#pjo hekate
hotpotrandomfics · 3 months
Hecate: Any betrayal you can see is trivial, what is truly frightening and much more lethal, is the betrayal you cannot see.
Ciel, 27 years old: Mother, I’m sorry I didn’t mention I was seeing someone.
Hecate: You don’t call or write and I got to learn through Poseidon you’re seeing his daughter!
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tylermileslockett · 2 years
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In the Greek pantheon, Hekate is known as a protector of entryways, borders, and crossroads. She is also a Cthonic (underworld) goddess who exists on the peripheries of the pantheon, and teaches witches like Circe and Medea their magical crafts. Therefore, she has darker associations with death, the underworld, the moon, magic spells, and spirits.
In Hesiod’s Theogany, Hecate is the daughter of Titans Perses and Asteria. For defeating the giant Pergamon in the Gigantomauchy (epic battle between Olympians and Giants), Hekate is the only Titan to retain her powers under the rule of Zeus, who gives Hecate a share of earth, heaven and sea. Like Hermes, Hekate is one of the few deities to have the power to move between the realms of the living and the dead, thus, her portrayal holding divine keys.
One of the most famous myths involving Hecate is Hades’ abduction of Demeter’s daughter, Persephone. Hekate assists Demeter in the underworld by leading the way with torchlight, and later becomes an attendant to Persephone. Hecate’s sacred animal ally is a black dog, said to be Hecuba, Queen of Troy, who was reincarnated by Hekate after suicide. For this reason, dogs were sacrificed and eaten in Hekate’s honor. Another sacred animal servant is the Polecat (weasel), who was the handmaiden Galinthias punished for a deception involving the birth of Hercules.
Around the 5th century B.C.E. we see the first sculptural totem figures portraying Hekate in the triple body form surrounding a central column. These votive statues for the protection of travelers would be placed at crossroads with each figure facing a different path.
Hekate is associated with a variety of frightening Daimones (minor divinities or spirits which could be good or evil.) the Empusae was a shapeshifting specter with the body of a woman, and one leg of brass and the other of a donkey, with hopes of devouring a traveler. The Lamia was originally a vengeful Libyan serpentine woman who devoured children, but later was seen to take the form of attractive, voluptuous woman who would seduce a traveler and feast on their fresh blood. The Mormo was another phantom bogeyman said to be sent out by Hekate to nibble on misbehaving children. Hecate was also followed by a retinue of underworld torch bearing nymphs, called the Lampads. These attendants would accompany both Hekate and Persephone on their journeys between the realms, and also symbolically assist initiates of the Eleusinian mysteries.
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venusianc0mplex · 1 year
Children of Hekate
Children of Hekate are mysterious, intriguing, magnetic, and sensual artists who are forced to learn how to alchemize their pain into blessings and gifts for humankind, On the outside they seem to have it all; influence, power, charm, beauty, and success. However, underneath those layers of glory are usually whirlpools of pain that never cease to an end. The tragic but empowering lives of Hekate kids always make the most captivating stories to tell. 
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Sexy as FUCK and got rizz for daysssss
Naturally draw people in with their aura
Very gifted with magic and spells
Very intuitive people
Extremely creative people
Very in touch with their own emotions
They are very good at making you feel seen and heard
They spot people’s shadow sides very easily
They tend to know what the other person wants
People wants to get close to them or want to dig into their life 
They gain fans very easily
They are very emotionally understanding people
Good at making other people feel loved and cared for 
LOVED by the opposite sex
Exudes sex and can’t hide that
Their emotions really draw you in because they are very intense
They really care about the wellbeings of the underdogs
They are down to help someone for free
Their artwork speaks to people no matter what it is they put out there
Gifted astrologers because Hekate’s mom is Asteria
They are very good at turning their negative emotions into artwork
Takes good care of small animals and kids
Naturally protective and they are naturally fighters
They have the ability to walk out of any darkness imposed on them
They can fight through anything in life even if some people might take longer
They are some of the most empathetic people once healed from their traumas
A LOT of people want a piece of them
They can spot people’s shadow side very easily
They naturally have influence over others
Very gifted prophets
They have the power to push through any hardships in life
Common Themes in the Life of a Child of Hekate
They feel their emotions at an intensity most people don’t get to experience
Prone to developing mental health illnesses due to Hekate’s 3 form’s collective energy being overwhelming on the native
Experience the most emotional swings in life
Thoughts are so powerful they will always have a significant impact on their reality 
It’s best for them to not stick to one career path throughout their lifetime
Their manifestations are so powerful they need to be careful what they wish for
Extremely volatile self-esteem
Most of them grew up with fragmented families
Prone to negative thinking/bad self-talk
They need gentler treatment from people around them
Prone to victim mindset
No matter what happens in life, as long as they try hard, they will always be kept afloat 
They tend to get more help from people of the opposite sex than people of the same sex
Attracts jealousy very easily
They need to choose their romantic partners very wisely
Most of them are prone to falling for the hot but toxic partner
Their family can set them back for years 
They struggle with grasping the truth and getting a good sense of reality
 Maintaining good mental health should be their no.1 priority in life
They are either easily influenced by people’s dark sides or become the toxic one that influence others negatively
They are usually very genuine with their emotions
They are usually the black sheep of their family 
Probably made a contract to sacrifice their early childhood happiness for material success and magical powers
They usually got prominent sideral cancer, aquarius, and/or pisces placements in their chart. (usually a combination of cancer + something else)
Deep thinkers
Need HUGE amounts of spiritual protection to thrive in life
Treats animals very well
People who learned their lessons and worked on their shadow selves usually become VERY good parents
Extremely protective
Natural guides/protectors
A lot of them will always have a kind heart no matter what life throws at them
Almost all of them face MASSIVE struggles with their mental health as they are influenced by all 3 of Hekate’s sides but that energy is often times too much for a human to handle
Extremely prone to escapism and unhealthy coping mechanisms
They are prone to drowning in their depressive feelings for a very very long time
They can be too emotional or vengeful to their own detriment
Prone to self-isolation or pushing everyone around them away
Prone to extremities 
They are usually born into dogshit biological families
Struggles with an intense amount of suicidal thoughts
Usually surrounded by bad influences in their early childhood
Too stubborn to change for their own good sometimes
Their negative thoughts can manifest into their actions very fast
“Becareful what you wish for”
They LOVE going for the popular boy/girl whos actually emotionally unavailable af just because it satisfies their ego (Medea’s lesson)
Extremely Stubborn 
Suffer from a lot of jealousy (at them or towards others)
Trouble expressing their vulnerabilities
Spiritually vulnerable and prone to being taken advantage of
People LOVE to disrespect their boundaries
Can suffer really deeply from sexual harassments
Prone to lashing out in very extreme ways that push people away 
Suffer a lot from betrayals, especially from their families
They have to learn to overcome a huge amount of darkness in life
They suffer a lot from the evil eye
Suffer from unwanted attention
Not the best at giving a good first impression
A lot of them struggle with BPD, ADHD, Bipolar, and etc
People are usually dismissive of the emotions they struggle with are they are judgmental towards it 
They are usually not given the same grace they give to others
They tend to give to the wrong people until they learn their boundaries 
They attract a lot of problematic people to them 
Their vengefulness can cause them a lot of trouble in life
A lot of them face a horrible amount of abuse in their earlier life 
They have trouble putting their egos down to ask for help
Disclaimer: Everything written above stemmed from my own observations, I'm not claiming to be 100% accurate on everything
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bugwolfsstuff · 27 days
Fuck demigods that were on Kronos' side
What gods do you think were on Kronos' side?
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freyapoststhings · 8 months
hear me out. W.I.T.C.H by Devon Cole but Apollo wrote it about the female goddesses. Some specific lyrics that I think fit:
rumour on the street is that her apples are delicious-Hera
The jury says she's charming but her exes say she's wicked-Aphrodite
I swear to God I saw her howlin' at the sky-Artemis
She ain't out to get you but she's better on your side-Hestia
She don't wanna be anybody else-Aphrodite
She's a woman in total control of herself-Athena
It's such a wonderful to be under her spell-Hecate
She said "am I bad to the bone 'cause I get what I want? Mama said it ain't no crime."-Persephone
Tell me why your so scared of a woman in charge-Hera
and etc lol. I was just listening to this and thought it fit stupidly well.
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sunshines-child · 9 months
Writing more Mafia AU If you walk deep, deep into Olympus through the trenches and the smoke you’ll see a desecrated temple, wearing away back into the earth. It had to be beautiful once; the broken statues and pure white marble indicate that clearly. It’s ruined now. Vines take over it, covering whatever holy beauty that still remains in favor of the sin that settled in. If you walk around, sometimes you can still find people who knew what it’s beauty used to be like, so long ago. Tall marble pillars, glittering under the sun- well the sun that used to show before the ash and smoke took over- pointing as a beacon towards weary newcomers. The statues of angels and gods, smoothly polished, huge, it’s presence protecting the temple. But oh, the temple itself was what was so beautiful. It radiated purity and protection, holy and bright. Gold and silver wrapped around white walls, shaping into flowers and vines and large oak floors with golden handles. Children’s laughter. A loud, joyous voice resonating through the halls, green eyes just as bright as the smile the child held. So, so pure, so… innocent. The temple of Hekate’s. The sanctuary. It’s gone now.
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zoebelladona · 2 months
i'm such a bitch when it comes to the pjo show now. saw they're doing a "triple goddess" shtick for the graeae and i'm just like 🙄
like yeah creative liberties pjo has never paraded around as being accurate mythology but the point of the graeae was that they were born old lol also if they wanted to dk a "triple goddess" thing they should have done it with the moirai who are actually more often depicted as the maiden, the mother, and the crone
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My take on Alabaster C. Torrington...
I fully concur with 'Team Alabaster' that Alabaster is a great character with lots of potential.
However, it was Rick's son Haley who wrote Alabaster's story in The Demigod Diaries, and I think Rick probably wants for Haley to continue his story.
I'd personally prefer that Haley continue it. Haley has a unique and captivating writing style all his own that in some ways gives Rick a good run for his money.
Whatever happens with Alabaster, I do hope that Haley Riordan is planning to go places with an author career. He's too good not to pursue it.
Who knows? Perhaps Haley plans to succeed Rick as Senior Scribe of Camp Half-Blood.
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vogelmon · 11 months
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Son of hecate
On a quest to find the torches of Hecate before the mist fades away completely
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freitasart · 2 years
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Hekate and Persephone - @aimee-maroux NSFW commission.
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' You don’t have to hide your tears from me. ' — Hekate !
Wanda kept her head bowed as she knelt on the floor, tears dripping onto her blouse as she tried to weep silently. At the voice, she looked up, her hair parting to reveal her tear stricken face, splotchy and raised with the effort of crying without sound. "I don't know what's happening to me." She told the woman before her.
For weeks, everything had felt wrong. Something was brewing under her skin, turning her magic against her, turning her mind against her heart. Peace had vanished from her heart, leaving something nameless and awful in its place. "Am I being punished?" She whispered finally.
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hotpotrandomfics · 2 years
Ciel, who’s your favorite Big Three child?
Percy: Ciel!
Ciel, startled: Wanker! What do you want Percy?!
Percy: First, language. Second, who’s your favorite out of Nico, Hazel, Jason, Thalia, and yours truly?
Ciel, deadpanned: Are you serious? That is the big thing you have to give me a heart attack about?
Percy: Answer the question!
Ciel: Fine, jeez! Hazel, Jason, Nico, Thalia, and then you.
Percy: Good, I knew I was number one- wait, I’m dead last?! What the hell?!
Ciel: Hazel nice. Jason is a big brother. Nico and I play Mythomagic together. Thalia and I listen to Greenday when the hunters are at camp.
Percy: But why am I last?!
Ciel: Simple: you’re not my type.
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tylermileslockett · 6 months
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Argonautica #9 "Bronze bulls and the Spartoi"
Book 3 continues with Jason, Mopsus the seer, and Argos on their way to meet Medea at the temple of Hekate. Hera, (transformed as a crow in a poplar tree) tell Mopsus to let Jason meet Medea alone, so Mopsus and Argos stay behind.
Outside the temple of Hekate, Jason implores Medea for help yoking the fire breathing bulls and the Spartoi warriors which will sprout from the dragon’s teeth. Jason recounts how Ariadne helped Theseus in the Minotaur’s labyrinth and the honors given to the maiden by the gods for her assistance. Medea offers the drug with instructions on the sacred rites to use it; Jason should purify his body in river water and sacrifice a sheep to Hekate upon a flaming pyre. Then anoint his naked body, shield, sword, and spear in the Prometheus drug ointment, which will make him impervious to harm for one full day. Jason, overwhelmed by her generosity, commits his life to her, offering to bring her back to Iolcos as his bride
The following day, wearing Ares armor, Jason rides to face his challenge to plow the field on the “Plain of Ares.” Here he is charged by two fire breathing bulls with bronze hooves, but he repels them with his shield. Surrounded by flames and smoke, he strikes the oxen down into submission and binds the yokes to their necks. He forces the roaring beasts on, ploughing the field and dropping the magic dragon’s teeth into the soil.
From the planted dragon’s teeth sprout the Spartoi: fully armed “earth-born” warriors. Remembering Medeas advice, Jason heaves a giant stone into their midst and in the confusion they turn upon one other in violence. In the chaos, Jason cuts down the remaining warriors. He has succeeded in his labors. Book 3 ends with King Aites leaving the field in bitter grief.
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redlilith5 · 2 months
Imagine if Dick manages to hide the fact he is a demigod for most of his life. Like it isn't until he is Nightwing that his family, his DAD learns of this.
The Circus he was born and raised is actually made entirely of demigods both from Greek and Roman sides. It goes around the world performing but also helping demigods and mortal parents get to camp safely.
The children of the circus would always be sent to the camp every summer without fail and after the circus would pick them up.
They have magic user/Hekate children that manipulate the mist, which is why they have never been found out. Because they are a big group and always on the move they can deal with monsters easily.
When Dicks parents die they try to adopt Dick, they even use magic to try to get him but unfortunately a god has intervened. It could be because they're being problematic or because one of the parents prayed to them or offered them to the god as a champion.
So Dicks ends up with Bruce and at the beginning it's rough but they get the hang of things eventually. He becomes Robin and things get even better.
But then summer starts approaching and Dick doesn't know what to do. He wants to go to his second home (his first is the circus, his third is the manor) but Bruce doesn't know what he is and he doesn't know if he can tell him.
Bruce notice his quiet demeanor and after asking Dick cries and talks about the camp and his family from his Greek side. Bruce didn't know he was half Greek but he decides to talk with the circus about this camp. Thankfully Dick didn't tell Bruce that he was a demigod or anything that could imply to it.
The circus magic user use this to their advantage and manipulate the mist so that Bruce and Alfred remember going to the camp and seeing it (but without the whole mythology thing). They genuinely think is a summer camp that has Greek mythology theme and trains them in self defense, which was a plus for Bruce.
Once at camp Chiron advice Dick to not tell him about their world (he still gives him the choice to tell him of course). Dick agrees not to tell him and also silently agrees with himself not to tell this side of the family that his adoptive dad is Batman.
This goes on for years until the Titan war happens and he asks his family, Justice League and friends/teams to help his family.
The entire of the bat family blames Batman, the so-called "world's greatest detective" *mocking voice*.
He's embarrassed.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 10 months
this is gonna be one of the most random things my autistic brain has come up with recently so I was thinking about PJO and about how their dyslexia is their brain "hard wired to ancient greek" right. RIGHT.
English is made from the Latin alphabet and there are letters in the Latin that were not in the Greek alphabet. there are multiple, but the one I was recently thinking of is the letter 'c' and I was thinking about that bec i work with/worship the Goddess Hekate
in Latin its spelled Hecate (which personally I hate this spelling bec the information surrounding this spelling for her is FULL of misinformation). in Greek its spelled Hekate bec there is no letter 'c' in the Greek alphabet
and that got me thinking about PERCY and CLARISSE. How do they spell their names??? how do they PRONOUNCE their names???
is the 'c' replaced with a 'k' for Clarisse? is the 'c' replaced with an 's' for Percy?? HELLO???
what about all the names spelled with the Latin alphabet that have letters not compatible with the ancient greek language?? I need answers
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sunshines-child · 2 months
pjo au where shortly after the war nico dies and turns into a rather obscure deity. later, young demigods start showing up alone at camp borders. when asked who brought them, they always talk about a pretty person with wings on their head and back, covering a face that wore a black crown. time passes, and a young, tiny child of Hekate, maybe 4, appears. when asked, the child says how there was this boy with wings over his face that brought her, and that the boy tells the child that his name is nico before kissing her head and leaving. shit hits the roof.
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