la0hu · 3 months
@bourgeoix tagged me for first 10 songs on my on repeat playlist:
through the valley by shawn james (found through a weird western community playlist on spotify, NOT through tlou)
house of the rising sun piano cover from westworld (i hallucinate an animatic for my novel to this)
koi no disco queen from the yakuza 0 soundtrack (THIS SHIT SLAPS)
flicker by enhypen (combed thru their discography the other day)
to.x by taeyeon (it's just good pop. sometimes that's all it needs to be)
知らないままで by ロクデナシ (i listen to a lot of this japanese piano pop idk what to call it)
as you like from the yakuza 0 soundtrack (OKAY this one actually slaps MORE than the other track if you can believe it. i got my housemates to admit this song is excellent)
close your eyes by isaac hong (dk why this is here)
slump by stray kids (😭😭😭 literally how i don't remember listening to it in the past month)
i need the light by enhypen (another good bside i found)
tagging @goraturtle @pinejay @hyumjim @ttathinker @turnip2001 @gotchaforce @dontdotha @greffis @pastperfectcontinuous
also drafted this on my side blog by accident instead of @huua but i'm too lazy to copy over lol
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luvtxt · 5 months
Thank you @clamcastle 💞💕
Are you named after anyone? I'm pretty sure I'm named after someone my mom knew in high school but I don't really know...
When was the last time you cried? I cried while watching The Iron Claw last month 🙈
Do you have kids? No, I love kids but I don't think I have the stamina to be a full-time employee and a mother.
What sports do you play/have played? None!! I sucked at sports but I used to do aerobics videos with my mom when I was a kid/teen. Now I stick to hikes & the gym.
What’s the first thing you notice about someone? Typically their overall body shape and stance, along with what mood they appear to be in.
Eye color? Green like beans, babey!
Any talents? It's not really a talent but I love to learn. I think I can learn anything. I taught myself to knit when I was a teenager, I'm teaching myself to play the bass now, and I have a lot of CEUs related to my profession. I taught myself to do a lot of different types of math despite having dyscalculia, too.
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies scary movies scary movies
Where were you born? Rhode Island ⚓️
Hobbies? Painting, playing the bass, knitting, baking, hiking, reading books, birdwatching (really casually, I mean I like to look at birds and if I can figure out what they are with an identification book that's even better), people watching, anime figure collecting, and journaling!
Any pets? Two gray menaces (cats)
Height? 5’6
Favorite school subject? Definitely art, I took an elective art history course that gave me college credits in high school and it was a ton of fun!
Dream job? I keep telling everyone I want to be the superintendent of a wastewater plant and that's definitely my career goal but my ultimate dream job would be a museum curator. I've wanted to do that for so long and I've had to work hard to make peace with the hand I was dealt.
I'm tagging @pinejay @beelzemon @kissycore @underfellz 🫡
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pinejay · 1 year
thanks for helping me decide everyone. shedding my old url like a well loved, well worn coat
jiliu -> pinejay
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michaellynchphotos · 4 years
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Steller's jay (also known as the long-crested jay, mountain jay and pine jay) is a bird native to western North America. They have a distinctive upper charcoal crest with a blue streak. They are a bold, inquisitive and very vocal making growls, creeks and squawks. I spotted this one at Bryce Canyon in Utah. #stellarsjay #bluejay #bird #mountainjay #pinejay #longcrestedjay #birdwatching #nature #outdoors #utah #brycecanyon #afewinterestingfacts #wildlife (at Bryce Canyon National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPhVWDhCjb/?igshid=a23lkjp7xpat
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bugbilly · 4 years
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Backyard friend. . . . #stellersjay #pinejay #mountainjay #longcrestedjay #bluejay #bluejays #bird #backyard #newfriend #unofficialpet #nature #naturephotography (at Bellevue, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_GVCIzHFUO/?igshid=ae13pv81med2
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kawayaneh · 6 years
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9/23/2018 Cheakamus Lake, BC, Canada Spotted this Steller's jay perched high in a tree while taking a break from the hike for lunch #bird #fauna #hike #tree #beak #wildlife #forest #branch #plant #perchingbird #stellarsjay #jay #bluejay #longcrestedjay #mountainjay #pinejay #cheakamuslake #garibaldiprovincialpark #whistler #bc #britishcolumbia #canada #northamerica #travel (at Cheakamus Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoQAaFjhkbj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17zgufsqfv8nt
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luvtxt · 10 months
@lonelands here you go!!!!
Rules: a song for every letter of your url! Then tag as many people as there are letters!
L - Love Hangover by Diana Ross
U - Uh-Oh, Love Comes to Town by Talking Heada
V - Vampire Money by My Chemical Romance
T - Tones of Home by Blind Melon
X - XXX. FEAT. U2. by Kendrick Lamar
T - The Pressman by Primus
I tag @kissycore @stearnlling @tunnelsystem @pinejay @fingertattoos and @luvcorelez !!!
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la0hu · 21 hours
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@pinejay alright you're on. no takebacksies
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la0hu · 5 days
tagged by @turnip2001! these are always fun, reminds me of the early 10's on here lol
fav color: teal! like a fresh watery green-blue
last song: life itself by glass animals
currently reading: mostly void, partially stars (the welcome to night vale transcripts + commentary, vol. 1)
current watching: don't watch tv really. i saw the film The Master (2012) the other day and thought it was excellent. still been playing Yakuza Kiwami 2 when i can
currently craving: idk like a whipped cream cake? or honestly these ice cream sandwiches in japan, like vanilla cracker and plain cream ice cream you can get at 7/11s
coffee or tea: either-or nowadays. i drink iced decaf in the summer, but today's cool enough for hot tea
tagging: @pinejay @goraturtle @bourgeoix @gotchaforce @dontdotha
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pinejay · 1 year
holy shit guys i just thought up and saved a great url, pinejay. should i change my url?
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