#picture me pacing around my room glancing at all my stuff and asking out loud what media have i experienced
duohensheng · 3 months
challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
tagged by: the lovely @crithir and @thatswhatsushesaid
this threw me for a loop and i had to face my ✨not like other girls✨ media persuasions. humbling. also i read almost exclusively children’s fiction for work so once again i am plumbing the depths here. thank you so much this was the best fun!! 🤗
tagging: @down-and-out-in-guicheng , @wonderingcheshirecat , @icarus-suraki , @oyasumiaow, @galadhir and @jingyi-ma-boi — and anyone else who sees this do join in, i love seeing everyone’s blorbos and assorted strange guys (gender neutral)
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tumbling-darkling · 3 years
The boy who lived and the professor that didn’t (for the most part)
During Harry's second year at Hogwarts, a strange and unexpected man starts teaching his Defence Against the Dark Arts class.
(A Danny Phantom X Harry Potter crossover)
Chapter 1
Harry took a seat in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, glancing over to Ron who sat beside him and then scanning the classroom for their new DA professor. He already met the man in Diagon Alley, blonde and very much interested in only himself. Harry shivered as he remembered being pushed towards him as people took pictures of the famous wizard and the boy who lived.
At least it wasn’t worse than a head of the dark lord growing out of the back of the professor's neck.
Well- Harry did thumb through some of the textbooks before classes started. He absolutely agreed with Hermione who was very vocal about the books- they didn’t actually seem to teach anything. Just spoke about the ‘many adventures of Gilderoy Lockhart’.
Maybe this will just end up being an easy class.
The door slammed open 15 minutes past the start of class, startling the students as they swiveled their heads to look at the newcomer, expecting Gilderoy Lockhart.
Instead a tall man with a slim frame and hunched posture strode into the room. He had messy black hair pulled in a very horrible and tangled loose bun with the remaining dreads lazily dangling at the man's shoulders, his chin and cheeks covered in unshaven stubble. His robe was creased and torn, his hat loosely hanging from his hand and his sleeves pushed almost all the way up his arms. What really caught people’s attention was those eyes. Unnaturally clear and bright icy blue, so blue that even in the bright light they seemed to slightly glow.
He quickly pulled down his sleeves as he walked past the students towards the front of the room, grumbling slightly under his breath about something Harry couldn’t catch. He tossed the hat aside, muttering more loudly about how ‘wizard hats are so stupid and impractical I’m not wearing that garbage’ before he turned towards the class.
“My name is Fenton- er Professor Fenton I guess. Since I’ll be teaching you about…” he glanced down at the podium he stood in front of, crouching a little as if looking for something before straightening back up. “Defense… Against the… Dark… Arts,” he said slowly and not very confidently. Then he whispered again to himself but just loud enough for some students to pick up, “they see me fight one god damn ghost and suddenly I’m an expert on all dark magic entities? I think I’ll fight Dumbledore after this.” He straightened a little, eyes looking over the classes.
Harry did not like those eyes lingering on him for half a second longer than the others. He didn’t like this professor looking at him at all.
Something just didn’t feel right.
“Alright, any questions?”
A hand immediately went up, and Harry knew exactly who it belonged to.
“Uh- yes miss-?”
“Hermione Granger. Wasn’t our professor supposed to be Gilderoy Lockhart?”
“Yeah- that guy. He’s a phoney.”
The class went silent before someone yelled out, “WHAT?”
“Guy went around, found Wizards and Witches that did cool things, made them forget it then took all the credit. Tried to take my credit and I hit him a little too hard. Now I’m here taking his place. It’s all over the news, you know. You can read the exaggerated details in there. Anything else?”
The same hand went up.
Professor Fenton sighed, “yes?”
“Why were you 15 minutes late? Shouldn’t professors be on time? And why do you look like you crawled out of the forbidden forest.”
“I fought a ghost. Then got lost,” Fenton deadpanned.
The class went silent.
Fenton then turned around, “well if that’s all, let’s get started with something I know a lot about. What do you already know about Ghosts?”
“You’re seriously more afraid of Professor Fenton than Professor Snape?” Hermione asked Ron. “He’s not even mean! Sure he’s grumpy but he doesn’t beat down every question I ask him! He even seems to be glad I’m asking questions! Unlike Professor Snape who just treats us like idiots for not knowing something.”
“Sure- he’s not mean or cruel but… he just freaks me out. Like how he just stares sometimes at empty walls! Or how the room temperature always drops the moment he seems to take a single step into the room! I can’t even hear his footsteps when he walks! He’s bloody freaky is what he is!”
“Well I for one am glad he’s our Professor! Imagine having a phony for a professor! Though he talks a lot about ghosts. Ghosts can’t cause people harm. At most they give a little scare but it’s not like they could cause terrible damage.”
“What about those ectoplasm based ones he was talking about? The solid ones?” Harry asked.
“Rare and unlikely. Ectoplasm doesn’t form in the magical world, Harry! The stuff that leaks through and hangs in the air is only enough to allow ghosts like Nick or Myrtle to hang around in harmless ways.”
“But he said he fought a ghost before he arrived in class! And he looked really beat up!”
“He said he got lost too! Maybe he just stumbled across a guard dog like Fluffy and made up something about ghosts!”
“What if it’s like the last professor though? What if he’s looking for another secret object in Hogwarts walls?” Harry hissed softly, “Ron is right that he just has a sense of oddness about him! I just don’t trust him!”
“Harry, you’re just paranoid from last year. Professor Fenton is normal. Now pick up your pace, we’re going to be late for our next class!”
Professor Fenton glanced down at Harry, then back at Professor McGonagall, “he has what with me?”
“Detention. You see, Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley caused a bit of a fuss by driving a flying car in plain sight of several muggles, and risked exposing the magical world. As such, his punishment has been detention. I trust you can find some fitting work for him to do as he reflects on his actions?”
Fenton crosses his arms, his mouth tightening slightly into a grimace as his fingers slightly tapped his own arms. “This won’t be every night, will it?” He asked.
“No, we will be switching supervisors for a few weeks but you may also need to supervise Mr. Weasley sometime before then.”
Fenron let out a sigh of defeat, “well- alright. I’ll take care of it then.”
Professor McGonagall gave a curt nod before turning stiffly and walking off. Professor Fenton scratched at the back of his neck as he watched her walk off, then glanced down at Harry, those eyes seeming to search him for… something. Then that stern look relaxed into a lopsided grin, “So you were the one that made that stuck up ministry trip over their hats and scramble around in blind panic! I say, hats off to you young Potter!” He laughed.
Harry blinked in confusion at the shift in mood, then Fenton patted him on the back, “hey, no need to look so freaked out! I’m not gonna bite ya!” He began walking forward, and it took Harry an extra second to realize that the professor was moving and he should follow. “Oh, wait you probably are a little freaked out, huh? I guess my mood could have been a bit better this morning, I was just a little flabbergasted today. I was kinda rushed into this position, you know.” He shrugged, his hands shoved into his cloak’s pockets. He didn’t really walk like any of the other Hogwarts professors. He had this relaxed saunter, like he was more of a visiting relative than a staff member. “Say, let’s say your ‘punishment’ will just be helping me bring some books from the library to my quarters. There’s a lot I need to run through and a single trip would make all the difference.”
Harry nodded, finding it hard to keep up with the man's long strides. “So… you don’t like the ministry of magic?” Harry asked.
Professor Fenton huffed in annoyance, “not one bit. They are almost worse than observants!” Harry had no idea what those were. Another level of magic government? “They try to control every little thing. Don’t expose magic to the normal world. Don’t use magic to make technology without permission. Don’t use magic to save muggle children if people are watching.” His said in a mocking tone, “they have so many rules that are outdated or stupid. Never trust a government, kid! Especially a magical one!”
“What are… observants?”
Fenton glanced down at Harry, “oh those stuck up jerks? They are like the government of the ghost realm. Really annoying. Unlike the Ministry of Magic, they actually know how to find me!” He laughed.
“Ghosts have governments?”
“Oh yeah! They have more of a monarchy, the observants are like hermit wizards that only step in when they believe the world is in peril. Meanwhile the rest falls on the shoulders of the Ghost King.”
Harry frowned, “I’ve never read about that in the textbooks. Hermione says that ghosts are just harmless beings formed from souls that aren’t ready to leave the mortal realm.”
“Well she’s half right. There’s different kinds of ghosts, like Sir Nicolas and the Bloody Baron. They are more like echoes. Souls that cling desperately to this world but didn’t have enough ectoplasm to become a fully solid ectoplasmic being. They won’t leave for the infinite realms until they are ready, though many believe they are trapped here forever. More solid ghosts form in a similar way but are exposed to more ectoplasm, but rarely show up because natural portals to the infinite realms are sparse and in between. Well until about a decade ago.”
“Infinite Realms? Natural Portals?” Harry felt like his head was going to explode.
“Well, there should be some books about that in the muggle section.. Though some wizards would say it’s all garbage because muggles discovered and studied it. Just look up my name under the author and you should find some.”
“Oh… wait- did you write them? Is that why you know so much about ghosts?”
Professor Fenton barked out a loud laugh, doubling over as he clutched his sides, “Ah! No! No, I didn’t write them! My parents did!” He cackled. “Ah, yeah but I did learn from them. And a bit of field work. Tell Miss Granger to check them out too, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind having something to read. She reminds me of my sister in that way.” He stopped in front of the library doors, “Aha! I knew we would find this place eventually!”
Harry looked at Professor Fenton in bewilderment, “you didn’t know where we were going?!”
Fenton shook his head and shot him another grin, “nope! I’ve been constantly getting lost in these dumb halls. This place constantly moves and I absolutely hate it. Even the Infinite Realms make more sense than this castle!”
Harry stuttered, “If the infinite realms is where ghosts go, isn’t that like… the afterlife? You’ve been to the afterlife?”
Professor Fenton lazily shrugged and opened the doors to the library, “yes and no. It’s all complicated. I’ll tell you a different time.”
Harry stood there for a few more seconds as his brain tried to catch up with the information, and once he managed to close his mouth he chased after the Professor.
Harry glanced around the Professors room as he followed after him, arms filled with books that seemed to suspiciously be only about the Dark Arts. He’d never been to a professor's living quarters, at most he had been in some offices. Even so, it was not at all what he imagined a wizard's living quarters would look like.
First off, there seemed to be technology. He recognized a coffee machine on a low table, but it wasn’t plugged into anything. There was an odd box that looked like a slightly smaller television, it’s screen black and wires sticking out of it attached to a rectangular box with a lot of buttons on top of it and a small round device. There was also a radio, and a huge telescope leaning out the largest window. As Harry looked, he began to notice spaceships literally in every corner of the room. Different kinds as well, some would even move and blast off. The most amazing part was the roof of his room. It was almost exactly like the great hall as it rose into dark nothingness, but the stars were MUCH brighter and all the constellations had been traced out, some brighter than others. For someone who knew a lot about ghosts, he seemed to really like space. Then there were also some odd things thrown around, like a very weird looking thermos. Or a metal… boomerang?
“Just place them over here, Harry!” Fenton called as he dropped his pile of books onto a couch in the corner. Harry did as he was told, placing the books down a little more gently than the professor did.
“Professor… how did you get these things to work? Technology usually… explodes around magic,” Harry asked.
“Oh! Well it’s because I power them myself!” Professor Fenton chirped. “They don’t work the same way as regular technology. Again, I recommend checking out some of the notes in the Fentons books, they have a lot of stuff that works in the magical realm.”
“Why would you need it though? Doesn’t magic make up for a lot of technology?” Harry asked.
“Ah, but that’s where you are wrong you see! There is nothing in the magical world that is equivalent to the coffee machine!”
Harry blinked, “... what.”
“It’s a very important machine, Harry. You will depend greatly on it once you need to stay up for an entire week. But! It seems our time together has come to an end. Thanks for your help, Harry, and if McGonagall asks, tell her I made you scrub toilets or something,” he winked.
Harry grinned back, heading towards the doorway to go find Ron and Hermione. He closed the door behind and the moment it clicked shut, he saw a flash appear from under the door.
He paused slightly, but shrugged. Maybe a comet passed by on the enchanted roof of his room. He then headed down the halls to find his friends.
“Not normally invited?” Harry asked.
Hermione nodded, “Ghosts throw death day parties like birthday parties, but rarely do they ever invite living people!”
“I see, so Sir Nick really wanted us to be there,” Harry pondered as the trio entered the party area. He immediately was hit with an awful stench, nearly gagging before he had to swallow it as Sir Nicholas noticed their arrival and approached swiftly with the widest smile they had ever seen on his face.
“Harry! Ron! Hermione! You all made it! Oh this brings such joy to my cold, dead heart!”
“Glad to see you as well, Sir Nick,” Harry struggled not to gag on the smell.
“Say, why do ghosts even celebrate the day they died? Isn’t that… like a very traumatic experience you would rather not remember?” Ron somehow managed to ask.
“Well, ghosts like to celebrate it to commodirate a start to a new chapter of our afterlife!” He paused, glancing across the room for a split second, “most ghosts that is, and the death day isn’t to remind us of our death. It more serves to encourage us to look forward! No one really wants to remember how we died. Never a pretty picture.”
Harry followed Nicholas’s gaze for the split second glance, then noticed a ghost he had never seen before. He ignored the smell (they would have to ask about that later) and nudged Hermione, pointing at the ghost, “hey Hermione, have you ever seen that ghost around the castle before? I don’t remember seeing him from last year…”
The ghost in question seemed so much stranger than the rest, he had a brighter glow, where he should have had legs, merged into what seemed to be a ghostly tail, drifting lazily like caught in a breeze. Long hair whiter than snow itself drifted around like caught underwater, and bits that weren’t drifting were braided neatly and lost in the rest of it as it constantly moved. The ghost had purple skin, pointed ears, green freckles dotting his cheeks and long sharp fangs showing as he laughed at another ghost's joke. He dressed like a medieval lord, wearing a delicately detailed black and white tunic tucked into a braided belt circling his waist, his ghostly tail completely black. Thick white leather gloves covered both his hands as he waved them around while he spoke. A white cape hung off his shoulders, but when the cape occasionally drifted to show the inside, it was like the ghost had taken the night sky and attached it to the garment. Thick fur wrapped around his shoulders and long and sharp horns that looked like ice circled his head like a crown.
Toxic green eyes that had irises that seemed to swirl around the pupil glanced at the trio and Harry suddenly felt very very small.
“I… don’t know. I haven’t even heard of any ghost that looked like him before,” Hermione seemed like she was at a loss, probably scouting through her thoughts and memories for any trace or mention of the unfamiliar ghost.
Sir Nicholas cut in, “oh! That may be because King Phantom doesn’t live in this castle! He’s mainly only here to visit for the year!”
Ron gapped, “... did you say… king? Was he a king before he died?”
Sir Nicholas frowned, “no, of course not! He’s the king of all ghosts! King of the infinite realms! The one who defeated Pariah Dark in single combat barely a year after he died! The youngest and most beloved king we ghosts have had in such a very long time.”
“There’s a king of ghosts? And that’s him?” Harry asked.
“That’s what I just said, my dear boy. Keep up!”
“I don’t want to seem rude, Sir Nicholas but… why is he here?” Hermione gasped, “if he really is such a powerful and imposing figure, doesn’t he have a lot of duties to fulfil?”
“Well, he told us he was technically here on business but that it requires time and an investigation that could take a few months. So he could visit and celebrate with us from time to time! He’s a very relaxed man, I assure you. Here let me introduce you all to him! My Liege! I have some friends you absolutely must meet!”
The King looked over and smiled widely, “friends, you say?” His voice echoed more than the other ghosts, seeming to carry across the room as he spoke. He then blinked in surprise and turned to Nick, “Sir Nicholas… you realize these three are still amongst the living?”
“Why of course! Harry is the Boy Who Lived! The first to survive the death spell!” Sir Nicholas said quite proudly.
The King drifted down towards the three, causing Ron to slightly flinch at his approach, his hands clasped together as worry seemed to etch on his face, “well, most ghosts don’t have a very good sense of smell or taste, right? Which is why we have all the rotting food out?”
“Yes?” Sir Nicholas still didn’t seem to catch on.
King Phantom held out his hand, producing clothing hanger clips made purely of ice, “The living can still very much smell and taste, and I don’t think it’s exactly the smell of roses and lavender.”
Sir Nicholas blinked, “oh. Oh! Oh Harry and friends, I apologize for forgetting such a detail!”
Harry, Ron and Hermione all graciously accept the clips, pinning them on their noses to escape the horrid smell. Then Hermione turned towards the Ghost King with a glint in her eyes, “wait- how did you do that? Ghosts aren’t this solid- and they definitely can’t use magic!”
Phantom chuckled, drifting back into the air as he pointed to the crown of ice horns on his head, “Well first off, I’m the king so I get some bonuses. As well as not all ghosts work the same. You should try listening to that Dark Arts professor of yours when he talks about ghosts. He’s quite knowledgeable about all things not living.”
“But- but years of documentation and research-!” Hermione tried to argue before the King tutted.
“Information is constantly changing and growing, something that seems pretty constant could change in seconds and turn your whole world upside down. Not to mention, many different types of ghosts like myself only became more common recently. Before, most of us were confined to the infinite realms, only ghosts like Sir Nicholas forming for many centuries and the different kinds rarely slipped out.”
“Well-, what changed?” Hermione challenged.
King Phantom sported a playful grin, “I d̶͙͉̓̓i̷̢̩̬̘̟̽ę̴̘̲̹̤͌̊d̸̢̳̞̄.”
He then turned and left the three on that note as he went to join other ghosts at the party.
“What does he mean by that?” Hermione huffed.
“He’s got an odd sense of humour, that’s for sure,” Sir Nicholas laughed.
Harry couldn’t stop his glare that shot towards Professor Snape as he accused Harry of petrifying Mrs. Norris and writing the bloody message that stained the wall. Before he could snap back at him that he did not do any of this, Professor Fenton seemed to almost step out of thin air to his defense.
“Mr. Potter was with me all night, he did not do this,” his voice laced with a chilling venom. Was he… lying for him?
Snape tilted his chin up, attempting to look down on Fenton who was no longer hunched, and instead stood tall at his full height. It was quite difficult to do as it turned out, Fenton towered over every other Professor in the area. “And who, pray tell, are you?” Snape seemed to almost spit.
A sinister grin spread across the tall Professor's features as he stepped in front of Harry, leaning menacingly over the shorter wizard and blocking his view of the student, “Professor Fenton, the professor of the Dark Arts. Accusing a second year of such a powerful spell isn’t a very wise take, now is it Professor Snape?” Fenton basically spat his name.
Snape glared back, “you would be surprised what Potter is capable of, especially the trouble he gets himself in.”
“How about you try not pinning the blame on a 12 year old child?”
“That is enough out of both of you,” Dumbledore stepped in. “We all know Harry was not responsible for this, as Professor Fenton’s defence is true. We have a healthy patch of mandrake roots that will cure Mrs. Norris of her petrification, and students will resume their classes while the professors investigate the issue. Now you three will return to your dorms for the rest of the night.”
Harry hesitated before he headed back towards the dorms, but didn’t fail to notice how Professor Fenton’s eyes flashed toxic green, or the wink sent in his direction.
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writersblog20 · 3 years
I can't help being scared!
Sebastian Stan x reader
Tumblr media
Guest appearance: marvel cast
Warnings: some curse words. Little bit of angst if you squint but barely noticeable.
Summary: The reader is on the Graham Norton Show with Sebastian, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, RDJ, Anthony Mackie and Benedict Cumberbatch. Graham shows a clip of the reader with her classmates for a project at a haunted house. That gives the rest of the cast a brilliant idea! But unfortunately their great plan didn’t turn out great for you… or did it?
Words: 3169
I can’t help being scared!
You were backstage with Sebastian, Tom, Chris, RDJ, Anthony and Benedict. You were quit nervous to say the least. This was your first time on a talk show host. But you weren’t nervous for the actual show but because Graham always knew how to find embarrassing videos and/or pictures. And there were enough of them! Sebastian stood next to you. His arm around you. “you’re great, they’re gonna love you” he told you. You just smiled. “Sebastian is right darling, no need to worry! We’re here with you.” Tom said sweetly. You blushed a little. “thank you guys” you told them.
Since you were the newbie you thought they would give you a little bit of a hard time but that was everything but the truth! They took you in as a part of the family. The fans already loved you! And you really grew closer to Sebastian. This was your first big role and you loved Marvel way before you got the part. And you also had a huge crush on Sebastian before that. You might have hoped that he was a jackass so it would be easier to be around him than crush on him hard. But also that was everything but the truth. He was so nice. Nicer than you thought he was, which is very hard to achieve, but yet there he was. He might’ve been the nicest person you’ve ever encountered. But the whole cast was extremely nice and kind! It just didn’t help with your crush on Sebastian to say the least….. you were full head over heels for the blue eyed man.
Graham called you one by one on the stage, leaving you and Sebastian alone for a second. “Really sweetheart, they’re gonna love you!” he told you “Thank you Seba” you told him with a slight blush. “also you look incredible!” he told you while scanning you which made you blush even harder. Graham called Sebastian to the stage and he gave you a quick kiss on the side of your head and squeezed your hand before going up.
You paced a little around when your name came up. “and a huge applause for Y/N Y/L/N!” the crowd grew wild. You walked up and waved to the people and gave Graham a hug while the whole cast smiled at you. You plopped down the couch next to Sebastian and Chris. You took a sip of your alcoholic drank.
The show was going great until the last moment. “So Y/N, do you get scared easily?” he looked at him in confusion. “ehm I don’t really know actually although the question scares me” you told him laughing not knowing what he was going with this. The crowd was laughing with you. “I’m asking because we have found a video of you, and I believe are some classmates? At a haunted house for a project…. “ he said waiting for the ball to drop in your head. “oh god” you said immediately feeling embarrassment filing up your body.
“yeah I remember….” You said chuckling. The whole cast looked at you in confusion. “well we don’t know!” RDJ said. “well luckily we have the footage” Graham said. You groaned putting your hands in your face. “maybe you can gives a little background story on this” Graham asked chuckling while holding his cards in front of his mouth. You chuckled a little as well “okay so ehm… we had a project to make a video and we were left doing what we wanted but it had some criteria we had to get of course. But ehm the group decided to go to a haunted house and well I didn’t really like it” you said “lets watch the footage” Graham said and the crew scooted over to get a good look at the monitor it was playing the video on.
“so here we are! At a haunted house for a challenge!” one of your classmates Joey said. You were in a group of 5 people. They all stood next to each other. Tyron didn’t like it as well. All the others were excited except the two of you. You on the other hand wasn’t in the shot. They all introduced themselves “and Y/N is over there!” they panned the camera to you, who was standing against the wall. You gave them a small wave. They started laughing. “what are you doing over there?” they asked you teasingly. “yeah I don’t trust anyone behind me right now. and now I can see them coming” you said.
After 1 minute of introduction a scare actor came up to you on roller skates and knee pads. He took a good run up you and went on his knees rolling further towards you. You noticed him and immediately jumped over the guy running towards the group who were now laughing their asses off. “yeah very funny can we just get this over with?” you asked the group annoyed.
“sure but now first the challenge! You guys don’t know what it is right?” you all nodded. Right so we’re going to be bound to one another. So we have a rope and we tie it up around one ankle so you’re bound to the other person. “excuse me know???” you asked unamused. They laughed. “Y/N you’re with Tyron.” They made the pairs and you tied each other up.
You went in the haunted house and already got scared. You and Tylor wanted to run but you both went the other way which made you fall down. The rest of the group laughed again. “Fuck dude!” you yelled but more at the actor and yourself. This went down for another good 4 minutes which got harder with the second since the actors had their eyes on you and Tylor because you were so scared. They figured “Let’s make it worse!”. At the last minute in the haunted house you and Tylor untied yourself and fleet the scene with a lot of actors behind your asses. You run like you never had before.
~end footage~
The cast was laughing a lot and you giggled a little while holding your face in embarrassment. “So I figured you didn’t really liked it?” Graham asked you. You laughed “no not really”. You all talked about it for a little more until the show ended.
You were standing in the dressing room changing in sweatpants. the cast couldn’t stop talking about it. “You have to give me that footage!” Chris said laughing. You rolled your eyes. You knew you were going to be the center of Chris’s scare pranks. Everyone was changed in comfortable clothes and Sebastian in black sweatpants as well.
You all got out of the building thinking of what to do next since everyone was so hyped. “I have a great idea!” Anthony said and whispered something to Chris who was now laughing his ass off. You frowned and looked at Sebastian who looked at you in confusion as well. “okay I know a great place!” Anthony said which made Chris laugh more “yeah I don’t think I trust you right now” you told Anthony. “Oh come on you’ll love it! Just follow me” he said making his way. Everyone looked at each other considering it. Eventually following the two boys.
You walked in a funfair. You frowned and wondered what the two boys were up to. You stopped in front of a haunted house. “absolutely fucking not” you told them shaking your head. “oh come on Y/N. It’s not like it is a haunted house where you went. I mean we’re at a funfair. It’s not going to be that scary!” you rolled your eyes.
Sebastian placed his hand softly on your arm. “I’m here with you. I’m not going to let you alone or fuck with you.” He told you and got a little closer “you can hold my hand if that helps.” He said and you were waiting for him to crack up laughing but he didn’t he looked sincere. “and of course if you really don’t want to we don’t have to! I mean there are a lot of great games that we can play” he told you excited which made you laugh a little. “alright I’ll come with you” you said to Anthony and Chris.
“we’ll go too!” Benedict said motioning to him and Tom. “Great! So everyone is going!” RDJ said. They bought tickets and you were in line. It was a busy night. You stood next to Sebastian “like I said I’m not going anywhere!” he told you with a soft genuine smile. You took his hand softly in yours which made him smile. “I’m not going to let you go now” he said with a grin and you chuckled. “Hey love birds! It’s our turn now!” Anthony said.
You rolled your eyes. fine now or never you said to yourself. Sebastian squeezed in your hand. What all of you didn’t know was that this was the scariest haunted house in the world. It toured all over the world and looked like a crappy haunted house but at the back it was huge! But you all didn’t know that.
You walked in and you immediately had weird vibes. Tom and Ben noticed as well and looked at you a little worried but getting scared themselves as well. You started to hold Sebastian’s arm with your free hand. He looked at you. “Are you okay?” he asked “I don’t know it feels…..” right before you could finish your sentence scare actors came from everywhere and there were flashing lights and loud sounds like they were throwing stuff.
“oh fuck….” You heard Anthony say. Sebastian threw a arm around you and still held your hand protectively. “I’m not letting go. I’m right here sweetheart.” He said while getting a little frightened himself. Tom stood on the other side of your protectively as well. Sebastian threw a mad glance at Anthony and Chris.
You were a couple of rooms further but that meant it only got scarier. A scare actor came behind you and you jumped to the front where there was another scare actor waiting for you. He came into your personal space and into your face which made you more mad and angry then scared actually. “The hell!” you said angry. Sebastian and Benedict pulled you back and took you further. “what an asshole!” you said and huffed.
You let go of Sebastian’s hand more pissed then scared and walked towards the front. You pushed Anthony and Chris out of the way which scared them to death and walked up front. “oh she’s really pissed now” said Benedict. “yup” said Sebastian with a proud grin on his face. You ignored all the scare actors and didn’t get out of the way. One actor was trying to scare you and you just stood there, pissed of with a face of steel. He also tried to get into your face. “I really wouldn’t do that buddy. I’m not playing anymore.” You told him calmly. He went out of your way and all the boys looked surprised but also mesmerized. Anthony and Chris looked at each other in guilt and stress. You were really intimidating now and they knew you were mad at them. The started to get more scared of you then the actual haunted house itself.
You got out first and waited for Anthony and Chris while you stood there with your hands on your hips. They got out and immediately started to apologize. You looked unamused with them but your face softened a little at them. “I know you didn’t know but don’t you dare to do shit like this again” you said stern “Yes ma’am” Anthony said without thinking which made everyone giggle a little.
“So ehm well, that was eventful but I’m going back to the hotel now” Tom said. Benedict nodded. “yeah we’ll go as well. And again we’re really sorry Y/N” Chris said really feeling bad. You gave them a hug. “It’s okay now just don’t do something like this again” they nodded and left. “Well have fun lovebirds! Just not too much fun” RDJ said with a wink.
When everyone left you looked at Sebastian. “Thank you for keeping your promise Seba” you told him softly. “of course! Can’t let my favorite girl suffer!” you started to blush not really knowing what to say. He smiled at you. “What about those games huh?” Sebastian said with a grin. “sounds good to me” you told him with a smile.
After a few games you started to get chills. “Are you cold sweetheart?” Sebastian asked you. A little bit yeah. Sebastian took his coat off and after that his sweater. He pulled his coat on again and helped you out of yours. He pulled the sweater over your head. It was so warm and soft and it smelled like Sebastian. “Better?” He asked you with a soft smile but yet so bright. “Much” you told him giving him a kiss on his cheek which made him blush.
The whole evening you played games. Sebastian won a lot of plushy toys for you. You both walked back to the hotel. You with a big ass plushy toy in your arms and Sebastian with four others and some food. You laughed your whole way back remembering the eventful night. “No, no, no, Y/N I’m telling you! You were such a badass. I mean even Anthony said Ma’am to you” Sebastian laughed and you fell against him from laughing so hard.
“hey I got a idea” you told him with a big evil grin on your face. He started to giggle “oh no, what have you got in mind?” You took his hand and walked towards the elevator and stepped in. “what room are they staying in again?” you asked Sebastian and he had to remain himself from laughing too hard. “ehm I believe 212” he told you. You got out of the elevator going to your own room to place the stuff down before going back again”You turned to Sebastian who looked at you curiously while you stood at their door. “payback time” you told Sebastian and you bonked at their door. You took Sebastian’s hand while running away.
You were both a giggling mess. “Hello?” we heard Anthony say. Sebastian got closer and you stood with your back against the wall. You placed your hand on his mouth to silence the giggles. “Hello???” You heard Anthony say again. Sebastian stopped giggling as well as you did. You started to look at each other. Getting lost in his bright blue eyes. and he in yours. You felt your heartbeat pick up. You realized that his body was plastered on yours at the moment and his face just inches away from yours. You slowly lowered your hand from his mouth. He got closer to you. That was when you heard footsteps. Sebastian took your hand this time and run with you. You ran across Chris’s room and you bonked on that one as well before running further.
You kind of went in circles. You saw the back of Anthony and Chris. They were talking to each other. This time you dragged Sebastian behind you. You slowly made your way towards their back. When you were finally there you started to yell. But not hard enough to wake up other guest but enough to scare them. Chris fell on the ground and Anthony held onto his chest. “Payback bitch!” you said laughing along with Sebastian. They looked at you petrified “goodnight” you said with an evil smile like a hint for them to know that there would be more (there wasn’t but you let them think that there was).
You went back to your hotel room with Sebastian. You were still holding hands. “Do you want to watch a movie maybe?” you asked Sebastian not wanting to be alone. He grinned “I would love that”. You felt butterflies in your stomach again.
You got in your hotel room and Sebastian placed the big plushy bear on your bed which made you giggle. You started to take his sweater of before he stopped you. “keep it on, looks better on you anyway” he told you with a soft smile which made you blush once again.
You got beverages out of the fridge and some crisps and you plopped on the bed. Sebastian wanted to take the chair which made you frown but yet made your heart melt at the gentleman that he is. “Seba?” He looked at you and you padded next to you on the bed. He smiled and said next to you. You both choose a comedy movie and you made yourself comfortable.
You laid on Sebastian’s chest with your arm on his stomach. He held you close to him. “Seb? Can you please stay with me tonight? You asked him sleepy. “I will. I’m not going to let you go sweetheart.” He said with hearts in his eyes when he looked at you. He crawled closer under the covers with you which made you lay almost on top of him. He started to laugh “Sweetheart, I would love to stay with you but you have got to let me breath” he said laughing. You groaned and laid next to him.
He turned so you were face to face. He studied your features with love in his eyes. “you’re staring Seb” you said chuckling and opening your eyes. he blushed a little. “I’m sorry. You’re just…. You’re just really beautiful and…. And I really like you Y/N”
Your eyes got big at his confession. You loved him you just didn’t think he would feel the same. “I really like you too Seb” You told him. He got closer again and placed his plump lips on yours. He cupped your cheek with his hand and you deepened the kiss. After a while he pulled back. “Would you like to go on a date with me?” I would love to Seb. Only if you make it just as adventurous as this one” you told him with a smile. He had the biggest grin on his face. “promise except for the haunted house” he told you. You smiled. “I had you with me so it wasn’t so bad” you told him with a grin. He kissed you again. You both couldn’t wait for the future and adventurous dates you would have. Everything would be okay because you had Seb and Sebastian had you.
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
Cool Beans (My Hero Academia)
Pairings : Lee!Ojiro / Ler!Bakusquad (minor lee!bkg, ler!kiri with kiribaku!!!)
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A/N : aaa this was a rlly cute prompt, tysm anon! took me a while to write this considering i wasn't really sure how to write for ojiro's character haha. i also don't think the toe bean thing is canon whatsoever but guess what, neither is kiribaku and u dont see me shutting up abt them do u? either way, hope u guys enjoy this!! much love <333
Summary : Denki decides to invite Ojiro to one of the Bakusquad's weekly sleepovers, and once they both arrive, is shocked to find that Ojiro has...toe beans? No way he can't investigate those! (even if they do turn out to be a bit sensitive...)
Word Count : 3651
⚠️quick heads up!! i had to add some lines after the "keep reading" so tumblr wouldn't mess up the writing! pls ignore them, they have nothing to do with the actual story!⚠️
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“Here, just glue that last paper down and we should be done!” Denki clapped his hands together with a wide smile, his tongue poking out of his teeth in excitement as Ojiro pasted the last picture onto their poster board for the night.
The pair had been working on a group project together for the past two days, and after hours of pretty heavy research and planning, they were finally finished, and Denki could not be more thrilled to not have to work anymore tonight. He’s had a good time with Ojiro the past two days, though, and wasn’t really ready to just part ways with him just yet. He’d never really hung out with the guy much before this, and as it turns out they got along much better than he would’ve initially guessed. No way Denki was just gonna give up the chances of a new good friend.
“So that’s it, right? We didn’t, like, forget a chunk did we?” Ojiro asked cautiously, knowing Denki was one to often forget important details like that. The electric teen sat in genuine thought for a moment, before popping his mouth with a smile.
“Nope! We’re all good, man,” Denki stood from his spot on the floor, moving the poster over to another side of the room and picking up his bookbag, turning back around to face Ojiro who was busy putting stuff away in his drawers. “Hey, um, me and a couple others are having a sleepover in the common room tonight. Would you wanna join us? I’ve kinda enjoyed hanging out with you these past few days so I think it’d be pretty fun if you went!”
Ojiro looked at him with an almost shocked expression on his face for a moment, eyebrows raised and mouth just slightly agape. “O-Oh, um...sure!” He looked towards his bedroom door a little warily and almost like he was confused, looking back to Denki with a thumb pointed towards the door. “Is it happening, like, now, or…?”
“Oh! Uh, yeah Bakugou and Kirishima already finished their project so they’re probably down there right now, but you can just come down whenever you feel like it! I’ve gotta grab a few pillows and my blanket first but I’ll be down there in just a minute.”
“Alright then, um...I guess I’ll meet you there?”
“Sure thing, man! I’ll tell the others you’ll be coming,” Denki gave Ojiro a big thumbs up before practically bouncing his way out the door and towards his own room to grab his stuff. This was definitely gonna be a fun night.
It took a while for Ojiro to get his stuff together for the night, wanting to make sure he had everything so he wouldn’t have to walk back to his room in the middle of the night and risk waking any of the light-sleepers of the dorm. But, once he was sure he had everything and had hyped himself up enough to do it, he finally made his way out of his bedroom, walking towards the common area with his pillow and blanket in hand.
Upon entry, Denki’s whole little friend group was sat lounging around the common areas. Bakugou and Kirishima were cuddled together under the same blanket at the corner of one of the couches, while Mina was on the opposing side of the same couch under her own pink and purple blanket. Sero sat on his own little chair, while Denki sat on the floor on top of an orange bean bag someone must have brought from their own room. Ojiro took a deep breath in before marching his way towards them, waving his arm that held his pillow under the armpit.
“Hey guys!” Ojiro greeted with a smile, all the teens turning around to face him with smiles of their own (well, all except for Bakugou, but Ojiro took no offense to that).
“Ayyye, it’s the Tailster!” Sero chuckled from his spot on the chair, giving Ojiro a little nod in welcome. Denki hopped off his beanbag excitedly, speeding his way behind Sero’s chair to grab a purple bean bag he must’ve brought just for Ojiro’s company. He plopped it right down next to his orange one, showing it off with pride.
“Jirou let me borrow this tonight! I invited her over too but apparently she had plans with Momo,” Denki rolled his eyes playfully with a grin, pretending to gag with a finger in his mouth.
“Booooo, love sucks!” Sero heckled with his hands cupping around his mouth, chuckling when Bakugou threw a throw pillow at him from his spot cuddled up against Kirishima.
Ojiro giggled at their playfulness, sitting his pillow down beside his beanbag before sitting himself down on it comfortably. “Thanks for inviting me, you guys, seriously.”
“Babes, of course!” Mina exclaimed from her spot behind Ojiro on the couch. “We love having you around, Oji!”
“Yeah man, what she said!” Kirishima spoke up, pointing at Mina in agreement. “You’re a super manly dude, Ojiro. We were so excited when Denki told us you said you’d come!”
“Dude, even Bakugou was psyched,” Sero smirked, pointing his thumb at a now seething Bakugou.
“I was not PSYCHED you Spider-Man wannabe! He’s just less annoying than any of you bastards; thought it’d be a nice change of pace for once,” Bakugou rolled his eyes, slumping into Kirishima’s chest with his arms crossed like a pouting toddler. Kirishima just giggled at his boyfriend’s little temper tantrum, scratching at his scalp just the way he knew the blonde loved (which immediately calmed him down from any previous rage he felt towards the, quote, “Spider-Man Wannabe”).
Denki threw himself onto the bean bag next to Ojiro, TV remote in hand as he grinned up towards the tailed hero-in-training. “It’s a Disney movie night; got any suggestions as our guest of honor?”
Ojiro sat in thought for a minute, scratching at his chin as he scanned through all the past Disney films he’d watched over the years through his head. “Hm...Wreck It Ralph?”
“Oh FUCK yeah, this guy’s coming to every movie night from here on out!” Bakugou exclaimed, the compliment making Ojiro feel a little sheepish as he chuckled shyly. The others nodded in agreement, Denki getting the movie ready on the TV from his position propped up on the beanbag.
Once the movie had started, Ojiro decided he wanted to make himself a little more cozy now that he felt more comfortable around the group of other teens. He laid his pillow down on the floor, lounging back against the beanbag and propping up his feet on the soft cushion. Denki glanced over towards Ojiro when he noticed the movement, his eyes naturally gazing towards the boy’s now propped up feet. Denki gasped in excitement when he saw something he had never noticed before on the boy.
“Dude! You’ve got little toe beans!” The electric blonde pointed eagerly down at Ojiro’s feet, the tailed teen blushing slightly at the attention. Denki scooted in closer to his feet, looking intently at the little pink buds on his soles and toes. “No way, this is so cool! Can I touch them?”
“U-Uh, sure, just be gentle please,” Ojiro scratched at his neck sheepishly, unable to keep down the blush pushing at his cheeks and ears from the attention.
Sero suddenly hopped down from his spot on his chair, plopping down next to Denki to get a look at Ojiro’s feet as well. “Yup. Tailster’s got beans.”
Ojiro chuckled at the nickname before flinching when he felt a single finger touch down on the pink pad right under his toes. Denki used the pads of his fingers to idly trace and feel around the flesh, and Ojiro couldn’t help the way his toes tried to instinctively curl up at the sensation.
“They’re so soft, I could do this forever,” Denki sighed, continuing to brush little shapes into the pads. Ojiro gasped with a small jerk when he felt a nail accidentally scrape against the skin, and Denki instinctively pulled his hand back in shock. “Oh, dude, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Ojiro shook his head immediately. “No, you didn’t hurt me, it’s okay! It’s just...the uh, the ‘beans’ are a little...um…sensitive.”
Ojiro could see Sero raise an eyebrow at the word, a small grin appearing on his face as he nudged Denki in the shoulder with his elbow. “I think what Oji’s tryna say is, his beans are ticklish.” Sero glanced at the embarrassed Ojiro, Denki following suit with a large grin plastered on his face.
“Aww, that’s so cute! Kaminari, tickle his beans!” Mina giggled from her spot on the couch, Bakugou rolling his eyes at their silliness. The angry blonde pointed an accusatory finger towards Ojiro, the tailed boy’s eyes a little wide at the intimidation.
“Don’t be fuckin’ loud, Tail, I’m tryna watch the movie you picked out,” Bakugou grumbled, dropping his arm and pushing himself further into Kirishima’s chest as the red-head played with his hair soothingly.
Before Ojiro could respond, he yipped when he felt two teasing nails scratch slowly along the padding on his feet, his leg jerking back only to be stopped by Denki grabbing his ankle and holding the appendage in place.
“Ah ah ah, no getting away now, Oji! I wanna test this out a little more,” Denki chuckled, scribbling his two fingers into the bean. Ojiro gasped, quickly clamping his hands onto his mouth to muffle any giggles that threatened to burst out. Denki continued his slow, ticklish touches while looking over towards Sero. “Sero, get the other foot for me.”
“With pleasure~,” Sero chuckled, gently grabbing Ojiro’s other ankle and scribbling his fingers along the pad on his arch. Finally, Ojiro’s dam broke, muffled giggles being heard from behind his palms as he squirmed in his beanbag.
“Guhuhuys! Nohoho!” He giggled, gently pulling at his trapped feet to no avail. He really didn’t want to kick them, and was almost a little glad they were holding him by his ankles to prevent it, but at the same time it tickled so so badly and he didn’t know how much longer he could take it before he was gonna start to scream laugh.
“Does it really tickle?” Denki asked honestly, but the question only made Ojiro blush even harder behind his hands, the electric teen unintentionally teasing him beyond belief. “I’m gonna go faster, okay? I wanna test and see if it tickles more like that.”
Ojiro nodded shyly, before shrieking at the feeling of three fingers scribbling even faster along the pads of his foot, Sero’s hand still scribbling rather slowly on his other foot, but oh so teasingly.
“GYAHAHA! Kaminahahari! Guhuhuys! It tihihickles!” Ojiro cackled, keeping one hand over his mouth while the other went to grip at the side of his bean bag for support.
“Get his toes ones, you idiots. The toes always tickle worse,” Bakugou called from the couch, Kirishima giggling beside him.
“Yeah, you would know, wouldn’t you Bakugou?” Kirishima teased, pinching Bakugou’s side under the blanket and causing the blonde to yelp before hitting the redhead in the chest playfully with a frown.
Denki heard Bakugou loud and clear, moving his fingers up to scribble along the pads covering Ojiro’s toes. The poor tailed boy squealed, his kicking and thrashing getting a little more aggressive as Sero also moved upwards to mimic Denki’s tickling.
“NAHAHA! STHAHAHAP! IT TICKLES SOHOHO MUHUHUCH WOHOHORSE!” Ojiro cackled, both of his hands shooting down to clutch at his tummy that was convulsing from laughter. “PLEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN’T TAHAHAKE IT!”
“Oh c’moooon Oji! You’re a hero in training! I’d think you could handle a couple bean-tickles!” Sero teased, switching to pinch at the pad with his finger and thumb. Ojiro screamed through his giggle fit, making Bakugou groan and grab the remote to turn on the subtitles.
“NOHOHO! NOHOHO PIHIHINCHING! PLEHEHEASE!” Ojiro pleaded, his eyes squeezed so tightly shut that he could see little colorful fireworks in the darkness of his eyelids. Kaminari just giggled, pinching at the boy’s big toe despite his desperate pleas.
“You’re really ticklish, man! Is it like this everywhere or just your beans?” Denki raised an eyebrow before glancing over towards his three friends on the couch. Mina squealed excitedly, knowing exactly what the blonde was implying, while Bakugou just groaned into Kirishima’s chest.
“I don't wanna moveeeee,” Bakugou whined, making Kirishima just roll his eyes with a smile. Kirishima pinched Bakugou’s side again without stopping this time, making Bakugou jerk with a few choked giggles. “N-Nohoho! Kihihiri!”
“I’ll just tickle you ‘til you help us tickle Ojiro, Kats,” Kirishima teased into the blonde's ear, who promptly scrunched up his shoulder and batted at the boy’s face.
“Fihihihine! I’ll hehehelp! Just quhuhuit!” he giggled, huffing when Kirishima finally relented. They both moved from their cozy spot on the couch, the three of them getting down on the floor next to Ojiro. Denki and Sero had momentarily stopped their tickling at this point to give the boy a breather, but still held onto his ankles firmly as to not let him escape just yet.
“Guys, w-wait, hold on-” Ojiro pleaded with a blush before being hushed by Mina.
“Sorry, Oji, but this is a tickle-friendly group! Might have to get used to it if you wanna spend more time with us!” Mina giggled, plopping down on his right side while Bakugou took his right. Kirishima sat behind him, quickly hooking his arms under Ojiro’s and pulling him back some to give the others access to his torso.
“Which we definitely want you to do! You’re super fun, Ojiro, and we wanna keep spending time with you!” Kirishima smiled, though Ojiro couldn’t exactly see it as Kirishima was behind his head. “And hey, if you really really need us to stop, our safeword is ‘koala’!”
“I came up with that one,” Denki chuckled proudly, holding a hand to his chest.
“That’s...that’s really nice of you guys to say,” Ojiro smiled with flushed cheeks, sighing before bringing his head up to face them. “Alright, I’m ready. Someone should probably sit on my tail, though; I’m really ticklish and sometimes it goes a little out of control.”
“No problem, buddy! Bakugou; tail,” Kirshima pointed with his finger extended towards Bakugou, who just rolled his eyes and plopped down on his tail. “Comfy?”
“Y-Yeah, just hurry up, I’m not sure I can take waiting any longeR-HRG! HEHEHEHAHAHA! NAHAHAHA GAHAHAD!” Ojiro cackled wildy as all the teens around him dug into his sensitive body. Mina scribbled her finger in the hollow on his right armpit, while Bakugou took a much rougher approach, digging his fingers into the grooves of Ojiro’s ribs and vibrating mercilessly. Denki and Sero continued their incessant assault upon his so-called “toe beans,” scribbling wildly with their fingernails and leaving Ojiro an absolute mess underneath them. Kirishima got a little bored just being Ojiro’s physical captor, and took to blowing teasing air along the backs of Ojiro’s ears, which resulted in him scrunching up his neck with high-pitched squeals.
“Aww, he’s so ticklish!” Mina cooed, massaging circles with her thumb into Ojiro’s armpit, making the teen jerk and writhe under her assault with vicious cackles.
“It’s fucking hilarious, he’s losing his goddamn mind,” Bakugou chuckled, moving his fingers down to pinch along Ojiro’s sides right above his hips. Ojiro screamed, thrashing under their hold with desperate cackles and pleas.
“NAHAHAHA! BAHAHAHKUGOGOGOU! NAHAT THEHEHERE!” Ojiro’s eyes were squeezed tightly shut, his body trying desperately to wiggle away from those torturous fingers that refused to relent on his sensitive sides.
“Aww, someone’s got really ticklish sides!” Denki teased, pinching at Ojiro’s big toe pad while having to hold on to his ankle for dear life so he didn’t kick it out of his pin.
“PLEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN’T!!” he bursted, his body trying to curl in on itself from the ticklish sensations. “I’LL DOHOHO ANYTHIHIHING!”
“Looks like we’ve got a beggar,” Sero chuckled, scratching relentlessly at those little beans. “Tell you what, Oji; promise to come to our next sleepover and you’ve got a deal.”
“I PROHOHOMISE! I PROHOMISE JUHUHUST PLEHEHEHASE! NO MOHOHORE TIHIHICKLES!” Ojiro begged through his giggling mirth. Those fingers against his sides just would not let up, as Bakugou was quite the mean tickler he’d come to find out, and he really didn’t know how much longer he could stand it. It was incessant, it was torturous, it was...it was so much fun.
“Oh yeah? You wanna bring us some snacks too?” Bakugou added, one hand continuing it’s deathly ticklish attack on the boy’s sides, while the other took to scribbling along Ojiro’s stomach and pinching at the pudge when he felt absolutely necessary.
“Hmmm...what snacks do you guys like for a movie?” Denki asked, as if he wasn’t in the middle of pinching and scribbling at his friend’s sensitive feet and making the boy thrash and cackle cries of mirth underneath him. “I could probably go for some sour gummy worms. Sero?”
“Oh, definitely some Reeses Pieces. Goes great with popcorn,” Sero grinned, looking calmly towards Bakugou who was very evilly grinning while squeezing torturously along Ojiro’s sides. “Bakugou?”
“Hot Cheetos, easy. Forget those next time and this will look like child’s play in comparison,” Bakugou chuckled lowly, Denki raising an eyebrow at him.
“Dude...this is child’s play. We’re literally having a tickle fight right now,” Denki grinned, the background melody of Ojiro’s desperate cackles making him giggle from the contagion.
“SHUT UP, SPARKY!” Bakugou yelled, which only made him drill even harder into the boy’s sensitive flesh.
“Alright, alright, just two more snacks for you to jot on your mental list and you’ll be good to go!” Kirishima hyped the cackling boy underneath him, but looked to his friends to mentally tell them, ‘give the boy a second to breathe.’ They all slowed their tickling down some, still not relenting fully, but instead reducing Ojiro to a pile of happy, giddy giggles instead of the desperate cackling cries he had just seconds before. Kirishima smiled at the adorable sound. “I’ll take...hmm...I’ll take some jerky! Mina?”
Mina stopped her assault on the boy entirely, Ojiro opening a tear-filled eye to glance at her through his giggles. “I’m more of a fruit girl, so I’ll have to go with…” Mina grinned, pulling up Ojiro’s shirt to reveal his bare tummy, her face leaning down close enough where the boy could feel her breath brush against the skin, sending goosebumps across the expanse. He sucked in his stomach much to no avail. Mina smirked evilly up at Ojiro, his eyes now wide and his mouth still spilling giggle after giggle from the slowly tickling fingers along his side and feet. “...raspberries.”
Ojiro’s eyes widened. “No! Nonono, not thahahat! Wahahait, Mina pleheh-EHEASE! GYAHAHA STAHAHAP! NAHAHAHA!” Ojiro cackled and kicked as he felt Mina place teasing raspberry after teasing raspberry along his bare and ticklish tummy, He wiggled and squirmed to no avail until Mina finally let up, sitting up and back against her hands on the floor with her own little giggle.
Everyone finally stopped their tickling, letting go of the boy’s limbs and backing off to let him breathe. Denki chuckled at Ojiro’s heaving breaths and residual giggles, patting his calf in comfort. “You okay, Oji?”
Ojiro just nodded with a giggle, holding up a big thumbs up. “Yuhup, all good here.”
Kirishima smiled widely, clapping his hands together once before patting Ojiro on the shoulder in support, shaking the boy around a little. “You did great, man! Way better than I could ever handle a good tickling!” the redhead chuckled.
“Yeah, man, you were a total champ,” Sero grinned, holding up two thumbs up to the tailed boy who just smiled back at him.
“I’ll go grab you some water from the kitchen, cutie! Get comfy on the couch, I’ll take the beanbag,” Mina ruffled his hair as she stood from her spot on the floor, skipping her way to the kitchen to grab him a glass of water. He watched her leave, seeing Bakugou stand up from the corner of his eye. The explosive teen just plopped back down on his spot on the couch like nothing had happened, unpausing the movie and making grabby hands towards Kirishima. The redhead just chuckled and obeyed the boy, getting up and throwing himself on the couch to cuddle Bakugou back under their shared blanket.
Denki just rolled his eyes at the gross lovey-dovey display, standing up and offering a hand to Ojiro. “Seriously, man, you’re getting that other spot on the couch after all that. Waaay comfier than this old beanbag,” Denki smiled as Ojiro took Denki’s hand, letting out a huff of air as he pulled Ojiro off the floor. Ojiro plopped himself down on the couch tiredly, letting out a small ‘oof!’ when Sero threw his pillow at him before laying his blanket down on top of him.
“Get comfy, we sleep in here,” Sero smiled before walking back towards his own seat. Mina finally made it back from the kitchen, handing Ojiro the glass of water with a smile.
Ojiro just sat there, almost dumbfounded for a moment at their kindness. “Um...thanks, guys. You’re all like...super duper nice.”
“Aww, babes!” Mina pouted happily, her hands shooting to her chest over the spot that contained her swelling heart. “You’re such a sweetheart, of course we’d be nice to you!”
“Can you guys shut the fuck up already? Shit, I’m tryna watch the goddamn movie,” bakugou grumbled, pouting like a child against Kirishima’s chest.
Ojiro really couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends, and he was so happy they felt the same way about him.
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A/N : aaa i hope u enjoyed that!! if u did, pls consider reblogging, it helps my fic to reach more ppl!! much love to u all, mwah!! <33
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enigmalynne · 3 years
All Within My Hands - Chapter 1
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Title - All Within My Hands
Pairings - AU!DeanXReader
Word Count – Chapter 1: 1,317
Warnings - TRIGGER WARNING!!! Domestic Violence, gun violence, fighting, cursing
#SPNMixedBingo Square filled - Neighbor AU
Chapter 1
Dean invited Y/N over to join him at his BBQ but knew her boyfriend, Chad, wasn’t going to let her come over. More and more, the guy was starting to control her life, and Dean was getting sick of it. He and Y/N had been friends for years, long before this guy even came into her life. Now, Chad was taking control over every part of it, and Y/N seemed blind to it.
Sure, Dean would love to have had the chance to ask her out. His crush on his neighbor was something that Sam and Cas wouldn’t quit giving him hell for. Their schedules just never seemed to work out that way. With him helping run Singer Salvage by adding the mechanic side, and Y/N being an emergency room doctor and constantly being on call, they had little time to see each other anyway.
“Chad came into the picture about two months ago,” Y/N told him one evening when they had a chance meeting. She invited him over for leftovers and beers. “He was a resident for a while before realizing that he couldn’t handle being in the emergency room. He asked, so we went out to dinner, and here we are.”
Dean didn’t like him, his blonde, shiny slicked-back hair, or his fancy foreign car that was always too loud coming into the driveway. There was just something about him that rubbed him the wrong way. And when Y/N introduced him to Dean, he didn’t like the way his arm tightened around her shoulders in a possessive way. Or the glare in his eyes as he eyed Dean up and down. It made Dean narrow his eyes and size him up himself. He knew then this Chad was going to be a problem.
Like that very day. While he was hanging out in his backyard with his friends, enjoying some grilled meat and homemade potato salad that late summer day, Y/N was locked inside her home with Chad, and he swore he could hear them yelling.
“So, have you spilled your true feelings to her yet?” Sam asked as he brought his brother another beer. Dean glared at Sam.
“Have you asked your assistant Eileen out yet?” Dean asked back. Sam bitch-faced Dean and let out a huff as he dropped into a chair next to him.
“Touche,” Sam said. “However, in my defense, I may have a no fraternization rule at the office.” Dean turned and gave Sam a look that showed how much he didn’t believe that.
“Dude, it’s your law firm,” he said. Sam frowned.
“Okay, fine. I haven’t asked yet because I’m a chicken shit. What’s your excuse?” Sam asked before taking a pull off his beer. Dean scowled and looked back over at his neighbor’s house.
“Chad,” he growled. Sam nodded, looking over at the house as well.
“What does she see in him?” he asked. Dean shrugs the question off.
“Hell, if I know, but I have my eye on him. With how many times we have women coming into the yard with requests to see if there are trackers and shit on their cars, put there by their crazy ex-boyfriends, I’m not ignoring this. It matches the training we ended up taking entirely too closely,” Dean explained, glancing at his brother with a dark look. Sam understood the unspoken discussion all too easily and nodded.
“Great,” Sam responded despondently.
Hours later, while Dean was cleaning up his yard, a loud door slam caught his attention. He walked around to his side yard only to see Chad storming out of Y/N’s house like a bull that had seen red. Before he was even at his car, the porch light had turned off. Chad whirled around and shouted at the house about being disrespected, stormed back to the front door, and started banging on it. Dean straightened and was about to move forward and give Chad a piece of his mind only to get distracted by movement in the back of Y/N’s yard. Turning his head to look, he saw Y/N sneaking out the back of her house. She closed her back door quietly and turned to leave, catching Dean’s eye.
Dean waved her over, and Y/N darted across the backyard. Dean looked over his shoulder to make sure Chad didn’t see before rushing Y/N into his house. Once she was inside, he moved her to a room across the house, away from where the threat was. Once safe, Dean turned to her.
“What the hell is going on?” Dean asked her. Y/N shook her head.
“I don’t know what his problem is, but he has gotten way out of hand and super controlling. I mean, way out of hand. He started forcing these rules on me and tried to tell me what I can and cannot do and… Just way out of line. I told him it’s over. I’m not dealing with this crap and he flew off the handle,” Y/N said while pacing the small bedroom. Dean’s eyes narrowed into slits
“Did he hurt you?” Dean questioned; his voice hard. Y/N looked at him with an eye roll.
“No. Chad wouldn’t hurt me, Dean,” Y/N scoffed. Dean shook his head.
“Don’t discount me, Y/N. Guys like that could very easily get violent when they realize they can’t control you anymore,” Dean explained. Y/N softened at that, realizing that he was worried. She shook her head.
“No, he hasn’t ever raised a hand to me. I promise,” Y/N said. “But I did tell him I didn’t want to see him anymore. We’ve been fighting for hours. I finally got him to leave, and he just flipped out again. I was afraid he was going to break into the house, and I was going to go hide when I saw you.”
“I don’t like this. He’s got a temper, and who knows what he’s capable of,” Dean muttered, shaking his head. Y/N sighed, wrapping her arms around herself.
“As soon as he’s gone, I’ll be out of your hair. I need to get to the hospital in a few hours anyway. If he stays there for long, I’ll have to sneak out to the ER and use a set of scrubs I have at the hospital,” Y/N said grumpily. Dean shook his head with a smirk and opened the top drawer to the dresser in the guest room they were standing in. Inside were a few different pairs of her scrubs, her small toiletry bag, and two pairs of her crocs. Y/N saw it and blushed.
“I thought I took all of my stuff back to my place after that New Year’s Eve party a few years ago?” she asked. Dean shook his head.
“Always have to be prepared for my favorite lightweight who can’t even make it to her house next door,” Dean joked. Y/N walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. Dean’s eyes widened in surprise; a gasp caught in his throat. He held his breath as she stayed close looking up at him, holding on to the scent of her perfume. They stared at each other for a long moment.
“You’re my hero, you know that?” Y/N whispered, resting a hand against Dean’s cheek. Dean was frozen, unable to say anything. It took all of his self-control to resist the urge to pull her against him and kiss the life out of her. He couldn’t, wouldn’t until she was free from the man trying to ruin her life. After another long moment, Y/N turned and went to the dresser, letting her hand run down his arm, grab him, and squeeze. Once Y/N had a set of scrubs to change into and went into the bathroom, Dean felt himself relax a little, exhaling slowly as he tried to get his heart to slow down a little.
The woman would be the death of him yet.
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21burritoseavey · 3 years
Hahah sorry 😬I meant y/n as the reader and Daniel are in a secret relationship
hey! I'm sorry this took so long. It's a little unedited and long...and for what?? but anywaysss i hope you enjoy it i kinda went a little crazy.
Hollywood Fix (d.s.)
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Daniel always loved to spend time with his girlfriend, but since Why Don’t We’s album release back in January, all of his effort went into making music at the studio. Out of sheer love and passion for creating, his thoughts would be filled with new song ideas or random melodies he hummed quietly before bed. Daniel and Y/n only met up sometimes throughout the past few weeks. Y/n was busy herself of course. With homework piling up (literally) and work right after school, she hardly had time to come over, and when she did it was for a little while. Daniel would notice her slightly less cheerful mood when they’d FaceTime before saying goodnight every night. He wanted to remind his girlfriend how much he loved her.
With his Friday night free of work, he made a reservation for dinner, sending Y/n a fake urgent message to surprise her when she’d come over that same evening.
Y/n, I need you please come over
The door burst open just ten minutes later. Y/n leaned her arm on the door handle, tired and breathless as she scanned the kitchen and living room. “Daniel!” She called; her voice wavered in panic. The eerie silence of the house only made her more anxious. Daniel was crouched behind the grey L-shaped sofa in the living room, biting back the giddy laughter that tried to fall past his lips. Kobe squealed and squirmed as he saw Y/n and Daniel tried his best to shush the puppy in his arms as he watched her quietly.
“Daniel? Where are you? You got me all worried!” She yelled again, kicking her shoes off at the door out of habit. She walked over to the counter to set her keys down and as she lowered her gaze, she noticed Daniel’s phone sitting on the tabletop, readily showing the confirmation email for his reservation at the restaurant he’d talked about on their nightly call the night before.
Daniel lingered behind the couch a little longer than intended just to see her neutral lips curve into a toothed smile and he let Kobe leap out of his arms when he stood up. “Surprise!” He shouted happily, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Y/n shot back in surprise, wide eyed and open mouthed. After a few seconds of trying to wrap her mind around the fact her boyfriend was standing right there, she ran into his arms with a squeal, pressing her hand to her mouth as she giggled. “Dani!” She exclaimed, snuggling into his warm embrace. “I missed you!”
“Hey, my love.” Daniel kissed the top of her head. He dropped the flowers onto the couch and smoothed out the wisps of her hair with his free hand soothingly. “I missed you too.” He said quietly, learning back to press a few soft kisses to her lips.
Y/n stepped back and smacked his shoulder playfully, her joyous expression veiled with annoyed furrows. “You scared me, you dummy! No wonder that text was sketchy.” She tisked.
“Hey! I had to think quick, okay?” Daniel defended. He pulled her back into a tight hug and Y/n let them linger in each other’s arms for a moment before rushing over to the flowers she glanced at.
The bouquet of tulips slipped slightly in the brown paper wrapping, as fresh and soft as the sunset that bloomed outside. Y/n looked down at them fondly. Her fingers stretched out to touch the petals and she stared up at Daniel with a pout on her lips. “These are so pretty,” She pressed a hand to her heart and wobbled on the tips of her toes to give Daniel a kiss. He gladly accepted, sliding his arms around her waist and dipping her down just a little to kiss her deeper.
“Thanks for taking me out, Daniel. I needed this.” Y/n said sweetly, squeezing her grip of his hand as they sauntered down the footpath. He looked beside him and gave Y/n a warm kiss on the cheek, “don’t thank me yet," he whispered into her ear.
Daniel made a reservation at a newly opened restaurant downtown and as soon as he finally told Y/n, she ran to her brand new, emerald dress she hadn’t even touched yet, nearly ecstatic that she’d finally have an occasion to wear it. Daniel thought her excitement was cute, and on their extra slow walk to the restaurant - just to savour each other's presence - he complimented and flirted with her every chance he could. Teasing glares, blushing cheeks and light chatter filled their walk, until Y/n noticed...a crowd of people in the distance, near the restaurant’s entrance. She’d thought that they were merely there for dinner, since the place just opened and all, but they seemed like they...were waiting. Suddenly, it seemed all too familiar. She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and peered at the large cluster of people through a narrowed gaze. Daniel stood beside her, confused. Y/n heard the high-pitched screams of what must’ve been excited fans and saw their small signs held up by flailing arms.
“Is that Hollywood Fix?” Y/n asked, gently tugging at Daniel’s hand.
Daniel met her gaze. His white button up shirt rose and fell with the soft evening breeze that murmured along the lit-up trees around them. “Very funny, Y/n.” He tisked.
“No, seriously. Look over there” Y/n shot her hand up to point at the bright blinks of light getting closer and closer.
Daniel lifted his gaze, noticing the black exterior of the cameras peeking through the mass of people. “Wh-what? What do we do?” Daniel paused in thought for a second, “Should we hide?” He puckered his eyebrows towards his girlfriend.
“No, you dummy!” Y/n slapped his arm. “Just let go of my hand...” She spoke gingerly, unravelling her fingers from his and she stepped further to the side of the footpath, “and... we’ll just have to stand further apart.”
Daniel nodded after a few seconds and wrung his hands nervously. “Okay, okay. Act natural.” He cleared his throat and raked a hand through his hair.
“You call that natural…” Y/n giggled, pressing a manicured hand to her mouth.
Daniel glared at her with a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “Baby-” He started, only to get cut off by the sound of photos and fans right in front of him.
The interviewer nearly ran into Daniel in excitement. “Hey, Daniel! How’s it going dude?” He spoke with a sort of enthusiastic haste, shoving the microphone just below his chin as he waited for an answer. Y/n walked backwards to follow behind the both of them. She left a decent space between the two young men who talked. She was silent.
“It’s going well,” Daniel started, “how are you?”
“I’m great. What’s going on with the band? Any music coming soon?” The interviewer pulled a grin towards Daniel as they both weaved through the group of young people. Multiple camera guys walked backwards behind them too, catching every word that Daniel uttered through the mic. Daniel paused at times to give a fan a hug, or take pictures and sign autographs, but Y/n kept her distance. She walked silently down the walkway.
“Yeah, yeah. You know, we’ve got some stuff ready..” Daniel shrugged with a cheeky smile.
“Anyone with you tonight, or…?” The interviewer piped up. Y/n couldn’t help but lift her gaze at the question and she turned to Daniel to hear his reply.
Y/n hoped with everything in her that he’d say the truth, what they both wanted to finally tell the world but felt too scared or anxious to say. She, at times, loved the secrecy of their relationship. It was freeing not to worry about what his fans would think, but at the same time, it felt almost humiliating, like she was a dirty secret that his management didn’t want to crawl out his band’s perfect boyband image.
Daniel looked towards the interviewer with a toothy smile and bowed his head as he racked his brain for a lie. He stuttered out a “Nah...n- not right now, the band should be here soon though.” and let a strained smile play on his lips.
Y/n gulped hard at his words and dropped her gaze to her feet walking over the cracks of the footpaths, precariously trying not to step on them. It was a little game she always played when she was nervous. Daniel and the interviewer exchanged conversation while Daniel continued meeting his fans. Y/n tried to plaster on a friendly smile as they talked just in case she might appear in the frame, but after a few long moments, she let her lips droop into a frown.
She quickened her pace and slipped past them with an expressionless glare that wandered anywhere but them. Daniel noticed her but shrugged it off, watching her walk to the host stand.
The autumn sky met Y/n’s gaze. It was the perfect shade of orange, coloured by the slanting rays of the setting sun and she let her face soften at the sight of it. “It says here the reservation for Daniel Seavey is for two people?” The hostess glanced up.
Y/n drifted her head back towards the lady and smiled. “Yeah, he’ll be joining me later,” Y/n replied quietly. The hostess nodded and continued checking her in.
“Alright dude, we’ll see you later!” The interviewer shouted.
“Nice meeting you, bye!” Daniel couldn’t have been more thankful that the conversation finally ended. He let out a relieved sigh and studied the crowd for his girlfriend, but she had already disappeared through the doorway. He huffed and walked over to the host stand, mindlessly tapping his foot against the concrete as another couple checked in. The cameras kept filming from a few paces away until they watched him enter the restaurant.
On opening night, the restaurant was bustling and glowing with overlapping chatter and vibrancy. Fairy lights were strung along the ceiling and across the freshly painted walls. Y/n had made her way over to the table Daniel had booked. She smiled down at the vase of tulips that sat on the centre of the table and stuck at her fingers to pick one out and smell it.
“Y/n!” Daniel called through the loud room behind her. His voice startled Y/n and she popped the soft pink tulip back in the vase, watching it slip back into the water as Daniel settled into the seat across from her. “Hey, where’d you go?” He asked, panting slightly from rushing in so fast.
“I...” Y/n paused and thought about what she would tell him, but merely sighed and shook her head seconds later. “Nowhere, it’s fine.” She said, fidgeting with the gentle, green silk of her dress. “I’m just so hungry that I couldn’t wait.” She pulled a smile towards Daniel, but of course, he wasn’t fooled.
“Y/n,” He glared at her teasingly. “You could’ve waited for me,” he said gently.
“Oh and watch you lie about our relationship?” She murmured, lifting her glare to Daniel. “No thanks,” she unfolded the napkin a little too harshly and watched the petals of the flowers shake.
Daniel frowned towards her. “Lie? Wh-what are you talking about?”
“You lied Daniel... said you weren’t with anyone tonight.” she mumbled. Daniel opened his mouth to say something but the waiter behind Y/n walking towards the table stopped him.
“You know I can’t say that we’re together, Y/n.” Daniel whispered as the waiter lingered between them, pouring their glasses of water.
“I know, but you said you talked to management about it.” She lifted her gaze to Daniel and met his eyes with an equally upset expression.
Daniel stayed silent.
“You didn’t talk to them, did you?” Y/n asked.
Daniel sighed and leaned forward in his chair. “It’s not that simple, Y/n. You can’t have everything the way you want it.” He slid his hand across the table to tuck his hand in hers, but Y/n drew her arm back and dropped her gaze to the table. “Y/n,” he spoke gently. “Hey, listen to me,”
Y/n didn’t look up.
“My love, please, I planned this date so we could have fun, and not have to worry about all this other stuff.”
“It’s not just all this other stuff, Daniel. This is our relationship. Doesn’t it upset you that we can’t post about each other? Or that I can’t be there for you when you perform? Or that I can’t even be within 3 feet of you when we’re in public ‘cos your fans will go crazy?!” Y/n hadn’t realised how loud her voice had become until she received awkward glances from other customers. She leaned back in her seat and huffed. A roiling anger took root within her, and even though she tried to hide it, Daniel could see the tears pooling her eyes. They both took a few moments to calm down amidst the lively buzz of the restaurant.
“Yeah, it bothers me, Y/n. You’re right, I’ll try...and talk to them. You know, maybe they won’t agree at first but I’m not gonna give up, okay?” Daniel spoke up gently. Y/n nodded and let a small smile tug at the corners of her lips. She let their hands meet in the middle and intertwine.
“I love you...and we’ll find a way to figure this out, okay?” Daniel said, pulling a fake pout towards her. Y/n giggled lightly and pressed her fingers to the corner of her watery eyes carefully.
“M’kay...I love you.” Daniel leaned in again and held her face with his palm. Their noses bumped lightly before their lips met. They kissed, softly at first, then as Daniel turned Y/n’s head slightly, their kiss intensified, kindled by the heavy emotions released seconds ago and love that radiated from them, as strong and vivid as the warm lights surrounding them.
taglist: @chilling-seavey @marthagryffindor @randomlimelightxxx @hiya-its-amber @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @hackerXavery @jonahlovescoffee
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde (2/?)
Part two: Caught
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: After reader’s first introduction to Spencer she can’t wait for the next meeting and tries to look for him.
Part One, Part Three
Series Masterlist
A/N: Hey guys!!! This is my final fic for my 1250 follower celebration!!! Plus this is part two to my new series 🥰 I’m like so excited for this guys I’ve got so much planned for this one!! Thanks again to @spencers-dria who came up with the way I started out this story 😘 and @andiebeaword who gave me the prompt that spiraled into a series!!! Let me know how y’all like this series so far 🥰 also I will be mass accepting the rest of the requests for my 30 fics in 30 days tomorrow so be warned for a bunch for posts lol and I’ll be making a Masterlist for this series as well- maybe with a cute moodboard?? Thanks for reading guys!!!
Warnings: 18+, Speculation on how dark Spencer can be, mentions of kidnapping, Dom Spencer, Public sex (of course), Fingering, Use of the nickname Doctor, Slight size kink, Muffling, Spencer gives Reader a nickname at the end (I won’t spoil it 😉)
Main Masterlist Word Count: 3.6k
Ever since the last meeting you had been itching to lay your eyes on Dr. Reid. Even though you could have waited until next month when there’s another book meeting happening, with a new theme, your impatience was not having it.
The library that housed the book club and apparently now any of your interactions with the mystery man had never been frequented as much by you- until now.
Everyday after work now you stopped by to try and find him. You did other stuff there for sure, making your way through a full fantasy series while you kept your eyes peeled for his fluffy hair. Sometimes you did walk through the shelves that were stacked high with every book you thought imaginable just to maybe get a peak at him, or maybe speak to him if you were lucky.
You felt like you were both dancing around each other, never touching or even getting close enough to speak. But, a little look of his curls, a spot of his mesmerizing eyes, or a glimpse of his cardigan assured you that he was there.
You were sure he had to have seen you just as you had seen him at some point. Maybe he only wanted to see you during your book club or maybe he was done with you after that one time in the empty room.
Seeing him without half of his face covered seemed to make the shroud of mystery surrounding him get pulled back further. That however didn’t change the fact that you barely knew the man that danced between the shelves. You had called him by his earned prefix more than his real name and even then it was only his last name with the earned prefix attached that had slipped between your lips.
It was not like you did not know his first name, you had heard his full name with his title attached when he had first introduced himself to you, albeit behind that mask of mystery. And, even with his physical mask removed even with one look it would be obvious to anyone that there was an invisible mask still covering most of him.
There was this strange pull towards him that you could not explain. You felt like Christine being entranced by the phantom, his twisted face or in this case his soul behind the mask not shocking me away. You still hoped I was not dealt with a man that was as demented as Christine’s phantom. You could take a damaged man, not a kidnapper along with whatever other things the phantom of the opera had done to Christine. With one look at his face he hooked you in, perhaps unintentionally. But, if it was intentional and his bad didn’t squash the good in the end you didn’t mind at all.
Your feelings teetered on a precarious edge, you’d willingly take the plunge off if he’d just give you a peak at what was underneath. It all hinged on whether or not he’d let you take a look. He’d given you a taste of his Dr. Jekyll plus a little of his Mr. Hyde, but it left you nowhere in determining who Spencer was underneath.
Spencer- that was the first time you had even thought of his first name by itself without a prefix attached. You wondered how good it would sound if you let it stop dancing on the edge of your lips and let it slip out.
The ghost of his name danced on your lips precariously at the edge just like you were, so close to being whispered out. Only the pages of old books would hear you, there was no harm in saying his name. It was only a name after all.
Even though it was just a name made up of two syllables it was stuck on your tongue like it was one of the hardest words to pronounce. Your lips did finally speak in the softest whisper when you finally managed to stomp out your hesitation, “Spencer-“
“You called?” A gasp left you, way too loud to be appropriate in the library, but then again you had already bucked many of this library’s rules. You whipped around to face the voice that you recognized instantly as you had been closing your eyes tight every night trying to remember his voice and picture what he had done to you.
Seeing him without the mask up close, not through quick glances when you caught his fugue from afar was somehow more intriguing to you than when he wore the mask two weeks ago. When you did not come up with a response for at least a minute, he cut through the somewhat awkward silence, “What book are you looking for?”
“I don’t know.” That was an honest answer from you, you had other motives for hiding between these shelves.
His eyebrows shot up to his hairline clearly spotting your skittish behavior. You thought you were a good liar too, you wondered how it was so easy for him to read you. It made you feel vulnerable considering you couldn’t get a read on anything about him, besides the basics. Maybe you were just a bad liar and he was a master at it. “So you were just browsing? In the nonfiction section- specifically in the ancient and medieval philosophy section?”
His questions flustered you even more. It was like he knew that you had spotted him once in this very spot speeding through a stack of books a mile high while sitting cross legged on the floor. You would admit you stood there in awe for a moment to admire the way his fingers slipped down the page to track what sentence that he was on at an inhuman pace. You had been too shy to approach him that day, even though it was a perfect opportunity to do so, mostly because you were intimidated by how fast he seemed to be reading. Though later you thought maybe he had just been skimming to find what interested him, you wish you were brave enough to ask. That was why you had been loitering in the last spot you had your last chance to speak with him. It was possible he had already spotted you from your staring. Your voice shook a little as denied, having no suitable white lie to say, “No…”
“Not interested in philosophy then, no Plato for you??” He knew you were here before, watching him, his tone made it obvious.You shook your head from side to side slowly with your breath held tightly in his chest. He looked away from you for a moment to glaze over the spines of the books ordered by the Dewey Decimal System, maybe looking for something that sparked his own interest. It was only a small moment that his gaze wasn’t fixated at you, but you still felt like whining at him to get his attention back onto you. Luckily, you did not have to make such a sound as his pupils fixated back onto yours before he spoke again, “I thought so, you seem more like a fiction lover.”
“You’d be correct.” You confirmed, still barely breathing.
Your breathing wavered when he moved a little closer, if you hadn’t been paying such close attention to every minute moment he made, you might have missed it. The warmth of him was closer than it had been since the last time he had touched you, the desire for him was urging you to pull him in to touch him. Last time he had initiated every touch. his hands were closest to you, with nimble fingers that could work you over the edge skillfully and you knew that from experience. His head cocked to the side with eyebrows in question pulling you away from your daydream about pulling him in with your touch. He cleared his throat, then questioned you, his voice dropping down a bit, “So, if you weren’t looking for a specific book and you weren’t just browsing for a new one- what are you doing here in this section?”
“N-nothing…” A stutter still escaped you despite your best efforts.
It seemed like he was circling you like a hawk over head, though you wanted to be caught up in his claws. A little yelp of surprise escaped you when he suddenly grabbed your wrist rather tightly and yanked you forward towards him. You stumbled slightly into his chest, but you were quickly stabilized by him pushing you back into the shelves.
You were getting whiplashed again from his transition from delicate to sharp when he carefully put both wrists into one hand, then pinning them above your head. Your jaw was dropped down in shock and you almost stammered out another reply when he hit the nail on the head as to what your intentions were, “Were you looking for me?” At first you gave no response, but he pulled one out of you by sharply commanding you, “Answer me!”
His lips were on you in a familiar fashion, harsh, almost enough to where your lips might bruise a little. When he bit your lip rather hard, you thought that there was definitely a chance that the bruise would form or at least it would be swollen. You loved it though, letting him guide the kiss to make it as rough as he wanted. When he separated his lips from you, you went to open your mouth to protest, but was cut off by a harsh shush from him that would make the librarian proud.
Each of the shelves you were pressed into pinched painfully, not that you cared all that much. You were more focused on the man who was now unbuttoning the front of the jeans you wore. On the inside you were cursing yourself for not wearing a skirt so he could’ve had easier access, it’s not like he could have stripped you down out of them- even if you wanted him to.
You’d both have to settle with your pants being pulled down to the tops of your thighs, he did leave the panties pulled up though, for the moment at least.
His other hand still held your wrists firmly while he started to tease by rubbing slow circles to your clit through your panties. When you tried to buck your hips into his hand you were punished by putting one of his thighs between your own and pushing what felt like his full weight onto you. There was no way you could move underneath him, even if you tried squirming he had you pinned to the too firmly shelves like a piece of art hanging on the walls.
All you could do was try to beg for what you wanted, “Please, pull them down.”
“But, I like seeing you in them.” He looked down at you with his eyes that looked like black pools because of the mood lighting in the library. You whimpered again, but cut you off by saying. “If you want me to oblige you, maybe you should ask me nicely and use the name you know you’re supposed to use.”
You knew exactly what title he was referring to, it had been ingrained in your mind after the last time. Part of you wanted to use a similar comeback of last time and call him Mister instead, or maybe even dare speak his first name again. On the other hand, your legs were shaking from being just simply teased a little. You had been looking forward to having him touch you like this again, and if you did not comply there was a chance his punishment for you would be taking away all touch.
“Please- Doctor, please pull them down.” Your volume was undoubtedly much too loud for the normally dead silent library. You were confident that you would not be caught just like last time, this was a scarcely traveled area, plus the librarian was farthest away from here. There had been another motive for picking this area to try to spot the morally gray doctor.
Instead of pulling your panties down, he ripped them off of you. The tearing of the seam echoed off the shelves along with your gasp. Even if you had really liked the pair, it was too hot to really be angry for him ripping them apart. And- when he stuffed them in his pocket a sharp spike of arousal ripples through your core. You could even still see the wet spot you had created on them despite the rip before he had shoved them into his pocket.
When his hand returned to your core you mewled desperately. He returned his nimble fingers to rubbing circles into your clit, this time a little bit faster than before and with a bit more pressure. You had to bite down onto your lip when he started alternating the circles with pinching your clit, knowing that the sharp cries that wanted to escape would be too loud for the librarian to miss, despite being far away from her.
“Do you want my fingers inside you?” He asked gruffly- as if I’d refuse having his long fingers crooked inside me, dragging across my g spot.
You didn’t need him to prompt you to say “Yes, please Doctor!” You were becoming easy for him to bend to his will, just to get another taste of his touch on your body. Maybe next time, if there was one like you hoped, perhaps if you were not so desperate for him to bring you to your peak, you’d smart off to him again. After all, from what little that you had experienced as a punishment from him like last time, you knew you’d enjoy it.
The smirk on his face told you that he was pleased with your eager submission to him. He pushed your head to the side slightly with his own to suck a hickey at the underside of your ear then nibbling slightly up the shell of it, “Good girl.”
Your eyes rolled back farther than you thought possible when he spoke, plus the added sensation of him plunging his fingers into your dripping hole added to that as well. The thrusts of his fingers were slower than you expected, as if he did not care that time may be of the essence, that anybody could walk by soon. Curling them upwards on one swift motion helped him easily find that perfect spot inside you which made your body try to squirm underneath his grip again. As you squirmed you could feel his hard bulge pressing into you making your mouth water and you drip down your thighs even more. Despite wanting to grind into it more he reaffirmed his grip and started to plunge his fingers into you faster. Your eyes shut tight at the onslaught of pleasure.
“No- look at me while I’m doing this to you.” Wrenching your eyes open with effort you followed his command, locking his eyes with yours. His eyes entranced you, you could almost feel the dark hooks pulling you in impossibly closer. Those hooks were pushing you towards the edge of your orgasm as well.
“Can I cum pleassse-“ You gasped almost too late as you were having trouble staving off your release, you didn’t know if you could handle him holding it off at all, “Doctor?!”
“Come on, cum for me- only for me, you’ve been really good for me.” A man being possessive towards you would normally have your orgasm fall away quickly- but when he said it your orgasm snapped through you on command. Your hands fell limp at your sides as he released his steel grip on them to clasp his hand around your mouth to quiet the noise that you tried, and failed, to stifle.
He had you still almost fully pinned down as you rode the waves of your orgasm out. You gripped the shelves with your free hands tightly, trying to hold onto something. You’d touch him, but there was the unspoken rule to not touch him without permission hanging in the air.
He let you come up for air once you had finished by removing his hand from your mouth, along with the one from your pants. He also tried to move you off of his thigh so you could stand, but your shaky legs would not allow you to do so, still weak from the force of your orgasm.
He only pulled away from you when a small thud was heard that judging by the source of the sound, was somewhat close to where you both were. He helped you button your pants back up, it felt kind of weird to wear them without your panties. The reminder of him stuffing them into his pockets still outweighed the discomfort.
Your whole being was probably much more disheveled than he was, there was only a slight cock to the right with his tie, that he quickly fixed. He then leaned, capturing you in a kiss that was much softer than any others he had given you. It did not feel like a goodbye kiss, more like see you soon.
“Until next time, Shelley.” His words that were whispered like a ghost on your lips, it was the quietest thing he had said throughout today’s dalliance. He almost seemed afraid. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach at the nickname, knowing it came from the time that you first had encountered him. It made him seem even closer to you than you had thought, him giving you the nickname made you feel somewhat claimed by him. Hopefully this was not all in your head.
“Until next time- Spencer.” You hesitated a little before saying his given name. You already had a nickname for him, one that seemed less intimate than the one he gave to you. Calling him by his first name seemed like a way that you could express similar thoughts without spilling all your guts to him.
Once the butterflies had faded a little you realized that he had not let you reciprocate any pleasure. You wanted to chase him back down through the library, get down on your knees and take his cock into your mouth until you swallowed his cum. There must have been a reason though, why he did not let you reciprocate. You hoped he was just busy and that at the next meeting in two weeks time, he’d let you take him into your mouth.
You yearned to touch him rather than to have him touch you. The thought of running your hands through his hair slowly enough to appreciate every wave and curl sent butterflies a flight in your stomach. Would he ever let you get that close? Close enough to study every curve of him in earnest instead of being pinned against something in a way where you could only appreciate a part of him. However much you felt desire being stoked whenever he took control over you, pinned you like he did, the butterflies in your stomach at the thought of exploring him with your own hands was too much to ignore. You just wanted to explore every inch of him with no semblance of time, no rush to be somewhere else, just to examine every part good or bad.
You’d have to tiptoe close, dance around him like he did with you until he let you see truly what both sides of him were behind the mask.
You still hardly knew the man before you, the one that was retreating away from you, sadly. Today had felt like your first glimpse into something more, mostly his good side. Dr. Jekyll was the one that you had seen the most of, but you could deny your desire to see every part of him, that thought had not wavered. There was that dark part of him that remainder hidden under the mask, if he showed it to you would you know him? Or would it just deepen the mystery of which is his dominant side- Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? And even though you were undoubtedly curious to see every facet of what made the morally gray doctor you could help but fear whether or not you’d like everything that you’d see.
Part One , Part Three| Series Masterlist
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
Dr. Jekyll or Mr.Hyde: @rainsong01
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Dom!Spencer: @rainsong01
177 notes · View notes
step-on-me-khun · 4 years
This is my first time writing for something that isn’t ToG, please go easy on me, but still, I do requests and fics and stuff like that. I just felt compelled to write this. 
Post timeskip Kenma x Reader
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 1998
Request: 6, but still open
The tension was slowly rising between the two of you. Any moments spent together were quiet and uncomfortable. It was mainly due to one comment to gave Kenma when he was gaming one night.
"You know that gaming is a big part of what I do," he said, leaning back in his gaming chair, watching the characters moving around on the screen, "just don't get too surprised about how much I spend here you'll soon get used to it,"
You weren't too bothered about the extensive amount of hours that he spent gaming, as you would also game or stream, which kind of made your relationship a little easier.
But the lack of affection or talking, in general, got to you, making you sadder with every day. Sure, you shared a bed, but it wasn't enough for you. It was lonely, and you wanted to feel love and validation from him.
It was easy to understand his words, but it was also easy for you to feel emotionally withdrawn from him too. It was supposed to be a relationship between the two of you, something that made you happy. You loved him, but it felt more like his game were his main priority.
You were the only one in bed. The dark and lonely room only helped to make you feel even more forgotten and alone. The silence made you feel sick inside and made you desperate for Kenma to find you, to tell you just how much he loved and adored you.
Looking up at the ceiling, your eyes threatened to cry. Were you overreacting by crying? No, this wasn't you overreacting. He was your world. It didn't matter how long you would game for, your mind would instantly think of him whenever you were halfway through your game.
Tears spilt from your orbs, you close your eyes and try to stop your thoughts from overwhelming you.
Your arm moved over your face, wiping the tears away from your eyes. It was twenty minutes to midnight. You looked outside to the moon and the stars, picturing just how much better they looked in real life than in any game.
Moving the blanket away from your body, you shifted your legs off the bed. You stood up slowly, not wanting to move too quickly to avoid getting dizzy.
The lack of communication between the two of you was driving you crazy. It wasn't too much to ask of him to just put down the damn video game controller and spend some time with you, was it?
You walk towards the door and out of the room, geet leading you to where you knew Kenma would be. The whole house was dark, very little light was shining anywhere, but you could tell where he was, a stream of light peeking out from under one of the doors.
Little noise was heard as you stood beside the door, listening closely to anything and everything. He was good with his hands, that's what you would expect from someone like him, being both a promising volleyball player and a decent gamer, too.
He knew you were there, listening, but decided to just stay silent.
Your hand slowly opens the door, revealing him to you. His eyes never strayed away from the screen he was staring into.
Your vision was clouded by the tears that were still building up in your eyes. The only thing that startled him was the sound of you sniffling and sobbing lightly. His mood changed, but it wasn't enough for you to noticed.
Your feet brought you closer to him, leading you up to his gaming chair. You were compelled to place your hands over his eyes.
"Not now," he complains.
"I need to get something off my chest," you sob.
"Can't you just give me a few minutes so I can beat this level?"
It was both heartbreaking and infuriating. Anger burned inside you, running away would be a good option for you at the moment, but you didn't want to leave without saying what you wanted to say.
"How long do you think you'll be?" You ask sadly.
His eyes quickly glance at you, capturing a glance at your red face.
"Not long, just give me a few seconds," he replies, the tips of his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he concentrated on the last few steps his character took.
He saved his process quickly, sighing as he turned the game off. You didn't want him to be mad at you, but you also wouldn't forgive yourself if you walked away now.
"What is it?" He asks.
Your heart almosts sinks again, your emotions almost getting too much as he sits in front of you, looking as if nothing was wrong at all.
"I don't know how much longer I can deal with this," you sob.
"You knew that being with me would be difficult,"
"I know," you say, rubbing the tears from your eyes, "I just thought you'd come and find me, tell me that I'm more important than any character in any of your games. I love you, and I feel so alone,"
"I am sorry you feel that way,"
"Maybe it would be better if I left," you turn around and walked out of the room, leaving your boyfriend shocked on his gaming chair.
If any sense was in his mind, he would run after you. You quietly sobbed as you guided your way back to your room.
Opening the door to your room, you quickly move back towards the bed, falling onto it and wrapping the blanket around you.
It felt like the world was crumbling around you, and it was all because both of you were diehard gamers. You knew just how much gaming impacted his life, it was like that with you, but you never let it get to the point where it ran your life.
Your loud sobs continued as you lay on the bed, your body covered by the blanket, hands clutching at it.
The bed sunk beside you as you cried, which you felt. The sound of rustling caught your attention as your cries halted for a moment.
It was Kenma, he had come to for no reason other than what you had said to him before.
"You're not going to leave me, are you?" Kenma asks, his hand pulling on the blanket that covered you.
You were hesitant to give him a proper response. The blanket was pulled slowly off you. His eyes looking down at the floor.
You sat up, your face still red from the tears.
"I don't know," you say hoarsely.
He moves quickly, pushing you back onto the bed, hands pinning yours to the bed.
"Kenma what're you-" you start but was disrupted by his mouth pressing harshly onto yours.
His eyes were closed, but it took you a couple of seconds for you to respond and close your own eyes, melting into his kiss.
Physical contact with him wasn't common. Sure, cuddles and hugs were something that happens a lot between the two of you, but kisses and small stuff like caressing each other's faces was something that was a little on the rare side.
You slowly slide your hands away from his and instantly your arms found their way around his neck, your fingers tangling themselves in his locks.
"I'm sorry if I don't make you feel loved enough," he confesses as he pulls away from you.
You turn your head away from him, "I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that,"
His hands take hold of the hem of his hoodie, pulling it and the t-shirt below it above his head and tossing somewhere in the room.
You knew what he was after, and you weren't going to deny him of it. There was so much tension between the two of you, and it was something that would eventually be released.
He moves down to your top, pulling it quickly off you, exposing your chest to him and the cool air.
You gasp as his lips touch yours again. It had been a little while since you had been this intimate with him, and you desperately didn't want to let go of him.
Your fingers lightly press on his lower stomach, tracing their way down to his tracksuit bottoms. You tug on the waistband a bit before pulling them and his boxers down, his erection springing free from the fabric.
He continues to kiss you as he kicks off his remaining clothes.
You were just in a pair of panties now, which his fingers had already looped around. He releases you from the kiss, moving to the side so that you could remove your pantied yourself.
He hovers over you again, his hand gently cups your neck, thumb on your mouth. He liked being like this with you, his rough hands would grab you anywhere, waiting for a reaction from you. It was like he was playing a level of one of his games, he liked conquering you like he would one of his game.
"Kenma," you moan, snapping him out of his thoughts.
His hands moved under your knees, pulling your legs up. Your eyes looked into each other as he lined himself up with your entrance.
Your lips were captured quickly as he plunged into you, gasping into his mouth as he moved roughly inside you.
Your fingers quickly found his hair again, pulling his mouth more onto yours as your bodies collided.
He was pretty damn hard to read at times, particularly when you were at it. If he was feeling lazy, then he'd just let you set your own pace or speed. But that wasn't to say that he wasn't overly gentle with you, because it was kinda rare that he was.
The more you got intimate with him, the more you realized just how rough he could be with you. His hands would roam you while you were kissing, or grab on tightly to your legs or neck. It was like there was a little bit of a sadist inside him, which was something you didn't think he had in him. It must've been all those games that he had lost and got upset about.
Your back arched up as his pace continued to speed up, your chest meeting his.
His hands reach for yours and pin them bot down onto the bed. The looks you would give him were enough of a reason for him to speed up, as well as the beautiful moans that would leave your mouth.
"Oh, my god," you moan silently, "Kenma,"
His head hides in the crook of your neck.  
Your vision blurred as you felt a knot starting to form in your stomach.
"Oh, fuck," you moan, your hands grabbing onto his.
He knew you were close, letting out small groans and hisses as your walls clench around him.
You could feel his breath against your neck, every groan and hiss he let out vibrated on your skin.
"Kenma," you cry loudly as you release onto him, your grip on his hands tightening more as you came.
Your eyes stared up, seeing nothing but the darkness that had coated the room around you.
"I do love you, you know that, right?" You heard him say softly. It caught you a little off guard.
"Maybe I overreacted," you say.
"No, you didn't,"
You smile, your hands slide away from his again and held him close to you.
"I love you too, gamer boy,"
"I like it when we're like this," his lips place a kiss on your sternum as he pulls out, then lays his head on your chest again, listening to your heartbeat.
You giggle at him, "so do I,"
Your fingers find his hair once again, but instead of pulling on his strands, your nails slightly scratch against his scalp. He like you playing with his hair.
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sidespart · 4 years
The Fall of King Romulus part 4
Summary: Twin Princes Remus and Romulus are cursed at birth with Honesty and Obedience. When Romulus, who cannot disobey any order, is told to kill his brother the next time he lays eyes on him, he changes his name to Roman and runs away. Roman joins up with a misfit group of adventures and plans to never return to his homeland. But the fae have other plans for him...
Warnings (for whole fic not necessarily individual chapters): Violence, mind whammying/memory altering, curse of obedience related consent issues, references to sex, references to war related injuries/PTSD, references to child abuse/neglect (YMMV on that one but just in case), antagonstic-but-not-exactly villian!Janus, Extremly-moraly-dubious-but-not-exacty-unsympathetic-Remus
Pairings: Mostly Platonic LAMP and all the found family feels. Could be read as pre-slash.
Feedback appreciated.
Prologue     Chapter 1   Chapter 2  Chapter 3
“I will grant them handsome features and beguiling voices,” the maiden whispered, her own voice dripping with honey “that all who great them will be blessed from the meeting.”
“I told you it wouldn’t work!” Remus grinned smugly when Romulus was deposited back in in their room, their nanny shutting the door firmly behind him.
“Urghh.” Romulus whined as he hurled himself face first onto Remus’ bed, making his giggling brother bounce from the impact. “But it should have! It always does in the stories!”
What was the point of having a twin, Romulus wondered if they couldn’t even switch places to get him out of boring geography lessons?
Remus poked him until Romulus rolled over onto his side to pout at his brother.
“It’s because I’m better lookin’ than you.” Remus told him cheerfully.
Romulus thwacked him with a pillow. “We’re identical!”
“Doesn’t matter,” Remus grabbed a second pillow from the floor, “I’m still the cute one!”
“Are not!”
“Are too!”
“Are not!”
“Are to – oof!”
The pillow fight soon descended into a wrestling match, their shrieks and giggles echoing through the bed chamber.
Eventually they ran out of breath and Remus flopped back down on the bed, his legs hanging over the edge. Romulus collapsed on the floor amongst the fallen pillows, batted Remus’ foot away from his face and gazed up at the family portrait hanging above their fire place.
They were identical. The artist had taken care to draw the crown prince a little bigger than his brother, closer to the forefront of the picture, but even so; their hair, eyes, nose - everything was the same.
Romulus glanced up at his brother, who was currently digging snot out his nose with every sign of enjoyment. Romulus gagged. They were not the same -Remus was gross!  
Everyone said what a handsome young man Remus was growing up to be. How brightly his eyes sparkled.  How confidently he held himself, even as a child. They never said that stuff about Romulus.
Remus shone, even when he was being gross.
“Your voice is better.” Remus said suddenly, snapping Romulus out of his sulk.
“Your voice.” The older twin lent over the bed, staring his brother in the eye “It’s nicer than mine, ‘specially when you sing.” Romulus beamed, showing off his gap toothed smile. Their parents had hired teachers to drill both boys on the lute and harpsicord, but Romulus’ talent for singing was all him.
“You think so?”
“Yeah.” Remus smiled back at him. He’d lost a baby tooth that week too – one of his canines, giving him lopsided fangs. “And you’re way better at crying.”
“What! Well – your feet are stinker!”
“You’re worse at pranks!”
“Well you’re worse at fencing!”
“But l I’m the best at tickling!” declared Remus and leapt from the bed, pinning Romulus with his knee whilst his fingers attacked his brothers armpits.  The younger prince’s peals of laughter and cries for mercy were so loud nanny came rushing back to check on them, finding the future rulers of Notaleveale wrapped around each other on the floor, covered in dust and wearing matching smiles.
“I will grant them strength and creativity.” The mother smiled, she had a thousand eyes and all of them twinkled under the halls many candles “so that their rule will never be questioned.”
“Lord Venchi?”  Romulus asked.
The royal treasurer, normally one of the more composed members of his father council, was pacing the entrance hall alone, what little hair he had left sticking up in all directions as he tugged at it.
“Oh, Your Highness!” The he gasped when he caught sight of Romulus, “oh thank goodness! He-“
Romulus sighed. “What has my brother done now?”
Romulus had spent the morning on a rare visit into town, missing the days council meeting. It was completely unfair -  Romulus attended meetings almost daily, under Julius supervision, as part of his training to one day take over managing whichever aspect of the kingdom bored the future King Remus the most. They were mind numbingly dull sessions and it was only Julius’ steady glare that kept Romulus’ eyes open and his face attentive.
But today, visitors from the far south were attending. Which meant the session might actually be interesting. Which meant Remus got to go, and Romulus was immediately barred from entry. Instead, his father had asked him to represent the family at the ceremonial graduation of the latest batch of city watch recruits. So, instead of hearing tales from beyond the kingdoms borders, he had spent most of the day on a podium waving dispassionately at a crowd of braying onlookers.
It was always daunting, being around so many common folk. They lacked the decorum of the nobles at court. Whilst most seemed content to gape and sigh at him from a distance, there was always one who would shout out ‘my prince, look at me!’, ‘come here!’, ‘kiss my baby!’
Even with his fathers voice ringing in his ears – “no matter what you hear, stay by your guards side until you are back in the palace.” – Romulus had spent the day tense and unhappy, pinpricks of pain dancing in his skull. By the time he was allowed to speak he had quite forgotten his prepared speech and been forced to make up a quick poem on the spot. The crowd had seemed happy enough – the watch captain had tears in his eyes - but he knew neither Julius or his parents would be happy with his improvising once his guards had reported in.
He had hoped to get a few hours alone before the inevitable lecture, and were it anyone else he might have tried to sneak by without getting pulled into whatever chaos Remus had caused.
But Venchi was an old ally, one who had served his father wisely for years and who always took the time to compliment Romulus on his few measured contributions to the councils discussions, or to explain carefully any point he had missed.
He had also seen Remus at council. There shouldn’t have been anything left that the older prince could do to shock him to this extent.
“He-“ the old man looked like he couldn’t quite believe his own words, “He flipped the table.”
Romulus stared at him. The council table was ancient and enormous, made of a stone so old it’s real name has been lost. Moving it was impossible, the palace had practically been built around it.
“The Arkazeii  ambassador is being seen by a healer.” Venchi continued, “but I believe his foot Is broken, I-“
The side door behind them slammed open suddenly, crashing into the wall with enough force to make the hanging portraits shake. “I said.” Remus roared, a snarl on his handsome face, “Leave me alone!”
His voice was so forceful Romulus found he had taken three steps towards the main door before he stopped himself, face flushing. The order hadn’t been meant for him. Julius, who had clearly been chasing after the young crown prince, was now openly glaring down at Remus, two spots of colour high on his cheeks.
“Your highness I must insist-“
“Seriously?” Remus cackled, “You’re insisting?  Juju, honestly, I am not interested in what you have to say.” He barred his teeth at the King’s advisor, eyes wild,  “If my father wants me he can come get me himself but if not you can go and -oh.”
“Hello Remus.” Romulus sighed, giving the shortest bow he could get away with, “I hear your meeting went well.”
Remus eyes narrowed “Hello Romy, have fun getting your butt kissed in town?” he slug his arm around his brother’s neck, adopting a high pitched, sing song tone in apparent impression of the townsfolk “Oh Prince Romulus, you’re sooo clever and handsome and perfect. Won’t you pretty please sign an autograph and let me suck your di-“
“Your highness, please!” Venchi looked disgusted “There is no need for vulgarity.”
“Aww hey Vee! Wow, your hair is really going, you know the balder you get the more you look like my ballsack? Romy – I’m serious, picture him with two heads”  he held up his thumbs and index fingers and positioned them in front of the red-faced treasurer like a frame “I can’t be the only one that sees this.”
“You are.” Romulus snapped, shrugging his brothers arm off of his shoulders, “Did you really break the Arkazeii ambassadors foot?”
“The Arkazeii ambassador deserved it.” Remus snarled, good humour vanishing instantly. “They want to dig up Orenlla till it’s hollow. Use the rock to turn their sky black. Have you heard the stories outta that place? All the chickens are dying, ’s a travesty.”
“The chickens are- what? Just. Whatever. Not liking his trade ideas doesn’t mean you can hurt him!”
Remus eyes were always sparkling. Like a man on the brink of madness. “I can do whatever I want little brother.” He grinned at him with too many teeth, “you should try it sometime.”
“Your sons have all the makings of rulersss” the final fae smiled, her one golden eye glinting in the depth of her cloak. “My gift is for you. I give your children honestly and obedience.” She smiled sweetly, “May they bring you joy.”
“Your father is sick” Julius told him.
I know that Romulus thought but didn’t say. Watching the old man carefully.
They were in Julius practice room, at the top of the northmost turret, where Romulus had spent so much of his childhood.
“There is of course, still hope. And we have the finest healers, from every corner of the Kingdom.” Julius was pacing as he spoke, wringing his hands. It was profoundly odd, to see the old man so unsettled. But he had known Romulus’ father from when they were both boys. He loved him, as much as he was capable of loving anyone, and he loved the kingdom that he helped rule.
So Romulus found he wasn’t as surprised as he should have been with what Julius said next.
“Your brother cannot be allowed to take the throne.”
Since Romulus curse had been recognised, his parents had taken great pains to limit the brothers’ interactions, for both of their safety.
Remus could not keep a secret.
Remus was honest. He was honest at their mothers funeral when he’d announced to the mourners that she was ‘a bitch by anyone’s definition’ and honest later than evening when he’d sobbed into Romulus’ shoulder and cried that he would miss her.
He was honest when he announced to Romulus causally, over are rare shared meal, that he dreamed about killing him. “I’d do it with a morning star” he told him, slapping his spoon down onto the head of a roasted tomato and watching the red pulp fly about his plate. “Just like that.”
He was honest when he forced his way into Romulus’ room at night, shook him awake and told him, shaking, that the palace was haunted. That voices whispered to him from every corner - so loud that he couldn’t sleep.
He was honest when Romulus asked him, baffled, why are you telling me this. “I trust you.” Remus admitted, his voice thick, “You’re the only one I can trust.”
Just because he was honest, didn’t mean he was right.
Romulus gazed at Julius, his face carefully blank – a skill he had perfected over many council meetings.- and said “I don’t think you can order me to change our birth order.”
“No.” Julius smiled, and had the decency to look pained. “That’s not what I’m going to ask.”
In this room, Julius had tried every trick to strip Romulus of his curse. And when he failed, he’d dedicated himself to learning every possible way it could be exploited. In order to help protect him, of course.
“Sit there and listen to me until I finish.”
If Romulus didn’t hear an order in full, even if he could guess it, it could be ignored. As a child he’d sometimes escape his teachers simply by running away before they could give him the next task.
“The next time you lay eyes on your brother, kill him. Ensure no one can trace it back to you.”
Vague orders were still orders, and often more effective than those that were too direct. If he couldn’t prevent someone from seeing him, then he would have to kill the witness too in order to obey the instructions in full.
“Let no one know you did it. Tell no one of our conversation”
There was, by now, a long list of things Romulus was forbidden from talking about. It was one of Julius’ favourite orders to give.
“If anyone contradicts this order, ignore them.”
Contradictions were tricky. Normally the most recent order would take precedence, but often enough once the newer order had been completed, the old one would return.
“Do you understand me, Price Romulus?”
Romulus nodded and some of the tension left Julius’ shoulders.
He smiled at Romulus then, and lent over the bush back a strand of hair that had fallen across the young man’s face. He left his hand on Romulus cheek and gazed at him like he really was a kindly old mentor and Romulus his favoured pupil.
“This year, it will be the rise of King Romulus. You will be a just and fair ruler. I’ll make sure of it.”
As the second son of a King, Romulus future had never been certain.
His parents discussed it often. He should have become a commander in the army, or a leader of the church or married off to a neighbouring princess and become king in his own right. With all options too likely to lead to discovery however, it had been decided he would stay home, construct a reputation of studious detachment and become his brothers distant advisor.
Help him. Protect him.
Like Julius protected them.
Instead, Romulus ran away and became Roman.
Roman was loud and confident and sprouted poetry and song without hesitation. He basked in the attention from crowds and flirted  with every pretty face who crossed his path. He worked and earned for himself and argued back with anyone who disagreed with him and never sat still if he could help it. He kept Romulus and his memories of home buried so deep sometimes he forgot he’d ever had another name.
Even so, there had always been, at the back of his mind, the paranoia of this day. When he would be found. Recognised. Forced back to Romulus life.
He just didn’t think when it happened it would be so embarrassing.
They’d reached a fork in the road. The Marquis paused and whipped his head from side to side, presumably checking for witnesses although it looked more like he was trying to shake water free from his ears. He stepped in front on Roman.
“You.” He enunciated slowly and loudly “Turn left. Okay? Le – e -e f -t”
Roman stared at him.                                  
He had been kidnapped by an idiot.
With great deliberation he rested all his weight on one foot and turned left. And then kept turning, spinning in a circle a few times until the Marquis hissed “no!” and grabbed his arm.
And then dropped it immediately, wiping his hand on his sleeve.
“You. Just – follow me, alright? This way.”
Roman rolled his eye but did as he was told.  The man could have just told him in the beginning to follow him to wherever their destination was, and Roman would have done so. There was no need to give him a new instruction every few paces. But if the Marquis – what was his first name? Romulus must have known at some point – didn’t know the ins and outs of his curse then Roman wasn’t going to be the one to tell him.
They continued on, the Marquis stopping every three feet to stare at him, or repeat some instruction, or glare at a crumpled map in his hands. Roman despaired. Romulus had had a crush on this man.
At first, Roman assumed he would lead him towards the Royal Palace and present his find to the Princess or to whatever other Notalevealian nobles were already here for the coronation. But instead he tugged him away from the wider streets, back down hill towards the main sprawl of the city.
“Where are you taking me, villain?” Roman asked after twenty minutes of marching “because I’m pretty sure we’ve passed that street lamp three times already.”
“Somewhere where your little friend won’t be able to help you.” the Marquis muttered, glaring at the lamp in question.
Roman felt his heart freeze. His friend?
He supposed it made sense. There was no conceivable way they could have been followed in the woods. Not without Patton or Virgil noticing. The Marquis must have spotted him in the market and followed from there, which means he would have at least seen Logan, perhaps the others too since he had been at the tavern…
Although why would a noble be at the Stevangie street market?
He tried not to let his anxiety show on his face, puffing his chest out and summoning his most haughty glare.
“Listen to me, lordling, if any harm should come to them I will personally-“
“Them?” The Marquis stumbled, map fluttering to the floor. When he spun to glare at Roman his eyes were enormous. “How many are there?”
Roman blinked, haughty glare ruined by his genuine confusion. “Erm,” he tried “lots?”
The Marquis audibly gulped, but before Roman could even attempt to interpret that the man’s face brightened, his gaze caught on something behind Roman. He smirked, some swagger returning to his step.
“No matter.” He said and grabbed Romans arm, dragging him towards a nondescript building in the centre of the street, unlocking the door and shoving the bard through.
It was a bath house. The back entrance, perhaps, but the damp in the air and smell of scented soap was unmistakable.
Roman tried, in his sleep-deprived, underfed, over-stressed state, to come up with a reasonable explanation for this.
He had nothing.
“Shut up” The Marquis snapped. “Walk that way.” He pushed Roman down a long corridor, past arched doorways through which he caught a glimpse of the bathhouse proper, and into a dusty looking stairwell. He had produced a candle from somewhere, but the dim light did very little to illuminate anything as they gingerly picked their way down.
When they finally reached the bottom floor Roman squinted to see boxes and crates of empty bottles– a storage room? But he had no time to take it all in before he was being dragged through another pair of doors. Two more rooms and another set of stairs later and the Marquis finally stopped.
The room he’d led them to was hot and humid. Sweat dripped down Romans nose after only a few seconds. At first he couldn’t work out what the noise that filled the room was, until his eyes adjusted enough to see the tubes running from the floor to ceiling.
“You’re lucky to see this.” The Marquis had to raise his voice over the rush of running water to be heard “This room is a modern miracle – the lifeblood of the city!”
Steveange’s heated bath houses were famous. So much so even Virgil had heard of them, and he seemed to take pride in knowing nothing about the outside world. Roman had assumed the city must have been built on hot springs or some other natural source, but this was something else.
“The furnace is below us.” The Marquis explained, as he propelled Roman towards the back wall. “The pipes bring water from the river, it’s heated and pumped up and out to every bathhouse in the city.”
He grinned with something like pride as he tapped one of the  pipes above Romans head, making it sing, “Arkazeii engineering and Orenllan iron. Lined with Orenllan copper of course…give me your jacket.”
“But. Notaleveale doesn’t trade it’s ores” Roman blinked rapidly, trying to remove the sweat from his eyes, as he shrugged out of his jacket.
Jacket was a generous term – it was a silken red thing, better suited to performances than travelling. But he enjoyed the way it billowed as he walked. The Marquis took it and without so much as a moments respect for the garment, ripped one of the sleeves clean off.
“You’ve been away a long time.” the Marquis snarled, “you little fae touched traitor.”
Roman gaped at him, even as the man grabbed his right arm and began attempting to tie it to the nearest pipe.
“I used to look up to you” the Marquis continued, “you were everything a Prince should be. But you betrayed your father and put a curse of madness on your brother - all because of your own petty jealousy!”
He squeezed Romans wrist with enough force to leave bruises. And stepped back to admire his handywork. The silky material had no grip and it was painfully obvious the man was not used to getting his hand dirty. The resulting knot looked more like a bow. “You are no prince of mine.”
“Lucius.“ Roman knew he’d known his name. “That’s not true. That’s- that’s not even a clever story! Who came up with that?”
“Shut up.” Some of the panic from the journey had come back to Lucius’ eyes but it faded quickly “And don’t think you can scare me with my name, there is more iron in this room then anywhere else in the city.”
He grinned at Roman nastily. “Your little friends aren’t coming to save you.”
Roman stayed quiet, mind whirling. They thought Remus was cursed?
Well. He was. But not in the way Lucius seemed to believe.
They wouldn’t send a mad man to another kingdoms coronation would they? Had the seller actually been certain Remus was coming?
Tied up, exhausted and with a man who seemed to hate him glaring down, Roman started to giggle in giddy relief.
Lucius stepped back, looking unsettled, before reaching out, roughly grabbing Romans chin and shoving the remnants of his jacket into his mouth. “Stay here,” he told him, slowly and clearly “until I come back with your transport.”
He stood, taking the candle with him to the door. He paused for one moment before leaving, the flickering light illuminating a cruel smirk. “You had better hope I can arrange it before the furnaces come back on.” And he was gone.
Roman glanced above himself into the darkness, where his wrists were strapped tight to the currently cool metal. A rush of fear went through him, finally bringing him down from the giggling hysteria.
Alone In the dark, tried to think.
Roman was a bad friend. He lied to his companions as easy as breathing and took his own fears out on them.
Romulus was a bad prince. He had abandoned his kingdom and his subjects and allowed some sort of conspiracy to spring up in his wake.
But he was a good brother. Remus was alive. And he would stay that way.
After all, this afternoon he thought that Remus was here. That he would have to confront his past, escape the city, evade every member of the Notalevealian court and his  own friends and steal a horse.
Now all he had to do was get out of this basement and outwit one idiot who could barely tie knots and hadn’t even thought to pat him down to check for hidden daggers.
Easy-peasy he thought, his eyes fluttering closed as exhaustion finally overtook him.
Part 5
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13 Going on 30 pt. 3
A Peter Maximoff x reader fanfic based off the movie 13 going on 30
Summary:  You are so excited when the most popular girl in your school agrees to come to your 13th birthday party. But after a cruel prank you find yourself wishing that you were popular and older. By some miracle your wish is granted but isn’t as wonderful as it seems. You turn out to be a major jerk and you don't even talk to your best friend Peter anymore. Can you fix everything and get back to normal or are you stuck living like this forever
Warnings: Angst, Some suggestive content, But it’s mostly pure fluff. (Also Peter has no powers in this fic, and some scenes will be changed to fit Peter and his personality and so I can be creative with it!)
Word Count: 2103
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Peter thought it was safe to say that adult life sucked. And it wasn't just because he had run out of lucky charms this morning and had to settle for something called shredded wheat that was hidden away in the back of the panty. They were gross and tasted like cardboard, but Peter was all out of groceries so this would have to do.
 No nothing had seemed to go right for him after high school, he went to college, (even though he spent most of the time partying and goofing off), got the degree and yet he was barely scraping by. But he couldn't complain, all that much at least. He enjoyed his job and even if at times it was hard to earn money he wouldn't trade it for the world. He had fallen in love with photography in freshman year and decided to major in it. He had a minor in business too, something you had always told him would be useful as a backup. You were always practical like that, making sure he never completely fell over the edge. But he was hesitant to use it, because in using that minor it kinda meant he was giving up his dream. Giving in to the regular, soul crossing 9 to 5 job that everyone seemed to have. Peter was a dreamer at heart, in a way it would kill him to do anything other than photography.
He ate a spoonful of his cereal, making a face at the dull taste. Chewing, he glanced over at the stack of bills littering the counter. A lot of them were piling up, sooner or later he may have to give into the normalcy of a business job. Work had been slow lately and very boring. More often than not people hired him to take photos for their weddings or graduation, simple stuff. Stuff that had him bored out of his mind. But there were no clients currently so until he got one he had all the time in the world to himself. Which he loved at first but now it seems he was falling into a bit of a routine.
Peter aimlessly wandered around the kitchen lost in thought, his eyes drifted toward the collection of pictures pinned to his fridge. There was a picture of you on there, from before you had cut him out of your life. Peter set the bowl down on the counter and gently lifted the magnet to pull the picture off. It was a polaroid of you two, You had your arms wrapped around Peter’s shoulders, hugging him from behind. His hands were resting on yours, you both were smiling, teeth missing.
This picture was from the first day of first grade. Even back then Peter had had some feelings for you. And the way his eyes looked at you and not the camera was proof of this. Peter ran his thumb gently over the faded picture, for a moment he let himself wonder about how you were doing, before he snapped himself out of it. He put the picture back in its place and picked his bowl back up. It was too early to be having thoughts like that. 
Peter yawned and lazily plopped down on his worn out sofa, flipping through the channels on the tv. There was nothing on, signing he threw out the rest of his cereal, it had gotten soggy while he was busy reminiscing. He dropped the empty bowl into the sink, only adding to the collection of unwashed dishes. He glanced over at the phone and the soft blinking of the red light, indicating he had voicemails he hadn't listened to yet. He knew he was going to have to take her calls sooner or later but right now he didn't want to deal with her. 
He headed to the park and decided to do some laps on the path, running always helped him to relax and clear his head. He always got stares and shy smiles from the women that were jogging, he found out that apparently the silver hair that everyone made fun of him for was very attractive to women now. Something he used to use to his advantage to pick up the occasional hook up.
After that he went to go get groceries and then played on his pacman machine until lunchtime. He totally knew how to spend his time. He made his way over to the kitchen and looked at all the new groceries he had bought. Twinkies, instant ramen, mac and cheese, he picked up the box of lucky charms, weighing the option of eating it for lunch. He thought better of it and put it back on the shelf, he really needed to eat healthier, god knows sooner or later his metabolism was going to give out.
He picked up the phone and placed an order form the Chinese place a couple blocks away, ordering way more food than he needed. That way he wouldn't have to cook for the next few meals. Peter was inherently lazy and cooking was not something he was very good at. So when he would he just ordered takeout and leftovers so he could eat them later. He hung up the phone and walked over to the fridge and took out the milk, drinking it straight for the carton, while he was doing that he heard a loud knock on the door. “That was quick.” The knocking continued non stop over and over, “I’m coming hold on!” He yelled out as he shuffled to the door and opened it peering through the opening that the chain allowed. “You know it’s rude to-'' The words died in his throat. There was a woman standing at his door, wearing a coat over her night dress. 
You hadn't been able to pay attention to the briefing your boss gave, your assistant came in about half way through and handed you a small slip of paper. She said that she had found Peter’s address like you had asked. You had pulled her into a hug, creating an awkward tension in the room. The meeting had seemed to go on forever, and for the life of you you couldn't even remember what it was about. As soon as the meeting ended you had bolted out the door, ignoring the calls of your boss and colleagues telling you that work wasn't over yet. 
You had found his apartment after randomly asking strangers in the street which way it was. You were at his door, the number on it hanging lopsided. You began to rapidly knock until the door was pulled open. “You know it’s rude to-” 
He paused as he saw you staring at him. He furrowed his brows in confusion. “You’re not the chinese delivery guy.” 
You felt your eyes widen as you took him in. “Peter?” You asked in a small voice. 
He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at you. “Yeah?”
 You let out a sigh of relief, smiling. “You’re tall.” You looked him up and down. “And you’re so handsome.”
His face turned red at your words. He didn't even know who this random woman was that was standing here, telling him he was handsome. He leaned against the doorframe, taking another drink out of the carton. “I’m sorry do- do I know you?” 
He watched your face fall. “You don’t know me?” 
“No?” He said, wiping the dribbling milk off his chin. Even after all these years his mannerisms were the same. 
“Wait! “ You said rushing forward. He jumped slightly at the sudden action. “It’s me, I saw you yesterday. Well I was thirteen yesterday so I guess it wasn't yesterday. Because now i'm old and I don't know where I am-” Peter watched you ramble on and slowly began to close the door. You continued on. “But you were there at my party-”
Peter paused, squinting his eyes and looking at you closely.. “(Y/n)?” He asked hesitantly, reopening the door as much as the chain would allow. “(y/n) (y/l/n)?” You smiled wide at him. 
“Yes! Yes it’s me!” 
Peter slammed the door shut in your face. You heard him unlock all the locks on his side of the door, when he was down he swung the door open. “Hey.” he gave you a small smile. You lunged at him and tackled him in a hug, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. He just stood there frozen, slowly moving his free hand up to awkwardly pat you on the back. “Come in I guess.” He muttered. 
You pulled back smiling at him. Even after all this time your sweet smile could make his heart skip a beat. You looked around his small apartment taking it all in. Peter did his best to kick discarded clothes into the closet, and keep you from seeing what a mess it was. You looked along his walls to see framed pictures of portraits and beautiful landscapes. “Are you still taking pictures?” You asked,
“Uh yeah, they pay the bills.” He quickly grabbed the pile of unpaid bills, stuffing them behind the couch cushion. “Usually.” He muttered under his breath. You were pacing around his apartment, in confused circles. He nervously rubbed the nape of his neck. “Hey, (y/n) I don't wanna be rude but why are you here?” 
“Petey I told you.” You said moving closer to him, he let out a little laugh. 
“Petey wow, no one has called me that in ages.” 
“Petey listen I came here cause something really weird is happening. Yesterday was my 13th birthday and then today I woke up and I’m this!” You said gesturing to your body. Peter tried his best not to look you up and down, he couldn't deny that you had grown up well. You were even more beautiful than he remembered. “And you’re that!” You said gesturing towards him. 
Peter looked down at himself self consciously. “Gee thanks. Do I really look that bad?” 
“No!” You quickly said. You felt yourself blush as you looked him over. His hair was tousled and messy, he was wearing an oversized  pink floyd crop top and from the looks of the hem it seemed he had made it himself. You watched the veins in his hands ripple and his arms slightly flex. “Uh you,” You let out an embarrassed laugh. “You actually look really good, like really good.” 
Peter flushed at your words and turned away so you couldn't see his blushing face. “Wow.” He whispered under his breath, he lifted a hand up to his face, doing his best to hide the smile that was forming. He turned back to and regained a serious composure. “Are you sure you're okay (y/n).” He took in your mismatched outfit and broken heel. “Are you high? Have you been smoking pot? Doing drugs, cause if you are I’m not judging as long as it’s just weed or something. Cause I mean I get it, I get stressed to and every now and then need-”
“No, no.” You said shaking your head rapidly. “Wait do you do-,” You lowered your voice to a whisper. “Do you do drugs Peter?” 
“No! No.” Peter shrugged. “Ehhh well not drugs, just weed.” He defended. But looking at your judgmental eyes he quickly continued on. “And I don’t, well I don’t that much any more. It was in college you know how it was.” 
“Actually I don’t.” You moved even closer to him. “Look, I was sitting in my closet, and I- I skipped everything. I can’t- I can’t remember my life.” Your eyes were watery as you started back at him. His heart ached seeing you like this. You continued on. ‘You need to help me remember my life.” 
At this he scoffed, and pretended to look around as if you were referring to someone else. “Me?” he said pointing to himself, letting out an airy laugh. “That’s rich.”
“What why?” He let out another laugh at your response, this one was dry. He looked at your face and saw that you weren’t kidding, you were serious about asking for his help.
“(Y/n) I can’t.” He was in disbelief, did you seriously have no idea what you had done to him. “I don’t know anything about you. I haven't seen you since high school.” Your face morphed into one of confusion. 
What he said next pained him, and he couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eyes. “(Y/n). We’re not friends anymore.”
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces. “What?”
@lets-imagine-fanfics @steamboat-local @weasly-twin-simp
Let me know if you want to be added!!
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byulsgrease · 3 years
What Are the Chances? [Part 2]
Looking up from your mind-blowingly delicious sandwich, there was no mistaking them – it’s that group of women from the other night. But what are the chances? (mamamoo x idol!reader)
part 2: the inkigayo sandwich (~1k words) (previous part here)
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cw: food mention
Well, it was comeback promotions time at last. Fans loved the title track as you witnessed people tagging you incessantly on Instagram right after it came out at 6pm the night before. You tossed and turned in bed for almost all of last night, anxious about the upcoming live stages for all the music shows. Despite being a relatively “successful” professional, spending seemingly countless hours in the practice room both with and without your backup dancers, a sliver of performance anxiety always reared its ugly head in your mind during promotions. Oh well, sleep deprivation and funky schedules. Just part of the job, you figured.
Checking your phone to look at your schedule, you were filming for Inkigayo this morning and then the afternoon would be mostly taken up by a fansign event. A smile spread across your face while picturing a small venue filled with fans, getting to meet some of the faces behind all of the virtual love you were always shown online and on social media. But music show filming came first. Music shows were never your favorite, performing your title track to death in different outfits at the mercy of each show’s meticulous winning calculations. The only silver lining to music show filming was interacting with other artists, especially meeting ones you admired or ones you didn’t get to see often because of general busyness. Shit, I gotta get to the studio or I’m gonna be late. Tossing some essentials in a bag slung over your shoulder, you power-walked out the door to head to the train station.
Walking into the SBS building somehow felt calming. The anxiety that plagued you usually fell away by the time you arrived at performance venues, especially now that you had gone through this done this more than once. You made your way to your waiting room, passing by several rooms of other artists, hearing the general shuffle of preparation through the closed doors. Slowing down your pace while approaching your assigned room, a playfully loud “SOLAR-SSI!” came through the neighboring waiting room door. A smirk leapt your face, chuckling to yourself. Waiting room banter was prime behind-the-scenes content with the huge amount of downtime spent between filming, and fans always loved that stuff, whatever group that was.
The waiting room stay was chill, hair/makeup, styling, the whole shebang. Realizing there was time to kill between now and the actual filming time, you strolled over to the cafeteria. The Inkigayo sandwich was all the rage these days, but was the hype warranted? In what world could strawberry jam and egg salad be a good combination? Apparently this one. I guess I can’t knock it until I try it, though. You bought one and sat down at a table, the crinkly plastic making its typical ruckus against your ears while unwrapping the wacky sandwich from the plastic. Taking a bite into the plush white bread, your eyes instantly widened. Damn. It’s actually… really good. Smiling and shaking your head in disbelief, you continued munching on the sandwich while scanning the room to see who was promoting today. You recognized Baek Yerin and some miscellaneous EXO members with their backup dancers scattered around the cafeteria while continuing to look around.
Wait a moment. There was no mistaking them – it’s that group of women from the other night. But what are the chances?
Oh…my god. It’s Mamamoo. You made the connection with the sign you barely glanced at earlier, hung on the waiting room door neighboring yours. How the heck did your mind completely fail to recognize them the other night? You weren’t a huge fan or anything, but some of their chart-toppers were absolute bops. Their hard work and career arc begged deep, deep respect.
Do I get up and say something? But this is a work setting and I don’t actually know them… You felt intimidated and a bit star-struck, body heavy in your seat. Your interaction with them on that Friday night in Itaewon seemed far removed seeing them here and now.
You managed to get up and walk over to them with confidence, overtaken by a similar unidentifiable courage to the one you used to stand up to the Itaewon jerk a couple weeks prior.
“Uh… excuse me?” you said hesitantly while tapping the “mom” of the group on the shoulder. All the members turned, curious to see who talked to their leader. “I’m not sure if you remember me… I wasn’t dressed in all this,” gesturing to your stage outfit and face full of make-up. “But I think I ran into all of you in Itaewon a while ago?”
Recognition and shock flashed across all of their faces nearly simultaneously. Lots of hurried bowing and awkward chuckles ensued, finally formally introducing yourselves. Solar, Moonbyul, Wheein, and Hwasa were their names, as you learned through the exchange of KakaoTalk information.
“I honestly thought we’d never run into you again, I just figured a cool stranger decided to help us out,” said Hwasa, notably more friendly than she was back in Itaewon.
“But after you left I was like – ‘Damn, respect. Should’ve gotten your number’,” said Moonbyul, longingly. The rest of the members grimaced. You could tell this was just part of her charm, strangely attractive, as cringey as it was.
“And now we can all hang out and get to know you as a person and a musician!” exclaimed Wheein, with that same eager puppy energy.
Smiling and nodding in agreement, Solar added, “Good luck with your stage and your comeback promotions, I’m sure you’ve been working very hard.” A flush creeped into your cheeks, who was she to compliment your work ethic when you knew that Mamamoo were some of the most hardworking people in the industry?
“Backatyou,” you stammered, feeling your ears burn. Where’d that courage go? With all the composure you could muster, you asked them when they were free to hang out – obviously after promos were over. Everyone wanted fried chicken, of course. Setting up a tentative time and place to meet, you bid them goodbye to head back to your waiting room, your filming time fast-approaching.
Riding high from having introduced yourself to some industry legends who now knew you by name, you recorded the best live stage of your career thus far.
Again, what were the chances?
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reidandweep · 4 years
Dinosaurs and Sharks
Spencer Reid x Reader (female)
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A/N- Im going to be doing a couple of imagines on some subjects that I relate to specifically. This is the first one, so I hope you enjoy. Also I made up a lot of the American stuff. So sorry if it isn’t accurate as I am from Britain.
Word Count- 4567 words
Warning- Fluff, Angst, mentions of anxiety and panic attacks.
‘Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.’ - Arthur Somers Roche.
Everyone remembers their first. First kiss. First love. First heartbreak. First time they watched their favourite film or read their favourite book. One first is always clearer than the rest. Every detail so vivid in a person’s mind. For Y/N, it was her first panic attack.
She remembered the feeling of not being able to breath as her lungs constricted around nothing. The gasping for air as her hands began to shake. She was alone and did not know what was happening. Y/N thought she was dying. That this is what death felt like. It took her approximately 38 minutes to calm down her breathing; her face a canvas of dried tears and her hands aching from their clenched position.
As life continued, Y/N found that these moments would happen often. Anything could trigger a panic attack. She had them over miniscule things like using the wrong coloured pen for her notes. But also, over dramatic events in her life, like being employed at the BAU.
It had always been her aspiration to work for the FBI. Y/N would not let anything get in her way of achieving what she had worked so hard for. Choosing not to disclose information about her anxiety to the team, Y/N had successfully kept her anxiety under control at work. Stepping out when she felt overwhelmed, doing her set routine to help slow down her breathing and her heart rate. No anxiety or panic attacks had occurred at work. Until one late Thursday evening, whilst trying to solve a case, it seemed like there was no way out of the oncoming wave that was about to crash over her.
YN sat at her desk, re-reading over the case for what felt like the hundredth time. They had been in Atlanta, Georgia for three days with no luck. Two more lives had been lost, and if they didn’t work fast enough, another would soon be too.
Y/N was alone in the office in which the team had been situated into for the time being. She had volunteered to look over the victimology once more as Rossi and JJ spoke to the families of the two newest victims, and Emily and Morgan went to the second crime scene as Hotch and Spencer surveyed the third.
Cracking her back as she stretched from her crouched position, Y/N looked at the clock on the wall. The team would be back soon, and she could not see anything new. She had to keep looking. As she delved deeper and deeper into the words before her, her eyes glanced between the pages of the file and the clock, Y/N felt the creeping tension in her chest.
“I haven’t got the time for this.”
Y/N banged her fist on the desk as her chest got increasingly tighter. Looking down at her fist, she saw that it was shaking.
As her other hand moved to her chest, Y/N stood up from her chair and paced across the room.
“Not now. Anytime but now!”
Y/N tried to take deep breathes to ease the panic that she felt. She couldn’t help but to glance at the clock. She couldn’t risk the team seeing her like this. Grabbing the file, Y/N dashed out of the room, looking for somewhere where she could calm herself down.
Seeing an open door ahead, Y/N looked inside the room to survey its contents. Noticing no one inside, she quickly shut the door behind her, dropping the file on the table as she continued to pace the room.
“Breathe, Y/N. Breathe.”
She tried. Y/N tried so hard to regulate her breathes but her chest continued to rise and fall at an increasing rate.
The feeling was overwhelming. She hated that she could never control it. No matter how much she tried. The exercises never worked. Her therapist’s advice was useless. She would have to stay in the room until she calmed down; however long it took.
Sliding down against the wall, Y/N threaded her shaking hands through her hair, pulling on the strands as tears flooded from her eyes. Her cries were quiet, but to her they sounded so loud that they echoed in her mind.
As the team walked back into the precinct, they discussed the evidence in which they found from each scene and interview conducted.
“Both parents of the most recent victims state that their daughters did not know each other. They were all from different areas and attended separate universities.”
Emily nodded at Rossi as they continued to walk towards their allocated room.
“The crime scenes both showed signs of a struggle and personal items were missing from both the bedrooms. This time it was a pompom and a baton.”
The team took in Hotch’s words. Emily walked to the door; hand situated over the door handle.
“Were the girls on any cheerleading teams?”
JJ shook her head at Morgan’s question.
“Well let’s just hope that Y/N’s found something that we’ve missed.”
As the door opened, the team looked in confusion to see Y/N nowhere in sight.
“Maybe she went to get a drink. We were gone for a while.”
The team headed into the room, situating themselves across the threshold as they continued to discuss the new evidence. Spencer lingered at the door.
Something felt off. Spencer noticed that Y/N file was nowhere in sight and that her phone was left on the table. She was never without her phone.
“Guys, I’ll be back in a second. I’m just going to go to the bathroom.”
The team all acknowledged Spencer’s words in their own way; too engrossed in the case to notice Spencer’s perplexed look.
Spencer walked down the hall as he thought of where Y/N could be.  As he turned the corner, Spencer immediately noticed the picture on the floor; in the middle of the empty hallway. Walking towards the picture, Spencer crouched down to survey its contents. He recognised it as a piece from the victimology report.
Looking down the corridor, he saw multiple more pictures on the ground. Spencer continued to follow their path, picking them up as he passed each one. He soon came to an end when no more pictures were strewn on the carpet.
Beginning to worry, Spencer wondered where Y/N could be. Just as he was about to head back to tell the team, a muffled sound could be heard.
Spencer stared at the door in front of him. It was labelled ‘Interrogation Room 4’. Spencer knew that no one had been brought in for interrogation so far, therefore, the room should be vacant.
Carefully, Spencer moved his hand to grasp the door handle. Opening the door, Spencer quietly walked inside. As he shut the door behind him, Spencer instantly recognised Y/N on the other side of the glass.
His heart broke at the sight of her. Unable to stand by for even a second, Spencer opened the door adjoining the hidden area to the interrogation room.
Y/N jumped from the sound of the opening door. Looking in the direction of the noise, her breathing elevated as she saw who had opened it.
She could not bear for anyone to see her in this way. The team had seen her as anything but strong. She had never cried on a case. Or thrown up or fainted at the sights they had seen. She was able to control the overwhelming feeling that enveloped her until she was alone.
“S-Spen-ce, ple-a-ase le-le-leave.”
Y/N struggled to speak as she gasped for air. Her throat dried from her cries and her face wet from the constant tears.
For a miniscule of a second, Spencer contemplates doing as she asked; until he truly looks at her. He had noticed signs of Y/N being anxious in the past, but he had written it down as nerves from being new to the team. He would have never guessed anxiety disorder or panic attacks due to her confidence and lack of breakdowns on the field. They had all cried or walked away from bodies during their first few months; even Hotch had. All except Y/N. Spencer moved to stand in front of Y/N. Crouching down, he reached for her hands in her hair.
Y/N couldn’t help the confusion that showed on her face as she allowed Spencer to grab her hands from her hair and hold them in his own grasp. Spencer hated touching hands. He hated germs. In her short time at the BAU, her hands had never touched his once.
Spencer locked his gaze with Y/N as he began to speak.
“Y/N, is It okay if I help?”
Y/N slowly nodded her head at his question. He had already seen her hyperventilating. She may as well take his help.
Spencer stroked the back of her hands with his thumbs.
“First, can you look at five things in the room and describe them for me?”
Y/N’s hand shook in Spencer’s as her eyes darted around the room as she tried to focus on five objects. There weren’t enough things in the room. Spencer noticed her increasing distress.
Squeezing her hands, Spencer pulled her focus back to him.
“it’s alright. Let’s try this instead. Describe five things about me. Anything you want.”
Y/N’s eyes travelled across Spencer. First, she locked onto his hair.
“Your hair is short-er-er than it was la-las-st week. You’ve had it cut. I Li-ik-ike it.”
Spencer blushed at her compliment; nodding his head at her to continue.
Y/N could already feel her breathing relax. Her hands still shaking as the sweat on her brow and neck continued to cool her burning skin.
“You’re wearing your favour-our-rite tie. You always wear it on days th-th-at you want to be better. You’ve worn it twice since we’ve be-ee-en here.”
Spencer was shocked at how observant she was with him. Of course, she was observant, she was a profiler, but he never thought it would be in his direction.
“You have one purple sock with dinosaurs on and one blue sock with sharks on. Purples my favourite colour and sharks are my favourite animal too, how weird.”
Spencer noticed that Y/N know longer stumbled over her words, her breathing was evening out and she even smiled when she looked at his socks.
“My favourite colour is purple too. I prefer Saurapods specifically in reference to dinosaurs. Sauropods evolved to walk on four legs and typically grew to enormous sizes. They were herbivores and consisted of dinosaurs such as…”
“Brontosaurus, Brachiosaurus, and Diplodocus.”
Spencer was finding out more and more about Y/N in this single moment than he had in her whole time with the team so far. He determined it down to her walls being lowered due to her panic attack.
“Yeah. That’s exactly what I was going to say.”
Y/N couldn’t help a smile grow on her face from the look that Spencer was giving her. Her hands began to shake less as she held his gaze. Unconsciously, matching her breathes to his deeper ones. She was calming down without even realising.
“Two more things.”
Y/N licked her lips; ridding the dryness as she scanned Spencer to describe another detail.
Spencer tried to ignore the gesture, but he could now feel his own hands begin to sweat in her grasp. He shook his head. He was helping her. He had to focus.
“You look like you can play piano. You have the hands for it. They’re large and smooth. A lot bigger than my little hands.”
Spencer chuckled at her words.
“I actually don’t play piano. I wanted to join the band in high school, but I was already picked on for being so young, I didn’t want them to have something else to use against me.”
Y/N squeezed Spencer’s hand.
“I wasn’t in band, but I was the school mascot throughout high school. I got teased relentlessly for it because of what our mascot was.”
“What was it?”
“A pig.”
Spencer looked at Y/N perplexed. Y/N rolled her eyes at his obliviousness. “The boys on the football team would often make fun of my weight. It crippled me for some years, especially because I had to travel with the cheerleaders, who were a lot skinnier than me. I had to be there at all their competitions to show school spirit. Our school would even give me things to help amp up the crowd.”
Spencer grasped Y/N’s hands tighter.
“Like pomspoms?
“Yeah, and megaphones. When the band played, they gave me a baton to twirl and throw in the air.”
Y/N saw the look on Spencer’s face. She knew instantly why he looked so shocked.
“We found items missing from the two newest victims’ rooms. One was a pompom and the other a baton?”
“Did the baton have a specific symbol on the stick?”
Spencer nodded his head.
“The parent’s said it was blue and white with a manatee on the bottom.”
Y/N rushed to her feet pulling Spencer up with her. Dragging him out the door, Spencer ran to keep in toe with Y/N as she explained to him her thoughts.
The team looked on stunned as Y/N and Spencer came bursting through the door; their hands interlocked, and Y/N’s face adorned with tracks of dried tears.
Before they could question what was going on, Y/N began to talk.
“All three of the victims were mascots for their university teams.”
Morgan shook his head.
“The parent’s said that none of their children were part of the cheer team.”
Y/N began to wave her arms as she spoke, unaware of her hand still grasped in Spencer’s as it moved alongside her own as she spoke.
“Being a mascot does not connect you solely to the cheerleading squad. You represent all teams at the school; basketball, baseball, soccer, football etc. Every year, the mascots go with the teams to their state events. It’s like a sports decathlon kind of event where each universities sports team face other universities. Even the mascots compete against one another’s.”
Hotch looked at Y/N inquisitively.
“And how do we know our victims attended this event?”
Y/N looked towards Spencer to answer.
Spencer cleared his throat as he was aware of the flickering gazes between Y/N and Spencer’s interlocked hands and Y/N tear stained face.
“The items taken from the girls’ bedrooms are all ritual items for the Spirit Games. It’s a superstition that if these items are not in the holder’s possession during the games, that they cannot win. Y/N recognised the logo on the baton. The manatee belongs to the State College of Florida. They have been an exception into the games, even though they didn’t qualify the past few years. That was the stick taken out of Alison Cable’s room. Alison attended University of Colorado; whose mascot is Milo the Lynx. Alison would only have the baton with her team mascot on; unless she took another teams.”
Rossi faced Y/N.
“What are the other items that are need for the ritual?”
“So, there’s the baton for band, pompom for cheer, captains arm band for soccer, mouthguard from the quarterback for football, and sweatband from point guard for basketball. If one is taken, then it’s considered bad luck for all the teams of that university.”
JJ turned towards Hotch.
“The pompom that Melissa Druid’s mother described was dark blue. Melissa attended the University of Georgia. Their colour is red.”
Prentiss agreed.
Hotch looked at Y/N.
“Are you positive about this?”
Y/N began to doubt herself. Worrying that she might have overthought it all. Her breathing picked up once again until Spencer squeezed her hand. With his empty hand, he pointed at his hair, then fiddled with his tie, then pulled up his trouser leg to show his unmatched socks. He was helping Y/N stay grounded.
Y/N looked at Spencer in wonder; all she could think at that moment was how special Spencer Reid truly was. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath in and out, calming herself down.
As she opened her eyes, she locked them onto Hotch’s.
“Without a shadow of a doubt.”
Hotch nodded his head in approval.
“Morgan and Prentiss, I need you to go back to the first victims’ home. Re-assess the room and ask if either a mouth guard, sweatband, or arm band has gone missing. Question the parents about the Spirit Games. Rossi and JJ, I need you to look into the alumni on the board of the Spirit Games. Get Garcia to do checks on all potential members who had gone to the State College of Florida; correlate it to our profile. Reid, you’re coming with me. We’re going to the State College of Florida. Y/N may I have a brief word?”
Y/N looked towards Spencer. She knew that Hotch would want to speak to her. There was no way he would ignore her bursting into the room, not only holding onto Spencer for dear life, but also looking as dishevelled as she did.
Letting go of Spencer’s hand, she turned to follow Hotch out of the door. As they stood in the hallway, Y/N couldn’t stay quiet with the anxiety pushing her thoughts out of her mouth.
“Hotch, I know it doesn’t look the best, but I promise that Spencer and I were not fraternising.”
She couldn’t handle the blank stare that Hotch aimed towards her, so she continued to talk.
“When I got the position on the team, I made sure my anxiety was under control. I went to therapy. I learnt techniques and I took steps away when I felt overwhelmed. I made sure not to overwork myself. It was going fine. But this case made it feel like we were getting nowhere. I didn’t want you all coming back to find out I had found nothing new. I began to get anxious and I fled the room before you came in. Spencer found me in one of the interrogation rooms. He helped calm me down from my panic attack. I promise you, that’s all that happened. I will keep it under control.”
Hotch waited for Y/N to finish talking, allowing her to take some breathes.
“We all have things we want to keep to ourselves from the team. Privacy is hard to have in this line of work. I didn’t tell anyone about Hailey and I separating until months after. But something like anxiety needs to be told. We can help you Y/N, you’ve seen that yourself today.”
Y/N nodded her head.
“Coping with anxiety and panic attacks do not make you inept to be a part of this team. Each one of us deal with something that make us believe that were a hinderance. But it’s not and it will never be. So, I know it’s hard, but stop worrying about how the team view you. Your part of the family now and if that means having to take a step away or flagging someone over to help calm a panic attack then by all means do it. But I can say that it seems like the best person helped you today.”
Y/N blushed at Hotch’s words, noticing the ghost of a smile on the man’s face.
“Now go to the room and take a rest. When you feel up to it, join Rossi and JJ with contacting Penelope when looking into the alumni and Spirit Games board. You’ve been a massive help so far, don’t think otherwise.”
Hotch squeezed Y/N’s shoulder as he walked past her to re-enter the room.
She watched as each member filed out to go to their assigned task. Her eyes caught Spencer’s as he left the room. Just as he began to walk towards her, Hotch called Spencer over; insisting that they left straight away.
Y/N mouthed bye to Spencer as he waved back. Their gaze not breaking until he walked out of the precinct.
Heading back into the room, Y/N notice Rossi and JJ in discussion.
“Hey guys, is it alright if I take a quick nap? It’ll only be 10 minutes at most.”
Rossi and JJ smiled towards Y/N. The team having been debriefed slightly by Hotch about what had occurred. She didn’t mind. Like Hotch said, they were family and they were there to help.
Rossi opened his arms as he beckoned Y/N into his embrace. She followed his orders and wrapped her arms around her superior. She smiled as JJ rubbed her arms and leaned her head on hers in comfort.
“Take all the time you need Sleeping Beauty; we will be right here.”
Y/N chuckled at Rossi’s nickname for her.
Releasing herself from the hold, she thanked her two friends as she laid down on the sofa. Shifting to become comfortable, her eyes instantly rolled shut from the fatigue of the emotions that had flooded from her body in the past 45 minutes. It didn’t take long until she was deep in the world of sleep.
Rustling and conversation could be heard as Y/N slipped back into conscious. Her eyes still heavy as she refused to open them for a little longer. She could hear the voices of the team around her.
“Is everything packed and ready to go?”
“Looks like it, just got to wake Sleeping Beauty up and we can head to the jet. What don’t you give her true loves kiss, Prince Charming?”
“Actually, Prince Charming is in affiliation to the story of Cinderella. You mean to refer to Prince Philip from the Disney production. In Sleeping Beauty’s original story, the “hero” is a king who meets a beautiful sleeping princess and decides to rape and impregnate her while she’s sleeping. So, I think I will just awaken her as one usually would.”
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle at Spencer’s rebuttal to Morgan.
“Well, it doesn’t seem like you need to Pretty Boy, because Sleeping Beauty is awake.”
Y/N opened her eyes as she rubbed them excessively to clear her vision. She saw Spencer sat on the edge of the couch, his satchel at his feet. Looking around the room, she noticed all the team’s stuff packed; her bag and coat neatly laid on the table. The only people in the room was her, Spencer and Morgan.
“How long was I asleep for?”
“4 hours, 2 minutes, and 36 seconds from when JJ text us that you had fallen asleep.”
Y/N groaned at the clarification that she had slept so long. By the lucks of the packed-up items, the team had found the unsub.
“I can’t believe I slept through everything. Someone should have awoken me.”
Derek chuckled as he threw his back over his shoulder, grabbing the last two boxes in the room.
“We were going to but Prince Phillip over here went into a ramble about the importance of sleep in relation to dealing with anxiety and stress. Just following the doctor’s orders. Even Hotch was afraid to go against his wishes. We’re leaving in five, so I’ll meet you both downstairs.”
Derek left the room, leaving Y/N and Spencer sitting in baited silence.
Neither knew what to say. They had crossed over into a territory of friendship that neither were expecting. Feelings that weren’t apparent before was now clear to themselves. Y/N had always found Spencer fascinating. Spencer was usually weary of new team members, but he had warmed to Y/N very quickly. He wouldn’t have touched her hands if he hadn’t.
“We better not leave them waiting any longer, or else they’ll think I’ve fallen to sleep again.”
Spencer chuckled at Y/N, following her actions as she grabbed her bag. He walked to the door, waiting for her as she put on her coat. Holding the door open, Spencer gestured for Y/N to leave first, the woman thanking him as he turned off the light behind her.
Luckily, the police station was close to the hanger. As Y/N and Spencer joined the team outside, it took them not even 10 minutes to arrive by car.
As the team boarded the jet, idle conversation flowed between the group. Talks of weekend plans and food that would be ordered when people arrived home.
Y/N stood from her seat by Emily and across from Spencer and Morgan.
“No one look at my cards. I’m going to make a coffee, does anyone want one?”
There was a chorus of no from the group as she walked to make her drink.
Pouring the liquid into her cup, Y/N’s chest suddenly felt tight. Her hands beginning to shake; spilling the hot liquid on her hand. Hissing at the pain, she went into the bathroom to put her hand under cold water. As the pain. In her hand subsided, the one in her chest rose again. She could feel another panic attack happening. The only thought she had was to get to Spencer.
Opening the bathroom door, she felt relief as she noticed that Spencer now sat alone on the sofa, flickering through some paperwork that they would more than likely complete once they got back to Quantico.
Not even thinking, Y/N headed straight for Spencer, startling him as she plopped down beside him.
Y/N took deep breathes, once again matching them with Spencer’s.
Spencer glanced at Y/N as he recognised what she was doing. Not wanting to cause a scene with the team which could elevate Y/N’s anxiety Spencer nonchalantly linked his left hand with Y/N’s right one. Repeating the actions, he had done so in the interrogation room.
“What’s your favourite dinosaur?”
Y/N looked over at Spencer as he asked the question. She watched as he put down the file; giving her his undivided attention. Her eye’s flashed down to his socks as she relayed his question in her head.
“My favourite dinosaur is the Apatosaurus. But my favourite prehistoric creature is the Carcharocles Megalodon.”
Spencer couldn’t help but beam at Y/N’s answer.
“Did you know that even though megalodons and dinosaurs are both extinct, they never coexisted. The dinosaurs died out about 66 million years ago. Megalodons came later. The oldest megalodon fossils are from the Miocene Epoch, which began 23 million years ago.”
Y/N felt the pain in her chest ease as she turned to face Spencer, her hands unconsciously moving to fiddle with the one in his grasp. Spencer tried to keep the colour of his cheeks down as he felt her play with his fingers.
“It makes sense.”
Spencer looked at her in confusion.
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh as she answered.
“Because Megalodons would have ruled during the dinosaur’s existence. The minute they go near the water, bam, Megalodon has its dinner.”
Falling deeper into their conversation, Y/N and Spencer were blissfully unaware of the attention from the team they were receiving.
“They seem to be enjoying each other’s company.”
The team chuckled at JJ’s remark.
“Look closely folks because we’re going to be telling this story at their wedding one day.”
The team looked on, watching as the two profilers interacted.
They may not have known Y/N long, but they had all known Spencer long enough to know that what they were seeing was the beginning of something incredibly special.
‘There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.’- Sarah Dessen.
A/N- I will be looking into other subjects in my next imagines so I hope you enjoy. The way I’ve portrayed anxiety and panic attacks is how I have experienced them in ways. I haven’t gone into depths how truly bad I have dealt with them because I’m writing it for the character. So I understand please understand if it doesn’t reflect how you may deal or know someone who deals with anxiety and panic attacks experience it. X
Tagged list- @danielleslegacy​
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
To Be in Love With Your Best Friend [Kelley O’Hara]
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requested by @13uswntimagines​: Prequel to “What a Night Out Can Lead To”… one of them kissing the other and that’s how they officially start dating
A/N: this is a PREQUEL to What a Night Out Can Lead To, but you don’t need to read it to understand this one (but you definitely should ;)). ok i actually really enjoy writing this universe and so expect to see a sequel of sorts (which comes from another brilliant idea from @13uswntimagines​) also....i think this might be my longest imagine yet but idk
You slide into your bus seat after training and wait for your best friend to join you. This was your fourth national team camp, so although you had some experience and were a seasoned soccer player, having played in high school and at Stanford, you were still somewhat new on the USWNT.
“Hey loser.” Kelley smiles, plopping down in the seat next to you.
“Hey, Kel.” You return a smile, leaning your head on your best friend’s shoulder.
“You had a great practice today. I’m sure you’ll be getting regular call ups now.” She wraps her arm around your body and runs her hand through your hair.
“You think so?” You look up, with eager eyes.
“Mhm. You’ve been playing great, like always.” Kelley affirms, squeezing your shoulder. “Probably because you’ve been playing with me for the past nine years.” She adds, smirking.
You scoff, picking your head up to scoff at your best friend. “Yeah right. If anything that’s why I didn’t get called up before.” You tease her, sticking your tongue out.
“Oh? Is that right?” Kelley raises her eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eye, one that you were all too familiar with.
“No, Kelley, don’t!” You put your hands up and move back against the window, trying to put as much distance as possible between the two of you.
“You asked for it…” Kelley sings, as she reaches for your sides and starts to tickle you.
“Ah, Kel, stop!” You gasp between giggles. “I can’t breath, ahhh stop!”
“Say ‘Kelley is awesome and the best friend ever’ and I’ll stop.” The freckled woman bargains, still tickling you.
You could barely speak, as you were laughing so hard, but you manage to breath out the sentence. “You’re awesome and the best friend ever!”
With that, Kelley retracts her hands, and you catch your breath. “See, now was that so hard?” She jests.
“I hate you.” You scowl and pout, crossing your arms.
“No you don’t.” She sings, placing a sloppy kiss onto your cheek.
You feel your face warm at the gesture, as you playfully roll your eyes at your best friend. For the rest of the bus ride, the two of you make small conversation, just enjoying each other’s presence.
Later that evening, as you were finishing up dinner, you hear a chime from your phone, and a text from your mom pops up on your screen.
Reading what your mom had sent you, you can’t help but chuckle. You reach out to nudge Kelley, who’s leaning over to ask Tobin something. As the defender is finishing her conversation, you continue to poke her side, wanting her attention.
“What do you want?” Kelley light-heartedly snaps, slapping your hands away.
“My mom texted. She’s gonna call me later and wants to talk to you.” You explain, waving your phone for her to see.
“Hah!” Kelley laughs, throwing her head back. “I knew I was (Y/M/N)’s favorite.”
“Shut up, Kel.” You roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at your best friend. “So, stop by around 8?” You look up and ask, as Kelley gets up from the table.
“I’ll be there.” She softly smiles and leans down to kiss the top of your head before leaving the room with Alex, Allie, Tobin, and Christen.
You go to finish your dinner, but before you could take another bite, you notice Julie smirking at you from across the table.
“What?” You tilt your head and put your fork down.
“You and Kelley are so cute.” She coos.
“Uh…thanks?” You furrow your eyebrows, taking a bite of your food.
“Have you two been dating since college or like when did you start dating?”
At that, you choke on your food. You cough and take a sip of water, as you try to regain your composure. “Kelley and I aren’t dating.” You sputter out.
“You’re not?” Julie frowns, and you shake your head. “Oh, sorry. I just assumed, seeing the way the two of you interact and how you look at each other.”
You feel a blush creeping up your neck and flushing your face. As you think back to the past several years of your friendship with Kelley, you couldn’t help but as yourself: did you have feelings for your best friend?
Noticing your silence and anxiousness, Julie softly speaks up. “(Y/N), I’m sorry. I did’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“No, J, you’re good.” You give her a small smile. “I think I’m gonna head up.” You stand up to clear your plate, your appetite suddenly gone.
“(Y/N/N),” The blonde midfielder calls after you, “you sure you’re good?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about me, J.” You nod, before you make your way up to your hotel room.
You spend the next couple hours surfing the TV channels, overthinking, and pacing your room. Thank goodness Crystal was in Julie’s room, or else she’d definitely think you were having a mental crisis, which in a way you were. As you were scrolling through your Instagram feed, trying to distract yourself from your consuming thoughts, you hear a knock on your door. You glance at the clock and realize it’s almost 8 o’clock, meaning that that is probably Kelley.
Making your way to open the door, you hear a muffled shout from the other woman. “Hurry up, (Y/N/N)!” She knocks a couple more times.
“I’m coming, chill.” You mutter under your breath and swing open the door.
Kelley bursts through and skips right past you, jumping onto your bed. “So, what have you been up to?”
“Get your dirty feet off my bed.” You swat her legs, and she slips her shoes off. “Nothing much. Just been relaxing.”
“Chill.” She hums. “So, when’s your mom calling?”
You open your mouth, but before you could respond, your phone starts ringing. “Now, I guess.”
You tap the screen and put her on speaker phone. “Hey mom.”
“Hi, sweetie!” Your mom’s cheerful voice echos through the phone. “How’d the first day of camp go?”
“Pretty good. We had training earlier and some fitness testing.”
“Well, that’s fun.” You could practically hear your mom’s smile. Your parents had always been supportive of your decision to pursue soccer as a full time career, and you were extremely grateful. They would always come to your games and cheer you on, being the loudest ones in the stands. “Your father wanted me to tell you that he sent you some stuff for your apartment, and it should be arriving in Utah in a week or so.”
“Awesome, thanks. I’ll be sure to text him.”  
“Is Kelley there?”
“Hey Mama (Y/L/N)!” Kelley exclaims, leaning closer to your phone. “How are you?”
“I’m doing well, sweetie. How’ve you been?” Your mom coos.
“Good, good. Camps have been much better now that your daughter’s making a regular appearance.” The defender smirks, nudging you, and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“Aw, Kel, you’re too sweet.” Your mom lets out a loud laugh. “Oh yeah! I wanted to tell you: my Beat Everybody sweatshirt came! I’ll have to send you a picture.”
You find yourself intently observing the freckled woman, as you listen to Kelley and your mom have a conversation, and it hits you like a truck. You were in love with your best friend.
The next day, you did your best avoiding Kelley, choosing a different passing partner and even going as far as switching bus seats. To say Kelley was utterly confused would be a massive understatement.
As she watches you slide into the seat next to Allie, she frowns and her brows furrow.
Alex sits down next to Kelley and pulls her earbud out. “Wanna tell me why (Y/N) asked me to switch seats with her? Did you two have a fight?”
“I don’t know! She’s been avoiding pretty much all day. She switched seats with Crystal on the way to training, didn’t talk to me at all during practice, and now this. I don’t know what happened or what I did.” Kelley whines, rubbing her forehead.
“Hmmm, I don’t know, Worms.” Alex frowns sympathetically at her friend and offers a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Maybe she just had a bad day or something, and doesn’t wanna talk about?” The forward offers.
“Maybe, but I’m her best friend. Why wouldn’t she come to me?”
“I couldn’t tell you, Kel. Just give her some space and let her come to you.” Alex suggests, and the defender nods.
“Yeah, alright. I can do that.” She whispers to herself. “Time and space.”
Kelley had given you your time and space for the rest of yesterday and all morning, but she was starting to get anxious and frustrated. You were still avoiding her and didn’t even come to her room for your pregame ritual that you’d done for every game since you were in college.
You had once again asked one of your teammates to switch seats on the bus ride over to the stadium. Seeing you sitting with Julie just made Kelley angry, her patience worn thin. But she didn’t have time to grovel, as there was a game to be played, an important one at that versus Spain.
It was about the 86th minute, and the game was tied 1-1, Alex scoring off an assist from Christen in the first half, and Jenni coming back early in the second half for an equalizer.
You watch, as Lindsey plays a diagonal ball out wide to Tobin, and you make a run to the top of the 18. Tobin does what she does best, splitting two defenders, and sends a high cross into the box. You sprint onto ball, the change of speed losing your defender. Jumping in the air, you connect your head with the ball and nod it down into the lower left-hand corner.
You throw your hands up, as Christen crashes into you for a bone crushing hug. Alex and Tobin join in for the group hug, patting you on the head. As you make your way up the field, back to center, your other teammates give you high-fives and side hugs.
You see Kelley approaching you, ready to do your traditional goal celebration. You give her a small smile, and the two of you do your secret handshake. No matter how confused or angry you were or if you were avoiding her, you would always do your secret handshake goal celebration, as it was a representation of your long lasting friendship and constancy in each other’s lives.
The game restarts, and for the last four minutes, plus two minutes of extra time, Spain frantically tries to score another equalizer. But they come up short, as the referee blows her whistle, signaling the end of the match and another USWNT victory.
The team crowds you, the subs sprinting from the sidelines, and celebrates with a giant group hug. A huge grin breaks out on your face, as Megan picks you up from behind.
“What a goal, (Y/N)! That’s what I’m talking about.” She exclaims, putting you down on the ground.
“Thanks, Megan.” You turn around, smiling.
After the team huddle, where Vlatko congratulates everybody on the win, you all head back to the locker room to shower and pack up.
Making your way onto the bus, you notice Kelley already sitting in her seat, occupied by something on her phone. You walk down the aisle and apprehensively take your place in your usual seat. Sensing your presence, Kelley looks up, surprised to see you seating next to her.
“Hey.” You say, nervousness leaking through your voice.
“Hi.” She whispers.
The two of you sit in an uncomfortable and unfamiliar silence between you, before Kelley breaks it.
“Can we talk when we get back to the hotel?”
You nod, not trusting words to come out of your mouth, and you go back to sitting in silence, the only noise coming from the rest of your teammates.
Once you get back to the hotel, you follow Kelley up to her room. You each set down your bags and take a seat across from each other, one of you sitting on each bed.
“So what do you wanna talk about?” You ask, fidgeting with the hems of your sleeves.
“Really?” Kelley looks at you disbelievingly.
“You really don’t know what I’m talking about?”
“Talking about? Kel, you haven’t said anything. Why are you so upset?”
“I haven’t said anything?!” Kelley stands up, waving her hands in the air frustratedly. “You’ve barley spoken to me for the past two days. It’s like you’ve been avoiding me. My best friend ignores pretty much my entire existence for two days, so yeah, that’s why I’m upset.”
You hang your head, ashamed of your actions, knowing there’s no way you could possibly explain your actions to her.
“You still have nothing to say?” Kelley laughs sarcastically. “Like what the hell, (Y/N)? You don’t talk to me, you ask our teammates to switch seats with you on the bus, and you just completely avoid me. Is this because I hogged your conversation with your mom? Because if it is, I’m sorry, but you could’ve just told me. Like what did I do wrong? Just tell me, (Y/N), because I can’t go any longer with you—”
You stand up and place both your hands on her cheeks, bringing her in for a kiss, effectively cutting off her rambling. Kelley doesn’t kiss back, too shocked by your actions, so you pull away, regret and embarrassment written across your face.
“I’m so sorry. I’ll just go.” You turn to leave and save yourself from embarrassing yourself even further, but Kelley grabs your wrist, pulling you back into her body, connecting your lips again.
You feel yourself melt into the kiss, as your lips move languidly against each other. Pulling away, you rest your forehead against hers and let out a watery laugh.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for almost eight years.”
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I took a body shot off of you at that frat party our sophomore year.” Kelley confesses.
“I really love you, Kel. Like I’m in love with you.” You whisper, a tear leaking down your cheek.
“I really love you, too, (Y/N/N).” She gently wipes the wetness from your face, as you move your hands to play with the baby hairs on the back of her neck. “Is that why you were avoiding me?”
“Mhm.” You nod, biting your lip. “And I am so sorry for doing that.” You remove yourself from her embrace, frustrated with yourself. “It’s just— Julie had assumed we were dating after watching us interact a couple of days ago at dinner, and it just made me think about my feelings. And I realized that I’m in love with you and have been for years, but you’re my best friend, so I was scared I was gonna lose you.” You look down at your feet, unable to meet the other woman’s eyes.
Kelley takes a few steps, so she’s now standing in front of you. “(Y/N), will you please look at me?”
You still refuse to look up, so Kelley puts her finger under your chin, lifting your head, your eyes meeting her green orbs.
“There she is.” The defender smiles, taking your hand in hers. “(Y/N), I understand, I really do, because I’ve felt the same way. I’ve loved you for so long, but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, so I didn’t say anything. But I’m so glad that we’re here now because I can finally express all my love for you.” She kisses your forehead, and you close your eyes, wrapping your arms around her body.
“And I hope you know,” Kelley adds, “you’re never going to lose me, no matter what.”
“I love you, Kel.” Your eyes soft and full of love.
“I love you too, loser.” She pulls you closer into her body, as the two of you enjoy each other’s embrace.
Leaning your head against Kelley’s chest, you feel her chuckle. “What’s so funny?”
“Your mom is gonna have a field day.”
You giggle, a blush creeping up onto your cheeks. “Yeahhh, she’s been bugging and teasing me about my crush for years.”
“Ah, so that’s why I’m her favorite.” Kelley playfully boasts, and you slap her shoulder.
“Hey!” She grabs where you hit her. “That hurt!”
“No it didn’t.” You roll your eyes, as Kelley pouts with her best puppy-dog eyes. “Oh, stop it. You’re a big baby.”
“Yeah, but I’m your big baby?” She says hopefully.
“Hmmm,” you pretend to think, “only if you take me out on a proper date. Tomorrow after the match? Say, 8?”
“I think I can do that.” Kelley smirks, leaning down to kiss you, but you stop her with your finger against her lips.
“Hey, there. I don’t kiss before the first date.” You turn and grab your stuff.
“But—But what about before?” The freckled defender fumbles.
Now, it’s your turn to smirk. “Just think of that as making up for lost time. But no more freebies” You give her a wink. “See you later, Kel.”
You shut the door, leaving behind a stunned love-struck Kelley O’Hara. Before heading back to your own hotel room, you lean back against the door, soaking in all that just happened. You smile, feeling your heart explode.
How lucky you were to fall in love with your best friend.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
six thirty w zayn, they started as friends with benefits but become more??? and she is famous and have afraid of say they are together?
I’ve never written for Zayn, so this is exciting! Fun fact, Zayn was my first favorite member in One Direction🥰 I hope you enjoy!🖤🖤
six thirty
warnings: implied smut, some made up people, yeah that’s all I think.
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I know I be on some bullshit
Know I be driving you crazy
But I know you love how I whip it
You can only stay mad for a minute
So come here and give me some kisses
You know I'm very delicious
You know I'm very impatient
Might change my mind, so don't keep me waiting
You and Zayn were, how do you say this? Complicated? You guys weren’t dating or in a relationship but you spent a lot of time together. You guys met through a mutual friend, Jack. Jack was a photographer who worked on many of your photoshoots and worked closely with Zayn and his projects.
You met during one of Jack’s parties at his flat. You were accompanied by your friends Kendall and Cara for the night and just wanted to have a good time surrounded by your friends. You felt his stare across the room. You saw him leaning against the wall with a few of his friends, he was staring at you as he puffed out a cloud of smoke from the blunt in his hand. The night consisted of many lingering stares until he finally approached you. Your night ended at his place with a blur of moans, kisses, and the feeling of his skin against yours.
You guys never became anything serious. You both had mutual friends so you would always see him at different parties. And every time the night would end, you were always in each other’s bed, limbs tangled together under the sheets.
Tonight was one of those nights. Jack was throwing another party at his flat but this time it was for his birthday. You were hanging in the corner of Jack’s spacious living room with Bella and Kendall, catching up with each other. You noticed your cup was empty and excused yourself to get a refill.
You entered the kitchen and instantly felt his eyes on your back. You glance behind you and see him already looking at you with that hint of hunger in his eyes. You send him a wink before grabbing a drink.
“Hey (y/n)!” You hear someone from behind you call. You turn and see Shawn Mendes, another friend of yours.
“Oh my god! Shawn, hey!” You greet him making sure to make your voice loud enough for Zayn to hear.
“How are you?” Shawn asks as he pulls you into a hug. You make sure to give him a good squeeze before playfully glancing at Zayn, who’s jaw was already clenched.
“I’m doing great! How are you?” You ask him as you place a hand onto his forearm. You continue your little game for a few more minutes before Zayn comes in and takes you away from Shawn. Suddenly your being pulled through the halls of Jack’s flat until you end up in one of his bedrooms. Zayn shoves you inside before turning the lights on.
“Seriously?” He asks clearly annoyed with your teasing. You decide to play dumb knowing it pisses him off. What can you say? This was your way of testing him to see if he was actually down for you.
“What, Z?” You innocently ask him as you stare up at his soft chocolate eyes.
“You know I hate that game you play, (y/n).” He answers as he moves to pace the room. You feel bad for teasing him and approach his figure. You grab one of his tatted hands and pull onto it so he’s facing you.
“I’m sorry.” You wrap your arms around his torso and rest your chin on his chest. He remains quiet and ignores your stare.
“Come on, Z. You can’t stay mad at me.” You teased him as your tighten your arms around him. You sigh and guide his face to look at you, “You’re the only one, I swear.”
At that, his harsh stare softens as they meet your eyes. He takes your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger and moves your faces closer to his.
“You drive me crazy.”
I just wonder, baby, if you're gonna stay
Even if, one day, I lose it and go crazy
I know this shit kinda heavy
I just wanna tell you directly
So, boy, let me know if you ready
Are you down? What's up?
Are you down? What's up?
“Why are you so worried about people seeing us leave the bar together?” Zayn asked as you laid against his chest. You’ve spent another night with him and it was the morning after.
“You know the media, Z. They always want to make shit up and start rumors.” You answer him as you breathed in the fresh air from the balcony the two of you were chilling on.
“Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” He questioned you, the hurt in his voice bringing a frown to your face. You feel him tense up as he waits for you to answer him.
You turn in his arms and wrap your arms around his neck. You stare into his eyes as you play with the ends of his hair.
“Of course not. It’s just that whenever things like that happen, it causes a problem between me and that person I was seen with.” You answer. “I don’t want that to happen to you and I, because I like when you’re around. I don’t want you to leave one day over some stupid rumor.”
Zayn gives you a small smile before he pecks your lips, causing you to giggle a bit.
“I won’t leave you. I promise to stay even if you go crazy one day.” He reassures you, adding a joke to lighten your mood.
Unlike other situations of “friends with benefits”, you and Zayn knew the feelings were mutual. Though the two of you were still testing the waters.
You know you be on some bullshit (Bullshit)
Act so possessive and crazy (Crazy)
But I know that's just 'causе you love me
And you ain't scared to show mе your ugly
And maybe that's just how it's supposed to be
I'm the release, you the dopamine
Zayn was protective as hell. Even if you were across the room, he always had a watchful eye on you to make sure nobody was bothering you. Sometimes if you guys were around close friends he would even show some light PDA.
At parties his arm would be wrapped around your waist as he talked to your friends. He wouldn’t let you leave his side. If you were getting a drink he had to come with you. If you were going to the bathroom he made sure to wait outside and guard the door. His protectiveness was at a high when you guys were out in public especially at bars and clubs.
“Zayn, babe.” You tapped his thigh to catch his attention. He nods at you before leaning down towards your face.
“I’m gonna go dance with Maya, I’ll be back in a bit.” You tell him before removing yourself from his grip.
“Wait, I’ll go with you.” He insist as he moved to get up as well. You stop him and make him sit back in the booth.
“No, you stay here. I’ll be fine, Z. Maya’s with me.” You reassure him pressing a kiss to his cheek. You grab onto Maya before he can protest and rush to the center of the dance floor.
“Zayn, she can handle herself. You don’t need to watch her every move.” One of your friends teased him. Zayn sighed before mentally pinpointing where you ran off to.
“Yeah, I know. I trust her but I don’t trust other people.” He explained as he finished off his drink. He knew he was a bit possessive, but it was only because he was looking out for you.
Six thirty (Mmm)
Down like six thirty (Mmm)
Down like sunsets (Down like sunsets)
Down like my head on your chest (Mmm)
Down like six thirty (Ooh)
Down like six thirty (Six thirty)
Down like my foot on the gas, skrrt, skrrt
Down like six thirty, yeah
You were laying against his chest when you two made it official. You guys had dinner at your place and ended up having a movie marathon on the couch. Zayn played with the ends of your hair as your finger made random symbols on his chest.
“Z?” He hummed in response as he stopped playing with your hair.
“I think I’m ready.” You whisper as you stare up at him. You feel his breath hitch at your words.
“You want to try being in a relationship?”
“Yes. I don’t want to wait anymore, Z. I don’t want to keep tip toeing around each other. I want you. I want you on weekends and weekdays not just after random parties and hookups.” You admit as you sat up to face him properly. Zayn cradles your head in his hands, tucking your hair behind your ears.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this. You don’t have to rush, love. I’ll gladly wait for you.” You shook your head and press a kiss to his palm.
“Zayn, I want to be with you.” You confirm before pressing your lips against his. Your lips molding together as if they were made for each other.
What you gon' do when I'm bored
And I wanna play video games at 2 AM?
What if I need a friend? Will you ride 'til the end?
Am I enough to keep your love?
When I'm old and stuff, will you still have a crush?
The two of you waited for a few months to finally reveal that you were in a relationship together. Though fans were already suspecting things between you two, they were still quite shocked when they found out you were actually together.
“They found out about us.” Zayn mumbled as he showed you his phone. A random pap picture of the two of you leaving a restaurant. You took his phone and exited the app before turning his phone off.
“I could care less. I’m just glad I get to call you mine and not have to hide it anymore.” You smiled as you settled yourself into his lap.
Zayn hums in agreement before placing a kiss onto your temple, “It’s nice to not have to hide us anymore. I could finally show the world my beautiful girl and who I’ve been writing songs about for the last month.”
You giggled as you ran your hands through his fluffy hair.
“Do you think you’ll still write songs about me when we’re old and stuff?” You ask him curiously.
“When we’re old and stuff?” His hands rest on your backside as he holds you against them.
“Yeah, you know when people get all wrinkly and their hair starts to grey?” Zayn chuckles at your description.
“I know babe. But you think we’d grow old together?” He questions you with a look in his eyes that you can’t quite explain.
“I mean yeah. I would hope so. Unless you don’t want to?” You began to ramble as Zayn just stared at you in awe. He interrupts your rambling with a peck on your lips.
“Of course I want to grow old with you. I just didn’t expect you to feel the same.” He shyly admits. You guys stare at each other in silence just admiring each other.
“I’ll marry you if you play FIFA with me right now?” You offer as you get up from his lap. You pull on his hand as a toothy grin makes its way onto his face.
“Well I can’t say no to that.”
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creativekat · 4 years
PTC, part iii
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gif by @pascalsky​
Word Count: 2,367 
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unintentional body piercing play, again (Marcus control your hands!);  allusions to naughty thoughts
A/N: @the-purity-pen​ and I continue to be overwhelmed by the response to our story! I, for one, could never have imagined this response! Thank you so much! If you want to be tagged for future segments, let me know! Missy’s teacher helps Marcus in the kitchen for the sleepover.  Part One | Part Two
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Marcus was pacing his kitchen, his mind trying to conjure up the list of ingredients he would need. He was moving from cabinet to fridge to another cabinet. His hands moving across the packages and containers that he thought he would need. The only thing he forgot about was slicing the pepperoni. He had grabbed the stick of pepperoni from the fridge and stood in front of the knife block on the counter, one hand on his hip, the other running over his scruff in thought.
“Dad, you good?” Missy asked as she came into the kitchen, watching her father with a furrowed brow.
“Hm? Oh, oh yeah. Just fine,” he murmured as he turned to face her and swallowed a large lump that had formed in his throat. 
Missy’s eyes moved to the counter with a curious nod of her chin. “What’s all this?”
“Uh, we’re gonna make personalized pizzas,” he told her and her face lit up with a laugh. 
“You? You’re gonna cook?” she questioned with her arms crossing over her chest, her hipping popping out to one side, the stance that she definitely took after her mother. When Marcus opened his mouth to quip back, the doorbell rang. “Expecting someone?” Missy chided, knowing that all of her friends were out in the living room gossiping and showing off their powers.
You tried not to be nervous as you waited for someone to come to the door, but you couldn’t help yourself. You didn’t typically go over to your students’ homes. You weren’t typically invited to your students’ homes. And you really couldn’t help remembering what had happened at the grocery store. Your face burned at the memory. 
The door opened and there stood the student in question. She looked at you with surprise and curiosity, “Are you here to see my dad?” Her head tilted as if she were working a math problem and the numbers weren’t quite adding up. 
When she put it that way, you wondered if agreeing to this had been a bad idea. But, then you reminded yourself of the reason you’d been asked over. You replied, as calmly as you could, “I’m here to help your dad… with cooking and stuff.” 
You nearly laughed out loud at the look of relief on Missy’s face, “Oh gooood!” She sighed the last word. 
Suddenly, Marcus appeared at the door, “Don’t leave our guest standing outside, Missy.” Then looking at you, he said, “Come in, come in… do you want something to drink?” 
You nodded as you stepped inside, “Water would be fine.” Suddenly you felt parched. Marcus nodded with a tightlipped smile as he turned to lead you down the front hall to the kitchen. You followed him slowly, taking in a bit of the pictures that hung on the wall and the obvious artwork that was done by a much younger Missy.
Your smile must have been evident when you walked into the kitchen because when Marcus turned around with the pitcher of water from the fridge he threw a smile in your direction. You straightened yourself up trying to calm the sudden onset of butterflies blooming in your chest.
“Dad, you’re actually gonna let her cook right?” Missy tried to confirm and you simply let out a soft giggle. Marcus snapped his head around with a playful glare on his face towards his daughter.
“Don’t you have friends to go entertain?” he quipped back but it was all bark with no bite as a wide grin spread his lips. Missy scoffed and rolled her eyes, her arms crossing over her chest with a hip popped out.
“I mean, I guess,” she said before breaking into laughter and shaking her head at her father and turning to run away to the living room. You were laughing as you looked after her before turning to see Marcus holding out the glass filled for you.
“She’s something else isn’t she?” he asked as he moved past you to the fridge to replace the pitcher.
Nodding, you couldn’t help but laugh, “She’s a great kid. You’ve done a great job with her.” Of course, you knew he hadn’t always been doing it alone. She’d had a mother. He’d had a wife. One that he’d loved very much from everything you’d heard. 
You took the glass of water from him, immediately taking a sip, hoping to quell the flame that you felt burning your throat and threatening to climb up to color your face. You had always thought Marcus was attractive, but the few insights you’d had into his true self, the non-hero side of him, made him that much more appealing to you. 
Setting the glass down, you rubbed your hands together, “So, what needs to be done? Put me to work, Mr… Marcus.” You stepped forward looking up at him. 
Marcus smiled at you, “Well, the pepperoni still needs to be sliced up if you want to handle that?” 
You took the knife from the counter where he’d left it, “Wow, you didn’t just get the pre-sliced kind? That’s … pretty serious for a man who can’t cook.” You winked at him with a chuckle and then turned toward the counter, mouthing the words ‘oh my god’ to yourself at such a bold move.
Marcus felt his breath hitch at the simple wink from you. You were attractive and funny and intelligent and Marcus had developed a small crush on you over the last year but having you this close to him made him more nervous, especially because you were in his house.
“I definitely wasn’t thinking,” he admitted shyly with a dry chuckle as he moved over next to you and reached for some bowls he had gotten out. He started to open the packet of shredded mozzarella and elbowed you gently in the process. “Oh! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” he asked immediately, real concern lacing his tone.
“I’m okay Marcus,” you laughed. “Perhaps you don’t know your own strength huh?” you teased again and then mentally chastised yourself for being so flirty and forward.
In the living room, Missy’s friends asked her who was at the door and when she told them it was their teacher, the eyes lit up in curiosity. “What is she doing here?” Wheels asked with enthusiasm. “Probably just trying to make sure we’re doing our homework,” Wild Card chimed in as he tried to make just his hand go invisible.
“No, she’s here to help my dad cook. Trust me, it’s for the best,” Missy said and the others laughed as Noodles got up and moved over to the wall to stretch his head around to peek into the kitchen.
You and Marcus were busy with the food that you didn’t even notice the gathering of small eyes peering in at you. You removed the pepperoni from the package and began to slice it, though you noticed your hands were trembling slightly. Your skin tingled where Marcus’ elbow had made contact and you felt warm all over. 
Having a crush on a student’s parent was never a good idea. Even so, you couldn’t help wanting to feel him brush against you again. Again you remember what happened in the store earlier in the day and the knife slides through the pepperoni at an awkward angle, bouncing off the cutting board. “Sh--oot.” 
Marcus looks over at you with alarm, “Are you okay? Did you cut yourself?” 
“Nope, just a bit clumsy. I’m fine.” You gave him a reassuring smile and went back to your work. You heard a hinge squeak and glanced toward the door leading to the other room, where Missy had gone, but you saw nothing. 
Marcus gave a soft smile but noticed the way you were holding the knife and how it wasn’t cutting the pepperoni quite right. He furrowed his brows for a moment before clearing his throat. “Do you, uh, do you want me to show you how I cut it?” he asked and before you could answer him fully he was moving behind you.
You thought he was going to have you step aside so he could demonstrate so you made to move but his hand came around to cover yours on the handle of the knife. Almost instantly, you felt a shiver run down your spine from his touch. You tried to keep your composure before completely melting into his touch. Despite the size of his hands and the calloused fingers, he was gentle but firm in his hold on you.
His other hand took yours and guided it to the opposite edge of the pepperoni stick. His hand started to guide yours but within a moment, you felt the familiar tug on your piercings. His powers had activated to ensure the smooth cut with the metal blade and he hadn’t even noticed that that was how he was able to perfect his cuts.
You struggled to control your breathing as you forced yourself to focus on what Marcus was showing you. But, your nipples were being traitorous little bastards, perking up under your shirt and bra, sending jolts of electricity throughout your body. You closed your eyes for a moment and bit your lip. If crushing on a student’s parent was a bad idea, then jumping him in his own kitchen (with said student in the next room) would be an even worse one. Your grip tightened on the knife handle. Your voice came out tightly, “Yeah, I get it now.” 
Which was a lie. The only thing you fully understood was that Marcus Moreno was turning you on big time and you were pretty sure he didn’t even know it. A suspicion confirmed when he stepped away, giving you a small pat on your shoulder, “Okay then, let me know if you need more help.” He side-stepped back to where he’d been working, hoping you didn’t notice the way his body had reacted from being so close to you. 
Once again you heard the slight squeak of the door hinge and looked up. But, again, you didn’t see anything. Glancing at Marcus, still breathless, you asked, “do you keep hearing that? Or is it just me?”
Marcus went back, his focus attempting to stay on the food before him and the little bowls but his eyes kept darting over to you every few moments. Being that close to you made his chest tight and he had to stop himself which is why he asked if you understood what he was doing.
But when you asked about the noise, he paused, his ear turned towards the living room and listened. He didn’t hear anything but his hand came to his face where his thumb scratched the tip of his nose. “How much you wanna bet it’s the kids?” he asked and chuckled. “Missy is quite nosey when it comes to my love life,” he laughed nervously.
You found a quiet smile and chuckled right with him. It was really endearing the way Missy cared so much for her father. Marcus went back to focusing on the food, trying not to stare at you too long. If he had, he would have started blurting things out that he didn’t want to scare you off with. 
“That’s an easy bet,” you laughed as you went back to slicing pepperoni. This time you made sure to cut even slices. You knew at least one of the other kids in there would have a personal interest in what might be happening between you and Marcus Moreno. This thought made you frown, because you also knew his father had made it explicitly clear that he was not to admit to knowing you outside of class. 
You pushed the negative thoughts away and continued on your task, finishing up the pepperoni easily now that you’d cooled off a little from what had happened a moment ago. You set the knife down and went to the sink to wash your hands, “Is there anything else I can do? Or are we ready for the kids to make their pizzas?” Then with a sly smile directed his way, you added, “I can be on oven duty… to avoid any unnecessary calls to the fire department.”
Marcus chuckled, shaking his head, “You too, huh?” You grinned. It felt good to spend time with an attractive, grown man. Even if it was just as friends, or a helping hand. It had been a long time since you’d felt this content around another person. That thought probably should have scared you considering who he was. Instead, you felt a pleasant warmth flowing throughout your body. 
Marcus nodded. “Yeah, it’s probably time for them to join us,” he told you as he walked closer to the living room to call out to them. “Hey kids! Let’s make pizzas!” he called and suddenly an onslaught of footsteps and noises started to come from the living room, building louder as they all piled into the kitchen.
Marcus moved out of the way as Wheels made his way in. The kids all circled around the kitchen table and took a seat, making room for Wheels to slide his chair up next to Missy. Marcus moved the bowls from the counter and you helped move the plates that they were going to build their pizzas on and turned back at the same time as Marcus to grab the dough but you bumped into each other from trying to cross paths.
“We gotta stop doing that,” you giggled quietly and let Marcus walk past you. He would later admit to himself that the sound of your giggle sent a large shock down his body, like he wanted to reach out and touch you right then. But it would be inappropriate so he just cleared his throat and nodded and walked to get the dough.
The two of you stood by as the kids laughed and joked and flung a pepperoni piece here and there at each other as they made their own pizzas however they wanted them. You couldn’t help but steal glances at Marcus every once in a while and when his gaze met yours again, you felt your heart flutter.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Part 12- Shape of My Heart*
Pairing: Rudy Pankow x Plus Size Reader
Summary: Falling in love with someone you can never have is the worst feeling in the world...
@jeyramarie​​​​​​​​​ @drewswannabegirl​​​​​​​​​ @sexualparkour​​​​​​​​ @teamnick​​​​​​​​​ @jiaraendgame​​​​​​​​​ @agirlwholovescoffee​​​​​​​​​ @outerbongs​​​​​​​​​ @jaxxandcomet​​​​​​​​​ @velyssaraptor​​​​​​​​​ @baby-pogue​​​​​​​​​ @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon​​​​​​​​​ @must-be-a-weasley-92​​​​​​​​​ @kaitieskidmore1​​​​​​​​​ @ma10427​​​​​​​​​ @ifilwtmfc​​​​​​​​​ @lasnaro​​​​​​​​​ @justcallmesams​​​​​​​​​ @judayyyw​​​​​​​​​ @lonely-kermit​​​​​​​​​ @gviosca​​​​​​​​​ @iamaunicorn4704​​​​​​​​​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​​​​​​​​​ @fernweh-fangirl​​​​​​​​​ @runway-to-my-aid​​​​​​​​​ @eb15​​​​​​​​​ @hurricane-abigail​​​​​​​​​ @tangledinsparkles​​​​​​​​​ @fandom-phaser​​​​​​​​​ @sunwardsss​​​​​​​​​ @http-cherries​​​​​​​​​ @bibliophilewednesday​​​​​​​​​ @evaporatedrosepetals​​​​​​​​​ @thetomatosaucee​​​​​​​​​ @tomatosauceagent​​​​​​​​​ @redosmo​​​​​​​​​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​​​​​​​​ @obx-direction-sos​​​​​​​​ @mxltifandoms06​​​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @gracielou0518​​ @hannahhistorian92​​
Part 11 Part 13
Note: Hope you guys enjoy and as always let me know what you think!
ps if you don’t like choking or roughness during the dirty stuff just skip it. 18+
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Soft kisses on my face caused me to stir the next morning...
I cracked an eye open to see Rudy, his eyes still having that sleepy look. He leaned to kiss my lips, pulling back to brush some hair out of my face. His hair was a mess, pointing out in every direction, but it was a good look on him. I leaned to stretch my arms and legs, moving to wrap myself around him. 
“I thought last night was a dream,” I mumbled, snuggling further into him.
“Me too honestly, as soon as the director said we were taking a break from filming for a while I hopped on a plane here. I couldn’t take another day without seeing your pretty face.” he smiled, chuckling when I hid my red face in his neck.
“I missed everyone, I...I don’t have a lot of friends here. You all are the only people I talk to.” I confessed.
“Bullshit, come on babe.” Rudy scoffed.
“No I...I’ve lost a lot of friends because of the way I look.” I murmured, memories of those awful times flooding my brain.
“Seriously? That’s insane, I couldn’t imagine looking at someone like ‘oh you’re a great friend and all but you look different so we can’t be friends’, like that’s fucking dumb.” he griped, pulling me tighter to him. 
“It’s alright, I don’t need anyone but you and our little group.” I sighed, kissing wherever my lips fell.
“I still hate that you had to go through that, it breaks my heart.” he admitted, nuzzling his face into my shoulder.
“It’s in the past now, I’ll be ok as long as I have you.” I spoke, combing my fingers through his bedhead. 
I did have some school work I had to finish up today, but it still irked me that it was cutting into the limited time I had with Rudy. I was just finishing up when Rudy sat next to me, he had an anxious look on his face which made me panic.
"I want you to come to Alaska with me on your spring break, to meet my parents.” he blurted.
“I-I don’t know Ru, I don’t think they will like me.” I mumbled, nervously playing with my fingers.
“Of course they will, why would you think that?” he asked, looking at you quizzically. 
“Because I’m not...I’m not who a famous actor should be with. I’m an embarrassment.” I sighed, looking away from him.
“Stop that shit right now...my parents aren’t like that. Speaking of which, when do I get to meet yours?” he questioned, changing the subject.
“I don’t know, I don’t really talk to them...I’m kind of on my own.” I shrugged, Rudy looked at me with worry in his eyes.
“Baby...” he pouted, curling up next to me.
“What? Why are you pouting?” I chuckled, kissing his forehead.
“I don’t like the thought of you being on your own...” he muttered, placing his chin on my shoulder.
“I was a lone wolf until I met you all, I’ve always just kept to myself.” I said, shutting my laptop down.
“Were people really that mean?” he asked softly.
“Yeah, no one in this town is acceptable unless you have the ideal body type.” I shrugged, laying back so his head fell on my thighs.
“All sizes are beautiful, I hate that our society is like this. There shouldn’t be such a thing as an ‘ideal body type’,” he ranted, flipping over so he could look at me.
“I’m glad you think so babe.” I chuckled, my phone starting to ring.
“Hi y/n,” my mom said after I picked up.
“Hey mom, what’s up?” I asked.
“I was hoping maybe you wanted to come over for dinner tonight?” she inquired.
“Make an extra plate.” I murmured, looking down at Rudy who smiled.
“Who else is coming?” she wondered.
“My boyfriend.” I spoke nervously.
I paced back and forth in my living room, ready to go to my parents. However, I was more nervous than ever and I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was not going to be a good night. Rudy looked good as ever, dressed in a black button down with khakis. I wore a tshirt dress my mom got me for my birthday a few years ago with some flats, keeping the hair and makeup low maintenance since it was just my parents.
“Baby why are you so stressed? It’s just your parents, we don’t have to stay long if it makes you that anxious.” Rudy said, trying to calm me down.
“I just have this really bad feeling...” I whispered, rubbing my arms.
Rudy stood from the couch, wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my nose, making me giggle. 
“It’s going to be ok, what could possibly happen?” he questioned, pushing me lightly towards the door.
Boy how I wish he hadn’t of said that....
I pulled into my childhood home, my hands already starting to shake. Rudy opened my door for me, taking my hand in his. He kissed the back of it, giving me a reassuring smile. My mother came out on the porch, smiling as she caught sight of us. Rudy smiled wide as my mother took him in a hug, introducing herself.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Rudy Pankow.” Rudy spoke, my mother moving so I could lead us inside.
Rudy and I sat at the table while my mom was finishing up dinner, my father yet to make an appearance. My leg bounced nervously, biting at my nails I stared at the table. Rudy grabbed my hand from my mouth, keeping it in his. He took his other hand to place it on my leg, his thumb rubbing gentle circles to soothe me. 
“Who’s this?” my father sneered, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment and anger.
“Rudy Pankow sir, it’s nice to meet you.” Rudy spoke, standing to shake my father’s hand.
“Are you one of y/n’s friends?” my father asked skeptically, shaking Rudy’s hand.
“Boyfriend actually,” Rudy smiled, looking at me adoringly. My mother entered the dining room, sitting the food on the table.
“Boyfriend? My y/n? HA yeah, maybe once she loses a few pounds.” my father chuckled, Rudy’s face falling. 
“Can we please have a nice dinner?” my mother said, staring daggers at my father.
My parents took their seats across from Rudy and I, scooping a helping on their plates. I picked around at my food, gripping Rudy’s hand tighter than I meant to. 
“So, y/n...when did this start?” my mom asked, pointing at Rudy and I.
“About two and a half months ago when I went to LA.” I answered, glancing up to see my father staring at me quizzically.
“Let me get this straight, this isn’t a joke? You actually like my daughter?” my father questioned, my mother hissing something to him.
“Um no, I’ve liked y/n for over a year before we even started dating. I don’t understand why you think y/n couldn’t be with me?” Rudy inquired, making my death grip on his hand somehow tighter.
“Well son, it’s no secret y/n is well...not exactly who people would picture you with.” my father answered.
“Why?” he asked.
“Rudy stop.” I whispered, but he shook his head at me.
“I guess if you’re going to make me say it, she’s fat.” my father shrugged, my heart clenching in my chest.
“You say that about your own daughter?” Rudy growled.
“Just speaking the truth.” my father said.
“If you were speaking the truth sir, you’d say that y/n is the most beautiful woman. You’d say any man would be lucky to have her because she is an incredible person, a person I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Rudy rambled, making my eyes wide.
“What?” I whispered, my mother choked on her food.
“It’s um, a little soon to be talking about that don’t you think? Barely three months of dating and you want to spend forever together? It just seems a little impractical.” my mother pointed out.
“Rudy, let’s go.” I huffed, scooting my chair out.
“Y/n, sit back down.” my father griped.
I ignored them, stomping out of the house. I was fucking pissed at them for embarrassing me like that. I sat in my car as I waited for Rudy, on the verge of crying. Rudy came out a few minutes later, frowning as he got in the car with me.
“I’m sorry Ru,” I mumbled, laying my head on the steering wheel.
“Nothing to be sorry about. I wanted to punch the shit out of your dad though.” he admitted, shaking his head.
“You know I really like that dress.” Rudy said as we got out of the car.
“Thanks,” I chuckled, walking into the apartment.
“I think it would look better on the floor though.” he suggested, my insides heating up. 
“Oh you do?” I asked, the sultriness in my voice shocking me.
“Take it off for me.” he demanded, unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt.
I started to take it off, getting just above my undies before stopping. I walked to my room instead, kicking my shoes off. I heard loud footsteps behind me, excitement building in my belly. I gasped as Rudy took a hold of my arm, whirling me around to face him. His eyes grew a shade darker, making me squirm before him.
“Hmmm, that was not very nice.” he growled, his hand coming to wrap around my throat. I moaned, a smirk forming on his lips. 
He walked me back to the bed, throwing me roughly to a sitting position. He stripped me himself, pushing my chest so that I was laying down. Rudy yanked off my underwear, inserting his fingers into me. I gasped loudly, wiggling on the bed. He slapped my thigh, a low rumble came from deep in his chest.
“No noise, no moving. You move or make a sound, you don’t get to cum.” he barked, a whimper catching in my throat.
He stripped himself, getting on his knees. He buried his face into my heat, sucking and licking all around the places that made me tick the most. I had to bite down on my hand to keep from screaming, using all my willpower to keep my muscles still. Rudy inserted his tongue into me, flicking it around. His fingers came up to rub my clit, my teeth biting harder into my hand. 
I couldn’t hold it, I involuntarily let out a moan so loud I’m sure my neighbors heard. Rudy stopped immediately, tsking as he pulled away.
“You were doing so good baby,” he sighed.
“No Rudy don’t.” I whined, earning another slap to my thigh.
“I don’t take orders from you sweetheart.” he snapped, a whine leaving my throat.
He began to slowly and tortuously rub me, making my legs jump. He inserted his fingers at the same time, moving as slow as possible. I frustratedly moved on my bed, letting out a grunt. 
Then he began to move his fingers faster, pounding them into me. I yelped, my legs trying to close in on him. He held them back, laughing as I cried out to him. Just as I was about to cum, he stopped. My hips bucked from the bed, my fists hitting the mattress. 
Rudy grabbed my hips, flipping me over on my stomach. He jerked my hips up so that I was on all fours, my hands curled into my sheets nervously. He slapped my ass hard, a strangled yelp leaving my lips. He leaned down to slurp at the wetness seeping from me, my upper body almost collapsed on the bed. It was so hot, but it was also starting to make me wish I had just listened to him in the first place. 
He inserted his tongue into me again, shaking his head to bury his face deeper into me. The facial hair on his chin rubbed my clit, making me gasp loudly. 
“Baby please please let me cum, I’m sorry.” I moaned, feeling myself start to come close to the edge again.
He moved his tongue to swipe at my clit, taking it between his lips to suck on it. My legs started to shake as I came close to snapping, my breathing picking up before Rudy pulled away. I put my face in the sheets as I screamed in frustration. 
Rudy yanked me up by my hair, leaning down to whisper in my ear.
“You’ll get to cum when I want you to, if that is at all tonight.” he hummed deeply, his deep voice churning my insides. 
“Fuck,” I groaned, slamming my head back down.
He plunged his length inside of me, cursing as he came to grip my ass cheeks. Rudy moved his hands to hold my hips, sliding all the way before ramming himself back in. He did that a few times, a choked moan leaving my throat. I cried out when he began a to roughly thrust inside of me, grabbing a hold of my hair to keep my head up. 
The sound of skin slapping filled the room along with the pants and grunts from the two of us. He moved one hand to pinch my clit, a squeal leaving my lips as he began to rub it between his fingers.
“Do you think you deserve it pretty girl? Do you think you deserve to cum on me?” he gritted, his fingers burning my scalp as he yanked my head back further.
“Yes please baby, I can’t take it anymore. I need it, I want you to make me cum.” I whimpered, hoping that would spark a fire in him.
He pulled out, flipping me back over to my back. 
“I want to see your face when you scream who’s fucking you this good.” he growled.
And scream I did because Rudy plowed himself harder than before, angling our hips so that he could hit that special spot that had me shaking in a matter of seconds. I scratched at his shoulders, trickles of blood beginning to form on his tan skin. 
“Please let me cum, let me cum, let me cum.” I begged, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
He brought his hand back to rub viciously at my clit, my back arching off the bed. My breathing became more labored, Rudy’s grunts becoming louder. 
“Ok baby, cum.” he spoke.
My eyes rolled back into my head as I came, my whole body locking up. Rudy shouted as I clamped down on his member, his hips stuttering as he stilled inside of me. Ropes of him jetted inside of me, but I was still coming down from my orgasm. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” Rudy breathed, a breathy laugh left my lips.
“That was hot.” I panted, wiping the sweat off my forehead.
“I say we shower and do it again.” he smirked, pulling me off the bed.
“You are not torturing me like that again!” I shouted as he dragged me to my shower.
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