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morningmask27 · 2 years ago
Shadewave is a pawn of the narrative, wa doesn't have any real agency right now, I need to make wa do more stuff on waes own. wa's an important character for the love of StarClan. I need to fix this!
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daily-whistlepaw · 3 years ago
daily whistlepaw until it becomes PoV day 372
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yeah funny story
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goatpaste · 4 years ago
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man i cant even count how many of my ocs iv drawn at this point i feel like a crazy person 
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shilockes · 7 years ago
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enter.... pigeoncloud
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warriorsredux · 5 years ago
Rename for Sunfall/star? And why not do his brother Featherwhisker too?
Sorry for not getting to this sooner. I’ve got a couple from you to fill out.
Sunstar/Sunfall is a bright ginger tom with a torn ear. He was only given eight lives because his old leader was still alive, which is strange, and is implied to have romantic feelings for Moonflower (something something sun and moon). He mentored Bluefur and was the one to gently but firmly tell her that she needed to stop moping and get back to serving the Clan. So he’s cool in my book.
The most immediate prefix that comes to mind for him is Fire-, since, you know, suns are fiery. We could also do Morning- to reference the time of day suns are at their peak. If we want something more normal, though, we can go with Skipper-, which is a type of butterfly and also carries a casual, friendly tone. 
As for suffix, I think he’d be a -fur or -pelt. He doesn’t show any particular skills or nameable personality traits, nor anything completely notable with his appearance. I thus deem him Firefur or Skipperpelt. 
Featherwhisker is a fluffy, light grey tom who is most notable for his situation with his mentor. He showed himself to be immensely competent at a young age and took over the medicine cat role after Goosefeather became senile. He was so dedicated to his role that he ended up dying of a disease because he focused all his energy on healing his Clanmates before treating himself. 
The suffix is obvious, so let’s focus on the prefix. I tried to stick with bird-related names, to keep that connection to Feather-. Harrier-, Crane-, or Pigeon- are our best bets. Crane- might not be as appropriate, since it’s a water bird, but it’s there in case we like it. 
His suffix would most likely be -leaf, though he also could fall under -cloud, given his gentle and steadfast nature. He’s a hard worker and is good enough as a medicine cat that everyone else turns to him before his mentor, especially as Goosefeather starts losing his mind. Our name options are, in my opinion, Harrierleaf or Craneleaf. Maybe Pigeoncloud if we really want it.
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raveeon · 6 years ago
10% Left Au, MYO
ThunderClan Survivors: Molepaw, Bumblestripe, Hollyleaf, Mousewhisker, Brackenfur, Icecloud, Foxleap
RiverClan Survivors: Perchkit, Mothwing, Reedwhisker, Mallownose
WindClan Survivors:
ShadowClan Survivors: Owlclaw, Blackstar
These are my survivors! Poor WindClan though, they're my favorite clan :(
But onto the hierarchy roles! So I would imagine that Blackstar would have at least one life left, and he would take control of the situation. He would have Reedwhisker be his deputy since he was one and it would make sense. Along with that, Mothwing would most likely start training Perchkit to become a medicine cat and would be like a mother figure to the small gal.
• Blackstar- Severe scars and a stubby tail, blind in his left eye.
• Owlclaw- Scarring and a missing right ear, bad scarring over right eye but he can still see out of it, but he has to squint with it since he can't fully open it.
• Mallownose- Scars across flank
• Perchkit/Perchpaw- No scars, she was safely stoad(?) away
• Mothwing- Heavily scarred back left leg, has pains when she puts weight on it
• Reedwhisker- Severly damaged right side of face and neck, he's mute now, missing fur patches, and a kinked, broken tail
• Icecloud- Shredded right ear
• Foxleap- Scarred muzzle, scar across left shoulder and down his left leg. Dulled smelling.
• Hollyleaf- Throat scar, she can still speak, and a flopped right ear
• Bumblestripe- Heavy scarring, especially on his face, has back and leg pains but can still function. He has to go to the Medicine den to help numb his pain
• Brackenfur- Torn ears
• Mousewhisker- Large scar on his left side
• Molepaw- No injuries, Bumblestripe protected him
Mental Health & Relationships:
• Blackstar- He would probably be emotionally distant and would force himself into hunting and working on the clans situation. I feel like Blackstar would think of this as a punishment from StarClan, a way for him to try and atone for his past mistakes and not become like Tigerstar.
• Owlclaw- He would be a bit bipolar, have guilt over everything, and try to deny it at first. He would regret how harsh he's been his whole life, and would be the most willing to help out but also explode at the littlest things. Owlclaw would try to get close with Hollyleaf as he was quite rude to her in the past and she would help him through his mixed up and jumbled emotions.
• Mallownose- He would be depressed and would stick close to Reedwhisker. He's quiet, in his thoughts, and not too responsive. He lost his wife, children, and almost all of his clan.
• Mothwing- She would try to not focus on it, having dealt with death and such in the past, and would just focus on raising and teaching Perchpaw.
• Perchpaw- She would be fine mentally but could grasp the heavy reality of the situation. She would stick very close to Mothwing and will eventually become the "therapist" of the clan.
• Reedwhisker- He would have some PTSD and would get skittish easily. He would work on helping out with what they should do while befriending Mallownose as they could vent and comfort each other.
• Bumblestripe- He would have slight trauma and survivors guilt, but he would put most of his issues aside and try to help out with Molepaw; and he eventually befriends Mothwing and Perchpaw considering how much he goes to them for help with pain. I feel like Bumblestripe might form a sort of personality disorder, like DID, and would cope by talking to his other headmates. Bumble will also eventually develop a close relationship with a loner who joins named Pigeon. She is very calm, soft-spoken, and patient which is what he needs the most really, and they eventually become mates.
• Molepaw- He would have survivor's guilt and would feel incredibly alone. His family is dead, most of the clans are destroyed, and he's survived with minimal injuries thanks to Bumblestripe. Molepaw would have a low self-esteem and would constantly doubt himself. He would develop a friend within Perchpaw and she will always tell him how proud his family would be and how every bit of prey helps, and that he's not a burden.
• Icecloud- She and Foxleap would be the most mentally stable of the group. She will always be ready to assist her fellow clanmates and be the most supportive girlfriend to Hollyleaf.
• Foxleap- He would be more stable than everyone else, and would try to be very optimistic with the cats, always trying to brighten the mood. He would befriend most of the cats and would be the most willing to integrate into one clan. Also he's trans.
• Brackenfur- Brackenfur would keep to himself and would have difficulty accepting the gravity of the situation and his family's death. He would bond with his grandson Molepaw a lot more and would be a good encourager for him, telling the young tom how great he was doing about the whole situation. He would grieve a lot over Sorreltail and constantly visit her grave, his sibling's graves, and his kit's graves too.
• Hollyleaf- She would be devastated, she just got to be with her family and now they're all gone. She would try to not think about it and would force herself into helping out with the clans, and eventually becoming mates with Icecloud. She would also become good friends with Owlclaw and he will eventually become the surrogate for her and Icecloud's kits.
• Mousewhisker- He would more quiet and reclusive than normal, and would probably stick to only talking with ThunderClan at first. He would most likely be a mentor to Molepaw and befriend Foxleap as his good attitude is a nice welcome he needs.
Clan Stuff:
They would probably leave the lake and go somewhere else to start anew. Blackstar would suggest the name 'StoneClan', to show how they are strong despite the horrors of what's happened and how the Clans will continue on for generations without wearing away, like stone. (Also as a tribute to Stonefur but we won't get into that).
Also some kittypets/loners/rouges would definitely join, and would be like a reminder that this is really happening and that there is a bit of hope for StoneClan.
But yeah! I'll probably draw these lads, especially Bumblestripe since I really like him now. Also Owlclaw and Hollyleaf being buds too. Annd Reedwhisker since he's cool.
But here's the new StoneClan Allegiance!
• Blackstar ♂️
• Reedwhisker ♂️
- Pantherpaw
Medicine Cats:
• Mothwing ♀️
• Perchpaw ♀️
• Hollyleaf ♀️
- Speckledpaw
• Icecloud ♀️
• Foxleap ♂️
• Bumblestripe ♂️
• Owlclaw ♂️
• Mousewhisker ♂️
- Molepaw
• Brackenfur ♂️
• Mallownose ♂️
• Myrtledawn ♀️
• Pigeoncloud ♀️
• Aldertail ♀️
• Molepaw ♂️
• Pantherpaw ♂️
• Speckledpaw ♀️
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yeowoogata · 13 years ago
I’m a victim… NOW IT’S YOUR TURN >:)
I’m a victim… NOW IT’S YOUR TURN >:)
Rule 1 – post the rules
Rule 2 – answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3 – tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 – let them know you’ve tagged them!
Tagged by: ryeongabs
1. Do you love me?
I lub you lub you lub you! 2. How much do you love me?
THIS MUCH /does the yoogeun action/ 3. Do you love me more than food?
hm......:/// food is more love....heheh but you're VERY close behind!!! :*
4. Name a bias from another group you like? 
5. Sungjin or Jongjin?
...never seen jongjin, so sungjin.LOL. -edit- okay i just saw jongjin....definitely sungjin. 6. OTP of all OTPS?
7. Who is on your computer bg now?
Kim Jonghyun :D
8. How about your phone?
Erm...Kim Jonghyun? LOL I'm like a obsessed and smitten fangirl 
9. Favourite song?
Any sound that comes out of Kim Jonghyun's mouth tbh...wait. it's a close fight between Hyeya, Quasimodo and The Reason
10. Pet peeves?
OMG the list of pet peeves that I have
10.1. The slices of bread thingy I mentioned on twitter last time
10.2. I MUST squeeze toothpaste from the bottom. Squeezing it from the top or middle in front of me will earn you a death glare if I'm feeling mellow.
10.3. Separate dishes on a same plate (like when you get stuff from a buffet line) MUST NOT touch each other.
10.4. Realised today that I must eat my food with a certain systematic order (out to in/ garnishes first/ left to right)
10.5. Morning freshening ups must follow a very systematic order or I won't feel right all day long.
Shall I even go on there are like 1001 of them I'm THAT anal 11. Is there anything you want to say to me? 
I lub you hello I'm really glad that I got to meet you and you're like SOOOOO /does the yoogeun gesture again/ important to me :))
Let's be yeobos forever and ever <3
My 11 questions:
1.Who is your bias? Yes you choose only one.
2. How similar are you and your bias?
3.If you had to either eat a caterpillar, or feed it to your bias, what would you do?
4. What is your favourite food?
5. What colour are you wearing now?
6. Do you ever suspect that your bias' IQ is 2 or 3 figures below that on a 30cm rule?
7. If you can change any one feature that you possess, what would you change?
8. What would your superpower be?
And because I'm modest and unimaginative, 
9. Do you love me?
10. How much do you love me?
11. Food or me?
And because I'm anti-social and lazy and the font isn't right and the colour isn't right coz I did the magic ctrl+c ctrl+v thing coz I can't reblog for some reason or another.....
I am not tagging 11 ppl I don't even have that many tumblr friends for godssake. LOL
Ryeongabs because she tagged me for this thing
Maknae Shufen (heheh sorry I forgot your tumblr account!!!) -edit- oh i found it it's keypasta!
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goatpaste · 5 years ago
Icecloud x Hollyleaf or Berrynose x Jayfeather?
im gonna be honest beeng etting a lot of jay/fox or jay/kestrel or a few of these icecloud/holly ones and im gonna be real
i remember they EXISTED but i cannot remember aNYthing about those three
i do remember berrynose well and lovingly and i think people who ship with with jay or lion are so fuckign funny i love this ship its so funny
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goatpaste · 5 years ago
Pigeoncloud looks like she scuttles. Mr.Krabs sound effect when she moves... I love her
your right and should say it!
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deet deet deet deet deet deet
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morningmask27 · 3 years ago
What if They made an plushie for warrior cats oc
ohooohoh this would be very fun, but there would have to be a good organisation, and how many people would but someone else’s oc? how would the money be split between the makes, the “they” and the creator of the ocs? and so many other techincal questions.
if we ignore all those details yes i’d love to have plushies of my ocs (or some of them at least, give me morningmask, lilydawn, pigeoncloud(imagine the fluff!) and many others...) and also plushies of my mutual’s ocs they would definitely become some of my favorites 
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goatpaste · 5 years ago
💦 pigeoncloud :3c
 💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
mmm she isnt the most fleshed out character
but she is an ally cat, and probably has had some bad run in dealign with other gangs of ally cats.
and she deserves total happiness UoU 
but yeah she’s more than likely been in fights or hurt by rival gangs of cats in her life
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goatpaste · 5 years ago
do u have a favorite wc oc?
of my own ocs? because dfjkgh i dont actually know a loT of other peoples wc ocs i havent followed in on a ton of other wc people lol
but i love my bdudy butchleopardstars oc uwu 
i love their newest one petrifiedoak i love the art and lookin at it ;w;
but of my own ocs i do love pigeoncloud, deckerpaw, steelthroat and awepaw,,,
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