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Pink and black is sooo not tacky .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⭑‧₊˚ ⋅ જ⁀➴๋࣭ ⭑๋࣭ ⭑
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dollfat · 7 months ago
tivian and tydra just started act 3 and have not found a single bottle of pink and black dye the whole time 😭
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rocksibblingsau · 6 months ago
It will never come up but in Lightstick City the most popular group is BTrollS and it's just BTS but Trolls.
There's also ATROLLZ (ATEEZ), PINKBLACK (BLACKPINK), Thirteen (Seventeen), and THRICE (TWICE).
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zoop-lizor · 1 year ago
Rain world lizard shipname list(inspired by pansear's ship name masterlist)
this is for fun, and not expected to be taken too seriously! you're free to use these shipnames
i also made this with a few people in the RE server(shipname suggestions)
ZOOP X -------
Zoop x White: Zoopwhite, Whitezoop, Strawhite, Whitestraw, Whiteberry, Meringue
Zoop x Eel: Eelzoop, Zoopeel, Eelstraw, Eelberry, Straweel, Salmon
Zoop x Caramel: Carazoop, Zoopmel, Carastraw, Caraberry, Strawmel, Sweet tooth, Candy coat, Strawberry tofee
Zoop x Blue: Bloop, Zooblue, Blueberry, Bluestraw, Strawblue, Cotton candy
Zoop x Yellow: Yelloop, Zooplow, Yellowstraw, Yellowberry, Strawyellow
Zoop x Salamander: Zoopmander, Salazoop, Strawmander, Salastraw, Salaberry
Zoop x Black: Blackzoop, Zoopblack, Blackstraw, Blackberry, Strawblack
Zoop x Pink: Pinkzoop, Zoopink, Pinkstraw, Pinkberry, Strawpink, Barbie
Zoop x Cyan: Cyzoop, Zoopcyan, Cystraw, Cyberry, Strawcyan
Zoop x Red: Redzoop, Zoopred, Redstraw, Redberry, Strawred
Zoop x Green: Greenzoop, Zoopgreen, Greenstraw, Greenberry, Strawgreen
Zoop x Train: Trainzoop, Zooptrain, Trainstraw, Trainberry, Strawtrain, Sugar Plum
BLUE X -------
Blue x Yellow: Blueyellow, Yellowblue, Tidepod
Zoop x Blue: Bloop, Zooblue, Blueberry, Bluestraw, Strawblue, Cotton candy
Blue x Eel: Blueel, Eelblue, Kelp, Marshdrop
Blue x Salamander: Bluemander, Salablue, Mudkip
Blue x Black: Blueblack, Blackblue
Blue x Pink: Bluepink, Pinkblue, Mauvemotion
Blue x White: Bluewhite, Whiteblue, Cloudy
Blue x Cyan: Bluecyan, Cyblue, Blueflame
Blue x Green: Bluegreen, Greenblue, Cerulean
Blue x Caramel: Bluemel, Carablue
Blue x Red: Bluered, Redblue, 3D glasses
Blue x Train: Bluetrain, Trainblue, A-Train
YELLOW X -------
Zoop x Yellow: Yelloop, Zooplow, Yellowstraw, Yellowberry, Strawyellow
Blue x Yellow: Blueyellow, Yellowblue, Tidepod
Yellow x Eel: Yelloweel, Eelyellow, Moray
Yellow x Salamander: Yellowmander, Salayellow
Yellow x Black: Yellowblack, Blackyellow, Wasp, Bumble
Yellow x Pink: Yellowpink, Pinkyellow
Yellow x White: Yellowhite, Whitellow
Yellow x Cyan: Yellowcyan, Cyellow
Yellow x Green: Yellowgreen, Greenyellow, Citrus
Yellow x Caramel: Yellowmel, Carayellow
Yellow x Red: Yellowred, Redyellow, Pikachu
Yellow x Train: Yellowtrain, Trainyellow, Saffronhaul, Train Wiring
EEL X -------
Zoop x Eel: Eelzoop, Zoopeel, Eelstraw, Eelberry, Straweel, Salmon
Blue x Eel: Blueel, Eelblue, Kelp, Marshdrop
Yellow x Eel: Yelloweel, Eelyellow, Moray
Eel x Salamander: Eelmander, Salamandeel, Fishy friends
Eel x Black: Eelblack, Blackeel
Eel x Pink: Eelpink, Pinkeel
Eel x White: Eelwhite, Whiteel, Sea Salt
Eel x Cyan: Eelcyan, Cyeel, Waterflame, Nitrogen
Eel x Green: Eelgreen, Greel, Bay Leaf
Eel x Caramel: Eelmel, Carameel
Eel x Red: Eelred, Reel
Eel x Train: Eeltrain, Traineel, Watertrack, Trainwreck
Salamander x Black: Salablack, Blackmander, Nudibranch, Seaslug
Zoop x Salamander: Zoopmander, Salazoop, Strawmander, Salastraw, Salaberry
Blue x Salamander: Bluemander, Salablue, Mudkip
Yellow x Salamander: Yellowmander, Salayellow
Eel x Salamander: Eelmander, Salamandeel, Fishy friends
Salamander x Pink: Salapink, Pinkmander
Salamander x White: Salawhite, Whitemander
Salamander x Cyan: Salacyan, Cyamander
Salamander x Green: Salagreen, Greenmander
Salamander x Caramel: Salamel, Caramander
Salamander x Red: Salared, Redmander
Salamander x Train: Salatrain, Trainmander
BLACK X -------
Salamander x Black: Salablack, Blackmander, Nudibranch, Seaslug
Yellow x Black: Yellowblack, Blackyellow, Wasp, Bumble
Zoop x Black: Blackzoop, Zoopblack, Blackstraw, Blackberry, Strawblack
Blue x Black: Blueblack, Blackblue
Eel x Black: Eelblack, Blackeel
Black x Pink: Blackpink, Pinkblack
Black x White: Blackwhite, Whiteblack, Yinyang, Oreo, Zebra
Black x Cyan: Blackcyan, Cyablack
Black x Green: Blackgreen, Greenblack
Black x Caramel: Blackmel, Carablack
Black x Red: Blackred, Redblack, .EXE
Black x Train: Blacktrain, Trainblack, Subway
PINK X -------
Zoop x Pink: Pinkzoop, Zoopink, Pinkstraw, Pinkberry, Strawpink, Barbie
Blue x Pink: Bluepink, Pinkblue, Mauvemotion
Yellow x Pink: Yellowpink, Pinkyellow
Eel x Pink: Eelpink, Pinkeel
Salamander x Pink: Salapink, Pinkmander
Black x Pink: Blackpink, Pinkblack
Pink x White: Pinkwhite, Whitepink
Pink x Cyan: Pinkcyan, Cypink
Pink x Green: Pinkgreen, Greenpink, Rookies
Pink x Caramel: Pinkmel, Carapink
Pink x Red: Pinkred, Redpink
Pink x Train: Pinktrain, Trainpink
WHITE X -------
Zoop x White: Zoopwhite, Whitezoop, Strawhite, Whitestraw, Whiteberry, Meringue
Blue x White: Bluewhite, Whiteblue, Cloudy
Yellow x White: Yellowhite, Whitellow
Eel x White: Eelwhite, Whiteel, Sea Salt
Salamander x White: Salawhite, Whitemander
Black x White: Blackwhite, Whiteblack, Yinyang, Oreo, Zebra
Pink x White: Pinkwhite, Whitepink
White x Cyan: Whitecyan, Cywhite
White x Green: Whitegreen, Greenwhite, Aloe
White x Caramel: Whitemel, Carawhite, Vanilla
White x Red: Whitered, Redwhite, Albino
White x Train: Whitetrain, Trainwhite
CYAN X -------
Zoop x Cyan: Cyzoop, Zoopcyan, Cystraw, Cyberry, Strawcyan
Blue x Cyan: Bluecyan, Cyblue, Blueflame
Yellow x Cyan: Yellowcyan, Cyellow
Eel x Cyan: Eelcyan, Cyeel, Waterflame, Nitrogen
Salamander x Cyan: Salacyan, Cyamander
Black x Cyan: Blackcyan, Cyablack
Pink x Cyan: Pinkcyan, Cypink
White x Cyan: Whitecyan, Cywhite
Cyan x Green: Cygreen, Greencyan
Cyan x Caramel: Cymel, Caracyan
Cyan x Red: Cyred, Redcyan
Cyan x Train: Cytrain, Traincyan, Steam Engine
GREEN X -------
Zoop x Green: Greenzoop, Zoopgreen, Greenstraw, Greenberry, Strawgreen
Blue x Green: Bluegreen, Greenblue, Cerulean
Yellow x Green: Yellowgreen, Greenyellow, Citrus
Eel x Green: Eelgreen, Greel, Bay Leaf
Salamander x Green: Salagreen, Greenmander
Black x Green: Blackgreen, Greenblack
Pink x Green: Pinkgreen, Greenpink, Rookies
White x Green: Whitegreen, Greenwhite, Aloe
Cyan x Green: Cygreen, Greencyan
Green x Caramel: Greenmel, Caragreen, Gluttony
Green x Red: Greenred, Redgreen, Watermelon
Green x Train: Greentrain, Traingreen
CARAMEL X -------
Zoop x Caramel: Carazoop, Zoopmel, Carastraw, Caraberry, Strawmel, Sweet tooth, Candy coat, Strawberry tofee
Blue x Caramel: Bluemel, Carablue
Yellow x Caramel: Yellowmel, Carayellow
Eel x Caramel: Eelmel, Carameel
Salamander x Caramel: Salamel, Caramander
Black x Caramel: Blackmel, Carablack
Pink x Caramel: Pinkmel, Carapink
White x Caramel: Whitemel, Carawhite, Vanilla
Cyan x Caramel: Cymel, Caracyan
Green x Caramel: Greenmel, Caragreen, Gluttony
Caramel x Red: Carared, Redmel
Caramel x Train: Caratrain, Trainmel, PB&J
RED X -------
Zoop x Red: Redzoop, Zoopred, Redstraw, Redberry, Strawred, Raspberry
Blue x Red: Bluered, Redblue, 3D glasses
Yellow x Red: Yellowred, Redyellow, Pikachu
Eel x Red: Eelred, Reel
Salamander x Red: Salared, Redmander
Black x Red: Blackred, Redblack, .EXE
Pink x Red: Pinkred, Redpink
White x Red: Whitered, Redwhite, Albino
Cyan x Red: Cyred, Redcyan
Green x Red: Greenred, Redgreen, Watermelon
Caramel x Red: Carared, Redmel
Red x Train: Redtrain, Trainred, Danger Express
TRAIN X -------
Zoop x Train: Trainzoop, Zooptrain, Trainstraw, Trainberry, Strawtrain, Sugar Plum
Blue x Train: Bluetrain, Trainblue, A-Train
Yellow x Train: Yellowtrain, Trainyellow, Saffronhaul, Train Wiring
Eel x Train: Eeltrain, Traineel, Watertrack, Trainwreck
Salamander x Train: Salatrain, Trainmander
Black x Train: Blacktrain, Trainblack, Subway
Pink x Train: Pinktrain, Trainpink
White x Train: Whitetrain, Trainwhite
Cyan x Train: Cytrain, Traincyan, Steam Engine
Green x Train: Greentrain, Traingreen
Caramel x Train: Caratrain, Trainmel, PB&J
Red x Train: Redtrain, Trainred, Danger Express
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brotherscain · 1 year ago
🐸 describe your aesthetic
- self perceiving is so hard omg,,, draculara from monster high has been my blueprint since i was like 10 and every day i strive to be more and more pinkblack goth mommy
from this ask game!
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artwomenwroclaw · 10 days ago
Excellent PRO Pędzelek Do Zdobień 5mm (Pink&Black) Art-Women
Excellent PRO Pędzelek do zdobień 5mm (Pink&Black) EXCELLENT PRO PĘDZELEK DO ZDOBIEŃ 9MM (PINK&BLACK) pędzelek do wykonywania zdobień o długości włosia 5mm. Idealnie nada się także do malowania długich linii. Wykonany z wysokiej jakości włosia syntetycznego, które cechuje się niezwykłą trwałością i odpornością na składniki chemiczne, co zapewni jego trwałość na długi czas. Zamykana skuwka zabezpiecza włosie przed ewentualnymi uszkodzeniami i zniszczeniem. Niezwykłe połączenie czerni i różowego. Cena 18,00 PLN ART-WOMEN zapewnia różnorodne produktów najwyższej jakości do stylizacji paznokci oraz kosmetyków do pielęgnacji. Oferta obejmuje lakiery hybrydowe, frezarki do manicure, narzędzia Staleks oraz tanie zamienniki perfum Chatler. Firma działa na terenie Dolnego Śląska. Asortyment ART-WOMEN obejmuje wyposażenie do zabiegów manicure. Dostarczamy najlepsze produkty do stylizacji paznokci. Dostępne są u nas również preparaty do pielęgnacji skóry. Perfumy Chatler są dostępne w naszej sprzedaży w konkurencyjnych cenach. ART-WOMEN" SPÓŁKA CYWILNA SEBASTIAN BIZUB, KLAUDIA BIZUB ul. Tęczowa 25a 53-601, Wrocław Tel. +48 71 341 22 81 https://art-women.pl/excellent-pro-pedzelek-do-zdobien-5mm-pinkblack/
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beloved-menagerie · 1 month ago
pinkblack ☆(>ᴗ•)
PINK - I have a crush on you, you make me blush and experience human emotion / BLACK - I want to suck you off harder than a black hole.
oh uhhhh oh um. h. ok ok ok. well, ok, that's so, that's. hm!
...harder than a black hole though? because? that's like well ok so i dont want that thing compressed into antimatter or whatever the fuck black holes do to a thing. is that a little violent or. or wait it's like hyperbole for effect isnt it. ok nevermind.
-- Juan
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slowlydifferentbluebird · 2 years ago
1. Jerrie 😱
2. Nosé 👃
3. Tissue 🤧
4. Pizza 🍕
LMAO! Anon, you're really something else, like, how can you think to all of these?
This is just perfect, I don't think I need to add something else lol
Thank you for sharing this masterpiece, Anon😅
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sufferingsuccubuss · 4 years ago
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𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔲𝔩𝔞𝔲𝔯𝔞 𝔳𝔦𝔟𝔢𝔷 🎀🖤
Ig: sufferingsuccubus
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willow-pond-gemstones · 2 years ago
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St. John - Pre-Fall 2023
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computersuicide · 4 years ago
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Sweden, Gothenburg
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tiffanysunnie · 4 years ago
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Dɪᴅ ɪ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀssɪɢɴᴍᴇɴᴛ? Cause Canvas says it’s missing lol
📸: @wiks_pics
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animatedtext · 5 years ago
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requested by darkhumoreddork
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