#pkmn idsi
astrocassette · 1 month
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figuring out how i want to draw the twins w hairstyle headcanons! hitting them with a male pattern baldness beam ✨
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astrocassette · 6 months
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trainersona time wahoo!!!! milo is from an AU of this world that doesn't have pokemon as a franchise, so they're dropped into the pokemon world with no prior knowledge. after a few months of adjusting and learning galarian, they find they enjoy casual training and split their time between that and working at a quilt shop in nimbasa :]
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astrocassette · 3 months
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put together outfit and team refs for my trainersona milo!! (they/them) i am very excited for art fight :]
notes under the cut
pokemon team
ettie ♀ - milo's first pokemon, met as a woobat the night milo got isekai-ed! trainerless but taken to a pokemon center for mild injuries, she managed to escape containment and stick herself to milo's cheek, and has been with them ever since. she's goofy and sweet. she's also a service pokemon, using calm mind to help milo with their anxiety.
julian ♀ - originally caught as a venipede in a subway tunnel by ingo helping the interpol survey the line milo dimension-hopped on. he gave her to them a few months later so they'd have a slightly stronger pokemon to look after them while training ettie. she's now milo's ace, and their main form of transportation in hisui.
peridot ○ - caught in a visit to celestial tower! a gaggle of elgyem started following milo, fascinated by their non-native psychic vibes. peridot was the boldest, and came with them after a friendly battle. it's incredibly curious about human objects + technology and will frequently pick things up to examine with them with the utmost care
dewdrop ♂ - fished up during milo's time in hoenn! he's a spunky creature, very personable, and the most enthusiastic battler on milo's team. has never quite gotten the hang of using healing moves.
isekai - their usual winter gear from earth, what they were wearing when they got isekai-ed. their giant thrifted ski jacket from the 90s is exceptionally warm. you can only see the straps, but they had their backpack on them as well! earthly belongings that came with them include several class notebooks, a tarot deck and journal, a box set of their favorite horror ttrpg, a deck of cards, their phone, headphones, and a phone charger. they were on their way back from visiting friends when they got eeby deebied to the pokemon world.
casual - an average outfit they end up with while in the process of settling in! they wear this and similar outfits in their everyday life, going to their galarian language lessons and to work in the quilt shop in nimbasa. the grey tank is band merch from a hard rock/metal band called Destiny Bond that elesa introduces them to. :]
events - when they're going out somewhere and want to Look Good, milo goes full 70s twink! nothing like some good fruity androgyny. they are incredibly glad historical fashion trends of the pokemon world mirror earth's.
hisui - the first few months in hisui they spend in the couple sets of plainclothes they brought with them from the future, but once they get to jubilife, milo does a LOT of trading to acquire various outfits from the clothier's! they favor women's hakama and geta sandals when in town. their original glasses from earth get lost early on in an incident with a flock of staravia, so they go a few months without until they're able to get new ones.
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astrocassette · 6 months
LOVE Milo’s design omg!! Wondering, what would their Pokemon battle quotes be? Things like victory, defeat, their Pokemon landing a super effective hit, their Pokemon taking a super effective hit, Pokemon on low HP, Pokemon fainting, low HP victory, stuff like that?
WAH thank you!! most of their outfit comes directly from my own closet, ahah! (*^▽^*) that's what they were wearing when they got isekai-ed. :] they do end up with more outfits for other situations but i haven't decided on them yet
and OOOHH that's a good question!!
when talking to people, something funny with them is that you can definitely tell who taught them galarian because of their word choice and occasional use of train metaphors. it also shows in how they approach battling: with cheer and encouragement towards their opponent!
challenged: oh!! you want to battle? cool, yeye, full steam ahead! do your best!
victory: [gasps, lights up] i... hahah! thank you, that was a great battle! let's do it again sometime!
defeat: ah! [sighs, smiling] bravo, that was very fun! thank you!
low hp victory: ...hoo! that was close! you and your team did a really good job! (internally making a deflating balloon squeak noise)
where they speak to their opponents in either galarian or kantonese, milo actually speaks to their pokemon in english! it seems pokemon can understand their trainers no matter what language they speak. in battle tho, milo's not super wordy but they're definitely reactive. when things are going well there's lots of "yes!" and "WOO!!", when things are precarious their go-to is "you got this, bud!", and when things are going badly they'll hiss/wince in sympathy of heavy hits, and offer comfort and reassurances when calling their pokemon back.
outside of battle milo is definitely the kind to talk to their pokemon like people/pets. doesn't really babytalk, but will sing silly songs to them when no one is around and have conversations with them :]
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