#pilar is an idiot
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 4 months ago
Veth, about Beau and Yasha : "Are you married, by the way ?"
Yasha/Ashley : "Well, we're... Huh... We are... It's... None of your business !... We... Didn't do that yet... ?"
Marisha : "Oh wait Dani says we're married."
Yasha : "Yes ! We've been married for so long !!"
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mendely · 2 years ago
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thursdaygrl · 6 months ago
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it feels like a win, having her give in to a request that was more of a joke than a shot in the dark at more of her time and attention. grayson doesn't let his surprise show, though, he's all smooth sailing and suave grins, standing up a little straighter as he glances past her. "...y'know, sure, i'll take it." he offers his elbow, quirking an eyebrow in her direction. "elaborate on that one for me. what's torture, exactly?" he asks casually, beginning to lead her down the street, now in search of fluorescent lighting and the smell of garlic.
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god, is he cute. if he wasn't, she surely wouldn't be shrugging easily and smiling like some sort of cheshire cat; wouldn't be so willing to play the long game, if's that what he prefers. (and it's a main reason why she doesn't physically recoil at the use of sweetheart, as she would have with so many others.) "alright, fine. i'll buy you a slice, since no other places are open this late." tilts her head, as if challenging him. "but you're only torturing yourself, gray."
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miss-morgans-lover · 5 months ago
Ok, y'all I'm obsessed with Love, Victor atm, so yeah.
(TW: Alcoholism, Sex, Need for validation, Parental pressure)
Benji is my favourite (and not just cause he's hot, tho he is), and Rahim is my second. I love em both, so gay and sassy, it's great
Favourite girl, is ofc Mia, I adore her (not as much as the above, but still), she's sweet.
Benji's story is breaking me (present tense cause I'm on S3, Ep5). The alcoholism, and his grades. His struggle for parental validation and soberness. His want to be with Victor. It's so heartbreaking.
Speaking of Victor, man is he everywhere. He's off hooking up with Nick and got poison ivy rashes on his dick cause the idiots fucked outside 😂. He's been through so much too tho, and wants to be with Benji.
Also, Lake's story, with her mother and all that pressure. It's so unfortunately realistic for some, which makes it both better and harder to watch.
Favourite scene has to be Benji dancing for Victor (Go Grizzlies Dance) cause it makes me laugh, or Benji trying to teach Victor how to make coffee and Victor being too gay and horny.
Favourite motif thing is Benji's "I wanna do something boyfriendy" hand gestures. It's so cute, I love it!!!
Favourite storyline is Benji's. It has so many layers, which makes it so interesting. The alcohol, the grades, the parental pressure, the rehab and AA meetings. All of it makes for an interesting plot, and a sad one too.
Favourite episode is the one in S1 when Victor goes to NY, cause it's so comfort episode core, yk.
I just have to add that almost everyone in this is gay, and I'm including hcs in this, cause I swear Pilar is bi or something.
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km3tt0 · 1 year ago
I promised i was gonna draw something and i did
I love them way too much HELP ME ‼️‼️
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Stitcher/Juliette Actor: @arikihalloween
Also ramble ramble:
Croupier’s name as human and actor (because yeah, they’re two different people) is Chris Del Pilar
Chris (Actor) is more out going, less an idiot and almost a himbo, he’s nice and very oblivious about a lot of things. Inside the Actor AU Lore, Croupier is his first big role as an actor and rapidly became very popular. Due their relationship inside the show (fun fact: Inside the Actor AU, WTTMV is a visual novel adapted to a tv show) Juliette and Chris became really close to each other, so all the chemistry between them as friends is actually real!
They spend a lot of time together alongside Jolene (Chris’ fiancé… but it’s more like Chris is Jol’s fiancé, she asked the question) and I LOVE THEM
(Croupier human is different from Actor, one day I’m gonna draw more of him too)
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booksrbetterthanpeople · 2 years ago
How would the parents of the DuPont cheer squad react to their children being cheerleaders?
Pilar: DENIIIIISE! Oh my goodness! I need picture, immediately! Flavio! Get my camera!
Flavio: I’ve got the camera, baby.
Valentin: Hey, Cosette! Your mom couldn’t be here, but… Here I am. Proud of you!
Fazli: Yeah, Ismael! That’s my boy! My son’s a cheerleader, people!
Mathis: *On a video call* Austin! I am so proud of you! I’m sorry your mom couldn’t be here, she’s at rehab… Again. Still proud!
Anya: Ivan! You’re doing great! Remember to stay hydrated! Cheerleading is a sport despite what some idiots say, and it will tire you out! Love youuuu!
Bettina: That’s my boy! You’re doing great out there, honey! Remember, try not to land flat footed!
Fabrizio: Couldn’t he have chosen a more manly sport? I mean-
Bettina: Oh, hush.
*Camera pans to the squad, all looking very embarrassed*
Jean: I specifically requested that coach not offer them coffee.
Cosette: But, yeah, those are our parents.
Spinelli: Hey, just be glad they didn’t paint their faces.
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nemolfc · 1 year ago
Wait can someone translate this? What is going on??
During the Sevilla Champions League Match, Sergio was playing and Pilar was out of the house for unknown reasons, they had caregivers looking after the boys when apparently a bunch of fucking idiots broke into the house and robbed it, thankfully the kids and the caregivers were not harmed but that must have been scary for them 😩
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another-corpo-rat · 2 years ago
Prompt: Hurt Me Good Kiwi/Meredith Stout (Past, Mentioned) Warnings for a past unhealthy relationship. Summary: Lucy and Kiwi have a small talk about trust and the necessity of a lack of it.  
“So, I gotta ask.”
“You really don’t.” Kiwi narrows her eyes as her protégé slips into the chair beside her. The girl was getting good at the stealth shit; she’d give her that. She didn’t hear her approach this time. “But I got a feeling you’re gonna anyways.”
“Never trust a soul in Night City…Why was that the first lesson you drilled into me?”
“I reckon it’s the most important. Most ignored too.” She wanted to reach for a cigarette, but the girl was quick – picked up that it was a nervous habit of hers, an avoidant one. Couldn’t have her knowing it was a correct observation. She taps her fingers idly against the glass table. “You’re a bright spark, didn’t wanna see you get snuffed out too quick. Trust’s the fastest way for that to happen.”
She casts her eyes across the wide space as she talks, noting the locations of the rest of the crew, dispersed as they were through the crowds of the street party. Maine and Dorio were chatting up one of the small-time fixers – a rising star they were trying to hitch a ride on. Dorio was doing most of the talking this time, has been for a while, since Maine’s jitters started again. Pilar was doing tricks with his bullshit gibbon arms, juggling whatever the crowd tossed at him. And Rebecca was – heh. Having a private party with a solo in one of the alleys further back, out of view of the crowd but not out of reach of her ping.
“I trust you though.” Lucy points out, her own eyes drawing lazily across the same crowd. Her expression bored, even if there’s something mildly goading in her tone.
“Enough, not entirely.” They both share a look at that, Lucy’s challenging, Kiwi’s certain. “Why else are you so shifty about what was on that BD you got a while back?”
The younger netrunner is the first to look away this time.
“It’s nothing.” She says sharply.
“Relax, kiddo, I’m not taking it personally. Kinda glad to know you’ve taken it to heart.” And she is. There’s an edge of pride to her voice that she doesn’t bother to hide, a warmth in her eyes that Rebecca would draw attention to and ruin the moment.
She’d be smiling, if she still could. Thin lips pulled up in a grin, showing too much gum, too many teeth. She hated that smile since—
“What happened that you took it to heart?”
“Bitter, bitter experience.” And that was that; Lucy hums in response, thoughtful but ultimately content with even that sliver of obvious information as she resettles her focus outward. The girl never pried, it was one of the reasons Kiwi liked her as much as she did. Significantly more than she did Pilar or Becca, whose company she comparatively tolerated.
She’ll reward that silence, just this once.
“I almost got myself zeroed. Trusted the wrong person, fooled myself into thinking what we had was special. Hell, got so deep I was convinced she trusted me too.” Flicking her eyes towards the young woman, she meets the curious glint of pastel pupils that feel familiar. Like looking in a mirror and seeing her younger self again – that same eagerness to fit, the fear of it in equal parts. She doesn’t doubt Lucy might’ve made the same mistakes she did lifetimes ago.
Like whispering ‘I love you’ as she lay in their arms and ignoring the blaring sirens in her head that call her an idiot.
Or letting them press the weight of their own misjudgements on her shoulders. A gun pressing to her jaw. All her insecurities and hopes laid bare at the other’s feet thrown back into her face. A face no longer pretty in their eyes, chin too sharp, lips too thin. Laugh too shrill.
Letting herself believe them to be even remotely right.
“Would rather not have to pick up your pieces if you made that mistake. Tends to get…messy.” Loud, violent. Last she saw her, the bitch had the audacity to get a tattoo below her ear.
Never Again.
As if it was her fault things went to shit.
“I won’t.” And it’s spat, spoken with such conviction that Kiwi can’t help but be certain of it as well. Still, she merely offers her own hum, looking away to let the quiet settle between them. Lucy was ruminating, best leave her to it for the next few minutes. And the mess of their crew is interesting enough to occupy that time, especially now that the harder liquor is out after Dorio worked her magic.
Kiwi’s own drink still sits untouched and Lucy hadn’t accepted a cup. Things hadn’t gotten violent yet, but neither woman were keen to dull themselves to the potential of it. A drunk netrunner was a useless one.
The allotted minutes pass. Neither start another conversation, both content to sit in the rare quiet of each other’s company.
Kiwi doesn’t play favourites but-
“Hey! Old Hag, c’mere!”
Lucy is definitely her favourite.
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5ammi90 · 1 year ago
Episode 8
Oh crap. Victor is freaking and Isa is freaking and Benji is worried that Victor is gonna lose it. Of course her biggest concern is Adrian finding out Victor is gay. Oh shit Benji. I mean he kinda has a point but not the right moment Benji. Oh great Adrian is awake. Oh shit Benji just yelled boyfriend. Crap. Victor do not let Isa kick him out. Please. Fight for him. That signed the end of the relationship so quickly I got whiplash.
Yeah no Victor. Benji is not gonna want to talk to you for a while.
Oh my god. They were freaking out over nothing Adrian is completely fine. You are all idiots. Victor go apologise to Benji now. Thanks Adrian but he has fucked it up. Yeah if he forgives you.
Morning Felix and Pilar. Did you enjoy family feud. Go see your mum Felix. It will help.
Oh great Harold wants to take a job in Stanford which means moving to Stanford. Wait Mia. You’re okay with the idea of moving. Leaving Lake and Andrew and everything.
Oh no. The first time after the incident and it’s at work. Victor proceed with caution. Oh no. It’s not disgusting (okay maybe a little) but mostly it’s weird, it’s embarrassing for all parties and it’s gonna be awkward as hell and no eye contact for a while but the response isn’t usually pure disgust.
If Victor brings up the fact that Benji’s parents are supportive one more time I’m gonna kill him. They are supportive now. You have no idea what they were like when he first came out. You have no idea how they treated him. Also don’t bring race into this.
Nice work Victor.
Pilar, you have hearts in your eyes. Go away Rahim, I don’t like you. He likes you as a friend. I’m sorry Pilar. Rahim, please stop setting her up for heartbreak. They seem to have that romantic connection, just friendship.
Victor, Benji has disappeared and you should maybe text Simon. Nice work Felix. Damn Mia. This is not a good day. For any couple or ex couple at the moment. Oh straight to voicemail. Are you kidding me, you phone him and tell him about Mia moving. Victor come on. Great Rahim is here. Yay. Leave Victor, or tell Rahim everything. No freak, be worried. You need to talk to him.
Victor what the fuck. You don’t know this guy, Benji doesn’t know him at all. Benji never wanted you to know, I don’t think he would like anyone at school to know especially the guy your mum tolerates more than him and you. Are you stupid?!?! That is a very nice picture of them.
Adrian is going to fix his mum. Thank you Isa. Although I hate the fact that it was because Adrian is upset and not the fact that she supports Victor.
Lake and Andrew are freaking about Mia and I don’t care. Moving on.
Oh fuck. Benji called his sponsor and Victor just saw them hugging so he’s gonna assume the worst. Great. Trainwreck please. Trainwreck avoided. Thank fuck. Please no more trainwreck.
Lake. Woah no. Don’t do this. You can’t do this. I get that you don’t want her to move but you can’t ruin a man’s life like this. Of course he loves you stupid. Mia what game are you playing.
Glad your mum is doing better Felix. Oh god, that almost ended badly. Don’t do that.
Mum did what. Mia what the hell. What did she want. That explains why you’ve been the way you have. Wait what’s just happened. That was a shift. Yay Harold. That was easy. You could have had this conversation the first time be mentioned Stanford.
Isa is gonna kill Father Lawrence. It is that simple. Start by apologising to Victor, please. Then apologise to Benji and then we can start to move on.
Harold, what the fuck. You said you were gonna put Mia first. Should have known better but I trusted you.
Victor no. First sensible thing he said. No Benji he wasn’t worried about you drinking he was worried you were gonna be hurt or not come back. Oh shit nevermind he was worried about that. Dang it Victor. Oh no. Oh no. Rahim, no. Please no. Fuck.
Trainwreck incoming.
Nice work Victor.
Although Benji is kinda right. You broke his trust but you guys haven’t been communicating properly and this was inevitable. Benji, stop holding back in this relationship. You say you trust Victor (before this happened) but you never say if you’re struggling. You always say you’re fine and then it builds and builds until eventually you break. Some space is probably good for you guys and then you can come back and talk to each other.
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liebgirl · 1 year ago
they really should invent classes you can take to fulfill your minor requirements that are not awful horrible history classes that make you write papers. girl i’m an arts major i wasn’t built for essays….. i’m one of three people in that class that’s not a history major. there are 3 of us. and we are struggling!!! why are the only options for gender studies classes either the easiest intro sociology class you can imagine or some niche and difficult history class that kind of talks about women. at the very least offer some kind of accommodation to us poor non history majors that didn’t even know spain had a civil war until you casually mentioned it in relation to spain’s fascist movement or movements because like well it’s still not clear to me how many fascists have been in power in spain. i know about pilar and that’s IT. she’s a girlboss tbh. she’s horrible i know she’s a fascist i’m just saying she’s also kind of a girlboss. was. she’s totally dead now. probably. again, i cannot emphasize how little i know about any of this. like there should at least be a version of this class for stupid idiots that aren’t history majors but need this class for their silly little feminism minor. it’s sick that they’re making me write essays. it’s definitely too late to drop the class and the minor i checked
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months ago
Voy a felicitar la NAVIDAD con David BOWIE leyendo "the IDIOT" de Dostoyevski y que supongo que le inspiro a producir el Lp THE IDIOT de IGGY POP [que incluye CHINA GIRL al que siguio LP LUST FOR LIFE] al que apenas vi en el AZKENA ROCK o Festival de VITORIA de 2023 porque preferi ver a NAT SIMONS [cantante de mi barrio , sobrina del cantante de LOS IMPOSIBLES y cuyo nombre artístico coincide con el millonario judio amigo de Bill GATES con el que ha ido a alguna cumbre por el Cambio Climatico] con CHERIE CURRIE de the RUNAWAYS [que salio en la peli FOXES=ZORRAS o debut del director ADRIAN LYNE que tras 20 años sin rodar nada o desde INFIEL rodo en 2022 AGUAS PROFUNDAS con Ana de ARMAS donde hace de ZORRA consentida por su marido Ben Affleck que se venga matando a sus amantes y cuya última película es EDEN]..pues al post_poner su concierto por una TREMENDA TORMENTA que me pillo en la calle Fundadora SIERVAS DE JESUS [donde a un CHINO que fotografie con camiseta APOCALYPSE APOCALYPSE APOCALYPSE APOCALYPSE le compré un PARAGUAS de CAMUFLAJE] junto a la Catedral de SANTA MARIA enclave de LOS PILARES DE LA TIERRA de KEN FOLLE_T [cuya estatua esta junto a la entrada]..coincidió con el de IGGY POP al que ya había visto en el MAD COOL '19
Por cierto..dicen que IAN CURTIS de JOY DIVISION [judías para nazis] se suicido escuchando el Lp THE IDIOT de IGGY POP cuando se debatía entre la MADRE de su hija y una PERIODISTA tras haber sacado como único cd PLACERES DESCONOCIDOS y siendo su ultimo single en vida EL AMOR NOS DESTROZARA [de nuevo]..el resto del grupo formo NEW ORDER teniendo por éxito TRUE FAITH
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ivanreycristo · 2 years ago
..así q RESUMIENDO hemos entrado en el q debe ser el VERANO FATAL [=cd de NACHO VEGAS y CHRISTINA ROSENVINGE q se lo vi presentar en el LUNARIO de MEXICO DF junto al cd EL MANIFIESTO DESASTRE de VEGAS q me firmó Mi cartera AL REVES de ABBEY ROAD q incluye SUN KING , HERE COMES THE SUN y la oculta HER MAJESTY el 20_9_09 o 2 dias despues de ver en TLAXCALA y x 3era vez en MEXICO la gira HELL_VILLE de BUNBURY=1er grupo APOCALIPSIS y 13 días antes de ver en LAS VEGAS a KYLIE MINOGUE y al acabar en el mismo HOTEL_CASINO The PALMS al gemelo de BROS MAttGOss autores de cd THE TIME q incluye SISTER dedicada a su hermana muerta..Publicando luego ROSENVINGE el cd LA JOVEN DOLORES y la cual se separo del padre de sus hijas RAY LORIGA tras dirigir TERESA, EL CUERPO DEL CRISTO y al cual fotografie en plaza de SANTA BARBARA en MADRID hace 1 mes de CAMINO a ver a ÑU autores de los directos AQUI NO HAY NINGUN LOCO e IMPERIO DE PALETOS..presentando YO SIGO VIVO tras su ultimo cd Y NADIE ESCAPO DE LA EVOLUCION siendo el siguiente concierto a GUADALUPE=Virgen PLATA=Dinero q presentaba THE DEVIL CAN'T DO YOU HARM]..siendo mi último concierto en Sala Riviera [o a orillas del MANZANA+eRES] ver a THE CULT [autores del cd SONIC TEMPLE q incluye SUN KING] q presentaba UNDER THE MIDNIGHT SUN tras venir de VITORIA o el AZKENA ROCK donde cayó una FUERTE TORMENTA q me hizo comprar un PARAGUAS de CAMUFLAJE a un CHINO con CAMISETA con APOCALYPSE [x cuadruplicado] sonando la ALARMA DEL PARAGUAS al salir de la Tienda en la CALLE SIERVAS de JESUS y tras VISITAR LA CATEDRAL DE SANTA MARIA [q sale en la NOVELA los PILARES DE LA TIERRA de KEN FOLLE_TT por lo q tiene una ESTATUA] y q hizo RECOLOCAR el concierto de CHERIE CURIE de THE RUNAWAYS con NAT SIMONS [=Multimillonario judio] criada en mi barrio ALAMEDA y cuyo ultimo cd FELINA está basado en la PELICULA "CAT PEOPLE" de SIMONE SIMON y en el capítulo FINALE [=su último single] de BREAKING BAD y q incluye MACABRO PLAN y EXTRAÑA RELIGION viéndolas en el ESCENARIO "LOVE" entre el PRINCIPIO Y FINAL en ESCENARIO "GOD" de IGGY POP q debuto en solitario con con THE IDIOT, LUST FOR LIFE, NEW VALUES Y SOL_DIER siendo autor también del cd AMERICAN CAESAR y rodando en 1995 en ESPAÑA la película futurista o de 2048 " ATOLLADERO"..Cerrando este círculo SOLAR con que el fin de semana anterior vi en Sala EL SOL [junto al restaurante mexicano LA VENGANZA DE MALINCHE] a MALDITERIA y LOS SEX [dándome ambos la pua=nueva novela con la q me fotografie en el CARREFOUR=ENCRUCIJADA..de Las ROSAS entre estar en la Sala EL SOL y en VITORIA=marca de bici junto a la q aparque la mía o mi MERIDA=ciudad Mexicana y española=hija de CANDELA SERRAT y DANIEL MURIEL con el q me bañe rodeado en julio 2009 de MISSES del concurso de MISS ESPAÑA'09 en el HOTEL_RESORT OASIS de CANCUN tras la gala en centro de CONVENCIONES "KUKALKAN"=SERPIENTE EMPLUMADA..donde me cole viniendo de EL SALVADOR y fotografiandome al día siguiente con una SERPIENTE BLANCA frente al HARD ROCK CAFE llevando gorra con PEACE y camiseta de BOB MARLEY cuya última canción de un cd de estudio como fue UPRISING es REDEMPTION SONG]
..y sin olvidar q día antes de ver a THE CULT [a los q vi 4 años antes en VITORIA x el 30 aniversario del cd SONIC TEMPLE] pase x el TEMPLO DE JESUCRISTO Y LOS SANTOS DE LOS ULTIMOS DIAS donde recién inagurado en 1999 acabe mi 1era Carrera popular junto a juanmanuel REY Liebana y donde batio el record mas antiguo de España o de 400 mts Bruno HORTELANO en junio 2018 tras un grave ACCIDENTE aunque la carrera la ganó el dominicano SANTOS
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afilmbypeterparkr · 6 years ago
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this one is called "i love that jacket and my tøp backpack, i have a spider-man keychain and i don't know how to hold my phone"
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ridingthewhitechocobo · 3 years ago
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Animage January issue / December 9th release
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onlyherefortheshowmances · 4 years ago
Just added chapter 44 to the marching band AU. This is the fourteenth chapter of part 7.
Chapter 1 (from the beginning) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29409834/chapters/72250422
Chapter 44 (just added; part 7N) -https://archiveofourown.org/works/29409834/chapters/74164314
Title: And I’m in the bleachers
Chapters: 44/?
Words: 133,047 (so far)
Summary:  Victor Salazar is finishing his freshman year of high school in Graham, TX when his dad gets a new job that forces the family to move to the small town of Ephrata, PA. Thrilled with the idea of a fresh start and maybe the chance to finally figure himself out, Victor is excited; his younger sister, Pilar, a little less so. Both Salazar siblings join the high school marching band upon arrival and this is the story of the hijinks and drama that unfold thereafter.
Notes: This story will come to you in 25 parts; however each part will account for multiple chapters, so it's going to be a lot more than 25 total chapters, but there are 25 main sections of the story. The relocation from Atlanta to PA is because this is now set in my hometown, because I have no clue how HS marching band works in GA. I decided to eliminate a few characters (most notably Adrian and Simon). The move occurs at the beginning of June 2019 instead of January 2020. The first part of the story will loosely follow the plot of Love, Victor Season 1, but definitely not exactly. This may or may not be the slowest burn to ever exist.
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I just finished watching Love, Victor (spoilers)
And i related to it strongly. I'm bisexual & before my parents separated they used to fight, a lot. I'd say as far back as i can remember. And looking at it from the show's point of view- i never saw myself like Victor, as their rock. But in a way i kind of was I suppose. I'd hear stuff about mum from dad, and stuff about dad from mum. I'd try to stop a fight before it started smooth it over- wind up desperately just wanting & trying to get it to stop. I'm not looking for a pity party btw i just felt myself understanding his situation. Also i desperately love how they portrayed his friends. People who on the outside come across like they've got their shit together or they have a great family- but really- everyone has their demons, their stuff they deal with or family situations. I know that sounds obvious but its often woefully left out of tv shows. And its so so true in real life. I found myself relating to a little bit of almost everyones story. Victor, Mia, Felix & even Lake a lil bit tbh. Characters that have flaws & demons & they're not perfect or completely happy with their entire lives, but they don't have to be. They're figuring shit out. Thats the goddamn point. I realise this became about flaws & sadness but i also liked the sometimes sweetness & funny bits of the show! I adored gay guru Simon & Bram & all of their friends sm! It was truly gay community feels. Thats such truth. Lgbtq+ ppl always look out for their own. Felix was just the best friend you could ask for. So honest, sweet & a good human. That scene where Victor told him?? Are u kidding me I welled up sm- the hug & what he said was perfect. Also can i have Simon & Bram as my lgbtq+ guides pls.
Anyway I'll probably post more about it later but for now have this mess of an overshare & i might delete this bc its v personal 😅 thanks if u read :)
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