doclocked · 4 months
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Oh, this little kitten is full of different ideas.
Original fanart without text:
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pollsforpondering · 9 months
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nekodani · 19 hours
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by pet foolery the first one i added/drew myself in *ahem* im sorry for bad drawing skills haha... but the sec is the cat i would be (i took a quiz) and the last is before everything.
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trick-nicolas · 1 year
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I love work by Pet_Foolery on Instagram, so I did an homage to both Pixie and Brutus in the style of Dodger and Oliver
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apolalfa · 7 months
attempt Semi-realistic Pixie and Brutos 🐱🐶
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like it? 😅
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llumimoon · 2 years
i don’t know why this is happening but I literally can’t stop thinking abt Normal but as a lil puppy. Like just a little guy. Imagine him like the size of ur palm and shaped like a potato in like a little sweater. Sparrow wdyd I just turned ur son into an ouppy
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dragonchildcomic · 1 year
I have a kids camp art project that I am making new coloring page inks for. This is the first one of six that I have sketched and scanned. This image was actually drawn to look like Brutus from the Pixie and Brutus comic. Love shepards. Keep an eye out for more pages.
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Feel free to color this on your own, and please share the results, so I can see!
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Here is the second inked page. Isn’t the puppy cute? And it could be a handful of breeds, so have fun coloring this one!
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The next one went really quick, and it is an ink of my cat, Sophie.
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And finally, here are the horses from the camp where these coloring pages will be used. I hope the kids recognize them!
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htgydaart · 2 months
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Осторожно, шок-контент! Извините, если разрушил ваши теплые ассоциации с этими персонажами. Автор персонажей - pet foolery.
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perlelas · 9 months
A cute comic movie
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nekodani · 10 hours
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navstuffs · 6 months
Tag, you are on it!
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader
Summary: Miguel finds you and Gabriella playing on the backyard. Based on the comic Tag - Pixie and Brutus by @pet_foolery
Warning tags: domestic bliss, fluff, happiness, feel good type, my bad attempt on writing comedy lol
Author's Notes: after being obsessed with this man over a year, i finally joined the fandom (its never too late i guess). hope you enjoy your reading!
Miguel arrives home exhausted from work, taking off his coat and loosening his tie. What an awful day! Between deadlines not being respected and useless meetings taking far too long, Miguel had to stay late to finish a sudden important project. He was fortunate enough to have you pick Gabriella up from school. 
You met Gabriella after five months of dating Miguel(and almost two years of knowing each other). "A friend," Miguel explained the first time you met, nervous about his little girl's reaction—a sentiment you also shared, way more desperate for her approval. 
Everything went so well; even Miguel felt a little jealous of you, watching his daughter gravitate in your personal space the entire night. Especially when, before you left, he noticed Gabriella waving so you could kneel on her level. She covered your ears with her small hands, whispering as you nodded. Miguel observed quite anxiously, his eyes focused on any reaction. You just opened an enigmatic smirk as if you were teasing him that you could win his daughter so quickly.
Three months after this, Gabriella suddenly asked on a Saturday morning why you hadn't moved in yet, almost causing Miguel to drop the breakfast plate with scrambled eggs he had prepared. You and Miguel tried to explain that you still haven't talked about it yet, and adults can be complicated sometimes. 
Besides being Gabriella's new favorite play partner, Miguel hadn't tried to insert you into their daily routine. Not because he didn't trust you, just...Miguel just had to take things slower. His main priority would always be Gabriella, her well-being and happiness. Inserting you into their routine would make it hard for both if you and him didn't work out. And you agreed, understanding as you always were: Gabriella should always be the top priority. 
As it happened on one of your previous dates when the nanny called, informing Gabriella had gotten a sudden fever and had puked once. You urged Miguel to leave, telling him you would solve everything at the restaurant. Miguel was so surprised when you appeared in the house thirty minutes late, still dressed in your date clothes, with anxious eyes on the little girl in his arms. You stayed that night, ensuring to leave only after Gabriella's fever got down as she slept in your arms - when she heard your voice, she opened her arms begging for you to hold her.
Gabriella was already too attached, and Miguel was too much in love. That's why he was still unsure when he asked you to pick her up. 
When Miguel hears Gabriella's giggle from the backyard, his heart instantly warms. Your capacity to make her laugh made him jealous before. Now, it only makes him fall in love with you even harder. To think there was ever a time Miguel was terrified of what would happen if Gabriella didn't like you. 
He follows his favorite sound in the world, his body relaxing. You two seem to be playing tag: Gabriella never seems to catch you, but she doesn't seem to mind just having fun as you run away in the middle of his vast backyard, both barefoot. Miguel slowly joins his daughter, kneeling on her side as she hugs him tightly, all sweaty. "Papi! We are playing a tag game." 
"I noticed." 
"I don't seem to be able to tag back, though," Gabriella replies, confused in her innocence. As if she could with her small legs. You are still turned around from them, probably catching your breath, unaware of Miguel's presence yet. An idea pops on his mind.
"Tag me." 
"Tag me." Miguel offers his hand, opening a smile. Gabriella opens a big grin, tagging him.
"So, have you given up, Gabi?" You, still in the middle of the backyard, turn around with a playful smile. It completely disappears from your face as you watch Gabriella tag Miguel instead, your boyfriend slowly raising. A dangerous smile on his lips warning you to run.  
You only have one second to react, too slow already, as Miguel starts sprinting in your direction as Gabriella encourages him, excited. Your lungs complain as you run away from him, feeling Miguel hot at your heels. It is the only time you will probably curse his long and strong legs.
You give a quick look over your shoulder, panicking. Miguel has that intense, wild look in his eyes, the one you see when he is determined to get what he wants: to get you. You ignore how your body feels and wonder if you shouldn't just jump in the pool (what a joke, Miguel was a great swimmer as well). 
"Behind you." It is the last thing you hear before Miguel pounces on you, managing to do it gently to a round of cheers from Gabriella. 
You both fall to the floor, and Miguel turns you around with a frown. "Were you going to jump in the pool?" 
"Who, me? Nooo. So you could swim and catch me?!" 
"Liar! You were about to jump in the pool!"
"As a distraction, only! You would have jumped straight after me anyway."
"Oh, I would have." He is serious, you know that.
With his body thoroughly pressed against yours, you hug him, "Missed you. How was work?" 
“Terrible. As always.”
"As always." You agree, watching his expression change. Miguel suddenly becomes aware of how your body is pressed against his, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks. He tries to get away from you, but you don't let him, your arms locking him down, a malicious smile on your face.
"I am not doing anything." 
"Not in front of-"
"Miguel, I am not doing anything!" You giggle, the sensation of a victory spreading against your chest. "You know, I wouldn't do anything in front of-"
You both look toward where Gabriela was standing before to find nothing there. Before you two can even untangle, Gabriella jumps on her father's back, startling you both. 
She immediately jumps away, giggling as she runs inside the house. Miguel sighs, not before your hand cups his cheek so you can look at him. "I will keep her company. It is fine."
"I don't want to impose-" 
"Miguel, it is not an imposition. She likes me better anyway."
Miguel gets up from the floor, helping you stand as you watch Gabriella hide behind the sofa, her messy hair and eyes peeking out.
"Are you going to…stay?" Miguel wonders, his tone soft. 
"Of course I will. Maybe we can repeat this tag game after Gabriella is asleep?" You offer, bluntly teasing him. "With much less clothes."
You smirk, watching Miguel's mouth drop open. Gabriella calls your name again and you give him a peck on the cheek, before running away to her direction. 
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dark-cynder49 · 12 days
Day 2: Claws
(Ft. Jibanyan and Whisper)
[No CW needed]
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(Inspired by A Pixie and Brutus Comic)
He’s slowly becoming Shadowside Jibanyan, but bro is a cat of many mysteries
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
I don't know if you've ever seen a pixie and Brutus comic before but in my head, I feel like Ghost and Soap's friendship works a bit like Pixie and brutus'. Specifically this one: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/pixie-and-brutus/scary/viewer?title_no=452175&episode_no=2
this is the funniest thing ive ever seen
"wanna see my halloween costume?"
"that's over a month away."
"fantastic ill go put it on asap"
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free-boundsoul · 1 month
Whenever I see that Pixie and Brutus comic about tag game I can't help but think of Angel as Pixie, Lola as Asher and Brutus as David
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annabelle-creart · 1 month
I'm bored:
Do you remember I mentioned Hunter!Boulder, Heatwave, Blades and Bee and also made reference to Chase in the crossover-multiverse thing I made? Well, I just talk a bit on that weird crossover I made, let's talk seriously of Hunters of the Cosmos Au:
IRL Context: Like all the Au's I've made this far, I don't remember when or how I exactly thought of the idea, but I remember I was hearing "Voracity" or "Clattanoia" (the Amalee's covers because I don't know a thing about Overlord but FREACKING GOD, THOSE COVERS ARE SO AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH) because I'm obssesed with those two covers, I don't remember which one was, but now that I remember, there's this guy, the creator or Pixie and Brutus webcomic who also does comedy mini comics and one of them was about this little girl with a huge dad that was being asked by the principal why she would kill aliens if they come to Earth (she asked back "why would an advance species want to be friends") and time later she became a soldier who kick alien asses in such a cool way, but all those factors made me think "what and how it would be if the Transformers, counting the rescue team, never were on Earth to protect or to hide, but to conquer..." and here we are, also, due to the anime's context and because I watched Heavenly Delusion relative close in time when I started to hear the covers, I took also the topic of them being strange and monster beings and freacking God, it worked, now we have this strange Au about them akajlskajs also, I made it mostly to do some Earthspark ansgt and the best part GENERAL ANGST, now, the true context:
In-Context-Story: After the terrible war between Unicron and the 13 Primes, only Quintus and Onyx survived the tragedy, compared to other universes, nonetheless, they could take the other relics
Because of this, Quintus wanted to make something to remember their siblings, creautures that could take different forms like Amalgamous, who were compassionate like Prima and Alchemist, strong like Megatronus and Solus, smart like Alpha and Liege, wise like Vector and Alchemist, and over everything: kind like Thirtheen, but also, had Onyx's physical form and as Quintus, were capable of create life. They called themselves Predacons
Time later, those creatures started to use Cybertron and made them their home, thanks to their remaining primes, they learned to live peacefully and use the land correctly, which lead them to various communities that could live properly, thanks to Black Swan and their father, Onyx Prime
Nonetheless, Quintus was curious, and a bit avaricious, his mission of create went to far and ended up creating maybe the most dangerous being he could make: the Quintessons, conquerors and malicious, they took over Cybertron when they could, killing their rulers and controlling the people like slaves, their culture finally was lost and all the wisdom they collected was destroyed, which led to fear and chaos over the planet
The people at some point rised up against their slavers, but the collective memory was so distortionated that when the Quintessons went away, the Cybertronians imitated their system, becoming disrespectful and also slavers like theirs
Time passed again, and with time, chaos, a young miner named D-16 rised up against the government and all the planet sudenlly fell in a war that almost destroyed their species
They started to see their own citizens as war machines, if they could fly, dig or bite was more important than their compassion to them, and when it was almost too late, the self-named Megatron and the now Prime, Optimus, decided it was time to stop, but the planet was dried, so, they took all they could, including ancient knowledge they discovered on Cybertron's heart, and go away
The autobots and decepticons that remained passed some time on space, searching for a planet with enough resources for them to live, finding on the travel a floating ship that saved four predacons, rescue cons who went out of the planet before the war started and missed a lot, they kept them and continued with their travel, finding this planet: Earth. It had a lot of things that they could use for living, water, good soil, an atmosphere, the only problem was it's big plage problem, they tried to talk with them, and they answered with guns and bombs, which, due to the predacons desperate condition and no fuel to support the ships anymore, didn't let them other but to take the planet for the ugly ways...
Kade wasn't even born yet to remember but Charlie does clearly, when the first ship landed, there it was who his fellows called "The Gorilla" because when it transformed, it looked like one, and "Dino" to the next, because looked like one, after some time of losing comrades, Charlie got scared, his island and family was on danger, and himself, and due to that fear, he made a strange decision, one the predacons wouldn't take in mind of it if it wasn't for Optimus' compassionate side, decision that at some point still haunts him but tries to convice himself was the correct
It has passed almost 30 years since the Predacons landed on Earth, and the humans that remain still have divided opinions on it, they came to conquer, to kill and to take, nonetheless, Earth is maybe better now that when humans ruled, no matter how was or how would it be, things would be easier for Dorothea if her six and four year-old kids didn't found those eggs, one night hided on the farm and they hatched, five small creatures that didn't knew how to mantain or how much, but it was too late, two already were attached to her and the other three demostrated be strong, she kept them at frst for necesity but maybe she and her family got too much attached to these predacons, not knowing this present was the curse that others brought
M.E.C.H they call themselves, a paramilitar group that first fought against the predacons, and now dedicate to do buisnesses with the humans that remain to keep control over what's left (which is not much but still can deal with it), Silas directs them, and as part of his job he developed their way to fight against predacons, which is the maybe efficient and ugly way, but nature does, why they wouldn't? And the pups are easy prey, and the people who was protected by the two predacons on that island? Traitors, they deserved not to be trusted by the enemy, they're alright now, but it was still a good idea, and the other five eggs that still have on their power after losing the other five of the ten they had...? What if the best way to keep the enemy on place is by taking and using them...?
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