#planotically ofc
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sunflowernovak · 1 year ago
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yall ever wanna push your best friend against the wall and kiss them on the mouth
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 4 years ago
its canon gwen and leon went looking for frogs at night as children right?? which means elyan obviously went with them too mhm? SO
gwen was a master at frog hunting. she got so many that the bucket she was carrying them in overflowed and the trio had to hunt them all down cuz the frogs got loose in leons house (this happened on more than one occassion, they never got caught once,,, if you forget the True Loves Kiss incident)
you must be wondering, op, whats the true loves kiss incident? well my dear child, the true loves kiss incident was when leons mother caught leon with two frogs, and no gwen and elyan with him.
leons mom: son, why do you have two frogs in your hands?
leon, age twelve: uh- mother! this is, uh... gwen and elyan! yes, theyve been turned into frogs by an evil sorcerer and i must turn them back!
leon’s mom who knows full well those are random ordinary frogs: ...and how do you plan on doing that?
leon: ,,true loves kiss?
leons mom: what.
leon proceeded to explain the lore behind the curse of the lady and the frog (or in this case, the servants and the squire) and true loves kiss and the (and more importantly how it was a planotic kiss, cuz romantic kisses are gross and cooties)
gwen and elyan were sitting in an alcove right next to them and heard the whole thing (and still tease him relentlessly about it)
gaius: it seems sir gwaine has been turned into a frog
elyan: heh hey leon why dont you give him the true loves kiss hmm
leon: i-
gwen: oh stop bullying the poor guy, elyan
leon: thank you guinevere-
gwen: it would have to be a platonic true loves kiss remember? sir leon wouldnt want to get cooties after all
leon: i hate you
leon is also pretty good at frog hunting (though not as good as gwen). he often times teamed up with elyan to get half as many frogs as gwen did. hes fallen off cliffs and basicaly died on numerous occassions while on the frog adventures, and gwen swears his heart stopped one too many times during those occassions (they eventually grew desensitised when leon would momentarily die then come back to life, often times playing a game of ‘who can find the coolest looking leaf’ while they wait for leon to rise from the dead once again)
leon is somewhat sad his friends dont seem to be concerned when he dies and comes back (ofc they are, its just that ignoring it out instead of thinking of you actually dying hurts bro), but atleast sometimes he gets to keep the coolest leaf they find as a “thanks for not dying“ gift, so hes content
elyan eats the frogs.
just fucking swallows those little slimy things whole. almost dies every time, but his 10 year old self swears it was worth it (and so does his older, knightly self, thank you very much). hes learned from leon to spit at god in the face and cheat death! (leon: elyan no- // gwen: ELYAN YES)
sometime after gwen became morganas maid, morgana started joining them to skip out on dinners with uther. elyan is quick to object since 1. shes a noble (“leon doesnt count cuz, yknow; hes leon” “hey!”) and 2. shes a girl (“gwen also doesnt count cuz shes *gags* gwen” “i will stab you, lil man”)
his objections are very quickly pushed aside when he sees morgana almost eat a bright red (and incredibly poisonous) frog like it was an apple to prove her superiority to him. (it worked, and he is forever in awe, and wants to actually see morgana eat said frog but gwen and leon were so terrified of accidentally killing the kings ward and getting beheaded that maybe, just maybe, he’d keep it to himself)
morganas a PRO at frog hunting. maybe it comes from her training with arthur and the knights (“but im literally a knight” “shut up leon let me have my moment”), or maybe its cuz shes just good at everything she does, but shes GOOD good.
when they get into pairs to play games (yes they do other things too, sometimes the frogs are just too boring) morgana and gwen would pair up and basically always win so they made a rule to not let those two pair up.
it was a tie at first cuz obviously they only have four people so itd be 2 against 2. the dealbreaker was arthur who chose leon and elyans side purely to dwindle morganas chances to spend time with her crush (“you spend time with her every day! whats some game pairing gonna do?” “im in love with her arthur! we need chemistry! bonding! teaming up and beating up whiny little idiots like you!” “whaT DID YOU JUST CALL ME-“)
arthur joined in once.... emphasis is once. elyan kept giving him dirty looks cuz hes the bloody prince and thus a major arse and at one point convinced him to eat a poisonous worm to prove his manliness (“elyan why would you attempt to assassinate the prince?!” “it was FUNNY OKAY-“), and wouldve died if it werent for the fact they were close enough to gaius’ chambers to be able to revive him.
he was basically banned from going with them ever again (“see this is why we dont go to gaius when leon dies!” “shut up and help me find a cool leaf, elyan”)
random detail: the buckets they’d use are faded green (morgana supplied with the dye- they used to be buckets with metal frog eyes and legs molded onto them (curtesy of our favourite blacksmith children of course).
they stopped going frog hunting as they got older and thus gained more responsibilities, but there were occassions where they’d go.
one of which being elyan running away. on that same night, leon downright ran to gwens house as soon as he heard (and was finished with his duties), frog buckets in his hands. on the outside it did look pretty weird cuz why is a knight of camelot carrying some tiny frog buckets, but leon doesnt care. gwen needed cheering up cuz his brother was a lil shit and hes supplying it. (“dont you have patrol today?” “its in the knights code to be loyal, gwen. im showing my loyalty to you by dragging you froghunting to cheer you up!” “...isnt it also in the knights code to be honest? how did you get out of patrol?” “....um.”)
another occassion was when arthur became crown prince (more specifically after the whole tristan du bois incident) and was basically dragged a crossbow-point to go frog hunting with them (‘them’ being leon and morgana, cuz apparently gwen and merlin had some business to attend to (much to both morgana and arthurs dismay).
sometimes, when the world feels like its caving in on them, leon and gwen like to go frog hunting together. they’d reminisce about the time morgana beat up a badger to defend gwens honor, or the time arthur (who sneaked out with them that one other time) accidentally kebab’d three different toads, or that time elyan wore gwens dress to prove it wasnt that hard to run in dresses (it was. he failed miserably and sprained his ankle)
or they’d just sit by a stream where leon died once, and mourn the members of their little group and what fate brought them.
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sokkas-honour · 4 years ago
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@fivxss here are your ships, hopefully they’re all right :) the planotic ships are mentioned in the ship headcannons for the 3 of them :)
i went for a modern context for both atla and lok as that’s what came to me after the mcu ship :)
okay so, without further ado, here they are!!
for mcu, i ship you with...
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michelle jones!!
okay so, hear me out, she’s a bit more on the quieter side and you’re a bit more on the louder side, baseball player and artist, outgoing and closed off.
yall would be an adorable couple
at first, people might think you’d both be a quiet couple but as soon as you’re comfortable, you’re the first one to speak
michelle loved hearing you speak and get to know others
she’s fine watching you shine in the corner of the room as long as you give her your undivided attention when you two were alone
and you do ofc, like just imagine the both of you sitting on her bed just talking
and some days it’s just her drawing and you playing animal crossing in like the most peaceful silence
basically every moment alone between the two of you is just like a perfect and tender moment
she also sketches you playing video games, like half of her sketchbook is just you but you’re not allowed to see it. (youve most definitely looked through it though, but you keep it secret)
your main group of friends are a part of the baseball team but you totally get along really well with ned and peter
they all go see your games bc mj makes it a point to always be there
she’s not that into baseball but loves sketching you playing, she loves seeing you in your uniform and concentrated on the game
she rlly loves seeing you in your uniform
you’ve had sleepovers with only ned and peter where you guys basically just chug monsters and play video games all night long
mj’s been invited but genuinely doesn’t see the point in literally not sleeping and drinking monsters (she probably doesn’t understand why you like it)
you manage to get animal crossing for her because you insist that you both need to visit each other’s islands and she finds that adorable
peter and ned are so happy when you two finally get together because they’ve had to watch michelle pine for you without telling them, but they knew of course.
for one of your birthdays, she gifted you a full sketchbook of basically sketches of just you which you keep as your most prized possession
all three of them help you with your homework, especially mj, she loves helping you study but you she sometimes gets a little too invested in helping which means you usually turn to peter for help.
pda isn’t common but it’s not unheard of, it’s more small things. putting your head on her shoulder, kissing her on the cheek in the morning, small hugs, and the occasional hand holding.
midtown is a pretty accepting school but when the odd person makes a homophobic comment, mj is always the one to shut them up with a snarky comment, you love it when she does that.
now for atla (in a modern context), i ship you with....
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diverting from the more opposite lovers in the mcu, i think that sokka and you are similar enough to be able to relate to each other but stuff different enough to not be copies of each other
both of you are outgoing but he’s outgoing from the get go meanwhile it takes a little while for you to open up
but when you’re comfortable yall are the most outgoing pair out there and the loudest couple in the room but you both could careless bc you’re always laughing and joking around
he loves joking around, i mean he’s hilarious.
the pda initiated by him, if you’re comfortable with it ofc, is so extensive. hugs, lots of hugs, arm slung around your shoulders, arm around your waist, hand holding, etc. if you’re not comfortable with it he’ll tone it down but it’s impossible for him to not show everyone how much he loves you. (both modern and canon tbh)
a modern sokka would totally love video games so video game dates happen a lot
he also loves monster energy but sticks with the classic flavours
he collects them though and makes monster energy guns (katara hates when he does that)
you once had to stop him from pouring monster into your plants instead of water because to him, they’re the exact same. (katara rlly is worried about his health)
you once found him talking to your plants as if they were pets which was hilarious so you filmed it and he still doesn’t know why or how toph knows because she constantly makes fun of him
he’s your number one fan at your games, he wears your team’s merch, he paints your number on his cheeks, and he’s your loudest supporter
i couldn’t figure out a platonic ship here as i feel like you’d get along really well with all of them but you’d definitely get along famously with suki
the two of you totally tease sokka all the time, like even more than with toph
and finally for lok, i ship you with....
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(he’d be adapted to whatever age you are btw :) )
kai is a go with the flow kinda of guy and tends to be very outgoing
but he’s extremely respectful of your boundaries and feelings so whenever you feel shy, he’ll do whatever he can to make sure you feel comfortable in whatever situation you’re in
in a modern day setting, he’d totally play animal crossing with you and would be constantly yelling at how frustrating the game could get
dates would be chill, usually just hanging out in each other’s room or just discussing different topics while laying on the ground and watching the clouds pass. (canon and modern)
in a modern setting, he might not be able to always make your games, and believe me he always feel terrible about it, but he’ll always make sure to just throw the ball around with you whenever he can
he loves wearing your baseball cap/visor and it takes a long time to get him to give it back.
he’s also the guy to steal your food in front of you without you even knowing and will totally try to drink out of your monster can even when he has his own
in a canon setting, so many trips on lefty!! dates on lefty where he’ll be “driving” and you’ll just watch the clouds move along the sky. some dates on lefty are just spent in each other’s company while others are spent talking about whatever’s on your mind
talking about kai and bolin with opal while having friendly picnics
shed also play animal crossing with you in a modern world, you two spent hours either playing mini games on nh together or just have some background music on while you each play separately
it’s the kinda of friendship where you can basically spend time together and don’t need to interact for it to be fun
you’re the most outgoing of the two and kai loves how you try to encourage opal to do more daring things with you
flying bison races between lefty and pepper with you on lefty and bolin on pepper while you two cheer on your partners
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