162 posts
falling through the skies. birthday is January ** 1989.
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 2 months ago
I feel like this right now
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 6 months ago
I love moon sans so much. You did amazing 👏
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well don’t you?
it’s MY blog I’m ALLOWED to post self-indulgent things goddamnit—
credits to @aka-indulgence for the Moonlight AU, featuring my design for mc - they have a sun corona around their eyes, yay :D - and a different design for sans bc i suck at drawing long baggy sleeves and bones are interesting to draw. AND HE NEEDS SPACE FOR HIS ARMS. OKAY.
anyway. yeah. i'm going to go seclude myself away for the next five billion years hahaha goodbye.
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 6 months ago
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when your hulking eldritch goth bf turns to you after the final battle to save the world and asks if you want to go do mafia taxes together
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 7 months ago
I probably laughed a little to hard at the last photo. 🤣
Horrifying creature
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Meanwhile, somewhere out there:
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 7 months ago
I feel like og paps needs a little loving and what better way is for him to fall for someone who is love starved?
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 7 months ago
(WARNING) this short contains topic of abuse both mentally and fiscally, viewer discretion is advised .
Rain part 1
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
I could smell the rain coming in long before the first clap of thunder. And my newly broken ankle also told me bad weather. I never liked calling a thunder storm bad weather, well as long as I was at home and not having to deal with people who take things for granted thinking that they never would be or end up causing a accident. And no that is not how I broke my ankle, I found a hole or the hole found me I don't know which. Really not one of my finer moments, but I was lucky enough to have cell service where I was and called my boyfriend for help. But like always he told me I got myself in that mess I can get myself out. Trying to get up I realized right away that it was broken not sprained. I guess my scream caught the attention of very tall skeleton monster that was out for a jog. He was the one who took me to the emergence room and so kindly waited with me and is now going to fetch the car to drive me home.
I had called my boyfriend from the drive over to the hospital to let him know I had a broken my ankle and he said to let him know when I was coming home so he could unlock the door for me. That was the last straw, I know we have been together since we were in middle school and I thought that this was how guys were and that good guys were only in books, funny it took a monsters kindness to realize that I was fooling myself.
When the pretty red convertible pulled up I started to stand to get in, but the guy whose name I forgot rushed over with a very loud boisterous voice telling me to wait right there that I shouldn't be trying to walk with all those meds they gave me to stop the pain. Before I could respond he picks me up for the second time today and I couldn't help the mad blush that spread across my cheeks as he carried me to the car and sat me down then took my crutches from the nurse whom looked at me saying goodbye with a winked that made my blush even worse.
I don't remember how we got on the highway I was so deep in thought or sleep took over again but the  handsome monster asked me something I didn't quite get so I had to ask him to repeat.
Where am I taking you miss I don't know where you live? OH I'm sorry 1298 west creek dr. I watched as he elegantly put it into the gps. Get a hold of yourself girl you just decided to break up with your long term boyfriend you shouldn't be looking at this man that way. It doesn't help he has a voice that could melt you with one fraise. You mentally slap yourself, change the subject change the subject. Before I  could think of anything to say he asks me if I was alright and if he needs to turn around to take me bake to the hospital. Grate I must look death warmed over for him to make that assumption. No I'm fine I just feel guilty that you have done so much for me and I don't remember your name. OH THAT IS VERY UNDERSTANDABLE CONSIDERING YOU HAVE HAD A GREAT SHOCK AND BROKEN BONES. BEING A SKELETON MONSTER I FEEL YOUR PAIN A GREAT DEAL MORE THAN OTHERS WOULD AND HOW COULD I LEAVE A DAMSEL IN PERIL  AND NOT HELP. NOT THE GREAT PAPYUS!
His little rant made me laugh and it looked like there was a slight orange glow to his bones or was the meds taking full effect.
I woke up just as we were pulling to my drive way and I see my friend jessies car. That was odd she never uses that car much she always has her husband drive her around. Kurt must have told her I had broken my ankle and came over not realizing that was still at the hospital. Papyrus tried to carry me again but I stopped him cause I needed to learn how to walk with the crutches cause I can't rely on him since he wasn't going to be here to take care of me. I thanked him for everything he has done and not be a stranger if he sees me public. He wanted to walk me up to the door but I have a bad feeling the more stand there and I don't want him to see me get mad. Before he left he gave his number and told me if I needed any further assistants not to hesitate to call him. I watched as his tail lights drive away.
I didn't bother to knock I used my key and pulled out my phone to record so they couldn't say it was my pain med induced state that I was seeing things. Cause as soon as I walked in I could here his Dum  sexy music that gets him in the right mood and the unmistakable sounds of two people getting it on.
I had two minutes of them going at it before they notice I was standing there. Jessie got dressed really fast and Kurt took a little more time like what he did wasn't wrong. The bastard even took a minute to make the bed like nothing had happened jessie ran out taking off like a bat out of hell from my drive way. He then looked at me with crossed arms and had the balls to say you were supposed to call me when you left the hospital. I said sorry must have slipped my mind, now get out of my house. Excuse me did you just tell me to leave my house woman? No I said to get out of my house, I paid for it and its under my name and I just caught you having sex with one of my friends in our bed I might add. I don't know what you are talking about woman but I think those meds they gave you are stronger than you think. Oh how I knew he would try to pull this crap again. When I told him not only did I have proof of what I saw when I got home but I sent it to my dad and if I go missing to send the cops after your sorry ass, now I've already sent for my brother to help and he should be here any minute now so get out. I will pack your shit and you can come get it in couple of days but you are leaving now.
I didn't even see him move it happened so fast for the next thing I knew my was head hitting the door frame and the ringing in my ears followed by several kicks to my stomach. I blacked out when he stomped on my broken ankle. When I came to my mom was sitting next to my bed, wait not my bed I'm back in the hospital? Hey she's awake, how are you feeling sweetie? What happened? Your brother found Kurt beating the hell out of you and he had to get him off you so he hit him with your baseball bat. Your father is bailing him out now so they'll be here soon. How long have I been here? Not long sweetie just a few hours, but they are keeping you over night for observation. Your really lucky he didn't mess your ankle up any more than it was. The doctors were talking surgery. Mom my ex boyfriend just beat the shit out of me and I'm back the hospital for the second time today I wouldn’t call that lucky. I know sweetie, I was surprised all this happened at once I really thought he was the one for you. You know he took your father out last week and asked for you hand in marriage? Mom he was sleeping with Jessie and just tried to kill me. I know it just seams so weird that he would do that. I looked at her like she had grown two heads. I know she wants grand children but would she put me in danger just to have them. I couldn't look at her any more so I turned my head to the window and watched the rain start to fall. I'm determined to make my life better and I'm not letting anyone change my mind
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 7 months ago
I freaking love dusts lmao 🤣
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 7 months ago
I'm struggling with this so bad!
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 11 months ago
I would fear this man for good reasons!
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when you finally convince him to join your snowball fight. There is NOTHING behind his back!
Accompanying piece to this. Rem @ mine
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 11 months ago
Who is Killer Fell Sans ? (Undertale AU Facts) #undertale #sans #underta...
@teachtale9214 is awesome youtube account that goes through all the different aus, show them some love please!
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 11 months ago
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Decided to change my profile pic to my drawing of @aka-indulgence moon god sans. It's not the best I've done but I love his cheeky smile. Stuff is coming sorry for nothing being posted, but I hope to post something soon. Oh the background pic I have now is from the board walk I took at 6 in the morning.
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 1 year ago
When someone leaves a nice comment on my fanfic.
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Specifically for The Cocoon Splits on AO3.
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 1 year ago
I'm just rebloging a couple of these. I've been blocked bad. But I'm setting up my new computer this week and hopefully be able to post my chapter of hollow moon.
@aka-indulgence sorry it took a bit but hope this cheers you up.
Sleep well
It was 1 in morning and all I can hear is the ticking of the clock next to the bed on the nightstand. He still wasn't home, all your mind can do was think of all the worse case scenarios that could posable happen. Uh, this wasn't working. You knew you were not going to get any sleep like this. Sitting up you moved the covers out of the way swinging my legs on the side of the bed, feet touching the cold floor giving you a small shiver up your spine. Running and hand through your hair and yawning, you stood up and made your way down stairs, running your hand along the wall you find the light switch and flick it on. Blinking to adjust your eyes to the light though dim still was brighter then the dark bedroom. Not knowing now what to do you go to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea cause you are not sleeping tonight. Well as long as he is not home at least. You don't know why you get like this, Its not like he does this once in the blue moon, its every other week he goes hunting and he can be gone for hours or a couple of days depending on the game he was after. You know he's strong and can bight anything in half especially with those sharp teeth. You can still remember the day you first saw him, you had gotten in a really bad car accident that flung you out of the car and into a tree as you watch your car finish its tumbling down the hill burst into flames. It didn't help that it was pouring down rain, well I guess it was good in the since that it extinguished the flames. After gracefully out of the tree and by that I mean I slipped on a branch and landed on the only thing that wasn't bruised which was my ass. Looking up I realized I wasn't going to be able to make it back up that hill with my injuries so I decided to follow the edge of the mountain side until I found an easer way up. Not even five minutes in I got lost that I still don't know how that happened, how can you get lost following a side of a mountain, it’s a mountain. But I still got lost in the forest and fell down another hill right onto something soft and warm, he didn't like it so much, he swirled around and bared his fangs at me, almost bit me too, but he didn't yep I looked so pathetic looking he stopped. At least that what he told me, still think it was love at first sight, but he wouldn't admit it, no that would mean he is a big old softy, and what would that do to his reputation.
The sound of the kettle brought you out of your thoughts with its whistling, pulling it off the red hot coil of the stove you poured hot water into the waiting tea bag. Yawning again you make your way back to the living room and sit on the sofa and put your mug down on a coaster on the coffee table. You didn't feel like putting the tv on so you just stared at you tea as the steam rises from the top, remembering the first things he said, wow you look like shit, panic clear on your face you asked him not to hurt you, this had him laughing with a reply of sweetheart I think someone beat me to that. What the hell happen to cha anyway, lost a fight or something. I was in a car accident and couldn't get back up the mountain. He looked at you a little funny, scared you asked what was wrong cause you couldn't read his face. Nothing most humans don't survive those around here. So he knew what a car was good, looking hopeful you asked if he could help you get back to the main road. Cocking his, and his grin stretching wide he asked what do I get in return? Huh? Confused and scared again you asked him to repeat, with deep chuckle that you could feel through you whole body he repeated himself, what do I get in return sweetheart? W w what do you want? You cursed yourself for showing fear cause you could tell he enjoyed it as his tongue tasting it eyes flaring brighter slightly. A kiss. What!!! How, you don't have lips? Laughing even louder, whipping a faux tear, don't worry doll I'm just messing with you. He picked me up and took me to the main road so I could flag someone down. When I turn back around to say thank you he was gone. Never in my life would I thought I would see him again let lone marry him. But here I am worrying about his safety in the middle of the night.
Half way through your tea you finally passed out on the sofa rapped in his old coat breathing in the smell of old cigarette spice smells with a touch of earth. Around 4 in the morning he came through the door tired and full from his hunt, he should be good for a while he doesn't have to leave his wife alone. Looking up he sees a small figure on the sofa with his jacket draped over. Speak of the devil, slithering over he picked her up and carried her to their room laying her down before getting in himself. Stirring her eyes flutter open smiling as soon she sees you. Sleep very much clinging to her she says: welcome home, I'm so happy you are safe. I chuckle to this, yeah I'm home thank you sweetheart. Yawning she crawls right on top of my chest and rap my tail and arms her tight, Sleep well love.
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 1 year ago
Gosh dang, holy moly!! I'm getting the fits of the vapors seeing his arms.
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Stuff I posted on server a lil cross design
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 1 year ago
I agree with this. I approve this message 👏
I love the juxtaposition of living in a world with monsters and loving them, but still being Terrified of creepy crawlies
Centi!monster: what?
Centipede: [centipeding]
Centi!monster: you've been in bed with a centipede
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 1 year ago
if i ever interacted with you and it was awkward just know im sorry and painfully aware that sometimes i come off like a person who is having the first conversation of their life
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fuzzyfancreatorbiscuit · 1 year ago
Ahhhhhhh! I love it so much!
saloon scuffle
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inspired by this really cute drawing by @theweepingegg I saw wayyyy back
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