#platonic bakusquad x reader
miyamoratsumuu · 1 month
↳ ...they're gentlemen. wherein you don't need to be royal blood for your best boys to treat you like a princess platonic!bksquad boys (k. bakugou, e.kirishima, d.kaminari, h.sero) x fem!reader notes/warnings: swearing/language, the boys call reader nicknames (babes, babe, darling, sweetheart, etc.) from time to time
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a/n: aka my fav taylor swift song with my fav boys!! sort of a 1k special? I'm still debating on the event ahaha anyway, I'll be answering asks tomorrow!! classes are suspended so I have all the time in the world tomorrow hihi<3
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mooluvs · 1 year
Being part of the bakusquad headcanons
requests open! | bnha masterlist
warnings: none | genre: platonic fluff | fic type: hcs
A/N: it’s self-indulgent platonic fic time ;)
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I feel like they just kinda adopted you into the group
You didn’t really have much say in it, to be honest
Like, Mina thought you looked lonely one day and told you to join them for lunch
She’d actually been planning this for week
And then suddenly, before you could refuse, Kiri is making room for you sit with them and Kami has already added you to the group chat
And before you know it, you’re all on a first name basis and you’re suddenly a lot less lonely
Though for the first few weeks, you were convinced Bakugo hated you.
Until you noticed how he blew up at anyone who insulted you
And how he gave you an affectionate not entirely insulting nickname
After awhile, his way of showing affection became clear to you and you realised that he cares fo you guys a lot.
Not that he’d admit it
The two of you often help the other four study and do homework together.
You all hang out like this quite a lot
Not very much work gets done
It’s also like having the worlds best guard dogs because not weirdos can even get close to you
Kirishima is always happy to help you train.
On top of being a good punching bag, he gives really good advice.
You’re one of the only people he trusts to help dye his hair.
He also gives really good hugs and has no problem with platonic cuddles.
Bakugo too, but tell anyone and you’re dead
Sero is always there for you when you need help.
Especially, when you need cheering up.
He loves seeing you laugh.
Kaminari loves that you don’t treat him likes he’s stupid.
And that you try and look after him when he short circuits. He really appreciates that.
He loves just chilling with you guys.
He’s more than happy to charge your electrical devices for you.
The others are on thin ice tho
Mina loves it when all of you hang out together
Was over the moon when you asked her to teach you some dance moves
She’s very happy she decided to drag you into the group
You’re all each other’s biggest supporters
You know that someone will always have your back
And that you’ll always have theirs.
And that if anyone even tries to hurt any of you they will have an angry Pomeranian flying at their face
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serxinns · 1 month
Hey thank you so much for taking my request but
If it’s okay with you can you make a yandere giant bakusquad x human reader
That is so scared of giants and when one of the bakusquad kidnaps immediately
Without the village knowing that reader has been kidnapped by giants taking reader to their new home
I hope you take my request if not then I’m so sorry for making you uncomfortable!!!
If you did thank you so much for taking my request!!!❤️
Yandere giant bakusquad x human reader!
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A/n: it's finally done lord I'm tried and I hope you enjoy!
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You lived in a small village with a bunch of huge walls blocking from the outside world, due to a large beast called giants you were told they were brutal and hungry beasts who invaded villages and devoured any human they lay upon, you heard stories from, your friends of how deadly these creatures were one friend told you they would impaled villagers on the stick and roast them like a kabob or stories about humans traveling into the outside world especially near their territory never to be seen again
There were very strict rules from the town leader for going in and out of the protected village one of the rules was to be back at a certain time or get locked outside which scared the villagers a lot to the point most of then wouldn't even step out or sneak out knowing the consequences it was like they Isolated themselves
you and some of your friends didn't believe some of those lies always wanted to find out yourself you were a very curious and exploring person as a child always wanting to explore even in the more dangerous of areas one time a guard caught 4 years you almost escaped giving your parents a heart attack and a very stern warning from the guards to them as the older you get the more stubborn you were the villagers would call you and your friends rebellious for not listening to the leader but you didn't care
One day you and your friends decided to play true or dare it was all wimpy and easy at 1st like pranking the townsfolk stealing some food and tricking people but it became very extreme until it was your turn to be asked "truth or dare" You wasn't a wimp so you picked dare "I dare you to go into the giants territory" your friend smirked mischievously while the others looked in shocked intrigued and worried, you were unsure of the challenge yes it was true that you have went outside of the walls before but going to the giants territory aka the paint forest was forbidden
You thought about it for a moment your friends stared at you, waiting for an answer "I'll do the dare" they all cheered one friend looked worried and scared "But you have to come with me" they all went silent gawking at your statement you can tell by their faces that they didn't wanna do it and was unsure of it but their pride overtook and accepted
Time skip
you gather your things like climbing tools, weapons, flashlights, food, and water the 4 of you snuck out of your houses and into the quiet night while the village was pitch black only the moonlight and stars shining brightly into the night, the 4 of you crept towards the big entrance which leads to the outside, a sleeping guard that was supposed to do its nightly duties was standing there to your unfortunate, so the 4 of you thought for a second on what to do, a girl in the group named Tasha grabbed a big rock nearby and threw it hard as she could to the opposite side causing a loud thud when it hit the ground that alerted the guard
He woke up in a cold sweat, swinging his weapon. "Who goes there?!" He barked as he flashed his flashlights at some bushes that were rustling, which gave you and your friends the time to quickly go through the entrance and exit the village, "we made it," you thought as you looked around your surroundings, and there in front of you were the giant's territory..the woods everyone including you stared at it for a moment grabbed your flashlights and walk down the path leading to the woods
The closer you get the more unsettling it gets.. the rustling of the bushes from the strong wind and the shadows of the creatures within the forest grow disturbing becoming sinister you even hear animals and creatures that you haven't heard or learned about before you felt your group getting scared Mike(another one of your friend group who was the leader) even started to grow doubts about this plan but you kept going you didn't wanna back down now, can you?
As the three of you made it in front of the woods you all stopped and looked up the trees were as tall as the trees back in your area rocking with the rhythm of the wind, you took a breath look behind to see your group one last time and walked in with your lights held high as they followed you, Josh stopped everyone and decided to make a plan to survive in the woods "Sasha you to set up a fire, Mike you go set up camp y/n and I would hunt" you looked back a bit reluctant "hunt!? In this area! What if we get lost? We don't even know what creature lurks here!?" "We'll be fine, promise, just get a few animals and come back to the camp. "You were about to reply until Josh quickly ran, weapon in hand "asshole.." you muttered under your breath as you cautiously looked around for any animals...
Time skip again
You walked over bored carrying a bag full of dead animals you hunted you then grabbed your light and started heading back to the camp until you heard a loud thud behind you making the ground shake you froze for a second quickly turning back to see nothing but the darkness surrounding the light you then slowly turned back and started walking only a bit faster that's when you heard another thud you turned again but nothing...you were about to turn around until a Hand grabbed you
You screamed trying to grab your weapon but the hand gripped you tight your body started shivering and squirming in desperation to break free from whatever was gripping you but to no luck "Aw how cute! Are you lost little one" You slowly turned to see a giant girl with pink skin and yellow eyes smiling and cooing like you were some pet or little child you stared at her already afraid but confused but you didn't wanna find out so you tried biting her which made her let go a bit making you fall but she quickly catch you "Hey now no biting!" She scolded, lightly, glaring at you. "Please don't hurt me! Just put me down please!!"
You started sobbing as the giant looked down at you in pity. "No, no, honey, I'm not gonna eat you.." she started trying to softly rock you and shush your cries. "Oi pinkie, what's the hold-up?!" Both you and the pink giant turn to see an ashy-blonde hair male coming toward her, glaring at her "shitty hair and dunce fade are already done, and the tape face is already back at the kingdom. What's the hold up with you? His eyes then lay upon your small shaking figure trying to hide from his gaze
"Well, you see, I got this cute little human while hunting and decided I wanted to keep it! Poor thing is dirty and beaten! We can't just leave it here!" Bakugo stared intensely at you while you shivered in fear you looked so small and fragile! He might not admit it, but he already adores you. He grumbled something under his breath, and Mina's expression brightened. "You gonna come home with us, sweetie!" She said as she skipped along following him ignoring your pleads and cries and yells for help
"We're here!" She exclaimed opening her hand out to make you see it was a tall castle that reached above the clouds and the village itself looked ginormous as well you were stunned and a bit scared by the size of the castle and at the entrance, a dark-haired male and another girl with short purple hair approached them "back so soon?" The girl spoke up, carrying what seemed to be a delicious dish, which you can admit spelled pretty well. "Yep, and we brought a surprise!" She said as she slowly pushed her hands towards gently opening them to reveal a small shivering little human curled up in a ball
Both Sero and Jirous's eyes widen, seeing something too small and defenseless, dirty and beaten. "Mina, where did you get them? And why they're bruised up? It better not be Bakugos doing," Sero said, glaring at the male. "My doing?! I didn't do shit scotch tape alien was the one who found them like this!" "I was hunting. There's nothing wrong with me. Can I please just go home!" Mina then started petting your hair with her finger, comforting you like you were a crying child and ignoring your little tantrums the 2 giants' gazes softened at the sight of you
"Let's get them inside and clean them up," Jirou said leading Mina in as Mina carefully held you in her palms Sero started to run some warm water in a bowl making sure the temperature was warm enough while Mina gently placed you on the sink you tried to run but her hand blocks your view "now no running it's bath time for you!" She giggled, reaching her hand towards you, gently and quickly, stripping you down to nothing "H-hey! What the hell! " You quickly wrapped yourself with a nearby tablecloth as your face turned red in embarrassment you felt utterly humiliated
They all stared at you for a moment, Mina gently pushing you with her fingertips to get in, but you scrambled away, clutching the cloth tightly. You weren't gonna bathe in front of these people, especially giants! "What's wrong? The water isn't the right temperature?" Jirou asked, sounding very Eager... too Eager "N-no, I-I just don't feel comfortable b-bathing in front of all of you..." "Well, one of us has to stay with you and help you clean, so you need to pick one!" Sero explained while the others stared at you wondering who will you pick
You observed every one of them, Mina seemed nice enough but a bit too clingy, and the other giant named Bakugo seemed scary so it was down to Sero and Jirou, your gut tells you to pick Jirou plus u felt a little safe with her more than the slim giant name sero so you pointed at jiu which she smiled making sero and Mina pout and whine while bakugo rolled his eyes she then ushered the 3 out making sure they were out of sight completely and shut the door behind them she then walked over to you with a sponge and cup in hand "don't worry ill be extra gentle!"
She then picked up a sponge and started scrubbing you slowly and carefully making sure no dirt was in sight you gotta admit it felt nice like you were in a spa you almost fell asleep which didn't go unnoticed by Jiro who was enjoying every single minute of your cuteness she then began to wash and comb out your hair with a large brush trying to get all the knots out then began rinsing you off with the cup which you cough wheeze and gag cause of the water "Sorry sorry!" She quickly apologized she then let you get out of the bowl as she looked away for a moment to let you wrap around in the table cloth once you were all covered up she gently picked you up and the two of you headed out the door into their shared bedroo,
You were met with the 3 giants again smiling excited to see you were fresh and clean "We got you some cute cozy little clothes for you to wear" Mina said excitedly holding out a cozy set of clothing you stared at for a moment wondering how the hell did they managed to make these so fast but your thoughts interrupted when sero pushed the clothes at you "go on wear em!" He said you smiled nervously as everyone stepped out for you to change you quickly changed into the clothes and it was a but big on you but it was pretty cozy, you then yelled out you were done as the 3 came in again
Mina squealed at the sight of you cooing and doting on you, repeatedly saying, you're so cute!" Or "I could just eat you right up," which made you a bit concerned. "You should thank Bakugo for the outfit. He made it just for you!" Sero said teasingly as Bakugo blushed, hitting the back of the man's head and earning an "ow!" From him "You welcome..." he managed to grumble out avoiding eye contact with you "Oh kiri and denki shoukd be here with the food any minute now! We can all have a dinner together!"
She said excitedly, running downstairs with you, followed by Sero following her behind and lecturing her to slow down when carrying you, "Kirishima and Denki?" You questioned yourself as the door swung open; answering your question, 2 males appeared, one with red hair and sharp teeth and the other with blonde hair as well, but with a black lightning strike. "We're home; sorry we're late; someone kept trying to eat all the rations?" He said as he glared at Kirishima, laughing sheepishly. "I couldn't handle it. I was hungry!" The boys were both bickering each other earning a bit of a chuckle from you being heard by the 2 boys as they glanced at you
"Aww who's this little one!" Kirishima said, reaching hid finger out to you, which you flinched and tried squirming away. "We found them in the woods! Poor thing was beaten and dirty and alone!" Mina whined as the 2 boys looked at you with sympathy. "No, seriously, I'm fine! I was just hunting for some food with some friends for our camp. I need to go back home and-" "Honey, this is your new home!" The blonde Denki spoke up smiling gleefully at you, you froze realizing that home was Impossible "n-no! My homes down there in thr village my parents could be worried and the leader coul get mad-"
"Oh please, your parents never cared about you anyway, and that leader of yours is cruel for leaving someone as small and fragile as you out," Bakugo said, rolling his eyes and earning a glare from everyone in the room. "Bakubro that isn't very manly!" The red hair-stated "yea! You should've said it more softer they're already suffering from the realization that they got abandoned!" Mina added as she looked at you softly, "But it's true, sweetheart. I'm so sorry!" She pulled you closer to her cheek as some sort of hug there was an awkward silence in the air Jirou "cmon let's get you nice and fed and then get you to bed" Sero then grabbed you and headed towards the kitchen with the others behind
You were served a small portion of spaghetti as the others chomped down and devoured their food trying to make conversation with you wanting to learn more but all you could do was stare at your plate realizing that there was no way to escape these giants who think you got abandoned and now you were treated as some sort of pet or whatever! This can't be your fate no way no matter how good the food and care are you want to go home to your parents to your hometown to your village!
"Alright, little crystal, it's time for bed!" The red-haired giant claimed as he took you upstairs to prepare you to bed, you were met with the shared bedroom again but this time there was a large doll house that was 2x the size of the house in your village Kirishima grabbed the key from the counter and open it up revealing a nice looking bed he then places it down in the counter drawer with a working mini night light seriously were these guys that prepared to have a human pet or something!? He then placed softly on the bed Sero tucked you in as Mina, Denki and Jirou kissed you on the forehead making you blush
"Goodnight, sweetheart, sweet dreams~" As they got ready for bed, you then realized that this was your new home and this was your new life from now on...you can never escape them. You were their little human...Their human and they were damned to let anyone take that away from them
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fightme365 · 5 days
They might have forgotten but we remembered. (Platonic! Class 1a x Female! Reader)
Y/n always knew she was never wanted by her parents. They told her as far back she could remember that they wanted a boy. When they got a boy 5 years after she was born it was like she never existed from then on to her parents.
Even on her birthdays they never celebrated. Claiming they forgot each time. After she started at UA they seemed to get better after her teachers Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi 'talked' to them for almost two hours. They spent time with her and seemed to take an interest in her for once. Then her 17th birthday came around. She was hopping they would actually remember for once but when she woke in the morning her parents and brother were gone only leaving a note telling her they left to take her on a three day trip because he was having a hard time at school.
Y/n was saddened but shrugged and went to school. Her pink skinned and haired classmate, Mina Ashido, spots and runs up and jumps on her, giving a big hug. "Happy birthday, girl.", She squeals.
Mina turned Y/n around to face her. "Thanks, Mina. At least you remembered.", said Y/n. Ashido frowns. "What do you mean at least I remembered? Did someone forget?", said Mina.
"Yeah, my parents did. I woke up to empty house and a note saying that they took my little brother on a trip because he is having a hard time at school. I should have expected it. They never remembered before.", says Y/n.
Mina scowls but they smirks and grabs Y/n wrist dragging her to the classroom. "They might have forgotten but we remembered.", says Mina throwing open the door and pulling Y/n inside.
Y/n sees the classroom is all decked out for a birthday party. There are balloons, streamers, a snack table, presents, and party games set up. The entire class is there talking but Y/n enters they stop and yell surprise. Y/n doesn't realize it but tears start to stream down her face.
"What the heck? Why is she crying?", yells Bakugou. "Shut up, Bakubro. They're tears of joy. She's happy.", says Mina.
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lady-ashfade · 5 months
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mothisamess · 1 year
Bakusquad x Insecure! Reader
or alternatively a reader that's just not confident bare faced
(more platonic but could be seen as romantic! more fem centric. sorry for weird formatting I wrote on my phone lol and not proof read I wrote this in less that 10 mins)
- It was no secret that you were one of the prettiest people in class 1-A.
- You were always put together.
- having your hair clean and always wearing at least some makeup.
- it was a very very rare occurrence that you wouldn't be wearing any. practically no one had ever seen you without it.
- the closest they got was after training or villain attacks.
- one night, you, Mina, Kirishima, Jirou, Sero, Denki, and Bakugo were having a sleepover in Mina's dorm.
- It was around 12am and everyone was winding down for the night. (Bakugo is not very happy about it. but it's the weekend so they managed to convince him)
- mina handed you a makeup wipe so you could sleep barefaced.
- you politely refused.
- mina pryed a bit more, she didn't want her pretty best friend to break out!
- you laughed a bit and made a joke about how you 'look like one of those old diseased hairless cats' without makeup.
Mina - ✩⁠
- she's shook.
- you're literally her perfect best friend like huh?
- she'll pester you about it for a while
- and if you say that it was caused by others at your old school...
- she loses her MINDDD
- bc youre gorgeous like what?
- she always hyped you but before but now it's extra!
- will 100% spread rumors about anyone who talks bad about you.
(and they're vileee 💀)
Kirishima - ✩⁠
- he's so surprised
- you look like that and think you look bad??
- aggressive positivity. literally shoving it down your throat.
- hype man!!
- he hypes you up more than Bakugo at this point
- if anyone's trying to be rude to you he will immediately stop them.
- he will not hold back in training and will definitely tell other people that they aren't nice
- and you know it's bad when even Kirishima isn't nice to you. before the person knows it all of class 1-A hates them.
Jirou - ✩⁠
- she's so surprised!!
- you're like a goddess in her eyes
- she doesn't say much about it that night but over time she subtly hypes you up!
- just small things like 'you're hair looks nice today's or 'where did you get that shirt?'
- she's a little nervous that she'll offend you so she tries her best to not seem as blunt as normal.
- if anyone says anything bad about you (in general but especially about how you look) she goes crazy 💀
- she will not hold back during training.
- (she has gotten scolded by Aizawa for it before)
Sero - ✩⁠
- he has to take a moment to take in what you said
- like huh?!
- how are you insecure?
- you'll def end up having one of those deep conversations another night where he finds out everything.
- def hypes you up
- practically everytime you walk into the common room he'll tell you you're outfit is nice
- you could be dressed like Adam Sandler and he'd still eat that up
- if anyone is rude to you he'll shoot a small piece of tape onto the ground so they face plant 😭
Denki - ✩⁠
- he side eyes you immediately and does one of those slow head turns 💀
- he'll pester you for a bit about it but after Bakugo slapps him over the head because he wants to sleep he drops it for the night
- hypes you up about everything, your handwriting, cooking, baking, drawing, grades, quirk, strength, everything.
- if anyone's every rude he will 100% give the person small shocks.
- especially in quiet rooms.
Bakugo - ✩⁠
- even though he might be bad at showing it, he didn't want his friend to break out either!
- but he hid it behind him not wanting to hear you complain about your skin
- won't hype you up but once he sees you with out makeup he'd definitely do a really sarcastic fake shock
- like 'gasp oh my god-! you- you- look perfectly fucking fine. say some dumbass shit like that again and I'm beating your ass.'
- will immediately scream insults at whoever talks about about you
- it could literally be a medical professional next to you on your death bed saying that you over estimated yourself in a fight and he'd still do it
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love-fictional-ppl · 6 months
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Summary: reader is apart of the Bakusquad and they all r stoners
Pairings: platonic!katsuki bakugou x reader, platonic!Eijiro Kirishima x reader, platonic!pansexual!Denki Kaminari x reader, platonic!Hanta Sero x reader, platonic!mina ashido x reader, romantic!Eijiro Kirishima x Mina Ashido, past!mina ashido x Hanta Sero, (Kinda)Mina ashido x reader (yall made out)
Warnings: language, marijuana and vaping, alcohol, mentions of sex specifically high sex, masturbation mentioned, plug!sero
The most chaotic yet iconic smoke circle ever.
Twice a week everybody goes to Sero’s apartment for the smoke sesh
Usually hangouts are held at bakugou’s except he doesn’t like the smell trapped around his place
Bakugou actually has came to rely on the ritual. He lowkey gets annoyed whenever plans are cancelled
Sero smokes a lot it’s ridiculous
Sero and Mina both get horny when they’re high
one time before Mina and Kiri got together, Mina was so high and horny that she hooked up with Sero(who was also also high and horny)
All hangouts are pretty lowkey but Denki always tries to turn it into a party by bringing his speakers and a couple bottles of booze
You, Denki, and Mina are usually the ones who drink
Bakugou only drinks after a rough day, he claims the liquor makes him feel “vulnerable”
Kirishima doesn’t smoke too often but he loves the hangout vibes
When Kirishima and Mina got together he started smoking more except usually him and Mina left early so they could go home and fuck
Bakugou is actually really cute when he’s high don’t tell him that tho. He gets really giggly but if u annoy him he will quickly snap at you.
Denki usually winds up getting the munchies really bad and makes the group go to whatever fast food joint he’s craving that time
Everybody has a slightly different music taste so you guys pull straws each hangout to decide who gets control, somehow kirishima almost always wins
Sero likes to prank call when he’s high. No explanation necessary.
You and Mina play fight when your drunk, occasionally you make out
When you all were really stoned one time Denki confessed that he thought about all of you while masturbating atleast once
Sero makes weird food combos when he has the munchies
Sero also definitely sells weed and Denki buys off him
One time Denki convinced you all to host a party. It was a disaster. Bakugou was mad since you guys were at his apartment.
Overall a 9.8/10 💨 ⭕️
Only sorta proofread😭🤞
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amaiwrites · 1 month
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What it would be like to be classmates with the 1-A girls!
mha girls x gn!reader hcs! (can be read as platonic or romantic) ochako, momo, jiro, mina, tsuyu and hagakure
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OCHAKO URARAKA, who passes you little notes everyday. It could be a question like “wanna hang out after school?” or just a cute drawing, but you often see a little folded paper on your desk. 
It’s the middle of class and you just noticed something on your desk. a folded paper with a tiny pink heart drawn on top. You look over to Ochako, who’s too busy writing down notes about the lesson to notice you smiling at her.
You open the paper, reading the content inside. “hey, wanna hang out after school? :D” is written in black ink. you take your pencil and write on her note “ofc <3” and slide it back to her. 
Ochako reads the note, smiling over at you before going back to her notes. 
MOMO YAOYOROZU, who helps you study. If you space off in class, she’ll let you copy off her notes. She even invites you to her dorm for study dates, because she “has fun helping you with your academics.”
You snap out of your thoughts, looking over at Momo. “Yeah?”
“You haven’t written down any notes.” You look at Momo’s paper with half of the page already filled— then at yours, which is empty. 
“Here, you can copy off mine, but pay more attention next time!” Momo tilts her notebook towards you slightly, and you thank her for helping and start writing.
Momo tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “We can also study at my dorm later, if you want.”
You nod your head in agreement, making Momo smile. 
KYOKA JIRO, who gives you her airpod in a boring class so you can both listen to music. She’ll usually play loud rock music but sometimes you’ll convince her to turn it down so she can at least try to focus. 
You let out a sigh, only loud enough for you, and Jiro, to hear. She looks over at you, then digs through her bag and pulls out her airpods case. You take an airpod from her and she puts on her “punk rock” playlist.
You take a few minutes to not pay attention to Mr. Aizawa, lightly tapping your feet to the rhythm of the music. After one or two songs, you turn to face Jiro. 
“Hey, maybe we should try to pay attention a little bit, that looks like some stuff we should know…”
Jiro shrugs. “Yeah, you’re right.” she turns her music down some, giving you a thumbs up before she starts writing. 
MINA ASHIDO, who is always talking to you during class. It doesn’t bother you at all, but Aizawa often has to interrupt his teaching to tell her to pay attention. Due to all of her talking she doesn’t get the best grades, but you try your best to help her!
“Hey Y/n? Me and the squad are gonna be hanging out in my room if you wanna come! It’ll be fun!” Mina whisper shouts, a grin on her face.
“I’ll be there!” You whisper back, already excited to be there to see the bakusquad shenanigans.
“Oh, did you hear that-“ 
“Mina, stop talking in my class, or i will send you to detention.” Aizawa clears his throat and goes back to his lesson. Mina grabs your arm and has a displeased look on her face.
“i’ll tell you later..” She says, and then she tries to focus on the lesson. You can clearly see that she’s confused.  
“I could help you later if you want.” You offer, and Mina wraps you up in a hug.
“I love you Y/n thank you!!” she exclaims not in a whisper voice and you quickly shush her. Luckily Aizawa didn’t hear anything.
TSUYU ASUI, who is always giving you little snacks and packing your lunch for you. Sometimes she’ll even bring delicious homemade food!
Your stomach grumbles and you look around to see if anyone noticed— but they didn’t. You forgot to eat breakfast and it’s the class before lunch, so you’re starving. You stare at the clock, willing it to go faster. 
“Y/n? Are you hungry, kero? I made chocolate cookies if you want some.” Your eyes light up at Tsu’s words and you eagerly nod your head. 
Tsu hands you a cookie and you take a bite of it immediately. “Mmm!” you whisper because you‘re not really supposed to be eating in class, “These are so good, thank you!”
“im glad you like them, kero.” Tsu says, taking a bite of her cookie as well.
TORU HAGAKURE, who always lets you borrow her school supplies. Pencils, highlighters, erasers, anything you need!
“Okay class, take out your pencil and notebook. You’re gonna need them for this assignment.” Mr. Aizawa says. You pull out your notebook but after searching for two minutes, you realize that you have no pencil.
Hagakure taps you on the shoulder. “Y/n? Here, take this.” She holds out a sky blue pencil with little clouds on the sides.
“Thanks!” You say, “You’re really awesome for letting me use your school supplies, Hagakure. I owe you one!”
You can’t see Hagakure’s expression, but she sounds like she’s flustered. “O-oh, it’s no problem! I’m happy to help.”
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i reposted this from my old account but i improved the writing a lot lol
taglist ✧ @sara4uuu (open, ask to be added!)
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im-so-tired-sorry · 2 years
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Kiribaku x gn!reader headcanons <3
A/N: my first time writing like this so bare with me lmao. these boys are always in my head. Part 1 since i realized while writing this was already long enough.
CW: mainly platonic, slight flirting
Genre: fluff
Word count: 0.8k
while still attending ua (and still friends), you, kirishima and bakugo would always be hanging out together: in class, training at the gym, studying, or even chilling in each others dorms (sometimes even after curfew)
you would hang out in each others rooms, watching movies, reading books/manga, doing skin care, etc. sometime you would even invite the rest of the bakusquad over.
if two of you were planning on hanging out, you would plan to invite the third.
the boys would become a tad upset if you already had plans with your other friends/ classmates, but they wouldn’t say anything. they would still hangout and try to bring back a souvenir— whether it’s food or a gift shop item or even a small plush—for you once you come back to the dorms so you can hangout again and talk about your day.
it’s almost as if you three being separated for a long time was draining; you would all at least have to be in the same room to recharge and relax.
study sessions where bakugo would start to become less strict on you and kiri once you start pulling better grades, but still call you out for slacking off.
study sessions where bakugo bets that if you and eijirou made an equal or better grade than him on the next test, he would take you both out for dinner.
you and eijirou making dinner plans while katsuki is trying to figure out how you both passed his grade by a couple of percentage numbers. “you cheated didn’t you?” “we swear we didn’t!!”
there are two specific types of inside jokes between you three; if it happened in public, you can tease each other about it and explain the context if someone asked. then there are the ones you keep to yourselves, the ones that originated from private moments. those are the ones where, if mentioned, not even bakugo can help but break a smile reimagining the moment.
katsuki, who will stay after everyone else has left and help you with your training if you’re having trouble with a specific move. you tell him that “it’s ok” not wanting to waste his time, but he’ll just grumble. “how do you expect to be a good hero if you won’t even put in the effort?”
eijirou, who will never let you eat alone. no matter how late it is, if he finds you having a late dinner, he’ll join you with his own snack.
katsuki, who will maybe let you lean on his shoulder to catch up on sleep after staying up late to study and train.
eijirou who will carry you to the infirmary as soon as you catch a really bad cold, and katsuki who will blame it on you overworking yourself. either way, if they’re not in class or training, they are staying by your bedside ‘till you get better.
the three of you, along with other classmates, celebrate together when you pass your exams
the three of you, along with friends and family, grab dinner after the graduation ceremony
the three of you become a little distant once you start working at a different hero agency while kiri and baku get to work together. a couple of months go by and there’s silence between the pod. being a hero is busy work after all, especially when your trying to be some of the best.
you still try to make time for each other, trying to align every day off you have to see each other.
you would buy every magazine that had either of the boys on the cover and send it in the group chat. “wouldn’t mind being saved by this hunk😍” “💪💪😘” “You guys are gross.”
at one point, the three of you just start going straight over to each other’s houses after patrol shifts, eating dinner together, and if it’s too late, it turns into a last minute sleepover.
katsuki, who give you old clothes of his to let you sleep in.
katsuki, who will add your hero costume to the laundry pile and wake up early in the morning so your suit is clean and dry before you wake up and have to go.
eijirou, who will let you choose anything in his wardrobe to change into once it’s decided you’re staying the night.
eijirou, who, though can’t usually cook well, will make a solid breakfast for you before you have to clock back into work.
when they shoot you a text saying they’re coming over, you prep the house and take out their clothes and toothbrushes that they’ve “accidentally” left at your house so they can easily change and settle in once they arrive.
if you all have the day off tomorrow, it’s automatically a movie night and you each pick a movie to watch
cut to you all cuddling on top of each other, dead asleep while the credits roll.
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newtthetranswriter · 11 months
Bakusquad comfort
Total word count: 3323
Parings: Bakusquad(minus sero) X Transmasculine! reader
Summary: Monoma is a dick, outing you to the entirety of classes A and B. How does the Bakusquad comfort you?
Warnings: Transphobia, Monoma is Dick, talks of binding and testosterone, canon typical violence mentioned, Monoma is an ass, some cursing, I think that’s it let me know if you notice more.
A/n: This is just a few little drabbels of how different members of the bakusquad respond to a Transmasculine reader being outed by Monoma, full disclosure I do not like Monoma fight me on it. Anyway some of them may be a little ooc but I haven’t written for them yet so this is what i got. Can be read as platonic or not. Enjoy, and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate. REQUESTS ARE OPEN
     Being a student at U.A. has been a dream come true. I’ve been able to use it as a new start, people know me as Y/n the guy who has an earth manipulation quirk and not the girl who thinks she’s a guy. The only reason I say that is that none of my classmates know I’m Transgender. I haven’t told anyone, not because I'm embarrassed but because I’m scared of how they will react to the truth, especially with how long I’ve kept it from them. I feel like I’m lying to them in a way but I don’t want them to hate me for it, so I’ve just kept quiet. I’m sure I’ll tell them when I’m ready.
    On a different note I do truly feel like I belong here, like people see the real me, a fun, energetic guy who just wants to help people. The group I hang out with the most is the Bakusquad, consisting of Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Denki, Sero and Me. We are a strange group for sure, being unofficially led by the stubborn Bakugo, and the rest of us being somewhat over energetic, but we get along well. Having movie nights in the living room of the dorms, and messing with Bakugo in our free time. I couldn’t ask for better friends.
    Though everything came falling apart when we went to training ground gamma to face off against class B. We had been separated into 5 groups per class and paired off for battles. I had been placed in the fourth group and so I had to sit back with the rest of the students as group one started their match. We had for the most part stayed with our own classes, not mingling too much, just commenting on strategies and predicted outcomes.
    Everything seemed fine until the match ended and the teachers were prepping for the second match. Neito Monoma decided to pop off with some absolute bullshit. 
    “The scum of Class A only one because of Shinso, I bet if it was the other way around Class B would have prevailed. Class A isn’t anything special.” He said with a laugh not caring that he was being a dick. “I would wager the rest of the matches will be a clean sweep.”
    As the second set of teams left, I started getting irritated because he just kept going. Going as far as to insult Aoyama. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I snapped. “You know, even if he doesn't have great control of his quirk, Aoyama is ten times the hero you will ever be. So why don’t you shut your pathetic mouth and be respectful.” I said getting in his face, surprising the rest of the students around us.
     Realizing we had everyone’s attention, Monoma decided to take advantage of the situation. “Oh, the liar of Class A wants to lecture me on respect.” He laughed out, confusing everyone including myself. “You think you’ve been sneaky about everything, but I figured it out. Visiting Recovery Girl every few months to fix your ribs, the giant hoodies you wear in the evening when you walk around campus, and the pharmacy deliveries every couple weeks. It’s a miracle your class hasn’t figured you out yet, but then again they aren’t the brightest.” Those comments wouldn’t mean anything to anyone else but I knew exactly what he meant. I watched in silent horror as my classmates tried to figure it out, and he just smirked. “That’s right Class A your dear Y/n has been lying to you this entire time. SHE is transgender and has been lying to you about it. Wanting you to believe she is just a normal guy going to school to be a hero, But how can you be a hero if all you do is lie to your so-called friends.” He announced to both classes, outing me to everyone.
     I froze for only a second before bolting out of the training grounds, ignoring the commotion that was caused and the calls from my teachers to come back and work things out. One of my biggest fears just came true, and they wanted me to talk it out in front of everyone, not happening. I was going back to my dorm and locking myself in, no one should have to see me after finding out I lied to them for months.
Word count: 662
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    I had barely shut the door to my room before I heard near constant banging on the door. “Go away, I’m not talking about this.” I shouted at the person, moving to hide under the covers of my bed.
   The banging continued for a moment before I heard a very familiar sigh. “Open the door right now you damn extra, or I’ll blow it up.” There was no mistaking that It was Bakugo on the other side especially when sparks followed the statement.
   Rushing to the door I swung it open right as he raised his hand to blow it up. “Don’t break my door. Now what do you want? To tell me that I’m a horrible person for lying to you, tell me you want nothing to do with me? Or let me guess tell me I’m mentally ill and should be in a mental institution?” I ranted out moving into my room, not noticing the tears rolling down my face.
   Hearing heavy foot falls behind me I turned back to Bakugo as he approached me. “You know for one of the top members of our class you can be dumber than dunceface.” He said, reaching up, wiping the tears from my face. “Why would I be mad at you for keeping any of this a secret? It’s completely reasonable, you had no idea how any of us would react. I just wanted to make sure you really are ok.” I was relieved he wanted to check on me and wasn’t mad at me, but now I’m mad at myself.
   “I just feel so stupid. How could I be so reckless that fucking Monoma was able to figure it out? It’s not like I was trying to hide everything, but I kept my binders out of sight when you guys would visit my room, wore oversized hoodies when I had to take a break, tried to dispose of my T supplies where no one would see it, and visited recovery girl when no one was around. How on earth did he notice any of it?” I started ranting again.
   Taking me by surprise, he pulled me into his chest to shut me up. “Everyone makes mistakes, that weasel probably caught you on bad days when you thought no one was around.” Bakugo said. “But you really are stupid if you think no one else figured it out.” I could tell this comment wasn’t malicious but more of just stating facts, though I was confused by what he meant. Sensing my confusion he continued, “I started to piece things together at the training camp when it was super warm in the evening but you insisted on wearing a hoodie, and slept in a separate room from all the guys. At first I thought you were just being weird, but then we got movies to the dorms and you always wear a hoodie around the living room even when most of us chill with t-shirts. I put everything together and figured something happened in the past to make it hard to open up, so I never said anything figuring you would tell people when you were ready.” That was the most I had hear Bakugo talk in a long while.
     Not sure how to respond I just let out a quiet “thank you” Before he started talking again. “And don’t worry about that pompous ass who tried to embarrass you. The rest of the extras have promised to show him how Class A sticks together, even the nerd. For now let's just relax, movie night just you and me, ok?” I nodded as he led me to sit on my bed. He was about to step out of my room to grab snacks before he turned back to me, “While I’m getting snacks, you need to take off your hero costume and get into something comfortable. That includes taking off your binder.” He said matter-of-factly as he left leaving no room to argue.
Word count: 660
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     I had been in my room for about ten minutes when I heard a gentle knock at the door. Not wanting to face anyone's disappointment I just curled further into my blankets. It was silent for a few seconds before there was another knock followed by a gentle voice. “Hey Y/n, I know you  probably don’t want to talk about what happened but I brought some chocolate and some tea if you want it?” It was Kirishima, he was always so kind to everyone and worried about everyone’s feelings no matter what.
     Reluctantly I stood up from my bed and slowly opened the door, the thought of candy and tea did sound relaxing. As soon as the door opened Kiri pushed his way in, setting the tea on my desk and pulling me into a hug. “Listen you don’t have to say anything, I just want you to know that no one is upset with you over this. In fact I think Bakugo was being held back by Midorya when I left, he looked like he was gonna blow up Monoma.” He said with a sincere chuckle. “I know that nothing can fix what he did or change what he said, but we all love you just the way you are. It is the manliest thing ever to face the world and tell it ‘screw you I’m not who you say I should be, I’m me.’ I hope you know that.” He pulled back and wiped the few tears I didn’t realize I had shed from my checks. “You are the manliest person I know, now go change into some pajamas and I'll get stuff set up to watch a movie, ok?” He gently nudged me towards the door.
     I nodded, grabbing my pajamas, and stepping out of the room towards the bathroom. Changing out of my hero costume was difficult today, hating that I had to take my binder off because it’s not safe to sleep in it, after what happened during training I didn’t want to face that part of me. Eventually I got into my baggy pajamas, and was about to head back to my room when I realized I forgot my hoodie. It’s not that I didn’t feel comfortable with Kirishima now that he knew the truth, I just needed the comfort of it. Deciding that I had to leave the bathroom either way I opened the door only to pause when I saw a red hoodie folded up on the floor. I quickly picked it up and put it on.
    Entering my room I couldn't help but ask about it. “Is this your hoodie Kiri?” 
    The redhead just smiled before responding. “I noticed you forgot to grab one of your hoodies before you went to change and I figured from all the time you wear them, they make you comfortable, so I decided to bring you one. I couldn’t find one of yours though so I just grabbed one of mine. It's ok if you don’t want to wear it, I just thought it would make you feel more comfortable.” He rambled for a minute and I couldn’t help but smile at his thoughtfulness. 
    “It’s great, thank you. If it’s ok I’d like to wear it for the rest of the day, I promise I’ll give it back after I get a chance to clean it for you.” I said sitting next to where he was sitting on my bed.
    He just laughed, “Don’t worry about it, you can keep it if you want.” He then leaned on the headboard of my bed before starting the first of many movies of the evening. “Just relax, and don’t worry about training, Aizawa said you have a pass for today's exercise because of all that happened.” he informed me as I leaned into his side. Deciding that I needed a nap after everything, I drifted off knowing that my friends had my back no matter what.
Word count:625
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    Heading for the dorms I lost focus on what was going on around me. I just wanted to reach my room and close myself off. In my haze I didn’t notice the lip in the sidewalk until it was too late. I braced for impact only to feel a pair of hands grab my shoulder and pull me up right. Turning around I was faced with the blonde hair of everyone’s favorite pikachu. Not wanting to face anyone in my class, not even my closest friend, I pushed him away and went to head back to the dorm, only for him to grab my wrist.
    “Hey stop, I know what happened was bullshit but locking yourself in your room isn’t going to fix it. The truth is out there and you need to talk about it.” It was harsh but the truth, and I didn;t want to face it, but before I could respond Denki beat me to it. “Don’t deny that you were going to hide hoping we would all forget or ignore it. We don’t care that you’re trans, we just want you to be safe, and knowing you now that you’re upset you are going to be dumb. So, we are going to go back to the dorms, you are going to grab a hoodie and sweatpants, then shower. After that we are going to go sit in my room and A) talk about how you’re feeling or B) raid Sato’s candy stash and watch cheesy movies until Bakugo yells at us to go to sleep, understand?” He said with a completely straight face. Out of everyone I didn’t think he would be the one to be so serious.
    Not wanting to argue, I nodded and let him lead me to Heights Alliance. He waited in the doorway of my room while I grabbed my change of clothes and then stood outside the bathroom while I showered. It was somewhat comforting knowing he was there waiting for me, like he was worried something would happen and wanted to protect me. As I stepped out of the bathroom he looked me up and down with a raised eyebrow. “What are you looking at?” I was confused by the quizzical gaze.
    “Not to sound creepy but please prove you didn’t put your binder back on after your shower? I was doing research while you were showering and everything says you need breaks from it and shouldn’t sleep in them.” He paused for a second before blushing. “Not that I’m asking you to show me your chest just like maybe show me that your binder is in your pile of dirty clothes that’s in your hand?” He rushed out, it was obvious he was just concerned for my safety and wanted to make sure I was being safe.
    I couldn’t help but laugh at his flustered state. As I walked past him, I grabbed the requested article from the middle of the pile and held it up. “I did not put my binder back on, I may be upset but I know my limits.” I said as I heard him rush to follow me, hearing a small ‘ok good’ from the blonde. “But thank you for looking out for me. When we get to your room I think I just want to watch some movies. If that’s ok with you?” I asked as he caught up with me.
   He gave me a thumbs up and a quick smile. “ Ofcourse, whatever you want to do is fine with me. Just remember that whenever you’re ready to talk I’m here for you.” With that he led me to his room and we settled in for an afternoon of movies and raiding different classmates' rooms for snacks.
Word count:638
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    As I rushed up the steps of Heights Alliance I heard the shouts of my pink best friend. “Wait Y/n, slow down.” Having an internal debate with myself I froze for a second, unintentionally giving the normally bubbly girl a chance to catch up with me. “Hey, are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?” Mina asked as she lightly grabbed my shoulders.
    Looking anywhere but her I let everything out. “How can you stand to talk to me, why are you worried? I lied to you, all of you. I can’t call myself a hero if I can’t even tell my closest friends that I’m transgender. Don’t get me wrong I wanted to tell you all, I really did but the right time never showed itself. And I would understand if none of you wanted to be my friend anymore, or if you even wanted me to leave. Just tell me now if that’s what everyone wants, I’ll understand and go pack my stuff.” I let out with tears rolling down my face.
   It was silent for a moment, worried that Mina had just decided to leave during my rant. I turned to face her, being greeted with the sight of my best friend attempting to hold back tears. “What makes you think we would want you to leave? Everyone is worried about you. I’m pretty sure even Ida was about to punch that asshole. No one and I mean no one thinks you’re a monster or a liar. You didn’t tell us when we first met for a reason, and you’re right there was never a good time to bring something like that up, but I’m positive you would have found a good time to tell us. So stay here and keep having fun learning and training with us please? And if this is the only thing you take from this, know that I love you just the way you are, whether you are Y/n the guy who like pissing off Bakugo and stealing fancy cheesy from Aoyama, or if you are Y/n the guy who is trans and proud of himself for it. Even if you still want to keep it on the down low and want people to ignore it for now, I’m proud of you, and everything you have been through.” She said tears were rolling down her face as she went on. It was shocking to hear such emotions and statements about the situation.
   Not being sure what to say I wiped my eyes before collecting my thoughts. “Thank you, Mina. I’m sorry I blew up on you like that, it’s just so frustrating having you all find out in such a way. I wanted to tell you, and I just never got to it. I think for now I want to just process the fact that it’s out there now and wrap my head around it.” She just responded with a nod, signaling me to keep going. “Would you mind just sitting with me for a while in my room while I work things out in my head, you can watch movies and eat my snacks if you want. I just don’t think I should be alone with my thoughts right now.” I said looking towards the doors we were stopped in front of, realizing that we both had mini breakdowns outside where anyone could see us.
  Mina smiled gently as she reached to open the doors. “Take whatever time you need. When you’re ready to talk let me know. And I’ll gladly sit with you, But first I’m grabbing face masks and nail polish from my room and we are going to have a relaxing friends night once you decide you’ve had enough thinking for the day.” She said returning to her normal bubbly self.
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serxinns · 3 months
Hero's await but a deadly fate...
Yandere villian au x reader (potential series?) This is a rewritten verison
A/n note: this is a rewritten and sort of continuation to the story "Heros vs villains" by @Msmimianime all the credit amd concept go to her so please support! They're making new stories!
Summary: y/n is a pro hero in her early 20s a few years ago she found out about her classmates, teachers, and even some of the students has been in on this as well and working with the LOV!! and now a few years later you are the guardian of Eri by the hero commission and also hide from your past and a bunch of psychopaths!!
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Wake up....
You kept running with a crying distressed 6-year-old sobbing in your back wondering what was going on... you trying to ignore the protest from your classmates and running by the confusing teachers seeing you run but quickly chasing after you
Wake up..
your head turned back seeing your former classmate and friend Izuku and his gang who were also your former classmates chasing after you begging you to stop and let them explain their selves your teachers their quicks to retrain you midnight with her smoke, Aizawa desperately aimed his capture weapon towards the two of you and mic telling you to stop but you didn't listen to anything they had to say you just had one goal to run to the police..
"Nagh!!" You bolted up awake you saw Eri already in her school uniform glaring at you "Uh...I'm sorry.?" "You have been twisting and turning in your bed for the past 30 minutes! We got 20 mins or I'll be late" Eri puffed her cheeks out "Sorry bud I'll get ready in a jiffy" You ruffled her head and went past her to get your clothes and take a quick shower "You had that dream didn't you?" You stopped in your tracks in silence looking back to Eri worried and concerned with a soft smile "Yeah..I'll probably take something of these nightmares don't stop" you said as you walked down the hall to take a shower
After a quick shower, you quickly put on your shoes and your work uniform made breakfast for Eri and you, and went out the door and into the car...
Timeskip cause I want to
When you to work a few people stared at you with pity and confusion and worry you were confused why until you looked at the news "The famous hero known as "a puppeteer" died at the hands of the villain Izuku Midoriya and his group called the "Dekusquad" at the back of the alley in the most brutal way to go too!" You flinched when you heard those names and pictures pop up on the screen
Ochako uraraka
Asui Tsuyu
Tenya iida
Shoto Todoroki
Momo yaoyorozu
Izuku Midoriya
You stared in fear knowing that they were still out there free...ready to get their hands on you ... watching "y/n.."...waiting.her .."y/n!" Taunting you like you were some kid and waiting to nab you and snatch you-"y/n! You finally snapped out of it looking around and it was your co-worker and good friend Mirko "you ok kiddo?" She looked at you concerned "yea yea! I'm fine I'm fine!" Her worried expression quickly turned into a smile "Great! Cause me and you have a new mission we're gonna do and it involves catching dangerous villains tomorrow"
"...what?" "Yep! These villains have been killing heroes from left to right" She dropped the files of each villain their crimes, the place they've been and went to when they killed their victims and victims' bodies evidence, and more each of them having the names you knew very well unfortunately
Katsuki bakugo
Kirishima eljirou
Mina ashido
Denki Kaminari
Sero hanta
Jirou kyouka
"They also have a group..?" "Yes a group just like the "dekusquad" are apparently and it seems like most of your former classmates and teachers, the most powerful 3rd years, and even some of the 1b teachers and his students, and the LOV is also associated with this as well.." You grabbed every file to observe to see if what Mirko said was all true and a sudden chill went up your spine.
Seeing all the names and pictures of your once best friends and mentors being monsters and people becoming their victims all because of your "protection" in their vocabulary, you flipped over each page on each file seeing the names "Mei hastune, Hitoshi Shinso, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Ibara Shiozaki, Aizawa Shouta, midnight, thirteen, present mic, and more it was so disturbing.. so sickening that they would do this just for you!?
The paper you were holding was crumbling up in your grip shaking in anger confusion in frustration you didn't know why. Why would they do this to you why are they hurting innocent people just for your thoughts and questions were running through your head "y/n.." Mirko grabbed your shoulder and looked at you sympathetically
"You know why don't you go home for the day it's already close to closing time.." Mirko said, "No really I do I can help nothing bothering me!" "Are you sure? Cause this seems like a very dangerous mission and you're already a tar-" "No I can do it im mentally and physically capable plus I trained with you and Hawks right beside me right?" The bunny hero sighed and looked straight at your face "I'll think about it but please get some rest.. tomorrow PLENTY OF IT" you chuckled and rolled your eyes at her stern tone "fine fine!"
You went out the door in your car humming to yourself unaware that an certain someone was watching you giggling to herself with cat like eyes
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Katsuki Bakugo x GN!Reader (Confession or Mess)
Okay so, this is not the best thing I've ever written, but I've been wanting to write a fic for Mr Explosion Murder for AGES and it's finally done!
Thank you @mystikalini for giving me a shove to get this done, hopefully I'll be happier with the next one...hint hint.
To say that (Y/N) and Katsuki's friendship is a peaceful one would be an absolute lie. Nothing about the bombshell blonde is peaceful, and (Y/N) is equal parts calming and catalyst.
It had always been that way, even back in the UA days when Kirishima had been downright worried about Bakugo's social skills, or lack thereof.
If not for the Bakusquad, would Katsuki even have a friend group? Kiri and Mina had pretty much adopted the angry pomeranian, but to the rest of the world he was a downright scary force of nature.
His worried were thrown out the window, by (Y/N)'s arrival on the hero scene.
The same age and with a quirk to stop Katsuki in his tracks, (Y/N) hadn't shied off Bakugo's rough edges and soon became a part of the blonde's life after graduation.
(Y/N) lives life toeing a line between poking the blonde, and backing him up, half the time one would think they'd just pissed him off, but Katsuki always stops short of boiling point and soon they're back to calmly judging other people together.
He shares food with (Y/N), denies ever cooking for them even though he's not fooling anyone. (Y/N) makes him playlists and tries to make him laugh with the names and random themes of them all, it works, somehow.
Most importantly, it's comfortable, so why...why does he want it to change?
It happened slowly at first, a flutter in his chest, warmth in his face whenever they laughed just right because of him, but then it came all at once, and there's no mistaking this feeling.
Katsuki's in love, and it's killing him.
Soon it will be ten years that (Y/N) has been in his life, they've seen him climb the hero charts into this three way dance with his former classmates, and never fail to know exactly what to say when Deku or Shoto inevitably dethrone him.
They've seen him at his best, backed him up at his worst, and knocked him down a peg when he's being an asshole.
They're perfect, just like this, so why...why have they caught him staring in the agency four times this week? Why does he want to watch them come in from a successful mission just so he can watch their hips sway with that special kind of swagger, why-why is he in love with them?
It's driving him nuts, for the month he's known it's slowly become impossible to ignore until it comes out, as usual, in the worst way possible.
Being snappy is nothing new for him, usually when there's something on his mind, so the glower did nothing to lesson (Y/N)'s smile.
'Hey! Did you see the group chat? Movie night at Mina's. You're coming, right?'
'M fuckin' busy.' He grumbled, glaring at his computer screen as if he could burn a hole in it.
'We're always fuckin' busy,' (Y/N) chuckled, undeterred as they perched on the edge of his desk comfortable.
With his scowl lowered, he watched the fabric of their costume shift as the plushness of their thigh settled against the hard edge of his desk.
Such a ridiculous thing to notice, an entirely non platonic thing, and it lights a fuse behind his eyes.
With those crimson orbs lowered, (Y/N) doesn't get to see the warning lights. Why would they look for them, it's Bakugo, those explosions are never aimed at them.
'She's on about this new horror movie that came out, but I honestly can't think of anything worse than being scared shitless on purpose so if she keeps pushing I'm hidin' behind your ass.'
That's right, (Y/N) hates horror movies, the other time Kaminari made them watch one they'd tucked in so tight to Katsuki's side the blonde couldn't move an inch for most of the movie.
The thought of that closeness, that level of comfort and trust, the little whimpers they let out every time something loud happened on screen-
His hands slammed down on the desk, and the firecracking pops were the only warning (Y/N) had to get clear as the temperature in his office suddenly spiked ten degrees.
'Back off!' He demanded. 'I can't do this shit anymore! You're such an attention whore!'
The words came flying, senseless, meaningless to his mind. It's a special kind of panic that takes hold of him when he realises what he's done.
(Y/N)'s heard him say some shit, they've been on the receiving end of countless playful insults, said in his growling tone but never meant to bite.
This...that wasn't a joke.
They've jumped clear and put his desk between them, their eyes clear and calm, as if assessing a threat in the field, but he's not to be fooled, he knows there's hurt there.
He hurt them, stupidly, needlessly.
'I...guess I'll tell Kiri you're not coming.'
No, no that isn't right, there's no fight, resignation, defeat, pain, but no fight, and as they turn and leave him to his petulant internal rambling he can barely spur himself to stand.
This is stupid, his feelings are stupid. He's not an idiot, he understands them and knows he's not thinking straight when they're around anymore.
He thought he could hold it in, wait for it to blow over like some internal storm of clusterfuck, but that's not working, and now he's hurt (Y/N) over it.
Resolved to do the only other thing he could think to do, he threw himself to his feet, and made a plan.
If he's gonna confess, that it's gonna be the best damn confession anyone's ever seen goddamnit!
(Y/N) may well be a social butterfly on the day-to-day, but alone time feels incredible after a taxing day of patrols.
Their home is quiet, safe, a place to unwind alone, play music and just drift.
Or at least, it would be, if their mind weren't ever wandering to his words, that tone, the times (Y/N)'s found him staring across the room...
(Y/N) found themselves absently fidgeting on the sofa, staring off into nothing as they turned their thoughts over and over again in their head. Maybe he'd figured out the crush? They thought they'd hidden it well enough but...maybe relying on him so much had been the wrong move.
Then again, Katsuki does rely on them just as much. He trusts (Y/N), it feels dirty to lie.
The doorbell is a shrill sound, snapping them clear out of their thoughts like a splash of cold water, heard even past the background music they'd put on.
'Who the fuck-?'
'Oi, open the damn door!'
'Ah, Bakugo.'
Here for a late night mission? Had something gone wrong?
Something involving...flowers?
The roses are the first thing they saw as they pulled open the door, a dozen red blooms spreading that delightful scent around the porch as Bakugo practically death gripped them at his side.
'Uh...Bakugo?' (Y/N) blinked, then blinked again to make sure they weren't dreaming because they could have sworn that Katsuki Bakugo is standing on their doorstep in a damned suit, looking like the best thing ever born.
The deep breath he took had broad shoulders shifting under the tailored material of the suit, painting delicious lines of his figure as he forced himself to relax and hold out the bouquet.
'Take it, it's my apology.'
His tone is softer than (Y/N)'s used to as they ease the delightfully scented bouquet to their chest, unable to resist the urge to smile.
'They're beautiful, thank you.'
The heart can't take it, it feels three sizes too big for their chest, and it's not about to get any better.
'Don't thank me, I was an ass. Figured I could handle it without you noticing, but I guess that ain't happenin'.'
(Y/N) blinked owlishly. His eyes are on them now, and there's something in those maroon depths that they don't recognise. There's warmth there, softness, directed at...
'Bakugo, handle what?'
He smiled then, the slightest curl to his lips, a softness that almost feels alien, contradicted by his tone.
'I outta get you fired! What kinda detective doesn't notice their best friend's got the hots for 'em?'
The words sat at the front of their mind until they sank in, and all hell broke loose.
'Excuse the fuck outta me?! You coulda told me you raging assho-!'
(Y/N) never got to finish, never even noticed the roses fall, replaced with the smell of his cologne, and the softness of his lips against theirs.
His hands fall, big and warm, wrapped around their frame, cradling their body to his as he kissed the breath from their lungs.
(Y/N) melted, practically purring as every fibre of their being screamed: finally!
'If I knew you kissed like that, I would have told you sooner.'
'You're an ass.'
'I'm honest, and you love me.'
'Fuck, I really do.'
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Rules and requests!
Ok, I’m actually going to start writing on this account this time, so here are my rules!
-I write headcannons, not full blown stories, so if you request, I will be writing it as a headcannon
-Character limit of 4 unless it’s a group (like bakusquad headcannons)
-If the gender of the reader is not specified, I will default the reader to gender neutral 
Fandoms I will write for:
-My ocs
-HunterXHunter (I will only write platonic stuff for Killua and Gon, and I will not write for Hisoka)
-Jujustu Kaisen (I haven’t read the manga so please only request characters that Have appeared in the anime)
-Death note
-Tokyo Ghoul
-Stranger Things
-Your Turn To Die (only platonic stuff for Gin and Kanna)
-Lost Boys
- Scream (1996)
-Bungou Stray Dogs (No Mori)
-Tokyo Revengers 
-Sk8 the infinity (no Adam)
-Ouran High School Host Club
I will probably add more fandoms later, but for now, here's my list! 
What I am fine writing about:
-Any type of reader (male, female, gender neutral) 
-serious topics 
-Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
-Trans readers, honestly we need more trans reader content
NSFW (Only for my ocs)
What I won’t Write about:
-Actual real life people x reader
-Romantic Character x character 
-Pedophilia (I also won’t write for pedophilic characters, cough cough *Hisoka* cough cough)
- Beastiality, incest, anything along those lines
Discrimination of any minority group on my page will earn you an instant block, this is a safe space and I would like it to stay that way.
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lady-ashfade · 7 months
𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝕺𝖋 𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗
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𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖘 is a reminder for me to look at all the fics I want to continue because I have a short memory of what I did.
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𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓼𝓸𝓷
A love Watered By Blood- Enemies to lovers- Percy Jackson × Fem! Reader. Plot: No matter how much the two tried peace was never a option. Always insults, and never compliments. After a year, summer came around and a new adventure started. Could they be civil when the time comes. Or will the war between them get in the way.
My Oath- Percy Jackson x platonic!demigod!reader. plot: Your father has learned of a new forbidden child. As his number one he sends you to do his bidding. until your loyalty is challenged.
𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓞𝓯 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓷
< nothing yet>
Innocent Between-Yandere Bakusquad Vs Yandere Dekusquad- Plot: This story will follow a girl caught in between two of the most dangerous groups in the world. The girl has no clue who they really are or what the do for a living, or how much they obsess over her.
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lildrabbles · 1 year
Making another new pinned post cuz the orignal suckkeeeddd~
Anyways, hi there! This is a side-blog to my main blog, @kermitdafroggy. And I write stuff on this blog!
Hazbin Hotel, My Hero Academia, The Amazing Digital Circus, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, maybe more
*I will probably only be writing for Hazbin Hotel for right now, because thats my new main hyperfixation*
Characters I write for in Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor (maybe romantic but probably mostly platonic)
and basically anyone else except for Valentino
I WILL write: character x gn, female, or male reader (if requested for male it might not be the greatest because I'm not a man lol), fluff, angsty stuff, suggestive themes (but only suggestive, nothing more!)
I will NOT write: smut/nsfw, character x character, incest/tcest, pedophilia, and any other weird or disgusting things that i cant think of right now (referring to the pedo and incest stuff not the first two, i dont think that stuff is gross just to clarify because i know somebody will take it that way)
And if you have any ideas or questions make sure to send me an ask!! Dont be scared to ever request anything too, im always open to write something you request as long as you read the paragraph above and if i approve of it :)
If you have any more questions, don't be afraid to ask!
masterlist below:
Hazbin Hotel
Alastor x m!reader: Permission to Clean
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Raph x Reader (still unamed) chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
My Hero Academia
Bakugo x Reader: Heatwave
Dabi x Reader: I need you here with me... (angst)
Bakusquad x Reader
Bakugo x Reader: I wanna dance with somebody
Deku then possible Bakugo x Reader: I trusted you (angst)
Bakugo x Reader: Fall Walk
Bakugo x Reader: Never letting go
The Amazing Digital Circus
Caine x M!Clown Reader
Caine x M! Moon Clown Reader
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love-fictional-ppl · 6 months
xoxoxooxox thank you sm if you do xoxooxox
Omgg yesss I love stoner bakusquad. Tyy for the request loveeee
.·:*¨¨*:·. 𖣁 .·:*¨¨*:·.
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Part 2 of this
Summary: reader and quirkless au!Bakusquad are stoners
Pairings: platonic!katsuki bakugou x gn!bisexual!reader, platonic!Eijiro Kirishima x gn!bi!reader, platonic!pan!Denki Kaminari x gn!bi!reader, platonic!plug!hanta sero x gn!bi!reader, platonic!bi!mina ashido x gn!bi!reader, Eijiro Kirishima x bi!mina ashido, past!Hanta sero x bi!mina ashido, pan!Denki Kaminari x bi!plug!hitoshi Shinso
Warnings: language, Marijuana duh, vaping, alcohol, making out, shrooms, OF, masturbation, etc.
A/n: I was personally geeked writing part 1, so I forgot to actually include the vaping part lol. If you don’t know who Harold and kumar are, watch the movies.
Ok so to start off, Sero’s day/night Job is deejaying. He’s actually really good at it. A lot of people would think this job would go to Denki but nope.
Speaking of Denki, he actually is a streamer. He reacts to people’s videos and plays horror games. He plays a lot of Roblox too.
Bakugou likes Sam & Colby. He’s liked them since trap boys. Honestly his favorite trap boy is Corey tho.
When Mina drinks she gets the spins really bad and throws up. Every single time. Without hesitation.
Denki cries sometimes when he’s drunk.
Kirishima greened out at the first smoke sesh.
Mina is seriously super horny when she messed up. She even convinced bakugou to make out with her while he was super stoned
Denki started vaping when you guys were in sophomore year, he eventually put u all on.
Bakugou had to bail Sero out of jail once, Sero was pulled over while he was making a delivery
Mina makes Kirishima take her to concerts, he trip sits her while she takes shrooms
Sero likes to watch cartoon network and adult swim when he’s stoned
Eventually, Shinso and Denki get together. You all excepted Shinso practically immediately, and invited him to the smoke seshs
Mina buys pink joint papers. The guys hate when she rolls up with them, except for Denki he loves them<3
Mina has an only fans. She isn’t embarrassed by it either. Denki has also watched her videos while jerking off
During smoke sesh’s you guys like to watch South Park. Sero likes to laugh and compare bakugou to cartman.
Sero has a unhealthy amount of bongs
Kirishima is the designated driver for after the hangouts. Whoever doesn’t just sleepover, he gives a ride.
Kirishima always makes a crap ton of snack when him and Mina host. Mina doesn’t like hosting tho.
Depending on how high bakugou is, he will let you play with his hair. It’s actually so soft.
Denki and Sero almost got kidnapped by Sero’s plug one time. It was Denki’s fault, he tried to still the guy’s knife.
Sero loves Shinso’s cat especially when he’s stoned he says he’s the group scooby doo. Shinso is forced to bring muffins(the cat) every time
Shinso also sells weed so Sero claims they’re competitors
Denki is so girly with his vapes it’s funny. Like this boy will kill for a minty Hyde. He also always has to tear apart his bed just to find the shit.
I think everybody agree and say bakugou and kirishima drink whiskey. Grown ahh ahh men💀
Bakugou literally will catnap when he is baked. He likes to sleep with his head on your thighs
Kirishima always brings blunt wraps since you and Denki always forgets to buy them. Baby boy kiri is a angel🥹😇
Reach in Sero’s couch cushions and you will find a kingdom of lighters
Denki says him and Sero are Harold And Kumar. Denki and you love those movies.
Sero’s kitchen is stocked on all your favorite foods and drinks.
Not Proofread!
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