forthepleasureofmylife · 11 months
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Photo: Dieter Krehbiel
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soomovic · 1 year
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Michel Platini, Juventus 1982 🖤.
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elarea · 2 years
El arte de Daniel Nyari
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Primera entrega, francouruguaya, del genial arte de la caricatura desarrollado por el ilustrador rumano Daniel Nyari, que retrata con esmero y calidad a los más famosos futbolistas de todos los tiempos.
Hoy tenemos a los uruguayos Edinson Cavani y Luis Suárez y a los galos Zinedine Zidane y Michel Platini.
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kichisaburo3 · 2 years
Michel Platini and Diego Maradona Italy Serie A in 1980s Twitter Reblogged
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TAG of Michel Platini in My Tumblr https://kichisaburo3.tumblr.com/tagged/michel platini
#maradona and #Platini pic.twitter.com/eXInSmxnde
— FootballRetroPlus (@robertmdaws) December 11, 2022
18 DEC 2022 Sunday
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lisbs · 2 years
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PRIMA PAGINA Gazzetta Dello Sport di Oggi mercoledì, 21 agosto 2024
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fuckthevar · 3 months
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in attesa di capire se Tek andrà in Arabia, se daremo un calcio in culo a McKennie, se Chiesa e Rabiot scioglieranno le riserve sulla convenienza di restare alla Juventus, vi omaggio di questo bel disegno del gol del secolo: neanche a dirlo, ce l'hanno annullato #Platini
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pascalkirchmair · 4 months
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"Michel Platini", ink and gouache, 24 x 32 cm
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fucknewsfrance · 2 years
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La famille de #Pelé, l'ancien footballeur ivoirien, souhaiterait que l'on arrête d'annoncer sur tous les journaux du #monde entier, la #mort d'Abédi
L'article sur https://bit.ly/3BpAdZO
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merci-a-stefane · 2 years
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rmfantasysetpieces1 · 2 years
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I quote the article linked below from the Guardian newspaper of england in italics  and give my replies in bold
While death records are not categorised by occupation or place of work, it is likely many workers who have died were employed on these World Cup infrastructure projects, says Nick McGeehan, a director at FairSquare Projects, an advocacy group specialising in labour rights in the Gulf. “A very significant proportion of the migrant workers who have died since 2011 were only in the country because Qatar won the right to host the World Cup,” he said. Reply So the occupation or place of work is not listed, but I wonder to they list the condition of the body. The death records should be able to show the average in which the people are dying. Why does the article not say? In New York City it is known that the primary cause of death for high rise construction workers is falling and in New York City people are trying to get greater rights and protections as of 11/08/2022.
In the past 10 years, Qatar has embarked on an unprecedented building programme, largely in preparation for the football tournament in 2022. Reply Based on what I know this is not true. Qatar has been building far beyond the world cup. And for the record, the stadiums qatar is building will be repurposed and shipped out of Qatar. So the stadiums being built in Qatar are not meant to be there forever.
The findings expose Qatar’s failure to protect its 2 million-strong migrant workforce, or even investigate the causes of the apparently high rate of death among the largely young workers. Reply Define protection? It is well known that in the USA migrant workers fight each other as well. When people accuse Qatar of not protecting migrants do they extend those request to the millions more migrants that go into Europe or the USA? Cause I know in California, migrant women have a history of being raped by white male citizens for decades and nothing was and is being done. so....
Behind the statistics lie countless stories of devastated families who have been left without their main breadwinner, struggling to gain compensation and confused about the circumstances of their loved one’s death. Reply I despise when a commonality is treated like an uncommon thing. In the USA it is well known that migrant workers die every day, and are the sole breadwinners to their family. The USA hasn't done anything miraculous, why is it up for Qatar to protect the little man when the United States of America- the largest private military industry in the world /Canada- Whose west is the home of money laundering in the world/ United Kingdom or Ukraine - who aided and abetted in the USA's illegal wars  are not being asked to stop the migrant breadwinners from dying.
Ghal Singh Rai from Nepal paid nearly £1,000 in recruitment fees for his job as a cleaner in a camp for workers building the Education City World Cup stadium. Within a week of arriving, he killed himself. Reply I don't know if it is a typo or the editor missed, but it says, he killed himself. People commit suicide every day in every country
Another worker, Mohammad Shahid Miah, from Bangladesh, was electrocuted in his worker accommodation after water came into contact with exposed electricity cables. Reply The question is why were electricity cables exposed? Were they exposed from the beginning or were the workers trying to siphon electricity. In New York City people have created fires keeping lithium ion battery ebikes in their home. PEople play around with tech all the time. Is it Qatar's job to blockade what other countries don't?
In India, the family of Madhu Bollapally have never understood how the healthy 43-year old died of “natural causes” while working in Qatar. His body was found lying on his dorm room floor. Reply Question, was he alone in the dorm room? If his dorm room had a key it meant he entered it willingly. He wasn't forced in. Now either he let himself in then died or his dead body was placed in his dorm room. But one problem. The Madhu clan can't find any eyewitnesses? The legal team from the various organizations trying to suit the Qatari government can't find a whistleblower. What about his work mates? he wasn't working alone. The madhu family can't find anything more than he died in his room.
In 2019 it found that Qatar’s intense summer heat is likely to be a significant factor in many worker deaths. The Guardian’s findings were supported by research commissioned by the UN’s International Labour Organization which revealed that for at least four months of the year workers faced significant heat stress when working outside. Reply It took this article a long time to confess to truth. So the migrant workers are dying because of heat stroke. that is unfortunate but that is a fair hazard. Again, NYC in winter team has people who die on the job from the cold. It happens. I want the united states of america plus the united kingdom plus canada to protect all workers before qatar does.
A report from Qatar government’s own lawyers in 2014 recommended that it commission a study into the deaths of migrant workers from cardiac arrest, and amend the law to “allow for autopsies … in all cases of unexpected or sudden death”. The government has done neither. Qatar continues to “drag its feet on this critical and urgent issue in apparent disregard for workers’ lives”, said Hiba Zayadin, Gulf researcher for Human Rights Watch. “We have called on Qatar to amend its law on autopsies to require forensic investigations into all sudden or unexplained deaths, and pass legislation to require that all death certificates include reference to a medically meaningful cause of death,” she said. Reply In Mississippi, an area has a dusty mist of chemicals about it. In which the people in that area suffer from various heart illnesses. Nothing has been done, and the local government officials are supporting the industry. What is my point? The Human rights group is asking Qatar to do what the UNited States of America isn't doing? I think the world's biggest economy should be held to the highest standard. Not a city state like Qatar.
The Guardian’s research has also highlighted the lack of transparency, rigour and detail in recording deaths in Qatar. Reply Did you know in New York City and New York State in the United States of America, it was revealed that doctors didn't properly autopsy the dead, thus the quantity of people suggested who died from sars-cov-2 is not confirmed.
This isn't about Qatar. USA and Western European based media doesn't care about migrants in Qatar. They care about their place in FIFA. The reality is, The United States of America, Canada, Brasil, United Kingdom, France- who gave versions of sars-cov-2 to unknown quantities of people in various locations in Africa , China - who are dominating the Ugyars as we speak, the United Nations- whose soldiers are known abusers of people on the ground, and all countries or multigovernmental organizations in humanity are all corrupt/criminal. I don't care about Qatar's crimes cause all countries have crimes, and the biggest aggregate of criminal actors in government are not in qatar or russia, but in the united states of america and its close allies canada/united kingdom. I know Qatar's government acts criminally, cause all governments in humanity  do. I know FIFA involves financial crimes cause all globally known sporting organizations do. National Football League- concussion/National BAsketball Association- a former ref admitted all referees call based on phenotype/ Major League Baseball- please:) do the research yourself. Qatar nor the Federation of International Football Associations is doing anything uncommon. This is the normal for the United Nations side the United States of America. For the International Olympic Committee side CHina. The problem is the USA wants the ability to dictate in FIFA the way it can in the Olympics or the United Nations. The problem is, when football associations each with equal voting power had their way, unlike in the united nations, the countries outside western europe or north america voted against western europe or north america. The USA and western europe don't ever want to be snubbed again. That is the goal. The World cup is coming to a country that got away with an illegal war, that bordered Qatar. How many died at the hands of the country that started an illegal war?
Qatar or FIFA are being chastised for being common
About FIFA
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cruyffista · 7 months
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the fact that the person who had to witness their awkward handshake/hug was michel platini of all people makes this photo even funnier
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soomovic · 1 year
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Michel Platini in 1976 🤍.
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elarea · 11 months
El lienzo y la globa (47)
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El fútbol está hecho de errores, porque el partido perfecto es 0-0. Michel Platini
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kichisaburo3 · 2 years
Michel Platini Relax at Entrance of Stadium 1980s Twitter Reblogged
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TAG of Michel Platini in My Tumblr https://kichisaburo3.tumblr.com/tagged/michel platini
Platini. pic.twitter.com/QdzMfxlkD4
— Nostalgia Futbolera ® (@nostalgiafutbo1) October 26, 2022
30 OCT 2022 Sunday
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neonjawbone · 1 year
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🌙 🦄 👿
 A tribute to Blueshift, the ttrpg campaign I've been playing with my roommates the entire time we've lived together. I'm moving, we ended the game last week, and I keep crying about it!! Love you guys
💙 💙 💙
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