#pineapple on pizza FTW
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lokiiied · 2 years ago
something SO funny to me and way too on the nose about this scene like…
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el: that’s good. that’s really good.
mike: that’s bLAsphemOus! putting FRUIT on pizza?
argyle: try before you deny!
it’s literally this.
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i’m crying.
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synsetpunk · 1 year ago
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We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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negascott666 · 1 year ago
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How to make everyone angry with a single sentence: "Pineapple on pizza is amazing."
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i-weep-for-lost-souls · 1 month ago
best pizza topping?? if its pineapple, i need to reconsider this friendship /j
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tilliwriteapine · 2 years ago
Tag Games
Thanks for the tag @mysoftboybensolo
Choose an artist you like and use the name of their songs to answer this as close to the truth as possible!
Name of the artist: Backstreet Boys
What is your gender?: I'll Never Break Your Heart
Describe yourself?: Show 'Em (What You're Made Of)
How do you feel?: Climbing the Walls (and Panic!)
If you could go anywhere, where would it be?: Chances
Describe your best friend: My Beautiful Woman
Your favorite time of day: Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely
If your life was a tv show, what would it be called?: What Makes You Beautiful
What is life to you?: Bigger
Relationship status: Bye Bye Love
What do you fear?:  PDA
❤️ last song you listened to? Red by Taylor Swift
🧡 ideal pizza toppings? Cheese, pineapple, black olives
💛 dream vacation? Disneyland to go to Galaxy's Edge; the American Hx Museum in Washington D.C. to see the Enterprise! Visit MIT/Boston. Meet my beautiful friends in Colombia and Toronto.
💚 earth, air, fire or water? Fire
💙 cartoon you grew up on? Arthur!!!!! I would watch it EVERY DAY before Kindergarten and then it would be time to get on the bus!
💜 favourite scent? Roses!!! Honestly, most of what Bath and Body Works puts out lmao
Thanks for the tag @reylokisses
Last song: Red by Taylor Swift
Currently watching: The Librarians TV show (Rebecca and Christian FTW!!!) and The Fast & Furious series
Currently reading: I am actually back into A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas! I am determined to finish it this month :) Won't get the series done before school starts, but meh.
Current obsession: Star Trek, Star Wars, and school
Thanks @mysoftboybensolo for tagging me to describe myself in 4 characters.
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rextomblr · 2 years ago
Monday Blurb: sometimes i order pizza at night so i can have it cold for breakfast the next day.
my mom has this weird hatred towards tomatoes. not just the vegetable itself, but anything tomato based (ketchup, pasta sauce, etc). so, when i was a kid we'd never get #pizza. it was considered a dinner treat if we did. and it was always the same pizza -- pepperoni and sausage (my brother's wish).
it wasn't until college that i realized all the other awesome toppings that are out there (pineapple ftw!). but one things for sure -- cold pizza for breakfast is the best. i always think about that during mornings like today.
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dif2015 · 4 years ago
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surprisebitch · 6 years ago
i love that as soon as arrived at the pizza place in UBC, all the old pizzas went out so they brought out new ones and there was Hawaiian and Deluxe. i was bout to pick Hawaiian but the Deluxe had pineapples too and more toppings so obviously i picked Deluxe. anyway the Pineapple Gods are blessing me today
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staycatcher · 5 years ago
Jamie just said she likes pineapple on pizza. Alexa play I.L.Y by the rose
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doodleniella · 4 years ago
Ahhh... the ‘pineapple-on-pizza’ dilemma is on again—
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cosmicbrowniefan · 3 years ago
hi! I'm here for the ship game!
pronouns: any tbh but i really like they/them
height: 5'9 i think (175cm, i have no idea abt the feet system)
hair color: black hair with a lot of blonde highlights
eye color: light amber
sexuality: I'm lesbian but I honestly don't care abt the gender of the chara since it's fictional anyway
personality: INFJ, I've been told that I'm very laid back and calm. I also think I'm quite passionate about the thing I enjoy
hobbies: playing the guitar and practising together with my friends, also smoking:skull:
things i enjoy: learning new songs, playing video games, going on walks, pineapple on pizza, spending my time alone, those 2-3 weeks before the school year is over, ppl actually using any pronouns for me
things i don't enjoy: fics where the reader is super shy/the typical Y/N sterotype, cigarettes (weed ftw), feminine compliments, pick-me's…
other info: Idk if this is relevant but I'm genderfluid!
skin tone and body type: I'm fairly pale and literally turn red when I try to tan at least a little bit (sigh… asian genes…) as for my body type I'd say I'm average?? I don't really have any curves and I'm flat chest-wise. I have some muscles because I go to the gym regularly but that's it.
i ship you with...
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max mayfield!
how you met: honestly, you were both going to see eddie munson for weed at the same time. you two both showed up before him, and awkwardly tried to skirt around the idea of what you were doing there, until eddie showed up and you realized you were both there for the same reason.
her first impression of you: here’s basically what was going through max’s mind when she first saw you (before eddie showed up): what the fuck who is that what the fuck i thought i was gonna be alone oh my GOD why do they have to be so attractive and laid back i’m totally making this awkward and weird. her thoughts after eddie showed up: holy FUCK we’re here for the same thing oh my god maybe we can bond over this now fuck i’m gonna need to ask eddie who this person is i’m gonna actually explode they’re so fucking cool. so yeah, the best i can describe her first impression of you by is this internal monologue of hers.
how you got together: you started liking max after a few weeks of knowing her. you picked up pretty quickly that she liked you back, and, knowing her, you knew that you’d have to be the one to initiate anything. so, being the awesome and cool and respectful person you are, you casually ask her out one day while you’re going on a walk together. completely not expecting to be asked that at ALL, max stops in her tracks, then trips on the sidewalk and almost falls, but you catch her. which leads to you making a sarcastic joke about her falling for you. needless to say, max said yes.
what she likes most about you: honestly, max is simping for you CONSTANTLY. everything you do is incredibly attractive to her. playing guitar? attractive. playing video games? attractive. smoking? attractive. laughing? attractive. literally just sitting there? attractive. you’re just so calm and cool and collected and she gets flustered by everything you do. so yeah, in conclusion, max’s favorite thing about you is your vibe. physically, she’s obsessed with your hair. 
what you guys enjoy doing together: you guys love going on adventures and finding new spots and hidden gems around town to hang out at! whether it’s a cool café, or an antique store, or some cool greenhouse or shit like that, you guys just love exploring and discovering things together. when you’re not out and about, you like hanging out and smoking and cuddling. you’re often playing guitar while she just sits and listens, admiring how perfect you are.
bonus headcanon: your muscles are one of max’s main weaknesses. how the fuck did you get so strong. she just feels protected and loved by you all the time and loves the reaction she gets when she tells people that she’s dating YOU because you’re just so well-respected and cool and everyone is a little bit in love with you, but max is so proud to be the one that you chose.
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ikea-lingonberry · 4 years ago
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made a tua personality quiz
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sarcasticarepa · 6 years ago
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#Pepperonipineapplepizza for #gains! 😅 #pepperoni #pineapple #pizza #ftw #fitnesspizzainmymouth https://www.instagram.com/p/BvZ7nUPBMUB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iiu12i8dk1m4
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doodleniella · 4 years ago
Hey, pineapple on pizza isn’t bad~ 👀
I love looking at everything cute on the internet—be it animals, or drawings and stuff~ yeah uwu
Your turn @heyheysey @kamiboeikan @applepienation
Tell me one thing
Tell me one thing about yourself and tag 3 people.
New game
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gewaltofwivia · 5 years ago
Random questions ftw: Is pineapple an acceptable pizza topping in your world? Aaaand do you prefer tallllll socks, crew socks, or like no show socks?
Pineapple is acceptable, but only if it has olives on it too, to balance out the sweetness 🍕
No show/crew socks, as long as they don’t go past the top of my shoes/boots it’s all good 😊
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amazinmango · 5 years ago
@ladyvaderpixetc​ done tagged me :) (ps Dreamhusbands fans already know, but Pet is one of my go-to all time faves, so, like, do eet.)
Top 4 ships ATM: hoo boy, no particular order, my obsessions: 
Corvo/Daud of Dishonored fame (Knifecrow and the Royal OT3 (Corvo/Daud/Jessamine). dese boys, man. Assassins! Supernatural Powers! Scars! CROWS!! (Eyes Turned Skyward <3)
A&E (hee, Arthur and Eames, of course) are always the nearest and dearest to my heart, so they always gonna be here. (Subject Untitled WIP guilt FTW :’D)
DESTIEL UNTIL I DIE no really dude it’s my license plate I have no regrets
McKirk. Jones. Jim and Bones, AOS. these idiots.
Last song: Aria Math, C418, Minecraft Vol Alpha. been hardcore on the Minecraft OST while healing, among other tunskis. otherwise the chorus of my thousand-and-one box fans.
Last movie: @ladyvaderpixetc omg Mister Rogers FTW! watched San Andreas with mom during immediate recovery, that was a trip! rather enjoyed it. 
Reading: that isn’t fanfic...? uhhh. Restoration by Carol Berg, an old fave. been on a Dishonored kick (assassin’s don’t take sides, anyone????) and AC:Odyssey and Skyrim stuff. er, seems I am on a gaming kick. crap, about to finally start RDR2.... :eyeroll:
Current food craving:  also been on a lo-sodium restriction due to recovery (apparently sodiums make you swole, but not that kinda swole) so. pickles. effing PICKLES.
i’m really bad and late at responding to these kindsa things (i legit have a wee backlog) but if you feel like it ;) @opal-bee @puppyblueao3 @screwtheprinceimtakingthehorse @kansouame ;) you pineapple-pizza-sinner, you <3
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