#pippa greene
dollys-perfect-world · 7 months
agggtm fans assemble‼️‼️
I reslly like being able to blame Max for everything so how can we link him to Stanley and Charlie
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i NEVER would have thought that 20 years later we'd have them all in the same room again i'm actually obsessed
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burymeat-makeoutcreek · 11 months
Some agggtm headcanons after ggbb
•pip hates loud noises and things like bonfires ever since what happened with Charlie it always takes her back to those heartbreaking moments
•ravi refuses to ever take sleeping pills since Sal a lot like his dad did
•I’m pretty sure this is canon but pip doesn’t take tea from people when they offer after what becca did
•Nat da silva ends up becoming quite close with pip her friends and her family after the max hastings thing (this is canon)
•Ant keeps telling the school to expell pip and never apologises for what he said even when it’s proven to be bs and that Jamie was missing and he was being an insensitive prick
• Daniel da silva couldn’t keep hating pip as much as he did after he saw her in the state she was after Stanley died and he feels like it’s partially his fault because pip did say someone would end up dead and he didn’t listen then someone wound up dead
(Some of these might not be accurate but I haven’t read agad yet so keep that in mind)
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aalarums · 5 months
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horatioandalice · 1 year
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All six birds in one shot!
(Beatrix got her first dose of Meloxicam last night and is pooping MUCH more normally and just generally doing much better! Thank you for all your well wishes! <3 )
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ihateeveryonehere · 11 months
I thought of a few Agggtm headcanons (some spoilers for agggtm and ggbb after the cut)
•pip hates loud noises and things like bonfires ever since what happened with Charlie it always takes her back to those heartbreaking moments
•ravi refuses to ever take sleeping pills since Sal a lot like his dad did
•I’m pretty sure this is canon but pip doesn’t take tea from people when they offer after what becca did
•Nat da silva ends up becoming quite close with pip her friends and her family after the max hastings thing
•Ant keeps telling the school to expell pip and never apologises for what he said even when it’s proven to be bs and that Jamie was missing and he was being an insensitive prick
• Daniel da silva couldn’t keep hating pip as much as he did after he saw her in the state she was after Stanley died and he feels like it’s partially his fault because pip did say someone would end up dead and he didn’t listen then someone wound up dead
(Some of these might not be accurate but I haven’t read agad yet so keep that in mind)
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cyberlifesworld · 3 months
BIG spoilers for agad!!
“He lifted the gun and Stanley gasped.
Charlie fired.
The sound ripped the earth out from under Pip.
He fired again.
And again.
And again.
“Pip pulled it back and swung the hammer.
It found the base of his skull.
A sickening crunch of metal on bone.
He staggered, he even dared to gasp.
Pip swung again.
A crack.
Jason dropped, falling forward to the concrete, catching himself with one hand.
“Please—” he began.
Pip pulled her elbow back, a spray of blood hitting her in the face.
She leaned over and swung again.
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missggullet · 5 days
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Wear something pink they say, it'll be fun they say. Nobody told me if I tried just ONCE to give pink a shot to catch Hardbroom's eye I'd look like flaming Ursula Hallow enjoying golf and sunning my arse to a massive melanoma.
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gloriouscatheart · 4 months
my ship is freaking RIO!!! i do think they suit each other perfectly well(in a frantic way ofc) in the original series ,now finally together(at least heading in that way)in the podcast,my fav lunatic lesbian couple(not many couples fall into that category though)!
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featherxquill · 5 months
So 2 episodes down, and I need Joanna to get a prison girlfriend please.
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ghw-archive · 2 days
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pippa mcmanus
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spell-of-the-rain · 4 months
carb day! managed to find clem and james (and franky), david malukas, ruth buscombe, and james hinchcliffe! Also met zoey (stadium super trucks) and pippa mann
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sparrowswritingnest · 5 months
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- Sunny Farley: Sunshine and Warmth
- Cyra Barnett: Courage and Reformation
- Islwyn: Dragons and Forests
- Cleo Press: Creativity and Playfulness
- Verity Moore: Self Discovery and Freedom
- Zephyr Siedel: Science and Self Expression
- Azure Lightfoot: Stories and Protection
- Citrus Arlette: Trees and Fruit
- Luana Green: Nature
- Flick Barton: Archery and Orchestra
- Lyric: Music and Free Will
- Ryder Colborn Kelly: Medicine and Duty
- Kelera: Plants and Death
- Pippa Morningflower: Creativity and Life
- Jax Celestee: Stars and Protection
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erooca · 1 year
ellie williams x reader
description: ellie williams is forced to take a shift at a daycare. she knows she’s gonna hate it, that is, until she sees you. 1.9k words
this is very self indulgent cuz i work at a daycare. i’d be so down to continue this storyline if it gets any interactions :)
part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/erooca/725335248989208576/daycare-pt-2
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why the fuck am i here? is exactly what ellie was thinking, pulling into the small, but cheery daycare. it was 9:30 in the fucking morning. she should still be asleep, not getting prepared to run around with little kids for the next eight hours.
after feeling sorry for herself a bit longer, she turned off the ignition and headed into the double doors.
“good morning, ellie!” maria said with a bright smile. ellie almost rolled her eyes at the enthusiasm. maria was sitting behind the front desk, clicking away on the computer in front of her.
“morning,” ellie responded back, a complete opposite from the way maria had greeted her.
“i know i’ve already thanked you a million times, but seriously. thank you for coming in,” maria thanked.
right. the reason ellie was here in the first place. maria had mentioned how the daycare she owned was extremely understaffed recently and needed all the help she could get. of course, joel offered up ellie as help. he said it would be good for her. ellie would have shut them both down, but maria mentioned how much she’d pay ellie. ellie was sold.
“yeah,” ellie responded, still not happy about the experience.
“listen, ellie, as soon as i get some more workers you’ll be free to go,” maria comforted.
“i know. so what am i gonna be doing?” ellie asked, praying to whatever’s out there that she won’t have to change any diapers.
“i think i’m going to put you in the big three’s. it’s a good group of kids, so don’t stress. it’s just down that hallway. second door on the right.”
ellie nodded her head and set off to the room. she already knew she was about to have the most frustrating and long shift of her entire life.
as she walked down the hallway, she admired the kids’ art that was strung on the walls. she noticed more of it around the big three’s door. she took a deep breath, and then entered through the door.
and then she saw you. you were kneeled down, ground level with a little girl who was crying. she watched as you gave the little girl a big hug, and how you helped her focus on the tower she was building with the colorful blocks.
when you finished calmed down the kid, you spotted ellie. maria told you that you’d be having another teacher today, but she never mentioned that teacher would be fine as fuck.
“hey. ellie, right?” you asked.
“um.. yeah,” she answered.
you introduced yourself to her and the room.
“they’re doing centers right now. you should go around and try to get to know some of the kids. once we have circle time, we can do proper introductions. that sound okay?” you suggested.
“sure..” ellie said. you could sense the nervousness radiating off of her.
“don’t stress. these kids are fun to be around. at least most of the time. let me know if you need anything,” you encouraged.
she nodded her head and looked around the room. from what she could see, the centers included music, blocks, art, math, science, and a play kitchen.
of course, she felt inclined to visit the art table first. there was only about three kids over there, and it was a topic she knew pretty well. was she overthinking this? probably.
she took a seat on the uncomfortably small chair in front of the table. immediately, the three kids looked up at her.
“hi! what’s your name?” a girl with short brown hair asked her.
“ellie,” she answered, then realized she should probably talk a bit more, “um what’s yours?”
“pippa,” she answered, putting away the green crayon in exchange for a red one.
“what are you drawing?” ellie asked, looking at the mound of colors on the girl’s paper.
“my family!” pippa smiled, “that’s my mommy, and that’s my kitty kat, and that’s daddy!”
to ellie, it looked more like scribbles of different colors, but nonetheless she praised the girl for her creativity.
she felt a light tap on her arm and when she turned she was met with a shy looking boy. he had black braids in his hair and wore a toy story themed shirt.
“hi.” ellie said to the boy.
“can you draw me something?” he asked, handing her his blank sheet of paper.
“okay..” she said, taking the paper from him, “what should i draw?”
the boy thought for a minute, “ooo, i know! a dinosaur!!” he said, excitedly.
this request made ellie’s smile grow. of course she could draw him a motherfucking dinosaur.
“what’s your name?” she asked him.
“king!” he replied, awaiting his dinosaur.
as she drew, king watched intently, and once pippa noticed ellie was drawing, she started watching too.
when ellie was finished, she gave it back to king.
“woah!!! it’s a t-rex! i’m gonna color him green!” he said.
“ellie. can you draw me a mermaid?” pippa asked her.
ellie obliged and soon she had a good line of kids asking her to draw things for them.
as she was working on her third princess drawing, she heard you singing the clean up song.
she didn’t have chance to admire how beautiful your voice was before the kids started singing along. the three year olds started cleaning up their messes and ellie helped them out.
you had them gather on the carpet, where you finally introduced ellie as their new teacher (for the time being). you watched as ellie awkwardly smiled and you had to hold in a laugh.
after doing a couple songs and shit with the kids, they all went outside and played on the playground.
you took this opportunity to talk to ellie.
“hey, so, how you liking it so far?” you asked her, curiously.
“i thought i’d hate it, but it’s actually not too bad,” she said, glancing over at you with a smile. you swear you almost passed out right there.
“haha, yeah. it can take a second to get used to. you’re lucky they didn’t put you with the two year olds. those children make me want to quit my job,” you laughed, “so you know maria?”
“yeah. she’s sort of my- aunt-in-law - i guess?” ellie said, trying to find the right words.
“really? tommy must be your uncle then. gonna be honest, maria scares me,” you admitted.
ellie laughed, and your heart skipped a beat.
“pretty sure tommy feels the same way. she’s not bad once you get passed the cold exterior. how long you been working here?” ellie asked, intrigued to know more about you.
“about a year. its just a steady job while i’m in college,” you answered.
“you’re in college. where do you go?” she asked.
“jackson state!”
“no way, me too. you on campus?”
“yeah, campbell north.”
“no fucking way-“ ellie said, but caught herself, “shit-SHOOT, no freaking way. i dorm there too.”
after you laughed at her slip up, you continued your sweet conversation with her. you felt like you’re falling in love with her by the second, and little to your knowledge, she’s was feeling the same way.
“do you have any favorites yet?” you asked.
“um.. i like king. he’s sweet,” ellie answered, thinking back to the dinosaur drawing.
“yeah. he’s really smart too. he’s actually in the foster care system and can be a bit sensitive about it. try not to mention moms or dads around him,” you told her.
this struck a chord in ellie. she had been in foster care a long time before joel came along. she knew exactly what it was like for king. she hopes he will be as fortunate as her in the future.
when the time came, you and ellie corralled all the kids back into the room. there was a cart at the front of their door that had lunch on it. you explained to ellie that you guys will have to make the plates and then hand them out, same with the milk.
you passed out the plates to each kid who was sitting down at the small tables, while ellie came behind with the bowls of food, placing a nice scoop on each child’s paper plate.
you went to start pouring the milk but soon got distracted. you couldn’t help but watch ellie as her lean figure slid around the room. you liked the way she kneeled down when a child was asking her a question, acting as if that child were her equal. you studied how her hair was sticking up a bit on the sides, probably from being outside and running around with the three year olds. most of all, you loved how she was smiling. how it seemed that she was enjoying herself. the beautiful curve up of her lips was enough for your heart to beat at a rapid pace.
you snapped out of your trance when you saw ellie look up at you. you flicked your head away before she could catch you staring (even though she definitely did and you knew it too). you started actually doing your job and pouring the milk for your children.
as the day went on, ellie was very fond of learning more about you. you both spent nap time learning new things. when ellie told you how much she loved space, you told her how you thought you could be the first person to pluto as a kid, since it was your favorite planet. you guys talked about your favorite constellations and which ones you spot first. you told her how much you liked to read and shared your favorite stories with her. you asked what maria was like at thanksgiving dinner.
you were sat together against the wall, just chatting. the lullaby music played on the tv. the lights were off and curtains were closed. the three year olds were all asleep. ellie was all to yourself right now. you were so starstruck with how easily your conversation flowed. she sat with her knees up, resting ur arms on them as she looked at you. you could see glint in her eyes, even in the dark room. it made you like her even more.
once the kids woke up, it was less talking and more working, much to your disappointment. the rest of the day went by smoothly. you did a fun craft with the children that they enjoyed, and ended the day with tv time. once the number of kids got lower, maria came in to let ellie know she could go home.
“well. i hope all these kids didn’t scare you off. will you- be here tomorrow?” you asked with a hopeful look on her face.
ellie chuckled, “some of them are a bit scary, but they didn’t. i think i will be here tomorrow, but only so i can see you again though,” ellie smirked.
once her words sunk in, your cheeks turned a blushy color. no way the new, hot teacher just flirted with you. you stammered a bit but regained your ground.
“looking forward to it, ellie. have a good night,” you smiled brightly.
ellie have you a slight smile and a wave before walking out the door. you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. holy shit were you in deep.
ellie joyfully said bye to maria, earning her a weird look. she felt on cloud nine as she walked to her car. the day went better than she could’ve ever expected. she was already making a mental list on ways she could win you over.
maybe this daycare job won’t be so bad. is exactly what ellie was thinking as she drove away.
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horatioandalice · 1 year
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In an attempt to keep the wall from constantly being splattered in bird food, I hung a shower curtain behind the budgie cage! Everyone was terrified of it at first but you can see that they have pretty much gotten over it by this point. (Shout-out to @fallenkey for the shower curtain suggestion!)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Based on the below criteria, Kate’s green halter top and yellow hot pants could be considered a revenge outfit, if not “dress”.
No, because that outfit is from September 2008. Kate and William were firmly back together by then.
The closest thing Kate has to a revenge dress is this fabulous look:
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Which is dated sometime May/June 2007 after the split, when she, Pippa, and some friends when clubbing at the Mahiki club.
And according to The Mirror, this is the outfit and photos that made William eat his heart out and begin rethinking having broken up with Kate.
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