snowy-winterx · 2 years
I’m not really an Angbang sort of person, but I do find it very funny that the wolf who was prophesied to defeat Huan was fed out of Melkor’s hand and slept by his feet, receiving his careful and personal attention, and Sauron said “I bet that’s me”.
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
Reasons I love Melkor:
- idiot
- VERY obvious Napoleon Complex
- gremlin
- idiot
- slut
Reasons I love Sauron:
- bitch
- nightmare volcano eye man
- he is simultaneously mansplain manipulate manwhore and gaslight gatekeep girlboss
Reasons I love them both:
- spiky armor
- take no shit
- power (hungry) couple
- Aesthetic
Reasons I despise Amazon/Jeff Bezos:
- evil but no spiky armor
- does not use money to conquer the world and spite siblings
- bitch (derogatory)
- no cool shiny things
- def not immortal
- would probably like the Valar for all the wrong reasons
In conclusion: Melkor and Sauron should adapt the Silmarillion. At least the Elves wouldn’t have short hair.
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
Winding the yarn... I'm already dizzy.
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
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like, i would be afraid to go out anywhere if ancalagon were real you know? But I love him so it's okay
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
what’s it like to be so far from the deepest parts of the silmarillion fandom that you don’t know about angbang?
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
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The wonderful CherryStCh on AO3 (IG: @sadcherry_strach) has drawn this gorgeous illustration for my Melkor/Mairon fic Beguiled by One. I’m absolutely over the moon. Look at it!! 😍😍😍💕
(Hi-res here!)
Shared here with with kind permission.
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
So, for Melkor’s possible reactions to Mairon turning up, humiliated and grievously wounded, in Angband after Luthien’s Epic Silmaril Heist, we’ve come up with two things:
absolute fury, followed by spicy bdsm punishment
“Aw it’s not your fault, little flame”
which are both very good, but we are missing the, in my opinion, excellent third option of “Melkor spins out into a complete panic attack at seeing his emotional support Maia grievously wounded, screams half the fortress down”
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
I’m having some Sad Dad Aulë emotions tonight, so for your consideration:
Aulë refusing to believe that Mairon left of his own free will, instead choosing, for long ages, to believe that Melkor took him by force. When Utumno falls and Melkor is captured, Aulë goes to him and begs him to tell him where Mairon is, where he’s being held, so he can be set free and return to his old life. Melkor’s only reply is to laugh in his face.
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
Hot take for the evening:
It’s not that Manwë failed to see that all love had departed Melkor’s heart. Actually, it was the very opposite.
When Manwë looked into his brother’s heart, he saw, through all the hate, the wrath, the envy, that there was indeed love there. Melkor’s love for Mairon, burning fiercely there in the darkness, as it had through all the long ages of his captivity. It was a terrible love, but it was true, and there was no mistaking it for anything else; and for Manwë, who could only ever conceive of love as something good and redemptive, that was what made him hope that his brother could even now find his way back to the light.
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
Tolkien's expectation when writing Sauron as the chief torturer in Morgoth's army: The readers will think that he's a terrible creature that uses phantoms and disguises to lure his victims into thinking that he is their savior in this land of pain and suffering- he makes use of the weakness of their corporeal body by slowly mutilating them and ridding them of their beauty. He has various tools and machines solely created to torment his victims until they give in to his will and promise of reward and freedom. He looks terrible and his presence is suffocating when he gets angry. Overall awful guy no one likes him
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
So I've thought more on this and reread some passages from Morgoth's Ring (my favorite religious text) and have decided that I'm in love with the concept that Melkor is manic-depressive-- and thus half the time is utterly incapable of sitting still, throwing out a thousand ideas a minute, drawing half-baked schemes all over everything and muttering to himself as he works, while the other half of the time he's dead to the world in his bedchamber, crushed by the weight of his existence and the hopelessness of if all.
This was Mairon's real purpose as his second in command: to channel his energy for him when he was too manic to form a coherent thought, and to look after him when he was too depressed to perform basic tasks. Mairon is never down, always busy, always working, and yet tidy and orderly and capable. He was the perfect conduit for Melkor's chaos--Tolkien himself acknowledged that while ideas may have originated with Melkor, Mairon was the fine tuner, the executor. Truly the type-a, neat freak assistant to the mad genius.
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
How many times do I have to say it lol.
Mairon canonically adored Melkor, quite literally worshiped him, saw him as god, selflessly worked for him without goal of his own gain, or worrying at all what he could get out of it. If he didn’t care what was in it for him, and did it only for Melkor’s sake, than like, what more do you need? And the seeing him as god fact, and the sacrificing his entire life for damnation to serve someone else completely.
And like their relationship is a big cannon gap, yet this is all we know about this, so I think we have more than a little canonical room for gay.
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
Morgoth, to Sauron: I noticed you poisoned my wine earlier and usually when you do that it means you want to talk. What's up?
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
Me on tumblr: reblogs art of a mass murderer who is my poor little meow meow, reblogs art of a mass murderer who is my evil sparkle boi, reblogs art of two mass murderers who are actually just my murder husbands, reblogs art reblogs art o-
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
So there’s been some ship negativity posted in the Angbang tag recently, which is rather wearisome when I just want to see cool fanart of bad guys smooching. (Darn kids, get off my lawn, etc.) Anyway, rather than getting into pointless argy-bargy, I figured it’d be rather more rewarding to post some of my thoughts on what I love about the pairing. This is by no means an exhaustive post, so please, feel free to join in!
Honestly, it had me from the ship name. Angbang. It’s great. I giggle every time I see it. Because they’re banging. In Angband. Geddit?? (Yes, I am this easy to amuse!) It’s got to the point where I can’t even spell “Angband” any more. XD
Moving onto some actual thoughts now:
For me it’s all contained in a couple of quotes. In the Silmarillion, we’re told that Sauron “was only less evil than his master in that for long he served another and not himself.” Then in Morgoth’s Ring (HoME vol. 10), we get this marvellous line: “While Morgoth still stood, Sauron did not seek his own supremacy, but worked and schemed for another, desiring the triumph of Melkor, whom in the beginning he had adored.”
This is the crux of it all for me. In LOTR, Sauron is the Big Bad, almost more a force of evil than a character proper. We do get some hints as to his personality, but in the main, we tend to see his will worked through others. So to come to the Silmarillion, and learn that he once served another - not only that, but that he was loyal, he was devoted, he adored his master… honestly, it’s game-changing. I find it absolutely captivating. It’s such a fascinating aspect to his character - especially one who makes such extensive use of deceit and double-dealing - and it’s a brilliant springboard for exploring their relationship. Whether you’re interested in finding out the soppy smooshy places in their bitter evil hearts, or you’re in it for the dark loyalty kink and master/servant dynamics, the potential is amazing!
Canon also tells us that Sauron became the “greatest and most trusted” of Morgoth’s servants. Trusted. Melkor the Black Foe and Marrer of Arda, actually trusts another being. Melkor is arrogant, wrathful, envious, deceitful, suspicious - and yet he actually trusts Sauron. That implies a level of confidence, of faith in another party, that is so unexpected, and again, poses all sorts of questions about their dynamic. Again, there are so many ways you could take this, but from the evidence in the texts, it seems pretty obvious that Sauron is more to Melkor than some disposable servant.
Honestly, my favourite take on this ship is where Melkor is equally seduced as Mairon. We know he’s obsessed with beauty - very often to his own detriment. At first he desires Varda (and/or Arien, depending whether you take the older versions of the stories into account). He covets the Silmarils, even though their holy light permanently burns his hands and makes wearing the Iron Crown a chore. He’s so caught up in his lust for Lúthien that it leaves him vulnerable to her spell of sleep. Meanwhile, we’re told several times that Sauron is capable of assuming a beautiful appearance. Hell, his original name, Mairon, even means something like “the Admired, the Beloved”. Of course Melkor is going to take one look at that and decide he’s gotta have it. Whether it happens before or after Mairon changes sides, he’s having that.
There’s the opposites attract thing going on as well. Melkor is basically this being of primordial chaos, whereas Mairon’s big thing is a love of order. (What the hell ever made him think Melkor was the one to follow?! Who knows? But that’s one of the great things to explore!) And with opposites attracting, we’ve also got them complementing each other. Again, Morgoth’s Ring tells us that a lot of schemes that were originally envisioned by Melkor were refined and seen through to fruition by Sauron, because while Melkor might have more raw power, Sauron has a cooler head and greater patience for subtleties.
And honestly, the way their relationship is described in the Silmarillion, it’s almost like they’re bound up together, inextricable. “In all the deeds of Melkor the Morgoth upon Arda, in his vast works and in the deceits of his cunning, Sauron had a part, and was only less evil than his master in that for long he served another and not himself. But in after years he rose like a shadow of Morgoth and a ghost of his malice, and walked behind him on the same ruinous path down into the Void.”
I just… fuck me, what a line. Gives me chills every time. But it encapsulates just exactly what I love about this ship. Whatever’s between them, it’s not pretty, but it’s profound. They’re completely tangled up in each other. They’re a part of each other. You know in Wuthering Heights, when Catherine says, “I am Heathcliff.” It’s like that. (And equally fucked up. Actually, someone should totally do a Wuthering Heights AU!)
And following on from there, it is so, so easy to read all of Sauron’s deeds in the Second and Third Ages as being done out of his love for Melkor. Whether you think his goal truly is to free Morgoth from the Void, whether he’s just trying to carry on the legacy they build up together, or whether he just wants revenge on the Valar, to set Arda aflame, for taking Melkor away from him.
So, essentially, the way I see this pairing: it can be messy, obsessive - almost an addiction for them both - dark, terrible, it’s not what any reasonable person would call “healthy”, but it’s love, and it’s true.
(And that’s just my take. There are so many ways you can fill in the gaps left by canon.)
Also, it’s hot. It just is.
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
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day 4 of @angbangweek, prompt: Angband. kind of experimenting with digital art/brushes and stuff for this one, and yeah!
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snowy-winterx · 2 years
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Mairon doodle???
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