#pks usually the one bottoming bt
sins-and-hubris · 2 years
Grimm? But wouldn't wl be overly territorial? She does speak of the grimmchild with some disdain.
If Grimm was trying to romantically pursue PK with the intention of taking him as his mate, then yes. However, Grimm and PK's sexual interactions tend to actually be territory-based, so while she doesn't like Grimm purposefully heckling them, she doesn't mind sex being the way of settling it.
See, when a wyrm purposefully enters another's territory, it's either to kill the inhabitant and take over, or it's there to mate. Typically the mating part only happens during breeding season, when the pheromone trails of the dominating wyrm lead others in to breed, but sometimes if the invading wyrm realizes they're in over their heads, they'll flip from aggressive behaviors to courtship ones to minimize their chances of being killed by the dominating wyrm. This usually works to the benefit of both parties, both because wyrms are hardwired to look at something huge and dangerous and powerful that's threatning to kill them and go 'hello sexy', while the dominating wyrm gets both the security of not having to initiate a potentially risky battle while also being appeased by the mating. Whether or not either wyrm has a regular mate doesn't matter much because they do not have a monagomous breeding structure and are often hold such large territories that fresh genetic contributions is always a good thing. PK-while unusually dedicated to WL in that he's interested in her year-round rather than a single season- is still a wyrm.
So essentially, when Grimm comes a-heckling, PK demands that he either fight, or find some way to appease him to make this annoyance worthwhile. Usually, Grimm just wants to waste his time for the hell of it, but sometimes he's in the mood to fuck another Higher Being, so he chooses to appease via sex instead. PK still gets the dominance points, so he and WL are satisfied, and Grimm gets to annoy him with shitty puns while they're locked, so he's satisfied. Its not clean, but it works out well enough for them both
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