howareyoupeeling · 11 years
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
How bad is sugar for you really? We look at why exactly sugar is so troublesome, how it affects your body, and how healthy sugar substitutes really are.
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
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Adipose Tissue: Everyone Has It
In most cases, the excess weight that pushes someone from overweight to obese is due to an increase in the amount of fat contained in that person's adipose tissue.
Adipose tissue gets its name from adipocytes, a group of specialized cells that contain fat. These fat cells, which we all have, are like microscopic bags that contain a drop of fat.
Where's Your Adipose?
Fat cells are located mainly beneath the skin, where they accumulate and act as protection from heat or insulation from cold. This type of fat is known as skin fat.
Adipose tissue is also found around internal organs, where it provides protective padding and acts as a holding tank for vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional elements. This is known as visceral fat.
Adipose Tissue and Weight Gain
Scientists say that excess growth of adipose tissue has several causes. Because adipose tissue is the body's fat-storage-system, the cells are designed to absorb excess calories that are converted into fat. 
In theory, this fat is released into organs and other parts of the body, as it is needed. In studies done on these cells, however, it appears that adipocytes from any overweight person do not release fat as easily as adipocytes from a person of normal weight.
Weight gain occurs when fat cells undergo a large "energy in" from food, and a small "energy out" from exercise. The only ways to reduce the size of adipose cells is to limit the number of calories that are taken into the body and are stored there. (This reduction may become more difficult if a person is accustomed to eating a lot of calories and working off very few through exercise.)
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
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Another key understanding obesity is the distinction that scientists make in body structure. 
The 3 basic types of human body structure are:
Endomorphic - An endomorphic person has a large body with short arms and legs. He or she may have a soft, round shape with significant fat deposits.
Mesomorphic - A mesomorphic person is someone who is "well-built" or heavily muscled.
Ectomorphic - An ectomorph has a small body with long arms and legs. These people are often described as skinny or bony.
People with any of these body types can become over-weight.
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
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Is Your Environment a Friend or Foe?
Genetics play a major role in obesity. In general, people inherit their body type from their biological mothers. If the mother is heavy as an adult, there is about a 75% chance that her children will be heavy. If both parents are obese, a child has an 80% chance of becoming obese.
In addition, a person's environment is also a key factor in the problem. 
According to the Institute of Medicine, Environmental Causes of Obesity include:
Fewer Opportunities to Exercise: Some cities and towns that are not designed for walking or other physical activities results in fewer opportunities to exercise for the people within the premises.
Economics and Lifestyle: Modern lifestyles pressuring family to economize on food and to spend less time shopping for and preparing health food has led to the increased consumption of snack or convenience foods that are high in fat and calories.
Limited Access to Fresh Foods: In many communities, especially those with lower socioeconomic status, are in situations where there is little access to fresh foods, and those that are available are priced too high for household budgets.
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
You Have Billions of Fat Cells
A normal adult has between 30 and 35 billion fat cells.
A single fat cell weighs about 0.5 micro-grams. One ounce of fat is composed of about 5 million fat cells.
Fat cells are located mainly beneath the skin, where they accumulate and act as protection from heat or insulation from the cold.
Fat tends to accumulate in the chest, abdomen, and buttocks of overweight men.
Overweight women often have excess fat in the waist, hips, and buttocks.
Fat cells do not increase in number after puberty. Each cell simply grows bigger.
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
Fast Food and Obesity
Fast food emerges in every aspect of our lives, it's on the headline of our daily news, and it can be found within 2km of your house. Although fast food takes all the blames for the high rate of obesity in America, but it is not a cause for Obesity. Fast food often has high calories and typically comes in large portions, but a person can eat fast food on a regular biases and not become obese. Consuming more calories than the body can burn is what causes weight gain. Environmental factors such as regularly consuming fast food is what caused obesity. In fact, fast food is not a cause to weight gain, it is a risk factor.
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
Obesity on Cholesterol Levels
Those who are obese usually have a high cholesterol levels in their blood. An increase in cholesterol levels leads to an accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels.
Blood vessels are narrowed by cholesterol, resulting in atherosclerosis. The blood must work much harder to pump blood and more oxygen is needed for the body when a person is obese.
This also leads to high blood pressure, which can ultimately lead to heart attack or stroke.
It also harms the kidneys, putting so much stress of these organs that they are great risk of kidney failure.
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
20 Things About Obesity
1. Child-safety seat manufacturers are starting to make bigger models after a recent study showed that over 250,000 U.S. children age 6 and under are too fat to use them.
2. According to a study by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, nearly half the 4,000 people responding to an online survey about obesity said they would give up a year of their life rather than be fat.
3. Between 15 percent and 30 percent also said they would rather walk away from their marriage, give up the possibility of having children, be depressed, or become alcoholic rather than be obese.
4. Five percent and 4 percent, respectively, said they would rather lose a limb or be blind than be overweight.
5. From 1991 to 2000, the average weight of Americans increased by 8.5 pounds.
6. In 2004, the Federal Aviation Administration increased its estimate of the weight of the average male from 170 to 184 pounds.
7. Airlines spent $275 million on 350 million additional gallons of fuel in 2000 to compensate for the additional weight of their passengers. Now we know why the peanuts are no longer free!
8. Stand by your man: More than a decade ago, Manuel Uribe, now weighing 1,200 pounds (the equivalent of five baby elephants) and bedridden for the past five years, was abandoned by his wife because she was frightened by his increasing size.
9. Virgin Atlantic paid Barbara Hewson from Wales the equivalent of US$24,100 in 2002 as compensation after she was squashed by an obese person sitting next to her on a transatlantic flight. Barbara suffered a blood clot in her chest, torn leg muscles, and acute sciatica and was bedridden for a month.
10. Duke University Medical Center found that women and men who lost 10 percent of their total body weight reported a significant improvement in their sexual quality of life.
11. Obesity ranks second among preventable causes of death. Tobacco use is number one.
12. According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, of the 7.5 million veterans who receive their health benefits from the agency, more than 70 percent are overweight and 20 percent have diabetes, which may lead to blindness, amputations, and kidney and heart problems.
13. Two years ago, the Hardee's fast-food chain introduced the 1,420-calorie 107-fat-gram "Monster Thickburger." It contains two 1/3-pound slabs of Angus beef, four strips of bacon, three slices of cheese, and mayonnaise on a buttered sesame-seed bun.
14. Mississippi is the home of the mud pie, Cajun fried pecans, sweet potato crunch, fried shrimp, and catfish. Mississippi is also home to the country's fattest people—more than 25 percent of adult Mississippians are obese. Coincidence?
15. Recent studies have shown that obesity can cause you to lose sleep.
16. On the other hand, a lack of sleep may result in obesity.
17. It's a vicious cycle.
18. Never forget your past: Aborigines and the Pima indians of Arizona developed obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension after transitioning to a Western lifestyle.
19. If the entire morbidly obese population of the U.S. lived in one state, it would be the 12th highest-populated state, with more people than Virginia.
20. A 2003 study reported that 21 percent of all New York City elementary students from all income levels are obese.
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
Canadian Diabetes Association
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
Studies show that food marketing affects children's food preferences, food choices, their diets, and their health. It shapes what they want to eat, what they're willing to eat, and, unfortunately today, it shapes what they want to eat into foods that will kill them.
Margo Wootan, DSc
Director, Nutrition Policy
Center for Science in the Public Interest
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howareyoupeeling · 11 years
Oh, those greedy fat cells...
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