ryotaroxnami · 10 years
Now or Never, A Oneshot
I did another thing lol. -001
"Amou Nami, will you marry me?"
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ryotaroxnami · 10 years
Hey guys! This is good GOOD SUPREMELY GOOD NEWS I'm reporting to all of you. Our ship's founder (lol), BYC has graced us with her insanely amazing fanfic, Contrary. I don't exactly know how to describe it since I am being overwhelmed by emotions and feelings that are ugh omg i just can seriously just read it i swear omg this is such a good day for all of us.
Here is the link guys. go go go go GO !!!
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ryotaroxnami · 10 years
Well, this is supposed to be a submission from either a friend/anon/whatever but since I am overly obsessed with this OTP, and sending this as anon/as myself then answering it as well under my 001 name is practically bull and pathetic, I decided to just post this as it is.
Who shops for groceries?
Well, both does the groceries but most of time, Nami's the more enthusiastic one. When Ryo doesn't feel like going out, she'll casually mutter (albeit, loud enough) that the bags are heavy, or there were reports of attacks on women nearby. There are days though that Ryo is willing to take the leap and ask her to go with him, making it a 'date'.
Who kills the spiders?
As much as Ryo hates it, he does it. Nami would just be annoyed at the sight. She's not freaking out at it because it looks scary or creepy or whatever. She would just frown and make Ryo do the kill.
Who comes home drunk at 3 am?
They have their own takes on this, since they're both prone to invitations to night outs, but they're taken on very few occasions.
Who makes breakfast?
It's definitely Nami. She likes to make breakfast, and even bento, since their busy schedules deprive them dinner dates at home. It's her way of making it up to him for being able to tolerate her.
Who remembers to feed to fish?
Ryo feeds the fish. Nami's busy enough tending her job, the house and him, so he takes it upon himself to do the little details which she forgets.
Who decorates the apartment?
Nami decorates but it's Ryo who gets to move the stuff. Hah.
Who initiates duets?
Nami  likes to hum songs though, and Ryo takes that as a cue to sing the lyrics.
Who falls asleep first?
Nami falls asleep first, usually. They like to talk before going to bed, just lying down and facing each other while they tell stories of how their day went. Then Nami's eyelids start to droop and after a few yawns, she's off to dreamland. Ryo just stares as she succumbs to sleep.
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ryotaroxnami · 11 years
So yeah, I kinda did a thing. --001
Side-by-side one shots! ( though i never intended for it to be like this) Warning, these are similar to Snapshot.
Stare, A One-Shot
Wish, A One-Shot
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