we’ll be walking you home.”
“Guys, it’s okay,” you choked out, smearing your tears with the heels of your palms. “It was just nice…. hanging out with you guys tonight.”
“And?” Kaveh prompted.
“And… That’s all.”
“Well,” Cyno said, “I could tell you a joke to ch—”
Tighnari cut him off. “I don’t think that’s going to be that helpful.
Cyno shrugged. “Then… Hurry up, let’s get you home.” He walked past you, leading the way down the street. You watched him over your shoulder.
“Can’t you tell us what’s up?” Kaveh whined. “I promise we’ll listen. We could go get coffee.”
“Or tea,” Tighnari added. “It’s late, and I think we all need to wind down from tonight.”
“Cyno’s getting away,” Alhaitham pointed out. “He definitely doesn’t need any coffee.”
Despite yourself, you giggled, though it sounded more like a sob. “Cyno on caffeine right now is not something I need to see. I’m stressed enough as it is.”
“Cyno, slow down!” Tighnari shouted. Cyno turned around in the middle of the road, waiting with wide, expectant eyes. 
“I would pay to see Cyno on more coffee right now,” Kaveh muttered. “Maybe that will cheer you up?”
You laughed again, and shook your head.
“Well, then, we’re walking you home. Don’t dally,” he declared.
Kaveh followed Tighnari, who was catching up with Cyno. Alhaitham followed, giving you a tiny, very comforting smile. “You’re talking when we reach your doorstep,” he said gently. “But, take as long as you need.”
You watched them group together, picking on each other and laughing and looking back at you sanguinely, you almost considered running in the opposite direction. Their company was such a good thing. You loved each of them dearly, uniquely. You just wanted each of them to be happy.
You heard Tighnari groaning, probably in response to a comment from Cyno. Kaveh was skittishly looking back over his shoulder, and Alhaitham was looking at Kaveh with a smile in his eyes you couldn’t even miss at your distance.
You ran to catch up with them.
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note. guys i just want to be best friends with all of them is this too much to ask 😭😭😭😭
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