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yusuf-poyraz · 8 years ago
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#instagood #instalike #instadaily #picoftheday #instagram #like4like #instastyle #instafashion #ootd #instadaily #l4l #happy #instaphoto #picoftheday #livingbythebeachrocks #greensmoothie #everyday #allnatural #tandtiki #tylerandtory #pineappleofmyeye #instapic #puertorico_world #travelgram #loveit #likeforlike #love #vsco #summer #Encanlı #SonyAlphaTR
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poshboutique · 8 years ago
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Come shop our huge selection of beach bags to match our swimsuit coverups, cooler totes, and more! 🛍https://www.poshboutiqueinc.com/listing/498254910/monogrammed-beach-bag-weekend-bag-beach #beachbags #poshboutique #preppy #pineappleofmyeye #monogrammedgifts #monogrameverything #embroidered #beachbag (at Posh Boutique Inc.)
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marriednbright · 7 years ago
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I can’t decide if my favorite part of this set is the soft, sheer mesh, or the fact that these pineapples are gold. 🍍✨ • • • • • #pineappleofmyeye #HEYMAVENS #myunicornlife #crafttherainbow #handmadeisbetter #prettylittlethings #quirkystyle #styleyourlife #abmlifeisbeautiful #abmlifeiscolorful #ihavethisthingwithtextiles http://ift.tt/2HWQngI
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watercolorsforlandlubbers · 9 years ago
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Pineapple of My Eye
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yusuf-poyraz · 8 years ago
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#FacesOfTheEarth #instagood #instalike #instadaily #picoftheday #instagram #like4like #fashion #instastyle #instafashion #instadaily #l4l #happy #instaphoto #picoftheday #livingbythebeachrocks #greensmoothie #everyday #allnatural #tylerandtory #pineappleofmyeye #instapic #puertorico_world #travelgram #loveit #likeforlike #love #vsco #summer #Encanlı #SonyAlphaTR
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lalalovinyou · 11 years ago
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Find what brings you joy and make time for it! 🎨🍍 #midweekpainting #DIY #happythings #pineappleofmyeye
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honestyoftheheart · 11 years ago
pineappleofmyeye replied to your post
happy birthday!! hope you're having a great day :)
thank you!
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feliicitysmoaks · 11 years ago
i just wanted to say, i think your sidebar image of emma swan is beautiful :)
AHHHHHHHHHHH THANKS!!!! :D but I think that everything looks better with Emma on it AND HER HAIRRRRR xD. Im in love with your joan watson sidebar *_______* I really need to catch up with elementary… 
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yusuf-poyraz · 8 years ago
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#FacesOfTheEarth #instagood #instalike #instadaily #picoftheday #instagram #like4like #instastyle #instafashion #ootd #instadaily #l4l #happy #instaphoto #picoftheday #greensmoothie #everyday #allnatural #tandtiki #tylerandtory #pineappleofmyeye #instapic #puertorico_world #travelgram #loveit #likeforlike #vsco #summer #Encanlı #SonyAlphaTR
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chippedcupofchai · 12 years ago
hi!! how are you doing? :D so the thing is, i just finished reading Life of Pi --because of you saying it's your favorite book!--and my head is spinning so much from thinking about the ending! i really loved the entire book though, the story and the themes about faith, and all the symbolism that i'm just now realizing was there all along, and aah i guess i'm just wondering what you think about it! but i'm so glad you recommended it (kind of awhile ago, oops) and it was very worth reading :)
HEY! I’m doing splendidly, how about you?
Sooooooo glad you took up my recommendation, and even happier that you enjoyed it! It still is my favorite book - my faith is a really important part of my life, and like Pi’s, it started early and is very pluralistic. I’ve never identified so closely with any fictional character as I did with him.
I personally don’t think the ending negates his whole story. I read it more as the character’s (and the author’s) commentary on the role religion plays (or should ideally play) in the lives of religious people. Oftentimes people get so wound up in the “facts” of stories from various scriptures - in which century did they really take place, is this particular artifact evidence of their validity, if there are multiple variations then which is the “real” version, etc. - and in turn, they give themselves nothing but frustration and confusion. When you let all those little details go and sink into the feeling the stories induce instead of the facts that constitute them, not even concerning yourself with whether they’re termed as history or mere mythology, you get more value out of them. They give you the will to live, and they inspire you to do so in the best way possible. Just as Pi’s story is more inspiring, uplifting, and enjoyable before you start deliberating over which parts of it are somewhat plausible and which elements were fictional, religion is more valuable when your inquiry of it goes beyond the literal. Hope that answered your question, and if it doesn’t please do tell me because clearly I really enjoy talking about this book lol!
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snarkytimelord-blog · 11 years ago
Tagged by disnerd-psycho
1. What are you doing right now? I am on Tumblr and watching the New Years celebration in New York! 2. What is your favorite live disney movie? Pirates of the Carribean 3. Any plans for New Years? Just hang with my family and watch the ball drop. 4. Did you make a New Years Resolution? What is it? Work harder on schoolwork, and try to make something every day. It could be just work on the piece of art, or bake something, or whatever. I just want to feel like I've contributed to the world more this year. 5. When’s the last time (if any) that you went to a Disney store? 6. Do you have any traditions for New Years Eve? Actually, no! 7. What’s something you loved about 2013? Getting friends who feel like they are truely good friends who care about you. Also finally getting myself to talk to some really cool people on Tumblr. :) And (by switching to ice dance) feeling happy and enjoying skating again. 8. What’s the first thing you’re gonna do in 2014? Um, I'm pretty sure I'm going to go on Minecraft and skype with some friends. (yes i'm a dork don't judge) 9. Did you get any Disney merch for Christmas? No- my Christmas gifts were pretty much just skating and Doctor Who, which I find pretty funny. 10. Have you seen Frozen? *whispers* no 11. Have you seen Saving Mr Banks? *whispers more* no
And now my questions: 1.  2. Do you have any favorite artists on Tumblr, and if so, who? 3. Any new singers/bands you have been listening to recently? 4. Do you believe that humans have free will to choose everything they do, or have their destines been decided from the moment they were born? 5. What was the last time you watch/read something that effected you in some way? (Made you see the world differently, ect.) 6. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would it be? 7. What are you looking forward to in the new year? 8. If you could change one thing about you, externally or internally, what would it be? 9. What is the geekiest thing you own? 10. If you could say something to anyone in the universe, alive or dead, what would it be? 11. If you could choose one fictional universe to live in, what would it be?
I tagged:
pineappleofmyeye snowypineapples graham-emma ascandalinthepolicebox moomoomeep gwendolynstacy successful-procrastinator
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honestyoftheheart · 11 years ago
15, 16, 28? :)
15:What did you get really, really, really excited about?
going to college. but also coming home for break
16:What song will always remind you of 2013?
i honestly don't know i don't think i associate any songs with this year. i guess whatever songs were really popular and overplayed this year
28:What was your favourite film of this year?
catching fire was really good. also iron man. and star trek. and about time. turbo was cute. saving mr banks was A+ i cried. i can't choose favourite movies i just can't
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snarky-eloquence · 12 years ago
I was tagged by paper-dreams-are-made-of-these . Rule 1: Post the Rules  Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post then make 11 new ones  Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.  Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1) Which fictitious character would you be and why?
uhhhhhmmmm.....this is extremely tough. The first one that comes to mind is Hermione Granger. First off, she goes to Hogwarts, which is a dream itself. Secondly, she's beautiful. Thirdly, she's part of a magical world that I dream of living in (even though sometimes it's scarier than it is magical). But all in all, she's pretty awesome at what she does and...yeah.
2) If you could/would get a tattoo, (and only one) what would it be?
sasdgfh I would get a tattoo of a small cross on either my wrist or ankle, with some kind of uniqueness to it. I'm not sure yet. But God is the most important in my life, so I think that would be my first choice:)
3) CSI, Law & Order, or Criminal Minds?
CSI. I've seen the other two, but I was hooked when i watched CSI NY for the first time in school.
4) What’s your favorite sitcom/comedy show? Favorite sitcom- Friends. Favorite comedy that isn't a sitcom- Psych dur.
5) Best movie of 2010-2013 you have seen.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I don't think I've ever cried that much during a single movie. But it was insanely amazing. Go watch it NOW. but other ones that are up there are Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2 (especially when you see it opening night at midnight!!), Hugo (it was so beautiful okay), Hunger Games, The Dark Night, Woman in Black (scared the pee out of me), Bridesmaids, Iron Man, Snow White and the Huntsman, and Rubber...I'm just kidding about Rubber. But seriously, read that description. the link opens in a new window.
6) What’s your go-to Pokemon starter?
I...I dont know sorry.
7) Do you think guys and girls can be best friends? Why?
Absolutely!! I mean, I have a guy best friend. It kind of annoys me when a girl has a guy best friend or vice versa, and everyone immediately goes "OHH YOU JUST GOT FRIENDZONED." Just because they're best friends and they're the opposite sex doesn't mean they have to date. I believe in a world where guy-girl friendships are possible! I believe that we can all get along!! I HAVE A DREAM. (okay done)
8) Favorite fairy tale?
The one with the lady living in the shoe:) wait that's a nursery rhyme...I like Cinderella. Yeah Cinderella's good.
9) Star Wars or Star Trek? STAR WARS.
10) Night or Day? Night because 1. I don't have to be around people and 2. I get to stay up on the internet without being bothered.
11) Living alone or living with someone? Well I'm only 17, so I still live with the fam.
MY QUESTIONS: 1. What do you look for most in someone of the opposite sex?
2. What are some of your top songs within the past year?
3. Earliest memory?
4. If you could time travel, where would be the first place you would go?
5. Top 5 fandoms
6. Where/When/How did you meet your best friend(current or previous i don't care)?
7. Mexican or Italian food?
8. What's your dream job?
9. What 5 websites do you visit most often?
10. A habit you would like to break?
11. If you were on your death bed right now, would you look back on your life and be satisfied? Any regrets?
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yusuf-poyraz · 8 years ago
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#instagood #instalike #instadaily #picoftheday #instagram #like4like #fashion #instastyle #instafashion #ootd #instadaily #l4l #happy #instaphoto #picoftheday #livingbythebeachrocks #greensmoothie #everyday #tylerandtory #pineappleofmyeye #instapic #puertorico_world #travelgram #loveit #likeforlike #love #vsco #summer #Encanlı #SonyAlphaTR
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yusuf-poyraz · 8 years ago
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#instagood #instalike #instadaily #picoftheday #instagram #like4like #fashion #instastyle #instafashion #ootd #instadaily #happy #instaphoto #picoftheday #livingbythebeachrocks #greensmoothie #everyday #allnatural #tandtiki #tylerandtory #pineappleofmyeye #instapic #puertorico_world #travelgram #loveit #likeforlike #vsco #summer #Encanlı #SonyAlphaTR
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