#pineapple dance studios
skeletondremmer · 2 years
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guess who got way to into the new shovelware game on roblox i got real lazy on the background
heres some extras of this little dude i made
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Such a fun morning , even though I am a terrible dancer
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helianthus-exilis · 22 days
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lilgremmie · 1 year
Truly life giveth and it taketh away goodbye peanut butter
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M.I.A. - Paper Planes 2008
"Paper Planes" is a song by British hip hop artist M.I.A. It was released on 11 February 2008 as the third single from her second studio album, Kala (2007). It samples English rockband the Clash's 1982 song "Straight to Hell", leading to its members being credited as co-writers. A downtempo alternative hip hop, pop track combining African folk music elements, the song has a less dance-oriented sound compared to other songs on the album. Its lyrics, inspired by M.I.A.'s own problems obtaining a visa to work in the USA, satirise American perceptions of immigrants from war-torn countries, and said that the issue was probably "them thinking that I might to [sic] fly a plane into the Trade Center".
M.I.A. had wanted to work with American producer Timbaland for the album Kala, but her application for a long-term US work visa was rejected. This was allegedly due to her family's connection to the Tamil guerrillas, commonly known as the Tamil Tigers, a claim M.I.A. denied. Her visa problems were also attributed to her criticism of the Sri Lankan government's discrimination and alleged atrocities committed against the Tamils, with whom M.I.A. shares an ethnic and cultural heritage. She expressed this on her politicised debut album Arular. The unexpected success of "Paper Planes" paralleled M.I.A.'s condemnations of the Sri Lankan government's war crimes against the Tamils, generating accusations that she supported terrorism.
The song received widespread acclaim from contemporary critics, who complimented its musical direction and the subversive, unconventional subject matter. It won awards from the Canadian Independent Music Awards and the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), and earned a Grammy nomination for Record of the Year. The song has received praise in publications such as NME, Pitchfork and Rolling Stone, each naming it among either the best songs of the 2000s decade or of all time. The review aggregator Acclaimed Music reports it as the second-most acclaimed song of the 21st century.
"Paper Planes" was used in the theatrical trailer for the 2008 stoner comedy Pineapple Express, directed by David Gordon Green, which catapulted the song to mainstream success in the US. "Paper Planes" and the DFA remix appear on the soundtrack to Danny Boyle's drama Slumdog Millionaire, released in 2008. The video game Far Cry 3 (2012) begins with "Paper Planes" used in the opening cinematic sequence.
"Paper Planes" received a total of 68,9% yes votes!
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castoflykaia · 7 months
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Age: 26 Birthday: April 1st Species: Shapeshifter/Lycan Ethnicity: Polynesian/Melanesian Height: 5'8 Hometown: Kailua, Hawaii Partner(s): Ceres Durham, Kaila Brice Relationship Status: Married, Partnered Education: Bachelor's Degree in Computer Programming Occupation: Tech for Sevyn Studios Loves: Surfing, Reading, Working Out Dislikes: Dancing, Coffee, Pineapple, Country Music Favorite Movie: Spirited Away Favorite Song: Vika - Pualena Favorite Color: Black
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OC questionnaire
Thanks @oliolioxenfreewrites here and here, @winglesswriter here, @the-golden-comet here, here, and here, @paeliae-occasionally here, and @drchenquill here!
Rules: answer the given questions in the POV of your OCs, then give the next people three more questions!
Holy shit I'm actually caught up?!?!
Previous Questionnaires:
Rounds One and Two Masterpost
Maddie, Ash, Noelle, Ewan, Jazlyn, Lexi, Alex, Carmen
Gwen, Gabriel, Liam, Xitlali, Akash, Jedi, Rose, Sam
See below for: Robbie, Hye-Jin, George, Wade, CJ, Teo, Atsila, Niri
#1- Robbie
Would you consider yourself loyal?
“Well, I don't exactly want to toot my own horn or anything but yeah, I consider myself loyal. If anything happened to Akash, I'd actually lose it. I got into a physical fight in his honor. That was how I displayed my powers for the first time, actually, so that was pretty cool. Sammy, too, I'm very loyal to my sister. And my friends at Alium, they're so dope, I love them, okay? So, yeah, loyal. Me. I'm that. I'm like a dog that way. ... I think that's a good thing. I dunno why I had to say that, I was done. *Sigh* okay I'm just gonna stop now and move onto the next question because holy shit I'm rambling, and I always do that, and I never know when to stop annnd I'm doing it again, okay for real this time. I'm done.”
If you saw someone unhoused on the corner asking for money, would you stop and give or keep going?
“From personal experience, I'd stop. My mother always makes sure I have money, cash, on my person at all times. And unfortunately - well, maybe not unfortunately, I dunno why I said that, the POINT is, I have this thing where if I see something bad happen, and I know I could help, but then I don't, I literally cannot stop thinking about that for anywhere between a full 48 hours to the rest of my life. I passed someone before, because I was late, and then ran back and gave them like five dollars because it ate me up, but they were happy, so that made up for the fact that I was late. Great, now it sounds like I'm humble-bragging. I swear I'm not trying to. My point is that I want to help people. And I'll stop there before I ramble again.”
Pineapple on pizza. Thoughts?
“Gonna be honest, never tried it. But I'm SUPER curious. I gotta know what it tastes like, but I'm scared. Both Ash and Noelle like it. Ash I don't trust at all - that girl likes the dumbest food combinations - and Noelle is interesting because she likes food and knows what goes well together, but also I don't remember when she's ever described food as bad, and she has other pizza toppings that she claims are better anyway. Point is, I'm curious but scared to try it.”
✨ Robbie intro post✨
#2- Hye-Jin
What's your earliest childhood memory?
“Oh, that's difficult. Hmmm... I'm not sure which is the first memory, actually. It's not like I memorized the time and dates of everything haha! [Pause] Okay, fine, I remember. It was the first day of preschool. I had only just turned three. Everyone in the class had these, uh, Assignments, I guess. Roles? Hm... Ah yes, jobs, so everyone in the classroom had responsibility. It was randomized, but I got the "caboose," or the person who stood in the back of the line. I cried really hard because I thought that was the worst job in the world, and my teacher probably hated me. I got to carry a flower, though, so I think that calmed me down.”
Do you dance?
“It's more like did. From, hm... Ah, kindergarten grade through sixth grade, I did ballet, tap, and jazz at a local dance studio. But middle school kinda allowed me to take more extra curriculars that were more convenient, so my parents told me I should probably drop dance after my sixth grade year was a mess. I didn't want to, but y'know it is my parents' money. I wish I could've kept it up.”
What smell you can't stand?
“Oh, cinnamon. I'm so sorry, but I don't like it. The smell, anyway. It's weird, I don't mind cinnamon as a taste. But the smell is too much. Maybe that's weird.”
Other Hye-Jin: OC in three, fun facts, bingo, deep dive, origin, outfit, questionnaire one, questionnaire two
#3- George
What never fails to make you laugh?
“A couple things. One: my sister, Carla. She's actually really funny. Watch a movie with her, and you'll see. She's yelling at the screen, insulting her favorite characters, getting way too invested. She tells me all of her thoughts. Two: stupid customers. Hilarious! Someone told me their newly installed voice activator was broken. They were going to pay me a LOT of money. They programmed their voices and everything! Turns out, they hadn't turned it on yet. Three: Liam. The guy can turn everything into an argument, it's fascinating to watch. But funny as in he's super clever, and he can roast anyone. The funniest day for me would be if they came with me on my job, i had to deal with a dumb customer, Liam roasted them, and Carla ranted about a new movie she found.”
How can you tell if you’ll get along with someone?
“Haha, that's funny. People skills are just a little overrated. It's been Carla and me in our house for a while, and we've been doing fine! I'm certainly not going to make friends doing my job no matter how much the homeowners want to talk to me. Liam is cool, and I knew I was gonna get along with him when we met, so he's literally the only example I have for this question. Okay... I knew I was going to get along with him because I was getting everything hooked up to move a lot of the data to our place, and I was talking out loud and Liam seemed bored so he inserted himself into the one-sided conversation and helped me figure out everything. Then the next day, I was working on one of the computers, and Liam came up to me and just started talking. He said I seemed bored, and I was. Sometimes I can't fix things at superspeed because I have to wait for the computer to respond, or the hardware is delicate or something. He asked me to 'infodump,' he said, about any topic I wanted to. The previous night, I stayed up late reading the entire file on jellysponges, so I just talked about them and suddenly, it was like no time had passed and the computer was done! Liam nodded, said my information would be helpful if he ever got into an Alii marine biology debate, and then he invited me to sit with him at lunch. That was cool.”
Do you prefer sweet, savory, sour, or salty snacks?
“I have been talking for way too long. Well, I mean, you may not think it's that long, but I don't do this unless I'm excited about something, and being a speedster it feels like it's taken forever. Anyways, I like all snacks because I have to eat a lot for my metabolism, but honestly out of those snacks I like salty chips.”
Other George: OC in three, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, fun facts
What is your favorite season?
#4- Wade
“Ooh, that's hard. [A couple seconds of silence.] Sorry, Liam's in my head debating all of them. Alright *claps hands* I think it has to be summer. There's so many things to do, and it is always pretty fun to just make a vacation plan. And the beach is awesome. Teo and Parker and I plan our summer - well I plan it; if the others did it'd be a disaster, and they know it. The point is, our summers rock.”
Where would you like to visit?
“I would like to go to Japan. There's so much stuff to do in Tokyo alone. I haven't been to Comic-Con, and I'd really like to, or an anime con. Being from Florida, I've been to Disney World a few times, but not Disneyland in California. Then again, the one in Tokyo... Man, there's a lot of planning that'd be involved. Can't wait til I graduate.”
When do you usually go to sleep?
“I try to be in bed by ten so I can get to sleep before eleven because high school times are shit and I want at least six hours before I have to get up, and that's still not enough sleep! Parker and Teo have it worse, though, since they both can't get settled down until, like, midnight. Uggghhh, we should ban school before nine.”
Other Wade: OC in three, interview, kiss, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, two truths and a lie
#5- CJ
How long has it been since you last travelled?
“Last summer, my family went and traveled around Sector 8 in Alium. It was so fun. Though I admittedly kinda missed Issa. She would've loved it. My favorite part was seeing an opera, actually. It's quite fascinating.”
Where is your favourite place?
“I find it a little strange to have a favorite place. Sometimes my room is a good place to be but sometimes I just want to leave it. Now, I think you're probably just referring to a place that statistically I'm more likely to be happy in. In that case *shrug* not enough data to say definitively, sorry. However, I sometimes stop by the library and just organize books that are there. They're always out of place. And the librarians know me by name. I don't think I have any bad memories there, so even though I don't go to the library every day, I think that's my answer.”
If the inciting event never happened, what would you be doing?
Other CJ: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
*bursts out laughing* “'Inciting event?' Like, as in stirring up something or like, in a story? Cause this is real life, baby. Okay, I'll play along. I guess one could say it was Rose showing up. I suppose if that never happened, I would just be living life like normal. Rose and I don't have a lot in common, but I enjoy talking to her. She is really friendly and thoughtful. So I guess I would be a friend short. And I would be content, but not as happy as I am now.”
#6- Teo
Do you speak more than one language?
“Uh-huh. Three, actually. English, Vietnamese, and American Sign Language! I'm fluent in all of them. My parents decided to try and teach me ASL when they realized I'd need, like, hearing aids, so they, like, took classes and taught me! And not to toot my own horn but, like, having three languages down meant my brain was, like, SO ready for kindergarten.”
What is your favorite thing to eat?
“Do NOT make me choose. It's literally, like, whatever I'm eating in the moment. Right now *holds up* it's this sandwich.”
What drives you to succeed?
“My boyfriend. And also, like, my own ambitions. I can do a lot of things. Again, not bragging, just a fact. I know, like, gymnastics, acting, improv, role play, those are similar I know, playing the guitar, singing, photography, ballet, graphic design, editing, I can go on. It's literally just me wanting to learn how to do more stuff, y'know? I want to build an impressive ass resume. Not just for, like, jobs, life in general. I'm always looking for new skills.”
Other Teo: questionnaire one, questionnaire two, kiss
#7- Atsila
What's the worst thing you've ever done? Do you regret it?
“The worst thing? Ha-ha-ha, what a question. What, in my opinion? Well, I wasn't paying much attention in my literacy class, so I failed! Hahaha, I'm kidding. I'm just not the kind of person to do terrible things, baby. I guess sometimes my competitive nature has made other people upset, but that's technically not anything I've done. Well, that's settled.”
What's the quickest way to make you laugh?
“I do love watching someone make a fool out of themselves. Deserved, though. I have standards. I won't kick people while they're done, but it's sure funny when those who get in my way fall over. Also, make a sexual innuendo and I'll be on the floor in stitches.”
What is your favorite song right now?
“There's this lovely piece called ‘Who We Become in the Shadows’ by Keano Adler. You wouldn't have heard of it, being Ceter and all. Anyway, I should get back. It was lovely talking with you.”
Other Atsila: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
#8- Niri
Do you sometimes wish to be someone else?
“Sometimes, yes. I don't want to lie. I'm thankful that it isn't constant. Usually, I am happy. Sometimes I'm not. It depends on the situation.”
Do you push forward or take time to rest?
“Hard question. [Thinks about it] I think I rest if I find a task boring. I push forward when I like the task.”
What is your favorite drink?
“I like hot chocolate. It is not just a winter drink!”
Other Niri: questionnaire one, questionnaire two
Tagging @sarandipitywrites @theeccentricraven @reininginthefirewriting @paeliae-occasionally @bread-roses-and-chrome
Y'all's questions: 1) Describe your ideal life. 2) What are you most looking forward to? 3) What's your most unique trait?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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fizzydrink698 · 2 years
chemistry | yeji
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kinktober day 6: mirror sex
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pairing: hwang yeji x reader
word-count: 4.5k
genre: college au, dance class au, rivals to lovers
warnings: swearing, sexual content (oral sex, masturbation), reader has some pent-up issues regarding inferiority and more than a little fixation on yeji, misplaced feelings that eventually get sorted out healthily with a lil nudging
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It hurt, sometimes, to look at her. In those little moments between run-throughs, when she would drop her performance energy and just be her for a few moments, you found yourself constantly looking over. It felt like you couldn’t help it, she just demanded your attention like that.
You hated it. And her.
You really hated her.
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Five, six, seven, eight.
You hated her.
For the first eighteen years of your life, you had been the best dancer, in every class you took, in every performance you did. You were the one that the teacher would point to and go “like this, everyone, this is perfect.”
And then, you got to university – and met her.
All of a sudden, you weren’t getting the solos. You weren’t the best, you weren’t the example, because you just had to be in the same team as Hwang Yeji.
She was just…perfect. In everything she did, and it fucking infuriated you. It was like she exposed every single weakness you had. You felt so clumsy dancing next to her, you felt like an idiot for ever thinking you could go anywhere with dance. Every new showcase, you went head-to-head for the solo, and nine times out of ten, they went with Yeji.
Your rivalry had taken over your life. You would lie in bed, stare up at the ceiling and all you could think about was her. The way she picked up routines without a second thought, how fluidly she could move, her perfect lines, how she just…
Ugh, fuck her.
She infected every part of your life, even outside of dance. It was like every conversation just couldn’t go on without something forcing you to bring up Yeji. Arranging plans for the evening? You had to practise to beat Yeji. Studying for the next assignment? You were exhausted from staying up and watching recordings of old showcases Yeji danced in.
Anything could be traced back to Yeji. Anything.
“He’s cute,” Aisha, a friend of yours, pointed out over lunch one day. She was referring to a blond guy by the salad bar, trying and failing not to look disgusted as his loud friend loaded his bowl with croutons and pineapple chunks. “I think he’s in my art class.”
He was pretty cute, you supposed. It had been so long since you’d been interested in anyone, it almost felt weird to acknowledge it. But there was something about him that just…
“What’s his name?” You asked, brow furrowing.
Aisha raised an eyebrow, and you realised she looked genuinely surprised. At your question? No, maybe not. Probably the fact that you’d shown interest at all. “Begins with a H, I think. Hyunjin? I can find out if he’s seeing anyone, if you’re interested.”
You looked back over at him, narrowing your eyes. He looked almost familiar, had you seen him before? Somewhere on campus? Something about that bone structure, the body language…
The loud friend suddenly elbowed Hyunjin in the ribs, and when he nodded his head over to you, you realised you had been caught. Hyunjin turned his head, eyes finding you, and there was a brief second when you took his appearance in and thought maybe you would take Aisha up on her offer, look at that face, the little shy smile he was giving you, and–
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, turning your head away sharply to squeeze your eyes shut and pinch the bridge of your nose before you had an aneurysm. “That’s fucking Yeji’s brother.”
With your eyes closed, you didn’t see Aisha’s expression as she paused, but you definitely heard the weird tone in her voice as she replied, almost amused. “Of course it is.”
Why was she everywhere?
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Studio B has been closed for nearly a year for renovations.
Initially, the work was supposed to have been finished in a few months, but the budget had apparently run dry halfway through, and wouldn’t be finished until the start of the next school year when the department got a little more cash to burn.
The studio was deemed unsuitable to hold classes in, thanks to the half-finished flooring and bare concrete walls, and very few people had access to it.
You were one of those people. You’d been lent a key at some point last year when you helped out with the younger students, and apparently everyone had forgotten about it.
For once, you supposed, not being the centre of attention had its perks.
With Studio B, you had access to a practice space whenever you wanted, with no need to book ahead and no one else interrupting. It was the perfect way to catch up to Yeji, especially considering the upcoming showcase looming on the horizon.
That showcase was going to be headlined by duo performance, not a solo. On one hand, you wouldn’t have to compete with Yeji for the same spot. The two of you were the best in your group, you were the obvious choices and you’d passed the audition easily.
On the other hand, you would be sharing a stage with Yeji. Just the two of you alone. Every single move you made would be directly compared to hers.
You needed every bit of practice you could get because you just weren’t a natural like her. She picked up every little detail of choreography so quickly, every run-through she did was clean and fluid and purposeful.
This fact was only made more obvious by The Mirror.
In the initial stages of renovations, Studio B’s mirror had been removed – and revealed, for some inexplicable reason, that Studio A’s mirror was one-way. This wasn’t an issue when the two studio mirrors were back-to-back, but now?
You had a front-row seat to her practice sessions, whenever you came into the studio at the same time. You got to see just how fucking great Yeji could dance, even just rehearsing.
And because that fucking duo piece involved so much synchronisation, you had to dance move-for-move with her. It did wonders for your timing, you’d admit. Your instructor had said just as much, clapping her hands together after your most recent group rehearsal and – for once – complimented you on just how well you could move beat-for-beat with Yeji.
“You make wonderful partners,” she had told you. “The way you interact, the chemistry, it’s fascinating.”
It was infuriating, maybe, that you could only be praised after working so hard for so many hours on something that came to Yeji naturally. It got to you, having to dance in this barely-lit room, exposed timber and sawdust everywhere as your backdrop, copying Yeji’s movements as she danced in the light.
It hurt, sometimes, to look at her. In those little moments between run-throughs, when she would drop her performance energy and just be her for a few moments, you found yourself constantly looking over. It felt like you couldn’t help it, she just demanded your attention like that.
You hated it. And her.
You really hated her.
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One night, you booked a few hours in Studio A. You needed the full-length mirrors, just to double-check your lines, and that was something Studio B just did not have.
Yeji was waiting for you inside.
She was standing in the centre of the room, arms crossed over her chest. For a moment, you thought she might have just finished a session right before yours. She was in her usual dance practice attire – sports bra, comfy sweats, her dark hair tied back in a sleek ponytail – but the absence of any sweat, any flush of exertion to her skin, tipped you off otherwise.
She didn’t just happen to be here. She specifically chose to be here.
For you, apparently.
Yeji shifted her weight from one foot to the other, looking uncharacteristically serious. “I know about Studio B.”
You froze.
“…What, that we have one?” You asked, evasively, shifting your gaze away from her. “Wow, you catch on quick, Hwang.”
She ignored the jab. “You know what I’m talking about.”
“Do I?”
“Yes, you do. You’ve been practising in there.”
You did your best to let the accusation roll off of you, but inside, your stomach clenched. “What makes you say that?”
“I had a weird feeling for a while,” Yeji said, calmly, and when your eyes darted back to her, you found her watching you. “Sometimes when I dance, I thought I could hear an echo. And then yesterday I was going through the floorwork part of the choreography where we hit the ground and…”
Fuck. You remembered that. You had even been happy at the time - the two of you were supposed to smack your hands against the floor at the same time, but Yeji didn’t. It seemed like she’d forgotten the choreo for that tiny portion, and you had been overjoyed.
Now, all you can think about is how loud your slapping the floor might have been. How much of a giveaway had it been?
Enough, apparently.
Your silence was enough to confirm Yeji’s suspicions, and you were surprised to see her jaw set. Her eyes flashed with anger. “It’s dangerous in there. They said they ripped all the flooring out, and…I can’t believe you were dumb enough to even try it. What if you got caught? What if you got injured?”
This was too much. You felt something sick and poisonous building in the pit of your stomach, spreading to your chest, knotting in your throat and choking you. The feeling of being caught out, the humiliation because how could you even explain this? That the only reason you took this stupid risk was because you’d never be as good as her without it? That without practising hours and hours every day, you’d look like an embarrassment next to her?
You tried to swallow down the lump in your throat, and forced a shrug. “I wanted some extra practice time.”
“Then practise with me,” Yeji exclaimed, incredulous. “This is our piece, we should be rehearsing together anyway! You could have just asked to share the studio during my time. I wouldn’t have minded.”
You pictured stumbling around, trying to get the choreography steps into your head, and perfect Yeji smirking to the side as she did every move flawlessly.
“No, thanks,” you retorted bitterly.
Yeji blinked, thrown for a moment, and then visibly stiffened with rage. You almost took a step back, as she shouted. “God, would you just get over yourself?”
“Me?” You said, almost recoiling, your voice rising in volume to match hers. “What about you? Why don’t you get your nose out of my fucking business? Why do you even care?”
“Because I’m worried about you! Especially if you’re doing stupid shit like this.”
You grit your teeth at the way her voice shook, at the way she was staring at you, like she was fucking…disappointed, or something. Fuck her. Fuck this.
“No, you’re not,” you said, dismissing her outright.
She scoffed, as if you were being the unreasonable one, and stepped forward. “Yes, I am.”
“Why?” You asked, matching her with your own step forward, dropping your bag to the floor with a loud thud. “Who cares if I get injured? Someone else gets my part in the routine, and you have nothing to worry about.”
“I don’t want anyone else doing this routine with me, I want you.”
If you were slightly more observant, if the rage-induced (Yeji-induced) blinders dropped for just a fraction of a second, you would have noticed the edge to those last few words.
As it was, you just kept pressing onward. “Why? Why does it have to be me? Why does it matter?”
Yeji squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head slightly, as if she just couldn’t comprehend your stupidity, and something in you burned at that, spiteful, hurt and–
“Because I like you, you fucking dumbass.”
You stopped in your tracks, faltering. It was like your brain crashed, or something, barely able to do anything more than replay her words, tripping over them, like a scratched record.
“And I know you like me,” Yeji added, challenging you. “Before you say anything.”
You choked, spluttering. “What?”
“You’re constantly looking over at me in class,” she pointed out, taking another step forward. “Like, all the time. It’s cute, how much you’re obsessed with me.”
“I am not obsessed with you–”
“Then, what? If you don’t like me, why are you doing all this?” Yeji asked, gesturing vaguely but animatedly around her. “Is it just jealousy? Is that it?”
You bristled at that, affronted. “I’m not jealous of you. I don’t want to be you, I…I just need to…”
You needed to be better than you were. Because the idea of looking dumb and clumsy and bad was just unthinkable, especially in front of…
In front of…
You stared wide-eyed at Yeji, pieces falling into place. There was a tiny split-second of charged silence, where you were lost for words, where Yeji stared at you with a look of dawning realisation.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Slowly, she took another step forward, closing the distance between the two of you almost entirely. You didn’t step back, but you felt something small starting to flicker inside of you. A new nervousness, an anxiety, an unsurety for what might come next.
Yeji lifted her hand, and the moment it touched the curve of your jaw, you felt a burst of something in your chest. Equal parts apprehension and anticipation.
“Yeji…” you murmured, her name slipping out of your mouth. You weren’t sure what it was. A warning? A confession? The voicing of the one thought that had been tormenting you constantly for months now?
Yeji paused at the uncertainty in your voice, and maybe she would have pulled away, had you not given into the temptation to lower your gaze to her mouth. It was quick, brief, just barely even a look, but she caught it.
Emboldened by it, she leaned in and kissed you.
You expected kissing Yeji to feel weird, or confusing, until your body and brain were able to catch up to this sudden revelation.
Instead, there was a rush of sensation that just felt right. Like a sigh of relief, like your brain was suddenly shouting this is what I was trying to tell you the whole time. It was intoxicating, almost overwhelming, a release of something that had been building for months, if not years.
She must have realised something similar, because for a first kiss, this was astonishingly bold. Instead of a mere peck, Yeji parted her lips slightly, moving her mouth against yours. You followed suit, after a second’s hesitation, your tongue just barely brushing against her lower lip.
Your hands immediately went to her waist, warm and bare under your hands. Your fingers curled inwards, nails scraping gently against her skin. Yeji’s response – a quiet little noise, almost like a hum but not quite – sent something electric coursing through you.
You didn’t know where to go from here. Where did you even start? You wanted everything and anything, you wanted to touch every part of her body that you had stared at in practice, you wanted to slide your hand up and inside of her bra and glimpse what had been hidden to you on a body you’d fixated on for so long that you felt it burned into your mind.
Yeji broke away, and something akin to pride swelled within you when you realised she was breathing just a little heavier. “See? We could have been doing this the whole–”
Impatience overwhelmed you, and you cut Yeji off by pressing your lips to hers once more. She seemed to accept this without complaint, curling an arm around your hips to pull you closer. You stumbled only slightly, just a half-step, in your urgency to draw even closer. One of your hands flew up to the back of her head, and after a second of fumbling, you removed her hair tie.
Fuck, her hair was perfect. You wanted to run your hands through it, you wanted to tangle your fingers in it and pull, you wanted to see what it looked like in your fist. All of it, all at once.
So horribly, unfairly pretty.
She slid the hand that had been cupping your jaw down, along your neck, onto your shoulders. Her palm sat nestled against your collarbone, and you imagined it sliding even lower.
You felt her hand twitch, as if she were thinking the very same thing.
“How long did you book this room for?” Yeji murmured, pulling back only slightly to speak, her lips still brushing yours.
“An hour,” you replied, heat blooming in the pit of your gut at her question, at all it implied.
You felt her grin, felt her open her mouth to say something – before hesitating. “Maybe we should stop here, for now.”
Your response was not a whine, but only through sheer self-restraint. “Why?”
She laughed a little, but it wasn’t unkind. Endeared, maybe. “We’re going kind of fast,” she noted.
“I don’t care,” you retorted. Now that you knew what this had been, just why you’d been so fixated for so long, the idea of holding off whatever was building here – and for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks? – horrified you. You knew what you wanted, waiting wouldn’t change that.
Yeji was proving insistent, however. “We should…like, talk, at least.”
“We can talk,” you argued. “Right now, if you want. Just keep touching me.”
Yeji laughed again, but this laugh was a little less innocent. When she leaned in again, her lips found your neck, and you made the softest of noises. Her hand slid down to your chest, squeezing it just shy of roughly, but enough to draw another noise from you.
“You’re very responsive,” she observed, enjoying the way you shivered when the pad of her thumb brushed your nipple through the fabric of your top.
You swallowed, closing your eyes. “I…I just know what I like.”
“Could have fooled me,” she teased, her hand moving again.
“That was…” you trailed off, inhaling sharply, when her hand slid under your top. “That was different.”
Yeji didn’t respond, content to watch your reactions as she played with you. You felt yourself relaxing under her touch, losing yourself for a few moments, letting your brain finally take a rest from how much you’ve been overthinking…everything, apparently.
Yeji only stopped kissing you when she needed to – when she had your top in both hands, and pulled it up over your head to remove it. You lifted your arms willingly, eyes opening to see Yeji staring completely unashamedly at your chest.
Oh, Yeji wanted you. It still felt surreal, and it only just really clicked, but Yeji really wanted you.
Your eyes met again, and Yeji’s face flushed. Still, she couldn’t help but grin. “I swear, anytime you wore that blue sports bra, I wanted to cry.”
You blinked. You knew the sports bra she was talking about, it was one of your favourites. But you didn’t wear it often, because… “It’s a little small for me.”
She grinned wider. “I know.”
Your face burned.
“So, you…” you mumbled thoughtlessly, tongue two steps ahead of your brain, and you were a little embarrassed to finish this train of thought. You got the feeling, though, judging by Yeji’s expectant expression, that it was a little late to avoid it now. “You, like…actually like me.”
Yeji raised an eyebrow. “Have I not made it very obvious yet?”
“OK, fair-“
“Because I can try harder,” she said, her eyes suddenly gleaming. “Get on the floor.”
An hour ago, if someone had told you that you’d be taking orders from Hwang Yeji without complaint, you would have laughed in their face.
You swallowed, a little nervous and a lot turned on, and lowered yourself to your knees. Maybe, if Yeji had remained standing tall, it would have been a little too much – but she matched you every step of the way, joining you on the floor.
Her knee slotted itself between your legs, and maybe you’d mistake it for an accident, if you hadn’t spent so much of your life noticing how very good Yeji was at making the most subtle of movements look incidental when they were very much deliberate.
For a while, you did nothing more than kiss – which felt like a pretty simplistic description for something so overwhelming. It didn’t account for the way your hands roamed Yeji’s body, the way it felt hearing every noise she made, the expression she made when you bit the bullet and ground against her thigh.
Eventually, though, her hands found the waistband of your leggings.
“Tell me if you change your mind,” Yeji said, very seriously. “No matter when, or what I’m doing. This is…this is fast.”
Not really, you wanted to argue. Not when it felt like the last six months had basically been foreplay between the two of you.
Still, Yeji’s seriousness gave you pause.
“Same goes for you,” you told her. “If you really do want to stop and talk first, we can. I don’t want to just…”
You trailed off, as Yeji’s gaze dragged along your body. You couldn’t imagine what she saw, as you lay under her, but whatever it was made her visibly swallow.
“…Let’s save the talking for later,” she decided, fingers hooking under your waistband. She pulled it down, just a few inches, just enough to expose the lacy edge of your underwear. “Fuck. Maybe talking’s overrated, actually.”
You wanted to laugh. You probably would have, if it weren’t for the distraction of Yeji lifting your hips up, removing your leggings slowly and discarding them to the side with barely a second thought.
She kept hold of your leg, lifting it up just slightly above the floor, and began to press a trail of kisses from your knee upwards. You let your head slump backwards against the floor, eyes closing, breath catching with every other kiss, trying so hard to remain patient as she got agonisingly close to where you needed her most.
Infuriatingly, she got as close as the top of your thighs before diverting away, planting a kiss in the dip of your hipbone. You whined, hands itching to grab her by the head and nudge her back to where she should be. Your head lolled to one side, and it was only when Yeji pushed your underwear to one side that your eyes opened.
To discover the reflection of you and Yeji in that full-length mirror.
You made quite the sight, the pair of you. You couldn’t help but stare, captivated, as Yeji ducked her head, and–
“Fuck, Yeji,” you cried out, torn between closing your eyes and keeping them open and fixed on the sight of Yeji between your legs. You felt yourself clench around her, in part due to that visual of a fully-clothed Yeji, kneeling before your very naked body, face buried between your thighs.
You rocked your hips against your mouth, and a sick little thrill rushed through you when you realised you could watch the way your body moved, the rhythm of it. You could see Yeji’s grip tightening around your thighs just as clearly as you could feel it.
You were so distracted that you didn’t even notice Yeji glance up at you, not until you saw her in the mirror, the way her eyes followed where you were looking, and the way her reflection met your eyes.
You snapped your head back to look upwards, towards the ceiling, but it was too late.
“Are you…staring at yourself?” Yeji asked, pulling away from where she was doing unspeakably wonderful things with her tongue.
“No,” you replied, too quickly, too panicked.
“You are,” she said, vaguely accusing, unable to hide her smirk.
“I’m not, not like…I’m just trying to wrap my brain around this actually happening,” you explained, tripping over your words a little. “And that’s, like…proof that it is.”
Yeji raised an eyebrow, but nodded once, understanding.
And then, her smirk deepened.
“Keep watching, then,” she said. “Let me put on a good show for you.”
Before you could react, Yeji hiked your thigh up over her shoulder, exposing you further, and she ran her tongue along your folds in one slow, long stripe. As she began to swirl the tip of it around your clit, you shuddered, gaze returning to your reflection.
This was almost overwhelming, as Yeji found the exact rhythm and pressure that made your toes curl. Your hand found her hair, carding your fingers through it, letting your fist ball in it as she continued to unravel you. Every breath that left your mouth was accompanied by a whimper, as the sensations began to build and build and build. There was a very strong chance that you were going to cum embarrassingly quickly.
“Yeji,” you breathed, gasping between syllables, and she met your stare through the mirror again. She didn’t look away once, maintaining eye contact, and you couldn’t help but squirm even more under her. “Please…fuck, I…Yeji…”
She held your stare, and you watched her reflection as she slowly, deliberately, slid her own hand into her sweatpants.
You choked, hips jerking up against her, and finally tore your gaze away from the mirror to look at her directly.
She was perfect from this angle, face flushed and slick, dark eyes moving to peek up at you through her lashes. You couldn’t quite see what her hand was doing from here, but you felt the vibrations of her moan against you, and you watched her eyes briefly flutter shut before opening again.
“You’re…fuck, you’re gorgeous,” you admitted, unfiltered thoughts just tumbling out from between your lips. “Perfect. Always…always thought so–Yeji, fuck, please…”
You were going to cum, you were absolutely going to cum.
Yeji seemed to pick up on this, and one particularly ungodly flick of her tongue had you tumbling over the edge. Your vision whited out, like you were almost literally seeing stars, the force of it almost punching your moan out.
It took you a good minute or so to recover, only doing so when Yeji’s increasingly loud whines broke through your orgasm-induced haze. You blinked, brain slowly returning from its temporary mush-like state, to find Yeji with her eyes shut, hand apparently working furiously.
You sat up, room still spinning slightly, and leaned forward to press your mouth to hers. She responded eagerly, sloppily, moaning loudly against your lips. You fumbled with the drawstring of her sweatpants, eager to slide your hand in alongside hers, when she suddenly cried out, her entire body shaking. She collapsed against you, panting, lost in her own climax. You smoothed a hand over her back, rubbing soothing circles into the exposed skin there, and – out of sheer impulse – pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“Fuck,” she mumbled, out of breath, burying her face into your neck.
You realised how much you liked her there, how much you liked her curled up against you.
She suddenly laughed, just a little, breathless.
“Wait ‘til they get a load of our fucking chemistry now.”
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 47- Two Different Pages
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Chapter Summary: Jen reveals she accidentally caught Rap Monster watching naughty videos in the studio and reveals another bombshell that shakes ARMY on Tumblr. Jen makes it known that it isn't wise to disrespect her.
Words: 11,000+
Genre: RM Fluff! And Jungkook fluff!
------- On a warm Saturday morning, Jennie invited Namjoon out to hang with her. He offered to go to a local café for breakfast and she agreed, wanting to spend more time with him. Namjoon would always be stuck in his studio or with his headphones in, on his phone, so she was glad she was able to go out with him for the time being.
The two found themselves sitting outside, on the balcony. With their plates of food in front of them, Namjoon watched her in amusement as she put syrup on her chocolate pancakes.
"All that sugar." He let out a low chuckle.
"I'm still a kid at heart, let me live." She replied and took a big bite.
"I intend to. Make sure you drink water so you won't get a sugar headache. You remember last time?"
"It was all for a good cause."
"The amount of complaining you did the last time said otherwise." He quipped, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Oh, hush."
"I made sure not to get the pineapple, so you won't have another allergic reaction, by the way." He informed, gesturing to the bowl of fruit for them to share.
Jen smiled gratefully and nodded. "Thanks, I appreciate it. Nice bare face, by the way. You look great without the makeup we wear on stage."
"Ah, I'm ugly, don't lie." He shook his head.
There he goes again. She wished he could see what she saw whenever she saw him. 
Jen shook her head and pointed at him. "You, my friend, need to stop calling yourself ugly. I want you to cut that out. Like right now. You're handsome. And I get to see your dimples, so hurray!"
Her enthusiasm for his dimples prompted him to smile, which showed them off. "I love those dimples. They're so cute." She went on.
"Ah, you're gonna make me flustered." He covered his face shyly for a moment.
She laughed softly. "I just want to see you smile."
She was aware that he got criticized often as of late. And she wished that he got credit where it was due.
"It sucks you get criticized but I love how you accept your mistakes and learn from them. We all mess up at times. But we learn from them. So, don't beat yourself up, 'ight? If you say anything out of line to me, I'll let you know, believe that. And I see that you're working harder. And I hope you know that you are appreciated and that I see how much you are improving. Your dancing gets better as we go through each comeback. I don't say this often but I always think about it and you deserve a lot of credit for what you do for us. When I get there, I want to be able to make meaningful lyrics like you. You enhance me, Namjoon." She praised. "You have some deep, meaningful lyrics. The music you make is fire. It's crazy that you're underappreciated. Having you as a leader is great."
Her statement made him smile brightly and he felt good about himself. Being a leader is tough. A lot of expectations. But her words influenced him greatly.
"And I'm not one of the most popular members of the group. Some don't even want to include me as being a part of the Maknae line, and just want to support 3 out of 4." She added. "But you know? I don't even care anymore about what these negative people say. Because they aren't real fans if they can't support each member. That's not a real fan. That's not a fan in general. A fan of a group should support everyone. Not exclude one, two, or three or more. Don't let anyone take away your happiness. Bangtan wouldn't be how it is today if it wasn't for you. We all bring something unique to the group and if one of us wasn't around, it just wouldn't be the same." 
She went on to ramble as she grabbed his hand. "You have no idea how precious you are to me, Namjoon. Thank you for being a great leader. No matter how tired you are, you are always there for us. And thank you for taking such good care of me since I came here. It was such a huge transition to move to Korea but speaking English with you and learning the ropes here, I know that I'm going to be all right. Although I'm the youngest and the girl of the group I want to be there for all of you guys. And I want to take care of you all. You guys take care of me, I want to do the same."
Namjoon squeezed her hand gently as he thanked her once more. "Wow, that certainly boosted my mood. What you said just made me feel good about myself. I'll continue to work hard for Bangtan. All of you guys are doing your best. I'm very proud of all of you. And don't forget that you are also precious to us, Jennie."
As Namjoon went to use his fork, somehow, some way, his fork bent, causing both members to gawk at it. 
A brief silence occurred before Jen exclaimed, "How?!" as she pointed at the bent fork.
Namjoon grinned sheepishly. "Uh, I can explain."
After the two shared a laugh, Jen asked, "Oh, by the way, where are my headphones I lend you?"
"The ones you needed to use in the studio."
"Oh! Those..."
"Yeah, those. You have them there? I wanted them back. You do have them, don't you?"
The rapper cleared his throat and let out a nervous chuckle. "Uh, I can explain."
"You lost them?" She asked with a hint of irritation.
"I'll buy you another pair!"
"They were Beats by Dre!" She shouted.
"Ah...don't yell at me." He covered his face with his hands
"I can't believe you." She groaned. "I need to write a list of things you lose, so you can repay me."
"I'll get you another pair, don't worry. By the way, how's your rapping lessons going with Yoongi?"
The topic of rapping made Jennie smile brightly as she confidently responded, "It's great! He says I'm learning faster than ever. I'm so proud of my progress. I've been researching some underground female rappers to learn more. He gives me a bunch of homework, which has been particularly helpful."
"I heard your progress to my verse of Tomorrow. I enjoyed listening to it because you put your own style into it. You're going to be just fine with the rapping." He grinned ear to ear. "Yoongi is teaching you well. And you're keeping up with the speed."
"Thank you! It's lit!" She high fived him.
"He's not giving you a hard time, is he?"
"I like his bluntness and how strict he can be to make sure I get everything down correctly. I don't want him to sugarcoat it. When I first started, he told me, 'What the hell was that shit? That was horrible. Do it again, you didn't even listen to a word I said for this verse. Do you even want to do this?' and that made me a bit upset but I got used to it. I want him to keep it real with me, and he has. But lately, he's been smiling a lot as I progress."
"Yoongi always had a soft spot for you."
"You think so?"
"Yeah, who else would he want to nap with?"
"Haha, he told me it's because I'm comfortable to nap with and I don't move around a lot or snore. But you, on the other hand, Namjoon..."
"L-look I can't help it okay?"
"I actually was close to strangling you with my pillow when I roomed with you in the hotel room."
"That's foul, Nie Nie. Really cold."
"I love you, too, Joon. So, still talking to Angelina?"
"Yeah, I am." He smiled at the thought of her.
"You're blushing." She pointed out.
"I'm not!"
"You like her?"
"I do. I found out she likes me too."
That made Jennie smile widely. "Aw! Are you dating now!? Wait a minute, why am I now finding this out? Y'all fake. My best friend and my leader, huh?"
He let out a short laugh. "We're not. We're both busy with our careers right now. But one day."
"I ship it. She kept telling me that she physically couldn't date since she was in the prime of her career. But she really likes you, though. She wanted me to teach her some basic Korean so she can communicate with you even though you're good with English."
"Glad to hear that. Looking forward to her progress. Hey, later, can you take a picture of me for my Kim Daily photo?"
"Yeah, sure. Question, are you guys considering having V in Cypher 4?"
"Aish, not this again!" He groaned, rubbing his temples.
"Nie Nie, that is not happening."
"But he's-"
"But Taehyung has been pra-"
"You didn't even let me finish!"
"I believe Taeh-"
"He will be such a lit addiction for it!"
"I understand your support for him but no, Nie Nie."
After their breakfast, they walked around and he found a spot to pose for his Kim Daily. Taking his phone, she watched him get into his pose and she let out a laugh.
"What kind of pose is this? And show off that Nike wristband. Nike is bae." She added as she got ready to take the picture.
"Would you shush?" He laughed and tried to get back into position. 
Once she took a couple of photos, he tweeted one of the pictures. Jen didn't see her photo credit and decided to call him out playfully on their shared account.
'UM, Where are my photo creds?! I took this bomb ass photo! #JEN'
Namjoon looked at the tweet and laughed. "Really?"
"Yes, really! I have great photography skills, I want them to know." She replied as they walked past a couple of stores.
Namjoon decided to tweet, 'Credit to our adorable Miss Bangtan, kekeke #RM'
"Really, adorable?"
"Well, you are our baby girl." He teased. 
The two of them go shopping together and they notice Ryan, Namjoon's favorite character, merchandise. Namjoon kept eyeballing one of the big plushes and contemplated if he should get it.
"You not going to buy it?" She asked as she stood near him.
"Nah...I shouldn't." He shook his head and made his way to another section of the store. 
"Well, I think you should." She said to herself and grabbed the plushie with a smile on her face.
Later that day, in the dorm, Jen changed into her basketball attire to join Yoongi on their planned basketball date. 
Meanwhile, the Maknae line was in the living room playing video games and was about to snack on some newly brought Oreos. But as soon as they take a bite, they spit it out because instead of a sweet taste, it was mint flavored.
"What the hell?" Jimin exclaimed in English and he separated his cookie to see toothpaste inside.
"Who put toothpaste in the Oreos!?" Taehyung demanded.
"Aw, are you serious!?" Jungkook yelled with annoyance.
Jennie smirked as she heard them complain. "Score." She mentally patted herself on the back at her successful prank in their prank war. 
She wasn't going to reveal she did it to anyone because the last time she did, Jungkook made her pay severely and she didn't want to go down that road again.
Walking out of her room, she saw Yoongi waiting for her in the living room.
"Hyung, did you do this!?" Jungkook accused him.
Yoongi looked up, bored, and ignored him and the rest of the Maknae line who were whining about their ruined Oreos. His eyes turned to Miss Bangtan who was geared up in all Nike with the headband, sneakers, basketball shorts and a tank top. 
"You ready, Smartie?"
"Are you ready to lose?" She tossed him the basketball that was in her hands and he caught it with ease as a smirk appeared on his face.
"You wish."
"Did you eat today?"
"I did a few hours ago."
"No, no, eat something now. I don't want your stomach to growl while we ball."
"Aish, so stubborn. Fine." He grabbed an apple from the fridge. "Happy?"
"When you eat it." She remarked.
The two of them head to one of their local basketball courts. They stretched before preparing for a one on one match.
"First one to 10 points, wins. Each basket is one point."
"Gotcha." She checked the ball. Once she received it back, she began to dribble, walking around the court with Yoongi watching her every move, following her. 
Quickly moving her feet, she started running up to the basket, jumping high to shoot before Yoongi could block it. The ball went right in the basket and she fist pumped.
"Beginner's luck," Yoongi grumbled.
"Beginner? That's an insult Yoongi." She taunted.
Focused, Yoongi had the ball this time, with Jennie right up on him as he swiftly escaped her arms trying to block his way. 
"Shit!" He let out a curse when she stole the ball from him and made another successful shot.
"Aw, yeah! Two to zero!" She celebrated.
"Like I said...beginner's luck."
"I'm no beginner though." She stuck her tongue out. Having the ball again, she attempted to shoot an airball but Yoongi caught it just in time and shot it instead. "Really?"
"What's the matter, smartie?" He smirked as she shot him an annoyed glance.
"That was luck right there."
"Beginner's luck? I'm no beginner though." He imitated.
"Shut up." She rolled her eyes as he laughed.
Meanwhile, back at the dorm, Namjoon went to his room and saw the Ryan plushie on his bed.
"You got to be kidding." He smiled instantly and checked out the small note in front of it.
'Ta-da! You know you wanted it. I love you, Namjoon! Please continue to stay healthy and I hope to hang out together with you again very soon. <3 Jennie.'
Back to Jennie and Yoongi, as their game goes back and forth, with Jen's defense and Yoongi's offense on point, they were tied at 7 points. Dribbling the ball, Jen let out a squeal when he grabbed her from behind, picking her up to spin her around a few times as she dropped the ball.
"Hey! You can't do that! That's a foul!" She yelled after getting set down. She watched in disbelief when he took the ball and shot it in the basket. "FOUL!"
"Not in this game." He shrugged with an amused expression.
"So, you making your own rules now?" She grabbed the ball and started to dribble. "Boi if you don't-hey! Cheater!" She yelled when he effortlessly stole the ball and shot for another point.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Not my fault you're slow." He shrugged.
"You know what...I'm gonna hurt you." She pointed to him. 
Jennie had managed to catch up to Yoongi, evading his defense both times. Tied at 9, focused on getting that winning point, Jen watched closely as he dribbled the ball. He had lost his footing and tripped, dropping the ball as he cursed loudly in surprise.
"Yes!" Her adrenaline pumped as she managed to grab the ball, dribbling it as she ran down the court. 
She jumped high to shoot but it hit the rim instead, causing her to yell out of surprise. Before she knew it, Yoongi had caught the ball and jumped up to try to shoot it. She tried to jump and use her arms to block his shot but to no avail as he won the game. 
Jen let out a sigh and took a seat on the ground. Both players were drenched in sweat and breathing heavily from their intense game. 
"Good game, smartie."
"I almost had you." She groaned.
He let out a deep chuckle and helped her up as they walked over to their bags and water bottles. Sitting on the bench, Jen took a big gulp of her water. Once she set it down, Yoongi put an arm over her shoulder as she let out a laugh. 
"You almost beat me today. You're pretty damn good for your defense. I'll teach you some more offensive skills, the next time we play B-Ball." He said with a small smile.
"That'll be great." She beamed as he placed his snapback on her head.
When they both went back to the dorm, Jen went to her room to see a small bag of Smarties on her bed and a note. 
"Ooh, who gave me these?" She eagerly approached her bed.
'I love you too, Nie Nie. Thank you for caring. And I know just where to put the plushie. In my studio. I'll think of you every time I see it. ;) '
She laughed at the winky face that he drew and went on to shower. 
After showering, she helped herself to the Smarties and decided to Facetime Bam Bam. She had a feeling he would probably be busy with dance practice but surprisingly he answered immediately and greeted her with a big smile.
"Jennie! Hey!"
"Hey!" She waved. "I'm surprised you answered, aren't you in dance practice? Sorry if I interrupted."
"Don't worry about it, we're taking a break, right now. I can always make time for you." He smiled softly.
Ever since they met, they've been face timing each other and gotten closer. Jen noticed that he was shy and nervous when they first started talking but as they continued to chat with each other, Bam Bam felt at ease thanks to her down to earth personality. Seeing her smile gave him further confidence and whenever he made her laugh, he felt prouder.
"Who is that?" She heard Jackson in the background
"Shush, I'm trying to have a conversation here!" Bam Bam tried to get away from him. Jennie laughed at the disturbance. "So, how you been? Getting enough rest? Eating well? Are you fully supplied with smarties?"
She let out another laugh and nodded. "Yep, I'm stocked up. We'll see how long they last. I just got back from playing basketball with Yoongi, so that was fun. How's everything with you and the guys?"
"Nothing's changed, we're all still goofing around, working hard. I actually wanted to ask you something."
"What's up?"
"The guys and I are planning to go bowling in a few weeks. Would you like to join us? I would love for you to come see me-us. Us. The group." He cleared his throat.
"JOIN US!" They hear Jackson yell loudly in the background
"JOIN US! The more the merrier!" Youngjae shouted
"Haha, sure, I'll join you guys." She answered.
"What did she say!?" Jackson shouted.
"She said yes!" Bam Bam cheered.
"WOO HOO! Miss you, Jennie!" Jackson appeared on camera with a huge grin.
"Why are you all up in my conversation!?" Bam Bam tried to push him away from the screen.
"Y'all are a piece of work." Jen giggled at their bickering.
On June 22nd, BTS had finally gained one million followers on their Twitter account and J-Hope had tweeted about it, making an edit of himself on their page.
To add to the celebration, Jennie tweets, 'A milli, A milli, A milli, A milli! Thank you!'
'Yaman TV'
'BTS has entered the container box'
"BTS, the ones our crew devoted much effort to!" Janghoon announced while the members applauded enthusiastically with cheers. 
Jennie, wearing an oversized pink hoodie with jean shorts, sat in between Jimin and J-Hope. The hoodie went over her shorts, making it look like a dress instead.
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Janghoon had reminded the members about what goes on in the show and that he was the judge for today, giving out eggs whenever he liked and taking away eggs that he didn't like. The hosts began to discuss how Bangtan has unique names, like V, Rap Monster, J-Hope and Suga. 
"Jennie, what about you?" Haha pointed out
"My name isn't anything special. It's just my name but a nickname. I don't prefer people calling me by my full name, Jennifer. It sounds like a mouthful and too much for a stage name for me, so I decided to call myself Jennie and it worked out pretty well. And it's nice to see you again, Haha."
"Likewise!" Haha smiled. "We're still waiting on the next time you'll join Running Man. You are missed. The Monday couple want their revenge." He let out a laugh.
"Oh dear." She giggled
"Her and Jungkookie were so aggressive during the tag game!" Jimin added. "They make a great team though. Don't you agree?"
The studio agreed immediately, causing the 97 Liners to feel good about themselves. 
"Her defense and his offense are a dangerous combination. I can see the both of them back on Running Man." Rapmon replied.
"I definitely want to come back on Running Man," Jen said. "I'm happy that viewers want me back on the show. And I wouldn't mind being on a couple's episode this time. Maybe Jungkook and I can team up and take on the Monday Couple. You down, Kook?"
"Absolutely." The Golden Maknae accepted the challenge, giving her an air five across the room as everyone smiled at their competitiveness.
"Those sound like fighting words. Monday Couple, beware." Janghoon said as everyone laughed. 
Haha had asked the other members about their names. Jimin pointed out that he chose to use his real name and that Baby G was another choice he could choose from. Jungkook stated that he had other choices too, one of them being Seagull.
The members split up into two teams, switching spots. Jen teamed with J-Hope, Rapmon and Jungkook for Haha's team while the rest of the members were on Mino's team.
"You have both of the Maknaes on the team!? No, there must be a mistake!" Jimin exclaimed.
"We're gonna win!" Haha happily celebrated.
After getting situated, Janghoon sat in the middle, between the two teams with the box of eggs. 
"Seemed like they were celebrating." He gestured to the orange team. He turned to the blue team who didn't look enthusiastic. "You four aren't happy?"
"Suga, aren't you being too obvious?" Haha called him out
"I actually wanted to be on Haha Hyung's team." The Dageu rapper explained.
"There's a chance to switch teams. Just raise your hand and I'll slap you." Mino spoke with a straight face as another chorus of laughter occurred. Jen clapped her hands, throwing her head back while laughing. 
When asked why he wanted to be on Haha's team, Suga answered, "Haha hyung is funnier."
Jennie, remaining quiet, sat at her seat, occasionally smiling from amusement or chuckling as she watched the banter. While Janghoon was talking, V had tried to kill a mosquito by clapping his hands. All of the orange team stood up to protest.
"Uh, uh! Take an egg away!" Jen shouted, pointing to the box while V laughed sheepishly.
"Don't interrupt others!" Rapmon shouted
"The mosquito was flying towards the judge's neck to bite him!" Mino tried to defend V
"Oh bullsh-crap!" Jen immediately covered her mouth, before the bad word slipped out, prompting the guys to laugh and the blue team to start shouting.
"Ahhhhh! Let us receive an egg because she almost cursed on TV!" The blue team yelled
"BRUH!" Jen shouted, throwing her arms up in the air. "I said crap!"
"S, word! She said the S, word! Give us an egg!" Jimin demanded.
"I'm giving you both a yellow card. No eggs for now." Janghoon let them off the hook.
"Although I respect Haha's team, I really don't like this attitude."
"What is my attitude like?" Haha exclaimed, letting out a curse, as the members cackled in response.
The blue team got an egg as V jumped and placed it in Team Blue's box. Haha had rolled his eyes and Janghoon gave Team Blue another one.
"You know what..." Jennie grumbled, feeling frustrated with Jungkook. Haha had left the studio and Janghoon gave Team Blue yet another egg. "COME ON! Why!? She exclaimed.
The first segment is the favorability test while the two teams do the body wave. The VCR for the first segment was about which of the members' arms were the most appealing to citizens.
Gathering the results:
V- 8 votes
Jin- 7 votes
Suga- 7 votes
Jimin- 10 votes
J-Hope- 6 votes
Jennie- 5 votes
Rap Monster- 9 votes
"If the orange team can get more than 18 votes, then they will win," Janghoon said as he revealed Jungkook's result, which had a bunch of stickers. Team Orange had a total of 37 stickers and was declared the winner.
"YEAHHHHH!" Team Orange celebrated, getting out of their seats. Jungkook received three eggs and placed them in Team Orange's box.
"Mosquito! Mosquito!" V stomped on the floor, causing everyone to laugh again. Suddenly, Janghoon stuck his hand back in the egg box. "No! No!" V dropped down to his feet in protest while Team Orange got another egg.
Janghoon requested an arm wrestling match between Jimin and Jungkook for one egg, and while everyone was focused on Janghoon giving another egg to Team Orange, V stole an egg from Team Orange's box. He sat back down, smiling hard.
"Let's go best friend!" Jennie shouted, clapping her hands as Jungkook faced off with Jimin, preparing for arm wrestling. "You got this!"
Jungkook smiled back at Jennie. "I'll do my best."
"Come on, you brat!" Jimin said.
The two of them sit across from each other, while their teams hype them up. Jimin and Jungkook held hands and once Janghoon let their hands go, Jungkook quickly put Jimin's arm down.
"Ayeee! Atta boy!" Jen celebrated with her team. 
Team Orange got two eggs in return. Next, Jungkook went up against team blue leader, Mino, and the Golden Maknae won yet again, in two seconds. Jennie stared at Jungkook in disbelief as Team Orange got 4 more eggs.
The next segment was the Bokbulbok test, betting for three eggs. An Aegyo battle commenced as the winner would be able to get the first choice on one of the cards Janghoon held.
"Oh Lord..." Jennie pressed her lips together. 
She was not a cute acting type of person and she got embarrassed easily when doing cute dances and actions.
"Ah, is Miss Bangtan worried?" Jimin teased.
"Shut your face." She tried to ignore him as he laughed.
Team Blue wanted to go last and as a result, had an egg taken from them. Sitting in between Haha and J-Hope, Jen watched Haha take the camera, to perform his Aegyo. He made a weird face, causing everyone to laugh. He ended up getting scolded by the judge, which caused Janghoon to allow Team Blue to take an egg from Team Orange. Haha stood up, letting out another loud curse as Jennie almost fell out of her seat from laughing so hard.
Jennie went first. She exhaled and looked at the camera. She was already cringing, and she might as well act more cringe as she thought of something random and cringeworthy to say. 
Her expression changed into an innocent one as she smiled sweetly, batting her eyes rapidly. "Can you buy me some smarties? Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top?" She spoke in a higher pitched voice.
Everyone started laughing at her as she quickly passed the camera to J-Hope, covering her face in embarrassment. 
"That was so cute." Haha said.
"Very out of character, but adorable." Jin teased as Jen felt her body warm up from mortification.
"I cannot!" She groaned over their laughter.
"Jennie, what is your next choice? You're not done." J-hope gave her back the camera.
"I gotta do this again?" She exclaimed as everyone cracked up again. She sighed and looked back at the camera. Clearing her throat, she continued to speak in a high pitched voice, smiling cutely.
"Oppa~!" She started, feeling her face heat up even more. She never used that word, and didn't even call any of the members that, but will use it for this occasion. But as soon as she said it, the guys cracked up again, causing her to lose focus and laugh too. "Stop! I'm trying to do this!"
"Oppa~!" Jimin, Suga, V and Jin mocked her Aegyo.
After everyone calmed down, Jennie continued her Aegyo, "Oppa~! Have you eaten today? Don't miss your meals!" She tilted her head to the side, winking at the camera. Then she decided to blow a kiss. "I love you, oppa~!"
"Ahhhhh~!" The members yelled.
"Never again. Never. Again." She asserted and passed the camera to J-Hope.
J-Hope started making adorable facial expressions, murmuring, "Hobie...I'm hungry~! Buy me some meat~!" He cutely stomped his feet as everyone laughed louder when Haha let out another curse. This was just too much fun, and Jennie's stomach started to hurt from laughing so much. J-Hope continued his Aegyo, yelling, "I pooped! I took a dump!"
Rap Monster was next, "Ah hing~! I had a dream~, I dreamed of ghosts!" He said in a weird voice, over everyone's laughter. "I...pooped...I took a dump~ wahhhh~" He started fake crying.
When it was Jungkook's turn, he hesitated. 
"This isn't hard. Just read it." Janghoon pointed out before everyone laughed again while Haha cursed. Jennie started stomping her feet as she laughed. Because he cursed yet again, V took another egg.
"I had a dream. I dreamed of ghosts." Jungkook started off, not as cute as everyone thought. "Ha...I pooped!"
Next was Jin, who blinked at the camera, speaking in a cute voice, "I had a dream. I dreamed about ghosts~." He let out a yell. "I popped~, I took a dump."
"What is this?" Jennie shook her head, watching this aegyo fiasco. 
This was so erratic and weird to her. Meanwhile, Rap Monster had fallen off his seat from laughing. When it was V's turn, he effortlessly said the statement in aegyo, as everyone praised him for being so good. 
"Yo...I cannot..." She cringed.
When it was Suga's turn, he explained he was not great at these things. And once he said the statement, Rap Monster let out a yell. "I pooped, I took a dump," Suga whined while Jennie stared at him like he was crazy.
Lastly, was Jimin as he looked up at the camera. "I...I...I had a dream.." He started, trying not to laugh at everyone's laughter. Jimin had started over but ended up laughing while Jungkook and Rapmon mocked his aegyo.
After the segment, the Orange team chose the front card while the blue team chose the back card. As they catch the VCR they see which was the better choice for toilet paper. If it should be front or back. In the end, the correct way was the front as Team Orange was in another celebratory mood.
But then the VCR shows BTS' bathroom and Jennie's bathroom to see how their toilet paper was hung. J-Hope brought up that BTS has three bathrooms.
When they checked out the VCR, they looked at how their toilet paper was hanging and it's to the front.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" Team Orange jumped up and down.
"YASSSSS! WOO!" Jennie clapped. 
Team Orange gathered in a group hug, jumping up and down happily for another victory. Team Orange wins 3 more eggs.
The next segment is 5 seconds, 5 keywords. Jin went first, revealing 5'10, nipples and pink folder. The oldest member explained that it's hard to wake up Jungkook, so he pinches his nipples to wake him up. 
"Touch his nipples when you want Jungkook to wake up," Jin advised
"Pfff!" Jen let out a chuckle. They had Jungkook lay on the floor for Jin to demonstrate. "I cannot." She covered her mouth. 
When Jin demonstrated, Jungkook instantly started laughing, trying to stop him.
Next up was J-Hope who mentioned 27CM and Freesia. "The 27cm isn't what you're thinking..." J-Hope let out a nervous chuckle
"What were we thinking?" Haha asked, as everyone laughed.
"Since debut, I always hear people saying my face is very long. We measured it on a program. It was 27cm." J-Hope explained. 
Haha brought a ruler to measure his face and ended up getting 20cm.
Following that was Suga who said Seo Janghoon, surgery, and lesson. He explained that his mom's friend liked the team Seo Janghoon hyung-nim was on and brought him to the games since he plays basketball. As Jennie watched the banter, she was in shock that Janghoon allowed V to take another egg, but he decided to take two instead. Jungkook, with his hawk eyes, caught him and called him out but V quickly denied the accusations.
Eventually, Suga explained why he chose the word surgery. BTS had a schedule in Japan and he had stomach pains but it was actually his appendix bursting and he flew back to Korea to get the surgery. 
"Jennie noticed right away there was something wrong." Suga pointed out. "She always has been observant. She kept asking me if I was okay while I was in distress. She wanted to fly with me back to Korea, too. She didn't want me to go alone but she had to stay, for the schedule. Jennie was so worried about me. I appreciated her concern."
"You're very welcome. I'm glad you're okay." She replied
Janghoon was impressed by Suga's patience and allowed V to take another egg. Next up was Jimin who said the words, pervert, which sparked everyone's interest. 
"This is about the members." He revealed
"Who's the pervert?" Janghoon questioned
"Our members are sort of perverts. There are three types of perverts."
"When was it three types!? It was one!" Rap Monster exclaimed, getting defensive
"You're surely sensitive, tonight." Jen pointed out.
Jimin had explained J-Hope's weird sleeping habit when he randomly stroked himself. "Then...Secondly, it's the golden maknae." Jimin peered at Jungkook. "He's still a minor but he's really sensitive to scent. So, he collects a lot of cosmetics."
"I'm very sensitive to scents. I tend to collect a lot of things like perfumes, candles, and cosmetics." Jungkook explained as he also added that he enjoys women's cosmetics.
"So, do you take Miss Bangtan's cosmetics?" Haha asked.
"Of course, he does," Jen replied with a hint of annoyance. "He tends to take a lot of my stuff without asking me. I dunno why or how you keep barging into my room when I'm not around. I still haven't gotten my new grapefruit perfume back. Where's that?" She turned to the Golden Maknae.
"I used it all." He grinned sheepishly as she threw her arms up in the air while everyone laughed.
"The stuff she uses smells really, really good. She has great taste in scents. It's hard not to resist. I can't help myself." He murmured, feeling his face warm up.
"Ah, I'm sure that's not all you can't help yourself to, Golden Pervert, Jungkookie." Jimin teased him, wiggling his eyebrows as he glanced at Jennie and then Jungkook.
Jungkook shot him a warning glance while Jimin smiled innocently, giggling in delight, watching him get annoyed by his words. He was going to kill his hyung for this.
"What scents do you usually get Jennie?" Janghoon asked with interest.
"Depends on what I like at the moment. Vanilla, fruity flavored. Just something pleasing to the nose." She answered. "But I mean, that's not weird what he does. It's good to have a good smell around you."
"The last type of perverts are the older hyungs," Jimin revealed. 
He went on the explain that he knows all the names of the girl groups.
"We have a studio. Because we're rappers. We have a studio but there are so many viruses." J-Hope explained as everyone caught on that Rap Monster watched naughty videos in his spare time.
Janghoon mentioned that Rap Monster is at the peak of his age to be seeing a lot of those types of videos. He even offered Rap Monster an egg because of that, and that there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
"If I download it, the rest of the guys watch it." Rap Monster put all the male members on blast. 
Jangnoon was asked how many videos he watches per week but then someone brought up that he's at the age to film them, causing everybody to laugh. 
"And Jennie, I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but she caught me one time." Rap Monster revealed
Jennie let out a sigh, rubbing her temples. "I saw everything when I caught him. All I wanted was to ask if he wanted me to bring something back when I went out to get lunch. And I got waaaay more than I bargained for..."
"Hey, do you want anything to eat, I'm head-OH MY GOD!" Jennie screamed, widening her eyes and covering them
Namjoon immediately jumped up from his seat.
"Shit! I didn't know you were here!" He started tripping around, trying to pull up his pants hastily, and tried to turn off the naughty video that was being shown. He ended up making some of his equipment fall on the floor.
"I was here the whole time!" She shouted
"WHERE!?" He yelled
"I was with Yoongi!" She began making crying sounds, running her hands over her head as she tried to unsee what she saw, turning her back to him. "I just saw his dick, Lord...please let me unsee this! Why you gotta do this to me, man!?" She whined, quickly running out of the studio.
Things were awkward between them for the rest of the day, until Namjoon had spoken to her the next day to clear things up in Jen's room. He had sat on her bed with her, discussing the situation.
"So you mean to tell me you watch that stuff in the studio?"
"I mean, the rest of the members watch it too." He shrugged
"Gross...I don't need to know all that information. For crying out loud, just...just don't-ugh give me a warning or something next time. Like you'll be in the studio for a while or something like that. So, I won't interrupt you or see something I wasn't supposed to. Sorry for barging in on you. You guys gotta do what you gotta do, so I mean..." She trailed off, shrugging her shoulders.
"No sister wants to catch their brother in that situation. It was not a pleasant sight to see..." She tried to shake away the unpleasant memories. "But I mean, it's normal. No big deal. And I did feel bad barging in, interrupting him. 'Cause I know if I was in that position, I wouldn't want to be interrupted. Girls watch it too. And speaking of those viruses, I told him to get some computer virus software for the computers but he didn't want to listen. Now, look what happened."
"I'll start listening to your good judgment." Rapmon chuckled.
Rap Monster was next and his words were Straggler, early death and world peace. He goes on about his nickname, God of Destruction because he keeps breaking things, so he thinks he might die early. With the word straggler, he talks about how the members were bad to him. He went to go to the bathroom and the car left without him and he stood there for 30 minutes. His cell phone was in the car.
Next up was Jennie as she says volleyball, Tumblr and DJ. 
"What's this about Tumblr?" Haha asked.
"Well, I have a Tumblr. A secret Tumblr that I use almost every day." She announced, already mentally preparing for how ARMY was going to freak out on the website. 
She's seen everything, but what caught her eye was how some fans were always disappointed that she hadn't shown much of her body or acted sexy like some of K-Pop idols. She was still a minor and would rather wait until she was of age.
"What's your Tumblr name?"
"I've had my Tumblr before I came to Korea. I made a new one and I don't plan on revealing it at all. My Tumblr name is nothing about me, and I enjoy remaining unnoticed. Some things I enjoy reblogging are gaming, fashion, memes, American sports, positive posts about being black and UFC."
"Yep." She smiled.
"The fighting? Brawling, kicking and all that?"
"Yep, yep."
"The blood and punching?"
"Yep, yep, yep."
"Why that?"
"What can I say? I like to watch people beat each other up professionally." She shrugged and everyone laughed. "I'm a big fan. My dad enjoys it. I'd like to attend a show one day."
"So, on Tumblr, you see a lot about BTS?"
"BTS is very loved on Tumblr, I'll tell you that. I blacklist a bunch of things so I'm totally safe for work." She stared directly at the camera. 
She tended to stay away from any fanfics or intense stuff but appreciated the artwork, gifs and appreciation posts about her and the other members.
"But yeah, those on Tumblr, you know who you are, some of y'all need to tone it down on some comments, I'm still a minor FYI." She shot a thumbs up. "But yeah, seriously, I'm deadass. Respect that. You need to tone it down a notch. It's creepy. But I will add that one thing I love is the appreciation I get from the fans and that I inspire them." 
She could see the fan comments now on Tumblr about what she had just said,
'Time to delete my blog!'
'Oh shiiiiit'
'Spread the word! Time to delete our blogs!'
'I'm dying!'
'RIP every smut writer!'
'Time to shut down my blog!'
'We are NOT safe'
'Uhhhhhhhh I can explain'
When it was Jungkook's turn, he mentioned hair, butt and scissors. He revealed that when he gets nervous before going on stage, so he tends to touch the member's butts a lot. 
Everyone laughed when Haha and Jungkook demonstrated how they touch butts. When Jungkook gave his butt a gentle squeeze, Haha mentioned that he was still a beginner.
"When we film an opening, or when we film the opening for Running Man, I grab both cheeks and-" Haha kneeled down and tightly grabbed Jungkook's butt.
"What is this...?" Jennie chuckled, shaking her head.
When it was V's turn, he mentioned elephant and eyelashes. He shows off his trademark elephant on his arm, causing Jennie to giggle. 
"Whoa! It's an elephant!" Haha looked on in disbelief and ended up waving at it while everyone laughed out loud. V also mentioned that he has long eyelashes, longer than anyone else.
The next segment was 'We want to know Bangtan'
'Who is the most influential in BTS?'
"It's Suga. That drunk way of talking, that charisma that overwhelms everyone." Rap Monster answered. "It doesn't go through no matter what people say. Last place is Jimin in the back who called me a pervert."
"Jimin, do you acknowledge this?" Mino asked
"Yes, I do." Jimin giggled
'The member who lost their original intentions? The member who is most different since debut?'
"The member who lost his original intentions is V," Jin answered. "This friend, distinctly, before debuting, he used to follow me well, saying "hyung, hyung." But now when I say, "V, I don't think you should do that.", he says "What are you to say that hyung?"
"I really said that?" V asked
"No, I'm just exaggerating." Jin teased.
Janghoon made Jin and V stand in front to play the of course game, bringing Rookie King flashbacks. They let J-Hope take Jin's place for now, while V began to speak to him informally.
"Yah, Hoseok! You don't take me seriously in dance. You keep criticizing me. You know you make several mistakes, right?" V spoke.
"Of course," J-Hope responded. "I'll talk a little bit about our dorm. You don't air out the bathroom, huh?"
"We agreed not to." V giggled and he lost the game. J-Hope received two eggs for Team Orange.
'Is there a member who has the celebrity disease.'
"Can I answer? It's Jungkook." V pointed them out.
"What's the reason?" Jungkook asked.
"These days when any of the hyungs say something, he says, 'Why? I do it, so why?." He answered, causing Janghoon to make him and Jungkook place the of course game
"Hey, punk!" Jungkook spoke as everyone laughed. "These days, you don't say your greetings often, right?"
"Of course," V answered. "These days, when hoobae singers come to greet us, you ignore them all, right?"
"Of course."
Haha had whispered something in the Golden Maknae's ear and Jungkook asked, "You don't air out the bathroom, right?" 
Everyone erupted into laughter again.
"He can't catch a break! Hahah!" Jennie chuckled, while Jungkook got an egg.
'The truth about Jimin oppa's armpits. Do you remove it?'
"Does Jimin not have any armpit hair?" Janghoon asked
"No, I do." He replied.
"But he didn't when you promoted. Did you remove it?" Haha asked
"I didn't."
"Have you ever removed it?"
Mino took a quick look and responded, "There's a heap," making everyone laugh 
"At the beginning of our debut, Jimin didn't have any. It didn't grow." Jin answered.
'Did you not have any complaints about the length of the shorts while promoting Hwayangyeonhwa?'
"When I tell you I hated those shorts..." Jennie shook her head. "I almost ripped them because of my thighs."
"Hahaha, I remember that day." Rap Monster let out a laugh
"I think the shorts keep getting shorter," Suga added. "I think I can understand the problems women have. Jennie especially. She kept complaining about it for a while backstage. They keep shrinking."
"But the fans like it?" Haha asked
"The fans like it," Suga confirmed.
'Please mimic Bang Shi Hyuk who created BTS.'
"There's a motion that he always does. When he listens to a song. If the song is perfect, like he feels it's our song then he keeps doing this." V started dancing weirdly making everyone laugh
"He wears handcuffs and keeps dancing like this." Rap Monster demonstrated.
Jin spoke up, "I have a complaint. Last time, when I was in the recording studio, Bang PD came and asked me What do you think about the dance for this song? And I said that this choreo is more easier compared to before. Then he said, tell me your opinion truthfully. And I said, I wish the choreo would get a little easier. Then he told me, Ok, I'll take into account your opinion. And what came out is the Dope choreo. It's the most difficult! This is the fastest dance I've ever seen in my life!" He exclaimed
"Who gets hit on the most by girl group idols? The member who has the most numbers, things like that." Haha asked.
"But when we go to broadcasts, people really feel uncomfortable around us," Suga answered 
"I don't know. We are always locked inside our waiting room."
"Then are you saying that nobody here has the numbers of female idols?"
"Jennie does. And male idols. She tends to speak to most idols, getting to know them." Rap Monster pointed out. "I won't be surprised if a few years go by she'll know almost everyone in the industry."
"Never hurts to approach them and say hi." She replied. "I did that back at K-Con and I still speak with G-Dragon sunbaenim. I was so nervous to approach him but I was like, just go for it. He's extremely nice and helpful when I ask for any advice. I thank him for being so kind to me when I met him."
"And I'm still very jealous," Jungkook grumbled.
"We were so shocked to see a photo with them together. We kept asking her so many questions." Jin exclaimed as everyone laughed.
"Like she left the dressing room and we couldn't find her. And then we all see a notification on our Twitter with them together. I was shocked." Rap Monster added.
"Miss Bangtan, what about you? Getting hit on by any male group idols?" Haha asked
"Not really." She shrugged
"Lies! All lies! That is a lie!" Jimin objected.
"What? How?" She laughed.
"I'm pretty sure there are certain guys that admire you but haven't spoken up about it yet," He teased, earning another warning glance from Jungkook. 
The Golden Maknae briefly narrowed his eyes at his hyung until Jimin met his eyes and smiled innocently in response.
"I'll answer this," Jin said. "As you may know, we are very protective of our Bangtan girl, so we tend to be, in her words, a bit much when it comes to guys, but it is all within reason. There have been shady men going around her a few times."
"What you are doing is not a problem, make sure she is protected at all costs." Haha agreed.
"She's our baby girl, so we want to make sure that no one tries to take advantage of her, here. Moving from another country is hard and we made a promise to guide her and protect her. Make her feel welcomed and safe. She is truly special to us and we love her dearly." Jin genuinely went on.
"Aw...Jin..." Jennie said, touched, as she placed a hand over her heart
"Is there a girl group you want to become closer with?" Haha asked. 
Answers included Red Velvet and Girl's Generation
"IU!" Jungkook shouted loud and proud, raising his hand.
"AILEE!" Jen shouted, raising her hand. "Love her! She is astonishing. I would love to sing with her. She is a queen."
As time moved quickly, they transitioned to the last segment. J-Hope and Jimin collaborated on dancing for the show. Everyone started cracking up when they watched Jimin and J-Hope perform a comic dance. Next up was Jungkook who did imitations of idols. He started imitating AOA's Jimin from Unpretty Rap Star and then Jessi, causing everyone to laugh.
The laughter continued as they watched J-Hope dance to Red Velvet's Ice Cream cake, EXID's Ah Yeah and Sistar's touch my body. Afterward, Jin impressed Mino, Haha and Janghoon with his facial expressions and was requested to imitate Dragoon from Starcraft, which was his spider walk. 
"That's it?" Janghoon asked, which caused Jin to look so done, causing everyone to laugh.
Haha requested Jin to come in the door with water in his mouth. 
"CUE!" He shouted, watching the oldest member walk back inside. "Jin, they said you're going to be removed from BTS!"
Jin's eyes popped out as the water from his mouth fell, causing everyone to laugh. 
"That was so good, hahaha!" Jennie laughed.
Rap Monster was the next person and he decided to do an impression of Marge Simpson. When he began to imitate Spongebob's laugh while Jungkook pretended to be Squidward, Jennie was the one who laughed the most, almost falling out of her seat again.
"That's my childhood, right there. They did that perfectly." Jen complimented.
At the end of the show, they went over the eggs in each of the teams' boxes to see who had won. Team Orange seemed to be in the lead but in the end, once Janghoon revealed the last egg for Team Orange, which was 0.5 points, Team Orange yelled in protest while Jin spat out water once again in surprise.
Team Blue- 70
Team Orange- 60.5
Team Orange hugged each other, for a good time, while congratulating Team Blue. V was chosen as MVP by Mino and received a guitar. V had dramatically kneeled, receiving it proudly.
"I'm jealous!" Jungkook whined.
"Take this and increase your musicality." Mino handed him the guitar
"Thank you!" V shouted and bowed, while Team Blue got a massage coupon.
"Yay! Now Jennie can teach me, the guitar." V beamed
"Just let me know when." She spoke up as she looked at the big coupon Jin received for the massage. "Quality over quantity. Congrats to Team Blue. I'm mad but congrats."
Backstage during one of the music shows, BTS had finished performing. Jen decided to walk around backstage with her phone but was stopped when a familiar voice called her name. Turning around to see who the voice belonged to, it was Shin, the sound engineer guy that she met during the MAMA Awards. Ever since Namjoon and Jin tried to warn her about him because they believed he was sketchy, she decided to keep her distance. 
It's been a long time since she had seen him but something in her didn't believe he was a bad guy or sketchy as her members claimed him to be.
"Hey! Long time no see." She greeted him as he approached her. "You fell off the face of the earth for a while."
"Me? I think it was you. Haven't seen you in a while, and didn't even get the chance to get your number the last time we spoke." He responded with a smile
"Ah, well, the busy idol life." She shrugged and took a step back when she regarded him getting up in her personal space.
He seemed moderately irritated as he chose to let out a sigh. "All right, I need to be frank with you. I'm tired of this dragging along." He changed his tone, causing her to raise a brow.
"Honest with what exactly?" Her ears perked up with interest.
"I thought you of all people would catch on but I guess not."
"What was I supposed to catch on to?"
"I kind of just want to hook up with you. Know how it feels to be with a black girl. I heard they're really exotic. Most foreigners are. I mean, you're not the type of girl I would take home to my parents but I wouldn't mind having fun with you."
"Oh. I see we're on two completely different pages here." She shook her head, turned off immediately by his words. 
Irritation was distinct in her voice and it wouldn't be long before she would blow up at him for having the audacity to say that to her face. It also took a blow to her heart that he would assume she wouldn't be taken seriously and believe she was someone who gets around.
"I mean, you're hot and well, I was given the impression that girls like you are easy. I want to know if it's true that once you go black, you can't go back. I mean, you're pretty for a black girl-"
"You ever think before you speak?" She snapped. "Why do I have to be pretty for a black girl? We're all beautiful and I sure as hell don't hook up around here. Did you think I got here because of that? I know I was a trainee for a short amount of time but I would never in my life go the easy route to get things I want. I work hard and shed blood, sweat, and tears. Not sleep around."
"You look like the hooking up type, I just thought-"
"Well, you thought wrong and I am seconds away from slapping the living shit out of you for letting that come out your mouth." She retorted with a scowl. Shaking her head, she murmured, "Namjoon and Jin were right."
"Look, no need to get upset."
"Upset? So, what you just told me, I shouldn't be upset?"
"Hey, don't get so offended. I just think that dating someone...like you would be hard-"
"How so?" She cut him off. "What stereotype do you have on your mind? We're angry? Like to argue? Aggressive? Too independent? Is it because of our hair? We can wear whatever we want on our hair. Braids, weaves, all natural, anything. What is it because of my skin? Would you be ashamed of dating a person of color? Because of any judgment, you'll get? But you just want to have fun, right? Not actually take the time to see what great of a girl you have in front of you, am I right?"
She noticed him looking startled by her attitude, but she didn't care. She was irate and wasn't having any of his crap. She did not want this side of her to come out. But people kept trying her and she had no choice but to retaliate and defend herself.
"Don't you think you're being a bit of a prude?" He exclaimed.
Jennie let out a loud scoff and started laughing. "Woooooowww! Me? A prude? I'm a prude because I don't want to sleep with you? Oh, okay. I see how society works. So, let me get this straight. You decided to be all nice and buddy, buddy, only to try to sleep with me? Then what? Leave? Go on to try to go after another female idol?"
"You've talked enough so shut your mouth and listen." She cut him off, earning an annoyed look from him. "How many girls have you been trying to talk to? And all of them rejected you, right? Right. And you just assumed since I'm a Westerner, I would just open my legs for you, right? That's just what we all do, correct? Just because of what you see on the media, or us shaking our asses and grinding up on guys, you just assume that we will do anything, huh? No questions asked, we'll sleep with just anybody, right? Well, let me remind you that we deserve respect and that you're wrong. Enough with the stereotypes. Enough with the fetishes of us. It's getting old and it's disgusting. You are problematic and you are a waste of time. So, why don't you stop bothering us females with your antics, grow a set because you clearly don't have any balls and stop treating us women like some piece of meat."
"Are you friggin' kidding me, right now-"
"I'm deadass. I am deadass. I am 100%, Ailee loving, Baekhyun adoring, Bangtan Girl deadass." She cut him off, talking over his words. Narrowing her eyes, she got closer to his face. "Don't try me because I am not the one. Now stay the hell away from me and I bet not catch you trying to go after any other female idol. And next time you try me, I won't hesitate to smack the shit out of you. Do I make myself clear?"
He was so flustered, that he couldn't even respond since he was humiliated by her sudden words.
"I said...do you understand me?" She repeated in a sterner tone.
"Yeah..." He muttered as she took a step back.
"Now apologize and educate yourself."
"I apologize..."
"For what?"
"For being an asshole..."
"Everything I said..."
"And what did you say that made me upset?"
"Calling you a prude..."
"Fetishing black women..."
"And? We can go all day. That's not all you've done."
"I apologize for saying that girls like you are easy and disrespecting you..."
"Making assumptions that you are the hooking up type..."
"Judging you based on stereotypes about black women and what I've seen in the media..."
"And what will do from now on?"
"Educate myself..."
"Stop treating women like a piece of meat..."
"Good, now get the hell out of my face." She dismissed him. Shin scurried away in disgrace while she rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Trifling ass..."
Little did Jennie know, Jungkook had heard their entire conversation. Jungkook knew right from the start that Shin was up to no good when he approached Jennie back at the MAMA Awards.
Despite his jealousy and occasional glares when he saw them together, Jungkook had suspicions that there was something behind Shin's nice guy persona. It takes a lot to get the Golden Maknae agitated. But once he heard all those repulsive remarks that Shin told the woman most precious to him, his temper got the best of him. And once you get Jeon Jungkook angry, by all means...
Furious, Jungkook stalked Shin after he quickly walked away from Jennie. She embarrassed the hell out of him and he deserved every second of it. Jungkook had wanted to intervene but she handled the situation well and shut Shin down to expose him for the fool that he is.
"Hey, you." Jungkook's voice called out bitterly.
Shin immediately spun around and bowed. "J-Jungkook. What is it?" His voice was still trembling from getting embarrassed by Jennie.
"Let's talk somewhere private. Right now," he demanded with his voice filled with aggravation. 
Shin noticed his harsh tone. It looked like Jungkook wasn't going to take no for an answer and he reluctantly followed the Golden Maknae.
Once they were in a private area, Shin asked, "What can I help you with?"
Jungkook crossed his arms, presenting an even further intimidating appearance as his muscles were visible under his shirt. He demanded aggressively, "You can help by staying away from Miss Bangtan."
Shin let out a sigh. He guessed that he saw everything. "Look, I said I was sorry-"
"Not good enough. I'm here to give you a warning myself after what I saw back there." He scowled at him, making Shin's stomach drop as he thought the 97 Liner looked scary when mad.
The Golden Maknae walked up to him, staring him down with a lethal stare while Shin averted his eyes.
Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, shaking his head. "Don't you ever disrespect her again. Jennie is not and never will be some girl you can hook up with. She is not an easy girl to sleep with. She is someone precious to BTS. To ARMY. To her family. To her friends. To me." The Golden Maknae responded sharply.
"Do you have any idea how great of a person she is? How caring she is, taking care of Hyungs and me? She works so hard in BTS and for you to disrespect her the way you did was uncalled for and I am not having it. How dare you claim she's an easy target to sleep with? How dare you claim she's a prude because she doesn't want to sleep with you? She isn't like that and will never be like that. She's beautiful, she's understanding, and she always encourages hyungs and me. She's more than what you think of her. Way more. She is someone incredibly special to me. Always has been. Always will be. And I won't let you disrespect her like that ever again. Do you understand me?" He growled as Shin took a step back, shaking with fear.
"Y-yeah man. Yeah."
"Now stay away from her. And like my baby girl said...Educate yourself, yeah? Do I make myself clear?"
"Y-y-eah. I un-derstand."
"Good. Now get out here." He tilted his head to the side as Shin speed walked away.
With Jennie, still irritated about her unfortunate conversation with Shin, she went to BTS' dressing room, letting out a loud sigh of annoyance
"What happened?" Namjoon asked immediately, standing up from his seat as he placed his phone down. Jin was also in the room, and Jen had told them everything that had happened
"He dares to try to mess with my sweetheart? I am truly disappointed in that young man." Jin shook his head. "That is no way to speak to a lady."
"First of all, damn, I wish I was there to see you shut him down like that." Namjoon pointed out. "Second of all, I'm about to kill him."
"You and me both, Namjoon."
"His face was so red when I shut him down," Jen added. "Even some staff members were watching and laughing at him. But damn, I didn't think a guy like him would pull that card on me. He truly is a fuckboy. I'm sorry I didn't listen. I thought he was a nice guy with good intentions. I guess you can tell me that you told me so."
"Nah, it's all right." Namjoon smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Like he just ruined my whole mood. I can't believe he would say something like that to me." She shook her head, crossing her arms.
"Excuse me for a sec, he and I are gonna have a little talk." Namjoon made his way to the door.
"Oh yes, we are. A long talk. Let's find him." Jin added, his voice appeared lethal as he followed the leader.
"Um, what are you two gonna do?" She watched them.
"Set him straight. I won't have no man disrespect you. Always trust our judgment. I'm always looking out for you. We all are." Namjoon responded.
The next day, in the afternoon, Jen had her small speaker connected to her phone and put her music on shuffle while she washed the dishes. Suit & Tie was playing softly in the background as she danced to the beat. Hobi had walked into the kitchen and started moonwalking with his socks on, making her laugh softly. After he had gestured for her to dance with him, she briefly stopped washing the dishes to slide around the kitchen with him, with their socks on. Afterwards, he had gone to get something the drink from the fridge and went back to his room as she continued to clean.
"Sweetie, I told you I could've washed the dishes," Jin said, walking out of his room.
"Eh, it's all right, I was tired of looking at them anyway." She shrugged.
"I'm going to the store. You want anything?"
"Nah but we're going to need more dishwashing liquid."
"I'll put that on the list." Jin made a mental note and left the dorm.
Almost done washing the dishes, Rocketeer by Far East Movement played softly in the background as Jennie continued to dance while scrubbing a dirty plate.
"Here we go, come with me." She sang along. "There's a world out there that we should see. Take my hand, close your eyes. With you right here, I'm a rocketeer. Let's fly~! Up, up here we go, go. Up, up here we go, go. Let's fly~!"
"Baby girl?"
She heard a familiar voice and turned around, answering immediately with a smile. "Yes?" 
There she saw Jungkook with their puppy, Tony by his feet. "Wanna walk Tony with me?"
"Yeah, sure! Let me finish this and I'll get ready."
"Take your time. I'm about to hop in the shower, first."
"Ditto." She turned around and finished the dishes.
After she was done, she changed into a simple white shirt, black jeans, and of course her black Nikes. Jungkook had already finished showering and was waiting for her in the living room while petting their small puppy. When she walked out of her room, Jungkook gazed at her outfit and then at his, noticing that they unintentionally matched.
Jen let out a soft laugh. "Ha! That's cute, we're matching. Copycat."
"Me?! I always wear white shirts. You're the copycat!" He teased and stood up, holding Tony by the leash as they stepped outside.
As they walked Tony, while casually talking to each other, Tony had stopped by a tree to do his business. 
"You're cleaning it!" Jennie called out.
"What!? Why me!?" Jungkook exclaimed
"It's your turn! I did it last time."
The Golden Maknae grumbled as he took out a small trash bag, picking up the mess. Once he threw out the mess, Jen walked past him and he caught a whiff of her smelling like vanilla.
"You smell good. Did you go to a bakery or eat something?"
"Oh, Angelina sent me some perfume. And it's a vanilla scented one. I love the smell but I also dislike it because I smell like a birthday cake. I mean, you wouldn't want to eat me, right?" She joked. "But the smell is so good, it makes me crave for vanilla flavored foods. I feel that way about cocoa butter, too. I'm kind of struggling. I should wear it when I'm around vanilla flavored pastries."
"It suits you nicely. You should keep wearing it."
"You think so?"
"I like it when girls wear vanilla sentenced things."
"Oh really?" She beamed. "All right then, I'll keep wearing it just for you. Just don't swipe it like you did with my grapefruit perfume."
"Ah-ah! I don't wanna hear it!"
When they made it to a dog park, they sat on the bench, while Jungkook took off the leash from Tony's collar.
"Gosh, you are such a meme." She snickered when she observed Jungkook taking silly selfies with the dog.
He picked Tony up, looking at him face to face. "She's mean, isn't she Tony?" He cooed as the dog barked cutely in response. "You like me better than mean Jennie, right boy? Ain't that right?"
Jen stared at the two of them, unamused before taking a group photo with them. Both idols were bare faced for today. Jen had some faint dark spots over her face and her skin was usually on the oily side.
'Bare faced! Gotta let the skin breathe! Hope you're enjoying your day! #JEN' She tweets.
The two friends remain seated while they watch Tony run around. "He is such a happy dog. How'd you even pick him out at the pet shop?" she asked.
"I am the Golden Maknae after all. I always have good taste." Jungkook announced proudly
"Who lied?" She raised a brow.
Jungkook placed a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. "Wow, that hurts, Jennie."
"You walked right into that one, ha!"
"Hahahaha-no." He deadpanned before they shared another laugh.
"I've been meaning to ask you this. Where'd you get that cheek scar?" She pointed out.
"Oh, this?" He pointed to his cheek. "Ah...I was fighting with my brother because we both wanted to play on the computer."
"Haha, once a gamer, always a gamer. I think it's cute. I have a scar from fighting with my sisters over the TV. I wanted to play video games but they wanted to watch one of their favorite TV shows that came on that night. It wasn't pretty. I was a rough child."
"Really? Where is it?"
She lifted her left leg and pointed to the faint long scar on her knee through the ripped jeans. "You can't really see it since it faded but once you get close, it's there. Gosh, they pissed me off that day."
"Did you get to play your video games?"
"Nope. Mom and Dad always took their side. You would think being the youngest would allow you to get your way but nope. Got grounded for starting the fight. Oh gosh, I remember smacking Alani in the face. The side of her face was so red. I grabbed Vienna by the hair and pulled her off the couch. I know, all that over video games. You probably think I'm a violent person, huh?"
"That's...actually pretty funny." He chuckled lightly. "Don't tell them I said that."
"I won't. I thought it was funny too. They were so shocked by my strength at a young age."
Jungkook laughed. "Ah, sibling fights. You're here in Korea with us so you can play all the video games you want without your sisters bothering you."
"True, very true." She responded as she got another whiff of her perfume. "Okay, can we please get some vanilla cake? This perfume is making me crave."
"It'll cost you." He teased.
"How much?"
"I'll think about it." He smirked.
"Ugh, why you so childish?" She complained as she grabbed a tennis ball out of her bag. 
Jungkook giggled as they headed over to play catch with Tony. Jennie tossed the ball first and Tony immediately caught it and ran back up to her. 
"Good boy!" She petted him. She tossed the ball to Jungkook and he threw it far, taking her off guard. "Dude! Really!?"
"What? Good endurance pays off!" He proudly looked at how far he threw the ball
"You are ridiculous!" She exclaimed, playfully shoving him. He playfully shoved her back and they ended up trying to push each other. "H-hey! Hey! Cut it out! Behave! I'm telling Jin-hahah-stop!"
She giggled when he tried to trip her down to the ground. When he did, she brought him down with her by grabbing onto his shirt and arm.
Jungkook rolled off of her, as they shared another laugh. 
"Ah, crap!" He exclaimed when Tony ran up to him with the ball, attacking him with licks all over his face.
Jennie watched him try to push him off and cheered, "Hahaha! Get him, Tony!"
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purelyhornyred · 4 months
Fruit Salad
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Fruit Salad is the fourth band! They are fruit themed.
Prax: Prax is based on a pineapple. He is also Luka's identical twin brother. Much like Luka, Prax also enjoys video games and joking around. However, he's a bit dumber than his sister, and is very oblivious.
Claude: Claude is based on a cherry. He is very romantic and is a fan favorite amongst girls. He playfully flirts with the people around him but has his eyes set on Prax as he is in love with him. However, Prax is far too oblivious to notice the signs despite it being obvious to everyone else.
Dingy: Dingy is based on a dragon fruit. He's a bit of a loser, yet people love him anyways. Dingy is overall very fun to be around.
Kori: Kori is based on a kiwi. They are loud, rambunctious. and enjoy a bit of rough-housing. Kori is also madly in love with Gray and is his biggest fan.
Milo: Milo is based on a mango. He's always looking for something fun to do and is a very chill guy. Milo is super friendly, so it's hard not to get along with him.
Willow: Willow is based on a watermelon. She is also the only girl in Fruit Salad. She is a very kind soul but a sad hopeless romantic.
Background: Prax and Claude were originally a duo before forming a larger group. After becoming friends, they started making music and sometimes held dance practices in Claude's dance studio.
Prax and Claude both actively have feelings for each other. However, Prax is too anxious to confess and too oblivious to notice Claude's feelings for him. Despite Claude being open about it.
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ratsoh-writes · 9 months
... ok I'm feeling a little adventurous 🎄
You have to duck into a dance studio to escape the snow falling down. While snow normally doesn’t bother you, your jacket isn’t waterproof and you really don’t want to walk home wet. So you hope you can wait out the snowfall
The dance studio is warm, and above the doorway is a sprig of mistletoe! You spot it at the same time as the tall skeleton leaving does. You both lock eyes, and giggle at each others startled expressions
Rhythm: stars! That mistletoe catches me every time! Well come here little human~
Oh gladly~ you do and receive a pleasant relaxed smooch from the monster. It’s light, and his magic has a gentle pop to it, and a faint taste of pineapple! Crisp!
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nel-world · 12 days
A vibrant green space in the heart of the city, filled with students studying, playing frisbee, and enjoying the nice weather.
ANITA, 20s, a caffeine-fueled art student with a quirky sense of style, rushes through at a jog. She's precariously balancing too many bags, books, and a to-go coffee.
Up ahead, BILL, 20s, an aspiring actor/filmmaker with an easygoing charisma, walks in the opposite direction, headphones on.
Anita bumps into Bill, scattering her belongings. Her student ID falls to the ground. Bill stoops down to pick it up as Anita hurriedly gathers her things.
BILL Hey, you dropped—
But Anita is already rushing off, unaware she's lost her ID. Bill examines the photo, intrigued.
Bill lingers outside, clutching Anita's ID card. Students pour out of the building. Anita emerges, head down, avoiding eye contact.
BILL Anita?
ANITA (checks her purse) Oh wait, thanks for finding the card.
BILL I'm Bill. I take classes at a studio close by.
ANITA (relaxing a bit) Yeah, I think I've seen you around…
BILL Listen, crazy question—do you know where Jane's Carousel is? I wanted to get some pictures, but I'm lost.
ANITA Sure, it's not far. I could… show you? If you want?
BILL (smiling) Sure, I'd like that.
EXT. BRIDGE - DAY (Both sitting on a bench.)
BILL Any plans for later?
ANITA I'm planning to watch a movie with my friends.
BILL Which movie are you going to watch?
ANITA Avengers. I love movies; I like watching them.
BILL I love movies too. What's your favorite film?
ANITA No, I won't answer that.
BILL That's an easy question.
ANITA No, I don't want to be judged.
BILL What? I promise I won't judge you.
Anita shows a poster on her phone.
ANITA Dear John is my favorite movie.
BILL Are you kidding? Are you serious?
ANITA What? I love that movie. Maybe you should ask yourself why you seem to be criticizing a film that lots of women love.
BILL (SARCASTIC TONE) Actually, it's not bad. I love it. I would love to watch Dear John again.
Anita and Bill walk towards the train.
ANITA I take the train here.
BILL Cool, see you later.
Bill watches Anita board the train.
ANITA Where did you get that hat from?
BILL You don't like this hat?
ANITA It's funny-looking. Maybe it will look better another way. Hold this.
Anita adjusts the hat. Bill looks at himself on his phone camera.
ANITA Better now.
cut to
GIRL (Grinning) If you could only eat one food forever, what would it be?
BOY (Quickly) Pizza. No contest.
GIRL (Laughing) What if it had pineapple?
BOY (Horrified) That’s a crime against humanity.
Anita notices something in Bill's hair.
ANITA You've got a ladybug in your hair!
Bill tries to brush it off.
ANITA Wait, wait! It's a sign of good luck! Make a wish and then blow it away.
Bill closes his eyes and silently makes a wish.
ANITA Hey, what did you wish for?
BILL If I told you, it wouldn't come true.
ANITA Come on, tell me!
BILL Okay, fine. (takes a deep breath) I wish I get the funding for a project I'm working on.
ANITA Wow, I would love to watch that. What's it about?
BILL It's about…
Anita and Bill stroll down the street and come across an old brick-like building. Anita playfully smirks.
ANITA You know what would be fun? Let's go inside and take a look around.
BILL You mean, inside there?
ANITA This place has a certain magic to it, don't you think?
ANITA You should write something; we can shoot a YouTube reel. Something bold, something that grabs the audience.
BILL I haven't written anything good in a while…
ANITA Well, time's ticking. Think of something. How about this? I'm a real estate agent, you're a potential buyer—annoying, but with potential.
BILL (unsure) Sure?
ANITA Let's improvise a scene but with some music in the background.
Anita, with a smirk, plays a song on her phone. She starts dancing, they dance together.
Boy and girl play baseball with friends, joking and supporting each other.
GIRL (Breathless) I did it!
BOY (Proudly) You sure did. Amazing!
The boy passionately explains baseball to the girl, and they share laughs and moments of understanding.
Bill and Anita continue their day together, sharing dreams and fears, creating an undeniable bond. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT
Boy and girl watch a classic sports match, getting excited together.
GIRL (Laughing) I get why you love this—it’s like being part of something bigger.
BOY (Smiling) Exactly. It’s about the journey.
Anita is sitting in front of a computer, editing a scene from a Hindi movie. Bill is beside her, looking at the screen, a bit puzzled.
BILL So, what's going on here?
ANITA This is a Hindi film I'm doing ADR and subtitles for. The dialogue is a bit tricky to translate.
BILL (curious) Can I help? I don't know Hindi, but I can try with the technical stuff.
ANITA (smiling) Sure! Actually, I need to sync the subtitles with the dialogue. It’s just tedious timing work. If you want to take over, I'll handle the translations.
Bill takes the mouse and begins adjusting the subtitles.
BILL Alright, so when she says… “Mujhe tumse pyaar hai”—that means…?
ANITA (laughs) That means “I love you.”
BILL Oh, okay! Romantic scene… Got it.
They work together, syncing the dialogue and subtitles. Anita is impressed by how quickly Bill catches on.
ANITA You’re pretty good at this. Maybe you’ve found your new calling—subtitle guru!
BILL (laughing) Or maybe it’s just because I have the best teacher.
They share a smile and continue working, enjoying each other’s company.
Anita and Bill are sitting in front of the computer. Anita is focused on a new scene where a Hindi actor angrily shouts at another character. Bill watches intently, trying to follow along.
BILL (listening closely) So… what's he saying now?
ANITA (translating) He's saying, "Tumhari himmat kaise hui?" — which means, "How dare you?"
BILL (nodding, amused) Got it. Looks intense.
ANITA Yeah, it's a dramatic confrontation. We need to time the subtitles to match the pace of the dialogue. It’s important to capture the intensity.
BILL (playfully) I think I can handle that. I’ve got the pacing down from watching soap operas with my grandma.
Anita laughs, appreciating his enthusiasm. Bill clicks through the timeline, making adjustments to the subtitle cues.
ANITA Not bad, Bill. You're getting the hang of it.
BILL (smirking) Well, if this acting thing doesn’t work out, maybe I’ll switch to subtitling Hindi dramas.
ANITA (grinning) Or we could make our own drama.
BILL (playfully dramatic) "And you, how dare you suggest such a thing!"
They both laugh and continue their work, clearly enjoying the moment.
The room is dimly lit, the only light coming from the computer screen. They’re working on an emotional scene where a mother bids farewell to her son.
BILL (curious) What’s she saying now?
ANITA (softly) She’s saying, "Mera beta, mujhe mat chhodo," which means, "My son, don’t leave me."
Bill adjusts the subtitle, his face reflecting the emotion of the scene.
BILL Wow… that’s heavy. I didn’t realize subtitling could be this… moving.
ANITA (nodding) Yeah, it’s not just about words. It’s about the emotion behind them. We have to convey that in another language.
Bill pauses, thinking.
BILL (thoughtfully) Kind of like acting, right? Finding the truth in the lines.
ANITA (smiling) Exactly. You get it.
They share a moment of understanding, their bond deepening as they continue their work.
Anita is focused on a new scene where a character speaks in rapid-fire Hindi, while Bill tries to keep up.
BILL (laughing) Whoa, slow down! What’s going on here?
ANITA (chuckling) He’s complaining about everything — the food, the weather, the traffic… classic Mumbai rant.
BILL (teasing) Sounds like he could fit right in here in New York.
ANITA (laughing) True! The challenge here is to capture the humor without losing the cultural references.
BILL (nodding) Okay, so we keep the essence but find equivalents that make sense in English.
ANITA (impressed) Exactly! You’re a quick learner.
BILL (smiling) Only because you’re a great teacher.
They continue, brainstorming English phrases that match the humor of the original dialogue, clearly enjoying the creative challenge.
Anita and Bill are working on a scene involving a romantic dance number. The music plays softly in the background as they watch the screen.
BILL (curious) So, what’s the story here?
ANITA (grinning) She’s confessing her love, but in a very poetic way. It's like, "Tumhare bina, zindagi ek adhoori kitaab jaisi hai," which means, "Without you, life is like an incomplete book."
BILL (smiling) That’s beautiful. How do we keep that poetry in the subtitles?
ANITA (thoughtfully) We have to choose words that capture the feeling, not just the literal meaning. Maybe… "Without you, life is an unfinished story."
BILL (nodding) Yeah, that works. Keeps the romance alive.
Anita makes the changes, glancing at Bill with appreciation.
ANITA You know, I think you’re really getting the hang of this.
BILL (grinning) Maybe we’re just a good team.
They share a smile, continuing their work with a newfound rhythm and connection.
Anita leads a dance class, counting out beats as her STUDENTS follow along. Though skilled, she seems distracted, glancing at her phone. One of her STUDENTS, JESSICA, 20s, outgoing, notices Anita's wandering focus.
JESSICA Everything okay, Anita? You seem…elsewhere today.
Anita forces a reassuring smile, pocketing her phone.
ANITA Just some stuff on my mind, but I'm good. Let's take it from the top!
As class resumes, Anita tries to push whatever's distracting her aside. But we sense she's holding something back…
Bill performs a dramatic monologue for a STERN CASTING DIRECTOR. Though talented, he struggles to fully inhabit the emotional depth of the scene.
CASTING DIRECTOR Ok, let's take it again from "But I love her…" Really dig into those underlying emotions. Don't just say the words.
Bill nods, fueled by quiet determination. As he resets, his mind drifts to Anita…
They discuss starting a business together, sharing ideas and excitement for their future.
GIRL (Passionately) Let’s dive in and see where it takes us.
BOY (Determined) Let’s do it.
NICK You’ve been quiet today. Everything okay?
JENNA Yeah, I’m fine. Actually, there’s something I’ve been thinking about. An idea I wanted to run by you.
Nick raises an eyebrow, curious.
NICK Oh? Go ahead.
JENNA You know how we both love music? I’ve been dreaming of opening a café—a place where people can relax, have coffee, and listen to live music. Not just any café, though. A community spot for local artists, a place where people feel at home..
Nick listens, intrigued but cautious.
NICK A music café… That’s a big step. Have you thought about the costs, the planning… everything?
JENNA (nods) I know it’s a lot, but I think we could make it work.
Nick leans in, still a bit hesitant.
NICK It’s a big commitment. We’d have to go all in. Are you sure?
JENNA Absolutely. If we don’t try, we’ll always wonder "what if?" I think it’s worth the risk.
Nick searches her face, then smiles as the idea takes hold.
NICK You know what? You’re right. Let’s do it. Let’s build the best music café this city has ever seen.
Jenna beams and grabs his hand.
JENNA I knew you’d get it! This is going to be amazing!
The camera pulls back, capturing their shared excitement.
NICK (grinning) Guess we should start with a name. How about “Nick and Jenna’s Awesome Café?”
JENNA (teasing) Yeah, no. But we’ll figure it out. First, let’s find a place and get started.
They begin excitedly discussing plans as the camera pulls back, leaving them in the warm, bustling diner.
Nick and Jenna sit at a small table, papers, notebooks, and a laptop spread out before them. A large whiteboard stands against the wall, filled with sketches, lists, and ideas for their music café.
NICK (playfully serious) Okay, so we’ve got a name to figure out, a location to scout, and about a million other things to do.
JENNA (excitedly) Right! I’ve been thinking about some potential spots. There’s this little corner space on 5th Avenue that I think could be perfect.
Nick nods, scribbling notes.
NICK That sounds promising. We should look into the lease costs, permits, and renovation expenses. We’ll need to set a budget for all of that.
Jenna leans over and taps the whiteboard.
JENNA And we need a business plan. We should figure out our target audience, the type of music we want to feature, and how we’ll market ourselves. We need to make this place a magnet for music lovers.
NICK (nodding) Right. What about our menu? Coffee, light bites… Maybe even themed nights with different types of music?
JENNA (smiling) Exactly! And I was thinking about partnering with local bakeries for fresh pastries. That way, we support other small businesses too.
Nick grins, his enthusiasm growing.
NICK Nice! And we could also host open mic nights for local talent. Make it a real community hub.
JENNA (excited) Yes! We could even do workshops—like songwriting classes or music production tutorials. Make it a place where people not only enjoy music but also learn and grow.
NICK And maybe live-stream some of the performances. Reach a bigger audience.
Jenna’s eyes light up at the idea.
JENNA That’s brilliant! I love it. We could build a social media following that way, get people excited even before we open.
Nick nods, jotting everything down.
NICK Okay, so we need to put all of this into a formal business plan—budget projections, marketing strategy, funding sources. Do you know anyone who could help us with that?
JENNA (thinking) I have a friend who’s an accountant. I could ask for some advice on the financials.
NICK Great. And I’ll start looking into potential investors. Maybe we can get some local sponsors or a small business loan.
They pause, looking at the whiteboard, which is now filled with notes and plans. There’s a shared sense of determination and excitement between them.
JENNA (grinning) I can’t believe we’re really doing this.
NICK (smiling) Me neither. But it’s going to be incredible.
JENNA (pumping a fist in the air) To Nick and Jenna’s… well, something café. We’ll figure out the name later.
INT. STUDIO - DAY They visualize their future business in a new space, feeling excited about the possibilities.
Bill and Anita are surrounded by scattered papers, their BUSINESS PLAN for the musical is in disarray.
BILL (annoyed) Where is Section 3? The pages marked with red need to go in the "Urgent" folder, and the ones marked in blue go in "Follow-up."
ANITA (frustrated) Sorry about the mess. It's been a bit chaotic.
BILL (tightly controlled) I usually keep things organized. Every step needs its place.
ANITA (raising an eyebrow) Are you implying that I'm the one creating the chaos here?
BILL (defensive) No, I just think if we kept everything in the right folders, we wouldn't be wasting time looking for it.
ANITA (mocking) Oh, so you want me to be your personal filing assistant now?
She starts gathering the papers, her irritation evident.
BILL (sighing, softer) I'm sorry. Let me help you…
He reaches to assist her, tension still hanging in the air.
Bill joins Anita in organizing the papers, their movements becoming more coordinated as they work together.
Bill is excitedly flipping through his sketches and notes, filled with ideas for their new music cafe concept. Anita sits across from him, looking skeptical.
BILL (grinning) I’ve been working on some ideas for the music cafe. I think you’re going to love them. Imagine props, LED screens — we make a real splash, something unforgettable!
ANITA (firmly) I don’t think the cafe needs all these props, Bill. They don’t fit the vibe. It’s about creating a space that feels real and intimate.
BILL (frustrated) I’m just trying to make it stand out! You’re so focused on keeping it simple that you’re missing the chance to make a real impact.
ANITA (raising her voice) This isn't about making an impact with flashy gimmicks! It’s about the experience, about staying true to the music, to the story we want to tell.
BILL (defensive) I’m giving everything to this. I’ve mapped out the whole concept, thought about every detail. Maybe if you weren’t so stuck on your vision, you’d see the bigger picture. I’m trying to bring something fresh, something people will talk about.
ANITA (voice trembling) I liked some of your ideas, like incorporating more local artists, but you don’t get to decide what’s fresh or exciting for me. This cafe is personal. I’ve been dreaming about this for years, and it feels like you’re just looking for your big break.
BILL (shouting) Maybe I am trying to make something of myself! I want this to be more than just another quiet, low-key spot. I want it to be bold, to get noticed. If you can’t handle that, maybe we’re not even on the same page!
ANITA (steady, but hurt) Maybe we’re not. I thought we were partners, but now it feels like you’re more interested in your own spotlight than what we’re building together.
BILL (angry) My own spotlight? I’m trying to make this place a success, but if you can’t see that, maybe this whole partnership was a mistake!
ANITA (tears in her eyes) Maybe it was. I wanted us to create something special together, but if it’s going to be like this, maybe we’re better off on our own.
BILL (staring, hard) Fine. If that’s how you feel, then maybe we should just call it quits right here.
cut to
Nick and Anita sit at a corner table in their music cafe, surrounded by sketches, business plans, and notes. There is tension in the air, but Nick is determined to set things right.
NICK (taking a deep breath) Let’s start fresh. I’ve been thinking… you know how there are places where people can go to write down their thoughts and pin them on the wall anonymously? It’s become really popular. Maybe we can create something similar here, but with a music twist.
ANITA (frowning) Yeah, I’ve seen those. People sharing their secrets for everyone to see. What does that have to do with the cafe?
NICK (excited) Think about it. A space where people can come in, listen to live music, and also share their stories anonymously. It’s a way to build a community, to create a sense of connection and emotional honesty.
ANITA (skeptical) So, you want people to come in, have coffee, and air out their personal stories on our walls?
NICK (defending) No, it’s more than that. It’s about giving people a voice, a place to express themselves through music and words. We could have nights where people read their stories, followed by live performances that reflect those emotions.
ANITA (firmly) Nick, this is starting to feel like another one of your big ideas to stand out. We don’t need to turn this into an emotional therapy session. The cafe is supposed to be about music, about creating a space for local artists to perform.
NICK (conceding) I get it. I just… I wanted to find a way to make it special, something different. But maybe I was missing the point.
Anita softens slightly, seeing the sincerity in his eyes.
ANITA (gently) I know you’re trying to make it work, but sometimes simple is better. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel to make this place great. It’s about the music, the people, and the vibe we create here.
NICK (sighing) You’re right. I’ve been overthinking it. I just didn’t want to mess this up, especially now.
ANITA (curious) Now? What do you mean?
NICK (confessing) I’ve been going through a rough patch. My rent’s overdue, my boss is furious, and my dad’s health is declining. I was putting everything into this project, hoping it might solve all my problems.
Anita’s expression shifts from frustration to empathy.
ANITA (softly) Why didn’t you tell me? We’re supposed to be a team.
NICK (emotionally) I didn’t want you to see me as weak. I wanted to be strong for us, but I’ve made mistakes. I just thought if I could make this perfect, it might fix everything.
ANITA (touching his hand) You don’t have to be perfect, Nick. We just need to be honest with each other.
Nick nods, then reaches for a stack of papers and hands them to Anita.
NICK I’ve been up all night, reworking the business plan, focusing on what really matters. I stripped out the flashy ideas and kept it simple. I even reached out to a friend who’s a marketing expert, and he’s agreed to help us promote the cafe for free.
Anita looks through the papers, touched by his effort.
ANITA (surprised) You did all this… for us?
NICK (earnestly) Yes. I believe in what we’re building here. Please, let’s give this another shot. Together.
Anita smiles, a sense of hope returning.
ANITA (smiling) Okay. Let’s give it another shot. Together.
NICK (grinning) Together. I promise.
cut to
BILL (softly) Anita… can we talk?
Anita looks up, her expression guarded, but she nods slightly.
BILL (sincerely) I’m sorry. I got carried away. I didn’t mean to push my ideas on you like that… or make it feel like I wasn’t respecting your vision.
Anita stays silent for a moment, then sighs, her shoulders relaxing a little.
ANITA (calmly) I know you want this place to be special. I do too. But it has to be something we both believe in, something that feels right for both of us.
BILL (nodding) You’re right. I let my own excitement get in the way of what we’re building together. I see that now. I don’t want to lose what we have — our partnership, our friendship.
He pauses, then continues with a softer tone.
BILL And I do believe in what you’re doing, in the story you want to tell with this cafe. Can we try again? Find a way to blend both our visions?
Anita’s expression softens. She takes a moment, then gives a small smile.
ANITA (softly) Okay. Let’s start over. But this time, let’s really listen to each other.
Bill smiles, relieved, and takes a seat across from her.
BILL (smiling) Deal. No more LED screens… unless you change your mind.
Anita chuckles, the tension easing between them.
ANITA (laughing lightly) Don’t push your luck.
Anita and Bill sit at a small table in their music cafe, the atmosphere heavy with disappointment. The rejection letter from the bank is lying open on the table between them.
BILL (sighing deeply) Well, that didn’t go as planned.
Anita leans back in her chair, her arms crossed, frustration and concern etched across her face.
ANITA (sternly) We put everything into that plan. I thought we covered all the bases.
BILL (defensive) I know, but they said our projections were too optimistic. Maybe they’re right. Maybe we were a little too ambitious.
Anita shakes her head, her expression hardening.
ANITA (angrily) Too ambitious? Bill, we’re trying to create something different, something that’s going to stand out. Of course, we’re going to aim high.
BILL (softly) I get that, but without this loan, we don’t have the funds to cover the renovations, the equipment… everything we need to open.
Anita looks down, trying to contain her frustration.
ANITA (exhaling) So, what do we do now? Just give up?
BILL (quickly) No, not at all. I’m not saying we give up. Maybe we just need to rethink our approach. Cut back on some of the initial costs, find a cheaper location, or scale down the launch.
ANITA (firmly) Bill, I don’t want to start by cutting corners. That’s not the point of this place. If we’re going to do it, we have to do it right.
Bill nods, understanding but still looking troubled.
BILL (softly) I know, but without the loan… I don’t see how we’re going to pull it off. We don’t have enough savings to make it happen on our own.
Anita looks at the rejection letter again, a mix of determination and frustration in her eyes.
ANITA (determined) Then we find another way. Crowdfunding, investors, even asking friends and family. We can’t let one rejection stop us.
Bill smiles slightly, appreciating her resolve.
BILL (encouragingly) You’re right. We’ve come too far to turn back now. We just need to get creative, find people who believe in what we’re doing as much as we do.
Anita nods, her determination growing.
ANITA (grinning) Exactly. We need to make them see what we see—a place where people come together, where music and stories are shared, where something real happens.
Bill reaches out, taking her hand.
BILL (smiling) Together, right?
ANITA (smiling back) Together.
ANITA I just wanted to talk about something important.
BILL Can we talk about it tomorrow? I just really need to work on something.
BILL Are you sure you’re sure?
ANITA I’m sure. Talk to you later…
ANITA Surprise!
BILL You scared me.
ANITA Sorry, couldn't resist. I Knew you would be here.What are you working on? 13. BILL Just working on a scene.
ANITA Can I see?
BILL Sure.
ANITA (CONT’D) I need to talk…
BILL I have been rehearsing all day. I have been up since four this morning. I have been trying…
ANITA I don’t know how to get through to you anymore. You keep shutting me out.
BILL Sorry, I have been busy.
A few weeks later…
ANITA I got an offer to teach full-time in Chicago. 14. BILL Amazing!
ANITA (sad) Yeah.
BILL Am I missing something?
ANITA They said that they want me to be over there in the next few weeks.
BILL Look, I have friends that do long distance and they're fine. We are gonna be fine.
ANITA I just don't want to go.
A few days later, Bill calls Anita.
BILL Hey, how's it going?
ANITA (on the phone) I just finished watching a reel I made.
BILL Congratulations! When can I see it?
ANITA I will send the link.
BILL Actually, I have to go. Can I call you later?
ANITA Yeah, sure.
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balilive · 2 months
One Day in Ubud: A Journey Through Tranquility and Creativity
Ubud is where culture, nature, and spirituality intertwine, creating a unique atmosphere that attracts visitors from around the world. Located in central Bali, this town is renowned for its picturesque rice terraces, dense jungles, and temples nestled in greenery.
If you find yourself in Ubud and want to experience more than just the tourist attractions, follow our recommendations for an unforgettable day.
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Breakfast at Dharma Coffee
Start your day at the cozy Dharma Coffee, the perfect spot for a morning meal. Try their famous smoothies, like the "Green Power" with kiwi, spinach, and coconut milk, or the "Tropical Delight" with mango, pineapple, and banana. The menu also offers healthy breakfast options like avocado toast with chia seeds and organic egg omelets. The tranquil atmosphere creates ideal conditions for a productive start to the day.
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Yoga at Yoga Barn
Ubud attracts those who strive for a healthy lifestyle, with numerous yoga studios for all levels of practice. After breakfast, visit one of the most renowned studios – Yoga Barn. This studio offers a variety of yoga classes, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Kundalini. Classes take place in open-air pavilions surrounded by tropical gardens, allowing you to enjoy nature while practicing. Experienced instructors will help you immerse yourself in the harmony of body and mind.
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Meditation at Pyramids of Chi
Next, visit the Pyramids of Chi, a unique space built with sacred geometry in mind. Here, you can join group or individual sessions of gong meditations and sound healing. Sessions take place in pyramid structures, each with its own energetic focus. Ancient instruments such as gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, and didgeridoos help achieve deep relaxation and mental clarity, perfectly complementing your day of self-care.
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Lunch at Sayuri Healing Food
When it's time for lunch, head to Sayuri Healing Food for delicious and healthy vegetarian dishes prepared with love and care. The menu features dishes like raw lasagna, nourishing quinoa and avocado bowls, and sugar- and gluten-free desserts. The peaceful ambiance of this restaurant supports your journey towards inner balance.
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Visit to Antonio Blanco Museum
Ubud is the cultural heart of Bali, where traditions and modern art coexist in harmony. Visit the museum of Spanish artist Antonio Blanco, who lived and worked in Bali. Located on a picturesque hill with views of the jungle and river, the museum's collection includes paintings, sculptures, and the artist's personal belongings, reflecting his deep love for the island and offering a glimpse into his world.
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Walk Along the Campuhan Ridge Walk
As the sun begins to set, take a walk along the Campuhan Ridge Walk. This scenic route runs along the Campuhan ridge, offering stunning views of the tropical forest, rice fields, and the Campuhan and Ayung rivers. The walk takes about an hour and is a popular spot for both locals and tourists, making it one of the best and most peaceful places to watch the sunset in Ubud.
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Dinner at Zest Ubud
For dinner, visit Zest Ubud, known for innovative dishes made from local ingredients. Enjoy culinary masterpieces such as vegan burgers, gluten-free pizzas, and coconut milk desserts. The warm atmosphere of the restaurant, decorated in a boho style, is the perfect ending to a day filled with care for your body and spirit.
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Ecstatic Dance at Alchemy
End your perfect day in Ubud with Ecstatic Dance at Alchemy. This form of free dance allows for self-expression without limitations or structured movements, combining elements of meditation, movement, and music. Ecstatic Dance is a mindfulness practice, so the use of consciousness-altering substances is not encouraged. Sessions are held at Alchemy, one of Ubud's most popular centers for a healthy lifestyle, where you can also enjoy organic cocktails and light snacks.
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Ubud is not just a tourist destination; it's a place where everyone can find something for themselves, whether it’s art, nature, spirituality, or a healthy lifestyle. This town leaves an indelible impression and evokes a desire to return again and again.
The material was prepared with the support of MyBaliTrips.com
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bridgertonopinions · 4 months
Do you think he met A on Raya? Just because she might know Sienna because they both use pineapple dance studios. I feel like the friendship between those two girls complicates the situation because Rory and Sienna basically showed up for Luke after his break up. He was always third wheeling them.
It absolutely complicates things and I think that’s why she’s still hanging around because he is very close with them
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shop-korea · 7 months
Di Mochkila | Belly Dance | Leilah Isaac | London Pineapple Studios! #be...
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europeandance · 9 months
Dance Studios in London: Unveiling Their Elegance
London is a city full of life and tradition that has established itself as a global center for the arts. Moving arises as an impressive vehicle of self-articulation and entertainment in the midst of the diverse signs of imagination. This article gives a top-to-bottom examination of the unique domain of Dance Studios London, exploring the conditions that cultivate fitness and energy.
The dance scene in London
It is an impression of the city's variety, enveloping a broad scope of styles and types that oblige people, everything being equal. A kaleidoscope of social impacts and feel, the dance scene here extends from customary artful dance to contemporary and hip-jump. London's dance studios have the capability as hatcheries for arising gifts, attracting devotees from different foundations.
The European Dance School: A Celebrated Model of Craftsmanship An eminent member of the dance community in London is the European Dance School (EDC). Situated in the focal district of the Unified Realm, EDC has secured itself as a superior foundation devoted to developing creative ability. Outfitted with state-of-the art offices and staffed by experienced experts, EDC offers an optimal setting for hopeful artists to refine their capacities.
Why Choose European Dance College?
A Wide Assortment of Dance Styles: EDC furnishes understudies with the valuable chance to research and succeed in their favored sort through its wide assortment of dance styles.
Conspicuous Personnel: The school highly values utilizing a recognized gathering of prepared educators who enrich the studio with a huge repository of information and mastery.
Open doors for execution: EDC perceives the worth of stage openness. Understudies manage the cost of the chance to display their aptitudes through a large number of exhibitions and occasions.
Networking and Community: EDC participation means enrollment locally of excited entertainers. By empowering coordinated effort and systems administration, the school encourages a strong climate.
Dance Studios: An Outline of the City of London
London is home to an overflow of dance studios, each with its own unmistakable contribution, notwithstanding EDC. No matter what your degree of dance insight, there exists a studio that can meet your particular prerequisites. The scope of accessible dance studios is all around as different as the different dance structures, including the progressive Base Dance Studios and the famous Pineapple Dance Studios.
Dance Studios: Past Basic Spaces Dance studios in London have the capability to be focuses of advancement and self-investigation, not simply areas for practice schedules. Inside these studios, goals emerge, capacities are refined, and associations are shaped. The accounts conveyed by the musical rhythms that resonate across the reflected walls include responsibility, passion, and the mission for imaginative greatness.
As one investigates the steadily developing domain of Dance Studios London, it becomes evident that these foundations take care of more than simple active work. They encourage thoughts of self-articulation, improvement, and kinship. Regardless of one's area (European Dance School or some other studio in this dynamic city), it is unquestionable that London's dance culture revels in the widespread language of development, ability, and variety. Thusly, wear your moving shoes and enter this unprecedented city.
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