#placeholder icon // anon
sleepy-stitches · 11 months
what if i chopped you up in a meat grinder? what if the only thing that comes out, that's left of you, is your eyeball? you're probably dead! you're probably going to- not YOU im just SAYIN like if you- if somebody were to, like, push you into a meat grinder
what is jerma doing in my askbox. can someone let him out i think hes trapped. this is so real though like if i go through a meat grinder and the only thing left IS my eyeball i am probably dead. shame that it has to be my eyeball that survives though cause my eyes kind of suck. oh well its not like i can complain if ive been ground into a paste
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gaysonlyocean · 1 year
np!!!!! ALT RUTH YOU SAY? -silly
perhaps i did! perhaps i did say alt!ruth!
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cousticks · 1 year
Yo! I'm Cou, like in Acoustic! That's where the 'cousticks' comes from (mind blown, yet?) I'm a whole 21 years old, and would prefer they/it pronouns.
This account is my dumping ground for fandom posting, including analysis, aus (which you can find a list of here), writing, doodles, and more! You can find some of this writing on AO3, too.
I follow back from the url 'causticacoustic', as this is one sideblog of several. Please do not be alarmed by a purple Master Chief icon following you out of nowhere, or leaving asks, that's me!
Minors are welcome, but I'd prefer only my 18+ friends DM me. 18+ mutuals are welcome to my discord, too! Just send me a DM.
I encourage talking to me. Be it via asks (anon or not!), comments, reblogs, DMs, whatever, I love conversation, I'm just a little incapable of starting it, usually.
More blog info below!
This is mostly a BSD blog. In the future it may also contain other media. Vanitas no Carte is probably going to make an appearance eventually, who knows what'll come after that.
Other media interests I doubt I'll post about here include:
the Halo universe
FLCL (only the og. we don't talk about the reboots.)
Portal games
Dishonored games
bad action movies in general
and more!
I also have other non-media interests, but I won't clog this up with them. You should totally ask me about them though.
I don't post or reblog anything NSFW. This is 90% because I don't want to forget to tag something, 5% because I'm ace and don't really need that here, and 5% because I don't want to make this blog a place minors can't go.
Honestly, I'm not great at tagging upsetting content. If you need something specific tagged then leave me a DM or ask (anon or not) or something and I'll try my best to keep a running list of what needs tagged and how (I keep a Google Doc for myself for my tagging system and will happily add your needed tags to it). Chances are, you'd be seeing violence or blood. If you're in the BSD fanbase, I'm kind of making a blanket assumption that you're okay with that when you interact around here. If not? Good luck, I guess.
I give all characters their own individualized tags. I'm working on making them all short song lyrics. Please feel free to ask about any tags you see! Characters that haven't been given lyric tags yet are given the tag 'placeholder [character] tag.' If they're an au-specified character, such as from Beast, its specifically 'beast [Character] tag'. I have a handful of AU and/or concept emoji tags. If I ever see it relevant enough, I'll make a key for them.
Drawings are tagged #doodles. 'Personal' not really content posts are tagged #sticky note. More put-together posts I intend to actually circulate in the world are tagged with the fandom and relevant characters / novels, ex. #bsd dazai, #bsd fifteen, etc. People I interact with frequently might find themselves with their own tags as well! Mutuals, please don't think I suck for not giving you a tag or something pretty pretty please. My brain is very tired so I'm limiting it to those that appear often I promise I'm not slighting you personally on purpose.
I love getting asks. They can be actual questions on my thoughts, chain mail, insults, little gifts, whatever. I don't care. I love them and will treat them all with care. I have anon enabled and will always have it enabled. I'm also a big fan of ask games and have a ton of them tagged under #ask games. Those are all active all the time forever (though if its an older one you'd have to specify) I just like having things to talk about. Please talk to me.
This is very long and says absolutely nothing. Please direct all questions, comments, or complaints to the ask box.
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losingmymarbelles · 9 months
i see you rb a lot of ppls ducksonas/ocs and i was wondering if you have one? if so id love to see it !! /nf
seeing this ask made me realise that yes actually, i do have dt ocs. however i forgot about all of them completely agksksjsk
so i looked through my old art to find some art of my forgotten ocs. you’re welcome (or my apologies. it depends)
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so first off we have trinity, my OLD DUCKSONA!!! and her magical mentors or something idk. (their names are tilly and tempest. guess who’s who) from what i remember i think these two are like. her two sides but also her older sister figures. at the same time. somehow. idfk know man. also the mentors aren’t real i think they’re like spirits??? they’re the source of magic for this super cool magical double scythe that trinity has (that i didn’t draw)
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^ something like this bad boy
idk the lore is confusing i think i’ll have to change it LMAO
yeah so my head already hurts so onto the next ones
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next up we have FANKIDSSS bc i’m the most original oc maker on the planet. their names are Jet, Turbo and Rebel (i like the idea of them getting the names Della wanted for her kids) they’re Dewey’s kids (as you can see i transgendered Jet bc i can) there’s also a weblena child lol her name is Seren/Reni i think. she’s a guitarist if i remember correctly. Lena calls her rockstar <3
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^ also we have these guys who are llewerius biological kids?? don’t ask me how idk. their names are Emerald (left) and Jade (right) they also have an adopted bear brother named Isaac who i didn’t draw because the thought of drawing bears scared me at the time. i like them tbh i might repurpose them. they’re cute. i’m probably gonna redesign them too cause 💀. yeah
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and lastly we have these fuckers: some white girl named Lissy and genderfluid icon Morgan. Lissy is a cheerleader who has a guy best friend i forgot the name of. Morgan is one of those quiet art kids who makes their own clothes. i don’t remember why i made them lol
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blorbo from my fic (you can read it here if y’all want) nicknamed soup simp bc when i asked my friends who were beta reading my fic for a placeholder name for him they said soup. so. soup guy
yea so i might redesign + repurpose most of these guys so y’all may be seeing them again lol. thank u anon for reminding me about their existence
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necromancercoding · 10 months
¡Hola, Necro! ¿Cómo estás? Quería preguntarte... ¿Sabes si es posible tener un FORUM_FOLDER_IMG distinto para cada foro? Entiendo que esta variable después cambia dependiendo de si hay o no mensajes sin leer dentro del foro. Así que... Sería posible customizar ambas para cada foro? Desde ya, ¡gracias!
¡Hola anon! La manera más sencilla es usar la variable de imagen de mensajes nuevos/no nuevos/cerrados como un selector de atributo, más que como una imagen per se.
Primero que nada: para diferenciar entre un subforo u otro usando ids, usa este tutorial de Mr. D.
Ahora, lo que vas a hacer es que vas a poner imágenes placeholder en lugar de imágenes reales:
Foros con mensajes nuevos: http://via.placeholder.com/1/.png?text=frow_new
Foros sin mensajes nuevos: http://via.placeholder.com/1/.png?text=frow_nonew
Foros cerrados: http://via.placeholder.com/1/.png?text=frow_closed
Ahora, en index_box, en tu envoltorio de foros (en el ejemplo se llamarán .frow porque es la clase que yo uso), vas a poner dicha variable como un atributo data.
<div class="frow" data-icon="{catrow.forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG}"> <!-- Resto de tu contenido --> </div>
Supongamos que tu icono por defecto es:
<div class="fricon fas fa-heart"></div>
Para modificar el diseño del icono dependiendo de su estado, vamos a usar data-icon:
.fricon { color:black; } [data-icon*="_new"] .fricon { color:red; } [data-icon*="_closed"] .fricon { color:gray; }
Para modificar el diseño del icono dependiendo de su subforo, usamos la id del subforo:
#f2 .fricon:before { content:'\f005'; /*código de 'fa-star'*/ }
Obviamente, puedes cambiar cualquier cosa que se te apetezca (posición, tamaño, familia de iconos...), esto es un ejemplo muy básico de los cambios más 'habituales'.
PD: Si en lugar de usar fuentes de icono usas imágenes, en lugar de modificar colores o pseudoelementos cambiarías el background-image, que recomiendo tener en variables para que puedas cambiarlas con mayor facilidad 😉
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saltymongoose · 1 year
OMG!!! So glad you're back! Any updates on the discord server? No pressure, but it would be cool to have a community to post fanart in and stuff!! ^^
Ayy, thanks Anon, and yes, I do have updates! :) The only things I have left to do with the server are:
Post the rules to an official chat (they're already written).
Test it to see if the verification form works properly, along with the roles.
(Less important) Design a better icon for it than the placeholder sketch I'm using right now.
I believe it should be opening next Saturday or Sunday, if everything goes as planned. 👍
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grandhotelabyss · 8 months
Speaking of DC comics, thoughts on "the joker" as a charachter - probably to talk about him considering how much of a meme and marketing brand he is, but do you think he has any "worth" as a charachter or is he just edgy hot topic fodder that got artificially boosted in relation to actually compelling (as much as a villian of a literal bat man can be compeling lol) antagonists?
Insofar as the Joker is less a character (he has no stable backstory) than a vivid placeholder for madness and chaos, really talented artists can fill it in compellingly, and Nolan/Ledger and Phillips/Phoenix did so onscreen. But the strength of the character is that he is empty in this way, waiting to be actuated by whatever a given artist thinks madness is, whether Alan Moore's tragic comedian in The Killing Joke or Grant Morrison's avant-garde schizoid personality in Arkham Asylum, two of the main 1980s sources for the character's contemporary portrayal, themselves take-offs on the return of the Joker as lethal madman rather than criminal prankster in the 1970s comics of Denny O'Neil. The Joker is in that sense a commercial archetype rather than an iconic literary character with a dense specificity like Hamlet or Captain Ahab.
To answer two other questions very briefly, possibly from the same anon:
—I've never read Lord Dunsany.
—I think Maus is excellent and wrote it about it here.
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fishyspider · 1 year
Please change your icon! I almost blocked you because I thought you were a bot
two (I think?) years of having this account and I've still got zero clue what to change my icon to. Thanks for reminding me anon, I'll find something at least as a placeholder.
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Hey, ai anon here. I'd like to apologize for my comment. I didn't notice that you said it was a placeholder. I am an artist myself and I don't expect you to draw art that fast. I just saw ai generated content and had a knee-jerk reaction because i really hate ai art on principle. Still, regardless of my personal opinion, i shouldn't have sent that ask and im sorry i did. I really do enjoy your blog (and your friend's!) and i hope i didnt discourage u too much. Please keep creating, you're doing wonderfully <3
//The apology is greatly appreciated, I had hoped you just didn't see my post, and I'm very glad that was the case.
As an artist myself, I absolutely understand the knee jerk reaction, and believe me I wish I could get the icon done faster. I'd hoped to have it done by now, but of course since I'm trying to get something done, my carpal tunnel is being a bitch lol
I'm glad you like our blogs, and don't worry we aren't discouraged. If anything you've actually encouraged me to focus on the icon so we can swap out that AI placeholder haha So really, no harm done. Thank you for clearing things up :)
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phantomcodes · 2 years
Ok hello again! I did figure out how to do most of the customizing :). I do have a couple things I couldn’t manage on my own though:
How do I replace the large image on the left side with a gif I made? What are the recommended sizes for gifs and images there?
Related to that - in the little box on the opposite side where it says name and secription, how do you edit that section? It’s the only section I couldn’t find in the code. I want to just replace that image with my icon. I’m not sure how to upload gifs and images to html.
You know the three circles on the top right hand side for home, message, and back to top, can you explain where to change their color? I was able to find where to change all the colors except for those, they’re still pink.
Thank you again for your patience (and for sharing your beautiful themes and pages with us!)
i'm assuming this is the same anon from before talking about the moongate pages?? are you talking about the moongate about page? y'all i need more context in order to help lmao and i won't usually answer questions like this
in general:
right click the image/gif you want to use, copy the image link, and paste in place of the other image link - ex. <img src=“your image link here”>
to edit the description/info stats/etc. just delete the placeholder text and replace it with whatever you want, i don't know what section or page you're talking about tho
all of the colors are changed at the top of the page, it may vary depending on the page i don't remember off the top of my head but it's going to be the first place you're taken when you search "edit here"
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ask-beeping-boy · 2 years
[leans against a desk.]
bf with a kitten sneeze, yes or no?
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melsie-sims · 2 years
Hi! I was just wondering if you use Reshade (Or Gshade?) when playing Sims 2? I've never used either and I'm worried if Sims 2 could handle it? Your Sims 2 posts are so pretty and I'm wanting my own to look at least half as good! Thank you so much!
Hey Anon! I hope you're doing well!
Unfortunately I don't actually use Reshade or Gshade for either Sims 2 or Sims 4. I just play a normal, boring, unsaturated game. I'm sorry I can't help you with that part. But I'm still gonna try to help! Don't worry!
Everything you see on Simblr is done through the power of editing... Here's a quick tutorial (It wasn't actually quick, it took me hours to reply to this) if you'd like to learn more on how I get my screenshots to look the way they do.
I use Gimp which is 100% free, as opposed to Photoshop's monthly fee. At this point I'm way more comfortable with Gimp so I wouldn't make the switch even if I had the money to spare.
Saving Templates as xcf Files
I’m not a tech or graphic design genius so correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m guessing xcf files are the equivalent of psd files. These are the types of files you need to open if you want all of your layers to show up. When you have all of your layers ready, you need to do “save as” and then make sure you’re saving your project as a .xcf.
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Using xcf files I made reusable templates for my screenshots so everything is already saved when I want to edit. I just have to open up the screenshots as new layers into the xcf templates and it's done! It literally takes two minutes to do!
Sims 4 is a bit more complicated because I add moodlets, notifs and icons, but the process is generally the same.
Before & After:
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Above are two images edited differently depending on the lighting. The image on the left uses the 25% opacity layer while the image on the right uses the 75% opacity one. You can definitely see the difference. They're way brighter and crispier.
My Layers:
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This is what my layers look like. I renamed some of them for your convenience so don't be confused when the images below have different names.
Top Layer (Bright Pink)
The pink-peach gradient is what makes my images bright and pink. I love that it removes the bluish glow from Sims images. The mode is "overlay" and the opacity is set to 60%.
2nd Layer (Peachy Burn)
This layer makes the image crispier. It's a little darker and the contrast is better in my opinion. It's super touchy though so you barely have to have any opacity at all for it to work. The mode is "burn" and the opacity is only 15%.
Layers 3 to 6 (Brightness)
So these are the layers that REALLY make all the difference. Depending on the lighting in the original screenshot I use a different layer to brighten up my images even more.
If it's bright and my sims are outside I'll likely use the 10% one since I don't need to lighten up the image much. If it's really dark I'll likely go for the 75% one.
For most indoor screenshots I will use the 25% opacity one which is the one that's already toggled on when I open up the template.
Layer 7 (The Image)
This is more or less just a placeholder. I usually put my screenshots between this layer and "Overlay 10% (Day)". You don't have to do anything with it. If all of your layers are toggled on properly then the image should already look edited the moment you add it to the template.
This is what it looks like when I open a random screenshot as a new layer. As you can see, I'm using the 25% opacity layer. Every other opacity is toggled off, which you achieve by clicking on the little eye icon at the left of the layer.
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This is the original image with every other layer turned off. It's what I see in-game when I play.
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As you can see, it's very dark and unappealing. What can we do to change that?
Here's me turning on every single layer in gif form. You can clearly see the difference the "Overlay ##%" layers do to help brighten up the image. You can also see why I'd choose 75% over 10%.
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A final note or two:
If you've read this far and found this tutorial useful (it literally took me hours to do so I hope someone took away something from it LOL) then you're welcome!
I'm just gonna low-key add the link to my Ko-Fi here in case this post gets a lot of views and anyone would like to donate. 😂😂 I'm having a hard time financially so it'd really help. No pressure though, especially if you're also struggling to pay the bills.
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redbeansesameball · 4 years
hey do you know yet about keith haring being a pedophile and racist? it is documented in 'Queer Latino Testimonio, Keith Haring, and Juanito Xtravaganza: Hard Tails' (book) by A. Cruz-Malavé. it was hard news for me to hear but i feel that folks using keith haring art as their avatars might want to know this..
i wasnt aware of this, thank u for the information. thank u also for the book title, im trying to find it rn bcs the previews are very interesting but i dont wanna give amazon $70 for it.... 
i appreciate u letting me know! thank u friend 
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Bbc Merlin? 💜
(anon asked the same 💙)
The first character I first fell in love with: merlin :') dragonlcrd videos my beloved :')) i was like wow this weird ass rat is kinda pretty and very sassy
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: elyannnn i mean i liked him as soon as he appeared first time watching and shipped perelyan and i thinkkk perelyaine and i was so angry when he died just on principle i entirely stopped caring about what happened after but i didn't realise just how delightful he was til i went through and found all his scenes and watched them bc i wanted to do text posts for all the knights and didn't know if he (or leon, or percival) had enough canon personality (he did) (percival was a struggle as was leon kinda) ig percival too although he hasn't changed from the placeholder man i saw him as while first watching :')
character everyone else loves that I don’t: arthur except i don't hate him as much as i act, like i would commit several crimes for s1 him it's more how hypocritical, evil in his utter ignorance, and honestly pathetic he is by s5 and how he’s coddled by the fandom. Also... im gonna get killed on sight for saying this aren't i but Merlin?? i used to and i get why but idk i'm just kinda... he doesn't interest me so much any more? i feel like there's nothing i want to add to what everyone else is doing which is GREAT btw and idk there are a lot of characters i love more :)
The character I love that everyone else hates: eira :') i adopted her for camelove day... 6 i think? and wrote her perspective of dotd and i just... i know i KNOW her plotline is the worst but she was demonised by the writers as much as any other female character and that's no reason to ignore her existence. Also idk about hate but i am a vivian stan and violent defender of her right to be as bitchy as she likes :D (except if it’s to gwen );) also people who hate mordred... why buddy? why
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: again merlin ig but also morgana. She... she's just... no. People make her out to be some feminist icon who was only bad bc the narrative portrays her that way and if she was just fighting for her people's freedom i'd probably agree. but she slaughters innocents, allies herself with all sorts of REALLY awful people whose actions she condones as long as they're not against her, tortures abuses and controls people who've done absolutely nothing to deserve it (Gwen, Mithian), and certainly by the end only cares about getting power. i... she's a villain. There's nothing wrong with liking villains of course, and i will still never forgive merlin for poisoning her, but she's not just 'misunderstood'. i used to be really big on morgana redemption but now don’t usually bother or include her in my fics bc i can’t see past what she did to gwen.
The character I would totally smooch: smooch? uhh...... lance?? Maybe??? probably not tho :/ hug however? gwen 🥺 elyan, percy,10/10 would braid gwaine's hair 🥰
The character I’d want to be like: probably gwen... tbf i relate to her a lot already i’m just not that lovely or accomplished 🤣
The character I’d slap:
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[ID: A gif of goblin-possessed Gaius having a whale of a time slapping Uther’s bald head. End ID]
A pairing that I love: perelyan, perelyaine, elyaine, mergwencelot... etc etc etc  rarepairs my beloved :’)
A pairing that I despise: aside from the obvious icky stuff and shipping teenage characters with adults... there’s not many i full on Despise. If merthur wasn’t so fucking ubiquitous i wouldn’t hate it half as much but alas :’) i have a grudge against perwaine simply bc people i’ve seen actually ship it are all height difference! banter!! flirting!!! all three of which perelyan has more of in canon plus they’re more affectionate and lbr percival made it pretty clear in 4x13 who he prefers (poor gwaine sitting there mangled and percy zooming straight past him🤣) and it kinda feels like people like perwaine more for the same reason elyan gets excluded from everything else and also it gets gwaine out the way of merthur but people can ship what they want and i don’t mind perwaine objectively so ig i digress... i also don’t like morgwen set in canon era for the above reasons but i can be swayed by modern au them (@mumble-muse’s xmas morgwen fic you’re an angel and we’re thrilled you're here, everyone go read and comment 🥰)
ty for the ask! 💜
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necromancercoding · 1 year
¡Hola Necro qué tal? ¿es posible poner icons fonts en lugar de imágenes en los iconos de "nuevo mensajes", "no hay nuevos mensajes", "temas cerrados" y esos? ¡Muchas gracias por todo tu trabajo!
¡Hola anon! Creo haber contestado esto antes, pero no consigo encontrar el post. Así que lo contesto otra vez 😂
Mi modo de hacerlo es mediante imágenes placeholder (como esta). Si te fijas en la parte final del link, tengo puesto 'frow_nonew'. Hago esto con los tres tipos de imágenes de esa zona: frow_nonew, frow_new y frow_closed.
¿Para qué nos sirve esto? Muy sencillo: no vamos a usar esta imagen como imagen si no como selector. En nuestro index_box, vamos a poner en nuestro .frow (o contenedor de cada subforo) lo siguiente:
<div class="frow" data-icon="{catrow.forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG}">RESTO DEL HTML</div>
Con eso puedes editar cualquier elemento dentro de .frow (y el propio .frow) dependiendo del estado. Cambiarle el color del borde, el fondo, añadirle florecitas flotando por ahí, lo que tú quieras. Pero para el icono, será tan sencillo como localizarlo en tu html y targettear su :before. Un ejemplo:
.frow .fricon em { color:black; } .frow[data-icon*="_new"] .fricon em { color:red; } /* Nuevos mensajes */ .frow[data-icon*="_closed"] .fricon em:before { content:'\f005'; } /* Foro cerrado */
Puedes hacer esto también con tus temas y mensajes privados, busca la variable con nombre TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG y PRIVMSG_FOLDER_IMG respectivamente, en los templates topics_list_box y privmsgs_body.
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assfcrdays · 2 years
will you ever post ass pics of yourself again?
ooooooh, a long-time fan, lmao (meanwhile look at all my more recent followers who silently judge me upon learning of my desperate slut days) maybe one day, lmao. fun fact: when I still had the "TBA" muse placeholder on my muse page, the "ass pic icon" i used for that was my own butt 0:) was fun to do it sneakily, haha. to be honest, at the moment i am at a place where i don't enjoy most of my body well enough to post butt pics in a public forum like this, but hey that might change. already looking forward to the anon fights between the groups of "tag your nudes, nobody wants to see that shit" vs. "do what you want, we wanna see dat ass"
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