#picking one where the couple gets married before the end held more promise
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fictionadventurer · 2 years ago
Prompt: fairy-tale heroine of your choice wakes up with amnesia. (Maybe her husband has to explain how they got married?)
Purity of Mind
Dora looked so innocent, asleep on her bed. The fresh white bandages binding her crown looked more like a mark of holiness than disaster. The doctor claimed she'd fallen from a balcony and hit her head upon a stair rail. Adam thought it seemed too suspicious an accident. A disaster on the one day he'd left the house? His sure-footed little wife wouldn't have stumbled like that--not unless she were nearly out of her wits. Perhaps fleeing from some great terror.
"She'll wake soon," the doctor assured him. "Her body's healed enough, but with a head injury like that, there's no telling what state her brain will be in."
The state itself, Adam thought, would be telling enough.
As if roused by the doctor's words, Dora's eyelids fluttered. She sat up, pale and trembling. Her gaze landed upon Adam, and she started to scream.
"Who are you?" she shrieked, gathering the bedclothes to cover herself. "What are you doing in my room?"
Adam had steeled himself for the usual accusations, but this left him off-balance.
Finally, he managed to say, "Dora, it's just me. Adam. Your husband."
"I have no husband!"
"We wed six months ago."
"Liar!" she shrieked. "I'd never marry a man with such an awful beard!"
Adam stroked his blue-black whiskers, neatly trimmed for his homecoming. A deep chuckle rumbled in his throat; after months of her tiptoeing around him, her frankness was amusing. "I paid your parents richly for the privilege."
Dora paused at that. The mercenary child of mercenary parents--the tale would ring true, no matter her objections to his facial hair. Yet the bewilderment didn't fade from her face. "I've never seen this house before."
"You've been mistress here six months."
"I don't believe you."
"Whether you believe me or not, it's true. You fell from a staircase and hit your head."
Her eyes were fire. "I'll bet you pushed me!"
"I was away from home. I only just returned." He would never have opted for such an impersonal death. It was much more satisfying to feel the life draining away beneath his fingers.
The thought brought him back to reality. No need to wrestle with her delusions; only one truth mattered.
"Dora," Adam asked. "Where are the keys?"
"What keys?"
"I left the keys of the house in your keeping. I'll need them returned."
"I never had any keys!"
Adam looked to the doctor, who said, "We've found no keys on her person."
Missing? Impossible. Adam stormed from the room and set the servants searching for the keys. Nothing in her wardrobe. Nothing in the rooms. Nothing in the gardens.
The door on the third floor was locked, with no signs of entry.
Adam returned to the sickroom as the sun was setting. Dora sat quietly on her bed, having been calmly convinced of her new reality, completely unaware of the turmoil she'd thrown his life into.
He could have torn her limb from limb right there, but he had no proof yet she was deserving of it. For the moment, his strategy was gentleness.
He sat on the bed beside her. "Dora, my dove, think. Can you remember where the keys might be?"
"I can't even remember you."
Adam examined her in every detail--the tips of her fingers, the whites of her eyes, the curl of her lips. No signs of deception.
"You truly can't remember anything?"
Tears glittered in her eyes as she shook her head.
She looked as innocent as a newborn babe. The timid little fool he'd married couldn't fake such total ignorance. If she'd peered behind the door, she'd lost the memory of what she'd seen. If she'd disobeyed, he had no way of knowing.
A new twist to the game--a second chance.
Adam left the room in a state of contentment. He could get new keys made. His secret was safe--locked away either behind the door or in his wife's blank mind.
And if her memory returned? If she had memories of that bloody chamber?
He could always kill her later.
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typicalopposite · 5 months ago
💃🏻 Couple's first dance - for bucktommy, please and thank you
— @nine-one-wanton 💜
i am so late to all these OMG but here you go ! <3
PSSS READ ME FIRST <-(old fic this one is a sequel to!)
And this is also on AO3 too! HERE
The wedding was beautiful. It was everything Buck ever wanted and more; Tommy’s equally red rimmed but ecstatic eyes tell Buck it was perfect for him as well. 
They are introduced into the reception— Mr. and Mr. Buckley-Kinard— and everyone cheers and claps as they walk to their table. Buck can’t remember a time he has ever smiled this hard before. His cheeks are actually starting to cramp, but he couldn’t stop if he tried. He is a married man! He is married to Tommy! Tommy is his husband. That’s going to take some getting used to, in the best way possible— he can not wait to sign his name the first time. Evan Buckley-Kinard. He is going to write it so obnoxiously fancy and big and bold! 
The speeches are as embarrassing and emotional as he’d expected them to be. Eddie then Chimney then Maddie then Bobby; stories are shared and jokes are told. Loving words and well wishes for a bright and long future for them. Buck can’t believe he has held it together this long; he feels so loved. Tommy squeezes the hand that Buck is fairly certain he has been holding since they shared their first kiss as husbands— he brings it to his lips. 
The string lights hanging above them seem blindly bright all of a sudden, but that could very well just be from the tears that have quickly filled his eyes. Tommy tugs on his hand— “You owe me a dance,” he says teasingly— and leads him out into the center of the dance floor. Buck feels a lump of emotion begin to form in his throat, and he can only hope he makes it through this dance without completely embarrassing himself with an emotional breakdown. 
The song is going to be a surprise for Buck, per Tommy’s request. He stepped aside and let Buck go full clipboard mode on every other aspect of their wedding; he just wanted to get to pick their song. “I promise, you will not be disappointed,” Tommy vowed, pulling Buck into a tender kiss after he finally conceded, giving Tommy full reign of their first dance. Now is the moment of truth, the point of no return, the thing he has anxiously been anticipating, and waiting to finally know for months . 
Tommy stops and turns, facing Buck. He looks over Buck’s shoulder at their DJ— Christopher— who flashes them both a bright smile, giving a thumbs up before turning his attention to his laptop, and the wedding playlist. Buck locks eyes with Tommy, taking a deep breath, and blowing it out, as they wait. Then the wait ends, and the song begins— This I Promise You by *NSYNC. 
The tears never stood a chance; they quickly topple over, and Tommy is just as quick to brush them away. He uses the hand gently caressing Buck’s cheek to pull him into a kiss, then goes for Buck’s wrists, bringing them up around his neck. The memory of their first dance comes flooding back. his breath hitches and Tommy pulls him closer, leaning their foreheads together “I know there are probably a million other songs I could have chosen…” Tommy says quietly. “But it just felt… right. Kind of like coming full circle…”
“It— it’s perfect,”  Buck manages, a shaky but giddy laugh bubbling up and out of him. 
“Perfection deserves perfection,” Tommy says, with that flirtatious smirk that still makes Buck’s stomach swoop and his knees weaken; thank god for the tight hold his husband— his husband— has around him. The lines And I will take… you in my arms… and hold you right where you belong plays and Buck knows he could have never picked a more perfect song; he’s so glad Tommy asked to pick their song.  
“I love you.” Buck says, and presses his lips to Tommy’s, having to mentally fight himself to keep it chaste and PG.
“God, I love you too,” Tommy replies, bringing his lips up to Buck's forehead as they continue to sway to what might officially be Buck’s favorite song now. 
By the end of the chorus both Buck and Tommy are over being stared at and beckon everyone to join them on the dance floor. Maddie and Chimney wind up next to them and Maddie looks to be fairing no better emotionally; her happily weepy big brown eyes shining at Buck and Tommy as they get close enough for her to compliment the song choice; Chimney happily agrees. Buck thinks he still owes them both a world of thanks. Maddie for helping convince him to reach out to Tommy again, for being the one to suggest that Buck could invite him to her wedding. Chimney for saving Tommy’s life back in the day, and for introducing them in the first place (even if it wasn’t with the intention of playing matchmaker). For now, though, he just tells them he loves them and watches them spin off across the floor, before turning his attention back to Tommy. 
His eyes are starting to glisten again, and the song is singing through its last few lines. Buck tightens his hold around Tommy’s neck, pulling him in for one more kiss as the music fades out and the room cheers for them. It’s truly a moment he will never forget.
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dcydrecmings · 2 years ago
❝ love when you’re ready — not when you’re lonely. ❞ drumroll… demarco and Lilly😈
the day had certainly been full of lessons - primarily should you break up with someone, always make your friends pick a side. that way, you wouldn't end up having to sit beside your ex - one who still very much held the heart you liked to pretend you didn't have - while you watched two of your other friends get married. nor would you be stuck beside them during the meal, because the wedding planner didn't rearrange the seats after you broke up.
lilly and demarco had a script to follow - accidentally, or not so accidentally bump into each other, try and make the other jealous with the aid of some unsuspecting person to ultimately end up tangled up in each other by the time morning rolled around. what they didn't do was mundane everyday conversations. what they certainly didn't do, was go out and have things seem so much like old times. getting through a wedding together very much felt like old times - and all it did was drive a dagger into the heart she once more wished didn't exist. especially not after demarco had once more said that he couldn't keep spiralling with her - and she had to pick if she was truly in or out.
when demarco had excused himself to talk to the lucky couple after dinner, lilly had taken the chance to grab a bottle of champagne and head up to the balcony overlooking the festivities. after a few drinks, she climbed up on the balcony railing, deciding it would be the dose of adrenaline she needed to shock her mind back into 'carefree lilly' mode. she wasn't entirely sure how long she'd spend walking over the railing, as though it was her very own tightrope before she felt an arm around her waist and one at her legs, lifting her back down to the ground.
she didn't need to turn around to know who it was, she'd know that touch anywhere. it also didn't hurt that there was only one person under that roof, brave enough to take the bottle of champagne from her. spinning to fix a glare on to him, he simply gave a small shake of her head, dismissing whatever snarky comment her hazy mind was trying to create.
❝ love when you’re ready — not when you’re lonely. ❞
despite the smirk on his face, she could easily see the concern shining in his eyes - something she chose to ignore as her arms folded in front of her, almost like a petulant child. "i'm not lonely - the world loves me remember? or some love to hate me... either way, i'm on their mind." the words coming out far too fast, not that it mattered with the 'i don't believe you' look on his face. in lieu of responding, he placed his hand on her shoulders, turning her around before ushering her through the hotel towards her room.
when he took the key card from her to unlock the door, she decided to take the chance to put herself between the door and him, pushing herself up to meet his lips - only for his finger to land on her lips. anger flooding her at the apparent rejection, despite the fact she was more than aware of the flash of hurt in his eyes. once he had the door open, he nudged her inside, moving back so that he was firmly in the hallway.
she barely heard him say that she knew where he was when she was ready to talk, once she'd made up her mind if she needed someone 'better' or not.
"but...." her voice quiet and far too vulnerable for her liking, as pleading eyes met his. "can't you.... come in if i promise to keep my hands to myself? because.... maybe... maybe i have an entire world who loves me but... it... i... maybe i... maybe i'm not entirely unlonely." @batshtmuses
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boul3vvard · 2 years ago
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Tengen x fem reader x Rengoku
(One shot)
♡ Synopsis:  You and Tengen used to be in love with each other until he decided to add 3 more into the picture now it just feels a little cramped.
♡ warning(s): content contains fem pronoun’s reader is a woman. + Tengen’s wives
♡ y/n l/n = your first and last name
♡ words: 2000+
♡ notes: hi boulevard here! this is my first story/one shot so please be nice🤗 might be punctuation errors/ not proofread enough. ENJOY☆
♡ reblogs and interactions are much appreciated thank youu
★color coded for some of the Hashira★
  There hasn’t been a moment where y/n hadn’t crossed Tengen's mind. every single time he closed his Fuchsia eyes a beautiful image of her flashing across his mind he knew he wasn’t whole without her all he wanted was to hear her laugh, see her smile, listen to her go on and on about meaningless things, feel her body upon his in ways that were only imaginable now, he wanted to feed into those fantasies but couldn’t, he couldn’t cause she’s gone. y/n left without a trace her footsteps so light even the sound pillar couldn’t pick up on them before it was too late, Tengen was heartbroken. He sat up off the futon and looked down at his wives who were sound asleep on either side of him. “I’ve got to find her” he managed to untangle his limbs from theirs without causing too much of a ruckus leaving to go sit outside for a bit Hina watching the man go silently not saying a word as she heard his last statement. Y/n was not doing greater than Tengen either she felt like her feelings meant nothing to the man she felt like he couldn’t care less about where she ended up so she did him a favor and left. y/n decided to grieve the loss of her relationship in private, she couldn’t believe he gave his relationship up for a couple of women, women she never really spoke 2 words to don’t get her wrong tho she thought they were beautiful extremely beautiful at that and they all tried to get along with her but still...
Time skip★彡
  It’s been 3 years since Tengen and y/n crossed paths and in those 3 years y/n took the time to focus on herself, her training, and missions while simultaneously rising from her position as kinoe to a Hashira. There was a Hashira meeting at the master's estate waiting to be held that afternoon to welcome the new Hashira “I’m so nervous what if they doubt me? What if they think I’m incapable of doing such a job? What if they hate me?” “Woah slow down you're gonna make yourself sick from worrying so much take a deep breath and relax for a bit,” the smaller woman said with a dainty smile “but Kochou sama” “how many times do I have to tell you that you and I are friends quit being so formal you’re a Hashira now” “sorry” y/n said Bowing her head “plus I know why you’re worried,” Shinobu said teasingly “you do” “I do” shinobu sat down next to her “you’re gonna be fine I know the two of you haven’t spoken these last few years, of course, it’s gonna be awkward for a while I mean duh you two were married idiot but I promise you, you have nothing to worry about and if it is too much let me know I’m here u know you have friends you can talk to” y/n chuckled “thank you Shinobu” “no problem now let’s go if you want to make a good impression how about we show up on time” y/n smiled once more “lead the way”
          “You all should know by now as to why I called you all here today” the master stated everyone quickly got in line and bowed to the sickly man “I would love for you all to meet our new Hashira, please make her feel welcomed my children “y/n please make your way up front and introduce yourself” the master said with a welcoming hand “hello everyone my name is y/n l/n the ____ Hashira it’s a pleasure to meet you all I hope I’ll be able to meet everyone’s standards I will not disappoint” y/n said with red tinted ears as she spoke. “unbelievable” Tengen said under his breath “how flashy is she?” he said with a smile looking down. after y/n’s promotion everyone decided to stay a little bit to try and get to know her. “tch if you don’t want to be a disappointment how about you and I go 1 on 1 to see if you really have what it takes to be a Hashira” shinazugawa sanemi said with a huge intimidating smile on his face “must u try to fight everyone who is within arms reach of you” the voice coming from up in a tree belonging to the serpent Hashira Iguro Obanai “shut the hell up” sanemi said whipping his head in his direction. “HE’S RIGHT THOUGH THE MASTER JUST SAID WE SHOULD MAKE HER FEEL WELCOMED WILL SAVE IT FOR ANOTHER DAY” y/n internally cringed at how loud the man was, still not used to his tone. “DONT WORRY ABOUT HIM” y/n laughed softly at his loud antics “you’re so loud kyo” “kyo?” Tengen said raising a brow brushing it off as the other Hashira went on. “ahhh she’s so cute and really beautiful” said Kanroji Mitsuri the love Hashira blushing “u keep blushing like that obanai might get jealous” Shinobu teased making mitsuri hide her embarrassed face in her hands “shut up” Obanai said angrily “i don’t really care if she’s strong or not I’m probably gonna forget her existence anyway” the mist Hashira Tokito Muichirou said with a stoic express “huh?” Y/n said looking in his direction. The stone Hashira giving her his greeting as well. Y/n then went to go greet the water Hashira but he turned around quickily wanted to avoid making a fool outta himself “wait” y/n said with a hand out to him “don’t mind him” shinobu came up grabbing y/n by the arm “he’s always like that”. y/n was kinda shocked that she made it through the entire meeting without talking to Tengen not that she was avoiding him she just expected him to be a little more well how he usually is “I guess not” y/n smiled sadly as she began to walk away.
      After the meeting everyone made their way to their respective homes or hung out with friends “y/n?, Mitsuri and I are going to this new cafe in town would you like to hang out with us?” “I’m a little exhausted so I was thinking about going home for a bit” “come on Shinobu I’ve been trying to go for weeks” Mitsuru said tugging on Shinobu’s haori “okay rest up we can hang out another day,” Shinobu said with a smile and wave y/n waved back. beginning her journey back home y/n felt her nerves begin to pool in her stomach as she felt like someone was following her, she walked with her hand on the hilt of her sword ready to attack if something jumped out at her. y/n looked up at the sky watching the clouds move in quickly and just as she thought it started to rain. after a couple of minutes she made it back home safely She took off her shoes by the front door and left down the hall of her new estate to freshen up a bit after being completely soaked. after bathing and putting on a change of clothes y/n laid down ready to fall asleep until she heard a knock at her front door. y/n groaned agitated after being so close to falling asleep “that’s funny I don’t remember inviting anyone here” she said to herself as she picked up her nichirin blade for protection ready to attack she opened to door and her heart almost exploded as she saw who was standing right in front of her “Woah” Tengen said putting his arms up in front of him y/n sighed in relief “what the hell Uzui I could’ve hurt you, how do you know where I live? “I followed you” he smiled. After the 2 had settled down both not saying a word to each other “so..Wh- what are you doing here?” Y/n said softly looking up at the large man “I came to see you” “why” y/n was stunned she hasn’t seen Tengen in 3 years “it’s raining would you like to come inside?” “If it’s no problem with you” “I will get you some towels hold on” y/n made her way down the hallway to retrieve the items and Tengen took no time to take in the scenery. ~so this is where she’s living? Hmm it’s nice~ he thought to himself with a soft smile on his face. Y/n came back with a towel for the man and handed it to him “is there anything else you need” “no” y/n sat quietly anxiety rising while they were sitting in silence alone Tengen breaking it “ur place is lovely” “thank you,” y/n said fidgeting with her hands in her lap another wave of silence flooding them soon after. “Uzui why are u here?” “hmm I thought I said-“ “no. What are you doing here? Did something happen with you four? Tengen just stared at the h/c haired girl “it’s been 3 years y/n wh- why did you go? I thought you loved me? I thought we were gonna be together? I thought we were happy?” “You were happy Uzui sama I wasn’t” y/n said deadpanned “I tried to tell you multiple times how uncomfortable I felt and you never cared… you never cared about my feeling entirely at least.” Y/n spoke out again trying to keep her emotions from spilling out. “I see the way you look at those three, and you never looked at me in that way ever. You looked at them…..you looked at them with love” y/n said “I’m not saying that you never loved me but you don’t love me the way you love them if you loved me I would have been enough” y/n stated as her chest started to feel like it was on fire, her heart shattering like it did that night before. “I do owe you an apology for up and leaving without a trace but I’m not sorry FOR leaving” “besides all of this I’m glad that you’re doing okay, all of you really” y/n looked up at Tengen and smiled softly “I’m glad that you guys have each other.. I may not know them a whole lot but when u talked about them before they sounded amazing” Tengen stared at the girl with wide eyes “I’m so sorry y/n I should’ve listened to you more I should’ve paid more attention” “but you didn’t”.
“But… hey it’s not all bad” “it’s not?” Tengen raised a brow curious about what the young girl had to say “I’ve met someone a while ago and he and I really set it off he's good to me" y/n looked away with a cheesy smile "we are to be married in the fall” “I do like him” “he’s a demon slayer himself but I’m totally fine with that since we do plan to leave this place once we defeat Muzan” a soft “oh” left the man’s lips. they sat in silence once again this time y/n breaking it “I want you to know something Uzui Sama “Tengen, call me Tengen..like you used to” the man said in a weak plea “look Tengen?” Y/n said with a quirked brow she hasn’t said that name in a while the name feeling almost unfamiliar falling off of her lips "I still care about you and I do hope that one day you and I could mend what was left of our relationship into a friendship, I still love you, you know” y/n tilting her head as she spoke “no matter what but... I guess you and I were not meant to be so please don't worry about me okay i'll be fine” y/n said while putting her smaller hand against his larger ones she then looked into her lap and right back up at him “yea”
          “WAHHHH TENGEN SAMA HAS BEEN GONE FOR A VERY LONG TIME WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HIM” Suma shouted. “this is not the time for you to be throwing your tantrums u big baby besides do you think Tengen sama would not be able to hold his own” Makio nudged harshly as Suma was making her anxiety strengthen, the two argued. As if it was in queue, Tengen walked through the door of their shared estate and the two stopped their fighting and ran up to him to see if he was okay or if he needed any medical attention. “WHERE WERE YOU?” Makio shouted trying to hide the fact that she was just as worried as Suma “YEA WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD” Makio slapped her on the back of her head “NO WE DIDNT YOU IDIOT” “DID YOU SEE THAT TENGEN SAMA MAKIO HIT ME” Tengen sighed “I’m fine I just decided to visit an old friend of mine,” Tengen said gingerly as he pats Sumas head he then looked to his left to see his other wife sitting quietly to herself, Tengen noticed Hina lost in thought tapping her curiously “What’s wrong? U haven’t peeped a word since I came home” Tengen chuckled. Drawing the other two attention, everyone staring in Hina’s direction waiting for her to speak “it’s just- well I feel a little bad” “why?” “We chased y/n away. She wasn’t comfortable being in a polyamorous relationship with us and she left you” “we came between your relationship and ruined it I- I feel awful”. Tengen was stunned he didn’t know that Hina knew what he was up to let alone worried Tengen pulled Hina into his lap the other two hugging in on both sides “don’t worry this has nothing to do with any of you, I love all 3 of you nonetheless and I’ll be sure to get y/n back no matter what it takes” and with that they enjoyed the rest of their uneventful evening together.
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thatlovinfeelin · 2 years ago
Flightless Bird | three | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw X OC
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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Josephine followed Jake as he gave her the tour of his off base house. It was nice and in a pretty quiet neighborhood. He proudly told her that a couple of his other coworkers lived on the same street, so she would have all the help she needed, should she decide she wanted it.
Jose stayed quiet, letting Jake do all of the talking. She was too tired to talk, too emotionally hungover. Jake knew that he couldn’t force her to talk, she would just retreat further into herself and not utter another word.
“I have leave until the end of the week, Phoe and I were going to take off but decided to stay at home instead,” Jake told her, “So, tomorrow we can go out and buy whatever you need. You can decorate the room however you want, it's pretty plain in here.”
“No, uh, you don’t need to do anything,” She quietly dismissed his offer, “Letting me stay here is enough.”
“I made a promise, a long time ago. I promised I would look after you, remember? So let me do it. If you want new curtains, or bedding or whatever, all you have to do is say the word. This room is yours now for as long as you need it.”
She moved forward so quickly that Jake didn’t have time to react before she was hugging him. She held him so tightly it almost hurt, but instead he just smiled and held her back. He loved her in ways he would never be able to explain to other people. She went from being someone he was in love with, someone he had all of his firsts with, to being someone he loved like family. He would die protecting her and the child that she was going to have. They were his family.
“Go get some sleep,” He whispered, kissing the top of her head, “I’ll make you something to eat when you wake up.”
She scrunched her nose, “Food and I don’t get along now that I have a parasite growing inside me.”
“I don’t think that’s the proper term for your situation,” He half scolded, “I’ll cook something super bland and nausea approved. Now, go to sleep.”
Jake waited an hour or so before carefully poking his head into the spare room to make sure she was asleep. He made his way to the kitchen, angrily grabbing his phone from the counter. He hadn’t spoken to Michael in years, but that man was about to get more than an earful from the pilot. Jake was almost mad enough to shake. 
Michael picked up on the third ring.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Jake didn’t even give the other man time to finish saying hello, “She fucking cried herself to sleep. What the fuck you asshole.”
“Seresin, always a pleasure,” Michael’s smug tone made Jake want to smash something. 
“How could you turn your back on her? Are you seriously this much of a coward?”
“How about you stay out of my business.”
Jake was seething now. If Jose wasn’t in his house, he would’ve thrown whatever he could get his hands on. He wanted nothing more than to be able to punch Michael. They were friends once, a long time ago. Jake was the one that introduced Michael and Jose. But even Jake saw the way Michael changed over the years. 
“It became my business the second your wife called me and begged me to come get her,” Jake hissed, “Your pregnant wife.”
Jake could almost picture Michael leaning back in his seat, a glass of stupidly expensive whiskey in front of him. All fitting for the reputation he had to uphold now that he was a ‘big shot’ in New York City. God Jake hated him right now. 
“Josephine made her choice. I gave her two options, don’t hate me for the one she decided to take.”
Jake pulled the phone away from his ear and took a long deep breath before raising it to speak again, “You are her husband, for better or worse and all of that bullshit. I was at your wedding, I remember the vows. Yet, you can’t be man enough to accept the responsibility of your child? You got her pregnant, Michael, and you threw her out on the street because she had the audacity to say she wanted to keep it.”
“We made the decision to not have kids a long time ago, Jake. Did she tell you that?” Michael questioned. 
“Jose being told she couldn’t have children is not the same thing as her deciding she didn’t want them,” Jake argued, “You are damn lucky I legally cannot leave San Diego, because otherwise I’d already be on your doorstep ready to beat the living shit out of you.”
“Why? You get exactly what you want. You get to play house with my wife. We both know you’ve always loved her.”
“If that’s what you think this is about, then you’re worse than I thought. Have a great fucking life Michael, take heart in the fact that your child will never know who you are.”
“Good luck with her, Seresin,” Michael sighed.
The line went dead. Jake wanted to yell. Michael could say whatever he wanted about him, but Jake couldn’t stand the way he talked about Jose. That man was supposed to love her, hell Jake was one of the groomsmen in their wedding. He stood next to Michael as he vowed to always love and take care of Jose. 
Now, she was in Jake’s spare room, having cried herself to sleep. She couldn’t actually say she was pregnant or say baby. Jake couldn’t help but notice the way she visibly flinched when he said those words earlier. She was hurting and scared. But more than that, she was alone.
Jose slept for a couple of hours before slowly stumbling out of the spare room. Phoenix had come and gone, telling Jake she was going to give Jose some space to work things out. Jake, keeping his word, called his mom for some recipes that she used to make for him when he was sick, including her homemade chicken broth. His mom used to bring containers of it to Jose’s family whenever someone was sick, so he hoped it would at least make her smile. 
“You called Michael?” 
Jake nearly jumped out of his skin. He didn’t expect her to sound angry, but she most certainly did. Jose wasn’t one to lose her temper, too sweet and southern proper to even think about it, but when she did Lord have mercy on anyone around. Jake would rather be facing enemy fighters with no ammo left than have Jose go off on him. 
“I-” Jake sighed and turned off the stove before slowly turning around to face her, “Yes, I did.”
“Jacob Seresin, what the hell were you thinking?” She demanded, hands on her hips, eyebrows raised. She might not act like her mother, or even be ready to become a mother, but in that moment Jake felt like he was a child being scolded by Mrs. Wilson one again. 
He could almost feel himself shrinking as he tried to find a way to explain that wouldn’t get him into even more trouble, “Someone needed to let him have it! He needs to know what he’s doing isn’t okay!”
“So you threatened him? And don’t you dare say that you didn’t threaten him! Because telling someone they’re lucky you can’t legally leave to beat the living shit out of them is a threat!” She yelled, “Damnit Jake, you aren’t in high school anymore. He is still my fucking husband! I’m a grown woman, I can deal with him on my own!”
“Oh can you?” Jake took a step forward. It was like the whole conversation suddenly became a runaway train, he knew what he was about to say was wrong. He knew it was a low blow, yet he couldn’t stop himself, “Last time I checked you won’t even admit that you’re actually pregnant. You can’t even say it, or acknowledge that it’s your baby, or just a baby in general. So how are you supposed to deal with your husband, who threw you and your fucking unborn child out on the street?”
He could see the way she deflated, she recoiled almost as if his words had a visible impact on her. Jake already wanted to hug her and apologize, but she was scoffing and turning around. Jose was already to the front door when Jake’s mind finally caught up. 
“Jose, I’m sorry,” He rushed out, “Where are you going?”
“For a walk,” She snapped, “Stress is bad for me right now, I’m supposed to be avoiding it. Which is not happening. And I want to beat the shit out of you, which is also not good. So I’m going to walk until I calm down. Is that okay with you?”
“Just stay in the neighborhood, please? There’s a little park just down the road.”
She waved him off and slammed the door behind her. The air was cool, but not cold like it was in New York when she left. She could smell the ocean too, which was enough to make her smile. Jose always loved the water. 
She loved swimming in the ponds that Jake’s family had on their property. She loved pools in the summer and that one time her family came to California and she was able to see the ocean. After Michael moved them to New York, she only ever saw the rivers, sometimes they’d venture to the coast of New England, but never when it was warm enough to enjoy. Michael didn’t like the outdoors. 
Michael didn’t like a lot of things. 
Jose found her way to the little park Jake mentioned. Not a park like playgrounds, but more like Central Park. Just an area with grass and trees and trails. Somehow though it reminded her of Texas. She let out a deep shaky breath before making her way to one of the benches. Jake knew she needed this…all these years later and he still somehow knew what she needed before she did. 
Josephine felt like she could breathe out here, there were no walls to close in around her, no crowded city streets. She hated New York City because of how claustrophobic it made her feel, but here with the ocean breeze, she felt free again. Finally. 
Maybe leaving Michael wasn’t the worst thing that could’ve happened. Maybe she hadn’t realized just how awful life with him had become until now, or at least she wouldn’t let herself admit it until now. 
But then there was the other thing, the never ending knot in her stomach because of it. 
“Hey, it’s you.”
Jose looked up, brows furrowing at the sight of a tall man in sunglasses standing nearby, “You were at the bar? Right? A friend of Jake’s?”
He laughed a little before nodding, “Something like that. Seresin and I fly together. Not sure if you could call us friends though.”
She shook her head, trying not to smile, “Jake can be difficult, if anyone knows better than me it would be his sisters. Count yourself lucky you didn’t have to be in the middle of all of those fights growin up.”
Bradley liked the sound of her voice, it was almost like honey. Her southern accent was thick and sweet and seemed to draw him in. Hangman made it clear, she was off limits, but she looked so lonely sitting on the bench by herself. She also looked sad and lost as she just stared off into the distance. He swore he heard his parents telling him to talk to her. Swore his mother whispered that she needed someone other than her apparent childhood best friend. 
“Do you mind if I sit?” Bradley took a step closer, pointing to the bench. 
“It’s a free country, aint it? Don’t you specialize in making sure we can still say that?” Jose questioned, a hint of humor hiding in the reply. 
“So what are you doing out here by yourself?” Bradley asked as he took a seat. 
“Well, simply put, Jake is difficult. He might also be a little too overprotective for his own good,” She shrugged, “but if you mean why I’m here in California, that’s a much longer and more difficult story.”
“I have time.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, “I don’t even know your name.”
“Same could be said for you,” He shrugged. 
She licked her lips, trying to sort out the internal battle that was happening in her head. She knew she should probably walk away, not give him anymore information than she already had. Jake told him she was off limits, she told herself she was off limits. Her situation declared she was. Yet, she somehow felt comfortable sitting next to him, like a calm somehow settled over her the second he was near. 
“Josephine,” She replied softly, “Or Jose, that’s what most people call me.”
He smiled, taking his sunglasses off and tucking them into the collar of his shirt, “Bradley. Or Rooster, if you want to use the callsign.”
The wind gently blew through the trees, sending another deep breath of the ocean their way. Jose visibly relaxed, shoulders dropping as the leaves rustled. 
“Rooster? Like the chicken or….?”
Bradley really laughed this time, he imagined his dad would’ve laughed too, “Maybe both? I was a cocky asshole once upon a time, not nearly as bad as Seresin, but still.”
She hummed, “I’m sure all of the girls loved it…and your uh rooster.” 
He turned his head just in time to see her slap her hand over her mouth as her face turned bright red, “I am so sorry. I don’t know what got into me to make me say that.” 
He was silent for a moment before really truly laughing this time. God he would have to tell Maverick about this later. Surely Mav would agree that Goose would’ve laughed hard enough to cry. 
“You really are Jake’s friend. I swear he said something similar a few years ago. No harm done,” His eyes watered a little as he calmed back down, “But back to my earlier question?”
She shook her head, “I shouldn’t tell you any of this, because I barely know you. And Jake would likely throw a fit if he knew you were here, because I think he made his thoughts plainly clear,” She explained, “But at the same time, and I don’t know why exactly, but I want to tell you. So, I am here in California, because my husband kicked me out, or I chose to leave.”
She shook her head, trying to find the right words, “It’s hard to know where my decision stopped and his started. I was going to leave, but I think he beat me to the punch and made me leave before I could do it myself. So I came here, because Jake has always meant safety to me.”
“You’re married?” Bradley asked slowly. 
“For now, but hopefully not for much longer. I shouldn’t have stayed married this long, or hell I probably shouldn’t have gotten married in the first place. I think Jake and many others tried to tell me not to,” She explained, “I was nineteen, I was too young, but I was also too young to know the difference.”
“Have you been in Texas all this time?”
She shook her head, “No. He moved us to New York City when I was twenty one, which living there was hell within itself.”
With the next breeze it was like she woke up, suddenly realizing that this conversation shouldn’t be happening at all, “Shit, I shouldn’t have told you any of that. Do me a favor? Forget this conversation happened, would ya? Hell, forget you even saw me here. Jake would beat the living shit out of you if he knew, and I know that because he’s currently in a very violent mood,” She rambled, “And I have to go to damage control because of said violent mood.”
She stood up quickly, walked a few steps away, and then turned back around, “It was very nice meetin you though, Bradley.”
Warmth spread through his body at the sound of her saying his name, his real name. Not the callsign or his last name, but Bradley. Her voice so southern and sweet, with a soft smile to match. He hoped he would get to hear it again sometime soon. 
“It was nice to meet you too, Josephine,” He replied softly, “Be careful walking back, and if you ever need anything, I’m across the street from Jake, three doors down on the right.”
“With the old Bronco out front?” There was surprise in her voice, it made Bradley smile even more. 
“That’s me.”
“Well, I’ll keep that in mind then. Have a goodnight now.”
He watched as she walked away, until she was out of sight. The wind still gently blew through the trees, creating a gentle sort of music. Bradley hoped his parents, wherever they were in the universe, could see the girl that seemed to just blow into his life. Because somehow, he was certain she was about to become one of the biggest parts of it.
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wooahaes · 2 years ago
sweet night [pt.4]
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pairing: non-idol!mingyu x fem!reader
word count: 3.2k~
warnings: more talks of a proposal. mingyu’s slight one-sided pining underneath his desire to care for reader. wonwoo having none of gyu’s shit. more talk of reader’s position as a woman in the company and the expectations she faces.
daisy’s notes: :)
summary:  As the adopted daughter of the Kim family and current heir to the company, you have it all. An arranged marriage with your soon-to-be fiance who you truly fell in love with, respect from your workers for being good at your job, a good relationship with both your family and your good friends... What more could you want out of life? And yet all it takes is one night for everything to fall down, and one man to help pick up the pieces.  
< previous part || masterlist || next part >
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“Will you marry me?”
Mingyu was kneeling before you, the question hanging heavily in the air as you just sat and stared at him, mind running rampant. You weren’t going to marry for love in the end as you always hoped you would. So maybe you should say yes and marry the one person you thought could make you happy? The one person who you thought might be able to settle for you, too? Getting married to your best friend didn’t seem like such a bad option, after all. The sappy part of you was sure that you’d never love anyone as much as you had loved Seungkwan, as much as you didn’t want to admit it. Despite the way he had hurt you, you were still in love with him. But...
All you could do was stare at Mingyu a few moments longer, searching for the right words to say. And maybe you didn’t pick them well, settling for a, “Why not?”
Mingyu didn’t expect a yes, or, well, ‘why not?’--but that was pretty much the same thing. “You don’t have to--”
“I’d rather be happy with you than be miserable with someone else,” you said, pulling your hands free. “It’s for business, right?”
He nodded. Just business. Nothing else. That’s all this would be for you, at least: Mingyu didn’t want to think about the way his heart skipped a beat when he asked the question. 
“Then... Let’s do it,” you smiled. It was only semi-forced that time. “But,” you held up a finger, “you have to ask me properly.”
He giggled, moving closer, “I’ll make it special,” he promised. The way you deserved to be proposed to. He always had the idea of a romantic candlelit dinner for two: cliche, but intimate. No lavish party where he’d be announcing an engagement before sweeping you off your feet with some grand proposal. He wanted it to be a private moment between the two of you.
You immediately set off talking about how you’d call your parents in the morning to say that the two of you started talking about how your companies would benefit--skincare and hair care went hand in hand, didn’t they?--from a closer relationship with one another. Mingyu just shifted back onto the couch, listening as you talked about how you’d ask Secretary Lee to call Secretary Chwe to make lunch plans between the two of you--and he’d have to make further arrangements to have your parents present for that lunch, too, so that the two of you could talk to them directly. He’d call his parents tomorrow morning, too. The two of you were going to make an offer no one would be able to refuse, papers drawn up to show how much both companies would profit in the end.
In the end, you told him that you tried to call your brother, too, only to get his voicemail. He’d buy you a ring while he was out: something he knew you’d love. The two of you had looked at rings before and been mistaken for a couple. Admittedly, Mingyu had gone with you because Seungkwan had asked him to, back when the two of you had been pressured toward getting. Mingyu had accidentally let it slip during that trip that Seungkwan wasn’t ready, that he was only doing it because your father put pressure on him, and that had ended the trip right then and there since you had gone home and been the bold person Mingyu knew you to be. He didn’t expect for the two of you to be allowed to just date for another year, but maybe it was because you genuinely loved Seungkwan that they thought you’d never split. It stung to think about after what happened.
Even if you didn’t love Mingyu, he’d at least ensure you’d be happy. That was the least he could do when living a life like this.
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“You’re joking.”
Wonwoo sat across from Mingyu at one of his favorite steak restaurants in the city, having agreed to meet him when Mingyu asked him to come. They’d made small talk, Mingyu catching up with how Wonwoo had been doing in his own department until the entrees finally arrived. That was when Mingyu broke the news, and Wonwoo had nearly dropped his knife. Mingyu almost wished he had asked Eunwoo to come along. But he knew, just as Wonwoo did, that Mingyu had been harboring feelings for you for a long time. Letting Wonwoo know was a slight risk, but letting anyone else who knew? That was only worse. He didn’t need Eunwoo to accidentally let it slip.
“She’s in a tough position,” Mingyu said as he cut into his steak, juices pouring out of it. “If I didn’t offer, she’d end up with someone else.”
“So this is about you.”
“No!” Mingyu looked up. “This is about her not ending up miserable. You never saw her with Seungkwan, did you? If you had seen her face when he proposed to that person...” He frowned, looking away. The one time Wonwoo had been out of town...
“They have a name,” Wonwoo frowned. “Seungkwan told me they haven’t been speaking to him.”
“You’ve spoken to him?”
Wonwoo almost rolled his eyes at how offended Mingyu sounded. “Just once,” he said. “He’s distressed.”
Mingyu scowled. “He should be! He broke my best friend’s heart in the most embarrassing way, in front of a whole crowd of people. If he actually loved her, he would have thought twice--he would have ended things months ago!”
“I know you don’t want to,“ Wonwoo said, voice low and serious, “but you should talk to him once. Just to hear what he has to say.”
Mingyu furrowed his brow as he looked back up. “You know something?”
“It’s not my place to say.” Wonwoo reached for his water, pausing just for a moment. “You’re serious about marrying her?”
“For business.”
Wonwoo saw through him too easily, and took a long sip of his ice water. He set it down on the coaster, before setting his hands into his lap for a moment. “You should tell her one day.”
Maybe Mingyu would, once his feelings were completely dead and buried. Once the marriage really did feel like a business deal between the two of you. That wouldn’t take long, after all. All he had to do was remember that you didn’t love him like that, and he’d be able to soothe the ache on his own. He’d still take you on a nice honeymoon, though: just so you had a short break from all of this bullshit. You deserved at least a chance to rest.
And after he nursed his own heartache? He would deserve it, too.
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You had gone out for lunch as well, sitting across from a model you’d met through your brother’s work. Hwang Hyunjin was closer to your age than your brother’s, though, and the two of you managed to hit it off after you’d been introduced to one another. He’d introduced you to a few people in his circle, just so you had some people a little closer to your age (younger, sure, but closer than some people you knew)--an actor named Bomin being one of the ones you still occasionally spoke to. It was pretty fun to just meet people from different walks of life.
Even though you considered Hyunjin a friend, the two of you rarely were able to meet up. Between your busy schedule and his own, things just didn’t work out often. So you were surprised when he was available after you texted him, asking if he felt like getting lunch. With Mingyu gone to meet one of his own friends, you honestly wanted some company that you didn’t work with. He’d texted you before, wishing you well after what happened, too, and he seemed more than happy to agree to it on a rare day when he wasn’t working.
“Why didn’t you get your brother?” He had asked the moment the two of you were left to yourselves--nothing but the two glasses of water between you.
As much as you wanted to see him, you couldn’t. “He’s still out of the country,” you sighed. “He’s supposed to come back tomorrow.”
Hyunjin nodded along. “So... About Mingyu...”
You had filled him in on the ride over. “My parents want to interrogate him,” you said. “I don’t see why. I think it’s more for the business side of things.” You paused, toying with the straw in your drink. “I feel bad for Mingyu.”
Hyunjin furrowed his brows tightly together, thrown off-guard from the sudden sentiment. “Huh?”
“If he marries me, he doesn’t get to fall in love and get married. I know he wants to,” you sighed. “He wants to have kids, too. I can’t help but feel like I’m taking all of that away from him by saying yes.”
“Maybe you should talk to him about it,” Hyunjin frowned. “If you’re worried.”
“He told me he isn’t seeing anyone and that it’ll benefit our companies. It’ll make both of our families happy,” you sighed, “and it’ll keep me from being miserable with someone I don’t like. Plenty of people don’t marry for love,” you paused. But you always thought you would, when you were with Seungkwan.
“It’s hard,” Hyunjin said with an understanding nod. “But if he’s okay with this, wouldn’t you rather be happy with him?”
That was what you said. That was how you always reasoned it out. Mingyu said he would be happy, too: so what was stopping you every single time you thought about it? Mingyu was one of your closest friends. There were worse people you could marry. If things were worse, you’d be trapped into a marriage with Seungkwan where he was still seeing the person he loved on the side. You wouldn’t hold it against him as long as he was smart about it, truly, but... at least you weren’t stuck with someone who’s betrayal still stung deep.
“If all else fails,” Hyunjin brought you back to reality after a long sip of water, “I know your parents are fond of Choi.” A teasing smile played at his lips as you held back the urge to groan, since you knew he was right. “I’m sure they’d love to have him as part of the family--”
“Don’t make me throw up,” you whined. “He’s too much of a brother figure.”
“I’ll tell your brother you said that,” he snickered. “I’m sure he’d love to hear that.”
“No!” You whined again. “Then I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“So... About this dinner,” he said, glancing up to see your waitress returning at last with your entrees. “Will that be tonight? Or tomorrow?”
“Tonight, most likely,” you continued on, giving a polite nod to the waitress as she carefully set the plates down in front of the two of you before moving on. “I already know what they’re going to say.” Hyunjin gave you an expectant look, you continued on, “If he proposes too soon and makes our relationship known, people might talk. It’ll reflect badly on both of us if people think there’s something else going on, like a pregnancy. It’ll affect my image more than his, especially after what happened before.”
Hyunjin sighed. “It’s so complicated.... I don’t see how you handle these things.”
“It’s part of my job to be aware of my public image,” you said. “And it’s... harder for me, sometimes. It feels like there’s always a shark out there waiting for me to be weak so they can prove that I’m not capable of running the company one day.” With a deep breath, you picked up your fork. “So I can’t be emotional. People view emotions as making you weak,” you stared down at your lunch for a moment, focus not quite there anymore. “I always thought it was a sign of strength to know your limits.”
Hyunjin watched you a moment longer, and then frowned. “I’m sorry you have to go through all of that.”
You pushed back those feelings the moment he finished saying ‘sorry,’ and you put on a smile instead. “Forgive me for talking about that sort of thing. I’m just thinking out loud.” 
Hyunjin knew you, though. Most people always saw through you when you were trying to put your guard back up, to rebuild the walls that were beginning to crumble. “We’re all here for you if you need us.”
Even still, your mind wandered back to the only other person who had heard those thoughts. You pushed that away, too. “I know,” you said, keeping up the smile, “thank you.”
Professional. Clean. Correct. The way you’ve held yourself up time and time again. Hyunjin didn’t push you any further on the topic, and you were thankful. This was the way you’d always hold yourself up, for your safety and for those around you, as well.
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Dinner with your parents that night was a formality. They already knew Mingyu well, and they knew his family, too. The two of you would have dinner with his family later, but this was also him asking your parents for permission--more-so for business than anything else. He had squeezed your hip and told you he had the permission of the only person who mattered in all of this. He helped you zip up your dress before the two of you left his home, and he promised you that he’d be right there with you the entire time. You weren’t afraid of your parents by any means: they still loved you, and always would, but after what happened...
You weren’t sure if you could forgive them for letting Seungkwan do that to you.
Mingyu asked your father as soon as he could, and he laid out the benefits neatly. He was so serious about it. You didn’t think you’d ever see him this serious, but it felt more like business than anything else. “I promise I’ll work hard for the success of both of our companies,” he had said at one point, holding your hand tightly under the table. He gave it a reassuring squeeze, meeting your gaze before he gave you a soft smile. “And more importantly, I’ll take good care of her.”
Your father watched him for a moment, the gears turning in his mind as he considered everything Mingyu had just laid out for him. Mingyu had been thorough in his plan, and you saw the look of surprise on your father’s face at that. You thought that maybe he was under the impression this was you rebelling in some way, running off with Mingyu because you knew he’d be there to catch you whenever you fell. Your father’s consideration period was the part that made you the most anxious, but you knew Mingyu could handle himself. You matched gazes with your mother across the table, and all you could see was concern. Are you being pushed into this? Is this because we expect you to marry?
“If I’m going to marry someone to benefit the company, I want to do it on my own terms,” you said outright. Even though the two of you weren’t blood, you always swore you took after your brother in how outspoken you could be. He had taught you to challenge things, to challenge yourself, and to hold your head up high. You almost wanted to crack a joke, though, to relieve the tension in the room that you wouldn’t have to change your last name if you married Mingyu. You instead stayed serious, “And I want to marry someone I know I can trust both with our future and with myself.”
Your mother spoke up, confirming your suspicions toward her thoughts, “If this is about us expecting you to marry someone, we can work something out.”
It felt as though there was an insult hidden there. “Is Mingyu not responsible? You know how hard he works,” you smiled. “Our companies working closer together would benefit us both. We all know this. That’s why you had me see Yoon Jeonghan and why you were going to set me up with Cha Eunwoo. That was why I was supposed to marry Boo Seungkwan. I know what has to be done.” You squeezed Mingyu’s hand for reassurance. “And I want to marry Kim Mingyu if I have to put the company first.”
Mingyu could only watch you in silent awe for a moment at how serious you’d become. How well you were holding yourself together despite the fact you were squeezing his hand tightly under the table. You were nervous, yet you were speaking back. He knew you’d done it before. The last time was when you defended Seungkwan, who had wanted to date you longer first before marrying you, your companies still working closely together in the meantime. His family had helped, Mingyu knew that, but you had put Seungkwan’s comfort first.
Something about all of this made him realize you always saw this as something inevitable. Like you knew that putting the company first above your own happiness was something you’d have to do when it came to your own personal life. If you had to do that and marry him, all he wanted to do was make sure you were happy in the end. As much as he wished he could fall asleep with you in his arms every night, he was okay with waking up and making you breakfast every morning after spending every night in separate bedrooms. You would be happy and comfortable, and he would ensure it.
Your father finally nodded after taking in every single thing that had been said. “If you’re serious,” he said to Mingyu, “then I expect a proposal after a month. Boo’s mishap has reflected badly upon both of our families. I expect different from you.”
Your father continued to say exactly what you had thought: people would assume that you ran off with Mingyu and ended up knocked up if things went too quickly. There was probably already gossip being squished by both companies who knew of your friendship. A month meant people would still talk, but you could spin the story. The two of you could put on public appearances: he could send you apology flowers or something. He could make it seem like he came along and picked up the pieces of your broken heart. Everyone loved a tragic romance, even if this was all for business. There were ways to save you from looking like a tragic woman who had pursued someone in a rash manner as a rebound.
“We don’t need anymore harm to come to her image,” your father said, “and to yours as well.”
Mingyu nodded, letting go of your hand. He gave you a gentle pat on the knee instead. “I understand.”
Your father started discussing plans to have dinner with Mingyu’s family eventually, to have further discussions. To celebrate, too, in the most formal sense of the word. You, on the other hand, found joy in the fact you wouldn’t be thrown into anymore dates. The tension was already easing off of your shoulders.
Maybe getting married to Kim Mingyu wouldn’t be so bad. He was already right there on your side, after all. That was all you expected from a partner, and now it was all you truly wanted, too.
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general taglist: @wonuziex​ @twancingyunhao​
sweet night taglist: @twogyuu @itsveronicaxxx @caratluvie​
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catholicdaredevil · 3 years ago
could i get something with matt where it’s like you guys act married but are hiding the fact that you’re in love with the other person from each other because you’re both stupid when it comes to feelings and everyone you meet assumes you’ve been together forever even though you’re not actually a couple?
so since i'm only really doing little drabbles right now i'm changing this a bit to just fake dating at a wedding because somehow in my brain i got the entire request a little backwords in my head when i started and didn't realize i was wrong till like halfway through but i hope you enjoy!! also i hope no one notices or minds me cycling through new girl character names as my randomly named side characters since i'm in the middle of a rewatch. this ended up longer than i thought and i kind of lost my way towards the end so maybe not my best work but hey i'm gonna put this under a keep reading since it ended up around 1.5k words
"matt please, i can't go single. it'd be way too embarrassing, you know nick's gonna be there, and with his girlfriend-"
"is this the girl he cheated on you with?"
"then fine i'm in."
when you'd gotten the invitation to your old college friends wedding you had been excited. you hadn't seen her in years, life and jobs getting in the way of being able to meet up and see each other. plus weddings were a lot of fun, you got to see a bunch of old friends, dress up, and get absolutely fucking plastered. that is until you found out your old boyfriend who you dated for all of college and two years into law school, that you thought you were going to get married to, that you had been deeply in love with. who had then broken your heart into a million little pieces by cheating with your old coworker. you were excited until you found out he was going.
your old boyfriend who had left you needing not only a new boyfriend, but a new apartment and job. the one bedroom you shared significantly more crowded once his new girlfriend moved in less than a week after you found out.
luckily you had two friends you had let you move in with them while you looked for a new apartment. even more luckily one of them had just agreed to be your fake date to the wedding, so you wouldn't have to go alone.
"ugh, you're the best matty. i gotta go pick out a dress," you surged forward to smack the loudest kiss on his cheek before rushing out of nelson and murdock.
it was one wedding. he'd be fine right? he could pretend to be your boyfriend and not slip up and admit he was desperately in love with you. right?
it had been going great. he'd picked you up on time, in the suit he knew was your favorite no less. and your heart, like every other time he wore it, skipped at least three beats when you had opened your door. his cheeks a deep red, as he held his hand out for you to take. just a quick taxi ride to the other side of town and a couple deep breaths by both of you before you entered the hotel and there you were. at a wedding. pretending to be dating.
if he felt the way your whole body was trembling just slightly with his arm casually around your waist he kept it to himself. you had calmed down about ten minutes into the ceremony, which was beautiful really. but as you settled down, he found himself gearing up. it really was a nice ceremony and he tried so hard to not sit there and overthink every aspect of this in his mind.
was he supposed to kiss you? was it okay if he did? how far did pretending have to go? god why did it have to be pretend. why couldn't he have just told you, preferably years ago, that he was in love with you. then maybe you could be real dating at this wedding instead of this embarrassing facsimile of his want.
"matt, it's over. just the reception and then we can go, i promise."
so caught up in his head he hadn't even realized the crowded room had finished clapping and people slowly filtered out to go towards dinner. he cleared his throat, snatched his bearings tightly and stood letting you lead him to your table.
you grabbed both yourself and him plates of food and after dropping them off with him at the table then worked your way back through the crowd to get drinks. he felt so awkward, sitting alone at the table, at an event where he really only knew you. he thinks he met your friend, the one getting married, maybe twice back in law school. each time at some shitty bar in a large group, everyone getting shit faced after finals or something.
"matt," that voice had him clenching his teeth as he turned to face it. "so good to see you again dude, i didn't realize you'd been invited."
before he could even open his mouth to respond, your scent drifted closer as you stepped up next to nick in front of him.
"he didn't. well not officially, we came together." your words stiff, the fake air of nonchalance stale around you. you set the drinks in your hands down on the table and maneuvered around your ex boyfriend to sit.
"hey baby, thanks for getting my drink," he grabbed the hand that had just set his glass down in front of him to press a gentle kiss to your palm before holding it in his lap.
you tried to cover up the heat in your cheeks by quickly drinking the glass of wine in your free hand but couldn't help but watch nick out of the corner of your eye to see his reaction. it was worth it to watch the dumb look on his face as he put two and two together and came up, finally, with four.
"oh. so you guys are like dating, huh?" nick's clipped tone got under matt's skin. how was he gonna be annoyed like he wasn't the one who cheated on you. he had no right.
"yes." your body jerked straight up and you choked on your own spit silently as nick and matt had a stare down. a very pointless action when matt was not only blind but wearing his usual red sunglasses. matt met the gesture anyways, before he heard your quiet choking and turned back to face you. "i've been in love with you since the day i met you."
he continued to grip your hand, his thumb running across your knuckles under the table. something in the way he said it, in the way his skin felt against yours had things shifting into perspective. there was a revelation here, bubbling underneath the surface if you just dug for it. this was almost too real.
"i- um, congrats. really, that's uh that's cool, i uh i gotta go," neither you or matt turned to watch nick leave, his brain panicking at the way you froze. shit, he'd gone too far. you really should have come up with a plan before, and now he's fucked it up.
"matt, are you-"
your words trailed off and your eyebrows pinched together your brain still struggling to make sense of things. oh how quickly the whole night had gotten turned around. he couldn't have actually meant it, could he? he could just be that good at acting, except matt was a terrible liar when it came down to it, so if it wasn't acting.
"shit, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, i don't know why i said that. i didn't mean to make it weird, we can go, i'm sorry." matt dropped your hand like it burnt him, grabbing his cane he stood. you stared down at your hands, the sudden absence of the warmth of him felt worse than it should. you were friends. just friends.
sharp laughter at the table next to you shocked you back into the moment and you looked at him, really looked. the tension running across his shoulders, the grip on his cane, the way his jaw was clenched so hard it had to hurt. they all added up.
"matt are you in love with me?" your eyes dropped back down and you followed the designs in the carpet your voice barely more than a whisper.
"how- um, how long have you been in love with me?" out of your peripherals you saw him sit back down next to you. he sighed and grabbed the long ignored drink in front of him, downing it in one go.
"since the day i met you, i- i'm really sorry. i shouldn't have come, i shouldn't have said that i just-" one peek up from the carpet at him and your world came crashing down.
he was. he was in love with you. matt murdock, your best friend, was in love with you.
he sat as still as a statue, ready for whatever cosmic punishment was going to befall him for this. for fucking up one of the most important friendships in his life, how could he have fucked this one up so bad. his fingers sat on top of his thighs, tapping nervously as he waited for you to respond. if you responded.
it felt like hours to him, but just the barest of seconds for you. your brain finally caught up, and you surged forward crashing your mouth into his. your hands immediately flew to grip in his hair, needing something, anything to ground you to this moment.
to kissing your best friend. to him kissing you back.
his brain shut down and rebooted and when he came back he had one hand cupping your face, the other tightly wound in the fabric of your dress at your side almost pulling you out of your seat to bring you as close as possible.
"i'm in love wi-" you spoke, pulling away but he shook his head just slightly and immediately pulled you back in.
"sh, just kiss me."
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messers-moony · 4 years ago
Accepted | F.H
Paring: Five Hargreeves X Wife!Reader
Summary: Five craves nothing more than to be accepted and loved by his siblings. That doesn’t appear to happen when he time travels back to 2019 after disappearing for seventeen years.
Five had never seen anyone so beautiful before. Even in the apocalypse, she was gorgeous. He knew it wasn’t because they were the only ones left either. She had his heart from the moment they accidentally ended up in the apocalypse together.
Y/n was a normal girl, an ordinary girl. She had no powers, completely powerless. It just so happens she was walking down the sidewalk and brushed shoulders with Five, which brought her with him.
He couldn’t be mad at her. It wasn’t her fault that they had brushed shoulders. He should’ve been more careful. Y/n was a shy and skittish girl. Not very talkative. It took her a week to use her voice after being thrown into the end of the world.
Despite Five’s commonly inpatient nature, he was extremely patient with her. She was all he had now, and he felt completely comfortable with her. It took a year for her to open up to him, to trust him finally.
She told him all about school and what it was like while Five listened intently. He loved listening to her talk about normal kid activities, things he never got to participate in. Y/n promised him once they got back to save the world, no matter how old, they’d do those things together.
The girl had a certain aura around her that just made him smile. After five years, they were inseparable. Five couldn’t imagine life without her. He couldn’t fathom how he lived without her. He could tell her anything and didn’t fear of being judged.
He had been strong for so long, but not he didn’t have to be anymore. He could let loose and be himself, whether it was being playful, cheerful, upset, or angry. He could be him, and that’s all that mattered to him.
At the age of twenty, they decided to date, knowing it’d be a risk but a risk well taken because Five proposed at the age of twenty-five. Obviously, getting married wasn’t really an option. Nevertheless, he always thought of her as Y/n Hargreeves. His pride and joy.
At the age of forty-one, they were both taken into the commission– a job they both loathed. However, in order to get back to their time, it had to be done. Every night after a mission or a long day, Five would snuggle up Y/n’s chest and sob.
It became a daily routine for the next four and a half years. Every night Five would cry. He missed everything and hated everything. He regretted not listening. He hated the killing. He missed his siblings. Y/n would sit and listen while rubbing his back.
She thought for sure that his siblings missed him. Oh, how wrong she was. She found that out when they returned back to their timeline. Both lovers had fallen to the ground back in their thirteen-year-old bodies.
“ Does anyone else see Little Number Five and a little girl, or is that just me? “ A male queried as five people peered at the two.
Y/n and Five both got up from the ground looking down at their attire. Their clothes were ten times too big for them now. Five appeared to look just as young as he did forty-five years ago, and so did Y/n. Five couldn’t help but smile at her gorgeous appearance that he hadn’t seen in years. She was beautiful at all ages, but he was particularly fond of her teenage form, as was she of him.
“ Shit. “ Five muttered as he walked past them, and Y/n followed.
Five led her into the Hargreeves manor. It was a huge house, one that consisted of too many bedrooms and bathrooms for one person. He held her hand tight, and he stood at the end of the table. At the same time, his siblings piled around the table.
“ What’s the date? The exact date. “ Five’s voice was stern as he began making food, “ The 24th. “ A brunette female responded.
“ Of what? “ Five asked, annoyed, “ March. “ She replied again.
“ Good. “ Five said, opening the loaf of bread.
“ Are you gonna introduce us to your lady friend? “ The male from earlier questioned, and Y/n took refuge behind Five.
Five sighed as he pulled her next to him, letting his arm rest upon her waist, “ This, is Y/n Hargreeves. “
“ Hargreeves? Is she dad’s biological child, or was there another child we didn’t know about? “ The big male quizzed, and Five smirked, looking up at his siblings, “ Or perhaps the most obvious conclusion, but you guys aren’t smart enough to see what’s right in front of you. “ Five insulted, which made Y/n lightly hit him.
“ She’s my wife. “ The boy summarized, kissing her cheek, “ Wife?! You guys are thirteen. “ A woman in a blue shirt interjected.
“ Ignore that. What just happened outside? “ A large male queried as Five continued to make his food, “ It’s been 17 years. “
Five scoffed, “ It’s been a lot longer than that. “
Gently Five removed his arm from Y/n’s waist, and spatial jumped behind Luther to grab something. Y/n was hesitant but took a seat on the counter as her husband's siblings stared her down
“ I haven’t missed that. “ The big male murmured, “ Where’d you go? “ Questioned a male in all black.
“ The future. It’s shit, by the way. “ Five replied as he spatial jumped from getting his marshmallows and back to the front of the table, “ Called it! “ The skinny male exclaimed
“ I should’ve listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing. “ The teen began as he looks through the fridge, “ Jumping through time is a toss of the dice. “
The boy looked up from what he was doing and took his sibling's appearances in, the ones he missed dearly but saw all dead. If you were Y/n, you could see his green eyes glass over. But if you were the Hargreeves siblings, you saw a heartless and cold teenage boy.
“ Nice dress. “ He complimented, “ Oh, well, danke! “ The skinny male exclaimed.
“ Wait, how did you get back? “ Asked the anxious brunette, “ In the end, I had to project our consciousnesses forward into a suspended quantum state version of ourselves that exists across every possible instance of time. “ Five answered.
“ That makes no sense. “ Blurted the black-wearing male, “ Well, it would if you were smarter. “ Five smirked.
“ Five, stop. They’re trying to understand. You probably sound insane. “ Y/n spoke up for the first time since coming back, “ Oh, I like her. “ The skinny male chuckled.
“ I’m Klaus. “ He introduced, “ Pleasure. “ Y/n greeted with a smile.
The strong male looked baffled, “ How long were you two there? “
Y/n sighed, “ Forty-Five years. Give or take. “ Five answered, “ So what are you saying? That you two are 58? “ He questioned again.
“ Our consciences are 58, apparently our bodies are 13 again. “ The teen boy answered, “ Wait, how does that even work? “ Questioned the brunette again.
“ He got the equations wrong. Meaning his math was off, bringing us back into the same bodies we left in. “ Y/n softly explained as Five ate his food.
“ Guess I missed the funeral. “ Five said as he picked up a newspaper on the table, “ How’d you even know about that? “ Asked the large male.
“ What part of the future do you not understand? “ Five barked, “ Heart failure, huh? “
“ Yeah/No. “ Contradicting answers.
“ Nice to see nothings changed. “ Five said, clicking his tongue, walking away.
“ Uh, that’s it? That’s all you have to say? “ Questioned the curly-haired woman asked the boy who was walking away.
“ What else is there to say? It’s the circle of life. “ Five said now out of the room and into the rest of the mansion.
“ Well, that was interesting. “ The big male concluded.
Y/n sighed, “ I’m sorry for him. The past few years for him haven’t been the greatest. Just know he cares about you guys. “
“ I’m Vanya. “ Smiled the anxious brunette, “ And that’s Allison, Luther, and Diego. Klaus interjected earlier. “ Vanya introduced, pointing at each member.
“ Nice to meet you all. I’m going to go find Five. “ Y/n smiled as she walked away.
It took a couple of minutes, but she eventually found what seemed to be like their bedrooms. Only one door was shut, so she knocked hesitantly on it. Sniffles were heard on the other side.
“ Five, it’s me. “ Her voice was serene and quiet, “ Come in. “ His voice was muffled through the door.
Her hand turned the door handle, and she walked inside. Gently she shut the bedroom door and locked it, knowing he hated people seeing him vulnerable. Y/n turned to see him sitting on his bed with his elbows resting on his knees, hands on his face crying.
She knelt in front of him, taking his hands into her own, “ They don’t care. “ Were the first words muttered from his mouth, “ They do care. They’re just confused. “ Y/n replied.
He shook his head and sat on the floor in her embrace, sobbing, “ It’s going to be okay, Five. I’m right here. I’ll always be right here. “ Y/n reassured as she ran her hands through his hair.
She felt a gentle kiss being laid on her shoulder, knowing it was his way of acknowledging what she said. After minutes passed, he had stopped crying and instead fell asleep, right in his lover's arms where he was always accepted.
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mysticalrambling · 4 years ago
Ending It All Part 1 (C.E)
Part 2
Chris Evans Fan fiction (Fan fiction Masterlist)
Summary: Chris wants to end your marriage and you decide to go along with it. You have to be civil for the sake of the kids but you are hurt. This process is too much for the both of you and eventually, it all ends.
Warnings: Angst all the way. 
You had seen it coming from a mile. People say that a woman’s sixth sense is her greatest power. You always took pride in it but in this case, it was a curse. Chris and you have known each other for the past seven years and from those years, you were married for five. He was the love of your life. You thought it was forever but apparently you were wrong. You were wrong about so many things.
From the past six months, Chris has been home for a couple of days at most and then he was traveling. Traveling for work, for friends and whatnot. And for the days that he was here, he didn’t look at you like you were his wife, his soulmate. He looked at you like you were a stranger. Spending time with the kids was all he ever did and then came up with measly explanations to go off to bed early. There was no space left for you in his life. You thought that it was just a rough patch but that was not the case.
“(Y/N), we need to talk.” The determined look in his icy blue eyes said it all.
Taking a deep breath, you shakily replied, “Let me just put the kids to sleep.” Your energetic kids had tired out you for the whole day because you were off from work today. Chris had just come back from shooting and he didn’t give you a kiss like he usually did. In fact, he hadn’t kissed you like he meant it for several years now.
“I will be in the kitchen. You want wine?” He was walking away before you could even reply.
“Yeah, sure.” You mumbled out and you didn’t even know that he listened.
“Mommy, we are going to spend the whole day with you and daddy tomorrow?”  Mia and Jace have started to pick up on the fact that there was something going on between their parents. You wanted to keep all of this away from your four and two year old but it seems that you might have failed. You were failing at a lot of things right now.
“Yes, we will. Now, go to sleep.” It took you about half an hour to be put them to sleep and during that time, you were a wreck. There were a thousand possibilities running through your mind.
Coming back downstairs, Chris handed you the glass of wine, your favorite as always. He knew every little detail about you. “(Y/N), I don’t know how to say this but-”
“Before you finish that sentence, I just need to tell you that I promised the kids a day out tomorrow. Don’t ruin it.”
“I- I can’t say that.” Fiddling with his almost empty glass, he couldn’t bring it in himself to look at you. He was going to ruin this promise as well just like he was going to ruin everything.
“Just, go on.” You refilled the wine glass as you knew you needed the alcoholic haze to get through this conversation.
“I can’t do this anymore. This is just not what I want in my life anymore.” Your breath hitched and your heart broke into tiny little pieces.
Exact words were what you needed to hear right now. No vague statements. “What do you mean? What can’t you do?”
“This. This relationship. I think I am done. I am truly sorry, (Y/N).”
“Is- Is there someone else?” It was as if a ball was lodged in your throat and you couldn’t bring yourself to talk coherently. Fluently.
Chris looked at you, horrified. How could you even say that? He would never in a million years even think about cheating on you. Dignity was an important trait for Chris and if he ever cheated, he wouldn’t be able to look at himself. It hurt him that you would even consider this as a reason but he couldn’t blame you.
“No! This is not the reason. Not at all.” A defensive attitude was immediately taken up by your husband.
“Then is it me? Am I not enough for you?” Hot tears rolled down your cheeks but you didn’t have the energy to wipe them out.
“It is not you, darling. I just don’t think this is what I want with my life anymore. I want to solely focus on my career.”
“You are choosing your career over your family.” As the realization started to hit you, you couldn’t control the anger that took over you. “Over your family, Chris?”
“(Y/N) I am just done. I want an out and can we please try to be civil about this?” He pleaded.
“You want me to be civil about this? Fine.” You took a calming breath and closed your eyes for a second. “Just explain it to me. Maybe we can work something out.”
“I can’t- I don’t know how to explain it. Seven months ago I just woke up and I didn’t want to do this anymore. I want to start over.” A shocking chill passed through your body and you realized that it was hurt. You were betrayed.
“So you don’t want to do anything with me or the kids as well?”
“No. I want to be a part of their lives and-”
You looked him in the eyes and spoke in a broken voice, “It’s just me that you want out of your life.”
“Darling, no-” Chris tried to reach out for your hand but you placed them on your hands. He had lost the right to touch you from the moment he said that he didn’t want you. You were just a problem for him that needed to be solved.
There were years when he needed you every step of the way. Chris met you at a party that Scarlett threw. You were her best friend so you were invited to her New Year’s party. The moment he saw you, he was head over heels. He followed you around for two months to get you to go on a date with him. You used to tease him afterwards that he was a love sick puppy. But he was your love sick puppy.
That was not the case now and you didn’t know what you will do if he wasn’t in your life anymore. Your world revolved around your family but now it was all falling apart. You were falling apart.
“We can file for divorce tomorrow. Do you want to stay here tonight?” Wiping your tears, you got up from the stool and put the glasses in the sink.
“Uhh okay, okay. I can stay with Scott tonight.”
This was not what he expected. He expected you to cry, fight, scream. He thought there would be more discussion on this topic. Seven years were going to waste and you were treating this as a simple business transaction. Truth be told, you didn’t want him to see you fall apart. Chris had lost that right. If he didn’t want a life with you, then you were not going to beg him to stay. You were going to fulfill his wish and set him free.
“We have to take the kids out tomorrow. I was thinking the park.”
“What?” He was too distracted by everything to even realize what you were talking about.
“We will talk to them about the divorce tomorrow.”
“Isn’t this going a little too fast?”
“We should get this all over with as soon as possible. Goodbye, Chris.” Silently pecking him on his cheek, you went to your shared bedroom.
The moment your head touched the pillow, you were surrounded by his scent. The dam burst and you couldn’t stop the tears from running down your face and getting soaked up by the cushions. What were you going to do with your life now? You had to come up with a plan to manage the kids together with Chris. You had to think about getting a job that would accommodate your kids in to it now that you were going to be a single parent. You didn’t get a wink of sleep last night and you cried a lot.
On the other hand, Chris was not doing any better. Scott gave him the spare guest room to sleep in. He didn’t know what was going on between his brother and you but he knew it was serious. Chris couldn’t sleep last night either because he was not used to. This was the first time in seven years that you both were in the same city and you were not sleeping together. You wouldn’t be sleeping with him from now on. He has to get used to that idea. The idea of you not being there every step of the way because this was his own doing. He was dreading tomorrow as he was the one who was destroying his family.
“Hi. I was just here to pick you all up.” Guilt washed over him when he noticed your red puffy eyes and eye bags.
“You didn’t have to. We could have come there by ourselves.”
“We always go to the park together. It is our thing.”
“We can’t do all of these things now. Everything is going to change.”
“Right.” You moved towards the kitchen and he followed you like a lost puppy.
“Daddy!” Both kids ran up to him and clinged to his legs like two little monkeys.
“Hey babies.” He held on to them a little bit longer because he knew he was the one who was ruining their little lives.
“Where were you? Missed your pancakes. Mama doesn’t make good.” Mia hadn’t learned to make full sentences yet but Chris understood her perfectly.
“I was busy, baby. I- I-”
“Go get your shoes on. We are going to be late.” You saved him from the conversation because he looked like a deer caught in headlight. Chris couldn’t answer his daughter as this was how it was going to be. He wouldn’t be there for all of this. The important phases. Jace’s first soccer win, his first award, or Mia’s first school day, her first break up, her prom. He was going to miss most of them because you would be there with them while he will get them for weekends mostly.
“Let’s go.” Buckling his kids in, he sat in the driver’s seat. When he pulled out of the garage, his hand instinctively went for yours. It was out of pure instinct. You retracted your hand immediately and Chris just drew in a shaky breath, He was not allowed to touch you now.
“I am taking them to the swings. Do you want to come with?”
“No, I am just going to my usual spot to read my book.” There was a maple tree that had been your spot for the past five years. It was where you rested and caught up with your reading.
The next hour was spent with Chris going on to every swing with his kids. He didn’t want to miss anything. Plus, he didn’t know how he could sit with you under the tree that held so many memories. You told him that you will marry him under this tree and that you were pregnant with Jace. It was all too much. You couldn’t focus on your reading when this might be the last time you get to see him with your kids. The last time you were together as husband and wife. This might be the last time because Chris wanted you out of his life.
“Hey, kids. We have to talk to you.” You finally gathered up some courage when they all came to sit beside you. Chris couldn’t bring himself to start up this conversation so he was glad that you did.
“Yeah, Mommy?”
“So you know how your friend Oliver’s parents don’t live together but they still love him very much.”
“Yeah.” Jace’s whole concentration was on his ice cream but he still nodded his head to indicate that he was listening. Mia was too young to comprehend it all so you mainly focused on your son.
“Well, Daddy and I are going to be doing the same thing. We love you both very much and we will always there be with you.”
“But Ollie’s daddy doesn’t live with him.” His blue eyes focused on the two of you when he made the statement.
“Yeah, buddy. I will be staying at an apartment really near by. You both can come whenever you want to.”
“You won’t be there to read us night stories or make our favorite brekky?” His question threw Chris off guard and he froze in his place.
“He will be there to do everything for you guys. Mia and you can go to daddy’s place and he can do all this.” You jumped in when you noticed that Chris didn’t know how to respond to all this. “Right, Chris?”
“Yes, that’s right. Nothing is going to change, buddy.” Wiping away his tears, your husband placed him on his lap with Mia.
“Promise?” Mia spoke up this time because she understood that her daddy wouldn’t live with her like he always did.
“Promise. Let’s go back to the house. You both look tired.”
You placed Mia on her bed while Chris did the same for Jace. They both were out the moment they were buckled in their car seats. Coming downstairs, you prepared coffee for Chris and yourself. He always liked his coffee black so that’s what you made for him. The cup was placed in front of him and he sighed because no one made coffee like you.
“Our lawyer said that he will have the papers delivered to us by tomorrow.”
“Okay, I saw this new apartment building when I was coming here this morning. I might rent it out. The penthouse has three rooms. One for the kids and one is the guest bedroom. You can stay there when you bring the kids over.” He looked at you with a defensive position.
“I won’t be staying at your apartment so please don’t take me into consideration.” You didn’t understand why he thought you would ever stay over at his place. You would never subject yourself to that kind of pain.
“But there can be special circumstances and my home will always be open for you, (Y/N). We can still be friends.” He was hoping against all hope that you would agree. He still wanted you in his life.
“I don’t think I can do that. Be friends. There is too much history. Let’s just keep it to the kids right now.” You picked on your nails because you didn’t want to cry like a little girl in front of him. “And I am going to change houses as well so do you want to sell this one?”
“Why do you have to move?” Chris was shocked to hear those words come out of your mouth.
“I can’t live in a house that was meant to be our family house. I just can’t.”
He understood where you were coming from but this house held too many memories. He couldn’t think of another family living here. Some couple living in your master bedroom, some kids running around in your children’s playground, some other family’s picture instead of yours. It was just too much to think about.
“Let’s just keep the house. When the kids grow up, they can have it.”
“Okay. I am tired right now so I am going to bed. I will sign the papers tomorrow and send them over to Scott’s.” You placed the empty mug on the counter and stood in a straight posture. “You want the kids this weekend?”
“Yes, I would like that. Do you want to maybe come with us?” He didn’t know why he was not ready to let you go yet. This was all his doing but he just couldn’t accept it right now.
“Umm no. I think we should settle the kids into this new routine.”
“I guess you are right.”
“Goodbye, Chris. I love you and I will always love you.” You regretted the words that came out of your mouth the instant you said them. You were so stupid but you just couldn’t help yourself. This was probably the last time you ever got to say it.
“I- I love you too, (Y/N). I will always be there for you. Goodbye, darling.” The lump in his throat seemed to grow bigger by the second but he had to say this. Lightly pecking you on the lips, he knew this was the last time he ever got to do this. He left afterwards and you couldn’t help but tear up. The same thing happened with Chris. This was it. Your marriage was over but your love would always be there.
Hope you guys liked it!!
A/N: I literally cried while writing this fan fiction. This one is particularly close to my heart so please let me know what you think about it. If you want to be added to my tag list, message me. I am also open to requests for this series; requests, blurbs, anything.
P.S: There is a part 2 as well.
Tag list: @kalopsia-flaneur, @justile, @iguessweallcrazyithinktho, @jessyballet , @luckyladycreator2
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artzee-bee · 4 years ago
Not going anywhere | Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer
Request:” Hi i have request for you ,Lucifer and the reader have a big fight they are married, and this fight it's lucifer fault The reader leaves home and Lucifer decides to give her space After a few days, he goes to the reader and realizes that she has been missing for a few days,When the person behind all this claims that the reader is dead and gives them a her body . Everyone thinks that the reader is dead and Lucifer He gets depressed and thinks it's all his fault , and after a few days, the thieves release the singer and the reader goes to Lucifer.Lucifer first thinks it is an imagination and then apologizes to the reader Thank you so much”
Genre: Angst with happy ending
Warnings: kidnapping, death
Your intention had never been to start a fight. All you wanted an explanation (preferably one that also made sense) and an apology, but apparently that was too much to ask, because as soon as you voiced your opinion, Lucifer went up in flames
“Don’t start this again!”
“I dislike it just as much as you do but what I hate more is being cancelled on, AGAIN, through a text message no less!”
“It was an emergency!”
“It’s always an emergency Lucifer! It’s starting to sound a lot like work means more to you than I do!” “The detective needs me, damn it!” your husband yelled
“And she has you! Every day of every week! All I ask for is one date night and for the past month you’ve done nothing but avoid committing to one or backing out at the last second! I’m tired of being your second choice Lucifer! I’m your wife and you are my husband, I love you to the ends of the world, I just wish you'd say no to Decker from time to time...”
“I’m saving people’s lives Y/N. So if you’re not on your deathbed, other people are and they need me now!” as he said this, Lucifer walked right past you and into your bedroom, seemingly ignorant to the painful words he’d just said. You looked around the living room, vision blurry with tears, your chest heavy with anger and disgust. You rushed towards the elevator.
“When you find time in your busy schedule and feel like being my spouse again, let me know!” the elevator door closed before Lucifer could say anything
When Lucifer woke up the next morning to a cold and empty bed, he didn’t think much of it.Truthfully, he was still kind of pissed at the attitude you had given him a day before, so he got dressed as usual and went to the precinct, assuming you’ll be home by nightfall.
Except when he got home that night, he stopped by Lux first, which ended up like it always does: with him sucked into an endless cycle of booze and dancing, that lasted until well into the night. When he did enter the penthouse eventually, he found it empty. Exactly the way he had left it in the morning. Even the tie he had left on the floor, after deciding last minute that it didn’t go with his suit, was untouched. Now this was curious, but still, Lucifer felt like you must be playing hard to get. He sent you one text message, before going to bed
“Call me when you can!”
The day after that, he figured his part was done! By reaching out first, he had already made a big compromise, so now it was your turn! To reach out, come home! But that didn’t happen that day, or the day after that.
Three days after the text message,Lucifer was getting worried. He was looking at his phone every other minute. Always making sure he hadn’t accidently put it on silent or missed any texts. He sent more messages, telling you he was sorry and that he wanted you to come home. That he would listen and spend more time with you, promising luxurious dates and weekend trips, if only you forgave him. You didn’t even open the messages.
“Lucifer are you listening?” Decker was insanely annoyed at her partner’s lack of concentration
“Sorry detective. I’ve...I’ve got a lot on my mind”
“Well, better get it out of the way now, so that we can move on to our case!” she said, cleaning out her desk quickly, before resting back into her chair “Talk to me!”
“It’s Y/N. I’m worried about her!”
“Why?” “We...had a fight a couple days ago and she left. She hasn’t come back since”
“Have you heard from her at all?”
“No…” Lucifer said, embarrassed at his own lack of care for you. He should have called you earlier, reached out more! He should have tried harder!
“How long had she been missing for?”
“4...maybe 5 days…”
“Lucifer, are you sane? And you’re only telling me now?!” Chloe jumped from her seat, turning on her computer
“I thought she needed space! I thought she was avoiding me intentionally cause she was angry! I didn’t know…” Lucifer choked back a sob, not wanting to break down in tears in the middle of the precinct
“Lucifer!” Chloe caught hold of his hand “I’m gonna find her! I promise you!” A few days later, she did. Well, more like Y/n came to her, in the shape of a pretty little gift box left on Decker's doorstep.
“A lil too late on your case detective” read the note attached to it. 
Inside were Y/N’s clothes, all of them stained with dark, dried blood. Y/N was declared dead that day and the case was closed. At her funeral, only her closests friends were present. Lucifer wanted it to be as intimate as possible.
That day was also the first time anyone had seen Lucifer, since the news. His eyes were bloodshot and the dark circles under his eyes almost matched the black suit he was wearing. Throughout the ceremony he kept twisting his wedding band, a habit he’d picked up on since you went missing. He chose not to do a speech, but once the crowd disappeared, and he was left face to face with your grave, he pulled out a little piece of paper from his pocket and sat down on the grass.
“In hell, everyone feared me. There, I was nothing but another server of the universe, ruling over an empire I never really wanted, because I never had a choice. So eventually I left, thinking anywhere will be better than what I had, and I came to earth.
I ran into you about 2 weeks later, before I really even knew how to behave myself. Before I knew anything about who I really was besides ‘the devil’. I longed to know, grow and discovers different sides of me, where I could be something new, and you gave it to me. You made me who I never thought I could possibly be. You made me a lover. I never thought of myself as capable to love anyone, in any degree, but your light shone everywhere you went and your kindness touched me and everyone around you. It became impossible to not get infatuated with your person. I allowed you to see and feel around every dark corner of my soul and being and every time I thought it was the end. Everytime I would take in your touch as if it was the last, I would prepare myself for abandonment, but it never came. Through everything you stood by my side and when I felt my darkest, you gave me a fistful of your light and that was enough to keep me going. You married a broken man and called him perfect, despite everyone telling you how much of a foul you were. Even then, you shooed them away. Even then you chose me. I wasn’t worthy of your love or your trust and our last night together proved it.
You’re not here anymore to hear my apologies and I’ll never forgive myself for it. You’ve gone now somewhere I can not follow, but I know you are well taken care of there. I hope, someway, somehow, you’ll hear these words: I am sorry. I loved you with my entire soul. Not listening to you was the biggest mistake of my life and I’ll never forgive myself. I choose however, to remember you as you were, because I know that’s what you’d want. I’ll remember you and your laugh.I’ll remember our date nights and shopping sprees. Nights in Lux or on the penthouse balcony. I’ll remember all the meals you prepared for me and the flirtatious remarks you used to make, because you thought they were so silly. I’ll remember the little frown on your face whenever you worked on an important project for work and I’ll remember every evening walk around the block you’d make me accompany you on. I know I always complained about them, but they were always fun. Everything I ever did with you was always fun.
I loved you. I still do. You are my everything Y/N. Thank you for devoting yourself to me in all the ways that you did. I’ll forever live on in my heart.“
It had been months since your disappearance. After all this time, you finally managed to escape your kidnappers and report them to the New York police station, since that’s where you had been held hostage for so long. As soon as the paperwork was done and you were sure that the people who ruined you were getting the punishment they deserved, you jumped on a train and headed straight back home. Straight to Lucifer.
Lux looked exactly the same as you had left it. You were washed over by a wave of comfort that almost brought you to tears. Home. You never thought you’d get to step in here again. Overwhelmed, you took a seat on one of the couches, allowing your head to rest back on it, as you took in every detail of your surroundings: the feel of the leather on your fingertips, the cool breeze of the air conditioning, the warm lights. Everything was still here.
“Y/N?” you jumped at the sound
“Hi love…” your voice broke as you said those words. Words you never thought you would be able to mutter again. The sight of your husband, messy as he was, made you weak in the knees. He was standing at the top of the staircase, dressed in nothing but his robe, tied carelessly around his waist. He had probably just woken up. You wanted to say something again, but before you could, he laughed
“Nope” he said simply, before making his way down the stairs and to the bar “I’m not doing this. Not today, not ever!” Lucifer filled his glass to the top with bourbon, before turning around and trying to leave back to where he came from
“Lucifer, it's me!”
“Sure you are, except you’re not real! Nice of dad, taking my ability to stay endlessly sober, getting me drunk, forcing visions of my dead wife onto me to teach me another lesson about managing my emotions. Real clever, except this is too much! So I’m going to enter that elevator and I expect to never have to see you again, hum? Right, well, au revoir now!” he continued on his way, but before he could get far, you were clutching on the silk tie of his robe. Lucifer felt the tug around his waist and turned around slowly to look at you, this time a little more unsure. As if he was trying to figure you out
“Lucifer, I’m Y/N. I escaped”
“Escaped? But that’s impossible, she died! I saw it-”
“What you saw was a bloody shirt!” he looked up to meet your gaze, tears already forming “They lied to you Lucifer”
Finally, it seemed like he had connected all of the pieces of the puzzle. The glass of alcohol fell to the ground and your husband wrapped you in a big hug for the first time in months. He nuzzled his head in your hair and took in your scent, your figure, your warmth. Hell, you were even more perfect that he remembered! Silent tears fell down both of your cheeks as you collapsed to the ground, still holding onto each other for dear life
“I’m so sorry” Lucifer sobbed in your hair “I’m so so sorry”
“It wasn’t your fault Luci”
“If I hadn’t been a jerk you wouldn’t have left! If I would have simply listened to you, they wouldn’t have gotten to you! You would’ve stayed here, where you belong! You would have stayed with me but instead I was too busy with my stupid job and the stupid cases and I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry” he continued crying on your shoulder as you rubbed small circles on his back
“I’m here now my love” you whispered, kissing his cheek “And I’m not going anywhere”
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thewritingginger · 3 years ago
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This is a bit different than expected. This isn’t about Eren and reader’s honeymoon but reader is on her honeymoon with her arranged marriage to Floch oop
Mind any mistakes :)
Fandom: Attack on Titan Pairing: Eren Yeager x Fem! Reader Word count: 4.4k+ words Warnings: 18+, Mafia au, Arranged marriage, Mentions of Dub-con, Adultery, Eren is bodyguard, Married to Floch, Floch is a shitty husband, Oral sex (Fem! & M! receiving), Dirty talk, LOTS of praise, Condom use, Soft Eren, Kinda sappy at the end oops, Promise of continued affair 😉
Enjoy ~
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A couple weeks ago you were married off, pure and primed just as expected, to the son of a powerful mafia boss your family is associated with- whom you've only known for a short couple months of courting. 
You always knew there was a possibility of you being married off to assist the making of alliances but you at least hoped your future spouse would try to be an actual partner to you. Even before you were married he’d be generally distant and made it clear this was purely a part of the job for him. You quickly found out after your wedding night you’re nothing more than a glorified call girl, starting your days being left behind as he goes to meetings and then laid in bed to ‘help’ relieve his pent up aggression at the end of it.
Not once in the short time you’ve been joined has he even made an attempt to pleasure you, unless you count the time where he graciously went ‘slow for you’ your first night as a married couple. He plows into your aching body till he cums inside or on you - wherever he feels like it in the moment. Floch has been known to be a selfish man and since the first night you were alone together in your shared chambers at your remote destination it was very apparent to you as well.
You were flown overseas to a small island, the plane only held the pilot, you, your new husband, and his bodyguard Eren. There wasn’t much to do other than sit in your temporary home or venture into the small village and look around the market to which you’d be accompanied by your new chaperon.
Another night in the dark, bed creaking from Floches forceful hips. You let out soft sighs and groans of slight displeasure but he doesn’t care. Once he is finished your new husband rolls off of you and flops onto the mattress after another night of him satisfying himself with your body. You look at his back as he turns to fall asleep before looking back to the ceiling.
After some time and you can hear quiet snores coming from the body next to you, you get up and throw on your robe. This night you don’t even try to finish yourself off. Glancing over your shoulder once more you then leave your bedroom and you are met with a large figure standing next to it on guard, as always.
“Good Evening, Mrs. Forster.” He greets with a slight nod of his head. You just offer him a small smile in response.
You do this night after night, satisfy your husband and then leave to another room to be alone to avoid having to look at his uncaring face. Being greeted by Eren did make you a bit happier. Although it is just for formalities, it was nice to have someone caring for you. He is a great help and always keeping a watchful eye on you which makes you comforted in a weird way.
One night Floch hadn’t returned for the night to which you were informed by Eren that he wouldn’t return till the next morning. This news made you relieved that you didn’t have to reluctantly offer yourself once more even if just for a night.
While getting ready you accidentally hit a decorative vase off the vanity resulting in a loud crash. Within moments as you’re picking up the pieces and scolding yourself the door to your room flies open and Eren barges in, scanning for any threats then lands his gaze on you kneeled upon the floor picking up shards of broken porcelain.
“Are you alright, Mrs. Forster?” He asks, kneeling beside you. He glances at your hand when you wince, a bright red dot appears and drips to the floor. He grasps your injured hand gently, more so than his larger form would lead you to believe possible, then leaves to retrieve a bandage.
“Oh you don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine.” You say as he takes your hand to tend to your minor wound.
“Yes I do. I’m tasked to take care of you, Mrs. Foster.”
“Just call me, Y/n.” You say, your cheeks warming from the intense glint in his green eyes you’ve never taken the time to look at before. They are so inviting and dimensional like a polished emerald.
“If that is what you wish, Y/n.” A shiver goes down your spine. Your name has never sounded so good on another's lips before. His voice is a rich baritone and is smooth like melted honey. Your eyes glance at his full pink lips, you want to taste them, wondering if they are as sweet as his words sound.
“Would you do anything for me, Eren?” His eyes bore into you at your sudden question- one of which even you couldn’t catch yourself from saying.
“Of course.”
“Even if it was immoral?” The corner of his lip twitches as he sees your eyes darting from his eyes to his lips then back.
“My job is to ensure your safety and comfort, morality has nothing to do with it.” His voice vibrates through you and your body reacts to it.
You have never felt like this. You certainly haven’t felt this heat and sense of desire the entirety of months being courted then married to Floch.
Of course you’ve made a note of how handsome Eren is before, how could you not? He is tall and lean with soft chocolate hair that remains tied up allowing a full detailed view of his face. With high cheekbones and a defined jaw he is the spitting image of a god, almost too perfect to be human looking. You know it’s wrong, you’re married, but you can’t help it. You’re getting greedy with the taste of freedom you’ve been granted this night.
“If given the chance, Eren, would you have me?” Your question stops him for a moment but once the words settle into his belly his jaw clenches and his eyes harden into a lustful glare.
“The boss would kill me if I were to even think of putting my hands on you.”
“Have you thought of it?”
“Yes.” That single word was enough to fan the fire in your gut into a towering inferno of desire.
“When do you think of it? Of me?”
“Every night when I stand behind your door being forced to listen to my boss fuck you.”
“How does it make you feel? Hearing me being used by another man?” You press, propping yourself on your knees to meet his eye line as the two of you are sat on the floor. You lean in slightly till your breaths intermingle in the space between you. His breath staggers as he breathes in through his nose, jaw tightening and relaxing as he mulls over your question.
“It makes me want to tear open the door and show him how to treat you.”
“How would you treat me, Eren?” Your voice is breathless as the heat inside you is becoming stifling, churning in your belly hungerly.
The hand that rests on his bent knee white knuckles as he leans his face in till your noses are almost touching.
“I would worship your body the way it’s intended to be. I would make you dizzy with pleasure till you begged me to stop and only then would I take you as my own, holding you against me. I would never allow you to leave this room unsated, like him. ”
His words melt over you like liquid gold, searing your skin making it flushed and hot. Your breath quickens at the thought of him between your legs. His hands on your body and his voice in your ear coxing you to oblivion.
This is what you’ve wanted.
You wanted this desire, this burning need for another and feeling it in return from them.
“Would you take me, Eren?”
“If that is what you wish from me, yes.” Your noses are touching, eyes locked. The air between you is thick with thirst and need, all you have to do now is take it.
“It is.”
Without another word Eren’s lips crash against yours, his hand cups your cheek holding you close. Your fingers tangle in his hair as he pulls you both to your feet and picks you up. His large hands cup your ass supporting your weight, carrying you to the bed you shared with your husband. Placing you down softly you prop yourself on your hands as you watch Eren strip himself of his blazer and black button up.
He begins to slowly reveal his toned muscle and tattered flesh covered in tattoos and scars of varying sizes. Sitting up on your knees at the end of the bed you graze your fingertips along a long scar that travels diagonally across his side from the bottom of his rib cage to his navel, he shudders under your gentle touch. Catching your wrist in his hand he brings your fingers to his lips and kisses them, never breaking eye contact as he gingerly sucks the tip of one. He pushes you down into the mattress, his larger frame, lean yet solid, hovers over you. Your breath is heavy and his gaze is hot.
You’ve never been looked at like this before.
One hand is pressed into the mattress beside your head as the other draws a line with a single finger from your lips, down your neck and to the collar of your robe. His gaze sears into you as he leans down to place a kiss on your neck, your head falls back for his allowance as the front of your robe begins to open. Black satin smooths across your heated skin, nipples hardening at the brush of cool air.
Moving his lips down your neck, gently sucking a line to your collarbone. Sitting back, his hips held close by your thighs, his tongue wets his lips as he looks down to your half exposed chest. Rough hands slid down your sides sending waves of chills up and down your body. Sliding back up he cups your still covered breasts, his pelvis rocks against your core teasingly earning him a gentle moan from your lips. Opening the front of your robe completely a low satisfied growl rumbles through his chest.
“Beautiful.” The single word leaves his lips in a horse whisper before he catches your lips with his once more.
Rough hands slide across your hot skin that prickles at his touch. Cupping the back of your neck, deepening the kiss, he kneads one of your breasts in his palm. Moaning into his mouth, the air around you is hot, you want more. Your core aches with emptiness as he grinds his hard cock, that is strained within the confines of his trousers, against your heat. His body moves over you, oozing with just as much need as you. The ever growing need for release of the gnawing hunger that has been settled in the base of your belly each time your eyes meet, every soft touch and every time your name falls from his lips, each syllable rolling off his tongue further stokes the fire within.
Pushing both you up, lips still connected, you reach for his belt. For the first time you’ve desired to make the man above you feel good, wanting to touch him with intent to make him unravel before your eyes, but your hands are caught before you can undo his buckle.
“Don’t.” He says, chocolate strands draping over his eyes.
“Why? I thought-.”
“Tonight isn’t about me.” Pushing you back down, strong arms on either side of you, he places kisses down your neck and chest between his words.
“Tonight I will give you all you need. I will touch you. Kiss you. Fuck you.” Sliding down your torso he kneels at the end of the bed, your hips pulled towards him. His face is level with your heat, nothing but a pair of lace panties separating you, looking into your eyes as he wraps his arms around your thighs.
“But before that, Y/n, I will taste you. I want your pleasure to fill my mouth till I can’t taste anything other than you.” His words make you mewl with anticipation. Your cheeks pinkening with embarrassment, it’s almost overwhelming how he presents his zeal for your pleasure.  
He starts to lay kisses from your inner knee, trailing down to the junction between your thighs, stopping at the seam of your panties to begin the same on the other. Every wet kiss, every knead of his hands on your hips and every sigh of approval he makes when your scent of desire reaches his nose, twists the coil in your belly and it burns. You feel so hot and he hasn’t even touched your dripping core, only grazing it over the thin fabric between you. You are beginning to feel stir crazy from his touch - or lack thereof.
“Eren, please.” You gasp, his eyes open to catch yours.
“Y/n, you do not need to beg me. I am at your disposal- anything you desire, anything you command of me, it is yours.” He waits for your instruction, he hands over all the control with a single look. The weight of it stunts you for a moment never having been in this position. You are flooded with images of all sorts of sinful acts you wish for him to do to you but in this moment you stick to the one that’s right in front of you.
“I want your tongue and your fingers on me.” You say with as much collected confidence you can muster.
“My pleasure.” He says with a curve of his lips.
Lifting your hips you assist his removal of your underwear. In a single smooth and aggravatingly slow motion Eren peels the garment from your hips and down your legs to be tossed aside. Running his hands up the length of your legs sends shivers down your spine. Prying you open his eyes cast down your body taking in the expanse of exposed skin. You lay there open before him in nothing but an open robe, thighs parted willingly allowing him a perfect view of your glistening pussy. He rubs the inside of your thighs admiring where they meet for a moment longer.
“So fucking perfect.” He says sliding his thumb slowly over your slit, resting his hand on your mound. Your slick allows him to slide through your folds effortlessly.
“Only a fool would allow this to go to waste.” He says, licking his lips and then plunging his tongue between your folds making you gasp.
He starts slow, running his hot muscle up your center with broad strokes. He sighs, pleased with your flavor becoming feral after just one taste. Lapping at your pussy like a starved man that only needs the slick that oozes from your tight hole to survive. Your fingers curl themselves into his hair, messing it up further from its previously pristine state. Jaw slacked and eyes drooping, you look down at the man devouring you, meeting his gaze.
He has not stopped seeking your eyes, your pleasure, your approval. You’re his superior’s wife, you don’t belong to him but as long as you’re in his arms - on his tongue - you do. If his boss walked in right now to see him gorging on the sweetness between your legs he’d surely be shot on sight but that doesn't stop him- he’d die a happy man. He’s wanted you since the moment he saw you. Every time you leave your bedroom unsatisfied, sad and used, it takes everything in him not to scoop you up and take you. 
He has palmed himself till he ejaculated in his pants to the sound of you touching yourself when you’re left alone in your room and him on guard. He’s wanted to pull those pretty moans from you himself and here you are gripping his hair like a vise. Toes curling, thighs quacking and back arching as you unravel on his tongue.
Your taste floods his mouth and his groan rumbles through you sending you even higher. Your orgasm thunders through you making the world around you blur before you finally slump. The tension in your body expels through your quick breaths and twitching limbs but that same tension begins to build once more when you look down between your legs at the man looking hungrily at you.
His mouth and chin glisten from your sex, licking his lips he crawls towards you as you move further onto the mattress. You look at him, propped up on your arms, with tired eyes and a heaving chest waiting for his next move.
“Do you want to continue, Y/n?” He asks, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Good.” He smiles as he gets off the bed.
Opening the bedside drawer he pulls out a condom and holds it between his teeth. His hair is loose, framing his face perfectly and curtaining his eyes, brushing it back you watch his arm flex deliciously. Your eyes trail down his torso, the skin on his neck and chest is flushed. After kicking off his shoes you follow his hands undo his belt and pants. Pulling the needless article to the floor and stepping out you breathe in a shaky breath when your eyes land on the bulge stuffed in his underwear.
Eren lets your eyes explore his body, getting accustomed to the sight. He palms his bulge for your viewing, earning him a soft moan from you. He likes your eyes on him. Eren wasn’t oblivious to the lingering glances you’ve given him in the past, admiring his futures when you thought he wasn’t looking. His whole job was to be observant and to protect your person - of course he noticed. He loved it.
Sitting up on your knees you let your robe slide down your arms to pool behind you, now you are sitting in the middle of your bed completely bare. Raising a hand you beckon him to you.
“Closer.” He obeys. Standing before you, you rack your eyes down his front then back to his eyes. With a sudden boost of confidence you glide your hand down his side to his muscular thigh. Reaching up you pluck the foiled packet from his lips and take his clothed bulge in your hand, he groans in response.
Hooded eyes stare down at you, accepting your touch he allows you to feel him.
“I want to touch you.” You cut him off, swatting his hand away before he can take yours off of him.
“You told me you’d give me anything I desire, did you not?”
“I did.”
“Good, now let me help you.” You smile sweetly, the weight of your own words makes your belly flutter with excited nerves.
His willing obedience does something to you. You’ve never had this kind of power, especially of such a strong man till now. Standing above you, heated emerald eyes caress your naked body as you begin to timidly massage his madhood. You bite your lip as the low groans that fall from his lips make the coil in your belly twist once more.
“Can I?” You ask, gripping the band of his underwear. He grumbles with a nod at your request.
Pulling the fabric down his hips you gasp at the sudden spring of his released cock. His shaft is thick with a few veins trailing up the bottom of his curved length. Its bright red tip is already glistening with precum. Licking your lips you grip the base of his shaft, a sharp breath is sucked through his teeth. Looking up through your lashes you direct the head towards your lips, slicking your tongue out you collect the white bead that threatens fall.
His large hand combs through your hair as he sighs in content.
“Y/n, you don’t- ah.” He tries to argue but is shortly cut off by a moan when your lips wrap around his tip, engulfing him in the warmth of your mouth. Giving him a hard suck you release him with a pop. Stroking your hand up his shaft a few times as you watch the cute way his brows furrowed before taking him back in your mouth once more.
He praises you as you bob up and down his shaft, his fingers coiled in your soft hair.
“Oh, fuck. Just like that, Y/n. Your mouth feels so good. Your mouth is perfect on me- shit. ” His praises fill the empty air along with subtle slurps. Gently massaging his balls pulls a low groan from him. Your tummy flutters at his reactions. Continuing to suck, stroke and fondle his handhood his erotic groans and heavy breaths fill your ears.
His head falls back for a moment before looking back down, he pulls your lips from his phallus to connect with his in a heated kiss, he moans into your mouth as you continue to stroke him with both your hands. Pushing your back to the mattress, sitting back on his knees he picks up the condom and tears it open.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” He says as he rolls the rubber down his length.
“I have too.” He curses under his breath at your confession before taking your lips once again.
Your fingers tangle in his hair, pulling at his roots as you feel his covered tip move through your folds.
“Is this what you want?” He asks once more, holding your cheek.
“God, yes.” You whine, frustrated he hasn’t fucked into you yet.
“If you need me to stop, tell me.” Without a chance to respond you cry out when he stretches you out on his cock. Completely bottomed out he holds you close and peppers your skin with wet kisses as your quaking body adjusts to his size.
“Eren, please.” You gasp. The way his name fell from your rose petal lips broke him.
Sitting on his knees Eren holds your legs open as he plows into your dripping core. The joining of your bodies fills the air with a soundtrack of wetness and smacking flesh, rugged moans, chased praises and whispered curses.
Eren’s fingers dig into the flesh of your hips with bruising strength, massaging the swell of your thighs.
“Yes, Eren, don’t stop!” You beg, moaning loud and uncaring. The pleasure that shoots up your spine is making your head spin and your legs tremble. Never in your life, even when pleasuring yourself, have you felt this good. His rough hands, his kisses that are soft but filled to the brim with passion and his voice etched with songs of praise all add up to create a cacophony of ecstasy. The intoxicating pressure in your belly and head, signing a promise for your next orgasm, pull tears from your eyes. Crying out, head rearing back, eyes squeezed shut you grasp for your high.
Cradling your face, Eren directs your gaze to his. Brushing away the stray tear with his thumb, leaning close - nose to nose - he captures your lips.
“You’re so perfect. So beautiful like this. Guh- don’t hold back, let me take care of you. Everything I have is yours.” His lips seep with adoration and care. His soft words melt over you, caressing you.
“Yes- ah!” Unable to speak, nonsensical chopped up phrases of pleads and choked moans are all that can be heard from you. You wrap your arms around Eren’s shoulders, dragging your nails across his skin, like he is the only thing that can keep you anchored to earth but he continues to send you further into orbit. Wet kisses litter your neck as he wedges a hand between your bodies to begin scratching at your swollen clitoris.
Your back arches with pleasure, his hips and fingers are relentless in their pursuit for your pleasure. Your legs tremble around his slim waist, your stomach cramps with the tightening coil that threatens to snap. Your euphoric wails bounce off the walls as the man pumping into you coxes you to your climax with sultry words.
“You’re doing so good -fuck- just like that. So fucking beautiful. God you’re amazing.” Leaning back Eren puts everything he has to send you flying over the edge, into the abyss. Rocking his hips with such fervor the headboard knocks into the wall. No amount of cramping in his hand can strip him from the task of rubbing your sensitive bud till you cream on his shaft. Gazing between your bodies a white sticky ring of your essence forms around the base of his cock. His breath is ragged and his movements are becoming irregular signaling his impending end.
“So close, Y/n. God dammit, you’re squeezing my cock so tight.” Gripping the sheets beneath you, you open your eyes to look into the ones of the man losing himself in you as you plummet into the depths of your orgasm.
“Fuck, yes! Eren- ah.” You gasp and moaning his name like a prayer. Your muscles flex and contract. Shaking, your legs go numb with the amount of pleasure that has burst within you. Leaning into you, riding out your high, Eren kisses you. His fingers continue their assault on your clit. Your cunt spasms around his moving shaft, attempting to milk him for all he's worth. Eren’s hips jerk sporadically, hitting you as deep as your body will allow a few more times before he finally empties his sack into the condom that holds him.
Your body slacks into the mattress, as he does atop of you. His arms hold some of his weight but wrapping your arms around his neck you pull him fully onto you, needing him closer. You both lay there heaving, catching your collective breaths in silence, allowing the afterglow of your union wash over you in waves of bliss.
You sigh at the soft pecks his places along your chest and neck, up till he reaches your lips. Resting his head against yours he looks into your tired eyes.
“Are you okay?” He asks, a seriousness lacing his words. You let out a tired giggle, cupping his cheek and brushing his hair back.
“I’ve never been better.” You smile, a hint of sadness peeking through making a reluctant tear seep out.
“Did I hurt you?” He asks, cleaning the droplet streaking your cheek with a kiss.
“No, you didn’t. It’s just… this is what I’ve wanted. I’ve wanted this passion. This pleasure.” Your admission makes him smile with confidence and promise.
“Ms. Y/n, as long as I serve by your side I will provide you everything I can. Protection, companionship, and pleasure.”
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Hope you liked that if you did Feedback is always appreciated :3
If you want to see more of Bodyguard Eren let me know!
💛 ~
~ Valentine’s Masterlist ~ ~ Masterlist ~
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hotwings0203 · 4 years ago
The Middle Ground
*Deep breath*
Woo. Okay. First of all I would like to thank everyone for 400 freaking followers. That is seriously so insane to me, I mean I’ve only been on Tumblr for like half a year.
This piece is a contribution to @bakugosbratx ‘s collaboration. It has around 40k words in total, so it’s my longest piece yet. Because Tumblr formatting is shit, I have provided an Ao3 link in case you like the chapter setup better there. I hope you all enjoy, and please please heed the warnings ahead!
Pairing: Bully!Fiance!Touya x F reader
Summary: You've been friends with Tenko Shimura for as long as you can remember...but when you're forced into an arranged marriage with Dabi, that friendship is put to a test.
TW: Noncon, bullying, language, Dabi and Hawks are scumbags, gangbang, graphic depictions of violence, gang violence, arranged marriage
Tags: @hi--rubi @bakugosbratx
Touya Todoroki kicks out his legs and slumps into the limo seat. A permanent scowl has inhabited his petulant expression, one that doesn’t go unnoticed by his glaring father and uncomfortable family. It isn’t like he wanted to be here anyway, what were they expecting? Especially when they were practically planning out his whole life’s demise right in front of his eyes.
 Think he’s being dramatic?
 Try putting yourself in his shoes for a second: after being hounded by his ape-like father to put some hair gel on and to ‘take out those fiendish piercings, you look like a hooligan,’ he was also forced into a suit that felt more like a straight jacket. Worst of all, he had to keep a straight posture.
 It was complete, utter torture for the young rogue.
 Only after stalking and lurking around his mother for the entire day did Touya have it revealed to him that the place he had to dress up like a prissy for was none other than the house of who he was going to be betrothed to.
 Once the bomb was dropped, all hell broke loose in the Todoroki house not like that was anything new, merely hours away from leaving to greet the parents-in-law.
 “Is this a fucking joke? You people weren’t even gonna tell me where we were going until I had to beg like a dog!” Touya raged with balled-up fists, smoke curling from his elbows and shins as he stood in his parents’ room and interrogated his mother.
 “Language, Touya!” An exasperated Rei Todoroki sighed while ironing her and Fuyumi’s dresses. “You’re of age to get married, and you’re an adult now- you knew this was bound to happen soon.”
 “Come on, Touya, it’s not the end of the world. You’ll like her; her family is really well known in hero society for hosting the annual hero galas.” Fuyumi leaned against the doorframe behind her irate brother with her arms crossed, peering disappointedly at him from over the bridge of her glasses. “I’m pretty sure her parents even work in the Hero Commission headquarters, and as for the girl, I’ve heard so many good things about her from-”
 “I don’t give a damn about some elitist brat who I’m gonna have to coddle. And I’m still in school, I’m not licensed yet.” Touya snapped at both the women, Fuyumi rolling her eyes and shaking her head as she walked away. Rei let out another heavy sigh and finished up her meticulous ironing.
 “I just don’t understand why in the hell you’d tell me on the day of us meeting them, like why couldn’t I have a heads up?”
“Because then we’d have to put up with your little tantrums even more in advance. Plus, it's not like us telling you earlier would’ve changed the decision or your reaction,” Natsuo called out from his room across the hall.
 “You know, she’s not some random gold digger. I’m fairly certain her family is more wealthy than us, and by uniting our families, we’ll both have many advantages in society and for a healthy bloodline-”
 But Shoto’s chiming in was cut off with the sound of choking from Natsuo drinking something at his last words. Touya didn’t appreciate his least favorite sibling’s unwanted opinion, especially when it was about the topic of banging some prissy chick.
 He let Shoto know what he thought of his comment by whipping around with a snarl and towering over the youngest Todoroki.
 Well, not really towering since Shoto was quickly catching up to Touya in terms of height, a fact that Touya loathed admitting.
 “You-” he jabbed a finger into the other’s firm chest, “-are the last person I wanna hear sex advice from, got it? I doubt a social degenerate like you would even get pussy anyways from the way you can barely understand a joke or social cues.” (“What did I say about language, Touya!”)
 Natsuo was positively howling now, and Shoto merely shrugged his brother’s scarred finger off as Touya kept advancing on him and spitting venom. Rei was desperately trying to quell the disaster waiting to happen by raising her voice slightly and telling all her boys to back off and calm down, but she was cut off by Fuyumi calling out to ask for her dress.
 All the other Todorokis simultaneously jumped when they heard his booming voice. Enji Todoroki appeared in front of his family, no doubt growing increasingly irritated by the pandemonium happening. He glared around at them all until his eyes landed on Touya, who grew quiet but still held a scowl on his face. Endeavor’s eyes narrowed as he approached his heir, and Touya subconsciously straightened up taller.
 “You can’t make me do this. We’ve never had one single conversation about the topic of marriage, and you think I’m just gonna give in on the night you planned to make me into some domestic schmuck? Were you even going to tell me yourself before we left?” Touya growled, maintaining eye contact with his brutish father.
 “You’ll do as I say, Touya. Your duty comes to your family before any wish of becoming a hero. You need to stop acting like a delinquent, and a wife would do some good to tether you to reality-”
 “Oh, right, because you’d know all about how to be good to a family, right?” Touya burst out as he sneered and gestured to the scars littering his body.
 Even Natsuo had stopped snickering as the house grew deathly quiet. Fuyumi sucked in a soft inhale, Shoto simply stared while observing the spectacle in front of him, and Rei was stock-still.
 Endeavor didn’t back down from his son’s impertinence, however. Instead, he stepped forward until both men were chest-to-chest and looked at Touya straight into his face, purposely neglecting to ponder on the way his son’s lip trembled and his eyes twitched as if he wanted to rub them. He knew if he saw Touya as the pouty seven year old he once was and loved, he would give in.
 “You will do what I ask. Do not embarrass our family or me.”
 Touya’s jaw clenched as he tried to stare his father down, but after a couple of painstakingly long moments he finally looked away. Everyone let out their breaths and started to get their coats. That was that.
 End of discussion.
 Unbeknownst to him, however, he wasn’t the only one who had been saddled with this news recently.
 Your parents might not have told you on the day of said guests coming over, but you weren’t given an option to argue either.
 In fact, you were told so casually over dinner a few weeks ago that one would think you were the crazy one for “overreacting,” in the exact words of your parents to be more specific.
 “Honey, you’re almost done with your hero licensing school. It's about time you start thinking of your future asides from your job and internships,” your mother had gestured to you as her delicate hands picked up a wine glass.
 “Dad, seriously?” You asked in disbelief, fork suspended in midair. “I haven’t even graduated yet, plus you promised when I was done I could intern with you at the headquarters-!”
 But your father merely hummed disinterestedly as if the topic of your very imminent future could do with less talking and more of shoveling roast beef into his mouth.
 You incredulously turn to your mom, hoping for some reprieve.
 “I don’t even know his name. Who is he, and why did you choose him anyway?” you grouch, pouting and pushing the casserole on your plate around.
 “His name is Touya Todoroki, and he’s merely a year or two older than you. I’m sure you’ve heard of his father, Endeavor. He’s the number two hero, and I believe his other two children are closer to your age...Natsuo and Fuyumi? Their youngest son is Shoto, you must have seen his performance at the sports festival a little while ago.”
 “T-Touya?” You almost choke on your asparagus when you hear his name. “Mom, I’ve seen him like, three times throughout the entirety of me being at that school. And I heard he’s a complete menace too! He’s got a reputation, him and his stupid friends. I know for a fact they’ve been giving Tenko a hard time for the past year for no reason.”
 You’re not lying either. You’ve seen the intimidating black-haired boy skulking around some of your classes with his cronies in tow. It wasn’t like he shirked off his grades or anything; you were fairly certain he was pretty smart...when he tried, that is. When he wasn’t ditching class and giving his teachers a hard time, you usually saw him push your best friend Tenko Shimura around. This included shoving the quiet boy down the stairs, clapping him over the head a little too hard to be passed off as friendly, and childishly throwing spitballs and other trash at the back of his head. Fortunately, you’d never had the pleasure of meeting his highness personally, and so far, you’d been secretly grateful for only picking up his binders and homework off the floor of Tenko’s aftermath attacks rather than bearing the full brunt of Touya’s abuse. You weren’t even sure he knew you existed, and to be frank, you’d like to keep it that way.
 However, it seemed as though your parents didn’t share the same sentiments.
 Your father finally decided to give his piece, which wasn’t in your favor, surprise surprise.
 “A sturdy family, they are. We’ve invited them for dinner two weeks from now, so you better curb that attitude of yours well before they arrive. Our decision is final.”
 You stay quiet, opting not to argue any further and upset your parents. To be honest, you weren’t known to be too rebellious or spoiled for that matter. You were a straightforward child- you got good grades, you didn’t trouble yourself or your parents with any drama or school nonsense, and you put up a good family name when in the presence of outsiders. To say that you and your parents were joined at the hip would be a bit of a stretch, though. You simply did what they asked, and they rewarded you with anything you wanted. Nothing more and nothing less. It’s not like they forced you to do anything unreasonable except getting married to some degenerate, so you usually followed pursuit. 
 So, instead of causing a scene at the dinner table, you finish up your food, clear the table, and stomp upstairs in the sanctuary of your room. You flop on the bed, and just for good measure you pummel a pillow in front of you.
 This can’t be happening, you groan to yourself.
 After a couple of minutes of finishing your tantrum, you decide to call Tenko. He was definitely someone who’d share the same disdain for the name Touya Todoroki.
 You dial his number, and after a couple of rings he finally picked up.
 “Y/N? What’s up?”
 It takes less than 5 minutes for you to explain your ordeal, and he’s quiet for a few moments.
 “Tenko? You there?”
 “Yeah, yeah I’m still here,” he says slowly.
 “Well? What do you think?” You urge, needing him to reassure you you weren’t being unreasonable for not wanting an arranged marriage with some psycho delinquent, family name or not.
 “I mean, obviously it sucks ass, and I wouldn’t wanna get saddled with Tou-yuck as a fiance,” you giggle at the absurd nickname and he shares a low chuckle too. “But...I don’t know, I mean I kinda expected you to sound more upset about it.”
 “Don’t get me wrong, of course I'm pissed, man. But what the hell am I supposed to do? I can’t really argue my way out of this, and even if I did, it would be so awkward between our families since his dad and my parents work so closely at the HC. I don’t think there's any way to properly react to this,” you finish helplessly, biting your lip.
 “Whatever. Just don’t expect me to throw rose petals and rice at him when he shoves me into the lockers after school,” Tenko says dryly, and you can’t help but scoff.
 “As if. Y’know, maybe that actually is a silver lining in all this. If we get engaged or whatever during the school year he might just go easy on you if he knows we’re friends.”
 “Hmm yeah, maybe we’ll hold hands and throw each other picnics too while we’re at it!” You can practically hear his eye roll over the phone. “Speaking of prince charming, what are you gonna wear when they come?”
 Which brings you back to now.
 T-minus 30 minutes until the Todorokis make their appearance through your front door.
 As much as you tried to convince yourself otherwise, there was no mistaking the butterflies in your stomach. You had adorned a warm knee-length dress to match the snow outside yet still look cute, meticulously done your hair in an up-do with some strands framing your face and light makeup. Your goal wasn’t to impress anyone but rather show the best natural side of you so that if any part of you wasn’t satisfactory to what met the Todorokis’ eye, they could still back out.
 You stand in front of the mirror and tilt your head slightly, assessing yourself. You look straight at your reflection and practice your bow. After feeling confident in your preparation, you decide to send a quick picture of yourself to Tenko to get his opinion.
 6:40: Looks okay?
 Not even two minutes later as you’re lacing up your flats does his notification pop up on your screen, and you smile at his punctuality.
 Ten-ten: You look great.👍 Don’t freak out okay? It’s not like anyone’s opinion should matter, especially not Tou-yuck’s
 6:45: Ugh, you’re right. Idk why I feel like I’m gonna throw up
 6:46: Oh fuck I think I hear their car
 Wait oh my god it's a limo wtf??
 When your parents call you down to greet the guests, you toss your phone on the bed and hobble across the room to close your lights and door. You don’t see the three dots coming up and disappearing as Tenko Shimura deletes the message of ‘actually, you look beautiful’ after reading your answer.
 You frantically straighten out your dress and wipe your sweaty palms on your knees as you stand behind your parents when they open the door.
 First comes in the big man himself, a towering build of brute force and a stoic aura surrounding his presence. His brows are furrowed, but he doesn’t look angry. Your father and Enji shake hands and clap each other on their backs as your family moves back to make space for the rest of the family to enter. A woman you assume to be Rei shakes off the snow from her shoes before stepping inside the threshold, and when you make eye contact and greet her she smiles demurely at you.
 It warms your heart, much to your chagrin.
 Then, all time seems to stop as you see his shadow step in before he does. Your heart skips a beat or two and the wind swirls around him, causing snowflakes to latch onto his figure and obscure his face for a moment. 
 But when he fully comes into view, it does nothing to calm your heart that seems to be slamming against your ribcage.
 The white snowflakes blend into his porcelain-colored hair, which sticks out in little tufts although you could’ve sworn he had black hair at school…?. Dark purple patches cover underneath his eyes and the lower half of his face, along with small staples that seem to hold the skin up. However, his eyes are what captivate you the most, a bright turquoise that scrutinizes you under the glare of fluorescent lights.
 You freeze like a deer in headlights, hesitating a fraction of a second before bowing hastily to make up for the pause. Touya scoffs slightly before barely tilting his head and averting his eyes to your mother, who is ushering the rest of the family inside to the living room. Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto follow after their eldest brother, all of them bowing more respectfully than the first sibling and giving you small smiles and waves.
 You trail behind to close the door, wanting to stall as long as possible before the inevitable bonding. As you turn from shutting the dark mahogany, you catch your dad’s eyes as he turns as well and you blanch obviously- needless to say, he isn’t amused and sends you a warning glare. 
 Taking a deep breath in a poor attempt to still your nerves, you walk as gracefully as you can to the living room, one foot in front of the other. As expected, when you cross into the area all light conversation stops as you reach a seat in one of the white leather loveseats. You can acutely feel Rei and Enji’s eyes especially trained on you as they observe their future daughter-in-law and her mannerisms. Luckily, your parents have given you years of practice in public events on how to act like the perfect little lady.
 Poised, calm, and collected, you recall the main attributes your parents had always said elders look for.
 “Y/N, was it? I believe you and Touya go to the same school?” Rei speaks up after you settle comfortably, and you can’t help but notice that although their family is known for ice cold or burning hot quirks, her voice reminds you of a good medium between the two; it sounds like springtime, a transition itself.
 You fidget uncomfortably before answering. “Yes ma'am, I think so. I might have seen him around the halls, and we may have had classes once or twice…” but you trail off as Touya coughs loudly, and rudely. He turns his head to look away from you not-so-subtly and the room temperature rises a few degrees as Endeavor’s mustache begins to flame. He glares at his son, but Touya stubbornly stares at the floor with an obvious scowl on his face.
 Well fuck you, too, you think as your smile begins to strain.
 Desperately, Fuyumi tries to fill in the silence by asking a follow up question.
 “Um, Y/N, what are you studying? Touya’s trying to get officially licensed at school so he can skip internships and just head straight to dad’s agency after he graduates.”
 “Well, since I don’t have a quirk I’m not doing any of the training courses, but my parents have some networks in the Hero Commision. Ultimately I decided to go into Department of Management and General Studies-”
 “Wait, you don’t have a quirk?” Touya surprisingly bursts out, eyes bulging out of their sockets. His voice is deep and grating, as if he spent his early days being a chainsmoker.
 “No, I don’t.” You say without missing a beat, increasingly getting a good feel of what type of person your fiance is and his possible superiority complex. “But as I was saying, even though I wasn’t born with a quirk I know I can succeed after my parents in aiding the Hero Commission and the annual galas. If I get licensed after graduation, I can kind of follow the same path as you in terms of skipping all the internships and stuff and get straight to work. Y’know, helping out in the foundations of future heroes is just as important as being an actual hero,” You say proudly as you stare straight at Touya.
 Your parents and a majority of the Todorokis nod in agreement, and the only one who doesn’t seem to share the same values as you rolls his eyes and mumbles under his breath.
 After that nice little ice breaker and a couple of other meaningless conversations between the other siblings and you, your mother finally decides to call in for dinner.
 You breathe out a sigh of relief and stand, your dress riding up your thighs for a moment as you get up. Out of the corner of your eye you see Touya glance momentarily at your slightly exposed legs before sliding up your body and finally meeting your eyes. He catches you staring and gives you a knowing smirk. Your face lights on fire and you look around to make sure no one is watching before you flip him the bird.
 He actually laughs, and you grimace as the butterflies in your stomach come back to life and travel up your throat.
 Natsuo turns around curiously to see the source of his brother’s rare gravely laugh. When he sees you both emerging out of the room at the same time, he flashes you a lopsided grin, very much akin to his brother’s.
 You shake your head, trying to quell the rising smile on your face as you take a seat at the marble table. Everyone finds their own chair, and much to your surprise Touya takes one right across from you. Whether or not it's a coincidence, you don’t want to get your hopes up.
 Chatter resumes as both sets of parents talk about recent hero news and the missions funded by the headquarters. Shoto and Fuyumi ladle takoyaki and ramen into their bowls while Touya picks at the miniscule helping of the other assortments and kaiseki on his glass plate. You decide to wait until everyone has finished taking food until you start digging in just to be polite, a fact that Natsuo pipes up on.
 “You don’t have to wait for us to finish y’know, we’ll just end up keep waiting on each other out of guilt.” he says kindly.
 “Oh, no worries. I just wanted to make sure you guys took enough-” but you’re cut off for the second time that evening by the same person, and it takes every ounce of self restraint you have not to dump the ramen bowl on his white hair.
 “Yeah, I mean we already know you’re so uptight, no need to shove it in our faces,” Touya rumbles and Natsuo swats his arm as he glances at you apologetically.
 “Sorry about him, he’s got a warped sense of humor.”
 “It’s fine, I get it. Some people just think they’re better ‘cuz of unseen reasons,even with lame quirks,” you snipe and you hear Shoto subtly snort into his cup.
 Touya’s nostrils flare and his forearm erupts in light blue flames. Endeavor and your parents are staring at you both, and it's not just his flames that warms your face.
 But Fuyumi, along with her ice quirk, seems to know just how to cool everyone down again.
 “Y/N, have you ever helped your parents out in any of the HC events?” she takes your hand in hers, and even though you expect cold palms, all you feel radiating off of her is warmth. She seemed to be saying I’m sorry about him.
 So for the time being, you decid to grit your teeth and bear it. It’s not like your parents were even pretending to care about his shitty attitude either, so why should you give in any more?
 “Yes, I have actually. A couple of months ago my parents were the sponsors of the annual Hero Gala, and I was the one who sent out the invitations to all the heroes and ensured their attendance. I even got to invite Gran Torino!” You can’t help but say animatedly-no matter how juvenile your excitement is, being in contact with pro-heroes was always exhilarating and nerve-wrecking.
 Hench the massive pools of sweat gathering under your armpits.
 And finally the youngest speaks up.
 “So out of all the heroes you’ve talked to or helped, which one’s your favorite?”
 “Uhhh probably Midnight, she's just so badass...and I won’t lie, she's pretty hot too,” you blush and Natuso whoops at the flush in your cheeks. Fuyumi laughs and agrees wholeheartedly, and even Shoto lets out a small smile Touya continues to pick at his sashimi as if no one had spoken.
  You marveled at how at home the Todoroki siblings make you feel, even in your own house. They went well together, and fill in the gaps where the other lacked.
 Too bad the same couldn’t be said for the one you were destined to marry.
 Nevertheless, the rest of the evening went by without any more mishaps or interruptions, thankfully. You and Rei had a couple of conversations too, about school and winter and what you liked to do in your free time. Even Enji spared a minute, but it wasn’t so much of a conversation as it was just a gruff ‘I hear from your father that you’re doing well in school. I might hire you at my agency if you surpass the other students’, and a meek ‘yessir, I’ll try my hardest’ from you. 
 When it was time to leave, you hugged Fuyumi and shook Natuso and Shoto’s hands along with giving proper bows to Rei and Enji. Only Touya was left, and you’d be damned if you made the first move of civility towards him. You settled for a little bow, peering up at him through your lashes. He mimicked the same motion he did when he first entered, a pathetic little head tilt that you assumed to be the world's worst impersonation of a bow. 
 But his eyes never left yours, and you couldn’t decipher the unreadable emotion swirling in his blue orbs as he watched your figure bend and lift again. Whatever it was, it didn’t exactly scream proper from the way he allowed his gaze to drop to your chest and thighs not-so-subtly. You shot him a glare and he met you with a sneer before whirling around to bid farewell to your parents.
 When the door finally shuts, your parents let out a sigh of relief and turn to you.
 “Well, what did you think? Wasn’t their family darling? Oh and Touya was so easy on the eyes too, I don’t think you’ll have any problems getting along with each other,” Your mother babbles incessantly, completely oblivious to you gawking at her.
 Is she serious? He acted like a total douche to me all night!
 “I agree with your mother. He seems like a solid young man and I know for a fact he’ll make a great husband. Now, Enji gave me Touya’s number and I gave him yours, so you should expect a text from Touya soon. It’s just a formality to overcome, and in addition I want you to let him know we were glad to host him and his family.” Your dad raises his eyebrows expectantly, and you groan, slapping a hand to your face.
 “Okay sure, whatever.” Your dad pulls out his phone and you watch glumly as he texts the number to you.
 “I’ll text him later, ‘gotta talk to Ten first,” you mutter as you begin bounding up the stairs.
 “No Y/N, you’ll do it now. Otherwise, no talking to Tenko. You need to start putting your fiance first instead of any other man.”
 You grit your teeth to prevent screaming and make a show of spinning on your heel to face your dad. Smashing your thumbs against the screen, you tap out a curt ‘Hey, this is Y/N. I got your number from my dad, just wanted to say thanks for coming over tonight.’
 Oh yeah. Tenko better not have any plans tonight, ‘cuz boy is he gonna get an earful of this evening’s events.
 Touya’s phone buzzes in his hand, and the screen lights up the dark interior of the limo. He squints at the notification, and after seeing your name he scoffs disbelievingly.
 “Is it her?” Fuyumi asks excitedly.
 “Jesus, keep your fucking voice down, are you trying to announce it to mom?” Touya hisses, and rolls his eyes at his sister’s pout.
 All his siblings start clamoring over their seatbelts and each other’s shoes as they try to grab his phone to read the message he received, and it's all Touya can do to curse and ward them off by waving an inflamed arm towards their outreached grubby hands (thankfully Fuyumi easily distinguished his flames with a flick of her wrist, with a rather annoyed look on her face).
 By the time the Todorokis reach their house it's late and everyone stumbles inside, eager for warmth and a good shower. 
 But not Touya. 
 As soon as the limo is parked he slips off the driveway and trudges off the stone path to his own destination, quickly shooting his friend a text.
 “Touya?” he hears his brother calling to him from the lit up path of the driveway. “You comin’ or what?”
 “No, I’ll be back in a bit. Just tell them I went to sleep early or something, and don’t let anyone in my room while I’m gone,” Touya mutters.
 Natsuo wrinkles his nose and stuffs his hands in his pockets, countering the defensive look the latter was giving.
 “...bring me back a cig?”
 “Hell no, go the fuck inside, its freezing out here.” Touya snickers, and both boys laugh before heading off in their own ways.
 It takes Touya approximately 15 minutes to slink in and out of the shadows to reach the abandoned bar that resides outside the main city. He kicks a broken beer bottle out of the entrance and checks in the dark for a lack of presence before reaching behind the bar counter and fishing around the platform for-
 He omits a tiny blue spark out of his index finger as he slides into a barstool and lights the cigarette. Taking a long drag of the substance, he tilts his head back and closes his eyes as he exhales the fumes into the empty darkness.
 “Goddamn, just ‘cuz you’re immune to fire doesn’t mean we all are Touya,” a suave voice emerges from behind the counter.
 Not so empty after all, then.
 A dim light switches on and Touya squints to locate the source of the familiar sound. Red fills his vision as his friend’s wings spread, and he zooms in on the roguishly handsome face belonging to Keigo Takami.
 AKA Hawks.
 The blond makes an obnoxious show of coughing and waving the smoke away, and Touya merely takes another long puff just to blow it into Keigo’s face again.
 “So, how’d it go?” He asks, using his wings to wave the offensive fumes away from his pretty face.
 Touya shrugs and folds his arms on the counter, letting his head nestle on the cool granite. He closes his eyes, mentally preparing himself for the onslaught of questions that was bound to come his way any minute.
 “Oh come on, don’t give me that bull, man. She can’t have been that bad right?”
“Her parents work for the HC. Maybe you should marry her instead,” Dabi shoots his friend a dark look and Keigo raises his hands in a guilty gesture. It was no secret that aside from their incognito vandalism and delinquency, the winged boy had plans to become a great hero at the heart of the HC itself.
 “Yeah well, regardless of who seals the deal, either way that’s another good, ah, network for me to know.” He snickers and Touya lazily thrusts a flaming hand at his head, which Keigo easily dodges.
 “This is serious man. I don’t wanna be some fucking homebody and raise a bunch of little shits along with having some bitch up my ass all the time.”
 “Is she hot at least?” Keigo presses, and Touya feels his eye twitch as his patience wears thinner by each word coming out of his mouth.
 “The fuck’s that got to do with any-? I mean, she was alright I guess, not too hard on the eyes…” he thinks for a moment before admitting, “she had sexy thighs, that's for sure. And an okay body overall.”
 Keigo whoops and claps Touya on the back, both of them grinning like madmen now.
 “That’s what I’m talking about, see now you’re getting the idea.”
 “And what’s that?” Touya turns to him fully now, intrigued as to how this could be for his benefit.
 “Look, you said she’s not too bad right? So that basically means you got full ownership of some hot chick, and you get to have full access to any records or information you want if she’s joined to the hip with some HC pawns.” The avian’s gold eyes flash and narrow as he thinks it over more.
 “This is a win win for you either way, and hey, if you make the missus your little bitch then maybe I get to reap some rewards too, huh?” He elbows Touya playfully.
 “Yeah...yeah that’s not a bad way of looking at it now that you mention it,” Keigo can practically see the gears turning in his friend’s head as he whips out his own phone.
 “What was her name again by the way? I just wanna see my dear sister-in-laws’ thighs myself,” He sneers as Touya quirks up the corners of his lip.
 “F/N? F/N L/N I think. God, she even texted me like, 10 minutes after we left. So fucking desperate,” Touya chuckles as he shows Keigo the message you sent.
 The blond’s wings ruffle behind him as he glances at Touya’s phone before thumbing through his own, checking each social media platform for any of your accounts. After a couple of seconds his eyes widen and he positively leers at the screen before shoving the device in the latter’s face.
 “Holy shit, I know this girl! Dude, you do too, we had like three classes with her before. I’m pretty sure she runs around with Rumi too. She’s uber smart, you had me thinking she’s some bimbo bitch, man. Oh, and she’s friends with Tenko by the way, just a lil’ heads up.”
 At the mention of the scrawny boy’s name, Touya snatches the phone from Keigo’s fingers and holds it mere inches away from his eyes so he could scan every part of you.
 “Tenko? Tenko Shimura? No fucking way, that guy’s a total tool. The hell is she doing hanging out with him?”
 “No idea, but I mean I’ve seen her hanging out with some other girls in the general department, so it’s not like she only knows him. Why, you’re not getting all protective and hubby-like on her already, right?” Keigo says slyly, thoroughly drinking in the way Touya’s eyes darken and his jaw clenches at such a blasphemic notion. It was so much fun to rile him up and not have to deal with the aftermath of his brash actions.
 “Fuck no. I just don’t want to be associated with a bitch who hangs around with pussies all day.”
 “Mm, yeah, I don’t think I could fuck with you either if he became some kind of sister-wife to you.”
Winter started to seep into spring, the transition being made evident by the arrival of cherry blossom trees blooming across the campus. New clothes were bought, markers and highlighters upgraded to reflect the new bright outside weather, and the students themselves were giddy to see each other after their winter break.
 You donned your white school uniform and fixed your tie in the mirror, opting to leave your hair down for the first day back.
 Your phone’s screen lit up from the bed, and you grabbed it while slinging your bag over your shoulder.
 Ten-ten: I’m outside, bring me a bagel if you can. Dad was being an asshole so I skipped breakfast
 8:20: Gotcha, I’ll be out in 5
 Thundering downstairs, you absentmindedly noted your parents’ absence as usual, your pre-made breakfast on the table (courtesy of the MIA mother and father).
 Making a quick scan as to what you could quickly scarf down and what you could bring for Tenko, you decided to drink a glass of orange juice and bring a yogurt for yourself, as well as a large cinnamon bagel and a banana for him.
 Opening your front door always brought in the multicolored rays of the horizon that was one of your sole motivations of waking up early. You weren’t disappointed as you stepped onto your porch and breathed in the crisp morning air, the sakura leaves falling softly onto the ground. Pink and purple stripes fanned across the sky, the trees gently swaying with the breeze. At the end of your driveway stood your lanky best friend, his sickly green and grey skin standing out almost offensively against the beautiful morning scene. His long, spindly fingers raised up and wiggled slightly in a poor imitation of a wave as he saw you coming towards him. His school uniform looked a tad bit too big on his thin, frail bones that were scarcely covered by stretched out, scratched-beyond-belief skin. His indicolite hair fell across his face in scraggly waves, effectively covering his vermillion, beady eyes.
 You had never been so comforted by anyone else’s sight before.
 As you reached him, you tossed him the large bagel and he helped your overbearing food load by taking the banana stem from your teeth and holding it in his own large hands, one pinky outstretched.
 “You ready to go back?” You asked as you both began walking towards your school, which was a mere 15 minutes away from your house.
 “Hell no,” he scoffed before tearing a large chunk out of the bagel. “Mmfh, thanks for the bagel-”
 “-don’t talk with your mouth full-”
 “-but nah, I’m not ready for Vlad King’s excessive droning about HC paperwork. ``Stuff's a bore honestly, I wanna take more actual work studies time out.”
 “Oh yeah, you were saying earlier that your dad was gonna let you work with him at his business, right?”
 “Yeah he did. But, to be honest, I don’t really know what's worse- Vlad’s lectures or my dads’.”
 You swat his arm with a disapproving look as he laughs at your disdain.
 “Ten, he loves you okay?” You begin softly as you furrow your brows and look at the ground in contemplation. “He just...doesn’t know how to show you. He’s just scared you’ll end up like your grandm-”
 “Yeah okay, okay, I get it!” He yelps uncomfortably. Hearing any praise or defense for his father always put him in a tough spot since he didn’t want to accept the very hard fact that his dad did in fact love him-even if it was shown in weird ways.
 The two of you eventually reached the grand school, the front blue and golden themes coming into view as you rounded the corner and walked through the gates of the campus. 
 It was a nice sight to see everyone again; kids younger and older than you laughing and shoving friends around, students sitting on the school walls, and teachers lounging around the classes with the occasional “Get to class!”
 Tenko and you walk through the halls, navigating the way to your new classes and assessing each other’s schedules when you hear, “Hey, Y/N!”
 You turn and see some of your other friends, Rumi Mirko, Moe Kamiji, and Yu Takeyama approaching you with grins on their faces.
 Mirko waves her own peach colored schedule in her hand as she says, “Alright L/N, hand it over- I need to see which hunks you got in your classes.”
 You smirk before giving your own witty reply. “Apart from you? I think the bar’s been set too high, hun.”
 You playfully tug one of her ears and she squeals before chasing you in circles around your small group. Your jerky running causes Kamiji to bump into Tenko’s slender frame, and he lets out a little “oof!” before wincing and rubbing his sore arm.
 “Ohmygod, I’m so sorry Tenko!”
 “No worries, it’s cool.”
 “Hey, Tenko, I wanna see your schedule for a sec’,” Takeyama says slyly, fluttering her lashes at him before snatching his paper. “‘Gotta see if I got lucky this semester to finally have such a cutie like you in one of my classes,” She feigns a swoon at the poor boy, his face growing a violent shade of red as he commences his hemming and hawing. 
 “No she’s actually right though! I wanna see which classes I have to put in extra effort in not to fail if I’m ogling at this absolute sex god for the entirety of the period,” Mirko stops chasing you long enough to peer over Takeyama’s shoulder at his paper, and Tenko finally gives in his self restraint in a moment of vigorous neck-scratching relief.
 You shake your head in disbelief before absentmindedly pulling his hand away from his suffering neck, and Tenko doesn’t make a move to stop you.
 “Okay, enough already, leave this poor ‘sex god’ alone, your guys’s cleavage is gonna send him into cardiac arrest alone without the horny dialogue.” You say exasperatedly, and the victim himself flashes you a grateful look out of the corner of his eye.
 All three girls give you both nasty grins before making a fake show of ripping open each other's shirt buttons and feeling their sides up with lewd moans.
 Just to play along and to spare Tenko’s sputtering and massively sweating self the embarrassment, you cover his eyes with a hand and shoot the girls a dirty yet humorous look.
 “Alright then, miss high and mighty, were you lucky enough to have your homeroom with Cupid over here?” Mirko asks, Kamiji and Takeyama nodding eagerly behind her.
 “I was, actually. Did you get anyone worth the look?” You say, beaming at a very sweaty Tenko.
 “No,” She pouted, her large ears dropping visibly. “But I really wish I could’ve gotten…” and she trails off as her focus narrows on something behind her, her nose twitching in excitement as her face morphs into a sultry expression. You, along with everyone else, turn to see what captured Mirko’s attention.
 “Speak of the devil,” she mutters, nudging you and the other entranced girls.
 And there he is in all his glory. One of the school’s most notorious playboys, Hawks himself-he spots your little reunion, and saunters his way past the sea of kids who part their way to make room for his highness. His blond hair glows in the early morning light, reflecting the golden and brown streaks that embed themselves through his locks. His teeth gleam a blinding white as he smiles at Mirko, coming up behind her (to her utter satisfaction).
 But it's not Hawks that makes your heart pound.
 It's his black haired buddy that you became betrothed to not too long ago that makes the butterflies in your stomach come alive again.
 He has a bored, brooding look on his face as him and Hawks approach your group. His hands are in his pockets and his body language is so sluggish and lazy that you’d think he has a million other places to be at 8:45 in the morning. In fact, the only indication you get that he sees you is when his icy eyes flit over to yours or rather, your body, and he raises an unimpressed eyebrow.
 I wonder if his family knows he dyes his hair at school? Or, when does he actually have the time to do that?
You snap your focus away from him, saving yourself the embarrassment of gawking at him before looking at the spectacle Hawks and Mirko were proudly showing off.
 He circled his arms around her shoulders and neck, resting his head against her soft skin. She giggles and swats his other straying hand away from underneath her skirt while the rest of you roll your eyes in disgust as Mirko croons, “I didn’t hear back from you for a while, you had me worried for a moment there hot stuff.”
 Hawks’s velvety words cut through the air like butter, his voice dropping a few octaves when he chuckles into her neck.
 “Sorry about that babe, ‘was training pretty hard for some time, got distracted and all that. But you’re up for next weekend, yeah?”
 It’s enough to placate the eager bunny and make you and Tenko gag internally for the meantime. “Mmm, only if you call me tonight,” she nuzzles into his hair. It was no secret (evidently) that the two were fucking, his smooth voice and sauve personality miraculously calming the eccentric and bold girl down. You didn’t come in contact with Hawks a lot, but you did unfortunately hear about his stamina from your girlfriend and see the way he undressed other girls in the hallways solely with his eyes enough to know that he wasn’t someone you wanted to spend your heart and time on.
 Which is why you did a double take when you realized his honey colored orbs settled on you.
 “L/N, right? How’ve you been?” His lids were lowered, the corners of his lips pulled up.
 You stutter a moment before answering lamely, “Uh, I-I’ve been good, thanks.”
 But it seems like he was more than overjoyed with your response from the way his smile widened and he lifted his head from Rumi’s neck to see you more clearly.
 “Yeah? Make any new friends over the break? Maybe got yourself a little boyfriend?” Hawks turns his gaze ever so slightly to his left, and you follow his eyes as they also land on Touya.
 You swallow thickly as you feel heat crawl up your neck to your face, your palms feeling slick as you register his meaning.
 He knows.
 And Tenko knows it too, from the way he side-eyes you concernedly, but staying silent (probably for his own sake, which was valid). Your “boyfriend” snarls quietly at Hawks, his balled fists turning a bright blue as they begin to heat up, much to the instigator’s amusement.  Touya never makes eye contact with you throughout the whole exchange, though.
 “Whaaatttt?” Kamiiji, Mirko, and Takeyama squeal obnoxiously, evidently intrigued at the notion of you being involved with a mystery man. “No fucking way, who is it?”
 “Well-he- I mean, my parents kinda set us up…” You stammer mortified, caught between telling the truth or not. It was obvious Touya hadn’t told anyone apart from his closest friend, otherwise Rumi would have for sure found out through Hawks with Touya’s permission.
 You wish you didn’t feel your heart drop a little at the thought of Touya so obviously wanting to keep your relationship with him under wraps. Were you really so embarrassing to be associated with?
 But you’re saved from your internal battle when Tenko pipes up at his own expense.
 Thank god.
 “It doesn’t matter, it's not like they’re married or whatever-”
 Yet. At least it's part of the truth.
 “-come on Y/N, we should head to class,” Tenko looks at you meaningfully, and wanting to head out of the limelight before-
 “Ahh, Shimura! Almost didn’t notice you there, buddy. You’re so quiet, it's easy to forget you’re there, y’know?” Hawks says gleefully as he throws an arm around the anxious boy’s boney shoulders and flashes a knowing smile at Touya, who mirrors Hawks’ saccharin expression.
 Tenko refuses to rise to the backhanded comment, opting to nervously scratch his neck and you quickly pinch your fingers to avoid reaching out and pushing the ravaging hand away and nodding his head weakly. 
 Touya comes on his opposite side, also wrapping a patched arm around Tenko’s other side so that the poor victim is trapped between the two bloodthirsty boys. They start steering him away from the group, and you stand there, trying to decide to butt in or join the oblivious girls who start making their way to class, chattering amongst themselves.
 Your dad’s words come back to you.
 You need to start putting your fiance before other men, Y/N.
 This is going to be killing two birds with one stone anyways. You technically were going to be putting Touya first by letting him know what you did or didn’t like. The start of your rocky relationship had to have foundations on some form of do’s and don'ts for either of you, right?
 And so, taking a deep breath, you march a couple meters up to the three boys, hearing sickening phrases of “grease-stain”, and “worthless little piece of shit, since when did you talk to girls?”, gently take an empty space of your friend’s shoulder that isn’t preoccupied by either tan or patched arm, and pull him around so that he’s facing you.
 Unfortunately, you didn’t think to account for the other two who would no doubt keep an iron-grip on Tenko, so you’re left holding onto him while Touya and Hawks are staring disbelievingly and amused at you respectively.
 “Tenko and I have to go to class,” you say quietly yet firmly as you ignore the spindly boy’s gaping at your audacity. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call him a grease-stain, or anything otherwise offensive.”
 You continue, mustering the last of your bravery as you finally address your fiance, or whatever the hell he was to you at this moment.
 “Look, Touya, it’s obvious Hawks knows, and I told Tenko too. I won’t tell anyone else, though, if you’re not comfortable with it. But I want you to please start respecting my friends, and in return me as well if we’re gonna be engaged.” It’s so hard to maintain eye contact with him while his blown-wide, furious blue oceans are burning holes into your face.
 “You little bitch,” Touya starts on you to your utter dismay, but Hawks hold an arm out to prevent him from advancing on you any further. Even Tenko moves slightly in front of you to shield you from harm, a move that doesn’t go unnoticed, but rather, adds to Touya’s irate state.
 In fact, if he didn’t realize, or didn't want to acknowledge your kinsmanship with Tenko, he certainly had to now.
 Because not only does Tenko move in front of you, but the second Touya falters he takes the opportunity to propel you forward, covering almost 3 feet’s worth of a distance in one stride as he pushes you away from both men and down the hall, blindly following the signs to land the two of you in your designated homeroom. It all happens so suddenly with your surroundings flashing by you from Tenko’s sheer speed that you almost get whiplash as he continues to push you through the entrance of the class, and right into the first empty seat he sees towards the back of the room.
 He pants slightly for a minute, staring down at your seated form intensely before sitting in the empty seat right in front of you. As he pulls in the chair, you finally speak in a mix of frustration and gratitude.
 “Ten, I had it covered! You didn’t have to do that, Hawks had him too, it wasn’t like he was gonna-”
 “No, you don’t understand Y/N. They’re messed up in the head, they would do something fucked up, and the worst part is they wouldn’t even care if it was in the open. Hell, you’re his-”
 He whips his head around before whispering the rest to you.
 “-his fiance, and look how he reacted! He’s dangerous Y/N, you need to be more careful-”
 “Tenko, I’m not gonna be scared of the dude I’m engaged to,” you roll your eyes. “Okay sure, he’s a complete asshole to you and me, but he’s got too much to lose to actually do something real.”
 But the rattled boy wasn’t convinced as he shook his head at your naivety. It wouldn’t do to tell you about all the times they used their quirk on him, having years of training before he did, essentially rendering him useless to fight back or stand up for himself. He didn’t think you’d believe him if he told you that merely a week ago they got in contact with some friends involved with the Yakuza to beat him into a pulp on his way home from school, simply because it made them laugh, it made them happy. And he certainly didn’t want you to have any fights with your beloved fiance because of the way they would push him down onto the gravel behind school after quirk training sessions, use their feathers and fire to burn and rip his clothes apart, and heat up the bigger rocks on the ground until they were burning coals as vermillion feathers aided in throwing the small missiles at him. He would come home in burns, bruises, and cuts that were easy to excuse from the similar treatment he got from his father.
 That’s one of the only good things about his father, in hindsight. He built up Tenko’s immunity to these things, simply teaching him that these were the ways of life. You either eat, or get eaten.
 So no, it wouldn’t do well to tell Y/N any of these things.
 The bell rang, pulling you both from your back-and-forth arguing into a silent state along with the rest of the class. Your teacher, Vlad King, enters the room and almost fills up the doorway as he makes his way to the blackboard.
 “Good morning class. I hope you all had a relaxing winter break-but not too relaxing, as I expect you all should’ve reviewed last semester’s notes.” He looks pointedly around the room, the class filled with a mixture of scoffs, laughter, and groans.
 You and Tenko share an exhausted smile and simultaneously roll your eyes at your teacher’s academic reach.
 “But, there is one announcement I’d like to make before we start today’s lesson. Due to some parents feeling as though their kids aren’t receiving enough variety in terms of quirk training and the business side, along with the logistics of the hero world, me and a few other teachers have agreed to switching out some students after a period of time to experience the other classes, and the materials that go along with them.”
 “So, because of this change, we will be receiving some new students in our class today, as well as taking some out. But fear not! You will still have the same lunches as your friends and be able to see them in between classes.” He walks over to the door while talking, and you raise your eyebrows at Tenko. He shrugs as well, similarly clueless as to what your teacher meant.
 But you needn’t be confused any longer, because when he turns the door handle and opens the door, a slew of students trickled in.
 And much to your utter horror, Hawks and Touya saunter in as well.
 Your eyes widen and instinctively you slouch in your seat trying to make yourself unnoticeable and smaller. You see Tenko stiffen as well, the tips of his ears turning bright red.
 The scratching commences, too, and you quickly kick a leg out to meet the side of his chair to deter him from it.
 From the front of the classroom, all the students that were switching into your room are lined up, ready to introduce themselves.
 They all go, one by one, and as meaningless names float in and out of your attention, you risk a look at the two who had you practically shaking in your seat.
 You wished you hadn’t.
 Thing One and Thing Two were looking straight at you, your slouching proving to be unfruitful. Thing One was smugly looking at you, taking his sweet time for his eyes to note your hair, clothes, demeanor, and lingering in some places that were less than appropriate. Thing Two was glaring at you, gaze narrowed as his hands were stuffed in his pockets and by no doubt did you think he had taken your words from earlier with appreciation.
 It was too early. You didn’t want to hear what they had to say about your little speech so soon, especially when you saw how Touya took your words as an insult rather than an attempt to understand you and improve your relationship with him.
 Finally, it was their turn to introduce themselves to the class.
 “Hey, guys. You can just call me Hawks, no need for formalities,” the blond shrugs casually, seeing Vald King’s unimpressed expression and giving him a charming smile. You hear a couple of girls fake screaming his name as he introduces himself, and Hawks flashes a round of winks and finger guns at his fangirls, much to your disgust.
 “The name’s Dabi,” and your attention is turned to him once again. His voice is gruff, yet clear, and as charming of an aura Hawks gave off with the noises of various swoons, your fiance’s introduction prompts nothing but a deadly silent classroom, the occasional paper-turning and small murmurs echoing throughout the room.
 Tenko turns slightly in his seat to you and gives you another meaningful look. You both knew what each other were thinking.
 That’s right, he goes by the name Dabi here. I shouldn’t risk calling him by his real name around others, he might get upset at the informality.
 The rest of the students chime in with their names, and finally your teacher claps his hands, gathering your attention back to him.
 “Alright everyone, now that you all know the new students, say goodbye to your transitioning classmates and wish them luck in their new classes. Hajime, Setsuna, Tenko, and Kai, please pack your belongings and report to class 3-A.”
 You whip your head around in horror at Tenko who has gone stock still. The boy behind you, Setsuna, starts packing his things and grumbling under his breath. Tenko slowly begins to put his binders and pencils in his bag, not having the courage to look at your helpless expression.
 You feel like you were being thrown to the dogs, a piece of meat ready to be torn apart and ripped to shreds.
 Vlad King notices Tenko’s dawdling, and barks out “Hurry it up Shimura, we don’t have all day and these students need seats!”
 At this, both Hawks and Dabi’s heads turn to the both of you, and if they hadn’t noticed the disposition of you both, they damn well did now. You see Dabi’s eyes trail to something behind you and the corners of his mouth quirk up a bit.
 Setsuna gets up from his seat behind yours, and passes to the front of the class along with the rest of the stragglers.
 Oh, fuck. Please don’t let them sit here, please please ple-
��But it seems that you had previous karma to atone for, because the moment you start praying, both boys start making their way towards you. You shrink even lower in your seat, wishing desperately that you had brought a hoodie to wear to at least cover your face from this torture.
 It was only when Tenko finally packed his things and stood up at the side of his seat in front of you that Dabi and Hawks stopped stalking towards the seats that sandwiched you. He blocks their path and predatory looks, giving you a second’s reprieve of sheer panic. There is a tense moment where Dabi stands directly in front of Tenko, sizing him up and looking him down. You vaguely hear Ten murmur something to him, and Dabi lets out a loud scoff, elbowing the thin boy out of his way.
 You half rise out of your seat, naturally wanting to intervene as Tenko winces and grips his wounded side, but he quickly looks over his shoulder and shakes his head minutely, as if warning you to stay put. In the midst of you standing up however, Dabi moves forward, leaving you face to face with him.
 For the second time that day, you were in very close proximity to him, much to your discomfort. His blue eyes scorch your soul, much like the small blue flames emitting from the sides of his forearms. He narrows his gaze at you and stares at you until you relent and slowly sit back down. You can feel his eyes still on your form as he halfway circles around you and sits in the empty seat behind you. Hawks watches all of this in great amusement, and winks at you as he usurps Tenko’s seat in front of you.
 That’s just fucking great.
 Your fate is sealed as you look at the front of the room and watch Tenko give you a worried look as he’s ushered outside in the wave of kids exiting the room. The door slams shut as Vlad King closes it behind him, and the class is noticeably quieter as the lesson starts, some boring shit about submitting paperwork on time in an office setting and how to deal with setbacks.
 You try to focus as much as you can, but it's hard to ignore the way the back of your desk leg is being repeatedly slammed against any time Vlad King raises his voice, so the sound is muted to everyone but you. You grit your teeth and grip your pencil harder, almost breaking the lead when almost two minutes later you smell singed hair.
 And singed hair it was, all yours in fact as you frantically gather your hair in your hands and see burnt stands breaking off in your trembling fingers. In complete fury now, you whip around and harshly whisper, “Can you please stop-”
 “You got some fuckin’ nerve, you know that? Hangin’ out with that freak, and then defending him-especially in front of me. As if that’s not bad enough, you got the balls to ignore me when you owe me an apology.”
 You gape at him and even let out a little disbelieving laugh at his words. He said you had some nerve when he’s the one asking for an apology? 
 “Apologize for what, exactly? Stopping you from harassing Tenko and calling him offensive names?”
 His eyes widen mockingly, his eyebrows raised as the staples around his mouth tremble in his effort to not burst out laughing at your indignation.
 “I’m not harassing him. He should be glad we’re even approaching him, we’re like the closest things to friends he has. Why do you think he only hangs with you? It’s ‘cause you're the only braindead idiot in this school who doesn’t realize what a creep he is. And as for the ‘offensive names’, it can’t be offensive if it's true. He is a f-”
 Your ears start ringing as you feel like he’s pushing you past your breaking point. You can’t bear to hear any more slander against one of your closest friends, but as you try to whip around to face the front Dabi quickly catches onto one of your wrists, preventing you from turning away from him any more. His staples holding his scarred sin together dig into your flesh, and you quietly whimper in pain as you try to wrench your hand free.
 He simply tightens his grip and jerks you forward, causing you to practically fall out of your seat as he leans in close.
 “Don’t try to move away from me, Y/N. You were practically thrown at me, and that means you’ll do whatever the fuck I want, when I want.”
 You look up at him with glassy eyes, hair messily covering your face from the rough treatment. He looks almost thoughtful, the closest thing to a soft emotion you’ve seen from him yet as he brushes the hair from out of your face and behind your ear. 
 “And right now, your fiance wants you to stop hanging out with Shimura. Permanently.”
It’s less of a school bell and more like a trumpet from heaven when the indication of the class ending rings throughout the school. You had already packed your bag almost 10 minutes before the bell rang, not wanting to waste a second of the opportunity to make a mad dash away from Dabi.
 But you needn’t worry, because while you were practically sprinting down the halls looking for Tenko’s class, Dabi and Hawks were leisurely taking their sweet time packing up their bags, which were a little too light for anything deemed studious.
 Hawks chuckles after your form stumbled out of the classroom. “What’s gotten into her? Scared her off already?”
 “Something like that,” Dabi scoffs humourlessly. “ I just told her to stop fuckin’ around with Shimura.”
 “Man, and here I thought we were gonna take it easy on her for her first day.” Hawks tuts, shaking his head mockingly so that his blond locks fall handsomely around his face. “You’re breaking her in like a dog, Dabi.”
 But Dabi could care less about the timing of your inevitable breaking. He shoulders his bag and runs a hand through his hair, careful enough not to dislodge the black dye.
 They both walk out of the room to the next class, Hawks sending random girls an appreciative  up-down look that lead to eruptions of teasing giggles along the halls. “Regardless of how or when I break her-which, by the way, is gonna happen hard ‘cause there’s no fuckin’ way I’m putting up with her bitchy attitude-I’m not gonna let that walking mistake hang out with her anymore. He’s dead weight to anyone, and it’s so embarrassing to see how big of a boner he gets when she looks at him.”
 “That's the spirit,” Hawks clapped him on the back, steering him around the corner to their next class.
 “By the way man, you know we have lunch with her too, right?”
“And then he burned my hair!” You cry indignantly, folding your arms and leaning against the wall next to Tenko who was waiting in line for mediocre cafeteria food.
 “See? I told you, he’s dangerous. Him and Hawks both have a messed up sense of humor, and they have no shame in it either. You need to be more careful around them Y/N, don’t piss Dabi off especially, please.” He murmurs, looking at you through his bluish white bangs. You pick up a banana and plop it onto his green tray, causing him to whine about ‘NPC’s poisoning the crappy facility food’. Whatever that meant.
 “It’s healthy, you need it,” you shoot him a disapproving glare and pointedly lift one of his free spindly arms, gesturing to the lack of meat on his skin.
 “Okay mom,” he sneers as you pluck a Twinkie from his tray and transfer it to yours with an innocent smile as you do so.
 You both reach the end of the line and you wait as Tenko checks out. Looking around, it seems like the cafeteria is filled, so you elect to eat outside on one of the benches.
 “But, anyways,” you continue your conversation from earlier, “is that how they always are? How do you deal with it?”
 “Well, usually if you try to stay out of their way and just do as they do, both of ‘em will leave you alone.” He says uncomfortably, opening the courtyard doors for you with nine fingers as you quickly hold his tray to minimize the effort.
 “I usually try to think of them as the boss battle. If you avoid them, you’ll have a peaceful day. But if you try picking a fight with them, then you’ll take massive damage.” He shudders as flashbacks of burning rocks pelting his skin and ripped clothes enter his vision.
You scan the area looking for a quiet place to sit among the pink ground littered with cherry blossom petals, and find relief when you see Rumi, Takeyama and Kamiji scattered around a bench on the farthest side of the building. You call out for them and all three of them simultaneously turn and wave excitedly at you to come over.
 The grass feels lush and soft under your feet as the sakura petals swirl around you both as you cross the school grounds. You got lucky eating outside with this weather, and you internally want to make it a habit to come outside if the skies stay clear and blue like today’s.
 “Hey you two! Lucky you both are in our lunches too, huh?” Rumi smiles wide as Takeyama tosses you a cherry Ramune. Kamiji scooches over on top of the wooden table to make room for you to sit as Tenko takes a place on the seat itself.
 “Yeah, we didn’t have you all last year so I’m glad your schedules coincide with ours. How was class?” You press down on the little ball at the top of your Ramune lid and watch as it drops and fizzles in the substance. Tenko eyes it with interest, so you pass it his way and watch amusedly as he snaps open the top and practically chugs the whole thing in one go, precariously holding a finger out while he does so.
 “Ugh, don’t get me started. Midnight’s tits were bouncing in my face the whole time, I couldn’t keep my eyes on my paper.” Takeyama swats Rumi’s white ears as Kamiji bursts out laughing.
 “God, you’re so vile. But I can’t lie, she definitely improved her fit from last year.” Yuu says with a snort.
 “She’s such a badass, I’d totally ask her hand in marriage if I wasn’t getting saddled with-” But you freeze mid-sentence, face heating up as you catch your mistake.
 Tenko chokes on the drink, the girls squealing in disgust as Ramune spews out of his nostrils. You stammer, trying to cover up your tracks but there’s no need to as the focal point of the conversation turns to something behind you.
 “Oh my god, what are they doing here?” Kamiji whispers in awe.
 You whip your head around, and for the third time that day, your heart sinks to your ass.
 “Where is she, anyways? I don’t see her in here,” Dabi tries to ask disinterestedly as he casually sweeps his eyes around the crowded hall.
 “Ahhh, the pining begins, I see. Don’t worry, Rumi has the same lunch with us, so my best guess is she’s with her.” Hawks chomps on a piece of chicken, somehow managing not to spill any teriyaki sauce on his jacket.
 “Shut up birdbrain, I’m not pining. I just wanna make sure she’s not embarrassing me any more than she already has,” Dabi drones, cuffing the blond upside his head.
 “Question: how is she embarrassing you if no one knows you two are engaged?” His red wings flutter with glee as he catches Dabi giving him a dark look, opting not to answer.
 “You’re not answering my ques-tion”, Hawks sings, thoroughly basking in the catching Dabi’s ulterior motives.
 “And I’m not gonna answer either. Just tell me where she sits, idiot.” Dabi snaps, getting antsier by the second. 
 “Alright, alright, cool your head, matchstick. Rumi usually sits outside, so let’s check there. But hurry up ‘cause I’m hungry” Hawks whines as they make their way to the outside doors.
 They too are greeted with the same colors of pink sakura and bright well-kept grass, along with clear blue skies. But all Dabi sees is red when his gaze finally looks around and sees you with your friends...including Tenko Shimura.
 Hawks sees you too, and whistles as he glances back at Dabi’s face. If looks could kill, you’d be a burning pile of ash right now.
 “I swear to fucking god, I’m gonna kill them both.” Dabi growls as he begins to stalk towards your group. And of course, his friend joins in too, if not to just watch the episode that will unfold, but rather to actually prevent Dabi from causing any lasting damage...at least, on school property, that is.
 At the sound of your animated laughter and voice, the inky black mess of hair snaps up.
 He doesn’t like the way his heart clenches when the sight of you registers.
 Your laugh is a mix of soft giggles that crescendos into crazed wheezes that are accompanied by breathless snorts.
 It sounds so fucking ugly and obnoxious.
 He wants to hear more of it.
 Your hands wave around wildly as you animate your story with various gestures, sometimes throwing your arms out in the air and then bringing them close together to emphasize something else.
 Who the hell uses hand gestures?
 What do your hands feel like? Are they soft, or rough? Are they bigger or smaller than his? 
 What would they feel like if they caressed his skin? If they slapped him?
 Dabi is 20 feet away, and you still haven’t noticed him stalking towards you yet.
 Your head is thrown back now, hair shaking as you screech with laughter, your face scrunched up in laughter.
 He should’ve burned the rest of your hair, too.
 What would the material feel like through his fingers if he yanked the strands? If he caressed them slowly, in the dark?
 Why the fuck am I thinking about that?
 Your laughter has stopped now, the air eerily quiet. Dabi makes straight eye contact with you as he sees you've finally noticed him, as he watches Rumi whisper something to the group.
 He sees Tenko look panic-stricken, fumbling around his lunch to pack up and no doubt get the hell out of there.
 But not you, though.
 You just stare at him like he’s a wild animal, like you don’t know why he’s coming towards you so fast and with such purpose.
 He’s glad your eyes are on him. Property should know who it’s attention should be on, and who to cater to.
 He just wishes your eyes weren’t filled with so much fear. It’s making his heart squeeze and it feels weird. He doesn’t like it.
 “Hey Rumi. Yuu, Moe, how are you ladies doing?” He hears Hawk’s smooth voice flow into the air and join in with the falling of the soft tree petals as well.
 “Hey Hawks,” they drawl, no doubt excited to be blessed with his presence.
 Only you and Tenko stay quiet, the latter looking uncomfortably at his feet while you simply stare at Dabi.
 “I see you ladies are all enjoying the weather tod-”
 “-What the fuck are you doing here?” Dabi rudely interrupts the would-be smooth transition into conversation, but at the moment he doesn't care. He wants to know why the hell you so obviously ignored what he said earlier, and where the fuck you found the balls to blatanlty piss him off.
 But you stay silent, and stare at him further, eyes widening marginally like a deer in headlights.
 His heavy presence brings the feeling of death, the onslaught of dread, and it invades the group’s senses like the plague. His flashing arctic eyes scream murder, his balled hands reflect nothing but danger, and his set-mouth indicates that anything that comes out of it will end in vicious tears and a broken body.
 It contrasts so weirdly with his counterpart, who has a kilowatt smile that stretches from one ear to the other, his teeth gleaming so blindingly similar to the sun that it was another reason you couldn’t keep eye contact with him for too long. His hands were stuffed in his jacket pockets, showing no sign of lashing out and causing strife. The yellow sky rays bounced off his back, making him glow with heavenly golden light like an angel, and his eyes....oh lord, his honey colored hues swam with mischief; untold secrets ladeled into his ears in the dead of the night when he would lie side to side with multiple women of all shapes, colors, and sizes.
 But either way, regardless of the mismatched auras of the two, they both brought chaos and hell in their own ways, subtle or not.
 “Uhhh, ladies, why don’t I treat you to some of the school’s finest soba?” Hawks chuckles and scratches the back of his head before offering a hand to Rumi. “It seems like Dabi here needs to have a conversation with Y/N in private.”
 Rumi takes his hand and offers her own to Kamiji and Takeyama, who all pull each other up and look at you curiously. They’re smart enough not to ask openly, though. No sense in making things more awkward than they already are.
 Tenko tries to subtly get up as well, but is stopped when Dabi snarls, “You stay there. You and I are gonna have a conversation as well, fucktard.” He looks directly at you as he hurls the insult at the gangly boy, who flinches as if the words were knives.
You nap out of your horrified reverie.
 “Uhhh, well, we’ll see you around, I guess.” Kamiji calls from over her shoulder at you, her face sympathetic as Hawks’s arm circles around her shoulders and pulls her closer, whispering something in her ear that makes her blush.
 “Tenko, you can leave. Whatever patchwork here has to say has nothing to do with you. It’s between us, as my fiance.” You deadpan and return his ice-cold stare.
 The poor boy looks between his tormentor and saviour, conflicted as to what he should do. While Dabi’s arms and legs are starting to alight, you remain calm as ever perched on the table as if the petals littered on the ground weren’t silently catching fire.
 “If you get off the ground, I promise you won’t leave here with all your limbs intact.” The flame user says lowly, his voice catching on the gravely rasp of his threatening words.
 “Tenko. Please leave.” You say with finality, crossing your arms.
 A tense moment passes between all three of you, Tenko sweating bullets. He slowly starts to build his limbs up to a stand, his height matching Dabi’s yet somehow still cowering over the striking look he was receiving from him. He hesitates for a moment before sticking a cautious leg out towards where the other four departed people went, as if he were testing the waters.
 Dabi copies you and merely stares him down.
 His expression is unreadable as Tenko moves another leg out, and another as his body starts functioning properly and jerkily walks away from the two of you. Miraculously, Dabi is letting him, not seeming too keen on fulfilling his past promise of detaching his anatomy in favor of getting to you now.
 And then there was one. 
 You both look away from Tenko’s disappearing figure and finally at each other. 
 You still don’t say anything.
 He starts slowly circling around the table towards you, keeping his malicious eyes on you and your body the whole time. But regardless of the feeling of dread that courses through your veins as he draws nearer, you refuse to kowtow to this overgrown-spoiled-rotten eldest child. He was just another man, another blob of superior prejudice that was in your way of being happy in your career and in your life in general.
 One more step and he’s finally in your face now, a mere foott away from your sitting form. Your eye level is with his chest as he stands before you, tilting his head as his eyes rake your figure up and down. Your skin crawls and you look away, not wanting to react to his offensive gaze when he suddenly lurches forward. You can’t help as your indifferent demeanor cracks as you flinch when both his hands settle on your knees.
 He leans down, a few inches away from you when he speaks.
 “Are you deaf as well as stupid, you quirkless cunt?” He breathes into your face. His hands warm up ever so slightly on your knees, and you can’t help but think with a flash of paranoia how easily and quietly he burned your precious hair not even two hours ago. 
 You try to placate him by talking calmly, a brutal contrast in the way your heart was pounding in your tightening chest.
 “I don’t know what you mean, Touya. If you’re upset about something, we can talk about it without you trying to intimidate me.” Placing your hands on his atop your knees, you gently attempt to move him off but only succeed in him gripping you tighter. He wrenches your knees apart and you gasp as he slides himself in between your legs.
 “Oh, you know exactly what I mean. Don’t play coy with me, I told you clearly not to hang around with that greasy freak. Or do I need to give you a permanent reminder, huh?”
 He grasps your chin and shakes your head roughly as he presses himself further into you, hips gently rocking back and forth into the confines of your skirt.
 It’s hard to keep up a calm facade when his clothed erection is feeling up the outline of your panties.
 You release a frustrated cry and try to buck him off of you, but that only ends up pushing even further against him, much to your displeasure.
 “Fucking let go! Let go of me you disgusting asshole!” Punching and kicking does absolutely nothing to deter him, he only laughs at your pathetic defense as he grabs a stray hand in its mission to slap him square across the face and slams it down behind you on the table. He fails to stop the other hand though, as it ducks from underneath his chin and gives him a mean uppercut.
 He takes it maddeningly gracefully, though, as he finally catches the offensive hand and also smashes it down on the wood, emitting a pained wail from you.
 Both of you pant for a couple of seconds, tears of pain and anger threatening to spill over your lashes and reflex tears in his amused ones.
 “Do I have your attention now? Or do you want me to bruise your legs too?” He slides closer to your ear and his hot breath tickles your lobe as he whispers darkly, “I got a couple ideas in mind on how I can do that.”
 Your eyes widen and you try to jerk violently out of his hold. The patched hands holding onto your wrists heat up significantly, and you wail as your skin simmers and bubbles.
 “Please stop, Touya. It hurts,” you sob as he moves back to your face again, his body hovering your overs as he leans in further and hips stilling in their perverse movements, only pressing against your clothed mound at a stand-still now.
 “You didn’t answer me. Why the fuck,” his cooled palms flared back to life again and you painstakingly stifle a whimper, “are you hanging out with Shimura again?”
 “I-I was just having lunch with him! It wasn’t like we were meeting up outside of school or anything,” you plead with him, completely abandoning your passive facade. At the end of the day, you were quirkless and he wasn’t. Which meant you weren’t stupid or cowardly, but you were just human- you didn’t want to piss him off further by givng shitty answers and then getting burned.
 You try shifting to evade the not-so-subtle bulge in his pants but he holds you steadfast. He leers at you, and you turn your head to avoid the manic expression on his face. It was just your bad luck that no one else was around, the rest of the students and teachers heading back inside for their next class.
 “Aww what, you’ll take Skin ‘n’ Bones’ dick, but you can’t handle a little teasing from mine? Do I scare you that bad, princess?”
 Your bottom lip quivers as you bear his filthy words, your seared hands shaking in pathetic attempts to quiet any pained noise.
 He moves his head in such a way that his tilted frame comes a few millimeters away from your trembling smooth lips, and you look up at him with scrunched eyebrows in a plea for mercy.
 “Or, has little miss perfect never had a cock before? Never taken a thick, pierced dick up her tight little virgin pussy?” He groans as he rubs his erection up and down your mound, your skirt shifted in the tussle in such a way that it offers him a snatch of open skin that he takes with relish.
 You gasp and bite your lip and he thrusts gently into you, looking at your fearful face for the truth.
 “Stop-stop being gross Touya. I haven’t done anything like that with him, not that you should care who I fuck with. And for the record, like I said before, I was just having lunch with my friends, not having a goddamn date with any of them, including Tenko. And I don’t know who you think you are telling me who I can or can’t hang out with,” you try to sneer as you finally wrench a hand away from his grip and manage to push him back some with a shaky arm against his toned shoulder.
 “We’re not married yet, and Tenko has never done anything perverted or twisted like you that I would have to stay away from him. In fact, if he were my fiance then he’d act like a real one, tenfold than you ever could.”
 You don’t realize how big of a mistake you made when Dabi stills his pressing hips and releases your other wrist, which you snatch in your other hand and cradle the bright red flesh.
 He backs away a step or two, to your utter astonishment. He looks at you blankly and cocks his head at your unsure self. You have no idea what you said that could have caused such a change in demeanor, weren’t you just dishing back at him what he was giving you?
 “You really think he’s that great, huh? Honestly, I shouldn’t even be surprised you do, a quirkless uptight bitch like you goes perfectly with that waste of space.”
 “He’s not-” you begin to argue but are cut off when he spins on the heel of his black combat boot and starts walking away from you, only to call out over his shoulder, “If that’s the case sweetheart, I can’t wait for you to see how great and perfect he looks when his skin is burnt to a crisp and his body’s nothing more than ash and soot.”
 The blood drains from your face as you realize what you’ve done. You’ve made the target on Tenko’s back even bigger by trying to defend him. There’s no doubt now that if he was trying to evade Dabi and Hawks’ brutal treatment, they’d never let him breathe in peace now.
 You’d lose your best friend, and he’d never forgive you.
 Pride be damned.
 “Wait!” you cry out as you stumble off shaking legs and chase after him. His arms are thrown behind his back in an easy stretch, the movement making his stapled and scarred limbs seem even more menacing than ever before. 
 “Touya, please, don’t hurt him, he didn’t do anything to you!”
 But he clicks his tongue and continues to stroll past you in the same direction your group had fled mere minutes before.
 “Too late dollface, I can’t have my little fiance bitch thinking some fuckwad is better than me, can I?” He pouts and gives you an innocent mocking smile, knowing you were breaking slowly at each word that came out of his mouth.
 “You should be glad I’m giving him any sort of attention anyways, like I said before he’s a nobody-he never uses his quirk anyways, he might as well be called a quirkless little fuck just like you! Hah! No wonder you two get along so well!”
 Tripping over your own feet, you try to keep up with his long strides and sway his mission to either kill Tenko or make his life even more hell than it was before.
 “No, no! That’s not true, please, Touya, he’s already so miserable, please leave him alone, I’ll do anything!” You practically shriek as you both finally reach the school doors and his hand grasps the handle.
 But he stops. Miraculously, he holds the door handle without turning it, and looks demeaningly at you.
 You try hard not to shrink back too much when he leans to your eye level, his hands on his knees as he says sickeningly sweetly, “Anything? You’ll do anything to save that sorry excuse of a bastard? Anything to make me not burn his ass down to hell?”
 It's hard to mask the loud gulp you make, and his grin stretches so wide his staples along the corners of his mouth move along as well.
 “Y-yes, anything. Please just stop hurting with him or messing with him at all. He’s not the one who pissed you off, I am.” You admit your defeat and hang your head low, peeking up at him between your lashes to judge his reaction.
 His cerulean eyes scrutinize you, his nose lifted in the air as he mockingly taps his chin in fake thought.
 “Hmm...well, I suppose you could start by not eating lunch with him in the first place. I don’t know how you stomach anything anyways, he reeks of a decaying body.” He smirks, but you dig your nails into your palms so as to not rise to the bait.
 You need to start putting your fiance before other men, Y/N.
 After a moment of silence that ensured you really weren’t going to lash out at him, he continues, this time stepping forward until he has you backed up into the adjacent brick wall in the little hidden alley besides the doors.
 “And,” his saccharine words penetrate your dizzy head as his arm stretches out towards you, and for the third time that day you were essentially pinned verbally and physically as his hand toys with the hem of your collar, “from now on you’ll be eating with me and Hawks too if he’s around. You’re also gonna stop being such a teasing little prude and let me touch any part of you without backing away or saying any bitchy comments. It’s your duty as a good little wife anyways, right Y/N?” 
 You squeeze your eyes shut as you feel one hand make its way to circle around your neck in a snug noose and the other slip up your shirt, fingers punctuated with cold little stitches spreading across the expanse of your stomach, causing goosebumps to erupt across your skin.
 “Come on,” He whispers in his gravelly voice, leaning into the crook of your neck, “where’s that little attitude now, huh?”
 For Tenko. This is all only for Tenko.
 “Okay Touya. I’ll do it. Just...please, please give him a break.” You muster up the last of your courage to face him, and you finally feel a single tear treacherously escape the confines of your eye and slide down your face. You feel humiliated, having put up such false pretenses of being cool, calm and collected when he first approached you and now...now you were an emotional mess. In just a few sentences and unwanted physical contact, he had you right where he wanted.
 And the worst part was, you both knew you couldn’t even tell anyone. If you told Tenko, he’d immediately reprimand you and try to brave it by hanging out with you just so you didn’t have to endure the plight he himself was always in. You couldn’t confide in any of your girlfriends, no doubt Hawks would somehow spin it with his honeyed words to make you seem like the crazy, overreacting one. Your parents were a no-go either, having been telling you from the start that they weren’t to hear any criticism of their perfect, levelheaded future son-in-law.
 You wonder how your parents would feel about their dear son-in-law licking the tears off your flushed cheeks with a condescending chuckle.
 “Oh come on doll, having lunch with me isn’t so bad now, is it?” He cooes at you with faux sympathy. He does nothing to hide the twitching muscle in his jaw that prevents him from bursting out laughing when you furiously brush the tears and his saliva off your face.
 No, I don’t want to have lunch with you, you sick freak. I want to see my friends and not feel my heart pounding up my throat when I’m with you.
 “No, it’s not bad,” you whisper dejectedly, hanging your head and waiting for his next move.
 “Attagirl,” he says lowly, one finger ghosting over the waistband of your pants before retreating out of your shirt and to his side. The other hand wrapped around your neck squeezes once, relishing in your panicked gasp and frantic scrabbling at the back of his hand before also coming down.
 He finally deems your disheveled state a good enough reason to stop tormenting you, and he backs away with a little smile on his face that does nothing to calm your nerves.
 Turning the corner and opening the doors, he doesn’t look at your pathetic shaking body sliding down the wall when he says, “I’d get to class if I were you. Wouldn’t want to get in trouble for hanging out with people you shouldn't be with in the first place.
 Something tells you he’s not referring to himself as the doors bang shut.
 8 New Messages
 Rumi: Hey girl, you okay? Dabi seemed kinda off, I wanted to ask you what happened but I figured you two needed space and Hawks said not to bother you abt it:/ Did you guys get into a fight?
 Yuu: Ummm since when did you and Dabi talk? And since when did he get mad at you? Text back ASAP!!!
 Moe: If you’re still alive, you def owe us an explanation, hello? What did that absolute hunk want from you? I didn’t even know you two knew each other!
 Ten-ten: Y/N please text me back as soon as possible
 Ten-ten: Are you okay? Did he hurt you?
 Ten-ten: What did he even want from you?
 Ten-ten: If you’re mad that I left, I’m so sorry, I just thought me being there wouldn’t be much help to you
 Ten-ten: Please tell me you’re okay
 2:10: I’m fine, just walk around the back and meet me by the gate when the bell rings. Keep your head down, too.
 Dabi doesn’t feel any shame jerking off in the bathroom.
 Hawks doesn’t feel embarrassed either, listening through Dabi’s grunts and shaky breaths as he recounts the entirety of what happened between you and him after the group left, babes hanging off Hawks’ arms.
“So, what, you two just boned and you told Shimura to piss off? That’s what got your dick hard as a diamond?” Hawks chuckles, folding his arms and leaning against the white tile wall.
 “Yeah,” Dabi grunts as his hand works vigorously up his shaft, his piercings clinking harmoniously at his ministrations, “But fuck, man, she felt so soft and hot down there. Her stomach was so smooth too, I couldn't keep my hands to mys-ahh-self.” He groans as he climaxes, watching his precious seed erupt and drop into the toilet below him. What a waste.
 He wishes it went into your mouth instead.
 “Her stomach?” Hawks’s avian eyes practically bulge out of his head as he roars with laughter, dodging weak blue flames aimed straight at his hair. “God, you sound like a virgin, man. Who the fuck gets turned on by a stomach?”
 “Shut the hell up you overgrown chicken. I don’t fucking know, okay? She just- argh, I don’t know, when I saw her from a distance I didn’t really think much of her but when I got all close up with her I felt like I was going crazy. I mean, my body started heating up more than normal and I just wanted to touch her.”
 The blond was quiet, continuing to listen to his friend’s rant as Dabi washed his hands and inspected his spiky hair in the dirty mirror.
 “And her attitude? My god, hearing every bitchy word come out of her mouth was worth the look on her face when I held her down. Priceless,” he chuckles, shaking his head as he begins tightening a loose stitch under his eyebag.
 “She smelled pretty fuckin’ good too, maybe thats what got me going in the first place. I just wanted to be closer to her, regardless of how she saw me. It was just so satisfying seeing her break down, and all because of me, yknow?”
 He finally finishes checking his reflection and picks up his bag from the ground, Hawks following pursuit as they make their way outside the bathroom. They were currently skipping their last class, Quirk Training because they could actually afford to. Their teacher knew that both of them surprisingly had the highest grades in the class and continuously kicked every other student into the dust, the rest of their peers not having the right quirks to even hope to make it to the two delinquent’s level of strength and skill. It wouldn’t hurt to skip a few times, they would just pick up right where they left off, pummeling every other kid aside until they made their way to the top again.
 Plus, with all the testosterone raging through Dabi’s blood after lunch, he decided it would be better to take all the energy out in more relieving ways in the bathroom rather than using the adrenaline to accidentally blast some poor chump’s face off in the heat of the moment, pun intended.
 Not that he would mind, don’t get him wrong. It would be pretty funny seeing the look of horror on everyone’s face when the smell of a burning body hit their nostrils. But it wasn’t worth a suspension, or worse, an earful from his dad.
 “Oh, and by the way, she’s gonna have lunch with us from now on. I told her if she didn’t want me beating Shimura into a pulp she was gonna stop eating with him and come join us instead.”
 At this, Hawks gives Dabi a smirk and says dryly, “How romantic of you. If you wanted her to spoon feed and baby you at lunch so you could have a boner the entire period, you should’ve just told her straight up.”
 Dabi opens his mouth to argue with half of his statement before he’s interrupted.
 “Where is Shimura by the way? Did you see him leave the locker room? Training’s done, he should be out any minute now, why don’t we pay him a little visit and relay the same message you gave your little bitch to him as well?”
 Both boys smirk at each other as they make their way down to the locker rooms. Unfortunately for Tenko and fortunately for the devious duo , all three of them shared the same last class of Quirk Training. The frail, quiet boy tried his best to stay out of their way, but he might as well have had a sign up on his head that said MAKE MY LIFE HELL, PLEASE from the way he scratched himself raw, earning occasional disgusted looks from girls and snickers from a majority of the guys. His hair was almost always unkempt and in his face, prompting Dabi to yank his overgrown bangs up and out of his face as he snarled and spat venom into his victim’s wincing expression. When they sparred, Dabi held absolutely nothing back as he relished in the difference in their fighting styles: Tenko with close combat techniques and Dabi excelling in long distance. It was a recipe for disaster on Tenko’s side, and almost a cruel joke to the flame user as he easily sent wave after wave of burning hot hellfire towards the yelping boy. It came to a point where Dabi would openly and very loudly question why Tenko would even try, why he would even attend this class when he was beaten in under a minute-not nearly enough time to utilize his quirk.
 Their teacher would scold Dabi very lightly, but the damage was done and doubt was already planted into everyone’s mind as the seeds of disdain germinated and grew into ponderings of, has he ever beaten anyone before? He’s always out of the ring so fast, I didn’t even understand what his quirk was. Is he failing, how is he even passing this class?
 Only you were the one who knew it was his lifelong dream of working in the Rescue and Search unit, his quirk of decaying proving to be so deadly and harmful that he never had the courage to use it against anyone, no matter how bad they had it out for him. He could never live with himself if he ever caused anyone permanent damage that could end up in paralyzation, or worse.
 But that was the difference between poor Tenko and Dabi. Only one of them acted out in an eat or be eaten way.
 Hawks was more subtle in his torment, having less of a grudge towards the sulking grey mass of limbs. Sure, it was amusing watching him squirm and flinch and hear him plead raspingly to move your feathers, please, they’re covering my nose I can’t bREATHE I CAN’T BREATHE PLEASE I’LL DIE-
 But unlike Dabi, he didn’t get that big of a high from drawing blood and whimpering. That was all for fun and jokes to indulge in Dabi’s selfish and ruthless desires, sure, but the real rush he got was from the overall power imbalance from everyone else he received. It was knowing that he was at the top of the food chain, that no one could surpass him, even his brooding patchwork friend who he considered to be beside him if anything, but not above him in any sense. Tenko was just another cog in the grand machine that reinforced that idea every time he wilted and withered under Hawks’ sickeningly sweet, fake smile.
 You can’t blame him, either. He never originally asked for any of the attention the school practically spoon-fed him with when he was younger. No, he didn’t seek out any of the multitudes of guys that asked him to hang out every other weekend at the beach or park, and he was always indifferent to the girls begging him to spend the night and exchange numbers on the regular. They were all idiots anyways, what did they know? Sex, fame, money, drugs, all that bullshit that every young adult craves. He was better than that, he had a goal, he had ulterior motives, but he soon began to realize that the mind-numbingly brain dead people who circled him like their god could very well improve his chances of achieving said goal.
 And so Hawks began to painstakingly take time out to meet some tools dudes at the beach or catch a movie with them, he started opening up to sluts and bimbos girls via their legs more often and eventually he became a name revered around school, a reputation told and passed around the halls in whispers that traveled through notes and texts exchanged throughout classes.
 It just so happened to be in his luck that he was able to one day put a face to another name that floated through the halls in his passing classes: Dabi.
 They had been paired up to sparr, both sets of ears alert and open when their teacher read aloud each other’s quirks. Fire and feathers, huh? What a joke.
 At least, that's what the both of them thought about each other until they actually started fighting.
 Columns of cobalt flames rained above and around Hawks, and he was surrounded mere seconds after the match started. But nevertheless, his feathers detected a breeze from an open air pocket through the wall of fire, and he used his great wings to propel him through the slim opening to safety.
 That was the first time Dabi had ever been bested by anyone before, having every single one of his limbs pinned down by multiple heavy feathers tearing through his clothes, and similarly, it was the first time Hawks had even been surrounded so quickly by anyone else either.
 Thus was the start of their begrudging comradeship, which quickly evolved into something akin to a friendship when less training commenced and more grunted words and short phrases thrown to each other formed into gruff sentences, and bitter rants about shitty parents, being surrounded by painfully stupid peers, and how everyone else but them two saw the world for what it really was: a playground where they could topple everyone else down and somehow still manage to win those same hearts over as they used them as stepping stones to their own advantages.
 Dabi’s lust for blood and pain went hand in hand with Hawk’s craving for power. It was disgusting how the school worshipped them, taking any instance of abuse from either of them with a grain of salt, having already submitted to their superior auras. They truly were stepping stones, eagerly ready and oblivious to be used.
 And Tenko was just that, another meek, fragile little stepping stone that seemed so easy to crack...but somehow, instead of shattering into hundreds of pieces, he managed to retain his brittle shape and morph into a thorn in Dabi’s side. When he would be shoved into lockers for seemingly hours on end with burning feathers taped over his mouth (courtesy of Hawks to supply some material) that accentuated the scars on the lower half of his face, he wouldn’t tattle to any head authority or teacher. When they would tear and burn his clothes off in the locker room after their training sessions and force him to walk home in sweaty gym clothes, Tenko never lifted a finger to decay a hand or turn a feather into dust. He would simply sulk off and try to remain invisible and out of their way. 
 It drove Dabi crazy; he wanted the translucent skinned boy to scream for his fucking life, he wanted to see him lash out and fight, he wanted him to squeal like the pig he was. He wanted more reasons to beat him down and feel an ounce of joy in himself that he never received elsewhere. Seeing people shake and cower before him gave him the same rush as any heavy drug would do-it was addicting, and left him craving for more. It reinforced the idea that he was better than anyone else, and if his dad wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction or assurance that there was a purpose to his miserable life, then he would have to relish in the emotions he felt within others, even if it meant at the expense of his peers.
 And although he would never admit it, it secretly was hilarious as fuck for Hawks to watch Dabi lose his mind slowly but surely over the most trivial of things, like Tenko’s lack of reaction to their abuse. He knew it only came from the neglect Dabi felt at home, Endeavor’s blatant disappointment embedded its manifestation in the eldest son’s whole being, even if he would always deny that's the case. The lack of direction and emotion Enji showed to his lost cause of a son caused Dabi to lash out in increasingly aggressive ways at school. It just proved that even though Dabi thought he was better than everyone else, he truly was just another sheep like the rest of these idiots milling around. The brooding, aloof face he put up at school wasn’t enough to fool the sharp-witted avian; he was just an average spoiled elitist brat that threw tantrums when he didn’t get what he wanted, how stupid could he be? He thought too much of what others thought, even if he sought validation through his parents, who gives a fuck? It’s just another useless miserable factor of his life to ponder on, in Hawks’ opinion.
 If you asked Dabi what he thought of Hawks, he would give you a similar answer but with different facets. Sure, it was nice to have another god of the school walk around by his side, enforcing their reputations, and yes, both of them connected on negligent parents... but Hawks gave in too much into materialistic things. Sex and popularity were deterrents from the real world, and Dabi would be damned if he were to follow pursuit. Hawks was slowly proving himself to also be another pawn in their life’s game of chess, but for the time being he knew that making friends with him was looking at the bigger picture if he wanted to make a name for himself, no matter how painful that process was at times. Why the fuck would he waste time going to parties just to socialize and bang a bunch of slutty whores when he could be proving himself to the yakuza? While Hawks would be schmoozing with some busty bimbo and playing beer pong on a Saturday, Dabi would be making his own types of friends in hidden alleyways and getting acquainted with shady figures like Kai Chisaki, a boy around their age with connections that ran around the city and underneath the city lines. The scarred boy was dedicated to his eventual goal to rid this rotten society of all the superficial heroes and scum, so naturally he hadn’t the need or want to indulge in his own selfish desires.
 Up until this point, that is.
 Which brings him and his winged partner-in-crime to now, waiting in the shadows outside the entrance to the locker room. Waiting for a certain spindly, greasy-haired freak to make his appearance so he could beat the shit out of him and release some still pent-up energy that was not relinquished in the bathroom.
 So that he could tell him to stay the fuck away from what rightfully belonged to him, for the first time in his life.
 He reached down to pick up some gravel, hand-picking the rocks that seemed the sharpest as he heated up his palm. Without saying a word, Hawks’ feathers floated towards Dabi’s hand, embedding their bristles between the rocks. 
 It took about 5 more minutes of aimlessly lounging against the wall and burning other various thrown-out papers scattered around the ground, until the man of the hour made his appearance.
 It was pathetic, really, the way the door slowly creaked open as his matted pigeon colored head peeked out, swiveling around to take his surroundings. The second his head turned right, his eyes widened as he saw the hellraisers, and Tenko frantically tried to retreat back inside and slam the door shut.
 Unfortunately, he couldn’t beat the too-fast quills that snatched him by the collar and practically threw him forward. He flailed his limbs, trying to regain his balance and flee his inevitable beating. The panic that rose in his throat grew exponentially as he was dragged further towards Hawks and Dabi, who was juggling burning blue rocks in his hand along with familiar red plumage.
 He knew the drill all too well, becoming dreadfully acquainted with the makeshift missiles over the years.
 “Hey, Shit-mura, catch!” Dabi lobbed a pierced feather at his bony abdomen, and Tenko flinched violently as a glowing blue pebble ricocheted off his body, hitting against a barely-fading bruise from a similar routine performed merely weeks ago.
 Albeit for a different reason, one that didn’t have to do with a not-so-lucky girl like you.
 Tenko fell backwards as a volley of feathers jabbed under the soles of his feet, and watched in horror as the perpetrators advanced towards him, Hawks with his wings so leisurely ruffling in the breeze with a laid-back smile on his face, hands tucked in his jacket pockets contrasting with the demonic grin etched on Dabi’s face as they leer down on him.
 “What do you want now?” The fallen boy barely mutters, not bothering to look up at them.
 “Don’t address me like that you little shit,” Dabi hisses, flames flaring up in his palms just to show off how much ammo was still burning and waiting to be used...all for him, of course.
 “Stop hanging out with Y/N. The next time I see you talking with her, or even looking in her direction I’ll burn your sorry ass alive. Though I doubt anyone would care, anyways.” He speaks curtly, and it kills him internally to almost admit how frustrated he is seeing you two cross paths, even after a sole day.
 Tenko raises his eyebrows, looking between Dabi and Hawks, who, for the meantime, doesn't feel a need to waste his breath on such a petty matter.
 “We’re just friends, that's all we are. If you’re so concerned about me getting in the way, I promise I won't-”
 “-You think I’m actually worried about losing you to her?” The inky head draws closer, his voice low and raspy as he laughs. “Let me tell you something, and listen to me very clearly, because the next time I repeat myself is the day I’ll fuck you both up- I don’t give a shit who wants her, or who doesn’t. I’m not concerned about losing her either, you know why?” He grabs the frayed collar of Tenko’s shirt, and the latter chokes as his air is squeezed out of his frail throat, hands frantically grabbling at the purple-scarred constraints.
 He can feel flecks of spit on his face, the hands around his neck heating up suffocatingly as Dabi nails the final lid in his coffin.
 “Because that little tease was practically sold to me, get it? I didn’t even want her in the first place, which essentially makes her nothing short of a playtoy for me to fuck and fuck with whenever the hell I want, without you in the picture. I don’t need some weepy moron like your sorry ass getting her all teary-eyed when her eyes should be on me and me only.”
 He releases the weakling’s throat, wishing it was your smooth one instead. He almost would’ve had a boner if Tenko’s big, gulping breaths were a little bit more feminine sounding, like yours.
 “Okay, okay, whatever man, I’ll do what I can to stay away from her. Just…” and his voice trailed off into a whisper, hoping he could muster any more sincerity in his words, “...please don’t break her heart, or be too rough with her.” The mere thought of you being bruised and banged up like he was made him gag.
 It was sickening how similar his words mirrored your own.
Dabi scoffs as Hawks finally decides to speak up, spreading his hands in a faux show of good gesture.
 “I gotta admit though, Shimura, you got good taste in girls. I’m almost impressed you managed to get a cute little thing like her to even touch you.” Tenko blanches, noting the way Dabi’s jaw clenches as the instigator’s mouth curves into a smirk, all of them knowing full well that the carefully chosen words were meant to rile the situation up even further.
 But after a tense moment of everyone glancing at each other, the patchwork figure relents and exhales through his nostrils, deciding to grant the mess of fallen limbs a rare chance of mercy.
 “Shut the fuck up bird brain. Let’s go, I don’t wanna hear my dad bitchin’ if I come home late again,” He kicks Hawk’s boot with his own and turns around towards the entrance of the school, not sparing Tomura a second glance. Hawks laughs handsomely and gives the rattled boy a mock salute and a fluff of his grand wings before trailing after his counterpart.
 Shimura finally lets out a shaky breath, slowly picking his scattered belongings off the ground, snapping his head back up frequently as if the two were bound to come back and mess with him further.
 While he was picking his remaining binders and gym clothes off the ground, unbeknownst to him, about 50 feet up and out the school Hawks was fishing an object out of his plush wings.
 “What’re you doing?” Dabi asks lazily as they walk the streets of Musutafu, kicking sake bottles out of the way.
 “Hol’ on-” Hawks grunts, yanking the object loose from his tight confines of his feathers before placing it in Dabi’s open palm.
 “Huh? The hell’s this?” He raises an eyebrow, gingerly holding up the beaten screen in front of his face.
 “That right there is extra material to hold against your little wifey. Seems like he had more pressing things on his mind rather than to check for all his belongings,” The quick-witted avian pats his elusive wings proudly, basking in the benefits his stealthy quirk allows him.
 And sure enough, as Dabi gleefully cackles with laughter at his good fortune, Tenko Shimura is desperately patting down his pockets, looking for his phone while you chatter on cluelessly next to him. 
 “So? How was your first day?”
 “Did you see Y/N? I heard from some upperclassmen that you got classes with her.”
 “You should walk her home after school!”
 Touya is immediately bombarded with questions from his siblings the second he makes his presence known by slamming the front door shut.
 He growls under his breath at all the clammer around him, and he barks at them to shut the hell up before he burns the house down.
 It doesn’t faze the rest of them who are blessed with their ice quirks, and they continue to pester him until he spills the most meager, unsatisfactory answers to them.
 “Yeah, I had a class and lunch with her. Happy? Now seriously back off.”
 Fuyumi and Natuso cheer as Shoto gives a slight smile.
 He heads off into the dining table, munching on carb-infested snacks as he scrolls through Tenko’s phone.
 The messages between you and him are long, dating back years that he has to swipe for minutes before getting to the first words of your conversations.
 A majority of the speech bubbles hold nothing but dorky back and forth’s of new movies that came out, hanging out here and there, and school help. Sometimes he’d come across you asking for advice for your parents, or ranting about having to keep a frustratingly posh look in public, and he realizes surprisingly you two might have more in common than he thought.
 He hadn’t even bothered to look at most of Tenko’s messages, nothing holding too much leverage on potential blackmail or more fuel against him, but suddenly his thumbs stilled as his eyes rove over a conversation from a couple months ago.
 Y/N: Ugh, it’s just one of those days, y’know? Idk if its PMS but i’ve literally been watching porn for like 2 hours now
 Touya’s eyes widen and he brings the screen mere inches from his eyes, just to ensure he’s not imagining his good luck...as well as disbelief.
 The next messages however, grab his elation by the balls and twist them into a cloud of red-filled rage.
 11:57 pm: I could give you something better than porn if you want:)
 It takes all he has not to throw up his munchies on the table at the pure inexperience Tenko’s words so evidently hold.
 Can this bastard be more cringe?
 Apparently it didn’t matter to you, because not even a full minute later you had responded to past-Tenko.
 Y/N: Oh yeah, like what?
 Touya excuses himself from the table, ignoring Natsuo’s raised eyebrow directed at him from the kitchen.
 He stalks to his room, closing the door behind him and locking it for good measure. Thankfully the questionnaire was over the moment he walked in, and his parents were gone until the evening, so he was set for privacy. It’s not like anyone would willingly want to come into his room unannounced anyways, unless they were looking for a death wish.
 The gloomy black decor around his man-cave suited his mood well, only the dim light of his computer and phone providing him access to witness your whore antics.
 Picture after picture filled the conversation, lacy white lingerie and red silk complimenting your figure well, and his heart speeds up when he sees the slutty expression on your face.
 You were wearing makeup in some pictures, and completely bare-faced in others. Some photos didn’t do justice to your beauty with the naive angles you positioned yourself in, and others quite literally made him gape at your junk in the right places and slender bits along your silhouette.
 In his eyes, it was innocence at its finest. Your honesty at showing all parts of you was mouth watering to Touya, the way you didn’t hide any side of you in such an intimate exchange made him want to sink his teeth into your helpless being and never let go.
 It also made him want to melt Tenko’s skin off his very breakable bones.
 We’re just friends.
 Some friends they were, alright. A slut and a grade-A fuckin’ incel. How the hell did Shimura get a taste of you before he did? He’s your fiance for gods’ sake, that's his right and no one else’s.
 Honestly, he’s disappointed in you right now. For all that talk you gave him earlier today, he didn’t take you as some easy hoe that’d put out for such a creep like Tenko, with just a few sweet words thrown here and there along with some bad pickup lines.
 He crosses his arms behind his head and leans back into the plush mattress, frowning in thought. The sounds of his father banging open the door and his siblings chiming in to greet the old bastard float in and out of his ears as he thinks of what to do with you and Tenko.
 Obviously your guys’ friendship surpassed normal boundaries, regardless of what you both pleaded or believed. Just the fact that Touya fucking Todoroki, son of the Number Two hero, eldest child and heir to a powerful elite family lost first claim of his wife-to-be’s body to some...some withering degenerate is making his heels expel smoke.
 He’s not going to be second place again, not outside his own home too.
 There’s no doubt in his mind that if you truly are all bark and no bite, you’ll find a way to meet up with Tenko behind his back. The pictures he’s seen tonight just proves it's going to take something bigger than a copped feel and a verbal warning to pull you both apart, and Touya is more than ready to take on that challenge.
 A plan begins to form in his mind, one that ensures his fiance and the dirtbag will stay away from each other, even if he needs to push them to interact more initially. Even if he needs to make you desperate to reach out for someone, anyone who’ll come to your aid after he’s through twisting and welding your nerves together.
 Touya falls asleep with one hand in his pants, one hand holding his phone screen up showing your white lingerie.
 Tenko falls asleep for the first time in months without his bony hand down his sweats furiously working his shaft at those pictures you sent months ago. The cum that usually spills out and stains his abdomen is replaced with dread that embeds itself in the pit of his stomach. He knows either Hawks or Dabi has his phone, and he knows what he’s hiding in there isn’t something that would help his claim of being your friend.
 You send a message to Tenko before you sleep, telling him to wait for you in the adjacent empty hallway to the cafeteria after you finish lunch with Touya.
 “Where the hell were you yesterday? I tried calling and texting you!”
 You indignantly demand, making no effort to move out of Tenko’s way as he tries to gently brush past you to make room for himself on the sidewalk.
 “I, uh, lost my phone and forgot to tell you after school. Sorry.” He says lamely, and you squint your eyes and grip the straps of your backpack even tighter at his half-assed excuse.
 Begrudgingly shifting to accommodate him in the narrow walkway, you both begin to walk to school. The butterflies have risen from the grave of your stomach again, butterflies of dread and gross anticipation at meeting your inky-headed match.
 “Well, did you report it missing?” He scratches his neck softly and grunts in denial. You frown, thinking if it were you then you’d be throwing a racket at your missing phone. Guys are weird.
 “Okay...well, anyways, I texted you about meeting me outside the caf’ when the bell rings for class. I have a feeling Touya’s gonna be stingy about me staying put like the perfect, brainless doll he wants me to be, ugh. So just keep your head down as usual obviously, and I should be out in no time hopefully if I can manage to slip through the crowd. I’m thinking we meet up in the General Studies hall? It’s right there-”
 “-Wait, you texted me all this?” Tenko stops abruptly, red eyes wide with panic.
 You turn to face him, eyebrows raised at his composure. “I mean, yeah? I didn’t know you didn’t have your phone with you, so I’m just telling you now I guess. Why? Do you know if someone took it?”
 He hesitates, unsure of how to cover this up. He already knows either Dumb and/or Dumber has his phone, so no doubt if you truly did text him anything about your plan to meet up with him against Dabi’s specific instructions not to, one of them would already know by now. But he can’t tell you why your plan is now faulty and extremely dangerous.
 Because then he’d have to explain how they got his phone in the first place. One question would lead to another, and then he would have to spill about what they threatened him with, and you would somehow end up getting even more hurt if you found out what went on behind closed curtains.
 “Look,” He finally decides to speak, and rejoins you on your walk to campus, “I don’t want you putting yourself at risk to still hang around me at school if Dabi told you not to. He’s just gonna find out and get even more pissed. I’m used to it, but if you’re gonna be marrying that douche then it’s just gonna screw things up for you even more. We can just meet up after school like always and hang out at your place or something.”
 You pout at his proposition, annoyed that your oh-so-loving finance is weeding his way into your private life...more quickly than you’re comfortable with. Why should you have to sacrifice time away from one of your oldest friends just because of some overgrown, spoiled man-child?
 “Ten, you can’t let them dictate your life forever, okay? Like, I get it, they’re scary as hell and you were right-they’re not afraid to get physical. But it's only the first week of school back, are we really just gonna let them walk all over us? I’m not gonna be some stupid fucking bimbo thats gonna cower every time he flashes his fist at me.” You stamp the ground in frustration, and Tenko keeps quiet, growing more irritated by the second. You might now care about keeping your limbs intact, but he’s already as frail as can be. No sense in begging to get snapped like a twig just because of your suicidal intent.
 “So what exactly do you wanna do? I get how you feel, really I do, but Y/N they’re not talked about around school for no reason. I don’t know how else to explain this to you, no matter how much you want him to know how independent you are, he’s not gonna care.”
 Biting your lip in contemplation, you think on his words. He’s got a point, unfortunately. There’s not much you can actually do apart from run your mouth. Touya’s got the upper hand in every sense.
 But still. You’ll be damned if you wait for him to make the first move like a sitting duck.
 “Whatever,” you bite out. “We’ll just have to be smart about skirting around him. Just try to meet me in an empty hall outside the lunchroom if you can, and we’ll just make sure to stay out of open areas when we walk to class. No biggie. And of course we can still walk together home, right?” 
 “Yeah, sure,” he says, as you two near the school entrance.
 You try not to notice the delay in his answer as you walk through the gates.
 Immediately when they spot you in the halls on the way to your homeroom, the trio of girls swarm and bombard you with questions...questions that you already answered with some half-assed, bullshit excuses about how Dabi needed help on homework.
 You guessed they weren’t as airheaded as they all let on.
 “It’s fine, its okay, it was just some stupid misunderstanding we had. We’re okay now, really,” you wave them off while Tenko worries his bottom lip in an attempt to subdue his itching.
 It takes some convincing for your concerned friends to finally leave with a warning of “If you hide anything from us, you’re getting your ass kicked!” and a casual laugh from you before you can head to class.
 “God, I don’t know how I’m supposed to hide the whole arranged marriage thing from them if they’re always gonna be so nosy. Especially when Tou-I mean, Dabi, isn’t exactly hiding his asshole-ness”.
 Tenko mutters in agreement to you, his head low as you both turn the corner into your classroom. He merely takes a step inside before looking up and hissing in panic, tripping backwards over his own feet.
 “Ten, what the hell?” You yelp, narrowly avoiding his skinny frame about to collide into you.
 “Shit, I forgot we changed rooms. And I’m not supposed to be seen with you, they already saw-!” He cowers at the side of the door, eyes wide with panic.
 And you realize too late that he’s right, that his sparse appearance in the doorframe must not have gone unnoticed by the dreaded duo already in class. You can see your seat from the window in the door, and an inky blob of black hair and blond locks not too far from your seat as well.
 “Oh god, fuck, just-just get to class before the bell rings, I’m sure they didn’t see you come in. But go, you’re gonna be late!” You swat him off and he dashes down the hall, throwing you a worried glance as he goes.
You take a deep breath, preparing yourself for whatever might happen if they indeed saw your figure with Tenko’s. Turning the handle with sweaty palms, you gulp and enter the room.
 “You were almost late, L/N! Let’s try to hurry it up next time and not idly stand outside the classroom with friends, shall we?” Vlad King barks from the front of the room, and you cringe as you internally wonder if the entire school was against you today.
 The room has quieted down significantly as your teacher starts to prepare the whiteboard for today’s lesson. You imitate Tenko’s earlier demeanor by keeping your head low and trying to avoid eye contact with everyone as you make your way to your seat.
 Except, that proves to be quite difficult as you pass by Hawks’ seat, a lean leg casually stretching in a mockery to make you trip. You try to step over it, but unbeknownst to you, a lone red feather darts under your feet as you take a step and lifts you up, causing you to lose your balance and fall drastically to the ground, the contents of your bag strewn across the floor.
 You can barely hear the scattered laughter filling the room, can hardly make out your teacher growling at you to take a seat and stop causing distractions, because the ringing in your ears drowns everything else out. The underside of your arms are prickling as you frantically adjust your skewen skirt and try to simultaneously pick up your displaced belongings. Your hands are shaking as they reach for a binder that slid under Dabi’s seat. 
 Bile rises to your throat as a studded black combat boot carefully places itself right on top of the binder. Your violently trembling hands pause midway to reaching for it, and you slowly raise your glassy eyes to meet your tormentor’s.
 You wish you didn’t.
 The way he looks down at your disheveled figure causes your heart to seize and create a giant lump in your throat. His piercing-decorated mouth is pulled back in a jeering grin, thoroughly enjoying the mess his friend created, just for both of their sick amusement.
 Your pleading look does nothing to deter his firm hold on your binder, and you grow increasingly panicked as you hear the lesson start.
 “Let go!” You whisper, eyebrows scrunched together, bottom lip trembling like a baby.
 “Mmmh. Only if you beg like a little bitch.” He doesn’t even look at you straight in the eyes as he murmurs in his gravelly voice, his purple patched hand lazily writing down a few scribbles here and there to take notes.
 It's cruel, almost. The bravado you held up in front of Tenko this morning is completely gone now, a mere facade to show you weren’t going to simply roll over on your back and show your stomach for Dabi. But it seems that’s exactly what he reduces you to, in just a manner of a few simple movements.
 Just like yesterday, when he had you pinned twice at lunch.
 Oh god.
 You quickly shake your head from its treacherous wanderings, opting to focus on the imminent problem right now instead of combusting from future ones as well.
 “Please, Touya,” you say almost under your breath, leaning in painfully just to make sure your plea fell only on his ears only.
 His lowered lids rove over up and down your body in acknowledgement, letting them settle on your thighs clenched together, hands balled in your lap to prevent from ripping yours and his hair out.
 Leaning back further and lower into his seat, he keeps his lustful gaze trained on your wary, kneeling figure as he subtly starts to palm himself through his jeans. Your jaw drops at his audacity, your mind completely forgetting to try and snatch the binder from his hold as he lightly thrusts up into his open hand. You scuttle backwards in disgust, your face feeling like it's on fire as you do.
 But another trusty red feather slips underneath your skirt as you flail back, and grounds the flat side of its bristles against your clothed clit.
 It's all too much, your hyper awareness and sensitivity to the whole humiliating situation reaching its peak, and you gasp loudly as the scarlet plumage circles itself once around your clit once more and retreats back into its large red home.
 Dabi isn’t the only one palming himself now.
 Once again, the class attention has been brought back to you, pages stopping their movements mid-flip.
 “Y/N L/N, what is going on back there?” Your peeved teacher’s voice booms across the silent room.
 You flinch and try to speak but Dabi beats you to it.
 “She’s distracting me sir, I tried to give her back her binder but she wouldn’t take it for some reason.” He speaks monotony, a hint of feigned confusion so strategically accenting his words.
 “No, no, that’s not what-”
 “-It’s true Mr. King. I saw her get on her knees in front of Dabi while he was trying to take notes.” You’re interrupted again as Hawk’s smooth voice floats above yours, and your face burns with shame at his choice of words as your peers titter around you.
 “If these two men miss today’s notes because of your shenanigans, you will personally be in charge of catching them up and tutoring them on whatever need be.” And with that, he turns around and continues to write nonsense formulas on the board.
 The black binder that caused so much trouble is shoved towards you carelessly, papers slipping out onto the floor as it comes your way. The two demons share a knowing smirk at their fruitful teamwork.
 It’s not even nine in the morning yet, and you want to scream.
It takes less than two minutes to gather everything off the floor and to slink yourself into your seat, cursing the placement of Dumb and Dumber in front and behind you. Brimming with rage, you clench your pen tightly as it skims back and forth across the page, making up for 10 minutes worth of missed notes.
 Not even a full beat of peace is passed before you feel a cool breath against your neck, and you slap a hand against your nape as goosebumps erupt across your skin.
 “So who came into the room with you before class, huh?”
 You honestly should’ve been more scared of his question, but you couldn’t even find the energy to turn around fully and refute his accusation. You merely exhale loudly through your nose, letting him know you were done talking in defense. He chuckles lowly and you can feel the vibrations from the rumble of his throat in such proximity to you.
 “Better keep your pretty little mouth shut, unless you really are into getting degraded by Vlad,” he leans forward, his mouth right next to your ears. You can’t stop the shiver that passes through your body as his tongue slips out to caress the shell of your lobe at the same time his hand reaches down and around your seat, just to pinch the flesh of your ass.
 You jump slightly at the onslaught of sensations and harshly bite your lip to prevent a yelp leaving your mouth. Clenching your pen tighter in your hands is the only thing you can do his touch wanders underneath your skirt, feeling the flesh of your thighs clench together again to ward off his offensive advances, elatedly letting his coarse fingers run in between your cheeks and dip into the crevice of your mound.
 The sound of your quiet whimpers and the sight of your rigid back is enough to send him over the edge.
 He suddenly digs his dull nails into your soft skin, and leans further towards you. You can feel his mouth press against the shell of your ear as he hisses.
 ¨I asked you a question you quirkless whore. Who the fuck came into the classroom before you? Was it that freak again?¨
 ¨L/N, can you answer the question up on the board please?¨ Your teacher´s voice rings out from the front of the room, and you and your bully both jump at the intrusion.
 The board in question has a jumble of words and numbers written on it, and in your frantic stupor none of it makes sense to you. But you know if you’r
e caught slacking off again, you might get written up.
 ¨Uh, l-let me check my notes really quick, sorry,” you mutter as you desperately flip through your notebook pages.
 ¨Actually sir, I think I can help Y/N out.¨ Unexpectedly, Hawkś buttery voice chimes in, much to your relief. He answers the question flawlessly, and even your teacher nods his head impressively.
 You might´ve even said a thank you to him if he hadn't turned his head at the side just for you to see him lick a long stripe up a certain feather, the corners of his lips turning up into a sickly sweet smile.
 You feel queasy.
 Dabiś fingers strategically resume their ministrations again to gain your attention as they trail down into the junction of your mound, lower and lower until the pads of his stitched fingers rest on top of your clothed clit.
 You jerk slightly and shoot a hand down underneath your desk to stop him from moving, but the second your palm wraps around his wrist his fingers press deeper against your nub.
 You know what he wants, so you answer him just to end this torture.
 ¨I don't know who you saw walking with me, but if you're referring to Tenko, then he went to his class. Try not to make it so obvious that you´re jealous or insecure of him, it's pretty pathetic. I mean damn, you´re even starting to see visions of him around the school? Maybe you like him more than I do!¨ He scoffs under his breath but you can feel the temperature around you both rise up.
 Successfully managing to yank his paused hand away from you, you throw his wrist backwards toward him, savagely relishing in his stunned silence, no doubt.
 Without turning around, you end him on a good note.
 ¨Didn't realize you were into ‘weak nobodies’, Touya. Who's the freak now?¨ You don't personally believe such a vile notion, but you hope know itĺl be enough to shut his fragile ego up for now.
 It does.
 He doesn't touch or talk to you the rest of class, much to your satisfaction.
 You don't smell the burning of a certain someone's foot in youropen bag, all your hard work from notes to projects going up in literal tiny flames.
 The bell dings, and you waste no time shoving your binder into your bag, failing to notice little flecks of ashes billowing in the air when the belongings go into the scorched fabric. You yank both straps onto your shoulders and immediately start to get up, but are promptly stopped when two figures swarm you and force you back into your seat.
 ¨Where you runnin’ off to cutie? Don´t tell me you forgot to have lunch with your fiance?¨ Hawks shakes his head mockingly, tutting in disapproval.
 ¨Yeah, I mean, she obviously thinks I´m into her little boyfriend, so I guess I'll just have to sit with her to demonstrate how I'm into women.¨ Dabi sneers, towering over your seated figure.
 You blanch, regretting your outburst from earlier, knowing that he was going to make you pay for it.
 Tenko slinks off into the courtyard to look for any possible signs of his phone around the same time Hawks and Dabi are leading you through the more deserted halls towards the cafeteria, their arms thrown over both sides of your shoulder, vile words and innuendos bordering on threats hissed into your ears.
 He knows it wouldn´t do any good for your safety if he went off trying to spot you amongst the crowds, and frankly, he didn't really want to. Especially not when he knew who you were probably with.
 Sitting with Miruko, Takeyama and Kamiji was a no-go, they would all be uncomfortable with his unsettling appearance there without you as everyone´s middleman. Maybe he could find Atsuhiro? Or even Iguchi? Surely he could find them and they could all converse about the latest game that came out, as they usually did.
 Somehow he manages to make his way into the crowded commons being invisible to most had its benefits sometimes, especially when being shoved forwards as if he's not there gets him forwards faster and looks around the massive room for the other two social outcasts.
 Lo and behold, he spots them towards the back of the mess hall, where most of the trash cans were placed.
 Iguchi unsurprisingly has his reptilian snout pressed into his console, his long talons clacking away at the buttons. It's a miracle he doesn’t rip the thing to shreds with how fast his fingers move. Atsuhiro is fiddling with his precious marbles on the stained table, shooting them at each other just to frantically put them back in their original place before they can fall off the table.
 Tenko clears his throat, moves his hood slightly off his head and makes his way to them.
 ¨Hey guys,¨ he mutters as he reaches their table. They both look up and squint at him, breaking out of their dazes as they try to register him. Feigning a roll of his eyes, Tenko brushes the wiry bangs away from his face so they can get a good look at him.
 ¨Aahh, Tenko Shimura! Our old friend, have a seat, have a seat!¨ Atsuhiro claps his hands loudly, and Tenko cringes as people from other tables turn around to glare at the commotion. He can understand why the brunette was an outcast like him- he talked weird, like he was from olden times, and he thought life was a grand play. Minor criticisms, but it was enough to be deemed offensive in their school, enough for his ass to be kicked all the way to the back of the cafeteria, marinating in the dumpster stenches.
 Quickly trying to avoid a bigger scene, the pale glaucous haired boy slides into a seat across from the two and nods at the lizard boy.
 ¨Iguchi,¨ He acknowledges, and the hybrid lifts his eyes for a second from the screen and curls his lips in his own greeting.
 ¨How´ve you been Shimura? Haven't seen you in a while, usually you´re hanging out with L/N, right?¨
 Tenko scratches his neck and feels skin pile up under his nails.
 ¨Yeah, she um...I think she wanted to sit with some of her own friends today.¨
 ¨I thought you two hung out with the same people-¨ ¨So what game´re you playing? Is that the one that just came out?¨ He interrupts Iguchi, trying to avert the conversation away from you. The less eyebrows raised, the safer you both would be.
 They talk about the latest games and consoles, grades and classes. It feels nice, honestly. Even if he's not as well known and presentable as you, he gets to bask in things he actually is passionate about. Not that you ignore his own hobbies, but it gets tiring after a while to talk about facials and hero work, girl stuff that he just never really understands. You act like a protector to him, and he appreciates it, he really does, but...sometimes it feels like he's more of a show dog, and not the cute kind. A kicked puppy-no, charity work is a more accurate representation of what he feels like when he sees the not-so-subtle sympathetic looks your friends throw at you when they think he's not looking.
 Tenko loves you a lot, and he knows you do too. But sometimes it's hard to see past that aged love when, as Iguchi basically stated, his friends are your friends.
 Funny thing is, he has no real friends apart from you.
Tenko loves you a lot, and he knows you know.
 It's been hard to remember that constant love when Dabi and Hawks have been making his life a living hell, especially now when they know you´re so protective of him.
 It´s hard to remember that love when you insist on putting the two of you in actual danger, just to walk down a stupid hallway together. 
 But he supposes he can't blame you all the way. He guesses maybe it's mommy issues from a younger age around the time he met you. It's the way he could cry into your shoulder after his father would beat him black and blue, it's the way you would rub his back soothingly and shush his cries, never really understanding why he was so upset in the first place but still doing your best to be there for him.
 His father had sent his sister away overseas to some private school to better her education, so he truly was alone with his batshit crazy family situation. You provided him with unrequited love from an early age on, you were his safe haven, his sanctuary of sorts. It was true, you really were the only one who understood why he acted the way he did and you accepted him for it.
 He supposes he should feel more grateful to you, but like how every child is supposed to fly the coop and become independent, you had unknowingly trimmed his already-deteriorating wings and tethered him back to your welcoming, warm embrace.
 You had ruined him
 Almost a half hour went by between the three boys, discussing a wide range of topics, and for the first time in a while, Tenko was actually comforted by another guys’ presence. He wasn't worrying about shielding his body from ammunition, or keeping his greasy bangs in front of his eyes so he wouldn't have to meet anyone´s judgemental gaze.
 ¨Hey man, you should come over one day. I got a couple of GTA discs we can try out, or COD if that's more your thing,¨ Iguchi offers, reaching his clawed hand out. ¨Why don't we all exchange numbers?¨
 ¨Y-yeah, that sounds great! Hold on, lemme get my ph-¨
 But his excitement was cut short, when his hand patted empty pockets.
 He almost forgot.
 ¨Uhm, sorry, I kinda lost my phone yesterday. Maybe you guys could just write your numbers down here or something,¨ And he fished around his bag for an empty paper, pushing it across the dirty table to them. They didn't seem to mind-they promptly wrote down their digits in chicken scratch writing.
 ¨Got any trash?¨ He stands up, plucking a few plastic wrappers off his seat and extending his courtesy to them. They wave him off and he shrugs, making his way behind them towards the giant dumpsters.
 The second he drops the scraps into the bin, some force shoves him face first into the reeking cesspool of school lunches. He grabs the edge of the bin in a split second, ignoring the slimy substances he feels underneath his palms and whips around for the source of the assault.
 All he sees behind him is a retreating figure, with blond locks swaying with every sauntered step he takes away from the frazzled target.
 His phone wasn't as far as he thought it was.
 In fact, if he had the balls to follow the winged boy back to his table, he would've surely discovered his beat up phone case held captive in Hawks´s open bag. He would´ve also seen both boys keeping a miserable girl sandwiched between them.
 Tenko would´ve seen all of that from a distance, but you were there in your own skin, fighting the urge to rip out a certain purple-burned aggravator´s staples, and preventing yourself from diving into your burned backpack, pulling out a nasty pair of scissors and giving a special birdbrain´s wings a well-needed cut.
 ¨Why so quiet sweetheart? Nothing bitchy to say now?¨ Dabi seethes in your ear as he busies a hand in pinching the soft flesh of your thighs, a 2.0 to your torment in the classroom.
 ¨No,¨ you gripe, trying to finish your spring rolls. A feather plucks the roll from midair as you lift it towards your mouth, and redirects it into its owner's mouth.
 ¨Mmm, Dabi, your bitch can cook right. You should've told me my sister-in-law was such a domestic homebody, I would´ve defended her from your evil clutches sooner,¨ Hawks chuckles with a mouth full of food. His arm is draped over your shoulders, fingers dangling oh-so-close to your chest. Shoving them off even in the hallway proved to be futile after they both used their respective quirks into silencing you every time a teacher walked by and you attempted to open your mouth in a plea of help.
 ¨I´m not his fucking bitch, you brainless pigeon,¨ and even though you know you can´t fully move with how close their proximity is, you still try and push them off.
 But Dabi is having none of it, igniting his fingers on your thighs as his counterpart cooes at your irate state. Ignoring your gasps and writhes, he doesn't give a moment to prep you as he fully shoves his hand down your panties, your skirt bunching up further up your legs when he does. 
 You give him a desperate look, and he merely gives you a sneer in retaliation.
 ¨Where did you learn to talk like that? That shit´s not gonna fly with me when I put a ring on it, bitch. If I hear you mouthing off like that again I'll personally make sure there's a better use for that slutty hole,¨ and at that his fingers start moving and heating up again, Hawk´s arm forearm tightening around you to prevent you from making a scene while the ravanette circles calloused digits around your wet nub.
 He leans closer to your ear, and the rings adorning his lips feel cold against your skin. On the other side of you, the blond is smiling knowingly down at you, brushing his thumb against your neck. 
 You jerk as Dabi breathes into your ear, ¨But something tells me you wouldn't mind that too much. I mean if you´re not exactly screaming for help right now then I guess you must want this as much as I do. Fucking whore.¨
 You shake visibly at the strength Hawks is using to counter your escape attempts, Dabi´s fingers tweaking your clit hard every time you jerk your body to the side.
 ¨No, no, what the hell? I don't want this, I don't want anyone to see me like this-!¨
 ¨Oh, is that what it is? Even so, I'm sure you remember our little talk the day before, right? About me laying off your friend, if you just take it like a good slut. Don´t think I haven´t forgotten about him, Y/N.¨
 And then you still. Because of all the emotions running through your frantic head right now, you keep Tenko above all the other bullshit. He doesn't deserve your share of hell, he's already gotten his fill.
 Red silk and lace cloud Touya´s mind.
 ¨We´re just friends¨.
 ¨That's a good girl,” your fiance whispers, kissing your outer ear and laving his tongue across the rim of it. You whine quietly and try to draw further into yourself-which is miraculously allowed by the blond as Dabi tugs you closer into his black shirt, his fingers down your skirt and teasing your slick entrance.
 The Hawks watches you shamelessly, playing with a stray feather between his hands as Dabi descends his mouth to your neck, nipping you lightly and then harder when you squirm.
 Your seating position is most unfortunate, the boys having picked an area that most teachers don't pass through on account of other delinquents settling in as well. No one would bother them here, just passing it off as PDA that the rest of them have no shame in showing either.
 ¨Oh! I haven't asked about your family yet. That's what good fiances do, right Keigo?¨ Dabi exclaims suddenly, lifting his head to give the amused blond a knowing look. Hawks hums in assent, eager to see how much more you could take of their special attention. 
 ¨So did your mom ask how her beloved son-in-law is doing? You told her all about our quality time together?¨ His other hand creeps beneath your shirt, your stomach muscles clenching painfully tight at his unwanted contact.
 ¨Did daddy ask how I’m treating his precious little girl?¨
 You bite your lip hard and squeeze your eyes shut as your bra is moved up, fingers trailing upwards towards your nipple. Hawks´ eyes are glinting as he watches in silence, his pupils dilated at the scene in front of him.
 ¨Or, actually, maybe save that nickname for me. I'd love to be the first to break it to him that his princess has a new daddy, a better one who broke her faster than he ever could.¨
 A sob builds up in your throat. There´s 15 minutes left of lunch.
 ¨Maybe after we get married, we can just crash at your place,¨ he hides his mouth behind your hair, but you and Hawks can hear his low gravelly voice as he murmurs, ¨So they can hear me fuck the living daylights out of their precious baby girl...make sure you´re loud too, ´wanna let them know you´re a woman now. A married woman who´s gonna slave away for her husband, down on her hands and knees like she's supposed to-
 Ding ding ding
 His phone goes off, pausing him from his vile monologue.
 You exhale in relief when he growls under his breath at the interruption, reaching for the offensive device.
 But instead of pressing the decline button after seeing the screen, his face goes slack and pales tremendously.
 His hands retreat from their perverse activities underneath your clothes, and you turn to him fully surprised now. You try to lean over to see the caller ID, but your less-than-pleased fiance actually shoves you off of him, right into Hawks (who thankfully catches you).
 You look up at him who seems equally bewildered, and then at Dabi who holds the phone to his ear.
 He gulps and clears his throat before he speaks.
 ¨Hello?¨ It still holds his raspy tone, but you can't detect his usual snarkiness.
 There´s a pause as he listens, and then he gets up from the table and walks away without so much as a second glance to the both of you.
 Hawks, being a guy who's too fast and too smart for his own good, already has an inkling as to who could emit such a reaction from the arsonist.
 A wandering feather that brushes against your leg jerks you out of your stupor, and you flinch away from the warm body that caught you.
 He laughs a real laugh this time, not one with any malice or with undertones of perverseness in it as you scuttle back to the other side of the short table. You glower at the floor as he rests his elbow on the table, cheek in his hand. He tilts his head at you, very birdlike and for a moment in his open eyes, you can understand why Mirko likes him so much.
 But fuck if he wasn´t a total scumbag on the inside.
 ¨Aw come on sweetheart, you know I don´t bite. We just wanna mess with ya´, it's cute seeing you get all nervous and shy. I gotta admit, it's a nice change from your, ah, colorful language.¨
 Your head whips up to face him, and you let out a short, humorless laugh at his audacity.
 ¨Mess with me? Hawks, you guys are fucking assaulting me. It's not funny or cute, and I know your little innocent act is complete bullshit. I know what you guys do to Tenko, and the fact that you don't even stop Tou- I mean, Dabi from it shows you´re just as bad as him!¨ You bang your fist on the table, acting out now since the worst one out of the duo is out of commission for the time being.
 But instead of narrowing his eyes and shooting feathers at you to shut you up, he merely smiles wider and shrugs in indifference, never taking his eyes off of you.
 It's hard not to gape at him. What kind of world was he living in, where none of this had any effect on him? All this-this bullying and torment was just fun jests for him.
 But you know it's less pure with your betrothed. You know with him, it's some fucked up power-play, a show of dominance that you want no part in.
 You can't help but toss a glance to where he was now, 20 feet away and speaking intensely into the speaker.
 ¨You know, if you stopped fighting him and just gave in it would be a lot easier for you. He likes putting you down and getting a reaction out of you.¨
You don't tear your gaze away from Dabi, so you don't see Hawks lean in and take advantage of your distracted focus.
 ¨He gets off on it.¨
 His velvety voice rumbles right next to you, and you whip around and slap a hand over your ear as a shiver simultaneously passes through your body. He doesn't move, however, but merely leans back and throws an arm over the back of your seat, grinning like a madman.
 ¨See, this is exactly why I´m not giving in yet. What the fuck is wrong with you both? How could you think something so fucked up is funny? No wonder you both give Tenko hell-¨
You clamp a hand over your mouth, forgetting in your rage not to mention the taboo name. Your eyes search gold ones for any sign of similar hate that you find in cerulean orbs, but there is none.
 All he does is raise an eyebrow and strain his smile a little.
 ¨Between you and me, sweet thing, it really is in your best interest not to mention Shimura´s name around Dabi. I don't really know why he's got it out for that dude, but it doesn't really help Dabi calm down when his wife-to-be is prancing hand-in-hand around school with him.¨ Your lip curls in discontentment, and you feign a scowl at Hawks´ words.
 ¨Why does he even care? It shouldn't matter who I hang out with, it's not like I'm cheating on Dabi or anything. Besides, he doesn't even like me, he just wants some girl he can ruin.¨
 A few moments of silence pass, and then he speaks. What he says makes your heart seize up, and the butterflies kick in again, much to your disappointment.
 ¨Is that what you think? Man, you both have a long way to go, then.¨ You want to ask what he means, but you´re unfortunately interrupted when a very unwanted lanky figure plops next to you, jostling you to move over.
 ¨ ´Just had something to take care of,¨ is all Dabi offers as he starts packing up his stuff from the table.
 ¨Who was it? Was that your dad?¨ Hawks presses.
 Dabi´s eye twitches.
 ¨Yeah. ‘Was calling about some stupid assignment I failed, giving me shit about it.¨
 ¨He usually doesn't call you at school,¨ is followed by a raised gold eyebrow.
 ¨I know. I was actually almost excited for once-¨ Dabi laughs bitterly, and you just listen with your head down, utterly confused. What was the deal between him and his dad?
 And just in time, the bell for dismissal rings.
 Thank god.
 You silently pack your belongings as well, hoping that this time you could slip out and actually see Tenko for a couple of minutes if he was waiting for you like you told him to, but as usual, your beloved fiance intervened.
 ¨You´re always rushing off when the bell rings, doll. Where are you going in such a hurry? I hope our company didn´t make you uncomfortable or anything,¨ he snakes a hand around your waist and pulls you in tight, leering at you.
 ¨I just don't want you guys getting me late for class,¨ you mutter, avoiding his lecherous gaze.
 ¨You sure no one's waiting for you out there? Maybe we could both go and say hi to whoever´s taking up all your time-¨
 ¨Uh, no no! That's okay, I really was just making sure I wasn't late. We can go to class together though, no worries.¨ You quickly grab onto his jacket sleeve and look at him with big eyes and a little smile in a shameless, desperate attempt to deter an inevitable bloodbath.
 He raises his eyebrows at your volume and the way you clutch at him while simultaneously quelling the blush that creeps onto his face and the smoke that was comically coming out of his ears. If his fiance was throwing herself at him for the first time, then who was he to reject her?
 ¨Alright, let's go then,¨ he steers you out towards the entrance of the cafeteria, and you force your legs from grounding themselves and running in the opposite direction of where he was taking you. 
 You feel him squeeze you tighter, and you raise your head at him, startled to find him already looking you over with a strangely soft expression. It wasn't anything deemed romantic for sure, but it was a lot different than his usual sneers and scowls. Your stomach does somersaults at this new expression that was privy for your eyes only, his piercing blue eyes rendering you speechless.
 He looks so much better when his mouth is closed, and his eyes do the talking instead.
 However, Dabi does in fact open his mouth, not to spew venom, but to say something that makes your heart beat even faster.
 ¨Yḱnow, all jokes aside, you weren't too annoying at lunch. Maybe it's ´cause you kept your fat mouth shut with a shit ton of food, but you were pretty tolerable.¨ you quietly scoff at his backhanded compliment as you both exit the hall, Hawks trailing a couple feet behind you, both sides of his shoulders clutched by fangirls who seemingly spawned out of nowhere.
 ¨I´d say the same to you if you weren't feeling me up every five seconds and mouthing off like a-¨
¨-But, yeah, thanks for actually sitting with me. I really would like it if we did this more often,¨ he murmurs so quietly that you´d think he was talking to himself. He isn’t looking at you anymore, his gaze squinted as he navigates through the crowded and loud hallway. 
 You want to point out that technically he wasn't really giving you a choice of where to sit when he threatened you like earlier, but something in you tells you to stay quiet as he maneuveres your body around so that no other student would bump into you by accident.
 A sense of whiplash comes over you at that moment. Only a mere couple of minutes before he was calling you his bitch and terrorizing you, but now with that soft gleam in his eyes and the confession he was giving you, it feels like it was only you two at the moment regardless of the massive crowd swarming around.
 If Hawks was a little closer within earshot, you have a feeling that Dabi would be acting very differently, no doubt. But nevertheless, you swallow your apprehension and acknowledge his different aura.
 ¨Sure, Touya. We can sit together more often...as long as you lay off the handsy part, we haven't gotten there yet. We've barely been able to have decent conversations, but I´ll try if you try too.¨ While you say that, you subtly try to look around for Tenko but find it hard as Dabi maintains eye contact with you and pulls you along the school. You glumly give up as you both turn the corner to where the classes were.
 He ignores everything else you say, solely cherry picking where you said his real name, again. Dabi didn't particularly care for all the other bullshit you uttered, but he shuddered when you stroked a thumb against his hand. He was glad that their plus one had opted to not be in their faces at the moment, because it was nice for once to say something relatively normal to you. Because in the end, he might be a menace but he wasn't delusional. He really could see you as his wife, not just on her hands and knees like he had purred about earlier, but actually as someone who could offer him a new, better life than the one he had at his own home.
 He saw it in the way you gazed so softly at Tenko, saw it in the way your voice lilted higher and in the way you softly pull his scratching hand away from his marred skin
 The way your lips puckered as your mouth invited another bite of food made his chest ache with a weird feeling he couldn't quite place a stitched finger on. The scowl you gave him and Hawks both when you sensed they were about to fuck with you more made him want you in a way that he had never wanted anyone so close before. He wanted to be the reason your scowl would eventually turn into a smile, but for the meantime he knew he couldn't refrain from seeing fear and panic in your eyes. You were cute, with a body and a smart mouth to match. Dabi guessed that you were also taken aback by his sudden intimate gestures, and he couldn't help himself to hope that you had a slight inkling of what your presence was slowly starting to do to him.
 But if you thought that you had newfound leverage on him, or thought that he was wrapped around your finger by a small sentence he said, then you were more stupid than he was givng you credit for.
 Because the second you bit your lip and looked away after touching his hand lightly, he turned his head back and made eye contact with Hawks, giving him a knowing look.
 Hawks´ wings flex as he gives a cheshire grin to his counterpart, letting him know he already knew what to do.
 ¨Sorry girls, ´gotta head to class, can´t let my grades fall. I´ll catch you two later, yeah?¨
 He is met with simpering ¨yeah, sure!¨´s and ¨of course, text me though!¨ as they sashay away.
 ¨Definitely,¨ He chuckles, running a hand through his floppy hair.
 As if he would be caught dead texting Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
 But anyways, back to business.
 He cracks his knuckles and stretches above his head, letting out a satisfied groan as he leisurely pulls out a phone. It takes some scrolling before finding the message, and bingo, he finds the right hallway adjacent to the cafeteria after backtracking his steps a bit.
 Lo and behold, who was already there? That's right, none other than Tenko Shit-mura. Hawks´ eyebrow raises as he sends a quick message from Tenko´s phone, and pockets the device.
 ¨You´ve got balls, I´ll give you that.¨ Tenko whips around in horror as he puts the voice together with the person. His thumbs overlap each other and alternate to scratch at his scabbed arms and neck. It's something near a miracle to Hawks as he can't fathom why a girl of your stature would hang around with this degenerate. Sure, he himself had girls sucking his dick in every crevice of the school and outside, but at least he had a name for himself, and a reputation befitting of a god´s.
 This thing?
 ¨Oh, h-hey Hawks,¨ and the unamused blond curls his lip in disgust as Tenko´s wavering words were almost drowned out by the sound of vigorous scratching. ¨I was just waiting for Iguchi-¨
 ¨-And Atsuhiro, right? Funny, they left the caf´ at the same time you did, so why exactly are you here?¨ He smirks and folds his arms, leaning on the lockers.
 It was borderline hysterical how white Tenko´s face went, and Hawks distantly wonders how much whiter could his face go before real blood and veins were visible behind the mess of scarred facial features.
 Poor Tenko stammers and stutters over his words trying to find a good enough reason as to why he was lingering there, but he needn't worry so much, because unfortunately for him, Hawks knows exactly why.
 He holds up Tenko´s phone casually and grins at his ashen face as if they were old buddies.
 ¨Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with other people´s toys?¨ Tenko makes a quick swipe at the phone suspended in midair, but only succeeds in getting sliced by a few directed feathers.
 He groans and clutches his now bleeding stomach, holding up a hand to see a thin line of red adorning his cracked skin.
 Hawks shrugs as if nothing had happened, and cocks his head at his victim. ¨I decided, if you can't learn to keep your nose out of other people's things then I have every right to keep yours.¨
 ¨Give it back man, I don´t know what your deal is, but if this is about Y/N then I swear I haven't been anywhere near her.¨ Tenko looks at him desperately and Hawks chuckles lightly, making the other´s heart sink.
 ¨Yeah, you have. You might be just as gross and sly as Dabi is, but you´re not smarter than me.¨ He waves the device in his snug hand. ¨She might just see you as her friend, but we both know you want her more than that.¨ Tenko loves you.
 ¨In my opinion, she looked better in red.¨ His steel colored head snaps to see his phone screen showing the messages he was so afraid of them finding out about.
 ¨That's not fair, that was so long ago, way before Y/N even knew Dabi.¨ ¨You think that's gonna matter to him?¨ He pushes himself off the wall and advances with his hands in his pockets towards Tenko, who is now frantically scrabbling back on all fours like a mutt. 
 ¨The fact that it even happened is a given that you´re a dead fucker now, Shimura. And don't think I don't see you two running around in the hallways trying to avoid me and Dabi, he sees all that too, y´know. We've both got eyes around the school.¨ He crouches in front of Tenko, and his grin turns ugly into a sneer when the shit-stain on the floor flinches and raises his hands up as if he were about to be hit.
 ¨Why does Dabi care so much about me and her? She´s gonna be married to him, not me. He gets her officially, not me.¨ Tenko says rather bitterly, in Hawks´ opinion.
 ¨He hates how close you are to her. He's jealous, simply put, at how well you know her, how you make her smile and put her at ease. It drives him crazy that some social reject like you has seen her body and the best and worst parts of her before he has, and that's why he lashes out at her. These pictures just prove to him that you need to be removed from the scene. Permanently.¨
 ¨Okay, I get that, but then why are you so involved with it? What are you even getting out of snitching for him?¨ Hawks´s eyes glint and darken, sending a sinister shiver down Tenko´s back. He licks his lips and leans close, giving a confession of his own.
 ¨´Cause if your guys´ shared whore screws up again, I might get a taste of her too. Personally, I couldn't care less about Dabi´s heart, but I wanna see why this girl is worth all this trouble.¨ The fallen soldier recoils slightly at his implication.
 Tenko forces himself to take deep breaths and to stop his shaking. He needs to get his phone back and go to the nurse before anyone sees this scene.
 ¨Just give me my phone back dude, please,¨ He hisses desperately, outstretching a gnarled hand.
 Hawks studies him for a moment. He was almost disappointed in Dabi that the flame user was so butt-hurt about this pathetic sack of bones being closer to his girl than he was.
 But that's what he gets when he holds onto a shred of hope that someone could be a candle to his everlasting flames.
 ¨Here,¨ and he takes momentary mercy on Tenko, tossing his phone on the ground in front of him.
 He starts walking away, wings ruffling with foreboding anticipation as he pulls out his own phone to send a message to the man of the hour.
 But before he does, he calls out over his shoulder a warning to the boy on the ground.
 ¨If you see her again, you won't be the only one getting buried that day¨.
 Tenko scratches his neck.
Ashtray: Was he there?
 2:00 pm: Yup, you were right. Guess they never learn, huh?
 Ashtray: Whatever, I have her phone and I just sent him the message. Send me a feather so I can send it back to her class
 2:01 pm: You deleted the message right?
 Ashtray: Obviously. You too?
 2:01 pm: Yeah, did it as soon as I saw him standing there
 Ashtray: Good. Make sure the area is clear after school
     Call Kai over too, I'm gonna need him when I'm preoccupied
 And unbeknownst to you, a velvet feather was indeed carrying a small cellular device on its back, weaving in and out of empty hallways to find your designated classroom.
 The silent plumage floats stealthily through the slightly ajar door and makes sure to stay low to the ground as it approaches your desk. Luckily there's an opening in your bag, so it quietly drops your phone inside while you tediously take notes.
 It can't help itself when your legs cross over themselves; you look so unassuming and innocent that it just has to get a quick taste. The feather travels up the expanse of your leg up to your inner thigh, and gently brushes against you, laying some pressure on it as well.
 From his own classroom, Hawks shivers in sickening pleasure when he senses the vibration of your gasp and the quickening of your heartbeat as you jolt and look underneath your desk.
 But you find nothing, the feather already having been directed to whizz out of the room and back to its owner.
 ¨What the hell,¨ you mutter to yourself as you brush the crawling feeling off your skin. You glance at your bag for a second, and then do a double take when you see the screen of your phone glowing.
 After taking a quick glance at your preoccupied teacher, you reach for the device and squint at the notification that shows on your lockscreen.
 One new message from Ten-ten.
 Ten-ten: Meet me behind the training grounds outside after school, its urgent
 Your brows crease in concern and you tap a message back to him.
 2:05: Are you okay? What happened?
 2:07: Where were you today after lunch? I didn't see you outside the lunchroom
2:06: And when did you get your phone back?
 2:10: Hello?
 And from across the school, Tenko is trudging away from the nurse's office back to his own classroom, frowning at your message as well.
 Y/N: Meet me behind the training grounds outside after school, its urgent
 He sighs and drags a gnarled hand down his weary face, stopping his fingers under his jaw to dig his nails into the thin flesh.
 2:06: We can't meet up again at school, Dabi and Hawks are gonna kill both of us
 2:08: I´m serious
 He's in his classroom now, and his unease has merely grown. You were usually so good at texting him back promptly, what´s wrong now?
 Biting a fingernail, he hesitates before using his other free hand to type some more.
 2:10: You okay?
 Almost 30 minutes pass, and Dabi is counting each second in anticipation.
The sounding chime of the school bell causes Shimura to stop his periodic scratching and leg-bouncing, instead opting to shoot up out of his seat and bound out the classroom to where you said you were.
 Anxiety clouds over and erases all rational thought from his disturbed mind when he thinks of your lack of response.
 Were you mad at him? Were you safe?
 A stronger man with more self control would have resisted from going to check up on the girl that caused so much trouble for him, but Tenko was not a strong man. He was weak, and soft-willed, and if he was already getting the life beat out of him any other day because of his weakness, then what would one more catalyst be?
 His bony figure is ricocheted off various bodies as he bolts down the halls towards the back of the school, looks of disgust thrown his way and noses scrunched as he mutters occasionally, ¨Sorry, excuse me¨ and ¨My bad, I´m sorry¨. It doesn't deter him, he's used to the disdain by now and with the thought of you in mind he finally reaches the back of the Quirk Training facility, shoving through the double doors.
 Muted sunlight peeks through the large trees that loom over the area, the sky already turning a russet color in the beginning of its descent. He looks around wildly for you, and then he finally spots you in all your oblivious glory standing at the edge of the fence, your face slightly covered from the large sakura branches winding over the mesh.
 Tenko releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, and starts approaching you.
 You´re playing with the vines growing on the fence, but you turn around when you hear footsteps coming near.
 ¨Hey! What´s up?¨
 ¨I could ask you the same thing,¨ he says warily, looking you up and down to make sure you seemed unscathed. ¨What's going on? Why haven't you been answering any of my texts?¨
 You raise an eyebrow and laugh a little, thinking that he was messing with you.
 ¨Huh? You´re the one who called me here. And you didn't send any messages to me, look.¨ He grabs the phone that you thrust in his face, scratching lighty at his collarbones.
 You gently swat his hand away and watch as he thumbs through your chat log.
 His own brows furrow and he looks at you weirdly as he produces his own device, flipping the screen around and showing you the many messages he sent not too long ago.
 You squint at the blue light and look back up at him, mouth agape.
 ¨Wait, so you didn't call me here? I tried texting you too, but I didn't get an answer. I just thought you were busy or something.¨
¨Look, I don't know what's going on here, but we need to leave,¨ He says anxiously as he grabs your arm and starts to pull you around the corner. ¨This is weird, I don't like it-¨
 ¨Hold it you two.¨
 You both freeze, ice flooding through both your systems as you recognize the lazy voice.
 Slowly, you turn your head to face the last person you wanted to see in this state.
 Hawks is leaning casually against the brick wall, wings flared out to their fullest extent. Next to him is a new guy you´ve never seen before, a brunette with gold eyes like Hawks´ and a black beak mask to match. His hands are clad in white gloves, and he periodically keeps checking the watch on his pale wrist as if he has somewhere to be. 
 He's surrounded by cronies, tattoos covering the expanse of their bulky arms and baseball bats along with guns strapped over their heads or twiddling through their fingers.
 You think you´re going to throw up.
 Dabi is the first to speak, his guttural voice cutting through the thick, tense air like a serrated rusted knife.
 ¨Well, shit doll. I didn't think I'd have to break my future house slut so quickly.¨
 ¨Dabi, wait, there's been a misunderstanding-¨ ¨-And you,¨ he draws on as if you hadn't spoken. You tried to catch his eye but it seemed like he was purposely avoiding you, instead going for drilling invisible holes through Tenko´s head.
 If you had asked him, he was granting you mercy and your last shred of dignity by not letting you continue speaking, before he viciously strips it away from you. He feels as though if he hears your voice right now, the entire pavilion will go up in flames, including the chicken bastard and the Shie Hassaiki members.
 He stuffs his inflamed palms into his fire-deterrent pants to quell his unbridled rage. To anyone else he seemed at sick ease in having the upper hand, but in all honesty, Dabi would be lying if he said he really did wish you would have passed his test and not met with Tenko.
 ¨You´ve got a lot of balls to be talking to my bitch for such a dickless wonder. I thought after beating it into your skull for a couple of years that you'd understand where your place is.¨
 Out of the corner of your eye, a massive wooden bat swings towards Tenko and smashes against his head with a sickening thud.
 They must have surrounded you from the other side of the building too when you both were distracted.
 You scream so loudly you can feel your vocal cords vibrating in your throat. Everything seems to move ten times faster as you´re suddenly yanked back by invisible feathers, and dragged almost 15 feet away from Tenko´s unmoving body right into Dabi´s cruel embrace. 
 He harshly spins you around and shakes you like a ragdoll, staring you straight in your horrified eyes.
 ¨I told you not to hang around him, right? Well, if you don´t wanna listen to me, then at least listen to the beautiful sounds of your precious boy toy getting his skull bashed in.¨
And with that he spins you around again, a vice-like grip on your arms as he traps you against his hard body. You´re faced with front-row seats to watch the nauseating scene of Tenko indeed getting beaten to a pulp.
 ¨I´m going to make you fucking regret it,¨ He hisses in your ear, but you´re so dizzy with blood and teeth littering the ground filling your vision that you can´t even move.
 You vaguely hear Hawks tsk next to you, leaning against the wall and stretching his wings as if he had better places to be. As if watching a kid getting beaten half to death was something he saw every day.
 Grunts and jeering comments come from the large tattooed boys while they rain blow after blow on Tenko´s shuddering body. You can't even comprehend what kind of pain he´s in from the inhumane shrieks that come out of him. It was mesmerizingly terrifying how a human being could make sounds like the ones he was making, ranging from low wails of pleading mercy to high pitched cries of pain when they began kicking him.
 Feet pound on his back, crushing his paper-thin skin against the gravel, causing it to rip and tear,allowing rivers of blood to pool around his form. Now-cracked baseball bats become dented as they explode down on his head, and you distantly wonder how he's still alive with bits of hair and membrane clinging to the wood.
Your best friend flinches every time contact is made with his body; his fingers are curled and raised above his head to protect himself, and you think you can make out his chest puffing in and out a mile a minute. He might be having a panic attack, you´re not sure and you want to run to him, but the loud ringing in your head and the tears that cascade down your face are indications that you know you´re utterly trapped right now. You couldn't move even if you wanted to.
 ¨Stop,¨ you croak from the confines of Dabi´s arms, clawing at his jacket. ¨Please, stop, you're killing him.¨
 Dabi releases an arm to tap on his chin in mocking contemplation. ¨Hmm...tempting, but no thanks doll. This is supposed to be a lesson, not a freebie.¨ ¨Are we done from here?¨ A nasaly bored voice emerges from the background laughs and screams. The brunette with the beak-mask is standing a little away from Hawks, sighing and rolling his eyes.
 Is everyone here excluding you and Tenko a psychopath? How does Dabi even know them?
Not that you could say you were surprised, however. A man cruel enough to execute something like this surely has a heart blacker than coal.
 ¨Dabi, please!¨ you sob hysterically now, the pained noises coming from Tenko are coming out softer and less frequently now, you think he might die soon if one more bat slams into his ribcage. ¨I´ve learned my lesson, please, please don't do this to him.¨ you cry and beat your fists against his arms, which only squeeze painfully around your middle.
 ¨Nah, I don't think you have, actually. You said that last time, and look what's happening because of your lies,¨ he jeers at you, exchanging a smirk with Hawks.
 ¨I´ll do anything,¨ you whisper in desperation, looking at him full in his poker face.
 ¨Anything?¨ His brows raise gleefully, and you nod vigorously, not caring what that means for you, only concerned that the assault on the motionless body mere feet away from you stops.
 Dabi regards you for a moment, taking in your tears and wobbling lip, before he finally turns to the masked man, and gives him a curt nod. ¨Alright, we´re done here Kai. Take your guys and leave.¨
 The man named Kai dusts off his purple jacket and calls out for his boys to stop.
 ¨That's enough. We´re going.¨ He wrinkles his nose in afterthought. ¨And make sure you clean your stuff off, I don't wanna deal with bloody bats...god knows how many diseases that thing is carrying, ´looks like it has mange.¨ 
 That thing is currently groaning in difficulty to lift his face out of a puddle of his own blood, tears, and snot, almost choking on the mixed liquids invading his mouth and nostrils
 He blearily lifts his head ever so slightly, and sees you writhing in Dabi´s embrace, one of his forearms wrapped around the front of her throat and evidently choking you from the way you frantically gulp in air.
 He hoarsley whispers out your name, and you heave out another dry sob when you see his lips form your name in them. He painfully and slowly starts to rise up to his hands and knees, and it's like looking at a baby stand up for the first time from the amount of visible shaking you can see in his broken limbs.
 Dabi, you, Hawks, and Kai as well as the groupies all watch in awe as the stick-thin figure manages to elbow his way up, and Hawks scoffs in disbelief at Tenko´s grit. A man in his state shouldn't even be able to blink.
 Meanwhile, you can feel your fiance's arms tremble in barely concealed rage from watching the blatant act of disrespect.
 You want to tell Tenko to just stay the fuck down, and don´t piss them off further, but part of you takes savage pride in his perserverance.
 Is he just used to this? Is that why it's so easy for him to disregard the volumes of blood that come vomiting out of his mouth? How long has he been accustomed to places other than his heart being broken?
 It's hard not to cringe as he places his bloodied palms against the sharp concrete; you can see tiny pebbles embed themselves in his open wounds, and his fingers bend in unnatural ways as he elevates himself and maintains eye contact with just you.
 You think he's crying, but it's hard to tell when your own vision is blurry.
 It´s quiet for a moment after everyone witnesses Tenko´s own version of a fuck you, until Kai turns on his heels, his boys immediatley scrambling towards their leader as he makes to leave.
 He walks towards Hawks, and you can hear him murmur, ``You owe me.¨ He gives a curt nod to Dabi who merely grunts.
 Hawks, ever the optimist, laughs joyfully and reaches out a hand towards the beaked boy. ¨Of course man! We'll be in touch soon.¨
 Kai merely waves his hand in a resemblance of a farewell, crinkling his nose at Hawks´ outreached one. He rounds the corner, his boys smirking in tow, and then they´re gone. As if nothing has happened.
 The silence grows louder, deafening your ears. The only reprieve you get from feeling mounting terror of being vulnerable without anyone around is when Tenko starts hacking, his arms buckling underneath his weight in an effort to keep upright.
 And then they surround you.
 ¨What's with the tears baby? You knew this was gonna happen, we warned you-¨
¨-Scared you´re gonna end up like him? Good, but I´ll be honest, I think cum would look better coating your face-¨
 ¨-You didn't actually think I was gonna let you get away with this shit again, did you? God you´re such a spoiled slut, I´m gonna enjoy breaking you down like your parents never did-¨
 Shoving you around and into each other, groping you, leering right in your personal space, advancing towards you so that you stumbled backwards closer to Tenko.
 ¨No, stop, leave me-us alone, stay away from me!¨ You scream, and Dabi wraps an inflamed hand around your upper arm, racking up the volume of your cries.
 ¨Shut the fuck up. You don't get to complain anymore, you're gonna finish your punishment you little brat.¨
You wail as you wrench yourself out of his grip, fueled by pure adrenaline. Ignoring your searing flesh, you try running around them but with a lazy flick of Hawk´s wrist, numerous feathers catch you around your collar and feet, pulling you back. Your thrashing only serves in getting cut up more, and they deposit you less-than-gently right next to Tenko.
 He watches with wide eyes and shakes his head with urgency for you to leave, to run again, but his head is forcefully slammed to the ground by the blond´s boot. You hear a crunch from his nose and bile rises from your throat as you try scrambling towards him out of instinct.
 ¨Do you have a death wish? Stop worrying about him, and worry about yourself for a second doll, you´re gonna want to.¨ A scarred hand grabs your chin and yanks it to face him. His lips are curled back, his lids lowered and his eyebrows are raised.
 You jerk your head back and spit in his face. ¨You´re not gonna get away with this Touya.¨ You don't even care about using his other moniker anymore. ¨How the fuck can I not worry about him? Look at him! You´re the crazy one!¨
 He snickers and crouches to your level, moving forward until your rapid crab-walk backwards results in your back hitting the brick wall.
 ¨You hear that Keigo? I´m gonna pay for this, oh no, however will I recover?¨ He simpers, joining in Keigo´s boisterous cackles. 
 You risk a panicked glance at Tenko. At least there wasn't a boot on the back of his head anymore, but you didn't gain any comfort when he was roughly grabbed by his shirt and lifted up to a sitting position facing you, Hawks smugly holding his head up from rolling around in its socket. 
  His face was a mess. You could barely recognize his thin, narrow features anymore when his whole head was caked with splotches of liquid red, mud, and gravel piercing his cheeks. His mouth was gaping, filled with yet even more blood, and where his teeth used to be was instead gaping holes and vermillion-stained cracked bone
 Now that he's sitting somewhat upright, you can clearly see protrusions where his ribs are, clearly indicating breaks and torn ligaments.
 But your attention is directed to the monster in front of you. He rests a burning hand on your calf, and you whimper as you try to pull back from the unbearable pain. You were certain that if when you got out of here, you´d need to go to an infirmary immediately.
 Touya stops your leg from retreating, holding it down while simultaneously trailing his digits up your leg, crawling forward even closer to you with the most disgusting shit-eating grin on his face while doing so. All your pleas of ¨Stay back¨ and ¨Don't come any closer Touya, I swear-!¨ does nothing to deter him, rather goading him on while your audience of two watches in horror from one man and perverted amusement with the other.
 ¨Yeah? Or what, huh? You gonna hit me with your quirk? Oh wait, you don't have one.¨
 He straddles you, pressing his chest against yours and shamelessly looking down when your breasts swell from the pressure. You bite your lip and turn your head, taking in quick inhales to avoid breathing in too much of the smell of smoke.
 ¨Nuh-uh princess, I want your eyes on me now when I fuck you. I’m gonna show you who daddy is today.¨
 You don’t know what kind of adrenaline rush you experience when the words slip out, “That’s rich from the guy who practically creamed his pants when he talked to his own daddy. Why don’t you solve your own daddy issues before starting mine, huh?”
 He slaps you so hard you see stars within the setting sun.
 It's hard to tell who hates who more at the moment, but regardless, it doesn’t stop Dabi from grabbing your cunt and squeezing hard.
 Your lids fly open and your head snaps forward to face him in sheer panic, the moment of bravado gone as the chemicals pumping through your brain catch up to your heart.
 ¨Wait, no-¨
 In one fluid movement, he clenches his thighs on either side of yours, and uses his legs to flip you over. With the same momentum, he grabs your arms and yanks you to the new switched position; him against the wall and you in between his legs, back to his chest.
 In another time, Touya would have been secretly overjoyed being pressed against you so intimately like this. It almost felt domestic, not that he knew anything about that word, but it was the closest feeling he could pinpoint to it. His heart was pounding, and he wondered if you could feel it against your back.
 He hoped you could.
 The vague sounds of Shit-mura noisily inhaling through his broken nose only bothered him slightly, the feeling of his counterpart´s greedy eyes scanning your body and his hold on you barely registered. He was in a zone of his own at that moment, just the two of you, regardless of the circumstances. 
 Touya didn´t actually think of this as a punishment, no, he thought of this simply as an opportunity to unapologetically make love fuck you and show you how much he wants you who´s boss. Nothing personal, just business. You have to learn how to please your husband eventually right? Might as well let him show you how a woman is supposed to act in front of a man.
 It was just pure bad luck for you that you got saddled with a man who wants you to act like a whore for him.
 ¨Yo, Keigo, help me out here, the bitch won't stop moving.¨ He grunts out, struggling to subdue your flailing limbs. Despite him amping up the temperature in his palms against your stomach and arms, you still continued to try and escape him. 
 He couldn't bear to do any worse, the tears rolling down your face already made his heart feel funny and he didn't want to feel anything anymore.
 Hawks sighed dramatically and unleashed a few of his feathers to aid Dabi. Immediately your wrists were pinned to your sides, your feet weighed down by the sheer force of the plumage. You break down and sob to your heart's content, knowing that you were done for.
 Touya feels your body slacken, and he quickly put out the fire in his fists.
 ¨Watch the show, Tenko. I know you´ve been dying for a piece of this ass for a while, anyways.¨
 Hawks jerks Tenko´s chin forwards, ensuring that his attention was on you as Dabi began feeling you up, relishing in how your rib cage shook with heaves as you shook in his arms. He shoved his hands underneath your shirt and lifted the hem up all the way over you, the feather pulling your arms above you for easier access.
 A sudden breeze rattled you to your core, but it wasn´t just the weather that made your teeth chatter.
 It was the sick desperation and rapt attention in Tenko´s eyes. It was Keigo was looking you over with lowered lids, palming himself and hissing when Dabi took a mismatched finger and pulled your bra cups down ever so slightly, teasing the boys with cleavage and a hint of areola.
 ¨Touya, please,¨ you squint your eyes shut and turn your head away from salacious gazes. ¨If-if you´re gonna do this, please don't let them watch.¨
 ¨Nah sweetheart,¨ he simpers as he burns the straps off your undergarment, allowing the sheer protection to fall to the gravel. ¨You wanted to whore yourself out, right? Well, this is what happens to little whores who don´t wanna keep their legs closed.¨ His voice is right at your ear, nipping and suckling the senstivie flesh while his ruthless hands take handfuls of your tits and squeeze them, rub them together, weigh them appreciatively in his scratchy flesh.
 ¨Fuck, flick her nipples a bit, I wanna see them get hard,¨ Keigo groans out, yanking Tenko´s bleeding head. ¨You like this, you little perv? You like watching your best friend get raped?¨
 ¨N-no, no I don't! Leave her alone!¨ And even if it wasn´t from Keigo shoving him down and wrestling for his zipper to pull his hard dick out, you would've already known he's lying from the way his bloody mouth opens slightly and drools watching Dabi pinch and roll your nipples.
 You keen and whimper as Dabi leans his head down past your neck and lifts a breast up, darting his tongue out and swirling the appendage over your hardening buds. The feathers prove to be useful when they hold your wrists down and prevent you from escaping him.
 ¨Holy shit, he's actually hard from this. You´re even more fucked up than I thought, Shimura, I´m almost impressed.¨ The beaten boy cries out and pathetically tries to remove his member from Keigo´s tight fist, but obviously is no match for the way the blond fucks the skinny dick in his hand, squeezing almost painfully at his tip. With the help of his other feathers, he frees his own length and teases himself, the red turning white at the tips as they collect his precum.
 Dabi says nothing, but keeps his eyes on Tenko as he moves your body up into his lap, settling your ass right on top of his erection. You inhale shakily as he too fumbles to release his aching cock from his jeans, your nose clogged from crying and your voice hoarse from screaming. He lifts your skirt up and hisses in appreciation at the direct contact your panty-clad ass gives, suffocating his dick in your warmth.
 The experimentally thrusts lightly a couple times, jostling you up and down and making your tits bounce. Keigo and Tenko look in awe, the feathers and hands moving rapidly in time with Dabi´s thrusting. You try to avoid eye contact with either of them or their leaking dicks.
 You feel like your heart is a runny mess, you´re a mess, your hair is fucked up, your clothes are being strewn on the ground and burned away, your skin is being molested, you don´t know what the fuck is going on or what to do.
 So instead of pleading, you decide to relent and get this over with quickly. The less resistance you show, the faster you can get Tenko to an E.R.
 And speaking of faster, Dabi has stopped grinding against your ass in favor of snaking a hand around and toying with the hem of your panties, holding your skirt up.
 You bite your lip and your eye twitches, but you stay silent save for shuddering inhales through your nose.
 Taken slightly aback by your lack of complaint, Dabi hesitates for a moment before shaking it off, delving his fingers into your panties, the cloth moving and bulging out from his hand sliding in and out of your folds.
 You whimper and jerk your hips minutely in instinct, and he feels it, much to your horror. He grins and takes it as encouragement, circling his digits through your little-more-than folds until he finds the clit by the way you jump at contact.
 He presses down, flicks it, circles it, gathering lube from your mutinously throbbing cunt to slick yourself up, thoroughly enjoying your sharp inhales and the way you can´t help moving against the invading actions.
 It's only when Keigo calls out that Dabi remembers he's not doing this to please you, he´s doing this to fuck you over just like how you did to him. 
 ¨Pull her panties off, I think our little vouyer here is gonna come soon,¨ he positively purrs as he presses a thumb against Tenko´s jerking hips.
 More blood has covered Shimura´s head and body, but even amongst the mess of flesh that was once his face you can clearly see his eyes wide open, pupils blown black with lust, bones actually audibly rattling in their broken sockets as he breathes heavily at your corruption. 
 He looks insane, more insane than the ones actually raping you. You wonder if you feel more violated by the obvious monsters who told you straight up what they were going to do to you, or the one who swore to be your friend, who swore to never relish in your pain.
 You´re brought out of your empty contemplation when Dabi neglects fingering your clit to yank your skirt off your shaking legs. He doesn't even bother with slowly stripping the panties off, impatience overriding better judgement. You again offer little to no resistance as he does so, which riles up the squeamish feeling in his heart.
 Now fully exposed to him, his cock stretches another couple of millimeters, looking like it's going to burst from the angry red and purple swelling it adorns.
 Keigo whistles and licks his lips, lecherously looking over your tits and exposed pussy all for the taking.
 He pulls your hips back and forces you to hover right above his standing cock, causing your knees to shake in exertion. You feel like you´re going to faint any second.
 ¨You ready doll? Ready to take your husband´s cock for the first time?¨ He cooes, bringing you lower and swiping the weeping slit of his prick against the wetness of your folds. You mewl and try to shift, but it only serves in him pulling you down even more, your labia ever so slightly enveloping the top of his tip.
 Your cunt is pounding with rushing blood, and he almost gasps as the sensation flows into both of your sensitive bits.
 Leaning forward, he conceals his mouth behind your hair as he mutters, ¨Try to relax for me, it´ll hurt less.¨
 You can't care less for his consideration, not when his jerky thrusts feel like they're splitting you in two. All your poor pussy is aware of is the blinding white-hot pain felt on every wall as Touya takes from you what you would not willingly give.
 The sounds of your squelching hole-whether from blood, precum, your own tears, who knows-fill the air obscenely. You mistake a glance upwards in your blurry vision and you nearly vomit when you see Hawk´s hand furiously bobbing up and down Tenko´s flushed red dick, and his own being caressed with lust. They look like fucking dogs drooling over your state.
 You´re brought out of your horrified reverie when Dabi hisses. He fully sheathes himself inside you and you mewl at the sensation of being filled. Liquid trails down where you two connect, and it feels disgusting as he pulls out only to slam back into you, the cooling wetness of said liquids splashing everywhere and onto the concrete below you.
 Your tits bounce up and down as Dabi takes his sweet time pulling out all the way only to give you a moment's reprieve before diving back into the wet cavern. Eyes rolling back into your head at the feeling of his veiny dick thrusting in and out of you, mouth open when he remembers to heat up his hands and play with your nipples, your legs shaking when he alternates to play with your clit, you look like a real slut.
 Tenko cums suddenly, crying out and jerking his hips up into Hawks hand when you let out an especially pornographic moan. Ropes of white shoot up like a fountain from his tip and splatter Keigo´s hand and the pavement.
 Keigo cries out and laughs in disgust, wiping his soiled hand into Tenko´s hair.
 ¨You see that? Look how perfect and sweet your little friend is now, Y/N,¨ Dabi pants into your ear, yanking your hair back and forcing you to look at your ex best friend.
 ¨No, d-don´t wanna look, please let go,¨ you babble as he fucks you stupid.
 ¨Shut up. Whores don't get to beg for mercy,¨ He sneers as he slaps a bouncing tit, hard.
 ¨The same should apply for cucks like him,¨ Keigo speaks up and slaps the back of Tenko´s head, sending blood and hair flying off his face.
 Dabi stops pounding into you, allowing you to take a merciful breath despite what he said.
 ¨Yeah? You think so?¨ Shimura snaps out of his daze when he realizes they´re talking about him. He shakes his head frantically and tries to tuck his softening cock into his pants but a red feather is quick to restrain him.
 ¨Uh-uh, pathetic bastards like you need to get their dues too. We let you off easy with the Shie Hassaiki,¨ He snickers.
 ¨Come one. Lick this mess up. I'm sure you dreamt about it before, closet perv.¨ Dabi sneers as the blond´s boot sends Tenko flying forwards, almost colliding with your stomach.
 You squeeze your eyes shut, inhaling shakily as he gets back up on his hands and knees. You can't bear to look at him right now.
 They all disgust you.
 ¨What did I just say, slut? Eyes open.¨ A patched hand slaps you and your head is snapped forwards mere inches from Tenko´s. 
 Your gazes meet, but you can't recognize the eyes anymore. They used to belong to a man´s but now they reflect that of a monster´ s.
 ¨Clean this mess up. Any time this little pussy drools you´re going to eat it up like the roach you are. And if by the time she's done riding and I see a single patch of slick on her I'll knock the rest of your teeth out, got that?¨ Dabi reaches his arm around and pulls the weak boy´s hair forwards until his nose nestles where your filled pussy is.
 All you can do is watch as he hesitantly darts his tongue out and licks from Dabi´s engorged dick up to your clit.
 ¨Fuck you,¨ you whisper to no one and everyone as you let your head fall back, signaling to your finance that you were in enough pain to start up again.
 ¨You´ve had enough rest. Ride my fucking dick until I say stop.¨ He doesn't need to threaten you this time. You shakily rise up on your knees and twitch when he slaps your ass suddenly. The entire time you lift yourself up, Tenko´s tongue follows up Dabi´s exposed length until it swirls around your clit again.
 You feel numb. 
 Sinking back down onto him is even more excruciating because you can vividly feel every inch of him scraping up against your walls. It doesn't help that a certain tongue is lapping away at you too.
 But nonetheless you don´t waste any time bouncing up and down like your life depended on it, which it probably did.
 You can hear him panting behind you, his mouth letting out ragged breaths against your ear, his mouth desperately trying to suck galaxy colored hickies into your naked torso as you envelope him.
 The feeling of Dabi and Tenko´s breaths puffing onto your clit and nipples would´ve caused the start of a climax if it weren't for Keigo´s unnecessary commentary.
 ¨Holy fucking shit that´s so messed up. Wait no, move down a bit, lick the base of his dick. Yeahhh, just like that.¨ He walks around the scene with his phone out, obviously recording as he leans in toward some anatomy and pulls away to get the bigger picture at other angles.
 And Tenko actually listens. He follows through every salacious order Keigo gives, he even does it a little bit better than someone who's supposed to at least pretend they're not enjoying your ordeal.
 You can tell Dabi is reaching his peak when he suddenly grabs your hips in a bruising grip and slams you down on his length, emitting a broken scream from you. He quickly slaps a hand over your mouth and spews filth in your ear as he uses you like a fleshlight.
 ¨You like bouncing on my dick like a whore? Huh, Y/N? Answer me you little bitch, or are you too cock hungry to say anything else? Not enough dicks here to satisfy you, princess? Keigo, get over here, she looks like she needs more.¨ You wail and scream behind his hand as Keigo eagerly stands over you, his member already being pumped in a hand.
 ¨That's right slut, you already know what to do, don´t you? I bet a slut like you has practice, ´bet you and the degenerate licking the cum from your pussy did it all the time.¨ You look imploringly at his head ducked between your thighs and even clench them around his head to get his attention. But he refuses to refute the accusations hissed at you in favor of eating your own slick off your puffy folds.
 Keigo waits no longer as he seizes your hand and slaps it against his base, silently urging you to stroke him. You wearily look up at him and are faced with a bright camera light trained on your fucked-out face and trembling hand. Knowing that you were stuck, you started stroking, accepting whatever pace he made you take as he lifted his hips up into your cupped palm, his balls smacking against your wrist while you jacked him off.
 Dabi´s pants grew louder and more choked as every part of you became occupied with cocks. He still kept a hand over your mouth, bringing it up to his mouth every couple of seconds to taste the tears that slid down from your eyes down to his digits.
 ¨´Gonna cum, and you´re gonna take it all in that sloppy hole of yours. ´M gonna fill you up with cum and make you fat with my kids, you´re gonna be on your fucking hands and knees for me like a good little housewife aren´t you-¨
 The third time he brings his hand away to taste your tears you frantically gasp out, ¨Don´t do it inside Touya, please don´t, not inside I'm begging you to-¨
 But you´re cut off suddenly when Tenko teeths at your slicked clit, and you mewl, unconsciously rolling your hips into his mouth even more.
 His tongue travels around your stretched labia and around Dabi´ś balls, causing you both to hiss in unison.
 ¨I'll do whatever the fuck I want. You´re lucky I´m not fucking you up the ass, you ungrateful bitch.¨
 His dick starts twitching in your pussy, and you know he's about to burst.
 ¨I´ll never forgive you.¨ You whisper in defeat, for the umpteenth time.
 ¨I don't need you to,¨ he merely grunts as he cums inside you with a loud groan.
 His body shakes and he pulls your naked back against his torso, hugging you tightly and filling you up. At the same time, Keigo also lets out a string of curses as your hand is doused with milky white substance from his own.
 Dabi grabs your jaw and turns you to face him. ¨Who do you love?¨ he purrs, nuzzling your cheek with faux affection.
 You force yourself to make it sound faux, because you hate the way he looks so deeply into your eyes.
 ¨Y-you.¨ ¨That´s a good girl,¨ he whispers and kisses you, hard.
 You´re slumped. There´s mixed cum from all four people coating your body, various fluids and anatomy strewn on the concrete around you, and clothes shuffling in place as they regroup themselves. 
 Tenko slowly crawls back up from his position in front of your cunt, rearing back on his knees and wiping streaming blood from his head. Keigo tucks his dick back in his pants and cruelly wipes the cum that flew on his clothes into your hair, while Dabi dumps you off his lap onto the grating ground.
 ¨Well, I hope you two learned your lesson today,¨ Keigo simpered with scrunched eyebrows, pouting at you both.
 By now the inky haired man has gotten to his feet, brushing his hands off excess grime. 
 ¨That was fun, I should've done this a lot sooner, honestly,¨ he leers at both the figures on the ground, and you refrain from looking anyone in the eyes. ¨I´m gonna take her home. Keigo, deal with this fuckwad while I'm gone. And get him an ice pack, he looks like pure shit.¨ He snorts to himself.
 ¨How considerate of you Touya. And here I was thinking you didn't have a heart.¨
 You and Tenko don´t join in their vicious laughter.
 ¨Aw come on sweetheart, the worst is over. I doubt you´ll go through that again, since you know what'll happen if you continue to act out.¨ Your fiance crouches down and starts shoving your limbs back into their clothes, ignoring the way you weakly try to evade his callous touch.
 Everyone stares in silence as you´re dressed like a child, unable to properly move from the shock and trauma you just endured. It was weird seeing you so quiet. They thought you would´ve still been crying, or at least fighting back now that they no longer had a hold on you.
 But you were so, so accommodating as Touya pulled you up to your feet, keeping a firm grasp around your waist to keep your knees from buckling. You kept your head down as he grabbed your backpack from a helping feather´s elevation and slung it over his own shoulder.
 ¨I´ll catch you later Kei. Keep me updated on our little experiment,¨ he winks before steering you around the corner.
 That was the last time you saw Tenko Shimura, your best friend of years.
 ¨E-experiment?¨ His hoarse voice questions, nasally from the buildup in his broken nose.
 ¨Yeah, you heard right. You´re our little experiment, Shimura. Truth be told, I always saw the potential in you. After Touya showed me those texts between you and Y/N it just confirmed my suspicion.¨ Keigo plucked a feather out and tossed it to Tenko´s gnarled hand. ¨Here, use this to wipe that shit off your face. I´m not in the mood to drag you to a nurse right now so this´ll have to do.¨
 ¨Potential? Suspicion? I don't get it,¨ he brings the feather up painfully down the sides of his cheeks, collecting the grime and gore onto the victimized plumage.
 The blond grimaces at the disgusting sight and looks away. ¨I mean, I see the potential in you to be one of us. I knew you weren't this goody-two shoes, quiet loser that everyone made you out to be. And you really proved it today, too. I didn´t know you had it in you all the way to eat her cunt like that while she was getting raped, shit was pretty erotic if I´m being honest.¨
 Tenko cringes at the brutal choice of words but doesn´t refute them. He stays quiet before Keigo realizes he needs some more coaxing out of his cautious state.
 ¨Hey, look man, none of that stuff earlier was personal, alright? Touya just needed to prove a point to his bitch, that's all.¨ He shrugs so easily, as if everyone was as delusional as him to believe that.
 But maybe Tenko really had snapped, because he turned to Keigo with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, taking in his words.
 ¨Really? I thought you guys hated me,¨ he mutters, looking down at the soiled feather in his hand.
 ¨Nah, it's nothing like that. Just gotta prove to us how you´re different, y´know?¨ Hawks slings an arm and wing around Tenko´s bruised shoulder as if to offer him some security.
 ¨You don´t wanna be a loser anymore, right? Consider this a new chapter in your life, the next big steps.¨ ¨Yeah.¨ ¨Good.¨ They stay like that for a couple moments of silence, drinking in the setting sun.
 And then Tenko can´t hold his curiosity any longer.
 ¨But how do I do that? There´s nothing really about me that´s special...I mean, except for...however the hell I was acting like earlier,¨ he shifts uncomfortably, recalling the thirst he felt when he saw your sopping cunt getting fucked stupid. It was strange, really. The itch in his body had never felt more satiated when he felt like the oppressor once, rather than the oppressed when watching your eyes fill up with tears, knowing that he was the one who caused it. He had never felt that calm and pleased even when the itch was satisfied by your soothing fingers over his scratched-raw skin.
 ¨That's what I'm thinkin´ too,¨ Keigo thoughtfully holds a hand to his chin, his wings flapping lazily with the cool breeze. ¨I´d say the first step to a new chapter with us is to change that dopey schoolboy name. Tenko Shimura? That sounds like a dog´s name. And you don´t wanna be a kicked around puppy anymore, do you?¨
Tenko vigorously shakes his head. 
 A new chapter with us.
 He swallows hard, unable to think of a cool name that would be good enough as a new group member. The shock on his body was catching up, so he forfeited his pride and sought help from his recruiter.
 “Did you have anything in mind?”
 Hawks hums thoughtfully. “Yeah...how ‘bout Tomura? Tomura Shigaraki?” He looks over ex-Tenko’s broken body and nods in confirmation.
“Tomura...Shigaraki,” the new Tomura says slowly, letting his tongue run over his missing and broken teeth in the midst of testing out the new name.
 “The kanji for it has to do with change and mourning, something like that I think. It’s pretty fitting, especially since you’re letting go of your past and moving on with your life...right?” Keigo side eyes Tomura mischievously, knowing he was in no place to defy him.
 Shigaraki merely looks to the horizon, silently acknowledging the new chapter of his life. Another cold breeze swirls around the two men, but it's not the sting of the wind that brings newfound tears to Tenko Tomura’s eyes.
 He shakily rises to his feet with a grunt, clutching his ribs and tilting his head back to avoid breathing in anymore drying blood. Keigo gets up with him, outstretching a hand towards him to steady him on his feet, which Tomura takes.
 “I think I need to see a nurse.”
 The blond laughs, his wings fluttering with the waves of his voice.
 “Almost forgot about that. But y’know, you should be more careful next time you train with us. I don’t think your body can take any more damage than it already has.”
 You haven’t returned any of Touya’s calls.
 You haven’t received any messages from Tenko.
 You didn’t get out of bed when you saw a red feather zooming past your window in the morning.
 You’ve been home for three days now, huddled under the comforters and only getting up to drink some water like a zombie. Showers are a no-go, it’s unbearable to look at your own naked body anymore. The school kept ringing your parents for your attendance, but the image of you stumbling home and bursting into tears is fresh in their minds; they let the calls go to voicemail.
 Tenko’s broken body. His screams of agony. Dabi’s hands all over you, Hawk’s feather holding you down, your body shifted and positioned like a ragdoll-it’s all too much, you can’t face anyone yet. You’re absolutely terrified.
 A knock at the door jolts you out of your catatonic state.
 “Honey? You want something to eat? We haven’t seen you come out today…” Your father’s voice trails off unsuredly, and after some harsh whispers coming from behind the door and scuffling sounds, your mother speaks.
“You need to move around sweetheart-”
 Your body jolts violently when she says that cursed nickname.
 “Ahh come on sweetheart, the worst is over.”
 “-did something happen with you and Tenko? You two haven’t talked in so long, you usually never argue like this.”
 A burning comes up in your chest as your stomach rumbles, bile rising up your throat. You want them to leave. Now.
 “I’ll-” you cough and clear your raspy voice from disuse. “I’ll be out in a bit, ‘head hurts.”
 “Are you sure? We can come get it for you, we don’t mind-”
 “-No, I’m fine. Please just...just give me some time.” You grit your teeth and squeeze your eyes shut, silently willing them to go away.
 It’s only until the sound of their footsteps padding away from your door that you rigidly rise out of bed, reaching for your phone on your nightstand.
 2 missed calls from Rumi, 3 text messages from Touya, and nothing from Tenko.
 Was he alive?
 With trembling hands, you punch in his contact and pull up your messages.
 3:04 pm: We need to talk.
 You sigh and throw the phone back on the table, running your hands down your face. You just wanted things to go back to normal, when you and him were okay, when you werent engaged to Touya, when they didn’t turn him into a monster who ate you out while you bounced up and down and up and fucking down on your rapist’s-
 No. You can’t think like that. You can’t. That wasn’t him, they made him do that.
 At least, that’s what you tell yourself in order for your sanity to remain on its barest of threads.
 Time moves at a snail’s pace as you find things to do that distract you from checking your messages every five minutes. Soggy leftovers are pushed through your throat, the t.v blares while you watch without actually seeing, your bedsheets are made and remade into perfection...but nothing prevents you in the end from snatching up the device and checking for his text.
Nothing. Absolutely nada.
 Just a “read” sign that makes you see red.
 Who the fuck did he think he was? He wasn’t the fucking vitcim, you were-
 Oh. But he was, just as much as you were.
 Anger curls into anxiety as you nibble your lip in contemplation. Was he mad at you?
 It was your fault in a way.
 You try calling him, no one picks up.
 If he was going to flat out ignore you, then you knew there was only one way to corner him for talking.
 And corner him you did, when on a bright Wednesday morning you decide to go to school, for nothing else if not hounding Tenko down and seeing if he was okay. You didn’t know if he deserved it, but you just had to see him once.
 You wait outside his front gate, idly watching the sky turn from a deep purple to mix in with hues of orange and blue. After a few minutes, the door creaks open and you whip around to face him.
 It’s only been a few days since you two last saw each other, but at that moment when he turns and his eyes go wide from seeing you, you feel as though you’ve never known him before. Not his tangly hair that hangs in front of his face, not the new bruises and bandages on various parts of his body, and not the sneer his mouth curls into, that is oh so reminiscent of-
 “Where have you been? You didn’t answer your phone…” You trail off confusedly as he practically shoves past you through the gate, ignoring the way you stumble from the impact of his bony shoulder.
 “Hey, wait up!”
 You do a light jog after him but your heart is pumping at light speed, uncertainty creeping up your spine at his behavior.
 “Tenko, stop!”
 “It’s Tomura, now, Tomura. Don’t call me by that dopey ass name anymore.” He stops in his tracks and looks down at you as you pant and stare at him.
 “T-Tomura? What’s that? And answer my question, where have you been?”
“Yeah, fucking Tomura Shigaraki to you. And I’ve been doing my own thing now. I’m not wagging my tail behind you like a fucking lapdog anymore, got it?” He shoulders his bag and continues to walk past you.
 “What the hell are you talking about? Why are you so upset at me, I didn’t even do anything!” You walk backwards side by side with him, desperately trying keep up with his curt pace.
 “Oh right, you’re just so innocent aren’t you? I should’ve left you from the start, honestly. Keigo was right.” “Keigo? When did you talk to him? He assaulted you! How could you even face him? “You say that as if he’s the one who made me like this.” He gestures to his barely healing body, and your breath catches in your throat.
 “Wait...you’re blaming me?”
 “Finally got it Einstein?” He sneers at you. “You did this to me, you made Keigo and Touya beat the shit out of me. If you had just listened to them and left me the fuck alone, I wouldn’t have suffered half as much as I already have.”
 You ball your fists and try to swallow the growing bulge in your throat. You thought your sanity would be kept intact for a while longer, but you feel the last threads barely hanging on.
 “Tenk-Tomura, please just wait a second,” You say desperately, not even thinking before grabbing onto his shirt sleeve. You want to hold him here forever, you want to go back, you want things to be the way they were before, he can’t leave you alone with Touya-
 “I’m glad they showed me how selfish you’ve always been. You never thought of my safety when you kept hanging around me knowing full well that they’d beat the shit out of me if they caught us. And they did! You happy now?” He’s laughing, but he can’t hide the rage from his balled shaking fists.
 “No, no please-” you whisper horrified.
 But he turns around, barely glancing back at you before bidding his adieu.
 “I’m saying goodbye to you as Tenko, and saying hello as Tomura now. Forget we were ever friends, it means nothing to me now. I used to feel like a burden to you, but it’s funny, you seem to be weighing me down more than ever now.”
 “But don’t worry. You’ll still see me around. After all, Keigo and Touya seem to be pretty solid guys. And hey, maybe I’ll even be the best man at your wedding coming up.”
 Your head is swimming. The sky is almost a clear blue now, the purple having faded away a long time ago. The sounds of strings stretching are brought to a climax.
 He’s so close, yet so far away from you that you barely catch the words that come tumbling out of his mouth so easily, so effortlessly you'd think he’d either rehearsed saying them all his life or that he’s had a lifetime of saying it.
 “I fucking hate you.”
 And the threads snap.
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rubysunnday · 4 years ago
driver’s licence
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Dear Gentle Reader, tonight is a grand occasion. It is a rare feat for  Lady Danbury to throw a ball for the ton but it is even rarer for the Duke and Duchess of Hastings to be able to attend, what with their ever-growing brood. 
Tonight, however, Dear Reader, these two things are happening in concession. Not only are our beloved Duke and Duchess of Hastings returning to us, but the eldest Bridgerton daughter, Y/N Bridgerton for those who struggle to remember the numerous children’s names, has been seen promenading with Lord Barclay in Hyde Park. 
Perhaps tonight will be Miss Bridgerton’s lucky night and will fulfil the Dowager Viscountess’s wishes of seeing all of her children married. The Viscount Bridgerton has recently been married to, formerly, Miss Kate Sharma - a marriage that seems to be a perfect love match.
Could the 1814 season see two Bridgerton children married in a matter of weeks?
Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers, 4th June 1814
If she was being entirely honest with herself - something Y/N rarely did because most of the time it meant that her mother had been right and it meant admitting that she’d been right - she wasn’t expecting to be married off anytime soon. 
Unlike Eloise, Y/N wasn’t entirely opposed to marriage. She wasn’t going to marry just for the sake of it, however. Whoever it ended up being had to be perfect and had to be someone she would happily spend the rest of her life with.
Y/N had two excellent examples of marriage to live up to. Daphne and Simon and Anthony and Kate - both love matches and both couples completely and utterly obsessed with their spouses. 
Lord Barclay had been nice to her. He’d danced with her, promenaded with her and had bought her - and her sister’s and mother - flowers. He was relatively knew to his lordship, his father had passed away the previous year and left his estate and title to his first son. 
Lord Barclay - Matthew, he’d told her to call him Matthew - had a younger brother who was nearer Y/N’s age but she hadn’t seen him anywhere in London. If the ton’s rumours were to be taken as gospel, he’d fled to America to get away from his father and his older brother.
But Y/N didn’t care about him. She liked Lord Barclay and after almost two years out in society and no sign of any marriage offers... well, her mother had always wanted to see all of her children married. 
And if he asked her to marry him - which she suspected would be coming soon - she wouldn’t say no.
But there was a niggling voice in the back of her head (one that sounded suspiciously like her mother and her brother, Colin) that kept asking if she was happy or if she was just settling. 
Colin’s displeasure and hatred of Lord Barclay was evident. He wasn’t admitting why he hated the man but every time his name was brought up or he came over to offer Y/N a dance, Colin would step forward protectively and pull Y/N away - unless another member of the family was around.
Colin was part of the reason why Y/N was having doubts about agreeing to marriage. He’d confided in her one night about how he didn’t want her to just settle and wanted her to be happy. 
But Lady Danbury’s ball was going to be the night she finally decided. Y/N could feel that something was going to happen that night. She was excited to see Matthew again and to, maybe, become his fiancee. 
It’d been a wonderful day. Daphne had joined Y/N, Eloise and their brothers for a ride through Hyde Park. They’d had picnic and then returned home to prepare for the ball that night.
Y/N had chosen one of her favourite new dresses to wear - Matthew had suggested the fabric when he’d accompanied her to the modiste to pick up some new dresses. 
She was excited to see him at the ball and talk to him. He’d been a bit distant, lately, but Y/N put it down to stress about his lordship. But there was still something niggling her in the back of her mind. And it wasn’t Colin, who was yelling up the stairs for her to hurry up. 
The dress was a beautiful lilac with silver flowers and pearls. She had her maid curl and pin her hair up with a circlet of flowers around it and wore the earrings Daphne had given her for her birthday a few months ago.
“You look beautiful, dearest,” Violet said, standing behind Y/N. 
Y/N smiled at her mother in the mirror and brought a hand to the necklace around her neck. It’d been a present from Matthew a few days ago. “It does suit the dress.”
Violet paused, looking as if she was contemplating saying something. “Y/N... are you sure about Lord Barclay?”
Y/N looked around at her mother and frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Are you happy with him? You’re not just settling?” Y/N paused. She’d been so certain and now, with her mother voicing the doubts she’d been having since... well, since Monday’s Whistledown had come out and since Colin had spoken to her.
Monday’s Whistledown had mentioned Matthew and had said he’d been seen with a mysterious young woman who most certainly was not Y/N. But she’d just put it down to her being his sister. But now she wasn’t so sure. She loved Matthew, she truly did. But... it was nothing like the love Anthony and Kate had for one another or what Daphne and Simon shared.
“I...” Y/N hesitated, looking down at her shoes. “I don’t want to lie to you, Mama,” she whispered, looking up at her mother, “but I don’t know. Monday’s Whistledown has made me doubt some things. I love him, I do but... well, I doubt it would ever be anything like Anthony or Daphne both have.”
Violet sighed softly and walked over to her daughter, embracing her tightly. Y/N  hid her face against her mother’s side, suddenly overcome with emotions and wrapped her arms around her waist, relishing in the comfort and reassuring she was giving.
But as Y/N walked down the stairs of Bridgerton House, her dress trailing out behind her slightly, she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. Her two brother’s - waiting in the hallway for her - stared in awe at her.
There was something so special about a woman in love. She glowed and sparkled as if she was a star on Earth itself. She held herself in higher regard and felt like a queen. Everything seemed a little bit more okay and a little bit happier. 
Even if the doubt was beginning to seep in about whether she did truly love him.
Y/N took Colin’s arm and let him lead her to the carriage. The night was young and the air was warm. She’d never been so excited for a ball before. Kate was coming too - her first ball as Lady Bridgerton. 
Everything seemed to be going perfectly. 
Y/N tried to ignore the niggling feeling in her stomach. She wasn’t going to let it ruin her night. Even if she hadn’t heard from Matthew since Monday. And even if Colin’s mere presence was making it worse.
She tried not to make it obvious that she was looking for Matthew as they walked in to the room. But he was nowhere to be seen, despite promising he would be there. 
The majority of the night was spent on the edge of the ballroom, watching Anthony whirl Kate around the room in newly wedded bliss. Y/N danced with Simon and Benedict and chatted with Penelope and Eloise - who’d been forced to attend and was making sure everyone in a five mile radius was aware of that fact - and pretended not to be worried. 
But she was worried. Had she been so caught up with being in love that she’d missed the red signs that screamed at her to stop and re-consider. 
Anthony had noticed his sister’s increasing distress and had stopped dancing with his wife, walking over to his sister and standing next to her, shoulders touching.
“He’ll come, Y/N/N,” Anthony said, noting his sister look around the room yet again. 
Y/N nodded, not really paying much attention to him. She’d seen the pitying stares from the mothers of the ton and was beginning to dread what Whistledown was going to say tomorrow. 
Kate finished talking with someone and walked over to them, standing next to her husband. She looked at Y/N and then nudged Anthony’s side. “Do something,” she whispered, glancing at her sister - in - law in concern. 
Anthony sighed. “I don’t know what I can do, Kate.” He glanced back at Y/N. “If he does turn up, however, don’t hold me back.”
“If anything you’ll have to hold me back,” Kate replied.
Five minutes passed.
Then fifteen.
Then another five.
Benedict joined them in what was quickly becoming knowing as ‘Bridgerton corner’. He glanced at Y/N, then at Anthony. Anthony shook his head, warning him not to say anything. Benedict simply sat down next to his sister and causally flung his arm over the chair, pretending to subconsciously drum his fingers on her shoulder when he was actually trying to comfort her.
Colin came over with Eloise and Violet and soon every Bridgerton in attendance at Lady Danbury’s ball was standing in the corner, waiting.
Another ten minutes passed.
Y/N stood up and grabbed a glass of Lemonade from the table. She took a sip of the sour liquid and tried not make a face at the tangy taste in her mouth. 
Not liking the flavour of it she handed it off to Colin - her brother ate and drank almost anything put in front of him. Colin silently took it and shifted closer to Y/N, knowing his gut feeling about Lord Barclay had, unfortunately, been right.
Violet looked over at Y/N and sighed. “This isn’t going well,” she said quietly, leaning closer to Anthony and Kate.
“No, it isn’t,” Anthony replied, glowering at any one who dared approach them in their corner. 
“Oh, he’s here!” Y/N exclaimed, perking up as she spotted Matthew as he walked in the main door. “I’ll be back.”
Y/N began heading over to Matthew, weaving her way through the numerous dancers and chatting guests.
“Matthew!” She called, approaching him by the door to the garden. “Where have you been? Come on, I put you down on my dance card.”
She held out her gloved hand to him to take but frowned when he turned and gave her a frown.
Matthew shifted on his feet, an uncomfortable expression appearing on his face. “Ah, Miss Bridgerton.”
Y/N paused, dropping her hand. “Miss Bridgerton? Matthew, what is going on?”
Matthew sighed, looking as if it physically pained him to have to explain. “I don’t want to see you anymore, Miss Bridgerton. I have found another woman  - one my family approves of -”
“Your family doesn’t approve of me?” Y/N asked slowly, struggling to comprehend what was happening. “What -”
“I apologise for any inconvenience caused this evening,” Matthew said, bowing. “I wish you well, Miss Bridgerton.” 
“Matthew -” 
Y/N reached out to grab his hand but he brushed past her, walking across the room and disappearing off into the corridor, leaving Y/N standing alone in the corner, her brain trying to catch up with what had just happened.
Anthony slowly approached, having watched the entire conversation. He’d heard what Lord Barclay had said and had seen the way he stared at his sister - as if she was nothing more than an inconvenience. 
“Y/N/N?” Anthony asked quietly, putting a hand on her arm. “What happened?”
“He... he’s found someone else,” she said, her voice a whisper. “Someone his family approves of. I - what...”
Y/N trailed off, stunned and in shock. Anthony sighed, clenching his hand in anger. He glanced up at his mother, who was hovering worriedly nearby, and shook his head once.
Y/N couldn’t form the words to speak. She just stood there, Anthony's hand on her arm being the one thing keeping her grounded.
The room was beginning to whisper and point at Y/N, all wondering what had happened. Anthony noticed a few beginning to wonder over and grabbed Y/N’s hand, gently tugging her forward and to the centre of the room.
Whilst a dance was the last thing either of them wanted - it was the only way to get away from the prying eyes and the endless questions and pitying stared of the Ton. 
“Are you alright?” Anthony asked quietly, guiding her hands to the correct position and helping her take one step forward. 
Y/N, not wanting to be seen crying in the ballroom, forced a smile onto her face and lifted her head up high, breathing in deeply despite the lump in her throat and the stinging in her eyes and the urge she felt to curl up into a ball and sob. “Of course.”
Red lights, stop signs I still see your face in the white cars, front yards
Every time Anthony spun her way, Y/N allowed her facade to crack for just a second. It hurt. Her chest felt tight and every breath was constricted.  Everything hurt.
He’d discarded her to the side like she was a piece of rubbish and as if she was nothing. He’d played with her and showered her with gifts and love and compliments and it’d all been a lie. 
Matthew had lied. He’d lied. 
The words rang around her head like a mantra and it was beginning to consume her. Anthony spun her out and back into him but she almost fell to the floor, her knees beginning to weaken as her body and mind caught up. 
Anthony caught her and held her up, looking down at her blank, emotionless face as she tried not to crack.
Y/N focused on each step - the way her feet rose to the tip toes and then back down to her heel as she stepped back and forth, side to side, up and down. She focused on Anthony’s hand in hers, the warmth of his palm, the familiar, comforting scent of his aftershave.
Can't drive past the places we used to go to 'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe
The lights blurred past, the numerous people dancing around her becoming one solid merge of colour. 
She couldn’t breathe. Her stays felt tight and uncomfortable - even though she knew they weren’t. The necklace she was wearing felt like it was choking her - cutting off the air she need.
Her dress was too tight, too long, her gloves too thick and too heavy.
Sidewalks we crossed I still hear your voice in the traffic, we're laughing
Y/N didn’t remember much of the dancing - she wasn’t even sure how she was moving one foot in front of the other. Anthony was watching her with concern in his eyes and was leading her and guiding her every step of the way. 
The music was too loud. The candles were too bright. Everything was an overwhelming blur of orange, red, blue and yellow. Her eyes stung as finally, her mind and body came to the same conclusion.
It was over. He was gone and she was free and her entire future was non-existent and she was alone and unmarried and free.
Over all the noise God, I'm so blue, know we're through But I still fuckin' love you, babe
The song ended and before the last notes had even faded away, Y/N was pushing away from Anthony and past her mother and Colin and out the door, running down the corridor away from everyone.
Her shoes echoed loudly on the tiles and she skidded around the corner into the room that had been set aside for the women. Y/n slammed the door shut behind her and panted and sobbed, clutching the edge of the sink tightly. 
She looked in the mirror, her breaths harsh and ragged, and clawed at the necklace Y/N ran down a corridor and into the room that had been set aside for women who need to freshen up or fix their dresses. 
She slammed the door shut behind her and hurried over to the washroom, clawing at the necklace around her neck desperate for air and desperate for it to be out of sight.
I know we weren't perfect But I've never felt this way for no one
The clasp eventually gave way and Y/N flung the necklace to the side, taking in ragged, harsh breaths as she sobbed and clutched the sink to keep standing. 
Her heart hurt. Her chest hurt. Her head hurt. Everything hurt. She couldn’t breathe, couldn't think, could barely see her reflection in the mirror.
She slowly sank to her knees, leaning against the edge of the sink as she curled up and sobbed and sobbed and hyperventilated and sobbed.
It was over. She was free and he was gone.
And I just can't imagine How you could be so okay now that I'm gone.
The door to the side room opened and Violet burst in. She took one look at her daughter - eyes red, skin blotchy, neck scratched from trying to take off her necklace - and ran over to her daughter, falling to her knees beside her and taking her in her arms. 
Y/N clung to her mother tightly as if she were her lifeline in the stormy dark sea she was drowning in. She buried her face in her shoulder and cried and cried.
Anthony stood in the doorway to the room, Colin next to him, and felt his own heart break as he watched his sister fall apart on the floor.  
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
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midgardianweasley · 4 years ago
Your grace! Bless us with a Natasha x reader where the team is invited to a wedding by a close friend of Tony’s. Then when the bridal bouquet is thrown, the bride throws it too hard where reader accidentally catches it and the team is just going “Oooooh!” And reader is like “I’m not even in a relationship!” But the team know in secret that reader and Natasha have feelings for each other but are too dumb to know. Just funniness and fluff! 🥰😍 (Your writing is brilliant btw!)
I loved this request!! I hope i did it justice <3
it’s a wedding thing
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
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^idk Nat, you tell me^
Summary: When the Avengers get invited to a close friend of Tony's wedding, what hidden feelings will surface? What relationships will bloom? Who will be the next bride?
Warnings: none!
word count: 4.1k
Message/ask if you want to be added to the taglist!
requests are open loves
“Alright gang, this one’s for all of us, we all listening?”
A cluster of ‘yes’ ‘go on’ ‘come on Tony’ filled the room, everyone eager to hear what the fancy envelope held inside. It was amusing to watch Tony take advantage of everyone’s excitement, slowly peeling the envelope, gasping when he pulled the letter out of the casing slightly, not letting anyone else see what was written on it.
You, Natasha and Wanda all seemed to share a look of amusement at the dramatics and the almost visible frustration coming off of everyone. It was like watching children try to wait patiently for sweets in a shop, almost completely off of their seats. It wasn’t until Tony noticed that Pepper was giving him a warning look, that he, begrudgingly, hurried up and announced what was written on the letter.
“Wow. Caleb’s getting married.” He spoke, eyebrows raised in surprise. “And he’s invited the team.”
“Well, I’m not going.” A voice spoke from the corner of the room, clearly un-amused by what was currently going on.
“Luckily for you, I don’t see ‘reindeer games’ anywhere on the invitation. So you’re off the hook.” He replied with a tight lipped smile, Thor had been visiting recently to see Jane and pay the avengers a visit and wanted to bring Loki to meet her.
‘A pleasant trip’ Thor said.
‘A living hell’ Tony corrected.
It got a laugh out of the team though. Nat and I especially. We’d spent the last couple of nights in each other’s bedrooms, making a list about our favourite moments through the day where Tony and Loki clashed, making stupid insults towards the other. I think it’s safe to say that we went through multiple bags of popcorn over the nights, though you were both thankful it was there, it was the only thing muffling the laughter, if it hadn't, you’re almost certain the entire compound would have woken up at the sound of our laughter.
You nudged Natasha’s side gently, the bicker between the two men still continuing.
“Hey, Nat.” She turned and tilted her head questioningly.
“So we know how a physical fight between those two worked out. But, if they had to compete in a rap battle, who do you think would win?”
Her face immediately lit up, eyes sparkling which only enhanced their beauty, you could almost feel the cogs turning in her head, trying to go through every logical option.
“Well. Loki seems pretty well spoken, so vocabulary wise, I think he’d be strong. But Tony is sarcastic which can help with quick quips. But then again, Loki-”
“Hey lovebirds, Romanoff, Y/L/N” Tony clicked his fingers, earning himself a pair of eyerolls at the term he’d used. “Anything you wanna share with the team, or can we move on?”
“Overridden. Moving on.”
You looked towards Natasha, snickering slightly at how blunt he’s being, Loki having found his way under his skin again. A part of you felt bad for the man, but that feeling is soon replaced by amusement. It was obvious Nat felt the same way, her sharing the same expression as you, although, you could hide yours much better. She had to physically put her hand over her mouth in the hopes the man wouldn’t notice her.
“So, the wedding is next week, a little short notice but when do we ever have enough notice, who’s in?”
Looking around the room, there were a handful of nods, each looking to see who else was going to go. You looked towards Nat again to see if she was planning on attending, only to find her already staring at you.
“So Y/L/N, up for a wedding?”
“It would be a nice change of pace. Are you going?”
“Only if you are” You blushed slightly at the response.
“Better get your nicest dress on Romanoff.” You winked, her turn to blush and focus back on what the rest of the group was saying.
“It’s probably easy if I list couples first on the RSVP and then the singles.” Tony took a glance around the table, mentally taking note of those who had shown signs of agreement. “So there’ll be Wanda and Vision, Legolas and his wife, Romanoff and Y/L/N, Thor and Jane-” You felt your face morph into one of confusion.
“Woah woah, Tony, back up, what did you say?”
“Thor and Jane, they’re-”
“Before that.”
“I’ve said this before Y/N, Legolas isn’t actually real. I meant Clint.”
“Very funny.” He held a proud smirk. “Romanoff and I aren’t a couple”
You wish.
“That’s not what Rogers said when he saw you both cuddling up on the sofa last night.” Before you had a chance to look in Steve’s direction, you could practically feel the daggers Nat was sending him, making his face cringe slightly and his back straighten.
“That’s what Rogers said, is it?” She spoke, tilting her head in question. You knew she was partly joking, but you’d still decided to intervene before anyone lost any limbs.
“My head fell onto her shoulder when I dozed off during our movie. It wasn’t ‘cuddling’ , thank you very much.” You laughed, internally wishing that Steve’s words were true.
“See? So cut it out.” Steve put his hands up in surrender, despite having a cheeky grin on his face.
“Okay okay. Fine!” The billionaire said, writing something on the envelope. “I’ll just put ‘couple pending’” He muttered
You and the girls had just come back from dress shopping, all three of you had spent the whole day in and out of different shops, hours in dressing rooms and your voices were almost completely gone with how often you were telling each other, ‘that looks stunning’ ‘that’s the one!’ and the most common one by the end of the trip; ‘please just pick a dress so we can go home and nap’. That one was from our very own black widow, her patience wore a little thin after 8 hours of staring at dresses.
You had gone through all the colours and styles while you were out, ranging from classy jumpsuits to figure hugging dresses that felt like a second skin. Wanda and Natasha had chosen their dresses and were eager to find you one, and what a mission that was.
“I promise you, we’re not going home until we find this dress, okay?”
“Wanda’s right. We’ll stay out until they all shut if we have to. But, let’s make that a last resort.” Natasha eyed you both warily.
You’d been walking around for hours now. Each dress you tried on had potential, but there was always something that didn’t sit right with you. It was either too baggy, too tight, the cut wasn’t appealing, the length wasn’t ideal, it was starting to feel hopeless. You’d even suggested just going in your pyjamas, but Wanda’s death glare had made it clear that wasn’t an option.
You and Natasha were both dragging your feet, Wanda still having a slight spring in her step as you walked into the final shop and picking up a couple of dresses before then going into the dressing room to try them on.
The first two were okay, but you weren’t a fan. Then there was the third one. The third one was a gorgeous Y/F/C dress that fell just past your knees, it had thin straps and the skirt was simple and loose so that when you spun around in it, you felt like a princess. You looked in the mirror and you adored the reflection, you still wanted the others opinions though, though you didn’t doubt that they’d feel the same way.
Pulling the curtain back and gaining their attention from where they were looking elsewhere, you smiled when you saw their reaction, more specifically, Natasha’s. Wanda was complimentary, walking up and feeling the fabric, gushing about how beautiful you looked, but you barely heard it, too focused on the redhead sitting in front of you, her eyes glazed over and her jaw almost on the floor, completely zoned out on you.
“This dress is it, Y/N, you have to get it! Nat? What do you think?” Her head shook, bringing herself back to reality and briefly meeting your eyes, only to quickly dart between You, Wanda and your dress in an attempt to compose herself.
“Yeah, I mean, wow, you look- wow.” Her hands flailed in your direction. You’d knocked the assassin speechless. Wanda rolled her eyes playfully at the interaction. She’d known about you and Nat’s feelings for each other for a month or two now, silently cursing the both of you when there was an opportunity to confess, yet never did. It was obvious to the rest of the team, why were neither of you picking up on it?
Keeping quiet, she ushered you back into the changing room, much to Natasha’s relief, both because she wanted to head back to the compound and she wasn’t sure how much longer she would’ve lasted seeing you standing there looking literally flawless. She always thought you looked amazing, but there was something about the way you looked in front of her just then that made her brain feel like a haze.
It was pretty safe to say,
You bought the dress.
Collapsing on your bed, dropping your bags to the side and letting out a loud sigh, you heard your door shut and someone fall into the chair by the window. You already knew who it was.
“I’m exhausted.” The woman groaned, rubbing her hands up and down her face to attempt to physically remove the tiredness from her body.
“Sorry for dragging you around for so long, I just-”
“Hey, no, don’t apologise for that. We all said we’d find the perfect dress, and it was worth the wait.” Heat rose to your cheeks at her words.
“You really think I looked good?”
Natasha could sense your underlying tone of doubt, unsure as to why you would doubt her opinion, she’d always been honest with you. Nonetheless, she heaved herself out of her seat and made her way to the end of the bed, kneeling down so that your now sat up figure could look down into her eyes, with her hands on each side of your face to focus you on her and her alone.
“I wouldn’t lie to you, okay? You looked incredible and I'm sure you’ll look even better at this wedding on Saturday, if that’s even possible.” You let out a small chuckle at her words as a smile made its way onto her face.
“You’ll be the prettiest one there.”
“Better not tell the Bride you said that, Nat.” She laughed, looking down for only a few seconds before looking at you again.
“We’ll make that our secret.” You nodded in silent agreement, grateful that she’d made you feel so reassured.
“Thank you, Tasha.”
“You’re more than welcome, sweetheart.” She replied.
You were so lost in her words, you hadn’t realised how close her face had gotten to yours, and how her eyes swapped between your eyes and your lips. You didn’t realise how she subconsciously had kept edging towards you, hands trembling a little with every inch closer she gets.
She wanted to kiss you. Every nerve in her body was almost electrified with the temptation to just move her lips over yours and become one. Her pulse raced, almost to prepare her for doing so. Which is why she wanted to kick herself with a pair of her highest heels when she uttered her next words.
“We should get some sleep.”
You broke out of your trance, jumping backwards slightly when noticing limited space between you both. You awkwardly coughed as she stood, heading back over to her chair to grab her bag and return to her room.
“Yeah, yeah of course. Big today, rest is probably a good idea.” You both nodded, she was already one foot out of the door when she gave you a small ‘goodnight’ and left, not waiting to hear you say it back.
Just like you hadn’t realised her actions early, you were oblivious to her hitting her head off of the wall in the corridor just outside of your room, wondering why she’d backed away. Where was Thor’s hammer when you needed to knock some sense into yourself? She thought before dragging herself back to her room where she would fall asleep, unable to get you out of her head.
“Right! Headcount before we go in! And I want us all on our best behaviour Avengers, this is a wedding” Steve had completely lost you after ‘Headcount’. Not only are most of you fully grown adults, sorry Peter, but he seems to be oblivious to the fact that some of you were wearing high heels, and patience in high heels had an expiry date.
“Y’know, if he doesn’t let us in soon, I’m not afraid to threaten him with his own shield.” You heard a whisper just behind your ear, smirking at the comment.
“I’ll join you.” You answered, Bruce and Clint sharing a knowing look from afar when watching the two of you have your own quiet conversation, though short lived when they saw Natasha’s head move in their direction, their gaze coming to a halt so as to avoid any conflict with their teammate.
You guys could try to hide it all you want, but your entire team knows better than that, they just had to wait it out until you both finally admitted it to the other.
You and the Avenger’s were currently sitting at a guest table, now in the reception part of the evening. The ceremony was beautiful, the bride wore a crisp white ball gown with her makeup and hair done to perfection, the groom looking like a prince in his black tux and a look full of adoration towards his wife to be painted on his face.
Their looks weren’t the best part of it though. The clothes and the accessories were lovely, of course. But all you could focus on was the love shared between them as they shared their vows telling the other how they believed they were each other's soulmate, and that they promised to always be the other’s rock. You’d found yourself with tears in your eyes, barely able to appreciate the sight with how blurry your vision was now. They finally fell when they said their ‘I do’s’, feeling only happiness for the newlyweds.
Although marriage hadn’t been something you always thought about, you’d hoped that you would meet your special someone and settle down, retire from the missions, the battles, the superhero lifestyle and just be with your soulmate for the rest of your days.
Despite not being a couple, whenever you thought of the person you wanted to spend the rest of your time with, there was only one person that came to mind. And she stood right in front of you throughout the ceremony, comforting a sobbing demi-god while he was also trying to explain to Vision why he was in floods of tears.
Music filled the room, upbeat, but calm enough for the couples on the dancefloor to sway gently to the beat, soft lights occasionally shining on them as they danced, the bride and groom being one of them. You smiled gently at the sight, feeling dreadfully single with all of the love in the room, but grateful that you could see so many people look so content and in love with their significant other.
An elbow could suddenly be felt in your side, pulling you from your thoughts to instead be met with gorgeous green eyes and a bold red smirk.
“Penny for your thoughts?” She leaned in, curiosity clouding her mind.
“Nothing much up there really.” You glanced back at the dance floor quickly. “I’m just happy to see everyone so happy.”
Natasha followed your direction of where you were looking, an idea soon popped into her head. She was going to ask you to dance.
Her mouth opened to speak, but as if it was done on purpose, a ‘screech’ echoed in the ballroom, catching everyone’s attention, including taking yours away from hers.
“We’re taking a break from dancing for a minute folks, It’s time for the bride to throw the bouquet!” He announced, soon followed by shrieks and the sound of feet padding on the wooden floor, women all gathering in a small bunch, huddled together as if their lives depended on it as the men all returned to their seats, shaking their heads at the commotion.
Not really wanting to take part, you turned back around again.
“Sorry Nat, what were you-”
“Y/N!” Your head fell as you were interrupted by a very excited Maximoff.
“Y/N! C’mon! We need to do the bouquet toss!” She started to pull you up, refusing to listen to any excuse you could possibly conjure up to avoid having to take part.
Giving the team a desperate look, hoping someone will help you escape, you’re instead met with encouraging and amused faces, including Natasha’s a clear indication that not a single person was going to help you. Traitor’s.
With a half serious eye roll, you quickly grabbed your glass of champagne and kicked off your heels, heading towards the group of screaming women basically crawling on top of one another when the bride was barely up on the ‘stage’ yet. You let Wanda wander off into the group but remained towards the back, sipping from your glass and sending the occasional sneaky glare towards your table.
“You guys ready?” The bride yelled, only to be met with more screams and a faint chorus of ‘yes’ heard among it as they all threw their hands higher. Wanda saw you were just stood there, and subtly used her powers to raise your hand, earning loud laughs and cheers from the Avengers, taking great joy in the scene unfolding in front of them.
“Okay! Three...Two..”
You kept your arm up, pretending to be enthusiastic about the toss, when you realistically didn’t really expect much from these kinds of traditions. What you definitely hadn’t expected, was for your figure to stumble backwards as you suddenly felt petals and stems in your palm, a faint feeling of silk brushing against your thumb as your fingers wrapped around the item.
You almost spat out your champagne, eyes widening in shock as you looked to see the arrangement of flowers in your grip, looking up to see women both disheartened and elated at your catch. How the hell had you managed that? You were literally the farthest person away, and on your own! You must’ve been set up. Okay, a bit of a stretch, but still!
The bride noticeably laughed at your friend’s cheers, she hadn’t meant to throw it that far back, her arm just kinda went full force, but seeing the reaction it caused, she didn’t regret it. She didn’t even regret it when she saw the look of embarrassment on your face, as it was soon replaced with a contagious beam as you walked towards them again, a very proud Wanda in tow,
“Guys! Guys! I’m not even in a relationship! I highly doubt i’m the next woman in this room to get married.” You joked
“Well, I wouldn’t be so sure.” Sam laughed “Romanoff, you got an engagement ring handy?” He yelped as a peanut from the centre of the table was thrown at him, and of course with being a trained assassin, Nat had hit him right in the centre of his forehead, earning a dramatic noise of pain to leave his mouth.
These guys will be the death of you.
After some teasing, the room had filled once again with happy couples dancing, now including some you were very familiar with, one being a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist and his CEO wife, and another being an Asgardian with his Midgardian girlfriend, both gently moving side to side in time with the music.
Letting out a content sigh, you were met once again with the flowers, however, this time, they weren’t on the table, but were held by a gorgeous woman in a flawless navy dress.
“So, I know we aren’t a couple, but, would the future bride like to dance?” She asked, you let out a content sigh, pretending to think it over for a minute.
“Y’know what, I would, thank you for your kind offer.” You took the hand she’d held out for you and led you to the dance floor. While her hands went to your waist, gently tugging you closer, your arms went around her neck, hands interlocking behind her as you, like the others you’d admired all even, swayed.
You’re unsure when it happened, much like a time before, but your head had made its way onto your dance partner's shoulder, your body following suit as it left no room between the two of you, though you weren’t complaining. Neither was the fellow Avenger.
It was peaceful for a period of time, the only sound being the slow music and a quiet chatter of people across the floor. It wasn’t long before you heard the red head above you whisper in your ear once again.
“You really do look amazing tonight, Y/N.” You raised your head so it was directly opposite hers, sending her an appreciative gaze.
“That future fiance of yours is lucky.” She winked.
“Hilarious” You scoffed, fully aware of her humorous tone.
“I know, sometimes I amaze even myself with my jokes.”
“Well, it really is funny, because I honestly don’t see myself getting married anytime soon.” Nat’s eyebrows raised in what could almost be described as confusion.
“And why is that? Do you not want to get married?” Her hands started grazing up and down your waist, like she was comforting you, but really she was bracing herself for what was incoming.
“No, no it’s not that. I just..”
“I don’t think the person i’m interested in, is necessarily interested in me.” Her heart dropped. So you did have someone of interest. She pushed the sinking feeling to the side quickly so that she could respond.
“Right, and why is that?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen them make a move. I thought it’d be obvious. I think it has been to some others.” Your eyes wandered, lingering for longer than what was probably appropriate, on Natasha’s plump lips, wondering if you’d ever get to experience what it’d be like to feel them on yours.
This time, Natasha didn’t miss it. She would’ve blamed it on alcohol, saying that she must’ve just imagined it, but she had only consumed a few drops all evening, being too entranced by you didn’t leave much room for hydration. She hadn’t been more thankful, because it made a light bulb go off in her head as the pieces came together in her head of who you were referring to. She didn’t make a move the other night. It was obvious to the team. How could she have been so blind?
You didn’t see it coming, even when your chin was held in her grasp and you saw her face leaning in towards yours, the reality only hitting you when you finally felt what you’d been wanting to feel for the last months, right now. Your surroundings had just disappeared, the only thing that was running through your head, was the way her lips were moving against yours, and the way her lips tasted faintly of vanilla, and how she smelled like her floral perfume she wore for special occasions.
Whooping and cheering brought you both back from your bubble with just the two of you, your head falling just below her chin, her hand stroking your back as you could feel her chuckle bubbling where your head lay. Well, hid. Her arms had muffled their comments, but you had an idea of what they were, probably a mixture of ‘finally!’, ‘i knew it!’ and you’re almost certain you heard a ‘You owe me 20 bucks.’, that one making you shake your head.
Remaining in your hiding spot, that wasn’t very well hidden, but was keeping your bright red face to yourself, a pair of familiar lips lingered right beside your head.
“So, about that bouquet..”
You weren’t getting married, but by the end of the night, you definitely didn’t feel so dreadfully single as you had earlier.
taglist: @the-dumbass-that-throws-knives
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blu-joons · 3 years ago
Pre-Wedding Nerves ~ Kim Seokjin
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You tried your hardest to ignore the sound of knocking at your door as you unpacked the last few bits in your suitcase, but as it became more persistent, you knew you were in for a long night.
“Jin, go away,” you whispered as you walked past the door to your hotel room, “the boys will wonder where you are if you stand outside my room for much longer, I’ve got to get ready too.”
“Surely you can spare five minutes,” he requested, pressing his ear against the door, “it’s not like they can start the party without you anyway, it’s your hen party, they’ll all just have to wait.”
Your head shook as you glanced at your appearance in the mirror, knowing that you had plenty to do still before you met up with your friends and family later that evening. With Jin outside too, you knew that it was just one problem after another for you.
“I can spare you the rest of my life tomorrow,” you tried to remind him, “why can’t you wait instead? It’s only until tomorrow morning.”
He gently laughed in reply, “tomorrow morning is far too long for me to wait.”
“You’ve waited months on tour without a problem,” you protested, determined to keep to the way that things were meant to be. “You shouldn’t be here, that’s the end of it.”
His head shook, not that you could see him. “You were the one that text me and said that you were nervous about tomorrow. What kind of fiancé would I be if I didn’t come over and make sure that you were doing alright? I don’t want you to be nervous.”
“It’s just the way things are when you’re getting married,” you frowned, leaning against the door frame, “it’s natural to be nervous, you don’t need to worry about me.”
Jin remained outside of the door, refusing to give up, even if he couldn’t use your nerves as an excuse, he’d find a way to get in and see you one way or another.
“I can’t be sure that you’re alright until I see you,” he continued to push, knocking gently against the door once again. “Five minutes is no time at all, and it’s not even the evening yet, it’s hardly like we’re breaking tradition.”
With a sigh, you opened the door just a crack, enough that the two of you could see each other, without being able to touch each other. A pout formed on Jin’s lips at the distance between you both as he studied your face.
“Look, you can see me, and I look fine. So, can you please just go now Jin?”
“No, you still look nervous,” he teased, trying to push his hand in between the gap that you’d left from the door to the frame. “I mean, you’ve seen me now, you might as well push the boundaries and let me in at least for five minutes Y/N.”
��You won’t just stay for five minutes Jin, I know what you’re like,” you replied.
His head shook back at you, trying his hardest to create an even bigger gap that he could fit through. As you watched him struggle, pushing against the door, you knew that you’d won, opening the door up and sending Jin toppling into the room.
A snigger came from you as he quickly tried to find his balance, straightening his outfit as he regained his composure. You watched on with a smile as he cupped either side of your face once he was back on his feet.
“Are you alright?” You laughed, unable to hide the smile on your face.
Jin’s eyes rolled back across at you as his eyes flickered around your face before landing on your lips, drawing your face towards him to allow him to press a soft peck against them. With a smile on his face, he pulled away, pleased to have gotten his way.
It had always been the way with you, you always knew how to push Jin until the very end. It was that which he adored the most about you, the push and pull that you had which drove him into knowing you were the one and marrying you.
Once there was a distance between you both again, Jin met your eyes. “Don’t be nervous about tomorrow, it’s bound to be the best day of our lives.”
You couldn’t quite put your finger on what made you so nervous tomorrow, whether it was the pressure, the hecticness, or the eyes that would be on you. But Jin was right, it was most definitely going to be the best day of your life, marrying your best friend was all that you wanted.
“I think if you’re still nervous though, it would be a good idea for me to stay here tonight,” he tried to explain, “you need someone to keep an eye on you, make sure you don’t run away.”
“I’m not going to run away,” you sighed, slapping your hand against his chest.
His shoulders shrugged innocently in response, “I still think it’s better for us to be on the safe side, and that bed looks huge as well.”
“Jin,” you scolded, “it’s not happening, so please just give it up.”
“I know how to get to you,” he teasingly warned, “trust me, if I’m not in that bed by the end of tonight then you can pick the entire schedule for our honeymoon.”
Your eyebrows raised at his challenge, with differing opinions on the attractions you wanted to visit on your week away, it was something that you were more than happy to accept, and make sure that you didn’t back down on too.
“A couple of drinks down in me at this hen party tonight and the nerves will disappear,” you assured him, “as you will be in about thirty seconds time too when your time is up.”
“You’ve really been counting five minutes?” Jin exclaimed, scoffing quietly when you held your wrist up to show him your watch. “I can’t believe that your serious.”
You were determined to stick to your promise for Jin and stick to the tradition that had come with weddings for years, one night was something you could sacrifice in exchange for the rest of your life.
“I guess, if you’re really sure about being left here by yourself, I should go,” Jin trailed off, reluctantly taking slow steps towards the door, “but just know that the offer still stands about being staying here with you, all you have to do is text, and I’ll be here in no time.”
“Jin, go,” you laughed, pushing him towards the door, “I don’t need you here.”
As he reached the doorway, he spun on his heels, looking hopefully towards your eyes for one final time, only to be let down once again.
“I can’t believe you’re kicking me out,” he joked, walking across the threshold to your room, “you’re going to sleep all alone in that huge bed.”
“First of all, I’m not kicking you out,” you reminded him, “and second of all, I’d like one last peaceful night’s sleep before I have to spend the rest of my life with you and your snoring.”
“I do not snore,” he tried to protest against you, “I just breathe heavily.”
“You snore,” you corrected, “so tonight you can go and snore around the rest of the boys for one final night, until tomorrow.”
“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow,” he smiled.
“Me too, now go; the boys will be waiting.”
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beyondspaceandstars · 4 years ago
hello writer!! i was wondering if you could do a fluff arranged marriage loki oneshot with the prompt “can we makeout now?”
thanks for considering!
Dating and Marriage
Relationship: Loki x Reader
Warnings: N/A, just fluff!
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: alright i hope this is okay and ended up well i love the arrange marriage AU and i thought i was gonna be better at putting this together but maybe its clunky or something idk i still like it so i hope you do as well!
It had taken you a while to get somewhere in your relationship with Loki.
When the two of you were informed you had already been promised to one another before either of your births, you weren’t too shocked. As both of you came from royal standings, arranged marriages were far too common for a variety of reasons. In your case, it was to cement a peace treaty.
Sure, at first, you and Loki were very annoyed with the decision, especially since neither of you was ever even given the chance to be in on the conversation but that annoyance wasn’t allowed for very long. You two were adults now and had to take on your royal responsibilities as such. That responsibility included following through on the outlined marriage.
Loki didn’t seem to harbor any malice towards you and you never held anything against him. But, still, it wasn’t like you two were in love. You were tolerating one another.
And for a while, that toleration was enough. As a couple, you were quite poised in public. Sometimes you thought maybe it was hard for others to believe it was an arranged marriage based on how much you seemed to accept each other’s company. It was okay at times, you felt like you had a friend. Being a royal in a whole new palace could be lonely. Loki at least would spare you some time to sit and chat.
But this unusual friendship you two had started after the wedding was growing into something else for you day by day. And as much as he probably wanted to deny it, you could see something shift within Loki. He’d look at you differently. Reach for your hand when out of the public eye. Even began inviting you to spend his leisure time with him.
There was no avoiding the fact you two were headed on a different course than originally planned in this arrangement and despite its prevalence, you two didn’t speak about it. But you were growing greatly tired of ignoring it.
"We should go on a date," you suddenly said one afternoon. You and Loki were sitting in the library. He was in his favorite chair, consumed with some fairytale while you were seated on the couch across from him, in the process of knitting…something. You didn’t know what — you had only taken up knitting because you had heard other princesses did it. Making scarves had become all the rage.
You could feel Loki eyeing you suspiciously as you tried working on another stitch.
Eventually, he placed his book to the side and spoke. "A date?" Loki echoed.
You shrugged, not taking your eyes off the yarn. "Yeah, a date. You know, just the two of us. We could go out or — or maybe make some dinner here. I’ve been having the kitchen servants teach me about cooking."
"I know what a date is," he sighed. "What I meant is, why should we go on a date? We’re already married."
You felt a bit defeated with that response. You set your yarn on your lap and looked at your husband. He was watching you quite intensely, waiting for your answer. You shivered under the icy stare.
"Y-You don’t want to—"
Loki cut you off abruptly. "I didn’t say that." He glanced down then back at you. "It’s just that… Dates are for wooing, yes? Why would I need that when I can already tell you’re taken with me."
Your heart dropped. You blinked at him, stunned. You hadn’t expected him to just…admit he knew what was working up in your mind. There was some pride in his eyes at your reaction but behind it, you could make out a hint of fascination.
You tried shaking off your pounding heart. You promptly picked back up the yarn, continuing your hopeless scarf, as you responded, "Have you never considered that maybe your wife still wants to be wooed despite the status of her interest."
"So you admit," he chuckled, "you have fallen for me."
You scoffed, "Don’t act all high and mighty. I’m well aware of how you look at me."
You heard Loki lean back in the chair as the leather of it creaked. You could feel his eyes roaming over you but you didn’t know in what capacity. Whatever was in his eyes now you were ignoring as you frantically tried to focus on knitting and not your love confession.
"Okay," he eventually said. "We’ll have a date."
It was impossible for you to hold back the smile forming on your lips.
After minimal deliberation, Loki agreed to let you cook for him. You had heard that the Midgardians used food as signs of love and were fascinated with trying to learn some dishes. You studied with the servants for days trying to perfect a meal. They were always a little uncertain about letting a princess in where servant frequented but once you explained this time you were cooking to please your husband, they giggled like schoolgirls, excited to help.
Once you felt prepared enough, you informed your husband of when you wanted the date. You may have had to do some rework of both your royal schedules but it was fine. Meetings are forever, love can be fleeting.
You were preparing the food when Loki hesitantly entered the kitchen. You had explained that you two would be eating at the kitchen table. It was just a little table where servants usually sat to eat meals or relax in between shifts.
Loki had originally protested this saying he was not of such low status. You assured him that there was no intimacy to be found at the grand dining hall. It was far too big and annoying for two people. He didn’t argue further, just mumbling that he’d be there at the time requested.
And, luckily, he followed through.
"Hi, honey," you smiled, watching the stew simmer above the flame.
Loki took his seat gently as if he was going to catch something from the table. "This is really what you wanted to do for our date?"
You nodded. "I’ve had so much fun learning this meal and doesn’t it smell great? I think it’s going to be nice. I ever have bread baking." You motioned towards the stone oven. Loki followed your gaze but didn’t look impressed yet.
"We could’ve very easily had someone make this for us," Loki pointed out. "We have that luxury, darling."
You rolled your eyes, turning back to your bubbling stew. You could feel your anger bubbling in the same fashion.
"That’s not the point, Loki," you said, the tone in the kitchen shifting as you spoke his name. You rarely ever did. He perked up as you continued, "The point is that I, your wife, like you and would like to express my adornment through a freshly cooked meal."
Loki fell silent with that, something that was so rare for him. You didn’t push any further, though, and instead killed the fire under the stew and presented your bread from the oven. You divided it out into individual portions then placed each on the table. Still with an annoyed, sour look, you sat across from your husband. He was watching the stew, you were watching him.
"It—It looks delicious," he said
"Thank you," you mumbled. You two dug in then, this date now turning out a bit more awkward than you had planned. Neither of you spoke for a while, instead filling the kitchen with the slurping of soup and chewing of bread.
Loki soon began looking between you and the food like he was working up the courage to say something which was absolutely ridiculous to you. Your husband was one of the most outspoken people in the realm.
Eventually, you just decided to look up at him, your eyes begging for him to say whatever he wanted to say.
"This meal is lovely," Loki eventually said. "Th-Thank you for…doing all this."
You smiled, a faint blush creeping up on your cheeks. "You’re welcome."
Loki finished his stew then asked, "What else should we do on this date?"
Now you were really blushing. While taking your little cooking classes, you asked the servants what else goes on on dates. They seemed like lovely girls and you were curious. You had heard stories before of dancing and parties but you wanted something more intimate and you had never actually been on much of a date before. You spent time with boys in your youth and the night before your wedding you and Loki had talked for a little bit but nothing was ever of such fashion.
One servant had informed you, quite shyly, that she and her boyfriend always finished their dates by making out. You had gasped, amazed at her bluntness but then remembered these were servant girls. They lived far less controlled lives than you.
You were partially envious but then you realized, technically, you had a husband. A husband who was capable of making out with you even if such actions and beyond were typically reserved for very a calculated time — heir bearing, such intimacy only happened during the time when potential conception was at its peak.
"Well," you said, running your spoon through your bowl of stew, "one of the servants that helped me said her and her boyfriend end their dates with make-outs."
"Making out?" Loki repeated, brows raised in surprise. "But it’s not—"
"I know."
He looked away. You could practically see the gears turning in his brain. "You want to make out with me for fun."
You giggled at his shock. "Is that so unbelievable? I thought we already established I am into my husband."
"Yes, but you, well, neither of us, have never been so bold before."
"But it’s not such a bad thing," you shrugged, "to be so bold."
Loki hummed in agreement as he eyed you. There was something in his expression you couldn’t quite put your finger on but you definitely knew something between you two had shifted. It had already been shifting, sure, but your newly expressed desires opened the dam walls.
"Alright, dear, I think I can indulge you."
You smiled at his excitement which he was certainly trying to hide. But you maybe wanted to take a moment to maybe mess with him a bit. "Hmm," you glanced around at the dirty pots and pans, "after we clean up."
Loki’s jaw dropped. "What?"
"We can get on with our date once we clean up."
"You’re kidding me, right?" He pointedly asked. You shook your head. Loki huffed, "When did my wife become such a tease?"
You stood up, collecting your bowls and plates, bringing them to the counter. "I’ve always been like this, honey," you said. "Maybe you just have to get to know me a little bit more."
Loki began stalking towards you as you pretended to be fooling with the dirty dishes. "Well, darling," he said as his hands came upon your hips, "there’s something you must know about me and it’s that I don’t like to be kept waiting."
"I can maybe leave all this for later if you ask nicely."
He scoffed. "Are you asking me to beg?"
You shook your head. "I’m just asking you to ask nicely."
"Fine," he sighed. "Please, can we make out now?"
You sighed, leaning into his hard body. His arms moved to wrap around your waist now. "Yes, your majesty."
Loki chuckled lowly, dangerously, in your ear. "Thank you, princess."
He leaned his head around and within seconds, your lips were captured with his, getting more and more lost in one another as you two become a miss of kisses and touches.
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