#pink north face backpack
iamadyingangel · 5 months
temporarily turning my tumblr to a studyblr
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see you after may!!
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ziggyzolch · 6 months
Queen Bee-atch Ⅰ (Regina George x Reader)
Summary: You, a self-proclaimed loser, are going into Junior year with one goal in mind: Avoid Regina George. Nobody notices you, so it shouldn't be too hard…right?
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Light seeps through the blinds and birds start to make themselves known with their melodic chirps. Aggressive rustling can be heard from outside your door as you throw a mini tantrum on your, now ruffled up, sheets. Sleepless nights weren't new to you, but they don't get any less frustrating. You stare at the ceiling for a good 30 seconds before finally pushing yourself off your bed. Walking to turn off the air conditioning, you trip over god-knows what and fall flat on your face. The first day of junior year and you're already contemplating ending it all, on the floor of your dump of a bedroom, laying next to a-
"My mascara!", you exclaimed as you sat up. You lost that thing ages ago. You get up, taking the mascara with you and make your way into the bathroom. Becoming a junior wasn't anything you cared for. After sophomore year, the illusion of high school you created in your head had melted away, leaving behind a hollow teenage girl that just wanted to get it over and done with.
Putting away your mascara, you catch a glimpse of yourself in your mirror. A bed-head ridden girl with deep eye bags, which only seem to become more obvious with each passing day, stares back at you. "God, I look horrific," you thought out loud. A habit, in hindsight, you needed to rid yourself of. Going through your morning routine, you think about the coming school year. 11th grade! Will this be the year you reinvent yourself? You could completely change yourself; The way you walk, talk, act, and dress!
Who are you kidding.
After successfully poking your eye with your eyeliner three times, you're done. You peak your head out your bathroom door, glancing at the cat-themed clock you've had since you were a baby. It's 8 am. Classes start at 8:15. Curses fall out of your mouth. Did time warp halfway through your routine or something? Running out of the bathroom you quickly change into your clothes, a worn out band T-shirt and black cargos. You can hear your mother cursing at you from downstairs as you make your way out your room. "You're going to be late on your first day, seriously?" Your mom deadpans as you reach the bottom of the stairs. "Whatever, mom, they don't even care."
Walking to school instead of letting your mother drive you was probably not the best idea, but you're too far from the house to care right now. You turn the final corner and arrive at your final location, North Shore High School. Approaching the doors, you can already make out two students face-mashing each other through the window.
You've been a student at North Shore since freshman year, but anyone could mistake you for a new student, if they even noticed you that is. You pride yourself in being able to blend in with the crowd. This school was filled with losers, so you fit right in. They had already been assigned, so you made your way through the various cliques grouped up in the hallways and to your locker. As much as you hated this place, it's what you're used to. You'd have a hard time adjusting to a new high school, at least at this one you knew who to avoid. You don't even think about it anymore since you don't run into them much- nevermind. "Watch it, freak!"
Great, of anyone you could've bumped into, it's the queen bitch, Regina George. "Whatever." you mumbled and began to walk away when you were pulled back by your bag and shoved back into the lockers...hard. "This is the part where you apologize, Gerard Way." she spits at you while holding the straps of your backpack. A bit of black eyeliner and suddenly you're emo at this school. She was a couple inches taller than you, making it all the more embarrassing, looking up at her. Wriggling around proves unsuccessful. Is there a gym-bro buried beneath her layers of pink and pretty or something? Getting out of her grip doesn't seem like a possibility, so you begrudgingly mumble out a "Sorry..."
She stares at you for a few seconds too long.
"Uhm...can I go now?" You ask. "Yeah uh, sure, whatever." She finally lets you go and storms away towards her group of all-mighty "biatches", or "Plastics" as some (mainly Damien and Janis) call them.
So much for not being noticed.
A/N: this is my first time writing, so any constructive criticism would be great! forgive any awkward wording or corny-ness. There are more chapters up on my wattpad and ao3, same username for both. @ziggyzolch
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roosterforme · 9 months
Pink Christmas Part 2 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley just wants to make Christmas special for your daughter, and he's nervous he might have blown his cover as Santa. As Christmas Eve approaches, he pulls out all the stops for the two of you. But will you let him give Ellie everything from her wishlist?
Warnings: Fluff, language, single mom reader, mentions of loss of spouse
Length: 7000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Pink Christmas masterlist. Check out my masterlist for more! Banner by @mak-32. Written for @bellaireland1981 Winter RomCom Challenge
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Once you started kissing Bradley, everything came back to you. Fingers in his soft hair, your body pressed to his, and his tongue softly caressing yours. You knew just what to do, and you didn't want to stop. When his big hands came to rest on your back, you couldn't even remember why you'd been nervous in the first place.
Your thumb found the rough stubble and slightly raised scars on his cheek at the same time you heard your front door knob rattling. When you pulled away from Bradley's lips, you looked up at his handsome face and smiled, completely distracted as your daughter let herself inside. You pulled free from Bradley's warm embrace just as you heard Ellie ask him, "Who are you?"
Bradley licked his lips as he examined your face with his pretty brown eyes. Then he turned his full attention to your child. "Are you Ellie?" he asked, and when she nodded and set her backpack down, he reached out to shake her hand. "My name's Bradley. I'm a handyman from the North Pole."
"A handyman?" she asked, shaking his hand firmly. "What does that mean?"
"Means Santa sent me here to set up your pink tree, because he got a little busy this week," he replied so smoothly, you almost believed him yourself. 
Ellie gasped and looked past him into the living room. "Santa got my tree!" she gushed. "Mommy!"
"Yeah," you replied with a laugh. "Santa really knows what he's doing."
Bradley looked at you with a little bit of a blush coloring his face, and you were shocked to find that you instinctively wanted to reach for his hand and kiss that pretty shade of pink on his cheeks. You barely managed to stop yourself as he took a step toward you. 
"That was close," he muttered, watching Ellie run her hands along all of the ornaments that she could reach. But you were still busy looking at him, because his response to your daughter was what had you melting inside. He had a soft smile on his lips as he laughed. "I think she likes her tree."
You rubbed your fingers along the back of his hand, and his gaze met yours immediately before falling to your lips. "I think so, too."
He nodded toward the door. "I should go," he said slowly. You didn't know how to tell him that for some reason you knew your house would feel too empty if he left right now. When Ellie spoke up, you could have hugged her for her brilliant idea. 
"Mommy, is Bradley allowed to stay for pizza?"
You let go of his hand as Ellie came back over with one of the pink heart ornaments. Then you and she both looked up at him as he asked, "Am I allowed to stay?" He looked a bit like a wayward puppy as he added, "I love pizza."
Your heart swelled at the idea of him in your house a little longer, maybe sharing a few more secret touches. "Of course you can stay."
Ellie reached out and took him by the hand, dragging him toward her playroom, and he went willingly as she asked, "Do they have pizza at the North Pole? Which one of Santa's elves is your favorite? I liked Phoenix the best, but I liked grumpy Hangman, too."
Her voice faded as she rambled on, and you could hear Bradley laughing. Then you were alone in the pink glow of the tree as it grew darker outside, and you took your phone out to order pizza just like you always did on Friday nights. But for the first time in a long time, you couldn't stop smiling. 
"I've never played dolls before," Bradley said as Ellie picked one up to brush its hair. 
"That's okay," she replied, handing him a different doll. "I'll show you how. It's not really that hard. Just brush her hair and make her look pretty for the party we're taking them to."
Bradley grunted and picked up one of the toy brushes. "I think I can handle that."
A few minutes later, he was very into coordinating which outfit his doll was going to wear to the birthday party they were going to be attending. "How does this look?" he asked her, and she handed him a pink ribbon. 
"She needs a bow in her hair."
"Right," he muttered, and he tried a few times, but his fingers seemed to be too big to get it right. 
As he was struggling with it, Ellie paused what she was doing and said, "You seem really familiar."
"Do I?" he asked cautiously, still fighting the bow and hoping she didn't immediately realize that he was in fact Santa Claus. 
She was quiet for a beat before she said, "I think you remind me of my dad." Bradley's eyes met hers, but she didn't look sad or upset, just resigned. "He was good at dolls, too. But not tying the bows."
Then Bradley felt your hand on his shoulder as you said, "Do you need a hand?" He nodded and passed the doll to you, watching as you made it look so easy to tie the perfect bow. "Pizza will be here soon," you said softly, handing the doll back to him. 
"Thanks," he whispered, still surprised by your daughter's words. Somehow it didn't make him feel nervous or weird to be compared to your late husband. But it did come with a sense of responsibility of sorts. He already ordered Ellie her pink art kit, but he found himself just wanting to spend time with the two of you. The kisses had been one thing, but playing dolls and eating pizza seemed natural as well.
When the food arrived, Bradley hopped up and tried to pay for it, but you'd already put it on your credit card. So he snatched your wallet out of your hand and pulled tip money out of his own for the delivery guy. And if he was able to get his arms around you in the process and press a soft kiss to your cheek, it was just a bonus for him. Then he watched you cut a slice of pizza in half for your daughter as you tried to hide your smile from him. 
"Where did the flowers come from?" Ellie asked, pointing at the big bouquet and the smaller one. 
"Santa sent them with me," he replied, picking up the small one so she could smell them. "He told me that you and your mom both like pink."
"Santa knows everything," she said as she nodded, and Bradley smiled down at her. "I want to eat by the tree," she insisted when you handed her a plate and a juice box. 
"Yeah," Bradley agreed as he picked out some slices of pizza. "Me too." So you handed him a juice box as well, and he followed Ellie back to the living room with a smile. The three of you sat on the floor in a little circle next to the tree, and Bradley regaled the two of you with made up stories about the North Pole. Ellie was in stitches, and you bit your lip every time she laughed, your smile absolutely infectious. 
Bradley ended up eating Ellie's pizza crust as you cleaned up the plates, and he knew it was time for him to leave. It was late. But he was nervous he wouldn't see you before Christmas Eve when he planned to come by as Santa. 
"Mommy, can Bradley come back and look at Christmas lights with us?"
You paused as Bradley stood up next to the pink tree, and then you said, "Ellie, I'm not even sure where to go for that in San Diego."
"I could ask Santa," Bradley blurted out. "I'm sure he'd know the best spots in any city to see Christmas lights."
"Yeah!" Ellie agreed. "Santa would know!"
You only hesitated for a second before you said, "Only if it's not going to take up too much of your time."
Bradley patted Ellie on the head and said, "I can make time for that. Let me get back to the North Pole and ask Santa where the best lights are. Thanks for teaching me how to play dolls." Then he met your gaze and said, "And thanks for the pizza."
"It's our pleasure," you told him, echoing his own words from the other day. 
He swallowed hard; the urge to lean in and kiss you was so strong. He fought it though, because he knew he had another excuse to see you both again soon. Then he forced himself toward the door. "I'll be in touch," he promised, and when he opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch, he noticed Ellie's gaze settle on his Bronco, a look of curiosity on her face.
You were a mess the rest of the weekend, texting Bradley late into the night on both Friday and Saturday after Ellie was in bed. You found yourself continually peeking at the selfie he sent you like a kid trying to find their Christmas presents early. He was just that damn good looking.
More importantly, he was sweet. He had invited you and your daughter to join him on a drive down to Imperial Beach to look at lights on Tuesday night, and of course you'd immediately agreed. 
Ellie and I wouldn't miss it.
Bradley 'Santa' Bradshaw: I'll pick you up at six. I already have a little treat for the ride.
You giggled and flopped down on your bed, eyeing your wedding photo across the room. "I really like him," you said out loud with a grin. Then you texted Bradley back.
What kind of treat?
He must have been holding his phone, his response came that quickly.
Bradley 'Santa' Bradshaw: Something pretty and sweet, just like you. I absolutely can't get you off of my mind. Not that I'm trying very hard.
"Okay," you said out loud, finding it easier to give yourself a little pep talk when he got you flustered like this. "You can do this. Be cool."
I thought you looked cute in your Santa beard, but your real mustache is even better.
There. Flirtatious but not too much. A solid response. You gave yourself a little pat on the shoulder. But then he upped the ante just a tiny bit by sending a selfie of him blushing. You groaned, because his mustache was immaculate, and you wanted to get your lips all over his cheeks and see if you could make his blush deepen.
Bradley 'Santa' Bradshaw: I've been thinking about our first kiss on repeat. When Santa shows up on Christmas Eve, are you going to kiss him, too?
You laughed as you texted him back.
Yes. I think I have a crush on both of you.
Then you got yourself into bed, knowing it would feel like a very long wait for Tuesday night to arrive, but you fell asleep with a smile on your lips when he wrote back.
Bradley 'Santa' Bradshaw: Then I feel doubly lucky.
It was honestly a good thing you had so much to do for work, because it took your mind off of your nerves. But when Tuesday evening finally arrived, your hands were shaking as you tried to get ready in front of your bathroom mirror. You kept looking at the most recent text in your thread with Bradley, and it was bringing out your anxious energy. It was a simple message with a photo attached, but now you were second guessing everything. 
Bradley 'Santa' Bradshaw: I hope I look good in pink.
He did. He looked fantastic in his pink and black floral print shirt. That wasn't the issue. It was your daughter's words echoing through your mind as she stood in the bathroom doorway that had you rattled.
"Hey, Mommy? Is Bradley going to be your boyfriend?"
You looked at her as you tried to put on some lip gloss. "Do you want him to be?"
"Maybe," she replied, eyes narrowing a bit. "I just need to do a little more research and make sure he's the one I asked for."
You almost laughed. You would have if you weren't so nervous. "What kind of research? And what do you mean the one you asked for?"
Ellie just shrugged in response. "I'll take care of it. You look pretty, Mommy."
Your throat felt tight as you swallowed against the thing that was really bothering you and whispered, "If Bradley ever does become my boyfriend, he's not going to replace the memory of your dad. Understand?"
Ellie nodded and sighed sadly. "I understand. But you said he's not coming back."
"He's not," you confirmed softly. The sharp, stabbing pangs of sadness had dulled a bit over time, however you still felt one now. But you'd also spend days doing some soul searching over the fact that you knew you were attracted to everything about Bradley. You didn't feel as hesitant around him as you thought you would after losing your husband. After more than a year alone with Ellie, you felt like this could be something.
Then your daughter helped you push your thoughts aside as she said, "Bradley was pretty good at playing dolls, and I could teach him how to be even better. And he looked like he was good at holding your hand."
"Oh," you gasped, setting your makeup aside. You didn't think she'd seen that, but she didn't seem upset in the least about it. "Yeah... he was good at it."
"Is it almost time to go look at lights?" she asked you just as your doorbell rang.
"Oh god," you groaned softly, butterflies and unidentified nerves erupting inside you. What if you did something stupid tonight? What if you didn't even know what to talk about?
"He's here!" Ellie called as she ran for the front door with you right behind her. And when she swung the door open wide, there he was in his pink shirt with a bright smile on his face and two, oversized pink candy canes in one hand. 
"Hey, Ellie," he replied easily as she beamed up at him. Then he looked at you and his smile faltered a bit. He swallowed, and it took him a few seconds to greet you. When he did, it was just one raspy word. "Hi."
"Hi," you replied softly, and the butterflies were still going wild, but the nerves were replaced with longing. "Bradley."
Ellie was reaching for the candy canes, and he patted the top of her head, but he was still looking at you. "Hi," he repeated, and you couldn't help but laugh. "See, talking to you in person is way better than texting, even though you take all the thoughts out of my brain and all the words out of my mouth."
You ducked your head to the side and covered your embarrassingly large grin with your hands as Ellie asked, "Are these for my mom and me? Santa's usually the one who brings us pink treats."
"Oh," Bradley replied, "well, these ones are from me. I hope that's okay. I saw these fancy candy canes at the North Pole sweet shop and thought of the two of you."
Ellie was already unwrapping hers, and Bradley held the other one up right in front of his chest with a grin, coaxing you closer. "Thank you for the treats. And for taking us to look at lights," you said, letting your fingers meet his as you took your candy cane. 
"It's my pleasure."
Bradley didn't know really how booster seats worked, but you moved one from your car to his Bronco, and then Ellie climbed in. 
"Are we ready to look at lights?" he asked as he started the engine. 
"Yes!" she replied from the backseat. "Did Santa tell you the best place to go?"
"He absolutely did. And he remembered that you liked pink, so I'm thinking there might be a special surprise for you."
"Special surprise?" you asked from next to him in the front seat. It had been so long since he'd had even one passenger let alone two. When your fingers came creeping across the leather seat, he reached for your tentative hand and held it tight in his. 
"It's a surprise for you, too," he promised, hoping you had no idea what the grand finale of the drive through light show was going to be. 
You laced the fingers of your left hand with his right, and Bradley had to take a calming breath. He hadn't felt this strongly about someone in a long time, and he just met you. But his brain had already been filling in the blanks of how good it might feel to be around you the longer he got to know you, because the chemistry was definitely there. 
He glanced at your profile at a red light and reached with his left hand to turn on the radio to the station that was playing Christmas music. Then he pulled your hand a little closer to him as the light turned green, and he could see you smiling out of the corner of his eye. "How's that candy cane?" he asked Ellie, glancing in the rearview mirror. 
"Good! It tastes like cotton candy."
"Do you like cotton candy?" he asked, noting you were still holding your treat in your right hand.
"All kids like cotton candy!" Ellie squealed with a laugh.
"I like cotton candy. Does that make me a kid?" he asked her as he turned left toward the beach, the darkest streaks of pink and purple running along the horizon behind the setting sun.
She giggled in delight and so did you. "No, you're too big," Ellie told him. "Nice try."
"Harsh," Bradley muttered as he made another turn, and then the enormous light display along the beach came into view. "Okay, here we are." He turned your way as he pulled up to the kiosk to pay, saying, "I'm going to need my hand back."
You immediately pulled your hand away from him and hurriedly said, "No problem," as he reached for his wallet. 
He chuckled and said, "It's coming right back to you once I pay, so don't get too comfy."
"Oh, I can pay!" you tried to insist as you scrambled for your bag on the floor by your feet, giving Bradley enough time to hand over some cash and pull through the gate toward the light displays. 
"Absolutely not," he said as you gave up and tossed your bag back to the floor. "Now where did your hand go?"
You turned to look at him before glancing back at Ellie who was mesmerized by the lights all around the Bronco. "Right here." And then Bradley felt your hand slip into his grasp where it already felt like it belonged. 
"That's better."
He barely took his foot off the brake pedal to keep coasting forward behind the car in front of him, and he hummed along to the music on the radio. Ellie's commentary from the backseat was pretty amusing with her occasional interjections of "Frosty!" and "Rudolph!" 
The light display was massive, and there was a long line of cars in front of them, which was great. Bradley didn't want to rush taking the two of you back home again. Especially not when you leaned in a little closer to him and whispered, "Thanks for this. She's having a great time."
Bradley came to a stop in front of a lit up display of ice skating penguins and turned to face you. "So am I. Been having a pretty great time since I met the two of you."
You whimpered, and Bradley squeezed your hand a little tighter as he fought the desire to lean in closer and kiss you. Then you whispered his name, and he nearly lost the battle. "Bradley. Are you still going to want to see us after Christmas?"
When he opened his mouth to tell you he wanted to see you every day, Ellie gasped in the backseat. "It looks like Santa's sleigh!"
Bradley turned to face forward, and sure enough, Santa's sleigh was just ahead, and the other cars had started to move up as well. "Sure does," he replied to her as he coasted forward so she could see. Now you were looking at the lights as well, and Bradley watched all the colors dance across your face. When you tilted your head to look at him, he said, "I'm going to want to see you as much as you'll let me."
A soft smile curled along your lips as he kept moving the Bronco forward. You didn't respond, but your fingers laced with his again, and Bradley could feel your thumb stroking along his. He took that as a pretty good sign, and then you and Ellie both started to laugh at the same time.
"Hey," Bradley said when he saw them, too. "A bunch of pink flamingos for my two pink loving girls."
"I love them!" Ellie gushed, clapping her hands as Bradley pulled up between two light displays of hundreds of flamingos wearing Santa hats. "So much pink!"
Then your lips were on his cheek before brushing back toward his ear, and he had to stop the Bronco again as your hand grazed his knee. "This is the best," you laughed softly. 
If you wanted to, he'd bring you both back tomorrow and the next night and the night after that. He wanted to watch your face illuminated by the pink lights as you bit your lip and smiled. He wanted to hear Ellie's laughter from the backseat while she sang Jingle Bells. 
Bradley moved the Bronco as slowly as he could so you could enjoy the flamingos for as long as possible. Then he drove through fake snow being blasted at all of the cars which somehow made him feel like he was back in Virginia again.
"I do not miss the snow," you told him, cradling his hand like you did this all the time. He very carefully pulled back out onto the road using one hand, because the last thing he wanted was to let go of you. 
"But Mommy, what if it's snowing at the North Pole?" Ellie asked. "How will we visit Bradley?"
Shit. He didn't know what to say, because he didn't want to confuse her or mess this up. "Maybe after the busy holiday, Santa will let me spend a little more time in San Diego so you don't have to brave the snow again."
Ellie hummed skeptically from the backseat as Bradley wound his way back through the neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city. "Yeah... that might work," she replied. "I'm going to have to stay up on Christmas Eve and have a conversation with Santa."
"I'll remind him to bring his A game," Bradley muttered. "Now let me drop the two of you off since you still have school tomorrow."
You watched Bradley lift Ellie out of his Bronco, and then he moved her booster seat back to your car for you. When he walked both of you up to the porch, he had his hand at the middle of your back, his fingers teasing at your waist in the cool, night air. When you approached the front door, however, he knelt down in front of Ellie and asked, "Did you have fun?"
"Should I tell Santa that was a good light display?"
"Did you like the flamingos?"
"So much!" Then she flung her arms around his neck and said, "Thank you." The fact that your daughter seemed perpetually happy around this man whether he was dressed as Santa or just being himself had you nervously wiping your palms along your jeans.
"You're welcome. I'll see you soon?" he asked, patting the top of her head as he stood, eyeing you as he asked the question. 
"Yes," you answered quickly as you opened the front door. You paused once Ellie walked inside, and you turned toward her. "Start getting ready for bed. I'll be up in just a minute."
"Okay. Bye, Bradley."
"Bye, Ellie," he replied with a laugh, but you were already pulling the door closed, leaving you and him alone on the porch together. 
"Hey, I had a great time-" he began, but you cut him off when you lunged for him. You couldn't help it. Bradley caught you in his big arms, and wrapped you up tight against him as he grinned. "-with you tonight."
Your fingers were tangled in his soft curls as your lips mashed against his, but even with you pressed right up to his body in desperation, he was a gentleman. His hands were splayed across your back, rubbing up and down, slowly bunching the fabric of your shirt.
"Me too," you promised between kisses, nodding slightly as you nibbled on his lip. He hummed softly as your hand drifted down to the back of his neck, and he deepened the kiss. His tongue tasted sweet, and you felt beautiful and desirable when you were with him.
But you broke the kiss and whispered, "I need to get Ellie in bed."
"Right. Right." He was still holding you close, still slowly rubbing your back with his hands. And then you kissed him one more time, because you needed to. It was soft and perfect just like Friday when you helped him decorate the tree. "I'll see you soon," he whispered as his nose grazed your cheek.
You felt your whole body tingle as he pressed one more slightly rougher kiss to your lips before turning back to his Bronco. You had to fight the urge to chase him down for more, waving like an idiot as he pulled away instead. There were just a few more days until Christmas, and you wondered if it would be too forward of you to tell him that he's the only thing you wanted for yourself this year.
Bradley took a deep breath as he pulled on his red flight suit and grabbed his matching hat and white beard. It was getting late for Ellie to still be awake, but you'd promised him it was okay to stop by around 9:30. He wasn't quite sure what to expect, but he hoped she was still excited to see Santa. 
With Christmas music playing and wrapped gifts on the front seat, Bradley spent the drive over trying to decide how to explain to your daughter that he was the same person when he was dressed as Santa and when he was just himself. Just Bradley. And then he started to get antsy. Just Bradley. He didn't have much to offer to either of you. Just a guy who occasionally got deployed and suddenly liked the color pink.
When he parked in front of your place, he sat for a minute, afraid he was going to do or say the wrong thing. If Ellie still believed in the magic of Santa Claus, he didn't want to take that from her. He glanced toward your front window and saw movement. The two of you were dancing in front of the lit up pink tree, and a smile found its way to his face. 
"Just be Santa," he said out loud, snatching up the presents and closing the door behind him. 
With his beard and hat securely in place, he knocked and immediately heard Ellie squeal. "It's Santa! I just know it!"
And then she was there, swinging the door open so quickly, Bradley was surprised it stayed on the hinges. "Merry Christmas," he greeted, getting the wind knocked out of him by the five year old launching herself at him and by how cute both of you looked in your matching pink snowflake pajamas. 
"Santa!" Ellie gushed, reaching for his hand to lead him inside. "We made you some heart shaped cookies with icing!"
"I love that," he replied, but his eyes were stuck on you. Bradley could just tell you'd welcome a kiss from him right now, and he wanted to give you one, but instead he followed you over to the tree.
"Cookies and some hot chocolate," you told him, picking up a plate of sweets and that same mug he drank from last week. "Just for you, Santa."
Bradley set down the presents, including the art kit filled with every shade of pink paint anyone could possibly want. That's when he noticed that instead of eating the pink candy cane he gave you on Tuesday night, you'd hung it on one of the tree branches. He was already smiling when he saw the little box with a gift tag next to his boot that said "TO: SANTA. FROM: ELLIE."
"This is for me?" he asked, bending to pick it up. 
Ellie nodded, looking up at him hopefully. "I made you something."
"Well then I'm sure I'll love it," he replied. 
He was just starting to unwrap his gift when Ellie turned toward you and asked, "Mommy, would it be okay if I talk to Santa alone for a minute?"
Bradley's fingers stilled as you nodded and softly said, "I'll just go sit on the steps." You bent to kiss the top of Ellie's head before smiling softly at Bradley, and then you were gone. And he was alone with a child who was eyeing him with such curiosity, it made his heart beat a little faster.
Ellie tugged on his hand until he was kneeling, and then she leaned in a little closer. Bradley felt like he was under a microscope as she examined him, but then she smiled. 
"You were a very convincing fake Santa. But after you brought the tree over, I knew it was you right away, Bradley." 
"You did?" he asked, heart plummeting as her words washed over him. If he just ruined Santa Claus for this adorable little girl, he didn't know what he'd do with himself. 
"Yeah. I figured out that you were the same guy since both Santa and Bradley drive the same car and have the same voice."
Oh, shit. His eyes went wide as she pulled his beard down below his chin and smiled at him. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't actually intend to lie to you about being a North Pole handyman."
"I know," she said, taking his gift from his hand and opening it up for him. Inside the box were two Christmas ornaments. They were made out of construction paper with popsicle sticks glued to look like pictures in frames, and there were ribbons attached to the top so they could be hung. 
"Ellie," he whispered, taking them both out of the box to inspect them more closely in the soft, pink light. She'd taken the time to draw pictures on both of them. The first one said ELLIE and had a well drawn F/A-18 and some elves along with a pink candy cane and three flamingos. The other ornament said SANTA and was complete with pink flowers, a pink tree and a picture of a man. "Is that supposed to be me?" he asked her softly.
"Yeah. But just you, Bradley. Not really Santa."
"Thanks," he muttered, not sure how to tell a five year old that this was perhaps the best gift he'd ever received in his adult life.
But now she was standing with her hands on her hips. "I need to know what happened when you went to talk to the real Santa after the air show. And don't lie to me this time."
"What do you mean?" he asked, heart beating faster again.
"Since you got permission to dress as a pretend Santa for kids like me at the air show, you get to sometimes talk to the real Santa Claus, right?"
Oh. Maybe he hadn't completely fucked this up after all. "Of course. That's how it works when you get chosen to be a Santa representative."
"Yeah," she said, nodding like a CEO closing a business deal. "That's what I thought."
"You're a very smart kid," he told her with a smile, but clearly she wasn't quite finished with him yet. 
"So? What happened when you talked to him? Did Santa know you'd be perfect? Is that why you kept coming back to our house to see my mom?"
"Perfect?" he asked cautiously.
She grinned at him as she said, "Yeah. The perfect boyfriend for my mom. The one I asked for."
Bradley was speechless. That's what he wanted to be. Your boyfriend. Maybe more than that someday. His eyes roamed Ellie's face, so innocent in the way she still believed there was magic here. But maybe there actually was. "Yes. That's exactly what happened, Kiddo. I went to meet with Santa, and I told him what was on your wishlist. And I told him how important it was that you got everything you wanted since you're always on the nice list."
She clapped her hands and bobbed up and down. "And he knew you'd be the perfect boyfriend?"
"Yeah," Bradley said, throat tight with emotion. "He knew I'd fall for your mom and you and the color pink and just all of it."
She hugged him tight, and he scooped her up and hung both homemade ornaments on the pink tree. "Merry Christmas," she whispered.
"Merry Christmas," he replied. "Think it's okay if I talk to your mom now?"
She nodded, and he carried her to the stairs where you were sitting with your own mug of hot chocolate waiting for them. "You ready for bed, Ellie?" you asked, looking between your daughter and Bradley with his beard down below his chin with some concern. 
Then Ellie kissed his cheek and said, "Goodnight, Bradley," as he set her down on the steps next to you. 
"Night, Ellie," he replied, and he watched her kiss you too before climbing the stairs and going into a room that was lit by the soft glow of a nightlight. And then you and he were alone, and you were sliding over to make room on the step next to you.
Your hesitant smile made him a little lightheaded as you asked, "So she knows you're Santa from the air show?"
He chuckled softly. "Something like that. But don't worry, she still knows that the real Santa exists. She's got quite the imagination."
"Yeah, I don't think I'll ever have to worry about that," you replied, setting down your mug and reaching for his hand. It was the easy way you laced your fingers with his once again that spurred him on. You were grinning as he leaned in to kiss you, his white beard tickling your chin. "Hi, Santa," you whispered against his lips, and he just knew this was how it was supposed to be.
When he pulled away from you with a smile of his own, he said, "There's something I need to tell you. About the day we met."
Your brow creased in concern, and he leaned in to kiss you there as you asked, "What about the day we met?"
He wanted to be delicate with you and take his time. It's what you deserved. You and Ellie both. But he also wanted to once again make his feelings crystal clear for you. "That first day, at the air show... when I took Ellie up to sit in my jet, she asked for a pink tree and an art kit with pink paint." Bradley paused, stroking his rough fingers along your soft cheek before he added, "But she also asked Santa to bring a boyfriend for you."
You gasped. "She did? My five year old asked Santa to bring me a boyfriend?" You buried your face in your hands and groaned softly. "That's so embarrassing."
Bradley gently peeled your fingers away from your face as you grimaced at him, but he just laughed. "It's not embarrassing. It's sweet." He waited until you were looking at him again, even though you were nibbling on your lip a little anxiously. "And the thing is... somehow, I think it's supposed to be me."
When your lips parted on a soft sound, your face looked hopeful, and Bradley squeezed your hand as you barely whispered, "You?"
"Yeah. Me," he told you with a little laugh. "I'm nothing special, but I'm hoping you'll let me give Ellie everything she wants for Christmas?"
You slowly climbed onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, your eyes bright and sincere. "You want to be my boyfriend?"
"Desperately," he promised. "And I'm not trying to replace Ellie's dad, and we can do this at whatever pace works for the two of you. But I think this was meant to be."
And then you were smiling against his lips and kissing him as he held you on the steps. You laughed as you pushed your fingers through his hair, sending his red hat down the stairs followed by his beard.
"Then I guess Ellie can have everything from her wish list."
One year later....
"The tree looks beautiful," Ellie said, hanging up the two ornaments she made last year as you and Bradley each sipped mugs of hot chocolate. The pink Christmas tree stood tall and proud in the same spot it had occupied until February, when you finally convinced her it had to come down after Valentine's Day. 
Bradley had gone overboard, perhaps even more so than last year, coming home from work a few hours ago on Christmas Eve with more pink ornaments for your daughter to add to her collection. 
"You're spoiling us," you told your boyfriend, and you watched a grin bloom on his lips. But maybe you were spoiling him back just as much. This year, you and Ellie had on matching pink pajamas covered in gingerbread cookies, and Bradley had coordinating pants to wear with his white undershirt. It felt good to have him here, like he was always meant to step in when he did. 
"I love spoiling you," he whispered, taking your empty mug and collecting you in his arms. "I love spoiling both my girls."
You and he took things slow at first. He spent the night with you last Christmas Eve, his limbs tangled up with yours in your bed. But your clothing had stayed on, and his lips never went further south than your neck. After that, you fumbled your way through a few dates with him; sometimes Ellie joined the two of you, and sometimes she stayed with Bradley's best friend and former elf, Natasha. But you quickly learned that you hadn't forgotten how to be with someone intimately. All you needed was the right someone who would let you realize that for yourself.
Bradley moved in with you a few months ago, and you hadn't looked back. He was becoming an expert at playing dolls with Ellie, and he made both of you so happy, sometimes your face hurt from smiling so much. He wasn't a replacement, and he wasn't an improvement, but he was something you knew you couldn't live without now.
"Hey, I almost forgot," he murmured. "I grabbed two more things on my way home today. I'll be right back." 
When he left the living room, you walked over to Ellie and kissed the top of her head. "I'm really happy we got Bradley for Christmas last year," she said, making you laugh.
"Me too. It's a good thing you asked Santa to bring him for me."
She looked up at you with wide eyes and a little smirk. "Just wait until you find out what I asked for this year."
You looked down at her with an amused smile. "What did you ask for this year?"
But she was distracted now as Bradley came back in with a soft smile on his lips and two small pink boxes. He knelt down in front of Ellie and handed her the bigger one, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Merry Christmas, Kiddo," he whispered.
"Merry Christmas," she told him, and when she opened the box, you gasped. 
He got your daughter a rose gold necklace with a pink diamond charm, and Ellie squealed in delight when she saw it. "It's so pretty!"
"Just like you," he said, taking it out of the box and clasping it around her neck. She wrapped one hand around the charm and smiled as Bradley turned to look up at you. "I got something for your mom, too."
At first, when he handed you the smaller box, you were convinced it was a necklace to match Ellie's. But then you met his eyes, and you knew it wasn't. Your heart was racing as you looked at him, fingers shaking with anticipation as he said, "I love you. So much. The last year with you has been magical, and I want to be here forever."
You glanced at Ellie, and she was all bright smiles as she bounced up and down as you opened the box. "Oh," you gasped, because it was the prettiest pink ring. And it did match her necklace.
When you looked up from the box and met his eyes, he asked you something that you already knew the answer to. "Will you marry me?"
You held the box tight as he stood and spun you around the room in his arms, his soft laughter filling your heart as Ellie loudly cheered, "I asked Santa for a husband for my mom!"
You laughed as Bradley smothered your face in kisses, and then he pulled the ring free before tossing the box aside. As he slid the rose gold and pink diamond ring onto your finger, he grinned and said, "Santa never disappoints."
Happy holidays! I hope Santa Bradley brings you everything from your wishlist! Thanks @mak-32 @beyondthesefourwalls @thedroneranger @cherrycola27
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prissygrlsorority · 2 years
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lifestyle 🤍
pink stanley tumbler
pink sm water bottle
custom girly happy planner
pink keurig mini
tiffany and co pink lock and key diary
glossier hand lotion
pink tangle teezer ୨୧
fine girl mcbling pieces
cute loungewear ୨୧
cute custom starbucks cups
tech 🤍
pink ipad air
pink beats
macbook pro
hello kitty flash drive necklace
juicy couture laptop bag
pink casio graphing calculator
apple pink iphone 13 case
writing utensils 🤍
fluffy pens ୨୧
pink glitter gel pens ୨୧
pink pilot acroball pens ୨୧
bic sparkle mechanical pencils (my favs)
cute sanrio pens
pink mildliners ୨୧
bags 🤍
ted baker makeup bags
victoria’s secret makeup bags ୨୧
juicy couture backpack ୨୧
juicy couture pencil pouches
pink longchamp bag
tory burch ella tote
chloe tote bag
pink north face backpack
victoria’s secret signature tote ୨୧
notebooks 🤍
juicy couture notebooks
pink leuchtturm journal
pink college ruled notebooks
louis vuitton agenda
lace deco binder
pink binders
sanrio memo pads ୨୧
extras 🤍
sanrio stickers ୨୧
cute binder clips
pink girly stickers ୨୧
pink 3 hole punch
pink stapler
pink 2 ring binder
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ughgoaway · 1 year
so so obsessed with dilf matty and teacher reader!!!! totally not the right time of year, but imagining the nativity play (extremely british primary school behaviour), matty literally not paying attention to any of the bits annie isn't in because he's too busy looking at reader standing at the side directing the kids and cheering them on lol <3
I'm actually so excited that other people like this au, I'm so obsessed with it so I'm glad that obsession is spreading!!
(once again, no proofreading here. just vibes)
oh, I'm not normally an early Christmas person but this is such a sweet idea. Matty knew the nativity was coming up and was silently desperate for her to get a good role. Well, he was silent to Annie, he didn't want to pressure her but he was definitely not silent to the other people in his life.
“But George what if she's cast as like ‘piece of hay’?? I can't have my baby be a piece of hay??” he complains to George in the studio as they are sat behind the mixing board. George sighs and takes his headphones fully off, knowing this isn't going to be a short conversation.
“Matty. She isn't going to be cast as a piece of hay. And if for some unknown reason, she is, she'll be the cutest piece of hay ever okay? You know what's not so cute? When Daddy doesn't finish his album on time and suddenly little Annie has no house. So can we please do some work? George says exasperatedly, but still slightly smiling at his best friend's dramatics.
“Right. Yes. smart.” Matty says and spins his chair back to the desk. 10 seconds of silence pass until Matty gasps dramatically.
“What?” George says looking at him confused.
“What if she gets cast as a pig or something? I can't have my baby dress up as a pig.” matty says, leaning back and staring into the distance on the brink of a crisis.
George just sighs and pats his shoulder.
Anyway, the day the kids actually find out their roles Matty completely forgets and isn't picking Annie up today, Adam is. (perhaps little Hann is in the same school but a different class??) But Matty is in the kitchen washing dishes when he hears the door shut and his daughter's voice shouting out. 
“DADDY!! DADDY WHERE ARE YOU?” Annie says running in the door and furiously trying to take off her coat, shoes and backpack.
“I'm just in the kitchen sweetheart, are you okay? Do you need a hand taking off your shoes?” Matty says walking into the hallway with a tea towel over his shoulder and pink rubber gloves on. Annie had just gotten her first shoes with buckles, insisting she was grown up enough for them, so Matty has to help sometimes when she can't quite get them on or off.
“No, but Daddy guess what!! I'm the star!!” Annie says running up to Matty and staring up at him, bouncing on the spot with excitement.
Matty pauses and looks at her questioningly for a second, wondering if this is a reference to a show he hasn't seen. He doesn't think so, he's quite up to date on paw patrol and he doesn't remember any stars in that. But suddenly it clicks and he gets almost as excited as her.
“No way Annie!! You're the north star??” he asks picking her up. He notices her grumpy scrunched-up face and tilts his head questioningly at her.
“Daddy, I know you're excited but your gloves are wet and it feels icky on my back,” she says trying to wriggle out of his arms. Matty quickly puts her down and apologises and they walk into the kitchen together as Annie babbles on.
“So I am the star, which miss y/n said was a very important role, and I get to do my own song and everything!! It'll be like when you do a show, Daddy!!”
Matty at that moment has to fight every instinct in his body to not start aggressively sobbing at the idea his daughter wants to be like him in any way. He takes a shaky breath and gathers himself enough to respond to her. 
“Wow darling that's amazing! I'm so proud of you! I'll help you learn all your lines for the show and we can invite whoever you want to come and see you, hmm?”
Annie nods and then pulls her “thinking face” (her forehead scrunches and she taps her chin with her finger, it is one of Matty's favourite faces she pulls.) 
“I think I just want you Daddy, too many people will make me nervous,” she says looking at Matty as if she's asking for his approval.
Matty's heart once again swells at the fact that she wants him there at all, He is about to say yes when Annie pipes in once more.
“Oh, can nanny come?? I know she lives far away but I want her to see me be a star!!” she says excitedly.
Matty thinks for a second, considering whether his mum will be able to come down. Then he promptly remembers even if she was busy, she would become un-busy very quickly. “Anything for little Annie!” she’d always say. 
So Matty tells Annie he will ask nanny if she can come. By this point in time, they've been speaking about one topic for 5 minutes, so Annie is bored out of her mind and wants to run off and play.
She tells Matty as such and he watches her run off, his little star.
the night of the play Annie is still at the school, having not come home at the usual time so they could do one final run-through before parents arrived.
Matty and Denise are both dressed and ready to leave the house, "right Matthew have you got the keys?" Denise asked as they stood outside the door just about to shut it.
matty sighs, slightly exasperated with his mum's constant doting.
"yes mum I've got-" he starts patting down his trousers, "oh wait. no, I don't. Two secs" Matty says jogging into the house, whilst Denise nods to herself and tries to hide the grin on her face.
the two of them ride together to the nativity, buzzing with energy. mostly to see Annie… maybe a tiny bit to see you.
all the other parents were on a rota to help the kids practice, but Matty was too busy with tour prep to sign up. Not only did that mean he didn't get to see Annie, but he didn't get to see you directing all the kids.
he already told himself not to stare too hard at you tonight, knowing he'd need the mental reminder because otherwise, he'd miss the whole play.
as he walks in Matty immediately scans the room, he looks out to the sea of excited parents. secretly he thinks, "Yeah your kids are fine, but mine is literally the star of the show."
During his scan, Matty spots the one thing he was really looking for, you. Standing in the corner, chatting and laughing with parents, was you. Matty stared for just a few seconds, completely enamoured with your smile.
An announcement came ringing out that the show was starting so parents took their seats and you walked to the front of the stage.
Matty watched as you looked over the crowd as people settled, the two of you locked eyes quickly. You lift your hand and wave, Matty does the same and the smile on his face grows.
Little does he know Denise is next to him, studying this interaction and looking curiously at the pure joy on her son's face.
You somehow manage to pull your eyes away from Matty and start speaking, “Hello family and friends! Welcome to our nativity play! We've all been working so hard on this play, as many of you know, so I hope you enjoy it! Without further adieu, please prepare to watch the annual *school name* nativity!”
The play begins and Matty settles into his chair to watch the kids. And he does. For about 5 min but he can feel his eyes drifting to you off the side of the stage.
How can his attention not be pulled when you're looking like that? You stand there, and the stage lights illuminate your face in what Matty thinks is the most beautiful way. Your simple green dress falls to your mid shin, and Matty stares at the way the neckline shows off your collarbones. But most of all, it's the beaming smile on your face.
A wide grin spreads over your cheeks, and your eyes glow as you look at the kids. every once in a while, your smile falters, but only because you are absentmindedly mouthing along with their lines. Every time a child's eyes fall on you, you beam and give them a thumbs up. Soon, your hand slides up to your chest, and you hold your hand over your heart as you watch the kids you love so much perform on stage.
He can't keep his eyes off of you, the clear love exuding from you emits such a glow mattys eyes can't help but be drawn to you. But soon he hears a little vice he knows all too well come out on stage.
As soon as he sees her, his eyes well up and his hand shoots up over his mouth as he looks out. Annie in her star costume will be burned into his mind forever, her cubby pink cheeks sticking out of the hole as she smiles and sings might just be the cutest thing Matty has ever seen.
Annie does her song and says her lines perfectly, and Matty feels such a deep sense of pride that he's never felt before. As soon as she's off he turns to his mum only to be met with her already looking at him, tears in her eyes also. They smile and exchange a quick hug before realising it's the final song and everyone is back on stage.
Matty focuses on Annie 99% of the time but his eyes can't help but flick over to you every once in a while. The pride Matty is feeling for Annie you are feeling too, just 30x over. He can see the film of tears over your eyes, the way they shimmer in the light is doing very little to hide your emotions.
The play ends and raucous applause and cheers come from the crowd, Matty stands up and other parents follow suit. He watches Annie's eyes flow over the room, desperate to find him, and they light up when they do. She smiles so wide you can see her missing tooth at the back of her mouth. She waves furiously at Matty and Denise and bounces to get off the stage and see them.
Matty and Denise wait out on the playground, Matty with a cigarette in hand despite his mum's scolding. 
“DADDY! NANNY!” Matty immediately turns to the voice and doesn't get too much warning until a small star comes shooting into his arms. 
“Woah!! Hey little superstar! You were amazing up there!!” Matty says before pressing kisses all over her face. She giggles the whole time and both Matty and Denise can't hide their smiles at her laughter.
As soon as Matty finishes Annie starts chattering away to Denise all about her role and how she had to learn lines, Matty was paying attention until he saw you walk out in his periphery.
He watches you chat with parents and soon gets lost, just staring at you. Until he feels Annie being taken out of his arms, then his attention is definitely back as his head shoots around just to see Denise grabbing her. 
“Go on love, go talk to y-” she catches herself before she says your real name in front of Annie, “Miss y/n. I'm sure she wants to talk to you too” She shoots him a wink and begins chatting with Annie.
He nods dumbly and walks over, catching you just as you finish your conversation.
“Matty! Hi!” you say, clearly shocked at his presence.
“Hi! Sorry to come and bother you, but I just wanted to say how great the nativity was. You did an amazing job with them all. Sorry I couldn't help during the week, but I'm sure the play was better off without me!”
You laugh and lightly slap Matty's shoulder, “Don't worry, you're crazy busy being a rockstar. We managed to survive without your acting tips.” you tease. Before your eyes flick behind him briefly, “although we probably could used your mum, the famous Denise Welch? The kids would been on Waterloo Road in no time” you finish with a cheeky smile.
Matty smiles back and is going to retort but before he can Annie shows up, grabbing his hand and dragging him away, saying something about his promise to get fish and chips after the show.
He smiles apologetically at you, and you wave his apology off before actually waving goodbye. A wave he dumbly imitates as he gets dragged by his 5-year-old.
blurb masterlist here!!
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klbwriting · 7 months
The Jason Todd Anomaly
Chapter 16: I'm Going to Need Energy
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Toddxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none, this is fluff
Summary: Jason and YN have a day off
Notes: I just wanted them to have fun before things started going to shit
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YN winced as the sun poured in the now open window. She rolled to shove Jason to get him to close the curtain again but found he wasn’t in bed. She groaned and looked at the time, it was 10 AM. They hadn’t gone to sleep until after 4, why was he up so early? Especially on their day off. For once neither of the had anything. It was her day off from GCPD, he didn’t have any Owl activities going on, and they were still waiting for Alfred and Tim to identify the compound from Fries’s lab and figure out what it did.
“Jason Todd you better no have woken me up at the crack of dawn for no reason,” she groaned, sitting up finally to see Jason sitting on a chair, facing the bed, waiting for her. Her eyes narrowed some, but she couldn’t deny that her extremely hot boyfriend watching her, shirtless, leaning back in the chair to seem relaxed but showing off every muscle he had made her mouth water. He smirked, seeing her eyeing his form as he sat forward finally. “O don’t do that; you’re ruining the picture.” He chuckled and sat back again, making her smile.
“We are off today, and I thought instead of staying in and worrying about all the bullshit we have to do still for the investigation and for getting you ready to patrol alone we would get out of the city,” he said. YN stared.
“Out of the city? You can’t leave the city, no one…no, of course Red Hood has found a way out of the city,” she said. He nodded.
“I have three ways out of the city, depending on what I want to do,” he said. “We could go North towards Metropolis, South towards the ocean, or West towards the fields and lakes outside of Gotham. Your choice.” She nodded and got up.
“Let me take a shower and think about it,” she said. “How about you pack up some stuff for a picnic?” He got out of the chair and kissed her before grabbing a shirt and going down to the main area of the apartment. YN jumped in the shower and let the water wash her annoyance off her. Sometimes it irked her that Jason still didn’t think her able of helping Gotham on her own. Just when she thought he was seeing her as, maybe not equal, but at least capable of doing the things he and his family did. She didn’t have family in Gotham, hadn’t had family here for a long time and just when she thought one was welcoming her in, she hit a wall and realized that maybe she wasn’t there yet. It was frustrating. Maybe Jason was right, they needed a break, she needed a break. She was getting so tired from every night, going out and fighting, and it was affecting her mood. She knew he thought she was capable of helping, just not on his level yet, which was understandable, he’d been doing this since he was a child. Ya, they needed to get out of the city for a few hours so they could clear their heads. She got out of the shower, drying and dressing in comfy and for once, cute clothes that she found in the back of her drawers. She heard Jason in the kitchen and came down, walking over and leaning against the table.
“I have sandwiches, fruit, cut up some veggies, and I even grabbed some of those cupcakes I made that you loved,” he said. “You think that’s enough?” He turned and stared for a second. He hadn’t seen her in a dress since the party and well, he didn’t hate the sight. This wasn’t fancy, just a sundress, sleeveless, black with small pink flowers on it. Sometimes Jason forgot that under that badass exterior YN was soft and sweet and dammit she looked so good with her hair down, he wanted to run his fingers through it, maybe pull it a little for her to make that noise he loved. He pulled himself together, feeling his face getting a little red as he turned back to packing the backpack.
“I think that is plenty,” she said. “Should I change? I figured you’d like me straddling your bike in this.” Jason nearly groaned at the thought.
“No, I think you definitely should keep that on, at least until we have our picnic, I’m going to need energy to make you scream my name in an empty field,” he said, turning to see her blush a little. She shook her head, rolling her eyes. “Challenge accepted.”
“Do we need anything else?” YN asked, grabbing the blanket that he had draped over a chair. He shook his head, grabbing his keys and their phones, handing hers over.
Jason headed west, out of Gotham through a tunnel he had found in Two-Faces territory. It was hidden by a fake wall of rubble he had designed so that the crime lord didn’t realize it was there and brought in outside help for himself. Jason used it to gather supplies sometimes, carting in trucks whenever his people needed things. Now he and YN was speeding out of it, heading towards the mountains. It was sunny and warm, and Jason honestly had never done this before. The whole picnic idea had come from a romcom that he and YN had watched last week. He had never before had a girlfriend to do stuff like this for. Normally he would spend a night or two with someone, maybe even a few weeks, but it was never serious, never something he wanted to make permanent. YN, he wanted to do things like this for, things they did on TV and in the movies, this he wanted to stick. He didn’t slow until they were at a rest area that bordered a national park. It had picnic tables and hiking trails and was completely deserted. Perfect.
He parked the bike and YN was off it in a second, running to the middle of the wildflower field nearby and throwing her arms open, face turned towards the sun. It never seemed to shine in Gotham, and it felt amazing, being out where she could breathe clean air and feel the sun on her face. Jason put the bag down and ran over to her, arms wrapping around her from behind. She laughed, turning to face him, kissing him deeply.
“I love you,” she whispered, saying those words again. They made his heart still and he wasn’t sure if it was joy or fear that made that happen. God, he wanted her to love him, needed it sometimes, but it scared the shit out of him. She was fragile, not as ready to take on the truly loathsome people that Gotham had to offer. She was getting better, but she still could get hurt or worse and if she loved him…if he loved her, then that could disappear in an instant and that was terrifying. He didn’t know if he could admit it to himself that he loved her back. He knew he shouldn’t lie to himself, but this was too big, too much for him to handle, so he pushed the thought away and just kissed her again, distracting her with kisses and food and conversations about what high school was like for them, him being Robin and then dying midway through it, her being just a weird true crime obsessed kid who didn’t fit in. Anything besides the truth that he couldn’t say yet, couldn’t put into words. Because the words made it real and when it was real the thought of losing it was scarier than facing that crowbar in Joker’s hand.
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theficpusher · 2 years
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Walking in the Wind by Untitled_Doc53 | nr | 390 Louis and Harry go on a hike.
Virginia is for Lovers by haztobegood | G | 1727 Harry and Niall go hiking in the Appalachian Mountains.
Big Dipper by gettingaphdinlarry | nr | 3175 “It’s weird being here,” Liam said. “Things are the same but—” “Completely different?” Niall looked at Liam and held his gaze. Niall’s face was a soft pink in the fire’s light. He looked younger, and Liam had to look away as a memory washed over him. Niall was seventeen again, sitting on the damp rocks by the Mississippi River, the day they’d first gone hiking together. Liam still had the rock he’d picked up there, chock-full of fossils. :: Liam and Niall haven't seen each other in years, until they go on a candlelit snowshoe hike together.
Any place you'll allow by kassio | E | 4225 Louis has to be spotted in Aspen, which means that Harry can't be spotted in Aspen. Louis has a great idea for how to be alone together in the wilderness, though, especially since it's Super Bowl Sunday and no one will be out on the trails. And a lonesome mountain adventure is rife with possibilities...
Somewhere Only We Know by kiwikero | E | 6321 Harry Styles rather enjoys his weekly visits to Peak District National Park. There are seemingly endless trails, gorgeous scenery, and plenty of friendly faces—not to mention one very, very fit Park Ranger.
Get Lost and Found by crimsontheory | T | 9437 When Louis is forced to go hiking in the mountains for his best friend's stag do, the very last thing he expects is to meet a beautiful stranger in the middle of the woods.
Of the Earth by angelichl | G | 24152 Harry embarks on a backpacking trip in West Virginia to figure his life out after breaking up with his boyfriend. He meets Louis along the way.
Walls Are Just Walls (You Are My Home) by Anonymous | E | 26003 After being injured in a hiking accident, musician Harry and his bodyguard are stuck on the trail with no cell service, no supplies, and with nightfall coming. Louis, who’s a wilderness first responder, comes across them, gives first aid, and calls for a rescue. Once the rescue’s over and Harry’s family is there to care for him, Louis doesn’t figure he’ll ever see Harry again, but he does— at the talk shows he and Harry appear on so they can talk about their experience, at the concert Harry invites him to, through all texts and DMs. It’s amazing how well they get along and how much Louis likes him. Could someone like Harry ever return his feelings?
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yzeltia · 2 years
Y'zel Tia's Happiest Starlight Day 10
Title: Sleigh Ride by The Ronnets
Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, @driftward's Nyx Blackmoon
Rating: T for Tia True Nuhn
Notes: Thanks to Driftward for helping me with dialogue and my frequent mechanical issues!
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"I have arrived, Rahn."
The Nuhn's ears perked as he heard the monotone of his friend. Cheeks pink, he turned, mouth full of mint leaves, chomping on them to help ease his aether sickness from the port. Swallowing, he shuddered then blinked at his friend, Nyx seeming to be unphased as the cold winds of Dragonhead bustled around them. 
"You came!"
"You requested to meet you at Camp Dragonhead at this hour."
U'rahn nodded then tilted his head before pulling off his backpack to root around inside, letting vials of potions and materia spill over until pulling out his favorite red varsity jacket. "Here, you can wear this to keep warm," he offered.
Nyx stared back blankly, "I can regulate my temperature."
The Nuhn's eyes widened a bit. "Really? That's so cool! I'm from the desert and radiate heat cause of all the aether spilling out of me or something...but the snow still gets to me...You could wear this though to keep the snow off you though."
Nyx stared some more, and then took the garment from the eager Miqo'te, adorning it swiftly as he started to cram the spilled items back into his bag. Once repacked, he waved Nyx forward and headed north of the camp, climbing up a steep hill where Carrots waited in Starlight barding.
"Alright, where did I put it...," the Nuhn sighed, crossing his arms before wandering around until he found a rather large shield with a scraped-up drake painted on it, handles unbolted on the inside, "Here we go! I'd wax this up and use this in the Sagoli to go sand sledding. Shouldn't be too much different doing it in the snow right?"
"The wax used to reduce friction on sand is unnecessary for snow."
U'rahn blinked, then nodded, pretending to understand as he sat the shield down atop the hill. "Sure, sure. Climb in front of me and we can go!"
"I will monitor our speed so that you may have an accurate measurement to compare your sand sledding to, Rahn."
U'rhan wiggled his ears as she sat stiffly in front of him. "Well, I'm not sure if I know my speed on the sand...aside from really fast."
With a nod, he looked back to Carrots. The bird trotted forward then pushed the two with its beak, and down they went in a flash. U'rahn's eyes watered as he howled with excitement, holding Nyx tight as they zoomed at breakneck speeds. Approaching the Witchdrop, his tail perked high, "No no no no no no."
Nyx shifted their weight, "Do not be alarmed. Our current velocity will not result in plummeting to your death. Please remain still; though, should you be injured I am proficient in the medical skills required to treat your injuries."
"BUT BUT BUT," he screamed before finding themselves flying over the crevasse.
Landing on the other side, he exhaled then let out a "YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Maintaining speed, they found themselves sliding through Camp Dragonhead's northern gate, whipping by soldiers who cocked their heads at the stoic woman and excited Miqo'te. Soon they whipped through the south entrance and flew down the part towards Dragonhead proper. Unable to slow, U'rahn began to panic, zooming through the gate before hitting a rock and being flung from the sleigh with Nyx. The latter landed on her feet with grace while the Nuhn found himself flying head-first into a mound of snow. Once the initial shock wore off, she shook out his head then looked back to his companion, giving her a thumbs up. "I think I'm okay, how about you?"
"I am operating within nominal parameters. Given your speed at 30 malms per hour, trajectory at 49°, and the softness of your destination, I do not believe it likely for you to have incurred any damage. I could examine you if you feel that that is not a sufficient diagnosis."
"I trust you," U'rahn answered, swallowing a little as he felt his cheeks warm up.
Slapping at his face with both palms, he let out a bit of a raspberry and shook his head rapidly, blissfully unaware his expressions were being carefully watched. Carrots catching up with them let out a little kweh and rubbed its beak on Nyx's cheek.
"I think that means Carrots thinks it's time to move on from sledding. There's actually a decorated trail from here to Griffin Crossing. Let's take a ride," the Nuhn suggested, approaching the bird only to get a few pecks on the head, "Ow, ow. Cut it out!"
Carrots defensively wandered around then lowered a wing for Nyx as U'rahn slicked back his hair, putting it in place once more. Approaching his friend, he held out his hand. "Can I help you up?"
"Only with my consent."
U'rahn blinked then tilted his head as she stared back at him. After a moment passed it dawned on him, "Oh, may I do that then?"
"Yes, you may, Rahn."
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Nodding, U'rahn lifted Nyx up high and then sat her on Carrots. Once certain she was balanced, he hopped up behind her and took the reigns. "Right! Onward St. Helper Carrots!"
"...kweh," the bird responded, sounding almost bitter about the name as it left the east gate and headed onto the trail.
As promised, decorations lined the sign of the path, clumsily painted wooden signs made by the Fortemps and their soldiers that patrolled the land. Scenes telling the story of Starlight, then depictions of the Saint and their helpers, distributing packages. At the end of the trail, a large Yeti sat amid a small clearing. 
"Wow...look at that," U'rahn pointed out, eyes all aglow.
"That is a Yeti, Rahn."
Carrots stopped shirt and let out a Kweh.
"A really cool-looking one! They went all out to close out the trail. Do you want to get a picture with it?"
"I do not think that would be appropriate given the circumstances."
U'rahn's ears drooped a bit. "Oh. Okay...well, would you take a picture of me with it?"
"If you feel that is the best course of action."
U'rahn nodded then handed over his tomestone before hurrying over the decoration. Propping up his leg on a rock, he posted, flexing his arms under his coat while beaming at Nyx who held up the device and clicked away. Carrots soon covered his eyes with his feathers as the creature stirred then raised its fist high.
"You are in danger of injury, Rahn."
"Haha? Yeah? Should I try a funny pose," he asked before pretending to shield himself from the creature. "Ah...was it posed like that before..."
His eyes widened as his tail and ears perked, the fist coming down upon him, quickly pounding him into the snow in several swift beats. Collapsed spread eagle, he let out a groan then watched as fire bolts flew overhead, warding off the creature. Soon the earth shook as the beast fled, allowing U'rahn to pop up and brush off the snow, mostly unharmed. Head spinning, he stood up then found Carrots and Nyx staring at him.
"That was a Yeti."
"Yes, Rahn. I gave you that information."
U'rahn blinked then beamed at Nyx, ears fluttering as he laughed at himself.
"Well, lessons learned, yeah? I guess I should listen better, my pops always says that. Anyroad, let's get back on our way," he suggested.
"May I help you on Carrots?"
U'rahn blinked then nodded, "You can try."
The Nuhn grinned then let his ears and tail fall limp as he was suddenly lifted with ease up and onto Carrots as the bird lowered to accommodate them. "Burning Warden! You're strong!"
"I was designed to be."
With that, Nyx hopped up, facing U'rhan.
"Ah, wrong way?"
"I was unable to face you during our initial ride. I wish to do so on our return back. Your attention span is short enough that the Hawthorne Effect will not significantly affect my observations."
"Alright then. I suppose that would be okay," he answered, tilting his head, unsure how to take the comment.
U'rahn scooted back a bit, then squeezed his thighs to send Carrots into a trot, Nyx keeping perfect balance as they were sent forward. At first, the Miqo'te made small nervous expressions, aware of the eyes that were upon him, but that soon passed, eyes alight as he noticed that the opposite sides of the strung-up decorations had different depictions of Starlight around Eorzea, among them a Saint Helper pouring warm tea out to little Miqo'te, the Drake painted on them. U'rahn was especially in awe over it, Nyx flitted her eyes over for a moment to capture his line of sight before returning to watch him.
Noting the sun's early fall, U'rahn looked down to his friend as they trotted back into Dragonhead, "Ah. I had more planned, but there's something I want to do at a certain time. We should return to Gage Acquisitions."
With that Nyx flitted out into the aether, sending U'rahn over the back of Carrots. The bird looked back then clicked in amusement. 
"Quiet you," he huffed before pulling mint out of his pocket and stuffing it into his mouth. Chomping away, he closed his eyes then concentrated as hard as he could on his destination. Pulled through, he arrived beside Nyx, face green. He gnashed away quickly, still hurrying to the edge of the overlook, prepared for the worst. As he braced himself, he felt a couple of very deliberate rubs at his back.
Turning, he found Nyx mechanically rotating her arm. "I am told this is soothing."
U'rahn swallowed, stomach settling, now occupied with the sting of the intense leaves. "Ah. It did the trick. Thanks."
"Are we to resume your Starlight activities meant for Vauban?"
The Nuhn stared a moment then shuffled his feet while rubbing the back of his head, "Ah. I kinda forgot that's what this was all for already. I'm having such an exciting time with you," he mumbled, pushing the thought back and away from his mind again. 
"I'm having a good time with you Nyx," he reiterated, "And I could be wrong, but I think this wouldn't have been as fun with anyone else."
Giving her an ear wiggle, he chuckled then hurried to the yard and over to the stove. Fumbling around the supplies, he pulled out some milk and began to boil it over the fire while dropping scoops of sweet chocolate powder into two cups. As she watched, he smiled then handed her two rolls of cinnamon bark. "Could you, er, would you grind this into powder for me?"
"Yes," she answered, putting the spice into a mortar then rapidly spun the pestle in her hand.
"Woah. I should bring U'khuba over so you could show him how to do that!"
"U-Khuba, a Miqo'te, does not have that biological capability."
U’rahn grinned wide, chuckling to himself, “Yeah? I think I might want him around to hear that anyway.”
“Why would you want for U-Khuba to hear that he lacks the biological capability to ground bark into seasoning?”
“It’s…It’s a Seeker thing.”
“That is insufficient information to explain your meaning.”
U’rahn rubbed the back of his head, “I just want to tease him that he can’t do something. The way you phrase it is sort of funny to a Tia and Nuhn.”
Nyx stared at U’rahn quietly while he fumbled around with the boiling pot of milk.
“Ah, maybe it’s not as funny as I thought. The milk is ready though,” he pointed out before pouring it into the prepared cups of cocoa. 
As it diffused, he dropped some marshmallows on top of the browning liquid before taking the mortar and shaking it gently over the top. Finishing, he handed over both saucer and cup to Nyx before taking his own over to sit, the latter joining him. 
“My mom and dad would make this for me every Starlight. It was special ‘cause it was made with the Limsan Cocoa beans from where my dad lived at the time…and cinnamon from Thavnair where my mom is from. A little bit of both of them…just like me. They’d call it Hero Chocolate, cause I was really into adventure stories and stuff…but it’s really just normal hot chocolate with some spice in it…”
U’rahn lowered his ears a bit as he watched the marshmallows melt away. Catching Nyx lift the cup out of the corner of his eye, he jumped, “Hey! That’s going to be really hot,” he warned, watching her take it down with ease.
“It has distinct flavors.”
Smiling softly at Nyx, watching her closely before he closed his eyes and went to take his own sip, sputtering as his tongue was scalded. Whining, he stuck out the muscle before scooping up some snow to rest on it, remembering what was said about regulating temperature. Dropping a glob of snow in the drink, he huffed and then blew into it before taking a sip. Finding it much more temperate, he happily drank it down, ears perking as he caught Nyx mimicking out of the corner of her eye.
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“There is little change in flavour.”
“No, not really. The snow just cooled it down for me,” he explained, catching on to her meaning surprisingly quickly.
“Stirring will assist in releasing heat and is the truest and most efficient method of cooling a beverage. I observe that most blow air over the surface, which is inefficient. Your method seems the most direct and overrides previous data; however, it is dependent on the proximity to snow.”
U’rahn tilted his head again, ear flicking curiously.
“Hero Chocolate is palatable hot or cooled.”
The Nuhn swallowed, suddenly finding himself out of breath. Touching his chest, he stared at the ground for a moment, trying to get his heart to calm down. His face burned, ears starting to tingle as he was overcome by the unfamiliar sensation. Nyx looked upon him quietly.
Standing, he checked his tombstone then quickly reached out for her hand, letting the cup and saucer fall into the snow. “Ah! We’re almost late. Come with me,” he panicked, feeling her remain still until he let out the request.
Hurrying inside, he paused at the entrance to the estate hall, mind flipping through the bowls in the corner of his room, smalls spread out on his floor, and the messy bottom bunk filled with laundry. He hesitated, hand rubbing the wood of the door, suddenly embarrassed by the state he’d left it in even though she’d probably seen it like that a million times. “Ah, actually…let’s go downstairs.”
“Yes, Rahn.”
U’rahn swallowed again, letting go of Nyx’s hand. He’d asked her to call him as such, hadn’t he. He let out a nervous breath, staring at her as she looked back blankly. Shaking it off, he led them downstairs then around the corner to the orchestration player. 
“W-Wait here,” he asked, leaving her in the little hall for a moment.
Heading over to the small lounge, he gathered all the blankets and pillows he could fit into his arms then returned and dumped them out onto the floor before Nyx and then got down to spread a blanket out before setting up pillows against the wall for them to lean on.
“Go ahead and sit down,” he offered, letting her take a seat while he adjusted the large radio, letting it play static before it started to play. 
“Live from Ul’Dah, The Sultana presents “The Night Before Starlight,” read by Redolent Rose of the Weaver’s Guild,” Momodi’s voice sounded out before a small orchestra began to play an intro.
Smiling, he sat down next to Nyx, pulling a blanket up over himself, and offering it to Nyx to share. “Another family thing…even in Forgotten Springs, dad gathers us up in his hut and he turns this on for us. Even the sandworms calm down just for the night…some even are seen resting near the gate while it plays. It’s the magic of Starlight.”
“The lack of adversaries allows them to seasonally take respite near your dwellings as you are not providing a threat.”
“Mmm…I think it’s the magic of Starlight.”
“There is no school of magic for Starlight.”
U’rahn let out a little, feeling that strange tingle come back across his cheeks and ears. “I…I uh…,” he started, pulling at his coat a bit before turning his head as the story began.
“Twas’ the night before Starlight, and all the Brume, orphans shivered in the snow and the gloom. Huddled and gathered they cried, unaware that by the Saint they’d been spied.”
~~The story continued, but U’rahn did not hear, falling asleep before the story could be filled with Starlight cheer. Slumped over from the exciting day he shared, blissfully ignorant of how much for the Garlean experiment he cared. And so there he lay and snored, the Nuhn’s cheek up against the head of the one he didn’t know he adored.~~
Bonus unused shot:
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maybeimamuppet · 2 years
picking teams- chapter 9: janis
helllooooo and happy halloween!! welcome to FINALLY CADNIS YAY and a little halloween “date” :) 
tw for
depression kinda
discussion of child abuse 
discussion of homophobia 
discussion of outing 
discussion of death 
discussion of divorce 
alrighty enough discussing but as always if i’ve missed anything please let me know so i can add it to the list :) 
Janis sighs as she raps on the Herons’ front door, shifting her heavy backpack to the other shoulder and folding her jacket over her stomach to keep out the chill. 
Cady pulls the door open, seeming almost surprised to see her there. “Shit, hey. Did we have a session today?”
“Yeah,” Janis says. “You okay?” 
Cady looks like hell. She’s in sweatpants and a ratty old t-shirt that probably belonged to one of her parents at some point, along with the never-matching socks she always has on. Her hair is clearly unbrushed and hasn’t been washed in a while, tied in a careless knot on top of her head. And, on top of it all, she looks exhausted. Like she hasn’t left her bed in the week since homecoming but somehow hasn’t slept at all at the same time. 
“Not really,” Cady admits shyly. “Come in, we should get to work.” 
Janis steps inside, politely removing her boots before following Cady up the stairs to her bedroom like normal. 
“Sorry about the mess,” Cady says sheepishly. “I forgot you were coming or I would’ve cleaned up.” 
Janis has to hold back a gasp when she steps in. She’s seen worse, and god knows her own room has been messier. But for Cady, this is terrible. There’s tissues all over the ground, her bed is rumpled and unmade, and there’s a half-eaten pint of ice cream resting on her nightstand with a spoon still sticking out of it, dripping melty goodness all over the wooden surface. 
“My desk might be the best place,” Cady continues shyly. Janis shakes her head. 
“No way. We’re not doing this today,” she says.
“We’re not?”
“Absolutely not,” Janis says. “Go take a shower and get dressed.”
“What?” Cady asks, a shocked laugh bubbling out of her. Janis snatches the robe and towel off the hook hanging in her closet and shoves them at her. Cady takes them wordlessly and pads off to the bathroom. 
Janis tends to the room in the meantime. She picks up the ice cream (vanilla, which Cady went on a very long rant about a few sessions ago. Janis will never call it a boring flavor ever again) and takes it down to the kitchen, putting it back in the freezer and the spoon in the sink. 
She wipes up the ring of vanilla residue on the nightstand just so it won’t damage the wood, and lazily folds Cady’s blanket back so that the bed is almost made. Janis would ordinarily do more, the way her gut is practically screaming at her to do, but she knows how embarrassing it can feel to have someone clean up after you, especially after a rough patch. Hopefully Cady will be feeling well enough after today to do it herself. 
Janis shoves some tissues aside and flops down onto Cady’s bed, staring at the ceiling. Cady’s room is cute, but the Plastic side of her is ever encroaching like some kind of virus, infecting every aspect of her life. Her sheets are pink now, and there’s a lot more selfies of Cady and the Plastics on her bulletin board than there used to be. 
Cady comes back in after a while, clean and detangled curls wrapped up in the towel and her cheeks and ears flushed pink from the warmth. Janis feels her heart seize a bit, seeing her crush so… domestic. 
“What am I getting dressed for, mystery chick?” Cady asks as she roots through her dresser for some clean undergarments and socks. 
“Just dress warm and wear good shoes,” Janis replies. She grabs her backpack back off the ground and leaves Cady to change with some privacy, shutting the door with a wink. 
Cady comes downstairs about five minutes later, clad in a North Shore High Cheer t-shirt covered with a cozy cardigan, some jeans, and her usual white converse. She’s clipping the top half of her hair back out of her face when she meets Janis at the bottom of the stairs. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Janis echoes. “Let’s go.”
“Go whereeeee?” Cady whines, grabbing her keys and phone.
“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out,” Janis smirks. Cady locks her front door behind them and trudges along with her back to Janis’ house. 
“Why did I need to wear good shoes to your house?” Cady asks in confusion. 
“This is just the first stop, Caddy,” Janis chuckles. “You’re about to meet the reason I never let you come over.” 
Janis unlocks and opens the front door, barely taking a step inside and hollering, “TV!” 
“What?!” Stevie yells back. 
“Come here!” 
Cady looks at her in confusion, until Stevie comes partway down the stairs to see what she wants. Cady lets out a quiet, “Aww!” 
“Caddy, this is my sister, Stevie. Stevie, this is Caddy,” Janis says. 
Stevie comes the rest of the way down the stairs, offering a hand for Cady to shake. “Stevie Ramona Sarkisian. Pleasure.” 
Cady giggles a bit and takes the offered hand, giving it a gentle shake. “Cadence Jane Heron. Nice to meet you, too.” 
“What are your intentions with my sister?” 
“Stevie!” Janis yelps, thwacking the back of her head. 
“Ow! I’m just checking!” Stevie huffs, massaging her sore head. 
“You’re weird,” Janis sighs. “C’mere.” 
Stevie raises an eyebrow, but heads over to her big sister. Janis bends down to whisper something in her ear, and her eyes light up. “Yeah, yeah!” 
“Go get dressed, then,” Janis says, shoving her sister back towards the stairs. Stevie barrels up to her room to change out of her taco pajamas. “Sorry about that. She’s an oddball.” 
“It’s fine,” Cady grins. “She’s cute.” 
“Don’t let her hear you say that,” Janis smirks, leaning against the wall to wait. Cady joins her. “I don’t think you’d live to see another day.” 
Janis can tell from the look in Cady’s eye that she doesn’t totally doubt that. But, Cady smiles before she asks, “How old is she?” 
“She’s nine. Her birthday was in August,” Janis replies. “She’s kinda like you. Freaky genius for her age.” 
“Hey now,” Cady giggles. “This freaky genius is helping you pass math.” 
“Never said I wasn’t grateful,” Janis smirks in reply. “TV, hurry up!” 
“Why do you call her TV?” 
“When she was a baby she didn’t know how to say S’s. So she called herself TV instead of Stevie. And she’s always been a little ham, so it fit,” Janis says. 
“That’s really cute,” Cady says. There’s something almost… melancholy, in her eyes, but Janis gets a feeling now isn’t the time to ask about it. 
Stevie comes running back down the stairs before she gets a chance to, anyway, stumbling over her shoes at the end and almost falling. 
She makes her way over to them, but Cady’s eyes are immediately on the cat that followed her downstairs. “Oh my god!” she squeals in a pitch so high Janis can barely hear her. “Who is thiiiiiis?” 
Janis laughs as Cady chases the cat down the hall and lies on the ground, reaching a hand out for her to sniff. Surprisingly, the cat accepts the offer and lets Cady pick her up for scritches and love. 
“That’s Re-uh.” Janis stutters. “Reba.”
“No it’s not,” Stevie snorts. “Her name is Refried Beans.” 
Cady looks up at Janis in shock before she bursts into hysterical laughter. “Refried Beans?” 
“Don’t you diss the beans,” Janis huffs, blushing and looking away. 
“I would never. Hello Beans,” Cady says. Janis and her sister both gape at her. “What?”
“She hates people,” Stevie says, almost in awe. “She won’t let any of us pick her up.”
“Really?” Cady asks, looking at the cat curled up in her arms, head resting on her shoulder and purring contently in her ear. “Hm.” 
“Can we go now?” Stevie begs, wrapping her arms around her big sister and blinking up at her. 
“Yeah. Cads, you ready?” 
“Mmhmm,” Cady hums. “Bye Refried Beans. Go easy on your family, they’re good people.” 
Stevie and Janis both blink at her again as Beans lets Cady gently rest her back on the ground. Cady brushes some stray fur off her sweater before following after them. 
“Where are we going?” she asks as Janis leads them to her dad’s car. 
“It’s a surprise!” Stevie squeals eagerly. She climbs into her spot in the back while Cady gets shotgun. “But it’s the best, you’re gonna love it.”
“If you say so, Stevie,” Cady chuckles. Stevie nods eagerly. “Then I suppose I can live with a surprise.” 
“Good,” Janis says, turning the engine over. “Buckle up.” 
Janis watches Cady as much as she can while she drives, looking back and forth between her and the road. Cady looks wistfully out the window for most of the drive, and chats with an eager Stevie. Janis smiles a bit seeing her crush and her baby sister getting along so well. 
When they get closer, Janis realizes she might not be able to keep this a surprise for much longer. So, she locks eyes with Stevie in the backseat, and nods towards Cady while she isn’t looking. Stevie nods eagerly, excited at the idea of helping with the surprise, and scoots into the seat directly behind Cady. As soon as she’s buckled again, she leans forward to cover Cady’s eyes.
“Wh- hey!” Cady yelps as her world suddenly goes dark. 
“We gotta keep it a surprise,” Janis explains. 
“Fine,” Cady grumbles, pouting adorably. “But if this turns out to be some sister… murdering duo, I’m gonna be very upset.” 
“Maybe we should start doing that, Janny,” Stevie says. 
“Nah, you’re not strong enough to kill people yet,” Janis says. “Maybe when you’re ten.”
“I could poison people!” Stevie says, aghast. 
“You guys talking about this so casually is really not making me any more comfortable,” Cady grumbles. 
“Well, we’re here, so you’ll be able to run in a second,” Janis says, pulling into a spot in the field that’s been transformed into a parking lot.  “Promise to keep your eyes closed for a sec?”
“Sure,” Cady agrees with a giggle. True to her word, she keeps her eyes tightly closed while Janis and Stevie climb out. 
Janis opens her door for her and gently grabs her hands to help guide her out of the car. Stevie bounces eagerly behind them, the child in her making a quite rare appearance. Janis smiles at her sister and nods, so Stevie calls, “Open your eyes!” 
Cady does, looking around to see where Janis has dragged her. “Aww! A pumpkin patch?” 
“Yeah. Our, er… never mind. But we come here every year,” Janis says sheepishly. “You wanna go in?” 
Stevie leaves no room for debate, grabbing Cady and Janis’ hands and running towards the gate. “Come on!” 
“Jesus, Steve!” Janis yelps. “Slow down!” 
Stevie doesn’t slow down until they’re at the gates. 
“Oh, I didn’t bring any money, I’m sor-” Cady begins. Janis shrugs. 
“It’s free entry. Anything else we can just consider payment for all the tutoring sessions,” she says. “Alright, Steve, rules?”
“Don’t get kidnapped, scream if I do get kidnapped, and come find you if I want to buy anything,” Stevie recites immediately. Janis nods, so Stevie goes running off to play on her own. 
“What do you want to do?” Janis asks, turning to Cady. “They have… everything.” 
Cady looks around for a moment, looking at all the signs directing them to various activities. “Petting zoo?” 
“Sold,” Janis says, gently taking Cady’s hand and leading them that way. “Nobody from school ever comes here, by the way,” she says as they walk. “Too far away. So you don’t have to worry about being seen with me or anything.”
“I don’t-” Cady begins. Janis raises a knowing eyebrow. “It’s not you. Things would just be so much worse for the both of us if anyone saw us acting like friends.” 
“No, I’m not-” Cady sighs. “I’m really fucking this up, aren’t I?” 
“No, I’m messing with you,” Janis chuckles. “I get why we have to act like we don’t know each other. I just wanted you to know you don’t have to out here.” 
“Thanks,” Cady says gratefully. “And thanks for bringing me here.” 
“No problem,” Janis grins, gently bumping their shoulders together. “What animal first?” 
“Sheep!” Cady squeals as soon as she sees one, running off in that direction and answering Janis’ question in quite possibly the most adorable fashion she possibly could’ve. 
Janis runs after her and finds her pressed against the fence to the sheep and goat pen. She’s bending so far over it to try to pet them that Janis is worried she’ll fall in. She looks to a machine nearby and sees that it’s only fifty cents for a whole handful of food, which will probably help Cady’s odds of not landing in sheep shit. 
“Cads,” she calls when she has the feed pellets in her hands. Cady straightens and turns around to see her with a pitiful pout on her face. 
“Why aren’t they coming over?” 
“Because you need some of this,” Janis chuckles. She gently gives Cady about half of the food and shows her how to offer it to them. 
“Oh,” Cady says when she’s suddenly swarmed by the sheep and goats. “You guys know what’s up, huh? I thought I was losing my touch.” 
“Your touch?” 
“Yeah,” Cady chuckles. “I dunno why I said that, it’s dumb.” 
“You could never be dumb,” Janis says quietly. Cady looks at her for a moment.
“I used to think I could talk to animals,” she begins. “When I was really little. I thought I could understand them. They could understand me. I know it’s not true, now, but I always kinda… had a way with them. Gazelles used to follow me, an elephant brought me her sick baby once. One of the lions trusted me enough to let me play with her cubs. I dunno why, but I’ve always just kinda had a gift with animals.” 
“No wonder Beanie liked you, then,” Janis says. “Does it still work in America?” 
“Usually,” Cady chuckles. “Every once in a while I see a deer out my window and stuff, I think they follow me around too. I guess these guys are just too used to food for my magic to work.” 
“Probably,” Janis agrees with a laugh. “You’re kinda like a Disney princess, then.”
“A princess?” 
“Please tell me you’ve seen Disney movies,” Janis begs. 
“What’s Disney?” Cady asks, tilting her head. Janis almost collapses. 
“We have to have a movie night,” she insists. “You can’t not know Disney movies. I have to show them to you.” 
“I’d really like that,” Cady agrees softly. “Oh, wait, is Disney the one with the… uh… the… Scottish one with the bears?” 
“Merida?” Janis chuckles. “I think she’s technically Pixar, but she counts. She’s in Brave.” 
“Damian always calls me Merida,” Cady says. “At practice. Because of my hair, I think.” 
“Makes sense,” Janis chuckles, looking at Cady’s fluffy red curls. “And I guess you have to be pretty brave to let Damian chuck you in the air a bunch.” 
“No, he’s great,” Cady says immediately. “He’s so nice. Every time I get nervous he talks me through what we’re doing and tells me how to make it easier on both of us and stuff. And he’s never dropped me, even though I’m friends with your mortal enemies. So I trust him.”
“That does sound like Damian,” Janis chuckles. “He’s a good guy.” 
“He’s in good company,” Cady replies quietly, gently nudging her with an elbow. Janis feels her cheeks grow warm and looks down at the sheep eating from her hand. Cady gently pats its wooly head. “Can we go see the bunnies?”
“Yeah,” Janis says, the word barely squeaking out of her mouth before she coughs to clear her throat. “Yeah.” 
She follows Cady to the rabbit enclosure and climbs over the fence after her. Janis gets to see firsthand what Cady was talking about earlier as a rabbit hops over and settles in Cady’s lap. 
“Hello,” she coos, gently stroking down the rabbit’s back. “What’s your name? You look like a… Frisbee.” 
“Frisbee?!” Janis laughs. 
“Yeah,” Cady says decisively. “Why not?”
“Caddy, do you know what a frisbee is?” 
“No,” Cady says. “Oh god, is it a bad thing?” She looks down at the bunny on her lap. “I’m so sorry.”
“No, it’s nothing like that, but… frisbees are made to be… thrown,” Janis says, trying to hold back her laughter. “It’s, like, a disc thingy so it goes a really long way if you throw it. People use them as dog toys and stuff.” 
“No!” Cady gasps in horror, protectively holding the bunny closer. 
“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you,” Janis chuckles. “It is a cute name, though.” 
“It suits her,” Cady says. “But no throwing.” 
“Of course not,” Janis says, gently scooping up her own bunny and resting it on her lap. “They’re so soft.” 
“I wonder what conditioner they use,” Cady mumbles absently. Janis bursts out laughing, accidentally startling her bunny away. 
“Carrot juice?” 
“Could be,” Cady hums. “Would that work?” 
“I dunno,” Janis shrugs with a chuckle. “Probably not. I think having fur instead of hair definitely helps them.”
“Probably,” Cady agrees. “Do you want to see any animals?” 
“They have baby ones inside,” Janis offers. “If you want.” 
“Yes please,” Cady says immediately. “Bye Frisbee. Have a good day.” 
Janis grins as Cady gently pets her bunny a few more times before carefully moving her off her lap and standing up. Janis helps her back out of the pen and towards the nearby tent, where the baby animals are held in their special pens. 
They’re allowed in these ones, so Cady clambers over the fence into the baby goat pen. Once again, one immediately comes trotting over to greet her. 
“Hi,” Cady says, offering a hand for it to smell before she gently pats its little head. “Oh my god, you’re so cute.” 
An employee walking by casually mentions that they’re allowed to hold the animals, so Cady immediately scoops the baby goat into her arms and stands. 
The goat stares at her for a moment, seeming confused by the fact it’s suddenly off the ground. When it puts the pieces together, it releases a truly remarkable bleat. 
Cady looks at Janis with wide eyes and her lips in a thin line before she bursts out laughing. “What was that?” 
“Had to let everyone know the great Cady Heron is holding him,” Janis laughs. 
“He’s a lot heavier than he looks,” Cady grunts. The goat bleats again. “Okay, okay, I’ll put you down. There you go.” 
“He is pretty cute,” Janis says. Cady nods. 
“You want to go do something else?” 
“If you want to,” Janis shrugs. “I’ve seen everything at one point or another. Today’s about you.”
“Well, I wanna do what you want to do,” Cady says, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting like a petulant toddler. Janis chuckles as she helps Cady back out of the goat pen and starts leading them back towards the main area. Suddenly, an idea hits her. 
“You ever been on a zipline?”
“Are you sure this is safe?” Cady asks anxiously as she climbs onto her swing. Janis climbs onto the one next to her and prepares to slide down the long rope. 
“Not in the slightest,” Janis says, picking her feet up and going down. “Come on, Cads!” 
Cady warily copies her motion, setting her own swing down the zipline. She clings to the rope in the middle, but she does start laughing about halfway down. Janis climbs off her own when she reaches the bottom and waits for Cady to join her. 
“That was fun!” Cady chirps happily when Janis helps her down. 
“You wanna go again?” 
“Yeah,” Cady agrees immediately, heading to get back into the line. 
They make it about halfway up when Stevie comes running up to them. “Janny!” 
“What’s up, Steve?” Janis asks. 
“Can we get pumpkins?” Stevie asks eagerly. 
“Yeah, sure. Got your eye on one?” 
“Yeah! We gotta go now or someone else will take it, it’s perfect!” Stevie insists, grabbing her sister’s hand and trying to haul her towards the pumpkins. Janis holds her ground and looks at Cady. Cady laughs and starts walking off. 
“We can come back here, let’s go see the pumpkins,” she says, waiting for Janis to join them. 
“Yes!” Stevie squeals, running off again. “Janny, come on! You’re so slow!” 
“Watch your mouth, kid, I’m paying for this pumpkin,” Janis calls. “Go grab it, we’ll be there in a second.” 
Stevie runs the rest of the way back to the main building, with bins and bins of pumpkins in front of it. 
“What’s the point of the pumpkins?” Cady asks when they make it. 
“Halloween used to be, like, about the harvest or something,” Janis shrugs. “I don’t really know. It’s just a fall thing. But Stevie and I always carve some every year.”
“Carve them?” 
“Have you never- oh,” Janis realizes. “Do you want to try it? It’s fun. Here.” 
She Googles some photos of carved pumpkins and shows them to Cady so she can get an idea of what it’s about. 
“They’re cute,” Cady says, scrolling through the search results. “Can I really?” 
“Yeah, the pumpkins are pretty cheap,” Janis says. “Come on, let’s go pick some.” 
Cady smiles as Janis takes her hand and jogs her over to the pumpkins. She wanders off to look as Stevie waddles over with the one she wants held securely in her arms. 
“Did you check it?” Janis asks, grabbing a wheelbarrow so she doesn’t have to carry it all the way back to the car. “No smushy bits or bugs or anything?”
“Nope!” Stevie chirps happily. Janis nods and gestures to the wheelbarrow, so Stevie gently puts it inside. “Is Cady your girlfriend?”
“What? No!” Janis says immediately. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes! Of course I’m sure, we’re just friends,” Janis says. 
“But are you really sure?”
“Yes! Give it a rest,” Janis pleads. 
Stevie is quiet for a moment. “Do you want her to be your girlfriend?” 
“Yes,” Janis admits softly. “But she doesn’t like girls, so it’s not gonna happen. And you can’t tell her.” 
“She likes you.”
“Not like that,” Janis huffs. 
“Yes she does,” Stevie retaliates. “She was staring at you the whole time you were walking over here. And before when I came to find you. And-”
“Enough, Stevie, please,” Janis begs. “Just keep this to yourself, okay?”
“Fine,” Stevie pouts. “I think she’s lost.” 
Janis looks up to find Cady standing in amongst the bins of pumpkins, turning around and aimlessly looking between them. Janis suddenly remembers she didn’t tell her what she should be looking for. Whoops. 
“Need help?” she offers. Cady jumps and turns quickly, but she relaxes when she sees Janis. 
“They all look the same, I don’t… really know how to pick one,” she says, wringing her hands anxiously. 
“Yeah, it can be kind of overwhelming,” Janis chuckles. “It might help if you think of a design you’d want to carve first. Then you can pick a pumpkin with a good shape for whatever you want to do.” 
Cady thinks for a moment, twisting her lips from side to side as she mulls over possible designs. “Could I carve a lion?”
“Yeah, that would actually be pretty sick,” Janis nods. “So, a sorta… round and squatty one would probably be best for something like that. Not too tall and skinny.” 
Cady looks until she finds one matching that description and heads over to it. “Like this?”
“Yeah, that should work. Now you just have to make sure it’s a good one,” Janis says. “Like, make sure there’s no weird rotten bits or bugs living in it or too much dirt crusted on.”
“Eww,” Cady shudders. She grunts as she picks up the pumpkin to examine it and tumbles backwards onto her bum. “Whoa! It’s heavy.”
“They are heavier than they look,” Janis chuckles, offering a hand to help her up. Cady takes it to pull herself into a sit and turns the pumpkin all around. “Looks good.” 
Stevie approaches with the wheelbarrow, so Janis helpfully removes the pumpkin from Cady’s lap and deposits it in. Cady does a quick sort of backflip thing to stand, dusting the straw from her jeans. 
“Whoa! How did you do that?” Stevie asks in awe. 
“I’m a cheerleader. I’ve had lots of practice,” Cady grins. “You have to learn fun ways to get up so people can’t tell when you fall down.” 
“Wow,” Stevie says, suddenly seeming totally starstruck by their company. “Can you teach me?” 
“I can probably teach you some stuff, sure,” Cady nods. She laughs as Stevie grabs their hands and starts trying to haul them off towards the trampoline area. 
“Steve, we haven’t even bought the pumpkins yet,” Janis chuckles, snatching her sister beneath the shoulders so she can’t run. Stevie goes limp as she remembers this information. 
“Now you pick one!” Cady says, gently poking Janis’ arm. 
“Fine, fine,” Janis says. She’s had her eye on a design she’s wanted to try since last Halloween, so she looks around for a more oval shaped pumpkin. An expert assessment reveals it to be a quality one, so she carefully adds it to the wheelbarrow. She looks to her sister. “Can you manage to get this in that barn thing without running anyone, anything, or yourself over?” 
“Yes,” Stevie huffs. She takes the handles and starts pushing it in that direction. Cady and Janis start walking after her. 
“She’s run herself over?” Cady whispers to Janis.
“More than once,” Janis mutters back. 
“I can hear you!” Stevie yells. Cady giggles under her breath and looks at Janis. 
“She’s a lot like you,” she says. 
“I’m not sure that’s a good thing.”
“No, it is! You’re great,” Cady says. “I can tell you… she really looks up to you, is all.” 
“Thanks,” Janis says, feeling the burn of a blush on her cheeks. Cady smiles and continues walking into the barn to buy their pumpkins. 
“Tiny pumpkin,” Cady gasps. Janis follows her to the display of small pumpkins and decorative squashes for sale just outside the building. “It’s so cute!”
“So get it,” Janis says. 
“No, you already paid for… a lot of stuff today,” Cady says, carefully putting it back. Janis grabs it before she can put it down and hands it back to her. 
“And I’ll pay for more. You’ve never had pumpkins before. Little tiny ones are the best,” she shrugs. “It’s, like, a dollar, it’s not a big deal.” 
“Really?” Cady asks shyly. Janis nods and gestures for her to take it. Cady carefully cradles the tiny pumpkin in her hands and heads up to Stevie at the counter. 
The pumpkin patch is largely family run and has been for generations, and uses the honor system to price their pumpkins. Janis could easily just lie and get them cheaper, but she won’t. Never has and never will. 
Cady and Stevie both watch eagerly as Janis pays for their pumpkins. Janis puts the little one into her pocket while Cady helps Stevie reverse the wheelbarrow out of the shop so they can drop off the larger ones at the car. 
“God, this is heavy!” she groans as she gets it down the small step. “How did you manage getting that in there yourself?” 
“I dunno,” Stevie shrugs. 
“You’d probably be a better cheerleader than me,” Cady giggles. “Ow.” 
“Maybe leave it to the professional, then,” Janis chuckles. Cady nods and happily lets Stevie handle getting it to the car. Janis unlocks the trunk and takes the pumpkins Cady carefully passes to her. 
“Alrighty. Happy?” Janis asks, looking between Stevie and Cady. They both nod eagerly. “Good. Back to it, then.”
“Cady, come on, there’s a trampoline this way!” Stevie says immediately. Cady squeaks a bit as she grabs her hand and starts practically sprinting in that direction. 
“Steve, go easy on her! It’s her day off,” Janis chuckles. “You’re lucky she’s nice.” 
“No, she’s so sweet,” Cady says, panting a bit to catch her breath now that Stevie has slowed down to a reasonable speed. 
“Don’t say that. Goes to her ego,” Janis snorts. 
“Hey!” Stevie huffs. 
“You know it’s true,” Janis replies. “Go jump.” 
“Are you coming?” Cady asks, trying to walk backwards into the fenced in bouncing area. 
“Nah, you guys have fun. I gotta get pictures of something for my dad,” Janis says. Cady pouts the slightest bit, but eagerly kicks off her shoes and heads up onto the inflatable cushion thing. Trampoline is a bit of a stretch. It looks more like a giant pillow, or a balloon of some sort. 
Stevie immediately starts jumping up and down. She is nine, after all. Janis is just glad she’s getting some energy out. Cady clambers her way up onto the thing and takes a few tentative bounces. 
“Will you do some cheerleading tricks? Pleeeeease?” Stevie begs. Cady smiles as Stevie hugs her tightly around the waist. Maybe Janis should take advantage of her sister’s childish charm. Could come in handy someday. 
“What should I do?”
“I dunno! Something cool!” Stevie says eagerly, standing back and bouncing up and down. 
“Alright. Tell me if I’m about to run over a child, okay?” Cady grins. Stevie laughs and nods. Cady does a few basic stretches, rolling her shoulders and wrists out and jumping up and down a couple times. Janis guesses she needs a better feel for the bounce, or something. Not that she’s been staring at her every move, or anything. Of course not. 
Stevie’s jaw drops almost as soon as Cady begins. Janis’ quickly follows. She doesn’t know any of the technical terms for what Cady’s doing, but she recalls Damian describing Cady’s tumbling as being like one of those wind up toys, and thinks that’s a rather apt metaphor. 
“Whoa!” Stevie cheers as Cady comes to a stop at the other end of the long trampoline. “That was so cool!” 
“Thank you,” Cady giggles sweetly. 
“Can you teach me?!” 
“A couple things, probably,” Cady nods. “But nothing too crazy. I think your sister would kill me if I let you break your neck.” 
“Aw,” Stevie pouts. Cady grins and ruffles her dark hair. 
“It takes a long time! I’ve been practicing since I was really little, you can’t expect to do a perfect back handspring in one day. But you’ll catch up in no time.” 
“How long did it take you?” 
“Mmm… about four years, I think,” Cady says. “From the very very beginning. But I was also tumbling on mud. That makes it tricky.” 
“Oh. How do you start?” Stevie asks. 
Janis watches as Cady coaches her little sister through the very beginnings of tumbling. Stevie eagerly follows along. Janis smiles seeing her so excited. And she trusts Cady to keep her sister safe. 
By the time they both get too tired to keep going, Stevie has almost mastered a roundoff. She seems even more pleased with herself when Cady tells her how long it took her to get a roundoff properly. 
“Nicely done, kid,” Janis says when her sister comes up to her after they slide down off the trampoline. 
“Very nice,” Cady says, panting a bit. “There’s my workout for the day. Hoo, man.” 
“You good?” Janis chuckles. 
“Yeah,” Cady grins back. “Do they have… like, water, anywhere, though?” 
“I’ll do you one better. Come on,” Janis says, taking her hand and leading her towards yet another barn. This one has all the food for sale. Despite all the fun fall activities they offer, Janis thinks this is her favorite part of the pumpkin patch. Fall just isn’t fall until she eats her weight in pumpkin muffins, caramel apples, homemade mashed potatoes, and apple cider. 
“Ooh,” Cady says as soon as they walk in. “It smells so good in here!” 
“All the food,” Janis chuckles. “Come on.” 
“It all costs money,” Cady says anxiously. 
“Restaurants tend to be like that, yeah,” Janis says. “Caddy, seriously, don’t worry about it. I didn’t bring you here expecting you to pay for anything.” Totally not a date. “Today’s supposed to be fun. Get what you want, I promise it’s fine.” 
“Are you sure? Regina always-”
“Regina is full of shit,” Janis spits. “I can afford one day out and not expect you to pay me back, okay?”
Cady nods sheepishly. “Thank you.” 
“Don’t mention it,” Janis shrugs. “Now come on. You’re not leaving until you’ve tried a caramel apple.” 
“Cady, can we sit together?” Stevie asks. 
“Yeah, of course,” Cady says. Stevie squeals and runs to find them a table. 
“Maybe bringing her was a mistake,” Janis chuckles. “Sorry she’s a little clingy.” 
“She’s totally fine,” Cady says. “She’s so sweet. I have a new best friend.”
“Hey!” Janis whines. 
“Two new best friends,” Cady amends with a chuckle. “Whoa, that’s a big menu.”
“Yeah,” Janis chuckles. “Anything with chicken is pretty good. And the mashed potatoes are fantastic. And the noodles. Everything else isn’t really worth it.” 
“Noted,” Cady says. Janis orders the usual mashed potatoes with noodles for herself and Stevie to split, since the orders are way larger than they have any right to be. Cady gets the same thing and helps her carry it all back over to the table Stevie found. 
“So you’ve known Cady for two and a half hours and she’s already taken my place, hm?” Janis says when she sees the empty chair reserved for Cady next to her sister. Janis slides into the other one across from them and rests the food down. 
“No. She’s much less annoying,” Stevie says. “Not my fault your friends are better than mine.” 
“Hey, go easy on your sister,” Cady giggles. “She’s a really good person, you know.” 
“Yeah, but she’s my sister,” Stevie says. “It’s, like, against the law for me to act like I love her.” 
“Oh, is that right?” Cady asks. “Well, I’ll have you know it’s against Cady laws to give your sister such a hard time.” 
Stevie ponders this for a moment. She clearly wants to be in Cady’s good books, but her sibling instincts can’t allow her to forgo all of her good-natured taunting. 
“I like you sometimes,” Stevie concludes. 
“Yeah, you’ve got your moments,” Janis agrees. “Now eat, Papa will be mad if I don’t feed you something half decent.”
Cady shrugs, happy to have done… something for the two of them. Even if it is likely to only last a few minutes. “Whoa! This is delicious!” 
“I told you,” Janis chuckles. “Best part of the whole place.” 
Cady doesn’t respond. She just continues wolfing down her potatoes and noodles. Janis doesn’t blame her. She picks up her own fork and goes to town on her half of the order she and Stevie got. Stevie whines, “Hey, slow down, I need some too!” 
“Snooze you lose, dork,” Janis says. Stevie grabs her own fork and starts the war for their portion. “Maybe next year we get our own.”
“Definitely,” Stevie says. “Did you get some for Dad?”
“No, remind me to before we leave. If we get it now it’ll be cold by the time he gets it.” 
“Mm. Good thinking,” Stevie says. 
“What does your dad do?” Cady asks. 
“He’s a lawyer,” Stevie and Janis say at the same time. 
“Divorce attorney. Specializes in, er… unusual ones,” Janis explains further.
“Celebrities,” Janis says. “Minor ones, anyway. Divorces people usually want to keep private. Or pretty gnarly ones where one or both of the people need extra protection for whatever reason.” 
“That’s really cool. What about your mom?” Cady asks, taking another bite of her food. Janis and Stevie both deflate a bit and look away. 
“She’s… not around,” Janis explains softly. 
“Oh, I’m sorry-” Cady frantically starts to say. 
“It’s okay, Cads,” Janis says. “We just… don’t really like to talk about it.”
“Okay. Yeah. Sorry.” 
The mood is a bit awkward for a while, nobody being quite sure what to say. Everyone finishes quietly, and Cady takes all their trash to throw away. 
“What now?” Stevie asks when she comes back. 
“You wanna go get us ciders to go?” Janis replies. Stevie nods eagerly, happily taking Janis’ debit card and running back to the food counter. “Nothing else! Just that, I’m broke!”
“Yeah, yeah!” Stevie yells back.
“That was probably a mistake,” Janis sighs. “Anyway. What do you think you wanna do next?” 
“I don’t know,” Cady says. “Zipline again?”
“Sure,” Janis chuckles. “Hey, she actually listened.” 
Stevie comes carefully walking back over with a drink tray and hands it to her sister. Janis hands one cup to her and another to Cady, keeping the last for herself. Cady takes a sip of the warm drink. “Mmm!” 
“Apple cider,” Janis chuckles.
“Warm,” Cady says happily, cradling it between her hands. 
“Good?” Janis asks. Cady nods eagerly with a smile. “Good. Come on.” 
“Can I go again?” Stevie asks.
“Yeah. Meet back here at… seven,” Janis says, checking the time on her phone. “And don’t get kidnapped.”
“Okay!” Stevie says, taking her drink and running back to the more child-oriented activities. 
Cady follows Janis as she starts walking back in the direction of the beloved zipline, drink held securely in her hands as she takes slow sips so she won’t burn her tongue. “Oh, we probably shouldn’t go on until our drinks are gone.”
“Yeah, probably not,” Janis agrees with a chuckle. “Don’t see that ending very well.”
“Corn maze? What’s that?” Cady asks, pointing to the sign nearby. 
“A maze. Made out of corn,” Janis says. “You wanna try?” 
“Um… okay,” Cady agrees. Janis leads her a bit towards it until they find a large scarecrow holding a sign that says, ‘Enter if you dare’. “Is it scary?”
“Eh… maybe,” Janis shrugs. “It’s for families, though, so it can’t be too bad.”
“Okay,” Cady says nervously. They walk side by side for a while, somehow already lost despite only going in a straight line. “So tell me about you.”
“Me?” Janis asks.
“Yeah. We’re friends?” Cady asks. Janis nods eagerly. “I don’t… know enough about you. I want to know more.” 
“Okay. Um…” Janis hums. “What do you want to know?” 
“Ummmm… what’s… what’s your favorite color?” 
“Probably purple,” Janis says. “Kinda juvenile, I guess, but I’ve always liked it. What about you?” 
“Yellow,” Cady says softly. “Makes me happy.”
“That makes sense,” Janis nods. “Yellow’s a good color.”
“It is!” Cady says eagerly. How can two words be so cute?  “Okay, another question… what’s your… middle name?” 
“My middle name?” Janis chuckles. “Why?” 
“I dunno, I just think they’re interesting to know. It’s, like, a pretty normal thing, in America, anyway. But not a lot of people know their friends’ middle names,” Cady explains. 
“You sure you’re not just trying to steal my identity or something?” 
“Yes! I’m sure, I don’t want your social security number or anything. And you don’t have to tell me, I was just wondering.” 
“I’m kidding. It’s Ophelia,” Janis says. “My mom was big on Shakespeare and my dad picked both of our first names.” 
“Janis Ophelia,” Cady says softly. “They’re good names.”
“He named both of us after singers, no they’re not,” Janis snorts.
“He did?” 
“Yeah,” Janis replies. She points to herself and says, “Janis Joplin. And Stevie Wonder.” 
“Oh. That’s cool,” Cady says. “I dunno what my parents were thinking.” 
“Yeah, I didn’t know Cady was a nickname,” Janis says. Cady reaches to run a hand over the corn stalks they walk past as they go along. 
“Yeah. My parents were never really, like, musical, though, so I don’t know why they named me Cadence,” she replies. “And they never called me it. I was seven when I learned my full name.” 
“Weird,” Janis chuckles. “I like Cadence, though. It’s pretty.” 
“Thank you,” Cady says. “I kind of like my middle name better, but I don’t mind Cadence much.” 
“Your middle name is Jane, right?” 
“Yeah. Like Jane Goodall,” Cady explains. “My parents were real creative.” 
“Sounds like it, Cady Jane,” Janis chuckles. “My turn?” 
“Sure,” Cady agrees with a giggle as they round a few corners. 
“What’s… your favorite animal?” 
“Lions,” Cady says immediately. “They were always my favorite in Kenya. They’re so… I don’t even know how to explain it. They’re independent, but… they’re group oriented at the same time. And they’re funny. And good listeners. Their kisses hurt though. They’ll take your skin off if you let them.”
“…Good to know,” Janis nods slowly. 
“Sorry. Carried away.”
“No, I like it. You tell good stories,” Janis says. She puts her free hand in her pocket since her fingers are starting to get chilly. The tiny pumpkin is still there. “They’re a bit gruesome, maybe, but they’re interesting.”
“Really?” Cady asks shyly. Janis nods. “It’s just that Regina always tells me nobody wants to hear about Africa and that it’s gross I slept and ate in dirt for thirteen years.” 
“I state again, Regina is full of shit.” 
Cady nods again. “Man, dead end!” 
“Must be a left back there, then,” Janis sighs, retracing their steps and going the correct way this time. She looks over at Cady when she’s suddenly quiet, and finds her looking intently at the ground with a pensive look on her face. She pulls the mini pumpkin from her pocket and passes it to her. “Pumpkin for your thoughts?” 
Cady laughs and takes the little gourd, holding it in one hand and her half-empty apple cider cup in the other. “I’m not sure you’ll want to hear them.”
“I always do,” Janis murmurs. 
“What did Regina do to you?” Cady asks. Janis freezes mid-step. Out of all the questions Cady could have asked, Janis was not expecting that. 
“Uh… we don’t need to talk about it,” she says quickly. 
“Why not? She already told me what happened, why won’t you?” 
“She has, has she?” Janis huffs, poking her tongue into her cheek. “You should know Regina George is a liar.”
“Why do you hate her so much?! I know you guys have… some history, but she’s my friend,” Cady insists. 
Janis is silent for a long time, neither of them moving. Everything in Janis is screaming at her to get out of this conversation, but they’re lost in the middle of a corn maze. Janis would rather not become fertilizer for next year’s crop. 
“What did she tell you?” she decides to begin with, bracing herself internally for whatever Cady says. 
“That you… used to be best friends,” Cady says in confusion. “And then she could only have six people at her thirteenth birthday party so she couldn’t invite you and you got upset. Which I understand, I feel like you should always invite your best friend to your birthday party-”
Janis snorts derisively. “Yeah. Under normal circumstances, yeah.” 
“N-normal circumstances?” Cady asks. 
“Are you really sure you want to know the truth? It’s… heavy,” Janis asks. “Not that I don’t trust you, I just… don’t like to be a downer.”
“Of course I want to know. I thought I did know,” Cady says. Janis sighs and starts walking again, a bit ahead of Cady so she doesn’t have to look at her. Cady has to sort of power walk to keep up with her, but Janis can’t bring herself to care right now. 
“Part of what Regina said was true, we were friends. Best friends. From preschool until eighth grade,” Janis begins. “But… she had way more than six people at her party. She didn’t invite me because she thought I was a lesbian.” 
“She what?! Oh my god, Janis,” Cady gasps in horror. 
“And she wasn’t really wrong.”
“O-oh,” Cady stutters a bit. “Not oh in a bad way! I just-”
“Caddy. Listening time,” Janis says. Cady nods eagerly and clamps her lips shut. “I always went to school early because my art teacher let me have coffee with her and helped me with whatever projects I was working on. But she was late one morning, so I was sketching outside. Regina came up with some other girls and said she couldn’t invite me because it was a pool party and she obviously couldn’t have a lesbian at her pool party because girls would be there in their bathing suits.”
She doesn’t dare turn around to see how Cady’s looking at her. She can already feel the pity in her eyes burning through the back of her skull. 
“And she just asked me… in, like… I can’t even describe the look on her face. The tone of her voice. What are you?” Janis says, choking out the end slightly as the memories come flooding back. “And what-what was I supposed to say? I was twelve. I couldn’t think, after that, everyone was laughing already. Staring at me. So… I said I was a space alien with four butts.” 
Janis hears Cady let out the faintest chuckle at that, imagining her quickly biting her lip to stop. Janis smiles in spite of herself. 
“And by the end of that day someone had Sharpied space dyke onto my locker,” she says, fiddling with the plastic lid of her cider cup. “I could… kind of manage for a while. Usually things like that kinda blow over after a bit, but… this didn’t. Everyone knew who I was. Everyone called me a dyke if they had the chance. I got shoved into lockers and stuff. Beat up in the bathrooms and hallways. And eventually it got so bad my parents had to pull me out of school for the rest of that year.” 
Janis sighs, bracing herself for the next part. 
“And the worst part is she… wasn’t wrong,” she sighs. “She said all that because I told her I had a crush on her about a month before. She planned everything. She planned ruining my life and smiled through the whole thing.” 
Janis jumps when a tiny, chilly hand suddenly slips into hers and pulls her back the slightest bit.
“Caddy, are you crying? This is supposed to be my sob story,” Janis says, chuckling in spite of it all. “What’s the matter?”
“I’m so sorry,” Cady sobs a bit. “My friends… are terrible people. I should never have-”
“No, Cads, you didn’t know,” Janis says. “If they treat you well that’s all that’s important. My history is… history. It’s in the past. Just… be careful with them, okay?”
“No, I can’t… I can’t be friends with them after this,” Cady chokes. “I can’t be friends with people who would… do that to you. To anyone, but… not you, especially.” 
“That’s your choice to make,” Janis says. “But… leaving won’t be easy either. Regina would probably ruin you, too, if she found out what you know.” 
“I can’t move on from this, I can’t go back to normal,” Cady says desperately. Janis thinks for a long moment. 
“I can think of another option.” 
“What?” Cady sniffles, wiping her nose on her sleeve. It’s cute, in a disgusting sort of way. Janis wants so badly to wipe her tears away, but she feels that’s probably a weird move. Especially since Cady knows for a fact she likes girls now. 
“We could have a little… revenge party. I’ve wanted to get back at her for years, but now I have an inside man,” Janis says. 
“Ooh,” Cady says, a dark gleam in her eye. “Yeah, okay.”
“You think you can pretend you still like them?” Janis asks. “For revenge’s sake?”
“Definitely,” Cady nods. 
“Then we’ll get planning soon. Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I cry a lot,” Cady chuckles, wiping her eyes. “We can keep going now.”
“I cry a lot too,” Janis replies. She walks directly next to Cady now that most of the story is done. They come to a fork in the road. “Which way?”
“Um…” Cady peeks down both paths. “Left.” 
“Works for me,” Janis shrugs, following Cady that way. 
“Can I ask something else?” Cady asks sheepishly after about twenty feet of nothing. “You totally don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but-”
“Caddy,” Janis interrupts with a laugh. “Just ask. I’ll tell you if it’s not something I’m cool with.” 
“Are you a lesbian?” 
Janis trills her lips a bit in surprise as she mulls it over. “…No.” 
“But you… like girls?”
“I do,” Janis agrees. “I guess I just… never felt… like lesbian fit me. I have had crushes and been attracted to guys before. It’s just not something I ever really see myself acting on. And I never really felt a huge need to label what I feel. I like girls and guys, I’ll probably only date girls, and I’m just… me. But that’s a lot to explain, so when people ask I usually just say I’m queer.” 
“That makes sense,” Cady nods. “Where did this fog come from?” 
“That,” Janis chuckles. She points to the fog machine tucked a ways back into the corn stalks, puffing out smoke that swirls around their ankles. “Probably means we’re going the right way.” 
“Oh, good,” Cady says happily. That happiness quickly turns, as a worker in a zombie costume leaps out in front of them. Cady and Janis both scream in fright and jump. Janis blinks as Cady is suddenly in her arms for protection. 
“Hey,” she says nonchalantly as the zombie moves on. It’s dark, shadowed by the tall corn, but Janis thinks she spies the slightest hint of a blush on Cady’s cheeks. “You good?”
“No,” Cady whines, burying her head in Janis’ shoulder. “That was scary.” 
“Do you want to go back? We can just turn around,” Janis asks. She feels a bit guilty, now. “No monsters back that way.” 
“No, I’m okay,” Cady says, carefully climbing back down and shaking herself a bit. “We should be close to the end, surely. Don’t want to waste effort going all the way back.” 
“If you’re sure,” Janis says, starting to walk again with a shrug. 
“But will you hold my hand?” Cady asks desperately. When Janis turns to see her, she has her hands held over her mouth, like she can’t believe she just asked that. 
“Sure. Come on,” Janis chuckles, gently taking her hand and leading her forward. Cady walks a bit slower, more anxiously, but they press on. 
All the other jumpscares after that are pretty quick. The zombies and vampires and werewolves and other monsters just leap out for a moment before shrinking back amongst the corn. Cady jumps every time, and is eventually just sort of cowering behind Janis and being dragged along. Neither of them complain. 
Eventually, blessedly, they make it to the exit. “We did it!” 
“And I am never doing it ever again!” Cady concludes. Janis laughs as she starts walking very briskly away from the corn maze. She jogs a bit to catch up with her and heads to a trash can to throw their cups away. 
“I don’t blame you. I think that’s the fastest I’ve ever gotten through it, though, so nicely done,” Janis chuckles. 
“It’s the Kenya,” Cady explains with a giggle. “Anyway. Your turn to pick.”
“There’s a hayride going soon. Those are pretty chill,” Janis says. 
“Sounds fun,” Cady nods. She trustingly takes Janis’ hand and follows her to the pickup point for the hayride. “Whoa.” 
They have to step back a bit as the very large tractor comes rumbling up to them and loops around before it stops to let the previous group off. Cady and Janis wait patiently before heading to one of the now empty trailers being hauled behind it. Janis climbs in first so she can help Cady up, since Cady’s about half the size of the trailer and the step comes up past her knee, but Cady manages to wiggle her way in like a little monkey and happily plops herself on the hay bale right next to Janis. 
Janis turns around and pokes her legs through the gap in the wooden planks. She folds her arms on top and rests her chin down, breathing in the cool autumn air and taking a moment to appreciate how beautiful everything looks in the dusk. 
Cady does the same, so Janis sneakily looks over at her. Cady’s nose and cheeks are a rosy pink from the chill, now that the sun is too far set to keep them warm. She’s so cute. Cady kicks her legs contently next to her and stares out at the massive fields ahead of them while they wait for all the other people to climb on the ride. 
Janis sighs a bit as they get going. Her feet brush against the stalks of corn they putter past, so she carefully pokes out a leg to hit more. 
“Pumpkin for your thoughts?” Cady murmurs after a bit. Janis looks at her and sees her offering the tiny pumpkin back, echoing what Janis did earlier. 
“It’s nothing,” Janis mumbles, taking the pumpkin and giving it a slight squeeze. “I’m just… thinking about my mom. She used to take us here every year. This was her favorite part.”
“Oh.” Cady says. 
“She left,” Janis continues, staring pointedly at her legs. She can see goosebumps beneath her swirly tights, but she can’t tell if they’re from the chilly air or from their topic of conversation. “Because of me.”
“Oh, Janis,” Cady gasps. “I’m sure it wasn’t-”
“It was,” Janis says. “She left after everything with Regina went down. She was… so mad, at first, because she thought Regina was just making things up to ruin my reputation. Her reputation. But I told them it was true, what Regina said. And then she… changed. She tried to put me into conversion therapies and stuff. Fix me. She wasn’t even religious or anything, she just couldn’t have an invert for a daughter. I don’t even think anyone’s used that term in, like, fifty years. At least.” 
Cady is quiet, looking at her with interested but sad eyes. Encouraging Janis to continue if she wants to, but understanding if she doesn’t. Janis doesn’t know why she’s telling Cady all this. But nothing in her tells her to stop.
“My dad stopped her,” Janis mumbles. “So she left. She filed for divorce and tried to take Stevie. But the court said they had to split custody fifty-fifty until the divorce finalized. For both of us. So my dad would take us to meet her halfway somewhere. She and Stevie would… do normal stuff. And she just pretended like I wasn’t there. And she told Stevie it was my fault she left, so Stevie didn’t… exactly like me, for a while. She blamed me for splitting up the family. Which she was right to do. I did split us up.
“One time my dad had work early, so he couldn’t stay until she picked us up. So my mom just took Stevie and left me on the sidewalk. I was fourteen,” Janis continues. She grits her teeth when she feels her voice waver. Sniffles in a way she hopes Cady doesn’t notice. “Which was actually a good thing, because it gave my dad enough of an argument for full custody of us without visitations. So that was the last time either of us saw her. And then when Steve got a little older he told her what actually happened, so that helped our relationship. But my mom kept fighting the divorce when she lost Stevie. My dad only managed to get everything finalized this summer.” 
Cady is quiet again. Janis doesn’t jump when she feels the hand this time. Cady gently squeezes her hand and rests her head on her shoulder. Janis tenses, because she’s touching me. But she relaxes when she leans into how right it feels. Rests her head on top of Cady’s and allows herself to let a few tears slip through. Lets herself grieve for the briefest of moments. 
“Your mom is bullshit,” Cady whispers after a long time. Janis laughs in shock. “It’s true. Even if she didn’t agree, she should’ve supported you after what you had already been through. I don’t understand how someone can just… look at… their child, their family, and say… I don’t want to love you anymore because of who you are. That’ll never make sense to me.” 
“Me either,” Janis sighs. “And the stupidest thing is I still miss her.” 
“That’s not stupid,” Cady says, squeezing her hand again. Janis looks down at their hands. She smiles faintly seeing the little freckled one in her own, their fingers laced together. She focuses on the chipped blue nail polish adorning Cady’s fingertips as Cady absentmindedly traces around Janis’ knuckle with her thumb. “She’s your mom. You have every right to miss her.” 
“It’s been two years since I’ve even heard her voice,” Janis says. “And I don’t want to hear it again, but sometimes I just… think of it, and I’m suddenly thirteen again and can’t understand why she doesn’t love me anymore. Why she isn’t here.” 
“I understand,” Cady says softly. 
“You do?” 
“I mean, not… exactly,” Cady sighs. “Obviously. You’ve met my mom.”
“But you’ve lost someone,” Janis realizes quietly. Cady purses her lips and nods. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t-”
“My brother died,” Cady blurts. “When I was ten.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry,” Janis says. “Do you want to talk about him?” 
“…His name was Caleb,” Cady begins with a sigh. “Our parents really like the letter C, I guess. Anyway. He was ten years older than me. I was the annoying baby sister who followed him everywhere and copied his every move trying to be just like him.” 
“You must’ve been cute about it, though,” Janis replies softly. 
“I like to think so,” Cady chuckles. “He never cared. I think he liked being a celebrity. Even if it was to a toddler. He was the one who came up with the idea of giving me gymnastics ‘lessons’. He was worried about me getting hurt climbing trees or running around by myself in Kenya, so he told my parents to figure out a way for me to get my wiggles out safely.”
“He sounds great.”
“He was. The best,” Cady agrees with a soft sniffle. “He’s always been my hero.” Janis pouts a bit when she hears her voice break at the end of the sentence. “He moved to England when I was eight. He loved Kenya, but he said he missed actual buildings and… being around humans. He wanted to help people as much as he wanted to help animals. So he became a firefighter.”
“That’s amazing,” Janis whispers. She waits for Cady to continue, if she wants to. 
“They said he saved a whole family. Almost by himself. The day he died,” Cady says. “They had little twins, but the parents only had time to save one of the babies or they wouldn’t have been able to get out. The house was about to collapse, but he went back in and found the other. He just managed to hand it to his co-worker before the roof caved in. And he… he never woke up. He was brain dead by the time they pulled him out of the rubble. But they kept him on life support long enough for us to fly out and say goodbye.” 
“Jesus,” Janis whispers. “I’m so sorry.” 
“My parents don’t even mention him anymore,” Cady sniffs. “It’s like he never existed. There’s no pictures. Nothing. They just pretend I’ve always been an only child.” 
“People grieve in weird ways,” Janis says. “I’m sorry, Cady.” 
Cady shrugs. “It’s fine, I guess. I like to think he’s still with me. But that’s… I get what you mean about hearing someone’s voice and being back in your old self. I get that all the time.” 
“It’s a blessing and a curse,” Janis says. Cady nods beneath her. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Cady whispers. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Janis agrees. 
“We should probably clean up a bit when we get back, I don’t think Stevie would let me make it home if she sees you’ve been crying,” Cady says. Janis laughs and nods.
“Probably for the best.” 
“Thanks for bringing me here,” Cady whispers. “I had a lot of fun.” 
“Good,” Janis whispers, squeezing her hand. “I just wanted to cheer you up a little.” 
“I needed it,” Cady chuckles. “Can’t believe I’ve been wallowing over a guy for a week.” 
“Hey, wallowing is totally reasonable,” Janis insists. “A week actually isn’t that long. Given the circumstances.”
“I don’t know how I ever thought she was my friend,” Cady sighs with a shake of her head. “Like, she probably doesn’t even like him anymore! She just took him because she knows I like him.” 
“Probably. It’s a Regina thing to do,” Janis says. “But you still like him. It’s okay to be upset that things didn’t work out the way you hoped.” 
“Maybe I could break them up,” Cady says eagerly. Janis pouts as she suddenly removes her head from her shoulder. “Do something as part of our revenge thingy!” 
Or maybe you could open your eyes and realize there’s someone who actually wants you right here, Janis thinks, trying not to be bitter. “Yeah. It would help, if we did something to mess with Regina’s reputation. That’s one of the only things she has going for her.” 
“We should start scheming soon,” Cady says. 
“You doing anything after this?” 
“No,” Cady says. 
“Then tonight may just be our night.” 
“Our night,” Cady confirms. Janis smiles at her, and Cady smiles back. Kiss her. No. Don’t kiss her. That’s weird. …But maybe kiss her. 
It’s dark by the time they’re driving back home. Stevie insisted on getting copious amounts of kettle corn and caramel apples, but forgot to remind Janis about getting another helping of the mashed potatoes and noodles for their dad. Cady, luckily, remembered, so Stevie is asleep in the backseat holding a to-go box and surrounded by a frankly ridiculous amount of bags. 
Cady happily munches on her very own bag of kettle corn in the passenger seat, looking out the window at the darkened landscapes scrawling by. 
“Kettle corn good?” Janis asks after a long silence. Not necessarily an awkward silence, just… a silence. Janis interrupts it nonetheless. 
“Yeah! I’ve never had sweet popcorn before, it’s good!” Cady says. “You want some?” 
“Sure,” Janis grins. She takes the handful Cady offers her and immediately scarfs it down. “Thanks.” 
“Thank you,” Cady says. “For dragging me out of my house. I needed something like this.” 
“So did I,” Janis admits. “It’s nice getting to know you outside of tutoring.”
“Yeah, it is,” Cady agrees. “Maybe we’ll do it again sometime soon.”
“We’ll definitely do it again sometime soon,” Cady amends with a giggle. 
“Good,” Janis chuckles. “In the immortal words of Max Mayfield, there’s more to life than stupid boys.” 
“Who’s Max Mayfield?”
“Oh my god!” Janis gasps in horror. “You haven’t even seen Stranger Things?” 
“No,” Cady says. “I’m strange enough already.” 
Janis laughs harder than is probably appropriate. “That’s fair. But we’re gonna have, like, a movie and TV show month. Not just a night. A whole month to show you everything you need to know. And you’re not allowed to leave until you’ve watched it all.” 
“We do have a pretty long winter break coming up in a couple months,” Cady giggles. “I definitely need to watch some stuff. I feel like I don’t even speak the same language as everyone else at school. So many references just go over my head.” 
“We’ll get you caught up. Movie tutoring,” Janis says. Cady laughs. Her laugh is so sweet, and bright. Hearing it makes Janis totally understand the whole ‘a fairy getting their wings’ thing. “Damian and I are the masters of movies.” 
“Then you’ll have to teach me your wise ways, sensei,” Cady responds with another giggle. 
“I will. I’ll start my lesson plans first thing tomorrow.”
“Can’t wait,” Cady says. 
“Do you have, like, a curfew or anything? I should probably get Steve home first since she’s zonked, but I can take you home right after if you want,” Janis says. 
“I don’t have a curfew. As long as I’m not at a party,” Cady says. “And my parents are out of town, anyway, as long as I’m safe they won’t mind. As long as you won’t mind either.”
“Nah, this’ll be fun,” Janis says. “Pumpkin carving and revenge party planning. Gorging ourselves on caramel apples. Sounds like a great night.”
“It really does.”
Before too long, they pull into Janis’ driveway. Janis opens her door and heads to the back before quickly realizing the situation is not easily manageable. “Cads, would you mind carrying in the food? I think I’m gonna have to carry in a certain someone.” 
“Sure,” Cady says. She gently pries the box out of Stevie’s limp hands and grabs the rest of the bags. Janis undoes Stevie’s seatbelt and pulls her little sister out of the car and into her arms. 
“I can feel you smiling,” Janis murmurs to her sister as she unlocks the front door. 
“You haven’t put me down,” Stevie retaliates with a yawn. 
“Con artist.”
“Knowing victim.” 
Janis rolls her eyes as she crosses the threshold, calling a greeting to their father in Italian. “Papa, siamo a casa!”
“Divano!” a voice calls. They switch back to English after that. 
“I brought a friend, can she stay over for a while?” Janis calls. Her dad comes down the hall to greet them. Janis tries not to cringe in embarrassment when she sees his Spongebob pajama pants and literal bunny slippers. He had to pick his dorkiest pajamas to wear tonight. 
“Which friend?” 
“Cady. She’s from school,” Janis says, using Stevie to gesture to the walking pile of food next to her. 
“If her parents are okay with it, I don’t see why not. Nice to meet you, er…” her dad says, since he can’t see Cady’s face. 
Janis reaches out a hand and takes one of the bags off the top. Cady smiles and manages to wiggle one of the others up onto her elbow so he has a hand available to shake. “I’m Cady Heron. Nice to meet you, sir.” 
“Nice to meet you too, Cady. Let me take some of that,” Janis’ father chuckles. Cady happily lets him take some of the food.
“I’m gonna put Steve to bed. Papa, nothing embarrassing, please,” Janis begs, trying not to seem too earnest. 
“I would never,” her dad gasps, feigning hurt. “Cady, would you like to see some of Janis’ favorite baby pictures?”
“Oh, you bet!” Cady says eagerly. 
“You just met, stop conspiring against me already!” Janis sighs. 
“Did Janis tell you she used to-” her dad begins again.
“Alright, alright,” her dad chuckles. He kisses Stevie on the forehead. “Dormi bene, meraviglia.” 
“Buona notte, Papa,” Stevie yawns. “Bye Cady.” 
“Bye. Sweet dreams,” Cady replies softly, waving as Janis starts up the stairs. Stevie gives a weak wave back. 
‘Putting to bed’ was a loose expression. Stevie gives an ‘oof’ as Janis tosses her unceremoniously into her bed. “Goodnight.” 
“I like Cady,” Stevie whispers as Janis throws the duvet over her face. 
“I like her too, kid,” Janis sighs sadly. “I like her too.” 
“She likes you,” Stevie whispers conspiratorially. 
“Get whatever plan you’re scheming out of your head,” Janis snorts. “Alright, the littlest matchmaker, go to bed.” 
“I need Bobo,” Stevie whines, gesturing vaguely to the corner of her room. 
“Get your own damn elephant,” Janis replies. 
“Ugh!” Stevie groans, throwing the covers off and stalking over to get her stuffed elephant. 
“Yeah, sorry, your highness,” Janis huffs. “Now goodnight.” 
“I’m not kidding,” Stevie says as she sits in her bed and pulls off her shoes.
“About what?” 
“Cady,” Stevie insists. “She likes you.” 
“She’s straight,” Janis replies. “Look, it’s complicated-”
“Why? You like her, she likes you, it seems simple to me,” Stevie huffs, flopping back against her many pillows. “And I’m nine!” 
“And I’m sixteen,” Janis says. “You can wish all you want, but you’re not getting another sister just yet.”
“But why-”
“Because she likes someone else!” Janis says, trying not to yell and alert their company downstairs. “There’s a lot of reasons it can’t happen, and either of us wishing hard enough won’t change anything, so just give it a rest, okay? She doesn’t like girls, she’s friends with the girl who ruined my life, and-and… I might be in love, but it’s not… it’s not gonna happen.” 
“If you say so.”
“One more word out of you and one of those Strawberry Shortcake pillows is bringing you down.” 
“Goodnight!” Stevie chirps innocently, settling in with her blanket and stuffed animal. Janis rolls her eyes as she flips the light off. 
“Goodnight, dork.” 
She braces herself as she heads downstairs. What stories has her dad told Cady, what photos has he already shown? What infinitesimally small chance has he already dashed? 
Surprisingly, nothing. Just her dad standing alone in the kitchen with his box of food. “Where’s-”
“She’s in the basement. I figured you would rather do whatever you’re planning down there than in that room of yours,” her father replies. Janis sighs with a flustered smile. “So. This Cady.” 
“Hm? Yeah, what-what about her?” Janis asks, massaging the back of her neck. 
“I’ve never heard of her before.” 
“Yeah, she’s new. From… Africa.” 
“And she’s got on a cheer team t-shirt,” her dad grins. 
“Yes… she’s… on the squad,” Janis replies. 
“Seem to recall you talking about a certain cheerleader who’s new this year that you seemed mighty interested in.” The grin has shifted to a smirk. Janis’ eyes go wide.
“No, no, what did you do?!”
“Nothing!” her dad defends immediately. “Just sent her down to the basement after we got the food where it goes.” Janis sighs in relief. “After discussing what potty training you was like.”
“I’m kidding,” her dad chuckles. “Go downstairs, you got a limited amount of time here. It’s a school night.”
“Tomorrow’s Sunday,” Janis replies in confusion. 
“Really?” her dad asks. He steps closer to the calendar to check. “Mio dio.”
“Losing your marbles, old man,” Janis grins. “Bye!” 
She runs down the stairs into the basement to find Cady. Cady’s in the corner Janis has transformed into her studio, staring interestedly at the wall. 
“Nothing!” Cady says immediately. “I wasn’t doing- I didn’t touch anything.” 
“I mean, you can if you want. You seem like someone who keeps their hands clean.”
“Yeah, I-I am,” Cady says. “These are really nice. Where did you get them?”
“Me,” Janis replies, plopping down on the couch and reaching for the remote. “How do you feel about-”
“You did these?!” Cady asks in shock. 
“Yeah,” Janis replies. “I, er… dabble in painting.”
“They’re really good,” Cady says. “You’re so talented.”
“Thanks,” Janis squeaks. “Just a hobby.”
“Seriously! Have you shown them anywhere?” Cady asks, sitting down next to her and staring at her with eagerness practically glowing in her green eyes. 
“Um, no,” Janis says. 
“You should,” Cady says. “Really. I’ve never seen anything like them. You should share them.”
“I don’t know,” Janis replies, rubbing her sweaty palms on her shirt. “It’s just… something I got into during… everything. I don’t know if I want people to see them.” 
“It’s your call. Obviously. But I really think you should,” Cady says. “Anyway. Planning?”
“And pumpkins,” Janis nods. 
“Oh yeah,” Cady agrees with a giggle. “You’ll have to teach me how to do that, though. I’m clueless.”
“Oh, how the tables have tabled,” Janis says. She frowns. “That’s not right.” 
“Indeed it isn’t,” Cady laughs. 
“I’m tired,” Janis laughs back, shaking her head to snap herself out of it. 
“It’s only nine thirty,” Cady retaliates. “Thought you were a real party animal.”
“Never,” Janis says. “And I spent a lot of today lugging a certain someone through a corn maze.”
“Mm, that must have been tiring,” Cady says with a nod. “Maybe you should talk to Damian for some pointers. He’s got experience.”
“I’ll get right on that,” Janis chuckles. “Sure he’d love that.”
“Why?” Cady asks innocently with a tilt of her head. 
“Uh… no reason. I left your pumpkin in the car, I’ll… uh… be right back,” Janis says, standing and backing up towards the staircase. “You can look around, uhm, if you want.” 
She bolts up the staircase before she can hear Cady’s response. She runs past her father, who just smirks at her around a mouthful of potato. 
“Not a word,” Janis grumbles, pointing crankily at him. She takes a moment to breathe as she steps back onto the porch. “Oh, Dame’s gonna have a field day with this.” 
She grabs Cady’s pumpkin out of the trunk and heads back inside, rushing just the slightest bit. It is freezing. But maybe it just means her own pumpkin will last a bit longer. It’ll definitely make it until tomorrow, at least. 
“She is pretty,” her dad says as she roots through the kitchen drawers for the pumpkin carving kit. 
“That’s creepy when you say it,” Janis replies, shoving her way through another drawer and creating a loud enough jangling sound that it drowns out his teasing. “Bye. Again.” 
“Six inches minimum!”
“These knives are going into your skull someday!” 
“Quite a greeting,” Cady responds, turning around to see her from the couch. 
“Oh! No, no, not you!” Janis says frantically. “I was talking to my dad.”
“Touching,” Cady giggles. Janis smiles back as she makes her way back in front of the couch. “I didn’t know you were Italian, by the way.” 
“Oh, yeah. Half. My dad grew up there and my mom met him studying abroad in college. We try not to lean too much into the stereotypes but we do eat inordinate amounts of pasta in this house.” 
“That’s cool,” Cady grins, leaning against the back of the couch and resting her head on her hand. Janis tosses a box of trash bags next to her and gently plonks Cady’s pumpkin on the ground. She takes the remote in exchange, flipping through the various streaming services until she finds the right one. 
“Here,” she says, handing it to Cady and grabbing back her trash bags. “Look through until you find a movie called… uh… I dunno, something about Charlie Brown and a great pumpkin.” 
“Okay,” Cady says, holding the remote in her hand and slowly scrolling through all the options. “That’s a lot of movies.”
“Just wait,” Janis chuckles. “Welcome to your first night of America classes, please take your seat.” 
“I’m sat,” Cady giggles. “What are you doing?”
“To kill me? What’s with the trash bags?” 
“Do you have some childhood trauma you wanna share with the class? Why does everything I do make you assume I’m about to murder you?” 
“You took me out of my house without warning or telling me where we’re going, took me to a relatively out of the way location, then got me into a corn maze alone with no witnesses, and now you’re covering your basement in garbage bags.”
“Okay, well, when you put it that way,” Janis sighs with a laugh. “To be fair, you survived, like, ninety-nine percent of that.”
“So far.” 
“Yeah, keep pushing your luck,” Janis says. “Look, the only one getting murdered tonight is your pumpkin, okay?”
“No!” Cady gasps, protectively scooping it into her lap. 
“Cads, when I said you could get a pumpkin to carve, what were you imagining was involved?”
“I’m attached,” Cady defends, resting her cheek on her precious pumpkin. 
“Do you just want to paint it instead?” Janis asks.
“…No, you’re right. I got it to carve it. And I want the experience at least once.”
“Then… sit,” Janis says, fluffing out the last trash bag and laying it over the floor. She grabs the remote and presses play on Charlie Brown to have in the background. Cady slides to the ground with her pumpkin, looking at Janis expectantly. “You wanted a lion, right?” 
“Um… yeah,” Cady confirms with a nod. Janis grabs her phone and starts searching for lion pumpkin carving stencils. 
“Here. The black part is what you’ll carve out, so focus on the white part. And you might wanna stick to something more simple for the first one,” she says, offering it to Cady. “Just see which one strikes your fancy.” 
Cady scrolls. And scrolls, and scrolls, and… scrolls. “What if none of them do?” 
“Really?” Janis chuckles. “Then… hm.” 
She heads to her studio corner and finds a few scrap pieces of paper she can use for a sketch. She grabs it and a Sharpie and returns to Cady on the ground. 
“Describe to me your vision for this masterpiece,” she hums like a haughty artiste. 
“Oh, um… I dunno, really,” Cady says, looking intently at Janis’ hand holding the marker. “I guess… a cuter face, more than scary? And then… a really big mane. But not too many little details. I have very little control of my hands.” 
Janis starts drawing as Cady speaks, sketching out what she thinks is a cute lion face. A few thicker squiggly lines can pass as a mane. She stretches the mane as wide as she can, thinning it out a bit as she gets towards the edges. “How’s that?”
“How did you do that?” Cady asks in awe, looking at the doodle. 
“Do what?”
“That! You just… and then… lion,” Cady says. “That was, like, ten seconds!”
“I drew it?” Janis chuckles. “What do you think?” 
“It’s perfect!” Cady says. “I don’t understand how you just… wow.” 
“Good wow?” 
“Amazing wow,” Cady breathes. 
“Why are you so fascinated that I can draw?” Janis chuckles. “You could probably do the same thing.”
“No way,” Cady insists with a shake of her head. Janis smirks, passing over the marker and another blank sheet of paper. 
“Try it,” Janis says, continuing to hold the marker out to her. “Draw me your best lion. I bet you can.” 
“You’re gonna laugh,” Cady whines, taking the marker and removing the cap again. “Don’t look.” 
“Alright, I won’t. You cool if I take a knife to your pumpkin in the meantime?” 
“Be gentle with him. But yes.” 
“I’ll be as gently homicidal as I can be,” Janis nods with a laugh. Cady turns her back and hunches in on herself so Janis can’t watch her draw. Janis grabs the biggest knife and gets to work cutting the top off of her pumpkin so Cady can hollow it out. 
“Here,” Cady mumbles, holding out the paper and adamantly refusing to look Janis in the eye. Janis puts down the knife and takes the drawing back to see. She takes a look. A little circle with a basic face (but properly shaped nose) and a cute little smile, and a series of squiggly lines surrounding it. Janis tries not to laugh, but she can’t quite hold it back. “Hey! Don’t laugh!” 
“Hey, no,” Janis says through her laughter. Cady whines and buries her face in the couch cushion. “This is good, it’s cute!” 
“No it’s not,” Cady whines again, muffled by the cushion. 
“Yes it is, Cads! I’ve just had more practice, come on,” Janis pleads. “It’s really good.”
“You’re a liar,” Cady humphs, removing her face from the cushion but crossing her arms over her chest and pouting. 
“No, really! It’s cute,” Janis says. “Now come on, Grumpy, let’s carve this pumpkin.” 
“What do I do?” Cady asks, any offense forgotten. 
Janis pulls the ‘lid’ off the pumpkin and gestures to it. “Rip its guts out.”
“Beg pardon?” 
Janis plonks a large plastic bowl next to her. “Pull out all the goopy bits and seeds.”
“With my hands?” Cady asks. 
“God given tools,” Janis nods. 
“Er… okay,” Cady says with a grimace. She takes off her cardigan so her sleeves won’t get pumpkin-y and reaches a hand in. She squeals as soon as she makes contact. “Ew!” 
“Come on, it’s part of it!” Janis laughs as Cady pulls her hand right back out of the pumpkin and tries to shake it clean. “You can do it.”
Cady hums anxiously and tentatively reaches back in. This time she actually grabs a handful of the pumpkin guts and pulls it out. Janis watches curiously as she squishes it and gives it a hesitant sniff. Almost like a child, exploring something new. “It kinda feels good.”
“It’ll make your skin nice and smooth,” Janis says. Cady plops the handful into the bowl and reaches back in. 
“So what’s this movie?” Cady asks, looking up at the screen. Janis presses play and turns the volume down to a not-distracting level. Background noise, but won’t interrupt their conversation. 
“Charlie Brown. It’s a classic,” Janis says. “It’s against the law to carve pumpkins without watching The Great Pumpkin.” 
Cady watches, adorably focused on the screen as she hollows out her pumpkin. Janis tries not to stare as she tosses the remote back onto the couch. How is she so cute? 
Janis looks around her basement for something less creepy to stare at. She locks onto her plastic kid easel her dad bought her in kindergarten. Humble beginnings. Her eyebrows raise as she remembers the chalkboard on the other side. Useful. 
Cady turns to look at her when she leaps up to drag it over and roots through a drawer for some chalk. All she can find is sidewalk chalk, but it’ll have to do. 
Janis erases a crudely done drawing of a duck and a ‘Stevie was here’ done in a child’s writing to make room for their planning. “Okay, Cads, how well can you multitask?” 
“I have untreated ADHD.” 
“Noted,” Janis nods. “And same. Okay, so… for this to work, we have to knock Regina off her throne. She’s not gonna give it up willingly. And she can’t know what we’re up to, or the whole thing will be ruined.” 
“Okay,” Cady nods. “How do we do that?” 
“Wreck her reputation.”
“Wreck-putation,” Cady agrees. “Wait.”
“Now who’s tired?” Janis teases. “So… we can break this into bits. Attack one front of her popularity at a time.” 
“Okay,” Cady says again. “How do we break it down?” 
Janis mulls this over, tapping the chalk against her chin. “We have to do something to get everyone at school to stop… worshipping her.” 
“That makes sense. But they won’t go easy. She’s a malevolent dictator,” Cady says. “Maybe… maybe if we go for the other branches first they’ll kinda… desert. Or at least some will, and that’ll make it easier.” 
“That’s a really good point,” Janis nods. She writes, ‘DISBAND ARMY’ in all capital letters on the chalkboard, but leaves room above it for the steps that should come first. “So… to do this, we have to get them to stop ‘loving’ her. But how do we do that? What do people see in her?”
“She’s got a great body,” Cady says absently, grimacing slightly at another handful of pumpkin. Janis stares at her for a moment. “What? It’s true. All the boys ever talk about is her… I dunno, hips or whatever.” 
“That’s true,” Janis nods. She adds, ‘MAKE NOT HOT’ to the list. “What else?” 
“People like gossiping. If we get them to gossip about her…” Cady says. 
“You’re too good at this,” Janis grins. “But what would they be able to talk about that isn’t good?” 
“… I don’t know.” Cady says. Stumped. 
“I think… this might be your ticket to Aaron,” Janis realizes. “All the school could talk about was when she cheated on him. And what’s to say she won’t do it again?” 
Cady looks up with an eager glint in her eye. “You’re right. And Gretchen and Karen know, like, all her secrets. I can see if I can get something out of them we can use.” 
“Tits,” Janis says, trying not to cackle maniacally. She allows herself a quiet one as she writes, ‘PROPAGANDA’ down on the board. “This is a good baseline thing, I think.” 
“So… what do we do now?” Cady asks. 
“Right now, take this and scrape the rest of the stringy stuff off the sides,” Janis says, handing Cady a spatula. Cady gets right to work, and Janis has to actively not stare at her biceps. “Well, making her not hot is first on the list. Might be a good place to start. Do you have any ideas?” 
“No,” Cady sighs. “I’ll think about it. Let you know if I come up with something.”
“Yeah, we got time. I’ll think too,” Janis nods. She walks up behind Cady and flops down onto the couch. “Looks good.”
“Can I carve it now?” Cady asks eagerly, turning to look at her. Janis shoots her a smile and nods.
“Yeah, I think so,” she says. She peeks at Cady’s handiwork inside and nods again. “Now you get the drawing onto it.”
“…How do I do that?” 
“I’ll help,” Janis chuckles. She shows Cady how to paste the drawing onto the pumpkin and mark out the design. Cady seems confused as she removes the paper to reveal the faint marks. Janis traces over it with the marker to make it easier to see. “There. Now carve it. It’s easier if you go slow and kinda saw it.”
Cady carefully picks up the tiny knife, and immediately drops it. “Whoops.”
“Jeez,” Janis jumps before laughing. “Remind me not to give you actual knives.” 
“Happily,” Cady grumbles. “I’m so klutzy.” 
“Really? That seems dangerous for a cheerleader,” Janis chuckles. She doesn’t need to, but she stays seated on the ground next to her and watches Cady work. The movie is still faintly playing in the background, having moved onto another Charlie Brown Halloween feature. Janis half-focuses on it, but she’s seen it so many times she doesn’t really need to. 
“That’s part of why I started. My parents hoped it would… I dunno, give me more control of my muscles, or something,” Cady says with a precious giggle. “But it didn’t work. I trip over my feet all the time.”
“Then how do you do all those… flippy thingies so well?” 
“Luck,” Cady says. “But I don’t really know. My parents always say I walk better on my hands than my feet.” 
“You can walk on your hands?” Janis asks, almost in awe. 
“Yeah,” Cady nods. “I spent a whole day upside down once. But now I get kinda dizzy if I do it too long.” 
“I always wanted to be able to do stuff like that. I managed a handstand in elementary school but I couldn’t hold it long enough,” Janis sighs. 
“It’s tricky. And you’re tall, that makes it hard, too,” Cady says. 
“Am I tall or are you just… not?” 
“Hey! I’m not short!” Cady humphs. “You’re gonna mess me up.” 
“How short are you?” Janis teases. 
“Kidding,” Janis defends, suddenly remembering Cady does have a knife, albeit a dull one. “But seriously.” 
“I’m five foot three,” Cady says. Janis raises a suspicious eyebrow. “Fine, five two.” Janis continues looking. “Oh my god, fine, I’m five feet even!”
Janis bites her lip. So tiny. “Caddy, I hate to break it to you, but… you’re short.” 
“I know,” Cady pouts. “But you’re a giant, so you’re biased.” 
“I’m only five ten!” Janis defends. 
“I’m only five ten,” Cady mocks crankily under her breath. 
“Hey now,” Janis chuckles. “Not my fault I hit that growth spurt freshman year.” 
Cady just humphs and carves her pumpkin a bit more aggressively. Janis laughs and watches her quietly. Cady sticks her tongue out when she’s focusing. It’s almost unreasonably adorable. 
“There!” Cady chirps contently when she’s decided she’s finished. “I did it!”
“Yeah, that looks great!” Janis says. “Good job. Perfect timing, too, the movie’s done.” 
“Yay,” Cady says, giving a happy little wiggle as she admires her handiwork. “I like it.”
“Me too,” Janis says with a soft smile. “You did a great job.” 
“Thanks,” Cady says. She stretches out her muscles, clearly stiff from spending so much time on the floor. “I should probably get home.”
“Yeah, I’ll drive you. It’s late,” Janis says.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I’m going to,” Janis says immediately. “You can’t stop me.” 
“Okay, okay,” Cady giggles. “Thanks.”
“You don’t have to thank me. You actually getting murdered would be a real downer on this fine day we’ve had,” Janis chuckles. “Got everything?”
Cady feels around her pockets as she pulls her sweater back on. She nods to herself as she feels she has everything she came with and bends to pick up her pumpkin. Janis takes a candle from the carving kit and puts it in her own pocket. 
“Alright, let’s go,” Janis says. Cady nods happily and follows her up the stairs. “Papa, I’m gonna drive Cady home, I’ll be back soon.”
“Okay, drive safe,” her dad nods. “It’s dark. Use your headlights properly.”
“I will!” Janis huffs. 
“Bye Mr. Sarkisian, it was really nice to meet you,” Cady says politely. “Thanks for letting me stay for a while. Your home is really nice.”
“Thank you, Cady. You’re welcome any time,” her dad says, looking at Janis almost in disbelief. Janis shrugs from her spot behind Cady so she can’t see. “Have a nice night.”
“You too!” Cady chirps, heading out Janis’ front door. Janis’ father nods at her with an approving smile as she follows her. 
“Back home and not murdered,” Janis says as she pulls into Cady’s driveway. “So… good day?”
“Acceptable,” Cady hums haughtily, unable to keep up her ruse for more than a second before bursting into adorable giggles. “It was. A really good day. Thank you.” 
“Anytime,” Janis murmurs. “Come on, I’ll walk you up.” 
Cady climbs out of the car and grabs her jack o’ lantern from the backseat. “Oh, I should leave it on the porch!” 
“That is where people usually put them,” Janis agrees with a chuckle. Cady picks the perfect spot on her front porch and gently plonks the pumpkin down. 
“Perfect,” Janis nods. “Oh, here.” 
“What’s this?” Cady asks as she takes the little tea light. It’s a fake candle, but Janis feels that’s probably for the best. Cady with a knife was dangerous enough, fire can wait. 
“Tea light. Flip the switch on the bottom,” Janis says. Cady does, watching the false flame flicker. “Now put it inside.”
“Okay,” Cady says, clearly confused but trusting Janis not to lead her astray. She gasps when she sees the design she’s carved all lit up. “Whoa! That’s so cool!”
“I told you,” Janis laughs. “Goodnight, Cads.”
“Goodnight, Jay,” Cady responds softly. Janis tries not to gasp as she wraps her in a tight hug. “Thank you. Today was great.”
“More to life than stupid boys,” Janis whispers back, giving her a squeeze. She waits for Cady to unlock the door and gives a little salute just before she closes it on the other side. Cady waves back with a smile and flips the porch light on. 
Janis sighs a bit as she heads back to the car. 
One of them definitely fell in love in October, at least.
yes i did give cady another dead older sibling for literally no reason other than i felt like it thank you for asking :) sorry not sorry 
here’s the (rough) translations for the italian but please bear in mind i used google translate so be gentle with me if they’re not super accurate lol 
siamo a casa- we’re home 
divano- couch
dormi bene, meraviglia- sleep well, wonder
buona notte- goodnight 
mio dio- my god
anyway!! i hope you enjoyed and have a happy halloween :)
lots of love,
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ** The North Face AMIRA Backpack.
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bevoverman · 18 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Michael Kors Rae Medium Quilted Metallic Nylon Backpack Berry Color.
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mysterymirrors · 29 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The North Face Faces Hoodie - ASOS Exclusive - Pink - XS.
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xxcallalillyxx · 1 month
Weirdcore/Fair Folk dreams are some of the best dreams a dreamer can dream.
I had one last night and I was on a quest to find 10 different things in the mortal realm, based off of a map I found hidden in my mama’s room. It took me all night and a stolen vehicle, but I found all ten teams. The three of the ten that I remember being a live goat that made goat noises, a bottle of fresh milk, and a blue fiddle hidden in the neck of a guitar. Considering it was the middle of the night and I’m a lot more city than country, it is, in fact, impressive that I managed to find these things. Anyhow, went to show my folks that I found all this neat stuff from this fun little map, proud as pie. Got as far as waving the fiddle at my mama before falling/getting sucked through a tiny window. I landed quite promptly in an enclosed pasture with vibrant green grass and no cows. The sky was an unnerving shade of blue, and the few clouds floating about felt unnatural. The whole thing felt like some non-human’s attempt at normal. In front of me, lounging on top of a wooden gate, was the window I had just fallen out of, nearly decorated with flowing pink curtains. I dashed across the pasture, exited, came back in, and shoved aside a fae girl trying to get back through the window (don’t do this). My mama fell through instead, told me we had to hurry, and exited the pasture though the gate across from the window. I followed her, but I instead vaulted over the fence beside the gate. As soon as I landed I said “I probably shouldn’t have done that”, and spun around and yelled a squeaky sorry at the amused looking girl while my mama wondered if she had secretly raised an idiot. We ran down the hill, and the grass, sky, and clouds turned into the sort of scenery you find in fairy tales. Grimm fairy tales, though, gnarled trees, rolling fog, hoards of wanderers bewitched by fae and time and promises. The usual sort of thing. We spotted one such hoard at the base of a mountain some ways away, so we hurried towards pine trees. We braced our backs against the trees and reached up to clutch bark-stripped limbs. I was warned not to let go until they left. The hoard of people appeared, conquering hundreds of miles in mere seconds. They were a beautiful group, entirely female, and white as marble. They wore masterful cloaks and battle tested gauntlets of tree bark. The cloaks were art, pure and simple, manipulated to look like a flowing trees, leaf patterns stitched into the fabric. The group took the stripped branches we held onto and quickly fastened them into swords and daggers, the white wood polished to a gleam. The leader got in my face and sprouted truly terrible poetry about marble, blood, bones, and trees before bounding off with the rest of her burly brood. A line of all the hikers lost to time filed past, one after another. Heavy backpacks and jumbo water bottles weighed down their everlasting journey, eyes glazed over, sweat dripping despite the lack of sunshine. The line stretched from North to South, an end nearly impossible to image. A newer hiker, one with a bit of humanity left in her, let my mother and I slide through the line. We bolted off the main path and into a dusty one surrounded by new yet tall trees, with sun drenched foliage. I don’t believe there was actually a sun, at least not in any conceivable way. In front of us two teenage boys were running frantically, one holding a purple, blue, and green stripped beach towel, the other wearing a maroon t-shirt. Behind us, Susie Myerson, who I affectionately called “Abby” for some reason, hollered at us to wait up. She carried a jumbo peach water bottle, and a backpack. I stopped and slung on the backpack she was wearing, which worriedly duplicated into two so we each had one. I woke up right after, so I may only assume that I was invoked into the ranks of the Lost Hikers.
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postjunk-vintage · 9 months
BLACK POST JUNK / 2024.01.01 Part 2
00’s~ U.S. ARMED FORCES CWU-96/P Polartec Fleece Pullover Shirt Made In U.S.A. [About XL]
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00’s~ OAKLEY Padded Shirt Jacket [XXL]
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00’s MOUNTAIN HARDWEAR Exposure II Conduit Parka All Black [L]
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先日の入荷商品の中でもお問合せの多かったEXPOSURE II。
その先日分はsoldとなりましたが、今回のBLACK POST JUNK用にもう一枚温めておきました。
00’s MOUNTAIN HARDWEAR Windstopper Fleece Jacket All Black [XL]
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80’s~ ULTRA PINK Black Rayon Western Shirt [S]
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80’s~ SUSANN B Western Hand Knit Sweater [S]
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80’s~ MAN ART Black Leather / 3D Knit Good Patterned Sweater [XL]
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00’s LEVI’S 505 Flannel Lined Black Denim Pants [W32]
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00’s~ REI Good Nylon Pants [XL]
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90’s EN VOGUE Silver Embroidered Snapback
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00’s~ MARMOT / GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM Embroidered Logo Polartec Fleece Jacket [XL]
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00’s L.L.BEAN Primaloft Zip Boots Black [Women’s 9 1/2]
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90’s THE NORTH FACE Denali Pants All Black Made In U.S.A. [L]
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00’s PELO Linen / Leather Multi Pocket Shirt Jacket [52]
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00’s SALOMON Snow Clog Black [US 7]
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名作SNOW CLOGのオールブラック。
00’s OAKLEY Embroidered Snapback Cap Made In U.S.A.
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00’s OAKLEY Small Icon Backpack
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90’s LEVI’S 805 Stretch Black Denim Pants Made In Italy [W32]
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WIGMAN My Best Commuting Mask Made In U.S.A.
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gucciwins · 3 years
Next City
orlando brings nothing but peace and smiles
Word count: 3608
A/N: hello friends, this story is a joy to write. allows me to take a break from the stress of uni. this is a short part, more as a filler. i'm making this story as i go, so i am trying to outline a bit that allows the story to flow.
warnings: nothing but fluff
please reblog!!! and let me know what you thought :)
love on tour series // previous part
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Orlando, Florida
"You know that's probably the first time I'm on a plane, and I didn't read a book." You tell Harry as you put your lilac cardigan on, taking your black Saint Laurent backpack that he was holding out for you.
"Are you saying I'm good at keeping you entertained?"
"Yup, you're a good storyteller. Should forget the singing career."
Harry throws his head back, laughing. "I'll be sure to mention it to Jeff."
You watch him go down the steps, your eyes trained on his ass that looks amazing in the Harago embroidered shorts. You thank the air hostess one last time before ascending down.
You feel the Florida air hit you and hold back a grimace. You love sunny weather but also like a bit of wind with it, not the humidity. Harry offers his hand to you as you're on the last few steps and accept it, not wanting to fall on your face. You thank the crew once more just as Harry does; he's making a few jokes as you begin to walk ahead. It's always a bit weird walking directly on the tarmac then into a car.
Harry rushes forward, taking your hand in his as he walks you over to your car that will be taking you to the venue. New York was a dream, but you were excited for Florida, a bit of sunshine, maybe a bit of sightseeing. It would be a bit of traveling as there were three shows scattered around.
As soon as you get in the car, you relax and lean against Harry. All this traveling gets tiring, but you can't say you aren't enjoying it.
You get to travel with your boyfriend—it gives you butterflies every time you think about it and see him perform in a new outfit each night. You are almost at the halfway mark of shows, and you're trying to plan a pleasant surprise for Harry, and you're currently running blank. You've told Jeff you want to do something for North Carolina in a few days, and you have his full support. The only good thing is you have time to plan.
The drive to the venue felt quick, Harry having played his playlist titled "Sunshine" and telling you about which one was his favorite and which one he didn't like so much anymore but matched the playlist well. Harry was shocked when he found out you weren't that well versed in music—well, English music at least. Growing up with Hispanic grandparents, you were exposed to artists like Selena Quintanilla, Menudo, and Los Bukis.
You showed him new stuff as well, something he did not actively search, but at random times throughout the day, you would receive texts of songs you might like or songs he found by a Spanish artist you enjoyed. There indeed was no dull moment with Harry when there was still so much to learn.
You both shared a mutual love for Joni Mitchell, something Harry did not stop talking about. You didn't want him to, either.
Arriving at the venue, Jeff left you both to get settled in the dressing room until Harry was called for soundcheck. You saw him place small things in the room to make it feel like home; he threw his pink beanie on the couch, took your backpack, and hung it on a hook next to his. Then walked over to his outfit for the night and opened it up as if to let it breathe.
"You're going to look very nice tonight."
"Yeah, missed the suspenders, did you?"
You tilt your head taking in the powder blue suspenders. "Maybe, I will miss the fitted trousers."
Harry rolls his eyes playfully, "Be back soon enough."
"They better."
Your phone rings just as Jeff walks into the room with Tommy right behind him. Harry frowns because your time together has been cut short for the time being. You pick up your phone "Naomi," a bit odd. "Go on, H. I'll be out soon enough."
"Right, don't belong, querida."
"Bossy," Tommy mouths jokingly at you both, causing you to laugh as you answer the call, and Harry chuckled, amused by you.
Harry walks over, giving you a quick kiss before ushering both men out.
"Naomi, babes. Hi." You speak. Hopefully, she was still there.
"Ugh, who were you with?"
"Harry, he just left. Why?"
"Hmmm…your boyfriend, huh."
You roll your eyes; she uses the word every chance she gets. "Yes, we established that a few days ago."
"Making sure it was real."
"You're a menace." You tell her, causing Naomi to chuckle loudly into the phone. "What do you need?"
"Need you to come home," She answered gravely.
Your heart drops, "What happened? Who's hurt? Fuck—not your parents right." You're freaking out, and she's not saying a word. "Say something, please."
All you hear is breathing before a loud laugh can be heard on the phone. "All is well. I just wanted to see how you'd react."
"I hate you."
"Sure, and I'm married."
You pause, "you know I wouldn't put it past you, but I would also murder you if you did that without me."
"I would never. Also, Sarai would not do it without you there."
"Was there a reason for this call besides raising my blood pressure?"
"There is."
"On with it, you demon." You're smiling so wide you know she can't see but hope she knows. You miss Naomi like crazy.
"We want to go see you."
"You do?" You shout, not expecting that.
"You sound surprised."
"Well yeah, I always go to you."
You know she's rolling her eyes at you, "Cause you're the one always traveling buried in work."
"When were you thinking?"
"Atlanta." You nod; that's toward the end of the month. "If that works for you because we have a random week off, and what better way to use it than getting to see a free concert—I mean seeing my best friend."
"You know, I'm starting to think you want to see my boyfriend and not me."
"What? Never."
You chuckle, picking up on the sarcasm dripping from her voice. "I'll discuss with Jeff to get you picked up and then send you the details."
"Yay, I can't wait to hug you."
"Ditto, babes. Need me to get you flights?" You offer.
"All covered."
"If you're sure."
"Course I am. I got to go; I just wanted to run that by you."
"Glad you did, made my fucking day."
"Good, good."
"I love you, and send Sarai my love."
"Of course, I love you too."
That is some news, you know it's a bit away still, but you can't wait to spend time together. Harry will get to meet Sarai and Naomi officially as your boyfriend. You glance down at your phone to see the time and see that soundcheck is halfway done, and you promised Harry you'd head over. You rush over, going to see the Love band kill the rehearsals just as they do every time.
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"You've both made the front cover again," Jeff says, interrupting Harry painting your nails sage green.
Jeff hands you his phone showing you photos of Harry helping you down the plane. Then a few of Harry waving with you, smiling at a crew member in the back. There is none of you holding hands, and you're thankful.
"We look nice." Harry comments. Not at all bothered.
You shrug. "I hate the paparazzi. Never get my full body, anyone. How are people going to see my outfit? They're only going to be talking about Harry's amazing shorts."
Harry bursts out laughing, putting down the nail polish to not smudge your nails. "Darling, you look great in everything. Always named best dressed."
"Says you, Mr. Vogue."
He shrugs, faking a hair flip. "It's so hard; you must try to keep up."
Jeff looks at you, both amused and a bit concerned at how neither of you is taking this seriously. "You're in the press again. More rumors."
"Friends, Jeff. Just friends." Harry grins at you with a knowing look in his eyes.
"Right, okay." Jeff turns to address you. "Viola says you have an interview soon."
"I do."
"What will you say if they ask about Harry?"
You wait for a second, thinking about your answer, before looking up at him. "That we're friends."
"But you aren't."
You sigh, "they don't know that, Jeffery."
"So you're going to say, friends. You're going to stick with that."
You look at Harry to see him already staring at you. His eyes tell you he doesn't mind. He likes keeping you to himself; you nod in understanding.
"Yes, just friends."
Jeff shakes his head. "You're both a little crazy but also really perfect together."
"Kindest thing you've said to me all day, Jeff, thanks." Harry grins up at him proudly.
"Bye then, dinner in thirty."
You giggle as he walks out, blowing on your drying nails as Harry finishes the last fingers on your left hand. "What are you craving to eat, amor?"
"Soup sounds good."
"Oh, think they'll have that rosemary herb bread? It was to die for in New York."
"I'm sure if you ask nicely."
You look up at him in disbelief, "I'm nice." He chuckles, "right?"
He nods, leaning in to kiss your lips softly, "The nicest and the sweetest, also the smartest."
You grin at him, "you treat me so well. Showering me with compliments."
"You deserve to be reminded, always."
You're sure your face is radiating happiness. Harry makes you feel nothing but joy, and you know it's the same for him; the dimples never seem to disappear when you're around.
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You're sitting on the couch as Harry tucks in his sequin-laced blue shirt into his trousers, the suspenders hanging on his side.
"Could always unbutton one more." You're looking at his chest that shows not one inch of his butterfly.
Harry doesn't look at you. Instead, he looks at his mirror, unbuttoning just one more before sliding the suspenders on. You can't help the smirk that takes over your face; he did it to tease you, but also because he likes hearing your opinion.
"See, better."
"Have a feeling you like me for my tits."
"You've finally caught on." You tease.
Harry turns to face you, moving close until his face is right above you from where you're sitting, "quite a fan of your tits as well."
You quirk an eyebrow, do you, Mr. Styles? Care to demonstrate how much."
Harry, never one to back down from seeing you topless goes to unbutton your shirt when the doorknob starts rattling. Then the knocking begins. Harry groans, moving away from you to the door.
"Harold, open up. We've got to get you to the stage."
Before he opens, Harry turns to look at you, "cockblocks."
You giggle, because yes, they ruined your moment, but it's a good thing, or Harry would have made it to the stage very late tonight.
"Welcome, Jeff, oh and Luis." Harry greets overly happy.
"Why was it locked? You can't do that so close to show time." Jeff lectures Harry as you stifle a laugh on the couch.
"Sorry, dad. Won't do it again."
Luis picks up his lanyard that is sitting on a table when he spots you. "Oh, didn't see you there; you're very quiet."
"Like a mouse, I've been told." You nod, not surprised he missed you.
"Well, you look incredible."
You look down, staring at your flared blue jeans and your pink button-up with tiny red hearts scattered all around. "Thanks, Luis. First-person who's told me today. Thought the top fit a little tight." Gesturing to your cleavage area where you've unbuttoned the first two showcasing your red bralette.
"I say it politely and with love, but fuck off. I told you, you look nice." Harry comes interrupting your conversation.
"You said it, nice. He told me I looked incredible." You shrug, "there's a difference."
Harry turns to glare at Luis, who's holding his hands up, "cool it, H. Sorry you're a sucky boyfriend. Make up for it later; you need to be delivered, sweet goods." Jeff interrupts once again.
You laugh at Harry's backstage name. It's precious and fitting for him.
"Fine, fine."
You get up, about to follow them, never one to miss a chance at seeing Harry make his way into his box.
"Wait," Harry points at you.
You freeze right next to the door.
"Darling, baby, querida, you are amazing, the prettiest person here, always outshining me." He exclaims, wanting you to know how much he means it.
Your smile softens, "thank you, Harry. It's not necessary, I promise. I know how much you like my outfits. Compliments aren't necessary."
"So what was that with Luis?"
You shrug, "riled you up, didn't it."
"Woman, you are brilliant. You're so smart, and that is so attractive. Know me so well already."
"Shut up and kiss me already."
Harry leans in, not needing to be told twice; you press yourself right against him needing to feel every part of him you could on yourself. You're lost in the taste of Harry, the sweetness he always fills you with until there's a loud shout of his name that makes you jump apart.
"Think you've got to go."
"Yeah, got a performance or something."
"Go on, rockstar."
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You've decided you'd never get tired of watching Harry perform. There is this energy he brings every night that takes your breath away. The interactions with the fans are memorable and always make you laugh. You love how many film cameras there are each night, and you know you need to have Naomi bring yours with her for when she comes.
Each night there are hundreds of pictures shared of Harry on stage, of fans in their gorgeous outfits, and of the crowd up from the nosebleeds who capture the most beautiful photos as the whole arena shines a light on him.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't have a favorite part of the show; it most definitely is when Harry interacts with the crowd right before 'canyon moon.'
"The first time I ever came to America was when I was 4 years old… to Orlando." Harry shares walking around the stage dragging his wired microphone around. "Disney is pretty scary for a 4-year-old. There's roller coasters, alligators, and stuff. It was a lot. However, over the years, I'm no longer scared of Orlando."
The crowd cheers him on, knowing very well how famous their city is. Especially, learning something more about Harry that he decided to share; you love that you get to learn new things with the audience makes you feel even closer to him.
Tommy could not stop laughing when he saw Harry catch the mickey ears someone threw and slip them on. It was a sight to behold; you couldn't lie, he pulled it off quite well. You all cheered for him as he kept singing.
The dancing only got crazier each night as you all pulled out crazy moves you knew. There were times you'd all see Harry staring at you and freeze, causing him to laugh and shake his head at you all. You knew he enjoyed seeing his favorite people enjoying the show; there was no better feeling than knowing he was doing a good job.
Tonight was over before you knew it. Harry was waving goodbye and rushing down the steps, with Luis leaving quickly to meet him. You stayed out with Jeff, and you observed the band in their final moments, one last cheer radiating through the audience as the lights came back on.
Walking through the halls, there was a lot of chatter and congratulations on a great show. You bounded over to the band when you saw them heading your way and began singing their praise. You lingered on Sarah, wanting her to know that she never failed to impress you. It always earned you a tight hug and a promise she'd be even better the next show.
You happily made your way over to the dressing room to see Harry on the phone and knew better than to disrupt him. You went over and began bagging up your items, such as your change of clothes, your sweater, and your phone charger.
As soon as you were finished, Harry made his way over to you, giving you a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "You were fabulous, H. A true rockstar." You turned in his hold to hug him tight; that's when you felt how sweaty he was but didn't dare pull away.
"Saw your moves tonight, quite some skill you all got."
"We try, truly. Might have to make us background dancers."
Harry laughs; your silly comments never fail to amuse him.
"I'll be back, then we'll head out for the night. We're in Sunrise tomorrow." Harry lets you know.
"Exciting. Now go, please, mi estrella."
"Of course, Bel."
He gives you a small kiss before grabbing his bag and heading out.
You couldn't wait to see him do it again tomorrow.
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"Home sweet home," Jeff mumbles as he walks into the tour bus throwing himself on the couch.
"It should be a smooth ride. Get some rest." Tommy addresses you all, heading to the bunker for some needed rest.
Harry is quiet, had his shower in the venue before being ushered out quickly. You had to be in Sunrise tomorrow for the show and knew it would be a tiring day.
"You alright, H?"
He offers a small smile, "tired, is all."
"Going to bed, then." He nods, offering you a kiss on the cheek and heading down the hall that leads past the bunks and into his small bedroom.
"Is he alright?" You question Jeff, who's looking at the television swiping through shows on Netflix.
"Should be. It was a good show, Bel. Relax."
You nod; it was. There was nothing out of the ordinary except the call he got as soon as he was in the dressing room. It was odd.
"Do you know who called him?"
Jeff looks at you now, a bit concerned at your constant questioning, knowing you might be onto something, "Anne, his mom."
You nod, taking it in. "Homesick."
"It happens, especially when they aren't able to come out for a show."
You frown, "think he wants to be left alone?"
Jeff is about to respond when Harry steps out, a t-shirt in hand, "you coming to bed, baby?"
Jeff smiles at you, nodding as if saying there's your answer. "Going, amor. Goodnight, Jeff."
Harry waits for you at the entrance, taking your hand leading you down. After he slides the door shut, he turns to you, seeing you slipping out of your heels. "I got a shift for you to wear."
"Kind of you, sweetheart." He shrugs, hanging it over and slipping under the covers. You change into shorts and the plain white shirt he handed you, aware of the eyes following your every move. "Going to brush my teeth. I'll be back." He nods, sinking further under the covers.
You hurry back and turn the lights of crawling under the covers. You know he's not sleeping, but his eyes are closed, and you don't want to disturb him. His hands reach out for you, shifting you to look at him, then he turns around. Without question, you press yourself against his back, your hand resting on his stomach. You don't move until you feel him let out a deep breath. You move your hand up and down his chest soothingly.
"You don't have to talk about it, alright to keep things to yourself. I want you to remember, I'm here for you, just as you had been for me."
There's no response, you feel him squeeze your hand, and it's enough for you. You let yourself drift off to sleep with the promise of a better day.
"Miss my mum," he speaks out unexpectedly. "And my sister and my family. There's a new baby in the family I haven't gotten the chance to meet. Sometimes it feels like all I do is miss out on things."
"That's understandable, H. Your life has come to be on the road, and everyone must understand. I bet your free time is spent with everyone, never giving yourself a moment to relax." You dare him to correct you.
He chuckles quietly, "you're not wrong. I like catching up with everyone."
"Nothing wrong with that. You're allowed to miss them, but don't feel guilty for missing out because you're doing something you love to do." He stays silent, "you do love it, right?"
"Yes, baby. I do." If he were looking at you, you'd be able to see his smile but settle on holding him tighter.
"Then, know they're proud of you. Nothing more you can ask for."
"Thank you, angel."
"Guess that was your life story, huh." You comment, knowing it took him a bit to open up and were grateful he did.
"Yes, I guess it was."
"Go to sleep now," you tell him, knowing he'd tried to keep the conversation going.
"One last thing."
"Okay, amor. What is it?"
"I really really like you."
You sigh, feeling your heart flutter at his tender words. You press your lips against the back of his neck, holding him close as if he'd disappear if you ever thought about letting go.
"I really like you too, Harry. I promise I do."
With that, you both fall asleep, wrapped in each other's arms, ready for the next city.
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thank you for reading <333 i adore you
feedback is important so i hope you leave some :)
taglist: @alienorknight @harry-is-my-sunflower @myfavfanficsever @4hazza @springholland @michelleficrecs @harryismyfwend
sunrise part six
378 notes · View notes
outerbankies · 3 years
girl like you — topper thornton
summary: topper’s bummed his mom is forcing him to spend every saturday morning of his summer doing SAT prep, but maybe it won’t be so bad.
pairing: topper x reader
warnings: drinking and swearing
a/n: inspired by the gym scene when topper complains about his mom making him take SAT prep (the horror! so i decided to make it fun for him). hope you all enjoy 💖
my writing
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Topper should’ve known you were going to be trouble for him the first time he met you. You barreled into his Saturday morning SAT class half an hour late, iced coffee in hand, looking like you had not a care in the world. You took a second to collect yourself, straightening the head scarf you were using as a head band, and pulling out a dazzling smile for Mr. Daley. “Sorry, couldn’t find the right classroom.”
“No problem at all,” the teacher said, obviously charmed. Topper wasn’t far behind. “First day. You’ll find a seat in the back next to Mr. Thornton.”
Oh fuck, that’s me, he thinks, looking at the empty seat next to him.
Topper’s mom dropped him off for this shit 25 minutes early so he wouldn’t be late, and he took a seat in the back so he could concentrate alone. He hated when people sat next to him, and he purposefully put his backpack there to ensure his solitude. His mom would probably take away his Jeep—or his brand new boat—if he didn’t bring his score up like she wanted. Not that it wasn’t already high, but of course his mother wanted the best. Better than the best.
Mr. Daley points him out to you and you finally make eye contact with Topper, giving him an easy smile before you start toward him. He thinks he returns it awkwardly, but he can’t be sure.
Your flip flops slap against the floor as you walk across the room, stopping short of the desk when you notice his black North Face backpack in the chair meant for you. But Topper had already turned back to his practice test, trying to regain his focus after your interruption. It was no use, because as soon as you were within reach all he could focus on was your perfume. You smelled so good.
“Um,” you start, soft voice interrupting his thoughts. He pointedly does not look at the exposed skin of your midriff where your white tank top doesn’t quite meet your bright pink pants. Didn’t you know there was a dress code at this school? It was Saturday in the summer, but still—and why were your pants so snug around your hips? He meets your eyes, blinking up at you slowly as you ask him a question. “Can I… sit here?”
He nods, just as slowly.
“O… kay.” Neither of you move. “Do you want me to like, sit on your backpack, or?”
“Oh fuck,” Topper curses, hurriedly moving it and shoving it under his feet. “I’m so sorry, here.”
He pulls the chair out for you, gesturing to it. Your lips quirk up at him, and he notices that they’re really glossy. “No worries, Thornton.”
“Topper,” he corrects.
“Your first name’s Topper?” You settle into the seat next to him, and when you pull yourself in to the table you scoot closer to him than the chair has been originally. But it doesn’t seem intentional, just that you’re in such a hurry to catch up on the work that you don’t correct it, flipping through the practice test the teacher had given you. He can really smell your perfume now.
“Uh, yeah,” he whispers. “What’s yours?”
“Do you go here? To the academy?”
“Is this class not students only?”
“U-uh,” he fumbles. “It is, but… you’re gonna be a senior right? I’ve just never seen you before.”
Your blank expression splits into a teasing smile. “I’m just fucking with you, Thornton. I start in the fall. Just moved here.”
“It’s Topper,” he corrects automatically, not even thinking about it.
“Sorry. Do you not like Thornton?”
“I don’t… I don’t really care, I guess.” And he doesn’t. Especially not if you’re gonna say it like that.
“Cool. I like it,” you say, smiling over at him one more time before turning back to your work.
Topper’s having a hard enough time concentrating with you next to him, and it doesn’t help when you start rummaging around in your bag. You huff, giving up after a while. You cross your arms over your chest, looking blankly down at your test. Topper watches your eyes flit across the room, and he can read your mind by the time you finally open your mouth and turn to him.
“Thornton, do you—”
“Pen or pencil?”
If Topper could even work up the nerve to talk to you after class, it wouldn’t matter. You’re leaving as quickly as you came, handing in your practice test—which you’d done completely in pen, like a psychopath—first in the entire class to make your way out the door.
“On time next Saturday, Miss Y/l/n?”
“‘Course, Mr. Daley. See you then,” you beam. You catch Topper’s eyes once more as you leave class, nodding with another glossed and pretty smile.
Topper looks down, and he hasn’t even started the last section of the test.
So you were definitely a kook, he decided. Topper deduced that much from your expensive smelling perfume, shiny hair, and perfectly manicured nails. Not to mention that you were going to the academy. But other than that and the fact that you like coffee, being late and unprepared, and calling him by his last name, he knew nothing about the new girl in Figure 8.
“How was SAT prep, bro?” Kelce asks with a smirk as he enters the weight room. Topper just shoots him a glare.
“Don’t even get me started.”
“Ah, come on. Can’t be that bad,” Rafe says, racking up more weights.
“I mean,” Topper says, scratching the back of his head as he sorts through his thoughts. He’s in front of his boys and he can’t even keep his shit together when he thinks about you. “There is this new chick.”
Kelce whistles. “Uh oh, Top. What about Sarah?”
“Kinda over her,” he says, eyes flicking to his other friend. “No offense, Rafe.”
“None taken. What’s her name?”
“Hm, haven’t heard of her,” Kelce says.
“Yeah, me either until today. She’s new. But she’s…” Topper sighs, finally laying down at the bench press. He feels a little weird talking about you like this in front of his friends. Something about the memory of your eyes trips him up. “She seems cool.”
“See, Top,” Rafe breathes out, devilish smirk on his face as he does another rep. “Told you it can’t be that bad.”
Topper’s hungover within an inch of his life the next time he sees you, bright and early the next Saturday. He should’ve never let Rafe convince him to go shot for shot, he was in college for fuck’s sake. And you flouncing into the room in a short white skirt isn’t even enough to improve his mood. He still watches your legs anyways as you walk across the room, cap pulled low over his head to hide his underbags.
Well, maybe the skirt improved his mood by a little.
Topper doesn’t even register that you’re coming to sit by him again until he realizes he made the same mistake as last time, when you stand at the edge of the table expectantly. You just look at his backpack in the chair next to him. Your chair. “Do you not want me to sit next to you?”
“No, yeah, that’s fine. Here,” he moves it. You just look at him.
“Not gonna pull out my chair for me this time, Thornton?” And holy shit, you’re flirting with him. Your voice is saccharine sweet, and you’re moving the pendant on your necklace back and forth as you appraise him. Topper hadn’t even looked at a different girl since Sarah dumped him.
He moves the chair out immediately, finding enough composure to match your smile.
“How could I forget?”
“How could you,” you agree, setting your coffee down again. “Should’ve brought you one, look like you could use it.”
“Yeah,” he admits sheepishly, thankful he’d at least had enough sense to pop in a piece of gum. “Rough night. What’d you get up to?”
“Probably nothing as fun as you,” you laugh. “Jeopardy marathon with my dad.”
Topper doesn’t think he’d ever met a kook in his life that voluntarily hung out with their parents once they got a license. His shock comes across as silence, only causing your cheeks to burn.
“Not that cool, I know.”
“No, yeah, that sounds fun. I wish I did stuff like that with my mom.”
“Why don’t you?”
You ask it so easily, and he guesses he should expect it since he offered the information up. He hadn’t even meant to, it just came out. But you’re blinking at him, chair just as close as it had been last week.
Mr. Daley comes in then, handing out stacks of your corrected practice tests, and Topper’s thankful for his presence for the first time. “Long story.”
You grab the two tests passed back to your table, holding them in your hands while Topper waits for his, hand outstretched. You look at him for a second, smiling again when you hand him his paper. “Tell me it sometime, Thornton.”
On the third Saturday, Topper isn’t faring much better than last class.
His mom had dug into him the entire ride over about how he needed to focus more. How he needed to be doing more for his college applications, every single day. He couldn’t fuck around all summer like his friends did, because she expected more of him.
Her rant is only interrupted when she isn’t paying attention to the road, slamming on her brakes violently as a white sports car pulls out in front of her in the parking lot. The car’s blasting The 1975, pulling into one of the parking spots near the front entrance. He swears he sees a flash of your hair color where the top is rolled down.
“God,” his mother complains. “These tacky new money transplants and their flashy cars. Learn how to drive.”
“Mom, she had the right of way.”
“Do you really want to argue with me right now?”
He slams the door on his way out of her car, angrily ambling toward the academy doors.
Sure enough, you’re hopping out of the white convertible at the other end of the parking lot. Now the head scarves you always wore to class, either in your hair or on your wrist, made sense. Topper stands still as you gather your things, not not enjoying the view as you sling your tote over your shoulder and grab two coffees from your center console. “I brought you coffee.”
“I can see that,” he grumbles as you approach him, reaching his hand out for it.
“I got you black coffee. Do you like black coffee? You seemed like you would.”
That’s exactly what Topper liked.
“Whatever’s fine, Y/n.”
But you pull it back at the last moment so he can’t grab his drink.
“Why are you so grumpy? Are you hungover again?”
“Just tired.” He says, trying for the coffee again. You just step back, pulling it further out of his reach. “What are you doing?”
“I have an idea.”
“Does it involve giving me my coffee?”
“We should skip class today.”
His eyes bug out of his head. “No, no way. My mom would literally kick my ass. I have to bring my score up by at least a hundred points next round.”
“Oh come on, Thornton. What’d you score last time?”
“A 1460.”
“Y-you have to get a 1560?”
“Hmm,” you sigh, already walking back to your car. “Well. I’m skipping class. It’s a beautiful day. Feel free to join.”
“Can I at least have my drink?”
“C’mon, Y/n,” he whines, following you to your car. “What are you gonna even do with it?”
“Doesn’t matter,” you say, already getting back in. He watches his iced coffee move further and further from his grasp. “It’s not yours unless you loosen up. I’ve seen your practice tests. You’re literally so smart, Thornton. You’ll be fine. It’s one class.”
Topper doesn’t know why hearing how much you believe in him makes his stomach flutter, but then again, he definitely does. “Where would we even go?”
“The beach, the lookout. Breakfast. Literally anywhere but SAT prep.”
You tie your headscarf over your head and rev the engine, giving him one last look before you slide your sunglasses on.
He glances back to the building. Would one class hurt? It runs for the entire summer. It’s not like his mom would find out.
You’re still looking at him when he turns back to you. He rolls his eyes, throwing his backpack in your backseat and getting into your passenger seat. You clap excitedly. He just rolls his eyes again, but he can’t help the smile tugging on his lips.
“Just drive before I change my mind.”
Topper knows you can tell he’s anxious, because you’re chattering to him the entire way about the most mundane shit he’s ever heard, switching the songs on your phone constantly. It partially works, because not being able to hear himself think means he can’t think about his mom or Mr. Daley.
“We could go to the beach?” you suggest. “I’d just wanna go to mine and grab some boards first.”
“Okay,” he agrees, completely ignoring the fact that he has never surfed in his life. Not once. His mom always told him it was what pogues did, forcing him into golf lessons and private lacrosse leagues instead.
“Okay!” You smile. It’s not long before you’re pulling into a sprawling driveway, Topper’s mom’s words about new money echoing in his head. He shakes his head, willing the thought out of his mind.
“C’mon,” you say, parking your car and hopping out.
“You want me to come in?”
“Yes?” you say, like it’s obvious.
“Right, yeah,” he says. “Sorry. Coming in now.”
You barely let him finish, leaving him to scramble after you as you throw the front door open. Your house is absolutely filled with plants, all of the windows and curtains and blinds are open, the foyer basking in the morning light and the ocean breeze. There’s moving boxes everywhere, a half painted wall in the living room. And it’s still more of a home than he’s ever felt in his life. Of course you would live somewhere like this. There’s even music coming from the kitchen.
“C’mon,” you grab his hand, pulling him towards the sound. “Dad, this is my friend Topper.”
Hearing you call him by his first name is unsettling. He doesn’t think you’ve called him that since you met. He blinks at you slowly before realizing you’re referring to him, and you’re introducing him to your dad.
“Hi, Y/n’s friend Topper,” your dad says.
“Hi, sir,” he says, dropping your hand to shake your dad’s firmly. Topper effortlessly slips into the well behaved young man role, distancing himself from you and making eye contact with your father. Why does he feel so nervous? And yet so at ease, as your dad smiles at him warmly? It’s nothing like meeting Ward Cameron when he was trying to date Sarah. Was he trying to date you? “Thanks for having me over.”
“Oh, I didn’t even know you were coming,” your dad says easily, hands stuffed into his jean pockets. Topper just blinks, not knowing what to say to that. Your dad takes pity on him, clapping him on the shoulder. “Y/n has a habit of bringing home strays but that’s alright, our home is open to everyone. Glad to have you, Topper. But—” he looks at his watch, then back over to you “—shouldn’t you be in class right now?”
Topper braces himself. But you just shrug, picking up two bananas off of the counter and handing Topper one. “We weren’t really feeling it today. We’re gonna go to the beach.”
“Troublemakers,” your dad says, rolling his eyes and kissing the top of your head. “Have fun and be safe. Nice to meet you, son.”
He pats Topper’s right shoulder one more time. But that’s it, that’s all he says before going back to what he was doing, typing some things on his laptop and shuffling some papers around on the kitchen table. There’s no yelling, no hand wringing, not even a disappointed shake of the head at the fact that you ditched class. And told him about it.
“You ready?” You’re standing in the doorway, watching him look around your kitchen like he has no idea what just happened. And he really doesn’t. You just walk up behind him, hands on his shoulders as you push him back out to the front of the house. His skin burns where one of your fingers slips under his shirt collar. “Sorry, he can be a bit out there.”
“No, no,” he says, rounding on you when you’re alone in the garage together, hand grabbing yours instinctively. He drops it soon after. “Don’t be. He’s—he’s cool.”
You smile.
“Don’t let him hear you say that. C’mon, grab a board.”
“No offense, Thornton. But you kind of suck at surfing,” you say, floating on your board past the waves. Topper is struggling to sit on the board as easily as you, finally laying back and heaving a huge sigh of relief when he does.
“Never done it before,” he admits easily. He doesn’t find it very hard to tell you the truth, no matter how embarrassing.
“Ever? Haven’t you lived here your entire life?”
Topper nods, sitting up to face you. “Lame, right? Yeah, uh, my mom just never really let me. Said it was for beach bums.”
“She’s pretty tough on you, isn’t she?” you say, paddling back toward him when the water breaks you two apart. Topper grabs the side of your board, holding you closer to him. He can count on himself to do that much.
“Kinda? It’s for the best,” he defends, a reflex. “At least I think it is.”
You don’t really say anything, letting the comfortable silence settle in between you.
“I just feel like a robot sometimes. Like I’m just checking all of these boxes for her, and I don’t even know why I’m doing it aside from her telling me that I’m supposed to.”
“It might just be her way of showing you she cares? To set you up with a good future?” you suggest. You’re trying your best, even if he isn’t so sure you believe what you’re saying. “Like you said, for the best.”
“It’s better than the alternative,” he agrees. “I just wish she’d ease up on me sometimes. It’s a lot to deal with all the time.”
“Is that why you were upset this morning?”
“Ah, you caught that, huh?” he asks, smiling sheepishly.
“You’re pretty easy to read,” you say matter of factly. Your jaw gets all—”
You gesture to your face, making some sort of angry scowl-slash-frown.
“It does not,” he says, using a hand to move his jaw around. “See? I’m loose.”
“Well, yeah, now,” you say, throwing your arms out in emphasis that the two of you were floating in the ocean, miles from your responsibilities. He pulls your board closer to his again, tugging you in by an ankle. His finger loops into the puca shell anklet you adorn every day.
“Wonder why.”
You turn away from him, shaking your hair out.
“Well, pretty sure my dad liked you, so,” you say. “If you ever wanna come by and escape.”
Topper looks at where you’ve stripped the top half of your wet suit off, hair pushed behind your shoulders as you survey the beach with the same easy little smile that always sits on your lips, thinking that this is his escape. He doesn’t even care if his mom finds out he ditched. He’d deal with it if he had to. But sitting out here with you, seeing the world how you do, he’s breathed easier for the first time in weeks.
The next time Topper sees you is also the first time it’s not under the pretense of going to SAT prep. It’s the following Friday, and even though he’d finally worked up the courage to ask for your number after the beach that day, he hadn’t seen you since then. He was running low on Y/n, feeling like he was beginning to forget the smell of your perfume and the sound of your laugh.
He didn’t even see you on purpose. In fact, you’d actually said no when he asked to hang out that night, saying you already had other plans. Topper felt dumb for feeling like he was your first, or even only, friend in the Outer Banks. But you’d only been here a month, how could you already be blowing him off for other plans? Then again, he shouldn’t be surprised because you’re you.
can’t tonight thornton, i’m busy 🥺
let’s get food after SAT prep tomorrow though?
OMG we can go to that restaurant you’ve been telling me about!!! ✨🤸‍♀️😀🙌
He’d tried not to let the frown visibly show on his face when he read your texts, nodding along to whatever plans Kelce and Rafe were making for the night. He somehow ends up a couple of beers deep, being practically dragged through the front door of some house party by his two best friends.
“Come on bro, liven up,” Rafe says, hands coming to jerk Topper around by his shoulders. “Let’s have a good time.”
“It’s that girl, huh?” Kelce teases. “Got you down bad.”
“Shut up, Kelce,” Topper says shortly.
“Alright, calm down. There’s plenty of girls here tonight, Top,” Rafe says.
But none of them are you, he thinks.
Until… one of them was.
He smells your perfume before he sees you, your laugh following shortly after. But it doesn’t sound the same as it usually does, more of a surprised laugh than anything. He can’t even finish contemplating what it means that he can now decipher your different laughs before you’re calling out to him.
“Thornton?” Topper’s head whips around in a way that’s too fast to be played off, but he doesn’t care because you’re soon engulfing him in a hug. Your manicured nails even come up to run through the hair on the back of his head, your perfume overtaking his senses once again. “I knew those were your frosted tips.”
“Who’s this, Topper?” Rafe says it through a shit eating grin, hands crossed over his chest. Kelce stands to his side, looking much the same.
“Guys, this is—”
“Hi! I’m Y/n,” you say, reaching to pull them both in for hugs. They both look taken aback, sending him odd glances over your shoulder while they struggle with where to put their hands. But he’s used to this by now, used to you and your energy. You settle right back into his side like you never left, only sinking into him further when he places a tentative arm around your shoulders. “We’re in SAT prep together.”
“Oh, no shit?” Kelce asks, eyes twinkling.
“Yeah. This is Rafe and Kelce,” he says dumbly, shooting the both of them death glares.
“Oh my god! I’ve heard so much about you guys,” you say, bouncing excitedly.
“Really? Us t—”
“Can I get you a drink?” Topper interrupts Rafe, glancing at where you have your hands folded neatly in front of you, blessedly empty.
“Please, I’m way too sober and I lost my neighbor who invited me,” you pout. Topper feels like his body is stuck on manual as he tries to ignore your bottom lip jutting out and the whites of your eyes, having to consciously decide on every move his body makes to pull you away from his friends.
“No worries. Stick with me.”
As Topper backs you up into one of the downstairs guest bathroom sinks, he could not be more grateful your neighbor—whoever the fuck they were—left you alone at this party. He’d been glued to you all night, and at some point between the third and fourth round of beer pong you’d taken to fiddling with the buttons of his polo shirt; your nail accidentally dragged against his skin, and it was game over from there. He immediately walked you back through the house, ignoring the calls from his friends.
“Can’t believe,” he says in between kisses, hands gripping your waist. “You blew me off to come to the same party I came to.” His hand dips under the waistband of your shorts, his blunt nails digging into the skin of your back.
“Were you gonna invite me here?”
“What? No,” he says, pulling back. “We could’ve done something else.”
You smile up at him, and he takes pride in the fact that your normally perfectly polished and glossy lips are spit-slick and swollen because of him. “Then it was fate.”
“Yeah, of course,” you say, leaning in and kissing him again. Your touch is feather light and your hand soft on the side of his jaw. “But I still wanna do the something else.”
“Yes. Yeah, whatever you want, pretty girl. You’re so fuckin’ pretty, fuck,” he says, a hand coming to trace your collar bone, forefinger tugging on your necklace lightly. He leans in to kiss you hard, like he has no other choice. “Been thinking about this for a month.”
“Don’t call me that.” He says it, but it comes out more like a whine. You stroke a hand through the top of his hair, the blonde strands disappearing between your fingers over and over again.
“No? Your friend called you that, I just thought—”
“No, fuck my friends,” he pouts, tucking his face into your neck. Your perfume hits so different coming directly from your neck—he could stay like this forever. “Like it when you call me Thornton.”
“No need to get all worked up,” you giggle, the vibrations in your throat hammering against his lips. “Thornton.”
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