#pit babe sonic
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chenouttachen · 1 year ago
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pit babe x text posts 4/4
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heretherebedork · 1 year ago
I really do miss the found family of Pit Babe, where almost all the characters genuinely meant well and were doing their best and shone all the brighter for being found by the family that Alan built to save them from the families that made them. We saw hurt boys become loving men thanks to a garage full of chaos and heart and I miss that feeling and that healing vibe.
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lemon-salad69 · 1 year ago
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Fellas is it gay to protectively hold your bro while being held at gunpoint by your enemy
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incorrect-pitbabe · 1 year ago
North: Bro-
Sonic: No, no, hold up, rewind.
Sonic: My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
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south-sonic · 1 year ago
the way he just preens and twirls around 😭 he’s so cute
(original video from here)
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ohanny · 2 months ago
i've been so deep in the pit babe hole i kinda forgot about the rest of the world... i saw a content warning protected image of sonic wearing thigh highs on twt and i was SO EXCITED because OF COURSE it would be my sonic, right?
it was obviously a biblically accurate sexy hedgehog.
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goldenquillarchive · 1 year ago
Love me out loud
a Idol!Kim and Bodyguard!Kenta AU!
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In a whirlwind of fame and scrutiny, international k-pop sensation Minsu Kim retreats to his roots in Thailand, seeking solace from the chaos.
As whispers of him leaving his company and his scandal follow him even there, Kim enlists the help of a bodyguard, to shield him from the relentless gaze of the media.
Around the people he loves most, and with the help of Childhood nostalgia, Kim discovers unexpected truths about himself and his heart, leading to a journey of self-discovery and perhaps even love.
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→ this au on ao3
→ X pt.1
→ X pt.2
→ Info 1
→ Info 2
→ Playlists
→ pt. 1
→ pt.2
→ pt.3
→ pt.4
→ pt.5
→ pt.6
→ pt.7
→ pt.8
→ pt.9
→ pt.10
→ pt.11
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→ pt.12
→ pt.13
updates happen when they happen
this is a piece of FICTION, nothing in this is to be taken 100% seriously, none if this is real.
These are FICTIONAL characters.
this is purely made up on headcanons and ideas, none of it is canon.
don't like don't read!
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gillyweedgrl · 1 year ago
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Tell me what kind of vibe they give off to you, for shits and giggles science, I swear!
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Note: I don’t usually care who comes first in a couple thruple name and we stan all the verse kings but c’mon, this is the vroom vroom omegaverse show. In an A/B/O world there IS a power dynamic, be that in or out of the locker room (see: CharlieBabe vs BabeCharlie), and I’m genuinely curious how people interpret these three. Even if you read them as purely platonic, tell me how, I need to know!
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yannig · 1 year ago
So. I've finished binge-watching Pit Babe.
and I have opinions. (yes I am aware it came out like a year ago. who cares) so, with very little order :
Tony died!! Yeah!! ngl, at one point I hoped Babe's father would come in to kill him, but Kenta doing it is even more satisfying so i'm happy with it. also those knife sounds were great. 10/10 no notes.
Babe's father was very obvious as Babe's father the second we met him. it's not necessarily a problem, i just found it funny that they were trying to create a mystery around him.
i didn't know it was an omegaverse when i began watching the show, but it was a pretty sanitized omegaverse, all things considered. no mentions of heat/rut, knotting, mate, pack, mating bite, bond, nesting. the mpreg was only implied. the word omega was uttered exactly once. beyond Tony wanting only alpha kids (with no explanation of what an alpha is), the plot to get a child from Babe, and Babe's fixation on his partner's smell (and most likely, Babe and Charlie's fixation on each other's neck), i often forgot it was an omegaverse. i understand not wanting to scare newbies, omegaverse can be wild, but i was surprised with how little we got of the common tropes. its not a flaw, i was just surprised.
Sonic needs to tell North he loves him. the guy is clearly ready to die for you. just because he's too stupid to realize he's in love with you doesn't mean he isn't.
also this two idiots were still in the building!! i thought they got the USB and then got out to publish the videos! but no! these two idiots were still in the building! thank fuck Kim was close by!!! (he was probably there on purpose, yes, but still. they should have gotten out!)
Way stays a walking red flag until his very last breath and I hate that for him. don't get me wrong, I saw his death coming. he was unredeemable, and we don't want the audience to hate him, so of course he was gonna die. i really don't like this trope, I'd rather he left Babe and X-Hunter behind and got a new chance with Pete, who was clearly ready to give him one and also who he hadn't betrayed and hurt in the worst way possible. but no, that's not how the trope works. he dies. because we don't know how to redeem characters without killing them. and to make the matter worst, he dies having one of his most fucked up interactions with Babe yet, and that's saying something considering his track record, confessing his love for the nth time which was understandable but already awkward on its own, and then asking if Babe ever loved him back when he has made very clear several times that he saw Way as his closest friend and nothing else, begging for forgiveness for trying to rape Babe, i swear to god!! the correct thing to say at this point was "i'm sorry i ever hurt you, i hope you get to be happy with Charlie, don't blame yourself for my death". instead, he gave him enough therapy material for the next decade! with one conversation! how the fuck is Babe supposed to grieve Way, or make peace with anything he has done to him, after that kind of last breath!
(seriously, i probably have enough to say about Way to write an entire essay. the man was fucked up)
Kim has now been officially adopted in the family, he's even invited to the funerals! (i am aware he was still Tony's prisoner during Charlie's funeral, i just found it funny.) we did not see enough of Kim after Tony imprisoned him btw. he is one of my favorite characters in this show and he deserved more screen time!
Did Charlie stole a power that just- teleport him to Babe when he's in danger? this is a least the second time he just appeared out of nowhere to save Babe with no explanation, and with a perfect timing at that.
Babe deserved to scream at Charlie for faking his death. Or a least have a breakdown the like of the one he had with his father. The reunion scene was great and emotional and shit, and it was adequate for the context, but i needed them to have a real conversation about it later. will look for fanfics on the matter.
my man Babe is gonna have so many trust issues it's not even funny anymore. like mate. both his fathers betrayed him (and sold him, though for different reasons), his best friend of 10 years betrayed him in one of the worst way possible, one of his other teammates betrayed him, and his boyfriend has been lying to him the entire time the have known each other, to the point of faking his death without telling him he was alive. listen, i was berating him every time he pushed Charlie away at the slightest sign of dishonesty because I don't like that trope, but I think in this case he was justified. it's going to be fun to get him to trust anyone ever again!
also that man can cry! and make me cry with him at that! like, i knew Charlie's death was a fake out, and i knew it was coming, but episode 10 still got me in tears because Babe's grief was fucking real. giving him his senses back just for him to hear his lover flat-line on the operation table was incredibly cruel. also "He's still warm. Maybe he's not dead yet". are you trying to kill me? also also : did he say "i love you" for the first time at Charlie's grave? because i think he did.
overall, pretty good execution of the fake death trope, they gave us time to feel the grief before revealing he was alive, it worked. (did the plot around said fake death make sense? not... quite? but the feels were there and that's what matters)
Jeff is my baby and i love him. he got a lover and a support system and that's great, though they could do with better communication and still have shit to learn about respecting boundaries. which is saying something because Jeff tends to be pretty fucking clear about his boundaries. i'm watching you Alan. also i've decided he's autistic. for obvious reasons.
the whole "papa and mama" thing Babe and Charlie have going on is not my thing, but it is particularly weird in a context where the last two men Babe called "Papa" betrayed him and hurt him terribly. i get that what they have going on is different, like it's not a daddy kink (which would have been even weirder), but it still left a weird taste in my mouth. i just - i don't know what to make of it. i don't think they got the implication of it when making the show?
Babe and Charlie both need therapy to a desperate level, and i do not trust any of them to try to get it on their own. let's hope the rest of the family team manages to get them there. i'm mostly counting on Jeff to start the movement on this one. and then the others can nicely bully them into getting professional help.
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pandasized-crevice · 1 year ago
HEY babes voice when he tells charlie how he missed him? sobbing btw
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charlie:i faked my death so tony would leave you,leave us alone!I wanted you to be happy!😃
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totally normal about how north pulled sonic behind him & how they held eo TOTALLY NORMAL ABOUT THAT TOTALLY🫠
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🗣️KIM TO THE RESCUE💪🏻followed by my fav three beating the ever loving shit outta winner?I WIN‼️
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offtopic but pretty babe shot🫶🏻🤷🏻‍♀️
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you:“you better not be Pete Serving Looks at the battle with Tony when I get there.”
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(seriously Pete we are in mortal danger the face card is distracting my good sir)
Lastly enjoy some thoughts i had as i watched the finale:
-That villain ass smoke behind tony omgg
-oh shit
Oh Shit
-…..hes still alive!?
-Well shit he got me crying
-ive escalated to sobbing btw
-HEY sobbing again thx
-the little bow kim gives☹️
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chibipandaao3 · 1 year ago
I know in canon it’s the opposite — I know it was never addressed on the show — and I acknowledge that it’s leaning towards stereotypes which aren’t always a cool thing
But in my head Sonic is an omega. There I said it…when he’s in stories I write I think of him as an omega….North is whatever North wants to be but my delulu headcanon (that goes against canon) is that Sonic is an omega
😂 am I alone in this brain worm???
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namtan · 1 year ago
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PIT BABE (2023–2024)
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heretherebedork · 1 year ago
I love that falling in love with Pit Babe went: live action omegaverse!? 30 is not old. chaos boys! mama and papa!? oh no he's a babygirl. HUMAN TRAFFICKING!? that is quite a crush that uncle has. more mama and papa!? oohhh, mama and papa. the future is in the touch. that's a lot of bonsai trees. 'i don't want to go back in the cave'. even WORSE human trafficking. pining in incel. oh he's the most babygirl. choas boys to the failed rescue! they in love. most haunting grieving scene. 'i want to keep these gloves' 'i only do it with you'. BETRAYAL FRIEND. we can avenge him.
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lemon-salad69 · 1 year ago
I did not go through 13 episodes of awkward silly gay pining just for NorthSonic to not have an eye-opening flower petals raining from the sky type love confession.
Truly a sad day for Northsonic enthusiasts😔
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incorrect-pitbabe · 1 year ago
Alan: How's the sexiest person here~?
Jeff: I don't know, how are they~?
Alan, flustered: I-
Sonic, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
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south-sonic · 1 year ago
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something something pregnant sonic 😌
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