harkthorn · 7 days
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Birdsitter hasn't sent photos the last few days so here's an older one of Pie and Dopple
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harkthorn · 2 months
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Ginger, Pie, and Dopple
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harkthorn · 2 months
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Taking photos of pigeons peeking around the window frame when Nab suddenly decided to see if self-service was an option
(As much as I'd like to see how far he would go, he got kicked out and the area cleaned with F10-my parrots aren't allowed in that corner or at the window sill either)
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harkthorn · 2 months
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There were high winds again today, so multiple times pigeons piled up on the sill and railing bracing against the wind trying to wait it out until there was a lull and they could leave
(Ghost, Nab, Pie, Ginger)
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harkthorn · 2 months
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BLatte came for a snack earlier but it got so windy while he was eating, apparently he couldn't leave-he stopped before finishing his seed, ran to the railing, and was flattened braced against the winds
Ginger and Pie then came, and got stuck too. While I was watching them, BLatte got blown away, seemingly by accident (saw him trip), so was just them for a while
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It fukken wimdy
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harkthorn · 3 months
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A few more late afternoon/evening pigeons, choosing to hang out here (next to the water)
I wonder how they'd react if I tried misting them with a spray bottle one day
(Shown: BLatte, Ginger, Pie/unnamed, Dopple)
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harkthorn · 17 days
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Birdsitter was excited to spot Pie, Ginger, and BLatte out and about doing their pigeon business
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