#platonic kunidazai
skkfujoshi · 26 days
Feels like we have matching wounds
“I blame you for all of this…”Chuuya mutteted “Whatever makes it easier for you,little lamb.”“Stop calling me that.”
Ahrahabaki shrugged looking at his nails,well,talons more like.Chuuya had been able to see him for years.Two,to be specific and had,until now,ignored him completely.
Not that the god spoke much.Then again,gods rarely had to speak to get attention.You gave them the time of day if you knew what was good for you.
Chuuya obviously had no clue what was good for him as the fact he killed his father attested.
Seeing Ahrahabaki was the closest he came to dreaming.It would happen at night,when he’d fall asleep and the two would find themselves on a beach.Chuuya recognized it as the one from that picture the Flags gave him.
“Did you pick me because I looked like you?”
The god perked up,blacked out,animal eyes blinking at Chuuya in all too human bewilderment.Chuuya had no idea why he was so bewildered.
It was a fair enough question.He had Chuuya’s face.With blackened irises,corruption marks and much longer unkempt hair but still,Chuuya’s face.
Ahrahabaki flapped his black wings for a moment,adjusting the manacles around his ankles before playing with the chain.
He laughed, though it sounded more like wheezing and sobbing.
“Chuuya,was it?I can look like anyone or anything I want.The only reason I look like this right now is because it’s all your puny human mind can bare.My true form…”
Another laughing wheeze.
“Well…Man much sturdier then you have been driven insane by it.”
Some part of Chuuya wanted to take offense to that.And probably should have.But that wasn’t what his mind clung to.
“Anyone?” “Yes,anyone at all”
He paused turning to Chuuya for a moment.A brief frown pulled at the god’s lips,but he scoffed.Then he turned away.Chuuya did too,figuring that meant the end of the conversation.
After a few,moments though,he felt a ghost of a touch against the top of his head.
He whipped in the direction and regretted it only moments after.
“For what it’s worth,Chuuya,I think you did the right thing.”Dazai’s voice said
Except it wasn’t quite …It had a vague buzzing quality,like barely noticeable static just underneath.The same thing seemed to happen to Chuuya’s own voice when Ahrahabaki took on his form.
And it was,truly,just one of many options.Chuuya realized that as he stared at what was in every aspect a perfect replica of Dazai.Down to the darkness of the eyebags.
“Stop it.”he muttered swatting the hand away
Ahrahabaki sighed,going back to his usual appearance as he stretched his arms above his head.
“I really thought you’d appreciate  that look…Oh well.Still,killing your father can only help us…” “What are you talking about?” “Well,Chuuya,now that he’s dead our power is only ours to use.” “Huh?” “Without him as the boss and you out of the mafia,no one will use it for their own goals anymore.We’re free.”
The word free rang an odd cord.Chuuya wouldn’t necessarily say that he felt trapped by his connection to the mafia but it was…Limiting.
How many normal teenage experiences did he lose out on because of this job?Did he even truly know?
Just because he’d hypothetically leave certainly didn’t mean that he’d have to cut contact did it?He could still call Kōyo whenever he felt like it.
But…He shook his head.Rūynosuke already lost Dazai.He couldn’t lose Chuuya too.
“I’m not leaving.Besides,need I remind you that ‘our power’ has almost killed me on multiple occasions?” “Only because we couldn’t communicate properly.I couldn’t instruct you in how to use or deal with it.” “Convenient,ain’t it?”
Ahrahabaki rolled his eyes,or at least Chuuya assumed that’s what he did.Lack of pupils kinda made it hard to tell.
“Little lamb,you are my vessel.If you die,I die.That’s the truth of the matter.You can choose whether you believe it,but I’ll tell it regardless.”
Chuuya tsked,annoyed and picked at the seam of his pants.
“Think on it,if you must,but I assure you,hearing me out will be for the best.For both of us.”
“We’re done.”Kunikida said,just as Dazai was pouring them a drink
He turned to look at his boyfriend,confused,as he put the bottle down.
Then he snorted.It wasn’t the first time Doppo said it.Usually the statement followed a bad joke post coital or Dazai messing with him,causing him to break another pen.
Dazai wasn’t sure what caused it now,but he knew not to pay it much mind.
“Sure we are.And I’m going to become the Agency’s president once Fukuzawa retires.”“Who’s Chuuya?”
Dazai only allowed himself a single blink before he said,in a joking tone and a with a sly smile:”What are you talking about?”
Without missing a beat,Doppo pulled out a picture and handed it to Dazai.
Dazai didn’t have to look at it to know which one it was.
He only brought two photos with him once he left.One of Mori ,stolen from a staff information file and currently hidden under the one loose tile in the bathroom,that he used for stabbing when he got frustrated and the second…
Well,he was looking at it right now.It was a photo of Chuuya on his 18th birthday,sitting on the rooftop,looking at the sunset as he finished off a glass of wine.In the corner of the photo was a small scribble by Dazai
Chuuya’s 18 now yet he’s still travel-sized :)
That photo was stored in-
“Did you rummage through my closet!?” “No,I didn’t.What I did do however is wash that extra bedsheet that you don’t use.And found this under it.At first I wasn’t gonna say anything.”
Dazai scoffed.
“And what inspired you to so bravely speak up?” “The fact I heard the name before.”
Dazai ran his hand over his hair casually,as his heart hammered in his chest.Fuck…Why did him and Chuuya have to be so good at their job and get fucking wanted posters?
And why did he have to be so shit at hiding stuff?
“And where was that?”he asked calmly “You.During sex.Five days ago.”
Dazai’s relief mixed terribly with guilt in his gut.It felt a bit like quick drying cement was poured down his throat and now it was weighing him down,freezing him solid from the inside.
“What?” “You were probably too high on endorphins to realize it at the time.”Kunikida added,wiping his glasses
The slight spite in Kunikida’s voice stung,but Dazai didn’t hold it against him.He’d argue he deserved even more.
It did explain some things he supposed.For example why Kunikida immediately went to bed once they were done.And why he was so curt with Dazai the day after.
Still,he tried to appease.
“It won’t happen again.” “Dazai-“ “I promise it won’t.I swear it won’t.” “Osamu-“ “I’ll never speak his name again,I won’t so much as think it.I’ll throw that photo out and-“ “Osamu!”
Dazai sighed,looking down at his feet.
“Doppo,please…Please don’t.” “It’s not just this.You know it’s not just this.” “I can be better.I’ll stop the suicide attempts,I’ll show up to work on time,I’ll never make fun of your ideals again-“ “You’re just saying that so I won’t do this.”
He hated how gentle Kunikida’s tone had gone.Because that meant he had thought about this and thoroughly.That he prepared himself for everything Dazai could possibly throw at him.That he steeled himself to end things no matter how much Dazai might beg him not to.
“Please…” “Dazai,sit down.” “No.” “Humor me.”
Despite himself Dazai did as asked.
“Look,’Samu…I’m not angry.” “Bullshit.” “Shut up.I’m not angry,I’m just hurt.And I know you didn’t mean to do it.At least I’m pretty sure of that,but…Despite the lack of intention,we’re still better off apart.At least,as a couple.” “I told you I can-“ “I’m not going to make you change everything about yourself to make me happy.And I’m not gonna settle for being sloppy seconds just so you can stay comfortable.”
Dazai buried his face in his hands and sighed,the laugh following after awkward and flimsy.
“Please,please,tell me you’re joking …”
He didn’t even really know why he was trying at that point.But it felt wrong not to at least make one last attempt.
Doppo was good for him.So good for him.He was moral without fail,without compromise.He’d keep Dazai not necessarily on the straight and narrow path,but the right one nonetheless.
And Dazai fucked it up.He didn’t look up to see Kunikida shake his head.
“Think of it this way…It’ll be a lot less painful now then it would have been a year in.I don’t resent you and we haven’t reached the sunk cost part of the sunk cost fallacy yet.” “You really know how to cheer a guy up a guy,Kunikida…You should become a life coach or something…”
Kunikida lightly hit him on the arm.
“Don’t be stupid.”
The sat in silence for a moment,Dazai not knowing what else to say.It was so…anticlimactic and Dazai found himself just a bit disappointed by the lack of explosion.
If it had been Chuuya-
He pinched his cheek hard.How much of an idiot was he?That’s exactly what got him here.
“I always had a feeling you know?” “Sure.” “No,really,there were these…These moments where I seemed to fall short of your expectations.You’d get this distant look in your eyes and then the next second it’d be gone.”
Dazai looked up from his hands at Kunikida who seemed to have a similarly distant look on his face as he recalled it.Though,Dazai suspected,his exe’s thoughts wandered far closer to home than his own ever had.
He took his partner’s hand.
“Kunikida,if there’s anything I can do to make it up…” “Dazai,you don’t have to .” “I dragged you along for two months.I do.”
Kunikida sighed exasperated,pushing up his glasses.
“Show up on time tomorrow and tell me about him right now.That will do.”
Mori smelled like antiseptic and ink.Most people hadn’t really appreciated the fragrance,Dazai chief amongst them.
Chuuya wasn’t one of those people though.Oh sure, it stung his nose in an awful way but…It meant his father was close by,so he couldn’t really dislike it.
Or so he thought.Because now he was choking on it,drowning in it.And he loathed every moment.
It was so bad he almost considered moving to his and Dazai’s old room,but snapped himself out of that bad choice quickly enough.
He did the right thing,right?Mori lied to him,to the mafia,he was terrible and manipulative,he had slapped Chuuya for saying the truth…
But he was one of the best bosses the Port Mafia had.Granted,the bar was not set particularly high by his predecessor but still…
If Chuuya came out with the truth,people might be sympathetic to a point but nowhere near as forgiving as those that figured Mori’s secret out were to Mori.
Because his father’s predecessor was a disaster.Someone was bound to do it.Things were going fine with Mori at the helm until Chuuya messed it up.
Still,now he did all he could to help the course smooth itself out.They had allowed him to vote despite having been fired,on the basis that he probably knew ,at least somewhat,who his father would have picked were he still alive.
And Chuuya did know.He knew the whole trajectory.After Chuuya begged to be Akutagawa’s mentor in addition to Dazai,he was no longer in the running as the successor.Something about abusing his privilege and connections.
Then Osamu became the runner up once the Dragon’s head conflict happened.
And once he died,Mori turned his eyes to Kōyo,keeping her closer than he ever had before.
A fair choice.Kōyo was very patient and had an ability both great in offense and defense and unlike Hirotsu,she was quite young.Not that the man was dying,but he had seen three bosses come and go already.
Also,she was quite a bit more sociable than either Chuuya or Osamu combined could’ve ever been.
So,Chuuya had put in his vote for her. 
And his conscience had quieted after he had done it.Not permanently though,much to his chagrin.
He glared at the ceiling and took a deep breath.At least no one was gonna pick Ace.That would just be-
“Chuuya?You up?”Rūynosuke asked from the other side of the door
He got up and put on his best smile before confirming he was in there.
“They already done down there?”he asked,all fake cheeriness
Rūynosuke nodded,not noting Chuuya’s mood even though he probably noticed how odd it was.
“Yes.The moment of truth has come and gone,it seems.” “Great.Who is it?” “You.”
Chuuya blinked.He had to have heard wrong.Rūynosuke had always been rather quiet in regular conversation.Maybe he misspoke.
Akutagawa sighed,almost regretfully.
“You,Chuuya.You’re the new boss of the Port mafia.”
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chr0n1c-ag0ny · 1 year
I need more platonic kunikida and dazai softness actually.
kunikida who calls dazai a few times every day, especially if they don't see each other at work, and can tell just by the sound of dazai's voice that he's not doing well.
kunikida who rushes right over, regardless of what he's doing or his schedule to be by his partners side.
kunikida who sits on dazai's crummy couch and watches his sappy dramas or childish cartoons for hours, just holding his hand, cause theres nothing else he can do.
kunikida who washes dazai's dishes while he sleeps, tidying his apartment, making a grocery list, doing laundry, or whatever else needs doing so dazai won't have to worry about it.
kunikida being the person dazai calls when he knows he's not doing well and needs help. who calls him when he wants to hurt himself, when he wants to fall asleep and never wake up.
kunikida who holds onto his partner as he cries, pained by the weight of simply existing, as if to take on some of that weight for himself.
kunikida who spends every few weekends force-feeding dazai soup and rice or gently, oh so fucking gently (cause he's terrified dazai will shatter one of these days) throwing his partner in the tub, barely undressed, eyes blank, so he can wash his hair with careful hands.
kunikida who keeps the spare room in his house free, just in case dazai needs a place to go.
kunakida who complains about taking on a lot of dazai's work, but 9 times out of 10, doesn't mind cause he knows dazai needs the help, and its the one place he actually asks for it.
dazai who always wakes up first after long nights cuddled on the couch, waking at an ungodly early hour, making sure to tuck a blanket around his partner before laying back down against him.
dazai who calls kunikida over to eat shitty take out and binge a new season of a soap they've been watching.
dazai who, no matter how much he complains about him to his face or to close friends, is always admiring the other man, making sure anyone who doesn't know him face to face knows how amazing he is.
dazai who trusts kunikida more than he trusts anyone else, who lets kunikida see his scars, who lets him closer then he lets most other people.
dazai who had kept a count of every debt he owes the other man that he hopes to one day repay. who makes it up by remembering which teas he likes or what books he's been meaning to pick up for the library and leaving them on his desk anonymously.
dazai who sits on kunikida's counters as he stress cooks, tasting and gossiping and being a nuisance (he gets kunikida to smile).
dazai who sits next to him while he's having a breakdown of his own, not being anywhere near as skilled as kunikida is in terms of handling someones failing mental health, but trying his damndest to help.
dazai who worries about his partner in the field.
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soulless-bex · 2 years
kunidazai (qpr) headcanons!!
(they/them pronouns for dazai and he/him for kunikida)
dazai moved in with kunikida a few months after joining the agency. it had been decided, as a team, that they were unable to take care of themself on their own, and thus the roommate solution
dazai didn’t share their pronouns with the class for the longest time, because they thought (wrongly) that it didn’t matter. for their defence tho, they only figured out that they were nonbinary shortly before leaving the mafia, and with the following two years of isolation, didn’t really get to establish with themself that it was important. oda would have done it for them, but alas, couldn’t. anyway, when kunikida finally figured it out, he felt like shit for misgendering them for so long and dazai was confused as fuck
they actually didn’t get together right away. for a while, their relationship in their shared apartment was more of a ‘you’re my responsibility’ kind of thing, until kunikida got the (platonic) feels for dazai. then, their relationship involved a lot more of late night cuddles, trust building and tentative vulnerability
kunikida is a lot more lenient with dazai here. he understands that they have bad days (which are honestly most days) and tries to help them get better. he helps them a lot with the paperwork, not by doing it for them, but just by sitting beside them and pointing out stuff they forgot and humming approvingly when they do something correctly or even better than kunikida himself would have done it. it’s a system that involves a lot of rewards and breaks
dazai gets to have someone they can trust! sure, they don’t spill all of the tea right away, it actually takes a kidnapping (you know which one i’m talking about) and a mental breakdown for them to admit to having been in the mafia, but they’re getting there and kunikida is being really patient
kunikida grows extremely overprotective of dazai. the moment they disappear without mentioning it before hand he’s worrying about dazai’s safety. he knows they need their space and independence, but that doesn’t stop him from worrying. and the moment chuuya and dazai make a move to start dating again, he’s already out there threatening chuuya against harming dazai in anyway
kunikida actually trying his hardest to learn and understand dazai’s trauma. and identifying any potential triggers to be the best partner he can be
cue to kunikida holding dazai’ hand during their doctor appointments. yosano sees it but says nothing about it. she’s just glad they found a way to get dazai through their appointment without them trying to make a run for it
if kunikida has a detailed plan to murder mori in his notebook then it’s no one’s business
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autistic-ranpo · 1 year
kunikida running up to dazai after the ada reunites and just hugging him so tight because he didnt know if dazai was ok but now he is hes alive and hes here and kunikida is just holding onto him for dear life because i was so scared dazai you piece of shit-
meanwhile dazai is passed out because he has literally never received psychical affection aside from like. punching.
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zukkaoru · 1 month
it burned my soul to see
Chuuya looks peaceful like this, Dazai notes absently. Their thumb finds rest in the center of Chuuya’s palm, and they press down just hard enough that it triggers an instinctive reaction; Chuuya’s fingers curling inwards. Almost like he’s holding them back. It’s close enough. It’s more than they deserve.
five times dazai admires others’ hands + one time they finally see the beauty in their own
❣️ 3.5k words || dazai-centric ft. skk, kunidazai, kunichuuzai ❣️ written for @bnesszai <3
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lowkey-yyy · 2 years
Slams back in with a hc
100% Dazai is the clingiest most physically demanding boy to be close with but, also is terrified of being touched, hugged or cuddled because he has never had that before. If he wanted a hug there was no one to hug for his whole childhood until Chuuya came a long but even then how is he supposed to communicate he wants human contact? He refuses to be weak enough to appear hurt and he won't touch Mori or any other older member of the mafia since it is a risk so he has no experience other than being hit or kicked. So he just doesn't seek the physical affection he craves and just protects himself. Dazai also felt that perhaps he was dangerous to touch, his ability posed risks to others and he worried that was why no one ever held him, he must have been doing something wrong after all
Years later he still doesn't quite understand it, when Atsushi hugs him he still finds himself going stiff waiting for the pain and when Chuuya comes near him he is immediately on the defensive even if he trusts his friend with his life he doesn't trust the friendly affection. Dazai despises this unsettled feeling he gets when this craving for affection is filled, he doesn't know how to react or what to say. It is like this until Kunikida, while Kunikida can be rough with him when he is soft the other doesn't expect reciprocation and realizes when he is overwhelmed and backs off but the offer is still there, he feels safe laying against Kunikida on the train and in the car during long rides.
Kunikida is surprisingly patient with him and never uses these affectionate movements to change them into harmful traps, Dazai feels reintroduced to learning how touch works. He can hug Atsushi back (somewhat, its still a work in progress) and Chuuya is still rejected but the redhead notices a change in Dazai's reaction to general contact, he isn't as off put by it and he notices that his former partner clings to his new partner rather often. The two are noticeably closer and Dazai is always holding onto Kunikida with a smile on his face.
When Dazai and Kunikida officially fall for each other the two are almost inseparable, Dazai refuses to let go and Kunikida is soft for the attention knowing how long it took to get this far so he tolerates it with a soft flush and faux annoyance although he will actively ignore the teasing remarks as to why he isn't dragging the brunette off, and when they are alone Dazai drapes himself over Kunikida and just wants to be as close as physically possible, clinging like a koala and nestled up like he is desperate for Kunikida's body heat and will in fact die without it.
Chuuya noticed the two were in love before anyone else and that was fair due to the countless years he has known Dazai and this was the first time he had seen the bandaged man desperately fall in love, he thought it was kind of adorable and he found it amusing. It was all too tempting to torment Akutagawa about how hard his former mentor had fallen for Kunikida of all people but he resisted opting to wait for the oblivious kid to finally realize it on his own. Chuuya eventually got to the point that he could touch Dazai's shoulder without recoil and Akutagawa was extremely jealous, he wanted the attention and affection too! Some day he would definitely get a hug, he was determined after seeing Atsushi get one.
Bonus :
I feel like the first time Chuuya ever tried to hug Dazai (perhaps after seeing Dazai become unsettled) that Dazai just freaked out and left as fast as he could, then proceeded to ignore and avoid Chuuya for like a week. He doesn't get how Chuuya could so easily hold him like that when obviously something was wrong with him (even if it was just in his head) and poor Chuuya had to see his only friend literally breakdown and avoid him because he tried to hug him once and is very confused. Chuuya sees it as a comfort and safe thing but for Dazai he wants and craves it but is terrified he will just get hurt instead.
Also Kunikida hugging Dazai after a tough case where Dazai could have died and just bawling over how scared he was for him, Dazai finally realizes Kunikida won't hurt him like this and he is safe and man just looses all tension to the point Kunikida freaks out thinking he broke Dazai by just holding him while Dazai having no idea what to do but wanting to stay like this is just limp and safe in Kunikida's arms. He is like a ferret, wiggly, limp and snuggly.
If this is bad blame it on my 2 hrs of sleep ok
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heartless-curr · 2 months
dazai bsd
- How I feel about this character
- All the people I ship romantically with this character
CHUUYA AND KUNIKIDA BOTH SKK AND KUNIDAZAI ARE S TIER. even better kunikida/chuuya/dazai. i forgor their ship name
- My non-romantic OTP for this character
atsushi... their dynamic..... sobs. sobs. sobs. their bond being platonic yet so strong. gah 💥 💥 💥 💥. they are a found family to me alongside the rest of the ada. on that note yosano as well i think yosano and dazai should explore the fact that they're both victims of mori's bs and bond over that.
- My unpopular opinion about this character
he wasn't trying to make akutagawa into a killing machine. lol. idk why that's such a popular interpretation.
- One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i'd kinda wish for him to eventually let go of the control he has over akutagawa as a final step towards actually Trying to be good like odasaku wants him to be. because he does care about aku!!! but. being a child in the mafia and growing up in the mafia isn't easy [not that that excuses the abuse. to be clear.]
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lotus-pear · 9 months
cant believe there are kunikida and kunidazai haters in the world . disgusting .
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hiiiiii okay!!! for the five sentence thing ummmm idk exactly what you ship super well yet, so forgive me!!! what about kunidazai + … idk my first thought was “i am filled with calculust” lol
or maybe like platonic nikolai & sigma + “what’re we gonna do, storm the palace?”
(sorry my go-to is musical lyrics lol)
KUNIDAZAI <3 also oouuh platonic nikosig,,,
Dazai poked Kunikida. Once. Twice. Thric-
"Would you knock that off??" Kunikida batted at his hand, and Dazai grinned, having finally got the attention he craved. Kunikida sighed.
"What do you want, Dazai?"
Dazai giggled, leaning into his ear. It was a slow, slow day at the office and he, frankly, wasn't having it.
"Iii am filled with calcul-"
Kunikida smacked him off his chair.
my brain went immediately to ttrpgs for this one . bram did not agree to gm.
"What're we gonna do, storm the palace?" Sigma crossed his arms, glaring at Nikolai across the table. "We're barely level two!!"
"We can take em!!" Nikolai grinned, "Cmonn, don'tcha trust me?"
"No!!" Sigma leaned closer, "You come on, you always do this!! We just die!"
"it'll go fiine- Braaam, Bram, can I drag him to the palaceee?"
"Nikolai no-"
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skkfujoshi · 2 months
Amicable exes Kunidazai lives in my head rent free
I’m an SKK shipper,we all know this but even I cannot deny that Kunikida and Dazai probably explored one another’s bodies.
However,I do think that they broke up,cause I refuse to believe that Osamu ‘lover boy’ Dazai would ever cheat or flirt with someone else while in a relationship.And Dazai flirts with a bunch of women in front of his face in season one and I assume regularly,not to mention
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All of that…
However,I do think Chuuya was the reason,cause in my mind SKK post Dazai leaving will always be the “one that got away” to one another.
How I think it went is that Kunikida was the one to ask Dazai out and Dazai,being in a bad mental space and wanting to seperate from the mafia as much as possible said yes.
But…There were moments where Dazai was distant where it seemed like he had to try harder than you usually would to be affectionate in a relationship.
Like he has to put in effort to keep it up.
Kunikida tries to ignore it,but he’s not stupid,so eventually he confronts Dazai about it.
And Dazai admits that while he does like Kunikida and loves him,yes,he’s not in love with him.And that might be because of this person he use to know.While Kunikida understands he still ends things because he won’t be anybody’s sloppy seconds.
And while it’s awkward at first they eventually heal.They’re still partners after all and nothing can change that.
But imagine the nonsense: Dazai looking at Kunikida’s options and saying “You can do better.” ”I dated you.” ”Fair point,carry on then.”
Kunikida telling Dazai that Chuuya’s too good for him after finally meeting him in season 4 and Dazai being like “How could you 😭😭😭.”
Helping the other get dressed for dates cause they know what makes the other look good.
Dazai joking about getting back together once they take Atsushi in.
Being unusually touchy with eachother,leaning on one another’s shoulders,holding hands
Love this idea sm
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chr0n1c-ag0ny · 11 months
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caffeiiine · 11 months
OK ok
Your bsd
uhh i don’t ship much, a majority of mine are platonic but i like:
and a few others i can’t remember rn :)
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4channerguy · 9 months
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ᰋ. ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎key‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ : ‎ 💗 - smut 👼- fluff 🍀- angst ⭐- dark content 🐌- platonic
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south park
₊✩‧₊ none yet
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bungou stray dogs
₊✩‧₊ venus as a boy / ranpo edogawa 💗
₊✩‧₊ tug of war / ranpo edogawa 👼
₊✩‧₊ let loose / kunidazai 👼
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sakamoto days
₊✩‧₊ scaredy-cat / nagumo 👼[requested]
₊✩‧₊ lullaby / gaku 👼[requested]
₊✩‧₊ nagumo as your bf 👼💗[requested]
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do not repost or translate my content. :^)
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bluemooniegif · 1 year
bsd spoilers
given their past (and chemistry), do you think Fukuzawa x Fukuchi counts as an honorary soukoku duo??
For those missing context, I made a tiktok about pairings within BSD that lie along the Soukoku spectrum, because though we only have three canon SKK pairings, there are many others who just fit the bill.
To be named an honorary SKK duo, the characters within the pairing must be "very different" but actually similar, hence the name "Twin Dark" or "Double Black." They must also fit into the yin/yang symbolism we have going on (which I explain in more detail here). Here are some pairings I suggested in the video:
Rimbaud + Verlaine (rather different personalities, but make up for it with tragedy)
Yosano + Ranpo (platonic)
Sigma + Nikolai (platonic?)
Tecchou + Jouno
Tachihara + Teruko (platonic)
And because I like sharing pain, here are some non-BSD ships I consider SKK-coded:
Denji + Power (CSM)
Maki + Yuta (JJK)
Hange + Levi (AOT)
Wei Wuxian + Jiang Cheng (MDZS)
Inosuke + Zenitsu (KNY)
Fukuzawa and Fukichi do make a good potential SKK pair, especially because of the angst. I think they would sit a little lower on the spectrum, though, because while they had similar beginnings, they are now incredibly different people, and they have different goals. The most important aspect of a Twin Dark pair, in my mind, is having similar (if not the same) ideals, motives and goals. That's why I didn't list Kunidazai, Atsulucy or Fyolai (all popular, wonderful ships) as SKK pairs.
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zukkaoru · 4 months
can i please order a uuhhh
bloody kiss + skk
Platonic/romantic pairing of your choice + forehead kiss
yes you absolutely may <3
skk + a bloody kiss
Chuuya laughs, gleeful and borderline manic, and Dazai wants to die. Blood is splattered across his face, flecked in his hair and staining the collar of his white shirt. He’s beautiful. Dazai wants to die.
They don’t realize they’re staring until Chuuya turns his gaze on them and raises an eyebrow, a grin still gracing his features. He wears blood so prettily. Dazai wishes they could do that, but the blood on their skin merely stains and blemishes.
“Something wrong?” Chuuya asks.
Dazai puckers their lips. It feels more like a pout. “Stupid slug made a mess,” they grumble, as if that’s something they’ve ever cared about before. As if they don’t thrive in bullet wounds and bloodshed.
“Hey, don’t act like you didn’t help!” Chuuya saunters up to them. Joy still shines vibrant in his eyes. Dazai doesn’t understand how he does it, doesn’t understand how someone can be so beautiful and hopeful even washed in darkness.
Without thinking, Dazai reaches out. They swipe their thumb through the blood on Chuuya’s cheek. They pretend not to notice Chuuya’s breath catching in his throat at the moment of contact, pretend not to notice him leaning into it.
Dazai brings their thumb to their mouth. Their tongue darts from their mouth, dipping into the blood. It’s metallic and bitter. They would lick Chuuya’s skin until it was clean, if he asked.
“You’re disgusting,” Chuuya says, the ghost of his laughter still laced through his voice. Then, he tugs Dazai closer by the collar of his coat and presses his lips to theirs.
kunidazai + forehead kiss
Dazai is sprawled out on the floor when Kunikida emerges from the bathroom, hair still wet from his shower. He’s not surprised, exactly, though he is briefly worried before he notes the steady rise and fall of their chest. Their cane has been abandoned nearby, and they’re staring at the ceiling, unblinking.
“Dazai?” Kunikida asks.
No response. Not even the slightest indication that they heard him.
Kunikida purses his lips. He crosses the room, then kneels down beside Dazai and brushes their bangs out of their eyes. They look straight through him, eyes unseeing.
He leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.”
He moves to stand, but before he can, Dazai’s hand darts out and catches his sleeve. For a long moment, they remain silent, though their grip holds firm.
Kunikida waits.
Finally, Dazai whispers, “Can you stay?”
He disentangles their fingers from his sleeve, bringing their hand up to his mouth so he can kiss their knuckles.
“Always,” he promises.
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lowkey-yyy · 2 years
Me scouring the internet for platonic sokoku,, just someone give me them being besties and hyping each other up even though they scream at each other a lot !!
Also like? Chuuya wingman for kunidazai? Im defeated
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