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Pizza #24: Daniela's
Sometimes you like-a the sausage and sometimes you like-a the pizza and sometimes you like-a to get them together like the #pizzalist pizza a la salsaiccia I got from Daniela's. Sometimes.

Here we are again, back in-a Pizzatown!
Sometimes you get-a this pizza and it satisfies-a your hunger. But eat it quick because it doesn't keep-a for very long-a. Not-a recommended for reheats, but who needs-a reheats when you have-a need for one-sitting big eats!

What's with the spacing here, Daniela? C'mon...
Sometimes you just do-a silly voices, for-a no discernable reason, but-a hey, as my grandmama always said, different-a strokes for-a different-a folks. Haiku!
Sliced sausage sweetens
a cheesy, chomp-worthy pie.
Forgive a bland crust?
#pizzalist#angela mayans#daniela's#salsaiccia#sausage#grubhub#stereotypical italian accent#pizzatown#reblorg
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Pizza #23: Mario's Trattoria
I've never actually met anyone named Mario, but if I did I would shake his hand*. Marios have already given us the best video games, AC Slater, and a love of orange crocs and socks, and today they give us #pizzalist pizza number twenty-three, the Pizza Bianca from Mario's Trattoria.

Speaking of AC Slater, we see the revival of the Saved By The Bell-style pizza box...
Most white pies have very distinct cheese regions. The mozzarella dominates the landscape with islands of ricotta lumped here and/or there. This can be delicious, as it gives you the opportunity to savor each of the different cheeses independently with each bite.

Mario skimped on slicing, but not on flavor.
Mario's pizza bianca is more egalitarian with its cheeses however, mixing the ricotta with the mozzarella somewhat evenly in a pas-de-deux of cheesy goodness. I appreciated this; I delighted in this, both mentally and physically. Each slice danced into my mouth culminating in a standing ovation from the full house that was my cheese-filled stomach post-pizza. My heart's gone gooey for Mario's melty cheeses. HAIKU TIME!
White, like driven snow
Evenly distributed
cheese, like polar bear
*Granted, I shake most people's hands when I meet them, so this shouldn't be TOO shocking, but you get the "point".
#pizzalist#angela mayans#mario's trattoria#pizza bianca#white pie#egalitarianism#cheese regions#mario#mario batali#ac slater#mario lopez#reblorg
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Pizza #22: Ziglioni's Pizza Bar
If you're a pizzalover- and I assume either you are and that's why you're here or you're just stalking me*- and you appreciate a crackery crust with quality ingredients, check out #pizzalist pizza-maker Ziglioni's Pizza Bar.

A classy box for a classy pizza.
They fancy. Oh yeah they real fancy. How fancy, you ask? So fancy my pizza wasn't even in English. Nope, I ordered the Ai Carciofi e Tartufo Pizza which must translate to "mmmmm oh yeah nom nom nom nom nom want more" and contained mozzarella, artichoke, Pecorino Romano, truffle oil, sans sauce. Brilliant.

A slighty charred crust makes for some crunchy good eats!
Some folks disagree with a no-sauce pizza but some folks ain't me. I love it, and Ziglioni's did an excellent job of loading up the cheese and toppings while maintaining the integrity of its wafer-thin crust. If anything, they could have been a little less heavy handed with the truffle oil, but that's such a #firstworldproblem that I hesitate to even mention it. Haiku time!
Shaved Pecorino,
Cheesey, artichoke pizza
No sauce for me, thanks.

*Which is fine too. I find it quite flattering when dolls are made out of my hair.
#pizzalist#ziglioni's pizza bar#ziglioni#grubhub#ai carciofi e tartufo#angela mayans#hair doll#pecorino#artichoke#truffle oil#reblorg
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Pizza #21: L'Allegria Restaurant
For the twenty-first pizza of #pizzalist history, I ordered the prosciutto and pineapple pizza from L'Allegria Restaurant. The prosciutto was a tasty way to up the class-factor on what would otherwise be a typical common man's Hawaiian pie (and that extra class was needed since the rest of the night involved a group of twenty-somethings playing Truth or Dare). Also, this pizza featured maximum cheesiness which is always a plus for me.

I want to live in Pizzaland where the pizza is always rising in the distance...
I won't be long-winded since I'm a little behind on my #pizzalist, so let me put it this way: I am sad that I have too many other pizzas to eat such that I will not be having this one again any time soon. But that doesn't mean you can't have it, dear pizza-loving readers, and I highly encourage you to do so.

Truth or dare pizza
Truth, this pizza is yummy.
Dare, order again!
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Pizza #20: Original Pronto Pizza
Very rarely are you ever going to hear me say that you are better off NOT having pizza than even having the most pathetic $.99 shame slice*, because very rarely is that true. Well, today is one of those sad days, pizza friends. Don't bother with #pizzalist's Original Pronto Pizza unless you hate your stomach and want to commit suicide by pepperoni grease.

"Best Pizza in Town", if you're really into vomiting and heart disease.
On the one hand I was excited about this pizza as it was chock full 'o cheese, they didn't waste any space on unnecessary crust, and the pepperonis were speecy-spicy**. Then I picked it up and the pools of grease that had formed on top began cascading about me like a waterfall of wasted opportunity. We can put a man on the moon, people. We can make a cheesey pizza that doesn't have to be dabbed at with a napkin like a d-bag***.

They can't all be winners. I'm sure even in heaven there's a crappy part of town with bad traffic.
This pizza left me feeling ill, which for most people who don't ignore their evolutionary instincts is a sign to not eat it any more, but I'm an American, so I gave it another shot reheated the next day. Same story. Turns out death pizza doesn't suddenly become quality over night thanks to any magical properties of my refrigerator.
Sigh. Such is life. Let my story be a warning to you, fair pizza eaters, and steer clear of the Original Pronto Pizza. Now, who's hungry for a haiku??
Pepperoni grease
Drips, like tragic pizza tears
Sorrowful belly
*About as rarely as Lindsay Lohan successfully completes a court sentence. #topicalhumor
**For those of you who don't speak it, that's Italian for "kinda spicy".
***D-bag= dabbing-bag. One whose "bag" is to "dab".
#original pronto pizza#pizzalist#angela mayans#pepperoni#lindsay lohan#pizza tears#grubhub#haiku#reblorg
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Pizza #18: Rosa's Pizza
I'm going to be honest with you, because you deserve that. Readers, I'm going to give it to you straight. No BS, no fancy language; heck, I'm not even convinced I will use multi-syllabic words.
In fact, I'm about to use NO multi-syllabic words to tell you about Rosa's Pizza*.

One of the worst oft-used box schemes out there. Where did they make this pizza, "The Max***"???
I drank some wine with friends. Scratch that. I drank a good deal of wine with friends. We sat on my roof, on a nice day, and did this. At the end of the day, we had a need for pizza to give weight to our tums. You know what I mean.
Rosa's Pizza hit the spot.

Some may call it "drunk food". I just call it food.
Top marks for thick cheese and a crust of dough. Low marks for style and sauce. At times, sauce just ends up a waste of time; a thing that does not add to a pizza, a thing that just makes the bits on top not stick in place. This was one of those times. But all in all? She did the trick. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand - HAIKU!
A day in the sun,
Anchored in pepperoni.
Again, next weekend?
*Except for "Rosa's" and "pizza", obviously. Don't be ridiculous**.
**And the haiku is exempt. Just want to cover my bases before one of you #pizzalisters gets all snarky barky with your syllable-counting malarky.
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Pizza #16: Abruzzi Pizza Plus
This #pizzalist pizza came from Abruzzi Pizza Plus. I almost slept through this pizza, which would have been a shame, for their "pepperoni delight" was a balm on my pizza-hungry soul.
Now if you're like me, you hear "pepperoni delight" and you think, "Well, gosh, Hank*, that must mean it's a pizza with a crapload of pepperoni on it. That will be a delight**!"

Grrrl that cuisine is lookin' fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
No, this is Abruzzi Pizza PLUS****, where you don't just get a crapload of pepperoni (which is, by the way, a delight), but you also get beef, peppers, and nom nom nom nom- what were we talking about I got hungry and started eating my computer. Haiku time!
Wake up! Pizza time.
A pepperoni delight,
no longer a dream.

*You've met Hank, right?
**If your response to pepperoni is less positive, then according to maritime law*** Hank is obligated to fight you.
***Then again, I'm more of an expert on bird law.
****The "Plus" means extra pizza powers!
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Pizza #15: Don Giovanni's
This week I let Cody pick out the #pizzalist pizza of the week and he followed his pizza-shaped heart* right to Don Giovanni's.
The most notable part of this pizza experience was when I called Don Giovanni to find out why he sent us a plain cheese pizza instead of the margharita pizza we ordered. Turns out that was the Don's idea of a margharita pizza and I was the jerk. So, sorry Gio. She was cheesey, delicious, and went really well reheated and topped with pulled pork from Southern Hospitality**.

Cheese on a pizza is like clouds in the sky. What do YOU see?***
Haiku time!
Quote "Margharita"
Hit my triangle-shaped spot
But I can't win games
Where's the basil, dude?
This is just a cheese pizza.
Whatevs. Still pizza.

Pulled pork pizza. Not for the faint of stomach.
*Instead of ventricles, pizzablood is pumped through its stuffed crusts.
**Thanks, JT!
***It's a schooner!
#angela mayans#don giovanni's#grub hub#pizzalist#margharita#saucesauced#justin timberlake#mallrats#reblorg
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Pizza #13: Claudio Pizzeria
Claudio has class. Claudio has pizza clout*. If you want a delicious pepperoni pizza, let me make one thing clear: Claudio Pizzeria will make you happy as a clam.

Crunch, that's Claudio.
Spice, that's Claudio. Oh, whoops.
Sauce stain? Claudio.

Literally every time I upload the pizza photo I think, "Roll that beautiful bean footage!"
*Not to be confused with Pizza Klout, who believes Claudio is influential only in Orlando, new moms and iPad.
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Pizza #11- The Linc
I'm in the mood for love, simply because pizza is near me! More specifically, the carne Italiano pizza from The Linc. We already know I'm a sucker for a white pie and this one had delicious meats too. Double trouble! In fact, I learned what "speck" was thanks to this pizza. The prosciutto was a bit salty, the speck was a bit hearty, the crust was thinner than Kate Moss after a coke bender, and the mild mozzarella held all the flavors together. All-in-all it was a growth experience and I feel bettered as a person for having had it. My tum felt pretty great about it too.
In sum, if you are given the chance, eat this pizza. Chomp til you cain't chomp no mo'.

Where is that other waiter coming from/going to? Is he lost? He looks lost.
Prosciutto, speck, cheese
carne Italiano
Carnivores rejoice!

Sweet sauce, dude. No, literally, the sauce was rather sweet.
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Pizza #10 - Two Boots Pizzeria
So clearly I've reached that point where now that I've been doing this blogging thing for a few months it seems like just SO MUCH WORK to sit down and actually write one. This is ridiculous and will not continue. It's rude of me to leave you unknowing of my pizza journey and for this, I deeply apologize.
I have not stopped eating pizza by any means. In fact, now I've had a couple pizzas from the #pizzalist that I'm not blogging about yet because I didn't take pictures. Really, I just look for any reason for repeat pizzas. IT'S AN ADDICTION, PEOPLE*. Back to business.
I've heard for years that Two Boots Pizza is delicious and fancy. In fact, they claim to have been pizza pioneers since 1987**. Well, the rumors were true. In fact, I'm awarding Two Boots the #BestCrust award thus far. This is quite an accomplishment, as I'm someone who is picky about my crusts. The majority of the time the crust is simply a vehicle for toppings, but this was a crust I looked forward to, I savored, I gently crunched in my mouth, savoring each mouth-watering doughy moment. So, there's that.

I need to find an apartment in this beautiful pizza community.
I love gimmicks***, so the fact that they use silly names for their interestingly-topped pizzas is of course a draw for me. My pal Rob and I enjoyed The Dude (cajun cheeseburger pie with tasso, andouille, ground beef, cheddar and mozzarella), and the Newman (sopressata and sweet Italian sausage on a white pie). Let me go ahead and spoil the ending for you-
THEY WERE BOTH SUPER DELICIOUS. It led to a Sophie's Choice type conundrum- which do I eat first? Which flavor do I want to finish on? How do I craft the perfect taste journey when I have two distinct yet equally delicious flavor sensations?? I WANT TO STUFF THEM BOTH IN MY MOUTH AT THE SAME TIME SO NO PIZZA FEELS LEFT OUT.
Ultimately, The Newman was my fave of the two (sucker for a white pie), but the Dude was also fantastic (and less "cheeseburgery" than you'd expect with a cheeseburger pizza, but in a good way).

The Dude abides... in my belly.
Two kinds of pizzas
Each one better than the last
This one's best... no this!

Hello, Newman.
The Dude, The Newman
Put on your Two Boots... right, left
Walk into my mouth

Don't leave me, pizza. Please, never leave me.
*<insert cry for help here>
**Led by their trusty guide, Pizzajawea.
***Seriously, I will buy anything if its name is a clever pun or if it is a common household product shaped in a silly silly way.
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Pizza #9: Luigi's Restaurant
For #pizzalist pizza number nine, Luigi's Restaurant (917-563-3037, 304 8th Ave) presented my friend Drexel and I with a pepperoni pie last night and I'll cut to the chase: serviceable.

I didn't know Verizon made pizzas! Can you taste me now?
This is the kind of pizza you want when you've had a couple... or a dozen. Greasy but not crazy greasy, bland-ish pepperonis, crunchy crust. It was all well and good enough, but in the end there is simply too much delicious pizza in the world to waste another trip on Luigi's. Sorry. Deal with it, Luigi.

Angela is great
Pizza is so rubbery
Tequila is rough
Slight plastic bag taste
You are still pizza to me
Pizza to eat drunk
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It's pizza eatin' time, y'all! YEEHAW!
I recently spent some time in Houston, Texas*, and while I was there I sampled some local pizzas (three, to be exact). Being extremely loyal to my New York pizzas**, I was skeptical that Texas could pull it off to my liking, but Cody Lee did his best to prove to me that them cowboys can sure throw down a delicious pie. So if you're ever in the Houston area***, check out the following!
1. Luigi's Pizzeria

Here we have the caprese pizza from Luigi's Pizza. SUPER healthy amounts of mozzarella on this guy. Luigi is clearly a New Yorker at heart, or at belly. If you're afraid of delicious, stay away from this one.

Cody's not afraid of delicious. He's about to pounce on that pizza XCORE.
2. Star Pizza

Meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat...
With Star Pizza, we gave in to our carnivorous side and ordered a thin Ben (ground beef, Italian sausage, pepperoni and ham). The crust on this guy wasn't my favorite, a bit dry if you ask me, but overall a solid showing of meats. Mmm meats.
Also, they could stand to work on their box presentation****. It always disappoints me when pizzerias employ a plain, non-decorated box. Feels like low self esteem to me.

Take pride in your pizzas, folks!
3. Pi Pizza Truck

Instagram makes my memories look so much more stylish.
Ok look me in the eye because I'm about to say something and I'm not going to say it again: If you ever go to Houston, get pizza from Pi Pizza Truck.
I had the 420 slice. It had a sweet spicy BBQ-type sauce, heapings of cheese and- here's where the 420 part comes in- Fritos. Yes, Fritos. MADNESS. Made for a tasty slice and a crunchy bite*****!
All their pizzas are somewhat mad but I'm convinced they are all the exact right kind of mad. Take The Drunken Peach, for example. Peaches and blueberries in whiskey syrup, diced habanero peppers, Texas goat cheese and mozzarella. Sign me up for that flavor party and Imma be needing a plus one to accomodate how much pizza I plan on eating. So if you've got a "thing" for a little crazy******, do yourself a favor and find this truck.
Southern pizza tryst
deep in the heart of Texas
I want more Pi please
*Pronounced "house-ton".
**I once cut a man for suggesting we order Chicago-style.
***Pronounced "house-ton air-ee-uh".
*****And as science has proven again and again, the more noise you make when you eat, the more friends you make. HAVEN'T YOU READ SCIENCE???
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Pizza #8: Patzeria Family & Friends Wins My #pizzalist HEART!
What did one pizza say to the other pizza when no one was looking?
You should want to go to there.
That may not have been my funniest joke**, but it was definitely my most truthful***.
With the help of the services of GrubHub, I ordered a sausage and mushroom pizza from Patzeria Family & Friends and shared it with my friends, Cody and Kate, while we played a rousing game of Scattergories during the Sunday show****. The ingredients were top quality- the mushrooms thick and fresh. The cheese and the sauce co-mingled in such perfect harmony that it was like my mouth was experiencing an entirely new species of flavor sensation created by the gods of pizza. The crust was both doughy and crunchy despite its delicately crafted thinness. Ultimately, it made my stomach feel that perfect kind of satiated that one only gets when hunger makes sweet love to its perfect food soul mate.
In short, I'm not afraid to call Patzeria Family & Friends my favorite #pizzalist pizza*****.

I have never been so gastrointestinally attracted to a pizza before.
So without further adieus, the haikus...
Crunchy crusty bite
Fungi and sausage on top
One slice? No, friend. Two.
Thick toothsome mushrooms
Crust so hearty it bites back
Kate ate most of mine
Mmmm Patzeria
Ooh ooh ooh, yes. Oh, oh, yes.
Finally, true love.

Until next time, my sweet, special slice.
*Well, he actually would have said it in the secret pizza language, Pepperonese, but I figured I'd go ahead and translate it for you.
**Why did the one-armed man cross the road? To get to the second hand shop. ZING.
***Especially compared to every knock knock joke I tell. Spoiler alert: It's always a lie. It's really just me at the door.
****Cody lost again. No jokes about this. It's just too pathetic.
*****Thus far. Still 40+ pizzas to try. But she's gonna be hard to top (pun intended).
#angela mayans#pizzalist#grubhub#patzeria family & friends#patzeria#pizza#sausage#mushroom#cody lee#one-armed man#secret pizza language#reblorg
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Pizza #7: Artichoke Basille's Pizza & Classy Oscar Fun!
Have you ever had a pizza that made you believe in love again? Have you ever had a pizza that was so delicious you thought that maybe anything was possible?? Have you ever had a pizza that changed your entire WORLDVEIW???? I HAVE. And that pizza came from Artichoke Basille's Pizza & Bar (917-563-3176 | 328 E 14th St New York,NY).
Full disclosure: This is not the first time I have had an artichoke pizza from the seventh #pizzalist pizza- Artichoke Pizza. I knew it was going to be great, classy and different. This ain't yo momma's pizza. We're talking artichoke hearts, spinach, cream sauce, mozzarella and pecorino romano (my favorite romano*). This is was why I chose to enjoy it during my classy Oscar's Party/Show wherein Faith, Jjoey and I drank champagne and took ourselves on a luxurious pizza holiday.

Pop the champage, it's pizza eatin' time!
So how did everything turn out, you ask? Well the show was fantastic! We played Oscar Acceptance Speech Mad Libs, Faith got frustrated at being forced to spell French people's names, we played Foreign Film Balderdash, and we had about a million and three laughs**. You can catch up on the insanity here- http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/20730686
I'm such a silly girl.

What the box lacks in style, it makes up for in making it look like the pizza guy is wearing a dress.
Let me tell you, I like my artichoke pizza like I like my men: rich, cheesy and doughy in all the right places***. It was all this and more. Other than a little too much burnination***** on the crust, it was cooked to perfection.

We wanted you so badly, pizza, I couldn't even get a picture of you whole.
And now, the haiku...
Artichoke pizza
Creamy goodness in my mouth
Oh, that's what she said.

I wanted you so badly, slice, I couldn't even wait to take a picture of you whole.
Here's the take-home message: If you want a great NYC pizza that's a little different than your traditional pie, get some Artichoke Pizza.
You can thank me for this excellent advice this Sunday at 9 PM ET during my show (http://bit.ly/AngelaLive) where I will be trying out Patzeria Family and Friends and having an epic Scattergories rematch with friend of the show and fellow pizza-blogger, Mr. Cody Lee of http://saucesauced.blogspot.com/ Come and play some word games with us and help me send Cody back to Texas shamed TIMES TWO. Tell your friends!

Look! There's some worldview coming out of my mouth!
*You heard me, Ray. You. Heard. Me.
**I tried to cap it off at a million, but it's like when you go to the gas pump and try to get right on the dollar but then AW MAN you went a couple cents over. Oh well, what can you do?
***But as the old saying goes, one out of three ain't bad... as long as that one is "rich".****
****Alternatively, "cheesy" could mean ya got a lot of "cheddar" and "doughy" could be referring to your wallet. This post is really revealing my gold-digging tendencies... THIS PIZZA HABIT IS EXPENSIVE.
*****That's a technical pizza term. I don't expect you to know all the jargon.
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Pizza #6: New York Sal's Pizza
Yesterday I needed some pizza in my life and I needed that pizza to be topped with meat, so I went onto GrubHub and ordered a pepperoni and sausage pie from New York Sal's (212-901-3760 | 696 10th Ave, New York, NY) New York Sal calls this pizza the Rose Mary Pizza. Now, I don't know who Rose Mary is, but she must be important to Sal because this pizza was clearly made with love.

Do not use this picture as a map to find New York Sal's. It is neither inaccurate nor to scale.
Evenly spaced meat,
rubber crust, could be improved
Serviceable pie.

Could have used 5-7% more cheese. There. I said it.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Tonight the Oscars are happening. They are long and contain a lot of boring bits. So supplement your viewing experiencing by tuning into my live show tonight at 9-10 pm ET (http://bit.ly/AngelaLive)! There will be special Oscars games, we'll be following along with the awards (so don't worry, you won't miss anything) and there will be special guests! Tune in to find out who I am wearing and what pizza I will be spilling all over it. SEE YOU THEN! TELL YOUR FRIENDS!
9-10 pm ET at http://bit.ly/AngelaLive
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