#platonic hollogrove
harringroveera · 3 months
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Heather: Okay that I don’t want
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shieldofiron · 2 months
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Dream achieved, buddy.
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She honestly thought she was past this. Ogling at straight girls, kissing girls who would never want anything more from her than soft touches in passing.
Robin Buckley is an experience, never a commitment.
So when her eyes start following the frills of yet another skirt, she knows she’s fucked. First Tammy, who didn’t even know she existed. Then Vicky, who would kiss her soft and make promises she couldn’t keep. Then Nancy. Who never stepped over that line, who never insinuated that she would leave Byers save for one instant after graduation.
She’d grabbed Robin’s hand after they’d thrown their caps into the sky. Rubbed the soft pad of her thumb over her knuckles. Got this earnest look in her eyes, that girl next door sparkle that Robin was starting to fall in love with — and then she said it.
“I can’t.”
And then she was dropping her hand to wander off and get her picture taken by her awkward boyfriend who had caught an overnight flight just for the occasion.
Simple. Quick. Enough to tear Robin up for a matter of weeks thereafter, only able to come out of her prolonged stupor when Steve started inviting her out again.
He told her that was just how small town dating was. She told him he didn’t understand — couldn’t understand, because he wasn’t queer. Gave him the whole speech about how easy it is for him and his lizard brain to get dates with whoever he wants, and he gave her the customary eye roll.
A handful of parties later, Robin feels like she’s made some progress on getting over… well, everything.
Then, she feels like she’s taken ten steps back when she finds herself staring at Hargrove from across the room. It’s not so much Billy that has her eye, with his primped curls and tight jeans, but more so who he has dangling off of his arm like an accessory at all times.
And that’s when she finds a new feeling to replace her sadness, to fill that pocket of loneliness in her chest.
“I don’t get how you can hang around that guy,” she huffs. Blows a bubble and pops it, smacking her gum right in Steve’s ear as she leans over the counter beside him. “Didn’t he try to kill you on several occasions?”
Steve huffs. Stares at the clock above the door, counting down the seconds until it’s closing time. She can’t decide if he’s amused or annoyed.
“If there was any bad blood between us, do you really think we’d be going to the same parties?”
She holds her tongue for a moment. Long enough to pinpoint the soft smile on his face, to register the gentle lilt in his tone. So she leans completely into his side and crowds him further against the register, which earns a snort.
“Guess not.”
“Why the sudden loathing? I thought you were all about looking under the surface and whatever,” he teases.
He plucks at her bracelets absently just to hear them click together, and Robin feels her brows draw down heavily.
“Something about him just… I dunno, rubs me the wrong way.”
“Afraid he’s lobbying for the position of my best friend or something?”
“Pissed that he graduated top of your class?”
“I couldn’t care less.”
Steve eyes her in complete silence for a moment. Gentle brown eyes darting all over her face as if the answer lies in her expression.
He apparently finds it there, because his eyebrows quirk upward and he grins.
“You’re mad that he has better game than you.”
Robin scoffs.
“I am not.”
“Yes you are, you’re pissed. Oh my god.”
She leans away enough to smack his arm, which only makes him snicker at her. He turns to face her with this particular expression, arms opening around her shoulders and squeezing — and then her sneakers are leaving the floor.
“No, no! Put me down, you behemoth!”
He swings her back and forth like a stuffed animal, only setting her back down when she actually starts to resist.
“Admit that you’re jealous and I’ll let go,” he says.
His grip only tightens and she exhales a strained sound, lolling her head back. If Keith were to see them right now, chest to chest like this, he would write them up for PDA.
“C’mon, the sooner you confess, the sooner you can—“
“I’m not jealous of him, okay?” Robin snaps. Maybe it comes out more harshly than she meant, because Steve’s arms go lax around her. She pinches her eyes shut and takes in a large breath. “I’m pissed at myself for crushing on another straight girl — who’s clearly only into the jock types, anyway. Story of my fucking life.”
She doesn’t look. Doesn’t open her eyes, afraid that the tears will spill if she does.
Her breath hitches when she’s pulled into Steve’s chest again. This time, his hold is gentle. All encompassing. He tilts his head against hers and she finally breathes and it’s shaky, but she finds it in herself to wrap her arms around his torso in return.
“Who is it?” he coos.
She swallows thickly. Sets her chin on his shoulder and presses her lips together.
“It’s stupid.”
“It’s not.” A large hand rubs soothing circles over her back. “I’ve had worse luck with relationships than anyone, you know I have no room to judge.”
And as true as that may be, it’s still hard to say aloud. Almost like subconsciously, she fears that saying the name out loud will jinx her luck. That she’ll have another Nancy on her hands if she does.
“Heather,” she whispers.
Steve goes still for a beat.
“Mhm. Stupid, right?”
Steve stays quiet. She sighs after a moment and leans away to wipe her eyes with the heels of her palms. One of his hands stays on her shoulder. Squeezes reassuringly.
“Honestly,” he begins. Robin braces herself for the worst. “I think she’s a little… abrasive. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go for it.”
“I like how you’re implying that I’m going to ask her out.” When he just stares at her, her jaw drops. “Wait, you’re serious?”
“Yeah, man, why not? You never know.”
She huffs a laugh at that.
“Because what if she’s the wrong person, Steve? Her dad is the editor of the Hawkins Post — my whole life could be ruined.”
At this point she can’t recall how many times she’s had this conversation with him. How many times she’s seen that look of exasperation, like he doesn’t understand why she would be so nervous about such a thing.
And how could he? Picture perfect king of Hawkins Steve Harrington himself couldn’t know how she feels.
He still has the audacity to roll his eyes at her.
“If you change your mind, I’m always down to wingman you,” he says, then glances at his watch. “We better go or we’re gonna be late.”
Robin sighs, long and dramatic, and Steve smiles as he pats her shoulder.
“Can I change at yours?” she asks. “I don’t wanna deal with my mom right now.”
“Thought that was the plan anyway.”
He fishes his keys out of his pocket, jangling them in front of her face like a toddler. She crosses her eyes and earns a laugh.
As silly as it is, she’s a bit hopeful on the way to this party. Steve is a lot of things, but never a liar. And it turns out he has pretty good judgment when it comes to people — he can say what he wants about Tommy and Carol, but at the end of the day, he still shows up when Tommy’s crying about his latest breakup. Still drives Carol to her favorite thrift shops when she’s trying to distract herself from getting back together with Tommy.
Still, it’s hard to look at Hargrove and see anything but the snarky asshole before her. And he’s not even doing anything, really.
Just standing there with a beer in one hand and his other down the back pocket of Heather’s jeans. Jeans, for Christ’s sake. Last time Robin checked, this girl only wore her finest Sunday morning clothes everywhere.
She finds herself staring over the rim of her solo cup from across the room, only tearing her eyes away when Steve nudges her with his elbow.
He pulled on this stupid flashy windbreaker before they left the house, and as awful as it is to look at, it suits him. Makes his smile look bubbly when he flashes his teeth at her. She knows that face. Oh no. Oh no.
“If i come back out here and you’re still being a wallflower, there’s gonna be hell to pay,” he lilts.
Just barely audible over the music.
Then he’s wandering off. Weaving between people, holding his drink above their heads so it doesn’t spill. Robin’s anxiety spikes and she’s not sure if she’s more worried about Steve or herself.
When Hargrove spots him, he smiles. Is easily lured away, leaving Heather to her own devices, probably with the promise of more beer or different girls. And things are a lot less intimidating, but simultaneously worse because of Billy’s absence.
Heather’s spirit doesn’t flounder. She just starts dancing in the nearest crowd when the music changes to something more upbeat, thrumming through the air and making picture frames rattle on the walls. She moves her hips. Jumps up and down and giggles when girls in passing join her.
It’s hard for Robin to tear herself away from the wall, but she does. Sets her cup on a side table as she crosses the room and— just throws herself into the mix.
There’s lots of giggling. Lots of hand-holding with random strangers, but when Heather notices her, she reaches out. Snags Robin’s hands and intertwines their fingers, pulling her so close that she can see the fading remnants of eyeliner on her lids. This song is way more girly than anything Robin would listen to by choice, but she can’t help but grin and squeeze Heather’s hands back while they dance.
It’s freeing. Makes her feel like she’s actually making up for lost time, makes her feel like one of the girls. But then the song ends. And Heather stops.
Her chest is rising and falling, stray brown curls clinging to her skin, and one of her hands slips away from Robin’s. Reaches up with a manicured finger and readjusts a messy strand of Robin’s hair for her, so close that the only air they can breathe in is from each other.
“You want a drink?” Heather asks. Too soft.
She squeezes Robin’s hand where they’re still linked and suddenly Robin’s face is burning red.
“Yeah,” she says, throat suddenly dry.
Robin wonders if Steve really did know what he was talking about. He was at least half right, considering Heather doesn’t seem abrasive at all. Talk about bubbly and lighthearted. Downright approachable, even.
Then, before Robin can squeeze even another quarter of a thought in, she’s being hauled through the crowd with a gentle grip. They weave between partygoers quickly, only stopping when Heather bumps into someone.
The guy is huge. Has the Tiger’s letterman jacket on his shoulders and a scowl on his face when he turns to look down at her, and Heather— Heather fixes one right back and smacks his drink out of his hand. Red liquid pools on the shag carpet, but Heather keeps walking, side-eyeing him as they pass.
There it is, Robin thinks nervously.
When they make it to the kitchen, Heather lets go so she can ladle them some punch. Bouncing softly to the music as she does.
“You came here with Harrington, right?” she asks.
“Yeah. He’s kind of my ride everywhere.”
“Nothing going on there, then?”
Heather winks at her, like it’s some inside joke. Like she knows something that no one else does. Robin swallows thickly and tries to keep her hand from shaking when she gets handed a new solo cup.
Maybe she says it too softly, because Heather just quirks a brow at her.
“Wanna go somewhere more private to talk?” A polished fingernail traces up and down Robin’s bicep and she practically shakes free of her bones. “Go find us a room, and I’ll meet you there. I gotta powder my nose.”
All Robin can do is nod. She watches Heather down the entirety of her drink and set the empty cup on the counter, stepping around her swiftly and disappearing somewhere.
Holy shit. This is happening.
Robin has to force herself to move again. She walks up and down various halls, opening doors and checking for any stragglers. The first five rooms are occupied, and while she initially thought that the sixth might be vacant, she finds herself to be wrong when she shuts the door and flicks the light switch on.
That stupid windbreaker is on the floor… next to a leather jacket.
There’s a startled gasp and some shuffling from the bed, and Robin’s jaw is immediately on the floor when she finally looks up.
Steve, once tensed up, now relaxes. Sweeps a hand through his already messy hair and leans back against the headboard. Billy doesn’t seem to share his feelings, shoulders still bunched and eyes wide where sits near the middle of the mattress, poised to run if he has to.
“Rob, what the fuck?” Steve sighs. “You’re supposed to be out there getting a number scratched on your hand or something.”
Robin presses her back flat against the door.
“What the fuck me? What the fuck you,” she huffs. Billy looks like he’s about ready to bolt until Steve sets a comforting hand on his shoulder. “How long has this been going on?”
Steve whistles. Looks off somewhere and uses his free hand to count on his fingers.
He takes long enough for Robin to sigh and shake her head, mumbling, “Jesus, never mind. Forget I even asked.”
“I wanted to tell you,” he says. Gestures vaguely with his hand. “Just didn’t want you to… I dunno. Get mad, I guess.”
“Why would I get mad?”
Steve glances at Billy, who’s still awkwardly sitting there, but looks a little more at ease now. That makes Robin sputter out a laugh.
“C’mon, Harrington,” she says. “You know I have no room to judge.”
The air feels lighter, less tense, when Steve smiles. It’s contagious, Robin’s lips quirk up, and she has to fight the urge to stride across the room and pull him into a hug.
She would, but he’s only half-clothed at the moment.
It doesn’t matter anyway, because there’s a knock at the door, and Robin jumps away from it just in time for it to open. Heather slides in and shuts it behind her.
“Oh my god,” she breathes. And Robin tenses again, fearing the absolute worst. “Is that a hickey, Bills? You dirty slut.”
“If anyone asks, I’m telling ‘em I got it from you,” he snarks back.
Heather giggles. Grabs Robin’s hand and twists the doorknob.
“C’mon, let’s go find our own room. Preferably one without an infestation.”
Billy flips her off, but he’s smiling. Shifting closer to Steve on the bed. He’s smiling too, and Robin can’t help but spread a grin of her own as she’s guided out of the room.
Feeling like for once, things will be different.
That they’ll be okay.
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hellcheercaine · 8 months
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Hanging out with Billy at Robin's house for the day, and Heather knows what’s up despite the mess Billy made
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thatgirlwithasquid · 6 months
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work besties :D
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bowiebond · 2 years
Robin and Steve both failing at love so badly as they get well into their thirties and deciding to just marry each other since they’ve already been living together since they were 20 and share a mortgage. Steve had original planned to just have Robin as his roommate until she found someone, and he had like seven kids coming and going but would be out to college in just two years, so a decently sized place (much smaller than his original, empty mansion) filled with Robin’s knickknacks didn’t sound half bad when he was 20 and making the plan to use his inheritance to make the down payment.
They go through the whole she-bang; mostly because Steve always wanted a big wedding and Robin had assumed she’d never have one so she simply made it a big party they could both enjoy. Everyone was invited, and people who didn’t know Robin was a lesbian said their congrats, that they always saw it coming, and they both bare through it with false grins and sneaky eye rolls.
It’s an excuse to get drunk and confess their undying platonic love for each other, even if the ceremonies kiss was awkward and quick, the pair snickering about it later like teenagers even though Robin had kissed Steve plenty of times on the cheeks and Steve on her head when he left for work.
They’re 36 and 37 when Steve asks Robin if she ever considered kids of her own. Robin goes on a long spiel about how terrifying child birth seems but like, she was raised to want one you know? That having a kid is both terrifying but weirdly comforting as an idea.
Steve agrees. They get hammered beyond belief at 37 & 38 and fumble through the most awkward sex know to mankind and they cry-laugh for weeks about each others sex habits and how bad they both are in bed because “let’s never do that again, oh my god, I definitely like girls, Steve” and Steve’s not even offended because it was purely for one purpose and while he likes girls, Robin doesn’t do it for him. Not like that. Not since he was maybe 19 and had a weird lingering crush on her that faded after she came out and he started experimenting with guys.
Steve’s 38 when he finds out he’s gonna be a dad. He cries. A lot. Robin does too, mostly because she’s cries when he does, like how his laughter infects her too.
They argue a lot over the design of the nursery, and Robin complains that she’s too old to be carrying a baby as Steve rubs her feet while they watch a movie.
Robin sleeps in his room more often during the pregnancy. Says it helps her nerves, because she overthinks a lot and it’s kind of terrifying because there’s no going back now. They’re having a kid. An actual human being they’ll have to raise together. A lesbian woman and a bisexual man who are strictly platonic with a capital P, are having a baby in their late thirties, and are married by law but not by heart, and it’s kind of crazy to think about.
“I never imagined my life like this.”
“Honestly, Rob? Neither did I.”
Robin starts attending swim classes with pregnant ladies after El insists it helped her through hers, and there’s where she meets Heather Holloway again. She’s a full time swim instructor at the pool now, unmarried and thriving, and Robin has the biggest heart eyes known to man over her.
Steve hears all about her and encourages her to test the waters with Heather.
“Steve, I’m literally carrying your baby. Don’t you think that’s weird?”
“Say it’s an open marriage if she asks. I sleep around still, why can’t you?”
It’s enough to convince her to follow her heart. Heather is around the house a lot more after that, just to check in on Robin’s pregnancy of course, she must be exhausted after all!
Steve knows Heather is fucking his wife/best friend. Robin had a dopey grin on when she told him. Heather doesn’t beat around the bush either about Steve and Robin’s relationship.
“So Robin’s a lesbian, you’re gay, and you’re basically each other’s platonic soulmates right? So you got married?”
“I’m bi, but yeah. Basically. I can’t see myself living without her, honestly. She’s my soulmate just not…romantically, you know?”
“I get it.” Heather grins when she goes on about a certain blond up in California who’s planning to come visit real soon. That Steve should meet him.
Steve is shocked to see Billy Hargrove again; Heather’s own platonic soulmate.
“I mean, we fooled around once or twice back in the day, but that’s because he has mommy issues, not because he wants to settle down with me.” She joked and Billy has a ball flirting with Harrington until he’s red in the face like a teenager again instead of an almost 40 year old man.
Robin has a girl in the Summer. They name her June, the month she was born and the month they met decades ago. It feels fitting.
Of course, June ends up with a step mom, Heather, who somehow worms her way into their house. Steve’s got the room for it, so he’s not complaining. He likes a full house, likes knowing his daughter is being cared for when he’s at work by Robin and Heather (when she’s not working).
Somehow, Billy worms his way in too. It starts with visiting to see his ‘niece’ as he’d joke with a wide grin. Then slowly, he’s joining them for dinner more nights than he doesn’t, and the guest room starts to fill with his things and Steve catches Billy bathing June because Heather and Robin were exhausted and needed the rest and…
God, he’s falling in love with the blond, deep and so much harder than back in high school. Falls in love with the smile lines around his mouth and eyes, the silvery greys that streak his dark blond hair he cut shorter a few years back. Falls in love with the way he laughs at Robin’s jokes and snarks with Heather and coos at June, calling her ‘daddy’s little princess’ as he bounces her in his arms, Steve watching and always blushing when Billy catches his eye and grins, kissing the tuffs of light brown hair upon her head.
Robin tells him to go for it.
“To think we finally met our romantic soulmates after getting married and having a kid, this has to be God’s way of pulling our legs.” She snickers as they cuddle in Steve’s bed. Because that’s just how they were, touchy and close, and Steve loves her so much. She’s his best friend and the mother of his kid and he doesn’t regret marrying her at all. They’re not in love with each other, but they love each other.
Robins in love with Heather.
And Steve is pretty sure he’s in love with Billy.
“Maybe we should get married.” Billy says one night at dinner, driving an airplane towards June’s mouth. “Robin and Steve got a bunch of benefits. I want benefits. We could do our taxes together.” Heather laughs and looks at Robin.
“You think I should marry him? I could do better, right?” Robin snorts.
“He smells like a dirty gym bag.”
“Your husband likes how I smell.” Billy wriggled his brows and Steve flushed red as the words, head in his hands.
“Not in front of Junie, please.”
“She’s like, not even a year old. It’s fine.” Billy waved it off. “Back to the tax benefits,”
“It is easier when you’re married, in my opinion.” Robin chipped in and Heather sighs, long and loud before looking at Billy.
“…Fine. I want a nice ring though.”
“Well so do I, so I say we have a deal, babe.”
Steve thought he’d be jealous, at least a bit, but he’s grinning when Billy makes a show of dipping Heather at the altar, the pair laughing after their obnoxious kiss that has Robin and Max hollering.
June is cooing and squealing when she gets to dance with Billy and Steve later that night, clinging to her father and grasping at Billy’s curls that are starting to grow out again. Steve thinks he might be doing it just for him since he said he liked them, and it makes his stomach wild with butterflies.
“We should get married next.” Billy hums and Steve chokes on his own spit.
“You’ve barely taken me on a date, and now you’re talking marriage?”
“Didn’t take Robin on a date, now did you?” Billy grins, holding him close around his waist. “Come on, Harrington. Robin and you, Heather and me. Robin and Heather, you and me…it all works. We’re far from conventional. I’ve fucked Heather more than once, I’ve heard Heather talk about jumping you to her own girlfriend, and I know you want me.” He knocks their heads together and smiles, eyes soft. “This thing we’ve got going…it works. You don’t have to hold back on what you want out of this after giving Robin the option of anything and everything.”
And maybe he had been holding back a bit. All he ever wanted was June, a kid, and Robin gave him that, and in return he got her to date Heather, he let Heather drag Billy back into their lives, he let their daughter call Robin and Heather mom and mama before he even got called dada, worked hard to provide them the lifestyle they had with Heather and Billy chipping in and he…
He wanted more now. He wanted Billy. He wanted him to move in properly, for Heather to just come out and say Steve and Robin’s home was her home too, to put a bigger bed in the master bedroom so they could all share some nights because he wanted that. He wanted a big family since he was young and in a way — he was getting it. In Robin and Heather, in Billy and June. In the kids who still visited when they could.
“Take me on a date first, okay?” Billy grins.
“That can be arranged.” He kissed June’s head between them and Steve chuckled. “The little princess has to stay home though. I want her daddy all for myself.”
Steve laughed.
“Don’t call me daddy, you’re gonna make it weird.”
“Princess can share. Yeah? June, you can share right? Stevie can be both our daddy.” June giggled and wriggled between them, reaching for Billy with a small ‘Bibi’. The blond laughed and took her from Steve’s arms. “I’m afraid she can share you but not me, Daddy.”
Steve rolled his eyes before grinning deviously with a shrug.
“Whatever. I’ll teach her how to share, Mommy.”
Billy’s cheeks burned.
“Don’t make me pop a boner with a baby in my arms, Steve. People are gonna think I’m a creep.” He grumbled and Steve snorted.
“I’m going to go dance with my wife. Have fun with June.”
“Bitch.” Billy clicked his tongue as Steve walked off to find Robin on the floor.
Steve found his soulmate at 18 in an ice cream parlour. They were platonic with a capital P, and content. She made him laugh, they shared secrets, and they had no boundaries keeping them apart. Hell, they got married. Had a baby.
Now, at 39, Steve re-met his other soulmate. The kind that made his stomach twist and flutter, that made his cheeks hot and his heart full. Made him hot under the collar with his teasing.
And maybe, Robin and him share a soulmate in Heather, and maybe Heather and Billy are linked by a red string too, and maybe they’re just a tangled mess of strings with no definite end. Knotted up in the centre of the four of them.
Steve doesn’t know what the hell he’s gonna make of all of it. Where it will lead him. But for now, he’s happy.
His soul had been split into a dozen pieces at birth, and he had pieced every part back together.
Only took him 40 years to find every fragment.
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lightly-lumiere · 1 year
Daydream with me for a second. Post-season 3 were Billy and Heather both survived.
They’re in hospital recovering. Heather woke up from her coma before Billy and then insists on moving her bed to his room. She doesn’t want him to wake up alone.
When Billy does wake up from his coma, some 3 weeks after Heather, it’s a long road to recovery from there.
He is consumed by guilt. Once he gets the tube out of his throat, the first thing he tries to do is apologise and beg for Heather’s forgiveness. She’s like “no”.
“It wasn’t your fault Bill.” “But-“ “No.”
They recover together, supporting each other since they don’t get many visitors, if any.
Heather’s parents are goo, and she doesn’t actually want to see her friends yet. Billy’s dad… well he requested to get updates over the phone. Max can’t come without a ride.
The party feels weird about visiting them so they don’t. The unspoken guilt of what happened to them and unwillingness to acknowledge it makes it hard for them to face Billy and Heather.
They’re also both much thinner, gaunt and pale. Generally a bit fragile. They’re not moving much or eating solid foods.
Despite all that, Billy and Heather get very close. They do their physical therapy together, they share a bed when nightmares get really bad, they both deal with being tube fed since their stomachs recover very slowly from the chemicals. Heather holds Billy’s hand when his bandages need to be changed. Billy paints Heather’s nails to get his motor functions back. They do each others hair.
It’s a bleak existence but they have each other and they’re healing.
Maybe Will takes the first step to go and talk to them after being there for his own upside down related check up.
He finally feels seen and understood when discussing the possession. They understand the terror, the darkness and the violation in a way that no one in the party or any of the adults could understand.
Next time he visits he brings El. And the visit after that Max comes too.
Billy and Max talk. They start the journey of forgiveness and becoming real siblings.
On Christmas Eve, they’re both still in hospital, but almost ready to leave. They have their own clothes and some of their stuff is in the room, including Billy’s Metallica poster and Heather’s Blondie poster. The room feels more homey and less bleak.
Billy can finally walk around without help from another person for the most part. He’s not constantly on oxygen anymore and neither is Heather.
On his nightly rounds, Dr. Owens passes their rooms and has to stop for a moment.
Heaven by Bryan Adams is blasting on the cassette player one of them had brought and his two patients are dancing around their shared room. Heather leads Billy, both smiling the biggest smiles, giggling and laughing together without a care in the world.
They’re singing along loudly and Owens notices all the nurses watching along fondly too.
They still have a long road of recovery ahead of them, but this is better than Owens could have hoped for.
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gonegrove · 1 year
Eleven: why does Heather call you baby girl?
Billy: [scoffs] because I'm god's most perfect thottie obviously
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hgrve · 2 years
this is billy and heather
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hargrove-mayfields · 1 year
tag game, stranger things edition!
i was tagged by @thatgirlwithasquid and @intothedysphoria, thanks y’all, I really appreciate it! 💕
1. ride or die ship/otp : Hellcheergroveton! every combination in this ship is adorable and it has all my favs too ☺️
2. most annoying ship : m*leven. I am beyond tired of watching a young disabled girl be taken advantage of and have it be treated as romantic. El deserves to live partner free, and M*ke deserves to go in the whole garbage can.
3. second favorite ship : Hollogrove. Since it’s not part of the core hellcheergroveton relationship, I’ll branch out a little and bring in my girl Heather. I love her and Billy I’m a relationship and can totally see them spending the rest of their lives together ♥️
4. favorite platonic dynamic : Billy and Max, or Dustin and Steve. Or Steve and Gareth. Cause I headcanon Gareth as becoming Steve’s caregiver after the events of the show leave him with cognitive and physical disabilities
5. underrated ship : Hollogrove, Cunningway, Pompompineapple, Stonathan, Cheerscoops, Calicheer, Rockie, Stargyle, Cammy, Kegboys, Steather, Argilly, and so many more but I’ll stop there.
6. overrated ship : Any of the fruity four (it makes me wanna gag just typing it) ships. I haven’t looked in the fandom tags for a year because it’s oversaturated with passionless, factory produced, carbon-copy fanworks that look like Harringrove fics put through ai to be rewritten as St*ddie, or Buckleway into r*nance. I’m sick of it. It’s boring. I’ll come up with my own steddie content, thanks.
7. one thing to change in canon : Everything. Not even joking. I’m going blorbo shopping and bringing all my favs back to my dollie house to play fix-it.
8. something canon did right : Um. I guess letting actors put in feedback and details of their own. Like Millie choosing for El to touch Billy’s cheek, Dacre giving us backstory on Billy’s mom and also on Billy’s disability (BPD), both he and Joe Keery refusing the original scripts, Joe Quinn improvising Eddie’s crush on Chrissy, and so on. All of the actor choices are the only good things about the show at this point.
9. a thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom : @disabledbillyandsteveweek! There's more information about the event over on the blog, but basically it’s an event starting in about two weeks meant to highlight Billy and Steve as disabled characters, through all kinds of fan works and different ships!
10. a character who is perfect to me : Christine Renée-Beth Cunningham. Nobody compares to my cheer girl.
11. the most relatable character and why : Also Chrissy. She reminds me a lot of myself, especially how I was when I was still in highschool, being timid and struggling a lot with my mental health. I wish she could have grown and gotten help and felt better since I’m on my journey to doing so right now, but I’m forever grateful to have seen a character with an eating disorder and an abusive family on screen, portrayed in a heartfelt and generous way- all thanks to miss Grace Van Dien
12. character I hate most and why : Neil, Karen (actually just the Wheelers in general except little Holly), Brenner, Owens, the lady that shot Benny, literally so many of them. Anyone who intentionally and unabashedly hurts other characters without remorse.
13. something I’ve learned from the fandom : To be patient, because even when things seem tough or impossible, we can make it. Together, with friends who understand us, and who share our pain, we can fight and keep going! Especially because this community will always have folks who understand and have our backs, we just have to find them ❤️❤️
14. three tags I seek out on ao3 : I actually don’t read fic on ao3. The extreme amounts of severely triggering content hosted on that site is just too much for me and I can never seem to avoid it. I only post to ao3 because I know people find it easily accessible, but I had one too many mix-ups that led to me being in a terrible state of mind, so I discontinued using the site.
15. a song I strongly associate with otp and/or favorite character : I’ll never shut up about “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce. Conveniently off the same record as Hop has on Vinyl and Cassette, it’s my favorite song ever because it’s so tender and loving and even though it’s old people music yall should give it a listen. It applies to any ship, but especially packs a punch with Harringrove. Also “Magic” by Olivia Newton-John.
I’ll tag: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 @honey-tongued-devil @martianclown @hephaestn @jaylikesrainbowtigers @denkiddo1 @enchanted-day-dreams @stranger-themes-blog @ratbastardbilly @thinger-strang But there’s no pressure to do it! You absolutely don’t have to if you already have or if you just don’t feel like it! <3
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rigginsstreet · 7 months
writing patterns 👁️
tagged by @lorifragolina
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
come on baby let me see what you hiding underneath: The sun beats down hot over Hawkins. (harringrove)
blue christmas: The trailer had lain bare, despite the fact FP had moved in more than a few months ago. (fredsythe)
first meetings: Hawkins is ass. (harringrove)
beginning: “You get a look at the new kid?” (harringrove)
parentdale tumblr drabbles: It’s been three weeks since his dad kicked him out. (various parentdale ships)
(i light up when you call my name) and you know im going to treat you right: The Hawke Saloon was a staple in town, always had a steady stream of customers of all walks of life making their way through its doors. (buckleway)
your shadow weighs a ton: Billy knew he was fucked the second he jumped into the stolen car, police cruiser hot on their heels, sirens blaring as Cid sped down the darkened street. (platonic hollogrove + harringrove)
there's no life after you: “Are you sure you don’t wanna stay the night?” (fredsythe)
why must i be a teenager in love: Billy’s 8 when his mother walks out the door, never to be seen again. (harringrove)
something's changing: They’ve been hooking up in the backroom of Family Video for about a month now. (harringrove)
tagging @kiraixi @imsodishy @harrygroves
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shieldofiron · 10 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Heather: Billy, gross!
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thediktatortot · 1 year
tag game: stranger things edition
I've been tagged in a few things over the last few days and hadn't been able to get to any of them but i'll do them now all together :3
Thank you @discodeviant & @weird-an
ride or die ship (your otp): Harringrove!
2. most annoying ship: I don't consider any ships annoying really. I might not generally enjoy the fans of a ship, but not a ship in particular.
3. second favourite ship: Mungrove! This is only listed as second because Harringrove came first but Mungrove is at the same level as Harringrove for me as far as love/enjoyment wise :3
4. favourite platonic relationship: Hollogrove!
5. underrated ship: Calicheer! I just- I love them.
6. overrated ship: Eh- I mean there's popular ships but nothing is really overrated. All ships, even popular ones or ones that don't makes sense are worth while to someone.
7. one thing i would change in canon: One thing....that's hard uhm- Keep Billy Hargrove alive of course :3
8. something canon did right: Lumax. They are just good for each other. Probably one of the most wholesome, true to life ships that just feels right.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: My J.C.Leyendecker inspired pieces are like- my bread and butter pride of this fandom. Hellcheer | Eddie
But also my Billy Hargrove Accidental Christ Figure piece I did :3 and my Mungrove Cowboys piece.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Murray!!!!!!!! and you're all lucky I've kept my murrayposting private because he lives rent free on his own couch in my brain
11. the character i relate to the most and why: Steve is the one I personally relate to the most. I do have a few things that I relate too with Billy & Eddie, but Steve is the one I find myself reminded of most. Not for what people would think, but for certain personality qualities.
12. character i hate the most and why: Hate is a strong word for fandom because these are just characters in a story that have no real effect on me. However my least enjoyed characters are Nancy and Jonathan. I see a lot of my own family in them for various reasons and I just don't enjoy them. No hate though. I don't subscribe to the concept of vitriol against fictional characters or those who enjoy them.
Jason is a close runner up, but I don't necessarily hate him in any way but I just am uncomfortable with shipping him for myself. He's a great character and I truly wish I could enjoy him in fics.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: Mistakes aren't the end all be all of who we are. We make them and if we make up for them through action, then they don't have to define us forever.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Hurt/Comfort | Whump | Slow-Burn
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character:
Cutting Crew's "(I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight" Corey Hart's "Sunglasses At Night" Ricky Montgomery's "Lover Man" TOTO's "Hold The Line" Nick Lutsko's "Sometimes" Dido's "White Flag"
These are all songs that are intrinsic to my personal Steve Harrington vibes for various reasons.
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Tag game, Stranger things edition
@hargrove-mayfields tagged me so you know I have to do this. Thank you so much!!
Ride or die ship: Hollogrove. Heather and Billy are my bread and butter. Like so much of my stranger things content is them. I just love them healing and growing together.
Most annoying ship: St*ncy. I just hate it. What Nancy did to Steve was kind of something you can’t return from. I have seen the effects of a similar relationship on one of my irl besties and I would never wish it on anyone. I would cry if that ship happened in S5.
3. Second favourite ship: Either Elumax (platonic Elucas) or Eddie x Chrissy x Steve x Jonathan (with Jonathan, Eddie and Steve dating Argyle and Chrissy dating Robin. If someone has a ship name please suggest in the comments). I adore these ships as the developed relationships there are just *chef’s kiss* but the people who haven’t met? Just so much cute potential for love!
4. Favourite platonic dynamic: Stobin is my platonic tea. I adore Steve and Robin and believe whole heartedly that they are disabled besties. Platonic soulmates.
5. Underrated ship: Hollogrove obviously but Cunningway, Cheerscoops, Photocheer, Stargyle, and Murrlexi. Those ships are also so top tier but underrated. There are so many more.
6. Overrated ship: M*leven. Again I hate it. It is so teenage abuse romanticized. And too many people think that it is healthy or OTP. To be honest, Mike is a bit of an ick for me anyway.
7. One thing to change in canon: Destroy any hints or hopes of St*ncy or M*leven or any abusive relationship. Stop the characters putting up with it, to the extent that it is romanticized. Abuse is not good or something to be idealized. And actually include canon disabilities please.
8. One thing canon did right: Making Robin a lesbian and allowing Max and Eleven to have a strong friendship which is not focused on the boys. That trope is so overused so I am glad it was not used.
9. A thing I am proud of creating for the fandom: I am really proud of my Hollogrove stuff because there is so little content for my babies. But some of my work for @disabledbillyandsteveweek is also something I am super proud of and I can’t wait to show people.
10. A character who is perfect to me: Heather Holloway is my queen. Like she is so sweet and caring but obviously has so much depth potential. The Duffers really made a mistake not giving her more screen time. They could have done so much.
11. Most relatable character and why: Robin is the most relatable character for me. Her social awkwardness and passion for certain topics is really relatable to me. We are both band kids, lesbians and we even look fairly alike!
12. Character I hate most and why: Karen. Moral trash who willing flirted and tried to seduce a child her daughters age. She also put down other teenagers simply because she was being petty??? Like she is the adult in this situation. Even though she backed out of meeting Billy, the fact that she ever flirted with him is creepy. If you reversed the genders, the fandom would be freaking out and be like it’s so creepy!! It’s still the same situation?? Of course, it is creepy. Neil Hargrove is a close second.
13. Something I have learned from the fandom: To be more confident in sharing my opinions and work. Before I met a lovely group of people in the fandom I was so scared of being attacked for my preferences in the fandom but they showed me that despite us all not shipping or producing the same thing, we can all still support and respect each other. It really helped my social anxiety around sharing stuff, particularly for this fandom, online.
14. Three tags I seek out on ao3: I don’t actually read much stranger things on ao3 but Hollogrove, Hellcheer, and fantasy au’s are probably my top three for the fandom. I really want to see more fantasy au’s that aren’t just werewolves or vampires. I might actually write one now.
15: A song I strongly associate with otp and/or my favourite character: Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpson for Hollogrove for a YouTube edit I saw. Love that song for them. Love Story by Taylor Swift is a close second.
I’m tagging @stranger-themes-blog, @carito-dorito , @mrsblackruby , @iloveyoubillyhargrove. Please don’t feel obligated to do this but I thought that I would share this with other stranger things fans.
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thatgirlwithasquid · 1 year
I feel like, at least once, at Hawkins High, Heather had a bad period day and was extra snippy which Billy definitely noticed cause Heather is a bit of a bitch (affectionate) but she’s taking it further than usual today. So he makes a point to ask her what her problem is and she starts yelling at him cause she’s been feeling emotionally wobbly all day and her cramps fucking hurt and now, embarrassingly, shes starting to cry.
Billy doesn’t really know what to do about this cause, ew, girl problems. But Heather’s his best friend and he isn’t having this. So, after a honestly pretty painful talk Billy herds Heather out of the building and into his car cause he’s decided Heather isn’t putting up with school today. They’re wagging it, and thats just decided.
The first thing they do is swing round Heather’s. Her dad’s working and she knows her mom has a hair appointment so no ones home to yell at them. They boil some water and fill up a hot water bottle. Then they lock up and get back in Billy’s car. Next stop is the store, where they get all kinds of spicy crisps that Heather is craving and some other junk food and soda.
Which leaves them driving around, Billy actually being considerate and not speeding everywhere, just chatting and complaining and sharing stupid gossip. Heather has the hot water bottle resting against her lower torso and a plastic bag full of snacks between her feet in the passenger seat, waving a crisp aggressively through the air as she complains about some guy hitting on her.
Eventually they pull over somewhere quiet, and Heather’s feeling too sorry for herself to keep chatting. So Billy pulls a tatty paperback out that he keeps in his car for while he waits for Max when he picks her up(cause she always takes forever). The spine is cracked to hell, and half the pages show a past of being dog-eared. It’s obviously very loved and Billy starts from the very beginning again and reads aloud to a moping Heather with the car windows down for the rest of the day. Occasionally Heather interrupts to lean forwards and shove a snack into his mouth. It’s a pretty good day, in the end.
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bowiebond · 2 years
I pretty much only like poly ships if they’re all in love with each other. Like I can’t read stoncy without stonathan or Harringroveson without mungrove. Or even Elumax without Elucas.
Like even if one partner is lesbian/gay and not interested in the opposite sex partner sexually/romantically, they still have to love them deeply and whole-heartedly on a platonic level. Like if Byler/Mileven where a trio, El and Will would still have to love each other dearly for me to be invested in a fic. If Steve and Robin both dated Heather (And Steve dating Billy who may or may not date Heather too), Stobin (and Hollogrove) already has that deep connection regardless so I’m in.
I just,,, I can’t stand polycules where folks don’t care for their partners partner at all. When they aren’t close at all. Share the love. Expand it. Care for your amours amour.
My only exception is if the party is a polycule, Max and Mike have to dislike each other anyway. Even if just on the surface. Makes me giggle.
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