#platonic! garreth weasley x reader
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hufflefluff-stuff · 2 years ago
HCs: HL Characters reacting to an MC who wears a mask to hide their scars after the dragon attack
Note: A little self-indulgent since my MC wears the ceramic mask (fav cosmetic tbh) throughout most of my gameplay so far. Although I gave her the scars in the customization screen at the start,,,,I like the idea of her gaining them after the dragon attack and using the mask to hide them.
First time writing these guys so enjoy!!
Characters: Amit, Garreth, Poppy, Ominis, Sebastian
Amit Thakkar
When he first meets you in Astronomy Class, he's a little unnerved by the mask you wore.
You asked if you could borrow the telescope and he jumps nearly 10 feet in the air when he meets your eyes.
He's also confused, too. Won't it be harder to look through it with the mask on?
Fortunately, you don't have much trouble as you easily identified the constellation (much to his delight).
Then he forgets being afraid of you altogether when you ask him what he saw in the sky, befriending you after class and telling you about the astronomy tables.
While the mask makes you appear emotionless on the surface, your voice tells a different story whenever you both go on excursions to Hogsmeade, meet peaceful Goblins, stargaze together, and work on assignments.
You're genuinely nice and share his fascination with the stars!
It doesn't take Amit too long to deduce that you probably didn't escape that dragon attack 100% unscathed and likely had burns/scars to show for it (and prefer not to).
But he won't ask about it unless you're comfortable, respecting your choices to keep the mask on.
Garreth Weasley
He thinks your mask is neat tbh. Hardly asks any questions about it.
Since you only really see each other in potions class, he thought you only wore it to protect your face from potential explosions.
So he lets you take the lead in stirring if you're paired-up...just in case the cauldron's contents are being particularly volatile.
Basically made you a human shield until you point out to him that your eyes are unprotected.
Professor Sharp has def deducted Gryffindor points for this bc he only ever sees Garreth slacking off.
He does wonder how you drink the potions, though, esp after learning you still wear the mask outside of class.
The time you both had to kill spiders for their fangs, he blinked once and suddenly you downed an entire endurus potion.
"How did you do that, MC????"
"..I used magic to instantly transport it into my stomach."
You secretly just took a giant swig of it with your mask off while he was distracted gathering leaping toadstool caps, but you like messing with him.
Lucky for you, he never sees your cheeky grin under the mask.
Poppy Sweeting
When you first met her in beasts class, the "wannabe poachers" were harassing both her and Persephone.
But they're immediately creeped out by your mask and walk away after you silently stare at them.
You lowkey scared her initially (considering she never really talks to any other student and this new fifth-year had "mysterious" written all over them).
But she eventually comes to realize you shared similar views about protecting/caring for beasts.
She gained the courage to be your friend not long after that!
You seemed quite distressed about the illegal dragon fighting ring and returning the egg to its mother--in part due to the attack that led to you covering your scars.
It made you rather afraid of dragons in general, thoroughly freaking you out when you came face-to-face with the maternal dragon at her nest.
Poppy takes notice, and reassures you that your fears are valid, especially after learning you wear the mask because of that incident.
She does ponder about it possibly intimidating certain beasts when she learns you've been rescuing many from poachers as of late.
Though you can confirm from your time in the Vivarium that they've all gotten used to your looks and aren't afraid in the slightest.
Ominis Gaunt
Although he can't see your face, he did overhear whispers of the "strange" new fifth-year who wore some "creepy" mask.
He didn't like that kind of gossip, but at the time didn't know too much about you even though you two shared a few classes together.
Then he discovers you leaving the Undercroft.
Despite the rocky start, you both become more acquainted with each other as the year continues.
When you, him, and Sebastian all went into the Slytherin Scriptorium, you tried easing his nerves by talking about what your mask looks like and where you found it.
The next time Ominis visits you in the Undercroft, his wand detects a recent enchantment you've added to your mask (Cushioning III, to be exact) ...and his concern is immeasurable.
"MC, I get you fought an armored troll in Hogsmede, but it sounds like you're deliberately trying to pick fights with them."
"No...I was trying to do a good deed by putting down a troll that this lady tried to "tame"....and it almost shattered my mask. But it's fine now. I'm gonna test it later. I need more troll boogeys anyways."
"Why don't you just buy some off of somebody?"
"....I can't afford any right now."
"Oh, but you can afford to risk your life???"
If this poor guy wasn't already worried about Sebastian dabbling in the Dark Arts...now it's you going around practically begging to get clobbered by a troll's club.
Sebastian Sallow
Honestly? He's all for the mysterious vibes you got going on. From your ceramic mask to your ancient magic that you've shared scarce details of.
Still, he wants to know more.
He gets that the dragon attack spurred you to wear it at the start of the year, but wishes you didn't feel the need to hide your face from the rest of the world.
Nevertheless, he won't push you to reveal yourself.
Anybody who gives you a hard time about it in or outside of class will just get a glare from him (and maybe a small hex as a prank).
Throughout all the duels and fights with poachers, spiders, and loyalists you've both been involved with...he marvels at how your mask never breaks or cracks even once.
He's fully convinced you knew transfiguration long before coming to the school and just turned a very strong piece of armor into a fragile porcelain mask...or maybe it's your "ancient magic" hard at work and you just don't know it.
Whether or not you're in the same house, he thinks that's both clever and deceptive--typical Slytherin qualities.
You'll let him believe whatever he wants about it. It's amusing.
If you learn any Unforgivable Curses, he wonders what you're thinking underneath the mask as you cast them.
Your commands are firm and confident, but what's your expression like?
Are you smiling? Fueled by anger or fear?
Or...do you perhaps feel nothing at all?
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xreaderbooks · 2 years ago
The Shadows of Our Love |11|
Chapter 11 | In the Shadow of Duels
Pair: Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary: Y/n and Sebastian are on speaking terms, finally, but at what cost?
Warnings: language, violence
Word Count: 3k
Links: Wattpad - AO3 - Playlist
Chapter 10 - Series Masterlist - Navigation - Chapter 12
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“You seriously believe your parents are behind this?” Ominis nods his head slowly in response to you.
“Behind what, exactly, in case you both forgot I was late to whatever this is.” Sebastian inquires with a bitter tone. You share the details you told Ominis and not a shred more in front of the boy who sits in the middle of the both of you in clear distress. You didn't linger on the fact that you once would have trusted Sebastian with the full story.
Sebastian lets out a rather hearty laugh, you beheld a bewildered expression on your face. This wasn't a joke. “Would the Gaunts really go that far?”
“You haven’t met them, Sebastian, from your knowledge of my family that ought to give you a well-versed idea of their ethics.” Responded Ominis gravely. You then asked what he proposed you all do. “We alert the authorities.”
“Already done, I’ve sent a letter to Officer Singer anonymously- she can’t know I’ve been out of Hogwarts grounds.”
“Then we wait and see how she responds.”
Sebastian raises his hand like he’s in a class, “May I just say, that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. I’m sure this is just a phase those purebloods are going through and once they’ve had their fill, all will be as it once was.”
“I’m not going to just sit around to find out whether or not the Aurors are going to do something about this,” You exasperated. Sebastian wasn’t affected by this, it wasn’t his problem therefore he doesn’t care but you made a promise. “I’m going to do what I can to help the Hamlets.”
Ominis suspired with a hand to his forehead, “I sometimes wonder if you’ve been placed in the right house with your lack of self-preservation.”
“I’m clever enough to be where I am and obviously ambitious, no need for self-preservation when I’m confident.” Fake it 'til you make it and all that, it was a new philosophy you adopted in order to overcome the serious imposter syndrome you feel.
Sebastian snorted.
"Amused?" Not like there weren't people's lives at stake.
You are up the steps of the DADA tower steps and in the hallway with portraits, two knight armor statues placed on both sides of the small alcove where a cat lay behind a plant, gazing at the stained glass window when you heard an obvious cough meant to grasp your attention.
Your look over your shoulder and to your surprise it was Sebastian. You fully turn to face him, waiting for whatever abusive comment he was surely about to make. When in the next second he didn’t speak you opened your mouth, “Talking to me now, are we?”
He scowls, “Were we not earlier?”
“I assumed that was for Ominis’ sake not to vex him any further.”
“Seeing as you are persistent in engaging in conversation with me, I see no point in keeping my mouth shut when you are around.”
You attempt to bite back your bitter laugh and fail, “You truly are arrogant. It is you who intrudes on my every venture, Sallow, you followed me out of the Undercroft.”
“Do not fret, this will not last long,” He flattens his green vest and corrects his posture. “Lucan has given me the task of informing you about the Crossed Wands meeting.”
You gaze up at him with a fiery attitude, “When exactly is it being held?”
“Wednesday at 6.” Tomorrow. Brilliant.
“You can tell him I’ll be there.”
He gives you a curt nod, “You can tell him at the meeting how he can inform you about future meetings himself after tomorrow, good day, Ms. L/n.”
Lucan had owled you before, you weren’t sure why he didn’t just do that now, and what did he just call you?
“Ms. L/n?” Your face scrunched at how he addressed you, and you had to admit that it stung.
“That is the proper way to address each other,” He replied with indifference.
“With formalities?” You said still in disbelief and wondered if he can hear the hurt in your voice. “Sebastian, please.”
You note how he winces lightly at the sound of his name, “Witches and Wizards, especially at our age are not confined to those rules and after all we’ve been through?”
“Need I remind you that last year meant nothing, that we are nothing.”
A complete and absolute tosser, you thought “You’ve made that quite clear, however, if you are to speak to me from now on, I do not wish to be called by my last name.”
“Good day, Ms. L/n.” He said with finality and walked away to leave you with your thoughts in the middle of the hall.
“Awkward,” You heard the Knight statue sing behind your back. The other knight left its post and swung its sword, beheading the one who spoke. It bowed before returning to its stand.
You were unsure if it could see you but gave the Knight who defended you a half-hearted smile, “Thanks.”
It was Wednesday half past 5 when you began walking to the clock tower courtyard. It was a fairly peaceful day, transfiguration was interesting, Beasts class always made you feel better when interacting with the creatures, and in potions, you learned the wound-cleaning potion that would certainly come in handy.
Despite the new status of now talking to Sebastian, there was no conversation. You had nothing to say to him, and if you did it was kept short, you didn’t want or need his rancorous attitude. Especially since you were going to see him at Crossed Wands.
You met Natty outside of the faculty tower where the bridge leads to the Clock Tower courtyard. She greets you with a grin as you walk down the steps, the doors open to an abundance of Samhain decorations.
Pumpkins with faces carved in them were placed in the corner of the interior of the courtyard, torches and floating candles lit as the evening grew darker. Most of the castle has been decorated to fit the season, especially as Samhain was this Saturday.
The group organizer, Lucan, who was newly a fourth year still hasn’t shredded his boyish face but grew to be your height- an inch taller, you realize as you come closer.
A couple of members in the club are spread out in their preferred groups, only a few new students have joined but there were mostly familiar faces. No sign of Sebastian yet.
Spectators sat close to the gate that was still open to students.
“Excited?” Natty asked, observing the crowd. “First match of the year for you.”
“For me?” You peered at her quizzically, as far as you were concerned this was the first match of the year.
Natty appeared puzzled by your question, “The first meeting was last week. The Brattleby boy said he sent someone to tell you, I thought you wanted a break from fighting so I thought nothing of it when you weren’t here.”
You ground your teeth together as you pieced what could have happened together. Sebastian must have conveniently forgotten to tell you, so why did he tell you now? “I never received the message.”
“How odd, you are here now which is what matters,” She bumped her shoulder against yours. You gave her a side smile as you stretched your arms and neck, beside you she did the same.
“We could be a team if you’d like?” Natty offered, you considered for a second but told her that you wanted to go solo. Internally you had something to prove to someone in specific. You didn’t care to win this time, you had your victory being the Dueling Champion. Unfortunately, that was one you had shared with Sebastian as your partner.
This time you only cared to beat him.
As soon as you saw Lucan had ended his last conversation with Leander, you went in to tell him how you’d duel this round.
“Hello, Y/n!” He immediately brightened as he saw you approach.
You gave him a warm smile, “Lucan. Quite a lineup you have this year.”
“Oh, yes, it’s amazing isn’t it.” He nodded eagerly, “Tons of bets have been put in, loads have been on you. Shame you weren’t here for the first of the season.”
“I’m afraid your message got lost somehow, but I’m ready now.”
He hissed, “Merlin, I- You see since you weren’t here for the first, you don’t qualify for the competition.”
“But,” You held onto your hope as he spoke. “You are allowed to duel against other competitors, your win is yours, it just won’t count for the title.”
You breathed a sigh of relief and hugged the boy, “Thank you.”
“Will you be dueling with Sebastian?” He patted your back in the hug, his cheeks flushed.
You released him and stepped back firmly on your feet, “No. I’d actually like to compete against him.”
He blinked in surprise, “Oh. Well, alright then.”
“Does that interfere with the way you have it set up?” You didn’t want to inconvenience him. “I can back out if anything, we just haven’t been… in sync as of late.”
You knew that your dueling against Sebastian would fuel the rumors of drama between you and him but frankly, you didn’t care.
“No, it’s not a problem, singles duel last so you have time to prepare.” He gave you a look you couldn’t decipher, “Good luck. Not that you need it, you’re bloody amazing, Sebastian’s a formidable opponent. Ruthless if I’m being honest, you’ve only fought with him, being on the other side of his wand.”
He took a second to think and shivered, “Good luck, Y/n. I’m rooting for you.”
So much for that, you caught a glimpse of red and short brown hair, both in their casual clothing. You turned your head to spot where Natty was and saw she was prepping with Nellie. You went over to the pair that was cornered to the right door that leads up to the clock tower, this was a safe zone, for now.
“Come to see the show?” You placed your hands on your hips as you stood behind Garreth who whirled around at the sound of your voice.
He picked you up and wrapped you in a tight hug, “Y/n/n!”
You giggled, hugging him back, he set you down next to Poppy who asked you if you were dueling.
“I go on later.”
“Solo,” Poppy stated more than asked. “Against…”
“Take a wild guess,” You told her.
“Sallow?” Garreth chimed, suddenly gone pale. “Sebastian Sallow?”
“Well him and a few others of course but yes, he’s one of them.”
Poppy gave you a concerned stare but said nothing of it, “Best of luck then.”
Garreth gulped, “Prayers. Lots and lots of prayers.”
Poppy gave him a stab in the ribs to which he winced and switched spots with you, now standing next to her as you backed away from them.
“Never been the religious sort but since you insist on getting killed,” He muttered. That earned him a smack in the back of his head from your Hufflepuff friend.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics but kissed his cheek affectionately as a way to cheer him up and gave his cheek a slap, “Chin up lad, I’m the bloody Hero of Hogwarts.” The title you didn’t care for slipped from your tongue and though it didn’t give you extra powers for being named that, it did give people hope.
Sallow wasn’t that good.
Okay, maybe he was. However that didn’t mean shite, you could also be ruthless when you fought. Granted, this had not been your lucky year so far, but when you won this it would surely give you that boost of confidence you so desperately needed.
“Alright, everyone!” Lucan's voice paused everyone's conversations. Once he got everyone’s attention he explained that groups will go first, those who lose are out and the remaining with duel in pairs, pairs will end in singles. Winners of the second round will go on to the final where they will be crowned champion.
And so it went, until there were 4 left, not including yourself and Sebastian who had shown up just as Charlotte Morrison had finished Natty off with a swift speed of spells. Oh, how she agitated you. Charlotte had a sickly sweet tone in her voice every time she bested people, and had the audacity to pretend to be humble when it was obvious that she was not.
You disliked her the way Ominis dislikes Duncan Hobhouse. Natty took her loss amiably, she strode over to you after they had shook hands, slightly out of breath.
“Natty,” You drawled out her name sympathetically.
She shook her head, “No, no. It is alright, it was a fair game.”
You grumbled for her with arms crossed, the entrance of Sebastian had whispers and bets going around. It started as soon as they had heard that you would be dueling against him. You wondered how many people betted for you and how many shared Garreth and Lucan's sentiments.
Lucan announced your name, then Sebastian, informing you both to step in the middle. He counted down, telling you both to get into position and begin.
Sebastian had a twinkle in his eye and a smirk that pulled his dimple out of hiding. You swiped your wand left then right, and finally pulled back your arm as if you were holding a bow.
Quiet conversation and deep stares were heard and felt as you and Sebastian circled each other. Neither of you struck first.
“Scared, Sallow?” You taunted him.
He didn’t budge, “L/n, we both know that you haven’t been a threat since the beginning of the year. You even need your boyfriend here for moral support.”
You sent three casts his way, all of which he blocked with ease. “I seem to be doing just fine.” Though you missed, you knew that he had to use some strength to block the spells you used. You have been practicing after all.
“A bit defensive don’t you think?” Confringo was shot at you, blast after blast, you didn’t have time to retaliate.
You blocked and blocked and blocked until you were almost backed into the metal gate that held stored items. You took your chance and cast Depulso, rolling away and bouncing back up to your feet. While he was down you hit him with one of his favorite, Incendio.
He got back up with a singed shirt and attacked, it was never-ending, the duel had to have been longer than 30 minutes. Neither of you had given up, it was an intense dance that both of you were used to doing side-by-side. This was the first time your wands were pointed at each other.
“Is that all you’ve got?”
You couldn’t remember the moment when you’d heard him say that before, but you knew it infuriated you. You wouldn’t admit it but Sebastian was tiring you out a little- only a little.
You pushed and struck, swiped, and jabbed. He mirrored as if he was only playing along like he wasn’t even trying. Was he?
“Sallow,” You growled. “What are you doing?”
“Whatever do you mean?” He parried and slashed Diffindo. He was caught, he was putting on a show and he was going easy on you. Sebastian knew you were catching onto his game and upped his ante. “You can do better than that, actually, can you?"
You performed a spell combo that you had been practicing on but he just laughed it off even as it hit him.
“It’s like you’re not even trying,” He then spoke to the crowd. “Is this your hero?”
“You’re getting weaker, L/n, you realize you come to school to actually learn.”
Your nostrils flared, his comments awoke something animalistic inside you that only wanted violence. “I’ve had enough!”
He sent a barrel, after barrel your way, you used the vanishing spell to wave them away with your wand.
You were fed up, you abandon your wand letting it fall to the ground as you pounce. You charge forward, tackling Sebastian to the ground, letting your hands punch and slap wherever they land. Not once did he stop you.
“Fight back!” You yell, “Fight back, you bastard, fight back, fight back, fight back!”
He didn’t block a single blow, it pissed you off even more. Your fist went in on his face and you heard a crack. You knew you felt pain in your knuckles where they landed but you were almost positive that it was just your hand that crunched from the impact.
This was absolutely not allowed in the dueling club, muggle fighting was seemingly more violent and frowned upon but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. This was much more satisfying.
You saw red, not feeling the arms that attempted to pry you off of the boy who lay under you. It wasn’t until strong arms had listed you off, along with the others who had struggled to get you off themselves.
Nellie and Natty were on either side of you with arms hooked around your elbows, the only other person you can think of that would lift you like this had to be Garreth. He lets you go once you were done kicking and screaming.
Sebastian got up and touched his fingertips to his nose where blood had dripped onto his lip.
“You're the foulest loathsome being that I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting” You shout. You pick up your wand from the ground and in your fury, you conjure 12 birds with the spell Avis and send them spiraling his way, “Oppugno!”
“Ms. L/n!” The tone of a strong male authoritative figure came up from the left door that goes up to the clock tower. The crowd, you now noticed, was scattered. Someone must have alerted him, Professor Sharp. Lucan ran the moment he saw Sharp, as did the other members of the club. “What is the meaning of this?”
No one spoke, Nellie, Natty, Garreth, Poppy who was just around the corner and as quiet as a mouse. You and Sebastian stood staring each other down with silent words you only knew that in your mind you were shouting how much you despised him.
“Saturday, Detention.” His words broke you and Sallow out of your hate-induced trance. “All of you, including you Ms. Sweeting.”
If anybody would like to be tagged comment or send me a message
Chapter 12
@vanivivs - @aqueennia - @wt-fxck - @therealppboy - @boysmedia - @stuffyownswrld - @maddsinthemoon - @dreamshot - @lostgirl-28 - @scrambled-eggs-y
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rae-and-mezo · 2 years ago
Can you do a fic where MC gets transfigured into a rock and the boys have to explain to the nurse that it’s MC but the nurse thinks they’re just messing with her? Idk I saw this HL random world events where a student gets turned into a sheep and their friend is trying to convince the nurse that it’s a student 😭😭😭😭
We're Not Mad Professor!
Sebastian and Ominis x f!reader. Can be read as platonic!
A/n: This is my first fic...I'm not used to writing them! I hope this is okay, the prompt is so silly it makes me smile :)
"Did we just-"
"And you turned her into-"
The two boys share a look of disbelief as they look down at the ground. A puddle of robes and skirts, weighed down by something-or rather someone. You.
"I wasn't aiming at her."
Sebastian's face is filled with both horror and shock as he bends down and lifts up a rock. A plain, smooth, grey rock. It's still warm.
"Can she breathe? I mean, rocks don't breathe. Oh merlin, did I kill her?"
"relax." Ominis shakes his head in wonder. "Lydia The Small was transfigured into a lyre for three years and was perfectly fine. Still, we need to get her to Professor Weasley."
"Absolutely not!" Sebastian whirls around, and Ominis's wand showed him the outline of him holding the rock-or you as Ominis was slowly accepting- in his hands carefully. "No, I am on my last straw! If I get one more strike, I have to spend my lunch period in detention for the rest of the year!"
"Well then what do we do about it?" The question hangs between the two boys before Ominis carefully ventures. "Um, Garreth is good at Transfiguration. We can ask his help?"
"Are you out of your bloody mind? Honestly Ominis! Let's take her to nurse Blainey. At least she hasn't burned her brain away from too many exploding cauldrons."
Sebastian starts walking towards the castle and Ominis hurries after him, matching his pace. "Because the nurse knows better than Professor Weasley? Why don't I take her to Professor Weasley, I don't have any strikes."
"You are dreadful at Transfiguration."
"Thanks?" Ominis blinks, shaking off the insult. "They would never believe you turned her into a rock." A quick stumble on a tree root and Sebastian scrambles to catch you after accidentally letting go of the grey stone you had turned into.
"Merlin, Sebastian, put her in your pocket!" Sometimes, on days like these, Ominis wonders how Sebastian is still alive. Thank merlin for a head of common sense, or else Sebastian wouldn't have owed Ominis three different counts of his life.
"i don't want to put her in the dark!" Yep, Sebastian definitely wouldn't survive without Ominis.
"Rocks don't have eyes, you absolutely moronic oaf."
"Wait...she's blind right now?" A look of shock passes Sebastians face before he realizes. "Oh, no Ominis I didn't mean it like that-"
"Sebastian, just shut it okay? You're making an idiot of yourself."
The walk back to the castle is quiet. Sebastian could cry from how panicked he is...could you even survive being transfigured into something so...un sentient? Well, maybe. He is well aware that Ominis doesn't mind the matter. Sebastian bitterly reflects on how his best friend is more likely more worried about the weather than the rock- girl- in his hands.
Not true. Ominis is thinking about what you would sayvwhen they finally get you back to normal. Priceless.
Well, After he got you back to normal. However long that will take.
Sebastian Sallow is a strange boy, sure. But nobody in the school expected to see a panicked and tear stained Sebastian enter the great hall while cupping a rock. Not to mention he was followed by an eerily calm, slightly amused looking Ominis. And no MC.
"Nurse Blainey?" The nurse looked up at the sound of her name and her face fell when she realized who had said it. "One lunch break, Sallow. Please."
"We need your help, please." Ominis peeked around (or what he assumed was around) his friend. "Could you accompany us to the hospital wing?"
And so she did, grudgingly, but she did. "What is it, boys? I hope you know you interrupted my first patient free lunch since I started this job."
"I am very sorry Ma'am. I am afraid this matter is urgent." Ominis spoke for both he and Sebastian. "You see, our friend is hurt."
"How bad?" The womans eyebrows furrowed as she looked between the two.
"Well...she got hit by a spell. A transfiguration spell."
Nurse Blainey's face went from concerned to enraged in a matter of seconds. "No! This prank that you lot have been pulling is not funny. Three of your little friends have tried it already- with a sheep no less- and I am not falling for it again. If this friend really got hit by a transfiguration spell, you need to go to Professor Weasley."
"Madam!" Sebastian cried. "We can't! She would skin us alive!"
"I'm about to skin you alive! I'll make a deal. Bring me your friend, and I will do my best. If this turns out to be a prank, I will see to you being removed from the quidditch team, Mr. Sallow, and you from the Chess club, Mr. Gaunt." The nurses face softened at Sebastian's anguish. Ominis's poorly hidden amusement made her suspicious, but she knew that after that threat, both boys wouldn't dare to go through with a prank.
"Thank you, Ma'am. Truly! We owe you one." Ominis smiled.
"Yes you do. Now, take me to your friend."
"Actually, we have her here!" A barely stifled giggle left Ominis's mouth as his wand provided him with the outline of Sebastian presenting the rock.
"...You're joking."
"I'm afraid not, ma'am."
Nurse Blainey screamed in frustration. "I would have thought you better than this! I meant it when I said I would have you both removed, I might even recommend suspension!"
Sebastian nearly dropped you in his scramble to save himself. "Nurse, we really are serious! I swear! I swear on...on MC's life!"
Ominis could have dropped his wand. "He's serious, nurse. I witnessed it. Secondhand, I mean. Well okay. I heard it. But really!"
In her frustration, the nurse tapped the rock- merlin, it couldn't really be you- with her wand and muttered an incantation.
You looked up at the boys, pure horror painted on your face. "What. The. Hell."
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legacyfics-archive · 2 years ago
Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis Gaunt SFW - Volume 1
First Volume for Sebastian Sallow x MC/Reader x Ominis Gaunt archive, this list is all SFW works. More volumes coming soon. Not seeing your fic here? Send me an ask/message with a link so I can get it added!
PLEASE NOTE: some of these are platonic, and some of the headcanons are for separate Sebastian x MC and Ominis x MC
a fish to water - @tinaexe
Between - @fierymiasma
christmas eve drabble - @shadowtriovibes
Collapsing Like a House of Cards - @crybeauty
Cook of the Ages - @darkwizardings
Domestic Life - @emptycauldron
even the iron still fears the rot - @tinaexe
-> even the iron still fears the rot Pt 2 - @tinaexe
-> even the iron still fears the rot Pt 3 - @tinaexe
for whatever we lose (like a you, and a me) - @tinaexe
Futures Rewritten - @darkwizardings (feat. Tom Riddle)
Harana - @arthenaa
I Didn't Know How Much I Wanted You - @terra-esperra
-> I Will Always Want You - @terra-esperra
In the Middle - @awkwardauthorwrites
Mallowsweet Bliss - @tinaexe
Memories - @multific
Mingle our ashes and bury us together - @tinaexe
Muggles - @applinsandoranges
My darling, my sweetheart, I am in your sway - @tinaexe
Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon - @fierymiasma
Not corpses yet (still, we rot) - @tinaexe
Obsidian - @moiravim
Old Friends - @slythering-snake-boys
Part time soulmate, fulltime problem - @twitchydownfall
Precious Moments - @underthenightskydreamsneverdie
Roots - @arthenaa
Stronger Together - @skittish1807
The 3 Boys and the Hogwarts Champion - @festivalsofmargot (feat. Garreth Weasley)
the polyjuice plot - @shadowtriovibes
The Spare - @fierymiasma
The sun does not weep for Icarus - @tinaexe
-> The sun does not weep for Icarus Pt 2 - @tinaexe
-> The sun does not weep for Icarus Pt 3 - @tinaexe
-> The sun does not weep for Icarus Pt 4 - @tinaexe
the way i loved you - @sallownights
these little numbers - @shadowtriovibes
Triwizard request - @arthenaa
waiting for the gift of sound and vision - @shadowtriovibes
Werewolves - @roohuh
We're All Winners Here - @underthenightskydreamsneverdie
You're welcome - @cuffmeinblack
cuddling with them - @marshymoon
Dating Sebastian and Ominis Headcanons - @moiravim
exploring ancient ruins together - @marshymoon
How they ask someone to Yule Ball - @spaceyaceface
hugging them - @dolcid
Ominis and Sebastian comforting you when you're down - @moiravim
Sebastian and Ominis with a reader who's experienced abuse - @sebastianwallows
Valentine's - @sebastianwallows
114 notes · View notes
philliam-writes · 2 years ago
on that tree i'll carve our names (01)
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pairing: Ominis Gaunt x fem! Hufflepuff Reader; Sebastian Sallow x Male MC
Synopsis: You have never believed or trusted in Prophecy, not with the way you were brought up. Paying attention to Prophecy is like tossing real diamonds in the air mixed with shards of broken glass. The grab is rarely worth the injury. But when the new fifth year arrives, so do trouble and mischief, and you're inadvertently thrust into adventures and secrets too grand to deal with by yourself. Yet with hardships come friendships, and while you learn to trust the new student with your life, you're less keen on trusting the cunning Sallow boy or the quiet Gaunt heir. Still waters run deep, as they say, and you can't shake off the feeling something dark hides at the bottom of those white-veiled unseeing eyes.
content: canon divergence, fighting prophecy, enemies to friends, reluctant soulmates, platonic soulmates, slow burn, basically HL but Reader isn't MC, angst, hurt and comfort, Sebastian and Reader can't stand each other (until much later), they're all mean, because they're starving for love, will love and kill for each other, dark(ish) ominis, satisfying female rage, also Quidditch because screw Black
notes: [02]
words: 5.9k
a/n: this is so self-indulgent, i don't even know if i'll keep this up. but right now i need to get this out of my system, so here is tragic platonic soulmates with delicious slow burn for borth of them and my favourite slytherin boys. hope you enjoy!
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01: hawthorn makes the heart burn
The new student has been at Hogwarts for only a week, and already you cannot stand him.
It’s got nothing to do with the fact that he is a Slytherin. You have never been a fan of the sorting system, because even if it is partly at fault for sticking kids into boxes and teaching them to think in categories, the students surely don’t make it better living by these stereotypes. Not all Slytherins are bad people, just like not all Gryffindors are brave; not every Ravenclaw is a genius, and not every Hufflepuff is a saint, e.g.: You.
“You’re joking! Three Sickles and fifteen Knuts for a Pocket Sneakscope? That’s way too expensive!”
Lifting your eyes from the list of gadgets you need to buy on your next trip to Hogsmeade, you raise an eyebrow at the second-year Ravenclaw boy. He’s taller than most of his fellow housemates, shows signs of a long, hawkish nose and has pimples scattered on his cheeks like a Leaping Toadstool Cap. You can’t really remember his name. Freddy or Fred or August, maybe.
This early in the morning before classes start, the air is especially thick with the smell of late-summer: sweet buddleia in full bloom, the rich green leaves of trees as they sway gently in the wind. Mist hangs low in the valley and over the Great Lake, a milky curtain hiding its resident gently poking long tentacles into the warm sun. The castle is only slowly waking up after a short night—the last grace of long summer days approaching their end as October draws closer.
A beautiful landscape you can hardly enjoy with the second-year’s whiny voice buzzing around your head like an annoying mosquito.
“Look, you wanted a Pocket Sneakscope, I got it for you,” you say and unhitch yourself from the cool stone pillar, one of many holding up the roof of the Viaduct Courtyard’s passageway. “It’s not my fault the underground path is infested with spiders.”
Damned Weasley could have warned you though. You have been using the secret passage under the humpbacked, one-eyed witch leading to the cellar of Honeydukes since your second year when you spied Garreth Weasley sneak through it, and since then you both agreed on staying out of each other’s way as long as nobody rats out the secret passageway to the faculty. He gets to obtain whatever he needs for his weird concoctions, and you get to continue your little business of providing first and second years whatever they want from Hogsmeade since they can’t go themselves yet—all for a certain price. It makes trips to Hogsmeade easier when you can’t use your broom, though the occasional acid spit launched your way is less favourable than the breathtaking view of Hogwarts towering majestically as the sun sets, throwing the whole castle in stark, black contrast against the warm, orange sky.
“Unless you want someone else to get you stuff from Hogsmeade,” you continue with a shrug. “Good luck finding them though.” You move to put the Sneakscope back into your pocket, barely managing to keep on a neutral expression when Freddy or Fred or August, maybe, gasps as though you have reached into the Ravenclaw’s house point hourglass, grabbed a handful sapphires and chucked them at the Headmaster.
“It’s just—it’s just a whole Sickle more than I can spend this month!” he protests, but judging by the quiver of his voice he’ll eat out of your hand in no time.
You give your brightest smile. “Not my problem.”
The Ravenclaw-boy fumes, but when you hold out your hand, he slaps the coins into your open palm, his pale face blotched red with fury.
“Pleasure doing business with you.” You hand over his Pocket Sneakscope and watch him stamp off towards the double doors leading inside the entrance hall. He stops with a small, pale hand on the bronze doorknob, turns around as by his touch alone the doors squeal open with the magic that recognises students entering. “You are the worst Hufflepuff at this school!” he shouts and quickly dashes inside.
You don’t know why he felt the need to point it out. It’s not as though people don’t know who you are: the Hufflepuff who burnt down the left greenhouse in her second year when trying Incendio after agreeing to a bet; the Hufflepuff who broke a Ravenclaw’s nose because said Ravenclaw accused her of cheating in Defence Against the Dark Arts; the Hufflepuff who smoked Silverweed in a corner under the Great Staircase in her third year to see if it would yield any relaxing effects; the Hufflepuff who actually cheated on her very first exam in History of Magic—all in all the Hufflepuff who really should have been sorted into Slytherin on her first day, according to everybody else. Except the Slytherins have no love left for you because you wear yellow.
It is a wonder you have not been expelled yet, surely to do with the fact that despite it all, one student outshines your delinquent record. Your grades are passable, neither at the very top nor bottom, though you do have a knack for quickly learning spells and charms. What keeps you in somewhat good grace is being the Beater for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team—and what a Beater you are: ruthless and quick with strong arms. Maybe not as fast as Slytherin’s Captain on a broom, but you feel comfortable enough up in the air. All your problems seem so much smaller when you soar through the sky. Speaking of Quidditch, a Gryffindor second-year asked you to get a fake Snitch to practice for the team’s try-outs. Hopefully the Spintwitches Sporting Needs opens within in the next week; you’re in need of a new broomstick servicing kit, preferably before practice starts.
You move towards the Great Hall before they clear out breakfast. You did ask Javi to save up some Pumpkin Pastries for you, but he’s been in a foul mood since yesterday because Peeves destroyed a bust in the Astronomy Tower and he had to take the brunt of it. But while you’re crossing the courtyard, you notice a shadow standing under a wide archway, tall and sinewy, though body shapes are usually hard to guess under the loose, floaty school robes. Yet you know that despite looking lanky, this boy is nimble and quick, and his presence is utterly unappreciated—that is how the circle closes; the reason why you can’t stand him.
Even from this distance, you can make out Callum St. Jude’s pale grey eyes—they stand stark against his unruly map of ink-black hair. Paired with skin pale as moonlight, he looks like one of Hogwarts’s residual ghosts.
You feel your face turn into a scowl. It seems that no matter where you are these days, he is lurking nearby. At first you thought he was spying on you to check out the competition for tonight’s Crossing Wands duel. It is the finale after all. But when you had confronted him about it, catching him on his way down to the Slytherin dungeons in the Grand Staircase after your shared Charms class, he had considered you with a blank expression. “Who are you?” he’d asked, looking down at you from a few steps above.
Behind him, trailing him like a shadow since day one, Sebastian Sallow had sniggered. “Seems like you already have admirers,” he’d said with his insufferable haughty voice. “Though that Hufflepuff is more trouble than she’s worth.”
You were about to show him trouble, face hot with shame, when Javi hauled you up, hands under your armpits, and carried you away as if you were a sack of potatoes. “You can’t get detention now, it’s still the first week,” Javi had said mildly.
At least it would have been worth it. It would have been so satisfying to blast that cocky grin off Sallow’s face, to silence St. Jude’s little mocking huff. You firmly believe St. Jude is suffering from the worst ailment to date: Main Character Syndrome.
The symptoms have been evident since his first day: joining Hogwarts as a fifth-year, arriving late to the Sorting Ceremony due to a dragon attack, besting Sallow on his first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson (though you can hardly criticise him knocking Sallow down a peg) and mastering every new spell and charm as though it is as easy as breathing. Just last week, he fought off a grown troll and defended Hogsmeade, and now the whole school doesn’t shut up about it.
It is with eager anticipation that you await tonight’s Crossed Wands’s finale. Your fingers practically itch to draw your wand and Flipendo him just to juggle him around a little and wipe that blank expression off his face. He is beautiful, you hate to admit, feeling a sour taste in the back of your throat, but he’s using that face in all the wrong ways. He has the sort of face they’d probably frame in a museum, the kind that’s unbelievably pretty, but unattainable.
“Preying upon second years this early?” St. Jude tuts. “It seems there really is no rest for the wicked.”
“Looks as though I am already punished for it,” you grumble. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have to deal with you.”
St. Jude cocks his head to the side, looking thoughtful. “Interesting way to talk to someone you fancy.”
“I do not,” you press out between gritted teeth, shouldering past him as he steps into the entrance hall first, “fancy you.” You hope the Thunderbrew potion will be the first you’ll learn in Potions class. Watching St. Jude getting struck by lightning would lighten your mood considerably.
“For someone who pretends not to be interested in me,” he continues, ignoring you, “I see you around an awful lot.”
You consider tripping him as you two ascend the stairs. “Yes, that seems to be the very problem.”
“Won’t make me take it easy on you tonight though.” Since he is nowhere near a gentleman, he doesn’t hold the door open for you and it almost slams in your face. “I always duel to win.”
“I hope you don’t mind spending the next couple of days in the hospital wing.” You bump into his shoulder, hard, when you finally enter the Great Hall and immediately aim for the Hufflepuff table to the far right of the hall without another glance at him.
The hall is buzzing with students, the air filled with the tasty smell of crispy bacon, grilled leak, slightly burnt toast with melting butter on top. It isn’t as crowded as at lunch or dinner time—most students tend to skip breakfast to either sleep in after a long study night or use the hour before classes to finish assignments and homework.
The ceiling shows a clear blue sky with thin clouds drifting past lazily. You slide in the free seat next to your fellow Beater near the front of the table. Javier García is shoving scrambled eggs into his mouth, his bright brown eyes fixed on the Daily Prophet. In your first year, you didn’t pay much attention to him. If you look up Hufflepuff Student in any dictionary, it will show Javi’s face—a hard-working, loyal individual that always reminds you of a golden retriever until he steps on the field and turns into a pit bull from a fighting ring. Every summer he returns to his muggle family where he helps tending to the crops and fields, evident in his arms the size of tree trunks used to heavy lifting. Perfect for hitting Bludgers at opponents and slamming them off their brooms.
You pour yourself coffee and begin spooning slabs of apple-cinnamon-oatmeal into a bowl.
“Ranrok’s Loyalists have put up more camps around the Hogwarts highlands,” Javi says, mouth half-full. “It looks like they’re moving closer towards Hogwarts.”
“Why would they come to Hogwarts? There’s nothing here.”
“The castle has tons of secrets still uncovered. Why wouldn’t they try and get inside?”
“As if they’d manage to get through the defences. Hogwarts is impenetrable.” You take a long sip from your cup, hoping the caffeine kicks in fast. “No one’s going to get inside. Forget about the goblins. Did you see the Quidditch board? Our first game this season is against Gryffindor.”
Javi groans. “I hate their Seeker. Too small to hit with a Bludger, too quick to slam off the broom. We might as well throw in the towel.”
“Don’t let Captain hear that or she’ll turn you into a fox and wear you as a collar.” The Hufflepuff’s Quidditch Captain, Mary J. Lockwood, is sweet in pretty much every aspect except when it comes to Quidditch, and she never hesitates making you take the brunt of it. You’ve stopped counting how often she’d condemned you to run laps around the field as punishment for talking back or disrupting practice.
You finish breakfast and quickly drop by the common room to get your parchments and books for Divination class, hoping it will let time pass quickly until evening. But while staring for roughly an hour into the lazily swirling fog inside a crystal ball without an answer to how this year’s Quidditch season will end, time seemed to move slower than a snail. After dozing off twice and woken up by Adeleide Oakes’s pointy elbow to your ribs before Professor Onai could notice, the class finally ends.
Next up is Herbology and after that you’ve got two free periods until lunch and then end the day with double Potions. It’s a slow day for a Wednesday, and you can’t wait until practice starts in October to give you some change from sitting for hours in the library and going through dusty old tomes or watch the first and second-years getting roped up into playing Gobstones in the common room by the older students, filling it with the putrid smell of its foul liquid. You just enjoy being outdoors more. Which is why Herbology is somewhat fun, even if you and Javi prefer to pass time by betting on who can stick their finger closest to a Chinese Chomping Cabbage, earning a scornful side glance from Leander Prewett.
You promised Samantha Dale and Nellie Oggspire to work on the assigned group project for the essay on Ghouls for DADA during your free period, but when you’re about to set out to the Great Hall to grab a few snacks before going through the list of books you’ll need from the library, Professor Garlick appears before you suddenly as though sprouting from the ground like a flower.
“Oh, delightful, my dear, there you are!” she beams. Small brown parcels flutter around her head like butterflies. “Here is the delivery for Mr. Ollivander, if you’d be so kind and bring them to him now.”
Just in case, you look behind you. Nobody there on the stairs leading up to the central hall. Even Javi has made himself scarce already. She really is talking to you.
“Why me, Professor?” Someone must have hit you with Obliviate. You can’t remember having agreed to any favour for her.
“Oh? Frederick Gustave told me you would offer! Quite an attentive, nice boy! He will grow into a splendid Ravenclaw student one day!” Frederick Gustave? In Ravenclaw? You don’t know anyone called Frederick or Gustave or—the thought strikes you like lightning. Freddy, Fred or August. “All you need to do is bring these little parcels to Mr. Ollivander in Hogsmeade. These are magically nourished woods he has requested, and I am quite eager to see the results for myself.”
With a flick of her wand the parcels change course and begin to circle around your head before you can even begin to explain that this is a huge misunderstanding. She pats your cheek affectionately and twirls around, descending the stairs back to her flowery domain.
Javi is waiting for you at the top of the stairs, ignoring your scowl as he whistles the tune of The School of Jolly Dogs. His face lights up. “Since you’re heading to Hogsmeade, can you bring me some white Chocolate Frogs? Mine hopped out of the window last night because Arty forgot to close it.”
You answer with a rude hand gesture and stomp out of the hall, heading for where you keep your brooms stashed in the Hufflepuff locker room.
~ ⋆。°✩ ~
The flight to Hogsmeade takes longer than usual. Every time you move too fast, the parcels begin to cry and whine like little abandoned ducklings until they catch up to you. Other than that, it is a beautiful morning as the sun keeps dipping in and out between wispy smears of clouds on the wide blue canvas. The tiny, homey town is alive with witches and wizards scurrying around to get their errands done. The novelty and excitement from visiting Hogsmeade in your third-year has worn off after two years, but it’s still a nice change from the dark school corridors and unending spiralling stair cases.
You leave your broom leaning next to the entrance of Mr. Ollivander’s shop. This shouldn’t take more than five minutes, darting in and out; you’re pretty sure you’ll be quicker than a Niffler digging through a pile of Galleons.
The door swings open easily. It has been five years since you last set foot into the small, cramped shop, yet nothing has changed and suddenly you feel as though you’re eleven again, entering for the first time. It smells of polished wood and something burnt underneath like a misplaced Incendio. Nearly every wall is stacked high with countless wands up to the ceiling, waiting to choose their witch or wizard. Back then you felt very small as a first year, anxious and excited to finally attend Hogwarts and get your own wand—the very first object that truly belonged to you and was not one of your older sisters’ hand-me-downs.
From the back of the shop you hear heavy knocks and a shrill screeching sound that makes you want to put your hands to your ears. Just like five years ago, you reach for the bronze bell on the counter but before your fingers can touch it, it lifts on its own and jingles beautifully. The knocking immediately stops, followed by a last dull clatter and then Mr. Ollivander emerges from the back room, dusting himself off.
He looks at you over the rim of his golden glasses, and a small smile spreads on his face as recognition dawns. The wide counter flap squeaks open when he swishes his wand to step through.
“Ah, the Hawthorn girl,” he says in greeting, quickly closing the space between you and taking your hands in his; you feel every wrinkle against your palm, every patch of rough skin from decades of work as he squeezes your hands. “I have hoped that I would see you soon.”
The question mark must be evident on your face, for Mr. Ollivander explains, “I remember every student and wand I paired, and you my dear, I remember the day five years ago when you came to my shop and your wand found you. Spiral, twelve inches, and a phoenix feather core. Unyielding. But what makes your wand so special is the wood it is made of. Hawthorn makes such a strange, contradictory wand, as full of paradoxes as the tree that gave it birth, whose leaves and blossoms heal, and yet whose cut branches smell of death.” He chuckles to himself, blinking as if lost in a memory; not noticing how tense you are and the way your uneasy smile curls downward. As though you could forget what the hawthorn means. But instead of allowing your mother’s voice inside your head and poisoning your heart, you square your shoulders and pull your hands away from Mr. Ollivander’s grasp.
“Delivery from Professor Garlick,” you say with a faux cheery voice. It seems only then does Mr. Ollivander notice the parcels still fluttering around your head.
“Ah, yes, yes! Allow me.” He points his wand at the parcels, then to his back room and they float through the shop in rank and file, all in proper order. “And here of course, the payment.” Mr. Ollivander hurries behind the counter, and produces a heavy pouch that he hands over to you. It jangles handsomely when you take it from him.
“Well then, I wish you a nice da—”
“Tell me, dear, have you met him?”
Feet already pointed towards the entrance, you turn your body halfway back. “Met who, sir?”
Mr. Ollivander looks up from the account books he’s been writing in. Something glints in his eyes, but maybe it’s just the reflection on his glasses. “Why, the Blackthorn boy of course.”
You rack your brain for anyone you know who’s called Blackthorn but come up empty. “I’m afraid I have not made any acquaintance like that, sir.”
The wandmaker’s eyes are calm, a sparkling blue of sunlight lancing off a stream. “I see,” he says. “Well, my part of this was fulfilled when I matched your wants with you. Everything else is up to you.” He gives you a little secret smile, then goes back to his ledger, the conversation clearly over even though you have dozens of questions swirling in your head.
Back out on Lower High Street, you have been released of the fluttering parcels and instead Mr. Ollivander’s words torment your mind. You can feel a memory hiding behind a thick fog, blurry and barely visible but its presence heavy and lurking like a ghost.
Wasn’t there something he had told you five years ago? When he had presented your wand to you, still resting in its narrow satin casket. You were too excited to pay him any mind—it had sounded too much like one of your mother’s stories; like an augury or worse even, a prophecy—when he had told you about a cursed kingdom, two brothers, and a hawthorn and blackthorn tree. Why listen to old fairy tales when the real adventure—Hogwarts—was waiting for you?
Besides, if by ‘Blackthorn boy’ he meant someone with a blackthorn wand, finding that person would be nearly impossible. And why would you look for him in the first place? Superstitions and divinations have no place in your life. Not after how it had dictated your childhood with a cold iron fist.
The trip back to Hogwarts is significantly faster without having to look after enchanted parcels behaving like newborn Fwoopers. With what happened at Mr. Ollivander’s, you completely forgot to drop by Honeydukes for Javi, which makes him look like a kicked puppy for the rest of the day.
You manage to start your essay for the group project, although you don’t get nowhere near where you wanted to be before the match. Lunch is a blur of tasty shepherd’s pie and grilled mushroom skewers with a small handful of students passing where you sit to wish you good luck, pattung your shoulder hard enough you almost choke on your pumpkin juice. Others send you little notes with crude drawings showing St. Jude zapping you with a spell and losing tonight’s duel. The messages are charmed to head dive into your cup and plate, splattering mashed potatoes on your uniform.
Adeleide plucks a nervously flapping piece of paper out of your meal and unfolds it. “At least they’re creative,” she notices mildly.
You throw a wary glance at the note. “That doesn’t even look like me.”
“I don’t know.” Javi slurps loudly from his cup. “They got your scowl right.”
Double Potions after lunch flies by for a change. Your Wiggenweld Potion tends to be a tad bluer than Professor Sharp’s apple green concoction bubbling at the front table for reference, but you have a hard time focusing when your mind is already occupied with how tonight’s duel might go.
You have a handful favourite spells that you’ve practised long enough they come as easy to you as breathing. But from what you have seen during the last Crossed Wands duels where St. Jude has participated, he seems to have a natural gift for duelling. You’ve heard he competed alongside Sallow in his first duel, but every after he’s been on his own and you’ve seen the battered and bruised leftover competitors limping out of the Clock Tower. You don’t plan to follow in their footsteps.
When evening falls on the castle and the long, narrow corridors awake with dim candlelight, you follow the throng of hooded students hurrying towards the Clock Tower after dinner. The excitement ripples through the lines of people like a physical force, alive and rearing when the first students file into the Clock Tower and find a seat close to the walls and away from accidental stray spells.
You spot Lucan Brattleby surrounded by a handful Hufflepuff and Slytherin students. Javi is among them, and when you draw closer you notice the ledger in Lucan’s hand and the Sickles being passed between him and Javi.
Javi startles when you step next to him like a Mooncalf facing an oncoming card. “Hiya,” he says in the very familiar voice that sounds a lot like him hoping you won’t be mad.
You raise an eyebrow. “Placing bets?” Your eyes linger on the page as you scan the names on the chart on your side. Only a few names—Leander, who’s been especially snappy since he lost against St. Jude in the semifinals, a handful other Gryffindors, one or two Ravenclaws and the rest are students from your house. On St. Jude’s column, Lucan has started to write the names as tiny as possible to fit them all on the page. Javi’s is amongst them. He ducks away from your scrutinising gaze. “He slew a fully-grown troll last week!” he pleads his case. So much for the infamous Hufflepuff loyalty. “I’ll invite you to Honyedukes after and pay whatever you want from the win.”
“Whatever.” You turn away to get ready, walking into a hard, solid body.
Callum St. Jude steadies you before you can stumble. “Easy there.” His smile slices white. “Am I already sweeping you off your feet? We haven’t even started yet.”
You shrug his hand off your arm. “The only sweeping happening today is when I wipe the floor with you, St. Jude.”
He hums thoughtfully. “We’ll see.”
You stare daggers at his back as he retreats to his side of the hall, welcomed by other Slytherin students who pat his back and ruffle his unruly jet-black hair as though he is the fifth year’s Champion already. He doesn’t linger around them for too long, and instead retreats to a far corner where Sallow is already waiting for him. What an annoying duo.
Tugging your black robe off, you begin to stretch your limbs. For today’s occasions you’ve chosen to wear a simple shirt with ribbon uniform tucked into your plaid trousers. More mobility, less fabric flapping around. A tie or a blazer would allow too much surface for a nasty Accio. From the last duels you’ve watched, you know St. Jude is as sharp as a whip, and he uses everything in his so far meagre arsenal of spells to win.
You’ll need to keep all your wits about you. If he, and the majority assembled under the giant swinging pendulum today, underestimate you, it will be your pleasure to remind them what vicious creatures badgers are. And that they devour snakes.
When you turn, St. Jude is already standing ready, his wand raised. He’s shrugged out of his robes as well and pulled off his tie, following your example. Gone is the hint of the cocky smile he always wears, so infuriating and inviting to punch. Now he is serious, his face an impassive mask that betrays nothing but you have seen it change within a heartbeat before knocking an opponent out with a savage blast of his wand. Like a snake, waiting and watching, until it strikes viciously and sinks its venomous fangs into your skin.
“Attention!” Lucan Brattleby hops in the centre, his arms raised. “Wizards and witches! Welcome to the fifth year’s Crossed Wands Championship Round!” He lets the audience get the whistling and bellowing out of their system before he introduces both parties. “Competitors, let’s get started!”
He quickly dashes out of the way—rightly so, for St. Jude’s opening move is always a lightning-quick Levioso, just like Professor Hecat taught him. You dodge the spell and hear it disperse against the wall behind you, feeling the sparks nip your skin.
“Accio!” You whip your wand towards you, only able to catch St. Jude by the cuff of his white sleeve as he evades with a side-step. But it’s enough to unbalance him as his arm is pulled in your direction and he retaliates by using the moment to blast a few Basic Casts your way which you block by well-timed Protegos.
The crowd’s cheers disappears into background noise as you and St. Jude continue your tense dance of attack and parry; a step forward, another step back, his Incendio is answered by your Glacius; since he prefers fire you do him the pleasure of casting Confringo which forces him to dive to the side. Your spell blasts the wooden weapon rack behind him into splinters and pieces, showering the Slytherins sitting beside it with glowing embers.
“Come on, new guy, give her a proper Slytherin treatment!” one of them yells. St. Jude doesn’t let himself get distracted, not even by the instructions of his fellow housemates or the quips from your side of the room. His eyes are pinning you like a butterfly on a corkboard, following your every step. They are frighteningly bright, you have the feeling that no move will go past him.
From behind you, you pull a large crate from under the buttocks of two Gryffindors with Accio, ignoring their protests when in the last second you fling it bodily towards St. Jude with Depulso. You’ve been working on the right timing for this for a long time—people usually don’t expect to be thrown at with things instead of spells. It hurls through the hall, and to your utter astonishment St. Jude blocks it in the last second with a flying object of his own—a practice dummy.
But where was the spell? You didn’t see him cast one when he hurled that dummy through the air.
At your puzzled expression, St. Jude grins at you, his smile so sudden and jarring as a thunderclap. You narrow your eyes. There’s something growing in the pit of your stomach, rearing its ugly head and snapping sharp, volatile teeth. Basic Casts don’t feel enough, and every vicious Diffindo St. Jude parries or dodges in the last moment. His retaliation is a fiery Incendio after Incendio—you’d think after this time one of you would grow weaker, lose focus, but the heat flaring your way and the flames licking up your uniform feel anything but harmless or tame.
Sweat runs down your temples, along your cheeks, down your neck. Your wand feels hot in your hand, but you grip it tighter, knuckles white. Your lungs feel tight in your chest, but you breathe in stronger, eyes wide. That rage that always lives inside you rears. It is an almost physical pain, like nails against flesh; like teeth against bars. That unwanted animal is starving, it wants nothing more than to get out and you’re surprised nobody else can hear it howling.
“Not as quick or cunning as that Sallow boy, but her spells pack a mean punch,” they say about you. You couldn’t best Sallow, and now there is this new contender and you refuse, refuse to slide down to number three; always coming in last, always pushed aside. You snarl at St. Jude as though trying to wrap your teeth around the world.
The air crackles with magic. Faintly, you hear an echo of a familiar voice. “Do not be surprised at your wand’s ability to perceive your intentions—particularly in a moment of need.”
It seems your wand shares your taste for violence—you can feel that this is the best Expulso you have executed since you taught yourself the spell in year four. You swing your arm, wand scorching hot in your hand—vibrating even—and hurl the Blasting Spell at St. Jude.
You can see his mouth move as he speaks a spell, blue sparks fly from the tip of his wand and then crackling lightning intercepts your attack. Through the sparks and bolts you see St. Jude’s puzzled expression—now is the chance to strike. A surprised opponent is a weak opponent; you swing your arm back—your arm is stuck.
From the tip of your wand a wiry crimson light crackles across the room, connected to St. Jude’s wand. When you try pulling back again, an invisible force lurches you forward, forcing your arm up until the thin light grows stronger, redder like spilt blood. Your arm shakes with the feeling of wrongness crawling up your arm, a kernel of god-awful flavour that has you biting your bottom lip. You feel an awareness. No. More than awareness, more sentient than that. It is recognition.
The point of your wand, shining a blazing white, shakes with the effort of you trying to pull back; shakes from whatever magic is transpiring between you two. On the other side, St. Jude has his free hand around his other wrist, trying to lower his wand, his face as white as a wall. To no avail.
The magic spreading from your wand through your body is like curious, warm fingers touching up along your arm, curling around your shoulder, settling against your cheek. They wander lower and splay across your chest, then sink through your ribs. Close around your heart. Squeeze.
The world explodes.
The magical blast sends you flying. Your teeth clang together as you slam on your back. Pain radiates through your body. Black dots dance before your eyes and blur your vision as you’re struggling for air.
A hushed silence has settled inside the Clock Tower. You shake your head, your free hand rising to your chest where you still feel a sharp twinge. Gingerly, you pick yourself up, carefully feeling for injuries. The whole room is a mess as though a wild Graphorn has ravaged inside and destroyed most of the furnishings. When your eyes lock with St. Jude’s across the room, your heart beats in your throat, making it hard to breathe.
Mirroring you, one hand is pressed against his chest, the other holds his wand in a vice-grip as though his life depends on it. You see him shudder helplessly, as if it were winter and he has gone outside without gloves and caught a terrible chill. His eyes meet yours, then drop to your wand. His lips mouth a single word, and you stare at him, throat tight, the cold sweat sensation of dread spreading slowly through your limbs.
And all of a sudden, you remember very clearly one thing Mr. Ollivander had told you all those years ago.
Once your paths cross, your fates will be irrevocably connected, growing together like the roots of old trees. Your wands have come from the same seed. There is no doubt that you fill find him.
Your Blackthorn boy.
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A/N: If anyone is interested in this story, I can make a taglist :) Would also appreciate any sort of feedback, or just hitting the little heart so show me you enjoyed it
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wingedcupcaketimemachine · 2 years ago
Harry Potter Masterlist
❤️=Romantic 💛=Platonic 💔=Angst ☁️=Fluff
Harry Potter x Reader
Hermione Granger x Reader
Ron Weasley x Reader
Luna Lovegood x Reader
Neville Longbottom x Reader
Fred Weasley x Reader
George Weasley x Reader
Ginny Weasley x Reader
Cedric Diggory x Reader
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Remus Lupin x Reader
James Potter x Reader
Sirius Black x Reader
Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Ominus Gaunt x Reader
Garreth Weasley x Reader
Amit Thakkar x Reader
Natsai Onai x Reader
Newt Scamander x Reader
Character x Character
Harry Potter x Reader
Hermione Granger x Reader
Ron Weasley x Reader
Luna Lovegood x Reader
Neville Longbottom x Reader
Fred Weasley x Reader
George Weasley x Reader
Ginny Weasley x Reader
Cedric Diggory x Reader
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Remus Lupin x Reader
James Potter x Reader
Sirius Black x Reader
Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Ominus Gaunt x Reader
Garreth Weasley x Reader
Amit Thakkar x Reader
Natsai Onai x Reader
Newt Scamander x Reader
Character x Character
Completed Series List
Ongoing Series List
Harry Potter x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader Series
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 1 year ago
request rules!
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— requests can be sent through my inbox! aka the button on my profile that says request
— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
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male, female, and gender neutral reader
or no reader, I do ships too!!
alternative universe: soulmates, coffee shop, roommates, royal, bookstore, fake relationship, coworkers, neighbors, flower shop, library, bodyguard, modern era, band/rockstar, celebrity, mermaid, pirate, teachers (you can also mix them in your request, like asking for bookstore and coffee shop au! if that makes sense)
Headcanons, one-shots, drabble, imagine, etc.
poly relationships, whether it be character x reader x character or character x character x character 
omega verse
illegal ships (incest or underage)
dark or yandere
someone having cancer
rape/sexual assault
canonically gay characters with fem identifying readers/characters, same thing with canonically lesbian characters with masc identifying readers/characters (platonically is fine, romantically isnt)
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character list
bolded means they’re my favorite characters to write!
Nine, Ten, Eleventh, Thirteen, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble
Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Bea
Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton
Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Steve Randall, Twobit Matthews, Dallas Winston
Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew, Tom), Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
[more to be added]
911 FOX
Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Howie Han
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
[more to be added]
— golden trio era
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Draco Malfoy
— marauders era
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Pandora Lovegood, Regulus Black, Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Roiser, Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald, Narcissa Black
[If you want one of these characters, like Remus for example to be older like during the Harry Potter movies let me know!]
— legacy era
Sebastian Sallow, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt
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imagrindylow · 2 years ago
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Hi, I'm Lindsey
This is my main blog, where you will find all of my Hogwarts Legacy and Harry Potter related content.
I do take requests, but I can sometimes fall out of the mood to write for long periods of time. With that in mind, feel free to submit a request. My DMs are also open, feel free to say hello!
[My Ao3] 🖤 [My non HP/HL blog]
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Hogwarts Legacy x Reader Fics:
(no use of y/n - reader is the mc)
Leander Prewett
Tease: gn!Reader; Fluff, Mild Spice Sticky Situation: gn!Rreader; Fluff You See Me: gn!Reader; Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort Next Winter: f!Reader; Family Fluff, Smut A Constant Reminder: f!Reader; Smut Worth the Wait: f!Reader; Angst, Fluff, Smut Here & Now: f!Reader; Smut Talk to Me: f!Reader; Fluff
Garreth Weasley
Full of Surprises: f!Reader, Fluff, Smut Dare: gn!Reader, Fluff, Angst Duplicity: f!Reader; Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Ominis Gaunt
I am All Yours: gn!Reader, Fluff, Mild Spice Favorite Constellation: gn!Reader, Fluff
Sebastian Sallow
Keep Your Promises: f!Reader, Smut
Amit Thakkar
Seeing Stars: m!Reader, Smut
Everett Clopton
A Partner in Crime: gn!Reader; platonic fluff
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Other Hogwarts Legacy Ships:
Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt
Muse: Fluff Muse (Part 2): Fluff, Smut
Sebastian Sallow x Garreth Weasley
Swallow: Smut
Garreth Weasley x Ominis Gaunt
Leveling the Playing Field: Smut
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Harry Potter x Reader Fics:
(No use of y/n)
Percy Weasley
Argumentative: f!Reader; Angst, Smut You're Cute When You Scream: f!Reader; Fluff, Smut
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Other Harry Potter Ships:
Percy Weasley x Marcus Flint
Secret Santa: Fluff Urgent Business: Smut
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Hogwart Legacy Headcanons:
Leander Prewett NSFW Alphabet Modern!AU Bachelor Party HC
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Hogwarts Legacy Character Reactions:
MC stroking the HL boys hair HL boys find out MC is a mermaid MC asking the HL boys to choke them MC gives the HL boys a bouquet Leander reacting to Garreth's potion failures
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Hogwarts Legacy Screenshots:
Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, Leander, Amit
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Chat Bots:
Herbology Professor Leander Prewett - C.ai | Spicychat 7th Year Leander Prewett - C.ai | Spicychat Post-War Ministry of Magic Percy Weasley - C.ai | Spicychat Head Boy Percy Weasley - C.ai | Spicychat 7th Year Quidditch Captain Marcus Flint - C.ai | Spicychat Eli Bray (Callum Turner’s character in Glue)- C.ai | Spicychat
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ravenclawhierra · 2 years ago
Making it up... Not well enough!
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Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary: Part 2 of "It Mattered To Me"
Tags: Fluffier than last part, I promise.
Word count: 1,3k
Ever since he said that he would make it up to you, he has been trying his best to make sure and prove to you that he doesn't hate or dislike you. And you really noticed that, however it was starting to frustrate you. He'd constantly hug you, pull you close and such. It's not that you minded it, but… you hated that it was not more.
You strutted your way to the library, you were about to have a study session with Sebastian and Ominis. You really had to get some help for potions class, seeming how last time you really couldn’t focus. You usually like potions class, the professor always managed to explain everything well. And you now had to study with your friends instead of just learning it in class. Silly you. But oh well, you liked studying with Sebastian and Ominis - And it only gives you more time to spend with them.
“Hello guys,” You said in a quiet voice, hoping to not disturb anyone else in the library. They both looked up at and greeted you, shy smiles on their faces. “Do either of you have water with you, perhaps?”
“Nope, but I do have a bottle with me, if you’d want to fill it up, I could go with you?” Sebastian perked up, asking more so. His eyes sparkled with hope but you politely declined, not wanting him to give you any more hope than he already has. “Well, I’m going anyway because I’m thirsty myself and want to take a sip as soon as possible.” You sighed in defeat, a quiet ‘fine’ escaping your lips.
“There’s a tap for water nearby anyway.” He mentions, picking himself up from the table and getting over to you.
“Couldn’t you just wait then?” This boy was seriously something else.
“No.” He smirks at you, “What if something were to happen in those, I don’t know, 3 minutes of you gone?”
“What would happen to me in 3 minut-” Your words were interrupted, tripping over the stairs, due to your absolutely clumsy nature, while trying to go down. You closed your eyes, waiting for impact but Sebastian had already casted levioso on you, grabbing you and putting you down. “This wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t with me, you know.”
“Sure,” His smugness was practically radiating from him. He patted your head and before you could say anything, swooped you off your feet. 
“What the HELL are you doing Sebastian!?” You yelled at him, confused and flustered. He put his finger on your lips. 
“Look I’m all over breaking the rules but I don’t wanna get kicked out of the library just yet.” 
“Put me down. Now.” 
♡ - ♡ ~ ♡ - ♡ ~ ♡ - ♡ ~ ♡ - ♡ ~ ♡ - ♡ ~ ♡ - ♡
It was getting worse and worse, with him teasing you more than before and despite you constantly being mad at him for his foolish actions, you still liked being so close to him, you just wanted it to be something more, not just platonic. It was making you lose your mind.
You had finally gotten some peace and quiet, and decided to study with Garreth. It would be easier, however he was not of much help, considering most of his potion-making would end in a disaster. 
“See, to brew an invisibility potion, you just add some troll bogeyes and-” The potion just about exploded straight into his face. You laughed, his face was black from the explosion. He coughed and smiled at you.
What in Godricks’ name was happening. Why was she laughing with Garreth? His face was not even funny. Sebastian was staring at you from afar, clearly annoyed at the commotion happening between the two of you. He was certainly funnier than Garreth and would be way better at making you laugh, getting an honest laugh from you at least.
He went over to your and Weasleys’ table, puffing out his chest a little. He was about to make sure you were gonna come with him, in private. I mean, he certainly wasn’t going to watch you have fun with another guy who’s clearly just trying to get to you, use you. 
He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of you two. 
“Excuse me, I’d like to borrow (Y/n),” He glared at Weasley, “If that isn’t an issue.”
“Alright,” Garreth just nodded, “I’ll wait for you here, (Y/n).” 
“Alright,” Garreth just nodded, “I’ll wait for you here, (Y/n).” 
You got to Sebastian and he took your hand, pulling you away from the table and taking you into a room where the two of you could talk in private. He sighed, groggily, looking at you, his glare still not leaving his face. He was annoyed. 
“What’s the matter?” You asked, your voice laced with worry. 
“You do know he’s just using you, right?” He raised his voice slightly, “He’s not good enough for you.”
You snorted, angrily. Who’s he to tell you who’s good for you or not? Seriously, he’s becoming more and more obsessed with ‘keeping an eye on you’ and ‘showing you he cares’. 
“What do you care if I hang out with him? At least he’s helping me!” You had noticed that this was turning into a classical romance drama, cringing to yourself. “It’s not like you're my partner.” You raised his hand at him, giving gestures as if you’re teaching him a lesson. 
He grabbed you by the hand and pulled you closer, making your other hand immediately reach to his chest so you can push him away. You were mad, but flustered. 
“Have I not done enough?” He asked, his tone now changing. It was almost as if he was sad. He half-pouted at you, honestly making you feel bad for raising your voice at him. “What does Weasley have that I don’t?”
“What do you mean?” 
“I thought that you liked me but you keep doing things that make me feel like you don’t.” By the look of his eyes, you weren’t sure if he was being serious or just trying to pull a really bad joke right now. 
“I-” You stopped yourself from saying anything before you could figure out what his intentions were. Nut he had already pulled you closer to him without you even noticing and you felt yourself feeling some butterflies. Your hand was still on his chest, so you pulled it away, now flustered. 
“You?” He perked up, “Tell me you feel the same way I feel about you.”
“I don’t know how you feel about me.”
He sighed, now grabbing your free hand again, pulling you closer. He stared into your eyes, you stared back. His eyes were practically sparkling. He put his other hand on your cheek, and you felt as if he was going to do the same thing he did last time, tilt your head. 
“You do remember what I said, right? Stop me if you don’t like it.”
With that, he leaned in, a small blush on his face, and a big one on yours. Not this again. But…
You felt his soft lips on yours. You felt more butterflies than before. You honestly didn’t know what to do, to return the kiss or to back away. You wanted it, but you were so confused with everything happening lately. He backed away.
“You don’t feel the same way, do you?”
“No, I-” You composed yourself, “I do, I like you, Sebastian. I was just startled.”
He gave you the sweetest smile you have seen yet, even bigger than when the two of you were going to Hogsmeade, bigger than when you told him that you’d help him find a way to heal his sister. 
He was going to say something but you stopped him in his tracks and kissed him back, which he gladly returned.
“So, you’re mine, right?”
“I am.”
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diekleinesuesse · 28 days ago
Best friends with Bangchan
Best friends with Lee Know
Best friends with Changbin
Best friends with Hyunjin
Best friends with Han Jiusng
Best friends with Felix
Best friends with Seungmin
Best friends with I.N
Hogwarts Legacy
Lost Friend (Sebastian, Ominis and MC/Reader)
1., 2., 3., 4.
Comforting Ominis Gaunt
A Path Lit by Friendship (Ominis Gaunt x Anne Sallow PLATONIC!!!!)
Sebastian Sallow x Reader/MC ANGST
A Date with Dead
Grim comforts his sunshine after a nightmare
Grim with !Fem Mc with Autism
A sweet Moment between Grim and his Sunshine
Grim’s Gentle Comfort: Helping Sunshine Through the Sleepless Night of Creative Struggle
Whats it like being Bestfriends
Stray Kids
Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
Hogwarts Legacy
Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Anne Sallow, Poppy Sweeting, Garreth Weasley
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starrystormwritings · 1 year ago
Hogwarts Legacy Master List <3
Hogwarts Legacy Master Lister <3
Master List <3 Request List
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✨ - one of my favourites 
💕 - fluff 
💦 - angst
🔆 - series 
🌸 - romantic
🌻 - platonic 
🥀 - not already in the relationship
🌵 - pre-established relationship
🎶 - music inspired
💚💛💜❤️💙🖤🩷🤍🧡🔷 - Taylor Swift inspired (eras)
Sebastian Sallow x Reader:
The Way I Loved You ✨💕💦🌸🥀🎶💛 - Seb is jealous when someone asks you to the ball before he can.
Ominis Gaunt x Reader:-
Garreth Weasley x Reader:-
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itstopplingdomino · 1 year ago
Thank you for the tag @myst867! Juggling between university classes, personal life and an alter ego in the internet is a tough thing, and I'm sure most agree TT I will be listing them in order of priority too!)
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends
Untitled (coming soon) - I made a promise to write a short fiction based on how I feel after taking my test. Reader thought of Andrew Larson as a person who keeps himself; probably arrogant about his intelligence too. But in a make-up test session, reader learnt that he's actually the complete opposite.
Burning Desire - Supposed to be one chapter one-shot in celebration of Valentine's day, but I am working on the second (final) chapter. Garreth Weasley realises he has romantical feelings for reader just as Valentine's day is nearing.
Paper Bird - A potion product mishap causes reader to replace negative words into its kinder version. First part is posted, but I gotta finish up the second part.
Falling (you say i'm wise beyond my years) - Based on Isabela LaRosa's Older. Aesop Sharp has many secrets - and you are one of them. It's not explicit but it does have mature themes.
Tolerance - Just an intrepretation on how certain Harry Potter characters would react when they find out you're hurt (and doesn't seem like it from the outside). Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 and onwards are on the way!
Mainly Hogwarts Legacy universe and all is x reader pairing, all except 4 is minor-friendly (just be warned of mild cursings). It just so happens that these two weeks are packed with tests and assignments, so I'd be active to lurk but too exhausted to write. I gotta get back on writing as soon as the urgent big stuff in life is dealt with.
Upcoming Scenes, Events, Details
Untitled (coming soon) - We're at a point where reader's perception of Andrew will be changed. I think I would be done and ready to post this by this week (most likely the weekend).
Burning Desire - As soon as Garreth realises he has feelings for reader, he decides to act on his feelings but here comes the light angst. Let's just say, I love misunderstanding trope <3.
Paper Bird - Fred Weasley's redemption arc, basically. He will do everything to make ammends.
Falling (you say i'm wise beyond my years) - Upcoming chapter will be all about hurt/comfort, supportive figure, and generally fluff. Considering the first two chapters were playing on pining on reader's side and growing sexual tension (is reader imagining it..?), I want to write something a little more in-depth and platonic.
Tolerance - I've got to be honest; I am actually stuck on this. It's Ron's reaction and I couldn't decide which reaction would suit him best.
Please forgive me for tagging you TT Genuinely interested in your current progress of your works!! @applinsandoranges, @cuffmeinblack, @ravenelyx, @imtheslayeraskmehow97, @arthenaa.
One thing I realised from doing this tag game is that I need to have a masterlist. When will I get around doing that? We shall see. I gotta figure out Tumblr better first XD
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xreaderbooks · 2 years ago
The Shadows of Our Love Masterlist | Sebastian Sallow
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Sebastian Sallow x Reader (Platonic! Garreth Weasley x Reader, Platonic! Ominis Gaunt x Reader)
Navigation - Playlist - Wattpad and AO3 - Moodboard 1
Following the events of Hogwarts Legacy: Tension rises in the Hamlets as well as in the house of Slytherin as Sebastian Sallow has taken to avoiding Y/n since the beginning of the school year. The lack of communication causes a rift between the once-close friends, both yearning for the other yet never fully expressing themselves to one another.
This school year was meant for studying, friends, and trying to rekindle her friendship with Sebastian Sallow who is set on avoiding her.
Y/n L/n is back at Hogwarts for her fifth year, left with an insurmountable amount of guilt, trauma, and ancient magic that she has lost control of over the summer; she must learn how to overcome her internal battle while also fighting a new one this year. With talk of a high society group called Death Reapers; Y/n must once again find the strength to fight for the wizarding world and confront her love for Sebastian Sallow.
Aged-up characters: 17-18 (6th years)
Slowburn - Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Hogwarts Legacy spoilers! Language, Violence, Death, Torture, Angst, Implied sexual content (no smut), SLOW BURN ASF
Chapter 1 | In the Shadow of Return
Chapter 2 | In the Shadow of Potions
Chapter 3 | In the Shadow of Evasion
Chapter 4 | In the Shadow of Strength
Chapter 5 | In the Shadow of Truth
Chapter 6 | In the Shadow of Rumors
Chapter 7 | In the Shadow of Quidditch
Chapter 8 | In the Shadow of Promises
Chapter 9 | In the Shadow of Interest
Chapter 10 | In the Shadow of Letters
Chapter 11 | In the Shadow of Duels
Chapter 12 | In the Shadow of Detention last updated: 8/15/23
Chapter 13 | In the Shadow of
Chapter 14 | In the Shadow of
Chapter 15 | In the Shadow of
more chapters to follow...
Y/n’s 6th year schedule:
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction, The author of this story has no ownership of any of the characters in the Hogwarts Legacy video game. Some dialogue is taken from the story set in Hogwarts Legacy. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and some scenes where the original character is involved are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
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multifictionhell · 1 year ago
Greetings to all you lovely folk! My name is Soma and I'm one of the Co-owners of this account! An inspiring writer who's always looking for a challenge.
I generally write a little a bit of everything! Be it pure unadulterated fluff, or pure whorish debauchery! With that said, I am an 18+ creator and I do ask that minors do not interact with my works. Said not only to protect myself, but also others.
Fandom (Plus specific characters) I am able and willing to write for!
Baldur's Gate III:
(Side character/NPC)
Watch dogs 2:
-Josh (Platonic)
God of War Ragnarok:
(Purely Platonic)
Hogwarts legacy(All Platonic):
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominis Gaunt
- Garreth Weasley
-Amit Thakkar
-Poppy Sweeting
As of now, these are the Fandoms in which I am able and willing to write for! This last is also subject to change! If there are any specific characters or pieces of media you'd like, don't hesitate to reach out through our ask box! It is possible that I'd be able to branch out to a different piece of media if requested!
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Hi, I'm Chase, co-owner of this account, They/Them/She
I will try my best to write anything requested and will let you guys know if I'm capable of it/comfortable with it, smut, fluff, angst, etc
I also ask please that minors do not interact with my work, to protect me and others
Reader will usually be Fem or gn, these are the fandoms and characters I’ll write for:
The Last of Us:
-Abby Anderson
-Ellie Williams
-Abby x Ellie x Reader
-Ethan Landry
-Ethan x Chad x Reader {possibly, not confident with writing for Chad}
-Samantha Carpenter
Doctor Who:
-Clara Oswald
-Hazel Callahan {no smut}
-Wanda Maximoff
-Love Quinn
Harry Potter:
-Severus Snape
-Poly Marauders {James, Sirius, Remus}
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Hermione Granger
-Possibly Mattheo Riddle, but I'm not too confident in my writing abilities for him
I also don't mind writing polyamory between the other characters and reader, just NO incest with Ginny and George please
*All of these will be written based on their movie counterparts, I have yet to finish reading the series {almost done with Cos}, but eventually as I continue reading, the writing may change, all I know very clearly is that Hermione was a SAVAGE in the books and will write her as so regardless!!
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doux-ange · 2 years ago
i don't take requests !!
posting schedule: irregular
this post includes: links, characters, and medias i write for, what i will and won't write
masterlist, about me, ao3, tiktok - douxange_
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alphabetical order.
fairy tail
cobra, erik
erza scarlet
gray fullbuster
jellal fernandez
lucy heartfillia
natsu dragneel
zeref dragneel
harry potter
barty crouch jr
evan rosier
ginny weasley
harry potter
hermione granger
james potter
lily evans (potter)
luna lovegood
regulus black
remus lupin
ron weasley
sirius black
tom riddle
hogwarts legacy
garreth weasley
ominis gaunt
sebastian sallow
house of the dragon
aemond targaryen
alicent hightower
helaena targaryen
jacaerys velaryon
lucerys velaryon (platonic)
rhaenyra targaryen
little women (2019 + book)
amy march
elizabeth "beth" march
josephine "jo" march
margaret "meg" march
theodore "laurie" laurence
(more to be added)
Tumblr media
male, female, gender neutral reader
character x reader
character x character
any sexuality reader
angst, fluff, au
platonic child character x reader
platonic character x child reader
smau (social media au)
character x oc (no oc requests)
oc x reader
(more to be added)
smut, nsfw (can be implied but other than that, no.)
romantic child character x character and/or reader
explicit suicide or selfharm
omegaverse au
(more to be added)
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beccanimes · 2 years ago
hi guys i’m opening request for these following fandoms and the people:
The Walking Dead 
Daryl Dixon 1
Rick Grimes  1
Negan Smith 
Glenn Rhee
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline 
Criminal Minds 
Spencer Reid
Derick Morgan 
Arron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss 
Penelope Garcia 
Luke Alvez
Alex Blake 
The Vampire Dairies 
Damon Salvatore 
Stefan Salvatore   
Kai Parker 
The Originals 
Klaus Mikaelson (Both TVD or TO)
Elijah Mikaelson (TVD or TO)
Marcel Gerard 
Rebekah Mikaelson (TVD or TO)
Divina Claire 
Kol Mikaleson (TVD or TO) 
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton 
Peter Parker (Tom Holland 
Perter Parker (Tobey Mcguire) 
Peter parker (Andrew Garfeild)
Tony Stark 
Buck Barnes   
Wanda Maximoff 
Stephen Strange 
Harry potter/ Fantasic Beast
Harry Potter 
Ron Weasley 
Hermione Granger 
Draco Malfoy 
Siruis Black (harry potter and maruduer era)
Seamus Finnigan 
Cedric Diggory  1
Fred Weasley 
George Weasley
Remus Lupin 
Newt Scamander 
Tina Goldstein 
Theseus Scamander 
Stranger Things 
Steve Harrington 
Johnathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler 
Robin Buckley 
Billy Hargrove 
Eddie Munson 
Regina Mills 
Emma Swan 
Snow white 
Killian Jones 
Neil Cassidy/ Baelfire 
Robin Hood 
Ruby Lucas 
August/ Pinocchio
Chicago Med
Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Crockett Marcel
April Sexton
Natalie Manning
Chicago Fire
Mathew Casey
Kelly Severide
Joe Cruz
Peter Mills
Stella Kidd
Gabby Dawson
Chicago PD
Jay Halstead
Adam Ruzek
Antonio Dawson
Sean Román
Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz
Erin Lindsey
Kim Burguss
Chicago One
Jay Halstead and Will Halstead x sibling
Kelly Severide x Platonic best friend
Kelly Severide x Sibling reader
Hermann x child reader
Gabby and Antonio x sibling reader
Hogwarts legacy
Ominis Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Garreth Weasley
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