#piggybacking off you now we match : )
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wileys-russo · 1 year ago
put a ring on it II l.williamson x reader
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lil LW6 fic based on this request put a ring on it II l.williamson x reader
"here she is!" you sung out as you launched yourself onto your friends back, alessia stumbling slightly but finding her footing with a laugh. "player of the match! player of the match!" you continued to cheer as alessia hoisted you up properly carrying you round on her back as you did your laps.
"the penalty was perfect less, see i told you they weren't cursed!" you grinned, pulling her into a tight hug as she placed you back down on your feet. "doesn't mean i'll be putting my hand up to take anymore!" the blonde shook her head, though neither of you were unable to keep the smile off her face with a 4-1 win over chelsea.
"i see now why the two of you are so perfect for each other." the taller girl laughed as you both clapped and waved to the fans, nodding toward your girlfriend who was getting a piggyback of her own off manu.
"leah's got an excuse though you're just lazy!" alessia teased, often having you demanding she piggyback you around on national duty and now you played for the same club team.
"you're one to talk! who carries all the bags when we go shopping?" you laughed shoving her, waving at a small group of girls who called out your name. "who buys the most and therefore has the most bags to carry!" the blonde countered bumping her shoulder into yours.
"thats definitely you babe, because its me who carries all the bag when we go shopping!" suddenly your girlfriend appeared, wedging her way in between the two of you with her arms slung over both yours and alessia's shoulders.
"i earn and spend my money the way i want, why all this hate!" you tutted with a playful roll of your eyes, the three of you falling into conversation as you continued on your lap round the emirates.
"heard you've got some competition for your girls hand leah!" kyra zoomed past with a cheeky grin, leah frowning in confusion but unable to ask for any further context as kyra sprinted off chased by vic.
"i didn't know your relationship was open williamson. can i have a crack?" katie was next, playfully kissing your cheek with a wink as now both you and leah looked on in confusion.
your relationship with leah could be described as private but not secret. for years now you'd posted pictures with and of one another, but paid no mind to the spamming of comments asking if you were together.
you lost no sleep to the rumours of what you two were and made no move to placate or deny them, rather just happily existing together and focusing your energy on your relationship rather than what people thought about it or assumed it to be.
however it was most certainly not open.
"what the hell is everyone on about?" leah huffed, annoyance replacing confusion as you squeezed her bicep to try and gain her attention seeing she was becoming upset. "um, i might have an idea." alessia chuckled beside you, clearly trying to cover up her amusement but failing miserably.
nudging the two of you she tried to subtly point something out in the crowd, and it didn't take very long for leah to follow along. "oh you are taking the piss mate." came the scoff and grumble as you tried to catch on, alessia rolling her eyes and moving your head so you finally spotted it.
"ohh." you sighed in realisation, your girlfriends mumblings beside you and closed off body language now making a lot more sense. "do they think thats going to work?" you laughed, which was cleary the wrong thing to say as leah scoffed again and stormed off before you could say another word.
"will you be saying i do then?" you grunted as the tables turned and kyra reappeared, jumping onto your back and wrapping her legs around your waist, vic and teyah not far behind her.
the teasing in question was all due to a large sign reading 'marry me y/n?' held up by a grinning girl who definitely looked too young for you whose eye contact you avoided as you turned away from the sign.
"someone will be sleeping with the dogs tonight!" vic roared with laughter as leah shot you a look over her shoulder and followed into the tunnel after beth.
"i didn't even do anything! this is all of your faults for pointing out that stupid sign and winding her up." you huffed and promptly dropped kyra, who swore after you as teyah helped her up and you hurried off toward where your girlfriend had dissapeared.
though before you could go after her there was a small group of fans calling your name and you diverted, spending a little while alongside laia and alessia signing and chatting things before finally breaking away and heading inside.
returning to the change rooms everyone seemed to be in good spirits and celebrations were in full swing. music was pumping and you couldn't help but laugh at some of your friends and team mates dance moves which were more than questionable.
"having fun wally?" you grinned at the poor swiss woman who was desperately trying to count heads for how many people to include in a dinner booking at one of the teams favorite pubs later tonight, with very little success.
"lee and i will be there." you laughed at her pleading eyes, kissing her cheek and searching the room for the blonde in question. "hey have you seen leah?" you asked beth who finally sat down to take her boots off and stopped singing (yelling) for five seconds at vivs pleading.
"maybe that way somewhere." beth jerked her thumb over her shoulder toward the rest of the team as you rolled your eyes. "yeah thanks beffy." you chuckled, quickly changing out of your socks and boots, a twenty minute warning given for the bus leaving you scrambled toward the showers just beating stina into the last free one.
knowing there was a line of inpatient girls waiting their turn who were only growing rowdier now someone had popped a bottle of champagne, you were fast with your shower and the way you changed into clean dry clothes in record time.
you'd think with the way the team was carrying on you'd all won the conti cup again though amusing as the celebrations were a frown was very much present on your face seeing leah was still nowhere to be seen.
you tried calling her as you grabbed your bag and filed out of the change rooms but huffed as it rang out and went to voicemail. "she's probably driving, she drove herself and laura right?" alessia tried to reassure you as your eyes roamed the carpark, leahs car nowhere in sight at all.
"yeah maybe." you mumbled, following the taller girl up and into the bus, loading your bags and settling into your seat. "ah ah no anti social behaviour we're celebrating!" you groaned as beth snatched your headphones from your hands, hanging them around her neck with a wink as jen ruffled your hair and steph smiled apologetically.
much as you did worry about leah a half hour later you couldn't help but laugh and try not to let your overthinking consume your mind too much as karaoke was in full swing and you'd almost arrived back to colney.
"macca please, give our ears a break!" alessia groaned playfully beside you, her head falling to your shoulder as the two of you plugged your ears and the older girl scoffed, making a point to saunter over closer and yell mr brightside even louder, vic belting it out from the other end of the bus.
you continued to check your phone, having still tried to call around to leah and sending her a few messages all of which had gone unanswered. "hey, get out of your head." alessia tapped at your forehead sensing the worried nervous energy pouring out of you.
"why would she be mad at you? you didn't make that sign, you didn't interact with the fan who made it, you didn't encourage anything." the girl rubbed your back comfortingly as she drew you in for a hug and the bus parked up, everyone hurrying off and agreeing to meet for dinner at seven sharp.
"text me yeah?" alessia encouraged as you nodded and sent her a grateful smile before slipping into your car and flicking through your playlists, needing the right sort of music to try and pull yourself from your thoughts as you drove home.
a small sense of relief flooded through you seeing leahs car was indeed in the driveway once you arrived, meaning at least she was home. quickly parking and shutting off your engine you grabbed your bag from the back and headed toward the front door.
though before you could even get a hand on the door it swung open taking you off guard, though the state of your girlfriend caught you even more so by surprise. "why are you-" you started, your girlfriend dressed up in a beige two piece suit with her hair done and light makeup apparent on her features.
"we're going out." leah announced, ushering you inside and grabbing your bag for you. "for dinner with the girls? i didn't think we were meeting until seven and we were just going to the local." you wandered in with a confused frown as leah shook her head.
"no, just you and i. i already called lia and let her know!" your girlfriend answered the question before you could even ask it. "but-" you started cut off by a shake of the blondes head.
"no more questions. our reservations at five and i already laid out something for you to wear. go change please darling!" leahs hands landed on your shoulders, turning and gently pushing you toward your shared bedroom. "you're being very weird williamson." you stated glancing at her over your shoulder as she waved you off and started to unpack your bag for you.
"come on babe it's nearly five!" leah groaned, still refusing to answer any of your questions as you finished doing your hair, nodding happily with the final product and grabbing your bag.
"hey thats not the bag i chose or the shoes!" leah huffed with a frown at your changes. "as sweet as it is that you wanted to dress me love, i get final say." you smiled pecking her lips and silencing any further protests.
"isn't it nearly five?" you reminded as she attempted to argue again, the blonde nodding and taking your hand, locking up after you and hurrying to open your door as you slid inside. "such a gentlewoman." you teased, the defender grinning and stealing a kiss before shutting your door and rushing around to her own side.
"will you tell me where we're going now?" you asked as leah pulled out of the driveway with a shake of her head, nodding for you to select some music. "you're an incredibly frustrating individual sometimes i leah catherine." you sighed but grabbed her phone none the less since it connected first.
"you still love me but." leah smirked teasingly, eyes focused on the road as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel in time with the music. "lee. why did you run off today?" you questioned after a comfortable silence had fallen between you, unable to ignore the topic any longer.
"i didn't, just had to drop laura home." leah shrugged it off as you gave up trying to work out where you were going as she turned the opposite way that you expected her to.
"right. only after we saw that silly sign you seemed-" you continuned softly, cut off as leah turned up the current song and started to loudly sing along, wordlessly sending the message she didn't want to answer.
dropping it for now not wanting to spoil the blondes seemingly improved mood before a meal together you sang along with her as she drove. "oh we've not been here before." you perked up as leah finally turned in and parked, not recognizing where you were.
"some of the girls recommended it awhile back, i think dean took steph here for their anniversary if my memory serves correct?" leah commented, parking up and clicking her tongue at you as you went to open your door.
"you really are something else." you smiled as she appeared in front of you swinging the door open. "i will open doors any day for you my pretty lady." leah bowed as you smacked her shoulder and the defender stood up straight with a grin, grabbing your hand and placing a gentle kiss to your interlocked fingers.
the two of you fell into step as another comfortable silence fell between you, the sun starting to set bathing you in a warm golden glow, the dark clouds from earlier today now long gone.
"williamson." leah spoke with a smile to the hostess at the front who nodded, grabbing two menus and leading the two of you through the resteraunt. "its beautiful in here lee." you squeezed your girlfriends hand with an awestruck smile at the interior.
floor to roof there were old stone pillars, painted to look washed out as plants hung from the tops and vines spiraled around them, gold edged finishing on the dark mid century wooden furniture.
"wait till you see outside." leah murmered, kissing your cheek with a smile as the two of you were lead outside, your eyes lighting up seeing a small fire pit. "here?" you asked as the waitress gestured for the two of you to take a seat, the semi circle bench with an in built table a little sunk into the ground creating a cosy but private atmosphere.
there was a live band playing on a small stage and the soft chatter from your fellow diners just added to the cosy atmosphere as you thanked the hostess and sat down, leah making sure you were comfortable before taking a seat herself.
"like it?" leah raised an eyebrow but curiously and a little nervously, the two of you were creatures of habit and seldom tried new places, rather preferring the guaranteed satisfaction of what you knew wouldn't disappoint you.
"it's perfect leah. but why?" you laughed quietly, leaning in to kiss her properly and pulling away, neither of you overly large fans of pda given your shared 'famous' status and the risk of prying eyes or phone cameras.
"do i now need a reason to take my beautiful wonderful gorgeous girlfriend out for a nice meal?" leah smiled charmingly, resting her chin on her hand. "mm no but its much less suspicious when you do have one." you retorted, knocking your knee against hers as someone arrived to take your order.
not even having glanced at the menu yet you both smiled apologetically and ordered drinks, busying yourselves deciding what to eat and ordering food once your drinks arrived.
"so this lovely spontaneous meal would have nothing to do with that sign today then would it love?" you asked with a quirk of your eyebrow, sipping on your drink as leah rolled her eyes.
"no it would not!" "you do realise i've known you for years now williamson and you are a terrible liar."
"alright maybe the sign had me a little tiny teeny weeny bit jealous. but mostly i realised we'd not had a proper date night in far too long!" she grinned at the last part of her answer, hoping you'd skip over the first bit.
"jealous i might marry a wee stranger with a sign were we? thats a bit rom com cliche for me my love." you chuckled as your girlfriend playfully smacked your leg and finished her drink, setting the empty glass down as within seconds it was whisked away by someone.
"dunno i bet if i turned up outside your window with a big speaker and confessed my undying love for you you'd be swooning quite hard darling." leah smiled, eyes ablaze with nothing but sheer adoration for you.
"that would have certainly been much more romantic." you teased, leahs cheeks flushing pink at the memory. "stop! i was young and nervous and....sweaty." the defender cringed, having practically cornered you in the showers sweating bullets with nerves and practically yelling at you to go on a date with her.
"now babe how did it go again?" you pondered as leah groaned and hid her face in her hands. "go on a date with me tomorrow!" you mocked her accent and hummed. "no that wasn't it." you stroked your chin thoughtfully as your girlfriend groaned louder and smacked your knee, hiding her face in her hands.
"date tomorrow me please really like you!" you again mocked her accent and nervous stutter with a wolfish grin as the blonde was saved any further embarrassment as your food arrived.
the two of you grew up together on the football pitch in your teen years, both growing quite close through the arsenal academy leah made her senior team debut just a season before you and you couldn't be prouder.
though the distance between you now as you stayed training with the b team meant she realised she wanted to be more than friends and harboured quite unfriendly feelings.
feelings she made the mistake of confessing to her new teammates who'd at first teased her relentlessly and then came the ongoing pushing to tell you how she felt.
leah finally cracked once you signed your own contract and were finally training by her side again, the teasing growing worse for a very clearly flustered leah, a side you weren't used to having known her to be occasionally over confident.
you'd chalked it down to nerves for the talks of her impending senior national team call up, everyone else chalked it up to her being disgustingly head over heels for you and surprisingly too scared to let you know.
this meant six agonisingly slow months passed where leah continued to be given shit for the pining looks sent your way when you weren't looking, until one day something snapped and she decided no more would she hide the truth away.
it may have coincidentally also been the day she heard rumours of you allegedly being dragged along speed dating later that night with some of the other older girls 'for a laugh'.
so swallowing every single doubt which screamed at her this was a terrible idea leah had tried time and time again that day to speak with you, but something or someone seemed to pop up and get in the way every time.
which had been what lead to the abrupt and incredibly awkward shower room incident, though really as much as leah was horrifically mortified you'd found it endearingly cute.
given you still teased her for it this day and the two of you had been dating for years and years now as leah got older the regret of how she'd gone about asking you out had begun to melt away.
"ready to go baby girl?" leah asked as your plates were cleared, the two of you practically now sitting on top of one another as you relished in the welcome warmth both from the fire pit and one anothers bodies.
"did you want one more drink?" you turned your head to question, quite comfortable in your current position. "nah, one of us has to be sober enough to drive home." leah teased, ducking her head to press her lips to yours, pulling away far sooner than you'd have liked as she squeezed your hips indicating you stand up.
making your way hand in hand through the restaurant, now both well fed and a tiny bit tipsy in your case you both cared less about the displays of affection, having been papped together many times over the years anyway but just never directly addressing anything.
thanking the hostess leah was quick to grab the door for you, your cheeks flushing bright red as she lightly patted your bum as she walked out after you, causing you to shoot her a playful glare over your shoulder.
the blonde was even quicker to pull off her suit jacket, draping it over your bare shoulders and silencing your protests that now she would be cold with several kisses, mumbling about how she was warming herself up with them causing you to laugh against her lips.
many sweet kisses and cheesy compliments exchanged during the walk back to the car you shrugged off leahs arm and darted to her door, pulling it open for her for once as she raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"must be the jacket." you teased as she rolled her eyes but slid into the car, making a point to lean over the console to push open your own door for you anyway.
finally pulling into your driveway with a firm look from your girlfriend you waited patiently for her to make her own way to your door, gasping in mock surprise as she pulled it open and once again bowed.
"sap!" you teased shoving her as you grabbed her hand and stood, leah closing the door and locking her car up after you. "okay before we go inside." your girlfriend started halting you in your tracks by the front door, causing a suspicious frown to grow on your face.
"i need you to trust me please." the taller girl took your hands in hers with a gentle squeeze as you slowly nodded. "i do."
"okay good. now please put this on then, no questions." leah reached into the pocket of her trousers and pulled out a blindfold as you raised an eyebrow but begrudgingly did as she asked, flinching as her hands fell to your shoulders once you'd heard her unlock the front door.
"i got you." she chuckled, pressing a kiss to your shoulder and carefully guiding you inside, murmering when steps were coming or there was obstacles.
you heard the back door sliding open and felt your girlfriend carefully help you down the back steps as she asked you kick off your shoes and your feet sunk into the soft grass of the backyard.
eventually you felt yourself step onto something rougher causing your eyebrows to furrow curiously as leahs hands fell from your body and you heard some shuffling around but you knew there wasn't a point to you asking anything as she would just not answer.
"okay, you can take it off now love."
it took a few moments for your eyes to adjust once you'd pulled off the cloth blindfold but once they did your hand flew to your mouth and your body locked up, your reaction clearly amusing the blonde knelt down in front of you.
the roughness beneath you was a large aztec blanket, with two beanbags and cushions scattered all around as lanterns and fairy lights hung from the trees and on each corner of the blanket around you illuminating your backyard in a soft golden glow.
"leah..." you trailed off, shaking your head unable to find words as she sent you a soft smile and held up her hand to silence you.
"now you know why i was so pissed off with that stupid bloody sign today. i've had this planned out for weeks and of course the day i choose to do it, which i promise was long pre planned, some other randoms got a sign asking for your hand and making me look like some jealous numpty whose concocted a last minute proposal just to spite some teenage fangirl!" leah scoffed with a shake of her head making you let out a half laugh half sob as her features softened.
"you're such an idiot." you managed to get out making her grin and shuffle forward a little, reaching into her other trouser pocket as your heart rate accelerated even faster if that was humanely possible.
"jesus christ." you exhaled shakily as she pulled out a small velvet box and popped it open, the ring inside glinting back at you. "not my name love but i'll take it." leah grinned boyishly as you again let out a laugh, hand still covering your mouth in shock.
"my beautiful girl. i've loved you for as long as i've known you and though it took me a little bit to realise i think i might've been in love with you that entire time too." leah started as your knees felt like buckling.
"you are the most warm, caring, kind, attentive, empathetic, passionate and selfless person i've ever had the utter pleasure of having in my life let alone the absolute honor of calling my partner in life. you've always been the one whose better with words between us but i'm going to do my very best to remember all of-" as excitement shot through your body you couldn't help but interrupt.
"yes!" you cried out suddenly, taking leah off guard as she faltered mid speech and your face blushed bright red. "yes?" leah asked wide eyed as you nodded furiously. "yes, yes, yes, a million times yes." you laughed as another sob wracked your body.
the blonde was up and on her feet within seconds and hoisting you off the ground, spinning you around as tears of joy spilt over from her own eyes and you wasted no time smashing your lips to hers.
"i had a whole lovely long heartfelt speech planned out about how much i love and adore you dickhead. i've proposed to laura, lia and beth about three thousand times now for practice!" leah laughed against your lips as she carefully settled you back down on your feet and pressed her forehead to yours.
"save it for your vows?" you smiled guiltily, biting down on your bottom lip as leah let out a pelt of laughter, letting go of you to wipe away her tears before very gently wiping away your own with the pad of her thumb, tugging you into yet another kiss.
"wait! at least let me-" she pulled away and dropped down onto one knee again, carefully pulling out the ring and placing the box down by her side.
"may i please be your wife?" leah asked, eyes once more welling up with tears as you nodded and she grabbed your hand, sliding the ring onto your finger as you pulled her up to her feet.
"you know i also had this to get to, you really are so inpatient!" leah threw her head back with a laugh, stepping back and lifting one of the beanbags pulling out a bundle of red.
as she dropped it open you let out a laugh of your own, seeing it was an arsenal jersey with williamson on the back but with your own number, clearly an indicator of the future to come.
"mm mrs williamson has such a perfect ring to it my girl, i can't wait to be your wife." "i love you so so very much, fiance." "i bet that girl is gonna feel proper stupid now." "leah!" "what? she beat me to the punch but i got the final knockout." "you're forever and always the winner in my eyes baby."
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cuntressgoingdigital · 3 months ago
abby knows how god awful you are at taking care of yourself. fortunately, she learned that just a little bit of help and subtle coercion will force you through your nighttime routine.
(aka bedtime domesticity with abby)
free palestine! click this link for more info
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at night when you’re already cozied up under layers of blankets, eyes glued to your phone, she pulls you out of bed and gives you a piggyback ride to the bathroom to force you into your nighttime routine. to start, she carefully undresses you while telling you how beautiful you are and how happy she is after coming home to see her beloved. her days were long and stressful. she absolutely hated coming home late at night, only being able to hold your attention for an hour or two before sleep took over. 
“did you have a good day, baby? i missed you.” 
she’d keep you talking about your day and any other musings to keep you from begging to go back and reclaim your imprinted spot on your shared mattress. 
you lean back against her in the shower, feigning exhaustion so she can hold you up. in reality it was an excuse to feel the warmth of her skin against yours. 
“my poor baby. so, so tired.” her tone would almost sound patronizing if you hadn’t known her mannerisms. “you need me to do it for you?”
you’d nod and she would. the question was superfluous. the answer was always the same. she’d start by gently washing your face with a really expensive specialty cleanser she bought for you on nora’s recommendation. then, she’d use a combination of a washcloth and her hands to wash your body. she ran her hands along your collarbones to your shoulders, slowly moving downwards to your waist and hips. she knelt down in front of you, holding your thighs up one by one, making sure she scrubbed every inch of your body. 
while down on her knees, she couldn’t help but place a few kisses against your hips and thighs. abby always had to resist the urge to bury her face in your cunt right then and there. 
right now, she had a mission. 
these moments were mostly for you. she was a morning shower type of gal, but had no problem making sure you were taken care of, even if you didn’t want to.
after the shower she would take her time toweling you off, taking in your body like it was the first time she’d ever seen you unclothed. every time was the first time to her. she couldn’t get enough of you. 
the two of you would do the rest of your identical skincare routine together, a ritual she imposed as a ruse to get you to actually use the products you begged her to buy for you. while she brushed her teeth, you would undo her braid and carefully detangle her hair. 
at the end of the night she’d carry you right back to your spot in your dark room, pulling out a pair of pajamas for you. they never matched, something that bothered you for a while, but quickly got over knowing she would never hear out your complaints. sure, you could get your own pajamas, but it was more fun putting her to work. abby slept in the same thing every night, just a pair of boxer briefs. 
she was always the last to fall asleep, waiting to see your chest rise and fall in that familiar soft rhythm. until you did, she’d lay and watch your scroll on tik tok. abby refused to download any social media app, so you had to bookmark the videos to show to her at bedtime. the two of you softly giggled together shrouded in darkness.
abby glanced at the time, sitting up in bed to leer down at you. "don't you have to be up early tomorrow?"
"buuuuut, i'm staying up to hangout with you." you whined back.
it took a few moments for abby's face to soften with a defeated sigh "and tomorrow you'll wake up complaining about how sleepy you are."
"maybe." you reluctantly conceded. "but, what if i love you so much and want to sit and talk to you all night?"
"what if i love you more and i'll make you coffee while we talk in the morning?"
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wrote this at like 11pm while laying on my bathroom floor trying to convince myself to take off my makeup. love domestic abby #needthat !!
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hrts4nagi · 28 days ago
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...! bandaids and piggyback rides
►pairing :: yukimiya kenyu x short! reader (fem implied)
► synopsis: yukimiya kindly offers you a piggyback ride
► wc :: 907
► other :: we love gentlemen yukki!
slightly proof read
a/n :: im terrible at coming up with synopsis and titles </3
the two of you pant, having to place your hands on your knees to catch your breath. the bus became smaller and smaller as it continued its route throughout the city.
you and yukimiya let out a long, heavy sigh.
“well, unfortunately for us, that was the bus” yukimiya exhaled, letting his shoulders fall. he thinks he hasn’t ran that fast since the U-20 match. even he’s surprised you managed to keep up with him all the way to the bus stop. 
kicking off your non-broken in doc martens in annoynace. definitely not the smartest shoe choice for a long day of walking. 12,542 steps was the last number you remember checking the pedometer on your phone. and that was well over two hours ago. who knows how much pain you’ve put your poor feet to. “my feet are killing me!” you complained about throwing the pair of shoes towards the innocent bush. “yikes i think i have a blister or two.” you tenderly rub over your heel, “maybe even three.”
“hey! the bush has feelings too you know.” yukimiya mutters as he gathers your shoes, not before giving a small apology to the greenery. you let a small chuckle out from his actions. 
you examined your skirt quickly, noticing how your fly had gone down. “oh let me fix my zipper real quick.” you tugged on the zipper as it wouldn’t budge. putting in too much force, it snapped in half. “great! i just needed another wardrobe malfunction to complete this day.” you complained folding over in despair.
“hey! you’re wearing a skirt don’t bend down like that.” he scolds, ushering over to cover you. “wait, don’t move.” yukimiya shakes off his denim jacket as he gently wraps the jacket around waist, making sure he doesn't make any touchy approaches. yukki would never want to make you uncomfortable after all. 
your breath hitched as he came closer to your body. one inch closer and your face would’ve been buried into his neck. “i should just piggy back you home,” he suggests.
you give him a slight smile in compliance. 
yukimiya bends down to your height as you climb onto his back. you let out a slight yelp when he eases you up to full height. in a panic, you wrap your arms around yukki’s neck to balance yourself. he sure hopes you don’t catch the faint pink of his ears.
“wow, so this is what the world looks like at 6 feet,” he chuckles at your response. absentmindedly, you rest your head against yukimiya’s shoulder, glancing up at the night sky. the inviting breeze blows against your face, eliciting a soft sigh. 
yukimiya comes to a halt. “why are we stopping?” carefully, he eases you onto the bench in front of the family mart. “stay here, i have to buy something real quick.” you nod in response as yukimiya disappears into the convenience store. 
minutes felt like hours as you attempted to turn on your phone before the dead battery sign showed up taunting you. you grumble at your phone and place it back down on the bench. trying to preoccupy yourself, your eyes wander to the trinket shop across the street. you giggle to yourself as your eyes land on a tarsier keychain near the storefront window. ‘he really does look like one.”
the bell rings and you whip your head to be met with yukimiya holding a box of bandaids and two ice cream bars. he unwraps the strawberry popsicle before handing it to you. you blush at the gesture, thinking how he made the effort to remember your favorite flavor.
“thanks yukki! you’re the best,” you exclaim. “you even got my favorite too!”
“yeah yeah, now let me see your feet,” carefully, yukimiya examines the damage before gently placing a blue band aid on both of your heels.
“soccer bandaids really?” you bite your lip stifling a laugh. “how ironic.”
he throws you a slight glare. “these were the only bandaids they had left, i swear.” rubbing his neck in embarrassment. 
“i’m joking!” you lightly shove his shoulder. “besides, i’ll just think of you whenever i see them." 
now, it was yukimiya’s turn to blush at your remark. he turned away trying to compose himself by adjusting his glasses and clearing his throat. 
“have you ever had a list of backup plans if this whole soccer thing doesn’t work out? maybe you can become a doctor as a backup!” you joke.
he ruffles the top of your head in slight annoyance and half playfully. “nope, not a chance!” 
“okay, hop back on let’s get you home,” you grumble before complying. 
the warmth emitting from yukimiya was enough to lull you to sleep. the added cool breeze was a nice bonus. you sigh contently falling asleep on his back of all places.
yukimiya is glad that he's an athlete. if he wasn't, he thinks he would be as good as gone. who else would have the stamina and strength to walk well over 20 minutes? with a person on their back for that matter.
“okay, here’s your stop, miss!” yukimiya is met with silence. “y/n?” all yukimiya could hear was the soft snores coming from your mouth. he sighs before raising his hand to adjust the hair falling in front of your face, a fond smiling growing as he watches your peaceful, dream-like expression.
“what am i going to do with you?”
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ninetailedfoxmanchi · 2 years ago
Simon 'Ghost' Riley: You Wake Up Together
Warnings: smutty ending but also so much fluff, also profanity (just one word)
A/N: I've had this draft since I wrote the first fic/headcannon for Ghost and I've finally managed to finish it. I promise BTS and SKZ fics are also to come but I'm just in my Ghost phase right now and I really can't help myself
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"We should get up," you mumbled for the second time but neither of you budged. Your leg hung over Simon's waist, his hand stroking your hair as you lay; bodies entwined like two pieces of puzzle.
Simon groaned and took a deep breath as his eyes slowly fluttered open. He kissed your forehead and temple before he forced himself to sit up, carefully removing his arm from beneath your head. You moaned in discontent, your hand reaching blindly for him as he sat up properly. You opened your eyes that were heavy with sleep.
You sat up as well and wrapped your arms around Simon's bare torso, your warm cheek pressed against his back as you closed your eyes once more. Simon smiled and caressed your hands.
"Come on, love," he spoke softly and pulled your legs into his arms. A smile grew on your face as you wrapped your arms around Simon's neck before he stood up.
Simon gave you a piggyback ride to the kitchen where he sat you down on the counter. He did not let you go before squeezing your thighs reassuringly, making sure you were sat well. Then he put the kettle on as you waited, watching his lazy gestures until he turned around and faced you once more. Simon's warm hands slid up your thighs before he buried his nose in your neck and locked his arms around your waist.
"You okay?" you spoke softly and ran your fingers through the short hair on the back of his head. Simon was never one to say much on his own accord so you often relied on asking him yourself.
"Ne'er better, love," said Simon, his sleepy English accent laced in his words like butter. "You?" he asked in turn as he pulled back a little. His head dropped and tilted ever so slightly to match your height. Simon's gaze flickered between your eyes.
"I'm okay," you reassured with a small smile.
"Yeah?" he asked quietly. "You sleep well?"
"Mhm," you nodded as the kettle began bubbling aggressively yet Simon's arms were wrapped around your waist and his lips moved softly against yours. You smiled into the kiss when the kettle turned itself off and Simon was finally awakened from his thought. He prepared two cups of tea that you always drank in the small balcony of your Manchester flat; overcrowded with plants and cosy armchairs.
But as you curled up in one of the chairs, you noticed Simon disappearing back inside. You caught a glance of him rumbling through a drawer in the living area until you saw a packet of cigarettes in his hands and frowned. When Simon came back outside, an unlit cigarette hung between his lips as he sat back down. Yet just as he was about to light his cigarette, his eyes found yours and he froze on the spot.
"What?" murmured Simon.
"Are you serious?" you asked calmly although the frown would not leave your face.
"Y/N, it's just one cigarette," insisted Simon yet there was a glimpse of guilt floating beneath the surface of his pale blue eyes.
"Fine," you shrugged your shoulders. "Then you can kiss yourself for the rest of the day," you spoke calmly as you picked up your cup of tea and took a sip.
Simon's lips parted and his face went numb as he stared at you motionlessly, contemplating whether you were actually serious. In truth, he looked like a child who was threatened to have his favourite toy taken away from him.
"You choose," you said casually, "Who do you like more - me or the cigarettes?"
Simon slowly took the cigarette from his mouth and flung it over the balcony as if it were worth less than a penny. He leaned his hands of the arms of the chair, staring at you intently. You tried to hide a smirk of triumph as you got up and made his way to him but you could not help but grin against his lips when you kissed him. You cupped his face as you straddled his lap, one leg on each side of his waist. Simon did not reach for you immediately, pretending to be stoic when in truth he was on his knees with love and desire for you. He wrapped his arms tightly around your hips, his fingers digging softly into your skin. You traced the scars across his broad chest absent-mindedly as you deepened every kiss even further. Simon's hands slipped beneath your hips as he squeezed your bum. He stood up, supporting you against him but never breaking the kiss.
"Wait, what about the tea?" you mumbled quickly.
"Fuck the tea," murmured Simon and carried you back to the bedroom.
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magewritesstories · 11 months ago
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[ ʏᴜᴊɪ ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ] ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ
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summary: you and yuji, a couple? no, no way, you're just really close friends tw: none, you and yuji pull an adrien agreste note: in honour of someone asking me and a close friend if we were dating lol. word count: 501 words (small blurb not really a one-shot) jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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IT'S NOT HARD FOR SOMEONE TO GET THE WRONG IDEA. I mean, anyone with an outside perspective seeing Yuji give you a piggyback ride to the school sports field would assume you were dating.
It's especially not hard for Setsuko, since she's been there to see the way you cling to Yuji every time something scary happens.
It's not hard for Takeshi to misunderstand either, not after the multiple times he's watched Yuji take the long way home just so that you wouldn't have to walk home alone.
Now, in hindsight, sure these are things that friends do for friends too but eventually the little acts start to pile up.
You're the one who indulges your pink-haired best friend and lets him rant on and on about the newest Jennifer Lawrence movie he's watched.
Yuji's the one that's already slinging your bag over his shoulder before you even start to—dramatically—complain about the fact that all your books are going to give you back hernia.
So, when that day Yuji shows up to P.E. wildly waving his hand in greeting with you on his back, equally enthusiastic, it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.
The rest of the day is spent observing you and Yuji. Both of you are completely oblivious to the fact that any of this is happening, simply brushing it off as your friends being their usual weird selves.
Eventually though, during the occult club meeting both teens sit the two of you down with angry stares (they really don't look that intimidating.)
"Okay, out with it," Setsuko orders, arms crossed, "Are you two dating or something?"
You and Yuji give her a confused look before turning towards each other and bursting out laughing simultaneously.
"Huh? Us?" You manage to reply between laughs, "That's very funny Sasaki-senpai."
Yuji nods, wiping away a tear dramatically. "Is this some kind of early April fool's joke?" He asks with a grin, "'Cause if it is I think you guys should stick to the supernatural genre."
Takeshi stares the two of you down in disbelief, "You're really not dating?"
"Nope, we're not," The pink-haired boy next to you replied, "Wait, what even made you think that?"
Now it's Takeshi and Setsuko's turn to share a disbelieving look. "The two of you act like newly-weds," Your upperclassman replies, "Without all the kissing."
"Really? I thought all friends acted that way?"
"Well, I suppose some do, but it's still weird."
You and Yuji shrug. "Well, we're not dating," You finally reply, "I think it's kinda funny that you thought we were though."
After that, the normal occult club meeting continues and neither of you mentions the strange question again.
And if either of you notices the way you suddenly can't hold eye contact with Yuji as long as you used to or the way the tips of Yuji's ears match his hair whenever you link your arm through his on the way back home, neither of you mentions it.
Yeah, definitely just close friends.
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bambooshootssoup · 2 years ago
Being Yoriichi disciples HCS
Yoriichi Tsugikuni X Reader
(Actually, I want to make it platonic, but it's kinda up to you if you want to see this as a romantic relationship)
CW : Mention of arranged marriage, Reader-san is a former Noble
- it's actually an accidental
- it's a very cold night back then, as you run with your utmost speed, running away from whatever thing that chases you, whether it's a guard that after you or a hungry feral demons that try to devour you
- why guard? It's because you were running away from your house, not wanting to marry someone that is far older than you because of that damned arranged marriage
- and why demons? Well, it's kind of an unlucky day for you, but thankfully they kill the guard that goes after you, but sadly, now they try to eat you
- and you eventually crossed paths with Yoriichi, your unexpectedly-to-be- teacher
- Of course, as a demon slayer, he executes those demons without any further question, and he actually ask why such a person like you are out of house in the middle of the night
- then he found you collapse (if it's me, my mouth would be bubbling fr) out of fear
- He sighed as he pick you up and search for a shrine to spend his night, or at least until you're awake, and thank God it didn't took a long time for you to regain consciousness
- you explain your situation to him, he listened to it quietly and only give a quick nod or just a simple "I see", but even after he heard everything (is he even listen to you ? Lol) , he still tell you to go home anyway, because it's safer that way
- but then, you ask him to teach you a swordsmanship, and his eyes are kind of widened? Even tho his expression does not change much
- "I'm sorry, but I have to refuse... I do not take any disciples", and now, it depends on your stubbornness, you have to un-tiredly ask him a lot of time, and if it's possible... Try to make him pissed off
- "......... Come with me"
- he teaches you every basic of swordsmanship patiently and silently, as you wandering with him (because he doesn't really have any place to back), and it kind of nice, because the more the merrier
- and you actually take care of his poor soul, you cook a lot for him, and tend to his wounds if he got one (despite of him always tell you that's unnecessary, but you does it anyway), and he's surprised you knew well about medical stuff
- headpat is always, he's never been great with praise, when you did a great job he just pat (more like tap) your hair and tell you're doing great with his deadpan expression
- willingly piggyback you, it's happen quite often at daylight, when night is kept you both awake, you often find yourself tired and sleepy, then he offers you his back for you to hop on
- " We have to continue, if you're that sleepy.... I could carry you on my back if you want"
- he never like being called "sensei" Or "master" Or any formal nickname, just call him "Yoriichi"
- you're his soft spot, he's happy when you're happy, and sympathetic when you're sad, he doesn't mind if you doesn't really master the Sun Breathing, he could help you find your own breathing style, or if you want to just become a medic, he's on the "support" mode and help you gather a lot of herbs
- his gift are simple and useful, such as katana, a simple accessories, and a clothing that kind-of-having (sorry for poor language) a matching style with him ( poor man does not know which style of clothes that you like), et cetera
- " Your determination and stubbornness remind me of Uta"
- you caught him smiling a lot of time, and he actually get embarrassed and try to change the topic if you ask him about it
- he tells you everything about his life, he's comfortable enough with you for him to spill the tea, and wishing for you to live a happy life if it's possible
- please tell him that you're living your best life with him by your side, it gonna make him so happy that his eyes are full of tears, while muttering "thank you" A lot
- despite of you being strong enough to protect yourself, he still worries a lot and always remind you not to be so reckless
- and it's the sad part, the part when you finally have to bid farewell to each other, for a reason, you cannot travels with him anymore, and for a reason he could no longer stay with you anymore and you have to part ways
- but still, if you that insists, you will continue your journey with him and actually grow old and frail together, and jokingly call him "sensei" And he would still got mad by it
- and it's a secret that he want to keep it inside of the deepest part of his heart, but he actually afraid if one day you will get your demon slayer mark, he may be an exception, but he knew not everyone is not as lucky as him, what if it's were you being unlucky and died at such young age? , he always hold his tears from those thoughts, after a years of spending his life with you, he couldn't help but growing afraid to lose you
- not after his dearest wife and unborn child
- death is inevitable, he aware of that, and that's why if you happened to got your mark, he will give everything that he could to you and make sure you're living your life at its best, without any regret, even at your last moment
- " Never once I regretted to took you as my disciple, Y/N"
Sheeshh that's a long HCS for sure, thanks for reading it, like and reblogs are heavily appreciated^^
If you have any requests, let me hear it please
Sorry for the language mistake and have a nice day
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hollowfaith · 2 years ago
: )
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Aurelius was born smiling, a textbook perfect cherub whose perfect innocence charmed all those who laid eyes on him. He was loved, not only by the world but the angels and humans who lived in it, his very existence seemingly there to bring them hope and joy. It was his Father who taught him to use his smile instead of just letting it sit there and go to waste, and the sharp-witted boy quickly realized that it didn't matter if he meant it or not—nobody could truly tell.
Especially after he convinced himself he was sincere even when lying.
Thus, smiles have become cheap to him; he can turn them on and off at a whim and knows the perfect nuance for every situation. Emotions in general have become his stage and pastime—as for what he really feels, he doesn't think it matters in the larger scope of his plans.
To this date, he remembers genuinely smiling three times: once in his childhood, twice while recognizing Anghelescu as his equal, and the third time while standing over his Father's corpse. All three came about as a result of his own hard work, so—
—he has to thank himself for that.
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When Klaus was younger, he didn't smile often. A sad kid going through the motion that the cruel world offered him. When his father passed, it was such a rare sight to see. While Klaus was surrounded by love from Miyena and Morriss and their laughter and joy (whenever it was able to be spread) was seen, it was enough to lighten Klaus' heart. If they were lucky, they'd even get a smile or a laugh in.
It isn't until he's met people here that he's grown to be okay with showing more and more emotions. He's been so closed off and shielded from feeling much of anything since he was a child, but Klaus is beginning to learn that it's okay to feel the things he does WHEN he feels them. That even goes for joy, happiness, smiling, and laughing.
he's still working on it, but he's definitely come a long way.
He's got so many people to thank for that.
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cryptidwrestling · 4 months ago
I need to sleep. I am putting way too much thought and upset energy into a scripted sports soap opera 😂😭 Anyway
Some Of Cryptid's Current Thoughts And Feelings™ On The State Of Her RAW Faves
1) Liv Morgan's booking.
Ya'll. I'm a Rhea simp/stan and a person second, anyone who's been on my blog for more than thirty seconds knows this 😂 And I've also made it no secret I, for the most part, am actually still enjoying the Liv v Rhea feud. So all that being said, what the fuck is going on with Liv's booking.
I know she's a heel and part of a heel faction and in-ring bullshit is the name of the game, but the fact that neither of her title defenses have been won clean (granted, she didn't technically win the Bad Blood one anyway but whatever we all know that ending was botched and she was supposed to technically win) and 9/10 times she runs from Rhea when confronted. They're making the Women's Champ look weak.
Liv can be cunning and vicious, we've all seen it; for fuck's one of my favorite theories that I'm willing to die on the hill of is Liv still just using Dominik as a pawn and is gonna drop him the moment she realizes he doesn't fit in with her plans anymore. Book the feral Liv if they're gonna keep this storyline going.
2) Finn v Damian
I mentioned this in a another post but I feel like the reason they weren't pushed as hard is because they didn't want to risk something forshadowing the PunkIntyre feud...And if that's the case, they shouldn't have had Finn turn yet. With this theory in mind, and tbh even if NOT true this would have still worked, the tldr in my head is
-Dom's turn should have been the same
-Have Finn, and the rest of the JD stick around and the rivalries be Dom v Damian and still Rhea v Liv
-Bad Blood rolls around, Dom and Damian have a match, and Finn's turn comes in the form of him and the JD assisting Dom.
-The Finn v Damian feud kicks off the same night Punk v Drew ends
There was NO REASON to have Finn turn and to wait this long to really start doing something with it. I still standby my opinion if done right, this rivalry could still be AMAZING...But it doesn't change the fact it has lost a LOT of momentum going the way it has.
3) Rhea Currently Standing Alone
To a degree, I get it. Her and Damian agreed to do their own thing because he's done with the JD (as far as he thinks.) and they're in different divisons but he would/will always come if Rhea called. I'm not a fan of how fast they split them up as a team-again, wave two of the Terror Twins shirts had barely shipped when this happened-but this segement was okay. It was sweet and mutual.
Rhea is currently in a 2v1 (not counting Dom cause I have little hopes of us ever getting a sanctioned match with them cause ✨intergender✨🙄) rivalry. Liv has Raquel...Who the fuck does Rhea have? Tiffy? Maybe, but we can't even say that for certain because as it sits right now, they're on different shows. Show borders are just currently being blurred in, assumingly, prep for Survivor Series.
Why the fuck does Rhea currently have to stand alone.
4) Jhea
THIS KINDA PIGGYBACKS OFF MY LAST PARAGRAPH AND IS THE ONE I REALLY DON'T GET??? Okay, yes, it was probably supposed to be something cute and just for fun to fill time while the other main storylines Rhea and Jey are/were in moved along. But if that was the case, why did ya'll move it to the main stage and not just keep it in backstage segments? Rhea during a preshow interview, I think it was Bad Blood?, said Jey showed her what a real man was like. Not to mention Jey coming to Rhea and Damian's defense or Jey agreeing to tag with Damian cause he "can't say no to Rhea." Why the fuck would you plant seeds like that on screen, on the main stage, and then just??? Drop it??? I don't get it???
I'm gonna make this one short and sweet cause you can literally see all my posts directly below this word vomit and see how mad I am 😅 But, in short; Why. Why not wait until after he's done with the Bloodline to give him a title? Why not have this same set up but give him the title ages ago. Give him a decent title reign with the same ending. Predictable at that point sure, but okay...What is the fucking point of having him, a fan favorite who everyone was cheering the house down the night he won, get his first solo title ever after fourteen years...Only to give it back to Bron less than a month later?
Bron is a GREAT preformer, do not get me wrong but making this...I don't want to say newcomer, but newer star a two time champ in his lesser time with the WWE just doesn't sit right with me.
I know Jey was gonna get involved with the Bloodline story at some point. I know it would have been hard to impossible to book him in a Smackdown story as a RAW champ...They could have done in without stripping his first non-tag title from him in under a month. We could have gotten crashout Jey going after Solo and Co without what we got tonight.
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sir-adamus · 16 days ago
lol trying to claim Blake’s eyes are orange is hilarious and telling. It’s like “oh so you agree that eye color and aura color matching is indicative of the importance of these characters’ relationship with each other? Inch resting. So let’s pretend Blake’s eyes *are* orange… by extension you must think Blake’s aura matching Yang’s eyes is just as significant right? No? Why is that I wonder” 🧐
yeah, it was also a lot of flip-flopping between claiming that Blake's eyes are orange (they're not) or that Sun's aura was actually yellow (it's not - his semblance is, but not his aura. this actually got worse when Amity Arena made Sun's semblance copies orange too)
but yeah it was always, trying to claim the connections people were noticing were actually fake, made-up reaching, while also piggybacking off of it to claim that those connections were really happening between Blake and Sun (when they really, really weren't - Sun is an incredibly shallow character and we know now by word of god, he was always intended as a romantic false lead. and from that perspective you can get some decent character analysis that demonstrates this, how he only works as a surface level match but because there's nothing going on underneath it falls apart, while Blake and Yang both have a lot more going on that complement each other)
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willowve01 · 4 months ago
So— I wrote fluff.. and possibly oc x canon
Day in the Meadow
“Like this??”
Timothy asked as he held up a mess of flowers, barely gaining the circle shape he was going for. He wanted to learn how to make a flower crown after Raine had made him one— that was still currently resting atop his head.
Raine had been leaning against him, her shoulder and cheek against his back— more-less using him as a shield against the sun. She perked up to his voice, forcing herself from her spot to get a look.
“Yeah! You’re getting there.”
Her smile lingering even when Tim let out a semi-frustrated sigh.
“This is hard, how’d ya get it to stay? Mine keeps on breaking.”
“That’s okay! It takes practice. Plus, yer doin’ real good for the first try.”
She reassured him as she gently held the bottom of his hands and raised them slightly out of his lap. The praise forming a bright smile on his face, quickly replacing the defeated puppy eyes a second ago.
Raine hummed in response, her usual soft smile now bright to match his enthusiasm.
“I’m makin’ this one fer Bodie. Whatcha think? I’m worried I made it too big.”
She asked as she held up a crown full of dandelions and a few daisies. The young gator gawked in awe, “Woah! I’m thinkin’ he’ll love it!”
Raine flushed, now a little embarrassed by his enthusiasm.
“Heh, thanks Tim.”
A distraction offered itself into the momentary silence when Raine flinched and clenched her eyes shut, raising her hand to shield them. The sun was setting.
Raine hummed as her eyes refocused, admiring the bright oranges and golds. Tim found himself joining her in sunset gazing, a soft smile plastered in both of their faces as they stared off into the horizon.
“Beautiful ain’t it?”
She spoke, asking no one in particular. Tim’s gaze shifted from the sunset to her, going to say something but stopped. His eyes locked on hers, though she remained oblivious to him.
Her eyes were full of colors from the sunset; vaguely similar to the pinks and purples of his singing tanzanite. His gaze shifted down to trace the scars along her face. She hadn’t told him the story, no matter how much he begged. Scars were always so cool to him, but he could tell she hated hers.
In spite of that fact… he couldn’t help but admire her.
Raine felt a chill rush down her spine as a hand brushed the hair away, tucking it behind her ear while a daisy held it in place. A meek;
Escaped her mouth as she turned to the boy beside her, her cheeks flushed and chest a mix of various emotions.
“I’m not gonna finish it anyway, so, uh—yeah.. we—we should probably get goin’ now. Don’t wanna be back too late! Gumbo should be done by now, Bodie’s probably look’n fer us.”
He quickly stood up, trying to brush off what had just happened— and the internal panic. Offering Raine a hand after a good stretch, to which she took, her touch remained soft and shy.
“You gonna be okay walkn’ back? Do you want a piggyback or—”
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He was abruptly cut short by a small peck being placed on his cheek; suddenly going stiff, heart racing and his face feeling like it was on fire.
“Nah, I’ll be okay! I think I can make it, gettin’ tired of sittin’ around all day anyway.”
Raine chirped, limping slightly as she started back to the swamps treeline. Timothy stood there with a wide-eyed expression, flushed and confused as he turned to watch her go. She stopped and turned to look at him when she realized she wasn’t being followed, her face just as red as his.
“You coming, Tim?”
“A— yeah!”
With that, he was at her side again. Walking along side her as the familiar grounds of the swamp greeted them under their feet. Tim walking slower than his usual self, making sure his bug could keep up as the swamp steadily grew darker.
Art by @rozeliyawashereyall <33
(It was just so cute, I just had to write a scenario~~)
Anxious Willow sounds
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fablesuntold · 2 months ago
Requested starter for — Seong Gi-hun to Kang Sae-byeok @musingmemories ✨
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Mind in a whirl, heart thundering away to match the racing thoughts circulating through his brain, Gi-hun had given up on the idea of sleep long ago. How could anyone be expected to sleep in a place like this anyway? A place where anyone could stab you in the back without a second thought and treat your death like nothing more than one more stepping stone closer to that golden piggyback glowing radiantly up above their bunks? Tonight was one of those nights where something in the air felt.. off. The minute the lights went out and they were plunged into darkness, Gi-hun had picked up on whispers breezing through the room. Some of the players were already planning another attack. Hadn’t they learned that such a reckless move was going to do more harm than good?
Closing his eyes only unsettled the pit of his stomach, nerves heightened the more his train of thought ran away with him. This was pointless. May as well get up and do something useful rather than lay here staring up at nothingness, wondering how many hours left until the guards stormed in to announce the next gruesome game.
Deciding that he should relieve whoever was keeping watch currently in the small alliance they’d banded with other players who seemed trustworthy enough, Gi-hun pushed himself up into a sitting position.. only to almost jump out of his skin upon noticing the unexpected and stoic stare he was met with through the dark. Sae-byeok. It was enough to have his own eyes widening. “Jesus..!” Was she set on giving him a heart attack and sending him to an early grave!? “..Don’t do that. You look like a sleep paralysis demon or whatever they’re called.” Had he been tossing and turning during his restlessness? That would explain why she was staring him down from their ‘lookout post’ so intensely.
Side eyeing her, Gi-hun swung his legs over the side of his bed and began to make his way over to perch himself down beside her — albeit, not too close. She seemed like the type of person who valued her personal space and, honestly? She still intimidated him quite a bit.. not to mention she’d robbed him blind the first time they’d encountered each other on the outside and gotten him into piping hot water in the process.
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But bygones were bygones, weren’t they? And Gi-hun wasn’t a man who held grudges for someone who was only trying to get by.. just like himself. Obviously she’d needed the money.
“There’s not many of us left now, huh?” His first observation as his eyes scanned the room and many bunks now left empty; their past occupants having been carried out of prior games in coffins adorned with pretty pink bows, or brutally murdered by other players during last light’s out. “If we stick together, I really believe we can make it out of here. All of us. We can split the money equally and that’ll be enough.” Enough for him, anyway. Sang-woo and the rest, on the other hand.. he couldn’t speak for them. But Gi-hun wasn’t a fan of trampling on others just to bank more money for his own gain.
One last glance around was taken before his tired gaze shifted back over to Sae-byeok. She probably didn’t want to listen to his late night ramblings.. she didn’t seem like much of a conversationalist either from what he’d seen so far. Pulling his knees up to his chest and securing his arms around them, Gi-hun let out a quiet sigh. “I can take over if you’re tired. You should get some sleep.” Before the next game. A thought that made him shudder wondering what it would entail.
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askbensolo · 9 months ago
Treeso and I said we’d hang out before he left. And boy, did we.
I drink sometimes, but as a rule I try not to overdo it. I don’t like feeling like I’m not in control of myself, you know?
Well, I overdid it.
See, at the cantina, they have this thing called The Chommell Sector Flight. It’s a mix-and-match menu of 36 craft beers, sourced from each of the 36 worlds in the sector. You pick six of ‘em to build your flight of sample glasses.
Well, ol’ Treesie boy decided we had to try them ALL.
Normally, I’m Treeso’s impulse control. That sounds like an absurd quantity of alcohol, I thought. I have work tomorrow, I thought.
But this is our last hurrah before Treeso moves out, I thought.
So…we ordered six flights. Treeso put more of it away than I did, but…yeah. We took a taxi home after that. And then I laid on the bathroom floor and cried ‘cause I felt so garbage. I think Treeso had fun though.
Guess what. I still made it to work today. ‘Cause I’m insane. Luckily for me, everyone at today’s team meeting was too busy circling back, dialing in, and piggybacking off of so-and-so to notice that I was mentally floating into the far reaches of space, merely a dead-eyed husk of a shell of a being.
…Which, to be honest, isn’t too far off from my normal reaction when a meeting devolves into a debate about whether or not “piggybacking” is anti-Gamorrean hate speech.
I’m feeling better now. But…yeesh. Not doing that again.
I’m gonna miss Treeso, though. I thought I hated guys like him—the class clowns, the party animals, the gym rats (or amphibians?). I guess I can be kind of judgmental. But hey, maybe I’m not always right about everything…
…Except I’m right about how Armitage and Poe are two of the most annoying nerfherders in existence. Obviously.
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abysstwins · 1 year ago
♡ security guards
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notes !! this is a very very (!!!) self-indulgent fic for two of our headmates , and is based off a dream one of us had a week-ish ago !
includes platonic , not oc or reader insert , system centric (traumagenic) , five nights at freddy's (not canon specific) & does not match up with the timeline or events of the movie, not beta read we die like men , also small warning for the fact i'm writing this on no sleep and endless chocolate milk . bare w me </3
a sound of pure frustration erupted from the opening to the left side of the office as nate stepped through the door.
"you good?" mike asked, spinning to face the man.
"mhmmm," nate hummed in response, taking a seat in the swivel chair beside mike's. "just can't seem to keep chica on stage. other two are more chill tonight than usual though, so that's nice..."
mike made a noise of acknowledgement as he pulled up the cameras. as suspected, bonnie and freddy remained motionless on the stage, but chica was missing.
"you check the kitchen?" mike's eyes drifted to his friend. nate nodded wordlessly.
a loud, metallic CLANG caught the two men's attention. nate's ears perked up, not unlike a curious dog's; a fact of which would make mike chuckle under any other circumstances. he instinctively rose from his seat first, subconsciously moving to stand in front of nate.
"chica?" mike called out. "you okay, kid?"
a slow, groaning mechanical noise gave mike all the information he needed.
"you fell, didn't you?" mike called out into the darkness before slamming his palm against the small button labeled 'lights', though the lettering has long begun peeling away.
nate desperately attempted--and ultimately failed--to conceal his giggles at the scene before the two of them. chica, in all her robotic glory, lay on her back on the cold floor, similar to a turtle being knocked over.
gently pushing past mike's wide shoulders, nate went to chica's aid.
"mikey, come help me, please," he called to his friend, still giggling. nate ignored the side eye chica threw his way.
"how'd you even manage that...?" mike whispered, a small smile on his lips.
once they'd finally straightened chica up once more, nate gently patted her hand. "wanna head back to the stage now?" there was a brief pause before chica turned back around and slowly treaded back to her spot.
after a few giggling fits, the two security guards headed back into the frigid, creaky office and took their seats. small conversation ensued until a comfortable silence fell over the two of them.
nate sighed dramatically before slowly rotating in circles in his chair. mike looked on affectionately, occasional chuckles leaving his lips as nate tried to build up momentum in the rusted old swivel chair.
"you're going to make yourself dizzy, and you'll fall, nate," mike laughed.
"no i won't. gravity's no match for me."
"ohhh, uh huh, sure," mike said, rolling his eyes with a grin. his eyes drifted to the analogue clock, the ticking a welcome and familiar sound after the many, many months working this job. "it's almost six, we should probably do a once over before we clock out for the night."
"oh, yeah, let's just-" nate came to a sudden stop before letting his legs fall from the crossed position he was previously sitting in. almost as soon as his shoes touched the cold tiles, he immediately lost balance and would have had a nasty fall had mike not jumped up just in time to grab him.
"gravity is no match for you, huh?" mike chuckled out, full blown laughter following once nate pushed his face away with his palm.
"thanks for catching me," nate laughed as he slowly regained his balance.
"anytime. want me to piggyback you?" the taller man offered, a grin erupting on his face. nate agreed, albeit reluctantly before he threw the straps of his bag over his shoulders and awaited the green light to climb onto mike's back.
after climbing onto the back of the taller man, nate rested his chin on the top of mike's fluffy, messy hair. "thanks for carrying me, didn't realize i'd get bested by gravity that easily."
mike laughed at nate's confession as he treaded out of the security office, turning off the lights as he went. they both made their way across the floors of the old, worn-down restaurant. clearing every room and making sure all animatronics were in their spots, mike continued on to the lobby of the long shut down diner until the glass of the front doors revealed the stunning view of the budding sunrise.
"almost there, kiddo," mike mumbled to nate, who sleepily hummed in response. once they exited the creaky doors, mike lifted nate's legs a bit higher on his waist before hooking his arms under the man's knees and locking the padlock, securing the chains protecting the front doors.
"lend me your keys, i'll drive, okay?"
"m'kay..." nate slid his hand into his jean pocket before dropping his keys into mike's out-stretched palm. mike moved to gently place nate into the passenger seat, watching as nate essentially curled up in his seat. he shut the door and slid into the drivers seat, cranking the car and making sure nate was buckled up. he couldn't help the laugh that escaped as nate attempted--albeit incoherently--to piece together the words to form a 'thank you'.
the drive itself was near silent, save for the occasional bump in the road causing a deep 'thump' noise. mike decided, no questions asked, to let nate crash at his place while he slept. the door opened and mike was greeted with the sight of abby long asleep on the couch, her sketchbook messily discarded on the table. her soft snores made her brother smile as he traipsed up the stairs until he stood in front of his bedroom door.
carefully placing nate under the weighted blankets on his bed, mike lazily pulled the covers over him before haphazardly plopping down beside him, the coolness of his pillow a welcome luxury from the awkward sitting position he had to maintain during work.
swiftly drifting into sleep, mike smiled as he felt nate's hand slowly grasp onto the worn fabric of mike's hoodie.
hii i'm sorry this is random and pretty short .. things have been hectic for us but more specifically for me since i've been front stuck so soooo much :( just wanted to write something kinda comfy after these past few weeks </3
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liviavanrouge · 2 months ago
Gabriel: *Yells as a man dragged him by the shirt collar* I DIDN'T MEAN TO! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!
???: *Grabs Gabriel by the throat, holding him to the edge*
Gabriel: *Grips his teachers wrist, trembling* PLEASE! I-I didn't mean to! It went out of control!
???: *Stares at Gabriel then shoves him off the cliff side, releasing his throat*
Gabriel: *Stares in shock, his eyes wide as he fell*
Gabriel: *Lays asleep, his chest rising and falling*
Sunday: *Smiles, pulling a blanket over Gabriel* Sleep tight...no nightmares tonight
Gabriel: *Turns over, curling up under the blanket*
Sunday: *Chuckles, smiling*
Gabriel: *Stands in the rain, waiting for the express to come back*
Sunday: *Pulls his arm out of one side of his coat then tents it over Gabriel*
Gabriel: Sunday, what are you doing?
Sunday: You'll get wet, Gabriel, so I'm keeping you from being soaked
Gabriel: *Stares then shuffles closer, glancing away* Thank you..
Sunday: The dog walked across the yard...
Gabriel: The...dog...walked across the...yard..
Sunday: *Nods, smiling* You got it, try reading the next sentence alone
Sunday: Take it slow..
Gabriel: The birds...sing to each other..
Sunday: *Nods, clapping* Very well done
Gabriel: *Hides his face behind the book flustered*
Sunday: *Smiles, laying beside Gabriel, making little angels*
Gabriel: *Stares in surprise, holding the stuffed toy Sunday gave him* Ah...
Sunday: *Chuckles, smiling* They'll watch over you while you sleep...
Gabriel: *Yawns and closes his eyes* Okay...
Sunday: Sleep tight..
Sunday: *Smiles, wrapping an arm around Gabriel and pulling him close*
Gabriel: What's this supposed to be?
Sunday: A side hug...with a small surprise
Gabriel: *Perks up feeling Sunday's little wings tickle his cheek, chuckling quietly*
Sunday: *Smiles, watching him amused*
Gabriel: New clothes?
March 7th: Yeah, we made a pit stop and Sunday bought you clothes!
Sunday: *Smiles and places a hat on Gabriel's head* Here you are..
Gabriel: *Stares in surprise, flinching at the bags that were handed to him*
Dan Heng: Enjoy...
Gabriel: Ah...thank you..
Gabriel: *Holds Sunday's hand, walking beside his teacher*
Gabriel: What if....I want to end everything again?
Sunday: Don't worry, I will watch over you and make sure nobody makes you feel worthless ever again...
Gabriel: *Looks down, fiddling with his shirt* Okay...
Sunday: You're going to be just fine..
Sunday: *Ruffles Gabriel's hair*
Gabriel: Eh?
Sunday: That means good job
Gabriel: It does?
March 7th: Yeah! Dan Heng does that to Rune when he does something good!
Gabriel: I see
Sunday: 2 + 2 is?
Gabriel: Four
Sunday: And if we add four with another four, that's?
Gabriel: ....eight?
Sunday: *Chuckles and nods, sitting beside him, pointing to the addition problems* Solve these..
Gabriel: Right..
March 7th: *Beams as Gabriel gave her a piggyback ride*
Gabriel: How...is this training!?
Sunday: *Chuckles* Keeping your stamina while carrying someone is a good skill to have
Sunday: You never know when you'll have to carry an ally off the field
Gabriel: Ah...I see!
Sunday: Alright go around two more times
Gabriel: *Nods and jogs away*
Sunday: *Takes his coat off and drapes it on Gabriel's shoulders*
Gabriel: Huh?
Sunday: Doesn't he look nice, everyone?
Caelus: Let's get him a jacket to match yours!
Sunday: Ah, that's a very good idea!
Gabriel: EH?!
Gabriel: *Stares at his phone, struggling to text Sunday* Ugh
Sunday: *Walks over amused* Shall we work on spelling and writing next?
Sunday: *Shows Gabriel the text messages*
Gabriel: AHHHHH! JUST LET ME DIE HERE OF EMBARRASSMENT!! *Grabs the blanket, hauling it over his head*
Sunday: *Chuckles*
Sunday: What a look of amazement you have
Gabriel: Never seen flowers before...
Gabriel: They uh...didn't grow down there..
Sunday: *Picks a few flowers, smiling as he drops them on Gabriel's head*
Gabriel: HEY!!
Sunday: *Smiles* Want another?
Sunday: *Holds the map, staring at it* The shop should be this way
Gabriel: Hold on! You said this was an important mission!!
Sunday: Yes, it was deemed important by everyone because you have not tried sweets
Gabriel: *Grumbles, rubbing the back of his head* I guess...
Sunday: *Chuckles*
Gabriel: *Grips his sleeve, looking down*
Sunday: *Hugs Gabriel, smiling*
Gabriel: Why are you hugging me?
Sunday: Shhh, just let this happen
Gabriel: *Starts to struggle* MARCH 7TH ARE YOU IN MY TEACHERS BODY!?
Sunday: *Laughs, smiling*
Sunday: G-a-b-r-i-e-l! Gabriel!
Gabriel: *Looks at the paper, starting to write his name*
Sunday: Ah, make sure your L isn't too long when lowercased..
Gabriel: *Nods, focusing on the writing*
Sunday: *Chuckles, pleased with how dedicated the boy was*
Gabriel: *Silently eats the strawberry rolls gotten for him*
Himeko: Are they good?
Rune: They must be, look at him...
Gabriel: SILENCE!!
Sunday: *Sets down more strawberry rolls, smiling*
Gabriel: *Snatches up one, his cheeks flushed as he took a bite* They're delicious..
Sunday: I can tell
Sunday: *Points to the page* The sky has turned dark and now rain is beginning to fall
Gabriel: *Nods, his eyes narrowed* The...sky has turned dark...and...now rain is beginning to fall
Sunday: Very good! Time for a break!
Sunday: *Pulls out a potted plant* I got this for you, it's a rose
Gabriel: *Stares at it stunned* Ah...thank you
Sunday: *Smiles, shielding Gabriel from the rain*
Gabriel: You don't always gotta do this..
Sunday: It makes me happy and as your teacher it is my duty to keep you safe and healthy
Gabriel: *Stares then hugs Sunday, quietly sobbing*
Sunday: *Smiles, placing a hand on Gabriel's back* It's alright..
Gabriel: *Stares at everyone*
Sunday: Why not try laughing?
Gabriel: Never laughed before-
Sunday: *Starts tickling Gabriel's sides, smiling*
Gabriel: *Laughs, struggling to get away* FOUL PLAY!!!
Sunday: *Chuckles, smiling down at him*
Gabriel: *Runs over and throws his arms around Sunday's neck*
Sunday: Huh, what's with the sudden hug dear boy?
Gabriel: .....sorry for yelling..
Sunday: *Smiles and hugs Gabriel* I already forgave you...
Gabriel: *Lays asleep, sitting against the couch*
Sunday: *Walks over, smiling down at him* My, my, you fall asleep anywhere I see
Sunday: *Takes off his coat, draping it over Gabriel* Well, sleep tight
Sunday: *Sits down on the couch, reading his book*
Gabriel: *Grumbles, getting his hair done*
Sunday: Braids?
Gabriel: No....
Sunday: What style then?
Gabriel: ......something like...yours
Sunday: *Blinks twice* Hm?
Gabriel: Please...
Sunday: *Smiles slightly* Very well
March 7th: Sunday!
Sunday: Shhhh! *Points down to Gabriel, smiling*
Gabriel: *Lays asleep with his head in Sunday's lap*
Caelus: He's letting his guard down..
Sunday: *Smiles, placing a hand gently on the boys head* Indeed...
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quirkwizard · 11 months ago
Mr. Quirkwizard, as a MHA fan and as someone who likes mixing, matching and merging Quirks do you think that the main intelligent characters on the hero’s side such as principle Nezu or some other brainy character should utilize doctor Kyudai’s Quirk replication and implantation tech and his copied quirks instead of letting them go to waste? The doctor is no doubt a mad man, but his medical tech with Quirk is beyond desirable. (1/2)
The fact that he can create slightly weaker copies of “All for One” (only in storage capacity from what I’ve seen of the copies) and “Super Regeneration” is proof that this tech should be absolutely invaluable. With a copy of the “All for one” quirk plus the doctor’s medical tech, one could make a foundation that helps people with their Quirks and their Quirk’s shortcomings even though both “All for One” and the replication tech originates from mad men. The tech in my option should be used but what’s your thoughts on it? (2/2)
I'm really confused about that comment about "All For One". As far as we know, Garaki only had the one copy of "All For One" and there's nothing that implies he can copy it without All For One piggybacking off of it.
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I disagree with this notion. I've already gone over the logistical issues of it. Garaki and "All For One" can't be replaced. Without "All For One" and the decades of research, trying to recreate it would be next to impossible. Garaki's still in the picture, but there's now way anyone is letting him out. Only one who has the chance is Nezu, who I'm certain that given his backstory, wouldn't to experiment on people. Even then, there are a lot of factors that we don't know about with the process with cloning and transferring Quirks. The only consistent examples we've seen are Nomus. So either working with corpses is a lot easier, if still difficult, or that it doesn't work out so well with a living target. I mean, the only living subjects we have seen with cloned Quirk is Tomura, All For One, Garaki. The latter two were helped along by "All For One" and we all saw the terrible stuff Tomura had to go to under get the original version of "All For One". Even if you discount that as Garaki stoking the hate in Tomrua, it still only one example and it isn't an amazing one.
And even if all of that worked, there's still the problem of putting multiple Quirks in people. For most people, they cannot handle multiple Quirks. You need a lot of mental and physical discipline to even handle two Quirks. The risk for things going wrong here is permanent brain damage or death. Who in their right mind would even attempt that with such a high risk, whether it be from experimentation with it or treatment? It wasn't just Garaki's experience that mattered, but that he was devoted and delusion enough to work on it. And Nezu is somewhat unstable, but he isn't psychotic. Then there is the issue of cloned Quirks being weaker then the original. Now, there isn't a lot of great examples of this, the most we have is "All For One" being cloned, but it has been stated several times to be the case. So if it does work, it won't always work out well. That's not even mentioning the myriad of ways this could be used for devious means. We've seen the kind of stuff that All For One and Garaki has done with it. Could you imagine if that was in any one else's hands?
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david-powers-simp · 2 years ago
What the lost boys would be like as fathers
What's good, my homies. This idea came to me and I knew I just had to write it so enjoy my peeps. I didn't proofread this either, so my apologies for any mistakes.
Also besties really quick before we get into the headcancons. I just want to thank all of you guys so much for all the likes and reblogs you've been giving me and all the sweet comments on my writing it means so much, so thank you guys 😭💖🩷
Now, I think it would be pretty interesting how the boys acquire their kids. I think it's possible the boys could get a human pregnant. But i also think the boys might would wait until their partner was a vampire before having kids. However, I have no clue how the child would grow. Would they grow normally? Would they grow rapidly? There are so many unanswered questions. So, for the sake of this fic, I am just going to say that the boys have children that grow at a relatively normal pace. Maybe a little faster than humans. But not drastically.
This man. This man right here would be such a fun dad. He would take his kids on so many adventures. Like he would go to the boardwalk and make it his mission to take his kids on every single ride so that they could have the absolute most fun possible he would also buy ~steal~ his kids anything they wanted. His little hell raiser happiness is a top priority. Yes, marko calls his kids his " little hell raiser." And yes, I've been saying kids plural because I feel marko would have more than just one little munchkin he'd have at least 3 kids. Now, I don't think he would have all his kids close together. There would definitely be a few years age gap in between. I think marko is a very fun dad and not very stern. Don't get me wrong, marko can be stern in certain situations. Like if one of his kids could've gotten serious hurt/did get serious hurt. Marko then would have to be a little stern and tell them that what they did was dangerous and not something they should be doing or should even do again. However if his kids started to cry because of his stern words hurting their feelings he'd immediately go into soft dad marko and apologized for making them upset and that he was only stern because he was scared and worried than probably offer to take his little bundle of joy out for ice cream. Also, an important note is that the age I see marko having kids between the ages of 3 - 5. So he would have a ball with all the stuff he'd get into with his babies. Piggyback rides are a must. Marko carries his kids almost everywhere. Even when him and the boys are going out, he even installs a little seat onto his motorcycle so his kid will have a place to sit and not fall off. Now, if marko had more than one little one at a time, he would have one of the other boys ~most likely dwayne~ hold onto his other munchkin.
Sweet Paul. He would be baby crazy. I see Paul having one, maybe two kids. Paul would be the dad that says yes to anything and everything. He'd be the fun dad but with no limits. That's where he's different from marko, marko also is the fun dad, but marko has boundaries. Paul, not so much. Don't get me wrong, Paul loves his babies so much, but the way Paul sees it, if they aren't going to die doing it, let them have fun. I do see Paul as a boy dad. Maybe even a boy and a girl. I think he would find his kids absolutely killer outfits for them to wear too so if he has a son hed def find and outfit for his son to match him and for his daughter he would also match her but this time hed probably put a bow in his own hair to match her. Bro, imagine how sweet paul would look with like a punk bow in his hair to match his daughter im crying. He would definitely be a cuddly dad. I can see him playing with his bundles of joy for hours before settling in for a cuddle pile with them. I think the age range for Paul's kids would be 7 - 9, so close to laddies' age. Paul definitely would show his kids his music so they can rock out together. Cartoons are a must for Paul. One day, he brought home a portable TV for the kids since the cave doesn't have electricity or power outlets, for that matter. And even since then, paul and his kiddos would be obsessed with cartoons. Everyone's favorite is definitely care bears. Paul may or may not have gotten obsessed with care bears, and he may or may not have a growing collection of stuffed care bears he's got for his kids. I could also see Paul as like a pop tart dad. He'd let his kids eat sugar if they wanted even for breakfast. Now, don't get me wrong, he'd make sure they eat healthy sometimes, but mostly, they could have whatever they wanted. Paul will 100% draw and color with his kids too. He'd spend hours with them, making different master pieces of artwork.
Ah, daddy dwayne. Look, dwayne is prepared to be a dad. He was born ready. I think being a parent comes so naturally to dwayne. Like the instant dwayne sees his child. boom. He's in dad mode and just knows exactly what to do. Like I'm talking, he knows when the baby is crying a certain way, dwayne knows exactly what his baby wants. I think dwayne's kids would be newborn - one year old idk I just think dwayne loves babies. He adores kids as well. But come on, I don't think any of us would complain about seeing dwayne be all soft and sweet for his little baby. Dwayne would probably have like 5 kids, so good luck. What can I say? Our man loves kids and loves sex so win win on his part. And I know im not the only one that thinks dwayne would be a girl dad. Hed make and amazing girl dad. He would cradle them so gently when they're little, but once they've gotten bigger, hed treat his daughters like absolute princesses. Hed pick them flowers, braid their hair, read to them, paint their nails. I believe in my soul that dwayne would take a scarf and wrap his kids to his chest when he's busy. This includes when he's riding his motorcycle, walking around the boardwalk just anytime, really when he needs both his hands, but his baby wants to be held. I think dwayne would be a pretty relaxed dad but very cautious. Hed make sure to keep a close eye on his kiddos so that'd they don't get hurt. He has lightning fast reflexes, too. He'd be able to see an accident waiting to happen miles away so you can be rest assured that the kids would always be in good hands with dwayne. He would be very responsible with his kids, making sure they are always safe, happy, and healthy.
Believe it or not, I think david really wants kids. I just think it would take a little time for him to admit it. David would be a sweet dad, just very worried and stressed, I think, at first. I see david having either one kid or four. There is no in between. He would thrive with kids ages one to two. Because for david those ages are the best because they can sit up, crawl, maybe even walk. Plus, the cute baby babbles. David would love that part. He'd definitely be over the moon his his baby started calling him "dada." He would love milestone. He'd love watching his sweet little one grow and succeed at things. I think david would either have a son or three boys and one girl. Now, with that being said. David would be very, very protective over his kids. Not a soul could speak a bad word about his precious angels, and if so, they'd end up being dead in a ditch somewhere. Simple as that. David would be stern but not overly stern. Like david would correct his kids but in a soft way. Like if his baby was trying to chew on his earring. Instead of getting frustrated or scolding his baby. David would simply pull out an antique silver teething ring he had on a chain underneath his shirt. And he would simply give it to his baby. I think david would also consistently carry his baby everywhere. Even if his little one can walk, he'd prefer to carry his baby so he knows that his son or daughter is safe. David would always be extremely alert when out with his bundle of joy. I think it would definitely take david a while before he let any of the boys watch his baby bat. Even though david does trust the boys, he believes his his baby is safest with him.
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