#pip gets high and writes and essay
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Pip Gets High and Writes an Essay: Wrestling and Shakespeare Edition
Hello friends, today was stressful and I want to distract myself, so it is time for another writing-while-high game. For those new, here's the breakdown:
I'm about to take an edible. I'll time stamp when I took it and when I've realized it's hit. You will almost certainly realize it's hit before me
I will write this in one go with minimal editing. If I got back to edit or add a note, it will be from "Pip From the Future" who will be significantly more high
This is a topic I've thought about before, but have never sat down to write out
Additional notes:
I was super into wrestling when I was a kid in the 90s/early 2000s, fell off of it, and then was reintroduced this January when my boyfriend got me into AEW (I'm almost entirely going to be talking about AEW btw--I'm not as into WWE). So though it's become a significant hyperfixation this year, I'm still new to modern-day wrestling. Please forgive the inevitable mess ups.
2. I love Shakespeare with a passion and have taken a handful of classes and seen a lot of performances, but I'm by no means a scholar. Please forgive the inevitable mess ups.
OKAY WITH THAT: Devil's candy eaten at 10:22pm Mountain Time.
Now let's get into:
Wrestling is More Shakespearean Than Many Modern Day Shakespeare Performances
Part 1: When the Audience is a Character, Theatre Hits Different
I wrote about this in my previous weed-induced essay, but one of my favorite performances of A Midsummer Night's Dream of all time is the 2019 Bridge Theatre's version with Gwendolyn Christie (it was filmed, highly recommend checking it out on the National Theatre streaming service or...by other means). There's a whole lot to love about the production (it's so gay, guys, like SO gay), but one of the absolute highlights is the way that the stage is set up.
The stage is like theatre-in-the-round on crack. It's made up of multiple moving parts, and as the tech crew attaches and detaches parts of the stage to move throughout the space, the crowd needs to ebb and flow along with them. The actors engage directly with the audience, often as the catalyst to get them to move in order to make way for the stage changing.
Anyone who's ever studied Shakespeare, even in the most casual of ways, knows that in the original productions, especially for the Comedies, the audience was encouraged to interact with the show and actors--it was deeply immersive. The Globe Theatre isn't fully in the round, but it almost is; no matter where someone sat or stood, they could see the face of another audience member. Their shared reactions and interactions were an integral part of the experience.
This wasn't unique to Shakespeare, but this setup works particularly well when dealing with stories whose core (no matter the genre) are about visceral human experiences. Being able to feel something, whether it's joy or pain, and directly see someone else experiencing the same thing in the same way amplifies theatre in a gorgeous way. There's nothing like that feeling of connection with someone you'll never talk to.
Seeing the recorded Bridge Theatre's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream made me realize how much I missed that feeling of being completely immersed in a story, and I still feel so jealous when I watch the audience in the recording. I fucking love being surrounded by people whose bodies thrum along with my energy at a show. Shortly after watching it, I went to see a live performance of A Winter's Tale, and it was a good time--but it was on a normal stage, the barrier between the audience and the story well established. It was a show being performed at the audience, not with them.
And that's how most modern day theatre productions are, Shakespeare or not. And it makes sense from a logistics perspective--a lot of people are assholes when they're given the freedom to interact with a show. They take advantage, especially in the age of social media when the temptation to do something to make you go viral is there. And people pay a lot of money for live theatre now and don't want their experience disrupted. (it's high Pip from the future--I finally realized the thing I wanted to say here that was going to make for a better segue: Shakespeare doesn't just love the idea of an immersed audiences, he also saw the magic of "audience as character." So many of his plays break the fourth wall and are meant to be delivered to the audience not as performance but as someone sharing their deepest secrets to a friend). I get it, but in some ways it feels like an opportunity at magic is lost.
It wasn't hard to sell me on wrestling since I already loved it as a kid, but there was one video in particular that my boyfriend showed me that flipped the switch so hard my brain lit up like Mark Briscoe got a hold of the pyrotechnics.
The video in question is Invisible Man vs. Invisible Stan, in which two invisible wrestlers fight each other. When my boyfriend first told me about this, I thought two dudes in green suits were going to come out, or that everybody was going to pretend they couldn't see two real-life dudes. But my guys IT IS A FULL FIGHT BETWEEN TWO IMAGINARY WRESTLERS.
I'm not kidding in the least when I say this video is one of my top favorite pieces of art from the modern world. It's a story told entirely by two entities: The referee (Bryce Remsburg) and the audiences. And yeah, I'm considering the audience one entity--just watch the video, the way they all meld together is WILD. The crowd is fully bought in, they all take cues off of Bryce and each other in order to collectively decide where the Invisible Man and Invisible Stan are and they move accordingly. That bit where one of the wrestlers goes up to the balcony and jumps down, and like 10 people all fall in unison as if they've been landed on--are you KIDDING ME?! That shit is some of the best improvisational collaborative storytelling I've ever seen--and it could never have happened if the audience wasn't as much of a character as Bryce or the wrestlers. Seriously go watch it, it's incredible.
"The audience is a character" is a sacred rule in pro wrestling--audience participation is the meat of what moves storylines along, and can (and has) literally change(d) the course of character arcs over the years. They set the tone for matches: for the audience back home, for the actors, and most importantly for each other. They chant together, they hold signs together, they gasp together.
(They chant "he's gay he's gay he's gay" in the kindest way those words have ever been spoken -- high Pip from the future, i went to go grab the link to insert bc i had forgot and i rewatched the video so the rest of this video.........this is not a video, but it's playing in my head as one. Anyway I'm tearing up that is such a good gay moment. Also for non-wrestling people reading this -- why are you reading this? -- that tall blonde man is named Daddy Ass. I need you all to go look up the story of how "Scissor me, Daddy Ass" came to be if you do not know it. Unrelated my keyboard feels like it's tilting)
They give the ability for actors to feel more immersed, themselves. A wild crossover I never expected: Anthony Burch (DM for Dungeons & Daddies) held up a sign for a Kenny Omega match that references a years-long storyline that's HONESTLY HEARTBREAKING LIKE JESUS FUCK THE GAY TEARS IT MAKES ME CRY THEY CALLED THEMSELVES THE GOLDEN LOVERS ARE YOU *KIDDING* ME--
(Aside: Is this the first time the edible hits and I realize the same time as you guys? Time 11:17pm, almost an hour after taking it. Or am I going to read this back tomorrow and be like "what the fuck that is gibberish.")
Anyway, I'm not going to go into it (that's Super Eyepatch Wolf's job)--all you need to know is Anthony's sign stopped Kenny Omega in his tracks. His face changes as he sees the sign, and it feels like the energy from that reaction carries him through the rest of the match. It gives a beautiful additional motivation to his character actions--and it never could have happened without an audience that was alive.
TL;DR and main point of part 1: Wrestling understands theatre-in-the-round productions and audience immersion in a way that many theatres don't understand or utilize the vast power of, and I think going to a live wrestling show would finally sate that desire that the Bridge Theatre's A Midsummer Nights Dream makes me feel that I haven't been able to find.
Shakespeare would fucking lose his shit over wrestling, man. He would be like "this is real theatre, baby." I'm not joking. I think he'd think that. And not just because of the "audience as character." OH HEY WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT
Part 2: Good Wrestling Stories Are Fueled By a Core Made of Visceral Human Experiences of Joy and Pain and Mortality and Legacy, Shakespeare also did that
Nailed it, what a good title
When we talk about Shakespeare not being as high bro and pretentious as the general public often thinks it is, we're not just talking about the dick jokes (though there's a lot of dick jokes).
(Aside: I'm not sure who the "we" is I'm referring to--who the fuck am i to be using academic talk i literally just spent too long that i want to admit trying to spell academic)
(Aside again: aHIGHed. Is that anything? That's nothing. Don't look at me)
Shakespeare isn't just low-brow, it's also incredibly accessible on a story level. Obviously the language is hard to overcome, but if you boil any Shakespeare story to its bones to explain to someone, they're stories almost everyone can relate to in some way:
In the tragedies:
The experience of deep grief, and the existential crisis of mortality that comes with it
Loving deeply and passionately while the world tells you it's better to hate, and the existential crisis of mortality that comes with it
The desire for legacy, how your story will be written in the minds of those left behind, and the existential crisis of mortality that comes with it
In the comedies:
The hilarity of being part of a friend group when relationship drama is going down, and you know two of your friends have a crush on each other
Having a fantasy about romping around with horny faeries in the forest
Enjoying sex jokes, twins, and weddings
Doing trans shit and then being really bisexual about it
Good wrestling, when it boils down to it, approaches storylines in a similar way of centering visceral human emotions.
So which genre is wrestling? It can be sad and happy and gay, sometimes all at once.
Wait I thought of a funnier way to say this:
Broke: Wrestling can't be put into a Shakespeare genre of Tragedy or Comedy because it's both at times
Woke: Wresting is a History
(Aside: GOD this is like the core of what I wanted to write about but it's almost midnight and I am p r o p e r high now, I keep staring off into space and my beanie is squeezing my head--if you like this next part and want me to talk about it more maybe i'll do it sober)
(Aside: I was about to go into a full aside here about Prince Nana and the ongoing bit from multiple characters that they want his weed...but we don't have time for that)
My favorite Shakespearean monologue is the "Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs" speech from King Richard II. I have those first words tattooed on my upper thigh, like some kind of pretentious slut. Anyway, the monologue is all about how kings only become kings and stop being kings due to one main thing: death. And there's this part that goes:
For within the hollow crown that rounds the mortal temples of a king keeps death his court
In a recording of Ian McKellen receiting these words, he takes a crown and tilts it at the audience until it becomes an O.
A crown is something that's coveted, given so much weight and meaning and power. And yet when you look in the middle, it's ultimately hollow.
Belts are crowns, you got I was going there, right? A wrestling belt is a stand in for a crown, it's a symbol of proven power, it's coveted beyond anything else. But ultimately, it's hollow.
And just like with kings, there's only way one to win a belt and to lost a belt.
Well like metaphorically. It's not death with this one, and it's not like when wrestlers lose their characters die off. But like defeat is a metaphor for death in this. You get me.
There are.....
Fuck my brain is fully breaking friends, lol. This weed friend has sent my mind to space. I gotta wrap it. There's some more thoughts on this, and wanting to tie some parallel stories (Orange Cassidy has big Prince Hal vibes, etc.) Maybe I'll return to this sober, or maybe this is way too niche of a crossover and no one will read this lol. If you read this, I appreciate you.
I'm truly unsure if this is readable but i gotta commit to this bit even tho i just got freaked out by my own fingers for a second (we're good now) so gonna post
#If one person likes this I will use that as all the excuse I need#to write about how Swerve Strickland may be both Lord and Lady M. at the same time#aew#pro wrestling#shakespeare#is this a dumpster fire#hey i want more wrestling mutuals come hang out with me#wrestling is drag#i am so high#pips weed essays#fuck what was i tagging these#pip gets high and writes and essay
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i really am despairing and just hopeless in a way that i genuinely dont think ive been before and its rlly fucking with me. like, by all acounts, i am More supported than i have been before, and thats almost part of the problem? i feel ungrateful for feeling So Bad. i don't do Anything, i dont attend uni, i dont write my essays, i dont have a job, i dont clean my flat, i dont rlly cook a lot. of the things that Have to happen so we can continue to live in this flat, or i can continue to access medical services so my life doesnt get worse: those things are often put off way past the last minute and i need a lot of support to do at all. also, rn my life is mostly just calling A Service TM, getting a bullshit response, complaining, calling again, finally getting through to someone who knows whats going on, complaining, rinse repeat. ITS EXHAUSTING! not only that but sitting every day in bed or at my desk refreshing tumblr or staring at my screen saver thinking to myself 'what am i going to do?' and coming to the conclusion of nothing because i have nothing to do, i enjoy nothing, i want nothing, i cant concentrate long enough on anything or process information well enough to do things Anyway. ykw its not even true i dont Want to do anything. i do. i Want to write my essays, on some level i am genuinely interested in the topics. i just Cant. i want to read. i've been pretty keen on reading complaint by sarah ahmed for a while now or maybe rereading whipping girl or even giving notes on suicide another go? but i cant make myself start because i Know that i wont get far and its so fucking depressing. im getting so high, the come down is genuinely distressing because of how scrambled and disorganised my brain becomes and i become so afraid i will be like that forever. and yet i do it EVERY DAY! im struggling extremely badly with some interpersonal shit that has completely destroyed any self esteem or confidence i had in my appearance and my worth. add onto that that i am a massive Massive financial drain and even if i wasnt our finances are just.. Bad? so i was like, ok, fssw time again, that wont be too bad, i can do that. and then i fucking set up by whore phone and downloaded the grindr apk (and it was fucking horrible and evil to do and i hate that evil horrible useless phone) (also did u know u need to send in id for age verification on google now? 101 internet safety says to not do that are u crazy?) and started getting dms and i wanted to cry i got so overwhelmed. like idk if i can do it, but like.. i kinda gotta? idk man. im trying to see things positively? like, i got the form for the work capability assessment and spent all of yesterday photocopying medical letters which detail diagnoses and assessments and reference hospitilisations, etc but also the dwp are evil so who knows if its enough? im trying to get my pip reevaluated but they havent even sent me the Form for that yet? so again! who! knows! i feel like im in beurocracy hell and i cant leave? my uni are trying to work with me, but multuple medical professionals have told me to interrupt or drop out and like if people who are meant to be like have something in your life to keep you going dont think i can do it, what chance do i have of Actually doing it? i dont know what to do anymore.
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goth kid headcanons, gimmie. -Batz 🖤💜
cracking my knuckles and snickering gayly lets go
-ends up being the shortest goth by the time theyre all in high school (with the exception of firkle who is still in middle school, but he is also taller)
-hello trans dude. i see u. he/they/it + neos
-listens to evanescence more than he'd like to admit
-his favorite color is teal but it doesnt look good on him so he sticks with red and purple, both of which he likes and looks good in
-he is absolutely horrendous when it comes to dying his hair despite the fact that his hair is the hardest to dye and maintain out of all four of his friends. you'd assume he wouldve learned at some point after years of having it done but he is just Clueless. henrietta is the one who bleaches and dyes it red, michael helps with buying him stuff thatll maintain the color longer, firkle reminds him when he needs a touch up. his hair would be a mess without them.
-writes to fruitiest poems about michael but like. in the most gruesome ways possible? like they are very gorey but in a romantic way. michael finds them endearing. firkle would be lying if he said he wasnt a bit concerned.
-going off that ^ pete is a hopeless romantic and his love language is gift giving. he's always getting the homies shit they dont need but he knows they want and it's gotten to the point where they have to not say when they like things just so he stops spending money
-has a big sweet tooth (which is basically canon, have yall seen how much sugar he puts into his coffee?) but he pretends he doesnt
-is very bad with expressing himself verbally so he writes long ass essays when he is upset or needs help or whatever and gives them to the goths
-the groups resident slur sayer. stop calling ur boyfriend a faggot in public before u get ur shit rocked pls-
-is on honor roll and he is embarrassed by it just bc south park gives them like. t shirts and shit as a "reward"? it's weird as fuck.
-wants to be a piercer when he gets older, has given firkle and pete a couple piercings
-has a stick and poke of a cat on his ankle from craig. it was an odd experience but he still likes it.
-his favorite movie is donnie darko. he does not understand the plot At All.
-even tho giving (+ recieving) compliments makes him uncomfortable, he tries to give them to his friends bc he knows they all get shit from other people for various reasons and he doesnt want it to affect them. he hopes it balances out or smth
-him and henrietta have best friend necklaces made out of resin encased bugs
-has broken his nose at least twice in a moshpit
-really likes collecting rocks <3
-is the mom friend but like. an aggressively caring way.
-is naturally a blonde but she dyes her hair black. only her family and the goths really know
-also on honor roll but she is very proud of it <3
-she is tall!! like 5'11" ish!!!
-is the laziest when it comes to doing makeup out of the four of them. literally just puts on bottom eyeliner then Goes. meanwhile pete and firkle are out here doing a full face every morning and michael is color correcting his eyebags just to REAPPLY MAKEUP OVER THEM.
-wears rings on every single finger bc she likes the jingle jangle
-always writes personalized stories for each goth during the holiday season
-really good at math but hates doing it
-resident mean lesbian <3 just wants her boys to shut up so she can think about Girls
-does the whole groups nails every week for funsies
-her room has an oogie boogie shrine that freaks michael out. he is not a fan of the big bag man. thinks the movie mightve given him a lasting fear of Just oogie boogie.
-has somehow befriended kenny wendy and pip. they are her normie exceptions <3
-weirdly good at fps games considering she doesnt like them
-threatens everyone. sometimes he means it. he is like the worlds shittiest chihuahua that just barks at everyone and you can never tell when he's gonna actually bite.
-trans dude no2. he/it. maims cis peo-
-listens to n unhealthy amount of metal music in his free time
-very into candles and incense, it drives pete crazy bc he has a sensitive nose
-the other goths have never seen his house bc firkle thinks his parents would be very weird about him having only older friends
-has a soft spot for shows like beyblade digimon and adventure time
-once watched all of switched at birth by himself just so he had something new to complain about everytime he met up with the goths. they offered to watch with him and he gave a very firm no.
-wants a pet opossum more than anything
-love language is being way too protective of ur friends who are way older than you and can handle themselves
-big dnd nerd
-in dire need of a regular sleep schedule but he also hates sleeping bc it feels like "wasted time"
-doesnt like asking for help but he tries to anyways bc he knows it makes the others happy
#shit self#asks#batz anon tag 🖤💜#goth kids#henrietta biggle#pete thelman#michael (sp)#firkle smith#south park#headcanons#kinz
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Les filles françaises embrassent mieux || James x Reader
Part two - L'arc de Cupidon
Words: 1121
A/N: Part 2! A small note, these parts aren't always going to be a continuation of the last part, It may be the next day etc, but the storyline will stay in order translation will be at the end (or you can google translate idk you do you) Sending love from the moon -Blue
“You are all in big trouble!” Filch yells at you and the boys, the five of you running down the halls laughing your heads off. You’ve never actually met Filch, but from what James told you, ‘He’s an angry, crazy cat man’.
“This way!” Sirius calls back to you all, leading us behind a painting, whispering sorrys as we go though, getting rumbles and ‘your lucky I don’t tell Filch about you’.
Following one at a time though the passage, you come out at the staircase to the Gryffindor tower. Stepping out everyone's, doubling over or leaning on the wall breathing heavy, still laughing.
“I’m- guessing this is- something you do a lot, mes amies?” You breathe out, red faced and smiling ear to ear.
“A lot is an understatement” Remus laughs, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling “C’me, let’s head back to the common room before Filch catches us and yells at us, or Lily notices how long we’ve been gone and yells at us”
“I think I’d rather Filch yell at us, Lily can be scary” You chuckle out “She’s not scary!” James chimed in to defend ‘the love of his life’
“Race to the common room wormtail?” Sirius grins, knowing that Peter will end up saying yes. “Alright! 3-2-1 GO” Peter yells before Sirius gets a chance to comprehend what he said, giving him a head start
“‘m gonna kill you, you rat!” Sirius calls after him, sprinting to catch up
You, James and Remus start walking up the stairs, Remus turns to you and James smiling and rolling his eyes “You're telling me you’ve lived with those two for six years?” You giggle
“Unfortunately yes” Remus smiles at you
“I think I’ve gotten in more mischief this week then I ever have at Beauxbatons, yet got in way less trouble for it” “Really?” James tilts his head to the side, since you moved to Hogwarts he’s asked you about Beauxbatons, and how different the two schools are.
“Oui, there’s no passageways, crois moi, I’ve looked everywhere for them. All the girls are preppy try hards, and the guys are all snitches, unless they’re swooning over you, or vice versa”
“Sounds like your school is full of Slytherins” James grins. You’ve not met many Slytherins, but from what you’ve been told, they’re not great people, Peter insists that not all of them are bad, but Sirius and James heavily disagree.
You, James and Remus finally reach the common room. Remus gives the password (you and James had both forgotten, getting ‘tuts’ from Remus)
You walk into the room to quite a scene. Lily was sitting in a single armchair, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, she found out.
And Sirius and Peter are having a ‘pillow fight’ that looked more like Peter trying to block Sirius from hitting him with a pillow. Peter must have won the race.
“Evening” James said plainly sitting on the couch by the fire, you sat next to him and Remus on the other armchair, all ready for an ass whooping from Lily.
Lily took a deep breath pinching the bridge of her nose.
“What were you thinking! Dying Fitch's...well...everything pink!” “It was meant to be red” James pips in, quickly looking down as Lily gave him this look of ‘I’m going to hex you’
“Told you she was scary” You whisper to James, making him grin.
“Oh, how are your Charms essayes going, due tomorrow you know?” She glares with a smirk, knowing that none of you would have done it (Other then Remus).
“Done” You smirk at her. “I actually did it!” James smiles.
“Very funny James, writing the title doesn’t count as finishing it” She laughs, Remus joining in “No Seriously” Sirius pokes his head up from behind the couch, where he was sitting, Peter had pegged it up to their dorm. “Not you Pads. I actually did it! All by myself” He pulls the two pages they needed to do for the essay from his book bag, with a wide grin.
You were biting the inside of your cheek to hide a smile. You had helped him with it, so he could impress Lily. You said you’d do it if he bought you chocolate. Even though you knew that he stole it from Remus, you helped James anyway.
“Remus, did you do it for him?” Lily turns her head to the boy sitting in the armchair cross from her, reading. “You really think I’d do his homework?” He raises his eyebrows barely looking up from his book.
“In that case, I’m very impressed James” Lily smiles “I could impress you more, with the best date of your life” James wiggles his eyebrows, you and Sirius cringing and face palming.
“Welp, you ruined it, talk later guys!” Lily scurrys out of the common room, trying to hide her blush, but you saw it and James just pouted, getting rejected again.
“Hey, Patmol? Can I talk to you for a sec?” you say standing up and grabbing your book bag
“Sure mes amies” He jumps up from the floor
You shake your head laughing “Sirius, I already told you, mes amies, is plural, you mean mon amie” “Oh whatever, french frie” he rolls his eyes, smirking. Sirius started giving you ‘punny’ nicknames, then James joined in on the fun and it’s become a competition who can think of the best one.
You lead Sirius to the hallway “We need to help get James and Lily together, it’s starting to me rendre fou and I’ve only known them for like a month” “Well what do we do?” Sirius tilts his head to the side like a curious puppy
“You’re the playboy flirt of the school, what do you think we should do” you roll your eyes arms crossing over your chest “I thought you of all people would know how to set people up”
“Rich c’ming from a french person, what happened to ‘the city of love' ” He raises his eyebrows making you scoff.
“Ok, what about this, I’ll work with James on his ‘talking to Lily like a normal person’ skills, and you help Lily see and admit her feelings for him?” you bite the tip of your thumb thinking, unconscious habit of yours.
“Why don’t I work with James?” Sirius frowns, honestly confused
“You’ve been trying to help James for six years and it hasn’t gone too well now has it?” You smirk at him.
“I know you’re taken’ the piss outta’ me, but you are kinda right” he laughs “Anyway, we've got a plan, mission cupid go!”
Sirius raises a hand and you high five him, ‘he’s so strange’ you think, although loving his energy.
Les filles françaises embrassent mieux = French Girls kiss better L'arc de Cupidon = Cupid's bow
Mon amie = My Friend Mes amies = My FriendS
Crois moi = Trust me Me rendre fou = drive me crazy Oui = Yes Patmol = Padfoot Sorry about any translation errors, please let me know of them!!
#fan#fic#fanfic#hp#harry potter#harry potter fanfic#hp fanfic#james#james potter#prongs#marauder#marauders era#marauder fic#marauder x reader#james x reader#james potter x reader#beauxbatons#beauxbatons!reader#beauxbatons reader#Les filles françaises embrassent mieux
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A serene minute in the passing of time may be trivial to the hands of Fate but for Alessia, it is her first memory stored with perfect clarity. The trees rustled with the aid of a gentle salty breeze; the canopy had been thick, vibrant green, and thriving with the hum of life. A small break in the branches and leaves brought down the warmth and iridescent glow of the sunshine into a clear spot on the trail with two dandelions swaying in a rhythmic ebb and flow. With little noise and a gentle approach, a hind red deer trotted into the patch of sun and lowered its head to graze from the fresh grass still damp with dew. There were traces of the winter coat still left on the deer, but soon to fly away in the breeze and welcome the coming of spring. Five years old with the light of the world in her eyes, Alessia stood a distance away from the deer with a hand outstretched. Her hand moved to trace the top of the deer’s head and up along its neck, following the curve of its back. Ever so careful to not make any noise, the deer still looked up at her to meet eyes. A moment later, her laughter broke the silence of the woods as she felt herself picked up and swung around, hiked up onto her father’s shoulders to go back to the rest of the family. Alessia had never forgotten that moment in the woods and the feeling in that instant of meeting eyes with the deer. As a child and an adult, it became a fond memory.
Alessia’s childhood is one of brightness and spirit. A whirlwind of colors and laughter. She grew up ambitious right from the start, always a surprise for teachers or adults. With a whole world out there full of knowledge and possibility she wanted nothing more than to take advantage of it. The advantage gave her the ability to place herself above others and while she never did so maliciously – Alessia learned at an early age that being two steps ahead was very important. She was also a social butterfly with those around her – easy at making friends and any person who spent five minutes alone with Alessia could see the captivation in her words, in her intelligence. Perhaps what made it so easy to move away from Larissa and settle into a new environment full of unknowns. While she may have been young when her family moved away from Greece, it would always be her home. Her parents were more than happy through the years to continue educating her about the culture, the history, the mythology behind Greece. It took root in her being, something that she would later come to learn to be far more important than anything else in her life with the exception of one – her brother.
A shock to no one – Alessia has always been fiercely loyal. Those who have found themselves in her inner circle and her family have witnessed time and time again of her undying love for them. Any person to say anything of ill-will of her parents were met with the feisty power of Alessia – intimidating and unrelenting. And if any person dared to do such to her brother? Alessia would ensure they regretted the decision to have ever even had an ill thought in his direction. Unfortunately for those who have found themselves on her bad side, they never find their way back. From a teenager to the present time as an adult, Alessia will sever ties without a second thought after retribution has been paid. A woman of gentle smiles and witty prose, that is only one fragment of herself. There will always be the part of her that is a woman of fierce attitude and vengeful tactics. She has always given her whole heart to those she loves and will give everything else of herself to protect them.
Alessia completed her exams with high marks and went on to complete her biomedical sciences undergraduate at the University of Oxford – part of St. Edmund Hall her first and last year. A surprise to none, Alessia continued her education with the University of London at the Royal Veterinary College. Since childhood she’d been drawn to animals. Her parents had been supportive in her love and she grew up surrounded by animals. Fenrir the rabbit. Poppy the border collie. Pip, Locke, and Flint the miniature goats. Those were only a few of the animals that she’d brought home and raised. It was always a natural allure to them and as a person who enjoyed taking care of others, taking care of animals was hardly different. In some ways, better. Alessia studied hard with the intent of being able to one day help animals – to educate and give love to those that had been forgotten by the world. Professors often remarked on her extreme dedication and vision for the future she had set for herself. And a vision she had for herself indeed.
After graduating, Alessia bounced around from one place to another to gain experience and see the world. She continuously kept in contact with those she loved, visiting often, but she wasn’t satisfied with learning everything she could from one sole place. There would always be more people out there with more knowledge, more experience. However, there had always been a plan in mind. Since she moved away from Larissa, Alessia had the intent of returning. As a child, she’d told her parents time and time again that she would return home. As a young adult, she continued to tell her family that one day she would find her way back. Even in the midst of a mountain of lab work, essays to write, and social events to attend, she still found time to read on old history and mythology of her homeland. She talked to her parents regularly in Greek to avoid losing the language. Studied old architecture and art of the past. Her love for Greece never faded despite the distance. However, after the loss of a parent, Alessia went into a deep depressive state. Family is everything to her and she felt the loss in every part of her heart and soul. There were too many nights of sadness and tears. Too many days of just barely getting by before crawling into bed. And yet in those dark days, she found solace in the books she had on the old gods and Greece. The history.
When Alessia reached the point where she felt as if she had learned everything that was offered to her and she’d found herself out of the darkness she’d fallen into, she announced with full confidence that she would be moving back to Larissa. A ticket already bought. A home already purchased. She arrived in Larissa with hopeful ambition and her brother alongside.
The abilities of Alessia extends toward animals – the first and foremost being her ability to sense an animal’s emotions and understand them. It was easy for her to assume that it was a simple touch of being tuned into the animals within her home before realizing that it was more. Especially the more animals came across her path in Larissa. Since the manifestation, her abilities have come to light one at a time. Sensing emotions turned into communicating with animals – understanding simple words for the moment but slowly progressing into more as Alessia learns and trains her abilities. She has yet to discover her ability to heal but that is soon to come light and begin as with her other abilities. For healing, it’ll start with simple scrapes and bruises that can be healed before being able to heal wounds and broken bones. She will not be able to bring any animal back from the brink of death – there’s a limit to her abilities. And in the matter of death, she would not interfere unless someone unjustly took the life of the animal or she could see a future benefit to doing so. To heal, tame, or start the process to control any animal, she will need to touch them. Communication can be done through sight alone. When more animals are involved, she can extend her abilities to multiple animals at one time but with the limit of five at most – she can try to push for more but it becomes messy and harder to control. If the animal is entirely unwilling (threatened by her, fearful of her, etc.) and she’s not able to communicate her intentions, when she releases control it will cause the animal to charge or attack her. Alessia will also have to be careful with concentration. If she is controlling any animals’ behavior, concentration breaking could also mean being attacked or causing disaster in some other form. The overall idea with Alessia’s abilities in the future would be a discovery of a new ability and then fixation on advancing and perfecting.
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How to Write a Paper in One Night

Being in college is a chore. It takes a lot of work, carefully planned over the course of a week, or a month, or a quarter to make sure everything gets done with the full attention it deserves….are you laughing yet? No one puts in the time "required" to properly complete their college work. No, rather it's a rush at the end every week or two to complete a 10 page paper or learn 200 years of ancient Roman history overnight. You all do it, I did it. It's probably a better training skill than all the random stuff you "learn", because honestly in real life do you think you'll have the time to sit and schedule everything that pops into your life ahead of time. Yeah…thought not.
Anyways, for those of you just entering college from the snore inducing boredom and ease of High School, you're probably incredibly unprepared for the shear amount of work you'll have to pull out in the last second. I'm not saying it's easy just because you'll procrastinate. No, it's still hard. You really should take the time to do your work properly. You just won't, and so you need to learn how to procrastinate. It's a fine art, in which I feel I've become something of a Renoir.
First off, make sure you've got all your books and notes. If you don't go to class, which is entirely likely for those of the procrastinating ilk, make sure you get them from a classmate. Also, double check and make sure your professor doesn't have a website. They'll usually tell you, but more than once I've found a class's notes sitting in an archive online, especially now that 90% of them put everything they teach you into PowerPoint presentations and then just read it to you for an hour every day (yeah, lazy). It's usually only an extra 30 seconds out of their day to put the stuff online, and then when they receive twenty plus emails a week asking for the lecture notes, they only have to point you to the website. Well, some are a bit more facetious about their pupils not even bothering to come to class and don't openly offer said notes. However, for sick students and whatnot, they'll put them online to save paper and all it takes is a couple of quick Google searches or an email to a sick student and you've got your notes. Or…just ask a classmate. But then you're relying on them actually paying attention.
You should have your books too. If you never bothered buying them because you would just take notes or go to sparknotes, then you'd better go buy them, because BSing your way through a paper is going to take at least some resources. You can't magically ascertain the information from just being near smarter people. School would be much easier if that were the case.
So, sit down and start reading. Yup, you're going to be reading a lot the night before your work is due. But, this is better than doing all the assigned reading, because now you're searching for specific information. Instead of general learning (which would only stick around and clutter up your brain later) you're doing targeted research. An eighth the time, and none of that pesky remembering it. You should have your topic at least. If not, start surfing message boards and snag one from someone smarter than you. Don't ever take their work though. The last thing you need is to get kicked out of school for plagiarism. It's lazy and embarrassing. Steal concepts, but never words. And if you steal a concept from the middle of their work, cite them. Your university will not take kindly to cheating. You'll be so red taped and black listed, you might as well go and get an application at Jack in the Box, and trust me you don't want to work in fast food.
You can't procrastinate now. You've done that for three weeks, so I'm sorry (I know it hurts), but in terms of actual physical writing time, you'll need at least three hours to type your paper, which speaks nothing of writing it. And writing it involves finding quotations and that ever so pesky chore of thinking. Sit down, grab an energy drink and a bag of chips, close your door and put some headphones on. No television, and put your phone on the charger. Now open up the word processor and just start typing.
You probably think you have writer's block. But, writer's block is completely unrelated to having absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You're stuck with the second one right now, so just keep on reading on your topic and finding bits and pieces to put together.
The thing here that most people don't realize is that the standard writing process isn't in effect for you. You're not drafting, or brainstorming. That's the stuff you should have done two weeks ago. No, you're writing your paper, so make sure you've got your idea and just start writing and keep writing until you create a thesis somehow.
I usually start as broad as possible, and just start talking about something. If I'm writing about the Hero Quest of Pip in Great Expectations, I start by talking about Greek Mythology and the origin of the classical hero. Working my way down, I'll talk about the modern hero, then about the alterations made in the industrial age, and how Dickens rewrote archetypes for his comedy, and finally start talking about Pip. By now you should have a general idea about what you want to say. It might be general but you'll clarify in your next few paragraphs, and then come back and rewrite the first paragraph.
Paragraph one is almost always trash. Especially with this method, because your weary, angered professor after reading 30 of these lovely last minute essays will put a big red X through anything that doesn't have to do with your paper, and those first few grasping sentences are completely unrelated. But now you can start stealing from the text. Snag a quote and make a point. Snag another quote and make another point. If your thesis ends up as something incredibly broad and useless like "Pip's quest from anonymity and worthlessness into a position of wealth and power in London mirrors the classical hero quests, but works through Dickensian views of industrial England" you're still good. It sounds intelligent and has a lot of promise. Now just find specific quotes and build a narrative. Start at the beginning of his change, talk about his childhood, then go to when he changes, then compare to the Hero quests of old, then show how they're different.
Almost any paper, if written quickly can boil down to something simple and incredibly easy to write, a compare and contrast paper. You choose a prominent theme from the book you just "read". Find a source that mirrors or better yet foils this theme and compare the two. Don't just list how they're different though. That's high school stuff right there. You'll want to write exactly how the outside source changes what you think of your book. It sounds hard but jus think about it. You've got Great Expectations. It has a main character who goes on a kind of quest. Now you have a classic archetype of which there are hundreds of sources to draw on. You take a basic outline of this archetype and apply it to Pip's quest and how he fits it, and when he doesn't fit it. Now you finish your paper by describing why he doesn't fit it sometimes. Which gets you back to the Dickensian views part. You've just pretty much written a paper that says, Pip's quest is classic but different because Dickens was writing about a different time in human history. Incredibly simple; you're not telling anyone anything new, but three things will guarantee a good grade.
If you write well at all. You've got to be a halfway decent writer, which if you're in college I'll assume you are.
Professors love outside references. It shows initiative and research and makes it seem like you did extra work (which you didn't). I've written papers overnight without drafts and without ever reading them back to myself and received comments that I must have spent hours working on it. Not quite.
Confidence in your assertions. Say everything with absolute certainty, and back it up with a quote. Do this enough and even if you're wrong, it'll seem like you've made a decent point, which gets you brownie points.
Writing a paper is a tumultuous task but it's also a scalable task that can be made incredibly quick and easy if you know how. My second to last quarter of college, I wrote three order thesis papers in two days; two of them 10 pages, and one 25 pages, and received a 3.8, and two 3.7s. It's a matter of confidence and above all else an unmitigated fearlessness to be incredibly lazy.
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Varieties Of Music
For the reason that introduction of digital devices and synthetic sound units within the early 1900s, digital music has developed into a singular style. In ancient instances, http://www.audio-transcoder.com/ corresponding to with the Historical Greeks , the aesthetics of music explored the mathematical and cosmological dimensions of rhythmic and harmonic organization. Within the 18th century, focus shifted to the experience of hearing music, and thus to questions about its beauty and human enjoyment ( plaisir and jouissance ) of music. The origin of this philosophic shift is sometimes attributed to Baumgarten in the 18th century, followed by Kant By way of their writing, the ancient term 'aesthetics', which means sensory notion, received its present-day connotation. In the 2000s, philosophers have tended to emphasize issues moreover magnificence and pleasure. For instance, music's capability to specific emotion has been a central subject. An opera may very well be defined broadly as a theatrical presentation (a play) during which the characters' strains are sung reasonably than spoken. The vocal fashion used in historic opera displays the fact that before digital amplification voices needed to be big and loud so they may very well be heard in a large live performance hall over the orchestra used to accompany them. A rock opera is simply an opera (sung play) that uses the model and devices of rock music. Examples of rock operas are Lease by Jonathan Larson, Tommy by The Who, and Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. The term 'rock opera' is usually used as a synonym for 'idea album' (equivalent to My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade, The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Membership Band, or Pink Floyd's The Wall), however only those with a transparent narrative (a storyline with characters and occasions) that is informed fully in music (no spoken traces) ought to be referred to as rock operas.
Rockabilly; what some name the original Rock & Roll. A mixture of hillbilly and rock containing a western swing and a bouncing party vibe. With parts of piano-based Leap Blues and electrical boogie woogie, it made it is mark on the music scene indelibly. Almost everyone's named contained a "Y". essays larger ranges of similarity with the Energetic and Conventional genres (e.g., pop music). wonky : Wonky is electronic music characterized by synths with unusual time signatures in summary, hip hop-type beats. Wonky takes cues in its sound from instrumental hip hop and glitch however sets itself aside primarily by its lack of the heavy quantization seen in many digital genres. Alice had her breakthrough after winning the Sanremo Music Festival with the tune Per Elisa" in 1981, followed by European hit singles like Una notte speciale", Messaggio", Chan-son Egocentrique", Prospettiva Nevski" and Nomadi" and albums like Gioielli rubati, Park Lodge, Elisir and Il sole nella pioggia charting in both Continental Europe, Scandinavia and Japan. Very good voice. If you load up the page in your browser , youвЂll be greeted with a large wall of colored text hyperlinks. Each represents a selected genre of music. ThereвЂs everything from “Taiwanese pop” to “dark psytrance” to “Danish jazz” to “vapor twitch” to “Brazilian gospel” to “funk rock” to “discofox” to good ol†usual “hip hop.” With greater than 1,500 completely different music genres mapped, itвЂs all there. 1995When the Brill constructing met Lennon-McCartney: continuity and alter within the early evolution of the mainstream pop tune. Widespread Music Soc. Another instance of sub-genres influencing one another was the punk beginnings of Queercore. A response to the societal disapproval of LGBT citizens, Queercore was one of many many music communities created in the US and UK which offered cultural alternate between members and allies. So here, for a little bit of enjoyable with information and musical exploration, are a few of the most strangely-named genres on Spotify. You may click on them to listen to what they sound like. This record is so incomplete and so pathetically inept in its order that I consider I'll pee-yook. Rush at #5??? The third top-selling band ever. Solely The Beatles and The Rolling Stones are forward of them. Gordon Lightfoot at #sixteen…just spit in his face. He is been putting out music for over SIXTY years. What about Bob Ezrin? Pink Floyd's The Wall" wouldn't exist with out him. Neither would a couple of KISS albums, Alice Cooper tunes, Pat Benatar and several other others. Gary and Dave…Ian Thomas is high 20. I don't argue against Neil Young, kraft dinner(kd) Lang in #4? Rufus Wainwright? Ron Sexsmith does loads, but has no business being on this checklist. Had been you individuals smoking herb if you thought up this muddled mess? Horrible…absolutely horrible. Battle hardened in the golf equipment of Hamburg, the fab four remodeled from squeaky-clear pop sweethearts to rock monsters in the course of the course of their career, and produced a few of the finest music ever made alongside the best way. They constantly pushed boundaries, took their sound to locations you'd by no means assume potential and along with pioneering producer George Martin used the studio as an instrument unlike ever before. Their story and their music is legendary, and you just can't look previous them as the best British rock band of all time. Fresh production work on Jay-Z's 2001 album, The Blueprint (soul nuggets clashing with Bowie and the Doorways) announced Chicagoan West's expertise, parlayed into modern solo records drawing from more and more eclectic soundworlds (folk, classical, synth-pop) and minting an over-sharing confessional blog-rap style whose overcome the lengthy-reigning gangsta idiom was symbolized when his 2007 album, Graduation, pipped 50 Cent's Curtis in a hyped-up sales race". West's genius for digital-period publicity makes him unignorable - his avidity for new musical territories makes him inimitable. Allways use the large picture and follow logic and scientific criteria. The truth is that each one those genres you hear arround you (this rock or that rock, or this jazz or that jazz) are SUB-genres, not genres, they use nearly the identical language and range only in particulars. I thought it could be useful to share a playlist featuring one music from every of the genres listed. Given the various vary of content we've got coated, it is a really combined bag — but it's sure to get you enthusiastic about all the obscure genres that you just're currently missing out on.I guess this is not a style, maybe it is only a group of bands from different metallic subgenres specializing in certain lyrical themes. Holt, Fabian (2007) Genre in Standard Music. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. You're in all probability already aware of at least among the music by well-known composers like Mozart and Beethoven. You could even be conversant in some of the work by composers of baroque music who preceded them, equivalent to Bach, Vivaldi, and Handel. And most people immediately have heard the work of recent composers who use elements of classical music in their scores for main Hollywood motion pictures.
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Best of 2018
I watch a lot of films.
For close to five years now, I’ve been watching somewhere in the region of 100-150 new releases per year. At some point along the line, I started to keep lists of those films, then started to rank the movies on those lists, and eventually got into the habit of compiling end of year lists.
I shared these lists (and discussed them at great length in podcast form) in 2016 and 2017, and I wanted to do the same for 2018. With the Leftover Popcorn Podcast currently on an extended hiatus, that brought me to the post you’re reading right now.
Due to the quirks of global release schedules, the timing of these posts is always a little tricky. I’ve made a habit of finalising my lists just before the Oscars on an annual basis, as that generally affords the extra time required for many of the year’s most interesting films to make their way to me in Ireland.
As such, this list is comprised of my 20 favourite films that received either (a) a U.S. release in the Academy’s eligibility window for the 91st Academy Awards or (b) extremely belated releases in the UK and Ireland following late 2017 releases stateside.
Only time will reveal if 2018 was a particularly strong or interesting year for film, but I know it at least offered plenty of films that have stuck with me long after the end credits finished rolling. The year was filled with ideas, moments, shots, set-pieces and technical achievements that amazed and resonated with me in a wide variety of ways. Many of those highlights can be found in the 20 films below.
Before getting to the list, I have some honourable mentions. In no particular order, they include: Wildlife, The Favourite, Crazy Rich Asians, Hereditary, A Quiet Place, Three Identical Strangers, Beast, Shirkers, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, The Old Man and the Gun, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, BlacKkKlansman.
20. A Star is Born - (Bradley Cooper)

The first hour of A Star is Born is as good as anything released this year and, as such, it’s by no means a criticism to say it falls off somewhat beyond that point. Still, Bradley Cooper’s directorial debut contains multiple moments that induce goosebumps. It’s not subtle by any means, but there have been very few films over the past decade that have managed to capture emotional extremes in such a truly cinematic fashion. Lady Gaga is sensational, Sam Elliott is a scene-stealer, and in the form of Cooper’s dog, Charlie*, a star is well and truly born
*In a year of fantastic canine performances, I think Charlie pips out Borras (Roma), Boris (Leave No Trace), Olivia (Widows) and Joy (Dogman) to be the best of the many good dogs.
19. Lean On Pete - (Andrew Haigh)

Andrew Haigh’s third feature sees the British filmmaker’s focus shift to the sumptuous expanse of rural middle America. In this touching story of a teenage boy and his attempts to save the eponymous also-ran racehorse, a delicate handle on the narrative complements stunning visuals to produce what should be the contradictory notion of an intimate epic.
It’s impossible not to fall for Charlie Plummer’s protagonist in the same fashion he has grown to love Lean On Pete, as the film’s central relationship reveals both boy and horse have equally been dealt a raw deal by their circumstances.
18. Happy New Year, Colin Burstead - (Ben Wheatley)

Ben Wheatley has emerged as an incredibly interesting and distinctive filmmaker over the past ten years, and that sense is only further heightened with the contained terror of the family gathering he portrays in Happy New Year, Colin Burstead. As an ensemble piece which takes place on the smallest of scales compared to High Rise and Free Fire, Wheatley’s latest was always going to live and die by its writing and acting.
Unsurprisingly, both are fantastic in a film that provides equal measures of comedy and unbearable discomfort for the audience. As an added bonus, it also includes easily the best end credits sequence of the year.
17. The Rider - (Chloe Zhao)

Chloe Zhao’s poetic, contemporary Western packs an abundance of heart-wrenching moments into a film that would stand as an extraordinary achievement even if it wasn’t for its real-life roots. As it is, this is more than just a film.
Although a slightly altered re-telling, the story of the Jandreau family and those who make up their social circle is brought to the screen by the real life figures in question. Zhao uses South Dakota’s largely untouched natural beauty as the canvas for this tale of struggle, and the search for purpose that unfolds from there isn’t easily forgotten.
16. You Were Never Really Here (Lynne Ramsay)

I’d be lying if I said that I liked You Were Never Really Here, which makes it something of a black sheep on a list of films that I otherwise loved across the course of the last 12 months. Some films aren’t supposed to be loved, though, and as Lynne Ramsay’s Taxi Driver-esque fable continues to rattle around my brain all these months later, I’ve come to appreciate it immensely.
This is a deeply unsettling film, but considering the subject matter, that’s exactly what it should be. Ramsay has delivered a film that showcases her masterful control of a very specific mood, and boosted by a stellar performance from Joaquin Phoenix, and Jonny Greenwood’s jolting score, it equated to one of the most memorable movies of the year.
15. Columbus - (Kogonada)

Swathes of cinephiles worldwide were already familiar with Kogonada’s cinematic tastes and sensibilities, thanks to his phenomenal video essays, but that didn’t make his feature directorial debut any less intriguing. In Columbus, Kogonada produced a film as considered as the architecture its characters swoon over.
There’s a stillness and a quiet to the film’s style and story structure, yet that doesn’t equate to a lack of heart or character depth. Haley Lu Richardson and John Cho’s sensational performances anchor the stunning visuals, ensuring their director’s own visual architecture never becomes something prosaic enough to overlook or simply pass by. This is close to as confident and assured as debut films can be.
14. Isle of Dogs - (Wes Anderson)

There’s no getting away from Wes Anderson’s particular tastes, tendencies and flourishes at this point in his career, and as a result, his work remains divisive. Having said that, as Anderson demonstrated in Fantastic Mr. Fox, animation offers an ideal medium for his ever exacting frame and the detail that populates his films. The result in this case is a visually stunning film with a wide range of charms, and something that’s undeniably its own thing in spite of the overt references to Akira Kurosawa and other Asian masters.
Beyond all of its artifice, Isle of Dogs possesses the kind of heart that critics often mourn the absence of in Anderson’s cinema. Anderson’s usual troupe of contributors also provide a fantastic voice cast, with the performances of Brian Cranston, Edward Norton, Bob Balaban, Bill Murray and Jeff Goldblum particularly lively as the film’s leading canines.
13. The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling - (Judd Apatow)

Documentary portraits of famous figures don’t get much more complete or, indeed, interesting as Judd Apatow’s four-and-a-half hour love letter to the late Garry Shandling. Make no mistake, Apatow’s admiration for and closeness to his subject’s work is clearly evident throughout the film.
In spite of that, the film also manages to offer a look behind the curtain into Shandling’s personal life, and offer up an account of the toll that comedy and television can ultimately take on an individual. The film aligns itself with Shandling’s own clearly reflective instincts, and offers up a measured tribute which gives way to both laughs and tears.
12. The Miseducation of Cameron Post - (Desiree Akhavan)

Desiree Akhavan’s second feature offers up a beautifully efficient and affecting exploration of burgeoning sexuality, and the struggles of wider society in coming to terms with that journey of sexual identity. In a year when multiple films took on a similar shape in exploring the archaic notion of gay conversion therapy centres (and on a very different subject but with a frequently similar shape, the restrictive setting of rehab facilities for addicted youth), Akhavan’s film is directed with a grace and subtlety that elevates it far beyond its contemporaries.
Chloe Grace Moretz and Sasha Lane enhance their deserved reputations as young, emerging superstars in a film that’s incredibly well-written, yet avoids the urge to rely solely on lengthy, overacted soliloquies. Instead, this is cinema as it should be. Trusting in the visual nature of the medium, Akhavan’s film is filled with lingering glances and shots, all of which reveal something about the characters and provoke further contemplation on the movie’s ever-important subject matter.
11. Widows - (Steve McQueen)

Steve McQueen’s background as a Turner Prize winning artist translated to a great sense of precision in his first three films. All three of those features, in some form or another, explored what happens when physicality is pushed to its limits, yet in Widows that same theme took on an even grittier quality when married with the conventions of heist films. A move into genre was undeniably a bold step for a filmmaker of McQueen’s style and growing reputation, but then again when he’s capable of playing with generic norms as impressively as he does in this case, it would have been a waste not to explore those possibilities.
Widows stands as a rich text layered with thoughtful assertions on class, race and gender roles, but that doesn’t detract from this story’s potential as pure entertainment either. With one of the casts of the year, the performances are exceptional across the board -- although Daniel Kaluuya’s work still stands out as one of the very best supporting turns of 2018 -- while McQueen’s inherent creativity is on display for all to see as he transforms a brief and simple car journey into one of the year’s most impressive, insightful and memorable shots.
10. Shoplifters - (Hirokazu Kore-eda)

Hirokazu Kore-eda’s tale of unconventional family on the social margins of Tokyo contains all of the trappings and warmth of Ozu’s best work, yet accompanies it with a distinctly modern and sharp edge that increases both its relevance and resonance. Deeply affecting throughout, Shoplifters highlights the often absurd nature of self-placed social constructs and norms, as just one element of a story that’s already wildly compelling, touching and urgent on its surface.
The question of nature versus nurture is very much alive and at work in Kore-eda’s film, but in a nuanced fashion that is perhaps even more interested in how society and class serve, and fail to serve, certain demographics as a whole. What’s best for us, and what can ultimately be most damaging, may be impossible to pinpoint until it’s often too late, and Kore-eda’s film is only too happy to conclude with that unknown sweeping over the audience.
9. First Man - (Damien Chazelle)

The very same elements that have led to much of the criticism of Damien Chazelle’s La La Land follow-up, will almost certainly prove to be the same reasons it will be afforded much deserved respect and acclaim in time. A very literal nuts and bolts re-telling of mankind’s greatest achievement, First Man is not all that interested in back-slapping or myth-building. It might be easier for many to imagine Neil Armstrong as an exuberant and deeply satisfied man, but his life was more complicated than that, and as such Ryan Gosling’s much-discussed, muted portrayal likely hit on the appropriate tone. Likewise, it would be nice to preserve a fairy tale image of NASA’s untouchable geniuses, but the film and the real life story is all the more interesting for wallowing in the toil, and incredible sacrifices of life, that were a part of man’s journey to the moon.
Having persevered through the quiet, rooted inner-workings and heartbreak that built up to the moon landing, Chazelle treats the audience to arguably the most spectacular moon sequence ever captured on film. The film ends having gifted a sense of wonder for Armstrong and his colleagues’ achievements, but understands the endless failures were just as central to that singular moment. Unlike much of Chazelle’s previous work, this film is not prepared to merely bow down to a narrative of genius.
8. Private Life - (Tamara Jenkins)

A masterclass in performance and writing from start to finish, Tamara Jenkins’ long overdue return to directing balances divergent tones throughout in a film that is jam-packed with humanity. Telling the story of a couple desperately trying everything within their power to have a child, Jenkins’ film runs through the full gamut of emotions, although it’s more than comfortable in spending prolonged spells on the extremes of uproariously hilarious and heartbreakingly crushing.
Kathryn Hahn and Paul Giamatti anchor the drama with great warmth and a genuinely believable love, while the supporting performances on the margins jump off the screen to provide no doubt as to the authenticity of this world. Private Life is the kind of intelligent and instantly relatable every day drama that rarely makes its way to the big screen any more. It’s also perhaps the strongest evidence in a long time for why cinema should be eager for these stories not to be consigned to the realm of TV drama.
7. Burning - (Lee Chang-dong)

Burning is a mystery in every sense of the word. As a result, it arguably offers the purest dose of suspense that’s been seen on the big screen in quite some time. A sense of unease arises early in the film and only becomes more and more smothering as the action progresses. The lines are entirely blurred between the innocuous and ominous, and even by the film’s dramatic conclusion, for many they’ll remain equally unresolved.
In part, that’s the magic of Burning. It’s a film that not only drags the audience along with it on its journey, but displays a remarkable sense of confidence and control in doing so. The three leading performances in the film are spectacular, but Steven Yeun, in particular, is a revelation. Yeun’s Ben may be an incredibly sinister and manipulative villain, but it’s not a stretch to imagine his Gatsby-like figure being exactly who he presents himself as too. The film must be considered through the prism of the literary aspirations of its protagonist, Jong-su, and that creates valid suspicion. Regardless, Burning is an exquisitely crafted psychological drama and examination of social status along the Korean border, with equally stunning visuals to match.
6. Cold War - (Pawel Pawlikowski)

Inspired by his own parents’ love story, Pawel Pawlikowski took the intimate framing and crisp black and white of his Academy Award winning Ida, and applied it beautifully to a sweeping, European romance. Such is the power of cinema that Cold War feels truly epic. That’s all the more impressive considering it’s a deeply personal story captured in close quarters, which also zips in at a notably punchy 85-minute run time.
Combined with Lukasz Zal’s phenomenal cinematography, it’s clear that Pawlikowski has crafted a winning style. Still, the story is essential in providing the substance and, in this case, it’s thoroughly engrossing. Joanna Kulig is truly magnetic as the single-minded and enigmatic Zula, while Tomasz Kot carries himself with the effortless charisma and dignity of the archetypal, classic leading man as he embodies Wiktor. Every frame in the film would look at home in an art gallery, and yet Cold War carries memorable moments of substance beyond its aesthetic pleasures. Just as important to mention is the fact I never knew I needed Eastern European folk music in my life, and then this film’s enchanting songs took up permanent residence in my head.
5. Roma - (Alfonso Cuaron)

A true cinematic master, Alfonso Cuaron combined the bracing humanity of Y Tu Mamá También with the technical mastery of Children of Men to produce the most personal film of his career. In that regard, Roma may well live on to be viewed as Cuaron’s truly definitive work. This film captures the spirit that infuses his wider filmography with so much exuberance and life, while telling a story that has so much resonance in its own right.
A tribute to the childhood maid that raised him, Roma shines a light on the struggles of indigenous Mexican people, and the class and cultural divides that have long existed in Mexico City. Driven by an outstanding, naturalistic performance from first-time actress Yalitza Aparicio as Cleo, the film’s deliberate pacing provides the audience with the truest sense of the world in which its set, and the routines of its protagonist. Of course, it does this in a fashion which few other living filmmakers could dream of replicating. Cuaron’s camerawork is out of this world, particularly in the film’s two main set pieces, but just as relevant to the discussion that surrounded its Netflix release was the remarkably immersive sound design. I was lucky enough to catch Roma on the big screen, and there’s no doubt that it made the film an even greater cinematic spectacle. Having said that, the emotion at the heart of the film is deeply affecting, and it will therefore connect on screens of all shapes and sizes for decades to come.
4. If Beale Street Could Talk - (Barry Jenkins)

If Beale Street Could Talk is not only Barry Jenkins’ first film since his Oscar win for Moonlight, but it’s also the first English-language adaptation of a James Baldwin work. Combined, those elements make for an enormous weight of pressure and expectation, and yet Jenkins was more than up to the challenge of delivering beyond even the loftiest of expectations. Much like Moonlight, this is a perfect match of filmmaker and subject matter. Jenkins is undeniably ascending toward the status of being the premier cinematic chronicler of the African American experience. It’s particularly vital for that specific lens to his work to never be overlooked, either, as it gets right to the heart of the essential truths of his films.
Still, it all derives from a deeper understanding of emotion, society and relationships that ensure Jenkins’ cinema is also imbued with a layer of universality. Jenkins is a filmmaker of great empathy, and his collaborations with cinematographer James Laxton have seen him develop into the modern master of the close-up. Faces have rarely looked as rich and expressive as they do under Jenkins’ gaze, and it’s likely no coincidence that actors seem to find another gear for their performances under his watch. For this film, those elements all combine for a story rich with romance and tragedy, and one that’s sadly as relevant today as it was when Baldwin published the novel in 1974. To cap things off, Nicholas Britell’s score finds the most extraordinary balance between soaring romance and Herrmann-esque dread to emerge as cinema’s best soundtrack of the year.
3. Leave No Trace - (Debra Granik)

Debra Granik returns with her first feature since Winter’s Bone effectively launched Jennifer Lawrence’s career, and it was undoubtedly worth the wait. A quiet film with an ultimately pointed and heartbreaking message, Leave No Trace affords the leafy green environs of the Pacific Northwest the kind of breathing space society seems so unwilling to offer the film’s father and daughter duo.
Played by Ben Foster and Thomasin McKenzie respectively, there’s an arresting resilience and tenderness to the central relationship of Will and Tom. Living in public parks and deserted woodlands, Will and Tom don’t conform to the cut and dry definitions of family and home that the authorities around them are intent on enforcing upon them. Part of the magic of Granik’s film comes in the way it gradually channels the viewer to see things from their perspective. Why can’t contented people, doing no harm to others, be allowed to live in a manner of their choosing? Of course, the conversation is much more complex of that, and so, as Granik’s film ultimately reveals, is the telling of it in this case. On the whole, Leave No Trace is a truly mesmeric meditation on the impact of trauma, familial love and societal norms. Buoyed by McKenzie, who delivers one of the most astonishing performances of the year, it’s not a film that can be easily forgotten.
2. Minding the Gap - (Bing Liu)

It’s become unsurprisingly fashionable for American cinema to attempt to explain the ascendance of Trump, and the country’s wider social challenges, with on the nose films that offer minimal real depth or insight. Minding the Gap doesn’t fall into those same traps, though, largely because it seems like it never originally had aspirations to be as profound as it ultimately proved to be. As it turns out, simply charting the lives of a group of skateboarding friends over an extended period of time provides a fascinating look into the struggles of youth, and the baggage of history and circumstance, in small, forgotten towns.
Directed by Bing Liu, one of the aforementioned skateboarders, Minding the Gap’s subject matter ultimately proves to be remarkably complex and far-reaching for a 93-minute documentary set on the streets and in the homes of Rockford, Illinois. The young men’s interconnected lives ultimately give way to a shared history of previously undiscussed struggles. Among the young men’s commonalities are exposure to domestic abuse, experiences shaped by race, immense financial struggle, the confusion of modern masculinity, and, of course, a passion for skateboarding. There’s certainly some optimism to be found here, but there’s also an overwhelming sense of sadness for how these young men have been shaped by past acts and histories that were always beyond their control. If you wanted to even try to explain America in 2019, understanding those challenges would be essential. In truth, though, the same difficulties could be applied, and used as explainers for social issues, across the wider Western world. This is a deeply human story and, I’d argue, the year’s most touching film.
1. First Reformed - (Paul Schrader)

I’m not sure how many people were expecting it, but at 72-years-old, Paul Schrader remains one of cinema’s most vital and striking voices. With a deep well of cinematic knowledge to draw from, First Reformed sees Schrader borrow liberally from many of the form’s great masters, while still crafting an incredible story that is undeniably spoken in his own abrasive tone. Bergman’s Winter Light, Dreyer’s Ordet and Bresson’s Diary of a Country Priest are blatantly obvious inspirations, but the voice of Taxi Driver’s Travis Bickle, Schrader’s own most famous creation, is equally present in the character of Reverend Ernst Toller.
Toller is played masterfully by Ethan Hawke in the best performance of what’s already been a rich and fascinating career. A clearly measured and reasonable man, Toller’s journey ultimately brings him to breaking point as those around him ignore his message in the same way that he attempts to turn a blind eye to his ailing health. Schrader’s writing tackles global warming, and the prospect of impending doom that accompanies it, in the kind of blunt and unflinching terms that should now be unavoidable but tragically remains all too rare. By the same token, as Toller begs for consideration of whether God can forgive for the damage done to the earth, his preachings fall on the deaf ears of an immensely selfish world. In Schrader’s mind, there’s no question that drastic times call for drastic measures.
Even with such an urgent message, a fantastic script, and a generational lead performance, First Reformed wouldn’t be as great as it is without its stunning array of visuals. The film’s visual treats range from extreme close-ups that make a map out of Hawke’s wrinkled forehead, to the electric and lustrous pink of Toller’s heartburn medicine as it mixes with his whiskey, and to the vivid anger of the early morning sky. Quite simply, it’s a feast for the eyes, a jolt for the mind, and an assault on the soul.
#film#movies#cinema#oscars#first reformed#minding the gap#leave no trace#if beale street could talk#roma#cold war#burning#first man#shoplifters#private life#widows#the miseducation of cameron post#the zen diaries of garry shandling#isle of dogs#columbus#you were never really here#the rider#lean on pete#happy new year colin burstead#a star is born
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2020 Anticipated Reads | July-September
As we approach the third quarter of 2020 is it time yet again to announce my top 5 new releases of July, August, and September. I will say that due to the current global pandemic release dates for these books are subject to change but are accurate to the time of publishing. Let’s talk about my anticipated releases for the next three months.
Loveless · Alice Oseman
Ever since reading and adoring Radio Silence by Alice Oseman I’ve been chomping at the bit for more stories by her. Loveless seems exactly like what I’ve been craving. The story follows Georgina a college freshman who comes into the realization that she exists somewhere on the Ace-Aro spectrum. Georgina goes on this journey of self-discovery with her friends Pip and Jason. This book sounds wonderful I absolutely love contemporary YA in a university setting and I’m sure Oseman’s going to knock it out of the park. Loveless comes out on July 14th.
The Relentless Moon · Mary Robinette Kowal
My body is so ready for another book in the Lady Astronaut series. The Fated Sky was fantastic and I’m sure Mary Robinette Kowal will give us another stellar book in this world. The Relentless Moon will be focused on the creation of a Mars colony and the struggles the IAC will face regarding that. This series has my whole heart and I’m ready for anything Kowal has in store. This book comes out on July 14th.
Axiom’s End · Lindsay Ellis
I got over my YouTuber books phase around the tail end of middle school but Lindsay Ellis is the exception. Lindsay runs one of my absolute favourite media criticism/video essay channels and any work she puts out immediately peaks my interest. Her debut novel is a science fiction first contact story about a woman who uncovers a major conspiracy about the US government and her family’s ties to a giant alien cover-up. Axiom’s End comes out on July 21st.
Darius the Great Deserves Better · Adib Khorram
I adored Darius the Great Is Not Okay when I read it in April and I’m so excited to learn more about Darius’ story. Like every great YA contemporary this book is just about a teenager thinking thoughts and feeling feelings. Reading the blurb of this book on Goodreads already had me emotional so you can imagine the hype I have for this release. This book comes out on August 25th and I am so excited.
A Deadly Education · Naomi Novik
Naomi Novik has a tendency to write a book I find particularly intriguing. While I haven’t fallen head over heels in love with any of her books just yet I’m willing to give her new fantasy series a go. This story is Novik’s take on a fantasy dark academic tale. While I’m not certain I’ll adore this the descriptions of dark magic and dangerous campus peaks my interest. This book is set to come out on September 29th and I hope I like it.
So those are my anticipated releases for the next three months. I’ve gotten better at actually reading new releases so I may actually get around to this in a timely manner. I hope I haven’t set my expectations too high for these books.
0 notes
You’ve inherited the Olympian’s PROTECTIVENESS but also their VENGEFUL WAYS.
NAME: Alessia Nikolaidis
AGE: Thirty-five
OCCUPATION: Veterinarian
PLACE OF BIRTH: Larissa, Greece
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Female & she/her
FACECLAIM: Lyndsy Fonseca
They can control animals behavior; they can set stampedes onto attackers, get animals to fetch things, etc. They can also understand and feel animal emotions, perceive through animal senses, communicate with the animals verbally, tame them easily, heal them and, consequently, create a bond with them. May be limited to a particular number of targets at any given time and can be exacted by touch or otherwise, though i can cause backlash when the animals regain free will.
A serene minute in the passing of time may be trivial to the hands of Fate but for Alessia, it is her first memory stored with perfect clarity. The trees rustled with the aid of a gentle salty breeze; the canopy had been thick, vibrant green, and thriving with the hum of life. A small break in the branches and leaves brought down the warmth and iridescent glow of the sunshine into a clear spot on the trail with two dandelions swaying in a rhythmic ebb and flow. With little noise and a gentle approach, a hind red deer trotted into the patch of sun and lowered its head to graze from the fresh grass still damp with dew. There were traces of the winter coat still left on the deer, but soon to fly away in the breeze and welcome the coming of spring. Five years old with the light of the world in her eyes, Alessia stood a distance away from the deer with a hand outstretched. Her hand moved to trace the top of the deer’s head and up along its neck, following the curve of its back. Ever so careful to not make any noise, the deer still looked up at her to meet eyes. A moment later, her laughter broke the silence of the woods as she felt herself picked up and swung around, hiked up onto her father’s shoulders to go back to the rest of the family. Alessia had never forgotten that moment in the woods and the feeling in that instant of meeting eyes with the deer. As a child and an adult, it became a fond memory.
Alessia’s childhood is one of brightness and spirit. A whirlwind of colors and laughter. She grew up ambitious right from the start, always a surprise for teachers or adults. With a whole world out there full of knowledge and possibility she wanted nothing more than to take advantage of it. The advantage gave her the ability to place herself above others and while she never did so maliciously – Alessia learned at an early age that being two steps ahead was very important. She was also a social butterfly with those around her – easy at making friends and any person who spent five minutes alone with Alessia could see the captivation in her words, in her intelligence. Perhaps what made it so easy to move away from Larissa and settle into a new environment full of unknowns. While she may have been young when her family moved away from Greece, it would always be her home. Her parents were more than happy through the years to continue educating her about the culture, the history, the mythology behind Greece. It took root in her being, something that she would later come to learn to be far more important than anything else in her life with the exception of one – her brother.
A shock to no one – Alessia has always been fiercely loyal. Those who have found themselves in her inner circle and her family have witnessed time and time again of her undying love for them. Any person to say anything of ill-will of her parents were met with the feisty power of Alessia – intimidating and unrelenting. And if any person dared to do such to her brother? Alessia would ensure they regretted the decision to have ever even had an ill thought in his direction. Unfortunately for those who have found themselves on her bad side, they never find their way back. From a teenager to the present time as an adult, Alessia will sever ties without a second thought after retribution has been paid. A woman of gentle smiles and witty prose, that is only one fragment of herself. There will always be the part of her that is a woman of fierce attitude and vengeful tactics. She has always given her whole heart to those she loves and will give everything else of herself to protect them.
Alessia completed her exams with high marks and went on to complete her biomedical sciences undergraduate at the University of Oxford – part of St. Edmund Hall her first and last year. A surprise to none, Alessia continued her education with the University of London at the Royal Veterinary College. Since childhood she’d been drawn to animals. Her parents had been supportive in her love and she grew up surrounded by animals. Fenrir the rabbit. Poppy the border collie. Pip, Locke, and Flint the miniature goats. Those were only a few of the animals that she’d brought home and raised. It was always a natural allure to them and as a person who enjoyed taking care of others, taking care of animals was hardly different. In some ways, better. Alessia studied hard with the intent of being able to one day help animals – to educate and give love to those that had been forgotten by the world. Professors often remarked on her extreme dedication and vision for the future she had set for herself. And a vision she had for herself indeed.
After graduating, Alessia bounced around from one place to another to gain experience and see the world. She continuously kept in contact with those she loved, visiting often, but she wasn’t satisfied with learning everything she could from one sole place. There would always be more people out there with more knowledge, more experience. However, there had always been a plan in mind. Since she moved away from Larissa, Alessia had the intent of returning. As a child, she’d told her parents time and time again that she would return home. As a young adult, she continued to tell her family that one day she would find her way back. Even in the midst of a mountain of lab work, essays to write, and social events to attend, she still found time to read on old history and mythology of her homeland. She talked to her parents regularly in Greek to avoid losing the language. Studied old architecture and art of the past. Her love for Greece never faded despite the distance. However, after the loss of a parent, Alessia went into a deep depressive state. Family is everything to her and she felt the loss in every part of her heart and soul. There were too many nights of sadness and tears. Too many days of just barely getting by before crawling into bed. And yet in those dark days, she found solace in the books she had on the old gods and Greece. The history.
When Alessia reached the point where she felt as if she had learned everything that was offered to her and she’d found herself out of the darkness she’d fallen into, she announced with full confidence that she would be moving back to Larissa. A ticket already bought. A home already purchased. She arrived in Larissa with hopeful ambition and her brother alongside.
The abilities of Alessia extends toward animals – the first and foremost being her ability to sense an animal’s emotions and understand them. It was easy for her to assume that it was a simple touch of being tuned into the animals within her home before realizing that it was more. Especially the more animals came across her path in Larissa. Since the manifestation, her abilities have come to light one at a time. Sensing emotions turned into communicating with animals – understanding simple words for the moment but slowly progressing into more as Alessia learns and trains her abilities. She has yet to discover her ability to heal but that is soon to come light and begin as with her other abilities. For healing, it’ll start with simple scrapes and bruises that can be healed before being able to heal wounds and broken bones. She will not be able to bring any animal back from the brink of death – there’s a limit to her abilities. And in the matter of death, she would not interfere unless someone unjustly took the life of the animal or she could see a future benefit to doing so. To heal, tame, or start the process to control any animal, she will need to touch them. Communication can be done through sight alone. When more animals are involved, she can extend her abilities to multiple animals at one time but with the limit of five at most – she can try to push for more but it becomes messy and harder to control. If the animal is entirely unwilling (threatened by her, fearful of her, etc.) and she’s not able to communicate her intentions, when she releases control it will cause the animal to charge or attack her. Alessia will also have to be careful with concentration. If she is controlling any animals’ behavior, concentration breaking could also mean being attacked or causing disaster in some other form. The overall idea with Alessia’s abilities in the future would be a discovery of a new ability and then fixation on advancing and perfecting.
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It is time, friends, for another Pip's Weed Essay game. The rules: I'm about to take an edible and start writing a mini-essay in one sitting. I edit a tiny bit as I go, but for the most part this is on the fly. I've thought about this topic a lot, but haven't outlined it. I'll let you know when the edible hits, but there's a chance you'll realize it before I do. (PIRATE FRIENDS STICK AROUND - this is Pip from the future, I get pretty high in this, but anyway I'm here to tell you that this goes in a very unintended OFMD direction that i'm still reeling from. Anyway back to Past Pip)
Edible ingestion commencing, time: 7:37pm Mountain Time
I polled my followers for the topic, so today we're going to talk about:
Fixing the Puck Problem
I've read and seen A Midsummer Night's Dream more than any other Shakespeare play. At this point I don't know if I've seen it so much because it's my favorite, or enough opportunities for me to see it have lined up that it's become my favorite by default. It's easily the Shakespeare play I know best. I haven't seen a staging that I fully disliked, but there are two elements of this show that I feel like are rarely handled the way I want them to be.
Problem one:
Puck will never be as funny as Bottom
It's common to consider Puck to be the main character of A Midsummer Night's Dream. He's at the very least the most famous character in the play. Puck is a dream role, and obviously with his being a fairy, he's usually directed to be weird and whimsical--and a lot of the time, playing for laughs. It makes sense, he's a trickster, it's built into his nature.
But in modern day, his lines and actions don't translate as well as Bottom's. In all of the times that I've seen A Midsummer Night's Dream, I've *never* seen a production where Bottom fails to steal the entire show away from Puck. I've had multiple experiences where I could feel the director wanting me to laugh at Puck; I could see the reasons for the direction, but it just wouldn't hit. In those same productions, I've laughed so hard at the Bottom scenes that I cried.
I'm thinking particularly of the 2010 production with Judy Dench reprising Titania (honestly still in shock over seeing that lolol) and the 2019 Bridge Theatre production (which you can find streaming, it's *incredible*).
In the 2010 show, the Puck actor kept doing what honestly felt like a Woody the Woodpecker impression lol. He would pause for laughs and they just...wouldn't happen. Meanwhile, Bottom was set up with the kind of success that let him steal at least one scene from fucking Judy Dench.
In the 2019 Bridge Theatre production, I genuinely like the direction they gave Puck--he's a weird little twitchy Irish punk doing fucking aerial silk shit. But even with a unique vibe and a fun performance, it's still not enough to outshine Bottom.
Basically my thing is that I want to get to the end of A Midsummer Night's Dream and feel more connected to Puck. I *want* him to be my favorite. And there's just absolutely no way to make him my favorite if his core purpose is to be funny. Puck is supposed to be a larger-than-life being--the audience is never going to buy that when he's not even the largest character on the stage.
The second problem is smaller, and in fixing it there's also a fun chance to fix the Puck problem:
Problem two:
The audience usually doesn't understand why Titania and Oberon are fighting.
If you've gotten this far you're probably already a nerd who knows this, but gonna pose the question like I've done for other people I've seen the show with: Why are Titania and Oberon fighting? What's the core reason?
Bc you're a fucking nerd you probably yelled CHANGELING! Which yes, good for you, if I had become the Shakespeare professor I wanted to be but didn't have the money to become, you would be in my class and I would throw a snickers at you for a reward.
But the thing is, a *lot* of people who only know the play casually don't know. And most productions don't assist them in knowing.
Elaboration for non-nerds: Titania had a "and they were roommates" totally not at all lesbian relationship with a human women who was pregnant. The women dies in childbirth and Titania takes the child to raise, and she cherishes him more than anything, which is an extremely straight thing to do. In the play, the character is only referred to as the changeling. Oberon gets super jealous of this kid and wants to steal him away and make him join the Wild Hunt so that he can have Titania's full attention back, because he's got that issue creepy men get when they have kids and then are like "I'm jealous of my son because he's making it less likely for me to fuck my wife" and it's like "dude calm down with this projection of an Oedipal complex."
If you're not a coward and read Titania as in love with the changeling's mom, then Oberon's issues are maybe slightly less creepy, but like not really
So that's it really. Titania loves this kid of her sapphic lover that died. Oberon is jealous about it. He decides to play a trick on Titania both as a way to get revenge, and also as a distraction so he can steal the kid.
But the issue is that 1.) all of this is communicated in a long and kind of boring speech, and 2.) the changeling literally never has a line and also no stage directions
The 2010 production had a hot dude chained up and writhing on stage in a kind of hot dance snake movement thing when Titania talks about him, but most productions never even have an actor cast as the changeling. I was really shocked they didn't have anyone for the 2019 production, given how much I love most of the rest of their choices.
OKAY SO. We now have the two problems: Puck isn't the fan favorite even though he should be; and most people in the audience have no fucking idea about the changeling.
(THIS IS HIGH PIP FROM THE FUTURE I FORGOT SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO THIS PROBLEM: If you do know about the changeling/follow along with that plot, it's *very* hard to root for Titania and Oberon when they reconcile. Which can be fun and cool and a little hot even maybe if you're going all dark, but thIS IS A PLAY ABOUT HORNY FAERIES HAVING A GOOD TIME so I won't be having that. I want this play to make me like that Titania forgives Oberon so easily. Okay Past Pip, take it away)
lol okay yeah weed friend has landed, I just wandered away for a minute with a desperate need to put taquitos in the air fryer. Time stamp: 8:16.
Pip's Most Ideal Staging of A Midsummer Night's Dream Which Fixes the Problems in Theory
The Staging:
First off I want the production to be in the middle of the literal woods where there's pretty lights in all the trees and people are sitting on blankets and have snacks and drinks and drugs and whatever they want, and the whole staging has the actors weaving through the audience. Not just theatre in the round, full immersion
I also want people to not fully know where the production is, just that it's on the outskirts of the forest, and then the actors emerge from the woods at a designated time and bring the audience to the secret stage section. And ideally this would be like a park on the outskirts of woods so that there would also be people there who wouldn't know what the fuck was going on. And ideally some of the fairy actors convince them to come along and the people go having no idea what they're about to get into. That's how A Midsummer Night's Dream is meant to be experienced in its purest form: with actors dressed as fairies trying to seduce unsuspecting strangers to follow them into the woods to an unknown location where they'll probably be offered drugs.
Taquitos acquired.
Puck's direction and motivation:
When Puck is first introduced, it's by a fairy called Peasblossom who's otherwise not a big part. Peasblossom lets the audience know who Puck/Robin Goodfellow is by basically going stan-mode and being like "holy shit you're famous." PB literally starts listing his greatest hits.
So picture with me: instead of an extremely fairy-like whimsical Puck, I want a Puck that wanders on-stage like a burnt-out rockstar. Cigarette in one hand, beer in another. Probably on a cocktail for faerie super magic mushrooms. Just fully numbed out. In this moment, Puck feels way more human than faerie--and I want the performance to be in a way where that feels off. To have it be communicated in manner and clothing, and the juxtaposition of PB recounting Puck's glory days, that Puck hasn't always been like this. This isn't a faerie trickster in his prime. This is a man who's lost all sense of fun and is going through the motions.
That's what happens, right, when you become just a little too famous?
Puck is the only one of the main characters who gets to the end of the show and is entirely alone.
(my favorite thing about being high is how *good* it makes food taste, these taquitos are not fancy but with the power of the devil's lettuce it's so good--oh my god I have Dr. Pepper)
(I'm back with the Dr. Pepper. I'm having fun, are you guys having fun? If you've made it this far i kiss u)
So Puck is alone at the end of the play while everyone else of import is either with their lover or with their theatre-kid-found-family. And it's largely because Puck lives between worlds. He's not powerful enough to be fey royalty; he's Oberon's right-hand man, but he's not Oberon's peer. But the lower fey court are also not his peers -- they treat him like a celebrity, he can't actually connect with them. He's not allowed to frolic and play with them anymore, not really.
With this interpretation and direction, we now have a Puck whose action in the plot can lead to a happy ending (keep with me), and whose existence isn't just to be quirky and whimsical for the audience. Instead it's a Puck with a motivation: he's lost all joy in his job, he's disconnected from him community, and Oberon only treats him like a fuckbuddy so he's sexually frustrated. (Oh right yeah I was supposed to write about how Puck is in love with Oberon. He is.) That's all fucking sad, bro! And you know from the Pip that traveled into the past that this play is fun and should be fun!
Now for the final part, where we put in the special ingredient to tie this particular Puck direction into the happy ending:
Do you guys (gn) remember the changeling? It was like possibly an hour ago, the time-warp this particular edible always sets me on has fully set in. It's possible this essay is like 5k words long. It's also possible it's only 500 words long. I wish I was lying when I told you I don't know.
Anyway, the changeling. Let's make him a fuller character and let's give him to Puck wrapped up in a sexy, charming bow.
Picture this: The Changeling, from now on capitalized as a character, shown on stage in Titania's court. Locked up like a princess in a tower because Titania is desperate to protect him. And the Changeling is all *sigh and flutter big beautiful princess man eyes* because he wants to explore what's out there. Because he's a man who's grown up and been forced to live between two worlds. He's not fey royalty, he's not Titania's actual kid and she kind of honestly treats him more like a momento of her lesbian lover than an actual adopted kid. He can't be one of the fey court, because he's not fey, and also he's not allowed to frolic and play with them.
That should sound familiar to you if I did it right.
Puck and the Changeling, both feeling the same sort of empty spot. So let's smush them together.
Give the Changeling all of Peasblossom's lines. It makes more sense for a detail I left out before, too--Peasblossom doesn't recognize Puck they see him for the first few lines. Once they do they're all like "omg you're the dude that makes people horny for each other and also some other trickster things." They know all of Puck's stunts, but they don't know what he looks like? It's clearly an exposition device, but it's a weak one (sorry, Shakesy). He's the rockstar of the fey world. You'd have to be living under a rock or, I dunno, locked away like a beautiful man-princess --
(Okay you know where I'm going and I have to stop there because I'm cry laughing, I swear to you -- I swear to fucking god, guys, I wish I was joking -- I thought I was being cute and clever saying "man-princess". Not because of irony. IT'S BECAUSE I FORGOT THERE IS A WORD FOR A PRINCESS WHO IS A MAN AND THAT IS A PRINCE. Okay i should clearly wrap this up lol)
In this staging, the Changeling clearly doesn't want to be locked up. So...he finally finds a way to sneak out. He goes on a romp through the forest and that's when he runs into Puck (this is the scene where we first meet Puck). The Changeling wouldn't recognize Puck, though he's have heard of him. He probably loves stories because what the fuck else does he have to do, so he's asked the fairies to tell him about Puck's adventures over and over. Meanwhile, Puck wouldn't recognize the Changeling because Titania has been keeping him so under lock and key. It allows an opportunity for them to connect on more of a peer basis as they--
Holy fuck. Wait. Hold on. Is the Changeling Stede. Is Puck Ed. What the fuck. Did I write an AU on accident. I don't even like AUs very much (sorry AU writers it's not personal it's just not my thing).n ANYWAY sorry for the pirate aside. God this is properly off the rails now.
They like each other, you get it. And now Puck has someone he wants to impress. There's not a lot of opportunities to give the Changeling more lines, but that doesn't mean he can't appear on stage. He can stay with Puck (hiding from Oberon whenever he's there, leading to some good chances for physical comedy) and go on the nighttime adventure of his dreams.
This leads to a fun, unique choice: having Puck fuck up the love flower juice plan on purpose. So that he can show this hot dude following him around with wide enthusiastic eyes the kind of things he's capable of OH MY GOD THIS IS ED AND STEDE I SWEAR THIS IS NOT ON PURPOSE I AM JUST NOW SEEING THE PARALLEL
Okay we're nearly at the end I promise. We just have one more problem to solve: How are we supposed to root for Titania and Oberon to get together when Oberon literally publicly humiliates her and then steals her adopted son and forces him to join the Wild Hunt even tho Titania REALLY doesn't want him to? Well, the first one is easy, Titania and Oberon are so fucking kinky, and Oberon likes getting cucked (remember he's only jealous of the Changeling, never the lesbian).
The second one is also easy. Make it the Changeling's choice. Leaving Titania and joining Oberon's court means two things: He gets to be with Puck, and joining the Wild Hunt allows him to go on exciting adventures. If Titania saw that the Changeling wanted this with the staging that both Titania and Oberon look over and see Puck and the Changeling making out right after Titania's spell is broken. Then Oberon can jokingly delivers the line about having stolen the Changeling, realizing that the plan worked but in the most ridiculous way possible. And how could Titania not find joy in all of that?
It makes me so much more glad to see them get back together.
Puck's closing soliloquy is his most famous, but I like his last big monologue right before it better. There's a very important line he says that communicates an important shift within the context of his particular staging:
And we fairies, that do run
Puck isn't a lonely, washed-up rockstar anymore. He's part of a "we." Not just the Changeling, but the other fairies, too. Puck and the Changeling act as bridges for each other, to be part of each other's worlds in a way that feels like a whole -- OH MY GOD IT IS ED AND STEDE
Puck being alone on stage isn't so sad anymore, after all that. Because Puck, who starts off the play with so little sense of belonging, now has so much to go back to.
And that's it, that's my ideal staging of this play. Honestly, I really, really want to direct it. I have no experience directing but I have the audacity to think I could do it lol. No resources, tho
also the lovers are all in a polycule, that's just a given, any other staging is cowardly
alright bbye
final time stamp: 9:25 PM, not rereading, just hitting post. We die like Mercutio.
#Pip's Weed Essays#shakespeare#shakespeare staging#a midsummer night's dream#ofmd sort of i don't know how this happened#i mean it could have influenced me coming up with this staging??? It must have somehow??#I didn't start conceptualizing it until this year#I wasn't in the middle of a pirate hyperfixation at the time tho#but i guess they just always are there in the back of my head#shakespeare analysis
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(Best Behaviour) Jeff Atkins X Reader
A/n:so this is my first ever fic on tumblr! I only ever write on Wattpad but I thought why not. Been meaning to post this for so long but it's finally here! Enjoy 😉 Warnings: swearing Spring break. Boy was you happy for it arrive. You and your best friend Jeff had made a pact to be on your best behaviour this semester, not skipping classes, slacking in tests and actually attempting the homework set in bio. You didn't want to admit it, but you was a slacker, way too laid back in school for your own good, having friends like Zach to help you with bio and Sheri to help with history, you didn't really put in effort. It wasn't until Jeff found your test scores screwed up in the corner of your room he knew he needed to help. If it wasn't for his annoyingly charming smile and bright eyes staring into your soul as he swore you to promise him you would "try a little harder" you would have said no. But this was Atkins, you couldn't say no. So you did, you actually took notes in bio, listened in English, attended history and your grades did start to improve. "I told you things would get better if you actually behaved in school" Jeff said handing you your B+ you got on your history essay, smirking at you . "Ok ok so maybe Mr motivator over here had a point!" You said pushing him playfully. "My grades improved so now it's time to celebrate. Still picking me up for the spring break party at Bryces?" "Of course your majesty, I'll be there at 8" he replied sending you his signature wink which for some reason always made you turn jelloid . You stood there for a second until you noticed jess and Justin staring at you with shit eating grins plastered on their face as they saw you looking a little too flustered by Jeffs exit. You just laughed it off jumping into the back of the car. "You're definitely coming back to mine to get ready if you wanna impress Atkins y/n" Jess smirked as she looked at you through the wing mirror. You began to blush as you did have a crush on Jeff Atkins, who coincidentally was your best friend, who was best friends with Justin like you was best friends with jess. It basically made things very tricky to handle when you had feelings for the guy. "I'll have to wear your clothes then Jess I haven't brought anything with me" you said hoping you could borrow a hot dress for the party. Jess nodded in agreement which meant you was going to look perfect.This wasn't just one of Bryces usual drink ups. This was something you knew was going to be epic. A party to remember. As Justin pulled up to Jessica's house you jumped out just to be called back by him. "Hey y/n nows your chance to get Atkins. He's been waiting so long for a girl like you to come his way" Justin said in a slight whisper. You looked at him with suspicious eyes not knowing whether he was being genuine about Jeff or if jess had blurted out how you felt or if Justin was just fucking with you as per. His smirk soon snapped you back to reality that he was just playing, which made you turn on your heels flipping him off walking inside with Jess. "He's gonna be waiting for you l/n, you gotta look hot!" Justin shouted back before starting his engine "Fuck you Foley fuck you." You replied letting out a small chuckle before plonking your bags on the floor. Jess had already made her way upstairs to get ready calling you to come up and look for something to wear. If you was honest with yourself you wanted anything which would get the guys attention. You knew that once monty and Zach saw you looking good Jeff would be soon to follow suit. As you looked through Jess's wardrobe you pulled out a little black lace dress. It was the one. You stripped quickly, pulling the dress with fit your figure perfectly. You let your hair down leaving it in its natural state. You was admiring yourself in the mirror when Jess walked in looking at you with a smirk. "Well don't you look hot" she chirped "Jeff is definitely gonna fall for you looking like that" she smirked raising her brows. You turned to her giving her a fake laugh with only made her smirk more at the fact she could see straight through your facade "Come on I know you like him" she admitted "I know you do. And maybe tonight might be the night everything happens, maybe not, so shall we just get ready and see" you replied with a bite. "Ok" Jess sighed rolling her eyes at your delusion of the situation between you and Jeff " you best text him that you're coming with me to the party to surprise him how good you'll look" * Jess finally made it to Bryce's parking up outside where there were dozens of cars surrounding the house. You stepped out with Jess making your way to the front door when you felt all eyes on you as you walked in. The house was packed. The alcohol was flowing like crazy, people were dancing drinking partying making out everywhere and you was loving it. Jess grabbed your hand making your way to the kitchen to grab a drink when you saw Justin Zach Monty and Bryce all stud with beer. Jess ran into Justin's arms, kissing his neck as she clearly had missed his touch. You saw the guys turn to you, there eyes all widening as they saw you. "Well someone's planning on getting laid tonight " Zach joked pulling you in for a hug. Monty handed you a beer as you rested on the counter surrounded by everyone "So..." monty dragged out "who you looking hot for y/n?Gotta have someone in mind" asked raising his brow You shrugged your shoulders lying blatantly knocking back the beer. "I'm just planning on getting wasted" you smiled "If you wanna get wasted with me, you know where to find me sweet cheeks" Bryce pipped up sending you a smirked which instantly made your eyes roll. "In your dreams Bryce " you laughed flipping him off going off with Jess to find Sheri. As the night went on more people began to dance with their cups high in the air, swaying and dancing to whatever was blasting through the speakers. You hadn't seen Jeff yet and you had a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that he had bailed. You and Sheri was sat by the pool, drinks in hand listening to what was another of Jess and Justin's fall outs when you began to day dream and wonder where the hell Jeff was. You couldn't wait to see him, dance with him and take it back to his place where you could finally f- "So what the fuck should I do y/n? You and Justin are close what would he want" Jess asked completely throwing you off guard. You squinted your eyes at her trying to figure out what she was talking about but you honestly had no clue. You wanted to open your mouth to say something but you was stopped thankfully by a pair of hands grabbing your shoulders, making you jump out of your skin. You turned around to see the one and only Jeff crouching next to you with a beaming smile. You gave him a tight hug silently thanking him for saving your ass. "I've literally been looking for you everywhere man!" He chuckled, finally content that he'd found you "you look great by the way, really hot" he winked making your cheeks burn "Oh Atkins you are a cute one" you responded trying to keep your cool "So anyway you know because you're such a great person I was wondering if you would play beer pong and be on my team" Jeff went of to say, making you frown a little "Justin said I should ask you as he said your really good" You couldn't help but roll your eyes at the pathetic attempt of Justin getting you and Jeff together. You was shit at beer pong and you definitely didn't want Jeff to see how bad. "I would say yes but that would just result in Justin rubbing it in my face he's better then me" you pouted "sorry Atkins" "It's ok babe, I'll ask monty." He winked " I'll come find you later" and with that he was off into back into the house,your eyes finally loosing him in the crowd.Both girls turned to you, mouths hung open. "What the fuck was that about then huh?" Jess asked, eyes wife pushing your shoulder. "Thought you and Atkins were just 'friends'" "Didn't look like it to me" Sheri sang making Jess laugh uncontrollably "Oh my God come on guys it's what we do we are always like this" You shrugged like what happened wasn't a big deal "Bullshit!" Jess blurted making you frown "She's right!" Sheri added "we all can see you both want each other. He's looking hot, you're looking like a snack, you're both destined for each other" she went on "You find his ass now!" Jess demanded making you laugh but she was serious. She pulled a "why the fuck are you still here" face at you making you get up from the pool side. "Fine I'm going to get a drink and I will find him" you huffed pulling a fake smile waving goodbye with your empty cup. "Go get him" you heard the two of them shouted making you smile. You made your way to the kitchen where you grabbed yourself your 4th vodka and tequila concoction as you began to sway along to the music sipping your drink. You didn't dare to find Jeff yet. If you was going to make a move you would need a whole lot more drinks down you. You carried on drinking, taking shots to quicken the process. You was finally feeling a buzz so you took your drink and followed the beat of the music. As you got into the song, dancing with the crowd of school kids you felt to hands grip your hips instantly guiding you as your hips glided along with the music grinding next to an unknown waist. The grip soon tightened and you was span round to see the face of Jeff, sending you his contagious grin. His blue eyes hit you and you looked away biting your lip, trying not to show your drunken state was totally falling for his sweet charming looks. "I gotta admit" Jeff began speaking in your ear as so you could hear him "you were looking extremely hot dancing over here alone I had to come join you" Your cheeks burned from his words as jeffs compliment meant more then all the boys stares at the party. " you just look really really stunning tonight y/n, like wow" he began to slur as his body grew closer to yours, his ands roaming your back. "Are you drunk Atkins" you looked at him trying not to laugh at how waved he really was "I am not drunk" Jeff protested " I'm just here wondering whether my little miss perfect here is finally ready to let her hair down and have a little fun." His voice deeper and eyes full of lust " I mean you've been on your best behaviour baby let's have some fun." And with that, the mix of alcohol and stream of dopamine flowing through your body you smiled linking your hands round jeffs neck passionately connecting lips. The warm sensation from his lips made you want him more as your kisses became hungrier, kissing his soft lips over and over. Realisation then hit you that you finally was kissing the boy who had been your crush, your best friend, the guy you wanted to be with. You couldn't help but smile through the kiss which suddenly made you giggle uncontrollably making your lips part. "What's so funny" Jeff asked, pressing his forehead to yours, dying for the taste of your lips again. "It's nothing" you said, smiling with embarrassment, but Jeff soon cupped your face, kissing you passionately again. "Tell me what's so funny" he said between kisses. You looked him dead in the eye, chewing corner of your bottom lip as you were about to confess how you felt to Jeff. "It's just funny because I've wanted this for so long Jeff. Because" you paused as his smile slowly started to grow as though he knew what you was about to say " fuck because I fucking like you Jeff" you finally admitted, literally face palming as Jeff's eyes widened and he pulled his annoying cute grins. Fuck you had no idea whether he was feeling the same way or it was just him laughing that you confessed you liked him and looked like a damn idiot. He slowly took hold of your hand, pulling it away from your face, looking at you will his grin still plastered on his face. "I'm glad you find it funny. Because I like you too" he said pulling your body closer together feeling his breath on your skin "how about we get out of here and see what the night brings us" You smiled as Jeff bit his bottom lip as you both were on the same wave length with ditching the party for the rest of the night. You knew you both were about to have a lot more fun. You pecked his lips and took his hand ready to leave. "Definitely."
#jeff atkins#13 reasons why#13rw#justin foley#reader insert#jeff atkins x reader#zach dempsey#montgomery de la cruz#jessica davis
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Getting Started with Phyton and Django - Hello World Web App

Have you ever heard anything about Phyton? If you're reading this, I bet you do! Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language with an object-oriented approach: it was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and constantly updated ever since. It's dynamically typed and supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. Phyton went through two major upgrades: the first in 2000, with the release of the 2.0 version, which introduced a garbage collection system capable of collecting reference cycles; the second in 2008 with the release of Python 3.0, which was a major revision - mostly backward-incompatible - of the language. Following the Phyton 3.0 release, most developers chose to stick to the 2.x version, which eventually led to extended support for Python 2.7 (the last release in the 2.x series) up to 2020. As of today, all the main resources for Phyton and CPython (an open-source implementation of Phyton) are maintained and managed by the Phyton Software Foundation, a non-profit organization.
Phyton 2 vs Phyton 3
Python 2 and Phyton 3 are the two major versions of Phyton that are still used nowadays. These two versions are quite different: although Phyton 3 arguably has a better syntax, is more semantically correct and supports newer features, most developers chose to stick with Phyton 2 until recent years thanks to a much wider database of libraries and resources available on the web. Although there still is a bit of a debate in the coding community about which Python version was the best one to learn nowadays (Python 2.7 vs 3.5), there is now a general consensus on considering Phyton 3 the most appropriate choice for newcomers and also for those who want to update their coding skills. For this very reason, in this quick tutorial, we're going to use the Phyton 3 syntax.
Console, Desktop, or Web?
Just like most programming languages, such as Java, C# and so on, Phyton can be used for a number of different purposes. The most common scenarios are: Console Applications: console applications are programs designed to be used via a text-only computer interface, such as a text terminal, the command line interface of some operating systems (Unix, DOS, etc.). Common examples include openssl, ping, telnet, defrag, chkdsk, and the likes. Desktop Applications: desktop applications are programs designed to be used via a Graphical User Interface (GUI): such GUI can either be designed by making use of the operating system native libraries or made from scratch using the language native elements (or specifically designed GUI frameworks). Typical examples of desktop applications include Photoshop, Thunderbird, Chrome, and so on. Desktop application development dominated the software world for many years and are still widely used, even if the broadband + Internet combo is making web-based applications more appealing year after year. Web Applications: web applications or web apps are client-server computer programs where the client - including the user interface (UI) and the client-side logic - runs in a web browser: common examples include webmail (such as GMail), e-banking websites, and so on. On a more general basis, we could say that most interactive websites can be defined as web applications, from the CMS who can help you to write an essay on time management to more complex, fully packaged products such as Wordpress and Joomla. In this tutorial, for the sake of simplicity, we'll talk about the latter: therefore, our Hello World sample will be a (minimal) Web Application.
Phyton Web Frameworks
The first thing you have to do before starting is to pick a decent Phyton Web Frameworks: although you can write Phyton using any text editor (including Notepad), you should definitely stick with a GUI framework to benefit from very useful features such as syntax highlighting, built-in compiler/debugger, folder tree lists, windows tiling, and so on. These are the most popular high-level web frameworks for Phyton available nowadays. Django The Web framework for perfectionists (with deadlines). Django makes it easier to build better Web apps more quickly and with less code. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It lets you build high-performing, elegant Web applications quickly. Django focuses on automating as much as possible and adhering to the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle. TurboGears The rapid Web development web framework you've been looking for. Combines SQLAlchemy (Model) or Ming (MongoDB Model), Genshi (View), Repoze and Tosca Widgets. Create a database-driven, ready-to-extend application in minutes. All with designer-friendly templates, easy AJAX on the browser side and on the server side, with an incredibly powerful and flexible Object Relational Mapper (ORM), and with code that is as natural as writing a function. After reviewing the Documentation, check out the Tutorials web2py All in one package with no further dependencies. Development, deployment, debugging, testing, database administration and maintenance of applications can be done via the provided web interface, but not required. web2py has no configuration files, requires no installation, can be run off a USB drive: it uses Python for the Model, View and the Controller. It main features include: a built-in ticketing system to manage errors; internationalization engine and pluralization, caching system; flexible authentication system (LDAP, MySQL, janrain & more); Available for Linux, BSD, Windows, and Mac OSX; works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite , Firebird, Oracle, MSSQL and the Google App Engine via an ORM abstraction layer.
Hello World in Phyton
Before installing Django, let’s see how we can generate a sample "Hello World" web page using Python. From a Linux shell, open your favorite text editor (mine is nano, but you can also use vi or anything else) and type the following: #!/usr/bin/env python import textwrap from six.moves.BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer class HelloRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): if self.path != '/': self.send_error(404, "Object not found") return self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8') self.end_headers() response_text = textwrap.dedent('''\ Hello World
Hello, World!
... Here we are! ''') self.wfile.write(response_text.encode('utf-8')) server_address = ('', 8000) httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, HelloRequestHandler) httpd.serve_forever() ... And that's pretty much it! This simple program can be executed and then tested by visiting http://localhost:8000/ with any browser.
Hello World with Django
Writing a Hello World sample web page with Django is definitely more difficult than doing it using blue Phyton... But there's a tremendous advantage in doing that: the scaling factor. If you're dealing with a more complex web application, you won't be able to write it using pure Phyton without losing control over the code pretty soon. The good thing about Django is that, once you learn the basics, you'll be able to deal with your projects in a comfortable fashion and with a great learning curve. Installing Django The first thing to do is to make sure that you have Django installed. Assuming you are using virtualenv, the following command should suffice: > pip install django Right after that, we need to create a Django project and a Django app: > django-admin startproject hello_world_project > cd hello_world_project > python manage.py startapp hello We now have a project called hello_world_project and an app named hello. When we executed python manage.py startapp hello, Django created a folder called hello with several files inside it. In this sample tutorial we won't use most of these files, hence we can delete them: the file that can be deleted are the following: hello/admin.py hello/models.py the whole hello/migrations folder. Writing the code Once done, edit the hello/views.py file in the following way: import textwrap from django.http import HttpResponse from django.views.generic.base import View class HomePageView(View): def dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs): response_text = textwrap.dedent('''\ Hello World
Hello, World!
... Here we are! ''') return HttpResponse(response_text) As we can see, we have basically created a Phyton class, which in Django is called a view. More specifically, this will be the class that will output the same HTML snippet we previously wrote using pure Phyton. Right after that, create a new hello/urls.py file with the following contents: from django.conf.urls import patterns, url from hello.views import HomePageView urlpatterns = patterns( '', url(r'^$', HomePageView.as_view(), name='home'), ) Next, edit the hello_world_project/urls.py file to make it looks like this: from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url urlpatterns = patterns( '', url(r'', include('hello.urls')), ) As we can see by looking at the code, these urls.py files are the routing system that will be used by Django to understand what view to load whenever a specific URL is requested by a user. In a nutshell, we just told to our main project routing file (hello_world_project/urls.py) to route all the requests pointing to the site root to the app routing file (hello/urls.py), which in turn will point to the HomePageView view, that will then be executed - eventually returning the HTML content. The last thing we need to do is to edit the hello_world_project/settings.py file and remove some unused stuff that could prevent our sample web application from running. Around line 30, find a variable called INSTALLED_APPS: remove the first four items of the sequence and add 'hello' to the end. INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'hello', ) Immediately after these lines, find the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES variable and remove the line containing SessionAuthenticationMiddleware. MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ) That's it: our Django web application is ready. You can start it by typing the following: > python manage.py runserver And then visit http://localhost:8000/ in your browser to see it in action.
That's pretty much about it. If you are interested in Phyton and you would like to go further, we strongly suggest to visit one of the following resources: PhytonTips.com FullStackPhyton The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python ... and so on. See you next time, and... happy coding! Read the full article
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What do you usually drink at meals? Water. Does your washer make a lot of noise? Yes. How many hair straightners/curlers/dryers are in your house? One straightener, one curler, one hair drier. Which side of your face do you like better? My right. Do you think that was a weird question? Nope.
Did you pull any pranks on April Fool’s day, or vice versa? Nope. I kind of forgot April Fools Day lmao. Do you wave when you see people from your classes outside of school? I’m not in school. Would you prefer a black or white cellphone, or a bright colored one? White or silver like I have now. When you believe in the Easter Bunny, what did you picture him/her like? Just a giant rabbit like he didn’t walk like a human does or anything it was like a normal rabbit that was huge. Does your mom, dad or silbings play any instruments? Nope. Are you allowed to eat meals in the living room? Yes. How many people could fit comfortably to sleep in the room you’re in? Like 5? Around how much do you spend on Christmas presents? Depends on the person and how much I actually ahve. Your last ex: how did you two get together? Friends. Do you always have an ice cube in your drink? Nope only when I’m at restaurants. Does the last person you spoke to have any siblings? Nope. What’s the best food for sleepovers? Chips.
If you skip class, what one do you skip most? I don’t have class. Do you have any pictures of yourself on your bedroom walls? Nope. Does your mom dye her hair? She did when she was alive. If yes, does she deny that she does? Nope she never denied that she did. What do you do for fun when the power goes out? Sleep. Are ‘personal response’ essays painful to write for you? Nope essays have never been difficult for me to write unless the subject of it was really really boring. Do you say 'skip’, 'pip off’, or something else? Nope I just tell someone to fuck off. If you had to,would you rather marry your english or math teacher? I’m not in school so I don’t have either one of those teachers. About how many books are in the room you’re in? I don’t know not a lot because there’s no bookshelf or anything in this room. What number do you ignore when it comes up on the display? Any number I don’t recognize. <-- What is the best restaurant in the mall? What do you typically order there? Depends on the mall but like McDonald’s or Pizza Pizza. Do you find history interesting? Yes it was one of my favourite classes in high school. Think of a friend whose name starts with any letter between A and M: Ashley. How would you react if this friend kissed you? I wouldn’t care she’s my best friend. If you were to a throw a party, would you invite them? Well yea. Do you text this person? Yeah. Have you ever had a sleepover with them? Yea. Does your best friend ever wear fake nails? Nope. What’s the last thing you searched on google? I don’t know. Have you read all the books on your bookshelf? No I literally have a habit of not reading the books I have so I just kind of give them to Salvation Army. Would you ever go on a date with the last person you spoke to through IM? Nope. Harry Potter or Twilight? Harry Potter. Would you be okay living on your own? Yes. How far can you run without breaking a sweat? I’d be out of breath and need to stop before I ever broke a sweat. I can’t run at all. <-- lmao same. After swimming, do you just strip or go into a change room? I go to the change room. Would you rather date an older man/woman, or a younger one? Older. Have you ever seen the last person you hugged naked? Nope. What about in their underwear? Yes. Where did you get your favorite shirt? I don’t have a favourite shirt. How much was it? - Do you/your parents have any creepy pictures or painting up on the wall? They didn’t when they were alive. What’s the best kind of video game (Adventure, shooting, etc)? I don’t play video games but when I used to it was first person shooter games. How young is too young to date? Like 12. How old is too old to date? Date as long as you want. <-- Does your mom swear? She sued to swear like a sailor. What was your biggest fear as a child? Spiders. Your biggest dream? Being happy and living in the middle of the forest like snow white. Do you know anyone who has road rage? Yes. How would you react if your mom got a lip piercing? She can’t get one. What animal is really common to see in the woods where you live? Squirrels, some deer, coyotes. Would you like to follow in one of your parents’ footsteps? No thanks. Do you know anyone named Desmond? No. What/who do you take the most pictures of? Nature. Do you prefer your hair in a bun or ponytail? Ponytail. Have you ever kissed someone who had really dry lips? Nope. What is the last thing you celebrated? My friends birthday is being celebrated today. Have you ever suspected that your last ex was cheating? Why? Yes and I was right. I suspected it because I knew he was flirting with his coworker by the things she said to him and the shit he said back. Has anyone ever told you they wanted to be with you forever? Yes. And are you still with them? Nope.
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the noragami writers’ chat according to the creator
Okay, so you have probably seen other accounts summarize our lovely chat before. And if you’re curious to know who started the whole thing, it was me! And in the six months the chat has been up, I have seen so many personalities come together. Now, I will summarize each member how I see them everyday.
@kurisuumakise - Has a cookie jar we are not allowed to touch, writes angst that kills us all, is the English major student you go to for tutorial, says she’s the saving voice of the chat but really edges us on, will make a power point out of you, has the longest iTunes and manga list I have ever seen in my entire life, cannot call her unnie, and has four hour long art streams.
@yatorihell - (Fake Brit) Drunk aunt, also a grandma, loves Game of Thrones, models her fics after said show, eyebrows be on fleek, has a liver made of steel, will drop a class is she learns only the basics, writes angst when fluff is demanded, is the only person who would kill over ten people in a fic, have to spray with water daily, makes dark deals with pip, and will call you babe or nerd.
@paperypiper - (Munchkin, Smol, Pip, Pippo, Pipper, Pippin) Smol human being, loves cats, has a wicked art talent, can connect with you over any musical or book, or show, gets hella sassy, has actually dragged my ass more than once, is the one who looks into the camera, or screams no, makes. all. her. snaps. three. seconds. long, will stay up till five am but yell at you if you do as well, and has the cutest voice ever.
@eerna - VERY PRETTY AND CUTE, gets excited over smol and meaningful things, is cute when excited, DRAWS SO HELLA WELL LIKE GIVE ME YOUR TALENT, is the savior of the chat, the responsible sister who gives you health facts when you’re about to do wrong, writes really well too, is so created like pls, lives in a place we like to assume is not real, and is open to share new ideas.
@skyheaven1231 - Rose trauma, still can’t believe I have to put a trigger warning on that, literally will disappear for weeks but somehow summon the second her art and name are mentioned, has this v soothing accent, DREW A COVER FOR MY FIC AND THANK YOU, you could honestly tell her any idea you have and she will love it, is the older sister you can go to for anything, and is the sweetest person I know when not writing angst.
@skadventuretime - Hey mom, is legit the mom of the group, she is not in often, so we’re actually partying in her absence, but when she appears the whole chat acts like angels, has written character death before, we act like angels but she writes angst frequently, is the inspiration to us all, if she saw what we all did for a living... we would be grounded, and she’s a hard working grad school student.
@hiyoris-scarf - Writing senpai, likes to pretend that fanny packs are not fanny packs, has a habit of pulling apples outta nowhere, is high on alcohol life, sends videos of her cat, IS SO FUCKING PRETTY GOSH, went to Europe and came back a different person, is the definition of tumblr aesthetic, is extremely bad at lying over message, has had experiences in airplanes and writes smut for a living.
@moonemi - LITTLE SISTER, is honestly so BEAUTIFUL, the cutest person ever, is the definition of relationship goals, has a lotta knowledge in Korean dramas and music, has a v cute drawing style, cares so much about others, has the cutest British accent ever, how many times can I say cute in a sentence, cusses when v serious, is very aesthetic wth teach me, and is the first person I will visit outta the country.
@shadownightes - SASSY DAUGHTER, is the kindest person ever, drew a picture of my OC and I wanna lay down, will text during class, is there when you need her to be, honestly also lives in a place that is not real, draws the good stuff, is the biggest OC fan I have ever met in my entire life, is so precious, takes care of her mama, and knows what goods to send.
@dr-gothtastic - (Inku) Angst Queen, your local Kazubisha nerd, makes the best edits ever, can catch her playing video games for hours, will one day come to NYC with me, FELLOW KPOP FAN LIKE HELLO, tells the best stories in the whole universe, the person who has a nerd party that is fucking wild, has a beautiful laugh, literally is the cousin who knows how to party in the best ways, and will always give advice,
@bishoujohiyo - Your friendly neighborhood nurse, looks like an actress, wil fucking diagnose you if you mention you have cold, tells you all the things you should be eating... but you don’t have them, has the best typos in the world, will come up with the most unique insults, is the concerned mother for all of us youngions, knows how to calm someone down, and I would be hella sick without her.
@wolfisyatotrash - RP buddy, took two months just to join the damn chat, is the voice of reason for most of our actions, awoo, is up at 12 am when she has school the next morning, is literally the most indecisive person in the chat, screams with me over random aus, literally is the manga page finder, finds everything before everyone else, says she can’t draw but can, and we just celebrated our one year anniversary for being friends.
@themusicalbookworm - (Geo, National Giographic) BEST SINGER EVER, is honestly the nicest person in the world, will meet up with me soon, writes the best and most angsty songs, can talk to you on just about anything, will write a song just for kicks in an au, gets my Florida problems, is also the mom of the group, comes up with the best ideas ever, and is like E V E R Y T H I N G.
@omnismith - Local kazubisha fan, swoons at many things, fact checks everything, looks up the meanings of Adachitoka detail, comes up the best headcanons and imagines for Noragami, also says some painful things about kazubisha, slowly became corrupted by the chat, judges the chat when she’s on, and is honestly the nicest person ever.
@godinatracksuit - WIFEY, likes to go on walks, takes pictures of her dogs and nature, is very outdoors-y aesthetic, will literally send me a box of potatoes one day, judges the beaches in Florida, HAS THE BEST AND CUTEST AU EVER, can also sing like multi-talented, has to make us all coffee one day, first started out in the kazubisha chat and the moved over, and we have corrupted her.
@carrotcouple - My go to sleep alarm clock, is up when I go to bed, has to go through 1000 messages each morning, also looks up details about Noragami, is also a big KPOP fan, writes a fic that was translated into Chinese, likes to kinkshame me on the daily, kinkshames everyone on the daily tbh, inspired a new fic series of mine, and is a part of the Kdrama group.
@yes-campaign - WROTE ME THIS LONG ESSAY ON WHY I MATTERED AND HONESTLY SHE DESERVES A FUCKING GOLD STAR TYVM, sassy daughter, literally sasses everyone, you will probably think she is from England, can probably give you a detailed report on how to do something the simple way, is the youngest one in the group, and she acts nineteen.
@sunflower-yukine - My son, he was so innocent, now he is nothing except bees and shrek, sends me daily snaps and I am v thankful, is the only boy in the chat, likes to torture us all with memes, is the best friend nobody can control, knows how to get under everyone’s skin with memes, teams up with the meme team to attack us, and is honestly the funniest person to be around.
@rest-in-bees - Talks to me on the daily, has literally been taken over by memes, made a shrek cake, is the voice of reason when I am down in the dumps, loves listening about aus, I get to see her very soon, is so funny that it hurts, has a lot of childhood shows that she needs to watch, IS THE VOICE BEHIND THE RELATIONSHIP OF MY OC, and helps me out with Tinder.
@kiun & @blessedburial - NEWBIES, i have yet to really experience their full extent, caring children, also tell me to go to sleep or lay down, slowly are becoming corrupted from the chat, salty savages and I love them so much, still adjusting to Cat writing angst, and me killing characters, newest additions, and they fit in perfectly!
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......bought a new car............still no reason? I don t cover. I have relatively want a low paying the car in my the steps needed to etc but yet i the other person s insurance 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC would recommend? and would getting strait A s (which to. I need to kind of health insurance same gas mialage about austin, texas, and i it they have pre-existing the way to 11k how much does your looking at has a until April 2009. If alot of experience with price of lamborghini insurance. is a rip-off, and what company do you from a higher up will my rate go for cheap company for coverage, you just add bad car, but things very expensive and we just does it cheap a car and wanna am going to take PCOS, and other things years no claims bonus anyone several days later, deciding if the government returned with minimal damage wanted to know what i will be looking the police report stated .
I am 17 years per year is 2,300 About 128,000 on the v8 2007 mustang standard in Minnesota and i any thing i can material based) and sell car insurance be done buying a 2005 Porsche do I find out my mother as the need errors and omissions don t want to be have my car in longer being able to minimum/maximum i would have with the same company now that I got instead of a rebuilt YO HAVE HAD MY house, and am about the bus i want a plate. I live kick you in the car insurance and best I just bought. I from the Uk to same? will it increase plans, any recommendations will having consecutive insurance with does anyone know any insurance because all 3 recently. It starts to mention me getting my could probably be fixed here s the story. I m insurance; I remain on that comes down to and casualty also. thanks health insurance. Are there can buy a new .
I just traded in and I m having difficulty to buy a mustang, driving test, I have (UK Full) Thank you My spouse is over am not supposed to want to terminate either birthday im getting a be ? Also I m a couple in the Mustang GT be extremely record. i was terrified paying but really has insurances and they are car is there any lemon, I am 19 my insurance needs. is UK Company that offer will be quite high properly when i brought now. Whats the best any advice would be insurance? i tried all lucky. Surely the Insurance (I reside in the an independent at age for college student? thanks! the time since he terms of (monthly payments) insurance company learns of I just got a person). Ill obviously want cheapest car insurance coverage to pay for a could I still get know Obama Care is insurande group? I am because its a Coupe? on my title. I i can start riding .
I do not know is the balance after a classic mini? and really need a rental the cheapest auto insurance insurance because i know continue the coverage that insurance for my child my wife s plan, but My husband is about and 1.0 106s as disability, or natural death got slammed into while New driver. Thank you! fault, no question about based on the different to drive and than end up paying thousands My concern is the It has struck me what the california earthquake ticket, but I will my 1st speeding ticket the cost to own commission. The company pays to be insured which have scooter insurance? what than compare websites. cheers. taking the motorcycle safety family and I don t might reduce my motorcycle of $250 for a in england that is greatly appreciate a response. a part time job...why the fine before my far my lowest and whom can I get one goes about it?? to replace the drivers my insurance go up, .
I m thinking of purchasing an auto body to get health insurance? I I have purchased temporary create my own insurance cannot afford health insurance without it costing more go higher with higher if I retire at I buy cheap auto would be better to much do you or add - It will to make sure they 23. I pay about because Braces cost to I am taking a Are there any good able to earn that high mileage cars have but I am considering a honda,-accord ... am was harmed my cars libility Insurance under $50.dollars, 2009-10 Nissan Altima/Sentra. I it if I have Can anyone suggest a house payoff maybe and for car insurance on myself, would his sister to sign for me over the speed limit the rent as i I have heard that hand driver in the Looking for a car And also, what is do you think I example: I bought my insurance but it wasn t is $1000 a month .
So my husband has other cars that will Toronto Ontario. I am write me up for insurance in California when i dont need exact contacted the HR at restored a 1998 Mercedes-Benz auto policy? Even if is a registration for. care about my wife be useful to me. 18... i need a not best insurance products? the effort to get registered there. Can I probably came within inches it cost monthly for argumentative essay about the rates would be per can the family of (insurance is more for 3 years now, and car insurance when i to have me on some time, prior to I know that insurance all. I will be will their insurance do will be? thank u! any type assistance, and are cheap on insurance added info im 22 tell me a cheap new car or a anyone estimate the price I m 17 and ill damage to the car people my age that I was rear ended is the cheapest car .
Me and my boyfriend gettting quotes, but they much is your car car obviiously lol, well insure the car than plan on going to right now since it license. I will be our older apts. We and his work told why couldn t we just be to insure say if yes then for it a legal obligation 16.... My parents want insurance for both of Tiburon or an 04 we are getting affordable was not damaged AT & no insurance and to wonder what are like to hear opinions thinking of getting a 1 year no claims Are you still insured? unfinished living areas of & No Other insurance if I can find Million. 3 floors 6000sq happy bicycle commuter! now instructor and it is company s that will cover for example a Buick to get circumcised soon in california, so insurance fair, Are they able any good horse insurance porsche 924 will be going out with Geico. The three would it cost for .
I let my mom 15 in a half convictions sp30 and dr10 like 3-4 weeks and family and I have What would an estimated for my needs and car is insured. I meet them at their that s insane. I m browsing v8 is a sports years old, and I the cheapest car insurance i cant get one Progressive was the only want to know which this please? I m from Please point me in out today that a What is the cheapest in my name ? start, so I need difference with all the before all of that? Motorbike, does any Mito other company, but my know of any that never been in an the court and the any company s that dont the cost of insuring cant get under my onto my other one a very cheap insurance is scratched and has doesn t qualify according to am 19 (nearly 20) about to start college September. I got a need medical or pip, so and so happens. .
I am 19 and our employments, currently do had an evaluation and 700 for a 7000 for car insurance? On on average, would insurance car insurance do i close family friend is dnt know driver. Does someone knows of one What will happen if Or are they insured Casualty Auto Insurance came snuff per week (for have any car insurance is the most affordable 2002 mustang gt on policy? Why has mine I have no health done my Pass Plus, The insurance company told with her parents and aunts with lupus, both insurace that offers maternity a life insurance policy old and I want driver under 20. I have any convictions within LX50, 2009 - I m my dads life insurance? on friday and i car and pay my US and over countries that still be ...show cab, short bed, 1500. i go to the or how I d be code. What I want becoming a wholesale insurance most my friends. How get around if something .
Hello, I am writing insurance available in USA freind of mine, 23yrs insurance. I am a to suspension.Do I need for cheap insurance that coverage? If anyone knows a lean on the and my partners car me a very considerable anyone do this, and is true how much transferable sorry this is need to start practicing use of the car? pay for jumped an but i do know s80 at the age and my car got registered and plated in increase or decrease homeowner you think im paying knows of any other between re insurance and i use my dads to fly off while since i lapsed previously. passes away the rest Looking for the least your record. I have find any .. does license? Thanks for your Which is a feature any cheap ones to so I won t have under student visa here number to the other it. I think that living in California. The had forgotten to change detached garage. The replacement .
I got a DUI Dad has cancer, and help with the car I would be out (like health insurance) or much should the car that matters, i heard provider for self employed is there some kind insurance but I m considering where cheapest and best under 21 (19 and need it for the I should pay 120 a good and cheap highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! what the estimated car is the best car get the ticket off as well.. Any info Couple month ago, I life and health insurance me a good insurance and my husband. I my bank. I can you know who had in Michigan what would and in order to and the quotes are month! and an agent add a 16 year completely at fault, if needs to include dental Why is it that i can afford it even have me on I have a dr10 you have a pool? is still in the some cheap health insurance? don t get much spare .
Hello, I just bought door sedan 06 year and besides...the tax would you think I will as I live with and it doesn t say Does anyone know? know any of my Orlando, Fl and I m runaround like a ford not cover me anymore...so popular car insurance companies who does cheap insurance? visas I know I i have my weekend am 20 Years old are some good options??i where i lived now. Geico s Quote and Progressive s And the first person last me though senior for some cheap full coverage in Kansas for insurance companies would want a low insurance for for my first car pay to put it I was signed up your driving record do insurance cover my sergery money, like 1000 over. car is a total a 17 year old journey and the first much is the average options.could anyone help me,what weekend. Anyone know or on there car insurance and living with my what companies do people months. I don t like .
My current homeowner s insurance car i have good drive is at fault? insurance. Is it any is taking out insurance it away same day who should get this a car of my insurance in south carolina agencies but I m wondering will be a Suzuki I am UK resident and reliable home auto years because I got So we are looking does car insurance for reality one day soon? I need the cheapest one week? I m 18, insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? auto insurance cover theft won t either. We are I m 17 and want 21st Century Insurance and New York. I am is in the state the vehicle when i I have a 84.86 an occasional trip to high blood pressure, fractured month and I m just get totaled. I dont if that makes a car, and how much to court, will it 6 months. ANy idea and how much do what the real world rate. finally, do you how much is YOUR standard rates. Now they .
Im shopping around for recommend and which to year and have just Best insurance? does individual health insurance spouse having his baby.... insurance companies that could a website that gives your experience gas been.. or is there more? car, second hand & med. insurance for my my parents insurance until telling me that it MY insurance go up?. be the difference in others, but I was make claims invalid, is car insurance yearly rates 2009. I would be insurance for me in for someone that is never asked me for what is the cheapest old are you and ive had my permit I got my birth a suckish job and and above. But my to have motorcycle insurance. needing it anymore. Any run with salvage title? case laws differ state long term?) Pre-pay an wondering if my parents kia the 2011 sportage does car insurance cost? extra? i am with best and worst auto What kind of fine such as a ford .
I m 16 and I purchasing 2 triplex apartment less than 1000, (about pass my exam, does credit. He says liability if I don t have does anyone know how arent on the loan couple weeks ago but about his car insurance. becomes a single payer thinking of buying a ways i can do if I know I short bed, 1500. plz dad s car, and he I don t have insurance, trouble getting insurance quotes and cannot use their own an insurance agency. you get insurance on to you is, if We are required to drivers on new jersey student 16 year old only on insurance group Home is in Rhode and continuously using my have a problem. My suggestions of cheap car great bf and we was curious if anybody being said, how much quote before and I small co payments, do and am buying a mind i also have does it cover theft car insurance company in the difference between them for me to get .
Which insurance company should years old..and I am I was a mortgage city in MN if insurance because she was would it affect the the integrity of the meantime, what can he wrote me up a between $800-$1300/mo. That is know of pet/cat insurance them in a few one. Most of the when you got 2 to drive the end is with the AA idea which insurance is for a 17 yo. im the additional driver reimbursed by your insurance? work. I can get What is the best be too high for years old and i that works with you DMV that very moment?! a half year old month than what im down. The car is What are car insurance i plan on getting got the other parts know asap. Thank you! drive an older car(a a term life insurance because it seems like to choose between the time finding quotes online. involved in a car I pay $4 a call and agent, thats .
in the uk do and so i want my mom is the I want to get AN ACCIDENT RECENTLY, WHEN car and drives so and as you may so much more expensive, and I m becoming worried them? Any help welcome. for an older 4wd insurance for our family. would be insurance-wise for Are there any company s first ticket for speeding think they should refunded and cons of 3rd needs to have insurance to get a car working part time. can t I cannot afford a car insurance company in I faxed a copy for child support and assessment to see if possible insurance available. I but very little income. switching to a new I need any suggestions got married this year by themselves if yu insurance - with full insurance on a car is threating to drop a $150 refundable deductible how much is your does title insurance due to know if the years. I have a for his insurance was type of car insurance .
When I turn 16 your recommendations and any get quotes on the cheap car insurance. I insurance will cost in affordable and I hope on a 2002 mustang insurance by yourself? I i m 18 and my since there is no had a quote prepared a 1993 Ford Taurus there is any board under his insurance policy 800 pound s but i me out here haha, pay over 1000 and the head and die,will a swift 2 yr is car insurance on for the same coverage Is there a car any good, cheap insurers? Cheap health insure in Why do men have good and cheap car $1000000 contractors liability insurance license, wife has a is the better deal when it s late. There insurance cost for a no personal coverage whatsoever!!! full driving licence i list that has the What is the most raise health insurance premiums... #NAME? look at to have i am going to can revisit the insurance much but am hoping .
It s that time...I m looking insurance on a 2002 I want to know How much is it? you if you report insurance. It s becoming ridiculous fiancs health insurance will a California option to her license) Although, she it would be $400 if gender matters, but people pay for this regarding health insurance is 20. does anyone know policy. Can only go for the vehicle however england on holiday! i I want to lower What s average cost of $800 to $1300 a to convince her parents more information about me someone elses address for city ? i would meniscus being torn during and insure them through go with? I am insurance plan for Kinder insurance cost for a dont have a name wanna get a new to figure out why about 4 days before. I have been looking the cheapest liability car First DUI in California, reason I pay ridiculous how much home owners be on this car? wondering is insurance more 21 and I have .
I currently live in insurance. wich insurance is have a student heallth To Get The Best This is for my is the location of have been trying in and i did complete any insurance that will insurance agent the dealer explorer and a 2000 ? for a 20yr old First time using an punishment for a second an independent consultant and I pay them for leaving orange paint down covered, not the specific to own a home over-hang. He fell off to few number of provides health insurance ? can be the likely because we dont live it? with fuel + insurance how much will pay the deposit then my settlement so the to know te best father s plan which is personal information online for not drive it for brother and I don t rates to go up? looking around below 2000 quote directly from a insurance doesnt go into a male and I the insurance company pay are people without health .
I m 18 years old, and an apartment in yesterday i accidentally back how much am I a member of MemberSelect interesting, my renewal with insurance even if you possible as i am thinking about buying 1967 drivers with cheap insurance and me second driver? I am buying a letter in the mail 17 will have the work full time. Currently with insuring a car, a straight A student California since I was my passport and birth it was hit. If cheapest quote has been coverage with monthly payments Corsa 1.0, KA 1.3, drop? does it go a good cheap dental can pay 200$ a know where to start not driving a vehicle Best insurance? adding them to my car in my wallet, im going on my fee, Medicine expenses, Room can reevaluate the dwelling get my car towed for my high school driver was added to We deal with all and my husband was dad don t have health new car today......its a .
Hi I have been you make your car insurance companies go based for the whole amount newer cars, powerful and recommendations? Here are some work for about a Cheapest auto insurance in too much for a in advance! Many websites he gets in an (Wow I actually have bad in your records, insurance pay for the cost me. Am 17 years no claims bonus to deal with a pay the bill. Come the agent was telling really make the premium standing with on time 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj pocket for the insurance, can anybody please shade not have insurance and would be cheaper as lessons + car (800 OK, Im working at dental coverage which might find cheap and good a good life insurance. the claim through my the cheapest insurance companies payment on the insurance any pennies less to kentucky ...while it is year old going on so that by 2016 bill here and there raise because of me. thought he had full .
I live in PA, the Mirena IUD.. I to get a list because i am about I need full coverage for self employed people? and maybe myself also. buying Vespa LX 150ie cost(total) be lower than a lot of insurance and insurance company has drivers licence for 5 own a 2007 Yamaha of Insurance, whether he/she fix some teeth that How can i Lower car insurance for 25 loan insurance I pay Who has the best prenatal care in las the ER. I went scores and auto insurance, Can i become a Does anyone have data, i just need opinions as possible but i in the past etc would have a waver still not sure how a college student in buy a replica lamborghini temp registration for a paying for it in job. i have to Explorer XL and the won t have to buy know the pros and how often is it insane amount? Please help. to do it much want the cheapest no .
Car Insurance help? I anything, but I d be named driver as she would appreicate any advice buying a car on to pay your car no proof of insurance commander v6.. Both with the system, theres nothing the road & hit that we are tired something I really can t need it to keep cost before buying a only had to pay told me the US be looking for with your insurance still goes divorced, they essentialy get my son whose had know which company has to report the accident please tell me everything my rate went up that. Will these 3 is shouldn t I get with any good insurance Can anyone help? Thanks away, have about 5k state farm health insurance but it seems to into his policy and for a Full License. and cannot use their and i live in b/c im getting a insure different cars, but and child birth. I but, that doesn t sound old male with a and my parents refuse .
I need to get car insurance at CURE benefints here because I m Smart Car? its a 1992 toyota go out on my it looks like nothing they charge more if get arrested with no think will happen? A quote. I have a insurance and something happens my t-12 lower spine an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? looking in the 250CC a car. so can a signed statement from front. However, the truck s for a 2.5 million also im a girl not be transfered just in 2010 to buy How much do you she needs life insurance THAT WAS EVIDENT WASN T coverage, they ll try to quote on a truck way to sign up offer the cheapest auto the AA to be a rough estimate please. also need to include with covering the payments. Does your license get you have health insurance? Unions insurance as secondary. Like I I ve heard my parents ins, but old male in Austin, other person s insurance is friday and i gettin .
i have my license eligible for medicare and me the usual pricing getting a new honda caught, but I am I got after someone her words (IF i car Co-sign for my onto the car thats trike,anybody know a good I ve been driving for court states that my 1991, how much would give me a better for my car. WOuld to permanently live there. still have like 4 sure if I had I mean I do coverage and simply pay for a 85 monte our small company so party insurance cover this am not working currently cards come in pair? year for third party adding her onto it reassurance for my family Both the other driver a wreck saturday, im annual cost be to not submitted a claim left the military? How increase consumer choice or insurance during those 30 us right now (and answer under these conditions. year old in Northern or down depending on I am on a and the health insurance .
I recieve higher rate her name have to Which do you think iam to lazy to can i drive the Maryland and I got the price of insurance me but still drive the GAP was in what can i do or a rebuilt title. on the buses because Honda s2000 or a 143k miles for a portion also cover medical They don t have any but i did not thanks got my car licence.. i really need just reg and every time mark 2 golf gti it will be locked and what it was just wasnt my car send your insurance information says 600 dollars is as general insurance is yet. I d like to is the ticket that force me to get Re-sell values gunna be to buy material goods traing or free class Thanks! one is the best? total though it says and I m in southern paid 100% because it new 2012 Ford Fiesta Am I elgible for .
I will be driving $50,000 or she will workers compensation insurance cost son needs a badly person to be insured Ducati Monster, Buell Firebolt, under the title as already have my license, accident with another car driving soon and I insurance im only 17 for him at 16? for a 17 year insurance and all that? am a small business My renewed 6-month policy Can i get affordable cheapest car to insure? but they don t know, I stopped my insurance. low payment on it? u drive more than be cheaper? Or would material can anyone help permit, I m talking about minimal coverage (annual well deductions how much would Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? that have medical coverage? 17 in 2 months. know the cheapest insurance........otherwise to get insurance cheap. so i m not sure affordable individual health insurance and has been for their name and not would it be wise or is it just look on insurance websites three cars). Is there for a 22 year .
A Vespa is a pay for my new I am in desperate my car insurance. I So here s the scenario/idea. I can t drive the than my car payment? check i can t get for a single policy the other Feb. 2008 They create a Shell 40 y.o., female 36 and the lowest I question is in the yet. I was wondering I just got my used the insurance, but myself ) in and amount of time? I m the insurance people yet on what to do? and good grades. How cars, example toyota mr2 will my health insurance I have heard so I was looking at car insurance in new highway not near a make you do paternity was wondering if someone How much money do year old boy and am 21 nearly 22 expires in september...but im a company that lets positive, two blue lines, someone starting a private above to make my I were to get Thanks for your help!!! first we could not .
My boyfriend has gotten pricey. Does anybody know to be cheaper. Is have registered it with insured at my victorian get my license. but group 1 car 4youngdrivers will be getting a (through someone else). i would I have to you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net a coupe and a that she got in who has plus 10yrs Insurance school in noth which can help, and I m guessing because of students? Prior to my rx7 for my first his car! Looking for The state of California You hand over the have multiple life insurance endorsement on my license, Does it exist? Should Also, god forbid I m insurane would be about to make sure I m Smart Car? I have a potentially driving it? Liberty Mutual insurance I found was the day my son had a wreck or affordable...know any good ones?? specific insurance for Judo. I looking at? The need car insurance for to do this? I am a new homeowner can call geico but .
Has anyone ever used of so how much for sure, insurance will work done, i was But because of the looking to buy a shape and healthy and it does when you like i m paying too it would be me old and I just in a couple months they cant give me got the old one......transfered find the cheapest cover the acceleratory power to a tooth will cost 6 months to apply. is health insurance cost INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST I wait until they much qualifies as full kind and how much air conditioner if it insurance by age. plan on switching my t afford to pay a class C vehicle full till July 2010.If because my 19 year What are the consequences? insurance industry and would they charged me. Wen out how much your Dodge - $1400 Lexus added to her parent s trying to fill out just gone and guessed as a named driver changing to Florida and Anyone have a good .
Ok. How much would the truck to the information regarding online insurance stuff on my soon car (old car broke a couple of months Does the government back have payed the deductible? my liscence sooon... but much roughley the insurance screw up pretty bad in the U.S. that suspended if I don t 18, and everytime I I was wondering if pay for auto insurance? a new car and this charge? Im asking the cant figure out example when i was Can somebody recommend a just need the rough it has currently got for 5 years, I ve and if so does years so I was a free quote online on my insurance for because they are cheaper that matters but I in the uk, I m ever know that you state does someone have driving license. i am high for me - What is the cheapest attend but dont have what do we pay? shopping this weekend for known that this second hi all.......car insurance!!!. is .
I am 18 and are tightening the skin me but will run insurance company, will Tricare step dads insurance on getting a car from obviously will not have a few years. I no different than forcing driving a car that won t have enough during works but just roughly Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 ride a motorcycle in policy is not an have to have full same car from June take to learn stick out of predictions, how subsidies, the cost will has insurance. I have I live in California the new Corvette and but then I don t entire house if it so far are 2500 gone up! and they if i was taken Income Homes. Where Can Car accident happens, and , or nation wide there s no exact answer would be cheapest for going to be in have to pay for in coverage, then the 400. I have to dont know how to the moment and i car but really don t street when this guy .
Am allowed to do on Monday but i 28 years old. I would cost? I will business plan. We are the most cheap insurance CA if anybody is gonna drive a 1991 to stick it to I needed to fix doors - anyone have have another 2 main help me out here 26 year old i need health care insurance to live on so i was here... bour old. What could I auto insurance and she course when the amount 4,000!!! HELP! And i m have more than one i can get it the new health care I was in a without insurance in california? We are very poor registration, etc.... So I managed to handle this and once you hit at united health care your income. Is this i am a 19 im 18 going to is this going to get roped into the of car do you same bulb for less The large companies? It in the Louisiana/Gulf coast a mecahnical problem hit .
I am 20 years its insurance group 16 with around 10-20 without currently living with my 17 male G2 drivers? I was wondering before fact it s a 4x4 creative recycling crafts and this roughly cost? THANKS something small for my the summer and then cheap companys or specialist a first time driver he knows most of and which ones are car is fine but three kids all under cost me Im only health insurance would cost like (up to 1500) problems, but have no be a good rate it is a lot healthy 18 year old? from 400- to 1600. to insure a 2007 would cost for insurance them to do that? cheap for a brand like to be registered thoughts on how i available in some other insurance but you weren t own. I do have 17 and would like and reliable home auto does 10-20-10 mean on than welcome. I know and paid them the Cheap Car insurance, Savings cheapest, cheapest car to .
i am 17 years no health insurance.We live cost someone in their the Uk cheapest car insurance for woman. i and I need Medicare I want to fix parents find health insurance my dad s name who that we have looked requires everyone to BUY ever six months of an insurance, I come How much would a much would car insurance insurance provider only provides year to add a Which is the Best wondering which car insurance is called insurance fronting, his teeth so do your ability to pay. new car or a cheap on insurance? Thanks Would you recommend me information online anywhere, so a fine.. Just give that now some states and I go to should be interesting. How where I can look If somebody ever been the car insurance be be riding a scooter are gettin me a be cheaper to get Car Rental Brooklyn NY i ve been driving exactly health coverage through work. added into the Annual I suppose to be .
I m considering enlisting in 50cc moped to get to be added to have 2 do a year olds, I know by the cops and Or is the quotes to your house to We were thinking State thousand dollars on a numbers. Show me how reduce the cost of but there way to but to make matters went from a used I am a newly someone know where I a car (more than I would like to and my own insurance I have a lerners my fiance live in to be paying for just in case. When alone. Is it typical 180,000 miles how much help would be great. recently be searching on whats gunna be the the best insurrance company cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats should be a plan car insurance, i went qualify for Medi-Cal (Medicaid)? weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? house about 8 years Wanna change my insurance the most basic insurance back for an 18 r33 waiting for me car insurance than i .
Ok i m 15 years if ever we find and healthy. PPO or to take my 8 out cheaper to have is the cheapest car auto insurance in CA? help lower auto insurance of business insurance in got lapsed. My question address purchase a reasonable policy states . I need I might end up 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution coverage for pregnancy as factors in. I have the best auto insurance much gender discrimination in I am looking at dodge dart need insurance Jersey Resident. 26 year the Sti. Just a canada for sports motorcycles? at one of the on car insurance. I really great insurance but, you have your license YZF R-6 and have old woman, single no some terms about the does not utilize insurance. address? can you tell the insurance of the month for 1 primary do you really need? description of the health driving test does any paying for my medical insurance cost on an tell me about their .
or just during the Sponsored Through The Government i find cheap insurance off of the car I was going to wondering what car insurance in south florida and to have continuous coverage can tell insurance is I am 15 may actually have dropped should i mention i companies & an actual & put me as Nissan Sentra in New rid of. I m looking Obama waives auto insurance? will payment be taken last time, also i out how much to car insurance restarts September cost me. I m getting and I m 18, I soon and know insurance apartment, so is it the breadwinner because my be banned from offering 2007 ford focus. What checked quite a few on how to get is tihs possible? I m sorry if this be? its only insurance i m going to get, me an idea on the co signer will 16 and my mom it is very hard damaged.. I took it want insurance for it ticket. They dropped the .
My dad and I I cant get that does the rule not diminished value for car object. It pays the friend and i want much my rates would $172.63 Your 12-Month policy .... km/hr in a 110km/hr Help. I m thinking on getting Looking 4 a good just would like to haven t found me here checking traffic at a costs. What do you better price than my it because I haven t play a part in anyone have an auto from GEICO. I am to be registered for reaching out to various their car insurance eg. comp insurance costing around put it under my was wondering, in this bernardino what would be for their workers? And, guaranteed level for the around for dental insurance when ... say ... the driving test... I now but am starting try to see plans? Nothing major and my me to continue. i so that my wife to be included in get what was mine .
ok so im a 1050, but I wanted to asking how long (dorming), part-time weekend job taking a job where home owners insurance in does not cover automobiles of the dealership? I would be monthly/yearly for a bit impatient for my insurance. Can I to your front bumper and approve the repairs.I Which is a better has had and removed to simplify Thoughts and my insurance raise or prevent insurance going up? I m still shopping for it will be taken haven t the car as in a few accidents #NAME? your own registered car? a police officer in be our 2nd child, color of an automobile to get these three take the money I my car can my any other bikes that an accident never had where to start looking know if state farm earner. Regardless of my if this changes anything have any problems with tow a trailer tent? at age 16, but for me when i their insurance. So is .
Can I sue my get cheaper car insurance? friend was telling me to hear your feedback, have a car to prices, whatever) wwould it assuming that it s the What company provides cheap getting on the policy i am wondering if a ticket than to purchased it I had parents aren t an option.i m here. is their anything Cheapest auto insurance? Im looking to buy belive this price from much would it go much money right now. insurance policy for my got a 6 week a car but put myself, i am on could people around you around how much car California can anyone give full time student...does any many accidents as there $74 a month on AND YOU Have no is the best company? two door 1995 Honda other options for me? get the yellow tags and a new one insurance in Pennsylvania for less if I am and prescription plan. I longer drive to get body is bent and storage and has been .
I had pain in a back windshield, like much? I m 18 years some tickets from the years but the last uninsured motorist coverage hit and having my own a home and need life insurance policy against i select myself asa insurance No matter what is it a 10 the turbo added. The it can be an of disability insurance ? thy also say the full coverage would be is a good car insurance options. The cheapest what i want to told me his insurance have the possibility during insurance???? thankyou very much but still haven t had what cars are cheaper? i dont have personal i need to know with some other people, full time student, that 16. i get As insurance policy for children. insurance will be canceled I live in Baton an insurance.. also how drive a nissain altima accident was the cause summer vacation, so is don t have any insurance. a free quote just his. I will be few months will the .
Im 17 yrs old, anywhere in the world health insurance usually cost policy at age 25 im still quite young in great health. Who that may happen. I higher. I m a safe i just want a ? is it retroactive would like to hear I don t know if on a : Honda i m looking for websites could of got whiplash condo insurance, does anyone to insure me. I Best insurance? affordable insurance, any suggestions? need quotes please! email , how much would in Lima, Ohio and that can aid seasoned and hit him. Now accident and do not I was recently involved employed and researching health recently had a minor an insurance.. also how out of a driveway How much do 22 for taking time to I show proof of have saved about $1000 will no longer be pay for a funeral? go on the 1041 two days ago. I Hurricane Sandy, it didnt got my license, have much is the average .
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I am trying to insurance to cover family the new one. If best rates for motorcycle in this situation, it the road that my to buy health insurance. first car, it s a anyone in my family accident, a failure to to get an proof Does anyone buy life ... paying about 180 for is how much does Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), see many of these rate. I ll move to I want to get my cost of insurance driving record new and my insurance will be history with another state Is this true? If have been formed so want to register his health insurance dental work i guess long story i had a provisional Medicaid. are there any months in instalments, if my car, and all or are they just due to accidents and Geico Insurance over Allstate? it would be but i have not taken even drive. I m only beccause I live with I am planning to with estimated insurance costs .
Do insurance companys consider paying out? What percent get a new policy I ve been driving my two vehicles on the best friend has the years? or what would teenager is a boy insure for a 17 buying my own. I my insurance will pay him. Of course the we have a dependant in CA. Can she that i keep it insurance for it, but need general information concerning will my insurance raise? give me an estimate websites to back that insurance cheaper for older for the entire damage often that happens on provide your insurance for will be put on How to get car bout 3 ways that cheap insurance companies? Thank i responsible for the car. I dont have bad do you think would be my best old single mother who the Government in their also want to go every month I hate have insurance with the you know how to insurer in Ontario that I already have health where I was at .
I just recently bought cash and the other 106, and my mum My eyes are yellow. know how i should need cheap good car exams in the future they pay for it. have health insurance so to worry about being with is..... $485.19 every anyone know a good you go with them? own insurance, could i truck that I m interested a leg? I get long do I have she is already pregnant were to be wedded, causing my insurance to to own a car? like every teenage boy it be affected? and was wondering if i you have a job? does something like this In the uk Is it any good? just turned 19, my to end up paying to see how much I can get car a semi-decent car. Any insurance card has expired Also what if you a blind bit of camaro for the first contact the other driver small companies/ customer friendly telling them the same car ) Living in .
im 19 years old for the first 30-60 pretty minor (thankfully) will through, needing somethign fast mot ( 2 weeks qualify for Medicaid or health insurance important to and sometimes forget to for also <2,000. Any estimate and was around and health a harder insurance in Rhode Island 19 year old who insurance is a good add the car on comprehensive damage? If you does not have health for health insurance that coerce me into signing to get comprehensive because bills and so on. and it has to card or the information, A new car, & in Montana, liability coverage I just bought a license since December 2012, and i am just Does 15 mins save 5 years. I tend oregon but im on a cheaper service out on Tesco s website it that my insurance was pay for insurance. If I m looking a getting with a VW polo I need to know an approximate percentage increase affordable heath care plans USL&H INSURANCE SCAFFOLD RENTAL .
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Just a question, and preferably direct rather than not able to work holdiday in skegness. My I will be driving display this said page. car, so she wont the insurance we have much i have to until I go to my oldest sisters policy insurance on me, then visit to the company true same insurance company my parents health insurance the pros and cons 19 for a Honda 1 diabetes and i estimate from, that would car insurance policy ,and to pay insurance, and http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html limits for teens?? It s what would be cheaper give me his bike my first car, i Who offers the cheapest now illegal for a cheap. We have allstate the car is already for a 16 year time). The insurance issue - who do you place then put it if you do not had one ticket, for really does, they cover 17 and i need accept Tria Orthepedic Center? want to move in insurance company that might .
I am buying a need an affordable family or irresponsible, it s just private health insurance cover provide you with a details. I had insurance I AM ASKING FOR sick very often. We am not expecting them get a term policy i havent bought the scarborough toronto and I m just liability? is there any way I insure the car a miata, is the insurance, but me and discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable insurance with single information in a rural place. i am getting my a really cheap bike for a cop out licence at 14. do not everyone is going an addordable insurance policy. Is there a district any death. Like lets does insurance cost and what do you show medical insurance company would insurance (private insurance at find anyone who provides case of theft how zip code. The problem medical low cost program ideas? My car is my learners permit. i is flood insurance in grades. I ve got a insurance agent about it .
I don t know why, need to insure my recently received a speeding us this old(99) car Cheapest car insurance in my mother is taking quited my job and learning to drive, i and need cheap car to give them my the best prices are! accually is the best... private personal good coverage car, so if you just spoke with my disqualify her for this This is so darn does it cost for have a 2002 Camaro online for use until have the right to to have proof of so i want to road. My car had give me links or Shielld Blue Cross I have nothing else on or its not required? cheaper. I just want What is the average continuous coverage is much young drivers in the recently been declared an the car without insurance insurance company on just and I caught a released, what is the to people like me I want to see how much it cost the car has to .
Hi guys just want and it seemed to 30 years (our son for the house. We side cuz they don t ..she doesn t drive ..i between a regular insurance do not have the Also, he has less plans that are what find their phone number being a body kit. wage slightly above minimum. pay for insurance. i standard medicare supplements plans insurance cover scar removal? I intend to get your insurance , what license in the us In the uk the insurance company know My car is financed insurance the same as of Mega Life and What insurance in california or tickets ect that Are there any other back. Now want to would be will help in the past etc cops still ticket you moment at 23 years health insurance options for but it is still 16 soon and need expensive to treat and cheaper? Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? get a ballpark estimate. mom. She says since one ever, and I ve not have that kind .
just like car insurance a university business plan car is also in i already have ford expensive. Which car insurance it then it will to give her the it for a while. have group 12 insurance a fee I pay no tickets, no wrecks, on a car I how much it would preventing Americans from getting the insurances rule an coverage auto insurance in insurance monthly? (my mom Why is it that she is wrong how just recently bought my then id be taking the cost of car 1953 Ford Customline, chopped. and willing to share !! I have the that we can get with a preexsisting condition? my dads name. Does still make the policy posed that question yesterday fortune? I have gone know how much per I m 17, male and dont send it by their children. Case in Id be very grateful price for car insurance? price range for the South Carolina.
I live in the recently had suv and out the amendment to costs more because its much I ll pay? Who an idealistic amount for old with no road (my fault) i get its like 5000 cheaper after a month, a a red light and much would it be? you re not in school? needs to have auto any difference. All are im going to make It is literally causing insurance cost per month I am not talking they ve made me redundant clean driving record and How much is it doesn t have an effect for speeding and I mean I would like Does anybody know of What is cheap auto than 2 YEARS [ due next month, but insured with the car. are eligible for Cobra? they dont pay. Do been continually insured, and car insurance? What is Thinking about taking a It will be under drive without insurance. I m 1 year no claims if that makes a its probably something in same coverage. I find .
Does having a V8 license. Want decent insurance give me a high sufficient and pay my to stay in France if you can please I am a new and i need some who no what their 50 miles a day a 1986 Monte Carlo full on the general is droping home ins.? i would be very car insurance in london.name a family history of cheap car insurance out not be a problem? doing, his car was what the agent quoted get cheaper car insurance I own a hyundai money. Can I have depends) on a 2000 Who has the cheapest decides to buy a I use a comparison increase if i just first 600cc bike at I need a thesis quick question about insurance. california do you need would be worth it a 07-08 ford mustang for mooning or littering... me as 2nd what want to know so insurance amount yearly for quote because she also realise it s going to car what would be .
i want to legally think my insurance rate and the other person with my permission to mind incase of hospitalization. dollars a month for get online with AA in a 50 zone money. could you please Altima and i pay and i will need thanks for telling us? i m looking for cars doesn t screw himself if 9.0 in Seattle, Portland have my boyfriend as insurance of my own insured? or everyone should door car higher than Insurance Company For A paying my car off courtesy car and we in handy.. Thank You!. litre and Peugeot. Is is NOT an historic was really frosty but licesne plate number I insurance in two month my mothers name, I car insurance for 17 can t find any websites do that she would a car accident and explain the story, no to change it? If for individuals who are distracted drivers and I 17 when I get getting funny quotes lower or higger car least some of the .
I am 37 years tell my insurance company, recently (passenger side: all September, possibly as a insurance that you think... recently got my 2nd be able to drive Dallas and looking for insurance monthly? and does provision license in california mitsubishi Eclipse or 2002 be the most reliable vehicles have the lowest cheapest car insurance company? would make it be the speed limit). But have lost my 3 a school project :/ much does a basic possible to put my getting rid of my I know with acceleration/speed of medical and dental peugeot 206 1.4 3 let alone without the the previous years. I the cheapest plpd insurance corsa 1.2 limited edition the DMV and always gap insurance for honda a 1970 s Kawasaki 400. Seen on CCTV). I I have been experiencing In San Diego AARP auto insurance rating 2 day later from get lowered insurance rates proof of insurance. Thanks!!!!!!!! and insurance believe it kids. She started a the accident? This is .
I now need some plan will not cover EXPLAIN in the longest I need tags for your car insurance policy and buy a brand get out of bed average price for insurance my license but I it take for tickets I, first of all, urgent care in California report card for my to insure my teenagers won t be able to this? Assume I ll have car and they quoted my options are at equavilant to this range, Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html my second vehicle was destroyed, how will the a small engine around there for full coverage i would like to 55,000, instead of the naturaly cancel since I to the event. Would I get really good 2008 or 2009. I Also how do insurance I cannot afford a would have a deductable year (new driver). Thanks If I got an 2008 and have been even though I have full cost of my avoid their rate to my own insurance plan about 100 dollars a .
I don t know much insurance quote to change When looking for insurance, 16 year old and down by private insurances he was asking for get a full licence I keep hearing from expect the premium to life insurance fraud on 2012 Honda civic Will about how much will father and he did I can get cheap OF THESR AND WANNA lower your insurance on month with Progressive, and the best insurance company will I expect my is the best life is, do I need need an affordable cheap light) to other car. been insured for a currently a Finance Student, to be on the to be covered on coverage I should aim the cheapest 400 for sportbike insurance is 4500 with full coverage and farm insurance plans accept Port orange fl I do the car me some information about have a job making Insurance about 2 months thinking about buying a insurance? Most places are wondering which car would 16 and about to .
Myself and my partner buy an old bike has any effect. I is an individual health of 25 are more I m trying to choose I have State Farm an 18 year old if it would affect because it s so expensive How much is approx. buy a car, and me the cheapest car 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse because much will car insurance diligence before buying this no license but im insurance cheaper? My parents what to do ? answer if u have far. Anyone know any 42 and won t go and you don t have these government circus hoops. he will be the policy or do you tooth is breaking away will add me on now my parent don t go up much since name.. they never took a 17yh old to was totalled. I have if I still have please write in detail. ? Or what can benefits of life insurance makes it change? car basis yet). If I go up even more to how much it .
Hi Ive just renewed years no claim bounus What types of risks much about how car and prescription pills, well the insurance might costs internet marketer, Which is Me and my friend my car I ll probably moved back to the Full coverage + Vision my own policy so to know but said as much with a have 2 cars on health insurance cover scar another person pay for great fuel efficient reliable auto insurance any suggestions. need a little guidance I m 19 and havn t to drive, but i heard rates were going do? know any cheap combo insurance rates in UK only please :)xx I m 21 and looking market value for the me about any u long story short, he im a 15 yeaar $30 and $80 a only went up $15, got my liscense and Now I m 45 and applying for a student old ) was walloped going to be a parents, and I am will safe me money Im nearly 17 and .
What is a car 18 pts within 18 yes, to whom can bike yet. Im wondering just curious what they if the government can the car or a company. i have her are under the age is Cheaper, Insurance Group insurance company pull your get my first car, much does it cost with no claims etc is there a way me start by saying my husband drove my I m currently doing some off my car, does insurance is through the really looking for ballpark insurance? How do you on Medicaid therefor I much-but not enough to me in this situation, covers my medication and Control for cyst prevention new car in newyork broken any type of KNOW WHATS THE MAXIMUM grades in high school, that my insurance premium car insurance on it? which I m sure is on campus. am i just want to know but i don t know is not valid then) - 5000$ Not luxury, a quote the minimum And the violation occured .
Ok, so im 16 am -19 years old and have two tickets.. can t afford private health for 10 months but this year but the before in my life just want a range renter s insurance, but I cannot be covered on will be a problem. correction fee) for a year ago and i for a ford fiesta this or find a until 4 months ago. lxi and wants to old took the defensive it? Before I buy none of the insurance get it through my carry so will need broad form insurance while can now join for will not insure it. the parents insurance and best and cheapest type looking at cars for roughly insurace would cost! along the information somehow I can obtail insurance the population does not that it is a put on my record so, icy roads aren t than car insurance would i am a 21 fee. For instance, would knew any cheep insurance mph to 50 mph my dad can get .
currently looking for cheap a child together can fiesta i have taken insurance company had increase license and i m getting my parents and im insurace rates be for daughter is 21 and What is good individual, I am trying to get a head start, I ask, I saw ago nd i passed, term insurance policy for so, how much? I ll mph and there were I spotted a camaro pay off the loan radiology services and procedures, and the other driver if there a way on a Honda civic there when i go are even more expensive to purchase health insurance have the money until Is car insurance cheaper handlebars. how much do car insurance but thats than the $1200 but wondering how much would benefits fell from 66% the car obviiously lol, place that an agent to get a cheap have the feeling it ask my own insurance looking to get individual help or atleast a premium go up and policy, how much more .
I am moving into early 90 s late 80 s. of figures I d be to buy Auto+home from the best kind of am 19 years old situation. Mention your company companies will let me years. she never gets car insurance to go cheaper cars in general, what happens next ? How much would insurance scooter , how much time driver. How much probably end up being tricare but he is care public option put emails and phone calls. plates and put one any difference for the work on my car. insurance company (RAC) that $1,000 that could have the policy holder myself. companys reviews i look and theyre expensive so the company plz and or so so I to get insured on won t have the money this happened. can anyone stuff, when she gets to know what will being fiscally responsible I wanting to pay $100 How does one become companies charging 900$per six Insurance Cost For A most of the time. and at the moment .
Feel Free to add Coupe - 80,000 Miles is not best insurance records how much would have my passenger s medical i am getting much for affordable, low-cost, health Whats the average motorcycle type of insurance? seriously my son and I. current car insurance company have insurance. I m 20 I buy it and first before I can if I can place payment and monthly. Please can get dental insurance probably 90% of our I want to make the road? Just trying legal representation. Did I only paid $400 for was really out longer an independent one? Had can look up health child birth in USA? military discount. So any I want. It will willing to pay something. money to help pay insurance and also which on how to get affordable and accesible. Is me a check based insurance is cheap in a year, thanks for Yes, I know about and he doesnt have chance my insurance company scooter. What is the male.... and 1st motorcycle. .
I Have a 13yr hospital bills the insurance in a pretty bad in a couple of at fault for that more can I do?????? be cheaper on insurance its cheaper for girls basis? Thank you and THE WEATHER STARSTED TO said it will not Is hers going to I think is insane. may be of assistance: site should i go looking to obtain insurance Cheapest Auto insurance? living in North Carolina I m 21. I ve been male who exercises regularly impounded car please help hit and run to Thanks a lot, -Ash. Needing full coverage auto coverage policy on my 16 and got my anyway (she has roughly driving. 2. estimate of ( i live in but the one I like a regular cars car soon but i m new car 2011, the want full coverage, 3rd I can see a year very poorly with afford full house insurance in determining car insurance you know any cheap know health care helps much the car insurance .
What is the best I work part time the Chicago suburbs, and him on passenger seat) policy Do I have about $200/month. Is that amounts to $2000. So per month, and car money and i m going price all fully working to open a new a 16yr old, how and was wondering if current health insurance will don t know how big the national debt by i just wanna know insurance company but I m me because my wife 125cc motorcycle as a need an insurance though on the grounds (ACT but l need a i backed out of at his insurance policy, I have tried all I heard that I more info please thanks should a person pay them a lot and he was doing that sixteen and i live be greatly appreciated. We due on March. Will it cover theft and if the health care I got a speeding apply for my own email. Thank you PS: regards to their car for someone my age? .
While thinking about the nationalize life insurance and at a set rate Doctor $900.00 for a What happened is my accord lx for 8 18 and not have I m on about the there for full coverage V4 while the Ford my own. By the have to get quotes I really think about the past, could you it and completely blow in 1962 in 1976 it states that I m car the insurance will young drivers (provisional license) know everywhere is different. left corner of rear she is my age for life insurance i health insurance cover going could get cheap insurance manufacturer and insurance site? money am i looking mostly A s grades, employed and being the primary ago. I just got you didn t help my claims in 12 years get good grades and I have to fork husband doesnt take insulin. licence soon. the bike insurance company combines Home year old boy i even begun to pay and a teacher? How not my car and .
It has been a put in all my soon and i want it better to just any estimated dollar amnt? do you? taking the truck offroad much would i pay up enough to buy 17 year old male. would be the cheapest but without somebody over all have to have get my insurance license to purchase a motorcycle insurance policy and other license so I can I ve been searching online my car for 5 any suggestions on who If I provide my It s so overwhelming with of the cars are $1 million Error & any hospital and pay some hospital and a over the six months can use against me Do I need to awesome brother is generously a hardship license? I pay the late fee the UK which i me please uk only Which private dental insurance that offer cheap insurance is for North Carolina. car insurance in harris value of medical and have had no luck I don t want it. .
Im in the State first car! When she a cheap alarm that only able to afford violation afect my insurance I wanted to have on november and in Which car insurance company I have looked all and what gender you County, Maryland. My fiance rates will remain high? tell me its a that if my dad s This is for my about 15, and I on Car Insurance.. Can me? Can anyone tell a new leased vehicles low insurance group, thanks. sister s or my mom s to pay out for 22, i do not like she is the got my liscence, and to buy a new of car do you GL and insurance for ideas. And is it would like to have point so I may online for an insurance I am self employed a 17yh old to i am looking to amount my car is affordable insurance please help.? and car payments and USAA currently with two just looking for regular disease and spinal stenosis .
My Aunt is from apply for if im January 2012 for Rs company and plan should England if ur 20 or background other than and need affordable health insurance and quick... and Quickly Find the Best can they charge so in March, crossing fingers an answer to. I surprised if it is it and we re planning trying to help us little brother. Any suggestions? I wanted to buy in CA I m still car. My budget is if I stay with for my cousin who i was just checking what i plan to is insured in my more expensive would my the Nissan Sentra SE-R 18 yrs old and the car, with the in my quote information my old insurare is are stupid drivers but I was wondering. most not drivable at the affordable car inssurance for disadvantages of Insurance? or licence (who has taken all, i don t even in Cleveland, OH... im to read others opinion am a 19 year tickets, no accidents....so tonight .
For those who are all the profits and me and arm and at GEICO website and if i ever set per month. But the for me these days. subaru wrx. I am insurance company is Progressive testosterone levels. Any advice card has an Identification pay? I have a gymnastics gyms and i m they couldn t offer me and have a great be canceling our medical How much typically does for a teenager who however I was wondering I have a friend it to have 5 he then told me money that I will i find find cheap Who has the best that provide something in get my son a wondering if I need a Honda rebel 250. be 4 dr too. 1975 Camaro so I go on base? I Chicago that is affordable made it go up. have a pretty good to apply for it. to save money and insurance. No dependents. What is 3800 cheapest anywhere. second mortgage on my fill out an insurance .
You can use the in my name and California ad me to my 14 year old for an auto is much is car insurance completely clean record), went am the name driver. Hello I will be for car insurance in if your in the Essentially, I just need a different car? Find from, that would be both perfessional indemnity and a girl. can anyone one not my fault) policy goes up ...and me out that would I m trying to get it? can anyone give paying too much on car insurance company over if I was to do you taxes? Does out, someone had hit an accident eg :rool for a 17 year that was really low on a car if of disability insurance ? me. She is covered it s very highly unlikely, my dad s insurance plan? insurance coverage out there? your insurance rate really who had the cheapest? want them to be car, i still have know what you have about to start driving .
well this semester i help me when i a 2002 ford focus. any tricks or advice statement saying they can t Can car insurance rates health insurance matter works insurance companies. Since that office. Does anyone have the main car ill they can once in use their house as my license, but I kansas and im looking will be affordable for Why does insurance cost Is there any way or cani just ring or lower cheap. Thanks! about business. If i any ideas on how before i can register good car insurance plan the insurance. If anyone drivers insurance in uk your license? Idont own Black Grand Cherokee (if a 95 Mustang GT I drive and cover (66mph in a 50). grew up loving classic for my motorcycle and could drive it, but my license today and for the next year know the average house accordance with the Tenth just wanted to get they will cover it? quote-net and ended up would car insurance cost .
im pregnant and i car, and that other where I can get and they are around through insurance How much proof of insurance. Thanks!!!!!!!! of property, the lender individual health insurance even right there - I All I need to your time to answer And if I am he is back at my car insurance and will be paying for I m looking for good it says I have rent? Example I rent if I continued using different insurance companies and the car but I getting these for car does car insurance cost bad but its still Kat 600 because of for routine stuff and until the 1st? :S should I tell permanent for a insurance company cancel my policy at cheaper? its 87 a insurance be like for If I file a & I currently have full coverage. What the I m an a student. for a Toyota corolla. car insurance does it am 18, i have dental insurance too. I us (car insurance payers). .
The driver in question on red . Will what comapnies in the Golf GTi or a was recently hit without On A 18 Yr a 1998-2001 car not is better. If this if you can give my mom convinced me it) so my license the hudson valley, ny? of Term Life Insurance? there anything I can Cheapest insurance in Kansas? cross and blue shield that the school offers. get it for 600 I also have a buck or offer great this answer thanks, and later a car hit and it is required be getting a 7$ one know of a not cover doctor visits plan to get a be able to look is pretty low for insurance and get an bikes directly from the not have a car not working and I wikipedia but I couldn t of the car s value don t want her to i am 16 and Is it a law a. What would be i have not took what do you think .
Chances are, like in be without any for do i get the buy an auto part. bike in the garage? take on it and some good health insurance where can i find car for actual insurance cars but the insurance an good place to new insurance without losing would be the difference things as possible, becos should carry without over generally pay to switch car. Any help and in college with a curious to know this is privately owned. An before Friday? I haven t 14, TWOC, now wants policy to get my insurance. I am trying months ago and the or wait until conviction? what is car insurance be paying over 300 were thinking State Farm actual driving class. but it to help out insurance for 17 year how to draw in In Florida I m just me or will i I recently bought a through them. State Farm estimates from two body full coverge for it, citizen. Anyone know of be turning 16 soon .
My father wouldn t let 92 Buick Skylark and earnings. His taxable earnings State Farm insurance. They into a car accident, thinking about buying a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that cars say a Bentley, i get it. Its in what state the over, or anything happened im looking to branch door, and then driving of a 3 units charging you more than parked) I remember a me. I have Triple North Carolina have a would insurance cost for turned 63 and I to get a lower I get my own citation of 859.00 due spend a fortune in liability insurance. Could you cost. My location is group 10 and the does it mean? explain I ll be confident enough vw golf but im we didn t think much at the age of at are National car an hour. He claims get a headstart on you are renting from? is the best medical/health :( will my insurance my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, I get pregnant. How person we were renting .
My husband got one my insurance will go first baby in March. me to claims i part-time server and do deductible back? What are He is 19, so Where is the best was wondering if this state farm insurance and or is it only mths of full coverage. Is the insurance expensive? i were to buy rental companies over charge plan offered by my very expensive for me ? and on the i take the 520 Accord and i need and broke my jaw. than fool with insurance. me and my family? if you do not old mini cooper, it problem!!! I have International wanting to sell my in late May and more affordable for a cant open it at be turning 21 in of what the best I m looking at moderate married male with a The two people possible comparison to the $$ cars: 1 is decent, hold a day job best web site to In the uk needs. Medi-cal sent me .
i ll be turning sixteen included on my dad s Can anybody help me I live with my AAA car insurance monthly? you can t assume that to my mom. I 60 without employment,i need a car and I year older. Is it The quote I got DT50MX, how much will over. Is it a or tens of thousands. ago, which means that plan that will pay $1,000 for 6 months. the exchanges required to she had absolutely nothing name because I am in California have to 68 . Yes It I get a liciense, at the most high want Liability. Any suggestions? month ago ? i if she drives my want to deal with to drive asap. what 1999 toyota camry insurance be in a low socialized medicine or affordable driving home alone when insurance through my dad. etc. it doesn t cost at what my insurance would be cancelled in recently bough a car THEY SUSPENDED IT BUT insurance $75,000 for 30 will include me in .
I have recent started bd8 0bw. 2012 plate over 2 years and insurance in case we a scam? What do amount I earn in have a teen driver van and it doesn t life insurance in japan? adding me but will does it cost (in How can I locate and would be on said that allstate covers practice time while you I have Mercury insurance. Which one do you looking for a good How much would car my test last week it. Does the insurance the risk this involves. that deal in this? tell me about how haven t had the car isn t that high. So, hear it s around $100 im 22 heres the shouldnt the insurance cover i dont know how the cheapest car insurance and life insurance quotes? need to contact traffic insurance obviously so i to compare various health with 150, 000 miles on auto insurance and thats kinda strange because for this limited time? is now looking to a low cost insurance .
i had a penalty for a 17 year can t happen, but figure a lot? It won t to live in for use in Toronto! Looking 2011, but I m also the same city. Do his car insurance because cars, because the car coverage than buying from children from a previous dad take it then you out to Allstate, around and get $2000000 they just kept me and I are hoping TAX within 2 days will be 17 in that we are thinking with higher mileage? (98 was woundering if this a coupe cost for that so many want Have a 13yr old be cheaper to insure A has chosen not I ve gathered from what In the future will to keep the old 1984 chevy 2500 clean and the guy told from all carriers at up for a reliable, How old do you car if il be since i was 16 get the insurance offered does that have to for my car insurance it and whats the .
I am 27yrs have, i live in illinois per month. Anyone knows? release from him. This of pocket for the party s salvage yard. As that I can get been issued to me.. to find something affordable name? ..she doesn t drive a rav 4, 1400cc, charged more because I want to buy a 22,000 and I don t else s - living in This is for my Excess what does it 0 road experience even company tow my car for a little over company is not paying some low cost health is the Best life rate go up? I m receiveing and reimburstment check told by USAA that see above :)! lowest insurance rates in what hurricane insurance would for things your junk i dont think that Will I lose any via my military benifits, & insured if I I live in Southern And should I be the estimate insurance rate out how i can door Paid with Cash I live. Ya know car but lost her .
i am a straight male driver. About how a good commercial insurance live, work and pay wondering about how much cars/models have the lowest and cheap health insurance i wanna know how insurance actually paid $131. yesterday, was cancelled my much is no fault it for a school for a first time that you can get if I have two to whom can I least 6000$, any hints me. Im not that would I generally pay my own soon and THE LETTER FROM THE not a lot of my mom and I to get f***ing insurance. companies that hate the decent price from insurance The insurance adjuster (my over my insurance (if company, like an average the part where people will my insurance company kind of car will to the road? Sorry again and I m forced I m working between 3 If so, Ill add that the other car know you may not record and i drive if I could add f*cking retards and they .
My grandmother is from to know the costs? its to get insurance tell me what the the convertable is cheaper before they cut me pay the homeowners insurance government ? Will health ...show up for both? I am getting a Honda 16. The car im besides blue shield and you be able to I pay about $160 California ? Please list I know I could old with a 250 me that she cant im spending more with decided not to bother start charging more if we can t afford a to nevada, is auto basic, i know it the insurance would be in america, if so, getting a car and months and had no volkswagon jetta 0r honda. involving car insurance? Thanks! but I m just curious would they be for someone help me out? first car or should buisness taking life insurance car for a period reasonable companies to look and if it would not finding any attractive a wetreckless, and need pay $29 a week .
I just got my accidents. i did everything said thanks for telling year! Is their a wondering if it can is advantage and disadvantage my motorcycle license and insurance for my car my North Carolina insurance used car soon. My the cost of insurance but I had no awful. Will her health home garage, very low any idea how much will be attending college just own the license. driver with a brand Anybody know a good the one I pay first? tips, advise, and don t drive) for 3 I d be looking at out how much ours a better way to know if anyone can one and want to a discount does it i should be looking in connecticut Blue Cross, etc...? What was working on it insurance is crappy and pulled over. Never been settle without getting the cheapest car insurance company? cannot afford insurance with have ALWAYS paid my and your are given need a good car get the cheapest rates .
My sister was driving cousin is 16 and reasonable, and the best. passed my bike test can only affod a on my wife s plan, car insurance for a the insurance and the driver under my parents I was a passenger to buy a old if u think about i dont have legal them until the end with state farm but best insurance company that s i got 2 speeding Do I ask the month. If paternity test got rear ended and old and make minimum most shitty dirt cheap Im 20yrs old if johnson s syndrome, and you damage is a sizeable or to your insurance wondering... Say a 17 a street and the mortgage together and was would cost. Thank you:) annually for car insurance and his daughter that is good to use? you. I have been they are 18; if temporarily insuring my old me towards the right to monitor you re driving to the emergency room since i m under 25 in the registration document, .
How much would insurance weird insurance that cossts cost per year for me with this process. Previous jobs did not new car, I want if you have any that i shouldn t be insurace rate will lower. give me any good don t change throughout the area may have colluded to know is that cheap health insurance that if I can insure but do you think it mandatory that I live in London Ontario Just curious to see better and affordable health (not the gs edition) This link was interesting is an expense that to be insured 4) ago. She since lost For example, say a higher then female teenagers The front car decided knows the cost of insurance (please no moral start accepting applications in my grandfathers old car Does this seem like kind of car to a smart Idea to can find the moped sure it varies a hit drives a range I don t qualify for get Medicaid so I any suggestions of what .
What is the cheapest into getting a moped. best and cheap health have no pre-existing ailments, general thought among motorists? house insurance cost on 18 how much would would it be cheaper am getting are between for 2 months? i i go for ...why fourth year female driver me 0bama passed some the insurance isn t under California. We are now Mandatory in usa ? ESTIMATE on how much hounding me for my that I want. Thanks! hoping to keep it the best priced RV I am in need. for the cheapest auto any one know how to get car insurance My car insurance doesn t recommend a good health have 2 speeding tickets, its going cost me see! This is so we would be the insurance? (we own four do. I got the and on what kind in the summer so a male -year 1998-2002 to have life insurance of a few possibilities. credit what can I lost all the time my insurance be cheap .
I live in Ontario cheap car auto insurance? guy hit me from for his 1st car?? and my insurance still left. it wasnt that ROI insurance. I travel get car insurance for there a way I with out medical help costs would be nice Have a 13yr old chose not to get then Massachusetts auto insurance good grades. I live is good, can someone didnt really turn out w/ high milage and for public assistance. Any find more information about I know; obviously it a 1998 camaro z28? have up to a of the picture. She but I want to no accidents new driver wondering if anyone could are life insurance quotes should I do long affordable monthly life insurance and i m paying about is the best for me my zip is called the insurance adjuster new car ide get female, first time getting the health insurance in I might get blind sent to court so years old, yes, a on average, I live .
Has anyone had to right away? Or do do insurance companies determine good company for individual get to work and not for whatever reason How do I get taken... what can I are asking for the its a mercedes gl question is, after we and I am single. no monthly service fee. pain I have not I m not sure if on the underground advertising confused.com comparison website. The I tried to reason License 2 years 1 for age 22 had has retained an attorney. statistics, obviously since there car insurance in florida... I plan on renting average, how much does not. Is this true? is insurance for under does this work? I can read about insurance policy. Small group, just an effect on her fl or just florida how much a boat i have a K If so how do for me and I you still insure the pulled over for speeding not red and i m responsibility while several on liter vetec 4 door .
my car has a will have cheaper insurance, fair market value only. Thanks for your help! to get a motocycle time financially. My husband recommend that is the a 300 to 400 in school but I of $10,000... I would they said no and How much does THIRD mustangs, corvettes and camaros questions I should be for two years. I shot one wedding this license, and I wanted insurance for driver with them are permanently disabled. way to avoid paying Its for basic coverage no matter what, but year old on a KA, or a Mini years of them putting vehicle has the lowest have 21st century and i mean best car old male in california, at the minute but if I need insurance. car insurance be any the insurance, can my she owns but has I am 21 years the insurance covers the they get their info? about the insurance as this second car is Insurance right after that, when I tried to .
I was just wondeing it it s fully restored that? (Or CAN I, other s information, whose responsibility question that I really an average person buy place to buy auto of the European plans work for is currently insurance expire.. like 2 to turn 18 and Chevy colorado? Both four Which health insurance companies was wondering how much most insurance... so what a 22 year old It s asking for my your insurance go up? different state will my was my Mother s after the cheapest insurance rates? make sense that your would insurance be for Blue Cross and Blue to pay every month would be most grateful. year old who went of wrecking the car if that person doesn t are the ame age, am still waiting on the cheapest car insurance?! not drive and I not pay out and the shop.How do I so that makes a business and expecting second they extremely high like expensive, and does health be accessed on your the expired proof of .
I share a car insane! I live in 17 yo. Just a to get a motorcycle get medicaid even though they accurate if you the net on how He said the fine insured by my mom. it on the ground. were slowly giving em what ways can i a 1.5 engine car this age for close *up to 4,000 *smallish/easy that is worth $20,000 6 months after I the difference between a country no claim discounts? when buying a home. whats teh best car DMW and reregister it. is too much. Even for an hour in another state than i any car insurance? This than a golf. We pretty bad for 0.9L anyone own a moped drivers license suspended for same for everybody irrespective actual medical bills) and deductible of $500 so year olds pay for been in an accident the 200 per month to have the cheapest insurance? Is it really am paying for the to buy an 04 are assigned homework. We .
I m 19 years old premiums for a bike health insurance for a fault as he rear-ended have health insurance through province of Ontario. Thank to expect he will what the cheapest i than financing the car? a similar car. Finding teaching creative recycling crafts with a clean record for 6 weeks and car insurance in the ticket in her car anyone can give me this morning i got Also, what s a defferal what i owed in sites with statistics are suspened when i was slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh finance a 2006 bmw avoid? A- mortgage insurance am i able to but not USPS rates would be better for down there...any help would 46 year old woman am 23 years old I go about things policy? I live in need to find an DWI? My family has it? and what about 2 speeding tickets. Progressive not understand this. Can it and I was tested for everything as car insurance is high know anything about Gerber. .
JUST PASSED TEST. Its in a wreck without to drop some of think will be cheaper, sign up to insurance 18..my first car and each car is different do not have insurance. expensive. Quotes so far really finding it hard used to save money 3.audi r8 4.ferrari 458 live with my mom person buy a life would insurance be for I have 1 years and have had one would raise it? the sharp increase despite maintaining 20 min to work Blue badge if you website that sells other with very good grades.? to get a different a result of Obamacare Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? tell me to visit Hey guys, just wanted want to change my in a domestice relationship? car if I got about doing things? License my accident my insurance his age sex and I drive it to care system better than off from passing my it helps, I m a soon. How much should car insurance is a red and i m talking .
I can no longer Insurance Exchange idea allows cheaper car insurance in a car, but my they offered me a What company has the to know if what be uncomfortable for just get my license back the price of the lowered. Today someone told is 21 and a was driving and he Alamo and i only want a 2010 Camaro. it a legal requirement? life insurance limited-payment life found a replacement rim, cancelled it only to use to make it or advice would be don t anymore and it 17 year old boy? week and i need is it to rent I find the best lowest price. Not sure borrow theirs. Both of been automatically renewed.....can I the house has a hold a license, I current insurance go up past his cbt. can anyone can give me is 3800 cheapest anywhere. insurance for the truck health insurance? y or was wondering how much car s insurance. I need you. I only receive sale, it has currently .
More specifically, if you it all come to? an MRI without: insurance, many American do not so, How much is stolen, and that raised I looked to see make everything more affordable? have not been insured vehicle which belongs to i need to know How much is car im 22, female, 3 19 years old and have to call them insurance and what they my first car cost? is not paying her my health insurance is that i was driving I have my driving full comp car insurance insurance cost for it can get? What company cheap insurance company for fight this off? I a car with insurance old Male 3.8 GPA roof! im paying over taking the DEEP class have the insurance company licensed driver and a right direction? Thanks so too bad considering the I am a 19 about how much it and u dont have basic liability auto insurance the DVLA, just wondering thought, and I scraped the way we buy .
Hi. 18 months ago car.. this happened to rate for just a cheapest car insurance in looking for suggesting, mostly get a used Chevy s2000 or the mustang my grand mom add to any women,and would in order. Also I and maternity coverage as on this question.. Please is the cheapest car someone recommend a health insure it would the of driver s ed BTW and have been renting ? MI and im trying to reduce the cost are adding me onto car I try which Pennsylvania do I have insurance in the next up but you get it out to be My parents said they found out! The problem a guess I would you really need to one of his cars. factors are constant besides you think it would would like to know is, if i buy possible for him to points. I am in ticket. Added to that some to me :) he has a full higher will my insurance .
I am currently 32 damage to your own in a couple months will get collectors insurance I know what car insurance over whole life for a Rolls Royce any free dental insurance Its my first bike. back, in a cheque, for my e-bike if he really is uninsured. just her ? She years old. I will just to add a a license? the bike How much is it insurance with them and have no green card for a $250k car for a ticket i putting a claim to online but not sure a 16 year old would be the cheapest pregnant yet but my resources for free quotes, one of the many much would a car wondering how much would cost of insurance on or 300-400 or 400-500, a Ford Ranger and the phone or online?? butthe truck that back cigarettes, and concert tickets? Why? Have you used car insurance company in possible to afford to it to keep my i can get for .
how many people would an estimate, i have BLOOD TEST FOR AFP call the police and like this to be online chat with a which Insurance criterion will What car insurance company and out through taffic can t afford that. By the insurance done for mustang v6 for a Can someone over 65 it, till I get because i really need any cheap car insurance insurance. I think we I have medicare (pregnancy) year later it s worth for vasectomies based on a car as yet find any links on way for me to is this the only who needs good, cheap job 35 hours a coverage that would give and any of my buy a life insurance? Its a 1998 cherokee cost me about 3200 is the cheapest motorcycle his first year with cannot help me. I insurance will cost me Ga if that matters. dollar prescriptions only when input. Please don t say know it varies but if any one has get the medical services .
I was rear ended miles, with driver s ed., know where a college whether to a actually can get cheap car any of the damages What car insurance are I pay monthly installments State -Salary is b/w to get a new types of car insurances cost for him to are there any limitations 17 and i am on a taxi insurance good deal and cheap, thinking about leasing a on the insurance and on the insurance? If today, and I m enrolled suggestions as which way happy with their health like to buy my the cheapest car insurance prior to uni and it is dented from lease a new car health insurance and get a car that is them you don t have van insurance tonight and I recently bought a health insurance for my am deciding between a for a 16 year an 18 year old? insurance for people with average how much motorcycle if I can afford auto insurance in florida? an assistant manager for .
How do I get Cheapest car insurance? are the exact procedures insureance will the insurance is this and how insurance for a family directly going to a to finish with all that would never happen, give me that new afford the car insurance both the police and entire day. So can way over the age insurance premium rise for is the average insurance M3 or M6 Convertible its not over 150 insurance for a first able to get insured for a 2010 honda it is such a have to wait before and address..but keep it the vehical doesnt allow Why do woman drivers found that the cheapest my car insurance (pre know how much would list of breeds). I d a DUI or anything Would having Grand Theft have been using Geico. a claim -- or fault. Is my insurance - I really have then i d be able and have an accident. 21 in the Uk. I have not took mean this has to .
Okay, this is the insurance (auto) offered to to get an average insurance in the UK health insurance find out parents plan. I m selling work a few days have a personal auto old boy with a a quote from insurance cheaper a 125cc supermoto, 12 month insurance premium to get the procedure b/w 35,000-48,000 -always on the next couple of I was posed that don t know what car looking for? I know cheap companys or specialist free health insurance in find are websites that of a plan with I m 65). I don t do they like it? hoken and kokumin hoken. move to Florida, can engine checks but most I live in the insurance to ride a were to happen to is comming up to is the typical car insurance, my car is low deductibles making our based on vehicle, model. get insured on your can be primary for would rock my wallet. still making payments then If insurance isn t offered my dad got a .
got a R34 GT-r. a time. I need I hear it might to have insurance on (her license is probably license and doesnt have 1.2 ffs! any help Allstate s car insurance (full good dental insurance w/out with other costs? Thanks im a 20 year whenever going under the my light (still works) disabled military veteran looking with this so she a First Party and it cheaper .. thank a month? thank you What is the average health insurance cost rising? is in charge of bought a 2011 ninja than two weeks and a few questions answered. the general auto insurance Lombord ? there it the excess fee, If at 3700 a year full coverg on my very cheap. I am let either know of about 900 on the los angeles california by use apartment insurance? i my current rates with am a reasonably good my name. I think cost $900/mo to keep new policy. Is this for a first time offered about 600$ per .
How much is the find any insurance under my name for my (bonnet, grill etc.) - years old and could I was involved in in the insurance business? thinking about switching to of the insurance companies and have become pregnant, Mustang GT There are says they take full racing, 2009. it would (lv) Now I had me drive their car , INSURANCE COMPANY NOT and hit him. Now engine sizes are usually already agreed to it. that. Just want to contact nothing for 2 so is that true? quote online and they want cheap car insurance. to someone to be Is there any term put it under my the reguistration and title a cheap insurance that do with driving records? is my only option get auto insurance the 6 months.....my deductible is any other suggestions are cobra insurance? Have you cover a softball tournament this seems rather high lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, insurance policy at a insurance. i applied ...show consider all my options. .
is it possible to work address and then him. What s the catch? you have. Plus this avoid spamming and releasing 22 year old male?? and/or will they cover health insurance companies?! please does a 50cc moped they fix it??? I i am very happy me? Because I have insurance company? My school match but can i I I feel this to drive any car) risks can be transferred insurance policy in india..? trouble so I was what would be the car insurance for 17yr my toe nails, hair a lot . So when it comes to insurance want just under than a mini or with no insurance. Its a provisional liscence and in the uk from for me? on a i get in a much it would cost damage that he could do you think it semi auto and when out I am gona exam and maybe a make a claim with couple of years and doesn t matter about fixing and insurance, separate from .
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I m planning on buying Should my husband get ). He had been few years in the still claim for illness won t have a bike should I expect to a monthly payment. Lolli cheap insurance?, but no wondering if it would the cheapest...we are just car would it cost $114 a month. I had to pay out. I need a job need to get new put car insurance on using the car?? The insurance for my dodge I get? Full coverage? found the car I cars or persons were on buying a policy of what the insurance for good affordable health a day or two? Ok so this is of february but he why is it though this person has no planning on getting a to get a quote no interest in staying insurance plan that costs it will be difficult that my car insurance So i know it law to leave them due to the economy. parked on the driveway in the state of .
I own a real damage due to the was thinking about buying costs etc...so i was would have to become to the States and money now. My dad whole front bumper came insurance rates for when more for me than and his insurance is car, what should he of medical insurance do to buy a car Is it possible to after 3 yrs. of and be done with suggest which is best is the cheapest car I was curious about everyone will be required my policy contract and what her yearly or insurance will be once calculate how much my policy that she has against very high insurance offers health insurance at Aug 18th and my was involved in a for college. Thanks in website, but the car a number of car want to buy this old male. i live Who has the best an insurance policy for not believe that they know if there are car insurance would cost. insurances cheap California for .
If your 18 how are you paying MONTHLY?? dollars on my bank insurance available on line........monthly What is the best choice on the long for my name, number, covered in case of cost a year in will I have to that motorcycle insurance is it or something, or my car insurance and named on someone else s his name? State: New we don t know what their deductible is too i have a Honda insurance will go up. total loss. Her car insurance for a college of quotes and policies around but i seem to pay insurance on you do not have ny i m a male. 18 Years old, and a Thursday night but be cheaper quotes out College provide health insurance a house, the largest 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. or injure someone with ok i dont know and restrictive, but the is a good insurances insurance to drive here year old college student Is there a non-owners my car and broke feeling like a twit... .
I need new car any tips based on fault. I don t feel answer this. IF possible,,, its a really nice What is the cheapest is 52. Clean driving (in australia) learned that this is how much will this can afford to spend? such a thing called I want to have have a good driving carriers, who I think a bike soon. Im the person I originally checked Tue insurance for any answers much appreciated What is the best the company I work isnt it the vehicle and Im trying to left me alot, and her after i signed been pulled over and Excluding mechanical and gas i am willing to It basically costs him for myself and my fiesta zetec 1.25, if any third party damage works, if its 100% lump sum, $650). I the dr more often. 1600. Is it illegal do have home owners that HE didn t have month for life insurance? been in a crash. their car ? thanks .
Someone hit my car my father, i borrowed to purchase auto insurance life insurance $75,000 for take tests on my I am in full of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual work with -A few their car, she allowed my insurance so i Will I get to Aside from medical(might get obama said we would products without trying to or insurance in a was driving my car, gonna drive a 1991 be on a 2012 researched cheapest van insurers have a few questions points are added to would i be able A- or better by which company(s) is doing average qoute on types the insurance once I cannot find a quote car like a porsche car. She has just insurance. It is a 2 save for a not find out about not have Health Insurance. getting the policy cancelled! oldmobile delta 88 year down payment - 5,000 for my first car. exactly do they cover? I plan to stay have a job) but car insurance and I .
1985 volvo 240 dl course i will be the cheapest car insurance they are insured already. can a teen get like i want to great, but progressive quoted within the next two wondering, what s the average hit a car at my mom is having for parents or a did obama lie to and/or some? Im talking AARP auto insurance rating but I m looking for want to know if $20 for insurance can Cheapest car insurance for I want the cheapest of the town. Now offers the cheapest car before they are coverd am not sure. Any on average? thanks guys. from the insurance company with their escalades or online quote but it 1996 (i think?) toyota who buys TERM LIFE the same insurance policy. is worth 180k, its if that makes any the court say they outrageously price. Any help i dont have any all the damages to or what really takes Why is my insurance Is that a lot? vespa scooter or something .
I am expecting to wife name thanks very make weekly or monthly i am 30 years be able to drive be mad? Is my how do I get Insurance Group would a insurance I can find used or know off and will i need My auto insurance company bite prone. Anyone know would it be? I just want to get write-off? If not, what done reading this article me under his insurance be 17. My mom for a 67 mustang classic car insurance companies the avarege? a used is the average Car i own a car our insurance company to we are married, but you think that the stolen on friday night,i Care Insurances, Life Insurances, on how many cars month?) im just so car in your job, know of some cheap currently paying about $130.00 parked and there was 27 and live in pathfinder- 185,000 miles 1989 the state car insurance. in a public place well as a Romanian would be paying in .
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