#plasticman x batman
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metalichotchoco · 13 days ago
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We’ll make sure to find those moles boss ;] promise
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new-revenant · 9 months ago
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Alright! Time to share all of what I have of the 4th chapter. It’s not much, but hey, it’s something. Here is the Ao3 link to the other 3 chapters. And unfortunately, the story is on indefinite hiatus because I just. Couldn’t do it ha, got overwhelmed and majorly burnt out. Anyhow, hope you enjoy what I do have. 872 words.
Edit: Opps! Forgot to tag you haha @bianca-hooks123
When Danny woke up, he was surprised at how refreshed he felt. He really hasn’t a good night’s sleep in a while, huh. His body didn’t ache, his left arm finally felt normal, and the bruises he had were gone. If not for still being trapped in his ghost form, he would’ve been having the time of his life!
As he sat up, Danny noticed that his tray of food was unfortunately gone. But, he now had a new tray of food, breakfast edition! It still had the same mix of human and Tamaranean on it, which was nice. His water bottle was refilled, accompanied by a cup of strawberry milk right next to it.
Danny quickly set out to eat all of the food, like eating the dry cereal and then drinking the entirety of the milk right after, as God intended. He didn’t eat as fast as he did last night-er, before he fell asleep. He honestly had no idea what time it was, and couldn’t see a clock nearby. A clock.
Danny had to stop eating for a moment, trying to calm down the rage that was beginning to simmer. It’ll all be fine, everything back home would be fine, he just needs to pass whatever this test is and punch Clockwork in the face, then he’d be good to go. But what about this universe? Would he be able to go back here? Would he need to? Would he want to?
Danny shook his head, “No time to worry about that,” he muttered to himself, “Just eat your food, and read this note you just noticed was here.”
Danny picked up the note that he must’ve missed because he was too focused on the food. It was not written in English, or had any letters he was familiar with, and he was pretty sure spoken English here was the same as it was in his universe. It was most likely in one of the written languages of Tamaraneans, since everyone-expect Batman-thought he was a Tamaranean.
Danny flipped the note around, hoping for an English translation. The back of the note had more writing, but it was still in Tamaranean. Well that sucked. Now he has to find someone to read the note, and considering the note’s in Tamaranean, it was probably from either Starfire or Nightwing, maybe saying that they were off doing stuff. Even if Danny couldn’t read it, he did have a half-decent intuition!
With a sigh, Danny put the note back down and decided to finish his breakfast. It was so good, definitely better than anything his parents cooked for him. Who would definitely be okay if Nocturn was to be believed. Wait, was Nocturn telling the truth? Danny shook his head again, he had to believe Nocturn, for the sake of his own sanity.
Once Danny finished his food, he got out of the bed, and looked around the infirmary. He noticed three things; one, there was a clock in here and showed that it was 3 o’clock-whether it was AM or PM he didn’t know, two, someone else was in infirmary, and three, there was a box right in front of his bed.
First things first, the person in the bed was someone he hasn’t seen yet, with white, giant wings on their back. They looked they were in pain and was hooked up to something. They were already awake and was looking over at Danny.
“Ah, hello there kid,” they said with a small wave, “I’m Hawkgirl, glad you’re feeling better. Heard you weren’t in such a good state when you came in here.”
“Well, this is the infirmary,” Danny joked, “But I think I just used up too much energy.”
“Didn’t you also fall hundreds of feet from the sky?”
“Wow news spreads fast here huh? I healed pretty quickly from that though.”
“If you count being asleep for two days fast, then yes, you have.”
“I’m sorry, I’ve been asleep for how many days?” Danny couldn’t believe it, two days? That means he’s already been gone for…two minutes back home so he probably didn’t need to worry about that.
“You’ve been asleep for two days,” Hawkgirl’s voice held a pinch of sadness as she spoke, “I wish I could convert Earth days to Tamaranean days, but I don’t know the conversion rate. Starfire might, but she’s on-world right now.”
“It’s okay. Also do you um, know how to read this?” Danny showed her his note, “I can’t read.”
Hawkgirl inhaled sharply, with Danny already knowing what she was going to say and he groaned.
“Yeah yeah you don’t know either, it’s fine,” Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, “Uh, newtopicnewtopic…how are you doing? Got injured in a fight?”
“Unfortunately, yes, I have,” Hawkgirl sighed, “This strange, ghost-like creature managed to mess up some of my internal-“
“Wait a minute, er-sorry for interrupting you but did you say ghost? Like the see-through dead guys?”
“I’m unsure, Batman is looking into it. Oh, and he left that box of clothes for you not too long ago.”
“Ah, that’s what the box was for. Well, I’m going to wander around this spaceship-thing until I find a place to change.”
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cheese0spider · 4 months ago
Good night everyone we got New Triple Ko and Metal Slug Tactics plus tomorrow is New Xmen,JSA,Ultimates,Avengers,Absolute Superman,Aliens Vs Avengers,X Force,X Factor,Venom War,Cassandra Cain Batgirl,Shazam,Plasticman No More,Spider Society,My Adventures With Superman Comic,Kid Venom,I Hate Fairyland,Batman Scooby Doo Mysteries,Ranger Academy,Spiderman Homeroom Heroes,Ducktales,Little Batman Month One,Gargoyles Quest,Negasonic Teenage Warhead,Spiderman Black Suit And Blood,Green Arrow 2024 Annual,Creature Commandos,and Kahhori Reshaper Of Worlds :D
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leo-polka · 4 years ago
The fabled Batman was known to come and go through the Hall of Justice, even though he was a part-time Justice Leaguer. He guided someone... Patrick "Eel" O'brian. It was the Bats fault he'd gotten into that mess anyways. Batman didn't enjoy being in the Hall of Justice because he wasn't really a people person. He knew that O'brian needed this though.
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(Here's part two of my comic I have going! Planning the comic out is an absolute blast haha! If you have any suggestions or questions don't be afraid to ask!!)
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thebigbanghobbystore-blog · 5 years ago
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For sale DC DIRECT ACTION FIGURE Alex Ross JUSTICE SERIES 3 PLASTIC MAN action figure ••••• Kondisi ex display Complete with base Harga : Rp 750K Hold/booked/fix - 1 x 24 jam ••••• FOLLOW US ON : Instagram : @bigbanghobby Facebook page : bigbanghobby Twitter : bigbanghobby ••••• Contact us : Whatsapp : +628164861921 LINE : bigbanghobby ••••• •TURN ON POST NOTIFICIATION for updates• ---------------- #jualanactionfigure #jualactionfigure #jualactionfiguremurah #bigbanghobby #jualmainan #jualdccomics #jualdccollectibles #dcuniverse #dcindonesia #dccomicsindonesia #dcui #herocross #jualherocross #batman #batmanfigures #jualbatman #batmanmurah #koleksibatman #batmancollection #batmancollector #dcdirect #jualstatue #alexross #sfoi #supermanfansofindonesia #sfoiers #plasticman #jualplasticman (at Big Bang Hobby) https://www.instagram.com/p/B46NGk2AK-5/?igshid=h03dd6016dlr
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theheavymetalmama · 8 years ago
SUPERHERO MOVIES DC SHOULD BE MAKING Plasticman-Funny man shapeshifter Swampthing-Horror Lobo-Bountyhunter with an attitude John Constantine-Wisecracker magician Static Shock-Superhero in highschool B. Beetle & Buster Gold-Like Next wave but less nihilistic Kyle Rayner GL-Cartoonist with power ring SUPERHEROS MOVIES DC IS MAKING (they'll probably shoe-horn-in batman) Wonder Woman-looks okay(?) Batman's Justice League feat. Batman-Did I mentioned batman is in this? Flash-is this still a thing?
Tell me about it. Marvel’s turning characters the general audience has never even heard of into superstars, all the while each movie has a secondary genre. Iron Man is a techno thrill, Thor is a fantasy, Guardians of the Galaxy is a space opera, and so on and so forth. Meanwhile DC is so invested in trying to recreate ‘The Dark Knight’ and leaning on Batman so hard that Justice League looks like someone thing opened a week or so after the first X-Men movie. All the while they can’t even get Superman right.
Yeah, Wonder Woman LOOKS good, but the fact that the trailers have shown almost nothing but action scenes and where there is dialogue Diana is mostly silent isn’t a good sign. While almost everyone agrees that Wonder Woman was the best part of Batman v Superman, it really isn’t saying much considering how much of an outhouse fire that movie was. So far, despite WB and DC’s desperate claims, all the things that made Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad suck are going to make Wonder Woman and Justice League suck too.
I hope I’m wrong, but given DC’s track record I can’t bring myself to be the least bit excited about these movies. As a fan of these characters and everything they represent, I can’t tell you how much that kills me.
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