#piapro super pack
chanpotei · 22 days
Trolled twitter by creating a fake Sukone Tei update screenshot
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And here's a transparent version in case anyone wants
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lady-murderess · 2 months
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I'm assuming the artwork is done by iXima, it doesn't specify but I know they do the official box art.
I think out of all of them, Luka's design has to be my absolute favourite. It's nice that each outfit is a mixture of voicebanks, but Luka's being mainly her V2 outfit has my HEART. I have always loved Vocaloid 2 Luka, she's beautiful in every way. So, this? Oh my god, I have to cosplay it.
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astralfuchs · 23 days
I hate the Piapro Super Pack
They all sound like NT. In this video by SukoyaCathedral on Twitter comparing Kaito SP with his V3, you can clearly hear how the voice sounds just as nasally as NT and all the transitions sound muffled and choppy. They all sound like they got a bad cold and are trying to sing anyway.
A Spectral Analysis of the Video above shows that "V3 has diagonal formants, that means real samples. SP just jumps from one vowel to another." - @The_Soda_Wave
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Especially Luka and Meiko are just Miku NT 2 and 3. They do not retain their Sound at all, sounding just like Miku most of the time, especially in the highs. This makes both of them nothing more than some sort of "Append" for Miku NT/SP. Here is an example of Luka SP by Axxell from the SynthV Unofficial Discord:
Luka V2 -> Luka V4 Hard -> Luka SP
It makes sense that people very quickly made jokes like these:
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Images by The_Soda_Wave on Twitter
The worst thing about this situation for me is that this wasn't a rushed product in any way. They had all the time in the world to make it, they could've postponed it before the announcement and after, but based on them having demos ready and everything, it was clearly planned to be released like this. Crypton doesn't usually just rush things out for the sake of it, seeing as there is still only Miku on NT with no release of the other Piaproloids in sight.
This makes it very clear to me that Crypton is happy with this result. They WANT them all to sound like NT, all muffled and choppy. Luka and Meiko sounding just like Miku with parameters changed is DELIBERATE. Which also leads me to suspect this will be how the voices are going to sound moving forward with every new release as well. What this means for Miku V6? We will have to see, but my hopes have already gone down the drain.
No one actually likes the Sound of NT, the only people who actively listen to it are Project Sekai players, and with the art style of the box art and all of them sounding closer to their NT counterparts, I can only assume this Super Pack is actually a Sekai Pack, marketed to that side of the fan base.
In Conclusion:
The Superpack is a budget alternative to the actual VBs with worse quality in all aspects, no English compatibility and the sound of NT (one of the least liked vocal synth programs) hiding beneath it, which also completely destroys the tone of 2/6 characters. Even SynthV Lite voices sound better and those are free.
The only people that would gain anything from this are fans of Miku, Rin, Len and Kaito or beginners that really want VOCALOID instead of the other cheaper available programs, that don't mind that they sound bad and just want a cheaper way to get them, even if that means they are not as good.
This is the sound that Crypton wants for their Vocal Synths moving forward. They want them to sound sick and like they're eating their own words while singing them.
Crypton really hates Luka and Meiko and just wants them to sound like Miku
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Today's KAITO module of the day is:
KAITO SP by iXima!
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krash-8 · 16 days
cant lie the piapro superpack voicebanks sound like if they took their loids leftovers and stuck them in the microwave together (bland, flavors mixed, slightly crunchy)
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amoguseniya · 19 days
FUCK, not having a Twitter account is cool and all, but i wanna see the Piapro "Super" Pack hate!! they all got DOWNGRADED. yes, even Rin, Len, and Kaito, who sound decent. people outside of Twitter seem to be way too chill about this objectively lazy cashgrab!
don't fucking let them have your money for this. if you wanna throw money at Crypton, buy Miku merch, buy the older voicebanks, or wait for Miku V6
am i way too angry at this for my own good? yeah, probably, but someone's gotta be a hater. we need more haters to keep these shit companies in check
who listened to the way the Piapros/Cryptonloids sounded in Project Sekai and decided, "oh damn, this sounds great! gotta release this commercially so people can make their own horrible Project Sekai Virtual Singer-core covers that can't be saved even with the best of tuning!"
to think that we thought they'd been using unreleased NT vocals in Project Sekai the whole time... we've been bamboozled. there is no Easter Bunny, there is no (whatever he said next), and there is no NT voicebank other than Miku. noooooo... that would've required EFFORT
what an absolute disgrace... i mean, thanks for the slop, daddy Crypton!
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ampersketch-art · 23 days
So because of the Piapro Super Pack, and Luka and Meiko now considered derivatives of Miku?
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Damn sucks about the sp voicebanks but like I like Kaito's. His is very nice from what I can hear. I feel like giving him the growl function also unlocks a lot of potential and I still would like to use him even if the internet is dragging it :')
Edit: considering how I’ve only seen people whining on twitter about this I’m gonna assume this is 100% vocaloid twitter being whiny and the rest of the internet is just like “neat more miku”
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 25 days
piapro characters super pack be like
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angelofgears · 10 days
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「愛してるよビビ、明日になれば 今日の僕らが死んでしまうさ」 I made a cover with KAITO SP of Kenshi Yonezu's Vivi
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phobos-anomaly-art · 24 days
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takoyakidonuts · 2 months
Crypton Future Media Announces the Piapro Characters Super Pack and Hatsune Miku V6 AI!
In high anticipation and excitement, Crypton Future Media has revealed their new products for their new releases this year! 3 major products have been made including a major update for Hatsune Miku NT, a Super Pack containing remastered V4 banks for all 6 Piapro Characters, and the biggest the announcement this year, Hatsune Miku’s return to VOCALOID with Hatsune Miku V6 AI. Piapro Characters…
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lady-murderess · 26 days
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So the super pack just dropped and when I tell you I am so tempted... Only thing is since I already own MEIKO V3 and Miku V4X I don't even know if it's worth it or not because MEIKO SP, Luka SP and Miku SP are literally the same voice banks 🧍🥲
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saisuta-art · 21 days
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OH BOY!!! So I heard about the Vocaloid Super Pack and how they MURDERED my babygirl Luka right in front of my eyes, so after recovering from the shock I powered through the pain in my elbow to do her justice and draw a Luka Synth V design, because this is what she should've got in the first place!! Seriously what the hell was crypton/piapro thinking?!
Meiko's coming next, so get readyyyy
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whatdoestheducksay4 · 25 days
After seeing them fuck up the piapro super pack and miku expo. It’s like. What even is crypton trying to do
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takoyakidonuts · 26 days
Piapro Characters Super Pack Officially Released!
The Piapro Characters Super Pack announced by Crypton Future Media earlier this month has officially hit store shelves today and is now available for buyers to download and use! Piapro Characters Super Pack Full Demo Song “六花讃歌” by rukaku Many users have already begun downloading their copies of the new voicebanks in excitement! The pack is available both digitally and physically for 23,100 yen…
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