#plantfeathers personal post
plantfeathers · 9 years
I’ve been off tumblr for like a week and... what’s with all the blank picture frames on the dash?
Gosh dang, tumblr moves so quickly.  The staff is always doing weird things, and the users jump from meme to meme, and I’m just like some old lady who’s like, “Slow down whipper snappers!”
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plantfeathers · 9 years
frogdance answered: NO I LIKE THAT LOVEABLE PIECE OF SHIT but hahaha people are in for a rude awakening. The word Trash on tumblr has kinda morphed into this own thing sort of…
Ah, yeah, I kinda forgot the tumblr definition of trash. XD
I flipped through chapter one of the manga last night and when Zap and Leo walk into the ofifce, Zap attacks Klaus, is instantly pwned, and then Chain steps on his face.  And I was like, “This should have been in the anime!  Because 1) It’s hilarious.  And 2) This is Zap in all his Zappy glory.” lol!
*EDIT* Wrong blog, sorry, ignore this! XD 
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plantfeathers · 10 years
thought-ripplesreplied to your post:10 favorite characters, in any order, then tag 10...
All of these are wonderful! :D But—which Doctor is your favorite regeneration? There are twelve to pick from now XD
blinkpinkinc replied to your post:10 favorite characters, in any order, then tag 10...
pERCY BLAKENEY!!!!!!!! *screamflailswoon*
Re: Doctor Who - I'm going to admit that I haven't seen the new guy yet, and that I've only seen a handful of classic Doctors.  But when I think "Doctor Who" David Tennent is who always pops into my head.  I think he's my fave.  I also really like Tom Baker (of course!) and Jon Pertwee.  Peter Davison I like because he was my mom's Doctor back in the day, so I have some attachment to him for my mom's sake.
Re: Percy - I KNOW RIGHT!?  Percy is my blatant wish-fulfillment, perfect-man character.  *dreamy sigh*
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plantfeathers · 10 years
10 favorite characters, in any order, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by scaryliterary. : )
In no particular order, here's roughly my top ten. 
1. The Phantom of the Opera
2. Inspector Javert (Les Miserables)
3. Sherlock Holmes (original book version of character)
4. Percy Blakeney (The Scarlet Pimpernel)
5. Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
6.  Chihiro (Spirited Away)
7.  Doctor Who
8.  Crowley (Good Omens)
9.  Westley (Princess Bride)
10. Sarah (A Little Princess)
I tag anyone who wants to do this.  Do it.  Go on, do it.  You know you want to.
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plantfeathers · 10 years
I was without internet and haven't been on tumblr in a week.  Luckily I had JUST enough stuff in my queue.  Anyway, how's everybody?  Did I miss anything?
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plantfeathers · 10 years
Music tag
Tagged by katiewhy.
You can tell a lot about a person from the music they listen to. Put your music device on shuffle and post the first 10 songs that play without skipping. Tag 10 people afterwards.
1. "Symphonie" by Silbermond (My sister likes to listen to music in a variety of languages and gave me this one.  It's a very pretty song in German.)
2. "Nasuicaa Symphonic Poem - Third Movement" by Joe Hisaishi (Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind soundtrack)
3. "Funeral Hymn" by Jon Schmidt (He's a pianist)
4. "Winter Wind" by Jon Schmidt (What?  Jon!  Stop hogging the list!)
5. "Someone Like You" from the musical "Jekyll and Hyde"
6. "No One is Alone" from the musical "Into the Woods"
7. "Houki Boshi" by Younha (lol!  An ending theme to Bleach from my embarrassing days as an anime newb.)
8. "All the Way" by Trey Warner
9. "I'll Be Home for Christmas" by Josh Groban (Heh, Christmas music stays in my iTunes all year even if I only listen during December.)
10. "Final Confluence" by Austin Wintory (soundtrack to the video game "Journey.")
I tag anyone who feels like doing this. :)
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plantfeathers · 10 years
It's time for: Plantfeather's New Year's Resolutions Advice that No One Asked For! :D
These are some things I've personally found helpful, so I'm sharing just in case it helps anyone else.
I have two ways of tackling this.  1) Categorize: Pick one goal for different areas of your life.  For example, one hobby related goal, one health related goal, one work related goal, etc.  This helps narrow things down to the most important ones, and dividing them up into categories makes it more manageable and less overwhelming.  
ALTERNATELY, 2) ditch the idea of year-long goals, and choose month-long goals.  Each month, choose a different goal to address.  (Don't plan out the whole year's worth ahead of time.  Just decide on a goal at the beginning of each month and take things as they come.)  At the end of the month, celebrate your accomplishment and start thinking about the next month.  If a goal doesn't get accomplished or runs over into the next month, use the end of the month to evaluate how well things went, and then try the same goal again the next month with a different tactic.  (Personally, I am not doing ANY year-long goals this year, but going month-by-month instead.)
Once you've decided on your goals, PLAN!
First, how will you know when you've accomplished your goal?  Choose an end accomplishment or an end date so you know when to celebrate.
Also decide how to track your progress.  You can do a journal, report in to a friend, mark your progress on a calender, whatever.  I'll be honest, I have a calender, and I put gold star stickers on it.  It helps me to visualize how well I'm doing, and, I mean, come on.  Gold star stickers.  They make me feel special.
If it's a year-long goal, choose benchmarks along the way.  This is another good place to choose month-long goals.  Perhaps the first month your goal is simply to research what you need to do to accomplish the goal, find tips, and make a plan.  February is for trying out the plan.  March is for evaluating how well things went, making changes, and choosing your next benchmark.  This makes the overall goal less overwhelming and gives you chances along the way to celebrate your small victories and feel good about yourself.
DO reward yourself.  DON'T beat yourself up.
When you reach a benchmark, or the end of a month-long goal, reward yourself.  Do a happy dance.  Get ice cream.  Brag to your friends.  Relish it.
But remember that relapses are going to happen.  Maybe life gets in the way, or your plan doesn't work out too well.  It happens.  Don't consider yourself a failure, or give in and quit.  Hitting bumps in the road is a natural part of life, so just figure out where you are and what you need to do and start things back up again.
That's all I've got!  Good luck guys!
P.S.  In case anyone's curious, I have two goals for January.  One is to revise my nanowrimo fanfic.  The other is that, as a fairly new cat owner, I've bought a book on cats that I'm going to read and figure out if I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing.  (If I'm not, well then, that will probably give me some goals for February. XD)
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plantfeathers · 10 years
I quietly passed into the new year reading over the fanfic I wrote while my cat napped in my lap.  I feel like that's a good sign.
My sincere wishes that all of you have good things awaiting in the new year.
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plantfeathers · 10 years
Tagged by katiewhy
Name: Sarah
Nickname: None (Or Plantfeathers, I guess.  Sometimes it's Plant.)
Birthday: Feb 10
Gender: girl
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Romantic orientation: Straight (demiromantic)
Favorite color: Blue
Time and Date at Current Moment: 8:32 pm 12/9/14
Average hours of sleep: 8
Lucky number: I don't know?
Last thing I Googled: "types of salad" (I've got a potluck tomorrow)
Place that makes me happy: my bed X3  Also, a nearby state park, and the city botanical gardens
First word that comes to mind: cucumber
Fictional Character: Too many to list!  Don't do this to me! TT_TT  My faves in anime, though, are Vash, Wolfwood, and Chihiro (Spirited Away)  Does Ghaleon (Lunar) count? He's from a JRPG.
Books: The Discworld novels, a handful of classic novels, Tolkien novels
Anime: Trigun, Gurran Lagann, Princess Tutu, Princess Jellyfish, Fullmetal Alchemist (both versions)
Shows: Doctor Who, Stargate SG1, Mythbusters
Drink: fruit juices, root beer
Food: fried chicken and cornbread (there's my Oklahoma roots showing), shrimp fettuccine alfredo, sushi, pumpkin and/or apple pie
Dream holiday: Camping someplace really pretty.  Or visiting the UK, or visiting Japan.
Dream wedding: One of those really geeky weddings where we end up getting married as Doctor Who and a companion or something dumb like that. XD
Tagged: Anyone who wants to!
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plantfeathers · 10 years
Tagged by trigunpls
1. What’s your first name? Sarah
2. When’s your birthday? Feb 10th
3. Where are you from? Oklahoma, U.S.
4. Have a crush? Nope.  Just cruisin' along being single.
5. What’s your favorite color?  Blue, but also dark, muted shades of just about any color.
6. Write something in all caps:  I AM REALLY EXCITED FOR THE B3 ANIME, OKAY?!?!
7. Got a favorite band/artist?  Not a single favorite, no.  Lately I've been listening to a lot of Coldplay, One Republic, Imagine Dragons, and Bastille.
8. Favorite number?  42 (The answer to life, the universe, and everything.)
9. Favorite drink? Root beer floats
10. Tag 10 people I tag anyone who wants to do this. :)
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plantfeathers · 10 years
theghostotaku answered your question:Hey, gang! Friday is Halloween, of course, and...
What, no Yume Nikki? But this sounds fun. I might consider it!~
lol I'm not as familiar with Yume Nikki, but sure!  Why not!  (Famous last words.)  Basically, if I can download it for free and the graphics aren't good enough to depict any traumatizing visuals (like realistic gore), then I'm up for whatever.
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plantfeathers · 10 years
Hey, gang!
Friday is Halloween, of course, and it's also the day before nanowrimo starts.  I'm planning on staying up until midnight and writing the first scene or two of my fanfic.  So I was thinking... would anyone be interested in staying up with me and doing a livestream or group chat or something?  This would be roughly 10pm onward.
Maybe since it's Halloween I could livestream playing the games OFF or Ib?  (Because I'm a scaredy cat and that's about as scary as I'll go. lol!)
IDK, I just thought it might be fun if anyone doesn't have plans that night, or are already done with their plans, or are also staying up for nanowirmo.
If you think this would be cool, tell me!
[Obligatory question mark?]
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plantfeathers · 10 years
Random PSA: I updated my "Links" page this morning, so it (hopefully) has an accurate list of Trigun blogs.
If there are changes you think I should make, let me know.
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plantfeathers · 10 years
vivienneaulaire replied to your post:Okay, guys, I’m officially declaring myself a...
I’m doing NaNo too! …My book’s gonna be about a world where Mer-people and Human get along for decades until a serial Mer-killer suddenly starts killing Humans the same way. :D
Ah!  That sounds like a way cool story!
I love hearing what other people are writing about.  Some people are so creative!
Good luck with your mer-story! :D
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plantfeathers · 10 years
Okay, guys, I'm officially declaring myself a participant of nanowrimo next month.  I'll be writing another Trigun fanfic, and I'm making it public to encourage myself.  (Because hopefully at least ONE of you cares, so now I'm obligated to go through with it for YOU, whoever you are out there in tumblr land!)
Wish me luck!
And to any of you out there doing the same, I wish YOU good luck! :D
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plantfeathers · 10 years
Me: Nanowrimo is coming up.  I should write another Trigun fic.
My logical side: Your other fic was a post-manga AU, so you should write something in anime-verse.  Plus, you have that one anime-verse story idea that you've already planned out a lot of.  It's a good choice.
My writing muse: Hey, remember that other post-manga AU you have with all the weird stuff in it that you haven't planned out hardly at all?  You should write that! :D
Me: No... wait... stop...
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