charlotte-bopp · 2 years
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What's your favourite flavour of pie? ----- #pie #apple #applepie #illustration #illustrator #charlotsart #piefect #pun #31daysofpuns #drawtober #drawtober2022 #perfect #childishillustrations #foodillustrator #foodillustration #watercolourillustration #watercolour #painting #postcardillustration https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMAjvpKLer/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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castielscarma · 4 years
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28614975/chapters/70201689  Dean squeezes out the last dollop of whipped cream on the pie. “Perfect.”
Cas tilts his head. “Be careful with the 'Happy Birthday', it's made from chocolate. You don't think that's too much cream, Dean? ”
“No such thing, Cas.” He winks.
“Not now, Dean, “ Sam grumbles as he pushes down the birthday candles in the pie.
“Careful, Sam. And the pièce de résistance; go for it, Eileen! Don't be shy.”
Eileen shakes the jar and rainbow sprinkles rain down on the pie.
It's a piece of art. “It's piefection, I think.” Dean grins. “Nougat-banana pie for Jack, our birthday boy!” (Twitterprompt by Unchartedcreed1).
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ideas-everywhere · 3 years
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Piefection 🥧
Lauren Ko Aka lokokitchen on insta
Find out more
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argyle-s · 7 years
Rating: Mature (For Later Chapters)
Read at Ao3
Start at the Beginning
Alex shows up at Cat's office, but the visit isn't quite what Cat expects.
Chapter 11 - Of Lighthouses and Shovel Talks
If there was one thing in the world Cat hated more than rich white men who thought they were smarter than her, it was getting knowing looks from employees. Any other day, she would have curtailed it by just demoting someone to the mailroom, but her reign of terror was taking a serious blow, because she couldn’t stop smiling long enough to muster an intimidating glare.  What’s worse, instead of inspiring fear, like it usually did, she could see amusement on everyone’s face because they all knew *why* she was smiling.  She had seriously considering ordering them all into the conference room on thirty-eight and having maintenance brick up the door.  Sadly, that idea was ruined by the fact that her girlfriend would hear the screams and the cries of ‘For the love of God, Montressor’ and rescue the worthless minions.
Still, it was worth it.  Oh, she absolutely should have done the responsible thing and spent the rest of their scheduled meeting working out details and rules of their new relationship, because she was the practical sort.  Instead she’s spent ninety minutes on the balcony making out like she was a teenager.  If she was honest, she’s had honeymoons that made her less excited that getting to second base with Kara.
She’d wanted to take Kara out to dinner after work, but a broken tow line had resulted in cargo barge hitting a cruise ship in Nation’s bay.  Supergirl had spent hours holding the ship up out of the water while the coat guard had welded temporary patches over the huge hole in the side of the cruise ship. Kara had called her afterwards, telling her she needed some time under the sunlamps to recover.
They’d talked for a while.  Cat had teased Kara about the ‘mystery’ weekend, which was sadly still eight days away.  Kara had pouted, which was far less effective when she couldn’t bring the puppy dog eyes to bear.  Reluctantly, they’d said their goodbyes over the phone, and Cat had gone to bed wishing Kara was with her, and for the first time, not ashamed of it.
She’s been a little disappointed when she’d gotten an early morning text about putting out a wildfire upstate, but she was still ridiculously happy.
“Miss Grant?”
Cat looked up from the photo proofs she’d been reviewing to see Eve standing in the doorway to her office and an annoyed Alex Danvers leaning against Eve’s desk with an impatient expression on her face.
“It’s okay,” Cat said.  “Agent Danvers is always welcome.”  She saw the shock on Eve’s face, because the day she’d met Eve, she’d explained that the only people who got in to see her without prior approval were Carter, Kara and Lois.  Adding someone else to that list was a big deal.  “Add Eliza Danvers and J’onn J’onzz to that list as well.”
“Yes, Ms. Grant.”
Eve stepped back out of the office, and waved Alex through.  Cat set down the proof she was working on and settled back in her chair, bracing herself. She supposed she should have expected this.  After all, she knew how protective she was of Kara, and hadn’t she mentioned to the girl that there were plenty of people willing to burn the world to keep her warm?
“May I sit?” Alex asked.
“Of course,” Cat said, keeping the tension out of her voice by sheer force of will.  If this went badly, she and Kara might well be over before they even started.  Kara wouldn’t choose her over Alex for any number of reasons, not the least of which is there was no way in the world Cat would let her.  Eliza, Alex, J’onn and Winn were Kara’s family.
“Thanks,” Alex said as she sat down, and Cat couldn’t help but notice she looked like she’d been crying.
“Are you okay, Agent Danvers?” Cat asked.
“No,” Alex said.  “I’m really not.”
Cat felt her heart seize, because she could only think of one reason Alex would come to her when she was upset.  Apparently, her concern showed on her face, because Alex’s reaction was immediate.
“Kara’s fine,” Alex said.  “Well, fine might be a bit of a stretch.  She’s high as a kite right now, but that will wear off in a few hours.”
“High?” Cat asked.
“Yeah,” Alex said.  “She went to help put out a wildfire this morning, and it turns out the fire got started on a pot farm, and, well, unlike alcohol, Kryptonian physiology doesn’t process cannabinoids so fast it doesn’t have time to impact their physiology.  She put out the fire, but she inhaled enough of the smoke that she’s gonna be stoned for at least another five or six hours.”
“Oh, dear. Is the city’s food supply safe?” Cat asked, fighting back laughter.
Alex grinned.  “The DEO is ordering two large Hawaiian pizzas and fifty Mango Ghost Pepper Wings from Piefection every half hour.  Pot always makes her crave spicy food.”
“I’m afraid to ask why you know that,” Cat said.
“You’ve never noticed Kara’s ‘period chocolate’?” Alex asked, slightly surprised.
“I had,” Cat said.  “But I didn’t look too closely.  I go through three bags of Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark every month myself.”
“Kara’s had a medical card since she was thirteen. It’s the only thing mom could find that was effective at treating Kryptonian strength period cramps.  Fair warning, the little twerp doesn’t share.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Cat said.  “So, what can I do for you, Agent Danvers?”
“Call me Alex.”
“Okay.  I suppose you should probably call me Cat.”
“Right.  Okay. Um…” Alex took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  “I need some advice.”
“From me?” Cat said.
“Yeah,” Alex said.
“I admit, I’m surprised.  I assumed I was in for a shovel talk.  Actually, I think I expected at least three of them. Possibly four, if I ever decide to let Clark back in the building.  Though I expected the one from Winslow would be especially amusing.”
“I would actually pay to see that,” Alex said. “But no.  Kara showed me the paperwork you gave her.  I’ll admit, I was pissed off by some of the things on the list, but I’ve seen you with her, and I know how much of your own time you’ve spent taking care of her with the whole Doomsday thing and the James thing. And I figure anyone who is willing to burn down thirty years of their life to make amends for it when they think they’ve crossed the line might be worth a second chance.”
“And you know I’ll already aware of what you will do to me if I hurt your little sister,” Cat observed.
“Yeah, they won’t find the body,” Alex said.
“If I ever hurt her, Alex, I promise you I will hand you the shovel.”
“After talking to Lois, I believe that,” Alex said.
“Lois Lane?”
“Yeah,” Alex said.  “I needed to deal with the Clark situation anyway, and I had to be sure. I mean, after the paperwork, I figured you were on the level, but this is Kara.”
“And Kara always wants to see the best in people,” Cat finished.
“Yeah,” Alex said.  “I mean, I get it.  It’s how she copes.  She gets up in the morning, and shoves down every shitty thing that’s ever happened to her into a place so deep it can’t hurt her, and the happiness and joy and optimism are the cork in the bottle.  But I’ve been looking out for her for some long it’s like a reflex.  I want to step on anything that so much as looks at her funny.”
“And I’m definitely a threat,” Cat said.
Alex shrugged.  “She loves you,” Alex said.  “I don’t know how long that love has involved the desire to do things that I beg both of you to never, ever tell me about, but she was star struck by you before she even applied at CatCo.  I’m pretty sure she’d do almost anything you asked.  So, I had to be sure.  I figured Lois would give me all the dirty, since, you know, you too make this huge show of hating each other.  Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be total bullshit, and I find out she’s in love with you too.”
Cat flinched, and immediately hated herself for showing weakness.  “I think you’re reading a little too much into whatever it was she said.  Any feelings Lois might have had for me are long gone.”
“Maybe,” Alex said.  “I mean, her exact words were, ‘Clark is the love of my life, but that doesn’t mean I ever stopped being in love with Cat, or that I will ever be over her,’ so I could see how I might be misinterpreting things.”
“Well, Lois’ has never been good at laying out her point in a clear and concise manner,” Cat said, but than a little surprised to hear what Lois had said.
“I know,” Alex said.  “You’d think a Pulitzer Prize Winner wouldn’t be so damn vague, but once I told her why I was calling, she told me a lot of stuff.  About how the two of you got together.  About how much she loved you, but how she couldn’t seem to stop herself from hurting you.  About how much she wanted to be with you and but couldn’t convince herself to take the hit that coming out in the early nineties would have been.  About how you begged her to go to couples counselling, and about how she left you because she thought you deserved someone who wouldn’t be ashamed of what they felt for you.”
“That’s why she left?” Cat asked.  She regretted it immediately, because the question had just slipped out without any filter at all.
“According to her,” Alex said.
Cat took a deep breath and let it out slowly, repeating the process several times as she stomped down on her anger.  “Well, if that’s the case, I think I’m going to speak with my accountant and see about sending her a bill for all four divorces and twenty-five years’ worth of therapy bills.”
“I know the feeling,” Alex said, and Cat was a little surprised at the anger in her voice.  “Trying to understand women is a little like trying to understand Morse Code over a staticky line while your being shot at, and the person transmitting is sending a message in ancient high Kandoran.”
Cat let out a small laugh and had to reach up to cover her mouth to keep from laughing harder, but Alex looked up at her, and Cat could see the annoyance behind those eyes for a moment.  If faded fast though.  When Cat was sure she could control herself, she moved her hand.
“Romantic difficulties?” Cat asked.
“Kind of,” Alex said.  “Honestly, that’s sort of why I’m here.”
“Oh?” Cat said.
“Yeah.  I um… I mean, we don’t know each other well, and I don’t usually ask anyone for advice, but Kara is always talking about the way you’re able to cut through the bullshit and get right to the heart of the problem.  And considering you’ve got my sister, Lois and Lucy Lane, and pretty much the entire Autostraddle readership worshiping the ground you walk on, I thought maybe you could help steer me in the right direction.”
“You’re asking me for romantic advice?” Cat asked, not quite sure how this conversation had taken a turn for the surreal so quickly.
“I guess so,” Alex said.  “Kara said you’d even written a book.”
“Not one of my better works,” Cat said, “but yes.”
“I, um…  I met this woman,” Alex said.  “And I developed feelings.”
“That does happen,” Cat said.
“Yeah.  Um, not so much to me before, but yeah.  She called me out on it, and it scared me, but I got over it and I came out to Kara, and I told this woman how I felt, and I kissed her and…” Alex trailed off, the words clearly coming with increasing difficulty as she got closer to the point.
“She didn’t feel the same way,” Cat said.
“No,” Alex said.  “She didn’t.  She said she didn’t want to get involved with someone who was fresh off the boat.”
“I see,” Cat said.  “What exactly are you looking for, Alex?”
“I don’t know,” she said.  “I mean, it’s not really a break up, but if I’m honest, I was always relieved when a guy dumped me.  Which probably should have clued me into the fact that I’m apparently a huge lesbian.  This… it hurts.  I think about her all the time, and I just hate that I still want to be with her when she doesn’t want me, and I feel humiliated that the first time I’ve ever cared about someone like that, I’m not good enough for them.  And I just…  I need to know how to move on.  And I don’t want to drag up any painful memories for you, but when Lois told me what happened, I thought…  You’ve been through this and maybe you could tell me how to make it stop feeling like someone cut me open and hollowed me out inside.”
Cat watched as Alex sat there, pouring her heart out.  Somewhere about half way through, Alex had started crying, and Cat felt her heart breaking for the other woman.  She normally hated seeing people cry, but apparently, women named Danvers were a weak spot for her otherwise prickly exterior.  Besides, this one was an easy fix.  After all, she had written the book.
“She didn’t say she didn’t want you,” Cat said.
“What?” Alex asked.
“Alex, if you’re telling me everything, then she didn’t say she didn’t want you.  She said she was nervous about getting involved with someone who’d just come out. And given that, prior to your sister, the most meaningful relationship of my life turned into a disaster because, among other things, the woman I was in love with was so deeply closeted that she would treat me like she hated me in public, and I was so hurt I couldn’t stop myself from lashing out in return, I can understand her point.  It doesn’t mean she’s right, but I can understand it.”
“Then what do I do?” Alex asked.
“Don’t be fresh off the boat,” Cat said.  Alex gave her a confused look, and Cat sighed and reached down, opening one of the draws in her desk and pulling out a paperback book. “I had originally intended to give this to your sister when she was pining for Oslen, but then two of my employees went all revengy, aliens mind controlled the whole city, and before I could give her the book, the two of them seemed to sort it out.  So, today is your lucky day.”  She held out the book to Alex.
“The Lighthouse Technique?” Alex asked, giving the book a dubious expression.
“Yes,” Cat said.  “Like I said, not my best work, but it got me a spot on Oprah.  The point is, this woman…”
“Maggie,” Alex said.
“This Maggie is interested, but she afraid you’re going to get cold feet and go scampering back to Narnia, or realize this is just an experiment, or something equally ridiculous.  So, you need to allay those fears.  Show her you’re the outest, proudest lesbian on the block. Make yourself shiny and attractive, but most of all, make yourself unavailable.  When she sees everything you have to offer being offered to someone else, it will drive her crazy, and sooner or later, she’ll come to you, hat in hand.”
“But how do I do that?”
“That’s a good question,” Cat said as she reached for her phone.  “Are you free Friday night?” Cat asked as she flicked through her contacts.
“Baring an alien invasion,” Alex said.
“Good,” Cat said as she hit the send button, and raised the phone to her ear.
“CAT!” the woman on the other end of the line responded.
“Hey, Claire,” Cat replied.  “How are you this morning?”
“Oh, you know how it is.  I deal with nothing but lawyers and FBI agents all day.”
“You’re a Federal Judge, Claire,” Cat said.
“I know,” Claire replied.  “My mother is so ashamed.”
“Your mother is a Hippy who hasn’t realized the sixties are over.”
“This is true,” Claire said.  “Now, tell me darling, why did you call?  Finally decided you needed a younger woman in your life after all?”
“Yes, but her name is Kara, and she’s the jealous type.”
“The assistant!  Oh, Cat, that is so cliché!  I love it!”
Cat glanced up at Alex who has an utterly bewildered expression on her face, and grinned.  “Well, you’re going to love this even more.  She’s got an absolutely gorgeous sister who’s an FBI agent.”
“Please tell me she’s gay,” Claire said.
“Just out of Naria, dear,” Cat said, smiling at the sudden look of panic on Alex’s face.  “The problem is, the toaster oven recipient doesn’t want to date someone who’s fresh off the boat.”
“Oh, the poor little baby gay!  This will never do!” Claire replied.  “Send me a picture.”
Cat took the phone away from her ear and activated the Camera, snapping a picture of a slightly shocked Alex and sending it to Claire.
“Oh, the poor dear has been crying, too,” Claire said. “Friday night?”
“I’ll text you her phone number.  Seven O’clock good for you?”
“Yes,” Claire said.  “Tell her to bring her handcuffs!”
Cat laughed as Claire hung up.  She looked over at Alex.
“You have a date with Claire Deangelo Friday night at 7:00 PM,” Cat said.
“The warrant judge?” Alex squeaked.
“Oh, you know her then?” Cat asked.
Alex shook her head.  “Not personally, but she signs about half our warrants.”
“Well, I suggest you don’t take any for her to sign Friday.  But do dress up.  I’ll have Eve arrange a town car.”
“Um… but… where will I take her?” Alex asked.
Cat rolled her eyes.  “You really are just as bad as your sister.  Eve will arrange a town car.  GLAAD is holding a fundraiser Friday night.  I usually just send my donation by courier, but you can take the tickets.  There’s an open bar, and Claire is a divine dance and despite being a huge flirt won’t expect anything but a bit of pleasant company for the evening, so relax. You’ll go, you’ll get your picture taken with a beautiful, successful woman on your arm, and if those pictures just happen to find their way in front of Maggie, well, it’s not your fault.”
Alex stared at her for moment, her jaw hanging down slightly, before she seemed to shake herself out of it.  “I’m not sure if you’re brilliant, or crazy, but please don’t ever go Supervillain,” she said.  “We wouldn’t have a chance.”
“Of course you wouldn’t,” Cat said.  “I’m me.”
“Thank you,” Alex said.  “Not just for this.  For taking care of my sister, and for dealing with Clark and James.”
“You can thank me when your Maggie comes to you begging for a date.  Now give me her contact information so I can make sure she sees the pictures of you and Claire.”
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swankydesserts · 7 years
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Raspberry and Plum Pie. First timer. On the road to piefection.
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sleepydumpling · 7 years
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Giving the ole JD and BBQ pork rib pie a try. (at Piefection Gourmet Pies)
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icyelestra · 7 years
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brisbanesbestpie · 8 years
Piefection, Mt Gravatt / Coorparoo
Piefection, Mt Gravatt / Coorparoo
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I have received so many recommendations for pies to taste that it may prove difficult to get through all of them!  Looking through all of the recommendations again it would be fair to say that the most regularly recommended pie purveyor so far has been Piefection.  All those recommendations coupled with having been chastised last week for not trailing enough pies south of the Brisbane River  led…
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samslater305 · 5 years
Best Places in Scottsdale for Thanksgiving Supplies
If you’re like most people, you’re moving full-throttle ahead into Thanksgiving plans. Whether you’re hosting Thanksgiving in your home or you’ve been tasked with bringing a few items to a friend or family member’s house, check out this list of amazing spots in Scottsdale to pick up your supplies.
Where to Buy Turkeys in Scottsdale
When you’re responsible for the whole bird, you have to get it right. We recommend picking up your turkey from:
Trader Joes in Lincoln Village Shopping Center, where you can get an organic and free-range turkey of nearly any size
Sprouts at 4402 North Miller Road, where you can also pick up all the seasonings and sides you need to make a fabulous dinner
Natural Grocers at 13802 North Scottsdale Road, which is hosting a quick talk on organic, non-GMO turkeys on November 23
Pro tip: If you’re preparing the turkey yourself, check out these fabulous recipes from Food & Wine.
Where to Get Prepared Thanksgiving Dinners in Scottsdale
Don’t want to make the whole dinner yourself? That’s fine, too – check out the pre-prepared turkey dinners from:
Mimi’s Bistro + Bakery in Chandler and Mesa. Mimi’s is offering an entire take-home feast, which includes a completely hassle-free menu with herb-buttered turkey, homemade gravy, cranberry orange relish and so much more. Learn more here.
Chompie’s in Scottsdale. You can get a complete Thanksgiving dinner – including two pies – from Chompie’s in Scottsdale. Pick the whole package or choose separate items on your own. Learn more here.
AJ’s Purveyors of Fine Foods in Scottsdale. Get a traditional roasted turkey, ham, pork crown roast or leg of lamb to spruce up your Thanksgiving Day dinner from AJ’s, where you’ll also get trimmings like herbed dressing, scalloped potatoes and apple pie. Learn more here.
Related: Thanksgiving reminder: 15 things you should NEVER put down your garbage disposal
Where to Buy Thanksgiving Desserts in Scottsdale
Everyone saves room for dessert on Thanksgiving, which means you have to choose wisely – and these are some of the best spots in Scottsdale to pick up all the sweets you need:
SugarJam Bake Shop & Bistro. Now is the time to pre-order their special 9-inch deep-dish pies. Choose between bourbon pecan, caramel apple, standard apple, cherry crumb, pumpkin and even southern sweet potato pie. Learn more here.
PIEfection in Mesa. This sweet treat shop is known for its “pie of the month,” which happens to be a delectable pecan pumpkin pie for November. You’ll also love their no-sugar-added orchard fruit pies, which you have to special order, and their French crumb pies like country apple, Georgia peach, triple berry and cherry. Learn more here.
Tips for Hosting Thanksgiving
If you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner in your new home, use these tips to make the whole day easier:
Delegate tasks. Ask friends and family to bring appetizers, side dishes and desserts. (You can even forward them this list of places to pick up Thanksgiving supplies in Scottsdale.)
Set the table the day before Thanksgiving. You’ll save yourself a lot of time on the big day if the table is already ready to go.
Buy ingredients or pre-made dishes well in advance. You can order pies up to a week before Thanksgiving, for example, so you don’t have to rush to pick things up – and you can start picking up dry goods and frozen ingredients today.
Decorate long before the big day. Your family won’t mind looking at Thanksgiving-themed decor a couple weeks in advance of the holiday, and you’ll have plenty of time to perfect things between now and Thanksgiving.
Plan to send leftovers home with your guests. Pick up the one-use foil containers you’ll need to ship off extra turkey, side dishes and pie with your family and friends.
Are You Buying or Selling a Home in Scottsdale?
If you’re selling a home in Scottsdale, your first step is to find out how much it’s worth. Call us at 602-899-5618 to talk to an experienced luxury real estate agent about how we can use cutting-edge marketing techniques to put your home in front of all the right buyers. If you’re also looking for a new home in Scottsdale, explore all our Scottsdale real estate listings or look in specific communities:
Desert Highlands homes for sale
Gainey Ranch homes for sale
Hidden Hills homes for sale
Ironwood Village homes for sale
Legend Trail homes for sale
Pinnacle Peak homes for sale
Silverleaf homes for sale
Sincuidados homes for sale
South Scottsdale homes for sale
Stonegate homes for sale
SunRidge Canyon homes for sale
Winfield homes for sale
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        The post Best Places in Scottsdale for Thanksgiving Supplies appeared first on Scottsdale Real Estate.
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Pi Day isn’t until March 14, but there’s another pie-centric holiday on the calendar. Pie Day falls on January 23, and we’re sharing our picks for the best pie in every state. Whether you prefer a classic apple or go for more unusual flavors (raspberry rhubarb jalapeño, anyone?), celebrate Pie Day with one of these delectable options.
Location: Greensboro, Alabama
This trendy community space serves fried chicken salads and various wraps and paninis, but the highlight are their pies, made with exceptionally buttery crusts. Have a slice of coconut cream or chocolate chess pie while you enjoy good conversation and a friendly vibe. And if you have a hankering for a real taste of home, chef Seaborn Whatley says they’ll even try to duplicate an old family favorite if you happen to have your grandmother’s recipe book on hand.
Location: Anchorage, Alaska
The Bear Tooth Theatrepub is more than a dine-in movie theater—it’s also a restaurant, draft brewery, and concert venue all in one. But after you’ve finished off some fresh Alaskan fish tacos, save room for the caramel turtle fudge ice cream pie. Made with an Oreo cookie crust, the pie manages to perfectly balance chocolate fudge, vanilla ice cream, and smooth caramel.
Location: Mesa, Arizona
This pie-only bakery focuses on top-notch ingredients such as fresh whipped cream, wild blueberries, and bars of authentic Belgian chocolate. The country apple pie, made with cinnamon and freshly ground nutmeg (and can be made gluten-free with a day’s notice), is a real standout. Or, cool off from the Arizona heat with a slice of lemon meringue, topped with beautifully toasted, swirled meringue.
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Opened nearly a century ago in 1919, Franke’s boasts three locations in Little Rock today. The cafeteria is popular for its burgers and candied sweet potatoes, and for its selection of outstanding pies, such as egg custard, chocolate cream, and sweet potato coconut.
Courtesy of The Madonna Inn Bakery
Location: San Luis Obispo, California
The whimsical Madonna Inn has provided rooms to travelers on California’s Central Coast since 1958, and the hotel’s bakery, situated inside the Copper Cafe, is an essential sweet stop along Highway 101. The magnificent pies come in flavors such as caramel Dutch apple, apricot, cherry, and cream cheese.
Courtesy of 3.14 Sweet & Savory Pi Bar
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
3.14 Sweet & Savory Pi Bar is a fun bakery that pays homage to everyone’s favorite mathematical constant. Pies here are creatively named; a few standouts are the Nutty Professor (peanut butter chocolate pie), I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts (coconut cream), and Wicked Southern Dutchman (Dutch apple pie with Kentucky bourbon).
Location: Southington and New Haven, Connecticut
Two friends who loved baking started Sixpence Pie Company at a local farmer’s market, and have since opened two brick-and-mortar stores. Besides savory shepherd’s pie and chicken pot pies, you’ll find seasonal sweet pies and a mouthwatering sugar and spice pie, made with banana and Nutella.
Location: Newark, Delaware
Since 1985, Cannon’s Bakery has provided elaborate custom cakes for parties and special occasions, the result of mother-of-five Leah Cannon’s well-known prowess at making cakes for friends and family. But you don’t need a wedding or graduation as an excuse to take home one of the shop’s delicious pies; pick up a pecan or apple pie, or a seasonal sugar-lattice fruit pie.
Location: Miami Beach, Florida
Back in 1913, Joe Weiss moved from New York to Miami to try to improve his asthma. The lunch counter he opened has morphed into a Miami Beach landmark that serves stellar seafood and perfect pies. Although key lime pie is the classic choice here, the chocolate pecan and apple pies are also marvelous.
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
At this cozy coffee shop in a shopping center, you’ll find dessert cases filled with tantalizing full and mini pies. The apple crumb and peach crumb pies are light and energizing, and the chocolate pecan pie has a richness that will make you feel sublime.
Location: Lahaina, Hawaii
Located on the west side of Maui, Leoda’s Kitchen and Pie Shop serves what it calls “glorified grandma comfort food.” The macadamia nut chocolate praline and coconut cream pies are certainly comforting, in the way that only sugar and grandmas can be.
Courtesy of Big City Coffee and Cafe
Location: Boise, Idaho
Big City Coffee in the Linen District blurs the line between pies and scones with its spectacular cherry pie scone. The enormous creation is loaded with fruit and has a uniquely flaky, granular crust.
Courtesy of Bang Bang Pie & Biscuits
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Stop at Bang Bang Pie & Biscuits in Logan Square or Ravenswood for a tart apple cherry crumble pie or the best lemon pistachio pie of your life. Made with a shortbread crust, the pie contains lemon curd, buttermilk custard, and candied pistachios. The store also offers baking classes so you can learn to make your own pie creations at home.
Location: Kokomo, Indiana
Mom’s Homemade Pies takes its name seriously. You won’t find any mixers, which means that all the pie crust here is tender and silky. The gooseberry pie is loaded with fruit and the butterscotch cream pie will make you nostalgic for a simpler, sweeter time.
Location: Iowa City, Iowa
Deluxe is an adorable French bakery located just one mile from the Iowa River. The bakers here use fresh, organic local apples to make an excellent double butter crust apple pie, and the strawberry rhubarb pie is also noteworthy for its subtle balance of sweet and tart.
Courtesy of The Upper Crust Pie Bakery
Location: Overland Park, Kansas
Opened by two sisters and their mom, this neighborhood bakery delights visitors with its authentically Midwestern approach to pies. Although most people love the peach raspberry and coconut custard pies, don’t overlook the yummy brown sugar buttermilk pie.
Courtesy of Annie May’s Sweet Cafe
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
All of the treats at this allergy-friendly bakery are free of soy, gluten, peanuts, and tree nuts. But what the pies lack in allergens, they make up for in bold flavor. The store’s glorious fruit pies are simple, pure, and absolutely delicious.
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
This restaurant’s name might make you think of the old Saturday Night Live skit, but once you dine at this dog-friendly eatery, you’ll definitely say that you need more Cowbell. To chase the skirt steak or carne asada tacos, order the apple pie. It’s served with crème anglaise and caramel, making for a tantalizing gustatory experience.
Location: Portland, Maine
Two Fat Cats Bakery is a truly special place devoted to baking pies (and other desserts) from scratch. Bakers hand roll every pie, use authentic New England ingredients, and advertise fruit pies based on the harvest months. For wild Maine blueberries, order the divine blueberry rhubarb pie in May or June. For this time of year? The Lemon Shaker or Bourbon Pecan pies will do the trick.
Location: Columbia, Maryland
After moving from Croatia to the States, Renata Alanovic opened this delightful store in Columbia. Customers love her handmade sweet and savory pies and pastries, especially the wonderful cherry and pecan pies, all with extra embellishments on the crust.
Location: Multiple locations, Massachusetts
With locations in Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville, Mike’s Pastry has a strong presence in the greater Bean Town area. Grab a few Nutella cannoli and chow down on a slice of authentic Boston cream pie while you admire the ricotta pie’s flawlessly golden top.
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Sister Pie treats pie with the utmost respect. Bakers make the crust by hand with unbleached flour and French butter, and they source local ingredients at peak ripeness for pie fillings. The salted maple and honey lemon meringue pies will blow your mind.
Courtesy of The Buttered Tin
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
This cafe and bakery in Lowertown serves coffee and pie that hit the spot when you need an extra boost to get through the day. You’ll find different crusts made of butter, graham cracker, or sugar dough, and flavors range from a tart green apple to pumpkin chiffon.
Location: Jackson, Mississippi
If you’re in the Fondren arts district, you must head to Walker’s Drive-In for a slice of the fried pie of the day. Depending on the day, you might enjoy an upside down blueberry pie or a chocolate pecan pie, served with bourbon vanilla ice cream.
Location: Fenton, Missouri
If you find it hard to pick just one flavor of pie to eat, It’s Easy As Pie has you covered. Order their Cutie Pies for a dozen assorted mini pies that will make your tastebuds ecstatic. Or get a whole bananas foster pie, which contains creme brûlée infused with dark rum.
Location: Missoula, Montana
This charming family-owned bakery is popular for its stollen (a German fruit and nut loaf) and stupendous pies. The huckleberry pie earns raves for its effortless balance of sweet and tart flavors.
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Three words: vegan comfort food. After you chow down on latkes, seitan gyros, or wild mushroom schnitzel, get ready for some of the best pie of your life. The apple ginger pie is served with a coconut whip, and the blood orange coconut cream pie is made with a snickerdoodle crust.
Location: Reno, Nevada
Wet Hen Cafe is located in a nondescript strip mall, but don’t overlook this homespun spot. Generously stuffed with apple slices, the apple pie is huge, heavenly, and served with cinnamon sauce.
Location: Manchester, New Hampshire
This superb restaurant serves heaping plates of poutine as well as a huge selection of fruit and cream pies. Highlights include the pistachio cream and cranberry walnut cheesecake pies.
Courtesy of The Pie Store
Location: Upper Montclair, New Jersey
Anglophiles love The Pie Store for its impressive selection of British groceries. You’ll find plenty of savory pies (shepherd’s pie, chicken and mushroom) as well as spectacular sweet pies, like their key lime. They make their fruit pies, like the cran-apple or raspberry-blackberry-apple, with a double crust, or stop in Saturday or Sunday to get the weekend-only coconut custard and chocolate mousse pies.
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico
The husband-wife team at Tune-Up Cafe serves an eclectic mix of tamales, pupusas, and homemade, gluten-free pies. Order the pie of the day a la mode for a taste of blueberry, maple pecan, or strawberry rhubarb pie with vanilla bean ice cream.
Courtesy of Pied Piper Pies
Location: Highland Falls, New York
At Pied Piper Pies, the crust is flaky and the filling is satisfying. Whether you sample a quiche, pot pie, or sweet pie, you’ll be able to taste the care and love that goes into each creation. Pro tip? Get the Samoa or Snickers pies for a sweet blast of nostalgia.
Location: Durham, North Carolina
With locations in southern California, Tokyo, and Durham, The Pie Hole has perfected the art of making pie. Toasted marshmallow creme, dark chocolate mousse, and a graham cracker crust comprise the stellar s’mores pie.
Location: Fargo, North Dakota
This upscale restaurant behind the Fargo Theatre is known for its filet mignon and insanely decadent desserts. The caramel apple pie is served with vanilla bean ice cream, but it’s small, so you’ll want to savor every bite (or order two).
Location: Amherst and Medina, Ohio
If you don’t appreciate lard’s essential role in making the perfect pie crust, stay away from Mama Jo Homestyle Pies. For everyone else, enjoy a slice of Buckeye cream pie, which contains silky layers of chocolate and peanut butter mousse.
Courtesy of The Mercantile
Location: Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Hands down, the best pie in the Sooner State can be found at The Mercantile. This store and cafe owned by Food Network superstar Ree Drummond (a.k.a. the Pioneer Woman) serves exceptional pecan pie made with toasted Oklahoma pecans, brown sugar custard, and bourbon vanilla whipped cream.
Location: Portland, Oregon
This charmingly alliterative bakery makes small batches of vegan, gluten-free pastries using a blend of millet flour, almond meal, and flaxseeds. It’s hard to pick favorites, but some of the best pies here are the lattice top sour cherry and double crust blackberry peach.
Courtesy of Oakmont Bakery
Location: Oakmont, Pennsylvania
For 30 years, Oakmont Bakery has been famous for its Paczki (Polish stuffed doughnuts), but the homemade pies are in a league all their own. The Dutch apple seems like a must-order in Pennsylvania, but the spiky tufts on the coconut meringue are impossible to pass up.
Location: Providence, Rhode Island
Pies at The Wayland Bakery come in eight-, nine-, or 10-inch pans, but when it comes to this 90-year-old bakery’s pies, bigger is better. Standout flavors include sugar-free apple, coconut custard, and lemon meringue.
Location: Charleston, South Carolina
Located in a quiet residential neighborhood, Harold’s Cabin is a restaurant and corner store with a small rooftop garden. Head there on a Saturday or Sunday for breakfast and enjoy sitting with other people who won’t judge you for partaking in buttermilk or cranberry apple pie first thing in the morning.
Courtesy of The Purple Pie Place
Location: Custer, South Dakota
The Black Hills region is famous for two attractions: Mount Rushmore National Memorial and The Purple Pie Place. Customers rave about the freshness of the blueberry pie and the creative mix of flavors in the raspberry rhubarb jalapeño pie.
Location: Memphis, Tennessee
For four decades, Paulette’s Restaurant has been a destination for fine dining and celebratory meals along the Mississippi River. Although the key lime pie is killer, get the Kahlua-mocha parfait pie. Nicknamed the K-pie, this extravagant dessert’s crust is made with pecans and coconut.
Courtesy of Pie In The Sky Pie Co.
Location: Conroe, Texas
Drive 40 miles north of Houston, and you’ll find Pie In The Sky Pie Co., a cafe and bakery that churns out a large selection of carefully curated pies. If you can handle the heat, get a slice of red hot apple pie, made with Red Hots cinnamon candies.
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Named after the extinct Mauritian bird, The Dodo serves humongous, heavenly slices of pie. Flavor options for the towering slices of pie include Toll House, banana cream cheese, and chocolate almond mousse.
Location: Hartland, Vermont
Located on Route 5, this neighborhood diner is the perfect spot for a cup of joe and a slice of maple cream or chocolate cream pie. The servings are generous, including the giant dollop of whipped cream that practically hides the delicious pie underneath.
Courtesy of The Horseshoe
Location: South Hill, Virginia
If you’re seeking the simple elegance of Depression Era pies—full recipes made with limited ingredients such as milk, sugar, eggs, and butter— head to this diner that has been open since the ’30s. The former blacksmith shop now serves timelessly delicious buttermilk, brown sugar, and lemon chess pies.
Location: Seattle, Washington
A family recipe for sweet potato pie inspired a mother and daughter to open Simply Soulful, a soul food and pie joint in Madison Valley. Sip espresso as you dig in to a sweet potato, apple, or mixed berry pie.
Courtesy of Oliver’s Pies
Location: Wheeling, West Virginia
Run by the Oliver family, Oliver’s Pies makes handmade pies with the utmost care. The Dutch apple and peach pies are stuffed with fruit, and the chocolate peanut butter cream pie is rich and velvety.
Courtesy of Stockholm Pie and General Store
Location: Stockholm, Wisconsin
Head to Stockholm Pie and General Store for an espresso bar, Wisconsin cheese, and pies galore. After chowing down on chicken pot pie, try the caramel apple crunch pie, which contains hand peeled and sliced apples, pecans, cinnamon, nutmeg, and caramel sauce.
Location: Wheatland, Wyoming
You’ll find cakes, cookies, and quick breads at this bakery and catering company, but the pies are truly special. The pumpkin and pecan pies are stellar, as are the more unusual butterscotch and sour cream raisin pies.
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barefootzen93-blog · 8 years
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fuckyeaharrykoisser · 9 years
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‘birthday boy’ @bunnylandworld
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brisbanesbestpie · 8 years
Where is your best meat pie in Brisbane?
Where is your best meat pie in Brisbane?
Thank you to everyone who has written to me so far proffering venues to test in the search for Brisbane’s Best Pie. The current list of suggested venues includes: The Grand Bakery, Forest Lake Piefection, Coorparoo Beefy’s  Port Stop Cafe, Lytton Jocelyn’s Provisions, Fortitude Valley If you have a favourite place you buy a meat pie and you think your favourite might have what it takes to be…
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