#pickup van overturns
townpostin · 2 months
Pickup Van Overturns in Jamshedpur, One Dead, Many Injured
Accident in Daladali-Itamara leaves one dead and several injured; driver flees scene. A pickup van carrying laborers overturned in Jamshedpur’s MGM police station area between Daladali and Itamara on Wednesday morning at around 8:30 AM. JAMSHEDPUR – Around 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, a pickup van that was carrying laborers overturned erratically in a field located between Daladali and Itamara, under…
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libertybled · 6 years
 What had started out as a peaceful start to the day had devolved into absolute chaos by the middle of the afternoon. The morning market, though busy, was relatively calm despite the occasional raised voices of traders bickering and mothers shouting at their children. There wasn’t, Stevie noted from her position at a table outside a local cafe, anything much to raise alarm bells. She knew that at least two of the stores along the street were front for illegal arms dealing; that there was one drug den two streets away, probably more in the wider area. But none of them were her cause of interest - mostly because today was meant to be a day off. Enforced by the fact that she had no backup, otherwise there would be so such thing as a day off. Sam and Nat had gone off in different locations following the tracking beacons they’d placed in the dummy shipments leaving Stevie to sit, twiddling her thumbs, waiting for the third to show up. She had adjusted the headscarf that covered the now-auburn hair which had already started to show blonde at the roots, lifted her cup of sweet tea to her lips --
-- and then a car blew up close enough to knock her backwards off her chair and cause her ears to ring. 
Immediately the metal table was overturned and made into makeshift cover to avoid the flying shrapnel caused by a second explosion. In a heartbeat, the calm of the market had turned into chaos; screams of fear and agony, the rancid smell of burning flesh and hot viscera, women and children crying. Then gunfire, the rapid, distinct ratatat of assault rifles - four, to her ear - accompanied by the roar of an engine under strain; correction: two engines. She curses under her breath, lamenting the fact that today was the one day she’d chosen civilian clothes instead of wearing her bulletproof uniform under some loose hanging material like she normally did. But no one could predict this, not with the heightened security in town thanks to the UN convoy passing through. But as she leans out around the upturned table, the realization hits. That wasn’t two bombs, that was a suicide bomber in a car ramming into a UN marked truck. 
She waves at a woman and her child, huddled behind a table as she was, to stay down, placing her finger to her lips in the universal gesture to stay quiet. The two vehicles - a pickup and a van carrying what looked like a small militia - all armed - had stopped outside of one of the known arms dealers. The armed thugs had spread out along the street, killing anyone that dared to make a break from where they’d been told to stay. Stevie slides away from her table on her knees, lunging into a roll that takes her behind the burning wreckage of what was the UN truck. She’s greeted by half a soldier, his upper torso completely missing, the grisly remains of his lower half a mangled mess trapped under a detached wheel arch. It’s not something she wants to do, but she pulls a blood-drenched pistol out from it’s holster and wipes it on a thigh before clicking the safety off. There’s no way she can take on the entire company alone without any armour or shield to speak of, but at least she can help get some civilians out of harms way.
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prorevenge · 7 years
Tried to give shitty neighbour a taste of his own medicine. Ended up getting him some hefty fines.
My initial plan should have resulted in an @petty-revenge-stories worthy post, but I inadvertently ended up going a lot further. (long story: tl;dr at the end)
Some background:
My neighbour, let's call him Dave, is a twat. Literally everyone on the street hates him. The previous owners of our house left because of him: we gave them a lowball offer on the house which they accepted straight away because Dave drove them crazy. We initially didn't pay much mind because, for 10/12 years that we've lived here he's been pretty courteous, even very helpful. His attitude changed over the past 2 years. He's started complaining about the volume of my guitar playing even though his dog is yapping away 24/7 - bear in mind this is a dog which he doesn't even let out of the house. He forced us to reposition our CCTV cameras so they didn't look into his gardens, then put up his own which look into ours claiming it's his property so he can do what he wants. Some craftsmen came to do work on our roof, and he complained about them to the council on a small technicality with their scaffolding, causing them to get fined.
But the problem at hand here is about parking. Dave works for a local utility so he has a big pickup truck supplied by his work that he parks in such a way that half of it takes up space in front of our house. You see, for a long time, we had a old banger Toyota as the family car, and his parking was not an issue as we only had the one car in the driveway. Dave also loved to take the piss out of this car. He was the kind of guy who would buy a 4x4 in the winter then sell it in the summer for a convertible. Two years ago, the banger was complemented with a shiny new Toyota, and that too for me. Not only did he not have anything witty to say about our new car, his much cherished truck's parking space was at threat. So, he buys a van, parks it in front of his house, then parks the entirety of his pickup truck in front of our house, so much so that his truck's trailer hitch would be over the exit to our driveway. Unfortunately, as much of a dick move as this is, he's perfectly entitled to do that as it's a public road. Any requests to ask him to move and he'd say that he'd been parking there since before we moved, and that he needs to keep his driveway clear wide to get his other cars out as the people opposite park a car outside their house. When I pointed out that we have the same issue, he said I "need the practice cause I'm a new driver". Thankfully the people on our other side and across the road (both having a long standing hatred of Dave) suggested we park my dad's car outside their houses if there was space - mine lived in the drive for insurance reasons.
Luckily for Dave, my dad got a new job abroad so he had to sell the banger, and I got an internship at a big company halfway across the country so my car wouldn't be there. However, my dad purchased another shiny new Toyota for my mum as she'd have to drive herself around (and his new job was a pretty big promotion). This is the situation until last Sunday.
Now starts the real bullshit. Because of Eid, so I took a week off work to spend it with my mum. When I arrived home after the long journey, I was in luck: Dave was still at work and his other van wasn't there. I guess he'd sold it now that he didn't need an excuse to occupy the front of our house. Thus, I parked squarely in front of our house, with about a metre between the front of my car and the imaginary line between our house and Dave's. Later that night, I go out to throw the trash and I see that this fucker has parked his truck under 2 inches away from my car. This is an issue for me because we're on a hill, and I drive a manual so there's a good chance of my car rolling into his trailer hitch unless I'm really careful. The next day, I actually saw him park in the same way. From my window it looked like he'd actually hit my car so I decided to go out and have a look. As I kneeled down to check the front bumper he goes "what do you think you're looking at?". I said "Oh, it seemed to me you've parked really close, I was just checking to see if you've it my car". His reply was "I've got parking sensors so get the hell back inside".
Now, I read @petty-revenge-stories a bit so I thought I'd give Dave a taste of his own medicine. After a day out with the mates, I saw that he was at work, so I decided to park outside his house, being very considerate, following the Highway Code and leaving a wide berth for the car in the driveway to exit. I just thought I'd fuck with him a little, piss him off and then move the car after a few hours just to see how quickly he runs out to park his truck in the usual spot again. What I didn't expect was that he'd be a stubborn cunt.
Dave flips his shit as soon as he arrives. He parks inches away from my car with the bay of his truck over our driveway, throws the gate open right into the bumper of my mum's car and nearly bangs the door off its hinges. He demands that I move my car "right fucking now". The lovely Irish guy opposite us, Mick (not actually being racist, that's his real name), saw him open the gate into my mum's car and takes this moment to come and tell us what Dave did. I take a look while Dave keeps shoving me and shouting at me: he's left a dent and scratched the paint. My mum goes ballistic at this point. Seeing as all 5'1" of her is about to deck Dave at this point, I tell him, calmly, that I'm perfectly entitled to park where I currently am, and that I'd very much appreciate it if he would pay for the repair to my mum's car and go park his truck somewhere else in the meantime. He blatantly refuses and says he wont pay shit, calling us pakis, terrorists, ungrateful cunts, and all kinds of lovely compliments before storming back inside, telling us he'd like to see what we can do.
So, I hit up the non-emergency police hotline, with some traffic cops coming over about an hour later. Remember the CCTV cameras he had us reposition? They captured a lovely 1080p/60fps rendition of the gate bouncing off my mum's car and Dave shoving me. Unfortunately there was no sound, but Mick and the family to our other side basically told the traffic cops what was said to me and my mum. As luck would have it, Dave had gone out for the night with his girlfriend. Because they couldn't contact him, his blocking of our driveway, and me and my mum saying we needed to go out that night, the cops had his truck towed. Along with the fine and collection information which they posted through his door, they also left a note saying possible charges could be pressed for assault, anti-social behaviour, hate speech and vandalism.
The police called earlier today to say that his workplace had left them with insurance information for a claim for the repairs. Off the record, they said that, although the company would foot the bill for the tow, the fine and the repairs, Dave would be paying those out of his own pocket and would be penalised even more heavily for his conduct and making the company look bad.
No fully happy ending though: now I'm afraid he might do some shit to my mum while I'm away for work... I'll take what I can get for now...
TL;DR - Neighbour parks like a twat. I give him a taste of his own medicine to troll him. End up getting his work truck towed.
Edit: I might as well add some more context here.
Re. the family on our other side: he's wolfwhistled at their underage daughter, and fought hard against their new extension claiming some bullshit - the council overturned his objections on account of there being a whole house (i.e. ours) between Dave and the other neighbours.
Re. the pensioners (Mick and his wife) opposite: he's been a general cunt to them for about 20 years, apparently. I'm pretty sure he's shot their windows with a BB gun - bragged about his air rifle when we complained to him about the neighbourhood cats shitting in our garden. Hell, one of the families even came up to us and asked us if we knew who injured their cat. Unfortunately we were still on good terms with Dave then so we didn't want to throw accusations around without being sure.
One of my aunties is a social worker who deals with a family on our street who adopts a lot of kids. Apparently the family and the kids all complained about Dave to her.
Edit2: well quite a lot of interest in this story. Just had a quick skin through the comments, so here's what's going on:
pressing charges fully: according to the police, the utility company is looking to compensate us for all the shit Dave pulled, and should be contacting us soon. As this incident involves their vehicle and their employee, they'd rather it not get taken to court. We have some relatives who are lawyers and they suggest also taking an offer from the company, especially as bringing hate speech accusations against someone without sufficient proof is dangerous: other people's testimony is probably not enough. Our family members are all over the place, and we're all far too busy with work at the moment.
we must have pissed Dave off for him to change after 10 years: Yes we did, by repeatedly asking him to park his truck in such a way that he doesn't have his truck almost across our driveway while most of the front of his house remains clean.
Edit3: Anticlimactic ending to the story. He just knocked and apologized. Said he got a bollocking at work and regrets saying all that stuff to me and my mum. Also did he didn't actually think we'd call the police, and that if we did nothing would have happened. Still, we're staying vigilant, but I guess it's a happy ish ending?
(source) (story by deleted)
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globalexpressnews · 4 years
9 dead, 13 injured after van overturns in Odisha's Koraput; PM Modi expresses grief
9 dead, 13 injured after van overturns in Odisha's Koraput; PM Modi expresses grief
Nine people lost their lives on Sunday and 13 suffered injuries after a van overturned in Kotpad of Odisha’s Koraput district. According to District Magistrate Madhusudan Mishra, the passengers were traveling to Kulta village in Chhattisgarh from Sindhiguda village in Odisha. “Nine persons were killed in the incident and 13 have been seriously injured. A pickup van overturned in Kotpad in Koraput…
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indialegal · 4 years
palghar accident latest news: Palghar Accident: वऱ्हाडाच्या गाडीला भीषण अपघात; २७ जखमी, १० जणांची प्रकृती गंभीर - palghar 27 injured as pickup van overturns near dahanu
palghar accident latest news: Palghar Accident: वऱ्हाडाच्या गाडीला भीषण अपघात; २७ जखमी, १० जणांची प्रकृती गंभीर – palghar 27 injured as pickup van overturns near dahanu
पालघर:डहाणू – जव्हार राज्य मार्गावर लग्नाचे वऱ्हाड घेऊन चाललेली पिकअप व्हॅन उलटल्याने भीषण दुर्घटना झाली आहे. या दुर्घटनेत २७ जण जखमी झाले असून त्यापैकी दहा जणांची प्रकृती गंभीर आहे. २७ जखमींपैकी १७ जखमींना कासा उपजिल्हा रुग्णालयात उपचारासाठी दाखल करण्यात आले असून काही जखमींना सिल्वासा व ठाणे येथे हलवण्यात आले आहे. ( Palghar accident latest news update ) वाचा: अॅमेझॉनवर सात दिवसांत मराठी झळकणार?;…
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covid19worldnews · 4 years
Health Officials Report 23 New Cases Of COVID-19
Vermont reporters provide a roundup of top news takeaways about the coronavirus, the Nov. 3 General Election and more for Monday, Nov. 2.
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The latest coronavirus data:
More From VPR: A Guide To Voting In Vermont For The 2020 General Election
1. 23 new cases of COVID-19
The Vermont Department of Health reported 23 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday. According to the data from the department, the state identified 123 new cases in Chittenden County over the last 14 days. Of the new cases reported Monday, 19 are in Chittenden County. Cases were also identified in Essex, Windham and Orleans counties.
Over the weekend, Vermont added more than 50 new COVID-19 cases. The Health Department tracked 14 cases Friday, another 24 on Saturday and 17 on Sunday.
Chittenden County saw 23 of those new cases, while eight other counties saw cases rise in the single digits. The county surpassed 1,000 total cases this weekend, and now has more than 100 active cases.
There are currently three people hospitalized in intensive care units in Vermont, and one person is hospitalized under investigation.
The seven-day average percent positivity rate is 0.5% statewide. The health department is currently monitoring 151 people as close contacts of confirmed cases.
– Abagael Giles and Matthew Smith
UVM Health Network still under cyberattack
The University of Vermont Health Network continues to respond to a cyberattack reported last week.
The UVM medical center in Burlington was most affected by the attack, which was carried out by Russian hackers, according to national reports.
Scheduling and record systems were compromised, and COVID-19 test results were also delayed.
Services at network’s the six hospitals remain available. But appointments at UVM Medical Center are still impacted, and the health network is encouraging patients to double-check appointments with their providers this week.
President and Chief Operating Officer of UVM Medical Center Stephen Leffler told Vermont Edition on Monday they were able to perform about 50% of their normal operations last Friday.
We did about 50% of our normal operations and procedures again today. Every single day at noon, we have our clinical leaders from surgery, anesthesia, nursing and the laboratory, pathology, coming together to figure out what care needs to be delivered tomorrow and can we do it safely,” he said.
Leffler said the medical center is now accepting all critical traumas, heart attacks, strokes and sick children. UVM’s partner hospitals and medical centers have taken in some of the less critical patients.
Read the full story, here. – Anna Van Dine
2. 63 cases now connected to outbreak at St. Michael’s College
The COVID-19 outbreak at St. Michael’s College has increased from 41 to 63 cases since Friday. The outbreak has been linked to the hockey and broomball outbreak in central Vermont.
Deputy Health Commissioner Tracy Dolan told Vermont Edition that, so far, most of the people involved in the outbreak have been compliant.
“We’re continuing to work on it. We are past the point where it’s just contacts, we are seeing some tertiary infection, as well as it has spread into other populations,” Dolan said.
Dolan said Vermonters must quarantine after traveling and keep social circles small to prevent outbreaks like this from occurring, especially in the colder months.
Listen to the full conversation.
– Emily Aiken
3. Ongoing legal challenges threaten Green River Reservoir
A small Vermont utility has asked federal regulators to reject a state permit for the Green River dam and reservoir.
Morrisville Water and Light controls the dam that created the 650-acre reservoir in Hyde Park. The site now includes a popular state park.
For years, the state Agency of Natural Resources has pressured the utility to limit how much water it takes from the reservoir in winter. The state set new operating conditions on the dam to protect the shoreline habitat, where fish feed and spawn.
Morrisville lost a series of legal challenges in Vermont courts. Now it has asked federal regulators to intervene.
Penny Jones is the utility’s general manager. She says the utility may tear down the dam and drain the reservoir unless it gets the feds to overturn the state’s environmental restrictions.
“We’re hoping that if that waiver petition is successful, that we will be able to continue to operate the Green River Reservoir Dam, as we have for years,” Jones said.
A federal agency is expected to rule on Morrisville’s petition by the end of the year.
Read or listen to the full story.
– John Dillon
4. 75% of the state employees to stay remote through March
The Scott Administration says thousands of state employees who have been working from home because of the pandemic will continue to do so until at least the end of March.
Administration Secretary Susanne Young said the decision will affect roughly 75% of the state’s workforce in Montpelier.
Young says the Administration had hoped to bring a number of state employees back to their offices by the end of year but she says that timeframe has now been extended.
“Flu and cold season is here and we’re all moving indoors and it just makes absolute sense to allow those who can tele-work to remain home and to keep the density in our state buildings in terms of number of employees low,” Young said.
Young said the decision won’t affect government offices that interact directly with Vermonters like the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Tax Department.
New taskforce assigned to assess impact
The Scott Administration has created a taskforce to study the short and long term impact of having thousands of state employees permanently work at home and not return to their state offices.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic last Spring, as many as 75% of the state’s workforce in Montpelier has been working from home.
Administration Secretary Susanne Young said many employees have indicated a desire to continue to telework once there are no longer health and safety concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I think it is definitely going to make a change,” Young said. “I can’t see us going back to, what we would call normal before the pandemic, but I guess I also don’t foresee being totally remote either, so somewhere in between [is likely the outcome we’ll see].”  
Young said the taskforce hopes to have recommendations by the end of the year.
– Bob Kinzel
5. Six cows shot and killed in Orwell Friday night
Vermont State Police say six cows were apparently shot and killed in Orwell late Friday night.
Troopers located six deceased cows with apparent bullet wounds after responding to a report of several people in a pickup truck firing at the animals.
Several local farms in the area were contacted, but authorities were unable to locate the owner of the cows.
State police provided no updates Sunday morning but asked anyone with information to call the New Haven Barracks.
– Nina Keck
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gamehayapkmod · 4 years
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Racing Cars for Kids
Racing Cars for Kids
Game Racing Cars for Kids là dòng game RacingAction & Adventure
Giới thiệu Racing Cars for Kids
Participate in the funniest car race with your custom cars! This car racing game is aimed at children aged between 3 and 6 years old to enhance their creativity and stimulate fine motor skills. Children can select their favorite character and create amazing cars from the garage. Bebo, Pat, Zacky and Nina are the characters that will accompany them during the game while they paint and color the cars and avoid obstacles in the race. DESIGN YOUR FAVORITE CAR IN THE GARAGE - Choose your favorite character and a car model you want to play with - Design your own vehicles with paints, stickers and accessories - Paint and color with different types of brushes, markers and sprays - Change the wheels and tires of the car with special designs CHOOSE THE RACE TYPE - Select the theme you like best: mountain, candy world, space or city. - Within each category there are several car racing scenarios. - Dodge obstacles, cross the ramps and sliding areas without your car overturning. - Compete with the rest of the participants in the race and be the first to reach the finish. DIFFERENT CAR MODELS Within the game children can choose different car models, divided into four categories: - Field: tractor, truck, pickup truck, excavator ... - Special cars: Cadillac, beetle, carriage, hippie van ... - High speed: Race car, monster truck, rocket, spaceship ... - Public transport: Fire truck, ambulance, police car, bus, taxi ... ABOUT EDUJOY Thank you very much for playing Edujoy games. We love creating fun and educational games for children of all ages. If you have any questions or suggestions about this game you can contact us through the developer's contact or through our profiles on social networks: twitter: twitter.com/edujoygames facebook: facebook.com/edujoysl ⭐️⭐️⭐️Fantastic cars game for kids!
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khabarsamay · 5 years
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A fish-laden pickup van overturned in Odisha’s Rourkela city today during nationwide strike by central trade unions injuring its two occupants, including the driver.According to reports, the agitators tried to stop the ill-fated vehicle at Bisra Chhak here, following which the driver steered the pickup van towards a different route. During the process, the driver lost control over the wheels and…
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ommcomnews · 3 years
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savetopnow · 7 years
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morganbelarus · 7 years
Utah nurse reaches $500G settlement over violent arrest after blocking cop
Nurse arrested for refusing to draw unconscious man's blood
Body camera footage shows arrest
A Utah nurse who was arrested for refusing to let a police officer draw blood from an unconscious patient settled Tuesday with Salt Lake City and the university that runs the hospital for $500,000.
Nurse Alex Wubbels and her lawyer, Karra Porter, announced the move nearly two months after they released police body-camera video showing Detective Jeff Payne handcuffing Wubbels. The footage drew widespread attention online amid the national debate about police use of force.
The settlement covers all possible defendants in a lawsuit, including individual police officers, university police and hospital security guards. The payout will be divided among the city and the University of Utah.
Wubbels plans to use part of the money to fund legal help for others trying to get similar body-camera video. She said that in cases like hers, video is essential to being heard and believed.
"We all deserve to know the truth, and the truth comes when you see the actual raw footage, and that's what happened in my case," she said. "No matter how truthful I was in telling my story, it was nothing compared to what people saw and the visceral reaction people experienced when watching the footage of the experience I went through."
She said she also plans to give a portion of the $500,000 to a nurse's union and help lead a campaign to stop physical and verbal abuse of nurses on the job.
University of Utah hospital officials said in a statement they support Wubbels and have changed their procedures and training on how police and health care workers interact to ensure nothing similar happens again.
A spokesman for Salt Lake City didn't immediately return messages seeking comment.
Wubbel was following hospital policy when she told Payne he needed a warrant or the consent of the patient to draw blood after a July 26 car crash. The patient was not under arrest or suspected of wrongdoing.
Payne had neither. He eventually dragged Wubbels outside and handcuffed her as she screamed that she had done nothing wrong.
She was released without being charged but has said the incident left her feeling terrified and bullied. In a call for changes, Wubbel and her lawyer released the video they had obtained through a public records request.
Salt Lake City Police Chief Mike Brown has since apologized and fired Payne after an internal investigation found he violated department policies.
Brown said in a disciplinary letter that he was "deeply troubled" by Payne's conduct, which he said brought "significant disrepute" on the department.
Payne is appealing that decision, saying the firing was an unfair reaction to the negative publicity.
The patient was an off-duty Idaho reserve police officer driving a semitrailer when he was hit by a man fleeing police in a pickup truck. He later died of his injuries.
Lt. James Tracy, a police supervisor who ordered the arrest of the nurse, was demoted to officer and also is appealing. He said he suggested Payne consider handcuffing the nurse and that his superiors had never informed him of the hospital's blood-draw policy, according to appeal documents.
Wubbels said she was relieved at the discipline and would be disappointed if it's overturned, though she stressed that decision is out of her control.
"The police have to police themselves," she said. "This is something I never would have expected to happen, but I'm also honored by the weight of it."
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risingbdnewsonline · 5 years
Fish trader killed in Gopalganj road accident
Gopalganj Correspondent: A fish trader has been killed as a fish-laden pickup van overturned early Friday. Bangla News
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punalavaflow · 5 years
Increased law enforcement activity on Maunakea nets more than 600 violations
The Hawaii Police Department commander in charge of the stepped-up traffic enforcement on Daniel K. Inouye Highway near Maunakea Access Road said authorities “probably should’ve started it a lot sooner.”
Maj. Samuel Jelsma noted two traffic collisions, one on July 23 involving a reportedly stolen van. The alleged driver of the van sideswiped a pickup truck, and police say the incident ended up with the arrests of the van’s occupants, who had fled into a lava field.
Jelsma said that collision was unrelated to the ongoing protests of the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Maunakea that started July 15. Those demonstrations, which so far have been peaceful, have brought thousands to the site where the highway and the access road intersect.
“However, had that van continued in its path of travel, it would have passed through the area where protesters had gathered, creating a safety concern,” Jelsma said Thursday.
The other wreck, according to Jelsma, occurred on Aug. 10 near the 22-mile marker of the highway. He said one of the crossing guards hired to assist pedestrians cross the highway at a temporary traffic light placed near the protest area was driving to work, “likely at a high rate of speed,” when his vehicle ran off the highway, overturned several times and ejected the man, who wasn’t wearing a seat belt.
The driver, who was alone in the vehicle, was seriously injured, Jelsma said.
The state Department of Transportation has erected “no parking” signs on the highway near the access road intersection, and police said in a Thursday statement that since Aug. 15, officers have issued 610 traffic and other citations and arrested seven individuals, charging them collectively with 13 offenses.
The 610 citations were categorized as follows: speeding, 167; seat belts, 41; child restraints, six; cellphones, electronic devices, 15; excessive window/windshield tint, nine; driving without a license, 17; driving without insurance, 23; unsafe vehicle, 87; other moving violations, 43; no license plates, 24; regulatory violations, 176; parking violations, two.
The arrests of the seven individuals resulted in the following charges: DUI, three; excessive speeding, one; refusal to show identification, one; resisting order to stop vehicle, one; driving without a license, two; driving without insurance, two; and contempt of court, three.
Lakea Trask, one of the protesters, who call themselves kia‘i or “protectors” Maunakea, which they consider sacred, reiterated Thursday his belief the beefed-up enforcement is aimed at shutting down the protests.
“That whole narrative that they’re not attacking us and not going after us, that is definitely false. That’s a media talking point for them,” Trask said. “Because we have confirmation from multiple sources that they are, in fact, targeting us.
“… I guess this is a way for the state to recoup its costs, attack Hawaiians at their sacred site and par for the course for the state of dysfunction,” referring to the more than $4 million in expenses the county and state have incurred so far for law enforcement presence related to the protests.
Trask said he doesn’t know what percentage of those cited were demonstrators.
“I would say most of the speeding tickets were people just coming through, regular commuters or people not knowing what was going on on the mountain,” he said. “That’s been our experience, a lot of people flying in and not realizing they have to slow down with those barricades and lights and certain features that are there now.
“A lot of the high-profile ones, the car accident, the car wrecks, the stolen car, those were not kia‘i for sure. In those cases, kia‘i were assisting the officers and some cases, they were the ones making citizen’s arrests and apprehended suspects. A lot of that hasn’t hit the news, and I guess now some of those details will start getting revealed. But for the most part, I would say most of those infractions are definitely kia‘i, because they’re the ones that are being targeted and the ones that police are, in fact, monitoring. We have confirmation from the police themselves as well as from some who monitor the (police radio).”
Trask earlier told the Tribune-Herald officers informed demonstrators the enforcement project was ordered by Mayor Harry Kim, who was tasked by Gov. David Ige to negotiate with the protesters.
Jelsma disputed the claim, but said Kim “was aware of it.”
“This is something that came from the unified command,” Jelsma said. “It was something that needed to be addressed, so we have been addressing it. He was informed of the stepped-up enforcement plan, though.”
Jelsma said the unified command consists of himself, representing the Hawaii Police Department, and representatives of the state Sheriffs Division, Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement, the state Narcotics Enforcement Division, and Department of the Attorney General.
In addition to the traffic crashes, Jelsma said authorities have received “pressure (from) people saying there’s protesters, but no police presence out there.”
“There’s a lot of complaints from the public about wanting a police presence out there. So if we’re going to have a police presence, we’ll have it, but we’re going to be doing what police do,” he said.
The state Supreme Court ruled last October TMT’s Conservation District Use permit for construction of the $1.4 billion telescope is legal. Construction was scheduled to begin last month, and 38 demonstrators, mostly kupuna or elders, were arrested July 17 for obstructing Maunakea Access Road. Nine of those individuals have court dates today in Hilo.
Asked why arrests related to the continued blockade were curtailed after the initial wave of citations, Jelsma replied, “That is a decision that is at higher levels, elected official levels, to decide that.”
“I can tell you, right now, that for us, as county police, to clear that road and to maintain that passage for the convoys to get up the mountain, with the amount of personnel involved with the protest movement, that is not feasible at this time. We would need outside support to accomplish that mission,” he said.
“I’ve always been strong on traffic enforcement. We’re up there, (and) this is a way for impacting and creating a safer situation for the motoring public and for the protesters, as well. When you’ve got traffic speeding through there, you got drunk drivers driving through there, by us going up there and doing heavy traffic enforcement, we’re actually creating safer roadways.”
Email John Burnett at [email protected]. from Hawaii News – Hawaii Tribune-Herald https://ift.tt/2ziradC
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taraunscripted · 6 years
In this corner we have a Toyota pickup and overturned passenger van. But wait... there’s more...#accident
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Hitchhiking the Sierra Madre
Best case scenario: I’m arrested.
Worst case: I’m dead
Riding in the bed of a pickup with seven others, a dozen bags, a hundred pounds of honey and something like $30,000 worth of drugs will make you question your life’s choices. Especially when the well-armed driver of said pickup leaned hard into every hairpin turn the Oaxacan Sierra Madre del Sur Mountains had to offer.
So maybe there’s some wiggle room here. Best case scenario, I’m thrown clear of the pickup just before it flies off the mountain and explodes in a frenzy of rusted steel and cocaine.
Let’s be clear, however, this was all my fault.
Hitchhiking one of Mexico’s more treacherous highways may not have been the best move, but what choice did I have?
Let’s backtrack just a little. A friend and I had spent the previous night at a lodge in San Jose del Pacifico, which is the kind of one-burro town that flourishes in backcountry Mexico. The township straddled a remote stretch of Highway 175, the only paved road between the capital city of Oaxaca and the coast, and it consisted of a few huts tucked among the pine trees that clung to the steep mountainside. If you haven’t heard of San Jose del Pacifico, you’re not alone. Many people who drive through it, or were born there, haven’t heard of it either.
There may have even been a small tienda, but like many rural stores, hours of operation and availability of goods were highly suspect. We would have never even found the lodge had an odd, wandering Spaniard not given us a lift. He had that “always-seems-lost-but-probably-isn’t” air that Europeans develop when they wander Mexico for too long.  They’re looking for something, but even they don’t remember what that is any more.
The point being that we were in the middle of nowhere and we had places to be. Namely the beach, which was a good three hour drive over and down the Sierra Madre del Sur. There were no bus stations nearby, so I figured we’d wait on the side of the highway and flag down a public bus. Keep in mind this is totally acceptable and encouraged behavior in this part of the country.
What I hadn’t foreseen was that every bus and “collectivo” van would be packed beyond capacity. I had failed to take into account that it was almost Easter and everyone and their chickens were traveling somewhere. On our trip up to San Jose del Pacifico, the man next to me had fashioned a seat from an overturned bucket. I still maintain that he deserved a medal.
We waited. The sun rose higher. Everything was full. I lay down on the side of the road and used my bag as a pillow, because, why not? I challenge you to come up with a better idea. Just because you’re hopeless doesn’t mean you can’t relax.
After a few hours of comfortable futility, we were joined by a couple from Mexico City whom we’d met at the lodge the night before. He was nice and she wore a skirt, which turned out to be exactly what this highway party needed. Within five minutes of her smiling at passing traffic, an aging, faded-black Isuzu truck pulled over.  For thirty pesos a person, the driver and his family agreed to haul us to Zipolite, charmingly nicknamed “the beach of the dead,” thanks to the powerful riptides that tend to pull swimmers out to sea.
I didn’t love the idea of spending the next three hours in the back of a pickup,  especially as I had recent history with this particular mountain road; we’d almost gone over a cliff a few weeks before in a malfunctioning VW Beetle. Desperation, however, is a powerful motivator and I felt better knowing that two of the driver’s young children would ride in the bed with us.  Misery loves company related to the man responsible for keeping you alive.
The driver’s young son clung to the cab and sported a sinister black leather jacket in spite of soaring temperatures.  He was probably twelve, but he looked like a thirty-six year old who knew his way around a butterfly knife. His youthful demeanor was hardened by a permascowl that I normally associated with Ukrainian gangsters. As I’d soon find out, he came by it honestly.
Thirty minutes into the bone-jarring ride, the driver pulled over to let his youngest child vomit; the constant sequence of hairpin turns was pretty rough if you were a baby, or had a stomach. There wasn’t a shoulder to speak of, the road was much too narrow for that, so we just stopped in the middle of the highway while the baby projectiled out of the cab. Our chauffeur stepped out to stretch his legs, which gave me my first good look at the man. He was middle aged but lacked the soft paunch that haunts so many guys his age. He glistened with enough gold chains, bracelets and rings to make Mr. T. jealous and tied his jeans and black Polo together with a stylish snakeskin belt.  Something told me this man didn’t grow corn.
Juan, or so he called himself, swaggered over and spoke to us in the English he picked up working in Michigan.
“You smoke?” he asked, moving his thumb and forefinger to his lips.
“No,” I said.
He looked horrified.
“How about this?” Juan replied.  
He fished a plastic bag filled with many smaller bags of cocaine from his shirt pocket.  In the United States, his Polo could have put a down payment on an SUV.
“Wow,” is all I could think to say as he fingered the merchandise.  His wife and children looked with approval. Juan then lifted open a cooler that contained a garbage bag bulging with buds of marijuana as thick as your wrist and as long as your arm, provided you were Shaquille O’Neal.  The cooler alone was worth a couple hundred shares of Microsoft.
Samples were brought out for us to admire as cars drove around us, because remember, we were still parked in the middle of the highway. With no regard for passing traffic, Juan demonstrated his wares like a sheikh showing off his watch collection.  Nearby, a road crew paid us no mind as they cleared a small landslide.
After what seemed like far too long, Juan leaped back on the highway and resumed his vehicular assault on the narrow road. The fact that we were climbing higher into the mountains only seemed to encourage his disregard for human life. As the scrubby mountain trees blurred past, I started to wonder how much of his own stash he was consuming.
Of course, this was when the car problems started.
The truck began to squeal, shudder and groan on the tight turns, turns with no shoulder and a significant drop on one side.  To combat the truck’s mechanical protest, Juan cut the engine, although he never stopped driving; he simply gave the motor a break and navigated the road with raw muscle. At one point Juan turned around and shouted, “It’s the brakes. They don’t work so well.”  Adding to the fun, he pulled over from time to time to point out embankments over which cars had vanished. Juan may have been filled with confidence (and cocaine), but he inspired little.
We stopped at a roadside tienda where Juan turned down my offer for a soda and insisted on a beer.  This was an order. Juan did not negotiate with tourists. At the same time, we picked up four other travelers and what looked to be a hundred or so pounds of honey.  I could have warned them, but I figured blame could be spread more evenly among greater numbers. In spite of the cramped quarters, I welcomed our new companions and their presumed culpability.
For lack of space, my friend Adam had to sit on top of the marijuana cooler, which meant he was perched dangerously above the lip of the truck.  One curve flung him into the driver’s son, nearly knocking the hardened child over a cliff. I can’t imagine that would have gone over well.
Dirty, shaken, and parched, we finally reached Zipolite, a mostly-unknown beach town with a reputation for being a little stabby. Still, it was beautiful, undeveloped and you could get a room five feet off the beach for ten dollars. A couple of restaurants, one bar and none of the Cancun or Aculpulco crowd. It was the perfect place to relax after a ride like ours, but Juan was not finished with us yet.
Rather than drop us off, he turned into a palm-lined street and parked outside of a large, gated home. Juan got out of the truck, put a large pistol into his waistband, and produced a much larger bag of cocaine than he’d shown us before. He sauntered into the villa with no explanation given, or needed really. As his wife changed the baby’s diaper on the hood of the truck, expensive sports cars entered and exited the gates. I was unsure if I should hope for Juan’s return.
Regardless of what I wanted, he returned with a lot of cash and proceeded to drive us to a hotel where he insisted we book a room. Having spent enough quality time with Juan and his delightful family for one vacation, however, we just walked away. He yelled after us, calling out threats that I considered to be quite sincere, but we just kept going.
Fifteen minutes later, as I felt the sun on my shoulders, the sand under my feet and watched the Pacific roll violently into the horizon, I realized that I was neither arrested or dead. Unless, of course, I had died and the afterlife was a nude-optional beach in Mexico with plenty of cold drinks on deck.
In which case, I should probably buy Juan another beer.
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