#pit people oc
bigtomo · 1 month
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vonlipvig · 2 months
in honor of 10 years of dashcon, we should all pay our respects by taking a little bit of time from our day to think about our favorite characters running/going to an absolutely dogshit convention. with a ball pit, of course.
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fragiledate · 2 months
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hayy. heres a random, spontaneous, niche art note compilation
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gwinverarrouz · 1 year
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Kid Icarus digital painting! The goal was to make something that looked like splash art, so I tried to make it look as cool as possible and I’m really happy with the result!
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syrupyyyart · 1 year
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chalkrub · 6 months
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thank you for the birthday wishes and thank you very very very much for 5000 followers!! wow!! i hit this around a month ago i think, but it's a big number and i want to once again say I appreciate everyone for all the support <:'^)
i'll try not to write a mini essay and wax poetical, but it's coming up on three years since i started this blog after years of putting it off and i'm so glad i did. thank you for following and for all the nice comments you leave, it makes me super happy......much love. muah. MUAH
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howdoispectate · 29 days
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Ruffles Barkems (Haha. get it. his name is also animal puns. like purrham. awesome) is a tailor who originally made Purrham's beautiful bandana, then began working closely with him afterwards. After the two got married it was just happy days all around and they totally didnt die except they did and uh. RUFFLES GOT REINCARNATED.
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INTO A SPACE BEAR. i thought itd be funny. Honeyhold has this gap (metaphorically) in their chest, feeling like they have a missing piece, but they can never find the thing that fills it.
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enjoy? i think?
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zrllosyn-art · 1 month
i love your oc haru so much. he;s like if a man & woman had a baby
LMAO thank you for likin my lil guy!! he is my current favorite.
(also accurate)
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i have literally over 100 pages of sketches of this guy rn it is dire
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sillyzali · 2 months
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*steals your idea cutely* /j @9yearoldmoldycornbread
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nabesthetics · 15 days
Constantly plagued by wanting to blorbopost but lacking the brainpower to make anything substantial! a!!!
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
I read your tags about the reynora bit. By “coming back wrong”, do you mean something like the effect the Lazarus pit have on some people? Like in Arrow, Sara initially kinda “came back wrong” when they revived her.
post for context
Ooh you mean with the bloodlust? Possibly! Though I was thinking more along the lines of “Nora doesn’t totally feel alive, like she’s a step removed from it, because she was brought back after she died into a world/timeline that no longer had a place for her”. Reyna can manipulate space and time and eke out a place for Nora in the new timeline*…but that doesn’t mean Nora would be completely unscathed being restored to a timeline she no longer really belongs in.
*and ofc Reyna would remember Nora no matter how many times the timeline was reset, because she’s a breacher and is thus cursed to remember everything
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon
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bigtomo · 6 months
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pit people ocs 1/? because you KNOW I can't be in a fandom without fandom OCs
This is Rhysilas (he/she), Papastrella's Brother-in-Law and Commander of papastrella army....... hes kinda chill and was usually on babysitter duty when Papastrella was too busied with work or was out and about. (Whenever Papastrella left the castle he'd be escorted by about a couple squads of le king's army and any knights his lords could spare, but he had enough trust in Rhysilas to leave him with the kids because! it is dangerous for them to travel usually)
Rhysilas would train his nieces how to combat, and when they were old and strong enough, they sparred with the other,army people. He knew peace was a finite resource and wanted them to be ready to handle themselves.
She was injured quite terribly when the Helmitites invaded, completely overwhelmed and outnumbered by their forces and still feeling dinged up and raw from previous skirmishes. However, he is missing. but not dead. oooooooooo spooky
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kakusu-shipping · 21 days
Little brain rattle fic sense I let myself get dragged into the pit
Technically a self insert fic sense I am the Crying Child but not canon to my story or anything, just an interaction that won't leave my brain that I can't comic out for whatever reason. Can be read as any other version of CC.
Oswald quickly slammed the door of the arcade behind him and took in a deep breath before holding it. He listened closely as the mechanical footsteps of the yellow bird echoed in the hall behind the door, slowly going further... further.....
Oswald released his held breath and sank to the floor, glad to not have been seen, but still stressed. So of course, when the sound of quiet crying suddenly hit his ears, it's no surprise he tensed up yet again.
The source of the sound was another kid, smaller than Oz, curled up under the calendar. His hair was a mussy mop of light brown, his eyes were overflowing with tears and tucked behind a thick pair of retro glasses. His face was half buried in a yellow teddy bear he was gripping tightly to himself.
"H-Hey... Are you... okay...?" Of course he wasn't, Oswald thought as soon as the question left his mouth, none of the kids here were.
The kid didn't answer, he didn't even look up, he just continued to cry near silently. Oswald moved a little closer and reached out to him.
"It's gonna be okay... I'll help you escape." He attempted. Still no response. He might be in shock, it might be a bad idea to touch him. Oz retracked his hand and thought before speaking again.
"I'm looking for my dad," He slowly sat next to the kid, careful not to make too much noise.
"Your... dad...?" The kid finally spoke, still not looking up. His voice was shaky, and muffled by the bear, making him appear even smaller than he did already. It had a slight accent to it Oz didn't recognize.
"Yeah, he was captured. He's wearing a blue shirt and has brown hair. H- Have you seen him?"
The kid lifted his head slightly and turned to look at Oz, his brown eyes looked almost red in the dim lighting, or maybe it was all the crying.
"Did your dad... become the Golden Rabbit...?"
"The golden...?" Oswald paused at the question, then tensed up, eyes going wide as it dawned on him, "YES! Yeah he- He's been replaced by a big yellow robot rabbit! How'd you...?"
He trailed off, the boy next to him shifted, hugging his teddy bear tighter.
"My dad did too...." Tears welled in the child's eyes again, Oswald again reached out to comfort him, but he moved away before he could. "I don't know why... He just... stopped being my dad..."
Oswald watched as the kid once again started to cry, silent tears streaming down his face. He thought about his own dad, and the imposter at home, and how much smaller the kid next to him was. He gripped tightly to the sleeve of his jacket, then placed a hand on the child's shoulder.
"Don't worry, I bet that monster has your dad and my dad locked up in the same place. I'll save them both so don't... cry....?"
Oswald looked to the child, and found his hand resting firmly on the shoulder of the empty suit he'd hidden in at the start of this whole fiasco.
"Where did he-?" But Oswald didn't get to finish that thought, as the aforementioned monster suddenly burst into the hall from the party room, pausing just long enough to screech before lunging, which was just enough time for Oz to scrambling himself off the floor and to the southern door into the party hallway.
Questions could wait, he had to get somewhere to hide.
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leoweooo · 4 months
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born too late to be hyrule's chosen ❌ born too early to receive adequate mental healthcare ❌ born just in time to overshare with the shopkeeper ✅
(Santi belongs to @bogor-o!)
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centiiputra · 3 months
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idiot baby ref for art fight
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bluepeachstudios · 2 years
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Butterfly snuggling Crow and Wind while Ibeeble guards themself in the background from scary children.
Butterfly is mine, Ibeeble is @wondrous-art's, Crow is @crownedcrowrow's, and Wind is @tired-o-fighter's! I am their Uncle. I adopted them as my niblings.
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