vaugarde · 3 months
Watching you talk about the anime ending is just kinda me going "Oh wow they really uh. Ended it like that huh"
its sooooo disappointing to me….. like im wondering if im being too hard on it because it seems like most people were ok with it, and hell, its not like i have ash do anything massively different with his future than the canon (i like to think hes just a traveling spirit and hes always picking up friends and he just loves to be a part of the world yknow?)
but like…. it feels like such a non-conclusion, yknow? and not in a good way, like “and he keeps on having adventures!”. in a “we dont know what to do and we kinda wanna have him on the side while we figure out if this liko thing is gonna work anyways” way.
and it really doesnt help how unfocused the episode is. it doesnt feel like ash is literally about to leave one of the most longrunning animes ever. it feels like ash doing a series of errands til he walks off. wanna put most of this in that episode review ill do sometime today but yeah its bad scoob…
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beantothemax · 6 months
my dashboard is covered in that trout post
what can I say. trouout
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pixxyofice · 3 months
ive only just realized your name isnt pixxyoffice
get in line
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Amphibia: If You Give A Frog A Cookie Comments (Since none of these actually releate to the other episode in teh pair)
The nickname Darcy is actually from the credits of Olivia and Yunan. Just correcting that- it's the official name
Fair enough I didn’t notice and usually only watch the credits of a show as needed. Nothing against the talented people who work on them, I can usually just get any credits I need elsewhere. 
I respect the crew’s choice to name a character whatever they want, but I don’t have to LIKE said choice as I feel that this really isn’t a “dark’ marcy” She’s being used as a puppet for an entirely different being instead of having a tragic downward spiral into being her current self like most “dark’ versions of a character. That said I fully admit that it’s personal preference on my part and that everyone has different definitions of things, so their free to call her that just as i’m free to not call her that, which I feel free to do since i’m not renaming a chracter but a version of a character. And I do give them wiggle room as we havne’t seen enough of Puppeted Marcy to see if any of Marcy’s personality is horribly twisted up in there or it’s entirely the core. 
I'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that one of the portals Frakes opened led to The Boiling Isles
That’s because I missed it. I shoudlv’e looked closer at the portals honestly. But it does continue to support my theory that Amphibia and Owl House share an earth and timeline. (With Amphibbia just taking place slightly further down the road), as the boiling isles is clearly linked to earth somehow. Though it was already pretty concrete as both shows have left small nods that make it claer Gravity Falls takes place on their earth with the Boonchuy Garage having a Stan bobblehead and Eda having used an alias that “just happens” to be the same as Stan’s ex wife. It also means, given Andrais’ experince with the multiverse, that amphibia and the boiling isles might of crossed paths at one point. Given Luz’s portal was able to reach amphibia shockingly easily, it’s not out of the question. 
Speaking of which, Dana said Disney had cold feet about the show because of its serialization.
That dosen’t suprise me. Disney has this.. WEIRD aversion to shows that are heavily sealized that aren’t on Disney+ these days. And it makes no fucking sense to me since every seralized show they have had  (Owl House, Amphibia, Duck Tales) has been a huge hit. Not only that kids don’t mind it. My own nieces really enjoy seralized anime (My Hero Academia and hunter x hunter for the older one and Sailor Moon Crystal for the younger), with the younger one also really liking tangled the series, which did get heavily seralized as it went on and is something that dosen’t seem to remotely bother her. From personal experince, when I was a kid about 20 years ago, I THROUGHLY enjoyed Danny Phantom FOR it’s ongoing story arcs and Kids Next Door picked up more for me once it started having a much stronger continuity with more consequences and overarching plot starting with the season 2 finale. Even into my tweens and teens I loved Avatar the last airbender despite having missed some crucial chapters due to not having a dvr yet. (Tophs introduction, the chase, the bloodbending episode, and Zuko joining the team, the last one I had to read a recap of), same with Teen Titans. 
Kids LIKE continuity, having stories to follow and development to track. They kick themselves missing something but in this day and age with so many aps and many kids watching episodes in second run on stremaing, this isn’t an issue. It’s easier than ever to catch up on episodes you missed or find detailed synopsis like mine that fill you in on what you missed.  Not only that.. but Disney REALLY needs to accept that kids arne’t the only ones watching this stuff: Owl House has a massive Teen, Young Adult and Adult (Points at self) Fanbase, and Amphibia and Ducktales are no slouches, with all three shows beign written to be enjoyed by adults and children and often with refrences ONLY the adults will get. it’s OKAY to have a show not just target one audience and it constantly frustrates me Disney dosen’t get that.. while actively shilling star wars and marvel to adults and kids alike. They get it when it comes to MOVIES they need mass appearl, they need to understand cartoons have those too. They made a fucking star wars anime for fucks sake, they have to ON SOME LEVEL get this. 
You are all welcome to join my discord btb thank you for commenting. I so rarely get comments on my reviews, and it not only helps me improve them but I like discussing this stuff
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cookilicious-kin · 4 years
hi! Could I grab a tarot card reading for my princess cookie canon? just... in general, if that's okay?
Okay so. At long last I have done this reading for you and it’s not really about your canon and more about how you approach it. 
I drew the Hermit, and I’m thinking it’s pretty straightforward. You need to take a step back and look at everything you know and believe and spend some time thinking about how they all work together. My deck’s Hermit card has a man holding a bright blue lantern to a dark gray and yellow sky, lighting the way and helping to see everything around him more clearly. 
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Aroace hunter headcanons that make seeing ships with hunter because of it gang
Can I get sappy here for a sec? Of course I can, it's my blog.
I've known that there are other "Hunter is aroace" blogs out there. I follow a lot of them. But now I've gotten all of these reblogs and replies and asks the last few days that have been from aroaces, or even non aro/ace people that hc Hunter as aroace. Y'all have all been agreeing with me, discovering the headcanon for the first time, commiserating about amatonormativity and allonormativity with me, saying how much you love aroace Hunter headcanons, and it's just. It's been really nice. I see aroace Hunter stuff, but it's really nice for people to outright say it to me, it's nice seeing a whole bunch of my followers/mutuals who I had no idea were fans of the aroace Hunter hc point and go "Hey! Me too!"
So, thanks, guys.
Long live the aroace Hunter revolution.
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Here's a meme to make up for getting sappy, sorry pixxyoffice for using your ask. Aroace Hunter people being made uncomfy by Hunter ships solidarity ✊
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pixxyofice · 3 months
i am sobb ing . i can't stop reading your name as pixxyoffice. how many people have told you this for you to add it to your bio
many people. many.
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pixxyofice · 2 years
would a post of ortet be like. that initial ask where someone was like ‘i just realized your name wasn’t office’
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pixxyofice · 2 years
im gonna be very honest with you i remember being in at least one discord server with you a long while ago and mistaking your username pixxyofice for pixxyoffice. it was only after we became mutuals on tumblr that i realized that it was OF ICE and seeing this commentary is cathartic in a way jkfdhgkjfdh
I'm going to scream
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pixxyofice · 2 years
i can be your angle (lumity) or yuor devil (huntlow)
-mod hunter
... thank you grimblog @pixxyoffice
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i love them so much
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i dislike them so much
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pixxyofice · 2 years
Pixxyoffice is truly my grimblogger and not me because they make memes and I am not a meme maker
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pixxyofice · 2 years
someone made an account named pixxyoffice (extra f) and is having some fun, clearly
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