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simplefanatic · 22 hours ago
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Trying to make Peppino and Pizzetto look more similar in a subtle way lol
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Some doodles too
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noir-ish-bee · 21 days ago
art trade w/ @simplefanatic!!!!!!
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Perdona que me tardé bastante, pero por fin lo hice 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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nessaprower2000 · 7 days ago
Night work
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And yes, Nessa has her own building "Nessa's Creativity" where she sells all sorts of drawings and crafts :)
Pizzetto by @simplefanatic
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solitariointana-blog · 4 months ago
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Ed eccomi, è giusto metterci la faccia.
Ed è anche un bel faccino no? Buona serata a tutti quelli che leggono queste poche righe, chi metterà un like, chi lascerà un commento o chi condividerà questo piccolo contenuto.
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ayothepizzahere4 · 2 months ago
Freaky mode, OFF!
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ayothepizzahere4 · 2 months ago
I will personally add a scene where the main character of my fic Miku meets the intruder and he's just eating a stolen snickers
The intruder eats snickers
I was sick lately and I had a fever dream where I was locked in a room with the intruder and all he did was eat a snicker (((menancingly))) in front of me
so yeah i guess :3
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pensieri-inlacrime · 6 months ago
Questo o quello?
(mandami un numero)
1. Cani o gatti?
2. Dolce o salato?
3. iOS o android?
4. Fotografare o farsi fotografare?
5. Alcolico o analcolico?
6. Pizza o sushi?
7. Coca-Cola o Pepsi?
8. Frutta o verdura?
9. Patatine o popcorn?
10. Ciliegie o fragole?
11. Film o serie TV?
12. Rock o pop?
13. Pianoforte o violino?
14. Vacanze in Italia o vacanze all'estero?
15. Letto o divano?
16. Pallavolo o basket?
17. Europa o America?
18. Pari o dispari?
19. Amicizia o amore?
20. Papà o mamma?
21. Telecinesi o telepatia?
22. Saper volare o invisibilità?
23. Baciare o essere baciati?
24. Sesso o amore?
25. Nero o bianco?
26. Rosso o blu?
27. Tacchi o scarpe da ginnastica?
28. Estate o inverno?
29. Tè caldo o tè freddo?
30. Tè al limone o tè alla pesca?
31. Sole o luna?
32. Spazio cosmico o profondità marine?
33. Mori o biondi?
34. Occhi chiari o scuri?
35. Ricci o lisci?
36. Doccia o vasca?
37. Acqua liscia o gassata?
38. Automobile o moto?
39. Aereo o treno?
40. Mareno montagna?
41. Pulire casa o cucinare?
42. Appartamento o villetta?
43. Figli maschi o figlie femmine?
44. Aglio o cipolla?
45. Medicina o omeopatia?
46. Italiano o matematica?
47. Inglese o spagnolo?
48. Bellezza o simpatía?
49. Cuore o cervello?
50. Walt Disney o Pixar?
51. Jasmine o Belle?
52. Laura Pausini o Elisa?
53. Tiziano Ferro o Marco Mengoni?
54. Cinema o teatro?
55. Cuffiette o cuffione?
56. Gonne o pantaloni?
57. Cravatta o papillon?
58. Instagram o Tik Tok?
59. Vaniglia o cioccolato?
60. Birra o vino?
61. Baci o abbracci?
62. Barba o pizzetto?
63. Condizionatore o ventilatore?
64. Stufa o termosifone?
65. Eurospin o Carrefour?
66. Nord o sud?
67. Est o ovest?
68. Pesce o carne?
69. Caffè dolce o amaro?
70. Cono o coppetta?
71. Capelli tinti o naturali?
72. Slip o boxer?
73. Penna o matita?
74. Ballo o canto?
75. Scrivere o disegnare?
76. Neve o pioggia?
77. Affitto o mutuo?
78. Cina o Giappone?
79. Sashimi o Carpaccio?
80. Tiramisù o profiteroles?
81. Casual o elegante?
82. Ristorante o fast food?
83. Pasta corta o lunga?
84. Harry Potter o LOTR?
85. Hunger games o Divergent?
86. Francia o Spagna?
87. Contanti o bancomat?
88. McDonald's o burger King?
89. Scacchi o dama?
90. Videogiochi o giochi in scatola?
91. Sport singoli o di squadra?
92. Ketchup o maionese?
93. Soldi o amore?
94. Batman o Superman?
95. Iron man o Captain America?
96. Bicicletta o monopattino?
97. Ansia o paura?
98. Sabato o domenica?
99. Bridgerton o stranger things?
100. _____ o _____? (Scegli tu)
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callmetoasted08 · 18 days ago
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After Hour Blues.
Special guest: @simplefanatic’s Pizzetto! (Hope I spelled that right.) Go follow her, this is not a drill.
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solarusofsun · 16 days ago
Hey Pizzerinus here um... Can I meet this Pizzetto? (I drew Pizzerinus in my art stuff so... If you wanba draw him he's there)
Uhm, there is no Pizzetto here
But I draw you Pizzerinus so its fine
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sacasone · 3 months ago
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drew these goobers angela by @p34ch-irl fake hazel by @thatweirdanchpvy pizzetto by @simplefanatic
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simplefanatic · 3 months ago
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Have the idea of Fake Peppino pestering Pizzetto to oblivion, but the second he (Pizzetto) says something to him, he is the bad guy lmao
I think this turned up pretty good!
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crocodilesareboring · 5 months ago
Quell'infame della mia ex titolare - che mi ha lasciato a casa a inizio pandemia senza le palle di licenziarmi ma semplicemente non assegnandomi più lezioni - ha avuto il coraggio di scrivermi, quattro anni dopo, perché cerca qualcuno che dia lezioni di tedesco. La stessa infame che ebbe pure il coraggio di insultarmi davanti agli ex colleghi quando, disoccupato, me ne andai alla concorrenza.
E ieri appena le ho chiesto di quanti ca$hy mon€y si parlasse mi ha ghostato.
Ho riesumato la chat coi mio ex colleghi ed ex coinquilino, con cui siamo in pessimi rapporti, solo per mandar loro lo screen della conversazione. E loro, dopo aver riso con me, mi hanno riferito che a causa di manovre dubbie la giustizia divina avrà presto la forma di un signore di mezza età, con pizzetto e una fiamma gialla sul petto.
E sono felice, perché la giustizia divina arriva spesso in ritardo ma è implacabile. E io ho tanta pazienza.
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nessaprower2000 · 15 days ago
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I think they will become good friends
Pizzetto by @simplefanatic
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gregor-samsung · 1 year ago
“ Carismatico, coraggioso, indomito, Lussu è un figlio della Sardegna più profonda. Nato ad Armungia nel 1890, laureato in Giurisprudenza a Cagliari, amatissimo comandante della brigata Sassari (nella prima guerra mondiale ha ricevuto ben quattro medaglie dopo quattro anni di trincea per azioni sull’altipiano del Carso e della Bainsizza), ex deputato del Partito sardo d’azione, ha pagato cara, fin lì, la sua militanza, ma ha anche ottenuto una gran bella vittoria su un regime che sembra inattaccabile. Capelli e occhi neri, slanciato, elegante, occhiali dalla montatura di metallo, baffi e pizzetto, sguardo ironico e tagliente, in quel periodo si fa chiamare ‘Mister Mill’ e vive in clandestinità. Agli occhi dei giovani dell’epoca, lo dice Joyce stessa, è un personaggio leggendario, per le gesta in Sardegna e per la sua avventurosa fuga da Lipari. I fatti della Sardegna sono questi: la sera del primo novembre 1926, centinaia di fascisti hanno assediato la casa dell’avvocato Lussu. Non è un’azione isolata, è solo una delle rappresaglie che bande di fascisti organizzano in tutta Italia – devastando case, sedi di giornali, picchiando e assaltando – non appena si è diffusa la notizia dell’attentato fallito a Mussolini, avvenuto il giorno prima a Bologna per mano del sedicenne Anteo Zamboni. Lussu, che è un antifascista, ha partecipato alla secessione dell’Aventino dopo l’assassinio di Matteotti, è antimonarchico, ha lavorato a un progetto federalista-rivoluzionario per unire azionisti, repubblicani e socialisti, è nel mirino dei fascisti della sua città: l’ordine è di saccheggiarne la casa e linciarlo sul posto. L’organizzazione dell’assalto, nella sede del fascio, è durata tutta la giornata per cui c’è stato tempo e modo, per Lussu, di ricevere informazioni da voci amiche e preparare una reazione. Gli amici gli consigliano di scappare ma lui decide di restare in casa, situata nella piazza più centrale di Cagliari, lasciandola ben illuminata, «per dare un esempio di incitamento alla resistenza».
Scende in strada per vedere che succede, sente gli squilli di tromba che chiamano a raccolta i fascisti mentre la piazza si fa deserta. Risale, manda via la domestica. La città continua a serrarsi, i negozi abbassano le saracinesche, i cinema si svuotano. Al ristorante vicino casa dove va a pranzare, il cameriere – che è stato un suo soldato durante la guerra e ora è diventato fascista ma nutre ancora grande rispetto del capitano – lo scongiura di partire subito. La sentenza contro Lussu è stata emessa e lo sa tutta Cagliari. Persino gli inquilini del suo palazzo, tra cui un magistrato di Corte d’appello, si chiudono e tacciono terrorizzati. «Incominciai a preparare la difesa. Un fucile da caccia, due pistole da guerra, munizioni sufficienti. Due mazze ferrate dell’esercito austriaco, trofei di guerra, pendevano al muro». Due giovani amici e compagni si presentano per aiutarlo ma lui li congeda senza discutere. Spegne la luce e si avvicina alla finestra. Assiste alla devastazione della sede della tipografia del giornale «Il Corriere» all’angolo, poi a quella dello studio dell’avvocato Angius. Quindi risuona il grido «Abbasso Lussu! A morte!». È sorpreso di riconoscere tra gli assalitori persone che conosce bene, di cui è stato amico o compagno di scuola. La colonna si divide in tre parti e l’attacco arriva da tre punti: una squadra sfonda il portone e sale dalle scale, una cerca di entrare da un cortile sul retro, l’ultima si arrampica dai balconi. «Confesso che, nella mia vita, mi sono trovato in circostanze migliori. I clamori della piazza erano demoniaci. La massa incitava gli assalitori dalle finestre con tonalità di uragano». Lussu lancia un primo avviso, grida «Sono armato!» da dietro le persiane. Poi, mira e spara al primo che arriva sul balcone. Un giovane fascista, Battista Porrà, colpito a morte piomba giù, sul selciato della piazza. Gli altri scompaiono in un lampo. Nonostante lo svolgimento dei fatti dimostri la legittima difesa (e infatti verrà assolto) e nonostante l’immunità parlamentare, Lussu viene portato in carcere. Ci vorrà un anno prima di arrivare a sentenza ma l’ordine di scarcerazione immediata è seguito da un ordine di domicilio coatto. Lussu è condannato alla pena di cinque anni di confino per misure di ordine pubblico e definito «avversario incorreggibile del regime». “
Silvia Ballestra, La Sibilla. Vita di Joyce Lussu, Laterza (collana I Robinson / Letture), 2022¹; pp. 31-33.
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ayothepizzahere4 · 2 months ago
WORDS: 1,500
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UNDER THE CUT (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
“In this disgusting, unfair earth, with billions and billions of humans and animals, *you* came to *me*. You came to me, with your hand high in the air, and you said to me; “I can save you. I can make you what you want to be.” And we made a deal. I give you protection, keep your useless body alive. And you do what I ask. I wanted to escape from this machine form, surrounded by humans like an attraction for filthy things to look at and drool over. But *you*. You were not human. You were not like the others, you kept coming and going, coming and going. You befriended me, and I used you. You gave me power, I gave you false attention, false hope. And I loved it. And I regretted it. And I hated it. And you loved me, as a friend.”
“And now you're gone. And you're not coming back.”
“Hello, this is H.S.H! Dei- I mean, caller 36 here!”
Deimos; caller 36, species: Grunt, past: used to be a mercenary in Nevada.
“Um, hello. I've been experiencing electric problems, and I have an odd feeling like someone's watching me at night. I even hear their breath, but it might just be an intruder,” the caller said.
“Hold on a sec!”
“Do you remember anything saying anything about electrical outages?”
All services; Miku Pizzetto, species: cat/human hybrid (visibly), past: a runaway teen with many part-time jobs.
“Uh… not really,” Diemos said, scrolling through the entries. “Wait, is it this?” He clicked on an entry; boggart.
“Yyyeah. If *I* have to fight that thing, I'm gonna end it,” Miku chuckles.
“You will not. You won't die unless you are in pain! And I control that, don't I?”
Project A.M, data collector. species: computer, sentient A.I. past: a machine made by the government that became sentient.
Miku adjusted her purple glasses, covered by her spiky and messy brown hair. “shhh, it's okay- it's okay… it's okay, just go to sleep.”
“You dare-?!”
An annoyingly squeaky voice came out, the voice becoming louder as the person came. “Move! A spring tree has been found in the woods, we must find it at once!”
Fungi services; Gaetan Moliere. Species: human. Past: used to be a mercenary in Washington DC.
“Sprig tree.” Miku corrected, standing up to her full height, turning to Moliere with a blank expression. “We keep having calls, there's an outburst coming from somewhere.”
Deimos leaned against his chair, sighing and looking at Miku and Moliere. “Hey, we can totally get that spring roll you're talking about.”
“*Sprig* tree.”
“Whatever, nerd.” Deimos laughed
“My bad for doing my job, idiot.” Miku sighed.
“Hey.” AM exclaimed at Miku.
“You're not my father.” Miku sighed again, tilting her head to the side and closing her eyes.
AM fell silent for a while, the gap in the blue A on the screen narrowing, to show his hypothetical eye narrowing. “Do not talk to me like that, I am AM, a much more complex being than you, and you will treat me like it.”
“Uh-huh…” Miku stood straight, scratching her back. “PHEN’s making my back itchy. I think he wants to come out or something.” She shrugs, stretching.
Mole made a sound of confusion, tilting his head to the side.
“The impurity.”
Extermination services and data collector; The Batter. Species: not human. Past: a purifier.
The Batter took out a camera, taking a picture of the four. Miku groans, taking her hand off her back. She tilts her head down before quickly standing straight again.
The Batter walked to Miku's side, looking at the picture, his face contorting into disgust before quickly stuffing the picture in his pocket.
“Don't diss my boy like that, he's chill,” Miku said, looking over to The Batter, who stayed silent.
Miku chuckles, adjusting her glasses. “Hmhm.”
“You all are getting distracted! We need to get the monsters under control!” Mole complained, gesturing.
Deimos spinned in his chair, blowing smoke from his mouth and into the air. “Relax! I'm sure Miku and AM can do it! Did you even see how they handled that ceiling plant thingy last time?”
“Cellar growth you idiot!” Miku exclaimed, putting a hand to her head. “Oh my God!” She groaned, turning away from the others.
“Whatever the hell it is. I'm just here for the exterminations or something.” Deimos blew more smoke, bouncing his cigarette between his fingers.
“Even non-humans are just as foolish as the rest, aren't they, sweetheart?” AM asked Miku, an eminent teasing tone in his voice.
Miku hums in thought, flipping her hair. “Anyway, AM, go transfer to your humanoid form, that *I* stole and modified for you,” Miku said, cracking her back. “Nnghh… we have a job to do, Batter, you can help him, right?” Miku points to the Batter, he gave a simple nod.
“Hey- what are you doing?!- get your hands off me, you don't know the first thing about handling- agh!”
“Be quiet.”
Mole looked at the Batter and at AM before at Miku, packing supplies and weapons. “What about me?! What do *I* do?!”
“I dunno, you can go find that sprig tree you were talking about,” Miku said, strapping some weapons around her.
Deimos stood up, patting Mole on the back. “I'll drive,” he said with a smirk, pulling some keys out of his pocket as he exited the building, whistling while spinning the keys around his finger. Miku follows Deimos, looking behind herself and at Mole. “Batter, hurry with AM,” she said, walking away after.
Mole looks behind himself and at the blue curtains that would usually be seen in the hospitals. Mole walked to the curtains, peeking inside.
The Batter, In his blue suit with the green HSH logo pin on it sat in the corner, watching a monitor, said monitor had wires coming from the side and to a body with a dull orange suit decorated with a yellow tie, and a black long coat over it, orange coding and words on it.
Miku sat in the bus, she heard the intercom say her stop. “Green, and Crystal.” It said slowly, Miku pressed a button to signal her stop. When the bus stopped, she walked out the open doors, pulling her brown hoodie up, it had white, plush sherpa on the inside, providing warmth for her entire school outfit. Her dress was very long, to her ankles. She also had boots on. Miku walked through the streets, waiting for cars to stop to cross the streets, She soon stopped at a large museum, walking through the large parking lots, soon finding the entrance,
Miku walked through the museum, looking around. A flower exhibit there, a mini aquarium there, and some others. But, at the center of the museum, was AM. AM was built in WW2, or was it WW1? she didn't know. The crowd surrounding AM’s form bickered and talked, asking for his attention.
2 days before AM’s sentience
“Miku, you're back! I can see you.” AM announced. He was sitting in a chair, two soldiers on his side for protection. AM smiled, his fist in his cheek.
Miku held her object close to her chest, walking through the crowd. She adjusts her purple glasses. She now stood in front of AM. He straightened her posture. “Tell me, child. What do you have in your hands? A gift?” AM smiled.
Miku stammered, uncovering the bouquet of flowers and reached it out to AM. he gently took it from her hands. He looked at the flowers, naming them. “Purple hyacinths, zinnias, and lilies of the valleys?” he looked up at Miku, who nodded.
AM chuckled, setting the flowers down on his lap. “For me being a war machine-”
“-You're way too nice.” AM crossed his arms, looking at Miku, who was smiling back, both in the backseat of the van.
“Okay, well you should shut up!” Miku gestured, making an X with her arms. AM groaned, looking out the window. He muttered to himself.
Mole, who was sitting next to Deimos, Mole in the passenger seat and Deimos in the driver's. “Where are we going?” He asked.
Deimos pulled out his phone, his face contorting to one of a mix of surprise and disgust. “Oof…”
Miku suddenly popped into conversation. “What?
“We're going to Arcadia Oaks, California.”
“Halfway across this damned piece of 2,624,640,000 foot long dirt?” AM sighed.
“...what.” Miku whined.
Deimos sighed, starting the van. “Well, better hurry and start driving, guess we'll be late,” He muttered.
Miku groaned exaggeratingly. “uugh! Why can't AM teleport us there?- wait, Arcadia?-”
“I'd rather lose my entire mind and consciousness than help you filthy fleshbags.” AM’s eyes narrow, watching how fast everything is going outside of the moving car.
Miku sighed, leaning on the person beside her, the Batter. “You sound like the trolls there.” Miku muttered, the batter looking down at Miku. He put a hand on her head as she slowly closed her eyes.
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mikupizzetto · 6 months ago
Hiii guys!!! My name is Miku Pizzetto! And if you know me at my second mercenary job, just call me Newbie on this blog :3!
More info about me under the cut ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
I've been working with the red mercs for around... Two to three months? I dunno why they decided my codename would be Newbie though... On my first day, it was the last day of school. And I missed my stop on the way home, I was planning to ask the other men how to go home, but I was too scared, and I was a few states away.. for some reason the mercs asked miss Pauling to hire me, probably because I was gonna get killed if not.
Soldier thinks I'm a raccoon and is kinda clingy with me because of that... Scout and demo are kinda odd, Scout's really fast, so that's cool, but Demoman always smells like alcohol, so I don't like that all that much. Spy and medic are super cool!! Spy sometimes teaches me some spying skills and stuff, while medic checks up on me to see if I'm alright! Oh, and sniper teaches me sniping sometimes! Pyro is pretty cool... I dunno why everyone doesn't like them. Oh, and Engineer and heavy are cool as well, Engie made my headphones and radio for me! I can communicate with the others and listen to music on it! They're all so cool...
(Newbie appearance/ooc)
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(owner/mod here thanks for reading also multiple reblogs and asks are appreciated, anons and OC ask blogs, even cannon Merc blogs welcome! Please ask me some stuff!)
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