#plantzun era my beloved
So sad that wandering cultivator plantzun era was too short. His visage and stench were too powerful.
I'm just imagining a scene where he busts into an establishment, looking for some refreshments and he's just COVERED in dirt, grime, some other mysterious substances, and are those mushrooms growing on his clothes? His face is so dirty and his whiskers are so scraggly that you can't clearly see what he looks like. Obviously wearing no shoes by the way, dried mud are his new socks, maybe some thorns still stuck in his soles as well. His hair a completely greasy undone rats nest. He LITERALLY smells like a corpse that was unearthed from a swamp. SQQ does this sort of appearance several times at so many inns, taverns, and teahouses while wandering the realms that he is basically a cryptid. Some people believing that he is actually a corpse. Places of hospitality go into a tizzy when word reaches the area that he might drop by, kind of like when that one gross spirit that arrives at the bathhouse in the spirited away movie.
Even though he is unsettling and hard to be around cuz of the stench and grime, people still have this weird kind of respect for this wandering cultivator? Cuz he still gets the job done when there is trouble nearby?? He's also strangely polite??? So it's like *slowly pushes a plate of food as thanks for saving the town before quickly backing away before the smell reaches them* type vibes.
(Cut to SQQ, who is still addled from his resurrection, not realizing its that bad or after his body switch the grossness of braving the elements does not bother him anymore whatsoever. He is still very smug for having the perfect disguise though...)
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