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harte-haiva · 6 months ago
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Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879)
Arthurian literature inspired photography
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bea-lele-carmen · 1 year ago
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abstractromanianpaintings · 2 months ago
Picturi cu marea
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gabrielacalinoiu · 4 months ago
Peisaje în pastel
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stilouniverse · 7 months ago
Firenze nei pittori della seconda metà dell'Ottocento
a cura della Redazione ovvero un grande macchiaiolo fiorentino: Telemaco Signorini Il Mercato Vecchio in una tela di Telemaco Signorini Ci soffermiamo su alcune opere del maggior esponente fiorentino del movimento detto dei “macchiaoli”: l’etichetta, che voleva essere denigratoria e sarcastica, venne attribuita da un giornalista della Gazzetta del popolo nel 1862, ma piacque ai componenti il…
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inprimalinie · 1 year ago
Doza de cultură: Victor Vasnețov: Un cavaler - Lucrare din anul 1883, realizată în ulei
Un cavaler : Lucrare din anul 1883, realizată în ulei. Dora Dobârcianu Este  folosit contrastul închis – deschis, culorile vibrante, reci, dau senzația de izolare, de închidere în sine. Pensulație fină, care dă claritate lucrării.    Cavalerul este gânditor, captiv în sine ca într-o fortăreață din care pare ca nu poate găsi ieșirea. Privirea sa este îndreptată într-un gol etern părând că își…
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crows-in-the-house · 5 months ago
Sinful sensation
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summary: the demon brothers sensing you're feeling their sin
pairing: demon bros x reader
tw: none
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Get's pridefull of you being praud, and will ignore the fact that it's still a sin and a sign of being full of yourself or egoistic. In his eyes you're just a silly human who deserves to feel over the top sometimes. Feeling that sensation will make him smirk, wishing to see you imiediately and messaging you a ton of compliments. You rushing to tell him what happened will only fuel his pride - obviously, his sweet little human came to tell him first.
He will come running to you if he senses you feeling greedy. He just needs to see that, maybe take a few picturies, record that, draw it if he has to, his human is simply too cute to not memorise it in some way. He would make u a photoshoot if he could, it doesn't matter you look the same as always!
If you're already out of money, he will give you his goldie. Here, you can buy yourself something nice (he's too embarrased of his blush to see what unnecessary thing you're about to buy)
Will find out who made you envious and will proceed to feel envious of them. What do you mean you're thinking about those people! You are already great, pretty and so cool, and you should have been thinking about him and his games! Do you not like spending time with him?? Is it becouse of those stupid idiots?? Is he not good enough?
Your jealeusy is often short lived if you're near him. He will either cheer you up or spiral into envy which will make you the one helping.
Will try to help you out whatever the sytuation is. Lucifer yelling at you making you blush? Will come running to "flirt" with him so you don't have to deal with the embarassent. Feeling highly attracted to somebody? Will try to set you two up. Wanting to feel good tonight? Will join in. Which is, of course, his favorite kind of help he offers.
Usually he will help you get calm again, for example by calling and checking up on you. If you don't answer he will just wait in his room so you can always find you yourself. Sometimes tho, when he's in a bad mood and feels his favorite human also pissed he will start making imaginary scenarios in his head. He didn't eat today, got B instead of A on a test, got scammed by Mammon, and probably his human is getting threatened by some filthy lower demons! He should kill them! He has to find you and destroy them!
He feels as if he grew a second black hole in his stomach. In those days you never feel full or satysfied which makes him worry. You try to spend 6 hours at the gym which he allows on only if you eat, drink and rest from time to time. Accompanies you on all side quests from Diavolo that you obliged to go on. He even bought you an emergency freezer just so you don't waste the access food you bought (will also help eating that ofc). He doesn't mind helping you with your gluttony, he feels responsable for it.
He knows you've overworked in student council when feels your sloth. Every time when you had enough you start to get reluctant to work or make any effort. He just takes you home and helps you get in bed. He will make you change into pyjamas, but only because he knows how uncomfortable it is to sleep in uniform. Might also keep you well feed but dont expect him to remind you of brushing your teeth, hair or such unimportant tasks.
He's happy you get to procrastinate together. But sometimes this word slips from his mouth - and it's a wake up call you better pick up.
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So, the difference between gluttony and greed (from what I've read) is that the first is more of consumerism and food wasting for your pleasure and greed is for control, money and such and for a person to desperately get higher then others. I hope I get that in well enough?
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 4 months ago
@princeofsparkles tagged me to Do this and you know this bitch loved a poll.
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bea-lele-carmen · 1 year ago
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abstractromanianpaintings · 2 months ago
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gabrielacalinoiu · 5 months ago
Peisaje cu apus de soare marin
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presidentkittycherk · 1 month ago
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sigh i might just be cooking this time! trying out krita for a less 'pictury ' type video its going pretty well with it benig my first serious attempts w frame by farme animation im actually so excited im keeping it a secret aside from this frames i accedentally saved for now! if this one goes well... be ready for some hamilton animatics.......
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lovedaiana17 · 1 month ago
Sufletele care nu mor niciodată
Crăciun fericit lor în cimitire și peste tot în ceruri
Ne părăsesc, ca frunzele care cad toamna, dar rămân înrădăcinate în țara amintirilor. Nu sunt niciodată plecați cu adevărat, doar dispar din vedere, dar mereu prezente în inimile noastre.
Cei care ne-au iubit, încă o fac, chiar și dincolo de viață. Timpul nu șterge afecțiunea, ci o afectează mai adânc în suflet. Vorbele lor amabile, gesturile de afecțiune, sunt ca niște picturi de neșters în mintea noastră.
În lacrimile ce curg, le găsim reflexia, căci fiecare picătură poartă cu ea o bucățică din dragostea lor. Lacrimile sunt cuvintele mute ale inimii, limbajul absenței ce șoptește dorul unei ultime îmbrățișări.
Dragostea lor este ca un râu calm care curge sub suprafața vieții, hrănindu-ne sufletele. Este melodia tăcută care ne însoțește în nopțile singuratice și ne încălzește în cele mai reci zile.
În amintire, în ecoul râsului lor, în mângâierea vântului ce pare atingerea lor, îi regăsim. Sunt acolo, între paginile unei cărți iubite, în parfumul trandafirilor pe care i-au crescut, în melodia unui cântec pe care l-au cântat cu noi.
Și cum le căutăm printre stele, știm că sunt deja acolo, în infinit, zâmbind gestului nostru. Ne părăsesc, dar nu pleacă niciodată cu adevărat. Sunt parte din noi, țesute în firele invizibile ale iubirii, și ne vor călăuzi mereu pe drumul vieții. În ziua de Crăciun, vor sta lângă noi.
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shelloil · 2 months ago
I’ve been picturing injury. Injuring pictury. And whatnot
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oldfarmhouse · 2 years ago
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picturie🖼️of spring
By schoolhouse
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sweetbydarkness · 2 years ago
- you don't seem to have been a person of many friends
- oh but I had several. They just weren't common friends.
- what do you mean?
- I had the twins Oliver and Oscar, Sarah, Bruna, Maria and Raquel. I had the picturi and the Polaris. The eyes, the violet and the carnation.
- look like common names to me?
- most of them weren't alive. Oliver and Oscar were trees that grew side by side. Sarah was the shells of the sea, and Bruna was a forest rabbit. Picturi and Polaris are stars, violet and carnation can be deduced. Eyes were that trees with eye-like designs.
- What about Maria and Raquel?
- they were the village girls. They danced and walked and laughed and were happy. I kept wondering if one day I could dance at parties with them.
- ah...
- I'm glad I was a creative child. Living inside a laboratory, alone, being a lab rat is not the best childhood.
- I imagine, it must be tedious.
- most days it was yes. But at least that solitude led me to learn the names of various plants, stars and animals. It also led me to learn how to see things in a lighter way. Although not everything that came was.... Good.
- like what?
- .... That one i dont Tell.
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