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bluechilipowder · 5 years ago
@pinkmanipulated​ sent:
❛ Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside of us, and sometimes, they win. ❜ jesse @ himself ;) 
JESSE OBSESSIVELY RUBS HIS EYES.                                                        And then he rubs them again.
The meth is getting into his head. NO,  the  ‘ fun part ’   never lasts, the feeling of being on top of the world. He’s too hot. He’s sweating buckets. He can feel his heart-rate climbing and climbing and there’s not a FUCKING thing he can do about it, his paranoia skyrocketing as he stares directly back into his OWN baby blue eyes. 
IT CAN”T BE HIM.  HE’S  —   HE’S  HIM.                                                         H E ’ S   JESSE PINKMAN.
But this Jesse looks so much worse for wear. The jagged scars on his cheeks, the palpable pain & horror in his eyes.                                                                                HE WAS LOOKING INTO HIS FUTURE.
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“ ALRIGHT,  it’s not gonna BE like that,  OKAY? ”  He desperately SWEARS to himself in the hopes he would go away, still full of hope & too naive to see that Mr. White was a comet he was hopelessly chained to.  
                                                   “ OKAY ?   It’s — it’s OVER!  ALRIGHT?!   I’M   D O N E ! ”
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rottedhope · 5 years ago
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“  Ce sera un long voyage sur les vagues de l'oubli. ”  The way she spoke was as though she were quoting something she’d read in a book once; hadn’t expected him to understand it, of course, but it was spoken in a way which she hoped could sympathize with her. Elizabeth had such a long journey ahead of her, away from the overbearing Comstock - but she wasn’t out of the woods just yet, either.  “ I’m going to need help. ”
@pinkmanipulated​ 🕊 a lyric starter, arcade fire’s  “ black wave/bad vibrations ”
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intelligentmiinds · 5 years ago
@pinkmanipulated​ said: " hey, uh... kid, you okay? it's, like --- real late to be wandering around out here alone. "
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   Peter hated this place. He hated how his ol’ Parker luck was screwing him over once again. First the events at New York, with Mysterio exposing his identity. And then Fury thinking it was a fantastic idea to just send him off to Alaska to keep him out of the eye of the public. It was too cold, too bare, and too quiet. Maybe it was better for him but he wasn’t the biggest fan.
He had only been here a few days but he already missed home -- missed May, his friends, and the rest of the team. It’s not like the team cared, right? They’re probably happy that the kid isn’t going to be a part of their big kid games. And here he is, walking at night in a state he had no knowledge of, trying to find his way back to the cabin setup Fury picked out for him. He really didn’t feel like a kid -- just like a lost kid.
The stay was just a termporary fix -- but a fix that Peter hated. He just wanted to get back to sleeping in his bed. The setup was bare -- basic features like a small bathroom, a small kitchen ( if you could even call it that ), and a twin bed. There was a few other things that he was grateful for. A bookshelf with some books to pass the time and a tv with two channels.
It was better than nothing, right? He had to look on the bright side of the whole situation. He could be dead right now!
He finally caved, though, and went to town to try to see what he was working with. Wanted to see what was really there .. and he made the mistake of leaving the town when it got too late. It was dark. So here he was, trying to find his way back, with no map or landmarks.And the night really didn’t help his situation at all.
Which is why the voice surprised Peter. He had gotten used to the barren state of the country -- but there was a man up ahead, standing in front of a small cabin like the one he was staying in.
Oh no ...
“ -- I -- I’m fine. ” Shoulders tense, body already getting in the fight-or-flight state that he had taken up ever since the events in Europe. He had no idea what to expect most of the time. Part of him wished that everything that happened was just one of Mysterio’s big illusions -- but his luck didn’t allow for that.
“ I’m just ... trying to find my way back to where I’m staying. ” It didn’t hurt to tell him the truth, did it? Maybe he was a local and he could point him to the way? But there was also part of him scared that this man would recognize him and report him. Peter subtly pulled his scarf up a bit more over his nose, hiding the lower half of his face.
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morefearless · 5 years ago
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“ There ain’t no heaven. Trust me. If there's a light at the end, it's just the SUN in your eyes.” 
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starcrcwns · 5 years ago
@pinkmanipulated​ liked this
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   It had been a long night of nothing -- Ellie simply waiting for Jesse to come home from ... whatever the fuck he does on days like these. Games, books -- nothing was keeping her occupied enough to even sit still. She just wanted him back home. There was nothing to do around here when he was gone -- the few games Jesse had ? Either sucked, was boring, or she had already played through it. Same for the books ... and the comics. Everything just ... wasn’t working. Come on, Jesse. Where are you?
She didn’t have to wait long, though, because as she lays upside down on the couch, she can hear the jingle of someone unlocking the door. Soon, she was looking at her big brother Jesse, a grin already starting to form as she moves to sit up.
“ -- I thought you died or something, dude. I was going to look steal a bike and look for you. ” She wants to ask how his day went ... but eyes land on the bags in his hand.
“ What’s that? ”
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judesowndaughter · 5 years ago
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gorebath · 5 years ago
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“  pinkman.  ”  a quiet click of her tongue pairs with a flickering of the eyes to survey the waiting area.  there’s a knowing look that cracks her features like daybreak when jesse’s caught in her line of sight.  “  jesse  pinkman?  ”  tali’s unduly grave nature is always flushed with a  wave of relief  upon finding a familiar face awaiting a check up.  moreso patients like him :  personable and  easy to accommodate.  he,  in particular,  has always been a pleasure to examine in spite of his sometimes incessant gabbling. 
a minute lilt of her head offers in the general direction of her office,  turn of her feet and first few steps down the hall proceeding the assumption that he knows the room by now. ​
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cewyll · 5 years ago
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❛ so – let me get this straight. it’s a cross between a telephone and a book? ❜
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huntershowl-moving · 5 years ago
the lab’s machinery clunks and whirrs as jesse almost ritualistically completes the steps he’s mesmerized. the other one – white, the unhinged ex-teacher – is out for the day. that isn’t her problem, though. pinkman is her problem. and a problem he is indeed. it’s bad enough that hellhound’s employer loaned her out to their associate, gus, in the first place. she has long since understood her status as a valuable weapon. the action makes sense: an act of good faith, an olive branch of sorts to establish sanya and gus as allies in the world of organized crime. but this job is an insult to hellhound’s abilities. she is a killer, a marksman – her skills lie in waiting for the perfect moment and putting bullets in people’s heads. this is a goddamn babysitting gig. make sure he doesn’t skim. make sure he doesn’t run. worse than the job itself is the target’s incessant prattling. he seems intent on making conversation with her, despite her pointed silence; despite her reputation as a flesh-eating monster who tears her victims limb from limb; despite the fact that she sits up in the rafters without moving, wishing to god that he would give up the ghost.  but he won’t, so she finally leaves her train of thought at the station and peers down at the cook.
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❛ alright. i’ll bite. what do you want? ❜
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untetheredrage · 5 years ago
❝ i don’t want to die. ❞ (this could be something serious or jesse just joking about something totally unimportant, your choice!)
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“Then you ought to step up your game a bit. Remember, loser takes eight shots of straight vodka back to back.” Dennis reiterates, flashing the dart in his hand and then nodding toward the dart board. He was a little bit ahead of the other man in terms of points but despite being the competitive type, he felt indifferent towards the outcome of this game. Mainly because he didn’t mind washing down a bunch of alcohol.
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earth-to-dude · 5 years ago
@pinkmanipulated​ sent:
“ i’m more of a cry on the inside kinda guy. ” (imagine jesse crying while saying this lol)
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“ RIGHT   —    O k a y , ”  Tripp nods, shifting almost uncomfortably beside the weeping addict, his hands jammed into its pockets. 
It’s not sarcastic despite his words, but rather simply  a c c e p t i n g  of the fact that the man supposedly preferred to keep his emotions locked away inside. It takes everything Tripp has to bite his tongue and not challenge it, question it. Instead, he awkwardly reaches a hand out and pats his shoulder, a dumbfounded look on his face.
                                           ( COMFORTING OTHERS WAS NOT EXACTLY HIS FORTE. )
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             “   —    I mean,  it could be a  L O T  worse,  right? ”
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takenbyuniverse · 5 years ago
there’s not really a way to describe the diner other than saying it’s shitty. even the food looks like it wants to crawl from its plate and make a run for it. yeah, you see, this isn’t your charming little diner that serves you breakfast all day and has gourmet pie. no, this is the shitty place that you eat at, because you’re a) running away, b) a criminal, or c) just that desperate. so, it’s not really huge news when jane catches some guy staring at her. he’s cleaner than most, but the gash on his face reveals he’s not so innocent, either. she guesses she’d rather his eyes follow her than any of the other blow-offs who eat here. 
but it gets just a little creepy when he joins her outside for her smoke break. 
it’s colder than whatever is the coldest thing on earth, and jane is depending on her cigarette to warm her. when the guy doesn’t leave, she stares back at him.
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‘ oh, great. you’re the creep who can’t keep his eyes to himself. ’ as if there were anything so terribly interesting about a waitress who coffee stains on her apron that’s some bullshit color of pink. she looks like a fucking teddy bear for some princess. even has to wear fucking pigtails. no wonder he’s staring. she looks ridiculous. 
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dxmagedrose · 5 years ago
a rehab starter for @pinkmanipulated​
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She’s new here.  It’s easy enough to see in the woman’s pale face, the way she curls in on herself in her over-sized cardigan, gripping her arms anxiously and sniffling from the chills that run over her.                        She’s  STILL  sobering up,  detoxing  from her last high, dark hair sticking to her sweaty forehead as she sits down in her seat beside another aching addict, his blue eyes dull from the same fight.
“ Welcome, ”   Their group leader greets, smiling warmly at their newly processed patient as she joins their circle.       “ Thank you for coming down, it’s not easy to do that the first few days. That takes strength. You’re welcome to open up as much as you want, or just listen as much as you want,  introduce yourself  or  tell me off.   We’re not here to judge. ”
Rosa looks down at her manicured nails, her leg bouncing as she shakes her head, unable to look him in the eye.   M a y b e  she’ll say something,  m a y b e   she   WON’T.   She just knows she feels   UGLY   &   DIRTY   to the  deepest recesses  of her soul, the UNNATURALLY COLD SPOT in the room, and the LAST THING she wants is everyone’s eyes on her, her head hanging down in shame.
“ Okay, that’s okay, ” Their group leader relents, understanding, taking a look around the room & regarding each of the patients under his care fondly.
“ What about you, Jesse? ”  He asks, nodding towards him.                                                                    “ We haven’t heard from you in a little while.                                                                                      Where are YOU at with things? ”
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xthedanger · 5 years ago
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He, of all people, can not believe Jesse has talked him into going go-karting. In a matter of minutes, a switch in his head flipped. There was no stopping his brain when it went a mile a minute. He was worried about the shadows in the darkness, the figures hidden in plain sight, the faces that were familiar to him, but foreign to Jesse. Walt knew people. And a lot of them. It’s a small world out there, and it was his decision to go as far as possible.  Besides, there’s something eerie about having the free time to execute leisure activities with his protege. He liked to think that sacrifices had to be made. For the business. For their friendship, or lack thereof. “Where exactly would you like to go?” Walt raised his eyebrows. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, either. We won’t be going anywhere local.”
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alleviatiion-a · 5 years ago
@pinkmanipulated <3′d for a STARTER 
THE  ROOM  SMELLS UNNATURALLY  CLEAN,  nothing like  his  cozy  home  from  which  he  and  jesse  were  forced to  flee.  luke  has  been  holding  back  the  motel  curtain  and  gazing  wide  eyed  into  the  night  where  he  can  see  nothing  but  a  poorly lit  cement  balcony bordered  by  a  metal  railing coated  in  chipping black  paint.  the  room  is  freezing  cold,  but  it’s  a  nice  scapegoat  for  his  trembling.  in  the  distance is  the  slit  belly  of  night  bleeding pink  streaks  across the  horizon  that  tell  of  the  coming dawn,  and  there  is  some  comfort  in  this.  he  isn’t  sure why  because  they  have  no  guarantee  that…  thing  can’t get  them  in  the  daytime.
jesse  has  a  gun.  they  don’t  have  anything  else.  luke  has  no  idea  what  to  do.
“  do  you  think  tomorrow we  should  go  back  home  and  see  if  it’s  still  there? ”  spoken  with  surprising  calm,  as  if  the  continuous shock  of  this  horrific  night has  worn  him  dull.
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starcrcwns · 5 years ago
@pinkmanipulated​ said: " yo, ellie. if you were a sandwich, would you be... peanut butter and ellie? "
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   Oh god, that pun alone makes the girl laugh into her hand before a snort comes out of her. She can’t help it! Her weakness involves puns and stupid jokes! A foot reaches out to nudge him, where they’re both sitting on the couch, before she finally responds. “ -- dude, I should totally open a Peanut Butter and Jelly food truck. That’s going to be the name. We can just make peanut butter and -- ” Another snort. “ -- Ellie sandwiches. ”
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