incorrectfmaquotes · 3 years
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softlybeeps · 3 years
“ it's you and me, forever. no matter what. “ // @getblammed ! Soft verse, I don’t have any icons for him though, sorry about that.
Depression had been about to swallow the boy whole when he heard Pico's words. They brought him back to reality, and he couldn't help but breathe a small sigh of relief. He didn't know what he'd do without Pico.
"Forever," he repeated with a small smile. "Thank you. I needed to hear that."
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habits-white-rabbit · 3 years
Love you, biiiitch. /P
I ain’t never gon stop lovin you.
You're a homosexual, stop it! /ref
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minkroe · 3 years
🍰 🍰 🍰
♥ for every 🍰 i get, i’ll share a sweet headcanon about our muses ♥ 
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min has a particular habit of choosing to sit on razor's lap when she's getting picked up by the turbokat. what? it’s razor’s fault for being comfy. of course, she won’t be a distraction if the situation is still grim but- bonus points if razor tells her which buttons to push in order to release a certain type of missile. ideal date is it not? :3
razor at some point getting hurt and trying to hide it from min, because i’m a sucker for that trope, but of course min figures it out and tends to the wound as best she can. and it's that moment that hits her that, hero or not,  this a person. 
if she ever learns razor's identity, it wouldn’t faze her much, besides the whole “I KNEW IT BUT I ALSO DIDN’T.” she had that SINKING FEELING she knew the guy from somewhere. and while min’s a girl of exquisite tastes,  you can never get enough of kindness without the pressure of something in return,  and neither jake nor razor expected it. 
♥  @megakatmissiles​​
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the-smallest-star · 3 years
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@picoshellhole​ asked:
A decently sized package has arrived at Enforcer headquarters, specifically addressed to the cell currently holding Hannah and James for questioning. Due to the recent attack, it was only fair they’d been there a while. Delivered to the cell by an Enforcer officer, inside of the box sat a smaller version of the Swat Kats’ helmets, and a similarly sized black bandana to go with it. Next to the helmet was a small piece of paper.
“ Welcome to the team, Booster! ”
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James and Hannah hadn’t expected any packages, but when Hannah opened it her fluffy face lit up. Her own helmet! And a nickname! She practically bounced on the spot in excitement. James grinned as he ruffled her hair glancing at the very confused Enforcer.
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bonesnmetalrp · 4 years
☹  - I’d like to say hi but I have no idea how.
Hi! Hello!! Me, too! I’ve been lurking around your blogs a while now.
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It takes me ages to follow and even more to interact with some people, because I am very shy most of the time.
It’s very nice to hear you’d like to interact as well, too though! :0
If you wanna you can shoot me a dm, or I can do so if you prefer that! 
I hope you don’t mind the silly doodles!
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alchemic-elric · 4 years
Fuck it, joining in on the Kira appreciation. Your posts are always a treat to read on my dash and I can’t wait to do more with Mika and Ed, and just talk to you more in general.
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Hey you! Thanks for stopping by! It’s my day off so I’m going to get more things out today (that's the plan any way) I’m glad you think so and I’m gunna work on this verse we talked about.. I know we’re on opposite sides of the planet but feel free to just send me messages on disco and I’ll get to them as I’m able. <3
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✏ for either Pico or Razor? This’ll be fun.
Send ✏ and I’ll draw a bad MS Paint version of your muse
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blmmed · 3 years
This is your reminder that your Pico is fuckin S I C K and that I love his bastard self. Can’t wait to do more stuff between yours and mine.
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lee-edits · 3 years
Hi! Could I please get some blue/orange Whitty icons for my blog? Theme doesn’t need to be anything specific, do whatever you think would fit the colours.
Hey there! you can find your request here! :D
I actually really liked working on these! if you'd like anything changed please feel free to send another ask!!
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dreeming-royalty · 3 years
Wrath wasn’t usually one for physical interactions so soon into a relationship. He barely knew this weird chimera (or not?) guy, why should he be anything nice to him right off the bat? And yet, even with all those thoughts, here Wrath was, holding the fuzzy dude’s paw to feel the fur. “..Auh, sorry.” The Homunculus awkwardly spoke as he backed off. “Just, uh, your fur looks real soft. Was, uh, curious. ‘Bout how it felt.” Smooth, kid.
Random starters Always accepting!
Wrath certainly didn’t seem like the kind of person to normally just grab the hand of someone they just met (or, at least, Butterscotch had gotten that impression) but they seemed very interested in his fur. They were practically fixated on it, and while he wasn’t extremely keen on being touched by people he didn’t know, he would make an exception for Wrath. And, perhaps satisfyingly, his fur was very soft. And warm. He also had beans.
The Boss Monster couldn’t help but giggle a little bit as he tried to excuse himself. He certainly seemed embarrassed by that.
“You don’t need to worry,” he laughed. How could he be upset with them? They were just a curious kid, after all, “you certainly seemed happy to get your answer!”
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turbonicflaws · 3 years
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Initially I wasn’t going to post these as I’m very reluctant to have FNF fans (I’m talking 11 year olds) find/interact with my work, but seeing as though I am currently lacking any other noteworthy content I bestow upon you these drawings I made for my Buddy pal @picoshellhole
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habits-white-rabbit · 4 years
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minkroe · 3 years
I really love how you’ve fleshed out Min’s personality beyond what’s shown in the shorts, and I love the way that you give her more depth!
♥  what is ONE THING you like about the way i play my character?  ♥
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listen i could go on and on about my plans for min but like- this show made some really awesome female characters and she deserved the same treatment. also i really don't dig hollywood's hate for ultra femininity tbh? let girls ( and everyone else, god bless ) like what they want without believing it makes them stupid, weak, or bad?? please???
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daemuzi · 3 years
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♡      @picoshellhole​​  asks ; 👤 + Cassandra, for Girlfriend! // send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character // accepting! 
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❥  "oh, she’s just great. a bit closed off .. but she’s really cool! y’know i never get much of a chance to talk to other non-humans .. it’s a nice break to get to talk to someone who won’t judge, you feel me?” cassandra was really cool in her opinion; didn’t hesitate to stand up for herself; and she was naturally drawn to those kinds of people. she tended to enjoy being around non-humans for that reason, they never cared about being judged by them. she shrugged her shoulders casually as she delivered her final words, not seeming to care about how blunt she was being. “plus she’s super hot. that’s a nice bonus.” 
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giffany-rebooted · 3 years
@picoshellhole​ / @knxckitxff​ giffany in nevada what will she do
{🔪} Obviously a bright pink anime girl is gonna stand out like a sore thumb pretty much anywhere, but in Nevada it’s less a sore thumb, and more like the thumb was pulled off, and stomped on a hundred times.
Which, coincidentally, is just about what Giffany is doing! These weird little grey things are Very maleable. Good for pulling apart, judging by the mess that was actually like that when she found it.
She doesn’t even notice anyone’s there with her until she turns around, the body of a grunt in one hand, and the head in the other.
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“Oh- uh, were these yours? Sorry, I just... gotta a little carried away, aheheh...” She says bashfully, as though someone had found her having eaten too many chocolates, rather than... pulling people apart.
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